#there’s a whole conversation to be had about reproduction and trans people esp concerning legally we HAVE to be sterilized
venacoeurva · 2 years
Wait, I don't.. really get.. Vavani's.. gender? sex? I apologize if it sounds offensive, that's not my intention, I am just a bit confused. sorry my english's not so well
He’s a transgender man (born with a vagina, socialized as female as a child), who is non-op (for the most part) and occasionally gender nonconforming, meaning he doesn’t physically pass as what’s considered fully masculine with a flat chest, deep voice, etc. and hasn’t done much to medically transition out side of magically reversible top surgery and minor masculinization (done through magic) because he simply doesn’t feel the need to. He isn’t “fully” transitioned in a lower area surgical sense either, and hasn’t gotten a hysterectomy or phalloplasty (where surgeons create a penis for you and lengthen your urethra, as well as remove your vagina and ovaries), even though he could if he wanted to. He’s not someone made dysphoric by having a uterus/period/getting pregnant, either, and has had kids ~the natural way~(some of their kids were adopted, though), and likes having breasts except when they’re too inconvenient lol
Tl;dr he does what he wants and looks like a woman, but he’s a man
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