#there was a conspiracy that claims cain is the son of satan
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gritsandbrits · 10 days ago
The idea that cain is a serpent seed is kinda funny if he was secretly the son of the devil it still makes God good because he encouraged him to make good choices and showed him mercy after the killing which shows that you ARE still capable of choice regardless of blood and you wont get automatically destroyed bc your parent sucks.
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dogopower · 3 years ago
Satan, Prince of This World
first parents to defect from Him. They did so of their own free will and accord. God did not Will that human beings terminate this earthly existence by the death of our mortal bodies. When Adam and Eve sinned they suffered the loss of sanctifying grace. That automatically involved the death of their mortal bodies, contrary to God’s Will and His original intention.
The same conclusions are correct if applied to physical and mental ailments. While human beings ate meats, fish, fowl, fruits, nuts, seeds,-and vegetables as intended by God they lived healthy lives, and they lived to a ripe old age. If they died naturally, they died of old age, the gradual wearing out of the body’s vital organs. It was not until the human race departed from God’s Will, in respect to diet, and substituted “the Devil’s Brew,” consisting of food, drinks, and drugs which satisfy gluttony, the carnal appetite, and arouse lustful thoughts and sensual desires, that ailments of the flesh shortened our life-span and caused physical diseases and mental suffering. Don’t take my word for this. In the Scriptures Romans 6:23 tells us, “The wages of Sin is Death.” Why do those who plot our subjugation force us to eat denatured foods in this day and age, if it isn’t to weaken us mentally as well as physically?
There is another fact that concerns the W.R.M. being transferred to this earth in the Garden of Eden. The Devil, Lucifer, Satan, or however you wish to designate the Secret Evil Power on this earth, which constitutes the “Adversary” to God’s Will, occupied this earth BEFORE God created Adam and Eve. Satan was here and ready to tempt Eve, and through her, Adam, when both were still in a state of innocence, and enjoying the Presence and Friendship of God. Man’s sin strengthened the hold the Devil had on this world. It did not create it. Theologians as a rule accept this as an “Insoluble mystery.” I would like to point out that this fact indicates
that this world was, and still is, part of the section of the Universe controlled by Lucifer, the Part we term Hell. There seems to be a lot of truth in some old saying, which dates back into antiquity – “This is Hell upon Earth”. Human beings still have the opportunity to reunite with God, if they so desire, but the vast majority don’t seem to do very much about it. The next question is this: “Are Lucifer and Satan one and the same supernatural being?” For reasons beyond my own comprehension the accepted idea of most theologians is that Lucifer and Satan are one. Yet the same theologians agree that there is evidence for believing that there are several principalities in Hell, each ruled by a supernatural being who is subordinate to Lucifer. Is it unreasonable to suppose that Satan is a different being who defected from God at the time of the heavenly revolt led by Lucifer? Is it unreasonable to suppose that there is a certain degree of TRUTH in the teachings and doctrines of those who expound the Luciferian ideology on this earth. Even admitting that an angel, by reason of being a pure spirit, regardless of whether it is ‘Good’ or ‘Evil,’ isn’t confined to any geographical limitations, and can use its influence for ‘Good’ or ‘evil’ in a dozen different places in less time than is used in the twinkling of an eye, it still seems reasonable to suppose that Lucifer is “King” of all that part of the Universe we term Hell, and Satan is one of his Princes. Does not Christ Himself designate Satan as “Prince of this World?” The conditions existing upon this earth would seem to indicate it is part of Hell rather than a part of Heaven.
If this world is part of Hell, then it is reasonable to Suppose that the decision we make here is final. That may explain why He visited here as He did another part of Hell before his resurrection. He redeemed us, but whether we accept His redemption or reject it, it is our own business.
Be that as it may, the fact remains that the Luciferian doctrines what the Holy Scriptures neglect to say on this important subject. Christ made it very clear that Lucifer is the “Father of Lies,” and that Satan uses lies and deceits to achieve their diabolical purpose. Is it unreasonable to suppose that Lucifer has inspired those who have directed his conspiracy here on earth, to tell only a little of the truth? If this line of thought isn’t logical then where did the old saying originate that “Half a truth is more dangerous than a whole lie?”
If Lucifer was at the very top o f the highest heavens, and nest in beauty, power, and glory to God Himself, and if the Luciferian mythology the eldest son of God and older brother of St. Michael, is based on truth, then the many and varied pieces of evidence concerning the transfer of the Luciferian conspiracy onto this earth, given previously, fall into place, and provide an exceptionally clear picture of this phase of the conspiracy.
There are volumes upon volumes of writings which indicate and/or prove that Freemasons are taught that the origin of their secret society dates back to the time of the building of the pyramids. There are just as many volumes that prove that adepts of the Grand Orient Lodges and Councils of the New and Reformed Palladian Rite are taught that their form of Masonry has continued since the fall of Eve. They claim that her seduction by Satan produced Cain and that Cain founded the Synagogue of Satan. This is the teaching which requires members of the lower degrees of the Grand Orient and Palladian Rite to become Satanists.
