#there was like a whole matcha plot line because i love matcha
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djotime-allthetime ¡ 1 month ago
hi!!! im back 😎✌🏼 i was thinking about y/n again (she literally hasnt left my mind yet) and was wondering if you've had a particular person in mind when writing her either in personality or in appearance? in my head she looks a bit like sydney sweeney, but more european or scandi if that makes sense?
also what accent do you imagine y/n as having, cos i imagined her speaking at the panel a london accent (like me!!!), but i am curious to see how you picture y/n in your mind!!!
hello my love!!
to be completely frank with you,,, y/n is me and i am y/n sooooo she is a short middle eastern girl with long hair and she has an international school accent lol
but! that's the beauty of self inserts! you can imagine her as whatever your heart desires!
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fatesdeepdive ¡ 2 years ago
Entry 112: A Rare Moment of Corrin Being Smart
Revelation Chapter 21: Going Forward
As the gang stops to rest, Anthony whines about how nobody trusts him. He suggests he sneak in through the castle's front gate and unlock it for everyone. That way, everyone will trust him for doing something dangerous. Corrin suggests they go along with him, because Corrin is stupid. At least, I thought Corrin was stupid. I wrote this whole tirade about Corrin being a dumbass, then I moved to the next line of text where Corrin reveals that they knew Anthony was sus and told the rest of the gang to follow. This plotline is still mediocre, but at least Corrin isn't as stupid as I initially thought.
Xander and Gunter kill Anthony, who as a reminder is taking the form of a small child. To be fair, it's not like Xander normally has a problem with killing children. Anthony transforms into a generic faceless and the battle begins. This map has an interesting and very exploitable gimmick: half of the map is made of red rooms and half of blue rooms. Enemies are unpromoted in the blue rooms and promoted in the red ones. It's actually a fun map, but I did all the Paralogues between this chapter and the last one so the promoted enemies weren't hard anyway, kinda making the map pointless.
After battle, Corrin apologizes for being too trusting and almost getting the gang hurt. The big brothers say that actually Corrin being trusting is a good thing, Xander pointing out he wouldn't follow Corrin if Corrin wasn't so kind and trusting. Honestly, this chapter is dumb, but it does have Corrin act smarter than normal while still acting in character, which is a good thing.
Support: Hinoka/Leo
C: Leo tells Hinoka that she's a strong warrior, but her fighting style, charging blindly into battle, is hard to plan around.
B: Leo says that Hinoka is far too reckless, especially for a princess. Hinoka says she likes head on fights. Leo suggests coming up with plans, but Hinoka says the only thing she puts faith in is her own power. Leo says she can't win the war all by herself.
A: Hinoka says that she trusts her allies, but knows her limits better than theirs and is afraid of ordering her allies into harm's way. Leo calls her novle and says that's why people trust in Hinoka.
S: Leo tells Hinoka he loves her because of her courage and kindness. Review: A really good Support that gives great characterization to Hinoka.
Support: Hinoka/Ryoma
Hinoka finds out Ryoma is preparing a surpise party for her, but doesn't know what the occasion is. She talks to Xander about this for some reason. B: The party doesn't happen. A: Xander arranges a party to cheer Hinoka up. SL Xander explains he planned meals between the two families to bring the kingdoms together, and that he now has feelings for Hinoka. Review: This one is dumb and boring.
Support: Laslow/Orochi
Laslow and Orochi hit on one another. Orochi asks Laslow to appear in an act with her. B: Orochi uses her fortune telling to divine what to do for the act. She draws a bunch of flowers, giving Laslow the idea to use fire. A: Laslow puts on a firework show. S: Laslow proposes with flowers and a ring. Review: Any chemistry the duo have is killed by the complete lack of interesting plot.
Support: Kagero/Peri
Peri says she wants to be like Kagero because Kagero is pretty and cool. Peri attempts this by copying everything Kagero does, including drinking matcha tea. Peri cries because it's too bitter. B: Peri tries the tea again and gags. Kagero gives her sweets. A: Peri explains she wants to be like Kagero because she watched Kagero assassinate an enemy soldier, ending up covered in blood in the process. Kagero is not proud of this, as it is dishonorable. Peri thinks it's cool and asks to learn how to sneak around. Review: Actually not bad. Peri's awful traits are toned down, while Kagero is able to show a darker side of herself.
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humanitys-strongest-bamf ¡ 2 years ago
hihi, me again~
- got some things from this xxx :)))
of course right as i reblogged the ask game i got called into my doctor's office -__-
this has spoilers below the cut btw, jsyk
send me some writer asks!
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
oh, hmm, this is a good question. snk canon is tragic but the tragedy also drives the story. i would love for levi to have not got his leg bit in the final battle tbh for no reason other than the fact that my heart is rIPPED TO PIECES DURING THAT SCENE hange not having to die would be nice. y'know what, just avoid the whole thing by deleting floche entirely.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
someone once commented "this made me finish" on one of my smut pieces and i fking cackled irl tbh, any comments along the lines of kdjfkdjsfkj gives me dopamine. it just communicates like a primal desire that no words can ever fulfill
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
OUUU ok, so only matcha is published right now and i think it'd be a decent movie/show but im plotting out this canonverse fic (that i'm still deciding on whether i wanna publish or not) that has so much angst in it and i would LOVE to see that as a tv show idk who i'd cast kdjfkdjf
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
hmm...i really like reluctantly in love levi...so probably idiots in love? writing levi being a douche because he doesn't want to admit that he's in love with you gives me uwus
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quinnick ¡ 3 years ago
Okay, so I am bored and gonna write a little bit of a post to explain why this ship war between byler and Matcha latte shouldn’t exist from a queer perspective. And this isn’t going to be a post just saying “I am write and you are wrong” this is an explanation of how fucked it would be for the queer community if Stranger Things was queer baiting. Starting off with explaining queer baiting because straight people really think that queer baiting doesn’t exist unless they personally recognize a character as queer. Which would never happen because straight people still be out here pretending Robin could realistically get with Steve. Queer baiting is when a piece of media alludes to the idea of queer characters or plot lines without actually planning on having or using said queer identities. Basically, a show using queer identities as a form of a plot dressing. Now a days it is not as common to see queer identities alluded to and never fulfilled as in the case of BBC’s Sherlock or other shows. (In which case many jokes about the characters being gay was used as a way to basically poke fun at the queer communities that formed around these shows). But now, queer baiting is more shows promising and fulfilling queer characters only to treat them less then straight characters or just use their queerness as a way to dress up their show. Think Voltron promising a gay character only for people to find out that it was for half a second and then never talked about again. In this case Stranger Things would be more like the latter. I would say that Robin falls into a line of queer baiting but not? Kind of on the edge. Her character is a side character in a way (becoming more main character in S4) and she comes in later so a pre set up romance would not be as strong as any of the original characters plot lines. But her romantic subplot is pushed more to the back ground then an unnecessary love triangle and is just left with her being heartbroken and then maybe has a possibility with her? Again though, Robin didn’t get a love interest in the main cast which none of the straight characters got a love interest out side of the main cast (besides Dustin IG. But doesn’t isn’t really a minority so it doesn’t even it out). But this isn’t about Robin and my opinions of her may change in S5. This is about Byler. Now that we kind of understand queer baiting, let me explain why Byler not be cannon would fall under queerbaiting. We all know Will Byers is cannon gay. He kisses boys okay bro. No one needs to argue anymore because they let Noah Schnapp out of the basement to confirm it since some people don’t know how to watch a goddamn show. If Will Byers does not end up with Mike Wheeler (or any of the main cast but all other party members are well paired off so good luck with that) who he has a romantically coded relationship with or at least a vv obvious crush on, then that means this show has introduced to queer characters just to crush their hopes and dreams. And then on top of that, there is no way they are adding in new characters so that means Will’s whole romantic subplot will just be for this poor gay boy to go around being sad and lonely forever while watching all of his heterosexual friends get to be with their partners. AND even if they did add in another character, the romantic subplot will still not be satisfying as yet again queer characters are being written off as not deserving the light of day for a proper romance. They don’t get the main character. They don’t win. They didn’t have to make Will gay. If they made Will gay just to make queer people watch the show but never plan on fulfilling any of Will’s plotlines and leaving him to be reduced to the sad lonely gay, then that is queer baiting. That is shitty.  I get why people love microwave but it would be cruel for them to be endgame. I could support wanting it to be endgame more if the writers hadn’t already made Will gay. Because I can not support the possibility of a giant corporation using queer people to get their money and then tell them “lol, sorry but gay people don’t deserve love. You can’t be a hero. You are going to be alone forever, bye lmao”. No one should. So ship what you like, but please just understand that S4 has changed how you must approach your ship. You don’t have to like byler. You don’t have to stop liking Multiplex. But you must acknowledge that Stranger Things writers and Netflix are being homophobic pieces of shit if they only plan to promote the same message of “Must suck to be gay” when promising real representation.  In conclusion, have fun all you want with whoever you ship but at least understand queer history at least enough to know when queer people are being fucked over and not just gloat in their faces about it
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sneezefiction ¡ 4 years ago
untouchable | vii
Atsumu x Reader
desc: in which an accidental run-in with pro volleyball player, Atsumu Miya, at a 7/11 leads to a strangers-to-lovers situation… but the catch is, you have no idea that he’s famous.
warnings: slight language, anxiety
wc: 3.2k
part 6 ⚬ part 7 ⚬ part 8 (coming soon)
untouchable m.list
“Here ya go.”
Osamu sets down a small cup of water, letting it clink against the bar’s granite surface. There’s no ice in it, but you can tell by the condensation on the glass that it’s cold. Osamu tosses a plastic straw toward you and it lands conveniently right next to your cup.
Throwing him a quick smile, you reach to take a sip but pause when you hear the click and gentle hiss of a drink can.
You’d know that sound anywhere.
It’s a reminder of street vending machines and roadside shops. Of summer walks on hot pebbled pathways and after-class escapades with old high-school friends. 
But, just to be sure, you glance over to study the object in the hands of the man next to you.
Yes, you confirm, Miya Atsumu has indeed brought a can of green tea into his brother’s restaurant. And, yes, you are quite amused.
You choke down the rising laughter in your chest, though you can’t hide the small smile creeping onto your lips. This is the dorkiest thing you think you’ve ever seen on a not-date before.
 “Where the hell were you hiding that?” You tilt your head, leaning toward him to get a closer look at the drink.
“You’ll see.” Completely unfazed, he reaches for his coat, which hangs on the back of the chair, and digs into the pocket…
And, if what you’re seeing is true, he’s just fished out a second can. The paper covering the aluminum has a pink, floral print and reads, “Matcha-” but his thumb covers the rest of the lettering.
“What? Did you want one?” Atsumu tilts his head and places the can next to your water glass.
You stare at it, curious about two things. 
The first thing being his massive fucking pockets. They must be something of a void for him to fit two whole cans in the same pouch. Well, it’s more like you assume they were contained in a single pocket. Otherwise, you would’ve noticed a sloshing, aluminum object bumping up against your side as you two walked arm-in-arm.
The second thing that struck you is that he actually thought to bring two. Did he plan on drinking both? Was it originally for his brother? Or did he intend to offer you one right from the start? 
You do happen to like this brand of tea.
Atsumu leans back into his chair, tossing an arm over the back of the seat. “My friend tells me it’s good for digestion,” he explains and takes a sip.
“My digestion is just fine, thanks. You can keep it.” 
Your eyes crease in mirth. He has some interesting friends, that’s for sure. And why does he care about digestion? He’s fit and muscular and... is he constipated or something?
