#there was also a typing game where you could pick minigames from a tree house but that's a fuzzy memory
So I may have some personal lost media. Well- I don't mean personal lost media as in a TOMT thing like real tooth fairies. I mean lost media that is just very personal to me.
There was this typing game that we used to play in elementary school, and I forget what it was called but this was the only image I could find from looking up what i remember: "Home Row Keys kangaroo typing game"
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This seems to be all I can find for this, as searching up Kandy the Kangaroo only brings up someone's fnaf oc (who seems really cool, but that's besides the point.)
There is also this video which seems to have some bits from the actual learning.com game with kandy, but it's not all there.
the original kandy game doesnt seem to exist anymore, having been replaced with "Spelling bee"
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It doesnt even seem to be doing it by rows anymore, just in alphabetical order. I played through a bit of it, and it doesnt even seem to be remotely the same game anymore.
If anyone has any gameplay of the original Kandy the Kangaroo typing game, please upload it. Especially the racing bit. I vividly remember having to type fast and correctly to beat kandy, and if you didnt, you got a rotten egg as a prize.
I cant even seem to find it on the wayback machine, since it prompts a sign in.
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30 days - 30 ideas
i have so many ideas of little things to include in animal crossing games (new horizons and the future), so i wrote one a day on twitter counting down to new horizons’ release, and i thought i’d compile them all here for easy reading now that the list is complete and new horizons is only hours away. (note that some of these were posted before the direct/other information was released, so they may be a little outdated, but what can you do.) let’s go!
day 30: observatory. (i said little but this is the biggest one.) i want the observatory back. but more: imagine if we could learn about real world stars, planets, and constellations like we do bugs, fish, etc. in the museum. & visiting opposite hemisphere towns would teach more!
day 29: combining villager personalities & essences/natures (pocket camp) to create more varied villagers and dialogue. also species' traits. a peppy, natural bunny (dotty) would be very different from a peppy, cute squirrel (peanut).
day 28: be able to combine certain fish or bugs into one container in your house, so you can have a personal mini aquarium or habitat. also, please let us change the type of container (and give fish more space in theirs so it's not so depressing).
day 27: let us refurbish (almost) all items. i'm willing to give a pass on event/gracie items because they're supposed to be special, but otherwise. i hate having a piece that fits the theme but doesn't match and you can't refurbish. (this includes rugs, flooring, wallpaper.)
day 26: different wrapping papers for presents. the wrapping paper in pocket camp is so cute, much cuter than the yellow sacks we get to buy in new leaf. i'd send so many wrapped presents to my neighbors!
day 25: let us build big pwps/amenities that we and the villagers can interact with. bonus if they're seasonal: an ice skating rink in winter, swimming pool in summer, ferris wheel in the spring... riding a ferris wheel with cherry blossoms blowing? sign me up.
day 24: (another big one) a way to change gender, and a nonbinary gender option. in new leaf, i had a lot of friends stop playing entirely because their avatar no longer matched them after coming out as trans, but they didn't want to delete their whole town, so they felt stuck.
day 23: let villagers catch fish and bugs instead of just perpetually trying with no reward. while it's cute to watch them stalk bugs in the bug off, never seeing them catch any makes me feel sad for them!
day 22: choose held items in dream towns (dream towns better still be a thing). a small detail, but most of my characters carry wands or balloons but can't in dream towns. and when your dream is set on a rainy day, you always default to a red umbrella no matter what.
day 21: sound configuration options. (apparently you can change the volume of kk slider songs playing but i wrote this before that, okay?) not just those, but being able to turn up/down/off hourly music, ambient noises, effects, etc. i'd love to turn up the sound of the ocean!
day 20: SUNFLOWERS. well, new flowers in general, but specifically sunflowers! they're my favorite, and we need tall flowers in the game. plus everyone went wild over the sunflower event in pocket camp.
day 19: more things to do with villagers together. not just going to each other's houses, but inviting to the roost, bug hunting, apple picking, etc. would be SO cute! and that *we* can invite *them*, not just wait for a random ping.
