#there’s snark there’s so so much love there’s inside jokes and so much concern
skoulsons · 6 months
Honestly think the best thing to come out of severance is the sibling dynamic between mark and devon
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hollowwrites · 1 year
Did you just come from the Undercroft?!
Ominis x MC
Summary - Rewrite of The Undercroft confrontation
I have been putting this off because I like soft Ominis and this is mean Ominis. You can tell based on the fact the majority of this is filler.
Warnings - None just a rewrite, feel free to change Evelyn to MC or Y/N
Word Count - 1342
It was almost like Anne was back.
Sebastian and Evelyn had become quite close after they broke into the Restricted Section. A fact that, initially, Ominis had detested. But had grown to accept.
They had they’re own interests and they’re own adventures.
And Ominis would hear about them all when they got back. Much to his disdain.
More often than not, he found himself angry at Sebastian for being reckless and foolhardy, and concerned for Evelyns’ naivety and politeness.
If he had to hear about some villager who needed some spiders taken care of one more time…he was going to lose it.
Sometimes, he’d feel the pang of jealousy on his tongue when they would laugh at some inside joke or recall something they had seen together.
But he found that he and Evelyn had a different friendship.
She floated around him after classes asking questions about this world and, most of the time, about him.
Her compassion was unlike anyone he’d ever met. If he hadn’t bore witness to her snark and attitude himself, he would have sworn she should have been a Hufflepuff.
A kindly Badger in a Snake skin waistcoat.
So he’d started to care for her. Much like how he cared for Anne.
Well, not exactly.
Anne never really felt like his friend. Sebastian and Anne were the complete opposite of himself and his siblings and it just drew more attention to the widening rift of his family. Usually, he felt a deep sadness whenever they interacted. It wasn’t her fault, and he loved Anne, but there was always that lingering want for something he could never have.
A family.
Evelyn, as it turns out, was alone. Just like him.
She made him feel not quite as lonely.
He quickly became able to pinpoint her in a crowd, an ability he only really had for Sebastian and a couple more of the Slytherin lot. Her signature Rose scent could be picked up as soon as she entered a room. It varied day to day but it was always rose. Heady and musky or light and floral.
She was always a Rose.
It’s as though they gravitated towards one another to be snarky and snippy about other people’s perfect lives, whilst theirs remained flawed.
On more than one occasion, they were partnered in potions and they giggled and gently mocked Garreth for his ‘middle child’ shenanigans. Their elbows knocked against each other whilst stirring the various concoctions and she even clutched his arm in wonder as Garreth selflessly demonstrated why you don’t add Unicorn Hair to Focus Potions.
They also buddied up in Defence Against the Dark Arts after she noticed standing too close to Sebastian was a one way ticket to getting picked on to showcase spells. They chatted to one another during class sometimes leading to being scolded by Professor Hecat.
“Mr Gaunt, Miss Hollow. perhaps you can explain to the class what is more important than the differing features between a Grindelow and a Mermaid.” She said harshly, causing the whole class to turn to them.
“Apologies Professor Hecat. Evelyn here was simply explaining to me the differing features. Due to my ability to not see them” Ominis lied. They had been talking about how Duncan Hobhouse had asked her to acquire a Tentacula Leaf.
“You have never needed assistance before, Mr Gaunt” Hecat snapped back just as quickly
“No one ever offered before” he retorted and resumed their conversation with no further interruptions.
So he’d decided he was going to show her the Undercroft. It was somewhere special to him and she was becoming…someone special. The day he’d decided to show her had been an awful day. The weather was atrocious, the humidity in the halls sending Ominis into sensory overload. He had back to back Potions into Herbology, his least favourite lessons. And to top it all off, Sebastian would not stop talking about the Gaunts. Their secrets, their heirlooms, their magical artefacts.
It had worn him down to his last nerve and he was looking forward to showing her his hideaway and spending some time with her, alone.
When he rounded the corner in the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower he heard the telltale clockwork mechanics of the Undercroft door opening and shoes walking across tile. They stopped suddenly.
“Hello Sebastian”
And then the subtle smell of blooming roses fell upon him, Engulfing him in a warm blanket of betrayal.
She gasped so quietly even he wasn’t sure he heard it. She hadn’t exhaled since.
“Wait…I can hear you” Ominis was confused and angry and…hurt
“Oh Hello Ominis.” Her voice was still a lullaby to his ears but it had a shaky quality to it. Like she was nervous or scared “I was just heading to-“
“Evelyn? Did you just come from the Undercroft? How did you get in there?” He could feel his face betray his true feelings, a frown forming and his voice turning sharp.
“I-“ she started before realising she couldn’t lie to him “Actually Sebastian brought me there but…” she added quickly “he made it perfectly clear to keep quiet abo-“
“That…rat” for lack of a better term, Ominis saw red. His fingernails dug into the skin of his palm. “You breathe a word about his place to anyone and not even your precious Professor Fig will be able to help you. My father is friends with the headmaster and I’m not afraid to exploit that connection if I need to”
He couldn’t fathom why he said that. Even as the words fell from him he knew they weren’t true. She knew they weren’t true. They’d spoke about how estranged his family had become. She knew it was a lie and yet her breath still caught as he said it.
“Trust me, Ominis I won’t say a word”
“Why should I trust you? You’re Sebastian’s friend not mine” he spat
“You’re my friend” she said meekly and reached out to him. The tiny tug of his robes set him off once again.
“Don’t…touch me!” And he snatched his arm away
“Sebastian is going to get an earful about this” he strode past her, his shoulder knocking forcefully against hers. He felt bad immediately. The one thing he took from his family was their pride. And it was that same pride that stopped him from turning and apologising. As he tapped onto the various clock faces of The Undercroft, he heard her sharp intake of breath and a shaky exhale of a sob. The soft tap of her heels against the stone fell further and further from earshot as she ran away.
“SEBASTIAN!” Ominis shouted the moment he stepped foot into the cavernous room. His voice carried around every nook and cranny.
“Oh…” Sebastian replied, not even bothering to cover up his deceit. She had left not one minute ago, he definitely knew she’d left here.
“How dare you? You had no right!” He poked his long boney finger into Sebastian chest. He knew where he was, the sound of his flinching and sighing pinpointed him exactly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think-“ Sebastian started almost immediately being cut off
“What? That I’d find out”
“Or did you just perhaps not think at all”
“I didn’t think you’d mind. You two get on really well.”
“Not anymore. You made sure of that.” He thought back to the sound of Evelyn crying and felt another wave of guilt.
“What did you do?” Sebastian rolled his eyes “It wasn’t her fault, she-“
“No! It’s all your fault. It’s all ruined” Ominis threw his arms up in defeat.
“Oh don’t be so dramatic. This place isn’t ruined because she knows about it. She’s a good person, she won’t say anything”
“No you’ve ruined my whole day. I was going to show her this place. It was going to be me who brought her. It should have been me”
“Why does it matter if it’s me or you?”
“It matters, Sebastian”
“You really like her don’t you?”
“Shut up”
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 11 months
@kaimaciel I 've decided my boy Luciano deserved his revenge >:)
// nsfw, public spiciness
Luciano and Afonso had to take the same train after a meeting. Unfortunately it had ended right in the middle of a rush hour so the wagon were they're was cramped. At least they could find a spot next to a window. Afonso was next to it while Luciano was right behind him.
"Damn, this looks like a sardine can" Luciano groans.
"We wouldn't have much success calling a cab at this hour. And the buses would be just the same" sighs Afonso "at least your hotel is closer than mine so don't complain much."
"Right, right. I will just find a way to distract myself."
Afonso snorts, good luck trying to move your arms he thinks. His distraction was looking at the window and watch the horizon. Afonso doesn't pay much mind to the body behind him pressing against him. But when hands starts touching his legs is when he notices there was something going on.
Luciano was breathing right into his nape while his hands were exploring his lower body.
"What the hell?!"
"I'm distracting myself" answers Luciano. Afonso turns his head enough to catch a glimpse of a smirk from him.
"Take your hands off me!" he whispers "There's people around..."
"Oh so now you are worried about being in public? You didn't looked that concerned when you kissed me in that bathroom."
Oh, so that was what that was about. Afonso was about to snark back at him but he tenses when his hands reaches his croutch.
"This is not the right place to have your revenge!"
"Chill, it's so cramped in here no one will notice."
"They will when I punch some sense on you."
"Good luck trying turn around" Luciano snorts. He presses himself against his ass while he palms his croutch. This makes Afonso be forced to place his palms on the glass so his face won't smash against it, he shuts his lips close but a humming escapes from them "heh, I heard that."
"You will pay for this, you know that right?"
"I know. To be honest I love when you get pissy when I mess with you" Luciano rubs his nose against his neck and scraps his teeth over his skin. The train had already passed by two stations. After the second Afonso had given up trying to keep his body still, he was huffing while bitting his finger while Luciano humped against him, slow enough to not draw attention from the people there, and palmed his erection. The train was approaching the third station, Luciano then stops and steps away. Afonso looks confused and a little alarmed, thinking someone had caught them. But Luciano explains.
"That's my stop."
He smirks at the older man looking daggers at him. Afonso straight himself and turns his back to the window. Like Luciano, he holds his case in front of his croutch. Luciano was chuckling, someone might even think he had simply just heard a joke. Afonso doesn't look at him, but steps on his shoe with strenght. Luciano makes a interjection of a pain between his laughs.
His station comes and Luciano leaves after saying goodbye with an innocent smile. Afonso pretends to be calm but inside he was punching an imaginary wall. Damn brat. He had to fight the urge of leaving with him to his hotel to finish what he had started but like hell he would give him this satisfaction. So now he was going home with his honor intact but very veery frustated.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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Salt and Burn
Not Natural ✨ The Devil's Trap ✨ Holy Water ✨ The Demon's Altar ✨ Midnight Meeting ✨ The Hunter's Trap ✨ Sharp Secrets and Bloody Blades ✨ A Hunter's Beast Tamed ✨ No Chick Flick Moments ✨ Witches, Bitches, and Beasts ✨ Cursed or Not ✨ Poison Lips and True Love's Kiss ✨ Swallowing Hard Truths
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: SPN inspired, ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats), demon Kells, hunter Dom, healing, magic, nervous boys, Kells being scared, hurt/comfort, Dom being silly, slightly blasphemous implications, surprising honesty, boys trying to talk, teasing, insults, threats, d/s dynamics, improper use of holy water, pain as pleasure, seriously guys it gets a bit kinky, sex, spitting, biting, burning with holy water, improper use of salt, stabbing, marking, blood sharing, rough sex, desperate boys, testing boundaries, a little fluff if you squint, claiming, boys not so secretly in love ⚰️ rating: explicit
When Dominic came to he felt tingly all over and his vision was dancing with rainbow dots. He didn't know if he had lost too many brain cells choking on his devil's dick or what, but he found himself giggling at a silly thought- he was so gay even his visual snow was pride coded. "Shit! If you're laughing that means you're good right? I didn't hurt you?" He heard that rasped voice that always made his belly flip and he tried to blink past the Studio 54 disco party in his head. "You good babe?" 
"Mmm." Dom mumbled back, rubbing his eyes until they would almost focus on the man shape hovering over him. Of course Kells had carried him to bed and made him comfortable, he was sweeter than he claimed to be. "I'm good. Tad blind but alright." 
Keliphos cursed under his breath and laid his palm over his boy's eyes. He hadn't realized Dom had been watching so close but no human was made to face heavenly light. Even though the lightning had been out of their peripheral vision it was still too much. It wasn't like he knew how to control it. It had never happened for him before that he knew of. If he ever had it would have been when he was a babe, but not since he'd been touched by hell. 
"Seems counterpro- oh." Dom started to snark his lover because he was using his healing glow to fix light damage but when Kells pulled his touch away he could see again. "Fanks." He sighed with a soft smile but he could see the beast was a little shaken. He sat up slowly and the beast moved closer but seemed almost scared to touch so he grabbed his wrist and yanked him down to the bed. The moment he was settled the demon pulled away, wrapping his arms around himself as if he could hold all the magic inside. Or maybe his emotions. Probably both. "I take it tha' was a first?" He asked softly and his partner nodded. "Ya know I'm sure it 'appens to everyone. Premature wing ejact-" A dark nervous glare met his and he bit his cheek not to laugh at his own joke as he trailed off. "I take it as a compliment." When Kells still didn't crack a smile he huffed softly. "Too soon?" 
"Yeah babe, I'm pretty sure six seconds is too soon." The nephalem was so confused, how was Dom not concerned? How was he not upset? He could have burned his eyes out. Normally the only humans who could witness that so close were angelic vessels or… well that was really just it. Some supernatural creatures could handle it but even then it was rare. In the back of his mind he couldn't stop wondering if there really was something different about Dom. Something buried deep inside him. "You feeling alright?" He finally asked because he didn't want the kid thinking he was upset with him. He was frightened of himself, not him. Right?
Dom nodded, resting his palm on his demon's thigh. It hurt when he twitched like he might move away but he settled again and he took that as progress. "Better 'an. I mean, I wouldn't mind an orgasm after tha' but…" He teased, trying to get them back to normal. It was weird to think they had a normal, but they'd been together almost a month. Living the Hunting life made relationships different. There were plenty of people you only met once and never again, but if you did click with someone you tended to go from zero to one hundred really fast. That happened when you had to trust someone with your life- codependency was rampant for people like him. A month could feel like a lifetime because you were fighting through the darkness with that person but he'd still never felt as close to someone as he did Keliphos. 
"Shit kid, you about to propose to me?" Kells tried to find his normal bravado but he was moved by his lover's thoughts. He'd spent thousands of years being thought of as scum, if not worse. His mother was gone and his father cared so little he called him an empty shell. Astaroth thought he could fill him with his own darkness, make him nothing but a clone. No one had ever thought of him as something to be trusted. Something to- no. He couldn't go there. 
Dom huffed, raising his chin and trying to look pompous and proud. "You would be so lucky."
"I would."
"Nothing. I guess you didn't realize you came as you passed out?" He changed the subject as quickly as he could. Too much had happened for him to feel comfortable talking feelings. He didn't have those, he was a demon. Even if he counted his angelic side it wasn't like they felt shit either. They were almost worse at times. He let his arms loosen their tight hold around himself until he could drop his hand to rest over Dom's. The kid was blushing, his cheeks so pink it almost looked like it hurt and that more than anything helped him feel normal. 
"Don't count. I didn't get to enjoy it. 'Ow did I even-" He couldn't bring himself to ask but he believed his devil. The sweats he'd pulled off the beast were on the floor where'd they'd been and they were darker, definitely soaking up something. 
"Mmm, I don't know. There was a lot of pressure in the room. But hey, they call it rapture for a reason, heaven's magic can feel like pure pleasure." He shrugged one shoulder, fiddling with Dom's fingers. He had too much nervous energy rushing through him. 
"Well if I'd known tha' I might 'ave gone to church." Dom teased. "You not scared of me are you?" He asked softly. He'd never seen the man holding himself so carefully. 
"A little. I knew being close to you could do a lot but… I don't know what's happening. You touch something inside me-"
"Not yet but if you want." Dom couldn't help purring but it was mostly to keep a little levity between them. Neither of them were comfortable sharing like this and just as intended the devil smiled, squeezing his hand tighter. 
"We'll see. You're something special and I didn't expect all this when I came to you. I mean I've almost died twice, I've had to bring you back, I have a creepy ass witch watching my every move, and I pushed a hot naked bitch away. I saved people Dom, and I wanted to do it. It's like you're cleaning me up from the inside and I- I don't know what's left of me if you do." He whispered softly, pulling his lover's hand to his lips so he could gently kiss and scent him. 
Dom swallowed hard, that felt too deep to handle but he obviously had to. This was something he couldn't fight and he couldn't run away from. He never had before and he wouldn't start now. "I ain't erasing nuffin. You still you Kells. If any'fin I'm jus' 'elping you find tha'. You ain't wha'ever ya dad made you any more 'an I am. You jus' as much part of ya mum. You jus' as much ya own self. Ya dad wouldn't 'ave brought me tea from 'ome after I bloody stabbed ya. He wouldn't 'ave given me space after seeing me naked. He wouldn't 'ave tried getting me to talk about me life and he certainly wouldn't 'ave 'eld me after a nightmare. You special Kells. You different. You mine… if you wanna be. Like I told yas, cursed or not- I'd raver 'ave you." 
Human blue eyes met jade and the boy's heart skipped before racing. The devil was gorgeous with such an open nervous expression. "Yeah?" 
"That was the gayest shit I ever heard." Kells smiled and Dom laughed, thankful that the tension between them felt broken. 
He moved closer, pressing a kiss to his lover's stubbled cheek. "Good, I learned from the best." He teased, wrapping his arms around the devil's shoulders and his legs around the beast's waist. 
"That's fucking right." Keliphos hummed, turning his head to kiss his omega softly but the heat coming off the kid's core against his hip was a little distracting. "Mmm, still tryna get fucked, huh?" He asked, his hand resting against Dom's back before it slid down to tickle over his dimples. 
Dominic shrugged, a genuine smile curling his plush lips. "I wouldn't say no. I might even say an emphatic 'ell yes, depending on 'ow good you make it." 
Kells felt his dick completely on board with the Hunter's words, filling fast and hard where it was pressed against Dom's thigh. He didn't know why he was still a bit scared but he swore every time they had sex he left more of himself inside the human. "How are you not tired yet? I lost count how many times you got off today." He didn't know if he was trying to talk him out of it or what but something was keeping him nervous. 
"Jus' 'ad a nap didn't I? I'll do all the work if you're tired Kells. Jus' lay back ya old man." Dom teased, trying to pry himself a little room on his lover's lap but Keliphos wouldn't budge. 
"I might hurt you again. I can't control that side of me." He finally realized a bit of the truth but he wasn't expecting the kid to scoff. 
"You're scared of your angelic side burning me up? Fine." He huffed, crawling off the bed and his partner. The devil grumbled at the loss of heat but Dom could feel him watching his every move. He walked across the room to where he kept his weapons bag and he pulled out a few things before stalking back and standing over the beast with his arms full. The nephalem was watching the way his dick bounced and staring at the slick running slowly down his thighs. The bastard might be scared to hurt him but he was still desperate to have him and that was all Dom needed to know. 
Kells swallowed hard as his bitch glared down at him. This wasn't his soft omega so much as the Hunter who stood up to him the first night they met. This was the kid who stabbed him in the arm and slaughtered countless monsters. Fuck, Dom was perfect. 
"Lay down. If you start to feel even a little angelic I'll remind you of your demon side, alright?" He commanded with a smirk on his face. As Kells moved to obey him he set down what he'd grabbed- salt, holy water, and his blessed demon hunting knife. He already knew it didn't kill Keliphos but it should sting. He wasn't trying to hurt him, just keep him grounded. 
The devil took a trembling breath and even with his alpha side annoyed he obeyed, laying across the foot of their bed with his feet on the floor. Dom crawled above him, throwing a leg over his lap. His hand curled around the devil's pulsing cock but he'd never guided them together without help. His heart raced but he tried to keep in control. His lover was showing him trust and he wanted to take care of him. He was quite sure no one had before. He ran the precum wet tip between his drenched folds, trying to make them catch together but it took a moment. By the time he got Kells's cockhead inside himself he was whining low and his alpha was shaking. 
Dom took it slower than either of them were used to and Kells felt himself trembling. There was a heat in his veins that rivaled the warm wet grip around his cock. He didn't trust himself to touch the boy without burning him. His fingers tangled in the sheets but his hips bucked up, meeting every tiny thrust down from his omega. 
"Touch me." 
"No- can't." The devil whimpered and Dom sighed, reaching for the bottle next to them. "You won't." He huffed, biting his lip not to move and take his lover like they both needed. Maybe that was the problem, he didn't trust Dom to do what was needed. 
The Hunter opened the vial and tipped his head back, to him it was just water and he held it on his tongue and he bounced as gently as possible. His body was getting more used to the stretch but it was still intense every time and he normally needed his beast to help. He tried to pull the monster's hands to his hips but when Kells refused he spit over that pretty inked chest. 
