#there's 50/50 chance of him turning into terrifying monster at any given moment
I find Belos' reaction to Collector's words SO fascinating. Like, very little of what people say phases him anymore, and on the rare occasions it does he's extremely good at pretending otherwise. He was called a liar and a murderer and he didn't care. He was ran out of towns and villages countless times and probably had a reputation of a local weirdo with a pyromaniac tendencies and wasn't deterred in the slightest. He eats palismen for breakfast in broad daylight. He is called a witch hunter and he's proud. He tunes out the Collector's teasing and inane chatter and hides his annoyance and disgust at all witch things like a pro.
But the moment it is insinuated that he's not fully human anymore? His mask slips and he lashes out in a blind fit of rage.
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stormjay0 · 4 years
Xisuma and Xelqua
I was thinking about how Grian used to be an admin (Wynncraft) and we’ve ended up here so... ficlet time!
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As nights went on Hermitcraft, this was one of the quieter ones. Many of the hermits had gone to bed (Bdubs having been asleep for hours), with only a few still awake tinkering at some redstone project or growing vines for a build. The lights in the shopping district had gone dark, one by one, as shops closed up for the night amidst the smell of newly laid grass. The diamonds hanging from the trees caught the light of a star here and there, but most of the movement in the cowmercial district had long since died down.
A flickering window blinked in the distance. Any passerby who found it worth taking another look would see that the flicker came from a cozy flame dancing in the glass confines of a lantern, resting on a desk. The window in question was a small opening looking out into the thick jungle, just large enough for someone to rest on the sill and watch the parrots. It was also over 100 blocks off the ground.
The flame began to die out, flickering slowly and sadly downwards, only to spring up again as if given a shot of espresso. Or a shot of coal, in this case, because the admin who refueled it wouldn’t be caught dead with coffee. A strong black tea was another thing altogether.
Xisuma sighed and leaned back in his chair. Rubbing his eyes, he checked the time for the first time in a few hours. One in the morning wasn’t bad, he reasoned, and turned back to his work. Earlier today, he had relocated some administrative panels to this room in his jungle base, the least concrete-y of them. He silently thanked his past self; working on admin duties was at least 50% less fun on the concrete floor. His helmet lay switched off on the cozier, carpeted floor of the preferred room. 
The panels themselves were resting between a desk and the wall behind it, propped up by their sturdy bedrock stands. Xisuma didn’t often think about that rare material that his panels were made of; many high-level admins required hardware (literally hard-ware) of that caliber, and though bedrock was almost impossible to obtain, it was well worth it for the administrative abilities of the panels.
Tonight was not a night for appreciating the panels, however; in fact, X was beginning to question if his work tonight was worth it in the first place. He was trying a particularly frustrating string of commands, as he was only halfway sure of how to accomplish the work he was trying to do. 
Xisuma briefly stretched his neck and back, cracked his knuckles, and tried another combination. The usual [ERROR: Action not recognized] message appeared in urgent red over his screens, and he let out a short breath and considered hitting the panels in a last-ditch effort.
He didn’t have the chance to hit the panels, though, because another object hit a different panel very nearby- a Grian-shaped figure slammed into the window beside him at top speed.
X, not even surprised, slid open the glass and looked down. There was a thin ledge about five blocks below, and as Xisuma had expected, a heap of elytra wings and red sweater was sprawled atop it. He chuckled, shaking his head incredulously, and grabbed a water bucket so Grian could swim up the stream.
“Do I even want to ask what you’re doing up?”
Xisuma passed Grian a cup of chamomile tea, which the red-sweatered man immediately dumped 6 sugar packets into, cancelling out the calming chamomile effect. 
“Well, you see, I was simply minding my own business over at Grumbot when I saw a light on over here- knew it was you immediately, definitely didn’t think there was a giant firefly hiding in the jungle.” Grian took a gulp of his tea. “Anyways, you’re up, and I’m up, so I may as well talk to you, Eck-sai-zooma.”
X rolled his eyes playfully at the mispronunciation. “Alright, but why were you at the Grumbot? That thing’s broken, ain’t it?”
“He was lonely!” Grian protested. “I wanted to visit my robot son.”
Xisuma raised an eyebrow.
“Aaaand I might’ve left a shulker box full of wool there.” Grian shrugged. “But it was a whole box!” 
He looked around the room that he had crash-landed into and noticed the administrative panels. “You’re not working, are you, X? At this hour?” 
Xisuma turned to look at the panels, still glowing red with error text. He sighed, and moved to switch them off. “I was working on a personal project, but you’re here, and I really need to take a break anyway.” 
His finger was on the off switch when Grian spoke up. “Hey, I know how to fix this. It’s a perception chain, right? You just gotta-” He typed in a string of commands deftly with his head tilted sideways. “There! Got it!” 
Xisuma stared at the message that had just popped up on the screen, glowing green. [Action approved. Enter commands to continue chain.] He turned back to look at Grian, who was now trying to hang his elytra upside-down from the ceiling. 
“How’d you do that?”
Without turning around, Grian replied, “Oh, it was pretty easy! Just entered some combos that you hadn’t tried. The keywords on these change wayyy too often.”
Xisuma stared at Grian, looked back at the panels, and looked back at Grian. After a moment, he collected his thoughts enough to ask again.
“No, how did you know what to do? I’ve been an admin for years and even I couldn’t figure it out.” X was surprised that his question came out so calmly, when his brain was currently a mess of ‘HOW DID HE DO THAT’ and ‘WHAT THE HECK’. 
“Oh!” Grian turned around, smiling sheepishly. “I don’t think I ever told you- I’m sure it was on my list, right after fixing that chest monster- I used to be an admin!”
He dropped to the floor, legs crossed, and took another swig of tea. “I used to moderate a server called Wynncraft. We had all kinds of people, but not like Hermitcraft- they came and went, played and left. Some came back, some didn’t, but everyone had a great time!” 
He wrinkled his nose. “Or, they better have at least, I spent a long time on those maps.”
“Anyways, we had a ton of quests, and loot, and all that stuff! It was a pretty cool place. You learn a lot about being an admin when you have to mod ghosts.” Grian grinned. “Hah! Those were pretty terrifying.” 
Xisuma was even more dumbstruck, but didn’t show it. Ghosts? No wonder Grian had known how to fix his problem- he was somehow experienced in some of the most complicated areas of administrating?
Grian leaned over to look at a different panel as Xisuma’s mouth moved silently, trying to think of something to say. The smaller man lightly tapped a thread of commands and looked up at X. 
“What’re you trying to do with these? This looks like a ban bypass. Did you accidentally ban someone?” His eyes grew wide. “If you did we need to fix it right now! Which hermit was it?”
Xisuma collected himself and sat down by Grian. “No, it’s- it wasn’t unintentional.” He stared at the wall. “I banned him on purpose.”
Grian was halfway to asking X who it was when he saw the look on his face. Xisuma looked stoic and almost sad, gazing off into the distance. Grian turned back to the panels, and read the commands on them thoroughly. The former admin recognized most of the threads, but some of them, covered in error messages, weren’t commands he knew that worked. After a minute, he realized what Xisuma was trying to do. The actions entered seemed to be working towards an uncoded goal- the objective being to see someone in another dimension. Specifically, the void under the end islands. X wanted to see someone who had been banned and sent into the void.
Grian may not have known why, but he did know how to help. He began typing in another string of commands, the sound of which brought X back to reality. He leaned over Grian’s shoulder as Grian continued to type, talking as he went. 
“The problem you had needed a bit of a workaround. I think the issue was in the way you went about it. See, to see the person, you can’t just open a window into where they are, you need to bring them here. Or at least a part of them, or- here, I’ll just show you.” He stopped typing and turned to Xisuma as the screen flashed the message [Enter administrative ID to give permissions.] “You’ve gotta enter me into your system so it lets me do this. Username should be Xelqua.” 
X, distracted, looked at Grian after a minute. “Xelqua?”
“Old username. It’s what they called me when I got my administrative license.” 
“Ah.” X reached for the panels. /permit user [Xelqua] }access_all
Grian finished up the last of the commands and held his finger over the enter key. “Ready to see whoever this is?”
Xisuma took a deep breath and didn’t respond. 
Grian took that as a yes, and clicked the final button, looking anticipatorily at the spot where he had entered the coordinates for arrival. 
Nothing happened for a moment. Then, the lantern dimmed of its own accord, and a fuzzy shape that looked a lot like Xisuma began to materialise in the center of the room. As the image became clearer, the person it showed did so too. Their face was just as shocked as Grian’s. 
Xisuma’s face, however, was misty. He looked quietly at the projection now standing in his base.
“Hi, Ex.” 
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love-sofia-things · 5 years
Eren true plan (Fez boy and Mikasa)
I’m going to say this, Eren real plan is something other than the rumbling. This theory will be based solely from eremika POV. I believe Eren took up the mantle of the devil to unite humanity against him.
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I understand that Eren called this plan rosy, but this was all before his views were challenged and his worldview rocked. The world was about to unite against Marley. Marley, through Willy united the world against Paradise. The Eldians in the camp and the Marleyans were about to unite against the subject of Ymir in Paradise. Eren saw this method being used against Paradise before his very eyes
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And I think this is the very reason why we haven’t gotten Eren POV yet because there is more to his plan. Eren was known as the suicidal maniac not genocidal maniac!!!!! I don’t really understand why people are so against the theory of eren uniting the world against a common enemy…it’s already happening! all it’s left to see is if it was intentional on eren’s part or not.
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My first suspicion aroused with Eren global Eldian broadcast (EGED)🤔. Why should Eren broadcast to Eldian all over the world that they are about to get murdered days before any of the Wall Titans can realistically reach their first targets?. Why give that warning?  To give them a chance to be with their loved ones before the apocalypse? Seems unfitting for Eren.
