#there's also dedan x enoch from OFF but he's not into this game so I wasn't gonna mention it
syxnewt · 3 months
OFF COURSE YOU DO (see what i did there)
anyway under read more in case you didn't actually
so THIS au is the story of OFF in an undertale format, kinda
the start is silly, with frisk getting abducted by the monkey aliens from the true ending and using their tech to escape to a world unknown to them....
let me tell you the swaps actually
batter - flowey
the judge - toriel/sans (will explain)
zacharie - also sans (will explain)
valerie - papyrus
japhet - also sans/papyrus (WILL EXPLAIN)
dedan - undyne
enoch - alphys/mettaton
the queen - asgore
hugo - asriel
so first thing's first it's mostly a role swap. the judge has sans' role as a judge, so like during that one part he'll judge you for your sins. like how sans would. zacharie is sans in his more humorous and shopkeep role... mostly, he's just regular zacharie. japhet is the way sans foils his brother... even tho valerie isn't japhet's brother. they just hang out cuz they're friends in this au. he's also papyrus because if you kill valerie you'll have to kill japhet. if that makes sense. i think the rest of these make sense tho
so after frisk ends up in offtale or whatever they meet the batter who's like "you gonna help me purify this place :D?" and the judge comes in and is like "leave them alone lmao sorry he's a weirdo. anyway hi" and he teaches you puzzles and shit and he doesn't fight you at the end of zone zero even if you no mercy your way through cuz he doesn't care.
after that is zone one, which should technically be dedan but to keep it more undertale structured we have japhet and valerie. their little backstory is that valerie was challenged to kill and eat a weak little japhet to prove he wasn't soft-hearted but valerie felt so bad for japhet that they became besties instead.
i forgot to explain battling. so there's ghosts which you can kill with no repercussions but i bet there's a way to spare them (haven't thought that through) and then there's the elsen which are on the verge of becoming burnt when you run into them. for a peaceful defeat you just have to calm them down some but to no mercy you have to antagonize every elsen you meet and kill them.
okay anyway after the first zone there's zone two which has dedan. i haven't thought of him very hard. something that would come up in this zone would be a meat shortage (plot relevant)
after that there's enoch and i have some pretty cool ideas for this. so until you meet him he communicates through these moving television screens that show like only a portion of his face? if that makes sense. and you only see him in person in the final room. throughout the whole zone you'd see advertisements for sugar, which say it has all the nutrition anyone needs
HIS true lab would be the sugar factory, where it takes the bodies of fallen elsen and turns them into sugar. yep exactly like in the game. he'd feel so bad about it but because of the meat shortage there wasn't another way to get enough food to everyone. i think it might be too dark to really redeem him from it but it's an idea i'm just spitballing here
so then you go to the judgement room and OH i forgot to mention in the second zone the judge leaves cuz he doesn't like dedan or enoch very much but he comes back in the judgement room and talks to you. i think if you didn't kill anyone zacharie would also be there but idk. if you kill lots of elsen japhet would fight you sans style.
so then there's the queen who no matter what thinks that you're disrupting the lives of the elsen and should die or something. in neutral routes she would battle you normal style and the batter would finish her off at the end. he'd be all like "you're so impure you should die or something" and then go to the next room to give you a little time to prepare cuz he battles with honor or something idk. and then you'd fight him while he berates you the whole time. it's not as cool as photoshop flowey but idk how it would be. anyway you kill him and behind him is a switch that when you click it turns the world off. yep just like in the game.
in a no mercy route the batter would pop up more often during your journey to idk. talk about it? i just feel like he'd have more to say. anyway in the queen room you'd kill her so fast (asgore style) and the batter would be like "wow you're so pure,,, you purified everything so good..... you should kill me and then kill this world :)" and then you do. and that's about it.
for the pacifist route all your friends come in before the queen can fight you and they're like "no actually they helped us understand.... stuff... they're good tho we prommy" and the queen is like "real shit? oh okay" and then the batter comes in and beats everyone up before berating you for sucking (i keep saying berate idk why) and you have to tell everyone that they actually don't want to die and then they won't and then you all beat up the batter collectively and live happily ever after. maybe frisk gets re-abducted by the aliens and returned home. idk
it's just a fun little au i like thinking about but it's not fleshed out enough for me to actually do anything with. i bet i said "idk" like 20 tiems in this
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ikemarth-moved · 6 years
is it me or some ships you're into are involving a bi boy and a gay transboy according to your hcs? it's quite funny and sweet!
Yeah! I’m surprised someone noticed it! 
Well yes, most of my synpaths I HC them to be gay transboys. And yes, the S/O I ship with them is occasionnally a bisexual guy for me.