Keliphos hissed as his skin burned, smoke rising from his chest. His spine arched as if he could get away from the pain but he didn't want to and his bitch wouldn't let him. "Touch. Me." The words were almost a growl as Dominic leaned over him, his palms pressing roughly against his shoulders. He wanted to. Fuck did he want to but part of him wanted to see how far the human would go. Blunt nails scratched over fresh wounds as Dom picked up the pace. He could still hear the sizzle of his own flesh but it was almost drowned out by his lover's wet cunt and plush thighs slapping against him. 
Another mouthful was his next threat but instead of spitting it he leaned in close and sucked holy marks in the devil's skin. The alpha refused to scream, even when Dom bit until he bled with purity coated teeth he just moaned for him. Maybe the kid was finally realizing what he kept telling him- he was into that shit. 
Dom's eyes went wide as he watched his partner tremble for him. He couldn't imagine how badly he hurt but it seemed like every pain was turning to pleasure. It fascinated him in a way he couldn't explain and made his heart beat faster and his pussy clench tight. When Kells still denied him he moved for the salt, sprinkling some on his tongue. Stormcloud eyes watched him closely but instead of biting again he kissed him rough. 
The devil groaned as his mouth burned hot but nothing felt hotter than where they were joined. With everything Dom did to him he felt them both get needier, it wasn't just driving him wild. "And you call me a freak." He teased, his voice breathy. He was closer than he wanted but so was his omega. Everything felt wet and sloppy, their skin sticking together from sweat and blood. He'd never seen holy objects used so sinfully and in a secret part of his mind he let himself admit what the rest of him couldn't. He was in love with his freak. 
Dom grinned, his lips and teeth covered in red and he knew he looked more monster than the one he was fucking. Every thrust pushed him closer, the demon's cock was a constant pressure on his spot and his dick was rubbed tight between their bellies. When Kells still refused to break he grabbed the knife and held the blade against that long beautiful throat. "Please? Alpha?" He whispered softly but the demon just pressed his own skin against the blade. 
"Do it. Wanna bleed for you." He rasped back, letting himself be open. More than anything he wanted to touch the boy, rub his blood into every inch of him, but he wanted to show Dom he trusted him first. 
The Hunter huffed but he knew his little grounding session had turned into so much more. Something was happening between them and it was more than just causing the nephalem pain. He nodded fast, pushing himself back up until the demon's cock shoved deeper. He couldn't even bounce anymore; he just let his hips move, grinding them together. He eased the point of the knife down his throat, tracing a few of his tattoos before he stopped it still over his heart. "You mine Kells. Wha'ever you are- you mine." He whimpered low before drawing a simple mark on his chest in blood. 
Rough hands landed loud on Dom's thighs and a noise escaped the devil like a scream. The human cried out when their positions were flipped and the dagger slid into Kells's chest. The monster groaned, angling his cock deeper as he pressed the blade deep, moving closer until they were only separated by the hilt. Dom's eyes were wide, his pupils blown, he was stuck somewhere between arousal and fear. "You're mine." He growled back and the boy nodded but words were lost to him as the alpha took over. 
Dom knew the hilt was grinding into his chest hard enough to bruise but when his lover ducked somehow closer he tilted his head. His legs wrapped around him, his hands slapping against the devil's spine and he felt his palm nicked by the tip of the dagger. "Mine." It was a growl against his throat and the only warning he was given. The moment teeth sunk into his skin he broke for his alpha, his pleasure a surprise to them both. 
Keliphos grunted, his dick grinding deep as Dom gushed for him- slick on his skin and blood down his throat. He didn't know what drew him to bite but the taste of his omega exploded on his tongue and he felt his own rapture answer, his knot locking them together. It felt like an unending loop- the Hunter's vein pumped blood inside him and his cock spilled another load inside the boy. He couldn't think of anything that had ever felt so intense but as they rode out their orgasms he knew. He could never let go of his lover. 
Dom felt dizzy, his mind soft and light but he trusted his man not to kill him. He didn't know how long they moved like that together but eventually his alpha pulled back and touched his neck gently to heal him. They gave each other matching crimson grins and kissed until their blood was mixed together and finally the devil eased them on their sides to rest. He was tingling everywhere, his nerves lit up and his body trembling with aftershocks. Everything felt perfect except a subtle burn in his belly. He didn't think he'd ingested anything to give him heartburn but it didn't matter. Not when his partner was looking at him like he was. Like he was everything. 
"I think I'll let that scar." Kells sighed, trying to look down at his chest but he didn't want to pull away from Dom. "You're a kinky bitch." He purred, gasping when the kid gripped the knife and pulled it free, immediately suckling at the wound. Shit, the human must be half demon blood anymore. He just hoped that wasn't the only reason they were together. 
"You should. Tha' way people know you mine." Dom purred against his skin. After a moment he leaned back and smiled softly. How could he feel so gooey inside after being so bold? He didn't think normal people worked like that. 
'I think I've always been.' The devil thought a little too loudly but instead he said- "Good. I want them to know." It was strange though, even after all that proof of his demonic side he didn't feel any darker. If anything he was so wrapped up in the omega's mind that he felt almost human. He could definitely see himself getting used to it. As long as he could keep his bitch around.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
I'm not feeling the best so I hope this came out okay. It was pretty intense but hopefully in a fun way. Of course they had to be kinky fucks just to talk stuff out and feel together. How can Dom see angel light without getting truly hurt? What does it mean now that they've claimed each other? What will Astaroth do now? Why was Dom feeling strange? Keep reading to find out! I hope you enjoyed it! ⚰️🖤
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Find The Word Tag Game!
I got tagged twice in this, and I fully intend to do all the words, so buckle up! We're in for a long one....
From @innytoes, hug, warm, red, and dog.
From @caswellseyes, shine, sun, hug, and exist.
Because Willie did want Alex. They wanted his snarky jokes and warm hugs, his incredible drumming and soft kisses, his nervous pacing and gentle caresses. But was that love? Because if he didn’t truly love Alex, he should let the drummer find someone who would. Alex deserved every good thing the world had to offer, and there was no way Willie could give him even half of that. Not if they couldn’t even tell if they truly loved him. He couldn’t just keep Alex to himself if he didn’t even know if they wanted all of Alex or just the parts that made Willie feel nice and fluttery inside.
(From the post-canon fic where Willie is not having a good time.)
Willie’s voice cuts through Alex’s thoughts. He looks down to find his boyfriend staring up at him, looking confused and a bit concerned. 
“You okay?” Willie asks. “You’ve been standing there for like a full minute.”
Alex feels his cheeks warm and he quickly sits down on the rug. “Yeah, I’m fine, sorry,” he answers, hoping it sounds convincing.
Willie doesn’t buy it. Of course they don’t. He’s incredible and can read Alex like a sudoku puzzle. Mixed around and taking some time to puzzle out, but logical and clear. 
Alex isn’t sure he’ll ever have the words to describe Willie or how he feels about them. He just knows that it’s deep and real, and that he sinks a little deeper into it every time Willie laughs. Or smiles. Or does just about anything.
(From the t4t Willex AU where Good Dad Caleb scared the heck out of Alex.)
“You’re Bobby, right? I really did not want to start this year off by bowling you over with Chewie.”
Wait, if he knows Bobby’s name, then… “Reggie?” he guesses.
“Yeah, hi,” Reggie responds sheepishly. His cheeks are turning red, making his freckles stand out. Not that Bobby is paying attention. “Sorry again, I assumed I would beat you here so I didn’t look before I tossed him in here.”
“It’s fine,” Bobby repeats, though he finds he actually means it this time. Reggie seems nice. At least he apologized for almost killing Bobby with a life-sized stuffed animal. “I was a mess getting my stuff up here too.” Then he glances around at the scattered boxes and gives a wry chuckle. “I guess I still am a mess.”
(From the Boggie Roommates AU that I really need to finish...)
“Marina, come on in,” Ray greeted her, stepping back to let her into the living room.
“Thank you so much for taking them,” Marina said as moved slowly into the living room. “You know I’d take them myself, but I just got a new dog and there’s no way he would leave them alone.”
She glanced around the room, taking in the safety precautions and the lack of anything breakable. “So they’re going to be in here then?” she clarified. “I thought you usually had them out in a garage or something.”
“The studio is a bit of a mess at the moment,” Ray explained quickly. “We couldn’t get it cleaned up fast enough, and there’s plenty of space in the house.”
(From the one where the Molinas are Kitten Foster Parents.)
Whew, y'all sick of me yet? Too bad! <3
He stuck the last book into a box, taped it closed, and set it beside the others. Willie cheered and downed the last of their lemonade. Alex glanced out the open door, then leaned in to press a quick peck to their lips, tasting lemons and vanilla chapstick.
“I hope you know you owe me some real kisses when we get home,” Willie teased, poking him in the shoulder when he pulled back. “I’m doing a lot of work here, I deserve a reward.”
“Awww, am I not enough of a reward for you, Sunshine?” Alex snarked.
“Nah, I’m entitled to extra compensation for my efforts,” Willie said, smirking.
“That can be arranged,” Alex chuckled, tucking a stray hair behind their ear. “We gotta get these boxes out to the car first though.”
(From the one where Alex has to go back to his parent's place to get some stuff, but Willie is the best.)
Alex takes a deep breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth like Willie taught him. It helps a bit. The thought of Willie and his friends does too. He’s going to get back to them. He isn’t sure how yet, but he will. He has to. Now that he’s had a taste of the sun, of real work and friends and love, he doesn’t think he can live without it anymore.
How is he supposed to go on reading the same books and playing his drums and drawing the same view out the windows now that he knows the rush of adrenaline that comes from beating Bobby at chess? How can he rest easy on his own now that he knows how much fun it is to read stories to Carlos before bed? What is he supposed to do with his hands now that they have been taught how to weave Flynn’s long, dark hair into rows of braids?
What’s the point in singing alone now that he’s heard the way his tone mixes with Julie’s and Luke’s and Reggie’s and Bobby’s to the sound of the piano in the Molina’s sitting room? Why bother trying to make his hair presentable when Reggie isn’t there to mess it up? Who needs wisecracks when there’s no one to laugh at them?
(From the AU where Alex is a prince who finally made some friends)
(Skipping HUG since this is already really long and I already did it.)
A couple of hours in, Alex’s mom came to the door. “Hey, you boys need some snacks or lemonade?” she offered, smiling.
Alex glanced up from where he was seated on the floor, fitting books into a cardboard box. He could see the cold shield behind her eyes. The one he’d known from the time he was six years old. The one that meant, “It doesn’t exist if I ignore it and don’t you dare question that.” Alex felt like the little rainbow bracelet that had lived on his wrist since high school was burning into his skin under the icy burn of her gaze.
“Some lemonade actually sounds great, Mrs. Mercer,” Willie responded, giving her a smile she didn’t deserve.
“Of course, coming right up,” she answered brightly. “I’m so glad Alex has a friend like you to help him out with these sorts of things.”
(Also from the one where Alex has to go home and Willie is amazing, this time with a dash of his awful mom!)
Whew, there we are! I really need to actually finish some of these fics..
If you made it this far and want to do it, consider yourself challenged! I have no clue who has and hasn't been tagged at this point.
Your words are: drop, kiss, once, and smirk!
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zeldadiarist · 2 years
Zelink Week 2022, Day Four
Hello! This @zelinkweekofficial prompt was inspired by one of the first fanarts I got for this AU, made by the one and only Emiisley (on Instagram). Also by that scene at Pemberley from 2006 P&P because the Hercules ref is blatant.
Not so fun fact: I’m an art conservator. Some people do kiss statues, specially religious ones. I’ve removed lipstick from some. Eww.
Day four: Statue (I Won’t Say I’m in Love)
An excess.
That's what Zelda thought immediately after seeing the life size, extremely detailed and lifelike sculpture in front of her that was hidden in Queen Ajah's garden in the Gerudo Palace while she was attending a protocolar soirée.
The curls in perfect disarray.
That obnoxiously perfect pointy nose, so not Gerudo, and oh so Hylian.
The chiseled - pun intended - cheekbones and jaw that contrasted with the fullness and soft lines of the lips.
The rich textures and elegant folds on the suit it wore.
The reflexive expression in its eyes.
Everything in it screamed a likeness to the original that was almost uncanny. Zelda felt if she touched the sculpture, it would magically turn to flesh and bone.
She wouldn't know if to kiss him or kick his ass if that happened, though (maybe the latter wasn't a good idea if she was wearing a vaporous beige colored tulle party dress. Not that the former was better either. Any art conservator would murder her for leaving lipstick marks on marble!). Link had stopped answering her messages for good a long time ago - almost two years - and their relationship would definitely take a lot to mend.
Nabooru and Rutela, the former the daughter of the party host and the latter, the Zora Princess, simply observed her expression of almost offended shock, trying their best not to laugh at her.
"I can bet a Zora scale she would be less impressed if it were the real Link," Rutela commented with snark.
"I hope your mom didn't spend taxpayer money on this…" she pointed out to Nabooru, circling the sculpture with her right index finger.
Marble was definitely not a cheap sculpting material, but the artist clearly splurged on… scrumptiousness - a thought Zelda saved to herself.
"She didn't, Peaches," she eased her small friend's sort of concern. "Master Pikango offered his work for free when my mom told her who the subject was. She intends to bring it to the royal hall when he turns twenty-one next month, or he accepts his title of Son of the Desert Wind."
Zelda raised a quizzical brow. “And Link was willing to pose for this?”
“Do you actually know Linny as well as you think?” Rutela asked the tiny Hylian with snark.
“People change their minds, as much as they can change their appearance.” She shrugged, her puffed sleeves making the gesture more dramatic. “So he could…”
“Of course he didn’t,” Nabooru cleared out. “It’s just based on pictures of him, just like the portrait you saw in the hall.”
“Oh, that one.” Zelda saved another thought for herself, realizing Master Pikango certainly had done a good job - his lips looked as kissable as the real ones, but she’d rather be dead than say that out loud. “He looks sleepy instead of dreamy, not gonna lie.”
The Zora and Gerudo princesses laughed loudly, knowing Zelda was right in her description, and returned inside the palace.
The rest of the evening was as every formal party she had attended since she was thirteen: structured and boring, so she was dying to sneak out, waiting for the perfect chance to do so. She was fortunate to be able to hide easily thanks to the average size of most guests - these were the occasions she was thankful for being short.
Her steps led her to the Gerudo Queen’s garden once more, where she almost had a heart attack seeing a large shadow looming over her - just to realize it was just the lonely sculpture of Link.
“You’re just as quiet as the original,” she said to it, “but definitely on the pale side.” She laughed at her own bad joke.
Under the moonlight, she took another look at the depiction of her estranged friend. Every perfectly rendered detail in it evoked a deep heartache in her, for it reminded her of the indifference he had shown the last times they met before they had their bitter last conversation.
She leaned against the cold marble with a bittersweet smile, wrapping her arms around herself longingly.
Usually, her companion whenever she snuck out of the events at Hyrule Castle was always Link. They talked and fooled around like the kids they were. She loved that.
And still, despite everything that happened between them, she loved him.
She would never admit to others, lest to her inner circle, but she would make an exception for her unexpected, silent companion.
“I miss you so much.”
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| bucky x reader | fluff |
requested by @fitzfiles​ enemies to lovers 
this is technically a highschool au, but only slightly. we love bucky being a loveable ass out here
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Your eyes narrowed and you glared at Bucky. You couldn’t stand him. Bucky was popular, flirtatious, and an asshole. He was always flirting with you at school, and you always felt like he was trying to make a joke of you in front of everyone. On top of that, it made other girls envy you, tainting friendships with jealousy.
It seemed like you were the only one who didn’t want Bucky Barnes. 
“You’re such an ass!” You snapped at Bucky, who only laughed in response. You hated when he tilted his head to the side, the stupid smirk you loathed pulling at his lips. 
“Don’t be like that, doll.”
“I’ll do whatever I want! Leave me alone, I’m not going to fall at your feet like everyone else!” You stood up from the library where he had been absolutely intent on distracting you from finishing your homework, the reason for the fight in the first place.
You were the only one who didn’t give him every ounce of attention he desired, and he was determined to get it. 
You sat on your bed, a folder of history homework open in front of you. You studied with music softly in the background, needing a break from trying to study with Bucky bothering you every five seconds. 
“Y/N,” your mom called your name as she walked in the door. 
You looked up, setting down the document on World War II. Your father was behind her, and you grew uneasy, wondering what they possibly felt they needed to both talk to you about.
“We’re worried about you, dear.”
“Worried? Why?” you laughed, surprised by their explanation.
“We’re just concerned that you don’t have the same social life people your age have. You seem to always be up here, studying in your room. We want you to meet some people, and have some fun,” your father explained.
You were confused by the explanation. You spent most of your time at school, and around other students. You did have friends, but you also prioritized your grades. You certainly were not the hermit they were making you out to be.
“You don’t need to worry-”
“But darling, you’ve never dated. One of our friends has the most charming son, and we think he’d be perfect for you. We want to set you up.” Your mother was smiling, and you raised your eyebrows.
“Perfect for me?”
“Yes! He’s so charming, and he’s sweet. He’s also incredibly intelligent, his grades are wonderful. He travels a lot, you know, has that worldly kind of sense. And, he’s beautiful. We were thinking of setting the two of you up, having them over for dinner.”
You couldn’t deny that this sounded too good to be true. The boy they were describing sounded perfect for you, and although you cringed at the idea of your parents setting you up, you were intrigued.
“What is his name?”
“James!” She beamed, and you raised your eyebrows.
“I will go on one blind date with him, if you stop giving me a hard time about my social life.”
“One date. You can meet him at dinner tomorrow, and then the two of you must go on one date. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. But try for us, honey.”
“I will, I promise,” you smiled at your parents, excited and nervous to meet your supposed dream-man. 
You dressed up for dinner once you were home from school. You’d never even seen this boy, and yet your tummy was filling with excited butterflies. Your name was called from downstairs, and you quickly ran down to meet them. 
You nearly tripped over yourself as you stopped dead in your tracks. You were met with an all-too-familiar silver gaze, and the smirk that made you so, so angry.
Your voice was cold, and all of the butterflies shriveled up and died, the excitement fading from you. You were furious that you’d agreed to go on a date with him in addition to sitting through this dinner.
“You two know each other?” His mother asked, surprised.
“Quite well, actually. We have history together at school, right doll?” Bucky was trying not to laugh, only fueling your irritation. 
“It’s Y/N. And we’ve met, yes.” 
This motherfucker. 
Dinner was long and painful, and you were forced to listen to what a perfect prince everybody thought Bucky was. You were surprised to hear about his academic standing, one that competed with your own. It was clear by his expression that he didn’t want the news to get out that he wasn’t a complete anarchist. 
You cringed as your parents praised you too, unsure of who they were trying to impress. You were quiet, not giving a single damn about being polite to the boy you hated. 
“Why don’t the two of you go upstairs?” your mom suggested, and you sighed, holding back a massive eye roll. Being alone with Bucky was about last on the list of things you wanted to do.
You stood up under the pressure of four gazes, and Bucy followed you up the flight of stairs. He couldn’t contain his amusement for the situation, and you walked into your room and sat down on the edge of your bed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Did you know it was me?”
“No, I really didn’t. But I’m glad it is.” He almost sounded sincere.
Bucky looked around your room, taking in the soft lavender walls, and the white bedspread that you sat on top of. Everything was soft and sweet, like you. Fairy lights hung above the bed, casting a gentle glow over the room. Bucky thought you looked beautiful.
“Quit staring at me,” you snipped, pulling your knees up to your chest.
He smiled, stepping in from the doorway and sitting beside you on the bed. You were angry at yourself for noticing the way the lights seemed to make him look golden, glinting in the reflection of huge silver eyes.
“How could I not?” He breathed, and your heart stuttered in your chest.