Yeah, that’s not something you should ask about.
“I’m gonna try not to imagine what else you could be hiding in those pockets,” you say, twisting your face in concern and pinching your eyebrows together.
Atsumu grimaces, shifting in his seat. “Did ya have to say it like that?” 
“I think I have every right to say it like that. You could be a freak for all I know.”
“Um, I think it’s entirely possible that you’re the freak here.” He shoots right back at you through mock-judgmental eyes.
Your jaw drops in amused surprise. You shove his arm playfully, but his balance hardly wavers. He grins in response, golden eyes glimmering. Your hand lingers briefly as you mimic his smile, but you notice and drop it quickly.
“Gettin’ comfortable now aren’t we?”
A faint flush dances across your skin. Maybe you were being a little touchy… but flirting hasn’t been this fun in so long. Anyway, he was the one who had you walking arm-in-arm with him earlier.
That thought alone makes your heart jump.
You look away, grasping the straw in your glass and twirling it around. “You got all comfy first,” is all you can huff out.
“Well, yeah.” Atsumu places an elbow on the table and props his chin up with his hand, “I mean, this is a date isn’t it?” He takes another sip of his drink, acting as though what he said wasn’t headline news.
So apparently this whole not-a-date but possibly-a-date situation had an obvious answer… to Atsumu that is. It still felt about as clear as rocket science to you though.
“Is it?” The words flow from your lips before you can stop them.
He blinks. “Hm.” 
You swallow, “Is this a date?” 
He gestures a hand at the two of you, “I mean... I thought it was.”
Well, yes. You’re both sitting across from each other. Neither of you knows the other well. Atsumu had taken you to his brother’s restaurant.
Everything that’s happened in the past hour screams, “date.”
And, yet, it’s all too strange.
Suddenly the wooden barstool is much less comfortable. You readjust, crossing your dangling legs. You can hear every uneven as it leaves your body - hopefully his ears aren’t too keen.
Did you really change the atmosphere with just a few words?
Should you have assumed that this was a date from the beginning? But you were protecting yourself… 
Thank God Osamu is in the back right now. You don’t think you could handle someone else (especially your date’s brother) hearing this conversation. The embarrassment would be way too real.
“But if you’re not okay with it bein’ a date, then that’s okay.” Atsumu is quick to speak, straightening up in his chair. “I probably forgot to clarify…” He searches your gaze for any change in reaction.
Yeah, he’s probably not adept at these sorts of situations. But neither are you.
There’s a noticeable tint to his cheeks. You’re sure it must burn because your own face has already burst into flames. Great, you’ve made him feel like he’s screwed up. 
Atsumu mumbles a quiet “shit” under his breath, which would’ve found funny if it weren’t for your own pounding heartbeat.
Dammit, how can you salvage this? You might as well be fanning a flame at this point. If you weren’t careful, you could burn this entire opportunity to the ground. 
“Ah, that’s not what I mean,” You respond, waving your hands out in front of you, “I just- I don’t know, you never said anything about it being a date over text, so I just assumed it wasn’t. Not that I would mind it being one...”
If you keep talking, the words will only get more muddled. You clamp your mouth shut so as to not say anything ridiculous.
Suddenly, the blank wall opposite the blonde is very interesting. Maybe if you survive the next 5 minutes you’ll suggest that ‘Samu add some art pieces to soften the stark white paint. It might also make avoiding eye-contact a little easier.
Despite not wanting to face him, you can’t exactly ignore the man sitting an arm’s length away from you. You glance back to him, bracing yourself for a face wrought with confusion.
But Atsumu looks… amused? Relieved? The lines of worry on his forehead have smoothed back out.
Well, whatever emotion he’s conveying, it’s better than the ones you saw earlier.
“Alright, then how about you tell me whether you want this to be a date or not?”
You bite your lip in thought. Partly because a male has just respectfully asked you if you’d like to go on a date (a date you’re already on.) That, in itself, is a rare sight indeed. 
But mostly because he actually wants to go on a date with you.
Did you really meet him only a month ago? Was he ever a stranger to you?
He’s a little too friendly for that. But friendly isn’t the right word. Atsumu is understanding. And simple… but in a good way. Things are smooth like velvet when you’re around him.
You, who’s been shit out of luck over the past few years. You, who had to frantically accept a less than ideal job after moving away from your entire support system. You, who tried to abate loneliness with blind dates and Tinder matches... but only ever ended up shoving breadsticks in a bag before escaping through the backdoor of a mediocre restaurant.
After all the tears and life changes and dating apps and heartbreak, you finally have a choice that you can make by yourself without any serious repercussions.
And it’s a simple yes or no question.
“I’m gonna say, yeah. This is a date.”
A grin that could light up the city of Tokyo spreads across his face. You don’t know why he’s so happy, but it’s making your heart do somersaults in your chest.
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” He grabs his drink, taking another sip.
Even you can feel the earnest smile on your face reaching your eyes. 
“So, can I ask ya somethin’?”
You sit up in silent anticipation. “Uh… sure.”
Atsumu clears his throat, looks away from you and runs a hand through the waves of his hair. Given Atsumu’s display of nerves, someone watching from the outside might think that this man was either about to break up with you or propose marriage.
Thank God it couldn’t be either of those things. But your hands clasp at your thighs anxiously anyway.
“Why’d you want to see me again?”
You find yourself holding your breath, letting his question sink in. 
It’s a good question. An important question. Why exactly are you here? With him?
You’re usually better about setting your intentions before you dive into something new. Plotting out big decisions has saved your ass a multitude of times.
But this opportunity fell into your lap at the most peculiar of times.
In all honesty, you didn’t give his request too much thought. Hell, you didn’t even ask him if he’d give you time to think about your decision. 
Thinking back, you really should’ve been way more careful… but you’re already here.
You lean back into your chair and meet his gaze head-on. 
“Do you want an honest answer? Or would you rather me make something up?” You ask, a glimmer in your eye.
“Oh, yeah I love bein’ lied to, go right ahead.” He throws you a look through squinted eyes.
You laugh, “I’m assuming that’s sarcasm.”
“And you’d be right.” Atsumu’s chin sinks back into his hand, awaiting your honest answer.
You give yourself a moment to breathe, leaning back into your chair and relaxing your body.
It’s best to keep things brief - you’d hate to overwhelm him with your own life. And something tells you he has his own complicated shit to deal with. 
“I’ve had a rough few years here and my social life is about as interesting as a brick right now.” You glance over to him, “Plus you seemed a little weird. But fun.”
This is all true. But there’s so much more you’d like to say.
Stuff like, 
“You’re so easy to be around.”
“Your voice is comforting.”
“I’ve felt like shit but you’ve given me something good to think about.”
“I feel a little less lonely lately and I think it’s because of you.”
But you know that would be overstepping some major boundaries. You’d play it cool and keep your thoughts to yourself for now.
“A bit blunt, but I’ll take it.” He quirks an eyebrow.
“Hey, you’re pretty blunt yourself.” You fake a frown, but can’t suppress your smile for long.
“Okay, sure, I’m not the most tactful… but you should’ve seen me in high school.” He sighs, eyes growing fuzzy with memories. 
But he’s quick to snap back to the present.
You snort. “I bet you were a hoot.”
Osamu’s voice rings from the back, “He was a lot more than that.”
So he was listening in, your cheeks burn a little at the thought. 
“Oi, shaddup, ‘Samu.” He lifts his head, calling back with a playful growl in his voice.
“I have video evidence, don’t tempt me to share it,” Osamu warns, but he gets back to business.
Your eyebrows raise. Now that’d be fun to see.
He notices your curiosity but is quick to furrow his brows. “Oh, no, no. I want you to get to know me, but not that well,” Atsumu says, slightly perturbed. 
“Not yet, at least.” He adds, after a few seconds.
Your eyes soften. 
That makes sense. 
Although, you hadn’t even expected him to show you the videos. You’d just wanted to tease him a little since that seems to be something he’s very comfortable with. You like that it’s a “not yet” instead of a “never,” though.
But instead of continuing this part of the conversation, you divert to asking his question back to him.
“Well, I think it’s your turn to tell me why you asked me out.”
And you swear you must’ve just said something ridiculous because he looks hilariously surprised. Like a deer in headlights. A jammed highway of car-headlights with the brights on full blast.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d guess that he hadn’t even thought about it. That or he didn’t want to tell you.
Either way, you deserve to know at least this much. You wait with your hands placed patiently in your lap and a trained indifference in your eyes.
Okay, so maybe he’s not the sharpest crayon in the box.
Atsumu knows he has a good reason for asking you out… he really does. 
But it wasn’t the kind of reason one could eloquently verbalize. I mean, shit, what does Atsumu do that is eloquent?
It was more of a gut feeling than anything else. 
But he’s sure if he told you that he wanted to date you based on “instinct” that you’d laugh and promptly flee the restaurant like a prison escapee jumping the walls holding them captive.
He pulls himself together because he’s sure you can sense his discomfort. He’s never been great at disguising his emotions - he’d only ever learned to mask them with nonchalance and angry outbursts… and that’s a no-go when it comes to the press. Atsumu had to drop those reactions like a hotcake.
“I…” he swallows but gives a wry smile, “Y’see… I live a bit of a complicated life.”
He scans your face like he’s searching for his next words within your eyes. But you’re must be a blank page because they don’t come to him.
“Okay, now, don’t go telling me you’re wanted for some sort of federal crime.” You tease him as your lips brush against your straw, lightening the atmosphere in the process.
Atsumu’s lips open to let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding in. “Ah, ya got me. That’s exactly what I was gonna say.” He responds dryly.
“That’s so sad. And I really thought this was going well, too.” You hum and take a sip of water.
He clears his throat, loosening his shoulder with a stretch. For someone who’s lived most of his adult life in the limelight, he hasn’t had to talk about it much. People either know he’s famous or they don’t.
You’re so kind. You listen well. There’s something about you that he’s magnetized by. Something that continuously draws him back in.
So if you were to learn about his life and see him differently? It would be a door slamming into his face, sealing his fate to be a really fucking lonesome bachelor. Which is a funny concept until you are the lonely bachelor.
So what exactly is he supposed to tell you?
Out of habit, his hand reaches for his hair… but he freezes before he can run his fingers through it.
Because the words are coming to him like a lone flower petal drifting to the ground. Soft and solemn.
He asked you out because his chest hasn’t ached like this in so long.
The warmth you’ve brought him in such a short time flares inside of him; why should those flames to die down anytime soon?
Because when’s the last time he spoke with somebody new and felt so normal? He’d never craved simple conversation back in high school. Even in his early 20’s, he’d just been searching for quick flings and easy getaways - those were easy to manage and feelings almost never got involved.
But being with you is like honey to hot, bitter tea. Like chowing down on a hot meal when he’s hungry.
No, it’s not easy to explain, but your presence is somehow satiating to his soul. Osamu even said that he’s been “less of a dick” since he started talking with you, so that must count for something.
You don’t need to know all of that. That’d be really weird. But if you were already being honest with him (even if you hadn’t spilled your entire life’s story) then he can be honest with you. 
But with this groundbreaking realization comes the hard part. Saying it out loud. And while he’s sometimes smooth in terms of flirting, he’s absolute shit at explaining himself.
The words come out slow and awkward. “I’ve been havin’ a hard time with… people.” 
Okay, that’s not at all what he meant to say. 
There are a million things you could’ve gleaned from that useless sentence. ‘I have a hard time with people?’ I mean, if that didn’t sound like a red flag, then what does?
