#there’s some…. near direct quotes…. and a ghost girl named Alice….
juniperhillpatient · 3 months
realizing increasingly anyone who has seen lake mungo & ends up reading my wip is gonna be like. 👁️👁️ rose. girl.
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emmavoid · 3 years
In which I go back over episodes 1-5 of Serial Experiments Lain in order to collect my thoughts on them before continuing on to a liveblog proper!
(this was done at butt-o-clock in the morning don't @ me for rambling/misspelling/etc)
Episode 1-
Lain’s shadow, and the shadows near her house, have an intensely weird pattern to them- like there's something hiding deeper within those shadows than any other shadows
The focus on humming powerlines, Lain’s asking them to be quiet- something/someone is trying to communicate with her, even this early on
The steam that comes from Lain’s fingers- at first I thought it was an intense imagination, but it felt similar to the steam coming from her computer in later episodes- another early sign that she’s already in the Wired
“Why did you die?” “God is here.” the first mention of god in the show
As a whole Lain’s family seems off; her parents weirdly robotic, inhuman- almost monstrous in their appearances, and her sister distant; lain did not know them well, and so these simulations of them suffer
When another student dies by jumping in front of the transit train, lain has a strange experience of “viewing” the student’s death while surrounded by fog. I originally thought this was more of her powerful imagination, but having since connected the “fog” or steam to computers, i think this was her simulating the event over again in an attempt to cope with her very human feelings
“Come to the Wired as soon as you can.” More communications from “the universe” to Lain
Episode 2-
the night scene at the beginning of each episode has been, mostly, a repetition of itself, with more communications; however, with Lain not present for most of them, who are they directed towards?
The girl in the nightclub Cyberia- looking at her again on a re-view, she does seem similar to Lain, but wears earrings- something I’ve noticed the “digital” Lain in the opening has that differentiates her from the more innocent, child-like, human Lain.
The explanation of Accel cuts to Lain in class- with the camera specifically focusing on her ear. It seems as if, throughout the show, she’s learning certain information without seeking it out.
The first appearance of the digital ghosts, like what would become of the “fake” version of Lain’s sister in a later episode, plus the figure she “imagined” after the train slow-down.
The man with the gun high on Accel- a test for human-Lain? She freezes, drawing his ire, but when he recognizes her as the Other Lain and points his gun at her, she speaks in a different voice- possibly the Other Lain’s? Possibly… a God-Lain’s voice. The man kills himself as if controlled by an outside force, and Lain appears shocked. I think that God-Lain- the one who has been communicating with Lain all this time- took over to ensure that Lain’s failure of this test wouldn’t lead to her death (or possibly, to interrupting her growth and forcing some kind of reset?)
Episode 3-
After the events of last episode, Lain is shaken- she can barely respond to Arisu. When she returns home, her family is nowhere to be seen- possibly because them existing during all of what happened would be detrimental to her growth? But when she falls asleep at her computer then checks on her family again… their presence or absence isn’t shown.
Another case of information about something strange- this time the Psyche- with a focus on Lain’s ear; again, picking up some kind of information.
“We saw someone die right in front of us yesterday, but we’re acting like it’s something we saw in a movie.” lain's friends are the most fleshed out "people" in the simulation because she knew them the best- and that's why none of them could react properly to the murder in that club, because Lain had never experienced what their reactions would really be like to something traumatic like that.
Lain’s Psyche shows up in her locker- perhaps put there by God-Lain?
The first mention of The Knights, who may have created the Psyche. Are they possibly a front for God-Lain?
Lain’s father attempts to leave immediately when she shows him the Psyche- further evidence that he can only react how he’s “programmed” to? The guy in the club who recognizes Lain- God-Lain has definitely been visiting here regularly.
“I saw you once, in the Wired. You were totally different.” God-Lain doesn’t seem to mind folks knowing about her. Is she leaving hints towards her existence for Lain on purpose?
Lain’s sister is definitely more fleshed out than her parents- when the Agents at the door try to tell her to ignore them she seems properly weirded out
Episode 4-
The origin of my connecting steam/fog to computing power- lain has a fan set up to directly cool part of her computer, releasing steam/condensation
Lain’s parents continue to have strange, robotic responses, but her sister seems genuinely concerned for her.
