#there is absolutely no way that an outdoor area within the confines of the event was actually a sensory safe space
fishing-for-blood · 4 months
Cannot stress ear plugs for pride events more !!! Originally I avoided all pride events myself for the reasons I'm about to state, but I went to Houston pride a few years ago to march in it with my mom and some of the people she was contracted with at her job at the time, and while I don't have misophonia, I do have issues with overly loud and crowded areas due to other things . By the end of the night when the adrenaline died down, I was damn near in the grave . Took me a couple weeks to recover, but I know if I'd have had ear plugs, it'd have been a WAY different story 😭
Oh man I really appreciate you trying to help, but already I do not go in public without both ear plugs and noise canceling headphones on my person. Normally I only ever need one or the other at a time but in this case even wearing both simultaneously didn't even begin to help. Genuinely don't think there's anything I could have done short of being actually deaf
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
If You Are Vaccinated, You Can Dance the Night Away
Marissa Castrigno was walking through downtown Wilmington, North Carolina, when she spotted the sign in the window of one of her favorite dance clubs. After months of being shuttered by the pandemic, Ibiza Nightclub was reopening April 30, it announced.
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This story also ran on Raleigh News & Observer. It can be republished for free.
Thrilled, Castrigno immediately made plans with friends to be there.
About 50 miles north in Jacksonville, Kennedy Swift learned of Ibiza’s reopening on social media. He, too, decided to attend with friends.
But on the night of April 30, the two groups were in for a surprise — one they would react to in starkly different ways.
In addition to IDs, they learned, they’d need to show covid-19 vaccination cards for entry. The club was letting in only people who had had at least one shot.
“I was shocked,” said Swift, 21. He learned of the policy a few hours before the reopening, when the club posted it on its Facebook page.
He and his friends had to cancel their plans, since none of them was vaccinated.
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“I’m not against [Ibiza] exercising their rights as a business,” Swift said. “I just think it’s foolish. … This will discourage a lot of former patrons from returning to the club.”
On the other hand, Castrigno and her friends, most of whom had been fully vaccinated since early April, felt the policy made their return to nightlife even better.
“There was raw excitement about going out to a place and feeling safe,” said Castrigno, 28.
Similar conversations are playing out across the country as vaccination rates increase and bars, clubs and other businesses navigate how to reopen. The concept of vaccine passports — which allow people who have been inoculated against covid and are at lower risk of contracting or spreading the disease to participate in certain activities — has been floated for clubs, cruise ships and other spaces where large groups gather in close quarters. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recent announcement that vaccinated people can safely gather indoors and outdoors without masks has reignited the idea. Yet these passports remain highly controversial and their implementation is largely piecemeal. Many private businesses are making their own decisions, and governments in different parts of the country are adopting varying stances.
In New York, for instance, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced in early May that places where proof of vaccination or a negative covid test are required can operate at a greater capacity. Some nightclubs there have implemented policies similar to Ibiza’s. In Florida, however, Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed a law prohibiting businesses, schools and government offices from requiring proof of vaccination, with fines of up to $5,000 per incident.
For Ibiza Nightclub in southeastern North Carolina — a political battleground state — the vaccine card requirement is proving to be a lightning rod. The club’s Facebook post announcing the policy had sparked 70 comments as of mid-May, and posts across other platforms echoed different sides of the issue.
“I am thrilled to see a personal business putting the health and safety forward in order to keep their business running,” one comment read.
Others took a markedly different tone: “This is pretty dumb!”
“Discrimination, expect lawsuits,” read another.
The Honor Code
Last week, after the CDC said vaccinated adults could largely live their lives mask-free, Raleigh restaurant owner Hisine McNeill felt a troubling pang of déjà vu. He owns Alpha Dawgs, a sandwich shop in southeast Raleigh, and said small businesses like his carried the burden of mask enforcement for much of the pandemic. Now, he said, they’re tasked with trusting adults who say they’ve been vaccinated. He isn’t ready to do that.