It’s basically because those pairings reminds me my relationship so I’m having fun with it! The P5 ones for exemple, me and my bf relates A LOT Yusuke and Protagonist so it’s basically from it (and some bunch of stuff I have noticed in-game though)
But I do exceptions though! But yeah, I think Protagonist x Yusuke is the most relatable and notable as far I remember.
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Something's Off
Title: Something's Off
Trigger Warning(s): Blood and maybe a swear word
Fandom: Off
Pairing: Yandere! The Batter x Reader
Word Count: 2635
You're a fanatic in playing RPG maker games and to this day you sworn to not break your title.
And now you're playing Off. Great.
It's addicting to say the least, you've finished the game three times now, and you're gonna replay again and again until you get sick of it.
You pressed the 'A' button to trigger the yes option to restart the game again since you finished it yet again. You stared at the time in your laptop and it says '2:30am' how long have you been playing? Well you just started at the morning, finished the game at early noon and rinse and repeat, 'til nighttime comes by.
'Why am I playing this at 2:30?' You mentally asked yourself
'Yeah, I'll be starting the game tomorrow. I'll just play Mad Father.'
You clicked away at the 'Off' tab, but it wouldn't close itself.
"Huh? That's weird..." You commented; focusing at the screen infront of you
You desperately tried anything just to make the tab close. You've powered it off but it wouldn't budge, you restarted; doesn't work. After that you just aimlessly stared on the screen.
You're scared yet tired since you thought this must be one of those lame Creepypastas lifted back to life and so they could haunt you.
"Great... I can't do anything." You groaned as you leaned back on your chair; defeat evident all over your face
Then you heard a quiet static and a text box appearing at the game.
'That's weird, I didn't press 'new game' yet.' You cautiously thought
The text box contains The Judge and of course texts. The texts read 'Why must you leave us just to play another pathetic horror game?'
You widened your eyes "How the hell did he know I was about to play Mad Father?" You questioned yourself
You're too tired to continue but you just decided to press on the 'A' button.
'Your puppet is patiently waiting for you. He's excited to meet you again.'
That's cute and creepy since he knows someone is controlling him.
'But... What if I told him you're going to play another game and you'll replace him?'
What? No... You wouldn't replace them.
'I bet that game never had an amazing cat and an amazing merchant.'
'Mad Father doesn't have cats or merchants.' You thought
'You'll forget us, won't you?'
What? Forget them? Well you'll never forget the characters since you played the game three times in one day.
'What am I thinking? Of course you wouldn't! Right?'
This gets creepier after each text box you've read.
'I hope you have fun toying with those char-' The Judge got cut off by your mom harshly closing your laptop
"(Y/n)! Go to sleep you disgraceful teen." Your mother told you
"Fine! Fine! You insolent slut." You muttered the last part
You flopped on your bed and you fake sleep. Your mother fell for it since she exited your room; rudely slamming the door behind her.
Then you heard static yet again but it's louder than the previous one.
You went back to your laptop and you opened the laptop to see The Judge again.
'Well, that was rude...'
'But, I hope for you to have a goodnight's rest (Y/n) or our dear puppeteer.'
Then your laptop completely shuts down.
'How did The Judge know my name?' You asked through your thoughts
You flopped back on your bed again and you closed your eyes; waiting for a dreamless night.
You woke up not on your bed but on the ground. You see an oh so familiar cat walking his way to you.
"Judge?" You asked as the feline happily purrs
"My oh my dear puppeteer, we didn't know you would visit us after you would abandon us for another game!" The Judge purrs at your leg
"Gahhh! How'd you know my name anyway?" You asked The Judge
"Hohoho~ You're such a naïve person, don't you agree yourself?"
"What do you mean?" You gritted your teeth
The Judge seemingly ignored your question "Your Puppet would be given a certain mission or task and so he needs his Puppeteer to guide him."
You were about to say something but The Batter walks in the conversation
"Now, Batter this is your Puppeteer! Who has been guiding you on your journey. Their name is (Y/n) (L/n)!" The Judge explained to The Batter
The Batter emotionlessly stared at you "You were the one who controlled me, even if I had my own mind. I don't need help from you..." He commented with a monotone voice
"All the regretful endings we've been..." A shadow casted upon The Batter's eyes
"Batter! Don't say that! You still need your Puppeteer nonetheless." The Judge claimed
"I'd like to feel as if I weren't always harshly pulled by strings..." The Batter stared/glared at you
"But you still need th-" "If that's the case, fine. I'll just escape this horrendous world by myself." You cut The Judge off
You walked off to the first puzzle of the game and since you memorized it beforehand, you successfully completed the said puzzle.
The Judge reappears again and he walks up to you.
"You should regret your decision of walking off alone, dear puppeteer." The Judge nuzzles your leg
"I don't care at all. If I die here, then that's good. No one's gonna attend my funeral anyway." You bluntly said
"You'll regret it..." The Judge eerily said as he disappeared
Then a bat appeared. You took the bat as if it were a signal that The Judge gave you a weapon.