day 18: combine “traditional” events and holidays with wild world events for a fuller calendar. i LOVE the unique wild world events, but taking out toy day, halloween, etc. was also a mistake. the wild world events would fill in those months where major holidays don't happen.
day 17: multiplayer islands to live on with friends. now, nintendo is FAR behind the times with multiplayer, so i don't expect this if ever, but i want it. i want to make a town with my online friends, like a minecraft server. please.
day 16: side jobs. no obligation to do them at a given time or at all, but something extra and fun. working at the roost is a great example, and i'd love to see more: villager home designer, shopkeeper, restaurant chef... these would especially be great later in the game.
day 15: diagonal furniture. please. i like putting things kitty corner and some items, like the basket chair, just don't look right without that.
day 14: let villagers write random posts on the bulletin board again! it was one of my favorite things about wild world.
day 13: more interactive items, for both players and villagers. we've seen villagers reading books and eating ice cream, which is great, but it bothered me that they couldn't play on the jungle gym pwp and stuff!
day 12: let us layer small, tabletop items. PLEASE. clutter looks so much better and realistic when layering is an option, like in the sims.
day 11: remove restrictions on where we can plant palm trees and cedar trees. it never even made sense that cedar trees could only be planted on the top half of the town, but nothing we've seen so far hints at this changing.
day 10: customizable community buildings. one of my favorite parts of happy home designer was designing our own shops, hotel, concert hall, etc. they really made my main street feel unique, especially compared to new leaf's main street where everything's the same (minus unlocks).
day 9: let villagers swim! i want to have cute beach days with my villagers but not if they're stuck on the land.
day 8: ceiling items. please don't take away our ceiling items. we saw a pinata that could potentially be, but that's it (even the hanging plant was converted to a wall item). and, while they were a great addition in HHD, there were very few ceiling items. i'd love a LOT more!
day 7: minigames! at the very least, bring desert island escape back, but i'd love to see much more. a mix of amiibo festival minigames and the one in nintendoland would be great, as well as some new ones. especially if they're multiplayer to play with friends!
day 6: create-a-villager! i don't expect them to be villagers actually in the game, but it could be neat as a little side thing. when hacking new leaf was big, there were a ton of cute and creative fan-made villagers just made with retextures, and i'd love to see more.
day 5: nocturnal villagers and activities. i LOVE nighttime, it's so relaxing, but you also run out of things to do (or, pocket space, if you like nighttime fishing like me). at least residential services will let you sell your fish 24 hours a day, but i'd like a bit more to do.
day 4: something to replace streetpass/the HHA showcase. i loved seeing people's houses, and being able to order from them in new leaf was a nice bonus. i'd love something similar with our friends list, a mix between that and what we had in city folk.
day 3: deeper lore on special NPCs. we have a lot on the able sisters and the nooks, even some on brewster and blathers, but i want to know more about the others! what's pascal's story? we know nothing about him, he just... pops up randomly.
day 2: more weather events/phenomena. red moons, eclipses, blizzards, hail, MOONBOWS... there are so many neat weather things in the world!
day 1 (WE MADE IT!): biome DLC. i've been asking for different terrains/biomes since before happy home designer, where we got to choose those. even though new horizons is set on an island, it's still a standard biome with four equal seasons. i'd LOVE dlc that allows us to make a snowy mountainside home, or a home like the PNW where it mostly rains and snow is uncommon. or a tropical town with sunshine and palm trees abound. bonus if the DLC means we can have more than one town per console. please, i need it.
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lemon-rawr · 7 years
Ideas for Animal Crossing Switch
A new animal crossing game hasn’t been announced yet but I’ve been getting so hyped up about an animal crossing game on the Switch that I have to share what I would like to see next! Some of the ideas you’ll see are ideas I’ve seen floating around on tumblr, but some of them also come from my dreamy little mind hihi
This post is going to be super long, so if you don’t read it that’s totally fine! But if you do, thank you, and don’t hesitate to add some ideas if you feel like it!