“Oh, really?” Your eyes are wide and thoughtful and he swears he sees a glint of amusement flash through them. 
Shit, this would be harder than he thought. 
“Well, dating in particular, but that’s because my life is out of wack.” He presses on, but it only comes out worse.
Maybe he should’ve taken that communications class back in high school. It would’ve saved his ass in his interviews and, more importantly, here.
You nod along, folding your arms. “Mhmm.”
It’s both unfair and such a relief that you’re finding his verbal blunders funny. 
“Okay, gimme a minute, this is comin’ out all wrong.”
“Take your time,” you smile and your eyes crinkle. “I’ll be here all night.” 
But is it possible to soften what he’s about to say? To give you something to chew on rather than a bunch of information to choke on?
Being candid with you is the only fair way to do this. If he isn’t straightforward with you, you could end up getting hurt. Even being with you here at his brother’s restaurant is a risk — he should’ve thought through that decision better too. Not that he visits his brother there in person much, but it’s still not a gamble he likes to make.
Anyway, what’s done is done. He’s just got to tell you.
Atsumu sits up, resting his clenched fists on his thighs and knitting his brows together.
“Listen, I’m not sure how to tell you this…”
You shift in your seat, mouth closed and eyes fixed on his. There’s a tension in your posture, but he tries not to let it deter him.
“But I’m...”
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obeymedreams ¡ 4 years ago
Sweet as You
Author’s notes: I’m salty that the event will not give me Lucifer and Luke’s card so instead I’m replacing it with sweet headcanons about the essence of the datables’ kisses and what chocolates you’d give, plus a little bit about how you and Luke teamed up to make them! 
Content warning: food, chocolate, candy
Length: 2.4 K
You make a coffee bonbon for Lucifer. The shell is dark chocolate with two streaks of colour painted on—one in your favourite colour and another in his. The filling is an espresso ganache that highlights the bitterness of chocolate and coffee while ensuring the bonbon is never too sweet
Lucifer is both impressed with the flavour and the obvious care you’ve put into crafting this confection. He offers to prepare some drinks so you two can enjoy the chocolate together
Kissing Lucifer is being swept up in each other. It feels like passing by each other in castle walls, then hiding behind pillar to exchange impassioned kisses and whispers of love. The world might be continuing around you, but in that moment only the two of you matter
Lucifer feels clarity when kissing you. Everything else melts away and all that is left is the feeling of your lips and the warmth of your love. Your kisses contain an oasis and Lucifer finally feels like he can relax
Mammon gets a fancy gold leaf bonbon that has a glossy shine. And to his delight you’ve gifted him liquor chocolate filled with an expensive Demonus that’s all the rage lately
Naturally, Mammon enjoys the chocolates because they’re fancy. However, the real reason he adores them is that they are proof that, to you, he is someone worth splurging on in both effort and money
Kisses with Mammon are messy and unexpected yet both of you feel like you’ve waited forever for this. The first taste of you isn’t enough, and Mammon becomes addicted pretty quickly. It’s a rush, like betting on a rolling dice or a flip of a card while on a winning streak. He feels like he’s losing all good sense yet so sure this is the right decision
His love for you is neither neat nor compartmentalized and neither are his kisses. It’s bubbling affection that he just can’t contain anymore. No matter how many lies he verbalizes, the blush on his visage and the way he greedily steals kiss after kiss says enough
You craft a chocolate treat based of a scene in TSL! There was a cute scene between Henry and the Lord of the Shadows where they eat chocolates, sharing one last sweet moment before having to part. You decide to recreate it by creating milk chocolate bonbons with a salted caramel filling, making sure to use a mold which creates the right shape!
Levi is floored. He knows EXACTLY which scene these chocolates are from, down to the page and line numbers. He simply gawks for a while and then proceeds to basically have a photoshoot. When he finally takes a bite, you can see the way his face lights up and it’s worth all the effort
Kisses with Levi are an adventure with ups and downs, bumps in the road, but a treasure chest at the end. When you first kiss him, he’s a blushing mess with brain working overtime to suppress his fight or flight instinct. But in spite of himself, Levi leans in and trusts you because no one treats him with this tenderness
His world is still small, aside from his brothers and Lotan, everything he loves could probably be contained in his room. But your kisses expand his horizons and maybe he thinks it’d be worth it to explore the world a little more, even if it leaves him vulnerable
You make Satan a combination of brigadeiros and mint discs for Valentine’s day! He enjoys that you’ve made chocolate confections but veered outside the classic bonbons. Satan likes the soft and chewy textures of the brigadeiros in contrast with the crunchy sprinkles and the unique texture of sugared mint atop dark chocolate discs
Satan happily opens the box of chocolate. He admires them for a bit and compliments you on their appearance before popping one in his mouth. He feels both loved and a little smug, Satan knows a bit about chocolate confections, enough that he’s certain you’ve put quite a bit of effort into this, which makes it all the more sweet
Lay on compliments about how he’s just as sweet as the chocolate, perhaps referencing a book he’s reading, and how all that work was worth it for his sake and you might get him blushing
Kisses with Satan are like browsing a library—the nostalgic smell of old books combined with excitement of discovering new worlds contained in pages. You’ve had more kisses with Satan than you can count, but even with that familiarity, you feel like you’re uncovering something new each time your lips meet
Asmo knows the value of appearance so you ensure your chocolates look just as good as they taste. You make white chocolate disc in the shape of hearts and adorn them with sugared petals. Additionally, you create passionfruit bonbons with cute heart indents which look picture perfect.
Asmo takes a selfie with you while you each hold a chocolate confection. Sweets for your sweetheart!~ It’s cute. 
But then you bring up how you chose passionfruit for its refreshing taste, so its easy to continually eat the chocolates, because just like the bonbons you’ll never get sick of him! It’s such a small detail but it warms his heart and suddenly you’re trapped in a hug
Asmo’s kisses don’t neatly fit into any single category. He is sweet, masterful and practiced, playful and lets you take the lead, but he is always sincere in his affection to you. Kisses are one of many ways to reaffirm your love
His kisses are like eating an assorted box of chocolates. One kiss is light and flirty, the next is sensual and stroking desire, then another which is teasing and light while interspersed with giggles. Yet all of them leave you with a sweet feeling
You make Beel a big pile of semi-sweet chocolate bark with variety of toppings, one has freeze dried raspberries, another has almonds, some use hellfire peppers, it’s a whole buffet
Beel plants a kiss on your forehead and thanks you so much for the gift! He begins to dig in to the treats you’ve made and has an endearing content grin the entire time he wolfs the chocolate down. He does his best to remember to offer you a bite too!
Many of Beel’s kisses start off as innocent fondness and true devotion. He loves you and you can feel it in the way he holds you close to him and devours all the affection you give. 
But many of his kisses turn hungry, because he can never get enough of you, the taste of your lips, your sweet moans, the way your hands roam, the puffs of hot breaths, they all never fail to leave him wanting more. His kisses feel satisfying and fulfilling, because you get to indulge to your heart’s content
You make Belphie coconut oil chocolates! They’re so easy to eat, he doesn’t even need to chew. You have to be careful to not melt them when making and handle the individual morsels, but it’s worth it all in the end
You surprise him by popping the chocolate into his mouth! You’re lucky he trusts you, if it was anyone else he’d probably have spit it out. It’s easy to bite through and melts to spread a pleasant chocolate taste across his mouth.
Probably muttered something under his breath, but he makes sure to thank you for the gift too, even if he is a little blasé about it. At least these ones aren’t dusty
Belphie’s kisses are lazy little things with missed lips and little laughs, huffs of air, and that smirk that makes you want to kiss him stupid until he can’t pretend to be relaxed. Random pecks in the morning, between naps, before bed, but if you ever ask why, the answer is “just because”
Occasionally your kisses are salvation and desperation. No life, no relationship, no person is without turbulence. Your hot breaths prove you’re alive and breathing, the love your pour into him as your lips meet prove he is worthy of affection, and he doesn’t intend to let go
You make Diavolo white chocolate matcha bonbons! The inside is filled with a smooth matcha ganache that’s a brilliant shade of green. The shells are painted with the rough silhouette of your favourite flower. The matcha flavour helps balance out the sweetness of the white chocolate, making a delicious treat
Diavolo is delighted by the gift and compliments the taste! But he also enjoys the story that goes with it when you tell him your thought process, how matcha has become popular across the world in the human realm, and what human traditions are attached to the gifting of chocolates
He’s already plotting what he wants to give you in return, but for now he’ll enjoy your heart felt confection while making sure to give you a piece
Kisses with Diavolo are like fireworks. No matter how many times you see them, they never lose their brilliance. Even if they aren’t always in the sky, they bring you joy each time you see their bright colours and sparkling streaks
Diavolo intends to indulge you in kisses. Even the short ones, before meetings, after class, the domesticity tickles his heart. But Diavolo’s preference leans to long kisses where the two of you meld together. Everything is you, your unique scent, the way his name leaves your mouth, the way you hold onto him, your taste alone makes him want to dive deeper 
And why stop at one kiss? He should have another for good measure, maybe two, three, four—well now there’s no point counting so you might as well continue
You make strawberry shortcake inspired chocolates for Barbatos. The bonbon shell is made with ruby chocolate with the filling consisting of whipped white chocolate ganache and strawberry preserves. 
The several components merge together to make a sweet dessert and Barbatos appreciates how you use the novel ruby cocoa. Barbatos out of everyone knows how much work must have gone to create these bonbons and makes sure to both savour it and compliment you
Kisses with Barbatos are like sharing a secret. You get special access to a gateway into him, and in these kisses you create a special place just for the two of you
His kisses are almost dangerously good, you swear kissing didn’t always feel this good. But his intensity, the way it’s only the two of you, the mere privilege it is to have him whisper sweet words between gilded kisses, it makes it worth all the wait
You make Simeon earl grey tea truffles! You coat the truffles with milk chocolate to create an easy to hold shell. Then you have stripes of dyed white chocolate — one in your favourite colour and another in his. 
Simeon thinks it’s adorable at how your chocolates have become a matching couple item with the coloured stripes. He thinks it’s lovely how you made him tea flavoured chocolate, given how many fond memories the two of you have which centre around a cup of tea
Simeon kisses make you feel treasured. He peppers your face is soft kisses, he cups your cheek gently, and the adoration in his eyes almost overwhelms your heart
His love is all encompassing and you’ve never felt safer than when you’re in his arms. Beautiful lashes fan his cheeks, contended sighs, and underlying warmth. Simeon feels like home and with his kisses, you’re falling in love again 
You know Solomon likes cupcakes and poisoned apples so you decide to combine the two! You make him an apple cakepop coated in coloured white chocolate to look like a poisoned apple!
Unlike his cooking, your sweet tastes delicious and leaves the eater happy. You make sure to use granny smith apples to retain some tartness and Solomon happily eats the confection. 
