#there is early n.w.r. fanfic in my future
meanscarletdeceiver · 4 years
do you have a favorite character so far? any characters you expected to be the fan favorite but arent?
thank you for the ask! <3 
let’s see 
not 100% sure what you mean by expected fan favorite, so i’m just going by my reactions
season 1, Thomas was my favorite by far... and I wasn’t expecting that at *all*. he gets so boring later... but at first he’s just the most lovable lil bugger, complete with outsize ambition and NO FILTER. 
season 2, it’s Edward... that one doesn’t surprise me as *much* because I always had a soft spot for him as a kid, but I was looking for “new” favorite characters and was not prepared for just how much he absolutely, utterly OWNED this season. child-me had good taste.
in general, i thought i’d enjoy the later characters more, but, even though those early stories are much thinner, i’m getting really obsessed with the dynamic of the first 4-6 engines <3
sorry for length, but you must know by now that brevity ain’t my thing. take good care of yourself, anon, and thanks again!
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