#there totally isn’t a tiny little sun looking creature that is preventing me from telling you more about this no siree haha
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ohno-the-sun · 2 months ago
Hey for your magical girl AU. Is eclipse a thing?
Also what would happen if both of the lil mini mascot things possess one person at the same time? I'm curious by nature and really wanna know! *points pencil at the 2 lil fairy mascot things*
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Both the little sun and moon can’t posses one person for too long or else they start to burn out
It’s a little too much energy for one person
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Hmmm sun and moon seem like their hiding something how odd
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ezzydean · 4 years ago
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!  
(click here to read them all on my tumblr and not the dash)
1. It takes approximately forty-two minutes before Stiles can convince himself to get up off the loveseat where he’s happily squished between Danny and Isaac.  (love aka part 3 of the Stiles/Peter slow burn I wrote because of Catt)
2. “So.  What the djinn did to Dean in, what was it, season one?  Two?  Whatever.  Yeah totally legit.  Negative fifty out of ten.  Would not recommend.” (promise aka part 2 of the Stiles/Peter slow burn)
3. Hajime freezes when he hears the distinct sound of someone pointedly clearing their throat behind him.  (the 5+1 mistletoe kisses prompt)
4. Stiles’s phone lights up and he gives it a wary look when he sees the text notification on his screen.  He’s already been warned, by a few different people, that he would probably be getting a summons soon. (trust aka part 1 of the Stiles/Peter slow burn)
5. “There comes a day in every man’s li—”
The officiant is cut off by a loud cough and he takes a bracing breath, eyes fluttering.  (the magic in you aka KageUshiIwa magical fluff)
6. The sky is turning gray, clouds rolling in to cover up the sunset, when Kuroo finally turns to Shouyou and sighs.
“Call him.”
Shouyou snickers at the defeated tone of Kuroo’s voice but he pulls out his phone. (we’re in a parking lot somewhere aka KuroHinaDai something or other I’m writing)
7. It still hurts sometimes.  Not his wound.  It’s scarred up rather nicely.  As nice as a giant scar across half your face can be anyway. (a yet to be titled/plotted ATLA Zuko & Toph thing)
8. It starts early one morning —  mere minutes after the door has unlocked and the sign has scrawled itself into a brilliantly colorful OPEN complete with sparkles and tiny fireworks — not long after everything has started to quiet down.  (Well it had technically started years and years ago when they were all childish and stupid right little shits to each other but that’s a different story for a different day.) (only time will tell aka my Draco/George & Theo/Fred fic)
9.  Neville snaps his head up, instantly wary of Hermione and that tone of voice, and then flushes when he realizes what he’s done.  It’s Hermione after all.  She’s entirely too clever for her own good but she’s not some sneaky devious creature he has to watch his back around.  Though sometimes when she smiles the way she’s smiling now he remembers that, actually, yes she is a sneaky devious creature.  She just likes him enough that, for the most part, he doesn’t have to worry about watching his back around her.  (an untitled HP everyone comes back as professors fic)
10. Some things in life are certain.  They’re just going to happen no matter what, no matter how much you might try to prevent them.  So the smart thing to do would be to just go with the flow, right?  Just let the things happen and try not to stress over it.  Morisuke likes to think of himself as a fairly smart person.  So he’ll just take a few deep breaths and let it go, right?
Wrong.  (untitled TsukkiYaku fake dating fic)
11. Issei stumbles out of his bedroom and shuffles down the hall doing a really great impression of a zombie if you ask him.  He’s got the groans and the unsteady steps and the unfocused eyes and the inability to use higher brain functions like speech and decision making.  (my last first everything aka HanaMatsu slow burn mutual pining childhood friends to lovers)
12. The cauldron in the fireplace rattles and Daichi gives it an unimpressed stare. (cauldron bubble aka BokuDai magic accidental baby acquisition)
13. Tobio’s eyes cross as he tries to focus on the object dangling in front of his face.  He leans away from it and presses the back of his head against a warm stomach.
“Hello Iwaizumi,�� he says.  (a place in the sun aka IwaKage fluff)
14. The cupboard under the stairs isn’t exactly the most comfortable place to be.  But if you are five and want to hear what the adults are talking about so seriously in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place then, sadly, the cupboard it is. (matchsticks and dragon scales, year 1 aka my Harry Potter rewrite)
15. Hajime takes a sip of his coffee and sighs, ignoring the world around him for just a few minutes while he sits and at his table at Generic Coffee Shop and gets his morning dose of caffeine.  (roots and sky aka the IwaOi part of my childhood friends to lovers series, the dichotomy of you and me)
16. It’s two in the afternoon on a Tuesday and all Tadashi wants to do is go home and sleep.  Maybe for a week.  Maybe for a month.  He’s not too entirely picky to be honest. (stars and sea aka the YamaTsukki part of the dichotomy of you and me)
17. So.  Library.
Not exactly where he’d thought he’d be working when he was back in high school.  But it’s, objectively speaking, not the worst place he could be working.  Like sure it’s not quite as interesting as working at the aquarium like Watari.  But it’s also not as taboo sounding as working at a funeral place like Matsukawa.
So.  You know.  It’s not that bad. (past and future aka the KinKuni part of the dichotomy of you and me)
18. Tetsurou glances at the screen one last time before posting and immediately closing out of his browser and signing out of his email.  He shuts down his computer a moment later and stands with a quiet groan.  It’s been a shit day.  It’s not the worst Thursday of his life or anything like that.  Just.  A shit day.  All he wants to do is clock out and go the fucky doodle home.  Which is why he hurries past his boss’s office with his head down — he has the worst problem saying no when his boss asks him for things which is how he found himself with Social Media Coordinator tacked onto his business card a few months ago — and when he hear his boss’s door start to open he hurries a little faster and opts for taking the stairs down instead of waiting for the elevator. (body and soul aka the KuroKen part of the dichotomy of you and me)
19. Kei stretches idly as he waits for practice to start.  They’re already a few weeks into this year’s season but today they’re apparently waiting for their new team trainer.  Or assistant coach.  Or something.  He wasn’t entirely listening to the announcement from the captain yesterday.   (we’ll meet at the horizon aka my epic HinaTsukki slow burn)
20. He knows the moment the words leave his lips that he’s gone too far, that he’s made one too many jokes, said a few too many things he shouldn’t have.  He always screws up, is always too much for people to handle. ((don’t) write me an elegy of your past, love aka that AkaKuro & BokuDai fantasy au)
I have no idea if I have any patterns other than I go for humor, a lot.  And I can’t pick a favorite cause I love them all for different reasons.
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