#there's nothing inherently romantic bc it's short but they will [REDACTED]
Work Equally Revered
The heaviness in my heart is gone. (Part II, Ep. 225). | Discord 30 Minute Gift Exchange (Ghosts of Narutos Past) for @ohayohimawari | Prompt: The Cursed Ghost Ship, Tranquility. 
“You know, Zabuza-kun, I didn’t take you for much of a dog person,” Kakashi says lightly. He reaches out to scratch Pakkun, who looks surprisingly content in the rogue ninja’s arms.
“They’re easier to get along with when they’re not biting me,” Zabuza replies wryly. His tone is equally conversational. “Besides that, we’ve had time to get to know one another.” 
Helpfully, Pakkun tells Kakashi, “He’s alright.” 
Nodding, Kakashi replies, “About that...” He leans against the wall of what had been his previously single-occupant room aboard this ship. He supposes he should give his guards a lecture later, given that no one else has come bursting in yet. “I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t you dead?” 
Zabuza takes the liberty of setting Pakkun down on Kakashi’s bed, and sitting there himself. “As far as I know.” 
“So, what? You heard in the Pure Lands we were visiting Kirigakure, and thought you’d come say hi to Mei-san?” 
His companion laughs. At which part, Kakashi isn’t sure. In either case, it is a much less harsh sound than Kakashi remembers, and it makes Kakashi’s own lips quirk upward. “You’re the one who summoned me,” Zabuza says, as if this is enough of an explanation. With a once-over of Kakashi, he adds, “Nice outfit.”
Kakashi looks down at his Hokage robes, and then at Zabuza, who, on this occasion, is once again favouring a bare chest and cow print. “I’m not sure you’re qualified to give fashion advice. And what do you mean, I summoned you?”
Zabuza inclines his head towards Kubikiribōchō, resting in the corner of the room. The main purpose of this voyage. Then, he looks at Pakkun. “You know how summoning works, don’t you? Seals bound by blood. You’re not very careful about who your dogs bite, are you?” 
“You’re telling me that you came here because I called Pakkun?” Kakashi shakes his head. “The ninken bit you years ago. Besides, your body was sealed during the war.”
“The sword and the dog have absorbed my chakra and blood. I don’t need a physical carcass any more than a summons does.”
Kakashi needs to sit down, and so he finds himself on the bed alongside his former-enemy-turned-acquaintance-turned-ghost-roommate. “You’ve always had such a way with words,” he deadpans. “So, how exactly do we help you find peace now that you’re here?”
“You’re going to Kiri?” Zabuza confirms. When Kakashi nods, the man offers a sharp, lively grin. “Well, Haku always said I ought to do more community service.” 
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