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Let’s have a look at the effect of Eren’s announcement
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I mean if I have a weapon like the rumbling that is so slow that it will take years to trample earth, the first thing I would do is cut off information that the rumbling has started so that they will meet their doom by surprise. but Eren did the opposite. I can visualize Eren’s plan. The Eldians are considered as devils but they are trying to convince their government that the titans are approaching to save their lives and city. They are starting revolt to warn the government about the rumbling and the government will believe them by...
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Our genocidal boy left the blimp to return home safely and deliver the news😉 . hmmm. All it takes is for a titan to stretch it’s hand and the blimp is gone but our boy is so kind that he left it😁😁.
That will also explain his attack on Libero. If you witnessed the Libero attack, then you certainly wouldn’t call this a bluff. The Libero attack was the first step to his plan. 
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How does this relate to Eremika? It’s simple. It goes according to the Kruger golden rule “love someone, it doesn’t matter who”. Kruger never said the love has to be reciprocated to break the cycle for those who think Mikasa answer led him to commit genocide (I will explain this topic later below). Love changes the way people act and think. Eren loves Mikasa. As for now, this is all needed to break the cycle. There is no way, Eren will claim he loves Mikasa and arrive at a genocide answer. It is incompatible. When you love someone, you consider them in every decision you make.
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Even before Eren attacked Libero, he already considered how Mikasa will view him and he knew she will be disappointed. That can slide because as I said, it is a necessary evil (already made my point above). And when he killed innocents and civilians?
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He felt genuinely concerned of how she viewed him. She can’t cry when you kill 50 and you go ahead to kill billions🙄 The same thing happened in chapter 112 when Armin asked him “is this the freedom you wanted, the freedom to hurt Mikasa?” He was touched once more. You can feel the concern over his face
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And finally, at the scarf memory trip. What he was thinking about, nobody knows but that’s by the way.
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Eren isn’t a monster that has to be stopped by Mikasa's love. Mikasa needs to be always in his mind not just confessing her Love will stop him. If ALL they had earlier didn't have impact on Eren, then whatever in the final happens will be pointless, or less effective. I think every step he has taken so far must have been planned by Eren, with Mikasa in his mind.
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There is a good reason why Mikasa is the center and biggest memory shard.  She is the center of his heart. All his decisions have to be carefully thought through cause of her. What is the purpose of Mikasa being the center and biggest shard, followed by the fez boy if they didn't influence his life choices?  These people are the love he found that will break the cycle. Mikasa= his love inside the wall. Fez boy= His love outside the wall
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The fez boy memory shard doesn’t fit with a genocide plan. Never. If i’m to interpret the picture, Eren didn’t instill fear inside the boy, he instilled hope. Eren supposedly met the boy after he left the SC in the dumb ass meeting. And after this moment, he vanished and we got the Eren we saw in Libero. I will say it once more, Eren real plan is more suicidal in nature than genocidal. The threat of genocide is necessary though to cause what’s happening right now
And I think people are overlooking those Kruger words "If you want to save Mikasa and Armin, complete your mission to the end". 99% PERCENT have given up on Eren saving Mikasa and Armin in any form. Instead, it’s the “Mikasa will kill Eren theory that is the most popular”
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Why should Grisha, a doctor, encourage Eren to complete his genocide to save Armin, Mikasa and EVERYONE ELSE( I don’t think it’s only Eldians)? Why is that part being hidden by Isayama??
Sorry, but Eren and Floche can’t be on the same page. If Eren told Floche about the genocide, then there is something more. I’m beginning to suspect Historia knows about Eren real plan.Her facial expression in the memory chard? She doesn't need to have feelings for Eren to be scared of this terrifying plan. Everybody would have the same reaction.
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Also, there is a reason why Eren can’t go with the genocide even if he wanted to. Assuming he completes the genocide, his friends can’t be free with those horrific memories of what he did to grant them freedom. What will Eren do? He will wipe off their memories but there is one problem, Mikasa memory can’t be wiped off because she is an ackerman😂😂
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“Is that the freedom Eren wants? The freedom to hurt Mikasa?” 😌😌
A lot of people will say, if Eren’s plan isn’t full genocide, that makes Mikasa delusional in chapter 123. No, it’s still in line with Eren new plan. Mikasa doesn’t have an insight into Eren thought process but all she could feel was that the night discussion was a turning point for Eren. Turning point for what? No one knows but it’s certainly not a turning point to mass murder.
I will like to draw a parallel between Eren and Grisha. Grisha had about 10 more years to live when he found the Reiss chapel but he gave it up for the time being to spend time with his wife and kid. Similar thing happened with Eren but unfortunately,he didn’t get what he wanted to hear. Eren has four more years as of chapter 123 and he has a suicidal plan. He turns and asks Mikasa.....
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Eren wanted to live. but he just wanted to be sure about Mikasa feelings, he didn't wanted to impose his love and force her because he gonna die. but unfortunately (or certainly not) he didn't get what he wanted to hear. And with the little amount of time he has to go on that plan + his remaining years he chooses her safety and all the ones he love before anything even himself, and even if that means that he gonna be a monster to realize his plan (uniting the world like pixis words).
So, what happens next? Who will see through Eren’s plan first? My first bet is on
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He is basically the one who gave him the nickname “suicidal bastard”. Just like how “you’re family” served as a plot point, “suicidal bastard” will also serve as a plot point for Eren.
My second bet is on....
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Thankfully to 123, she has come to understand Eren and she will go further and start realizing more of his pov . This was hinted at chapter 106. The eye contact after Armin’s “I think we can understand one another”.
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If Mikasa is to save Eren, it won’t be from the genocidal path (she is not a doctor). She will save him from his suicidal path. That will also make her confession more impactful this time around because Eren would have found a reason to live at least till he reaches his 13th year. That will also make Eren qualified to wrap the scarf around her one more time.
She knows he was enduring everything all alone and adding her regret of chapter 123, she started to understand that Eren needs her. The last plot twist will be Eren getting saved my Mikasa instead of killing him like the fandom hope. Her love all these years shall not be wasted or get a rushed closure in the middle of battle.
If Mikasa saves the supposed enemy of humanity who should be slain, what then happens?
“What matters is the story we tell”- Zeke Yeager
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blkpnkwriting · 6 years
Jennie x Reader
Rated: M
Warnings: violence, guns, blood and injury, swearing
Word count: 2,347
    It is only natural in the balance of things for opposing sides to clash.
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ANON: Can I get a story where Jennie is a cop and the reader is in mafia and they are dating but Jennie doesn’t know and they each other between a crossfire between cops and mafia
      In the haste to the bedroom, the blinds had not been drawn. Now, a streetlight’s orange glow fell in slats across the floor, climbing the disheveled bed, and saturated the smooth expanse of skin upon your lover’s abdomen. It completely captured your attention.
     When Jennie was at your apartment, moonlight would pour upon her skin, alighting her with an ethereal aura. Here? The only light was artificial and yet, it still made her appear beautiful. Whereas before her skin seemed emit the light, it was here that she seemed to be the only warmth left in a dark world. The light didn’t reach you, leaving you in shadows. For that reason, you were drawn to touch her.
     Even when you ran the pads of your fingers over her ribs, Jennie didn’t so much as stir, let alone wake up. These days, she was often exhausted. It made you sad to see her so overworked, but you knew in the end, she was doing what she loved. Jennie was protecting her city, a call she had felt since she was young, once confessed to you on a similar night. Resting your fingers on her diaphragm, you let the measured rise and fall of her breathing rock your hand like a little boat riding gentle waves. You took a moment to close your eyes and just let yourself be close to her. To feel her. Soaking up the knowledge that she was safe and sound. With you.
     It was getting too much. With an inaudible sigh, your hand ghosted down Jennie’s stomach to her hip bones, just the bit that wasn’t covered by her bedsheets. It was there with the slightest bit more force that you flicked your index finger over the crest, as though you were running your finger over a knife’s edge. There were plenty more ways that Jennie was beautiful, but in this moment, you couldn’t help but admire her physical beauty.
     To the department, Jennie was still considered new. To you, what you saw behind closed doors, Jennie was seasoned. Being a police officer was hard, admirable work. She willingly put herself in a position, that with today’s society, was often hated. Somehow, she did her job well, all with a smile on her face. Of course, she could be serious. There many things about her career that warranted that. But when she had the opportunity, she used her given power to prove that she was a good person, protecting the innocent. Not some monster the media painted from a different perspective.
     The real monster was the person beside her.
     Jennie had no idea what you really did. What you told her was that you worked in an accounting firm. It explained why you had a nicer apartment than she did, but hardly. While your job actually did include money, it was certainly not by legal terms.
     You were the messenger in a broad underground drug circuit. Technically, you weren’t in the mafia. The only thing that dirtied your hands was laundered money, the only weapons you were armed with was your tongue in the form of threats. But when you rely on technicalities, you already know it’s wrong. Just because you weren’t technically a member of the mafia growing in your city doesn’t mean you weren’t in league with them. After all, they were the ones who put money in your bank account and posted security detail around your apartment — you also happened to be in a position to be hated, if not more than Jennie.
     Flopping back on the bed, you stared up at the darkened ceiling. The contrast was too ironic, Jennie cast in a heroic shine while you remained in the shadows. In the beginning it had been easier. To lie to her, to hide the truth. Back then, it was genuinely easier. The mafia didn’t fly in the face of the law, and the police didn’t laser focus on the source of the rising crime. Months passed, you bumped up the ranks, and as you saw the efforts of your messenger work showering into your hands, you also saw how it affected Jennie.