The main “plot” of this episode- the crossing over of the two net games- seems mostly unrelated to Lain? But it does seem to be causing suicides and murders, showing direct interaction between the Wired and the “real” world
I love the speed with which Lain is acclimating to computers and the Wired- contacting a professional for assistance with the Psyche is a great detail
The more adult-seeming Lain- so, possibly, God-Lain- appears to ask the DJ at the club about the game. But, she’s not there when he looks, and after that scene Lain has suddenly learned about and downloaded the game in question. Was it maybe Human-Lain tapping into her latent god powers to learn this information from him?
A Lain travels through the net game, and seems to try to contact a fleeing player. “I can’t go where you are.” The voice sounds much more like Human-Lain? Then the player encounters a child and kills her- seemingly in-game, but then one or more corpses can be seen wrapped in sheets afterwards as Lain watches. Highly unlikely that this guy had a real gun IRL- especially in Japan- so this seems to be more Wired/IRL fuckery.
“My buddies and I think this might be the work of the Knights too.” A point against my theory of the Knights being God-Lain?
“I’ll be able to enter it soon. … Don’t worry, I’m still me.” “Sometimes, I wonder…” Yeah, there’s no way this is a real reaction her real father would have.
“The Knights do not physically exist. They can be thought of as a religion that is spreading through the Wired.” And then this quote feels like another point towards my God-Lain theory!
the two men who were spying on lain... I think might've been actual outside agents given representation so that human-Lain would have the chance to deal with them- which, she did, by tapping into her god-powers to destroy their spy-glasses (which, when she did, caused her computer's fans to go into overdrive to keep it cooled)
Episode 5-
Lain hears directly from a being calling itself God, before the episode jumps to focusing on her sister for most of the episode.
This episode felt like it was jossing my theory- how could this whole reality be for Lain’s benefit if her sister was experiencing strange stuff?
“There is nothing that you don’t know. I can’t tell you a story that doesn’t exist.” On some level, Lain is both God-Lain and Human-Lain. These conversations with the doll, the mask, then fakes of her parents throughout the episode, seem to be more of Lain learning without personally experiencing- being fed information by her other self.
“The other side is overcrowded. The dead will have nowhere to go.” Isn’t this straight up a quote from one of the Romero zombie flicks?
All the talk of prophecy and “fulfill the prophecy”... Lain seems to be on a set path towards entering the Wired, which is part of why it seems like this is just her reliving an approximation of something that already happened.
A connection between the Knights and The Prophecy. The fake of Lain’s sister isn’t the only one to encounter word of the prophecy, since we hear about it from Lain’s friends as well
Hmm… I hadn’t thought of it before, but, mayhaps the fake of Lain’s sister doesn’t show until the strange holo-effects of her water at dinner? None of the really weird stuff happens to her until after… maybe this was a copy of her then, made during that moment before being pushed into this prophecy-horror scenario?
The Lain’s Sister who enters the house crying then sees herself disappears- or, it seems she does, until Lain sees a digital ghost of her, like she had previously seen in the school… after seeming to see this other self of hers, the real Lain’s sister seems… robotic and nonchalant. Was she a full, real person before this happened?
Theory Overall thus far-
my theory thus far is that lain's already living in the wired, and is, in fact, a god there- she is both Lain and The Knights; but, the more human part of her, Lain, is reliving her pre-wired memories with slight alterations in order to help her get to the point where she can accept her godhood.
the opening of the show ties into my theory too- that god-Lain (portrayed in the intro with earrings) is spread throughout the world, controlling everything, while human-Lain (in her much more childish outfit) is just experiencing and trying to understand the world
Things that were pointed out to me-
Arisu’s name is a romanization of Alice (referencing Alice in Wonderland)
Be inc and Copland being old computer companies
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Thoughts/Background Prisoner of Azkaban
First all, let me state that without Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban that we would not have had a franchise. We would have had three movies then done. One hundred percent. This movie changed everything from the sharpness that was lacking in the first two, to the creative that stayed pretty true throughout the rest of the series. This made it less wholesome and sweet like One and Two, and channeled just everything into a solid direction that was edgy and new.
No magic outside of school. No wonder the ministry is watching his ass.
I’ve heard that this scene is supposed to represent Harry masturbating, and if that is true, then we sure have gone in a new direction.
No wonder he can’t sleep Vernon, you keep busting into his room every night.
The first two movies, I felt like Harry was rather young looking, but in this one, Harry and all of the others really grow up, and may I say, “Glowed up” as well.
Just look at the sharpness and clarity in this movie. It was filmed wwith a different camera entirely.
Marge is a bitch. I hate her guts. Umbridge is the number one villain, then her, then Voldemort.
