#there were people at my house today for my sibling's birthday party [happy bday to them]
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therewillbenoromance · 4 months ago
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mvltisstuff · 2 years ago
Could i request for a Conrad fisher X reader where reader has a younger sibling who gives her a hard time and her parents favour her younger sibling more. It's the reader's bday on the same day as belly's and her family doesn't get her anything and they don't bother with an excuse either and say they don't really care abt her so it doesn't matter. So Conrad comforts her later and if u don't mind u could include some smut at the end?
(this is my situation rn lololol but without Conrad to comfort me😭)
matilda - c.f
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summary: request
conrad fisher x reader
a/n: i’m so sorry love, sorry this is a few days late but you are so loved and appreciated no matter what, hope this makes you happy today <3
it’s been a recurring theme for most of y/n’s life. the overheard quotes about the older sibling had eventually become a reality. they didn’t even wait for y/n to try and live up to them. instead, they just accepted that their daughter wasn’t as good as the rest of their children.
as upsetting as it is, kids experience it too much. y/n experiences it every day, so when she realized it wasn’t normal, that’s when it started to hurt more every year.
this day was supposed to be different. she was so excited, turning 18 and finally being an adult. free of her parents if she wanted to be. she thought that maybe, just maybe, her parents would think of her for a day, and make it about it. alas, the second she woke up and walked into the kitchen, y/n’s hopes were shut down.
“y/n, can you take y/b/n to practice? i’m going out with sharon today,” her mom said, barely even looking at her.
“uh, i’m leaving in a bit, remember?” she speaks, trying to sound as polite as possible. “the fishers invited me over for today.”
“hon, we get it,” her dad talks next, peering up over his glasses and newspaper of the town. “but, to some point, it’s just another day. just do what your mother asked.”
y/n looks at her little siblings at the table, messing around and receiving no repercussions. she still remembers when that was her. playing with her parents, happier than she ever was again. she loves her siblings to death, but she loves herself, too. y/n deserves more than she’s been given, so she confides. she drives her brother to whatever practice, wishing him luck as he whispers a happy birthday, then jumping out of the car to see his friends.
she’s already dressed up for the party for belly. the fishers had welcomed her with open arms, even having decorations and sweets for her on the table. everyone figured she’d have something going on at home, but oh, they were so wrong. she didn’t receive a single birthday message from the people who gave her life, so did it matter? even if she didn’t believe it, at least the fishers knew she was worth it. she was dressed in one of her best outfits, a simple dress with small flowers printed over. she had small wedges and her hair was done neatly. she felt pretty, she is pretty.
she walked into the house, belly hearing the door open first. she skips toward, engulfing y/n in a huge hug. “y/n!” she squeals. “happy birthday!”
“oh, belly! happy birthday to you, you look so cute!”
“are you kidding? your man’s gonna go wild when he sees you!” she whispers, making y/n blush toward the end.
“belly, stop!” she nudges. “he’s not my man… yet.”
they giggle together before moving back into the kitchen where y/n greets susannah and laurel, along with the rest of the boys. conrad stands up first, in a heartbeat. he walks over, almost lifting y/n off the ground in a hug.
“hey! happy birthday!” he tells her, excitedly as he pulls away. jeremiah comes piling in next, saying his words to the person he considers a sister.
“didn’t y/m/n have anything planned?” susannah asked from the pure kindness in her heart.
“oh,” y/n mutters. “we, uh, we did something yesterday.”
conrad can tell when y/n lies. he can read her like a book at this point. he’s spent so long fanboying over her that he knows what she’s feeling. when she’s sad, excited, pissed, he knows. it pulls at his heart when he can sense the disappointment in her voice. he starts to get more alarmed with every drink she takes throughout the day. she’s not even a big drinker, never really taking an offer. now he’s positive somethings wrong.
if y/n’s parents didn’t care about her, they don’t care if she drinks, right? she’s with her friends, she’s allowed to. plus. it’ll take the edge off of the internal wounds her parents have left her with. her feelings on the whole matter start to disintegrate for a while, until belly’s cake comes out and is handed to her. it’s so nicely done, perfect detail and so much love. they put time into her cake and party, and y/n can’t help the jealousy rising up. she vividly remembers every one of her younger siblings birthdays. all of them having their friends and a party, while y/n was just locked in her room on her birthday. the presents and the cheesy grins from everyone were overwhelming every year. she couldn’t help but think about what it could be like with her real family. maybe they could love her as much as she deserves, but in reality, they won’t. they can, but they chose not to, which hurts even more.
y/n stumbles around on the balcony, around people while carefully savoring every last drop of whatever is in her can. she’s probably had too many, but she doesn’t care. it’s almost like it’s reversed itself now. she watches belly open all of her presents and receive hugs and kisses, and the lump in her throat becomes thicker. she thinks of the alcohol as her enemy now, just bringing back the thoughts in her sober mind.
it’s not until everyone hears the clicking of y/n’s heels on the pavement that they notice her walking away. her hand is swiping away the loose tears and everyone looks at conrad. if there’s anyone y/n wants to see, it’s him. they’ve been in love for so long, it’s almost painful to watch. as she walks away, blurry vision from the alcohol and the tears, she tries to grab another can from the box before a hand stops her.
“i don’t think that’s a good idea,” conrad says, gently taking it out of her hand and landing it back in the box.
“oh, great. more fuckin’ judgment,” she retorts, making conrad’s face contort.
“hey, what’s going on? you’ve been off all day.”