     As if she knew she was a part of your thoughts, Jennie turned in her sleep, shuffling closer to you. It was reflex now, the way you reached out and wrapped her up in your arms to close the gap between your bodies. A hum bubbled up the back of your throat at how warm she was. Not just against your skin, but the sensation you felt seeping through your body. It was like being near Jennie comforted you to your soul. Chasing away the numb that had settled since you forfeited your morals and accepted the life you had now.
     Jennie nuzzled against your neck, her nose brushing your jugular. It felt protective, and it made you smile. It was just like her. Even in her sleep, Jennie would protect you. You noted long ago how the littlest gestures spoke of the natural guardian inside her — pulling you back by the crook of your elbow right before an unaware bicyclist nearly ran you over, a hand flying to your chest when she was forced to brake abruptly, watching every drink you ever took at a bar to make sure that it hadn’t been tampered with when you weren’t paying attention.
     You never cried. It wasn’t your thing. Maybe it had something to do with that numb that blanketed your body, because as you laid there with Jennie in your arms, tears sprung to your eyes. The empty ceiling disappeared as you screwed your eyes shut. Regulate your breathing, keep the tears at bay. There was no way you would wake up Jennie in the middle of the night because you were crying like a baby. Not when she definitely needed the rest.
     Not when you knew that if she woke up and questioned you, you would tell Jennie everything.
     Another night, another collect.
     You took the last dying drag of your cigarette and then flicked the butt into the gutter. Behind your back laid the brick of a pizza store after close, where you knew one of your more prominent drug dealers worked late. Also nursing his cigarette was one of the mafia’s bodyguards, standing at the mouth of the alley. Watching. You knew this bodyguard, Craig. When he first told you his name, you thought it was a joke, a basic title given by the mafia to protect his identity. He never did give you an answer, but you suspected you were right. A lot of your jobs included him, or one of the other bodyguards, provided by the higher-ups to make sure transactions went “smoothly.” That was code for intimidating deserters and making sure no one saw anything they weren’t supposed to.
     The whine of metal bounced down the narrow aisle, and you cast a side-long gaze at the young man as he stepped out of the pizza store. Immediately noticing you, you watched his eyes flit between you and then the bodyguard’s formidable stature throwing a long shadow from the street. There was a 50/50 chance he would bolt, not that you would be shocked either way, but then he seemed to weigh his options and took off his backpack. Good. This would be over soon and you could go home.
     Wait for Jennie to return safely home.
     The dealer strode up to the beat of his shoes splashing dirty rain water. A hand fished through the depths of his backpack, probably discovering a hidden compartment he fashioned himself to retrieve the money. You kept your eyes on him, part of maintaining the role. All you had to do was trust that Craig could keep it cool in public eye so you could finish the transaction, drop it off back at the warehouse, and be on your way. On the outside, that appeared most notably as mildly disinterested.
     After a moment, the dealer withdrew his hand. A fat stack of cash passed into your hands, and you were thankful that it wasn’t a gun drawn on you (it’s happened before). You thumbed the stack, flipping through quickly to make sure there weren’t any false bills filling the inside or notes smaller than you expected. It seemed to be in order, and even if the warehouse proved it wasn’t, the mafia knew exactly how to treat a cheater.
     “Next pick up is on the 27th,” you stated evenly. The dealer nodded, grimacing a bit like he was uncomfortable and rather be anywhere else. You gestured with the stack of cash, indicating he could leave. The way back lead to a dead end of trash, so the only way out was pass you and the bodyguard, out onto the street. Perhaps his real fear resided with the fact that he would have walk by the bodyguard. Bodyguards were scary, if you thought about it.
     As soon as he couldn’t see your face, you let the mask slip a little. The pick-ups were getting bigger, more frequent as the mafia’s influence spread like a virus. That meant the penalty was more severe as well. If you were caught with this much money in your possession —
     A strange scream wailed from the background, bright lights illuminating the alleyway. Air didn’t even reach your lungs as you choked on a gasp, spinning around in time to see a police squad car shuddering to a stop under a streetlight.
     Your bodyguard whipped around in your direction. The shove to the drug dealer had him sprawling to the wet ground with a terrified yelp as the bodyguard sprinted towards you, seizing you by the arm and practically dragging you.
     “Stop! We don’t want to shoot you!”
     Something like panic filled your chest as you reached the barbwire fence separating the pair of you from the other side of the alley. Your only way out.
     “Climb, now!” your bodyguard commanded, pushing you toward the trash that you began to scramble up toward the fence. Cold links bit into your hands as you attempted to scale the obstacle. How you were going to deal with the barbwire, you weren’t sure yet, but then you heard it.
     “Last chance!” a female voice hollered. “Give up or we’ll open fire!”
     You’ve never heard that tone of voice before. Probably because you had never been in the situation to witness it. And that’s why it took you so long to recognize the voice. When you did, it could only be her.
     “Wait, stop!” you screamed.
     Loose asphalt sank deep into the flesh of your knees and palms as you fell back down the trash.
     Above you, a gun revealed itself from the folds of the bodyguard’s suit.
     “Don’t shoot!” you screamed louder, even as it felt as you were about to pass out from lack of oxygen.
     Someone was crying. You blinked and made out the fetal position of the drug dealer, crying against the wall.
     All it took was a couple swift seconds.
     You couldn’t hear yourself screaming anymore.
     You saw her. Jennie. Dark hair fixed into a bun made her features sharper in the headlights. It also highlighted the fraction of a moment it took for her expression to shift from anger to stunned.
     Your bodyguard fired a single shot.
     Unfortunately, it was too late.
     The ground jarred against your back. A bone deep pain rooted itself in your chest. The most surprising aspect of being shot was that you could still breathe.
     The couple seconds that passed after that went pretty slowly.
     For some reason, you couldn’t get up. It felt like the bullet had sapped you of all your strength the moment it ripped into you. All you could manage was lifting your head to look down at your body.
     Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea — tears sprung to your eyes for the second time that week. Yeah, it fucking hurt, this hole in the middle of your chest. But what really had you crying was knowing you were going to die. Red leaked down your sternum, pooling on your stomach. Underneath you, you could imagine was a similar looking puddle. There was so much already. Didn’t it just happen?
     “Y/N? Listen to me — you’re going to be okay!”
     The only person that could bring you comfort in this cold, dark world. Jennie. Your vision swam, blurring the lines of her face as she kneeled over you. What was she thinking right now? Did she hate you? Did she want you to die after all?
     “Baby? Can you hear me? They’re coming, okay! They’re coming! Stay with me, please!”
     Maybe not. That was good. The last thing you wanted to think about while you still could was that the woman you loved hated you. You hated you. If you had never gotten mixed up in all this shit, you wouldn’t be bleeding out onto the ground for Jennie to see.
     “I’m sorry,” you mumbled. You could still breathe, shockingly, but it wasn’t filling you like before. The next inhale was shorter. Of their own accord, your eyes slid to the sky. Damn the city. You couldn’t see the stars.
     “Don’t you fucking apologize to me.” A hand took you by the chin, the shake to your head seeming to settle things back into place temporarily. Jennie glared down at you but the effect was lost in the tears that danced on her eyelashes. “You’re not leaving me. We’re going to figure this out. Because you’re going to live.”
     “Please don’t be mad.” God, was that your voice? It sounded so small. What were you talking about?
     Please don’t be mad when I leave you all alone.
     “You’re not going to die, you hear me?” Whoa, that was a tremble. Still, Jennie was firm. Stoic, even if her voice betrayed her. “You’re not going to die because I won’t let you. I love you, okay? I love you.”
     This time when the sky disappeared as you closed your eyes, it was with a smile.
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purplesurveys · 6 years
-What was the last song that you sang out loud? I played a Destiny’s Child playlist when we were out for a bit earlier so I was most likely rapping along to Bug A Boo before we got home. -If someone has bad breath, do you tell him or her? I don’t think I can. I’d rather just not have my face directly on them when talking. -With which friend are you most likely to share a secret? Angela. She knows e v e r y t h i n g. -Do you have an item that comforts you when you are sad/scared? My...phone? Haha. If I get anxious I need to watch videos to distract me. My phone has YouTube. Also bracelets that Gabie has given me over the years. -When are you likely to hide your emotions? When I’m with people that don’t really know about my anxiety. People I’m not close to, in general.
-Which is scarier: Dying of thirst or of starvation? I think both are equally terrifying??? Both put the body in immense pain and it goes through a slow, agonizing shutdown and I don’t even want to think about experiencing other lol. -Who was the last person to take your breath away? MY GIRLFRIEND -When you turn on the TV, what channel do you flip to? Probably a movie channel but I legit have not watched television in yearssss. I watch everything on Netflix now. -Have you ever tried to help someone quit smoking? No. -What was the last comment someone made on your music taste? I don’t have much of a music taste so it’s not really something people tend to make comments on. -Where do you go/what do you do when you need to calm down? My room. Or to my best friends. -What was the last mess you cleaned up? I had a stack of readings and stationery scattered all over the dining table last night when I was studying, so I cleaned everything up before going to bed. -Have you ever had to talk anyone out of suicide? Yes I had to talk to Toby because he made a series of disturbing tweets a couple of weeks ago. We aren’t close per se, but he’s an orgmate and therefore a friend, so I messaged him immediately. I’m happy it worked, cos he showed up to school the next day and gave me a bear hug. -When you think of tomorrow, what feelings come to mind? Work. -Who, in your opinion, has an amazing voice? Hannah sings a lot, and I really like it when she does because she sounds great. -Would you ever camp out on a beach, under the stars? Of course.
