#there’s lots of videos of the Merc and rb trophy walls
russilton · 1 year
This is a very stupid question but do the drivers get to keep their trophies or does the trophies go to some common team place?”
It’s not stupid! It took me a long time to find out myself, drivers do NOT generally keep the trophies, the teams do!
There are occasional exceptions for special occasions like a first win, and drivers are given the option to ask for replicas of their trophies to keep at home, but the main rule of thumb is that trophies stay with the teams, presumably because they aren’t earned by the driver alone, but the whole team! I don’t know how long this process has gone on, but with Lewis for instance, most of his trophies are on the Mercedes trophy display wall. I mean he’s got over 100, where would he put them all.
The same goes for pole positions! Lewis said some time ago, and George just last week, they have no idea where their pole trophy tires are! And lewis has 104 of those fuckers! (There’s a v funny clip of lewis saying this to a Pirelli staff member who goes what do you mean where are they- you’re meant to have them!)
I BELIEVE the exception to this is the WDC trophy, which does go to the driver who won it alone after their names are engraved in it, if they want it. Nico has spoken about how he didn’t get to give it to Lewis after 2016 but instead it was placed in a car boot and driven away by someone else, and Max’s has been spotted above a fuckin drinks fridge in his streams.
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