You didn't really took his words seriously. You bet The Judge was lying.
But the thing you noticed was that the the spectres looked more gruesome than ever before. The spectres were more off than the first or third time you played the game and the Elsens were the ones who drastically
changed, they were bloodier than usual. The change is really creeping you out.
"This might be an update or a Halloween skin..." You muttered as you walked up to a familiar merchant
"Ah, our puppeteer came to visit us!" Zacharie said as he rummaged to his sack of wonders
"What would you like Mon Amie?" He asked as he pulled out all of his items
"Just three luck tickets." You responded
You noticed Zacharie's mask had a smudge by the side and his mask had a crack on the bottom.
You've been staring quite some time you didn't notice Zacharie was waving the luck tickets and The Batter approaching behind you.
"You're concern about my mask, aren't you (Y/n)?"
What's up with NPCs knowing your name?
"Ah, I'm sorry." You apologized as you took out your credits to pay for the luck tickets
Zacharie snickered "Now, don't be. I've noticed that you're concerned about my mask, it's quite a horrifying story." Zacharie dryly chuckled
And The Batter cleared his throat to get both of your attentions.
"Ah! Amigo! I didn't noticed you were there!" Zacharie greeted the stoic savior as beads of sweat appeared at his face
"What do you need?"
"Abaddon's Meat."
"Huh? We don't sell that." More sweat appeared on Zacharie's face
"You're lying."
"Wait... How did he know that early in the game?" You asked yourself
The Batter raised his bat; supposedly to hit Zacharie
Zacharie just stared at the bat and in the inside he's frowning.
Before The Batter could hit Zacharie you stopped them.
"STOP!!!" You yelled at The Batter and so The Batter lowered his bat
"I'll be going for now, stay safe amigos!" Zacharie quickly disappeared with his items
Well, you saved Zacharie from The Batter.
"Why were you about to smash Zacharie with your bat?" You cautiously asked The Batter
"Just for you..." The Batter responded as he walked away from you
"HEY! YOU IGNORED ME!" You shouted but The Batter wouldn't turn his back
You sighed as you continued your merry way to get out of this world.
You noticed this world really took a dark and sharp turn. The spectres are weaker but looks more creepier or gruesome, it's creeping the shit out of you. You really wanna go home.
Welp, you did noticed something Zone 1 and that is when you were about to face Dedan, apparently he was already purified but here's the catch, blood was dripping allover the floor. You did assume The Batter already purified him but why blood oozing allover the floor?
While you were in Zone 2, the Judge kept asking you where is Valerie and since you've already played the game you knew Valerie was controlled by Japhet. You felt pity and sorrow to the poor feline at his brother's death. You knew The Batter purified Japhet before you.
Finally you're in Zone 3, the sugar factory or where Elsens resides. You encountered The Batter, again, but this time he got smudged with blood.
Now, you're ready to face Enoch. While you were about to enter the room where Enoch is at, you saw The Batter repeatedly smash his bat towards Enoch, and he has no time to react as blood kept oozing out of his head.
'Is that his 1st or 2nd battle?' You mentally asked yourself as you hid away from their sights
The Batter purified Enoch and then he walked out of the room and he might've noticed you considering he has four eyes.
Everything really gets creepier and stranger all of a sudden.
What you first noticed is that Zacharie is more and more beaten, when you asked about it his excuse is always "It's a lengthy story, (Y/n)." And you're just too concern for his well-being. You asked him if he could just use his healing items but he always responds with "No mi amigo! You can't fathom what merchant would use their own items for their own good? And so it's purpose is to sell!" You're really, really concerned.
Now that Valerie was dead The Judge holds a straight face and is more mesmerizing than usual. The Judge would often blame you for not controlling your puppet, but in reality Valerie just ate Japhet and he grew into an absurd size deeming Japhet as a parasite.
Hugo and The Queen are also dead, which quite struck you the most. You can't do anything about it, but what you noticed while you were in the room, The Queen presumably left a letter for you and it read:
'You're such a peculiar entity in this world our dear player, I have mistaken you in your past playthroughs with The Batter. Oh, and The Batter is a fool at games, he's the one who obstructed the world. Now it was never your fault for killing me in the past, it was the fool's fault. I have laid a curse for the fool, for he was busy doing his "sacred" mission. I may rest peacefully for I have forsaken you our dear player.'
Now that note pulled your heart strings. A stoic man like The Batter couldn't even care for his own family!
And you see another note in the same room and the note read:
'FiNdiNg yOu, deaR plAyer...'
Oh, and it's smudged with blood. Who could've wrote this note?
The first letter pulled your heart strings, while the second one sorta killed the mood and it's creeping you out more than expected.
And now, you're at the very final stretch of the game, where The Batter would turn off the switch or he would change his mind, but you're the one who does decisions. Without The Batter in your strings there's no doubt he would not turn off the switch.