-What is the last thing you complained about? I need a printer to print out my readings (I absolutely cannot study from an e-book) but ours has been broken for years and there’s no Internet/printing shop nearby. UGH I’m serious about complaining over not being able to study haha.   -What was the last curse-word you said? Fuck. -When you fake sick to get out of school, what do you say or do to convince your parents that you are sick? I would never fake sick to my Asian mom.  -How did you recover from your last bout of tears? I slept. As is always the most effective way to stop crying. -Do you still talk to your very first best friend? Yes. I talked to her last night. -When was the last time something went terribly wrong? Well a couple of weeks ago Gab and I had a huge, really serious fight that had just been unfixable–it was the kind of fight that you just had to wait. And the wait was torture. I was really scared then and I stayed in bed for what was probably 48 hours and ate like two times in that period. -How do you console someone when he or she is upset? I stay with them and listen to them if they have to let things out. -Have you ever seen either one of your parents cry? Just my mom. I don’t know what I’d do if I saw my dad cry. -Choose one: Trip to outerspace, or trip underneath the oceans? OUTER SPACE. I’d do anything to have a glimpse into my astronaut dream. -How often do you feel overwhelmed? 7 days a week. -How do you deal with everyday life? Get by. Aren’t we all forced to? -Do you have any secret obsessions or guilty pleasures? I don’t think so. I’m never guilty of whatever it is I’m obsessing at the moment haha. I am into serial killers, like reading and watching docus about them; and obviously I never announce it the world unless it comes up in conversation. -Aside from on this survey, what was the last thing you wrote about? I was writing down notes on my readings from my Southeast Asian history class. -Who in your family do you act like the most? I’m a mix of my mom and dad. I seriously can’t tell you who I act more like. There are certain phrases my mom says that I say, and certain intonations and mannerisms I got from my dad.  -What is the most romantically sweet thing someone has done for you? I’m into intimate, more between-the-two-of-you kind of stuff, so I always appreciate it when Gab volunteers to drive my car if I ever drink a little bit too much for the night. She helps me get to bed and gets me some clothes to wear too, which is always sweet.
-When you go out to the mall, do people stare? Not me, but my girlfriend and I obviously will get stares from time to time for holding hands. -Have you ever been confronted by a mall cop for your behavior? No. -What just tears at your heartstrings? Videos of dogs reuniting with their owners, abused dogs getting saved and all groomed up, or dogs getting adopted. -Is there a show you swear that you will never watch? GAME OF THRONES -What was the last topic that you ranted about? The lack of a printer that I delved on several survey questions ago. -Is there someone that makes you feel like you're walking on eggshells? Jane lol. She’s the president of our org and will easily get pissed the fuck off sometimes, and it never does my anxiety any good. -Were you ever afraid of one of your past teachers? Yes. We had this monster of a PE teacher in 2nd grade who would literally kick down doors if she gets angry and would yell at 8 year olds. How she ever got employed in the first place still baffles me. -Have you ever been in a physical fight on school grounds? That’s a huuuuuge no-no in our school, so no. Plus I came from an all-girls’ Catholic school; it just wasn’t in anyone’s nature to pick a fight. -Have you written anything in a bathroom stall? What, if anything? No, I feel so iffy about vandalizing in public. -Is your school like the drama capital of the country? HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You can say that, damn. -A homeless man asks you for 50 cents; how do you respond? I give them a little more and a snack if I had any. -When was the last time you visited a thrift store? I don’t remember. I don’t think I have? -Was there ever a time when you wished you'd never been born? Always. I didn’t even choose to be born lol. -Can you handle constructive criticism? Uhhhhhh only if it’s from someone I truly respect. Otherwise I can honestly be a big baby about criticism. -Who is the most sensitive person that you know? ME. Also one of my friends, Mils. -Have you ever had a tooth (or teeth) pulled? Nope. -You can have one famous person's wardrobe; who do you choose, and why? Kate’s!!! She dresses so well and looks pretty in all of her outfits. -When was the last time you wrote someone a note? I think December? Aya was down in the dumps pretty bad so I dropped her a short message on Facebook to let her know that I’m always around for her. -Do you tell your parents before you go somewhere, or just leave? I ask permission. Duh. I’m Asian.  -What was the last thing you tried to get out of doing? Agatha’s birthday party. She’s a good friend, but I’m not friends with any of her friends and I just can’t relate with the college block we both belong to. I scheduled a date with Gabie’s dad on the same night because I didn’t want to go to the party. -On average, how many surveys do you fill out in one day? If I had a lot of time, I could fill out three. Nowadays it’s like once a day/a couple of times a week. -How many hours a day do you spend on Bzoink? I don’t stay on Bzoink; I just go on there to look for surveys. -Which season do you dread the most? I hate Philippine summers. -Do you ever brag about your achievements? Oh god never. I hate putting any attention on me. -If someone makes fun of you, are you able to laugh it off? Tbh no, I’m pretty sensitive and serious in that aspect. I mean I’d smile to be polite but will most likely be whispering something evil about them in my head hahahaha. -When was the last time that you watched the sun come up? Three years ago, in Sagada. -What did you do last Halloween? I think I went out with Gab that day, but it wasn’t to celebrate Halloween. -Last Thanksgiving? -Last Christmas - if you celebrate? I like how Christmas has the *if you celebrate* disclaimer but the North American-centric Thanksgiving doesn’t. Anyway, we had several family dinners and we ate and drank and caught up with one another. -How did you celebrate the arrival of the new year? Also saw some relatives and ate and drank and bonded with my cousins. -Is there a foreign culture you'd like to learn more about? I’d like to know more about all of them if I had the time and the chance. -Have you ever (purposely or accidentally) played with someone's heart? I possibly might’ve with Mike but I don’t want to be an ass and assume. -Has anyone ever played with yours? Sure, you can say that. -Have you ever seen a famous painting and thought "I could have done that?” Not famous, but expensive ones. The ones that are paint splatters hah. -Fire drills: Did you ever wish they were real ... just once? LOL YES. I’m terrible for thinking that but yes. Mostly because everyone was such kids about it and never took the drills seriously. I secretly wanted a real one to happen just to see those people regret not being any more serious.
-What is the scariest thing about attending your school? Nothing’s scary about UP. If you’re scared to be in UP you can’t survive in it. -Are you a good judge of other people's intentions? Meh. I can tell sometimes. What was the last thing that you felt strongly about? I’m not so sure, it’s been a while. -Shopping: best with friends, parents, bf/gf, or alone? Girlfriend. -What is one insecurity you have about your body? Teeth. -What is one part of your body that you are proud of? My overall figure. -When was the last time someone told you to turn your music down? Ages ago. I’m getting old myself and don’t want my music too loud lmfao. -When you don't know how to spell a word, do you look it up? Yes, of course. -Are you one to spend a lot of time in the bathroom? Nope. I hate making people wait. -Have you seen the movie Super Size Me? No. -Do you still eat at McDonald's, regardless of that film? I’d probably continue eating at any fast food establishment even if I watch a billion documentaries exposing them, being completely honest. -Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a different race? Sometimes. -Do you ever consider the challenges other races go through? Of course. Except for one snowflake race out there, lol. -When was the last time you doubted your abilities? Now? -At your favorite restaurant, what do you order? I don’t pick favorite restaurants. -What was the last thing you wished for? A DAMN PRINTER. -How many times a day, on average, do you look at the time? Too many. I’m perpetually impatient.
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wonderlandinrope · 7 years
Time Part 2
Sam X Reader
Warnings: Some angst, some fluff
Summary: After Sam meets with Anna to discuss specifics about getting to know his daughter. A few complications arise. 
Part 2
Being as quiet as possible to avoid waking up his brother Sam shut the door to the old motel slowly, while his thoughts raced with images of his long-lost daughter. A big grin reaching from ear to ear, making his cheeks ache. Of course, it wasn’t just Grace that drew him like a magnet, Anna was a compass pointing him north. They had hit it off so well, so naturally, it was the type of connection that was instant. Hoping that the next day would go as well as this one. Perhaps one day he could put the hunting business behind him.
A soft rustle of sheets moved in the dark motel room, followed by the blinding light of a bedside table lamp. Blinking to readjust his vision he took in the small room no different from any other they had stayed in in the past. Two beds, a Tv, a dresser, and closet. Bathroom at the back and mini fridge and microwave next to the TV. This room had sunset photos around the room with matching curtains.
“What time is it?” Dean rubbed his face turning to look at his phone. “Damn man I thought you said you were headed right back.”
Walking past Dean, Sam collapses on the bed. He had a few drinks before returning to the motel. “I couldn’t I need some time to think by myself. I got some interesting news today.” Trying to ease into telling his brother about Grace, and Anna. Sitting up on the edge of the bed across from Dean he rubbed his hands nervously. Dean waited, knowing that if he interrupted at this point he may never hear what his brother had to say. “Turns out Anna went to Stanford the same time I did.”
“Okay. Well, that’s great glad you could catch up with her.” It wasn’t that Dean didn’t care about Anna or was not interested in her. She was very attractive, kind too, what was there not to like. But at this point, there were still children getting hurt, so unless it had to do with solving the case and ganking a monster Dean wasn’t in the mood to talk.
“It turns out we have more in common than that though.” Sam paused again looking at the ground.
“Huh, Dude if you're going to play 50 questions I’m going to bed.” Dean stated Exhaustion present in his voice.
“I’ve got a kid Dean.” Sam released the words turning the moment into a running of the bulls. He could stand his ground risking getting gored by the bull or run away avoiding the fight. “And I’m going to meet her tomorrow.”
“I’m sorry what?” Anger mixed with fear of uncertainty, as Dean began to take in the information he’d been handed.