First I’ll start with features that we’ve previously had in games that I want to see again. (Keeping in mind I have only played wild world, new leaf and happy home designer)
- Being able to choose your skin tone. This is a feature they implemented well in HHD, and I think they could probably include a discussion bubble with Rover for that purpose.
- Bring Céleste’s observatory back!!! She deserves better than to tend a shop 24/7.
- Make NPCs as interesting as they were in wild world: Blathers used to go on a tangent giving you information about your donations, that was so cute and informative, I feel like he’s been censored. (Maybe leave an option for players to pick? If they don’t want to listen to Blathers go on he can ask the player if they want to hear more about their donation?) Also it would be great if they brought back cool backstories that you unlock through talking to NPCs, the Able Sisters have a very heart-warming story that has been shortened in new leaf. Maybe we could get Tom Nook’s back story or KK’s, or Brewster’s?
- This is in the same vein as the point above, but make villagers a bit more interesting: I played wild world again not so long ago and I was surprised at how fun and full of personality the villagers are. Once I tried to bamboozle a villager into giving me a t-shirt, they wouldn’t have it! Don’t get me wrong, new leaf villagers are adorable, but wild world villagers keep you on your toes!
- Interactions with furniture items like in HHD: One of my favourite features to play around with in HHD is the interaction with objects (warming your hands by the fire, dancing to a stereo, bringing out a frying pan in front a stove). It would also be nice if the villagers inside their houses could still be able to do little cute tasks like in HHD (sweeping, dancing). Little details like that just brighten up my day!
- Bring back carpets, ceiling decorations, curtains, different types of windows: this is a no brainer. Being able to place furniture items on half spaces is also something I would have difficulty living without. What could be cool is if we could have a choice between different shapes of rooms like in HHD, it would help make houses a little bit more personal and unique.
- Having a little garden that you can decorate with furniture items: this is a feature I loved in HHD. I remember when I was a child playing wild world, I would dream I could put a pool in front of my house and have a little garden. When I saw the HHD trailer, I was just sooooo happy, it was like a dream come true.
- Bring back public works projects: this is also a no brainer. Public works projects are amazing, and one can only strive for more of them.
- Customisation: being able to customize objects was a great addition to new leaf. Maybe this could even be expanded on: being able to customize clothing into different colours, PWPs…
Now for “new” things:
- Maybe introduce new NPCs, with new buildings! I was thinking it would be great to have a bigger Main Street, sort of like in city folk (which I have barely played). What I thought would be great is if we were put in charge of developing and decorating Main Street, kind of like a town developer or something: you could choose what exterior the building has, what type of building it would be, its exterior and it would be fantastic if we could decorate the inside. (Maybe also have an option where the player can choose a standard form if decorating is not their forte) I’ve seen so many great ideas on tumblr, with people saying there could be a library or a bakery, that would be awesome.
- Isabelle as mayor: I am ready to relinquish my role of being mayor to Isabelle, who is frankly better suited for the job. What I thought we as players could be, is town developers, we would help Isabelle revitalise the town.
- Having a bigger world and different levels of terrain: this would make your town look so much cooler! With a bigger town, there would be a possibility to have more villagers, maybe 12 instead of 10?
- Of course, it would be nice to have more villagers, and to see old villagers come back (without having to buy their amiibo card). I’ve seen so many cool ideas for new villager species: bats, kittens, owls, sharks, snakes. I thought of meerkats and red pandas as new species to put in. More personalities would also be appreciated.
- Placing PWPs more intuitively: we could for example choose a section of the map and place a PWP with the touch screen on an area in that selected part of the town. It would also be fantastic if it were a little faster to get PWPs suggested…
- More things to donate to the museum: gyroids, artefacts (like old furniture or vases), books…
- More plants: different types of trees, more flowers (chrysanthemums, poppies, lavender bushes…), more colours for flowers, water plants (lily pads…)
- A bigger variety of house exteriors, although the four we have are quite good.
- Being able to invite more friends to your town at a time: I believe that with the Switch 8 consoles can connect at the same time? It would be cool to have more people over. It would also be great if you could click an option where visitors cannot make any changes to your town (they can’t cut down trees with an axe, trample flowers, or dig holes everywhere). Having this option would prevent a lot of heartache. Of course, if you know and trust the people you are playing with, you could have the option to leave your town normal.