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“I don’t have the luxury of taking chances on an honor code,” McNeill said. “If I have an outbreak because someone didn’t wear a mask and have to close down, who’s going to help keep me open?”
McNeill opened Alpha Dawgs in 2018 and, like most restaurateurs, he said, struggled through the pandemic, professionally and personally. He said he has lost friends and family members and doesn’t believe the pandemic is over.
“I know people personally in the ICU still recovering from [covid],” McNeill said. “I don’t need any more examples about how serious this is.”
So McNeill posted a new requirement on the restaurant’s Facebook page. He asked everyone to continue wearing masks unless they were prepared to show him a vaccine card.
“To whom it may concern,” McNeill wrote. “If you decide to come into my establishment claiming that you are fully vaccinated, I WILL ASK TO SEE YOUR CARD. If you don’t want to provide it then you will have to wear a mask in my store. And if you still don’t want to comply with either then I have the right to deny service. Thank you for your cooperation.”
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The day after he posted that statement, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper eased most covid-related restrictions in the state, including its mask mandate. The Alpha Dawgs post stirred some online debate over masks and vaccinations and led to a few responses, including one from the Raleigh Republican Club.
“Should you be in the area…,” it read. “Eat somewhere else….”
McNeill felt the Raleigh Republican Club was calling for a boycott. Afterward, he noticed multiple one-star reviews pop up on Google, not from people who had been to the restaurant, but people accusing McNeill of discrimination.
“This is not political for me, this is a personal belief,” McNeill said. “I have an 85-year-old grandmother I see every other week. I’m going to make sure she’s protected.”
Raleigh Republican Club board member Guy Smith said the group’s post was written collectively, but he didn’t see it as a call for a boycott.
“Our philosophical position is it’s his business, the owner can choose to do what they choose to do within the confines of the individual business,” Smith said. “Our philosophical position is, to demand someone to demonstrate they’re vaccinated with a card, we think that’s out of bounds.”
Smith said the group also condemns writing bogus reviews of a business.
McNeill said Alpha Dawgs’ business has not suffered from the online dust-up.
“I haven’t had any problems,” McNeill said. “Only the online harassment.”
The Nightclub Expected Opposition
Charles Smith, general manager of the club, said he knew the policy would garner backlash, but “we’ve always put the health and safety of both staff and our patrons, and their families, first.”
Since opening as a gay bar in 2001, Ibiza has been a pillar of the LGBTQ community in Wilmington. Although its clientele has expanded over time, it’s still known for drag shows on Friday nights.
Last year, the club shut down March 12, about a week before Gov. Cooper ordered all North Carolina bars and restaurants to stop dine-in service. Ibiza remained shuttered for 14 months, using the time to renovate, Smith said, and leaning on federal and state assistance for small businesses.
When it came to reopening, he said, “the question was: How do we provide the absolute safest experience alongside the nightlife experience we’ve been known for?”
It wouldn’t be easy. Nightclubs are a perfect cocktail of covid risks: lots of people socializing and dancing in close quarters. Alcohol lowering inhibitions. Music forcing people to speak louder, releasing more droplets into the air.
“The concept of social distancing in a nightclub is an oxymoron,” Smith said. And the club’s staff didn’t want to be “the police of nightlife,” trying to separate people on the dance floor, he added.
The safest option, it seemed, was to require people to be vaccinated.
The club waited till all adults in the state were eligible for vaccines before reopening. 
Now Ibiza requires patrons to present their vaccine cards or photos of the cards for entry. On reopening night, the club asked customers to wear masks and limited its capacity to 50%, per an executive order from the governor. But as of May 14, the state lifted its capacity restrictions and masking requirements.
Castrigno, who’d been looking forward to that night for weeks since she saw the sign in the club’s window, said it was “the most jubilant I’d ever seen Ibiza.” Several performers put on a drag show. Customers took turns dancing on poles. Some people wore masks with rhinestones to match their outfits, she said.
She wasn’t surprised that many people took the vaccine requirement in stride. “Queer people are well versed in the risks of public health crisis and protecting the community,” she said, referring to the AIDS crisis, which devastated the community in the ’80s and ’90s.