“I’m a dad!” Saying the word brought so much energy to Sam he stood waving his hands he went over the whole story of how he and Anna met once in college. That she only remembered him after they had talked at the school. He told Dean about Grace, taking out a photo that Anna had given him. “Tomorrow I’m going to meet her. I know we’ve got the case and I am still working on it. While I’m with Anna and Grace I’ll just ask a few questions about. Who knows maybe Grace knows something that we missed. She’s a kid but Anna says she’s sharp as a tack. And… Why are you laughing?” Sam paused mid-rant.
Dean giving into a full body laugh, throwing back his head, then slowly gaining his bearings, wiping away a tear. “It’s just so funny, out of the two of us who would have thought you would be the one to knock up some chick!”
Dropping his arms, Sam spoke cautiously. “You’re not mad?”
“No, man this is great! I’m an uncle. And don’t worry about the case tomorrow. I’ve got a few leads I want to check out. Get to know her. Any idea as to what you're going to do after when we leave?” Dean doing his best to sound encouraging. Walking over to the fridge he handed Sam a beer. “Congrats man.”
“I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.” But it wasn’t that he had forgotten it was that he didn’t want to think about leaving. It was difficult enough to leave tonight. Leaving after he really got to know Grace sounded impossible already.
“Well one step at a time right?” Dean said.
The brothers spent the next morning doing research, making calls and for the most part following the same routine that they did with most of the cases. When the clock turned over to show 1130 Sam closed out his laptop and began to organize his work. A feeling of belonging already washing over him. It didn’t take long for Dean to catch on as Sam rushed to find his phone and wallet.
“I’ll drive!” Dean rushed out the door after Sam.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked.
“I’m tagging along to meet my niece.” Dean glowed with pride at the word.
“No your not. Anna told me not to tell Grace I was her father, there’s no way she’d be ok with you showing up.” Sam protested.
“Oh common! I’m not going to say anything to the kid.” He countered.
Sliding in the passenger's side of the car Sam continued to argue back and forth with Dean about meeting Grace. Dean mostly just trying to get him to relax and throwing jokes out, not really being serious about any of it. They were halfway to Anna’s when Sam instructed Dean to pull into a small toy store on the way. Rushing in then emerging only five minutes later holding a rather large German shepherd stuffie. Looking at Sam with a blank face Dean just stared.
“What? Anna Said she likes dogs.” Sam mumbled.
Pulling up in front of the little two-story log cabin the brothers eyed the place for a moment Sam’s leg bounced up and down, taking a deep breath he got out taking the stuffed animal with him. Dean calling after him telling him that it would be fine and not to be nervous. Kids smell fear. Sam felt his heart begin to pick up speed as he got closer to the door. He had faced vampires, werewolves, ghouls, Demons. But this moment was one of the most terrifying he had yet faced.
Fixing his shirt then, taking a deep breath, he pulled open the screen door knocking on the main door. He could hear giggling on the other side followed by little footsteps moving hurriedly across the floor. The door opened slowly, revealing a six-year-old with wide, curious, hazel eyes, and raven black hair. She was tall for her age but still seemed to shrink back clinging to her mother that stood just to the right. A warm welcoming smile that touched her eyes.
Anna POV
Grace had an unusual amount of energy this morning, running around chasing after this or that, bouncing off the walls as she made up a game to entertain herself. She built an army of barbies and plush toys, talked to herself in different voices going off into her own little world. Then rushing off to the next activity. Only settling momentarily to read a book for a few minutes while Anna cleaned getting ready for Sam. After cleaning the house and making sure the place looked as decent as it could with a six-year-old running around, Anna took a moment to explain to grace what was supposed to happen that day.
“Pumpkin can you listen to mummy for a moment?” Anna’s sweet voice calling her daughter’s attention back to the real world.
“What is mummy?” Grace could feel the tension in the air. She always had a sixth sense about what her mother was going through.
“Do you remember yesterday when that man stopped by?” Anna broke down the basic need to know information. Grace nodded, sitting criss-cross on the couch. “Well his name is Sam and he will be joining us today for a little while. Doesn’t that sound like fun!”
Grace ducked her head down “But he’s a giant! Aren’t they mean?”
“I already told you he isn’t a giant.” Anna rolled her eyes at her daughters need to insist with the giant shtick. “Sam is very nice and only wants to get to know you. I think you're really going to like him.”
Grace sighed dramatically. “Do I have too!”
“Yes. I promise you will have a lot of fun.” Anna did her best to sound confident.
Grace looked around the room wide eyes following something that her mother could not see. Suddenly taking her mother's hand squeezing it tight, snuggling in close. Anna knew this wasn't real sadness. This was a tactic that Grace had used hundreds of times before, she was trying to butter her up, to get her own way. And normally it might have worked however this wasn’t the occasion that could be solved with a hug.
“I know he scared you the other day. But like I said, he thought that we were hurt and was just trying to help. Promise you’ll give him a chance.” It wasn’t a question.
Nodding her heard Grace gave her mother a hug. A small grin returning to its proper place. They both laughed, as Grace ran off the couch grabbing her colored pencils and some paper. Declaring that she would draw a picture, and make a list of everything she wanted to do that way “this Sam person” wouldn’t get any ideas about trying to boss her around. Making a comment about how she hoped that Nick, her imaginary friend would like Sam.
A knock came to the door just as the clock turned 12. More excited this time Grace jumped leaving her pencils strewn across the coffee table. Anna emerged from the kitchen following close behind. Grace grabbing throwing the door open only to have her excitement dwindle. Anna stood behind her encouraging the young girl to be brave. This was a day that she thought she would never see, but was beyond elated to have the dream of seeing her daughter meet the father she never knew about. Even if it was under false pretenses.
“Hello, You must be Grace.” Sam leaned down trying to get on the child's level recalling how she called him a giant. “I have something for you.”
Graces distrust dissipated as she took the plush toy in her arms hugging it tight around its neck. “You’re a nice giant aren’t you! Like in BFG.”
Sam didn’t even finch only nodding. “Just like in BFG. Your mother tells me you like to read.” Anna nodded as Sam walked in Grace now carefully playing with the ears of her new toy. “I like to read too. What’s your favorite book?”
“I like Charlotte's Web. But Alice in Wonderland is my favorite. Mommy and I read it almost every night!” She boasted. Forgetting her shyness she took Sam’s hand leading him over to the coffee table. “I made a list of all the things we around going to do today.”
Anna looked at Sam waiting for him to freak and run any second. But he only nodded going over the list that was mostly scribbles. “She worked very hard on that list, but I already warned her that we may not get to everything.” Already she found herself giving him excuses to leave or get out early.
“Nonsense.” Sam waved his hand, dismissing anything that may take him away from the little girl looking up at him. “I guarantee we will finish the list. So what’s first?”
Once more Anna was surprised how easily he seemed to fit into their world, she clung to the hope that he wouldn’t run off or disappear. Though he gave no indication of doing so. She saw how much fun Grace was already having, smiling from ear to ear going over everything she had written down. Sam was driving head first into a world he had never experienced before but doing so with gusto, not letting anything faze him.
The afternoon was spent running around playing board games, playing Barbies. Grace pulled out some bows and hair ties. Insisting that she fix his hair, calling her mother to help her braid it. Anna took a picture of the two smiling laughing as Sam’s hair jutted in every direction. It was a priceless moment, making them both laugh. Grace enjoying the time with the two more and more as each moment passed, taking it upon herself to invite Sam to stay for dinner.
“I’m sure Sam has dinner plans already.” Anna didn’t want to push him away but thought it best to end the day on a good note. Sam’s cheery disposition faltered just a little Anna could see it but grace was too busy pulling on her mother shirt. “Maybe Sam would like to come back another day?”
“Please Sam?” Grace turning her puppy dog eyes on her new friend.
“I can come back anytime you want.” Sam hosting her up in a big bear hug he could smell the artificial strawberry of her shampoo. Her arms wrapped around his neck was the most incredible feeling in the world. As if nothing could ever go wrong he never wanted this feeling to end. “Besides I have to wait for my ride.”
“Great! We can make a castle out of my blocks!” Grace ran off to collect the ones she’d forgotten to clean earlier. Leaving Anna and Sam to talk.
“I have to say I’m impressed for. Not too many can get on her good side that fast.” Moving around the kitchen Anna began to pull out some food to prep for dinner. “That and you did well for having never really worked with kids. Most men scrabble.”
“I’m not most men though, and she’s more to me than just some kid.” Sam was glowing happier than he’d ever been. “What time can I come by tomorrow?”
Trying to reach for a few plates placed a shelf too high Anna stood on her tiptoes only to have Sam come up behind her easily taking them down handing them to her. “Well, Grace has violin lessons in the afternoon so earlier might be better.”
“She plays the violin?” Sam couldn’t believe how incredible his little girl had turned out. How much more she would learn and this time around with any luck he would be around to see it. “You’ve done such an amazing job raising her.”
Grace came running around the corner hugging her dog close. “There’s a man at the door mommy!” Grace grabbed her mother’s hand returning to the shy child that she had been when Sam first arrived.
“Thank you for telling me baby girl.” A child in tow Anna walked to the door.
Sam also close at her heels slightly on edge worried about who was at the door. A million scenarios flashing through his mind, even with just having met them he felt the need to protect them at all costs. When Anna opened the door Grace let go of her taking Sams hand instead, holding it tight. Sam giving reassuring smiles taking her up into his arms again. The door opened standing on the other side was Dean smiling slyly his green eyes bright against the poorly lit porch.
“Hey, you must be Anna. I’m Dean.” Extending his hand out to Anna shook it smiling not skipping a beat.
“Thank you for loaning me your brother today we had so much fun. Didn’t we Grace.” Taking in the sight of Grace clinging to Sam as if he could protect her from anything it took Anna’s breath away. Making her heart stop for a moment. “Grace it’s ok this is the officer that stopped by mommies class yesterday remember?”