It is a strange coincidence that most men who stoutly protest they are 100% for God and refuse to accept the idea that Satan is different and subordinate to Lucifer, are supported in this opinion by those who openly acknowledge their allegiance to Satan. Evidence will be produced to prove that it is only when a confirmed Satanist in the Grand Orient or Palladian Rite is initiated into the High Priesthood of the Luciferian Creed, that he is told THE FULL SECRET, and required to accept its Creed, which says, “Lucifer is God the equal of Adonai (Adonay) and the worship of Satan is therefore a heresy.”
General Albert Pike is accepted as the greatest modern authority as far as Luciferianism is concerned. As head of the Palladian Rite he wrote a letter of instruction dated July 14, 1885, and sent it to the heads of the
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dogopower · 3 years ago
Satan, Prince of This World
Cain and Abel were twins (Gen. 4:3-4) for they became of age at the same time and presented their offerings on the same day. Abel was the son of Adam, but Cain was the son of Lucifer. Lucifer and his seed have been killers down through the centuries, and Christ accused them of having slain all the prophets from Abel to His time (Matt. 23:35). Lucifer begat a seed, as God said he would (1 John 3:12). “Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one.”
Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?
Then, Christ also told us that the father of the Synagogue of Satan was a murderer from the beginning. Who else could that person have been but Satan? Did he not inspire Cain, his son, to kill his own brother, Abel? Has murder not been the stock-in-trade of those who have comprised the Synagogue of Satan ever since? What is revolution and war if not murder practiced on a mass scale?
Another important fact concerning incest being used to start the Synagogue of Satan on this earth is the practice of Pagan kings, who worshipped the Devil. In order to perpetuate their line of succession, they insisted that their sons marry their own sisters. But regardless of what is ‘right’ or what is ‘wrong,’ the fact remains that when Christ did start His mission, He told us that the Luciferian conspiracy had reached the stage where Satan, as Prince of this world, had obtained control over all those in high places.
The words in Gen. 4:15 seem to indicate that after Adam and Eve defected from God, He willed that what has happened since should take place. He said, “Whosoever should slay Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven-fold.” It would seem that after our first parents defected, God insisted that those who truly wished to love Him and serve Him voluntarily for all eternity, out of respect for His infinite perfections, should prove their sincerity. Without the ‘Adversary,’ and the Synagogue of Satan, there would be no real test. The Holy Scriptures give us enough information to enable us to decide for ourselves which way we want to go.
Satanism teaches that Jesus Christ is one and the same as St. Michael, and is the younger brother of Satan. Satanism also claims that God sent St. Michael to earth, in the form of Jesus Christ in order that He might end the Luciferian conspiracy here as he had previously done in heaven. Both Satanists and Luciferian adepts boast that Christ failed in His mission. They make the reacting of His defeat the major part in the celebration of the ‘Black Mass.’ Pike revised and modernized the ‘Black Mass’ and named his brainchild, “The Adonaicide Mass.”
The word “Adonaicide” means the death, or end, of God. The death of God was the primary purpose of Nietzscheism.8
It would seem that because the enmity between Satan and St. Michael started in heaven, and because Christ, while on earth, rejected the overtures of Satan to join him in rebellion against the absolute supremacy of God, the enmity has been carried out so that Christianity has been, and still is honeycombed with Luciferian and/or Satanic cells.
Since Christ first picked His apostles, these Agenturs always hide their true identity while they bore industriously from within. Today they are to be found disguised as “Modernists,” weakening the various denominations so that they will be ready to collapse when those who direct the conspiracy AT THE TOP, decide it is time to provoke the final social cataclysm. Pike explained what is intended to happen in a letter he wrote to his director (Mazzini) of the W.R.M. August 15,1871. This letter is quoted elsewhere. It is catalogued in the Library of the British Museum, London, England9 and has been quoted from and referred to by dozens of authorities and students of the W.R.M., including Cardinal Rodriguez of Chile. (See page 118 of The Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled, 1925. English translation, 1957.)
That the Luciferian conspiracy does exist, and has had unbroken continuity since its very beginning, regardless of whether we take its beginning in the celestial world, or from the Garden of Eden, proves it to be of supernatural origin and direction. Nothing conceived in a human mind could be so perfect, so diabolical, so titanic in dimensions, or so utterly destructive as the Luciferian conspiracy, which today we call the World Revolutionary Movement (W.R.M.).
Every time an attempt has been made by ecclesiastical and/or civic officials to expose Satanism as the inversion of God’s plans and laws, and the antithesis of the Christian religion, the Agentur of the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed, who are located behind the scenes of all governments, both secular and ecclesiastical, have so far succeeded in turning the intended exposure into an actual and factual witch hunt. To prevent real
8 See pages 346-7 of Satan, by Sheed and Ward, New York, 1951.
9 The Keeper of manuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is NOT catalogued in the British Museum Library. It seems strange that a man of Cardinal Rodriguez’s knowledge should have said it WAS in 1925.
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