#there's also a screenshot showing emily👀👀..
thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
for the fandom of your choice/whatever is more applicable (although if u have any spicy d20 takes 👀👀): 3, 5, 7, 13 and 18
Ooh, thanks Jack! Had curry for lunch today so I'm full of spice and ready to let loose!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I stay out of the general tags for a reason, but my top 3 all fall along the same lines - the idea that K is a "toxic" person to pair with Evan because they don't really "see" him for him (...which is exactly the flaw and the room for growth that Erika built into the character), the idea that Ricky was "bullying" Cody because he was upset about Cody's cultural appropriation, and the whole non-consensual brain surgery thing with Norman.
(The common theme is people accusing Asian PCs of being mean to their white faves and therefore deserving of all sorts of bad things. Funny how that's happened not once, not twice, but thrice, huh)
5. worst discord server and why
As most of my friends and IRL classmates can tell you, I'm not super active on Discord and am horrible at answering messages in a timely fashion, so I don't actually have a server that I particularly dislike!
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Keradin, Limon, and Evan Kelmp are the first ones that spring to mind. Keradin actually has some interesting character beats and flaws but I've never seen anyone try to engage with him as his own character, they just interpret everything he does as part of a relationship dynamic with Lapin. Limon is a fucking background comedic NPC and I am still annoyed that during and after the season, people were willing to credit him with so much complexity and interiority while downplaying/outright shitting on the actual PCs.
With Evan, I'm not a huge fan of the character concept to begin with but I'm even more livid that in one of the most diverse D20 seasons, fandom actively sidetracked and ignored and even denigrated every other character in favour of the sad white boy played by the sole white player at the table. To be clear, Brennan is great, nothing against the man, but I was in the tags when the season aired live and about 95% of the posts were Evan-centred. Sam, Whitney, and K barely showed up unless they were interacting with Evan or did a particularly funny bit. And that's not even getting into the hate and criticism that got thrown at K for daring to be in a mutual romantic relationship with Evan.
13. worst blorboficiation
See previous question, but oddly enough, I also feel like Emily gets this treatment sometimes? It's complicated because there's one portion of the fandom that acts like she's a terrible chaotic player who keeps trying to fuck up Brennan's plans for shits and giggles (which is outright wrong and misogynistic) and then there's another portion that acts like Emily's characters can do no wrong and Emily may in fact be the only player at the table who knows what she's doing at any given point in time while the rest of them are just comedic yahoos fumbling their way through dice rolls and jokes. Which, placing women on a pedestal is in fact also sexist, and it's not any better than the misogyny you're responding to. It's a huge disservice to the cast and it's especially a huge disservice to Emily - she creates incredibly complex and well thought out characters who have their strengths and their flaws, and acting like they're all perfect girlbosses who are right even when they're wrong erases so much of the depth that Emily put into them.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
I mean, we all know my answer is of course going to be Cumulous Rocks, but as per a recent post of mine (and many posts in the past), the answer is also more broadly applicable to Zac and pretty much all of his PCs.
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phanhowell · 4 years
Small details in JATP that I ✨love✨ Willex scene edition
People liked my Unsaid Emily details post so I’m back for part 2, this time using only scenes featuring my favourite ghost boyfriends.
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Starting off we have this brilliant screenshot from the first time they meet. Not much to say about it tbh but I think it’s super cool how Dave Hoge is the producer of the show and they found a way to include his name in such a creative way. It took me way too long to figure out that this wasn’t just a random name that they threw in there. 
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Next we have this. I’m fairly sure that those posters in the back are promoting the names of bands that Sunset Curve could’ve been (as in they were the draft names). It’s also hilarious to me that the band posters we see in this scene and in any other present day scene are the same bands that were being promoted at the orpheum in 1995. They thought we wouldn’t notice HA. Perhaps my favourite thing about this image however is the fact that Dog Costume man can be seen verryyyy slowly walking into the shot the entire time. Give that man a raise honestly he deserves an oscar for this performance. The bus numbers might mean something but I don’t live in Hollywood or know anything about buses so idk what. 
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Next we have this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rainbow bracelet!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAA I love. Don’t think about Alex nervously going into a store by himself in 1994 to buy this. Don’t think about him checking over his shoulder constantly to make sure nobody saw him buy it. Don’t think about him only wearing it when he’s alone at home and looking at himself crying in the mirror, trying desperately to accept himself. Absolutely don’t think about him eventually being proud enough to wear it around the boys, but before coming home having to take it off and shove it in his pocket, along with putting the small cross back on his chain. :)
Also peep that solid black ring. I’m not saying ace! alex but 👀we already know Willie has the Gay™️ earring so it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to assume the costume design is trying to say something. It’s on the right hand too, which after some research is apparently the one that means asexual. I’m not ace however so if this is completely wrong someone please come and yell at me. 