No. No, this is not happening. You will not let yourself be seduced by this cocky asshole. 
“Save it for the date,” you rolled your eyes and he smirked. 
“You’re not looking forward to it?” Bucky asked, and you shook your head with a face.
“No, of course not.”
“Come on, I’ll show you a good time. You’ll probably even realize that you’re in love with me.” His grin was infectious, but you fought off the urge to smile back.
“In love with you? Hardly.”
“I’ll give you one night. You’ll change your mind.” 
“You seem confident,” you snarked, rolling your eyes at his arrogance.
“I always am.”
You watched him as his eyes traveled over the room, seeming to take everything in. Bucky noticed every small detail, including the sketch of daisies that leaned against the wall on top of your desk. 
When he was finally called away, he stood in front of you, leaning over you with one hand on the wrought iron bed frame. A soft smile broke onto his face, and you felt warmth spread through your chest, reaching up to your cheeks.
“Goodnight, doll.”
You scowled at the dress that was laid out in the end of your bed when you got home from school. You’d been dreading the date, especially when Bucky winked at you during history class. He didn’t make a show of embarrassing you in front of his friends. You hadn’t even heard gossip about it, so he must not have told anybody. 
You were a bit surprised, you thought that Bucky would seize the opportunity to be the subject of gossip and attention, dragging you into it with him. 
Your parents were out of town for the weekend, and you’d been set up for a friday date after school with Bucky. The doorbell rang, and you went to answer it, your eyes widening a bit when you saw him in jeans and a button down. 
Fuck, he was handsome. 
“Hi James.” 
“Y/N, you look beautiful,” he said honestly, and you couldn’t stop the warmth from blossoming on your cheeks. He held up a bouquet of daisies, and you bit back a smile, taking your favorite flowers from him. You realized he noticed the drawing, and something about that made you feel fuzzy inside. 
It was too bad you didn’t even like him.
“Let me set these down, thank you.” 
You put them in a vase on the table, and he followed you. 
“You didn’t tell everyone at school.” It was a statement, but you meant it as a question.
“Why would I? I knew you wouldn’t appreciate everyone in your business,” Bucky confessed. Despite the amusement he gained from getting on your nerves, Bucky did like you, and he did respect you. The idea of others participate in the teasing, more than just his bit of playfulness, upset Bucky.
He wanted you to like him. 
You followed Bucky outside to his yellow car, one that was sort of vintage. He didn’t drive to school, and you realized you had never seen his car, but it somehow fit him. You got in the passenger seat, and he handed you the chord to play your own music.
You nervously scrolled through your phone, deciding that the safest bet for music was bon iver, and he broke into a smile, leaning forward to turn up the stereo.
“I love this song,” Bucky grinned, surprising you.
“Where are we going?” you asked, leaning forward and watching the buildings pass by as he drove you to an unknown location. 
“Just trust me.”
He parked and was opening your door for you before you could get out. You stepped out and took his outstretched hand, deciding you had to at least give this as much of an effort as he was. 
His hand was soft and he squeezed you gently as he led you inside the huge aquarium in the city. It was your favorite place to go, and you wondered how Bucky knew that. 
“You mentioned it once, in class,” he spoke as if he read your mind, or at least read the bright smile on your face.
“I can’t believe you remembered... Or that you even listened,” you laughed.
“I always listen.”
You walked through tunnels filled with colorful fish, and they swam around you on all sides, even under your feet. You gasped and pressed your hands to the glass, letting go of Bucky as you watched a sea turtle swim by. Bucky watched your delight, smiling at your excited squeal.
“Look!” you pointed, and he grinned.
“I see, it’s so cool,” he indulged you. 
You moved through the tunnel, into a room of separate tanks, all smaller and holding their own creatures. You struggled to see the clown fish in the top, even standing on your toes.
“What’re you doing, doll?”
“Trying to see the nemo fish, but-” you squeaked as Bucky’s hands went around your waist, and he lifted you up so you could see. You blushed and smiled, looking at the fish swimming around. He gently set you down, and you wrapped your hands around his arm, a little bit shyly.
The two of you spent hours looking at the creatures, and you let him wrap his arms around your waist as you stood and watched the jellyfish. 
“They’re so pretty!” you gasped, and Bucky could see the reflection in your wide eyes, and he couldn’t ignore how his heart raced when he looked at you.
You found yourself feeling the same way.
“This was great, James. I didn’t think you’d manage to win me over, but this is the best date I’ve ever been on,” you confessed shyly as you left, the sky already dark. He beamed at you, his silver eyes lighting up when you smiled at him.
“I’m so glad, but we’re not finished yet, doll.”
“You spoil me,” you giggled, and he pulled you to the car.
“Come on, or we’ll miss it,” he hurried you, laughing as he got behind the wheel. 
He drove to a park and got a blanket from the backseat, producing a basket that you hadn’t noticed before.
“Picnicking in the dark?”
“Hush and come with me,” he insisted, laying out the blanket on the grass and pulling the food out. 
You bit into a piece of fruit, leaning against his side. You gasped as fireworks started to go off overhead, and you looked at Bucky, who just smiled back at you. 
“I thought you’d like them.”
You watched the light and colors explode in the sky, enjoying the dinner he brought. You ended up leaning back against Bucky’s chest, wrapped in his jacket when you complained of being chilly. You couldn’t believe that over the course of a few hours, he had managed to work his way into your heart, and you were now in his arms.
“Do you want to come in and stay?” you asked Bucky as he pulled up in front of your house.
“I’m invited?”
He smiled, grabbing sweats from his trunk, explaining that he always had a change of clothes, on account of being an athlete. You teased him with a giggle, going inside with him and up to your bedroom. 
You changed into a pajama set and laid on your bed with him, the two of you staring up at the tiny, glittering fairy lights above you.
“You look perfect like this,” you whispered.
“Not as perfect as you.”
“What happens Monday? Do you go back to being an ass and I go back to hating you?” your voice was soft, and although you were joking, the fear behind it was real.
“I was hoping I could call you my girlfriend on Monday.”
You leaned over and kissed him, answering the question. When he kissed you back, it was like a million tiny fireworks exploding inside of you, instead of in the sky overhead. 
“You changed my mind in one night.”
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Vibrations per minute ↬ P.P
AN: Based on this post ehehe. (Also 223 followers?! I’m not crying you are ಥ‿ಥ Beta read by my baby sis @parkerpeter24​ <3<3
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➳ Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
➳ Warnings: smut (semi public), vibrator, minors dni
➳ WC: 1.8k +
➳ Masterlist || Taglist
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Peter Parker was not who he looked to be. He was the kind of guy who impressed parents with his bambi eyes and A+ academic performances, but at the same time, he could be a little shit and tease the fuck out of you. For example-
Bets were a naturally occurring event in the Avengers compound, whether it was between Sam and Bucky about who could eat the most number of marshmallows in one go or between Tony and Peter on who could digest more amount of coffee in the least amount of time (both of which landed them in the medbay). 
So maybe placing a bet with your boyfriend may not have been your most intelligent choice. You were a smart woman, you should have known better than to place a bet with Spider-Man, especially if the bet included cardio. 
And now you were facing the consequences. 
You were sitting in the post mission debriefing room, thighs clenched as you saw your boyfriend trying (and failing) to hide his shit eating smirk. You felt the vibrations inside you once again, a little faster than before. Suppressing a moan, you tried to glare murder at him without letting the others know. 
Puffing your cheeks, you slid down the chair, hands folded on your chest. You were pretty sure your cheeks were blood red with the amount of heat you felt.
"Y/N are you sure you're alright? You look a little flushed." Steve asked, shifting to look at you from where he was besides You. He looked concerned.
"Uh- yeah- yeah I'm good. Just exhausted." You stuttered a response. Huffing, you tried to discreetly rub your stomach from clenching. A little whimper escaped your throat, which you quickly suppressed by picking up the glass of water and chugging down some.
Sam looked at you weirdly, the others not paying attention as Nick Fury asked them questions. 
"Miss Stark if you think you're going to get out of debriefing because your little boyfriend and father are sitting here, you're wrong. Please pay attention" Fury said, looking at you with his pirate eye, before turning around and muttering, "I swear sometimes they behave like school children."
You gave Bucky and Sam a glare as they snickered. 
"I'm sorry, I'll- uhh- I'll pay more attention. I'm just, my tummy hurts." You whimpered, flushing when you realised you had said "tummy" in front of the Avengers. 
"Well you better take care of the tummy ache. Don't want you to poo all over here." Peter smirked, your jaw dropping at how rude the little shit was. How unfortunate would it be when he finds out someone had burnt his Kylo Ren special edition figurine? 
"Fuck you asshat." You seethe, your glare intensifying when he increased the rate of vibrations using the phone app he was holding under the desk.
"Y/N, Peter, enough of this, now listen to what Pirate here has to say before he asks you to skedaddle back to your nursery." Your dad says, rolling his eyes at your childish banter.
You wanted to get out of there. Right away, because you couldn't take the shudders in between your legs anymore, or you would orgasm right there, in front of everyone. 
So to get back at them, you raised your hand like you were in elementary school, asking the teacher for permission, "May I go to the washroom? I wanna poo." You ask innocently, smirking when Fury widened his eyes.
Averting your eyes to your boyfriend, you silently conveyed your message, hoping that he got what you were up to. 
Ignoring the laughter of the babies in the Avengers' bodies, you stood up abruptly before he could change the settings anymore, walking stiffly to the bathroom.
"That was kind of mean of me." Peter finally said when you were out of his vision. 
"Yeah kid, I would've kicked your ass if I didn't know that she would do it before me." Tony snarked, curling his lips and shaking his head before going back to the dossier in front of him.
"You should go and apologise to her Pete. She looked upset." Steve piped in, his disappointed eyebrowsTM showing their way.
"She's in the toilet and he's a horny teenager, you really want him to go right now?" Sam said.
"Ew Sam, get your gutter brain out of here!" Peter defended, not meaning what he said.
In fact he was going to do just that. The entire time during the mission, you had been teasing him one way or another, whether it was landing in certain poses or just touching him every chance you get.
The bet was just an opportunity for him to get back at you for leaving him hot and bothered, dreaming about you all night in that tiny lingerie with spider prints on them.
“Yeah Sam, get out of here.” Natasha joked. Before he could witness the counter arguments though, he left the room, leaving a very noisy meeting room and a very frustrated Nick Fury. 
He found you in the bathroom stalls near the cafeteria. It was the women's bathroom but no one was around this time of the night, so he entered it. 
He could hear your moans and pants, your arousal hitting his nostrils as he tried to hyperfixate on you. His jeans suddenly felt strained at his… web shooter area. 
Opening the bathroom door, he clenched his fists. You were standing there, vibrator out of you and your finger inside, eyes scrunched as you threw your head back, not even noticing him enter.
"Why are you touching yourself?" He growled, smirking innocently when you jerked up, eyes taking a lustful look that sent his blood rushing south. 
"It's your fault. You were the one who made me horny in the middle of those boomers." You gritted. 
Your hand was poised on your waist now, legs still spread apart, your pussy on display. 
Grabbing you by your ass, he picked you up and slammed you against the wall, kissing your jaw, "Just seeking revenge." He mumbled  
"Oh oh Petey- revenge for what?" You moaned, arching your back as he undressed you, grabbing your now unclothed boob and sucking on one nipple, twisting the other with his fingers.
Moaning at the sensation of the cool tiles, you dug your fingers at his back, your wet pussy throbbing for a feel of his dick.
"You did it on purpose didn't you? Showing off during missions?" He sucked at your skin, leaving it tender and brushed, "you know how hot you look while you kick ass?" 
He unbuttoned his pants, letting his dick slip out with his boxers. His length never ceased to amaze you, the thick organ making your mouth water. You imagined it slipping into you, your thighs slipping wider on instinct.
He saw the look you were giving him, his lustful eyes full of mirth and desperation. Without waiting any further, he slipped out a condom from his discarded jeans' pocket, sliding his dick into your wet entrance, your ass hitting the wall as he pushed into your walls. 
Throwing your head back, you hissed as your walls clenched around him.
"You get, you get turned on when I kick ass?" You panted, grabbing his hair in desperation to the coiling in your gut, "Fuck I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna come Pete." 
"Well what are you waiting for princess?" He nibs your ear, squeezing your breasts to his now naked chest. You shuddered at the coolness of his body, he's always been cold to touch. 
"Fuck princess, feel so good." His mouth was slack, his thrusts getting harder as he shoved into you, "so tight for me. Enjoying my cock in your pussy eh?"
"Yes! Oh- I love it Pete I love it!" Hitting your head on his chest, you pinched his nipple, making him groan and hit your stomach, the slapping sound echoing in the bathroom.
"Say it louder pretty girl" 
"Why?" You whined, "I should get back to you for using the vibrator but I'm having too much fun." 
You groaned, Your eyes scrunched when his thrusts started to slow down, his senses too overloaded to work together with his stamina.
"Yeah you're needy aren't you?" He said, out of breath from your little meet. He set you down, wiping off your cum using the tissue paper, flushing it off in the toilet. 
He took a minute to just admire you. Your body was shining from sweat, your breath coming out in short pants. You were completely naked, breasts out to the display. He flushed when you smirked at him, you had caught him staring. Not that you minded.
"My beautiful girl." He said, voice husky from strain as he closed the distance between you both, holding you in his arms. 
You laid your head on his chest, rubbing your cheeks against his pectorals. You could hear his racing heart, chuckling when you saw heat rising up his chest to his neck and then face. 
"Why are you blushing? We literally just fucked." You laughed, tracing circles on his collarbones. He looked ethereal from where you were standing, perfectly sculpted by a skillful sculptor. 
"Because you're amazing and I can't believe you're my girl." He said. 
"Mmhm,” You nodded against him, “Also, do you always keep a condom in your pocket?" 
There were many reasons as to why you keep around Peter, and one of them is that he's an amazing chef. Living with his aunt and uncle, he and Ben had been the main source of home cooked meals, because Aunt May was never good at cooking. 
You saw him standing in the kitchen, flipping pancakes while he hummed to some melody. You didn't mind, you could stare at him all day. Thankfully, none of the Avengers were awake yet (but they would be. They're huge fans of his food) 
"Morning." You smile, wrapping your hands around his waist, placing your head on his back.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked, moving around as you clung to him like a koala. Giggling, you wrapped your legs around his waist, jumping on his back like a potato sack. 
"Mmhm, the best sleep I've had in a long while." You mumble, words muffled by his back.
"Is that so?" He asked. 
Hearing shuffling noises, you quickly jumped off of him, fixing your t-shirt and sitting on the dining table.
You saw as Steve and Sam entered the kitchen, Natasha soon following suit. Clint had left for his home early that morning, wanting to meet Laura and his kids as soon as he could. 
You smiled at each of them, nodding a good morning and helping them sort a plate. 
You were arranging the plates when you heard a choked gasp. Alarmed at the sound, you looked up at Steve's horrified expression, looking at where he was pointing a finger.
"What?" You asked, biting your lips.
"That- is that a hickey?!?" 
Slapping your neck, you let the plate clatter on the table, ignoring Peter's scrambled replies. You saw Bucky entering from the corner of your eye, unable to formulate a coherent answer.
"Oh my god, Bucky they totally fucked yesterday!" 
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Page dividers by @cicicantblog​
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jolynej · 4 years
Hello!! I love the aesthetic of your blog 😳 is it alright if I ask for headcanons of La Squadra (If it’s too much, Risotto, Prosciutto and Ghiaccio are fine!!) with a really head strong and stubborn S/o? Like on the outside they act like they think they’re better than everyone, but really they’re just a huge dork on the inside ☺️
thank you very much!! and it’s not too much at all :) i’m not sure whether or not you wanted an s/o who was involved in the gang or not, so i did a mix of both! i hope that you like it!
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Risotto, Prosciutto, and Ghiaccio With a Stubborn and Headstrong, but Dorky S/O
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his somehow turned into more of a drabble than actual headcanons, woops! hope you don’t mind that it also became a little more hurt/comfort!!
Due to his position as the leader of the group, he’s used to having to work with strong personalities as each of his subordinates stand out in their own ways, and he’s appreciative of all of their strengths — yours being no exception. He also makes it a priority to become familiar with his squad member’s weaknesses so that he is better able to assign them missions and implement training regimens to improve their skills.
As his partner, he has an extra watchful eye over you and is quick to point out mistakes and areas for improvement, but don’t misunderstand his blunt remarks as ones of distaste. He owes a debt of gratitude to your confidence and your tenacity as it has come to his aid on multiple occasions, but he’s an extremely perceptive man and can pick up on little things about you that would usually go unnoticed by others. He’s a quiet, introverted man, and by nature a good listener. He picks up on little tells and mannerisms of yours and eventually pieces a few things together.
It’s after a particularly rough mission that he is able to prove his little hypothesis. You’d barely escaped with your life after the confrontation with your target went sour due to you pulling a risky move that was almost certain to end in failure; it was a complete deviation from the plan that Risotto had gone over with you. He was upset, and you were, too, as the target had gotten away, but instead of reacting in anger and immediately enacting some sort of punishment, he looked over at you from across his desk where you sat with a pout and glassy eyes, eking out an uncharacteristic apology instead of a snide remark or even an eyeroll.
He’ll still have to reprimand you for screwing up the job, but for now he was pleased to see a more vulnerable, honest side to you. “You understand that what you did was wrong, don’t you cara/o?” He looks over at you, torn between comforting you and scolding you.
Risotto is so glad to see you becoming more open and comfortable around him, but he doesn’t say much as he doesn’t want to scare you off. Instead, that evening, after you’ve been informed of the oncoming dread that is the punishment of both paperwork duty and a boring stakeout mission, he holds you a little bit closer and tells you that he loves you, which is his way of telling you that it’s okay to not be strong sometimes.
He knows that tomorrow you will bounce back to your usual self, dorky jokes and all, but for now, he’s more than content to share this private moment with you and fall asleep with your head resting on his chest, lulling you both to sleep with his hand lazily rubbing your back.
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Dating a man in the mafia would be taxing on anyone, but if anyone could deal with, Prosciutto thought, it would be you — his strong, cocky, dorky partner
His views are a little more traditional, and I can see him as someone who really likes the idea of caring for others and being a provider — and he’s more than happy and willing to provide that — but at the end of the day, there’s nothing better than coming home to someone like you who isn’t afraid to challenge him and will speak their mind. He already has to pretty much babysit Pesci half the time he’s at work, and the other men can act immature and really get on his nerves, so it’s just nice to have someone he doesn’t have to put on airs around, and he finds your sassiness sexy
He worries about you, of course, but he’s well aware that you are someone who can and will put up a fight and not let yourself be taken down without resistance. Also, he is a little more inclined to share certain aspects of his job with you, as he believes that you have the emotional capacity to handle some of the more grim details — even though he still leaves the majority of it out for your sake. He likes that he doesn’t have to sugarcoat things with you, and it’s good for him to have someone to talk to
Your stubbornness and arrogance can lead to arguments, but more often than not they end up with one of you kissing the other or the cliché of daring the other person to shut up. At first, things were a little more explosive, as he is a very dominating person and was not at all used to being challenged in that sort of way, but as your relationship deepened, he grew to like your little spats and that cute glint in your eyes when you become angry
Because of your stubbornness, it may be more difficult for you to apologize, but he won’t hesitate to call you out and tell you that you’re in the wrong, and he’s very calm and level-headed about doing so. When he’s in the wrong however, he usually comes around and apologizes rather quickly, but he can be kind of petty about it. He does make it up to you though, always. One of the benefits of him being a little old-fashioned is that he’s very keen on the idea of not going to bed angry
The more caring, nurturing side of him finds your dorkiness endearing, and whether or not its a television series or movie that you’re geeking out over, or even just a goofy joke, he’s happy to indulge you and listen to what you have to say. He’s not always the most up-to-date on pop culture references or media, so he doesn’t always get what you’re talking about, but he loves you so it doesn’t really matter to him what you’re going on about (you could ramble about the history of something as inane as can openers and he’d still say “that’s interesting, Amore”) He’s a sucker for all things domestic, really
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Now this relationship may be a little more turbulent then the others, as I can see the two of you being very loud, but it’s very sweet in its own way
He’s a huge hothead, and with your stubborn demeanor the two of you will most definitely butt heads, but his outbursts are something that you’ve come to expect and they’re never filled with any real malice — it’s just the way that he is. The rest of the gang like to tease you both about being an old married couple, and you think it’s cute, playfully tugging on his cheek while he’s fuming and Formaggio and Illuso are cracking up in the corner
Ghiaccio will be the type of boyfriend to feed into your ego and because you’re his s/o, everything has to be perfect for you, for you deserve nothing less in his eyes. He can and will chew out the waiter if you so much as comment on your food being dry or too salty or just not up to par
As far as your dorkiness is concerned, Ghiaccio may not always understand “what you’re going on about this time”, but he’ll still listen and try to indulge you with some commentary here and there, which will most likely come across to an unknown spectator as pure sass and displeasure, but you know better; the snark comes with the territory of dating the ice man -- and you love it
If he ever catches wind of someone making fun of you or even just making an offhand comment about you or something that you like to geek out over, then he has no qualms about going off on them
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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Feels like this story is flopping. Is it flopping? Idk. This chapter is 100% plot and it is spooky. Cursed demon box. Helpful Stephen Strange and grumpy Wong. Hovering Bruce and Tony. Loki being a honorary Gen-Z. Found family but make it ✨superheroes✨.