Unfortunately, your sweetheart has also made sweets to express his love for you. Don’t let Solomon give you chocolates back or use a trick to dispose of them! It is not romantic to spend the day puking or sick in bed. Or hey, maybe true love is eating it knowing that it spells out nothing less than doom
Kisses with Solomon feel like an exploration. You get to know him bit by bit and each kiss feels like proof he is wiling to vulnerable with you. Some trips result in airy kisses, others feel like rocky days at sea filled with passion and you’re in danger of running out of breath, it’s always an adventure
Sometimes, you swear you can feel his lips form a smug smile. Other times, he approaches you so gently and the touch of hesitancy, like he can’t really believe he got you, makes you want to shower him with enough love to wash away all doubt. He holds you tight, to him you are warmth and intimacy, and he never wants to let go
Bonus: Making Chocolates with Luke
When making chocolates with Luke, it is best to be sweet with him, guide the angel with soft suggestions without sounding like you’re babying him. Generally, Luke is pretty amendable but he can have a stubborn streak if he feels like he has something to prove
He makes for chocolate confections for Barbatos, Simeon, Micheal, Solomon and you! It’s so cute to see him so excited when he thinks about how happy everyone will be when they receive the gift
You two go through many spoons to check if the chocolate is tempered, rapidly tapping the chocolate to see if it has that snap and sighing when it blooms
By the end of it, you two are a mess with chocolate smears on your apron, but you have nice assortment of shiny chocolate sweets
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jaedore ¡ 5 years ago
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< next 
parings: jung jaehyun x reader
genre: ceo!au, arranged marriage!au, (semi) angst, consumption of alcohol, asshole/player Jaehyun, swearing 
note: BB deals with themes of mental and physical abuse, which can be upsetting for some readers. If you feel uncomfortable reading these types of plots, you are advised to not continue
[ 4.9 k words ]
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Out of breath. That’s what you felt when you woke up this morning and saw that you were going to be late to work. 
“SHOOT!” you jolted out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom. 
Today was the first day where you would work under your mother to prove to her that you’re worth the CEO position. Your mother was the CEO of Audace, a clothing line competing against other luxury brands such as Gucci, CocoChanel, Versace, Louis Vuitton. Today, you couldn’t afford to be late, so there you were, sloppily throwing makeup on your face in your bathroom. 
“Not today, you’re not gonna ruin this y/n,” you talked to your reflection. 
As soon as you looked as ready as you could be, you rushed out the door of your apartment and into your car. 
“Whatever, I’m already late,” you sighed and as soon as you knew it, you were taking a detour to the coffee shop. 
Parking your car, you shut the door and entered the little coffee shop. It was always your favorite, even though you never drank coffee. The comfort it held, held a soft spot in your heart. 
“Hey Soojin, I’ll have my usual,” you smiled, setting your sunglasses on top of your head, “Oh! And a medium chai for my mom please,” you figured that you could bring her her favorite drink while you were at it.
“Of course, $5.75 please.” 
You swiped your card and stood aside, waiting for your drink. You sat at the nearest table and looked at the little pot of sunflowers sitting in the center. You ran your fingers against the soft petals, but soon your thoughts were interrupted by a call. 
You sighed looking at the contact, “morning, mother.” 
“Why are you late? You were supposed to be here half an hour ago,” she asked. 
“I overslept and made a little detour,” you simply replied. 
“Y/n!” As soon as you heard your name called, you stood up and grabbed both of your drinks. 
You nodded at Soojin to thank her and rushed out of the coffee shop. 
“Well you better be on your way in the next half hour because we have a meeting with our joint company, got it?” Your mother sternly said as you opened the door with your back. 
“Of course! I’m coming right n-HEY! Watch it!!” you yelled. 
You looked down at your stained white blazer and blouse. The iced matcha you were dying to drink was suddenly gone and absorbed into your shirt. It was the first blazer your mother bought you for your first day of working with her. 
“Chill, princess, you were in my way” the man stood in front of you, the nickname he gave you frustrated you even more. 
The man stood tall and confident, he was wearing his own suit and he wore it well, too bad your drink spilled a bit on him. 
“Do you have a napkin?” you desperately asked him. 
“Only my handkerchief,” he replied. 
“Oh, thank you,” you reached to grab it from his blazer pocket until he stepped to the side. 
“I never offered it to you,” he bluntly said, taking it out and wiping himself instead. 
Surprised at his comment, you huffed in defeat and walked to your car. You couldn’t be late to the joint company meeting. 
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“Hey, mom,” you walked into her office. 
“Hey-oh...what happened to you?” your mother looked up from the papers in front of her. 
“Some douche ran into me on my way out to the coffee shop,” you muttered. 
“My blazer’s in the closet, grab it before we go,” your mother pointed to the closet. 
The only option was a navy blue blazer so you grabbed it and buttoned it, hiding your stained blouse. After you fixed yourself, it was time for you and your mother to go to the meeting. Thankfully the CEO was coming to Audace’s building.
“We’re meeting with Jung Corporation, they’re the biggest trading company here,” your mom explained as she reread the files in her hands. 
“But we don’t need to trade...Audace is international,” you stated. 
“Yes I know, but it’s got to do with partnerships, stocks, it’s a joint business partnership, y/n,” she explained. 
The elevator bell rang and the two of you left for the meeting room. 
“Anyways, we’re meeting to discuss our joint business celebration that’s happening this Saturday,” your mom continued. 
“Shoot,” you whispered to yourself. 
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten,” your mom stopped walking to look at you. 
“I-I mean I-no I haven’t mom,” you lowered your head, “lets just go, they’re probably waiting for us.”
“Greetings, Mr. Jung! Thank you for coming,” your mom was the first to walk in and shook hands with the man and his wife. 
The man was a little older, had some grey streaks in his hair, but still looked fairly well for an older man. His wife stood up and also shook hands with the both of you. She was very beautiful, there wasn’t even a streak of wrinkles, you couldn’t stop looking at her youthful features. 
“My apologies, my son couldn’t make it. He had a...minor incident before this,” the wife spoke. 
“No worries, I’m sure we’ll be seeing him at our joint business celebration this Saturday” your mother smiled. 
The meeting went by smoothly, the talk of the facility, decorations, invitation acceptances, champagne. You had to refrain yourself from yawning so much, the meeting felt like it was never going to end. It felt like forever until the never ending conversations finally stopped.
“So everything’s set!” Mr. Jung clapped.
“Yes, thank you, and thank you Mrs. Jung, for both coming to meet us. We’ll be seeing your family this weekend,” you and your mother shook their hands and walked them out of the building. 
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“No, y/n I just don’t think it matches your...vibe?” Your friend Haewon brows furred thinking of the right word. 
“Well then, I don’t know. Maybe I should just wear one of my older dresses,” you sighed. 
“No no no, you can’t do that. We’re going to Versace,” and with that, she took your hand out of the store. 
Haewon was your only friend. Growing up, you had a hard time establishing friendships and later on, relationships. As a kid, no one had a desire to be your friend. Your family was one of the richest where you lived so all the little kids were afraid to approach you, intimidated that if they’d get on your bad side, hell would ensue. As for relationships, you never had time for them. Even when you did, the guys were in it for the money and fame, so you saved yourself the energy to pass dating overall. 
You opened up your heart to many many people in your life, but it always resulted in them leaving after they took something from you. You learned that the hard way. Each and every time someone left, you guarded yourself more and more. Instead, you went to school, studied hard, and focused on the CEO position your mother was going to pass down to you. 
Haewon, was there the entire time. You always laugh to yourself whenever you remember the moment you two met. You met her at a charity ball when you were very young. She took the last cream puff that you wanted and ran off with it, so when you chased her into one of the rooms, you cried to her that you wanted it. Feeling bad, she gave half of it to you. That’s when the friendship began. Even though she’s loud, a talker, and loves to gossip, she’s always been there for you during hard times. 
“Haewon, I’m tired and my feet hurt, can we just-”
“No, we are not going, I’m going to make sure that you look so good at this celebration. Especially when the Jungs are going to be there,” her eyes widen looking at the wide variety of dresses. 
“Huh?” you furrowed your brows. 
“Oh you haven’t seen? Their only son, Jung Jaehyun, he is-oh my gosh- he is the most beautiful man you will ever see,” Haewon gushed. 
“I...doubt that,” you walked ahead of her, searching for a dress. 
“Just wait until you see him! He is gorgeous, but…” Haewon paused. 
“But what?” you asked not taking your eyes off your choices. 
“He kinda likes to uh...play around?” Haewon cautiously said. 
“Really?” you hummed uninterested as you still browsed the dresses. 
And that was the truth, you were truly uninterested. You thought men like him were a waste of time, they’d never survive in the world of business. 
“Girls say that he never gets into serious relationships. The ones that I’ve talked to, had either one night stands or flings with him, but sadly, nothing serious…” Haewon pouted.
“Guess we’ll just have to confirm that on Saturday,” you picked up a dress. 
“Oh, that’s perfect,” your best friend’s eyes widen in awe. 
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Saturday came closer than you thought. You just got back from helping your parents prepare for the celebration, along with the Jungs. And again, the famous Jaehyun still didn’t show up. 
You picked up the Barocco Signature Shift Dress that you bought from Versace the other day and carefully slipped into it. After you got yourself ready, you drove yourself back to the facility. There were already so many cars, the sudden amount of people overwhelmed you. You parked your car and sat there, leaning your head against the steering wheel. As a baby, before you could even walk, you were taught a certain way to act at events like these. At the same time, you didn’t find joy in being the center of attention and being presented in front of a crowd like a...prize. It was draining.
Ring ring ring!!
“Hello?” you cleared your throat as you answered. 
“Y/n, are you coming yet? The Jungs will be coming here soon,” your mother said on the other line. 
“Uh yeah, I just parked,” you sighed, rubbing your forehead hoping that the marks from the steering wheel didn’t tattoo on your forehead. 
With your Runway Virtus Mini Chain Wallet, you walked into the facility that held the large room. There were two staircases on both sides of the room that went up to an indoor balcony that oversaw the whole room. 
“Y/n, over here,” your mom waved to you. 
As you walked over, you spotted Mr. Jung and his wife standing behind your mother. 
“Hello,” you bowed to them. 
“You look so beautiful, y/n,” Mrs. Jung hugged you. 
“Thank you, you look wonderful,” you complimented. 
“Oh honey, where’s Jaehyun?” she asked her husband. 
“He said he’s going to be late,” Mr. Jung’s lips thinned, fists tightening. 
“No problem, I’m sure we’ll see him in a bit,” your mother said. 
You excused yourself to grab some champagne. You could feel it in your spine that it was going to be a long, long night. As people started to pour in, the music got louder and the hotter it got. People came by and greeted you, giving out small talk. After a while, you excused yourself to grab more champagne. 
When you could feel the temperature in your body rise, you fanned yourself as you walked up to the balcony to oversee everyone. Despite the second level, it was still cooler. You sighed, sipping on your champagne thinking to yourself how much more you can drink in order to still drive. 
“It’s quieter up here,” A low voice came from behind you. 
It was the guy, the guy from earlier who spilt your iced matcha. He was dressed in a sleek suit and tie that framed his broad shoulders and lean physique. 
“You,” your eyes slightly widen, “who are you to be here?” 
“I’ll leave that for you to figure out,” he sipped on his drink, looking down at the crowd. 
“No I’m serious, I’ve never seen you before, but apparently you made it through security,” you stated, mumbling the last part. 
“Just know that I’m significant enough to make it in,” he turned towards you, eyeing you up and down. 
“Although, I can say the same thing, I don’t know who you are, yet you managed to make it in too,” he raised a brow. 
“Didn’t ask,” he waved his hand up and dismissed you off.
You bend your neck to the side and think to yourself, who this man was and who he was to be acting like that. Someone so forthright, rude, and upfront disrespectful. Before you spoke up, another girl around your age came to his side, wrapping her arms around his.
“There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you!” she smiled.
“Just wanted to get some air,” he looked back down and gazed at the crowd as she pecked his cheek. 
Girlfriend…? You took another sip and walked away from the couple. You thought to yourself if you’d ever get to that stage in life. To be in a relationship where things were gentle, comfortable, and felt like home. You had to remind yourself that you didn’t have that kind of luxury. 