Grace ducked her head down not wanting to look up. Shaking it into Sam’s shoulder, mumbling something. Before reaching for her mother. Looking at Dean who was giving another little wave she flashed a quick grin. But wouldn’t answer.
“Well it was nice to meet you kiddo.” Dean gave a chuckle before turning his focus back to his brother. “We gotta go. Work thing came up.”
Catching the unspoken conversation that past between the two men, Anna did her best to put out any thoughts that may have indicated that there was more to it. Things were going well so far and she didn’t want to jeopardize her daughter's relationship with Sam. Confirming a time to meet the next day they left the house, which was now almost unsettlingly quiet. Grace scrabbling out of her mother's arms ran to the front window. Kneeling on the couch leaning forward she pressed her face against the window as the Impala raced off.
As Sam watched his little girl fade from view he was already looking forward to the next day. Determined to spend as much time with Grace and Anna as possible he was already forming a plan to focus on hunting in the immediate area, or perhaps only during the week when Anna was working and Grace was in school. He knew that it wasn’t the best plan seeing as nothing about hunting was that simple however it was a start. He didn’t want to let them down by running off so soon.
“You make any headway today?” Sam asked setting aside the topic for another day.
“Yeah I think I figured it out. Before the school was a public it was a reform school. A few of the students that attended were far from what we might call role models. At one point the students went nuts killed attacked a few kids, a teacher had to step in. It ended bloody.” Dean’s tone was dark.
“So we have a bunch of violent ghosts that like to pick on kids. You have the locations of the graves?” Completely focused now Sam was ready to work.
Tossing a map to his brother Dean was confident that he had resolved the case. “Right here.”
“Then what are we waiting? For let’s get this done.”
Burning the bodies was bittersweet moment for Sam. It meant that the case was over and there should be no more children in the line of danger. No more young kids begging put into the hospital, and of course he had more at stake now, those students were all in Graces class. So it was difficult not to picture Grace in their place. Thankfully it was over now. Of course, this also meant that it was time to move on to the next case, which meant moving to the next city when the time came. Till then He would stick around, Somehow he would have to break the news to Anna and Grace, He had lived his whole life not knowing they existed, but knew with certainty that to leave would now mean leaving his life behind.
When Sam showed up the next day to see Grace. Anna was waiting for him at the door, arms crossed, a scowl on her face. She looked like she was ready to throw punches. A physical barrier between him and the house. Something was very obviously wrong, Sam stopped just before the first step. He met her stone glare with one of confusion and submission. Not wanting to upset her anymore he waited for her to speak.
Uncrossing her arms she pointed at him opening her mouth then closing it again searching for the right words. “You had no right! I told you not to say anything, that it would be too much for her to understand! But no you thought why the hell not.” Bringing her fist to her side she wiped an angry tear from her cheek. “You selfish prick. If it were up to me I would tell you to never come back but it’s up to her now and she wants you to stay.”
“I’m sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about.” He went to take a step forward but stopped when the furry rose again within her.
“The hell you don’t! This morning she came to asking when her father was coming to visit. Thinking she made a mistake I asked what she was talking about. She told me that Nickel told her you were her father. You are going to break her heart.” Bearing holding it together she focused all her hated on him, wishing that she’d never taken the chance at letting him into their lives.
“Who’s Nickel? And I didn’t say anything. I would never tell her that without your Ok. Do you really think I would jeopardize the only good thing in my life?” Realizing he was in delicate position, Sam did his best to defend himself.
“I don’t know if you would or not. But all that matters that she knows, and she wants to see you.” Taking a breath than an exhaling slow to calm herself, Anna Stepped aside. “If you're going be in our lives, you need to know that the last time a man came into our lives she called father she got hurt. He left us both heartbroken, you can’t do that to her. Nickel is her imaginary friend. They do everything together. So if you leave her or break her heart, I will find you and I will hurt you to the point you wish you were dead.”
Swallowing a lump in his throat Sam nodded. Why did he scare her so much? He’d faced so many monsters but this human woman was somehow the most terrifying thing he’s ever encountered. Anna let him pass but not before giving he a few more daggered looks. He would have to choose his words carefully when he broke the news that he had to go back to work.
“Daddy!” Grace practically jumped into his arms. “I’ve got so much to tell you! Nickel told me that you’re a superhero! He’s really cool I’m so happy Nickel likes you.”
The word daddy made his heart jump, his stomach flip. He couldn’t help but feel pride wanting so badly live up to the name. However Sam had had experience with imaginary friends before, Zena, they were relatively innocent creatures, could Nickel be one of them. “Hey kiddo. What else did Nickel tell you?”
“He likes to be called Nick. He told me you and uncle Dean helped his friends. He said you help people and that the reason you couldn’t find me was that you were working.” She chatted away as she drew pictures of what he could only assume was Nickel.
“Well I’m here now and we don’t have to talk about my work.” Sam was chipper but knew he needed to move on from the topic before he got in more trouble with Anna.
“Nick says that you have to go back to work again soon. But I’m not worried, I know you’ll come back and visit me.” Grace wrote her name in large letters across the top of the page. “This is me. This is Nick. Mommy is over here. And you and uncle Dean are over here. It’s for you! So you remember to come back.”
While he knew he had to leave that afternoon it would be all the more difficult now. Taking it he wrapped her in a hug. “Thank you. I’ll keep it with me. Now, how about we go and finish that castle from yesterday.”
Anna watched from a distant, they needed this time together without her. And she needed time alone to think about how she would deal with the aftermath. While Grace was excited now she knew the excitement would come crashing down sooner or later. It would give way to the reality, Sam would run off sooner or later Grace would be heartbroken and Anna would be left to pick up the pieces.
In the kitchen, she could hear the two laughing, Sam's full body deep honest chuckle, Grace’s giggle that could light up the world. Staying in the kitchen she began to wash the dishes turning on the hot water to the point of near intolerance. Scrubbing a dish her mind began to wander her vision wondering over the bubbles watching them pop one by one. The sunlight pouring in through the window over the sink, shimmering off the water reflecting creating a rainbow.
“I knew what I was getting into.” She mumbled to herself.  Grace would have found out sooner or later. This wasn’t a cut and dry situation, it was like any other part of parenting, there were no guidelines here. One step at a time. Thinking back to the other day and how much fun they had all had. Not just Grace and Sam but Anna too. They had hit it off well for the amount of drama and baggage that was being tossed around. Despite everything else she had to hand it to Sam he was doing an amazing job with Grace. Having had some time to reflect it was unfair to blame Sam for Grace finding out when she did. It was just as likely that Anna had said something in her sleep or possibly overheard Anna talking on the phone with Em the other night.
“Mommy!” Grace came in wrapping her arms around Anna’s waist. “Can we go to the playground? I want to show Sa- Daddy how I can do a flip on the monkey bars!”
Anna looked up Sam smiling shyly in the doorway. He was being cautious not to step on Anna’s toes. This was her house, her rules. And more than anything he knew that while he had 50 percent genetic right to Grace that’s all it was, genetic. In the last six years of her life, he had only been part of the last 2 days. It was up to Anna weather he remained in their lives. Only she had the final say.
Biting her lip Anna thought about all the children that had been getting hurt lately on the playground but also considered how it would be unfair to Grace to keep her locked up when it was just a bunch of accidents. “Alright. I’ll pack a lunch and we can have a picnic. Go clean up your toys.”
“Yes!” Grace went running around the corner in a rush to get out and enjoy the sunshine.
Drying off her hands Anna looked to Sam, “I want to apologize for earlier. I realized that I can be a little bit of a momma bear. I just don’t want her to get hurt.”
“It’s not a problem. You were just trying to protect her,” Rubbing the back of his neck contemplated a thought before gaining enough courage to speak up. “Listen, I don’t mean to sound like I am overstepping boundaries here, but I am her father. It’s my job to protect her too, to be there for her, and you are going to have to let me do that.”
To Anna’s surprise, she relaxed. In the past, she had her sister to rely on but it wasn’t the same thing as having someone completely committed to Grace. Sam was here putting himself on the line, he was doing the best that he could. “Alright. But I meant it when I said you hurt her your dead.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything different.” Sam smiled as they made their way out to the car.
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cubedcoffeecake · 8 years
Guilty as Charged
Months. It had been mere months since the psychotic “god” Loki had attacked New York, and the Avengers had become worldwide heroes. Worldwide heroes by defeating the army of Chitauri and disposing of their leader.
“Disposing” of Loki hadn’t been pretty. When they found him lying in a crater in the Tower, he had already been mercilessly beaten by the Hulk. But the Avengers had all agreed: he needed to die.
Clint was kind enough to awaken the would-be-king before repeating on Loki what had been done to the man in Stuttgart. After that, Thor informed his companions that even near-immortals couldn’t live without their head.
Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Thor and Steve had all ignored the twist of guilt they felt as they watched Loki be killed, and continued to ignore it even now, as the city was being steadily rebuilt and their lives were relatively peaceful. No one was able to tell if Clint regretted it or not.
They all stayed together in Stark Tower, which Tony had reluctantly renamed Avenger’s Tower. Steve was slowly adjusting to the future’s culture; Thor was learning the ways of Midgard; Tony, Natasha and Clint were learning how to work with others better; and Bruce was beginning to see himself as a man, and not a monster.
Several holidays had come and gone since the battle, but none of them had caused Tony to be this excited. He had been talking about the wonderful fun of “Halloween” for weeks. In fact, he seemed incapable of shutting up about it.
“You’ve never bobbed for apples?!” he said to Thor in absolute horror. “We are totally bobbing for apples at my Halloween party.”