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"That's a lot to unpack," Peter stated once I had given him the bare bones report of the situation at hand. "Uh, are you okay?" The boy was obviously upset at my predicament, placing a supportive hand on my shoulder.
"Kinda?" I offered, making space for Wanda and Pietro who decided to join me and Peter, away from the arguing adults. The mission discussion - an absolute disaster - started as soon as Peter had walked in. Evidently experienced in such matters, the boy ignored the bickering and came over to steal me from Bruce's clutches to peacefully finish his egg sandwich in the company of his peers.
"I wanted to ask if I could see your memory of that time," Wanda meekly offered me a piece of candy. I accepted it - sugar sweet sugar, how I love thee so! The witch continued with a smile: "I think it would be helpful to see what we're dealing with, magic-wise."
"Sure," I trusted her. "Just don't scramble what's left of my sanity, please," All of us laughed at my remark as I laid down on the cold floor with my head in Wanda's lap. Her powers felt like small brain zaps, tingles that began at the front of my forehead and ran down into my spine. I followed her instructions and thought about the times I remembered, finding the box, placing it into my closet, the nightmares. I had a mild headache by the time she was done; no grudges against her - Wanda tactfully avoided my private moments and looked only at the ones containing the artifact.
"You've gotten really good," I complimented her with pure adoration.
"Thank you," She blushed, smoothing back my stray hairs. "That stuff is really strong. I don't think you should go near the box," She admitted. "And Doc should take a look at you. You have a residue left. I don't think that's good either."
"Well, fuck," I said in muted resignation.
"Press F to pay respects," Pietro joked in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.
"Your luck is almost as bad as mine," Peter pointed out.
I scoffed. "Well, if I see any spiders around, I'll be sure to stay away in case they happen to be radioactive OsCorp runaways."
All of us laughed. Despite the grim situation, I didn't feel doomed. I was surrounded by friends and my boyfriends and my bestie who happened to be a mythical omnipotent god- welp, once again, I was getting too emotional. Once the adults were done arguing, we could start making sense of this mess and hopefully clean it up before the monster is out of the box.
"Mortals," I heard Loki scoff. The next moment, the Asgardian sat down noisily next to me, pout on full display. "This house is a nightmare."
His expression - or the accidental use of a meme - sent me completely, tension leaving my body via copious amounts of nearly hysterical laughter. Through tears and hiccups, I saw Wanda cackle with me and Peter show the meme in question to Loki, noting that he had been once sent to time-out on top of the fridge by Tony himself. Soon, all of us were laughing, much to the displeasure of the adults.
"Children, what is the issue?" Thor asked, irritated.
"We're just waiting for you to be done with arguing," I spoke before Loki could start bitching about Thor calling him a child. "Then I can show Steve and Loki where exactly have I buried the box so Stephen can take me to the healers and get this thing out of me or whatever," I pointed out the most logical plan of action.
Two long strides and the sorcerer was standing over me, boom-boom-whooshing and generally making very pretty golden patterns to appear and land on top of me. Tony and Bruce anxiously hovered behind him, both of my boys concerned and ready to mother-hen me. Ugh, so disgustingly adorable. Wanda's hand encompassed mine - she was nervous.
Stephen took a solid five-minute silence break before coming to a final conclusion. "Wong can get rid of the residual traces of the artifact's influence," The sorcerer announced curtly. "It's good you got rid of the artifact, a few more months and you would have started slipping into insanity if the magic within it was not released," He explained, slowly reaching out a hand to place it on top of my head. I wasn't sure if it was a gesture meant to bring comfort or another diagnostic test but leaned into the touch nonetheless. "Tell me, did you have any behavioral... Disturbances after...?" He trailed off.
I chewed on my lip, evaluating. "I honestly don't know. I've always been kind of an asshole," Honesty was the best policy. "Nothing seems out of order, sleepwalking aside."
"I see," Strange gave me a tight-lipped smile. "Perhaps, it was your stubborn nature that forbade the artifact from corrupting your mind completely. As evidenced by Captain Rogers, even undesirable character traits bring good into this world now and then."
That seemed a little bit hostile. I frowned, giving a questioning look to a frowning Loki.
"Speaking from experience?" Not the one to hold back upon witnessing first-grade bullshit, I withdrew from Stephen's touch, raising a sarcastic eyebrow.
Surprising everyone, the man laughed soundly, eyes crinkling at the corners. "I most certainly do," Shooting me a positively mischievous wink. I felt like I was missing something.
The room's inhabitants slowly ticked out in pairs and threes, eager to complete their assigned tasks. Loki had insisted on coming along to the sanctum with me, even almost getting up in Stephen's face, but Bruce - out of all people - managed to calm the Asgardian down, and together we convinced him his magic would be considerably more useful during the retrieval of the cursed box. Loki was worried - everyone with a pair of functional eyes could see that the spiky attitude was his way of showing he cared about me, which made my insides briefly turn to mush. I didn't expect him to take the title of my best friend so seriously and I definitely was not complaining.
Tony was the last to leave, jittery and shaky, clutching me like it was his last time seeing me, kissing me hungrily in front of everyone. The joke or two he made were weak ghosts of his usual sharp snark.
"I love you and I'll be back soon," I whispered into his ear, feeling him freeze and his fingertips dig almost painfully into my sides. Louder, I repeated: "Not planning on dying any time soon, y'all gotta chill. Let's go, doc?" I addressed the tall sorcerer who was tactfully pretending to be busy with his smartphone.
Wanda pressed a duffle bag into my hands mouthing "clean clothes" a split second before Stephen opened a portal and with a great deal of curiosity, I stepped through it, eyes immediately drawn to the dimly lit space filled with books and antiques. So many books, so many unusual trinkets. The chandelier that hung over our heads rivaled the ones I'd seen in million-dollar-homes of dad's friends.
"Follow me," Stephen extended an arm in the direction of a smaller door, "Please do not touch anything."
I walked a pace behind him, satisfying my curiosity by looking around like a child in a candy store. The air smelled different in the Sanctum, almost as familiar as Loki's magic but less frosty... Warmer. A dash of red fabric swished from somewhere towards me; I giggled. The Cloak of Levitation liked me - not nearly as much as it liked Peter though - so I brushed my fingertips along the fabric, greeting it quietly. Talking loudly in this building was out of the question. I felt like any moment, a disgruntled librarian would appear to chastise me for making noise.
"Strange," A short Asian man appeared, book in hand and looking none too happy. Guess that's the librarian... "I got your text. The room next to yours is prepared for the ritual," The man I assumed to be Wong gave me a curt nod in the way of greeting, doing a quick 180° and walking us back to a small but tastefully decorated room with a single cot in the middle. It was pleasantly warm, a small fire lit in the fireplace, willowy smoke of incense rising from a few strategically placed sticks.
"The bathroom is that way. I'm afraid you'll have to be fully nude for the procedure," Strange declared apologetically, pointing to a door hidden behind the divide.
I snorted, but of course, the weird voodoo shit would require me to be naked. Not that I was embarrassed or anything but still. Tony would have a field day. Locating a chair, I dumped my duffle bag on it, flying out of my hoodie and sweatpants in record time. My underwear and socks followed, feet unpleasantly chilly despite the carpeted floor. I ran a hand over the faint bruises on my hips, evidence of last night, fondly - either Tony or Stephen had left marks on my body and that was... It was great. I loved it, drugs or not.
I heard someone clear their throat and turned around, nearly cracking up at the way both men suddenly averted their gazes, blush riding high on their cheeks. I snorted: "I'm hot, what else is new?"
Wong shook his head, busying himself with some sort of a book; Stephen lingered, eyes fixated on the very same bruises. His tongue darted out, wetting the plush of his bottom lip, and damn, this wasn't the time to get horny. I shook my head and with that, the sorcerer caught himself too, mutely motioning me to lay down on the cot.
"Whenever you're done eye-fucking each other," Wong piped up sarcastically - wow, I liked this man already. Stephen grumbled something quiet and rude, provoking another snort from me.
I followed their instructions - shortly after the Asian man began reading - or rather singing - something in a language I didn't know, I felt myself fall into a deep sleep. Or, I thought I was falling asleep. At one point, my eyes opened to an empty room, a thin sheet covering my bare body, and a silence that made chills run down my spine.
"Stephen?" I called out. I sounded like I was underwater to my own ears. "Wong?"
I was met with silence so deafening, I had no choice but to sit up and look around. The fire was burning strong in the fireplace, several logs blackened from it as sparks flew. It took a second for me to realize it made no sound - there was no crackling. Something was very wrong, the dread was creeping up on me.
Very familiar dread.
With the sheet firmly wrapped around me, I hopped off the cot, suddenly noticing the drawings on my arms, my legs. I was covered in runes similar to the ones I had seen on the cursed box - and my memories weren't missing. As clear as day, I recalled messing around with the box, debating on opening it, taking it out of my room only to find it back on my desk in the morning, some serious Anabelle shit.
I jumped as the floorboards cracked somewhere in the house. Every logical thought I had, backed up by every horror movie I had ever watched, screamed at me to NOT go towards the creepy noise; like moth to a flame, I was drawn in and couldn't resist the unnatural urge to investigate it. On silent feet, I padded out of the room, desperately trying not to think about the lonely, dark hallways filled with strange ancient objects. My steps made no noise.
On the couch, in the main room we'd arrived, sitting lazily, was Tony. I'd recognize his hair anywhere - and the Led Zep tee, old, frayed edges and loose threads. "Tony?" I asked hopefully, trying to make sense of this...
He turned around.
It wasn't Tony. Whatever it was, it wore Tony's face, it held his brown eyes and crow's feet around them - it wasn't him. Wrong, like the lack of sound in this place, misplaced and unnatural. The doe browns didn't sparkle, lifeless, dull color of dried mud. As much as I wanted to go and bury my face in his chest, my limbs filled with lead, my whole body screaming "DANGER".
The impostor kept quiet which only solidified my suspicions. Real Tony would be running his mouth already, poking fun at my impression of a sheet ghost.
"Princess?" The... Thing asked in Tony's voice, but it fell flat and monotone.
"Whatever you are, you sure as Hell ain't Tony," I stated firmly, hoping for some answers. "What the fuck?"
Not-Tony's face changed, familiar features twisting into something sinister, the malice making me sick to my stomach. The creature stood up, causing my feet to take an involuntary step back as he advanced slowly.
"You have no choice but to submit," The Thing replied calmly. "You're not getting out of here. Not even your little Asgardian pet god can save you," Its tone was absolutely flat. I would have thought the thing was a robot if not for the obvious involvement of magic in this situation. Its words filled me with dread as thick as molten lava; unfortunately for the creature, unlocking my memories gave me enough rational balance to be acutely aware of it and therefore, able to fight it.
I could fight it. I didn't know how exactly, but I could resist it. "That's a really bold thing to say for something that... What even are you? Magical STD?" As my brain desperately focused on finding a solution to a problem I didn't know all the details of, my mouth had a mind of its own.
The creature growled, a far more primal noise than a human could make. "You don't know what you're up against, child. I am one for we are many," Suddenly, the room was filled with shadows as if someone had turned off all the lights and cranked up the moon to be the brightest it ever was. The shadows moved, oozed, motion sinister without any light to back it up.
I had no choice but to pucker up. Nobody was coming to rescue me; in fact, I always have taken pride in being a self-saving princess. Damsel in distress wasn't really my style. The hunch in my shoulders disappeared, giving way to a stubborn and stiff expectation of the upcoming altercation, hands bailed in fists.
"I mean, like Legion the demon from the Bible?" I recalled what little I knew from Wikipedia. "I mean, I'm agnostic myself, but if you feel like identifying with that, you should probably see a therapist."
The entity growled, shadows gathering around it like fabric on a string, and lunged. Paralyzed by sudden blinding, deafening fear, I turned tail and ran.
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cybernaght · 3 years
Guardian rewatch: episode 10
The tone of this recap is going to be the crackiest so far. The production quality plummets dramatically here, in a way which is as unintentionally hilarious as it is endearing. I have very little of import to say on events of this episode, and there is nothing much for me to hyper focus on, so a lot of this write-up are snark and bad jokes. Apologies in advance. I would not be getting annoyed at a show I did not care about. 
Day two of the Road Trip starts with Zhao Yunlan waking up with a splitting headache and his own jacket draped carefully over him. I choose to believe Shen Wei left it there. 
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Zhao Yunlan wakes up - and discovers that Wang Zheng had slipped a sedative into the party’s water, effectively knocking them all out. He even discovers that she left her doll-body behind as a decoy; thankfully, it’s still Li Siqi and not the blow-up doll from the previous episode. 
With the daunting realisation that he’s been betrayed, Zhao Yunlan instantly spirals into hurt and anger, and this is the moment Shen Wei chooses to appear out to nowhere. He enters offering comfort, his entire focus on making Zhao Yunlan feel better by assuring the man that his subordinate is not one of the bad guys, but rather one of the self-sacrificing ones. How SID manages to function when it’s full of people with non-existent sense of self-preservation is beyond me. 
“Professor Shen, why are you okay?”
Zhu Hong narrows her eyes. Zhao Yunlan’s look is the one of vulnerability, not suspicion, almost as if he is silently asking to please not be betrayed by his newest partner.
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“I didn’t drink the water she gave me.”
Another thing I would like to question here is the reasoning behind Shen Wei waiting until the morning with this. He knew that Wang Zheng was about to do something, since he refrained from drinking the water she offered. Everyone else being unconscious would be a perfect opportunity for him to go full Hei Pao Shi on her, or follow her quietly, or do literally anything but wait for the morning. 
“What is your purpose of coming here?” Shen Wei asks because he needs to know how much Zhao Yunlan knows. He does so with a perfect set of puppy eyes. 
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We cut to Wang Zheng entering the chamber which houses the pillar/totem, and witness the absolute devastation of her hearing her love’s voice for the first time in a century, as he mistakes her for the enemy and calls her a rat.
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I should say that while I’m not always on board with Li Siqi in this show, props to her for acting her heart out opposite a literal pillar. Her reunion with Sang Zan is incredibly touching; she really is wonderful here.
Flashback 1. The execution of Ge Lan. 
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This method of execution seems so inefficient, I actually tried to find if it has any legs in history. As my research yielded exactly no results, I am guessing this is the producers showing hanging without actually showing hanging. They kind of accidentally made the whole affair infinitely worse. People are weaker than gravity, the angle offers no possibility of the neck being broken, so this would be a very slow, and very painful death. Yikes, is all I can say. 
Flashback 2. The montage. 
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This imagery is so carelessly contemporary it’s killing me. I’m not saying it’s completely impossible for the heart shape to have been known to represent love in this fictional tribe on a fictional planet. I’m just saying it’s a boring shorthand for romance, made worse by the fact that so much of the show’s imagery is otherwise fairly intelligent. I am not angry, I’m just disappointed.
Wang Zheng and Sang Zan’s reunion triggers another earthquake, which is felt all the way back in the village, and shortly thereafter Zhu Jiu interrupts the couple, knocking Wang Zheng out. This - her being knocked unconscious - cuts to Zhao Yunlan wincing while clutching at his temples, which almost implies that he can feel it when his people are in danger. Which would be very cool if true. 
Shen Wei, in the meanwhile is remarkably good at keeping his Professor’s mask on the whole time, offering enough information without betraying his own knowledge or motives, but it is clear by now that Zhao Yunlan starts to see right through it. 
The chief sprints into action when Chu Shuzhi and Guo Changcheng arrive, instructing the two to join him in investigation. Shen Wei opens his mouth to volunteer to come with, but ends up hesitating before saying anything out loud. 
Zhu Hong, too, makes a move to go after the three men, but is firmly instructed to say behind and look after Shen Wei. She proceeds to loudly explain that this is the wrong time and place to be fussing over this guy. 
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Shen Wei looks like he has no idea what to do with this display of emotion. 
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Zhao Yunaln whispers to Zhu Hong to watch the professor for him: which could equally be him manipulating the Yashou into staying, or a sinking realisation that Shen Wei will actually try to join them either way, or genuine desire to find out what the professor will do next. Or, indeed, a combination of the above. Zhu Hong will attack her task with conviction. 
Sure enough, Shen Wei finally voices his desire to go with the group. Zhu Hong reminds him that he has his own people to look after and instructs him to return to the house with barely contained resentment. 
Shen Wei will predictably try to sneak out very shortly afterwards, and will be, equally predictably, caught by Zhu Hong. Why the man who can teleport would not just teleport out of the house before proceeding on foot is anyone’s guess. 
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“He surprisingly views you as a good friend”, says Zhu Hong when she stops Shen Wei from leaving. “You surely noticed it, right?”
He certainly did, although he will always have trouble realising that he is actually cared about in a way which is anything but casual. 
Shen Wei obediently sits down and follows Zhu Hong’s instructions as she attempts to hypnotise him. Those instructions are anything but subtle. 
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“Professor Shen, look at the flame closely”.
Meanwhile, the other party has successfully deduced the location of the Hanga tribe cave/shrine, and heads there, only to find no visible entrance. Thankfully, gaining access to the mountain is not particularly hard for the party. Mostly because this part of the mountain is made of foam.
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This is where I want to metaphorically pat Guardian on its non-existent head, cooing, “Oh, Guardian. Baby. What have you done.”
On the bright side, this is also where Guo Changcheng accidentally shocks Zhao Yunlan with the Fear Stick, and Chu Shuzhi literally gives him a thumbs up. Those two are a duo for the ages. 
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Youchu appear to fight our heroes, and after the first wave is eliminated, Zhao Yunlan decides to go inside, leaving the other two fend them off near the entrance. Considering that the beasts are all hiding inside the cave, rushing in without backup seems incredibly ill advised. Zhao Yunlan instructs Chu Shuzhi and Guo Changcheng to run away if the danger becomes too great. Which he must know surely that they would never do: his department does not leave people behind, and his subordinates will never abandon him. 
To no one’s surprise, the cave is crawling with Youchu. Zhao Yunlan goes on the offensive, kicking the feet out of the monster, but failing to incapacitate it. I am going to do my best to ignore how the scale of the beast fluctuates as it falls down, and focus on Bai Yu’s excellent reaction when his character realises that he is about to very much die.
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Luckily for our protagonist, Hei Pao Shi sends a ward his way with a note, warning him of the danger ahead and ordering him to return. Zhao Yunlan makes no move to do as instructed and uses the upper hand he’s gained on the Youchu to get out his gun. Before he can fire however, he once more experiences the painful flashback of the devastation this gun carries, and freezes.