“Ahem, excuse me!” Your mom stood on stage holding onto a microphone and her glass of champagne. 
“We would just like to thank all of you who were able to make it to our celebration,” she spoke happily, “being able to become partners with Jung Corporation is such an honor. With this, we hope to expand more internationally. At the same time, I would like to introduce my daughter to everyone,” the light panned on you.
Oh mother, what are you thinking? You sighed, she didn’t inform you on this. You walked up on stage and presented your best smile. You didn’t have a speech written down, so you were only relying on what sounded reliable and serious in your brain. 
“Tonight isn’t just about Jung Corporation and Audace joining businesses, it’s also about our future generation! As you all know, I will be retiring soon, and I want everyone to know who will be taking my position,” your mother explained, “This lovely young lady, is my daughter, y/n. I want you guys to know that she wasn’t given this position. I pushed her to the bottom of the chain and told her to work herself up. She did it quicker than I thought,” she winked to the audience, earning several laughs. 
“Y/n?” Your mother turned her attention back to you, “how about a few words?” 
You adjusted the microphone to your level and began speaking. You weren’t as nervous as you thought, probably because you’ve done this a dozen times already. 
“Good evening everyone, as you know, I will be taking over the CEO position soon,” your voice echoed throughout the facility, “I want everyone to know that this isn’t all fun and games. The world we live in doesn’t grant wishes and it most certainly won’t go the way we want. Business is one of the biggest factors that make the world go around. So, when you invest in us, you are entirely with us the whole way. You are part of the family, and so with this, I hope you can warmly welcome me into it,” you smiled as you bowed and left the stage after the audience clapped. 
It was Mr. Jung’s turn to speak. He gave a few wise words, but you were way too hot to stay for the entire speech so you left to go outside to the garden. As you were leaving, you could hear him faintly introducing his son, who apparently, finally made it to the event. You knew you should’ve stayed to meet him, but you figured that you’d see him sooner or later. He’s the one who’s been absent anyways. 
“Honey, what are you doing out here?” It was your father.
“Father!” you jumped from your seat to hug him, you didn’t think he’d come, “I was just getting some air. What are you doing here?”
“I decided to take a little time off. Work was getting overwhelming, so I’m taking a few weeks off. Hopefully I can spend time with you and your mother,” he smiled. 
Your dad held the CEO position of a law firm in the overseas, so that’s where he mostly was. Of course he came home for the holidays, birthdays, celebrations, and other important things. Your parents were married, but they were forced to be. Nonetheless, they learned to love each other so you grew up with a healthy childhood. You wondered if your parents had thought about forcing you to marry someone as you were around the age they also got married. 
After you and your father got the chance to catch up, you two went back inside to join the celebration. The night consisted of exchanged laughs, short conversations, and business plans. Soon, people trickled out and before you knew it, it was midnight. Sleep was beginning to call your name, you were ready to walk out the door until your mother stopped you.
“Where are you going? We have important matters to talk about with the Jungs,” she waved for you to come back. 
“Really mother? It’s past midnight, what’s so important that we have to talk at this time?” you frustratedly asked, all you wanted was to take off the tight dress, high heels, and the makeup that sat on your skin. 
“No, come,” she gently grabbed your arm, dragging you to an office room. 
When you went in, your father sat on the leather seat and the Jungs sat on the other side of the room, leaving two seats in the middle of the room. The guy you met earlier was sitting in one of them. The one who spilled your iced matcha on you and approached you on the balcony. 
“What’s going on?” you quietly asked.
“Sit please,” she let go as you obeyed her. 
Please don’t be the son, please don’t be the son, please don’t be the son. You mentally pleaded.
“Y/n, this is my son Jaehyun. My apologies that you had to finally meet him,” Mrs. Jung said. 
Shit. Your eyes widened looking at him, and he held your gaze, you could see his dark orbs hold frustration and curiosity. 
“As you two know, we now hold a joint business partnership,” Mr. Jung began from his seat. 
Based on his tone, you knew that he wasn’t going to be delivering good news. You could feel the beating in your heart pick up. 
“And that means that you were joined based on an agreement,” your mother finished his statement. 
By this time, your palms were sweating and you held your breath to stabilize your breathing. You just wanted to get this over with, but you weren’t ready for the bad news.
“You two will be getting married,” Mr. Jung spilled. 
“What??” You and him both turned your heads towards Mr. Jung. 
“No,” Jaehyun stood up, “There is no way I am marrying her,” he spat out, pointing at you. 
Yes, you were hurt by his words, but you were focused more on the big announcement.
“Jaehyun, you don’t have a choice,” Mrs. Jung gently said, patting his shoulder. 
He moved from her touch as he mumbled something you couldn’t comprehend. The sound of voices tuned out into nothing as vexation clouded your mind.
“Don’t say that you don’t know her,” his mother whispered as she pleaded with him. 
The room was soon filled with arguments with Jaehyun and his parents. He was clearly frustrated and the boom in his voice told you so. You had to cover your ears to block out the loudness of his voice that managed to slither its way into your head. You pressed your hands against your forehead to stop yourself from shaking. 
You paused for a second, calming yourself down before you stood up, “I’m not getting married to him.”
“Yeah, same. Anyone but her,” Jaehyun commented. 
“ENOUGH JUNG JAEHYUN,” his father stood up and shouted at him. 
His wife, Jaehyun, you, and your family all stood in shock. 
“Mr. Jung, don’t be so harsh. We just announced it to them, let them process it for a few days,” your mother gently spoke, holding onto your father. 
“She’s right honey,” Mrs. Jung grabbed onto her husband’s shoulder. 
“I don’t think anyone understood what I just said, I’m not getting married to him,” you repeated in a low tone, running out of patience.
“Y/n-” before your mother spoke, you were already out the door. 
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When you finally arrived at your apartment, you threw your heels to the ground and quickly unzipped your dress. Tossing it onto your bed, you immediately went to the shower to get yourself cleaned. As the hot water relaxes your muscles you think about the announcement that was made a while ago. You couldn’t believe your parents were forcing you to marry him. Fucking Jung Jaehyun. 
Wait- but how come I never seen him before? You sighed to yourself as you wrapped the towel around you. 
Trudging to your bedroom, you pulled out your pajamas and immediately buried yourself under your blankets. Before you could manage to fall asleep, you mother called. 
“Yes mom?” you were beginning to get tired of her constant calling, but you couldn’t because she is your mother. 
“Where are you? Are you okay?” She feverishly asked. 
“Mother, I’m fine. I’m back at my place, I just need to sleep. Please, let’s just talk about this another time, okay?” You begged her. 
“At least you're safe. Good night,” she said hanging up. 
With that, you set your phone back onto the night stand and finally dozed off.  
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Jaehyun on the other hand wasn’t handling it well. He left right after you did, but he didn’t go to his place. Instead, he went to the nightclub run by his friend. He immediately went to the bar, started drowning himself in drinks, and making out with random girls who begged for his attention. 
“Dude, stop this,” Taeyong, the nightclub owner, sat next to his best friend. 
Jaehyun pushed the girl who sat on his lap away from him to speak, “you don’t understand” he slurred. 
After Taeyong didn’t say anything, Jaehyun aggressively grabbed the girl from her nape and continued making out with her. He groaned as her heated core moved against his member. Before it got even more heated, Taeyong spoke up. 
“You’re right, I probably won’t understand, but it’s not gonna be any better if you don’t tell me.” Jaehyun waved his friend off, clearly too busy exchanging saliva with the girl sitting on his lap. 
“Okay,” Taeyong had enough of Jaehyun’s behavior. 
He gently pushed the girl off Jaehyun’s lap and dragged his best friend away from the booth. 
“Dude, what the hell?!” Jaehyun shouted. 
Taeyong politely bowed to the customers who snapped their heads towards Jaehyun’s shouting, “Come on, you’re drunk. Let’s get you home.” 
Jaehyun struggled getting out of his friend’s grasp, it didn’t help that he was intoxicated. Taeyong dragged him to his car and sped off. It took awhile for Jaehyun to calm down. 
“I’m getting married,” Jaehyun whispered, his head against the window. 
“Really? This is about that?” Taeyong curiously asked. 
“But it’s not like that,” Jaehyun glared at his friend. 
“It’s an arranged marriage,” he announced.
Taeyong didn’t speak, he kept his vision on the road thinking of something to say. To break the quietness that swallowed them. 
“Have you met her yet?” he finally asked. 
“Yeah, she was the one who spilled her drink on me, then I met her at the party,” Jaehyun slowly said. 
“Oh her? What’s her name?” Taeyong suddenly became interested. 
“I don’t know and I don’t fucking care,” Jaehyun grumbled, throwing his head back on the seat. 
“Jae, come on, you don’t even know her. She can’t be that bad,” Taeyong stated. 
“Whatever man, she’s the daughter of the CEO of Audace,” 
“What? Really? You’re getting married to y/n l/n, Jae. The y/n l/n.” 
“So?” Jaehyun furrowed his brows. 
“Are you kidding me? That’s where I get all of my business wear,” Taeyong said in awe. 
“That’s not significant, Taeyong.” Jaehyun said before dozing off. 
“I mean, I don’t know her personally, but I heard she’s cute,” Taeyong chuckled to himself. 
“Why don’t you get married to her instead?” Jaehyun retorted. 
“You know what? May-” 
“Just shut up and drive,” Jaehyun rubbed his temples. 
“Wait, but what are you going to tell Gaeul?” Taeyong asked. 
“What- that girl I brought to the celebration? It was nothing to begin with, so who cares? After I don’t respond to her for a couple of days, I’m sure she’ll understand,” Jaehyun quietly replied before quietly falling back asleep. 
“I’m telling you man, you gotta stop doing that…” Taeyong sighed as his drunk friend fell asleep. 
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You woke up to the sunlight aiming at your face. You groaned and turned around, hoping your body would fall back asleep. It was your last day before you had to go back to work and the last thing you needed was to be forcibly woken. That wish didn’t stay long until you heard your phone ring. It was your mother...again. 
“What mother?” You groggily got up. 
“Are you up yet? I need you to come over right now. The Jungs are also coming,” she sounded in a rush. 
You shot up, “seriously? Now?” You looked down at your thin pajama shirt that loosely hung from your shoulders and your messy hair poking in every direction, you were far from ready.
“Yeah, Jaehyun’s coming too,” she cautiously said. This was probably unplanned by the warriness of her voice. 
“I’ll see you in a bit,” you heavily sighed before groaning, your body falling back onto your bed. 
In the car ride, your mind wandered to the conversation last night. You felt hurt that he didn’t want to marry you, it didn’t make a difference because you didn’t want to marry him because of the kind of guy he was. 
“I’m not that bad...right?” you whispered to yourself. 
To be honest, after all of those individuals who’ve left you, it really questioned your self-worth. It took years for you to love yourself and not have anyone tear you down. 
Jaehyun barely let you talk, so it’s not like he knows you. You had to remind yourself that you meant business and you weren’t going to let him tear you down. He already wasn’t fond of you, you giving him the cold shoulder shouldn’t be a problem. 
As soon as you got home, the Jungs’ car was already parked in the driveway. You assumed that Jaehyun drove separately since there was another car you didn’t recognize. You gave the driver your keys and walked inside. They all sat in the living room of your large home. It’s been so long since you’ve come back, the smell was nostalgic, you were reminded of your childhood, everything used to be so easy. 
“Good morning,” you held your chin high and greeted everyone. 
“Have you eaten yet?” your mother asked. 