“i am, perfectly fine,” y/n slurs. conrad places a hand on her shoulder, and takes them to sit on the steps. his arm is wrapped around her, the other one gripping her hand.
“i know you’re not. it’s ok to not be ok,” he looks at her nose scrunch and her cheeks turn red again. “hey, hey, don’t cry, you’re alright.”
“no,” she weeps out, putting her head in her hands. “i’m a mess! i don’t know what to do, i cant make it any better and i’ve been trying for 14 fucking years!”
“hold on,” he keeps his voice low. “what do you mean?”
“my parents don’t give a shit. they haven’t since y/b/n was born and they didn’t even bother about me anymore,” conrad pulls her into his arms, leaning back as her teardrops soak into his shirt. “i didn’t do anything for this, and belly’s being loved unconditionally without having to fight for it. and i feel like a bitch getting upset over it but-“
“absolutely not. don’t say that ever again. you don’t deserve anything they’re giving you. anything they’ve said to you is a fucking lie. i know who you are. you’re the most perfect, beautiful person i’ve ever met, inside and out. you don’t have to prove anything to them, because they don’t deserve your amazingness,” he speaks to her. it’s nothing but the truth, and nothing he would ever hesitate to say. “and i will spend forever trying to prove to you that you’re nothing but beautiful a beautiful person.”
y/n looks up at him, only bursting into more tears as he laughs a bit. “oh, my god, conrad. i love you, so much. i know i’m drunk but i mean it more than anything.” she’s felt nothing like she does now. she’s never had someone accept her so quickly and with so much appreciation. she feels like she can do nothing but cry and just love on him.
“i’m glad,” he begins again. “because i love you, too. no matter what your parents say or do. they don’t define you.”
and in this moment, for the first time in a long time, y/n knows someone loves her. and he’s not just saying it for comfort. she doesn’t need her parents to be loved. if they can’t do that, there will forever be someone out there who loves her just as much. she knows she’s enough, and that’s enough.
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mrs-hollandstan · 6 years ago
Hi babe! If u r taking requests, what for mob!tom's twins, boy and girl, having a birthday party in which there are also Tom, his wife and Tom's older son??? Like whaaam today I went to my friend's bday party and it was so much fun!!
Soft daddy (half assed mob) Tom
Tom smiled when the little nine year old twins bombarded their nineteen year old big brother, your arms binding around his waist. He rubs your hands, continuing to watch the party from inside your house,
"I can't carry this cake all by myself handsome." You coo, watching Tom's teenage son handle your twins with one under each arm. He nods, sighing through his nose,
"I know... I got it just... with him going away for school, I'll miss seeing the three of them like this." He tells you. You smile,
"Oh so you didn't hear..." You start. He frowns before turning to look at you. His eyebrows knit together,
"Heard what? Why does no one tell me anything in this fucking house?" You press a finger to his lips, giggling,
"Be quiet. There are nine year old outside that don't need to hear Mr. Holland's potty mouth." You say through giggles as he places his hands on your lower back, eyebrows still furrowed,
"What have I not been told?" He poses again. You smile, reaching up to press your hands to his cheeks,
"He cried to me earlier when we were setting up. He wants to stay here. He can't... leave them. He can't leave us. Its just... not what he wants right now." You inform Tom who's eyes widen. He holds your summer dress in his hands,
"What? Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't he-"
"I don't know Tom, I don't know, but don't pressure him. You stress him out sometimes and I- he doesn't need it right now. Just... let him have this time with them. He'll come to you. And hey... now you know so if its last minute and he's supposed to be packing and he tells you in that moment, reassure him. Just... be nice." You reassure your husband. He nods after a moment,
"Okay... yeah, fine." He tells you, smoothing your dress over. His heart pounds at the idea of his son, his first born, not leaving you because he can’t stand being away from either of you, can’t stand being away from his brother and sister, 
“I told him we’d support him no matter what. Of course there are things out there… in the open. There’s thousands of people to meet out there in the world, but he can take it one step at a time until he’s ready. And he’s not right now. And that’s okay. He has time and... despite us having the money to send him away, he doesn't have to." You explain further to Tom who nods before turning to the cake,
"Yeah. It's bad to say I'm glad right?"
"No, it's okay to want your little boy to stay home. He was your first baby and... you have given him more attention because one, his mum isn't in the picture, and two, because the twins have me. It was just you and him for the first... what, six years? And then we got together and the twins were born. He's been through a lot and the two of you have an attachment like no other." You reassure him as he maneuvers the chocolate cake to the end of the counter and lifts it,
"Yeah... he's a little daddy's boy and when he told me he wanted to go away it kinda broke me." Tom admits, letting you stroke his back as he passes. You follow him back out into the party, your three kids coming to see the both of you. The twins are dropped on their feet beside you by their older half-brother, his arm wrapping around your neck as you hold the twins to you. You smile, watching Tom set the cake down before he turns to the four of you, smiling as he kneels to kiss the twins's cheeks, making them both giggle. He stands straight, eyes averting up to his teenage son who laughs, just as his siblings had when Tom ruffles his hair and gives one kiss to his cheek. Tom drags him in, his arms wrapping around his father as Tom drags him in,
"I love you." Tom whispers in his son's ear, who just nods, squeezing his father,
"Love you too dad. Always." Tom blinks away his tears before he releases the younger man, holding his hands out for the twins,
"Want us to sing happy birthday?" They both cheer, their older brother wrapping his arm around your shoulders again, holding you close as you sing the twins happy birthday and they blow the candles out, Tom wearing a proud smile the entire time, proud of all three of his children for their accomplishments.
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