[EDIT AFTER POSTING: Fifi pointed out to me that an ace ring is typically worn on the middle finger of the right hand, while Alex wears his on his index finger. Because of this please ignore everything I just said.]
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Skateboard!!!! Pretty much all of the ideas in this bit are from @funsizearsonist​ so go follow them k? Firstly, it would not be far fetched to assume that Willie is an artist. He really strikes me as a guy who’d be into street art and who sometimes leaves graffiti in places just because he knows he can never be caught. Willie is creative, and probably designed his skateboard himself. That’s why he was so concerned that Alex dinged it. The design seen here is a flaming sword, which actually fits him perfectly. A flaming sword in literature and mythology typically means that whoever is holding it is a protector or guardian, with the fire representing supernatural abilities. That’s Willie!! In season 1 while he is the one that brings them to Caleb, he is also the one that tries to save them from being jolted out of existence. If it weren’t for him, the boys would be gone forever. On top of this, I really believe that next season Willie is going to play a much bigger part in the battle against Caleb. We’ve seen him use his powers already on the cops, but he 100% can do so much more that we haven’t seen yet. He’s going to be the boys’ saviour I’m telling ya.
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Nothing to say about this except look at the pictures on the walls. Caleb knows he’s an icon and I love it.
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ehehehehehe this one makes my heart go weeeeeee. Very hard to see, but Willie has his arm around Alex’s shoulders. If you missed my post I did a while ago, Willie touches Alex 14 whole times during this single song. If that isn’t love idk what is.
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Ok, this one isn’t so much about the screenshot as it is about what’s happening in the scene. If you’ve always found it weird how they were walking around while talking instead of just sitting down to have a conversation, you aren’t the only one. But the truth hurts. Willie is making the boys follow him to talk because he knows that Caleb is tracking him. By being with them, he’s putting them all in danger, but it’s a risk he’s willing to take for Alex. Willie can’t stay in one place for long, because if he does Caleb is going to catch him. I mean he literally says “if he even knew I was here talking to you, he would destroy me”. What I think is that Willie is only trying to protect the boys at this stage because he knows that Caleb is going to catch him no matter what. By changing locations constantly, at least he’s giving them a chance to live, even if it means he’s going to die again. 
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Last screenshot and you know I couldn’t leave the hug out. Just look at them :) They’re in love :) That’s all. 
I’m just kidding I wanna talk about Willie’s bracelets. Dang flabbit does he have a lot. I like to think that he had none of these when he was alive, but has collected them over the years of being a ghost. Maybe he steals them from stores, maybe he finds them in the many strange locations that he screams at. Maybe, just maybe, each one of them represents a different friend of his who has crossed over. If that last part is the case, then in this moment Willie could already be thinking about what bracelet he can make in Alex’s honour. 
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phanhowell · 3 years
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I posted 521 times in 2021
134 posts created (26%)
387 posts reblogged (74%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.9 posts.
I added 564 tags in 2021
#jatp - 406 posts
#julie and the phantoms - 58 posts
#edenpoststhings - 29 posts
#willex week - 17 posts
#them - 13 posts
#i - 10 posts
#yes - 9 posts
#creditsongs - 8 posts
#yeah - 7 posts
#willex - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#its very good that you like my drawing cos there might đź‘€ be another one đź‘€ coming soon đź‘€ hopefully for a certain week if i finish it
My Top Posts in 2021
Small details in the Unsaid Emily flashbacks that I ✨love✨
This is gonna be a long one lads so buckle up. Lets start with my favourite screenshot
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- First of all the band posters!!! yes please every wall is covered in them
- I think the most important prop in this scene is the empty noodle (i think) cups. There’s 3 there. We already knew that Luke ran away from home and was gone for 7 months with very little money, but this just proves that he was struggling more than it may have seemed. He’s eating the cheapest food he can possibly find for potentially every single meal, and may have been doing so for MONTHS. There’s no way his health wasn’t declining from malnourishment. This also makes the headcanon that Emily blamed herself for his death more likely to be true, as he actually was surviving on street food and instant noodles instead of his mums home cooking that he would’ve had if she hadn’t pushed him away. 
- Secondly the chair. Yes it’s cheap and very uncomfortable looking but why is he sitting on it instead of the couch you ask? Because the couch is his bed!!!! He doesn’t wanna sleep AND work there!!