For James Colucci, who has been a customer since 2016, supporting Ibiza’s vaccine policy is about protecting the club’s employees. Some of them have “spearheaded the [LGBTQ] movement, so we can get together and have events like this,” he said.
But others say the policy is discriminatory and injects the nightclub into people’s personal health care decisions.
Joey Askew, a 37-year-old from Greenville, wrote on Ibiza’s Facebook page, “I’ll never go back to this club until they lift this mandate!!”
In an interview with KHN, Askew said he’s not ready to get the vaccine because there haven’t been lifetime studies of recipients to determine long-term side effects. He’s willing to wear a mask and maintain physical distance, but a vaccine requirement goes too far.
“A mask is something I can buy from anywhere and take off whenever I choose,” he said. “But I can’t take a vaccine out. It’s a permanent choice that [the club] is involving themselves in, and it’s not their place.”
In between the people condemning the club’s policy and those applauding it are many who are conflicted.
Mark Russell, 29, is a nurse in Washington, D.C., who cares for covid patients and contracted covid last year. He plans on visiting Ibiza Nightclub in late May while attending a small wedding in North Carolina where everyone will be vaccinated.
The club’s policy makes him feel safer, Russell said. But he also worries about its effect on people of color, who in many places have faced barriers to vaccination.
“It’s a battle in my own brain, thinking those two things,” Russell said.
For Heidi Martek, 55, the policy raised a personal question. “What about those who can’t get the vaccine?” she wrote on Ibiza’s Facebook page.
She has an autoimmune disease, making her body hypersensitive to any vaccine, Martek said, even the flu shot.
But when commenters on Facebook suggested she sue the club, Martek pushed back. The club is facing difficult choices, she told KHN, and there’s no right answer.
“Whether I can go in or not, I support them,” said Martek, who’s been a patron at Ibiza for six years.
She wants the club to survive the pandemic, unlike other establishments that have closed in the past year.
“It’s not like Wilmington is overwhelmed with LGBTQ clubs,” Martek said. “Ibiza is really important.”
News & Observer reporter Drew Jackson contributed to this story.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
If You Are Vaccinated, You Can Dance the Night Away published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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watchtheblog · 5 years
devolve around the world
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there are some things in life that are inevitable. for instance, if you live in la long enough, sooner or later one or more of the following are going to happen:
someone you know will die from a curable disease because they insisted on trying to cure it by only using CBD!
you’ll see an ex (who literally never knew you were dating) on a date with someone else and have to pretend like that doesn’t make you want to spit on a dog.
your favorite type of milk will be deemed a carcinogen.
you will be cancelled.
and then there are things you thought would happen to you if you moved to la because you once read a buzzfeed article on things that happen in la (that luckily - despite risk - can be avoided):
adopting a dog so as to promulgate the message “adopt don’t shop” because you care about animals, and/or the idea of owning something that could be described as “bedraggled”.
purchasing a fancy dog from a breeder because you are rich, and impervious to the contempt that you and your show puppy will likely be met with.
getting a nose job because you have a “deviated septum”. (i have a 70% deviated septum and no nose job… WE EXIST!)
falsely developing a food allergy as a means to lose weight, fit in, inadvertently ruin every dining experience for the rest of time.
joining a cult disguised as a fun place of worship based loosely around a religion you’re familiar with.
i have lived in los angeles for three years and have successfully avoided participating in any of the aforementioned “LA!” things. i had always assumed i would continue living life with agency, avoiding things that were anathema to me for the rest of my life, but then something happened. last month, i went to coachella. 