“No, I don’t have the appetite,” you sighed, sitting down, “I have things to do so, let’s get to it please.” 
“Well,” your mother breathed, “as you know, you two will be getting married soon.” 
You looked up at her figure, “mother, I thought I made myself clear, I’m not marrying him,” before you stood up again, your father held you by your shoulder. 
“Just...hear us out please, both of you,” Mr. Jung said, “we’ve become joint businesses because that’s what’s best for the business. With you two as the major players, the media will go crazy once they hear you two are getting married and the stocks will rise.” 
You frowned at his commentary. Players? Does he think this is a game? Seems like money is all he cares about. You sighed, setting your sunglasses on top of your head, a sign that you’re willing to stay and listen. 
“And what if we don’t agree?” Jaehyun asked, to be honest you forgot about him. 
Jaehyun sat on the couch across from you, he looked like he hasn’t slept in days. His eyes held bags under them and his face was a little swollen. You scoffed to yourself. 
Poor boy must have a hangover. What a mess. Jaehyun maintained eye contact with you, he knew what you were thinking and he glared at you for thinking it. 
You turned your head towards his father who began speaking again, “So, we wanted to gift you guys an apartment.” 
“Father,” Jaehyun’s tone rose. 
“You are getting married and that’s it,” Mr. Jung stated, “end of discussion.” 
“Yes, I agree,” you looked at your mother in shock. 
You couldn’t actually believe she was going along with this, “mother,” you began. 
“Enough, y/n. It’s done. We just want you guys to get as comfortable with each other as soon as you can. We want the wedding to happen this summer.” 
“Mother, it’s January,” you retorted. 
Did she really think that you could get to know a person, let alone, love someone within six, seven months? Insane. INSANE! You thought to yourself, Especially if it’s Jung Jaehyun.
You sighed before standing from the couch, “well if this is done, then I’ll get going,” you bowed then walked towards the door. 
“You’re not going to stay and have lunch with us?” Your mother asked. 
“I told you before, I don’t have the appetite,” you shut the door without saying goodbye. 
You stood in front of the door, not moving since you shut it. Most of the time you were rarely mad at your parents, but this made you absolutely livid. How could they just marry you off like that? You’re not even 25 yet, you have so much to do, discover, to love. 
The door harshly swung open and you slightly jumped from the impacted sound it made as he slammed it shut. You turned around to see Jaehyun looking down at you. 
“I-” you began, soon being interrupted by him. 
“One,” he held up a finger, coming closer to you, “when we get married I don’t want you thinking that everything is happy and everything is fine. Two, I don’t want you clinging onto me when we’re in public, and most certainly, number three, never call me your husband. Don’t even call me your fiance now.” As he got closer with each rule, you could feel his breath leaving his lips as he reached the last one. 
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machablossom ¡ 4 years ago
I really want to rant about the ending. That was one wild episode 12 and I can't say I loved it, but I didn't hate it either.
Being honest, I think I'm mostly dissapointed things didn't go the way I wanted. I usually expect from a series to let me down in some aspects, but this time I felt like there was no rush of emotions like it happened during the past episodes.
I don't actually mind about the supposed queerbaiting, though I would have wanted Renga and Matcha Blossom to become canon. Alas, a girl could dream.
However, there were many things I believe could have been better, others which were just fine, and others which could have been different altogether from the very start of the series. Overall I feel like the main plot (Langa and Reki facing up against Adam) and the main theme of the anime (skating is a fun thing to do and it's better enjoyed surrounded with friends and people you love) were developed just right. However, the way they got to the results were not the best, in my opinion.
I would like to give my opinion on each character development, so this may take a while. Also, I'd like to point out what I would have wanted to happen, if things were up to me.
First and foremost, Adam is the character I had more trouble with. I didn't love the last beef against Langa much. I've had trouble with the entire Eve thing and the fact that he's a 30-something chasing after a 17 yr old boy, be it romantically or just skate-wise.
I know Adam's sexual preferences are never stated through the whole series but we can imply he does feel a certain attraction towards Langa beyond the skating scene and it is very uncomfortable, not to say wrong.
I loved the idea that he let go of the idea of chasing his 'Eve', to celebrate a wedding for a funeral. I am all for theathrics and drama, and his "final boss" outfit was nuts. The skateboard was awesome too! But the mere implications of him, turning into some sort of Grim Reaper whilst racing against Langa one last time are very bone-chilling, at least to me it was, again, very unconfortable.
I'd have loved for Adam to lose to Reki, OR, Tadashi and Langa to race so that the final encounter could have been Adam vs. Tadashi. That way, I think he'd have gotten to reflect on his actions and actually grow as a character rather than just be cured by the power of fun and friendship.
In the perfect scenario, he'd escape with Tadashi, he'd ditch his job and tell his aunts to go f*ck themselves, close 'S' for good and get some therapy somewhere where he could be happy skating with his beloved assistant.
On the other hand, I was hoping he'd get arrested. I hoped Kiriko got to put him behind bars and ruin his carreer both as a politician and as a skater, so that S would close. Maybe in some sort of epilogue we'd seen him come out of jail and make up with the gang, skating with them again as friends. Maybe Langa would go see him in prison to help. Idk, I feel like he needs retribution and punishment, but he was also a character who needed help.
The last part with Tadashi and the dog thing was weird and I didn't love it, but I think it works for their relationship. I won't complain, some other people here on tumblr have put it into words way better than I would have.
What I feel was the worst, worst thing they could do was have him crash their celebration party, falling ridiculously from a helicopter with a bouquet for Langa. No. No, just no. The creeps again. Ugh.
Then, I have to say the second in line who bothered me the most were Miya and Shadow.
It's silly: I really screamed in rage and pain about Shadow not getting together with the manager. I wanted all the other ships to be canon, but I knew it's Japan we're talking about and I know we'd get teased about it in the best case scenario, but the straight ship? The one they could totally go for? NO! Also, I think Shadow got played dirty, shoving him into the background after he was attacked in ep. 10. We didn't get to see any justice done to him against the dude that beat the crap out of him, if, perhaps, Shadow could beat him again at 'S', this time fair and square.
Miya, oh my poor catboy. Played so dirty as well. I liked the last time we see him when he meets with his friend again in school and they seem to reconect. But I wish we would have gotten to see them skate together again. This is very wishful thinking, but I wished we could have seen Miya a little bit older, when the others could have taken him a lot more seriously. I wanted him to do much more than just be a background character, because he deserved it.
Next is Joe and Cherry. Oh boy. Hold onto your horses, I have a LOT to say about my favourite duo.
Listen here, I wanted them to be canon. I hoped for the discreet rings on their fingers shot, or a sudden drop of any of them that they had been secretly married for the past two years or something like that. I wanted flashbacks to their trip to Paris. I wanted more of their teenage years. I wanted a date night at Sie La Luce. Man, I would have died for a kiss. But, alas, it's Japan we're talking about and I know I'm viewing the series from a western point of view.
But that's not what bothered me. What really bothered me was that all the tension that had been growing since ep. 7 between the two of them and then between them and Adam seemed to be just a stepping stone for Langa to win the tournament. We saw Cherry get slapped with a skateboard just for us, the expectators, to dislike Adam a lot more.
I would have loved for them to have the chance to reconect with Adam, be it by punching him or by accepting a heartfelt apology. Specially Cherry. Kaoru deserved MUCH better than what he got, and Joe deserved better than what we've got to see from him. The last scene we saw of them, idk, I thought it was funny and I loved how Cherry showed so little professionalism by drawing on his bf in public. LOL.
But I also didn't like it. I think they ended up being comic relief when they were two of the most wonderfully developed partners in the whole series, even if we've just got some crumbs of their relationship. Also, Joe's deep and caring personality, the whole pinning on Kaoru situation, feels like it matters so little when we see him back at the starting point, just being a shameless flirt. The advantage I see from all of it is that we've got a lot left to the imagination with them.
(Man, i would have loved to see Joe punch Adam in the face with a skateboard at the celebration party after his arrival on the helicopter).
And finally, Reki and Langa. Being honest? I actually loved them. I didn't mind there wasn't a explicit moment of romance or a confesion. That was never the point. The symbolism of their 'friendship', of their bond, is more than enough for me.
I think Langa was slightly too overpowered. As I said before, I think the beef was a little too over the top, but, mah, I've seen a lot of sports anime, its not that over the top. I'd have loved to see him snowboarding at some point, perhaps then we'd have seen Langa as a very talented athlethe and not just some random teenager with crazy skills he just pulled out of his pretty canadian butt. Then again, the little scene with his father's memory was really nice. Closure over mourning, that's a wonderful thing to do.
Reki, my boy, on the other hand, I loved him. Cheering for his bf and believing in him and waiting for him at the end of the line, *chef's kiss*. The part where Langa falls over him and they hug on the ground, perfect, hilarious. The insinuation that they are both happy when they are together, yes, yes, good. The last scene with Reki and his family, I love it! I have nothing wrong to say about Reki. I love him and I'd give an arm for him.
Overall, it was a good series. It could have been done better. The ending could have been better. I would love a sequel anyway, if only they could focus on the plotlines they left inconclusive and, for god's sake, they kick the creepyness down a notch. For what I conclude, the entire series was meant as fanservice and they didn't imagine it would grow so big. Anyway, I will keep writing Matcha Blossom, I really loved them and I hope this is not the last we ever see of them all.
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lovetenya ¡ 4 years ago
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧
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pairing: tamaki amajiki x gn! reader
warnings: pretty angsty, relationship anxiety, fear of abandonment, descriptions/imaginations of choking (it’s figurative and imaginary, it’s demonstrated with snakes), hurt/comfort, reassurance, worrying, ???, ENDS IN FLUFF I PROMISE!!
word count: 1.7k 
author’s note: okay OKAY I’m sorry this took so long, i’m now onto the ones that i’m coming up with completely from scratch, because i’m not writing them from outlines. as always, this is all over the place bc i love inserting 294848 different scenarios into one work. someday, maybe, i will focus on one plot line. today is not that day. ALTHOUGH THIS ISN’T THAT BAD BY MY STANDARDS, I’M SORRY TAMAKI, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
being in love with tamaki amajiki is green.
it’s the small, fragile beansprouts he grew from the tips of his fingers at lunch time when you were kids, and he was trying to show you that his quirk was nothing to be afraid of. the other kids didn’t talk to him because they thought his tentacles were scary, but you just thought they were neat. 
he knew you before he knew mirio, and you were the reason he even considered talking to the loud, sunshine boy in the first place. you gave him the confidence to try to make new friends, to try to choke down the green of the nausea that comes with uncertainty.
“maybe not everyone is going to be mean to me,” he thought, slightly emboldened at the fact that he had a friend now. ‘y/n,” he thought. “they’re my friend now...”
it all started years ago in primary school when you noticed how he sat alone at his desk, drawing pictures of animals while the other kids played. his crayons never seemed to stop moving, and the green jungles he colored were detailed with a wide variety of wildlife and plants. 
he liked to be alone, where it was quiet and safe, and nobody would pick on him or ask too much of him. everyone knew that the tears that formed on his lashes were a common occurrence, so they tried to avoid pressing him too much. his peace usually remained undisturbed, until there was you. 
you walked up to show him a drawing you made of a spider. he jumped in fear, both at the drawing of a weirdly-realistic spider, but also the fact that someone was talking to him. 
“why don’t they know to just leave me alone?” he thought, already shaking in his seat. his blood ran cold, spit filled his mouth, and a bright green nausea overtook all of his senses. he looked up at your face, wincing and bracing himself for a playground insult. kids were creative, and he knew that all too well. 