- Something I just thought about is the fact that he’s clearly working at night judging by literally every light in the studio being on. His boys aren’t there with him. I know we like to think that all of them lived at the studio at least some of the time, but until that’s confirmed we have to assume that Luke was a 17 year old kid completely alone and living in a garage with no money while the other boys were at school or home. Ouch
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Moving on we have this picture taken just before Luke runs away. It’s Christmas. What is there in the frame relating to Christmas? Thats right, presents. Do you think Emily and Mitch opened the presents addressed to them that Luke put under the tree? Do you think they kept the presents they got for Luke just hoping he would come home one day and open them? Do you think that still, even 25 years later, the unopened presents sit on Luke’s bed covered in dust? Because I do. 
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I have less to say about this picture but there’s still a couple things I want to point out. 
First, the flowers on the table in the background are exactly the same as in the second image, and also more notably exactly the same as the flowers that are there when present day Luke is watching them eat cake on his birthday. It is entirely possible that the scenes were just filmed close together and the props team thought nobody would notice the flowers, but I like to think it’s done on purpose as most things are in shows. 
Second, there are two crosses in this one frame alone and I’m pretty certain at least one bible on the bookshelf. I’m not religious so I’m not going to say anything else as I have no idea what I’m talking about, but everyone at this point has seemed to agree that Alex’s parents were the strict Catholic ones. What if it was Luke’s parents as well?
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This is pretty much just the first picture but from a different angle so the only thing i have to say is RAINBOW POSTER IN THE BACK. No idea what musician it’s for, but this was 100% put up to support Alex when he came out. I just know for a fact the other 3 boys (yes including Bobby this is a pro Bobby blog) had an emergency meeting when Alex went home that day about what they could do to show him they love him. Arguments ensued when they couldn’t agree on what to do - Reggie and Bobby wanted to do something bigger and Luke thought Alex wouldn’t want them to make a big deal of it, before they all settled on a poster that was subtle enough that nobody would notice if they weren’t looking. When Alex came to band practice the next day he saw it and cried. 
Also bike handles as a decoration?? Sure why not
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Lastly we have this. Literally only put this in because the thought of younger Luke going to his first music festival and excitedly buying merch makes me so happy. 
That’s all for now folks! toodles 
205 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 11:35:32 GMT
wait you saw booboo and owen omg details please
hellooo yes i did!! here's what happened:
Owen wants a full sleeve of tattoos
Owen said his favourite italian dish is chicken parmesan and was then absolutely roasted for it. Booboo likes carbonara
Nobody knew which Twilight movies Booboo was in. Owen thought he played a vampire
Owen can't believe Booboo has been so successful in his career and somehow ended up working with Crispo from Nickelodeon
Thicker Schnitzel™️
They're both very excited to go to Paris at the end of the year. Owen wants to go to the Eiffel Tower and Booboo wants to go the the Louvre
Owen rates Zoloft 2 thumbs up. He's not sure if his crystals are helping his depression but he's gonna say they are
Owen likes to wait for shows to have a few seasons out before he watches them.
Neither of them have seen the new Marvel shows. Booboo hasn't seen Harry Potter either because he didn't watch anything that might compete with Lord of the Rings.
"Booboo in a cowboy hat looks badass. Put a cowboy hat on Owen... ehh" - Owen Joyner
Booboo gets inspiration for art when he thinks of Owen. But actually he says to not copy from other people's art and to find a style you can't be afraid of whether or not it looks good
Owen did a lil painting :') It's now the new pride flag
They both didn't know what AU meant. After a bit of explaining Owen said he likes a Harry Potter one. idk which one he meant. the chat was stanning Tangled au
Felix @grayskyluna-art showed them their pirate au drawing and they loved it. "Are we fighting? Are we hugging? Who knows?" "We were fighting and then we touched and now we're not trying to fight each other anymore" "You're touching something. You're definitely swinging your sword"
The extra museum scenes were deleted because it made their relationship move too quickly. There was a lot of revealing stuff that was too much to show considering they had only just met.
Willex marriage in Las Vegas in 2028. We might get season 2 by then
212 notes • Posted 2021-08-22 09:38:03 GMT
the fact that the willex meeting and goodbye hug were in the exact same spot is making me go feral
214 notes • Posted 2021-05-12 12:38:39 GMT
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Girls, am I right?
No ❤️
PART 2 because @mishacase2003 said i should add the colours and she was absolutely right
227 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 04:18:22 GMT
@sleepingkirbyy pointed out in this post that netflix now has an alex-centric trailer so here it is!!!
sorry i couldn’t figure out how to remove the logo and stuff
333 notes • Posted 2021-05-13 08:58:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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