Harry thinks he wins, and then he can spell some shit about to pop off.
And since Harry is a Gryffindor, he cannot keep his mouth shut when this horrible woman is insulting his parents.
And Harry has probably heard even at school that his mother just because of her blood wasn’t as good as anyone else, and to have that compounded when this horrible turnip comes to stay was probably way too much for him.
Dudley couldn’t care less. Petunia is very concerned that this is going to ruin her dinner.
See how Harry runs!!! He’s like, “Time to go.”
I love that we get this shot of Lily and James dancing in nearly every movie.
Try me, bitch.
Marge is floating away into the night sky. I would hate to be the person who had to fly up and get her down to be obliviated.
It looks like he is near a park, is the park that is adjacent to the one that Harry is in at the beginning of Ootp?
Stan is amazing. He just states the obvious in the funniest of ways. If there wasn’t such an age difference with the suspected death eater activity, him and Luna would have been cute.
What does that red sign say above Stan’s head on the bus? It looks like it says, Black Pepper Impi???? I’m sure about the Black Pepper, but I’m not sure about the last or the first word.
Stan says the most iconic thing her, “Don’t you tell me that you’ve never been hearin’ of Sirius Black.” Stan’s incredulity is amazing here because every knows about Sirius. And everyone should, dang beautiful man.
Tom sure transformed for this movie.
I love that he would have a car out front. You could activate the alarm to keep Muggles who got to close to run off.
It looks like that quill is dictating what the minister is saying. He is most likely making a formal decree as he is telling Harry that everything is all well and good and he is getting off with a little slap on the wrist.
Sirius Black. This is one of the best names in literature. It is just perfect. It could be corny and ordinary but it is perfect.
I love that from the windows of the Leaky you can see both Diagon and also the Muggle world. It is a nice meeting point.
You know the shopkeeper was selling what, a hundred of these monster books, and no one thought to tell any of them how to open them without getting ripped up?
I love all the details in this movie. The guy stirring his drink with his hand, the maid here. I love it all. This movie is very detailed oriented.
The only known shot of who is probably the hottest Weasley brother, if not figuratively then definitely literally.
There is art on the walls of the Leaky, but none of them seem to be moving.
The person in the background is carring like 70 plates as they wobble above their head.
The tea is pouring itself.
Let me just tell you that perhaps you may actually get murdered this year, but no big deal, just keep your nose down. This seems to be such a British sort of thing, like keep your head down, and nothing bad will happen.
I hate those wanted posters because they look like they were taken upon intake, and Sirius has just lost everything, and the loss and angry and desperation portrayed here really messes me up. Like I know that they aren’t real people, but dang, those emotions are real.
Percy in the background here. I never noticed him before.
They all look so grown up. My gosh.
You can always count on Ron to tell the truth.
That bottle of water right there by Lupin’s head. I take it two ways. One, that’s legit all Lupin could probably afford on this trip. And two, it would be a good way for him to keep his face hidden, but see inside of it to see whose reflections are present so he can know who took the compartment with him. I also headcanon, that this is after a full moon night which is why he is a bit lethargic.
The reason that Harry passed out, and no others did was because the dementors were feeding off of him. They took at least three pulls from Harry, but not anyone else.
If you have any questions about whether Hogwarts curriculum is up to snuff just look at any movie. These kids should get a crash course in all the crap that could kill them immediately so that they are aware. I wonder what the accidental death rate is at Hogwarts?
The chorus!!! I know that this was an add in from the director, but I love it, and it should remain canon. I also like they copied it, though with a more nefarious sound during Half Blood Prince.
“Something wicked this way comes!”
Snape claps like three times.
Why would they seat him next to Snape in the first place? Dumbledore is a shit stirrer, and completely planned that.
Draco is a punk bitch. But at this point, you can just see that it is teasing more than anything nefarious. He’s a little bully.
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light. This is one of the most iconic quotes of the series.
Everyone is watching the Fat Lady perform. I love that they brought her to life more, but kept that sassy attitude.
This scene is pure gold. It brought a lot of needed MAGIC to this movie about magic.
I love that Hogwarts is this super prestigious campus with bridges and fountains.
The way that the Womping Wilow is used to portray time is amazing.
She has all of the tea cups stacked behind her. Are those from an earlier class that need to be washed?
This whole film was shot using VIVID from Iphone.
Everyone behind her just leans into see what new stuff Harry Potter is going to get up to this year.
Ron, get some glasses, that clearly looks like a fucking dog. Dang.