“What do you mean you’ve never dressed up for Halloween?” he asked Natasha. Before she could reply, he continued, “I’m going to make sure you have a totally amazing costume. You know what? I’m gonna make sure that you all have totally amazing costumes.”
When October 31st finally arrived, the other five Avengers were quite near dreading it. Costumes, candy, and an enormous Stark party…. Yes, this event appealed only to Tony—and, to an extent, to Thor. He thought it would be relatively like the feasts held for holidays on Asgard, and was almost looking forward to it. Plus, Tony had assured him there would be plenty of Poptarts. Poptarts made everything awesome.
Tony had somehow managed to drag Natasha into a very form-fitting catsuit and ears—she was apparently catwoman. Clint was, to his horror and everyone else’s amusement, Legolas from The Lord of the Rings. Bruce and Steve had dressed themselves as a scientist and a marine respectively. “You—you murderers of holiday spirit!” Tony had been less than pleased. Tony was a pirate. Well, he insisted he had dressed up as Nick Fury, but the others ignored him. Thor was wearing a Captain America show-suit from the 40s, and looked downright creepy.
The party had all of the traditional games: pumpkin carving, bobbing for apples, etc. The Avengers had all been enjoying themselves for several hours, despite several members’ adamant pleas earlier that day to not be required to come.
It wasn’t until about 11:00pm that anything noteworthy happened.
“Do you have anything here to eat that isn’t 100% sugar?” Clint asked—okay, he was pretty much yelling—Tony.
“Nope! It’s Halloween! The Day of Candy! Don’t be a dud and eat normal people food!” Tony exclaimed loudly. “I’m not even having any alcohol! If I can live without that for a night, you can live without potato chips.”
“Um, newsflash; alcohol isn’t potato chips,” Clint said, walking off. “I’m gonna go grab my sustenance. Be back in a few minutes.”
“DUD!” Tony called after him, glaring. Steve snickered, and Natasha shook her head.
“Steve? Would you mind going to get some actual food?” she asked him. “Clint won’t share his potato chips, I assure you, and that’s not really even real food either.”
“Sure thing,” Steve agreed. “How about sandwiches? I think I saw some sliced chicken in the kitchen this morning.”
“Sounds great.”
“Would you get me one too?” Bruce chimed in. “I’m pretty hungry, and getting the Other Guy on a sugar rush sounds like a really bad idea.”
“DUDS! You are all DUDS!” Tony whined. “At least Thor’s with me. Right, Thor?”
“Of course, Friend Anthony! What more does one need than Poptarts and candy?”
“Thank you.”
Natasha and Bruce shook their heads. They were beginning to talk about the team’s latest mission when Steve burst into the room, white as a sheet. “You—you guys need to see this. Now.”
Everyone else glanced at one another for a moment, eyes widening, before they jumped up to follow him, Thor and Tony knocking over the chairs they had been sitting in in the process.
Steve led them through the Tower to the kitchen. At first, everyone was confused… Then, they saw the door to the pantry. Written in green across the door in an elegant scrawl was written:
Have you missed me?
The others stood staring, the blood drained from their faces. “Loki,” Thor whispered. “Loki.” His voice cracked the second time. Whether it was from horror or grief was undiscernible.
“He—he took Clint,” Tony said quietly, still in shock.
“How?” Natasha demanded. “He’s dead! There is no such thing as ghosts, and this isn’t a horror movie! And—and it’s Clint! He would’ve fought! There would be evidence! This—this is just Clint’s messed up revenge on Tony for making him go to the party. He’s lying in some air vent somewhere laughing at us.” She sounded so confident, so certain, that the other Avengers nodded and started back to the main room, laughing weakly at themselves for having fallen for such an obvious trick.
They re-started the festivities, resuming the games and quietly eating candy. Everything was rather half-hearted compared to before, and they were all anxiously waiting for Clint to drop out of the air vent and laugh at their overreactions, but they weren’t freaking out.
After an agonizing half hour, Bruce received a phone call.
“Really, Brucie? I don’t think I’ve ever even seen you with a phone, but you manage to get a call during my party!” Tony teased. Bruce laughed slightly.
“It’s just an old colleague I haven’t spoken to in ages. I’ll step outside for a minute and take it in the hallway.” The others nodded and went back to their game of bobbing for apples. The apples had been painted in butter, and were nearly impossible to get ahold of. Even Natasha was having trouble, and she was the queen of bobbing for apples.
Just as Thor managed to grab an apple, the four Avengers heard a crashing sound come from the hallway. With a sinking feeling of terror, they dashed out the door, praying Bruce had simply dropped his phone by accident…
When they got there, they found a cracked phone on the floor and a message on the wall.
Do please apologize to the doctor’s friend for my interrupting their conversation.
“This is a bit much, Clint. And really, Bruce. I’m ashamed. I never thought you, of all people, would encourage this,” Natasha said. The slight waver in her voice betrayed her confidence.
“He wouldn’t,” Steve murmured. Louder, he continued, “Something is going on here. I’m going to go search the Tower for the two of them. JARVIS? Where are Clint and Bruce?”
The others scolded themselves for not having thought of that earlier. “I apologize, Mister Rogers, but I do not know where Agent Barton and Doctor Banner are. The video recordings blurred when they vanished, and I am unable to locate them.”
“Well then,” Tony said hesitantly, “they must be here somewhere. JARVIS would have detected them leaving. Every door and window to outside is monitored.” The other three nodded, still shaken.
“I’ll take Natasha to check the lower—50 something floors,” Steve said. “Tony, Thor, you two take the upper half. Does everybody have their cellphones?” Everyone nodded. “Good. If you find them, call the other group. Understood?”
He received mumbled affirmations from everyone. Tony bit back a snarky comment about the army-like way Steve had given the “orders,” and gestured to Thor to follow him. Natasha and Steve took the elevator down to the ground floor, while Thor and Tony began their search in the kitchen.
The first thing the two men noticed upon entering was that the message on the pantry door was gone. They glanced at each other uneasily before beginning to look around. Thor called Clint’s name into the air vents, while Tony looked inside the cabinets. Yes, he seriously thought that Clint might be hiding in a cabinet.
Neither of them found anything, so they looked into all of the closets on the level before moving up to the next floor. Thor’s nervousness was terrifying Tony; if the god of thunder was scared, who in the world wouldn’t be?
About three empty floors later, Tony’s call started ringing. “Thank heavens, they found them!” Tony exclaimed in relief as smiles broke out on both his and Thor’s faces. “I’m going to kick those two jokers out of the Tower for this! I was getting seriously freaked out!”
Thor was agreeing with him as Tony pulled out his phone, answered the call and put it on speaker. Before he even had a chance to greet Natasha, she started frantically whispering across the line.
“Tony! Thank heaven you’re still there. Is Thor still there?” she asked, rapid fire.
“Uh, yeah, we’re both still here…” A feeling of dread was building up in Tony. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Steve’s gone.” The news hit both Thor and Tony hard. Their eyes widened, and Tony was about to start drilling her with questions, but she kept talking. “We were in one of the storage rooms on floor 14. I turned my back for less than a minute, and when I looked back, he was gone, and there was a message saying
You will not find them.
The message was written on the crate he had been standing by. Guys, he was there and then he just wasn’t. No noise, no fight, absolutely nothing. I’m on the elevator headed up to—what floor are you on?”
“We—we’re on 74. Natasha—"
“Ok. I should be there in a moment. Tony, something is wrong. This isn’t just a joke.”
She hung up on them after that last comment, leaving a thoroughly terrified Thor and Tony running to the elevator to meet her.
They got there just as the elevator dinged. As the doors opened, Thor said, “Lady Natasha! Thank Valhalla that you…” He stood next to Tony staring in complete horror at the empty elevator and green message.
Admirable attempt.
“No! Perhaps—they must simply be hiding! We must have nearly found Friends Barton and Banner, and they are trying to distract us!”
“Natasha? Steve? Bruce? They would never agree to something like this!”
“Friend Stark—we must at least look.” Thor’s normally booming voice had been gradually quieting all evening, but now, it was practically a whisper.
Tony’s shoulders slumped. “Yeah… We gotta at least try,” he agreed.
Reluctantly, the two remaining Avengers got on the elevator and went down to the ground floor, slowly searching every floor for any sign of their fellow team members—of their friends.
It was 3:00am by the time they were done. They hadn’t let the other out of their line of sight during the entire search. While neither Thor nor Tony had disappeared, the messages had. There wasn’t a trace of anything having happened to the four, besides Bruce’s cracked phone.
The two had tried calling Clint, Steve, and Natasha’s phones, but none of them even rang. The phones were probably destroyed.
By the time they had given up their search and returned to the room the party had been in, Tony was beyond ready for a strong drink.
“Hey, Thor. Want some scotch…” Tony turned around with the bottle of alcohol he had picked up to face his companion—to find that he had no companion.
Glass shattered across the floor as Tony caught sight of the nearest wall and dropped the bottle.
Looks like you are the only one remaining. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Thor gasped as the wind was knocked out of him. He looked up and felt his blood run cold. He was no longer standing in Avenger Tower with Tony. The land around him was dark, and appeared to be dry and rocky. There wasn’t a plant or living creature to be seen, no matter what direction he turned. He could hear the wind hoarsely moan as it swept over the desolate landscape, but other than that, there was nothing.
Nothing, that is, until he looked up.
The sky was alive in a way Thor had never seen—not even in Asgard. Entrancing multi-color nebulas spun above his head, accompanied by comets swiftly flying closer to the ground than he had ever imagined. They seemed to fly less than a mile above him. There were millions upon billions of stars, all shining brighter than the brightest ones visible in Midgard. The sky was as alive as the land was dead.
“Beautiful, don’t you think?”