The Judge followed you and both of you saw The Batter about to turn off the switch and he is bloodier than the previous times you've encountered him. You unexpectedly used your strings to get ahold of The Batter.
"Puppeteer, would you fight alongside with me? Or go on ahead and make The Batter turn off the switch?" The Judge sternly gave you two decisions
You looked back at The Judge and you carefully thought out the situation
"I would like to fight alongside with you." You looked at The Judge straight in the eye
And then The Batter ultimately change to his Bad Batter form.
The Judge called out to his other friends to fight alongside Bad Batter.
But... Bad Batter easily crushed all of them, except for you.
"What are you gonna do you monster?! You've killed your wife even your son! Go ahead and turn off the switch you selfish person!" You said as blood dripped from your mouth
And then for some reason Zacharie appeared and he held an Abaddon's meat.
"Amigo!" He weakly called out as he threw the Abaddon's meat with all his might towards you
But Bad Batter slapped the meat before you could take it and he knocked back Zacharie ultimately letting Zacharie bleed to death.
"Z-zacharie!" You weakly shouted as tears flowed down your face
You pathetically laid down at the ground and Bad Batter stared at you.
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syxnewt · 1 year
Do you wanna hear about my off x undertale au of course you do come here (spoilers for both games)
It's called DETERMINATION and the plot is that you're (frisk) kidnapped by space monkeys and you teleport yourself the hell out of there and into a space that looks like undertale and off mashed together (havent thought that part through yet) anddd you gotta get out but the only way out is by going to the queen's palace and then leaving thorugh there ALso you can only leave if you have a determined enough soul which is why no one else has left yet btw they're trapped for a reason i will get to later
so the batter takes the place of flowey which means he is a little ooc in this au but so is literally everyone else and he is chill about you since you're not a specter and he gives a full tutorial besides sparing and then he leaves and the judge finds you (he takes the role of toriel mostly) and offers another tutorial then it's basically just the ruins you can fight ghosts and i think there could be options to spare them but haven't thought that far yet and at the end the judge tests you but even if you lose (get to one hp) he lets you go by cuz you tried unless you did really awful or something you can kill him here but if you do he just ends the game the same way he does in off
the next place is where japhet and valerie are cuz in this au valerie never tried to eat japhet and they're friends and since you're new in town the elsen who live there are scared of you so japhet and valerie are trying to stop you from living (they take the role of papyrus) and there's that battle at the end of the area and they fight together and it's nice
then the next place is where dedan is (he takes the role of undyne) i haven't thought it through very much yet
after that is enoch, who takes the role of mettaton and alphys, he's like this huge celebrity and until the room at the end of the area he just communicates to you through television screens that pop up around the area and if you meet certain conditions you can find out that he made sugar, an addictive substance, to supplement the diet of the elsen that live there cuz there's a meat shortage and he's still using dead bodies to do that
then there's the judgement room where zacharie is. he takes the role of sans and all other shopkeepers and he judges you but really chill-like like he is just "wow you did that cool"
then there's the queen who takes the role of asgore i haven't thought through this yet either but i do know she attacks you since she thinks you're making everyone scared and when she's dying she mistakes you for hugo out of nowhere
then finally you reach the barrier room or whatever and there's also a switch but before you can do anything gadzooks there's the batter and he judges you based on how many specters you killed. i forgot to mention but there are also elsen encounters and unless you calm them down they turn into burnt and you gotta kill them so the batter also judges you on that since they were impure. then no matter what you have to fight him and he probably looks like the bad batter during this
then he dies and you can either leave or flip the switch which turns the world off or something idk
if you calm down all the elsen (and possibly spare the specters or maybe not who cares) and also spare all the bosses you get the cool ending where they all tell the queen how neat and awesome you are and how you're helping make everyone determined enough to escape and then the batter comes in to beat them all up and says you suck since you are so impure and then he beats you up but you're so determined you jsut don't die and he keeps fighting you over and over again but you don't die and you have to help all the bosses be determined enough to keep living and convince the batter he is the one that sucks actually and then everyone leaves idk
you can also kill all the elsen which makes different things happen
japhet and valerie have a different battle where valerie seemingly confronts you alone and if you kill him surprise there was a bird in there and it's more like the off battle
i havent thought through anyone else before judgement hall
the judge is there and he fights you for killing his brother and also those innocent people i guess
then the queen and you kill her and the batter comes in and is like "wow you're even more pure than me that's great kill me and end this world" so you do and then you can pull the switch in the barrier room which definitely ends the world this time and then when you reopen the game you can go back to the beginning and the batter has a worse opinion of you
i didn't explain all the thoughts in my head very well but that's the basics if you read this far make sure to like comment and subscribe and hit that notification bell so you never miss an upload okay peace out
**outro music**
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