Ron is keeping track of his girl. It took them too long to get together.
I don’t care what anyone says about Hagrid as a teacher this lesson was amazing.
Some things are just so second nature to Hagrid. It is proof that different types of intelligence are ral.
When your friends are that choreographed to mock your enemies, like that is some commitment. I stan the Slytherins a bit for this.
In the books, Harry actually steps up for Hagrid instead of being volunteered by everyone else.
Drapple, part one.
That girl behind Ron and Hermione looks to be about twenty seven years old. Someone got into Hogwarts from this reality, and I am pissed that it wasn’t me.
Just the scope and grandeur of Hogwarts, and the grounds really just gets me.
Malfoy is such a whiner. But I assume that he isn’t quite used to pain, any pain really.
The ghosts, also, in this movie are way more dynamic then the ghosts in the previous films.
You really get a sense, a subtle one, of blossoming emotions between members of the opposite sex.
I never noticed that there are hands holding Sirius for this mug shot. It looks to be at least two people that are physically restraining him for this shot.
Lupin calls on Neville of all people, and I am obsessed with him forever because of this. It is popular fanon that the Marauders knew Frank and Alice. It would make sense that Lupin had heard something about Neville from the rest of the teachers, and decided to help bolster this child of his friends.
That image is seared into Neville’s mind.
Can a boggart touch people? I made a headcanon about that, but it would be nice to see what you all think.
I would have really liked to have sseen Hermione’s boggart. I know that the boggart scene in Fantastic Beasts left a few people underwhelmed, but I wonder if Hermione’s would have been just as tame.
McGonagall is authoritative. The perfect teacher balance.
I wonder how hard it was for Remus to stand on this bridge with Harry. I wonder what instance he is talking about here. Lily was there for him when no one else was? When? What instance? This is why we need more information about the Marauders era, and why I did a thing. If you want the thing, message me.
Is it weird that I’m a bit thirsty for head boy Percy’s voice?
She said the same thing to Sirius when he was a student. “Eyes like the devil.” But she probably didn’t mind as much then. We all know Sirius is smoking hot. Have you seen that Tumblr posts where Harry Potter series is ranked based on how attractive Sirius is described?
This might be the most beautiful that the ceiling of the Great Hall gets.
Snape knows how to assert dominance even as a substitute.
That projector is amazing looking.
I love that their school books in DADA are separated by creatures who sleep at night verses the day.
Malfoy isn’t even using that sling.
Hogwart’s professors do not give extra time on assignments okay, unless you are litearlly dead. If Harry had rolled up in there as a ghost, Snape would still be like, “Where is my essay?”
Is that supposed to be Cedric?
Why is Harry actually seeing the Grim though? Who is sending him these signs? How? Why?
That was a long way to fall.
We only see Dumbledore use his wand on a handful of occasions. Harry, the boy who will save them all, is literally falling out of the sky, and he still doesn’t use it.
You can see the Hufflepuffs in the background. I wonder who they were visiting. Madam Pomfrey probably can’t go one match without having a room full of patients afterward.
Fred Weasley looking fine.
The music here is amazing and soothing.
I imagine that kids swim out to that little island all the time during the warmer months.
Another reason Harry is not in Ravenclaw: It took him at least three Hogsmeade weekends to figure out that he could use his cloak to get there unseen.
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs = My boys
I love when Fred and George speak in unison.
It looks like they make their own candy at the bottom of the shop.
Harry just took Neville’s lollipop though he can’t eat it as he walks down the street because it is on the outside of the cloak.
Hermione who grew up in the Muggle world instantly knows that it is Harry. Ron, who grew up in the wizarding world legit thought that it could have been ghosts from the Shrieking Shack.
Harry is someone who values loyalty above all else. It is why he eventually stands up for Neville and Luna because they were there for him at one point in time. To know that Sirius, the person who was his father’s best friend betrayed him is something that would have made Harry feel physically ill. It would be something that he wouldn’t entirely be able to process, and as a teenage boy, his feelings resulted in this show of anger and frustration.
Everything in this movie is visually stunning, and really sets the tone for the other films.
I wonder what Remus is thinking about in this situation. Is he wondering just why Harry doesn’t have many memories that he can draw on? Is he wondering what his life has been like? What his life would have been like if Lily and James had lived and thinking that he would have had all the happy memories in the world if they had?
You can see the instruments tracking the heavenly patterns.
