#there's a few characters besides the starting four you can get from quests also tho
boy-above · 2 years
oh yeah i do have a question actually: which wishes should i be buying??? they come in blue or rainbow and clearly work on different sections of the gatcha but i have No Idea what the actual difference is...
the rainbow ones are for limited time character wishes. there's what are called banner characters and they're rarer characters that you can only get for a certain period of time. for example the current banner character is kamisato ayaka, she's only available for a limited time and once her banner is gone it won't be possible for you to get her when you wish until whenever she's re-released again, which won't be for a long time probably. blue wishes on the other hand are for non-limited characters that you can pull any time. so in my opinion unless you're trying to get a specific character that's available in the blue pulls, using the rainbow ones is better.
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Level 2
ere we go! Here we go! Guys I don’t think you understand how excited I am for this :) 
Master List here or under the tag Ikesen AFK
Warnings: none
Happy Reading! T~
Level 2
You had started the downloading process earlier this morning before you left for work, in hopes that the file would be close to complete when you arrived back home. Thankfully the gods were smiling on you. After changing out of your scrubs and plugging the system into the TV, you plopped down on your couch and curled into your favorite corner with a water bottle and two sets of controllers, just in case. 
Immediately upon startup, you were thrown into a magnificent CGI cutscene that you hoped would be explained a little better the further into the game you got. After you built your character and typed in your name, another scene began to roll. Your character now found herself falling until she quite literally landed in the middle of town. 
Most people just kept on walking, paying no mind to the perplexed girl in the middle of the square. You had to laugh to yourself a little bit, at least you didn’t get dropped into some random field with tons of monsters like the last game Rose had talked you into joining. This game had that going for it at least. After a few well placed tutorials on movement and interacting, you gave it a go. Starting your exploration of the town. 
There were plenty of shops to check out and enough NPC’s to talk to, but without any particular way to defend yourself, you were stuck picking up delivery quests for an hour until Sasuke was available. Eventually, you were rewarded after finishing a task with a questionable looking lance so you took off looking for a fight. Your item list told you it had been dubbed “training lance,” and you were sure that as far as weapons went, it was garbage. But a pokey stick was better than nothing. Besides, you were happy to see swords weren’t the game’s default, the variation definitely gave it some brownie points. 
You felt your phone vibrate and laughed when Sasuke told you to meet him in the city square near the chicken leg stand. Having failed your assault mission for the fourth time meant you had nothing better to do than head over there and wait. You weren’t waiting long though; in a matter of minutes, an avatar that looked frighteningly like Sasuke wandered over as a speech bubble popped up on the bottom of your screen.
Nin-nin0217 → Hey, I’m alive. Sorry for the wait.
Np! Got some quests done. Found a lance ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Not bad, have you used said lance yet?
Yes, lol did not go well. I’ve just hit my 5th respawn ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → I see. How about I take you to one of my favorite maps to grind on?
Why do I feel like I’m not at the appropriate level for the map you want to take me to? ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → You’re not, but I’ll be there so you should be able to get some good EXP.
Do I have a choice ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Of course you do. It’ll just take you forever to get to the Soldier class at this rate. If you’re okay with that than I am too.
No...let’s give your way a try. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → That’s the spirit! :D 
Before you could manage to formulate a response, an event bubble popped up on your screen. *Nin-nin0217 has requested you join him on a quest. Do you accept?* After a single exasperated breath, you hit your toggle and pressed yes. Let the grinding begin. 
The map itself wasn’t challenging, the terrain was neutral, and there didn’t appear to be any hazards hiding further back near enemy lines. It also helped that you were playing through it with Sasuke. As long as your character stood within a four-space vicinity, it was nearly impossible to take you out. 
After nearly three hours between two maps, your magic and resources were exhausted, and your poor spear was almost broken. 
I think it’s about time to call it quits. Spears about to go, and I’m not equipped for hand to hand. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Roger that. Are you good to finish the map? Do we need to end the mission now?
Nope, I can finish ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Good. We’ll get you a new spear when we get back into town. 
Awesome sauce! ← WildCyt0m3try
With bated breath, you finished with a single strike of your lance to spare. Thank goodness, you had been warned early on that fighting with a broken weapon was the absolute worst. Zero damage dealt, and the lower defense did not sound like your cup of tea. Especially without any healing magic or herbs at your disposal. 
The town was still bustling when you got back from your map, it was nice to see people were online at all hours of the day, er well night. Your avatar followed Sasuke’s towards the market street, and you made a bee-line for the armory, making sure to cash any and all in-game currency that had dropped from the monsters you fought all evening. Your eyes nearly fell out of your head when you saw all the zeros. The shop-keeper was offering to give you how much?
On top of the absurd amount of in-game currency you had just procured, you were shocked by the list that opened up to you. Instead of just the training spear you had been granted earlier, an entirely new selection of weaponry was available. With a triumphant yell you decided to drop most of your coin on a single steel lance, and backed out of the shop to follow Sasuke towards the general merchant shop. 
*Nin-nin0217 has sent you a friend request. Accept?* Laughing, you clicked ‘Yes’ and began typing something witty that was sure to be lost on your friend, when he dropped you an item. *Nin-nin0217 has sent you a gift. Accept?*
What did you just send me? ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Open it and find out
I’m not about to open the games equivalent to a glitter bomb, am I? ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Unfortunately, they don’t offer such gifts. This is much better I can assure you.
Fine...thx! ← WildCyt0m3try 
You accepted the gift reluctantly, closing your eyes as you pressed the open command. It only took five seconds for the system to download the present and for a happy chime to play over the speaker. 
*You received a Beginner Seal. Would you like to use this now or stow it in your convoy?* The game prompted you.
Am I supposed to use this now? ← WildCyt0m3try 
Nin-nin0217 → If you’ve got a prompt to use it go for it. The beginner classes are rudimentary, but you should be able to see potential stat growths for each.
As it turned out, seals were used for in-game growth. Assuming you had managed to gain enough experience points you could use one. There were different seals for different levels, and the types of stats you had grown during battle by using specific weapons narrowed down what sort of class you could grow into. You laughed and fired off another message.
I feel like an Eevee, there’s so many options! What do I pick?! How am I supposed to choose? ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → You have 4 options…? Nin-nin0217 → Do you know what type of Master Class you’re aiming for?
Master what now? ← WildCyt0m3try No. Am I supposed to? ← WildCyt0m3try Crap. I guess I’ll just be a soldier. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → An excellent choice, rationale?
I mean, I just bought a new lance, and it was hella expensive. Probably better to pick a class that can use lances. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → We don’t have anyone in the group yet that is of suitable stats to become a Falcon Knight. It would add the perfect amount of diversity.
Lol, happy to help. I should probably hit the internet a little bit before I continue tho, I’m gonna log off for the night. ← WildCyt0m3try
Nin-nin0217 → Have a good evening. See you on Monday? 
You too! G’night! Thx for the help! ← WildCyt0m3try
After bidding Sasuke a good night, you saved your progress and quickly logged off. Mentally kicking yourself for staying on until well past midnight. You had to work in the morning. That would be interesting. With a long sigh, you heaved yourself off the couch and put your controller back by the console before turning out all the lights. It was way past your bedtime.
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