This is when Shen Wei shows up in person, jumping in front of the gun and gutting the beast.
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The jumping in front of the gun part of the action is sweet, because it indicates, albeit indirectly, the absolute trust Shen Wei must have in Zhao Yunlan’s instincts, knowing that the man will not accidentally shoot him in the back. 
The gutting itself happens in reverse grip, with Shen Wei being easily within reach of the beast’s long stabby claws, and as such really questionable to me in terms of logic. I would have not minded it if he had been moving through the space in front of the beast, slicing it while passing through. That would be at least an indicator of both speed and dexterity enough to make me believe Shen Wei made a clever avoidance of the claws. But he doesn’t: he just materialises dead-on in front of the monster and the later just.. lets itself be killed. 
Let’s just say that maybe the beast is supposed to be deliberately slow here, and park the long essay in regards to the bladework until the next episode. 
“Chief Zhao, are you alright?”
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Everything about Hei Pao Shi in this moment screams of Shen Wei-ness. Well, maybe not the sword. But the obvious concern, the tone of voice, the general air: it’s all Shen Wei. It’s remarkable that Zhao Yunlan does not see it. Or maybe, I suppose, he does, without even realising it. His cheeky grin suddenly appears; the corners of his eyes crinkle, as he goes into a very long-winded, almost flirtatious away about thanking Hei Pao Shi, teasing him for not always arriving on time. 
Unperturbed, Shen Wei chides Zhao Yunlan for not listening to his warning, and Zhao Yunlan defends himself in a very playful kind of manner, adding that he’s not leaving his people behind. To Shen Wei, this is to be expected, so instead of arguing he goes into a lot of detail on how the road ahead is dangerous, as if he is not really expecting Zhao Yunlan to accept help. 
He is wrong of course: proud though he may be, Chief Zhao knows when he is outgunned and outnumbered, and only grins, happy for the Envoy to join him on his mission. 
Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan exploring the cave is interspersed with pretty damn harrowing scenes of Zhu Jiu torturing Wang Zheng as her trapped lover screams for mercy. It’s a lot; in fact it’s so much even the cave ghosts attempt to intervene, because while they may be very much pro-murder, they are evidently anti-torture. 
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As the two keep exploring, they bump into another three of the beasts, which Shen Wei slays in three slick moves. It’s actually pretty cool, despite slightly sketchy teleportation effects.
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(Apparently, this “wow” made Zhu Yilong corpse so much he nearly laughed his mask off. Which sounds adorable)
Shen Wei proceeds to inquire Zhao Yunlan about the gun, party to confirm that it is indeed the dark energy weapon he knows, and partly having noticed that the other man failed to fire it. I wonder how many times Zhao Yunlan froze in the past, considering how easily he once again slips into his mask of playful deflection, claiming that he never planned to fire the gun at all. It’s almost tragic how this person keeps feeling like he needs to prove his own capabilities over and over again. 
Interestingly enough, in this particular case Hei Pao Shi actually does own up to a weakness. It’s calculated: he knows this is something Zhao Yunlan must already be aware of, but still, “full disclosure” is not something Shen Wei usually does when it comes to his own capacities. 
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What he admits to, on the other hand, does not seem very consistent with the rest of the show. He says that he can only use half of his power above ground, which - okay. But he also states that he can’t spend a lot of time here, and I am a little bit… confused? He lives above ground. He spends absolute majority of his time here. I really don’t want to think of this as a writing inconsistency, so please let me know what I have missed; I’ll appreciate it. 
Hearing the admission, Zhao Yunlan grows serious for once, asking which they they should be going next. Shen Wei barely smothers a smug smirk seconds before he scries the surroundings with unbelievable panache.
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Show off
Unfortunately, his search does not yield any result, as whatever readings he is getting are muddled by the Hallow. Luckily for them, and to Shen Wei’s great dismay, Zhao Yunlan has the Dial on him which he is uses as a compass. 
Shen Wei’s wordless reaction conveys a million questions from “what the hell?” to “are you completely stupid?”
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Instead of asking any of those things, he settles for a more neutral “I’ve told you not to use the Hallows.”
“You are very much like a friend of mine”, remarks Zhao Yunlan. 
Which is, incidentally, also the title of this episode. 
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Even behind the mask it’s clear to see Shen Wei’s blind panic as he realises he may have just blown his cover sky high. Fortunately, Zhao Yunlan reads the reaction as bashfulness rather than existential despair, and laughs it off. 
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Now that they know which way to go, they finally make it to the chamber which houses the pillar/totem, which now has Wang Zheng tied to it. 
This show sure does like tying their characters to totems containing souls of people significant to them, huh?
In all seriousness though, as parallels go, this one is… uh… unparalleled. 
(I am so very sorry.)
Zhao Yunlan makes a move towards his trapped subordinate, but Hei Pao Shi, again in a way which is extremely Shen Wei-like, grabs at his arm, stopping him in his tracks. 
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Zhao Yunlan obediently halts, and calls Zhu Jiu out, correctly guessing that the Undergrounder lured them here deliberately. Shen Wei, on the other hand, relays in a hushed tone information what he had observed so far: namely, that the Hallow stored here is the Dire Awl, and that something is incredibly fishy about Wang Zheng.
As he does so, he is staring at Zhao Yunlan’s lips. It is neither the time, nor the place, but hey, I’m not complaining.
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They have a brief discussion about the next moves, in which Shen Wei just says he would like to try something, and Zhao Yunlan nods, letting him do it without asking for any details. 
Flashback 3: the Backstory. 
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We hear the full tragic tale of Ge Lan and Sang Zan: how they met, representatives of the warring sides of the conflict, two people from two different worlds; how their love did not stop the awful bloodshed; how it could not be enough to overpower the politics; how it lead to Ge Lan’s death, and, finally, how Sang Zan could not bring her back to him. They hear how the man changed once he lost the only person he cared about. 
Zhao Yunlan is visibly moved by this story, recognising echoes of it in himself. 
“The most basic dignity of a man is to ensure that the person in his heart stays safe. If the person I love gets destroyed in my own hands ruined under the system I established myself, it’s very likely I’ll hate these people more than I hated the former tribe leader.”
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How much did he harden after his mother was taken away from him? How much of his initial hatred of all those from the Underground stems from that day? And, of course, how much will it break him when he will not be gifted this dignity in his own future? 
Shen Wei is near vibrating with how much his very soul resonates with the tale he has just heard. He, who has met someone from the other world, who was lost that person, is visibly weighed down by his own memories.
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“That’s right. Even if they’re cut into a myriad of pieces, the hatred would be hard to dissolve.”
Zhao Yunlan stares at the other man, astounded, wondering what hardships and losses the Envoy endured in his long and eventful life, as the episode draws to a close.
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And I am left here trying to soothe my aching heart, bruised once more by this show’s relentless fatalism. 
Next up, episode 11: Oh Boy Do I Have Sword Opinions 
Look. It’s been a long week okay. Besides, I am basically marathoning my way through Zhu Yilong’s entire filmography. 
The normal service in terms of analysis will hopefully resume next week. 
46 notes · View notes
sly-merlin · 4 years
killing me- 9
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : smut, drinking ,mention of weapons
words :: 7k
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                    “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: (not tagging the old ones because they have read it already bt if u want , lemme know! )  @yiyi4657​ @sorrywonwoo​ @sillywinnergladiator​​ @suhweo​​ @exfolitae​ @minejungwoo​ @leesalts​  @mal-nakamoto23​ @ro2424​
@kafenetwork​​​​ @neowritingsnet​​​​
K.M masterlist
K.M 8  next
note:: unedited! i’m a bit busy so i’ll try to edit it before sleep!
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“bake up.”
Yuta groaned at the foreign force shaking him repeatedly. He moved, crashing his face further into the sheets, swatting the alien hands away from himself.
“wake up you horse!” this time yuta heard the gurgling voice a bit more clearly. Someone was trying to disturb his sleep. Staying on his stomach and titling his half body to face the uninvited guest, he made out a face that matched johnnys. His face fell flat on the mattress again until he realised what or whom he has seen! He jolted upright, squatting, to face johnny.
“what are you doing here.” He mumbled with eyes still closed, stretching his arms on the sheets.
“it’s 1p.m!why you still sleeping dude?” johnny’s exasperated voice sounded too loud to yuta’s morning self. Or afternoon!
“It’s m-” a long yawn stretched his mouth into an oval shape, that he didn’t mind covering “its my house. I’ll do whatever I want but what are you even doing here?” he completed quietly.
“why are you still sleeping. You weren’t even drunk. Get up and tell me where is y/n!”
“so you are not here for me!” yuta pouted at johnny before throwing himself on the bed again, covering himself with sheets.
“what the fuck yuta! You are not a baby and tell me where is she? Did you even drive her back?” johnny asked sternly, removing his layer of protection.
“the only thing I can assure is that I wanna sleep more. And about your big fat crush! She certainly came back with me but she was crying so I won’t be surprised if she left already.” As soon as yuta’s almost inaudible words reached johnny’s ears, he jogged outside the room, checking the lock of your room. He sighed in relief at the secured lock. You didn’t leave and he was glad.
Johnny noticed your movements when you signed those papers. He was cursing at himself for not interfering but not like it’d have made any difference! The best he could do was to make sure you were fine at the end. Regardless of the fact that your phone was switched off, he was trying it continuously since yesterday night. Countless phone calls and messages but all were futile. His anger on taeyong was just fuelling by your ignorance.
Annoyingly, he fisted his hair before going for yuta’s room again.
“is she in university right now?” he asked yuta, who was looking like a dead body with an open mouth.
“bloody hell nakamoto! Wake up!” he shouted at him, this time the sheets were tossed on the floor.
“johnny babes, just track her. Don’t shout at me. I didn’t do anything this time.”
“you seriously ate your ethics yuta. I’m not needed there so I’m staying until she’s back.” Johnny declared, making his way outside on the couches.
“not needed my ass john suh. Ate my ethics! Says the one who’s seducing his own sister-in-law.” He only muttered before drifting back into paradise.
johnny just sat there in front of the t.v, mindlessly waiting for you, unknown guilt corroding his mind and heart.
Doyeon and mingi’s whispering felt like a hammer to your head. The incessant pounding was the result of some expensive alcohol and the stupid tears. If exams were not approaching in two weeks, you’d have stayed longer to sulk but their future was as important as yours and only one more week was left so you just sucked it up. Now you were eating the lunch brought by mingi while testing them for exam.
“civil laws suck.” Mingi exclaimed, hitting doyeon on the arm.
“no! your brain sucks.” Doyeon reiterated, poking his head with her pencil.
“wtf doyie! My brain is totally packed up to the brim. if you love it so much, then tell me the answer of question 6!” a smug smile made its way to mingi’s lips.
“what’s wrong with no.6 mingi?” you questioned, perplexed as there was no difficulty in the paper yet he was still looking here and there.
“umm. Non bis in idem! It’s not given anywhere. Right?” he hesitantly asked for he knew he was wrong, somewhere.
“what was the paper you wrote last time?” you tried not to unleash your anger on them, so you kept your voice as low as possible.
“double jeopardy!”
“what the heck mingi! Didn’t you mention the legal maxim of dj?”
“maybe not!”
“what kind of law student forgets about legal maxims duffus! Non bis in idem means double jeopardy.” You reprimanded him tiredly, not in the mood to put up much fight with him.
“sorry” he said, head hung low.
“don’t be mingi. I won’t gain anything from this. you need to study for yourself. now complete this before I give you a subjective test. Double prep is always good. Hurry up!”
A collective musical groan leaves them both, as they tend to their paper again, you drowning yourself in your own books.
Johnny and yuta were engrossed in a football match when you entered the hallway. Upon noticing you, johnny sighed in disbelief, before making his way to you.
“why is your phone switched off?” he fumed at you, hands on his waist as you poured water for yourself.
“It wasn’t charged so I left it here.” he knew he wasn’t doing his utmost in containing his irritation and your casual tone just took him off guard.
“you jus- you should have charged it dammit. I was fucking worried that something happened to you and what kind of girl travels without a phone these days!” his hand ruined his already messy hair as he ranted, the reason of which was beyond your understanding.
“it’s not that big of an issue besides I’m not clearly out of reach right!” you scoffed at him, pointing to your arm where the bracelet was hidden, under the sleeves. You didn’t mean to sound rude at his concern but his position was no better .You had every right to be querulous!
“i-you don’t understand. i just wanted a reply from you. it’s the least I deserve! Or don’t i?” his voice went down as his face lost the previous stern expression.
“I saw my phone only this morning and I was getting late so didn’t bother!” you shrugged your shoulders at him, making your way for the room.
“where are you going?” his voice rose a bit as he held onto your arm.
“in my room!” you replied, matter of factly.
“yeah! I thought you were going to greet your dear husband!” he joked, tilting his head towards the couches where yuta sat previously but he was not there anymore.
“I don’t wanna talk johnny!” you said curtly, jerking your hand away. But he was quicker as he pulled you into him, backing you into a counter.
“just leav-
“no tell me what’s the matter with you. what have I even done?” his voice was barely above a whisper, meant only to be heard by you. the rise and fall in his speech was already shaking your resolution.
“nothing! just turned a normal student into a deadly underground member. But it’s nothing big so yeah!” you replied, mock evident in your words. As you tried to leave again, his hands caught your waist as he picked you up, stationing you on the counter. He secured you against his body, restricting your movements. His hard orbs found yours as he hands tightened around your waist, making you gulp in the process. You stared back with same intensity, as if reading his next step. He lowered his front, demanding eyes never leaving yours,
“this is the first and last time I’ll be explaining myself. I don’t know a shit about why he did that. But those papers won’t be used against you. I won’t let that happen. Ever. I promise that with my life. Just have some faith in me” He whispered. Besides it being the precise validation you sought, suspicion couldn’t be helped!
“and why would you do that. Do you also have some hidden agen-
his lips felt soft as they collided with yours with urgent need to shut you up. You froze, so did he. The only movement in your control was of your hands that were tightly gripped to the counter. The silence in the air being tense, his lips stayed still and contrary to yours, his eyes were completely shut. Johnny’s light breaths fanned your upper lip as his chest heaved up and down. Neither of you made any effort to further it nor any to pull apart. Few more seconds passed and he finally detached himself, the bodies still connected. Your lashes fluttered as he palmed your left cheek, speaking in a low husky whisper.
“I promise. Just believe me and when I say taeyong won’t hurt you, I mean it. With all my heart. Can you trust me on this please?”
He was insisting yet pleading and you merely nodded, lowering your head. His delicate fingers brushed the line formed between your brows, smiling softly.
“you have nothing to worry about. with unparalleled record that we have! You ain’t getting rid of me anytime soon. Yeah?”
His breathy laugh tingled your insides and something like awe transformed his face as he felt the warmness of your cheeks under his hand.
“by any chance, are you flustered?” your face went blank at his shameless comment when he was the very reason for your current state.
“n-no!” you pushed him hard while standing straight. He staggered a bit, giggling uncontrollably at you.
“lying suits you y/n. just like your soulmate jaehyun.” You scrunched your nose at the mention.
“don’t talk about him! He’s so annoying, i’m gonna hang him upside down someday o-or turn him into a stew!”
“and feed him to yuta!” he completed. You gawked at him for a moment before joining him in his laughing session.
“there is food?” yuta entered the kitchen, dimming the commotion.
“not for you!” you snarked.
“we have food y/n?” it was johnny this time. you had almost forgot about the sandwiches that were now probably rotting in your bag. As realisation dawned, you hurriedly retrieved your bag from counter, opening the plastics from the sandwiches with a last hope to save them.
“do you know that you don’t have to be ramsey to stuff cucumber and tomatoes in a bread?” johnny shifted, taking the packages to heat them up.
“I was out of bread. So I just took the easy route.”
“lame excuse! Work better!”
“not everyone got time john!”
You strolled for your room, passing yuta in the way, totally missing the frown and cute smile on yuta and johnny respectively. Though yuta’s internals were screaming at him to open his shitty mouth, his main focus was on his empty stomach that was growling like never before.
“pass me one john!” he whisper yelled to johnny, purposely stretching the last word to satisfy himself.
“no! it’s her lunch or snack or whatever it is.” He warned, hiding the oven with his front.
“oh so you have turned a part time servant for her!” he spewed, crossing his arms against his chest.
“no dude. She’s actual-
he was about to tell yuta but he halted his train of words for he was not in the place to tell any of your secrets to anyone , especially yuta.
“she’s what? Your girlfriend?”
“I swear I’m gonna fry you someday!”
“whatever. Now give me a sandwich before she comes out. Hurry up!” yuta looked over johnny’s shoulders to count the stacked portion in the device.
“one, two-
“three. They are just three yuta! Fuck off.” Johnny knew throwing abuses wouldn’t work but hitting him with his shoulder wasn’t either! He glanced at yuta and he seriously looked miserable. Hungry miserable!
“come on-
“are you done john?” your voice echoed from the hall as you approached wearing your famous tank top and cotton shorts. Yuta cursed under his breath, opening the fridge to get himself something.
“here” johnny handed you the plate. He hit yuta’s arm to grab his attention who was practically trying to sit in the fridge.
“renjun and jaemin are cooking their special ramyeon. We’ll eat there, come on!”
“huh!” he excitedly passed johnny to pick his things up.
With yuta out of sight, his focus shifted again on you. “don’t you get sick after eating takeouts?”
“yup I do! My gut is not the healthiest one in the world. But I’ve fewer options and I do check their health certificates so no need to worry.” Your humorous reply didn’t get more than a shit face from him. He leaned again causing you to take a step backwards.
“your hair!” He pointed and you rolled your eyes like you’d see what was happening up there.
“what my hair?”
“umm. Nothing kiddo!” he said before ruffling your hair.
“aah. I’m not a kid johnny!” you shouted at him though he was just standing by your shoulder.
“oh yes you are!” he pouted dramatically and ran but not forgetting to throw a flying kiss your way. “charge your phone, I’ll call again.”
“eww!” you snapped your head to catch yuta standing behind, making faces at johnny who was standing at the front of hallway.
“oh come on you shit.”
At johnny’s comment , yuta just followed and you totally missed the way he scoffed at both of you.
You were truly jumbled by johnny’s actions, innocent yet calculated. You had maintained your calm but he was aware that you were not blind towards his growing attraction. why didn’t you push him away! What was he aiming at? Questions, questions! From the very first day, all you have are questions with no concrete answers.
But Johnny was not the sole occupier of your worries, taeyong held a significant part of it. If what johnny said was true, if his intentions were not so malafide then he’d easily have skipped it. Despite johnny’s assurance, you couldn’t afford trusting him anymore. Not like you could protect yourself from losing anything but your walls would always be enclosed for him.
Your wandering mind was pulled back into reality by a message from your classmate. The date of thesis topic submission was moved to an earlier one, a week earlier to be specific. In reality, you were all starting it a few months earlier just so the pressure could be minimised but it instead felt like a strategy for your doom. You all were supposed to submit the topic and a little introduction even before the qualification exam! And obviously you were behind the so called ahead-of-time schedule. You could have wrote a ph.d worthy book on mafia and their ploys but sadly criminal law was not the option available for it. So that’s how you ended up in the small balcony, sitting on the cold floor, enjoying the evening cool breeze. Search results on both naver and google had varied from “50 best topics of dissertation in international law” to “how to know what is my area of interest?” but every try had gone to a blank page.
By late evening, you got bored of sitting in the balcony and room, so you decided to study with a change of setting and the only place available apart from your room was the hall. After computing various possibilities, you dragged the single seater towards the hall windows and angling the book on the window still, a much comfy makeshift study space was ready. With the newfound determination to complete the task at hand, your eyes browsed every means of information to stumble upon anything you missed earlier, ignoring the blue skies switching to the darker ones.