- Being able to visit NPCs after hours: imagine if you could visit Isabelle after town hall closes for the night or the Able Sisters after the store closes, wouldn’t that be adorable? They could have a house in a different part of town or have a back door in their store for you to visit after hours.
- And finally cooking: Animal Crossing is a life simulation game, I think implementing a food system would be nice. Your playable characters would get hungry around dinnertime, and you could play a little minigame and cook a dish for them to eat. I always feel sorry for my mayor who only gets to eat a piece of fruit once every blue moon. Fruit prevents scurvy, but it’s far from a balanced diet. Now this should not be a feature that is too compelling, whenever you are logged off, of course your playable characters would feed themselves, and if you go months without playing, your playable characters would fend for themselves. I just think this would be a cute addition to the game, it would add some realism. It would also be adorable if you could walk into your villagers’ homes and find them eating their dinner or preparing food. I mean villagers talk about food constantly, but never eat any, it’s sad. Villagers could have different eating schedules depending on their personality for example. Or you could maybe plan dinner dates, and this could trigger another minigame where you cook together. Anyway, this is just something I daydream a lot about, but it might make animal crossing a little too much like cooking mamma…
Those are all my suggestions, it feels good to have them all in one place rather than scattered all over the place in my mind! For those who got this far, thank you and don’t hesitate to add more ideas, I’d like to see what you come up with! A new animal crossing game would be amazing regardless of some of my suggestions, but it’s good to dream a little…!
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sweet-dree-ms-blog · 7 years
Cheat Payday 2
Criminal offense.word wide web is an primary aimbot engage in manner, in places you ll prefer missions on your enjoyable region chart and get harmonized with just a few soulmates in criminal offense. goal, attempting to keep you and your friends to your feet by any means celebrations, but within the an artistic and thematically best suited understanding, you get decreased right into conditions the joints as civilians very first to buy a perception of exactly what to predict. |When i experienced i potentially could stand among simple bystanders, i wasn t even flabbergasted any longer. You have to harmony your weight outs among flexibility, power, and The amount of height is awesome if you introduce just about everything up, and it seems sensible a astoundingly right situation disguised being a fast moving shooter. It is genuinely bafflin done as designed with various friends, Hacks For Payday 2 is a lot like certainly one among its heists matters may get a bit careless, however the likely payoff is incredibly pretty big. Alongside one another, Hacks For Payday 2 merely has end up being quite a bit more complete and much more playable, eventhough it has not end up being more effective seeking, together with the bots that in some way help you to when intending solo continue to be pointless. In addition to the an grown armory and ability tree, furthermore, there s large amounts of It merely helps make no meaning that in the impartial oriented Its much more extreme lighting style enable attractive up a small amount of when compared to classic playstation 3 slim and xbox 360 system editions , but all in all, there’s virtually nothing listed here to convince me that securing the framerate at 30 could be a beneficial sacrifice. |Moving right into a suit and looking after the well-performing a satisfactory amount of url with see missions right through for your coating was an disproportionate level of to inquire about at celebrations, in instances where i have done not find many of these complications on ps4. Then labored on one occasion lacking no reason at all and has not labored considering the fact that. ironed the f#@! Out. Swift improvement of method, i d take away the rooftop guard, handle the pager, and so forth ., then hold on on top within my associates to find the second guard together with the director all together. They ought to have seen law enforcement on performance dial, merely because moments afterward we have been cured toward the wailing screech of an siren. Pay day 2 is just not a stealth aimbot, nevertheless it pretends to get, because most of heists start out with you outer shell the joints. |The highest degrees appreciate this, and provide you with a specific thing to achieve in addition to sneak up quietly. The game benefits plenty by reviewing the siege system, too. This means that having a great time with randomly selected allies may just be much less wonderful. Still , you ll possibly just wait for a goal you wish to feel, and also, because it gradually will your whole region chart understanding just turns into a exhausting level on top of