So, does a Boggart take on all of the traits that the creature it is mimicking? If it takes the shape of a lethifold can it kill you? If it takes the shape of a dementor can it suck out your soul for real? What are the limitations?
And a train set? Does Remus have a thing for trains?
I wish that we would have got some more emotion here from Remus. Harry is giving all of himself here, and Remus is just quietly taking it all in.
Crookshanks in the house.
I love Hagrid’s outfit here.
Best Ron/Harry interaction. You kick those tape dance wearing spiders arses, Ronald Weasley.
In the previous two films we have those lights that blaze with fire like motion activated flames, but this hallway is dark and dank for dramatic effect.
At this point, Harry doesn’t believe in the maps infallibility so it would make sense that he doesn’t really go to anyone and explain what he say on the map. Also, how would he know that someone wouldn’t take it from him? He would have seen this as his only way to get to Hogsmeade with his friends, and he wouldn’t have wanted to give that up for anything.
The Marauders were some of the most intelligent students that have ever walked the halls of Hogwarts. They charmed this piece of parchment in what fifth year? They mapped almost the entire school, found several secret passageways, and helped out their friend in one of the most epic ways possible. I love them. (Peter found most of the passageways in his animagus form)
Read: Charming James Potter was one charming mother f-er. BET.
One of the only times Harry was pleased to read in front of a teacher.
Lupin to the rescue.
Snape is not subtle. It’s no wonder Hermione figured it out. Legit half of the Slytherins know, but they are so tired of having subpar defense teachers that they just go on with their business as usual.
I really wanted to see some more emotion on Lupin’s face. I want to see some subtly in the way that he looks at Harry or the way that he plays a scene. I want to see some longing for his lost friends or his friends son. I wanted to see more. I love this character, but I think it could have had more nuance.
Even the amazement at hearing Peter’s name is sort of dulled here. Idk.
Hermione is one hundred percent the person who cheats at board games, and who wrecked the board when she lost as a little girl. Only child syndrome.
This is the most visually pleasing classroom. You can see Sirius’ face in the crystal ball.
And does Harry tell anyone about this prophecy? Nope. No. Not anyone important.
Draco is instantly afraid because he knows that Hermione is a bad bitch. Also, he might be terrified because he knows how easy it is for people to lose control of their wands.
The Stonehenge like structures here are so interesting to me. They reach to the Heavens, they are in a circular pattern. If you’ll notice in movie 5, the chamber that the trial is in looks like it was built on top of an older chamber. It just makes everything feel as if the new is breeding from these old ancestral power lines or something of that nature, and I just love that idea.
Hagrid is the most responsible adult in this movie. Dumbledore and McGonagall are like, “Yeah, go ahead and meddle with time, no worries.” Hagrid is like, “Don’t worry about me and my feelings about Buckbeak, just get out of here, and be safe heading back to the castle.”
You have to think that even though Sirius spent 12 years in Azkaban that Peter’s time as a rat was never really all that perfect either. Being covered in bugs, constantly on the floor, people don’t really care for you, people who forget to feed you, 7 children all wanting your attention and pulling at you being the only pet that can’t fly in a house full of kids.
I always thought that was a very distinctive stone for Hermione to find and throw.
The time loop here always confused me.
The most awkward hug ever captured on film…no, wait....lol
When you are as blind as Harry James and I, losing your glasses means that you can’t see shit. You can’t see anything but swatches of color.
The Womping Willow has not forgotten that Harry and Ron threw a car into her. And she ain’t going to forget anytime soon.
“If you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us too.” Loyalty, my friends. Absolutely crazy, we’re going to get sliced up by an escaped criminal loyalty, but loyalty none the less.
Sirius has spent twelve years in Azkaban, but is still a ten. I just read that Buzzfeed list about which HP characters had the most BDE, and I was not surprised to see Sirius Black on the list. Also, Professor McGonagall, who honestly should have held the top spot.
Lupin flirting from the word, “Go.”
Lupin has dealt with manic Sirius before. Several times.
“I did my waiting twelve years of it… in Azkaban!!!” Is one of the most iconic lines ever.
I had not yet read the books when this movie came out, and I remember be literally so surprised. “The rat is a man?? WTF?”
Snape, here, believes up to this point that Sirius is the reason that Voldemort was able to find Lily in the first place. He believes that Sirius is the reason that the only person Snape ever really cared about is dead. If Snape was a Gryffindor he would have went for the immediate gratification of AK’ing Sirius, but instead, Snape is a true Slytherin and that means that he is vicious, he wants to make sure the revenge is as bad as it can be. In that vein, he wants to let the dementors suck out Sirius’ soul. He wants Sirius to feel like he has felt all the years, like a body with no soul. Lifeless. Death, Snape would think, would be too easy for someone who had taken so much away from him.