Yuta noticed the way he was experiencing more fatigue as the days passed by. He never trained this much until he was suspended. He looked forward for it to end so he could feel the same thrill again but two weeks wouldn’t just pass in a blink! He claimed the basement as his new home trying to ignore the activities transpiring upstairs. The desire to stay with his dear roommate jungwoo was irrepressible but his ego didn’t allow him to give in so easily. He wanted to show his anger to taeyong and that was the only reason he found himself coming back to the new home more often.
He languidly passed the kitchen to use the washroom. Only when he was about to enter his room, he noticed the lightening in the kitchen and living room. He groaned at the thought of your imprudent habit of multiplying the electricity bill which eventually he had to pay! Or maybe you were just trying to instigate him! When he was about to put out the lights, he spotted the sofa and a pair of legs perched on the widow still. He took light steps to reach your sleeping figure and suddenly he felt his annoyance melting into astonishment. Your face was covered with the open, visibly heavy hardcover book whilst your half body was on the seat and half in the air with feet placed on the window still for balance that was clearly very very comfortable place for napping at midnight. unconsciously, his hand extended for the book and as he picked it up, you stirred. Panic took over him as he lost the hold leading the book to fell on your face instead. He ducked, cupping his mouth with both hands to stifle the laugh that was about to escape. Luckily you were dead to the world. Hearing no movement, he crawled for the room , getting up only when he was at a safe distance. Without wasting another moment, he did what he was there for in the first place and went to sleep, with a thumping heart that was probably due to the initial dread he felt or that’s what he thought!
The bus stop being far away, you began the long trudge for neos’ house. Taeil had requested your presence two days ago , but being too busy with studying on the first few days of the week ,it was delayed. You’d have never accepted the offer if it was taeyong but taeil suggested you to take your time even though what he wanted to ask or said was important. His readiness to prioritise your convenience warmed you and it were the emotions of the moment that you agreed to him. And now the heat was burning your exposed legs and you were cursing his sweet tongue.
You knocked on the opened door to announce your arrival despite the fact that the main door had automatically detected you to lead you in. you stood there like a statue, moving your neck like an owl, waiting for an invitation but nothing. you banged it again only to hear someone’s cursing from inside.
“who the fuck knocks when it’s op-
A screeched scream met your ears as a man came into your sight. He abruptly started bowing, apologising profusely.
“I’m so sorry noona. I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry. This won’t happen again. I-
“hey, it’s totally fine. I didn’t even hear you in the first place.” You lied, saving him the mortification.
“can I come in?”
“this is your own place. You don’t need to ask or knock noona!” you entered as he gestured you to sit.
“can you call tae-
But before you could say it, he ran inside. You didn’t know or remembered his name but his face looked familiar. Maybe he was sicheng or hyuck or someone else cause you were sure you had met hyuck before!
“I was making coffee for taeil hyung. But he’s late so it’s yours now!” he exclaimed with his eye smile. it was cute and friendly.
“what was your name again?” you asked smiling back at him, noticing the little red on his neck.
“jeno.” He immediately settled on a seat, his focus fixed on you. “I’m making snacks. Do you wanna join?”
You chuckled at his innocent suggestion, “If you meant joining for eating, then I’m all in but if you want my help in actual process, then you’d die hungry today!”
“I’m aware of that but you are never late to learn anything right!”
“wow. Your enthusiasm is admirable but I don’t wanna burn your kitchen.” Your eyes were blessed with another series of his eye smile. it was contagious.
“you are here!” you saw taeil sprinting towards you.
“I’m sorry. I got caught up in the office.” His words came out breathy as he was still panting from the jog.
“no worries but I don’t have much time. I have to study for exams.”
“yes, studying is important.” He nodded before requesting jeno to get him the coffee and water, to which the boy grumpily complied.
“why the fuck is air con off! I’m gonna roast!” He whined and got up again to close the front door.
“now. I’ve two things to tell you or rather order you. you wanna eat first orr-
“no I’m fine really. Just tell me what taeyong ordered this time!” you had no doubt that it was taeyong’s doing.
“forget about that shit. Here, veto power is mine. JENO, STOP MELTING THE ICE AND GIVE ME SOME WATER!” he screamed at jeno who came out hurriedly with both water and coffee.
Jeno took a seat beside taeil but his one glare made him go back. Sighing in relief after quenching his thirst, he continued in a polite voice. “yuta told me about the card. Why didn’t you take it?”
“because I don’t want his money. I’m good with what I have. Besides every transaction related to him would lead me in trouble so why take the risk!” you sounded harsher than you intended but it wasn’t in your control anymore. Mention yuta and you’ll obviously bite!
“the account is already open. Yuta’s gonna transfer same amount of money every month so why don’t spend his money or better, give him a heart attack by paying everything with the card. He’s gonna pay and I promise, he has no say in this so he won’t even scold you!” he sounded quite cheerful which clearly indicated that none of them understood your language.
“no thanks taeil. staying away from his shadow is much safer.”
“shadow runs with the man y/n.”
“the man himself avoids me like a plague so it’s a win win here.”
“what you see is present. Nobody can ever escape a tomorrow! You are evading it today, but one day you’ll eventually face it.”
“I don’t speak quotes!”
“simple! You both collide only to cause harm to each other. For how long do you think this can work. You’ll get tired and I suppose he’d too. when you’ll stop to rest, you’d find him there but at that time you won’t have enough energy to fight off anymore. Placebo is deadly y/n!”
You absorbed his vague statement full of philosophy but your mind couldn’t harmonise with what he meant!
“honestly, I stopped hearing the moment you mentioned yuta so can we continue!”
“yeah sure. Take the card, keep it for emergencies and I’m not taking no anymore. You aren’t hearing me so I’m doing the same. and secondly, can you defend yourself?”
“defend from who exactly?”
“drunken bastards, thieves, goons or whoever comes at you with a knife!” you were puzzled at the sudden mention.
“my personality repels violence and I’ve two strong best friends.” You declared the obvious. The only drunkards you met were outside the clubs and you never went alone so the thought never crossed your mind.
“first is a lie and second is insignificant here. I need you to learn some basics so you won’t need anyone else or just to hold until help comes.”
“what the! Are you actually recruiting me or something? I don’t wanna be a party in your gang wars.” you announced, now clearly understanding what he meant in the first place.
“I’m not telling you to fight with us. You don’t have an ounce of brain do you? it’s for your own safety.”
“safety from what? I live in a rich and peaceful neighbourhood, my dear husband is a corporate of first class, I myself never even go for a simple stroll in a park then who would I even fight?”
“here ,we all are used to the danger that we face everyday. Each and every man you see here is able to dodge anything that comes their way but you.are.not. Just because they are acting like school kids with no care in life doesn’t mean they are any safer. Jeno was making coffee a few minutes ago but after dinner, he’d be going for protection fee collection with others. If shit goes down, you might not even see him again but we won’t let that happen in the first place. It’s not same with you though. god forbid if you attract the attention of wrong people for all the reasons you stated, then how are we going to help you. even if you press the bracelet , it’d take us some time to get there. till then what would you do? You can’t even probably run for more than a mile! can you?”
You just shook your head at him, too baffled to form any words.
“do you devote any time to exercise?”
“I walk enough I guess and some planks when my stomach is out too much.”
“you are no better than these boys seriously.” She rolled his eyes at your statement.
“but despite the exercise or whatever, my strength is nothing against jeno or johhny. I’ll never b-
“if you fail in strength , atleast you can be swift. Or better you can learn to handle a gun or a knife. When do you get free?”
So, that’s why he called you!
“I don’t have a minute to spare for the next 15 days. Prep and exams are more important for me.”
“no worries. We can start after that. But don’t remove the bracelet band under any condition. Some rival mafia has hired a contract killer for you. so run fast if you notice someone following you, press it and we’ll be there. till then just hang on.” Nervousness got hold of your senses as you heard his warning.
“you are fucking kidding right! was I being followe-
“yes, I’m kidding.” he chuckled dryly. “You should see your face. If it was outside the parameters of the room, you’d have passed out already. Panic only leads to death and I don’t want you to die. so do it just for my peace of mind.” You released the breath you were holding till now, feeling relaxed again.
You just nodded at his words. He sounded like some motivational speaker luring you into his lifetime guarantee program but you knew he was right somewhere. you couldn’t depend on the boys to save you from creeps for whole life.
he was good at reading minds, you thought but despite that you wanted to pour the coffee on his head for the heart attack he’d gave you a minute ago.
“it’s risk free and beneficial. What you say?”
“ok. but I don’t wanna spar with the 6 feet ones. I’ll rather learn from you.” it was your turn to cackle!
“we’ll see about that.” He rolled his eyes to the back at your obvious attempt of poking fun at his short stature
Meeting with taeil had benefitted you in every way. The most useful presently was the topic of the thesis he randomly suggested you. “ effect and consequences of veto power in relation to international peace and human rights”.  even mr. kwang, your thesis mentor liked it as it was almost near original. Now you were just left with exams that were just a week away. Fortune was playing in your favour as yuta had been missing from past few days that saved you some extra energy and headaches that you got with his repulsive energy towards you. then there was your newfound love for the sofa that you had permanently dragged by the windows. It helped a lot in relaxing and studying and you ended up sleeping on it, nearly getting used to the cramped neck.
Unbeknownst to you, he did come back, daily. But you were just so occupied that you never noticed the slight shuffling in the midnight. it went on for days until you woke up with a blanket covering your bare legs, evidently not yours!
How to start the finals? By getting wasted? No. certainly not. But birthdays are important, sometimes more than those stupid grades!
The venue for yeong’s b’day celebration was a night club, as expected from yugyeom! He need no reason to get drunk and when his s/o was herself cutting the chains, then it’s the finest deal one could get!
Loaded with university students, the party at the first floor was thundering. The hoots and roars of slightly drunk adults became deafening as soon as the cake was consumed.
“why your classmates are so fucking loud” you screamed in yeong’s ear. You both were seated at the corner on leather seats, drinking away the reality.
“with your dolphin voice, you are in no place to judge them bitch!”
“lets blame this on your drunkard mumbo jumbo!” she jumped in joy at your lame attempt, alcohol speaking out for you.
“btw where’s your boyfriend?” she questioned leaning into your ear.
“who?” you wondered who she was referring to.
“wonwoo! Who else dumbo. His whole army was invited by gyeom but I haven’t seen him yet!”
You just shrugged in response, not wanting to face him. The farther, the better. His possessiveness only elevated your fears. Now that you were bound on taeyong’s mercy, wonwoo would be calling for a danger by being with you, especially when you were incapable of returning his love.
But fate had some cruel plans stored for you. when you were ordering another drink, strong hands gripped your waist. Though beyond tipsy, the moment you touched the protective hold, you knew it was wonwoo. It was always him afterall.
“you could burn me while wearing white and I’d say thank you baby” He whispered, nibbling on your ear, shivers running down to your bare thighs at the sudden action. everyone knew how much you loved white and that’s why yeong had designed this short white satin dress which just screamed “you” and barely left anything to the imagination of the viewer. “and nothing turns me on more than your covered arms.” He continued as his fingers slowly traced the collarbones down to the cleavage, your drunken self melting into his chest. His hands worked swiftly and he guided you into a secluded part to drown the excessive noise. Your back hit a wall as his nose brushed against yours, his slender fingers siding your sling bag to hook at your hips. He bent into your lips, love filled kisses slowly smoothening into hungry ones. The taste he left on yours was of the infamous vodka that he sure had consumed in plenty of amount ,leading him to you. the pledge to keep yourself away from him broke down in figures as he rolled his hips into yours, lips syncing with the movements. His grip bruised your body, hunger lowering from lips to the bare neck. Throwing your head back, savouring his touch, you clutched his shoulders for some control. Scheduled moans became more filthy as his one hand gripped your thigh in a try to hike up your dress. He didn’t do much work as it was already climbing up your hips. A Single move and his fingers graced against your core, tingling sensation burning your whole body. The open mouthed kisses left marks on your cleavage and neck as he fingers fucked you mercilessly.
“I missed you so much baby.”  His wavering yet soft tone met your ears but everything seemed hazy as he drove in and out of you. you felt euphoria in your stomach hitting you once again as he rambled on. “ don’t ever leave me again. you are my only lu-luxury. Don’t you ever dare snatch away the only hope I have! I love you. i fucking love you!” his sped up his actions under the dress but before he could provide you the final pleasure, you came back to the reality he  had divorced you from. you didn’t love him and never would. To his disbelief, you separated yourself from his body, him staggering back with the push.
“I don’t love you woo. This-
Your hands filled the space between you two.
“this was never about love. We need to stop. I don’t love you woo. And don’t expect anything better from me. We are over. This is over.”
Your drunken slurs made evident that though you were loaded, the senses were still intact somehow.
“no y/n. don’t do this to me. I’ll wait more if you want. A lifetime if you say. But don’t say you are done with us. I’d die without you.” his words rang like a bell as you attempted to corrected the panties and dress, waving slightly.
You jumped away from him as his words got registered in your head. Ignoring him completely, you turned to enter the blast again but his strong hold on your arm stopped you. you squirmed under him, requesting him to let you go but his confession never halted.
“let go of her wonwoo!” you circled to see jungkook standing there , anger clear in his eyes. “I am not gonna repeat.” Jungkook was indeed dangerous when he was boiling.
“why was he enough and NOT ME!” you shuddered at the raise in his voice as he jerked you away. Timely, jungkook caught you and instructed you to go inside to wait for him. And you complied but not completely.
you were hot, bothered, angry and helpless at the same time so you did what you felt like. It felt like eternity when jungkook found you gulping some shorts in the bar. His brain went haywire for he realised you would’ve reached your peak by now. He cautiously approached you, checking the level of warmness on your cheeks. You were gone and so was he.
“what did you do with woo?” you asked him in the delightfully lovable voice that he found nothing but scary. You acting cute meant it was end of the life for anyone who would witness it. He had tried to record you a few times before in the said condition but it never ended up well with the screen of his phone meeting your wrath everytime. He helplessly dragged you from the bar towards the parking area, ignoring your initial question and the urge to scold you for the whole ruckus with wonwoo.
“I’ll drop you home cutie” he exclaimed, checking the level.
“I’m no cutie! And what about minjunie. And I don’t wanna go with you. I wanna be alone.” He giggled as you pouted at him, a rare sight to behold.
“yeah yeah I know you wanna be alone and blah blah but its past 11 already -
“soooooo. The protocol shall be followed despite the severi-
“shut up! You are not in a class dude. N hurry up, I’ve to pick minjun’s drunk ass as well!”
The discontent in his tone was apparent while he showed you the way forward. continuously wrestling against his strong hands, he finally gave up when you almost tripped over nothing.  
“stop annoying me y/n!”
“am i?” you pouted at him. “I don’t wanna go with you. don’t you understand!” he rubbed his temples in desperation.
“fine I’ll call someone else. But you can’t go alone.” But as he was fishing out his phone, you were gone.
After five minutes he spotted you outside, waving for a taxi.
“why are you so difficult?” his words fell to deaf ears. Watching you continue your frolics, he thought about giving up as a scheme formed in his head. Stopping a taxi , he ushered you in the back seat, moving to talk to the driver instead.
“no you aren’t coming!” you cried, showing your head out of the window. He grabbed his hair in annoyance, narrowing his eyes at you, “I’m not coming with you my mother! Let me give the address to the driver or else you’ll end up nowhere.” He pleaded, clasping his hands, bowing at you.
You giggled pleasantly at his gesture, hands flailing at him. “I don’t live in campus. I’ll give you the address. Wait!” after searching for your phone, you showed him the address saved in the notes app. That indeed surprised him for he wasn’t aware that you changed but decided against asking you. if it was not your new address, it could be trusted enough to be safer as it was saved under “my home”. Commanding the driver with an extreme firmness, he went away. Even in the drunk state, you were sure to some extent that maybe car was not moving.
“let’s go uncle!”
“your friend told me to wait.” you threw your head back realising that kook was upto something. A loud horn heightened your senses as the car moved.
Asshole, you muttered, grasping that he was clearly following you.
“bop bop!” an eternity has passed for you in a futile try of remembering the password. The digits were changing their positions, as you regarded them.
“bop bop!” you tried again, mumbling to yourself, not knowing that you were not even banging the door in the first place. Standing still in your intoxicated state, arms crossed, the daggers you were throwing at the door would give any passer by a food to laugh but unluckily, there was noone there.
Bobbing your head from side to side, you started walking down the corridor, coming back at the your own door every few minutes. Curiously you pressed random button near the keypad. It was a bell, that you didn’t noticed earlier.
“wh- noona! You are here!” it was jaemin. He hugged you tightly before letting you in.
“duh! I’m waiting from last ten years but you won’t open.” Another giggle let jaemin known that you were in inebriated state.
“you are drunk.” He whispered.
“shhhh” you said , throwing your heels.
With jelly legs, you wobbled to the kitchen, catching attention of each and every presence in the living room and there were many of them.
“oh hiya! Home tweet home.” You chanted, hands waving like the wipers of a car. Hyuck and mark greeted you while jaehyun just sat down again, shaking his head in disbelief. However yuta was stunned and hooked to his place. He saw you navigating to the fridge, dropping the bottle, picking it up again, gulping it down, jaemin snatching it from you, apparently for you own benefit.
Jaemin guided you for your room before you got distracted by yuta’s figure staring you down.
“moshi moshi. Don’t you have any Japanese to throw at me today.” Yuta heard jaemin and others snickering as you slurred, walking unsteadily to him. He simply rolled his eyes, waiting for you to complete your attack.
“oh hi hyuck. I heard you don’t change your underwear for years. Go and take a bath right now. Asap” the liquid jaehyun was drinking, came out as a spray from his nose at the insult. Everyone was laughing at your antics except yuta. He scanned you up and down, eyes fixating on the fresh hickies on your visible neck.
“and you moshi moshi. You a-act like an angry young man all the damn ti-time,” hiccups started in between, “ but answer me with your half braincell- what kind of criminal you are! Atleast hid your face while shooting people dude.”
Yuta’s jaw cletched at your use of words, tension rising in the room. His neutral face changed into an angry one as you went on and on, all while poking his chest with your forefinger. “and that knife of yours! What are you? a street goon who hires little kids to scan cctvs for the-
And your body lunged forward, head resting where your finger was, passed out. Yuta’s red eyes didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. Anger radiated his body as he removed hands from his pockets to push you off but mark scooped your sleeping figure in his arms, signalling jaemin to open the door. After finding the key in your purse, mark laid you on the bed, rolling you to the side as jaemin placed a pillow behind to save you from falling.
They arrived in the hall only to find yuta already waiting for them.
“what was the need to baby her? She’s an adult and got drunk at her own expense. Didn’-
“so what hyung? Why are you making it a big deal!” mark replied.
“she is the one who makes everything a big deal. Didn’t you just hear how she was just trash talking about you all! She never fucking leaves a chance to spit at my face that I am a criminal –
“that’s what we are! We are damn criminals and she doesn’t know anything about us”
“but she says it like we are not even humans-
“I don’t understand why are you always throwing her under the bus hyung! Drunk people speak shit and she was totally hammered. Just let it go! Your punishment is over after two days, don’t spoil your mood over something so silly.”
“you can’t ord-
“yes I can and will order you because I agree with her. You do own just a half braincell that is not letting you think properly. Now don’t you dare mention all this to her in the morning.” Several pairs of eyes wandered between yuta and mark as the air became more pressured.
“so you do admit she is in wrong here hmm”
“she was just acting with her pure conscious. She saw a man dying and went to police. Tae hyung just made sure that she isn’t leaving anytime soon. She is trapped with criminals. What else do you expect from her? I know exactly what you want.” Suddenly mark’s eyes softened as he went on.  “You are craving empathy hyung. This is what I have seen in your eyes from the first day. You want everyone to realise that you are also wounded. You don’t despise her in actual but just the sympathy that wasn’t given to you in the first place. Stop acting like a stone. While blaming her you shouldn’t be forgetting that it was supposed to be me. You filled my spot as the killer. It started with me-
“no ma-
“it all started coz I was dammit feeling too sleepy to finish that contract killer. It was supposed to be a sniper attack but you had to go instead-
“I forgot my cover mark. How are you the cause when the problem was my own stupidity in the first place!” yuta shouted, tense silence following. Mark smiled a bit at him before continuing.