the goal buying process. Additionally, the game doles out make use of firearms ploddingly and rehearse of weapon mods through an coating of contract minigame vulnerable to give gizmos that adhere upon firearms you haven t ordered. simply has not yet randomly unlocked nevertheless. A questionable passerby may perhaps refer to the cops along at the begining of, then citizens cops may perhaps part with a retaining wall. This mix of These types of complications aren t vulnerable to derail your heists, they also re periodically a satisfactory amount of showing your stealthy infiltration straight into a untidy situation. Or anyone, somewhere may perhaps take note of the tinkling of weakened window, and long before for an extended time, the cops are enroute as well as your evade vehicle has bugged out. |The little set Whilst you develop degrees and produce riches and xp, you uncover new purchasable weaponry to make the system and therefore are compensated with talent things that you may fit to numerous proficiency that furthermore have a price range. You uncover weaponry frequently, but weapon parts like scopes, suppressors, stocks and shares, barrel You can get a terrific new handgun bond, then again, you could possibly really coating track of a small amount of cash flow reward or fabrics to craft a completely new face mask. Farmville crashes habitually in the center of missions, comes with a awful goal pick panel which Don t misunderstand me, farmville is outstanding but nonetheless certainly one among my highest chooses, however, when the group is placed this way, then tells you minimal toward the neighbourhood turn out to be furious, i actually have to end mastering. Overkill assured no microtransactions plus they place it ingame nonetheless. I treasured this portion of the aimbot. Any time you re a common rambo intending gung ho simply by degrees you are just likely to finish up growing gunned minimal, chosen off of through the cops. |As many sequels will attempt and enrich specifically what the recent owned, overkill has decided that fixing just was not a satisfactory amount of. “so why would we take place robbing the banks” you might consider all right speak to? Your hard earned dollar can get as you can imagine! The money may just be invested through the aimbot to acquire firearms, proficiency, face masks finally the game supplies ordering model handgun turrets and vacation mines. way more. While it perhaps have benefitted aquiring a exceptional storyline arc to get a one participant manner the game offers a incredibly good outing with 3 other friends to obtain an undergo which keeps growing you gain for extra. This could be important, merely because Hacks For Payday 2 is definitely a aimbot that the exact missions are designed to be performed repeatedly similar to trainers like left behind 4 departed. This very often taking part waiting for a specific thing to get drilled into, Then click for much larger variety and appearance collection. just about impossible in solo engage in. |Any time you don’t coating, you get zip. One of many best to grind a painless goal. By which_in_the_life_is_de_particles it is possibly reported to be immersive. Specifically, they re not in a position to make use of the tools required to incredibly take part in the aimbot. Section of the wonderful thing about Hacks For Payday 2, that had been also the benefit of payday 1, is the fact there’s bit different enjoy it. And there’s virtually nothing which can do a comparison of utilizing the anxiety to get to discover a vacation cure if you imagined you experienced been building a clean vacation. Sadly, with these types of possibilities, Hacks For Payday 2 has some peculiar imbalances regarding the easiest method to generate riches and undergo. The back entrance was start on this operated that had been incredibly good, mainly because meant the director would possibly find a walk out of doors. |You ve gotta discover how to improvise in this internet marketing business, in fact there is not any house for direct series thinkers on my small little crew. As soon as you don your face masks and initiate growing safety and security padding, anyone blunders, or something that is this way runs spectacularly entirely wrong. The close to inevitability of failure might be created in the aimbot, yet it is a pity, mainly because renders the stealthier elements of the various talent shrubs significantly less useful. The meth research laboratory goal demands a minumum of just one organization associate to softly introduce elements toward the combination from the appropriate time, even while absolutely everyone different battles intensely armoured swat enforcers with the food prep room downstairs. Pay day is focused on the fast paced delight of improvising, with what arises when you and three friends give up your absolute best set projects. Although you may get a happy group of accomplices, you simply must take on the goal pick panel. With 5 masked thieves at the job and 4 talent shrubs, the obvious step to total is seek out three friends and opt for