“hi.. amajiki. i like your drawing. do you like animals too?”
“mm-hm..” he softly replied. this was new.
“what’s your favorite one?” you knew to keep it simple, because he clearly wasn’t comfortable speaking. he never raised his hand, even when his favorite subjects were brought up in class or when everyone was encouraged to participate. this time, however, was different. this time, there was you.
where mirio was his sun, you were his stars.
where mirio loudly encouraged him, you provided your gentle, guiding support, and always proved to be a perfect shoulder to lean a head into.
“i.. i like butterflies a lot.”
and so it began.
since you met, there were many periods of closeness and distance between you and tamaki, which is typical of childhood friends. you could go weeks without talking and then come right back together, making each other giggle with your newest ideas about the funniest things tamaki could do with his quirk. 
one day, you joked, “what if you ate a clam, manifested the shell, and then just knocked somebody over the head with it??? the guy would fall down like blehhh and that would be so funny!!!”
he laughed a little, before deadpanning. “wait a minute.... i think.. i think you might be onto something.”
tamaki remembers that the most nervous he’s ever been was while your relationship was still green. the two of you took a walk through a community garden after grabbing a quick dinner with mirio and nejire, and the two of them mysteriously had to leave at the same time, leaving the two of you alone. (the return of ultimate wingmen, mirio and nejire!) 
normally, he’d feel anxious about being in public, but he was okay because you were right there with him. you were here, walking shoulder to shoulder with him, through a garden full of butterflies. what more could he ask for? 
he didn’t have to worry about being judged or being teased, because it was you. the leaves surrounding you felt like nothing more than company. as you made your way through the beautiful maze of plants, flowers, and stone statues, it was just you two in the whole wide world, taking it all in and enjoying each other’s company.
although he hadn’t always known what his feelings meant, he now realized that he’s a crush on you for as long as he could remember. while mirio had several different flings, tamaki always had his eyes on you. nobody was as understanding, as considerate, and as perfect as you. he didn’t want to be like this with anyone but you.
his hand twitched toward yours, but he didn’t dare. he couldn’t risk the pain of rejection, he wouldn’t risk it. if it meant he could possibly lose you, it wasn’t worth it. luckily for tamaki, you didn’t share the same fear, and slowly took his hand in yours. he harshly avoided eye contact, desperate to not let you see his crimson red blush. you knew he had a hard time telling people what he really felt, but he wasn’t usually this quiet with you. 
“tamaki, is this okay?” you questioned.
“yeah. it’s.. good. i like it.”
green is the matcha-flavored boba tea that tamaki sips on while you’re on a date. he asks, “y/n, do you like seafood?” before he balances a boba pearl on the tip of his tongue and laughs. what a dork, you think, and then balance a pearl on yours. this is what tamaki needed sometimes, normal moments of relaxation, and you’re more than happy to provide him with it.
however, being in love with tamaki is also loving him through the moments that are hard, and when you can’t lean on each other, because it’s all too much. the moments where the problem is between you, and isn’t easily defined and solved. these are the moments when he’s green with envy, or sick to his stomach with worry, or overrun with anxiety at the most simple things. 
these are the moments where you’re tired, or overwhelmed, or you just can’t handle his emotional intensity today, even though you wish you could. you love him, of course you do, there would never be a moment in time where your heart wasn’t bursting for him, but every person has their limits.
these breaking moments are the ones where one of you blurts something you don’t mean in a moment of anger, cracking the meticulously constructed façade, which is in place to spare the other’s feelings.
they’re the moments where your mind goes blank, and all you can think of is, “i’m sorry. i’m sorry. i’m sorry. i’m sorry. i’m sorry. i’m sorry.”
they’re the moments spent frantically comforting, speaking through tears, words spilling out. they’re the moments where his head lays sobbing in your lap, and his arms circle your waist, desperate to hold onto something, anything. desperate to hold onto you, so that you don’t leave him. your words come out shaky, because even they aren’t really sure how to make this all better. how can you fix what was never meant to be broken? it’s uncertain, but you can’t ever finish if you never begin. you reassure him as many times as he needs to hear it.
“god, i’m so sorry, tamaki, i didn’t mean it, i promise i didn’t mean it.”
even though he says he forgives you, that it’s over with, you know he’s replaying every lilt of your voice, where it broke when you were angry. 
you know he’s feeling more than he lets on, but doesn’t share those intensities because he doesn’t want to come on too strong. you know better than to trust a simple “i’m fine, y/n. really.”
he’s not lying just to lie, because he’s never felt anything truer than his love for you. he’s doing it because he doesn’t want you to understand the heartbreak that often comes with love. he doesn’t want you to feel suffocated, or like you’re being strangled by thousands of emerald green scaled snakes. 
he doesn’t want you to feel their bodies coiled around your throat, like he does. 
he doesn’t want you to feel their scales: cool yet burning, smooth yet slicing, glide across your skin gently, intending to strangle. 
he doesn’t want you to feel their eyes boring into you, threatening under the ruse of being calculating. 
he doesn’t want you to feel what he does, so he hides it. even though he knows he shouldn’t, he can’t help it.
he can’t help how much he loves you, how afraid he is to lose you, how scared he gets whenever mirio and you are paired up together for a class.
he can’t help that he feels like time is running out, your life together is wilting away, and that you’re slipping through his fingers like fine sand.
but you know, truly and wholeheartedly, that his insecurity didn’t deem him invaluable or unworthy of love. his fear and his worries didn’t take away your love, and they never would. every moment spent reminding him that i’m not going anywhere, was worth it. because he’s worth it, and this was something worth fighting for. he’s worth the fighting and the courage it all takes, because he is what makes you whole. he, and everything he is, is worth loving, because there’s value to the things that break us.
being in love with tamaki is grassy green countrysides and wildflower stems, and finding little adventures in every single day. it’s reassurance through the irrational, it’s validation through the pain. it’s not loving despite, it’s loving because.
loving tamaki is green in its youth, in its freshness, in its refreshing reminder that you are loved. you are loved so vividly, so intensely, so naturally. 
tamaki loves you, and you know that, because he wouldn’t be able to muster the courage to let those words spill unless he really, truly meant it.
with you, tamaki can let a little loose, a little bit wild. he can let the vines restraining him wilt away into nothing.
because no matter what, it’s all worth it in the end.
thanks for reading! love, tj 🪶
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mamabearcatfanfics ¡ 5 years ago
More Than Words - Four
My apologies - I wanted this part out yesterday, and the last part for White Day, but sometimes things don’t always go to plan. But we’ll get there. And for those that are liking this little tumblr fic, there’s a distinct possibility that this AU may end up as a chapter fic. But not for a while - I don’t want to begin it before finishing up some of the other things I’m working on. 
Anyway, enjoy - the last part should be coming soon!
Read Part One | Read Part Two | Read Part Three
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Kagome couldn’t help but smile as she reached absentmindedly into the back of her desk drawer to find her stapler, and her fingers encountered the pile of plastic takeaway coffee cup lids instead. Maybe it was childish, but the first time Inuyasha had drawn on her coffee lid, she’d had the sudden urge to keep it, rinsing it off as soon as she’d finished her coffee and placing it in her desk drawer at work.
The next day, on a sudden impulse, she packed two of the raspberry coconut muffins she’d baked the night before for Inuyasha and Sango. She’d gone extra early, arriving as they opened so she wouldn’t hold up the line. Handing them over as she bought her coffee with a slight blush, unsure if what she was doing was weird, she’d held her breath a little, wondering what would happen. Sango had thanked her effusively, but it was Inuyasha’s response that made her heart turn over. He’d immediately pounced on the paper bag, grabbing out a muffin to take a huge bite, and moaned appreciatively at the taste, his eyes closed as he chewed and swallowed the mouthful. When he’d handed over her coffee cup, there was a little muffin drawn on the lid, surrounded by a heart, and she hadn’t been able to help the little giggle she’d let out, especially when he’d arched one dark eyebrow and grinned at her roguishly.
Over the past two weeks, her collection of coffee lid art had grown; flowers, cats, stars, and this morning a little dog with the kanji (which she worked out after a little bit of googling) for inu. Her baking repertoire had also increased, especially when Sango explained for Inuyasha that he didn’t have a kitchen in his little studio apartment above the coffee shop when she’d asked him if he liked to cook. She’d baked cookies, brownies and little apple pastries, but it seemed to be muffins that he liked the best. Last night she’d decided to experiment with Japanese flavours a little, and the matcha and sweet azuki bean muffins she’d handed to Sango this morning had got her best response yet – he’d actually come out from behind his counter and given her a hug, lifting her up off the ground as he squeezed his strong arms around her and spun her around, making her laugh.
She took that lid out of her desk drawer and examined this morning’s drawing with a smile - a little dog with a serious expression and one arched eyebrow, reminding her of the man who drew him. She sighed, replacing the lid and grabbing her stapler, tapping it on the desk in irritation. She’d been trying to get up the courage to ask him out. She’d been going to do it this morning, but every time those amber eyes met hers, she was suddenly lost for words. She was pretty sure he liked her, that hug this morning had been a little longer than strictly necessary for someone who’d given a small gift of baked goods. She closed her eyes, imagining those strong arms around her again. A sudden tap on her shoulder nearly made her fling the stapler into the air in fright.
“A little jumpy today are we? I hope it’s nothing more than a wicked plot to steal extra post it notes from the stationary cupboard.”
Kagome whirled around and slapped her sniggering friend in the side with the back of her hand. “Miroku – don’t sneak up on me like that!” He snorted.
“Believe me, there was no sneaking involved. I’d already called out your name twice.”
“Daydreaming of burly baristas again? Why don’t you just ask the guy out if you’re so hung up on him?”
Kagome sighed. “It’s not quite that easy. He’s still learning English, and I’ve only just started learning Japanese again.” She’d started an online course, but only had time to study on the weekends at the moment until the end of month budget was done.
Miroku grinned at her. “News just in Kagome – tonsil hockey and the horizontal tango require no words at all.”
“Ugh. Remind me why I’m friends with you again?”
“Because I’m an adorable scoundrel.”
“Says you.” She grinned at him. “Which reminds me – it’s Friday – time to pay up.” Miroku groaned and reached for his back pocket, retrieving his wallet.
“How many coffees this week?”
“Twenty!” He stared at her, aghast. “My god Kagome, how do you not have a heart murmur or something!” he exclaimed, counting out the notes and plonking them down on the desk in front of her. “Thankfully, my dear Sango is worth it.”
“Wait, she actually went out with you again? I thought you said she slapped you!”
“It was a misunderstanding”, he said smoothly, “all good now.” Kagome raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled. “I’m meeting her after work tonight – going to one of her classes actually. She teaches akido a couple of times a week.”
Kagome grinned at him. “How do you know this isn’t an excuse for her to take another swing at you?” she teased. But she was glad. Sango was lovely – they’d gradually been increasing their short conversations when she bought coffee when it wasn’t too busy, and she seemed like someone who could be a good friend.  
Miroku leaned against her desk, seemingly ready for a chat. “Apparently it’s where she met Inuyasha – he’d put something on the notice board at the gym about needing someone to work with him at his coffee shop who spoke Japanese. Why don’t you come do the class too? You’ve barely left your desk all day.”
Kagome sighed and shook her head. “Too much to do. This has to be finished before I can leave tonight.”
Miroku stood, giving her a commiserating pat on the shoulder as he left her office. “I’d better let you get back to it then. Don’t let them work you too hard Kagome!”