“then why do you hate her so much. shouldn’t you be hating me for sending you there or yourself for being careless. We should be compromising, not her. Just stop fighting with running water.”
He quietly said before picking up his jacket, going out. Everyone took that as a cue for leaving as well. Nobody uttered anything. The house was empty but mark’s words echoed in the space for entirety of the night, squeezing yuta into the reality he wasn’t ready to face.
Your head felt like it was carrying all the weight of the world. Light harmed your vision, footsteps made you dizzy as you treaded for the door. Kitchen was suddenly too far away, everything looking too large for the squinted eyes. Water and sugar! two things circled in your head like a mantra, only until you felt a sharp pain in your waist. You slightly cursed the counter for bumping into you and stepped further to get water. the water soothed only your throat, stomach still craved sugar so you placed the large bottle on the counter, returning to open the fridge.
Some shuffling around the corner woke up yuta, who was resting on the couch. It hasn’t been more than few hours that he finally let himself immersed into the dreamland. His night and half of the day was spent in unearthing the deep hole that mark had thrown him into. He got annoyed at himself for failing in reaching a conclusion that would led to mark being wrong and it was the result of this constant thought provoking activity that he was having a persistent headache. He grumbled at the stiff neck as he got up. 13:03. Another sound came from somewhere, stimulating his body to check. With droopy eyes, he noticed you. actually half of you as the other half was searching for gold in the fridge. The hiked up dress was enough to give a free show of your bare legs without any strain. The thought of you eating his food wiped up all the drowsiness, making him go to kitchen.
“its not your bedroom. Close it.” He criticised, yawns escaping simultaneously. You didn’t move for his voice didn’t reach you in the first place. He tsked at your lack of senses as he neared you. but as soon as your figure got larger, his body met the floor brutally, several groans of pain leaving him. You turned around at the noise to see yuta struggling as his knee hit the polished hardwood. His other hand went to the counter for some support but it slipped causing his elbow to hit the cabinet handle more violently. His shout of anguish striked through your sensitive ears, making you swear in irritation.
Your eyes slowly traced the liquid under his body to the top of the counter. the water bottle. It was tilted and empty by the time you noticed and the water was what made yuta slipped in first place.
“fuck it!” he growled, discomfort contorting his features.
Slowly he moved himself to the other side, bruised elbow secured in his hand, grunts exiting him. You knew you were fucked up as soon as his cold eyes fell upon you.
“I guess it’s my time to call taeyong.”
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Chapter Four - To Death With Yellow
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter ~ Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
Word Count: 2.6K
The words uttered from the Duke’s mouth had been playing nonstop in your mind. He’s marrying someone. He’s already engaged, you thought as you raced back to your home. The rain was still pouring down but you didn’t register it. All you could think of was why were those words affecting you in such a way? There was no romantic intention towards yours and Shouto’s outing - just your brother’s friend humoring the naïve little sister. When you finally arrived at the front of your home, you shoved open the doors and marched right inside, water trailing behind your steps. Laughter could be heard from the parlor along with joyous cheers.
“Oh! That must be Y/N, I’ll bring her in here to enjoy the festivities!” You heard your father’s boisterous voice ring. The door from the parlor opened and as soon as your father laid eyes on you, the smile that once graced his face immediately dropped and his eyes filled with concern. “Y/N, dear, what happened?” He fretted, stepping forwards and wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder. You could tell that his sleeves were getting wet from the moisture that remained on your sleeves and skin, but he made no move to step away.
“Nothing eventful,” you chirp, smacking a fake smile on your face.
“Darling, you’re crying.” Your faux sunny disposition dropped as you brought one of your hands up to your eyes. Due to the rain, you must not have recognized the tears rolling down your cheeks.
“O-oh,” you croaked, letting your hand drop to your side and your eyes finding your father’s. As soon as he gave you his signature soft smile, you let your waterworks flow. He enveloped you in a huge hug, letting you rest your head on his chest. Your hands grasped his shirt as you cried, clinging onto his support.
“I don’t kn-know why I’m like this.” You confess, your eyes still swimming with tears.
“You’re just confused, Y/N. This is a very burdensome time for you, demanding your full attention and just waiting for you to trip. You just need to step back for a moment and clear your head.” Your father whispered, petting your head gently. You nod against him and pull back, taking a deep breath before you meet his eyes again. “Now get dried up and come to the parlor as soon as you wish - Lady Uraraka has been wanting to see you and reintroduce herself as your future sister-in-law.” His final words caused a small smile to fall across your lips.
“Alright, I’ll be back down shortly.” You say, grabbing your wet skirts and lifting them so that you could ascend the stairs with ease. Already waiting in your room was Mei, busying herself with some sewing. As soon as you stepped into the room, her eyebrows raised.
“You look like you’ve been to hell and back,” She states bluntly, standing up to lead you towards your mirror.
“In a way, I sort of have,” you joke, letting her hands work their way through your hair, taking out the pins. You saw your reflection and the mirror and almost gasped, forgetting what you were wearing. The light yellow dress, although drenched, was still just as stunning as you saw it before, but you found yourself having a sort of distaste when you saw it. You pulled the note out of the pocket and reread the words. Lord Todoroki’s favorite color, you reread that part about three times before your eyebrows started to narrow. “Mei, what would a situation be called if an already-engaged man had invited you out?” You asked as she began to undress you. Mei scoffed at your question and shook her head.
“That would mean that the man in question is a scoundrel for leading a woman on in such a way. To do that to a young lady’s heart is unforgivable.” Her words resonated within you, lighting a newfound flame in your mind.
“Just so,” You confirm as your arms are stripped from the lemon sleeves.
“Do you want a dress in a similar color? I have a rather nice one stored in the back-”
“No.” You interrupt strongly, earning a look from Mei. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean so brash, but I do not want to be wearing much yellow anymore.” You decide, confidence surging through you.
“But you look so lovely in yellow,” Mei lamented, tossing the wet dress that was in her hands in a laundry bin. “Well, if you are so against it, then why don’t we go the opposite of yellow? Maybe that lavender number I’ve been working on?” She suggests, holding up the light purple dress next to you. You flash her a smile and nod.
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“I’m sorry I’m so late, I don’t mean to put a damper on anything!” You apologize, stepping into the parlor. Inside you found an eager Izuku and an evenly eager Lady Uraraka stood next to him, your father and her parents conversing. Shaking her head, Lady Uraraka rushes up to you and clasps her hands in yours.
“Oh it’s nothing to worry about! I’m just so glad that you’re here now!” She says sweetly, a bright smile on her face. You laugh and nod your head.
“I am too - I am so glad to finally call you sister, Lady Uraraka.” You respond, squeezing her hands.
“Please, since we are finally family, call me Ochaco!” She asks of you. Izuku comes to join your conversation and easily slips his hand around his fiancée.
“Of course, and call me Y/N.” You say, earning an eager nod from her.
“We are holding a party at our club tonight, I hope you are well enough to attend?” Izuku asks you, hope clearly shining in his eyes.
“Of course! Should I plan an outfit accordingly?” You ask. You see the couple shake their heads and smile.
“It’s going to be a casual event, we’re all just going in what we’re wearing as of right now - your lavender dress will do splendidly,” Ochaco says, complimenting your look.
“Lovely! I’ll be looking forward to it!” You exclaim. Finally, something is looking even more upwards today, you think.
“Oh, and Y/N!” Ochaco says, grabbing your attention. “A certain Lord Iida has been speaking very highly of you, and he actually asked me to see if you would be interested in going to tonight’s event as his acquaintance!” She gushes, a sparkle in her eyes. You have heard of Lord Iida before - everyone has heard of Lord Iida. As the second son of a fabulously wealthy family, he was certainly high up in the social standings and was said to be quite the gentleman. You ponder the thought for a moment, but before you could say anything, your brother does.
“Actually, I think that Lord Todoroki would like to-”
“I would love to attend with Lord Iida.” You interrupt. Izuku turns to you with an incredulous look in his eyes.
“Did you hear what I said, sister? I was saying that Lord Todoroki-”
“I would much rather like to go with Lord Iida, brother, thank you.” You repeat. “I believe Lord Todoroki has other obligations.” You say, holding back the snark in your tone as much as you could.
“Great! I’ll send a letter immediately to let him know, if you’ll excuse me.” Ochaco says, stepping away from you and your brother. Izuku had a very confused gaze, causing you to roll your eyes.
“It’s just as I said, Izuku. I have no interest in attending an event with someone, for example the son of a duke, who is already spoken for. I have to make the best impression I can so that I may have proposals in the very near future. You have no idea what it is like to be a young lady Izuku, so just drop it.” You hiss, glaring at him.
“Shouto is spoken for?” Izuku echoes, his eyes going wide. You give him a nod and look away from him. “I’m so sorry Y/N, I thought both of you shared the same feelings.” He says sadly, giving you a pitied glance,
“We do - it is nothing more than a little kinship.” You say simply, taking a tiny cookie from a plate and munching on it.
“Y/N, you love him, and he certainly has his eyes on you.” Your brother says, exasperation in his voice.
“You’re wrong,” you mutter, shoving any adoring thoughts of Shouto straight to the back of your mind.
“I am not and you know it. What you’re doing right now is foolish.” Izuku sighs, shaking his eyes.
“You have no right to call me foolish, Izuku.” You seeth, pointing a finger into his chest. “Are you not currently engaged to the young lady that captured your heart from the moment you introduced yourself to her? It was both of your first balls and you immediately knew that she was it for you. I’m glad for you, I really am, but God Izuku it is not like that for anyone. He is engaged.” You say harshly. If Izuku wasn’t already shocked, he certainly was now.
“To who?” he says, gaping.
“Lady Yaoyorozu, the daughter of the Count and Countess Yaoyorozu.” You say quietly. A beat of silence passes before Izuku sighs again.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I really thought he was interested.” He said softly.
“Nevermind that - have you met Lord Iida in person?” You ask, earning a brighter look from your brother.
“Yeah, actually. He’s very proper but he’s surely a nice fellow.” He says, easing your conscious.
“And do you know if he is engaged or in that process with someone?” You ask him, holding in a breath.
“No, he is not.” Izuku says, giving you a tentative smile.
“Then tonight should go swimmingly.”
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Swimmingly might have been an eager term to use. Lord Iida was certainly what he was described to be - a proper gentleman, always having his arm out for you to link yours with, clearing out people in front of you to have an easier path to get through, and engaging in conversation with you. However, you could feel that something was lacking from him, but you couldn’t place it. He was everything a man ought to be, yet there was a feeling holding you back. However, when the violins started to string out the beginning notes to a familiar dance, you let everything erase from your mind and let Lord Iida take over as he twirled you around the floor. You had to give him props, he was a fantastic dancer. You felt yourself get lost in the steps and in the smile Lord Iida was giving you. The final notes of the song filtered out and Lord Iida twirled you one last time.
“Why that was just wonderful, Lord Iida, I did not know you were such an accomplished dancer,” You gush, giving him your perfected smile.
“That is all thanks to having the right partner, Lady Yagi,” He compliments, earning a small blush. “Could I interest you in another?” He asks politely, stretching his hand out towards yours. He surely has captured my interest, you think to yourself. If you had to end up marrying him, it surely wouldn’t be the worst case scenario. He had enough money to keep you comfortable and happy, was polite and nice… but would you be able to enjoy his company all the time?
“You may-”
“May I have your next dance?” You freeze at the voice. His voice. You plaster on that faux smile once again and turn your face to Shouto. You could feel one of your eyebrows twitch in anger but hold your cheerful demeanor.
“Oh, I couldn’t hold you from a dance with Lord Todoroki,” Lord Iida says kindly, a nice smile on his face as he gestures to the red-and-white haired man next to you. You were sure that Shouto could see the ferocity in your gaze, seeing that he visibly gulped.
“You may,” you reply tersely, nodding nicely to Lord Iida before quickly saying a sweet “do find me afterwards!” Shouto leads you to the middle of the floor and looks intently at you. You say nothing but wait until the music starts, but your breath hitches as his hand touches your waist. Immediately, you are whisked away into the dance - unfortunately, it was a slower one, which provided more opportunities for small talk. You could see Shouto eyeing your lavender dress and decide to comment.
“As soon as the launders in my home have finished drying it, I’ll have them send that yellow dress back to your estate,” you say bluntly, avoiding his eye contact. 
“Please keep it,” he urges, his eyes soft.
“I do not want it,” you snap, your eyes flashing back to him. He sighs and looks down before meeting your gaze apologetically.
“What you heard isn’t true,” Shouto whispers, his grip on your waist as tender as ever. You take a breath and think over your thoughts, not trusting yourself to answer immediately.
“It isn’t, is it Lord Todoroki?” You wonder, malice still laced in your irises.
“What happened to Shouto… I thought we were friends,” he muttered.
“Answer the damned question.”
“I do not want to be engaged to her.” He says earnestly.
“But you are, aren’t you.” You press on. It felt like navigating a sailboat through the ocean’s most horrible storm, Shouto was trying to dodge the truth as much as possible. He knew, though, he had to answer honestly.
“I am,” he mumbles, his expression downcast. You take a deep breath before laying out exactly what you were feeling before him.
“So what was everything to you then? All of those little glances my way, the compliments, that little outing you had planned? You figured you just have to entertain me. ‘Oh that poor little girl who is so desperate to find love, it truly is fun to lead her on. Toying with her is just one of the few joys I find in my life’”. You spit, earning an even more guilty look from the man you were dancing with. “And that dress, what exactly did you have in mind when you gave it to me?” You ask, craving an answer. A few moments pass before he caves.
“It’s my favorite color… I wanted to see it on you because I thought you would look divine in it, and you did. Spending time with you, not toying with you, is one of my few joys in life.” Shouto confesses. You almost crumble and sink into his arms right then and there. You were so ready to make your feelings known to him - that you wanted it to be him that you got a proposal from. However, that one person and the secret he kept from you pushed through those feelings and fueled the ever growing fire of your fury. As the dying notes of the music escaped from the instruments you immediately stopped and flashed one more glare towards his way.
“For evermore, you shall never see me in yellow again. Not if it brings you joy because the happiness you gave me has already been snatched away by your piteous actions.” You snarl, bowing to him. “Now excuse me, I must meet back up with Lord Iida. I have heard that he has no fianceé and he is quite the young man. Perfect for me.” You strut away from him before he can get another word in and find Lord Iida. The rest of the evening goes quickly, since you can’t focus on your escort, but on the sorrowful glances the duke’s son keeps giving you.
A/N: SURPRISE SURPRISE! A chapter dropped on a very early Thursday morning! I am updating this now since I have some obligations this weekend (nothing bad, no need to worry) so I figured I would post the fourth now! Finally, we get a look at Y/N’s confident side (yeah u tell them boys girly) since she is pissed tf off at our duke-in-training Shouto. I know that some of you may be mad at the way she talks to him, but you need to understand - a woman in the regency era’s whole goal was to find a love-match that would fulfill her and her family’s needs, and they could hope that they would love them. Obviously Y/N loves him, but the fact that he was engaged and essentially wasted her time was absolutely not okay of him to do. We’ll see all of these things develop as the chapters go on, but I just wanted to explain myself here before things continue! As always, thank you for reading, commenting, and liking this story <3
xx, Songbird
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avionvadion · 3 years
I’m making progress you guys I swear 😭 Here’s some little snippets.
Inuyasha: Forest Deep: Chapter 24 Preview (WIP)
“I’m not sure.” Shippō stated, furrowing his brows. He pat Kirara on the neck. “Do you smell ‘em anywhere?”
She opened her mouth and let out a tiny roar of what I could only assume was confirmation, because she eventually made her way to the front of the hut and then pushed her way passed the hanging door. I instantly flinched at the sunlight that invaded my eyelids, having been locked up for so long, and I hissed- bringing a hand over my eyes. “Eugh, I hate it…”
Shippō made a face. “You have been inside all week…”
“Oi, kid!” Huh? Oh, that voice… I recognize it. Blinking a few times and squinting as my eyes tried to adjust to the sunlight, I turned to see Kōga wandering over with a wave of his hand. Kirara walked over to meet him halfway and then came to a stop, and I stared in confusion when he leaned over with his hands on his hips, a scowl on his face. “Why didn’t you say Maria was your sister? I could have brought you two together sooner!”
Ah… I mean…
“I… tried… I think?” When was that conversation? We were both on Kirara at that point of time, weren’t we? Oh! “It was when Inuyasha had turned… y-you know…”
Kōga scrunched his nose up. He straightened his back and folded his arms across his chest. “Really? I don’t remember you doing that.”
Yeah, I know. You stopped listening midway through my sentence because we were chasing Kagura. I hung my head to the side and yawned, sleepy.
“That’s fair. So, um…” I looked up at him, a little awkward and a tiny bit grateful. “You’ve been looking after her… all this time?”
“Hm? Yeah.” He nodded, flashing a grin. A couple wolves started to make their way over and I tensed, but did my best not to be too scared. Kirara and Shippō weren’t reacting in fear, so why should I? It’s fine. I’m fine. “According to two of my men, she fed some of the wolves when she first met them. They brought her back to the mountain since she was injured.”
Kōga then scratched the back of his head, thinking about everything that’s happened and appearing a little sheepish.
“We… also thought she might have done something to Kagome at the time because of her strange clothes. We didn’t hurt her, though, so don’t bother getting mad at me.” He scowled. “She’s a proper member of the Wolf Demon Tribe now. She’s even taught my men a thing or two about swords.”
Wait, really? My heart simultaneously warmed and ached at the thought, and I gave a small laugh- breathy and pained and weak. I was so glad. She’s had people looking out for her. Heck, she was even whipping them into shape. Maria truly was a force of her own. “That sounds like her.”
“Yeah. Oh, hey- here comes the others.”
I followed the direction he was staring and saw Maria making her way over with Inuyasha, Sango, Kagome, Miroku, Maria, and… Tōran? I guess they were discussing what the panther demons plans were now that they had been defeated. Or maybe not. I had no idea. The half-demon’s ear twitched and I held up a hand, waving lazily at them with a grin.
“You’re so loud.” Inuyasha scowled.
“You say that like it’s new.” I countered. He hmph’d, folding his hands into his sleeves in the way he always does, and then glared when he saw Kōga standing there. “You again.”
“Hey there, mutt.” Kōga greeted, smirking, giving a sarcastic wave. “How’s it going? Wash out those fleas of yours yet?”
“Funny you should ask.” He snarked. “I was just wondering the same thing about you.”
“Okay, kids!” Kagome exclaimed, clapping her hands in front of her and stepping between the boys. Inuyasha and Kōga jumped, startled by her intervention. “Let’s not have this escalate any farther! Irene still isn’t feeling well, and it’s time we all discussed our plans for moving forward. Got it? Good.”
“Hmph.” Inuyasha was not happy at all with this. His face had twisted into a begrudging pout, head turned to the side to avoid looking at her. “He started it.”
“And I’m ending it.” Kagome stated, hands on her hips as she leaned over and glared up at him. “No fighting!”
“Whatever you say, Kagome.” Kōga said, voice taking on a much softer tone than before. He held his chin up, as if priding himself on something. “Unlike him, I actually listen to the woman I’m in love with.”
That lit another fire under Inuyasha, because his amber gaze snapped up with a rage. “You little-!”
“Sit, boy!”
I flinched when the beads around the half-demon’s neck lit up, and he screeched as his face was violently forced to meet the ground. Maria let out a whistle- strangely enough not surprised by what just happened. I guess Kagome used the incantation against Inuyasha sometime while I was asleep. Him and Kōga together was a recipe for disaster, after all, though I didn’t really approve of the beads of subjugation.
Miroku shook his head with a sigh, staff held to his side. “You’d think he’d learn by now.”
Sango raised her brows. “Bold of you to assume he knows how.”