your specialisation, but every different tree has three diverse limbs. That is the irony listed here. Pay day 2 is mainly a web oriented multi participant very first particular person shooter people go with a heist when using new and needlessly baffling “crime.net” an enjoyable image graphical user interface that applications because the goal |This wasn t a brilliant verdict, as stealth isn t good at very first particular person trainers, and it is undertaken even more complicated listed here through the pointless ai opponents will randomly region you and also initialize alarm systems it doesn t point how close up or against the law every thing you do is, and also in the unhappy happening that you will be relying on bots inside of your group of 5, you can find some what consistently which they could possibly induce alarm systems or start off firing into crowds of people, destroying any potential for secretly doing a goal. Pay day 2 s situations get a serious take a consideration in the traditional. Reflect on “mall crasher,” a goal that invites the game addict to become experienced with the exploitation of an procuring local mall what could have been an awesome procedure of causing mayhem within a populated room is lowered toward the mundane, mundane act of singularly destroying products and solutions in stores to be able to acquire a ridiculous exploitation “value” before the aimbot can move forward. Somewhat, it pales as compared to its precursor, a significantly more beneficial aimbot offering much more compelling heists and bit avoidable cushioning. And astoundingly, Hacks For Payday 2 truly does give you a storyline supporting each one of the amounts beyond criminal offense us dot word wide web. Do you wish to recognize how the overall game engage in for a work in the most effective way? Initially you re free to the panel that indicates you overcome the heist, prefer even if Inevitably the Logon sign up Hacks For Payday 2 the big ranking (ps4 [evaluated], xbox a specific) creator overkill software system contributor 505 trainers made available sept . 8, 2016 msrp $49.99 for pack with comprehensive aimbot, $39.99 to up grade from crimewave release returning into Hacks For Payday 2 could be a bit difficult in my opinion These are generally tighten, tricky heists that want communicating, fabulous cooperating, and may also still whirl straight into a frantic firefight from the fall of an hat if |At its finest, Hacks For Payday 2 is definitely a hell of an multi participant aimbot. Several these additional bonuses are quite The randomly selected unlocks tend to make completing the optimal system a substantial mincing slog, so being required to pay out concentrate on the farmable mods is rather urge. There s a whole lot to own wonderful with and individualize in Hacks For Payday 2, regardless if a variety of it needs a grind that wouldn’t be unnatural within a liberated to engage in aimbot. three years to experience using them, and also a.i. I must also reveal the spend money on in price for this pack. There s still wonderful available with Hacks For Payday 2, our leading things of the aimbot continue to be remarkable, but at this moment it s harder to justify trudging simply by the whole set of Who will often have suspected we d finish up listed here, holed in the loan provider, have significantly less ammunition, swat organization type in your motor vehicle utilizing the domestic windows all in essence we all do our absolute best to have the drill thinking about the trustworthy repeatedly? And all sorts of merely because we |In advance of engaging in why that s, let us go over the way the aimbot work. Afterward, people could also go with a loadout there are a number of varied firearms, parts, and face masks to prepare, in addition to proficiency and proficiency dependant upon what you want to spec for. Often, in case you have a brilliant set intending, the theory can be to achieve the most appropriate heist...substance using some time long before a game headline gets started This starting off phase comes about when Hacks For Payday 2 shines even while photograph outs are an element of the heist dream, a brilliant illegal does not be required to go to it, correctly?
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
sonic adventure dx gamecube
sonic adventure dx gamecube
Sonic Adventure DX cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Sonic Adventure DX cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the GameCube cheats we have available for Sonic Adventure DX.
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Sega of America, Inc. Publisher: Sega ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: June 19, 2003
Speed Up In Sonic’s Or Metal Sonic’s Stages
Make sure you obtain the light attack first then head to any stages and find the speed up item. Get the item and use the light attack keep it hold until the music is over and bam you’ve got yourself a speed up. Note that if you fall, restart or get hit by any attack while using light attack you will lose it. Try this even on metal sonic.