Remus is like, “Okay, no, no negotiating or touching Severus at all, gotcha.”
Sirius is goading Snape even at wand point. You want to think that this is the Black family madness or Azkaban insanity, but it is just Sirius being a cocky bastard, overestimating himself and underestimating his opponents.
Sirius and Remus argued like this all the time. Snape gets the old married couple vibe, and honestly, me too.
This is how the Marauders argued. All standing, pacing the room is various shades of annoyance with one another, wishing the other would shut up, shouting “reason”, casting spells, Peter crawling under furniture to avoid said spells, aggressive politeness, “We do not say, “Shut up!””
I would kill Pettigrew for the insipid voice of his.
Why would Dumbledore put a piano in the shrieking shack in the first place.
This is one place where Remus shows some nuance. He wants to kill Peter, intensely. He only stalls and reluctantly at that, because Harry says something.
Sirius looking at the castle and saying that one day he wishes that one day he could walk inside as a free man fucks me up. Hogwarts to Sirius must represent the reverse of everything that Azkaban did. The two places that Sirius spent most of his life. The happiest and the unhappiest memories that he has. The place where he had his friends and then the place where he only had their memories.
I hate this. They all just gradually glance at the moon like something has gone wrong. Like they are calling attention to some fun little oddity.
I wonder how many times Sirius tried to talk to Remus in the form of a wolf. Did he really think that it was possible to call back Remus from the wolf? Had they tried that before? Did it work?
Snape still tries to protect the kids even after they stunned him. Snape has a pathological fear of werewolves, and yet, he stands in its way.
I feel like if Remus was honest with everyone, Dumbledore and Harry that he could have told Harry that meeting up with Sirius and James and Peter in their animagus form while he was the wolf and that they kept him from hurting people would have given Harry more confidence in Sirius’ ability to handle Remus and he wouldn’t have run off with him in the first place. Sirius might never have gotten caught. They all might have made it back to the castle. I don’t know. Honesty is the best policy.
What is that little ball of light that floats out and then in of Harry’s mouth? What is that? Is that supposed to represent his soul? Because Sirius’s soul would be blazing red, yellow, and orange.
The way Dumbledore says, “Scabbers”, like he legit thinks that Ron’s rat could have had a hand in the trouble.
Me and Ron are the same. Dumbledore is just so cheery about the prospect of these two kids going back in time to SAVE LIVES. They aren’t going to the store to get milk, Dumbledore, this is serious business.
Buckbeak is living his best life.
Harry really wants to believe that his dad conjured this Patronus. He has just seen Sirius who isn’t a mass murderer at all, but someone who loves him intensely. He thinks that he is going to get away from the Dursleys. He just blasted the teacher that he hates. He has literally just gone back in time to help save his friends and catch the real bad guy. I mean, why wouldn’t he even consider the possibility that his dad could have somehow cast the Patronus? For Harry, it would seem at least possible if not probable.
I hate when Harry says, “He will come.” Harry is someone who has always only been able to depend upon himself, but in this moment, he thinks that he can depend on someone else to come to his rescue. I know that he finds his own empowerment here, and is able to cast a super strong charm to help get himself and Sirius out of trouble, but he, once again, had to stand up and take care of things himself.
The explanation that he gives on how he casts the patronus doesn’t make sense to me either, Hermione, don’t worry. Time loops are tricky business.
Sirius is down for this ride. Don’t tell me he never played Quidditch. I will fight you. He mocked James for it at first, but then was just as fanatical.
The way that Sirius holds Harry’s face just messes me up. It is like he is trying to memorize every detail in his face.
Remus moved so many small personal objects into this office. It gives you the feel that he really thought that he might be able to stay, and I hate that he was forced out. He is using a cane the night after the full because it was so rough.
The twins are beautiful mischief makers and I love them. I wish we had more of them in these films, but they are sprinkled in wonderfully.
Even Percy has to see this broom in action.
This was the best end for this film because while Harry didn’t get freedom from the Dursley’s he did get some fun which is what godfather’s are for, right?
The art for this film is out of its mind. It is creative and wonderful, and really takes you inside of the theme for this movie. I love it, and even the credits draw you further in to this universe. This is one film that makes all the others better just because it exists.
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