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coachella is a music festival you might know of if you are alive and know of things that are annoying. 
before attending this entropic weekend, i just imagined it as an outdoor forum for people to exhibit their vast collection of beige, fringed clothing in what you might call a *real life “shop this look” you want to unsubscribe from*.
but, it was so much more. 
it was tens of thousands of people working towards a collective goal of becoming one giant, constantly rejuvenating cliche.
it was your best friend’s ex, the ghost of every girl you’ve ever seen in a bathroom at 3am, the son of that woman who’s always shouting on the app “next door” about something exactly zero people besides her give a fuck about, people you’ve seen on instagram and wondered ‘where do these people hang out’ and shuddered with gratitude realizing you’d never be in a room with them ever in your life unless you got lost and for some reason ended up at a meet and greet for one of those problematic youtube people…
it was all different types of people unified exclusively by their unique ability to exist only in a drunken coke haze.
and then there was me.
being in public socially is one of the most unnatural things for me - i’d be much more at ease drowning, for instance, or trapped inside a tabernacle - but i was obligated to attend for reasons that aren’t an interesting part of the narrative.
off top, coachella combines two of my most hated and feared things: fun, and men with verified instagram accounts. in addition, as someone who doesn’t really GET music, and whose anxiety barely allows her to hang out with the two people in her life who still afford her the privilege of calling them a friend, this, of course, was a catastrophic 72 hours for little binx.
things kicked off as you might expect - with a man spitting water out of his mouth onto my face with zero provocation (and less than zero repercussion!) while i stood awkwardly at the entrance of this thing - and then devolved from there… culminating in me walking 5 miles to a “nearby” CVS to get an uber at 11pm because the idea of that was somehow more compelling than spending even two more minutes inside that gated night terror.
i don’t understand the equation for fun; the math doesn’t compute for me - and while i assume it’s remedial because i routinely see the cast of jersey shore continuing to enjoy themselves, i cannot crack the code.
after i swiped my wristband nine hundred and sixty five times and got to the area designated VIP, i tried to have fun. i smiled dumbly into space in case someone i knew could see me, or in case i was in the back of a famous dog’s instagram story. i moved the lower half of my body v subtly so as to imitate dancing. i did my best to pretend that the sensory overload - from instruments smashing to make sounds amplified by millions (??) of speakers, the aroma of axe body spray and that perfume shaped like an apple, juul vapor, and the cacophony of clanking bangles, body chains and human beings yelling “yaas” - was not attacking my sensibilities in an irreparable way.
after 9 minutes, i was ready to go. of course, as i was not alone, and this was not an event i could just leave by myself without saying goodbye - like, say, my cousin’s wedding, or 30 seconds into any dinner party i’ve ever been at where someone was funnier or more interesting than me - i had to continue to feign appreciation for this $2000 string on my wrist by doing more smiling and swaying.
more music i don’t care about, more spray tan fumes, more photos to convey the hashtag “blessed”… and then finally it was time to leave. 
but first i had to run into someone who had friend zoned me mere weeks prior to this.
and by “run in”, i of course mean that i saw this person, *absolutely singlehandedly* made a point to go out of my way to approach him, and then harassed him for a disturbing amount of time about something i already knew the answer to!!
i am a symphony only a dog whistle can orchestrate.
anyway, great�� only six hundred twenty more swipes of this hand noose and i would be free.
but no, not so fast, because once we’d swiped our wrist bolo ties enough times that it felt like we’d given dozens of ghosts hand jobs, i looked up and realized we were no longer within the confines of that delusion jamboree, but we were standing on the concrete flanked by a committee of some of the most unhelpful people i’ve ever come across outside of the people who let you into the TSA lines at the airport.
and on one hand - we escaped! - on the other - no no no.
and so began our long day’s journey into night, brilliantly erasing the horrors of coachella and replacing them with a cursed 110 minute tour of indio’s main through street.
when we got into our uber a fortnight later, an ariana grande song i had heard for the first time (and subsequently 50 times thereafter) came on and as i looked at my phone, realizing that it would take another 45 minutes to get home, i was like “ooh. this is fun.”
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
January 30: 2021: 10:33 am:
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Read Alpha-Graphic Terror Comm at Reuters UK Twitter:
“Staph infection at the COVID queue”
“There is a problem at the COVID Corona Testing and Extermination Euthanization Center Easy-Up Kiosk near you”
The Billing Office is specified in the Tweet, however, all of the “reach” of the billing office is specified. In USA that includes Medicare, as whole, including all of Social Security Administration.