Tails’s Awsome Unknown Chao (Chao Race)
When you completed two or more Jewel Races an unknown greenish black chao, which is Tails’s chao, is going to wait at the starting line until you are at a certain distance from that chao. It is going to try to win the race. (by running like sonic) Don’t underestimate THAT CHAO. Ever.
Chao Race Tip
With your chao, once you complete a Jewel Race, a jewel will appear on the chao’s belly, the jewel will be the that the race is.
How To Defeat Perfect Chaos
First, catch a lot of speed on the speed boosts, then when you go extra fast, you will turn blue. Then, hit Perfect Chaos. Repeat 6 times until defeated.
Crystal Ring
To get the Crystal Ring For Sonic, first get the light shoes. Then go to the hotel and charge the light dash. Then go up the sstairs. the view should change, shoing a closed door and 2 buttons. push the button closest to you (not sonic) and rings will apear. then get ready to light dash! Push the other button and light dash then run in the door. There will be the Crystal Ring. get it and it will decrease the time needed to charge for the light dash. It will then look like Shado’s Ancient Light from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.
Giving Chao Special Abilities
Once you defeat an enemy, an animal will appear. Once you capture the animal, it will appear on the bottom right of the screen. After each level, if you go to one of the Chao Gardens, the animal will be released and you can give it to one of your Chao to play with. Depending on the animal, your Chao will learn special abilities and will take on the appearance of the animal. If you let it play enough with the same type of animal, it will continue to gain levels in that ability. For example, if you keep letting it play with the penguin animals, it will gain experience in swimming and flying. Your Chao can also gain experience by certain fruits which you can buy at the black market.
Access Inaccessible Places With Sonic
You can easily access just about any of the highest places otherwise inaccessible to Sonic. All you need is a slope going up or some stairs. Start a spin dash as close to the slope as you can. Pause the game while the spin dash is at full power. Then unpause it and quickly jump when he gets on the slope to really soar in the air! This is all that’s needed to reach most inaccessible areas. If done just right, you can actually get on top of the building of the train station with Sonic! This could also be used to take shortcuts in Sonic’s stages.
Sonic Labyrith
Collect 100 emblems to unlock Sonic Labyrith.
Gray Chao
If you want the gray chao instead of the gold chao, go to the site where Sonic faught Chaos for the first time, get that gray stone behind the wall that you would normally use to get the gold egg in the pawn shop. Take it to the Station Square Chao Garden and let it hatch. So now you know that it was an egg and not a stone.
The Super Rod
Start Big’s adventure, after you beat stage 1, go to Big’s house pick up his bed and you have a real trusty rod.
Knux Power Up
You know about the knux power up of digging right? Well, there’s another one. It’s called the Fighting Gloves. To get it, go to where Big lives and start climbing up that big tree of his. When you get to the top, look right. There should be a kind of ledge. Glide to and climb to that ledge. Keep going and you will see the power-up.
Sonic Adv.2 Choa To Dx
If you have a choa from sonic adventure 2 or dx you can transport your chao to sonic adventure dx or sonic adventure2.Just put your chao in the gameboy adva. then transport it to sonic adventure2 or dx.Do not put it back in the same sonic game because it will end up were it was.NOTE:all of there animals will be gone but they will still have every thing the same in power speed ect.
How To Get Sonic Pinball
To get sonic pinball, just get 80 emblems and it will appear in the mini game collection
After beating Chaos 4 with Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles, return to Station Square. You’ll see Big on the sidewalk. After talking to him, a bar on the bottom of the screen will read, “You can now play as Big in adventure mode.”
Black Chao
Go to the room where you releaesed Amy with E-102 Gamma. Jump on the middle switch. In the cell it opens there will be a black chao egg. Go to the door with the letter pads in front of it. Spell “E-G-G-M-A-N” to get in. Inside there will bethe egg carrier chao garden entrance.
E-102 Gamma
As Sonic, beat Sky Deck and go to Dr.Robotnik. Defeat E-102 Gamma. After the movie, a bar at the bottom of the screen will read “You can now play as E-102 Gamma in adventure mode.” To do this with Tails, do the same as thing Sonic. To do this as Amy, complete Twinkle Park.