Kagome panted as she headed back towards her apartment after her run around the park, jogging a little slower now to cool down. It was late, much later than she would usually go for a run, but she knew she wouldn’t sleep well if she went straight to bed after sitting at her desk all day. Maybe it might be time to invest in a treadmill for nights like this? She’d been hyper alert the whole time she’d run around the park, but it had been fine – the park was well lit and she’d had no trouble. Now she was only a block from home. She jogged on the spot as she waited for the lights to change. Nearly there. She couldn’t wait to get in the shower and let the heat penetrate her tired muscles.
She didn’t even have time to shriek when the hard sweaty hand went over her mouth and she was dragged backwards into the alleyway. She kicked out, trying to stomp on her attacker’s feet, but her soft running shoes did little, only making the hand around her mouth tighten. She gasped as she was shoved up against the damp brick, the back of her head connecting with a solid thud. The hand over her mouth shifted downwards so that it was pushing back on her neck, the sharpness of broken fingernails digging into her skin, and her eyes widened as the light glanced off the steak knife suddenly shoved in her face.
“Money! Gimme your money!”. The voice was male and agitated. She couldn’t see a face in the darkness, but she could see the hand that gripped the knife was sweaty and shaking.
“Don’t have money”, she managed to wheeze around the hand constricting her throat. “Only my phone.”
“Stupid bitch!” The hand tightened around her throat again, pulling her head forward and slamming it backwards against the wall behind her again, hard enough for her to see stars. Before she could react the hand was gone, with only the sound of sprinting feet letting her know that her attacker had left. She slumped down the wall, sliding to rest on her behind in a grimy puddle.
She knew she should get up and go home, but she was shaking so much she couldn’t move. Her ears were ringing a little, the back of her head was throbbing, and when she moved her hand to touch her throat, her fingers came away wet with blood. Not much, but enough to make her whimper in dismay. The thought of going back to her apartment and being alone filled her with fear.
Suddenly she had a memory of strong arms holding her, lifting her. Staggering to her feet, she began to walk, then run in the direction of the coffee shop, and the man that was beginning to take up large portion of her heart.
Read Part Five
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yanjuniverse ¡ 5 years ago
hello everyone. let me just take a moment to introduce myself. my name is Megan and two years ago, I started this blog originally under the user name @/syzygy-yoongi to post one shots about the boys from IQIYI’s Idol Producer. since that time, i have gain a mass following (2,000+ today) that i am forever grateful for. i have also made many friends that i love dearly and am so blessed to have in my life.
when i began this blog, i didn’t expect so many people to pay attention or to read my stories. if you remember, i was pumping out chapters two or three times a day, finishing series within a week or two because i loved writing that much.
today, i’m going to rank my top five completed series that i have written. feel free to reblog with your own opinions/rankings as well or leave me an ask with your opinions about my stories! (i’m very bored).
Now let’s get this show on the road!
1. Girls Like You (Cai Xukun)
Summary: IP High School is one of the most prestigious boarding schools in China for the fine arts. Owned by the Huang family, the school only accepts the best of the best. Many of China’s biggest stars came from this school and many of their students already have offers upon their graduation.
This year will be Cai Xukun’s fourth year at the school and fourth year witnessing the favoritism of his classmate, Zhu Zhengting (who’s parents are world class dancers) as well as the favoritism from students Fan Chengcheng (little brother of China’s most famous actress) and headmasters’ son, Huang Justin. The three of them are known to run the school. They get away with being late to classes, missing classes completely, missing assignments, talking back and Xukun swears he’s never seen them in full uniform. Safe to say that he kind of despises them and their “holier-than-thou” mindsets.
So when Justin’s sister joins them for her senior year, he could only roll his eyes at the news. While all of Xukun’s friends seem to fall for her, he can’t see the magic of it all.
“Girls like you? Girls like you are the kind that I can’t stand! You think just because you’re rich and pretty that we all have to fall for you? Well news flash, it’s not going to work on me. Now stay out of my way!”
MY OPINION: I really hold this fic near and dear to my heart because of the amount of work I put into the relationship between YN and Justin, YN and Zhengting and YN and Xukun. These were the three main relationships throughout the story that I feel really made readers pick sides. In all honesty, I was very nervous the first half the the story because everyone was on Zhengting’s side. This story was one of my most popular series and I was very pleased with the outcome, though I do have some regrets.
LOVED MOST: The relationship between YN and Justin. Justin’s character was the most difficult character I have ever portrayed. The early stages of developing his character actually spurred from Charlie from the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower. As for YN’s character, I grew up in a household where my parents were always at work and so I had to raise my younger siblings (obviously not to the extent of YN’s and my parents are kind people). Her motherly tendencies came a lot from the things I had personally done growing up (making meals, putting together backpacks, so on and so forth). I think of all the relationships I’ve ever written, YN’s and Justin’s “Huang or Die” relationship is always going to be my favorite.
BIGGEST REGRET: The ending. Looking back on it now, I honestly think the story should have gone another way. Of course YN runs from Zhengting but I personally think that the ending was way too rushed. It was something I put together in the matter of hours just because I wanted to get the story over with. I think now, I would have let YN have more time to be herself and to be a kid in Korea rather than carrying on being a mother. I also would have liked it if she had ended up with Chengcheng, the only boy in this entire story besides Zhengting, who had been there from start to finish . I would have also liked to have seen the more interaction with her and Yanjun and Ziyi, considering they, along with Bingbing were the main hands that took part in her escape.
2. SUBSCRIBE! (Xiao Gui)
Summary: Wang Linkai just posted videos of himself playing videos for fun. He never in a million years expected to build the type of following he did.
Zhu YN started off just posting little home videos for her and her friends. She never in a million years expected to build the type of following she did.
The one where you and Xiao Gui have no idea who the other is until one day, your brother sends you the link to a video called “REACTING TO TEXTS FROM AN ANGEL I MET TODAY!”
MY OPINION: Though Xiao Gui continues to be my bias up until today, the fic that I wrote for him is second place. I had a lot of fun writing it but with a more regrets than I did with Girls Like You. (Also let’s all remember when I wrote that he was a matcha frappe guy and then days later, he was papped with that exact drink).
LOVED MOST: Xiao Gui’s character development is something I’m always going to take pride in. I think out of all of my stories, his character was one of the most carefully planned. There were little details (such as when Gui goes from stealing Ziyi’s car keys to asking for them in the end) that really showed how much he grew. I’m also glad he didn’t just give up his dream for love and how he wanted YN to be free while he was away. I feel like had he been the same person from the beginning, he either would’ve given up his music career or made YN wait for him. I really loved to see how much he grew during this story.
BIGGEST REGRET: How YN knew Xiao Gui’s mother 🤦🏻‍♀️. That was such a plot twist ending that didn’t even make sense. I wish I had found a different way for YN to have gotten Gui to be with his mother other than “oh she sells me fruit”.
3. Smile for the Camera (Zhu Zhengting)
Summary: Nine Percent Photography is a small company with big names. Owned by Y/N, it features the faces of Cai Xukun, Chen Linong, Fan Chengcheng, Huang Justin, Lin Yanjun, Wang Ziyi and You Zhangjing.
Nine Percent Photography is best known for their creativity and ability to push their models into various aesthetics. They are one of the richest companies in Asia with every model raking in an estimated 2.3 million dollars every month. It is every model’s dream to be apart of this world class company.
Zhu Zhengting is an aspiring model. Up until this point, he has only scored small gigs. That is, until one phone call changed his entire life.
Zhengting finally has the chance to follow his dreams. He’s not going to let anything get in his way. Right?
MY OPINION: This story was the first story of mine that really blew up. It’s my pride and joy and where my following really started to build.
LOVED MOST: I loved the harmony between the company. It was like they were all destined to be together. I also liked how they were so honest with each other towards the end. I loved how they all had to fall apart to come back together. I also really appreciated Yanjun’s friendship with YN and how much YN loved her company.
BIGGEST REGRET: I should have made the the story longer so that YN and Zhengting could have had more time to fall in love with each other. I reread it a couple of weeks ago and honestly, the way the fell was so awkward and rushed. Had I gone back to write it, I would have focused more on their love story. I also wished I would have gone and written more about their modeling and/or their work since they were a modeling company. I also wished I had gone deeper into YN and Zeren’s backstory.
4. Oblivious (Wang Ziyi)
Wang Ziyi has never been the type to confront his feelings head on. He’s always swallowed the butterflies, tied his shoe laces and held on to the safety handle to make sure he never let him fall for anyone. He likes to say it’s because he doesn’t want to get his heart broken but his friends say that maybe he’s just saving those feelings for you.
the one where people aren’t sure whether you two really hate each other or really like each other.
MY OPINION: This was one of my more humorous stories. I’m usually an angst writer so getting to write Ziyi and YN in such a playful manner was like a breath of fresh air. This is also the story that came after I took my first hiatus (which was supposed to be like a week but ended up being like a day lol). I remember the stress of wanting to write something angsty for Ziyi and not having the storyline so instead, I decided to write a funnier story for him. Though, not as popular as Girls Like You, Subscribe! or Smile for the Camera, it still ranks high for me.
LOVED MOST: I LOVED HOW FUNNY ZIYI AND YN’S CHARACTERS WERE — actually all of them! One of my favorite parts of the story is always going to be the line where Linong says he has “bible study in an hour” and Yanjun replies “PLEASE STOP CALLING YOUR THEOLOGY (the study of the nature of God and religious beliefs) CLASS BIBLE STUDY!” All of the characters played a big part in the story unlike in the others where characters like Zhangjing and Linong are more of the background extras.
BIGGEST REGRET: THE WHOLE ENDING! I remember a lot of people were upset with YN and her plans and I agree because what she did was a bit uncalled for. But I remember just wanting it to end so I let it end the way it did. Had I gone back and rewritten it, I probably would have let Xingjie and YN play out for a bit before the two realized they were better off as friends. Sort of along the lines of Lara Jean and John Ambrose.
5. Trust Me - Lin Yanjun
Summary: Summary: Ever since you were a freshman in high school, Wang Ziyi has always felt the need to protect you. Now you’re a freshman in college and nothing has changed. When he hears that the labeled player, Lin Yanjun, is trying to make his way into your life, Ziyi finds it harder to keep his secret under wraps - especially when you make friends with You Zhangjing, Lin Yanjun’s best friend.
MY OPINION: Ah yes. I feel like this is a forgotten story of mine. It was one of my first ever series. I think I was still @/syzygy-yoongi at the time that I wrote this. I still get nostalgic when I see people finding it now. This is actually the story that got me into writing series (I had never written one before Trust Me) when a follower suggested the idea to me.
LOVED MOST: I really loved the plot twist at the end. I think of all of my stories, this was the only one that I really planned out and stuck to it. I didn’t overthink Trust Me because at the time, I did get have many followers and I didn’t have anyone to disappoint.
BIGGEST REGRET: I think the reason why I ranked Trust Me so lowly is because of the lack of quality it had. It was the earliest development of what yanjuniverse is today. This is the story that made me realize that I really had a knack for angst. I have the fondest memories of Trust Me and I’m so happy I wrote it.
Conclusion: This was my top five rankings for my completed series. Of course it doesn’t go into my incompleted series (I Bet would’ve knocked Trust Me right off of this list). This was a complete waste of time but just something I wanted to do because I had just spent the past couple of weeks rereading my fics. Hope you all enjoyed and if you made it this far, thank you so much. I’m so grateful for this blog. It really made me who I am today. I’m so grateful for the memories and how much I grew from these stories!
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