Thor’s heart stopped. Slowly, he turned around to look at the all-too-familiar bearer of the voice. Only, he didn’t look familiar at all. He looked nothing like Thor remembered him in any of his memories, happy or not. Then again, he was dead.
“Are you not happy to see me, brother?” The way he lowered his voice to an icy whisper on the word brother sent chills down Thor’s spine.
Loki was barely visible, and by no means corporeal. He wore his Jotunn skin. Thor had never seen his brother’s true form. Dark cobalt skin decorated with tribal markings, long black hair, and a smirk that chilled him to the bone. The worst of it was how Loki’s form was transparent and flickered.
“Not quite what it used to be, is it?” Loki asked tauntingly, following Thor’s gaze and looking at his flickering form. “Enough to do the job, though.”
Those words didn’t help calm Thor’s panic at all. Then again, they probably weren’t meant to. “Br—brother… What is going on? What…?” He didn’t understand. Loki was dead. He had killed him. Taken off his head.
His smirk grew as Loki guessed from Thor’s expression—confusion and horror mixed with repressed guilt—what he was thinking about. “How can I be here? Living? If you actually call this form living. I cannot even touch you. Ah, but I should not even be able to haunt you, should I? No, not since you watched as Barton… “removed” my eye. No, not since you took my head from my shoulders as I screamed and begged you to stop. No, I should not be able to be here. I am no longer your problem, am I?” he questioned, his manic smirk growing.
“N—no! Loki, I—“
“But that is all in the past now, is it not?” Loki continued, cutting Thor off. “Now, it is my turn.”
“Loki! What is this?!” Thor exclaimed. Confusion was quickly giving way to terror. He was defenseless, in some strange, very uninviting land, with what appeared to be the ghost of his little brother, whom he had killed. “How are you doing this? Why?” he cried.
Laughing, Loki replied, “You never did understand me, did you?” He began to slowly circle Thor. “Surely you cannot have forgotten you own niece.” He had. “My precious girl, whom the All-Father banished to Helheim. Well, she did quite well there, you see. Took over the entire Realm and became queen, in fact. Queen of the dead. Well, she did her very best to make me feel welcome when you sent me there. Even told me about this remarkable holiday. All Hallow’s Eve, the mortals used to call it. A day when the border between the Realm of the living and the dead was so weak, spirits could go back to their old homes and haunt any who had wronged them. Few do it anymore, but I thought it a beautiful opportunity to ensure that you never forget about the “brother” you murdered. May you hold on to your guilt for eternity, you forað!” he yelled, disappearing into a mist.
Thor stood, shaking in fear, shock, and guilt, for what could have been seconds or hours. There was no way of telling in this… place.
Tears welled up in his eyes, but Thor refused to allow them to spill. He took a deep breath, squeezed his eyes to clear the tears, and began to walk. He didn’t know where to go, but he needed to go somewhere.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had been this scared. He doubted that he would be able to use his fists to get out of this, but his fists were all he had. Not only that; Loki’s words haunted him. “No, not since you took my head from my shoulders as I screamed and begged you to stop.” “…haunt any who had wronged them.” “…to ensure that you never forget about the “brother” you murdered.” “…hold on to your guilt for eternity, you forað!”
It felt like he had been traversing this barren wasteland for days, but Thor doubted it had been much more than an hour, if that. He still had not seen any sign of life here besides himself, and he was beginning to feel a gnawing loneliness. Lonely. Like Loki had always claimed to be.
Thor roared in frustration. Every thought he had was somehow twisted to involve Loki. He felt cold; Loki learning he was a Frost Giant had started all this. The blue nebulas visible when he looked up to the kaleidoscope that was the sky led to similar thoughts. Dead trees reminded him of the people Loki had killed in New York. The rocks on which he walked were nearly identical to the dreary landscape of the shore on which Loki’s meager funeral had been held. It was a never-ending cycle that he thought might drive him mad.
To his immense relief, a sound suddenly reached Thor’s ears across the wilderness. “Thor!” He stilled, straining to hear the voice again over the soft moaning of the wind. “Thor! Can you hear me? It’s Steve!” Relief flooded over him. He hadn’t thought about his friends until now, so preoccupied was he in thinking about his… “conversation” with Loki, but now he was incredibly relieved to realize that they were not only alive, but were here with him.
Horrible images of his friends meeting their ends on this forsaken rock came crashing into his mind, but he shoved them aside, focusing instead on the fact that he was no longer by himself. “Steve! Friend Steve!” he bellowed, shouting significantly louder than Steve had been. Thor squinted in the direction he thought he had heard Steve’s voice come from, and saw three wraithlike figures moving quickly toward him.
His first reaction to the sight was to step back and prepare to defend himself against foes, but he ceased his instinctual action, realizing, on closer inspection, that the figures were very clearly Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, and Bruce Banner. The land, he thought, must be wicked through and through, to the extent of disturbing one’s mind to find problems where there are none. That idea did little to dampen his spirits, however, as he began to run toward his fellow Avengers as fast as he could. He was significantly faster than all three of them—he was struck with the memory of how Loki could always beat him in a footrace—, and they quickly crossed the difference between one another.
“Thor! Thank goodness! We were so worried! Are you all right?” Steve asked, only a slight bit out of breath from the run.
“Yes, I am—quite shaken, but all right.”
Steve winced, as if, for a moment, he had forgotten about why they were all there in the first place.
“Did Loki—“talk” to you, too?” Clint asked, coming up behind Steve, a bit out of breath, but still able to speak.
“Yes. He—he had quite a bit to say.” Thor’s gaze dropped to the ground, and both of the other Avengers understood the words he hadn’t said: That Loki had had a lot of blame to place; to correctly place.
“Y-yeah,” Bruce panted, coming up behind Steve and Clint as they turned to look at him, “I guess we were all guilty as he charged us-s.” The others nodded grimly. Even Clint looked haunted by whatever Loki had said to him. None of them asked, though; there was a silent agreement between the four that their conversations with Loki were a taboo topic.
They all stood in silence for a few minutes—or was it hours?—before Thor spoke up once more. “How did you find one another? I have been wandering alone for quite some time.”
“We just kinda happened upon each other, I guess,” Bruce replied. “I was wandering around, trying not to panic and Hulk out, and Steve and Clint found me.”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “I found Clint pretty much right away. I headed toward the nearest landmark I could see—this enormous tree—and Clint had already climbed it and was creepily staring at me when I noticed him.”
Thor smiled half-heartedly at Clint’s attempt at mock indignation, before commenting, “Do you think the others are here?”
Steve frowned. “Aren’t Natasha and Tony at the Tower?”
“No. Lady Natasha disappeared on her way to meet Anthony and me,” Thor informed them. “We then searched the entirety of the Tower for you, but you were gone. As were the messages. It unnerved us greatly.”
The others nodded. “They told me about the messages,” Clint murmured.
Thor sighed. “Yes. Loki has always had a way with dramatics. As for Anthony, I think it is safe to assume that Loki has brought him to this strange land, as well.”
After a few more moments of tense silence, Steve suggested they continue searching for their friends, and the others agreed.
Natasha was discovered fighting terrified tears some short time later. Clint held her for a few awkward minutes, before she calmed down enough for them to continue. Loki had clearly known exactly where to strike. Though she continued to cling to Clint, she soon recovered.
It was a very, very long, silent trek later that they found Tony, curled in on himself at the base of a rock protruding from the landscape. Whether Loki had found a sensitive spot, or Tony just hadn’t recovered from his mental prodding yet, they couldn’t tell. He quickly managed to pull himself together enough to tease Natasha about when her and Clint’s wedding would be, so the others decided he was good enough to move on. To where, though, no one had the slightest idea.
As they passed a tree a little while later, Tony commented in a bored tone, “We’ve passed that tree before.” He then began to say that about every tree or other landmark they passed, until the others were about ready to abandon him.
Just as he began to speak up again, Bruce exclaimed, “Look!” He pointed a bit to the west of a nearby tree… and the others froze when they saw what he was gesturing to.
It looked like a doorway, opening right in the center of the dead landscape. The soft, warm golden glow that shone through it was a sharp contrast to the bright vibrant lights of the sky above them.
“Is—is that—?” Steve stuttered, his eyes adjusting more quickly than the others’.
“That looks like a doorway crossed with a magic portal,” Tony observed. “I wanna go through it.”
Clint rolled his eyes, and was about to snap at Tony for being ridiculous at a time like this… But Tony was actually walking toward the doorway. The others quickly yelled for him to stop, and ran after him when he ignored them.
The closer Tony got to the doorway, the more it looked like you could see the skyline of New York through it. The image was so clear and sharp, though, he could barely look at it long enough to tell.
After a few moments, Tony reached the doorway and walked through it, the others following in their attempts to stop him. One moment, they were in the starry wasteland, and the next, with seemingly no transition, they were all standing on the roof of the Tower.
Natasha instantly spun around, and saw the doorway, clearly showing the land they had just left. The others slowly turned around too, and were left speechless at the sight of it.
As the first rays of morning light rose over the city, the doorway faded out of existence, and the Avengers were left standing on the roof of Avengers Tower, as if nothing had happened.
“I… that… Guys, please tell me that was not just the creepiest, most scarring nightmare of my life. That really happened - right?”
“Y- yes, Friend Stark, everything you believe happened truly happened,” Thor replied.
After a few more minutes of dumbstruck silence, Steve sprinted across the roof to the door leading inside, and the others followed. They ran to the elevator, and took it down to the level the party had taken place on, ignoring JARVIS’ questions about their wellbeing, and found the room to be void of any sign of the party that had taken place the night before.
The only thing the Avengers saw out of the ordinary was an all-too-familiar shade that was smirking at them from the corner, before it faded away.
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