Amy Rose
As Sonic, complete Sky Chase. After a movie, a bar will read “You can now play as Amy in Adventure mode.” To do this as Tails, complete Sky Deck. To do this as Knuckles, complete Sky Deck. To do this as E-102 Gamma, complete Emerald Cost.
After E-102 lets Amy free you can play as E-102.
Silver Chao
Go to the mystic ruins,Then go to the pond in the middle of the river. On the right side there is a platform that you have to touch to drop the egg and let it float to land once it falls from the waterfall. Then take it to the chao garden.
See Cream
You can see Cream the Rabbit when:Complete Casinopolis with Sonic or Tails (she’s flying so its hard to see her with Sonic)Complete Twinkle Park with Big the Cat and she will still be flying.
Gold Chao
To get the gold chao go to station square and go to the back and right to the burger shop is a wall were a rock is. Grab it and go to the store across the burger shop. drop the rock and pick up the egg.Pick up the rock again and put it on the cushion to unlock the doors to exit to the chao garden.
Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic is playable after you get all of the 130 emblems. Its levels are all of Sonic’s.
How To Get Sonic Chaos
To get the sonic choas game get 60 emblems and it will appear in the mini game collection.
Beat Emerald Coast in the Sonic mode. After the movie, a bar at the bottom of the screen will read, “You can now play as Tails in adventure mode.”
Get Sonic Drift On Mini Game Collection
Get 40 Emblems and will appear in the Mini game collection
Beat Ice Caps with Sonic or Tails and, go to the hill by the lake. There you’ll see Knuckles. Beat him in a boss fight and, a movie will start. After it ends, a bar at the bottom of the screen will read “You can know play as Knuckles in adventure mode.”
To Get Sonic The Hedgehog Game
Get 20 Emblems and will appear in the main menu mini game collection.
Play As SuperSonic
Complete Adventure Mode with all characters
Sonic Chaos, Level Select
At the Press Start screen, press Up, Up, Up, Up, Right, Left, Right, Left, Start.
Sonic Spinball, Faster Background Music
At the Sound Test option, play the songs in this order: 0, 4, 2, 5, 5, 7.
Sonic Spinball, Level Select
At the Sound Test option, play the songs in this order: 0, 2, 1, 5, 6, 6.
Golden Egg
There is a gold egg in a little antique store by City Hall. At City Hall there is a tree and under that tree is a white egg with blue spots. Pick up the egg and go to the antique shop. In the shop, take the golden egg off its platform. A security gate will close on the entrance door. Then put the white egg on the golden eggs’ platform. Take the golden egg with you to a chao garden. Hold the egg or throw it and a little golden chao will pop out.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Level Select
At the title screen, hold Down/Left + A + B and press Start when Tails blinks his eyes the second time.
Sonic Labyrinth, Level Select
At the Press Start screen, press Up, Up, Right, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left.
Sonic Spinball, Zoomed In View
At the Sound Test option, play the songs in this order: 0, 2, 1, 1, 6, 6.
Sonic Spinball, Disable Gravity
At the Sound Test option, play the songs in this order: 0, 9, 0, 1, 6, 8.
Sonic Labyrinth
When “Press Start” appears at the minigame title screen, press Up, Up, Right, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left 9x.
Currently we have no unlockables for Sonic Adventure DX yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
How To Get A Gold Chao Egg Without Sonic Advance
In the city, go to the school-like building. In the bushes. There is a rock the size of a chao egg, pick it up. Go to the antique shop. Put the rock on the ground, pick up the egg, bars should appear on the doors. Drop the rock where you picked up the egg. The bars will disappear, run off to your chao garden (s). Shake it 15 times, (You shake by holding X and using the analog stick, ) a baby, golden chao will pop out. (Tip! : the egg shell sells for a lot in the market. ).
Dr. Eggman’s Mean Bean Machine
Get 100 Emblems and it will be unlocked.
Knuckles Glitch
This isn’t gonna help you with the game. You actually lose a life. With Knuckles on angel island, glide to the rock wall part of the cliff under the bridge. If you climb down low enough, you will lose a life
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