#there’s alot I can say about corrupt Sydney but the short of it is: thinking about them makes me unexpectedly sad and complicated
unmerrymagdalene · 13 days
Sydney burying aeself in work does not change based on corruption. Corrupt Sydney is no more likely to take a nap on PC than pure Sydney. The dialogue for it isn’t even that different: (corrupt) "Don't move. Taking a nap." versus (pure) "Hope you don't mind if I doze off on you.". Corrupt Sydney just works in Sirris’s shop after school before going to pray in the temple. The underlying problem has not been solved.
Jesus fucking Christ that is so depressing
The underlying problem hasn’t been solved!
This goes into my other headcanon/“I’ve thought about this too much,” but I really don’t think Pure and Corrupt Sydney are all that different?
Like, in terms of how they express their sexuality it is: Corrupt Sydney is more upfront, while Pure Sydney needs to “convince” PC because he can’t make an active decision, otherwise only he can be blamed for it
But they still have the same or similar ideals? I remember seeing this screenshot for the Confessional (while doing research):
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I know logistically they’re the same for coding/game reasons, but it still asserts Sydney holds the same ideals after being corrupted. I could talk more about the above but that’s for another post
It feels less like being corrupted fixed all of Sydney’s problem, and more of “it fixed(?) one, but created a whole bunch of others on top of them.”
Corrupt Sydney is also reminiscent of good, straight A teens eventually breaking and swinging into the other direction. They are trying to prove something to themselves and others (mainly that they aren’t that person anymore), but are in a very difficult/sensitive place in their lives. They are figuring out their identity now, and are conflicted and confused.
Imo, Corrupt Sydney still harbors all the problems they had before: overworking themselves, having confusing/damaged ideals on relationships/sex, and still not really handling the whole other parent situation. The only difference is that they fit in with the town way better now.
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