“Agreed.” Shippō stated bluntly. I made a face.
“You’re not… wrong…”
Kagome let out a huff, then turned to me with a bright smile. “So, now that that’s settled! Let’s get down to business.”
Twisted Wonderland: Once Upon A Dream Chapter 35 Preview (WIP)
“Fufu~ you’re most welcome, dear.” Lilia chuckled, sitting up and leaning over, bringing his fingers to my hair and playing with my bangs again. “How are you feeling? I wasn’t expecting to find both you and Silver passed out on the furniture when I returned.”
Frick! Silver! Oh my gods!
Lilia quickly retracted his hand when I hurriedly sat up, the man watching as I looked around in a panic. Locating the sleepy teen within seconds, I caught the jacket as it fell off my lap and stumbled off the sofa, pain momentarily shooting through my wounded knee before I grabbed onto the sofa’s armrest.
“A-Are you okay!?” Aurora-colored eyes met mine and slowly blinked, observing the way I was acting and tilting his head just slightly. “You- earlier- you just…! I-I found you on the ground and you wouldn’t wake up, and-!”
I whirled around to face Lilia, all the worse-case scenarios rushing to mind.
“Poma! You should take him to Poma! The nurse! Nurse Salvador.” Crap. A wave of dizziness washes over me and I pressed a hand to my head, jacket draped over my arm. “He can… help…”
“I’m alright, Lady Eleanora.” Silver spoke quietly, pressing a hand to his chest and bowing his head. “I… apologize for troubling you.”
“What? No, no-“ Gods, my head is spinning. “-that's fine, I’m fine; are you fine!? You were literally collapsed and-“
“I’m afraid that’s normal for Silver.” Lilia quickly informed, floating up off the sofa and plopping on the armrest instead.
Pokémon: Time Lapse: Reluctant Hero Chapter 16 Preview (WIP)
This was such a ridiculous situation. Was Brock done cooking yet? I really want to talk to him. Basil and Belladonna waddled over to Blue, unable to join the group cuddle because of the room Umbreon took up, and the former pōkemon trainer raised a brow in amusement.
He gladly welcomed them over, petting them and gently scratching the side of Belladona’s face. “Compared to you, they’re pretty well behaved. I guess that’s because Brock is helping you train them.”
“Hey, now!” Brock suddenly said, entering the room with two bowls of soup in his hands. A light-hearted grin was on his face. “I’ll have you know she’s an excellent trainer! She beat me first try.”
“I think that says more about you than her.” Blue joked, and yelped when Basil headbutted his leg. “Whoa! Okay. Someone’s a little protective.”
Brock laughed. The boy’s smile only grew when he saw the way I was bombarded with pōkemon, and he calmly walked over- handing a bowl over to me. Umbreon took that as her queue to leave my lap and hop onto the floor, brushing her trainer’s legs.
“Here.” Brock said, watching as I set the bowl down in my lap. “Eat this. We’ll leave once you’ve both finished breakfast, seeing as everyone is in such a good mood.”
“What about Nugget Bridge?” Blue inquired, frowning. He set the bowl on the armrest of the couch, blowing on it before picking up the spoon. “Team Rocket has tons of their goons there.”
“Not anymore.” Brock smirked, placing his hands on his hips with a proud air about him. “I took care of them. I had Basil and Belladonna knock em out and drag ‘em to the police center. After that, I told them about the underground hideout- so they’re pretty much emptying the place out. Team Rocket isn’t going to be camping out in this city any longer.”
Taking note of my silence, both boys turned to look at me. Sensing both the negative and conflicted emotions within me, Ansem let out a small mew and Basil and Belladonna moved off of Blue’s lap and closer to Machamp and me.
I lowered my head, eyebrows furrowed as I tried to decipher what it was I was feeling and how I was supposed to react. I was pleased, I guess, to hear that the underground base was being removed and the goons inside and out of it were arrested. I was also bothered by it.
Not because I cared about Team Rocket, but… because Brock took care of it all on his own. He didn’t take me along. He could have gotten severely hurt, captured and beaten the same way Blue had been. I don’t like that. I don’t like him being in danger.
“Hey…” The older, brown-skinned teen in question spoke up softly, stepping forward and kneeling down on the floor to look up and catch my gaze. I blinked, seeing his face in front of mine. Brock was frowning. “Are you mad at me?”
“I know… you like to do things on your own. I also know that you don’t want to put me in harm's way. But…”
Brock reached forward, resting his hands on my arms gently- careful not to disturb any of my wounds or burns. He looked so sad, so heartbroken and concerned, and something inside me ached at seeing that. I wanted him to go back to how he was before- smiling the way he had been when he was cooking.
“I don’t like you getting hurt either.”
“You need to start relying on me more. We’re not helpless or weak. We’re just as strong as you are. We can help you. There’s no reason for you to go tackling so many problems alone, especially if it’s just going to break you in the end. Grunt, I-“
Brock cringed, realizing his mistake the second he saw my flinch.
“I’m sorry. I just… want you to realize we’re here. I went out on my own with Basil and Belladonna because I wanted you to know this. We’re your friends, and we want to help you. But you have to let us.”
I blinked a few times, feeling a familiar sting in my eyes, and suddenly Machamp’s grip loosened. My pokémon huddled around us, worried. I tried to speak, to get the words out and defend myself, to protest against him doing something like this again, only to find that I couldn’t.
He had made a good point.
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dweetwise · 4 years
How do the other survivors react to cheryl? uwu
we love cheryl <3
Cheryl & other survivors headcanons
Dwight is used to getting so many incredulous comments along the lines of “You’re the leader?”, so when Cheryl just shrugs when Ace introduces him as such, he instantly decides to try to befriend her. The two bond a lot over having been outcasts and without many friends during their time before the fog.
Meg and Cheryl get off on the wrong foot. Meg reminds Cheryl of the popular girls who used to give her the cold shoulder in school, and she brings out the snark, to which Meg’s hot temper is quick to respond to. They eventually bond after Cheryl opens up to the camp about the murder of her father.
Claudette is a little bit intimidated by Cheryl. She’s impulsive and not afraid to speak her mind and Claudette is a lot more reserved. However, Cheryl starts seeking her out, making an effort to get to know her. “I’m sorry if I seem rude, I just never really knew how to make friends,” Cheryl awkwardly explains. Claudette almost wants to cry, relating wholeheartedly and the two become good friends despite their contrasting personalities.
Jake is pretty rude to new survivors in general. He likes listening in on Cheryl talk to the others about her past, and ends up respecting her a lot despite never having talked to her. Once, he saves her during endgame. “I thought you hated me,” a surprised Cheryl says. “I don’t hate you, I just can’t stand people,” he explains. Instead of calling him out on his rudeness, Cheryl just says “Mood” and they bond over being edgy little shits.
Nea vibes with Cheryl’s chaotic, rebellious energy. She brings out a playful side of the normally serious girl and eggs her on to to dumb shit in trials, to the annoyance of the other survivors.
Laurie has sen that same look in her own eyes and knows Cheryl has been through some shit. They share a quiet solidarity, more often than not sensing each other’s auras in trials. Sometimes they wordlessly exchange shivs by the campfire and put the others on edge.
Ace finds Cheryl to have a dry and dark sense of humor that he loves. Cheryl is quick to adopt father figures in her life and kind of latches on to Ace at the start, since his lighthearted banter and shitty jokes make her feel welcomed to the group.
Bill’s initial reaction is pretty much “Just another kid to protect”. He ends up eating his words when Cheryl shows just how capable she is despite her young age. He even gives her honest to God compliments for teaching him how to tank a hit after recovering off the ground.
Feng is thinking strategically right off the bat, skipping any greetings and demanding “So, what can you do?” and trying to figure out how the other’s skills will benefit her the team. Feng takes a shine to Cheryl because she’s kind of a tryhard in trials and they almost always end up escaping if they’re together. And there’s nothing Feng likes more than winning.
David is irritated at the injustice of another survivor, and a kid at that, getting trapped in the realm. He ends up taking it out on Cheryl, blunt and rude in their interactions, until a pissed off Cheryl confronts him with a “Dude, what the hell is your problem!?” and David realizes he could stand to be a little more friendly.
Quentin and Cheryl? Near-instant besties. They’re the same age, have a similar vibe and share similar hellish nightmare trauma. Even though the others have also sen Some Shit ™, Quentin feels like Cheryl is the only one who understands having a fucked up childhood and constant nightmares. They have a whole bunch of inside jokes and most are extremely morbid.
Tapp reminds Cheryl of Douglas and she tells him as much. When Tapp is, unsurprisingly, concerned about the whole cult thing she lets slip, she ends up opening up to him more than any of the others about the events of Silent Hill. Tapp never speaks a word of it to anyone and makes it his mission to get between Cheryl and Pyramid Head every opportunity he can, as Cheryl says the killer reminds her of the monsters she faced.
Kate immediately jumps into a big sister role and Cheryl is a little taken aback by the sudden, hearty affection. Kate doesn’t let up and Cheryl begrudgingly accepts the hugs and Kate becomes the nice, if a little overbearing, aunt figure.
Adam, at first glance, resigns himself to the fact that he has nothing in common with the rebellious teen. Cheryl surprises him by being hungry for knowledge, listening intently to whatever tidbit Adam shares. He actually blushes when Cheryl says he’s a great teacher and if the ones in her schools had been like him she probably never would have flunked.
Jeff swoops in to save Cheryl every time the others are being a little too insistent asking about her past or requesting to be taught her perks. Jeff distracts her from life in the fog, asking about what kind of music and movies she’s into and what she used to do in the real world.
Jane can tell Cheryl is troubled by her past and tries to get her to talk about the events of Silent Hill, but Cheryl pulls away and only wants to share with someone she’s comfortable with. Jane pushes a little too hard and Cheryl starts avoiding her, having some unresolved issues involving female authority figures that she needs to work through.
Ash makes bad dad jokes and is secretly pleased when Cheryl shows an interest in the mechanics of his prosthetic. There’s a certain kind of ego boost that only comes from a teenager genuinely saying that his arm is “cool”.
Nancy’s first impression is that Cheryl was that weird kid in school who everyone avoided for no reason. So, like with Barb and Jonathan before her, Nancy makes a conscious effort to get to know Cheryl and ends up appreciating her weird little quirks. Cheryl, in turn, often calls Nancy a nerd, but it’s affectionate and their friendship is a wholesome one.
Steve tries to befriend Cheryl a little too eagerly because something about her reminds him of Robin. They have an awkward confrontation where Cheryl says she’s not interested, and Steve is confused for a whole minute before panicking. “Shit, I wasn’t trying to hit on you! I just wanted to be friends because you seem cool af!” In the end they laugh it off and become friends after an awkward start.
Yui loves how independent and badass Cheryl is. She develops a small crush and is always uncharacteristically quiet and flustered whenever Cheryl compliments her skills in trials.
Zarina is skeptical of Cheryl because of her young age. She ends up appreciating how resourceful the girl is, but sticks to admiring from afar as she doesn’t feel like she can relate to her struggles.
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agentfreckles · 4 years
Hey, hello! How are you? I wanted to tell you that I like how you write and I really liked the story you wrote about Farah and the gender neutral detective! do you remember when F asked if they could have the goodbye kiss? Can you write one where Felix asks again about the kiss at the M!Detective, please? (I need some fluffiness sigh)
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Thank you both so much for the kind words and these requests! This one was a little more challenging than I had hoped, but I really like how it turned out in the end so hopefully it was worth the wait. Enjoy!
Pucker Up 
Rating: T for smooching and Mason’s potty mouth 
Word Count: 1,724
Pairing: Felix x Male!Detective (Lucas Kingston)
Summary: Lucas gets called back to the station and forgets to give Felix a kiss goodbye before he leaves. Felix isn’t having it.
Notes: F is the biggest drama queen and you will not convince me otherwise. Based on Sera’s goodbye kiss ask that we all went feral for. I want to extend a massive thank you to @lilyoffandoms for letting me borrow their hunky detective Lucas for this. He really helped this story come alive and I can’t thank you enough!
Felix hates goodbyes. Like really, really hates them. 
They’re sitting on the couch in the warehouse living room in their usual position, with Lucas’ arm slung around Felix’s shoulders while his hand rests firmly on the detective’s thigh. Conversation flows easily between the two of them and the rest of Unit Bravo — maybe even a little too easily for some of the team’s more senior members given some of the subject matter that’s managed to crop up here and there — but, hey, any gab session where he and Mason have managed to make Nat sigh in exasperation and pinch the bridge of her nose multiple times is pretty damn good in Felix’s book. Hell, even Ava, perpetual hard-ass that she is, managed to get in a joke or two. It’s been a great day, the best day. And it’s times like these where Felix takes a look around the room at his family and the love of his life and just feels...happy. Really, truly happy. And he knows in this moment that there’s nowhere else in the world he’d rather be than right here. 
But then that all too familiar buzzing noise pierces the blissful atmosphere in the room and Lucas removes his arm from Felix’s shoulders, taking the warmth with him as he reaches into his pocket to fish out his phone and Felix’s heart sinks because he knows what’s coming. 
Lucas heaves a heavy sigh, frowning at his phone’s screen. “It’s Verda. I’ve got to get back. Apparently there’s a bit of a dispute going on at the station involving a couple of disgruntled fishermen and Douglas is the only one around to handle the situation. You can image how well that’s going.” 
Felix visibly deflates. “You’re leaving? But you just got here.” 
Mason scoffs from his spot perched against a side table in his preferred dark corner of the room, lit cigarette dangling from his lips. “He’s been here since this morning.” 
“Well, it feels like he just got here. Not that anyone asked you anyway,” Felix retorts, tossing Mason an unamused glare before fixing his focus back on the detective. “Are you sure you have to go?” 
“Duty calls, I’m afraid,” Lucas says with a soft smile, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes as he stands and begins collecting his belongings from the nearby coffee table. 
Felix frowns at the sudden distance between them, eventually giving a resigned nod. “Yeah, I guess so.” 
It sucks, but honestly he gets it. Lucas is a busy guy; he can’t just stay and laze around with Felix forever. But, man, does he wish he could just wrap Lucas in his arms and never let go instead of having to sit idly by as he gets called away once again to go off and be this badass crime solver extraordinaire. God, he’s amazing. And handsome and funny and smart and — 
He misses him so much already and the guy hasn’t even left yet. 
Felix shakes himself out of his lovesick haze before he makes things even worse for himself, instead rising up to his feet and positioning himself in silent preparation for the one event that makes these goodbyes even remotely bearable. 
Goodbye kisses may be born out of less than ideal circumstances, but they sure are enjoyable. Especially the way he and Lucas do them. They’re soft and tender yet charged with heat and every one gives Felix just enough to get by in Lucas’ absence while also leaving him eagerly waiting for their next meeting so they can come together all over again. 
“Let me get your coat,” Nat offers, reaching for the trench coat she’d folded over the back of a nearby arm chair and stepping behind Lucas as she helps him slip it on. He hums absentmindedly in thanks, his focus zeroed in on his phone and a deep frown settles onto his face as he reads through his texts — Verda’s updates on the dispute at the station, no doubt — but Felix’s focus is only on the excitement bubbling in his chest as the kiss draws near.
Any moment now Lucas will put his phone away and those blue eyes will lock on him. They’ll sparkle with heat as he strides over to Felix with slow and steady purpose and a small smirk will rest on his lips because he knows all too well the effect he has over him. Then he’ll take him in his arms and- 
And…he’s heading for the door.
Wait, seriously? 
“Babe!” Felix calls out automatically, mouth falling open in disbelief as the fantasy he was losing himself in shatters.  
“Hm?” Lucas responds in surprise, spinning on the spot to face him. The phone in his hand chimes with another incoming text. His eyes fall back to the screen and he lets out an exasperated sigh. “Sorry, Felix. I need to get back before Douglas gets himself killed. I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Don’t you think you’re forgetting something?” Felix presses, halting the detective’s movements once more. 
Lucas’ brow furrows in confusion and he begins patting himself down and checking his pockets in earnest. “Uh, no…? I don’t believe so.”  
Felix can hardly believe what he’s hearing. His head swivels around to the other members of Unit Bravo looking for someone to back him up on the cruel twist of fate life has handed him, but he’s met with three faces displaying the same sheer confusion as his boyfriend currently is. “Is anyone else seeing this right now? I can’t be the only one who noticed, right?”
“None of us have any fucking idea what you’re talking about, Felix,” Mason snarks, followed closely by a disapproving click of the tongue from Nat. 
“Felix, the detective clearly has important matters to attend to,” Ava scolds and wow, okay, maybe Felix really is alone in this after all. “I suggest you save your concerns for-“
“You’re really just going to leave without a goodbye kiss? Babe!“ 
Felix swears he feels the ground shake under the combined forces of Ava and Mason’s groans. He ignores them, striding across the room with his head held high and determination set on his features as he prepares to confront his boyfriend for this most heinous of slights. 
He comes to a stop in front of where Lucas stands by the door. Channeling his inner Ava, Felix folds his arms and tries his best to peer down his nose in disappointment at Lucas despite their rather large height difference. “Well, detective? What do you have to say for yourself?” 
Lucas sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, his gaze sidelong and woefully apologetic. “It appears I was forgetting something after all.” His blue eyes shift back to catch his and Felix feels his breath hitch at the intensity in his gaze. “Please allow me to make it up to you before I go.” 
Oh, well, now there’s a thought. 
“I don’t know…” Felix trails off in faux consideration, determined to milk the moment for all its worth despite the somersaults his insides are currently doing at the implications of the request. It’s a little much, he knows —and Lucas really needs to get over to the station like now — but then again, Felix never has been one to waste an opportunity to charm his way into a larger payout. And something tells him this reward is going to be big if he plays his cards right. “That was a pretty big offense, babe. You’re going to have to come up with something pretty special for me to forgive you.”
“Special, huh?” Lucas grins, all too ready to accept the challenge Felix has laid out before him. He shortens what little distance remains between them, one hand snaking its way around Felix’s waist while the other gently comes to rest on his cheek. Felix swallows heavily under the heat of his stare. “I think I can manage that.”
Lucas closes the distance between them and Felix gasps in surprised delight as he feels himself being lowered horizontally into a dip, suddenly feeling very much like one of those couples from those black and white romance films they’d sometimes show on movie night at the Facility. He used to call such dramatic romantic displays cheesy and unrealistic, but this is…wow. It’s heady and delicious, a perfect blend of yearning and desire and love that’s just so right that his brain just kind of short circuits from the intensity of it. He hopes that Lucas will be able to resolve that problem at the station quickly because there is no way in hell Felix is going to be able to focus on anything else until he gets back. 
Distantly he feels himself being placed upright again as Lucas finally breaks the kiss and releases his hold on him. The detective’s breath is ragged as he straightens his tie and runs a hand through his red hair before fixing Felix with a smile. “So how did I do?”
“I…uhh…heh,” Felix stumbles, unable to form words thanks to the pile of mush his brain has been reduced to. He blinks back the dense fog just enough to reply with a breathless, “You’re forgiven.” 
“I’m glad to hear it.” A sharp ringing sound fills the air. Lucas swipes the screen on his phone and answers the call. “Yes, Verda. There was a small matter that needed attending to, but I’m on my way now.” And with a small nod of his head and one last dazzling smile, Lucas departs, the living room door closing behind him with a soft click. 
“That was quite the parting gift,” Mason remarks, giving a small nod in approval as Felix all but floats back to the couch.
“The best gift,” Felix corrects him as he collapses onto the cool leather. His eyes flutter closed, mind dancing with images of red hair and blue eyes and impossibly soft lips that leave him breathless and aching for more. 
Nat chuckles fondly nearby. “One that’ll make the wait much more bearable until Lucas’ return, I’m sure.”
The sentiment has a grin tugging at Felix’s lips. He’s not sure anything could ever make waiting to see the detective again not feel like an eternity, but straight-out-of-the-movies kisses are one hell of a good try. 
Maybe goodbyes aren’t so bad after all. 
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