Those in UK or other nations would include any government assisted health coverage payment system, such as Medicare is in USA, as the “Billing Reach” specified as “Billiards” (Bill Yards, where the “yard” is the extended “reach” or “stride”) hidden in the text of the Tweet.
10:58 am:
(record will show that the SAGClubMed Junket Jet did a low & slow flyover above my home at 10:58 am, headed south)
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This Tweet reminds me of a personal experience at Disneyland Buena Park in around 1998.
The Submarine Voyage attraction is what I am reminded of, and I have not mentioned this before:
The ride attendant on the submarine (Submarine Driver; Boat Captain) was in distress of some kind while the passengers were onboard the ride. As the ride went around it’s route, the attendant (Boat Captain) was saying a lot of coded words, as if to reach out for help, without getting hurt for saying what she really wanted to say. The idea of “restoration”, “remodel”, “The entire lake here was emptied in (insert date) and all of the features, all of the corral, all of the fish animatronics, were all changed and upgraded, and the track we are riding on was streamlined... (etc...). The Boat Captain was especially vocal while inside of the submarine cave tunnel, all about change, remodel, empty and refill the lake, new visuals, and other mentions about the submarine itself having undergone some changes at some point. The Submarine Voyage at Disneyland turned into a lesson about the condition of the water, plants, and animal life depicted there as having all been drastically and completely changed, while at the same time, there was absolutely no visual clue that anything had been changed at all at that Submarine Voyage over the course of many visits to Disneyland I made over about 30 year time frame... about fifteen visits between 1965 and the present day, that day was the last and final visit.
Also, at Disneyland, in the line for the attractions, and while actually on the ride as it is in motion, children are kidnapped, taken, walked off with, and actually snatched from the seats on the ride. Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Matterhorn Bobsled, Small World, and Roger Rabbit are some where I saw kids snatched from the seat of the ride while in motion, my own kids among them.
There is a recurring thing that happens in the lines, they are set up like switchback trails, where small groups of two to four people stay at the turn-a-round, and tell others to “cut in front of us”. That same thing happens at the water parks in Southern California, and in Las Vegas. There is more to say about the people who stand at the switch back turn-a-rounds in the lines, but is not a place of focus, what is important is that I can recognize that the same tactics used at Disneyland Buena Park were also being used at water parks such as Raging Waters, and two in the Las Vegas area, I forget what they are called.
There is a concept called “The Midway”, is a condition that existed in Chicago at the The Midway.
“Plaisance at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago”
Basically, the concept of “The Side Show” was created as a result of the World’s Fair in Chicago in 1983, where the main events were at the fairgrounds, but, that was a little dry, too mainstream, not enough Risque’ for many who wanted more thrilling, more adult, seedier entertainment content. So, they attended the Midway, a park where entertainers and attractions were set up on the coat-tails of the main event at the World’s Fair. It’s like when you go to the big grocery store, but the Dollar Store is next door, so, you go there too.
The “Midway” concept has been adopted and used as a weapon by the terror army’s, the Christian Pirates, Screen Actor Guild, as a place where victims are taken, not just suckers who part with their money, but I mean the Midway Side Show event has historically been a killing field arrangement, probably since the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, and the Midway Plaisance that “Popped Up” next door.
One reason I mention the Midway again, is that more recent contemporary terror is all mainstream now. The killing is no longer confined to the shadowy alleys where the Midway Side Show has been riding the coat-tails of more mainstream attractions, instead, the killing is done in the daylight, during regular operating hours, at the places where people shop for food, and the killing is delivered direct to the doors of the victims who are killed at their homes and work places when they answer an advertisement for a service, any service that brings a technician, mechanic, skilled craftsman, delivery, or Jehovah’s Witness to the front door, is where the Christian Crusade Killings have progressed to. If they cannot get the victim to go to a hospital for extermination, then, they arrange that you will need a service person to come to repair something that was intentional broken by sneaky bastards who’s primary objective is to make the victim require a service call. In the activity of a service call, there is enough noise, vehicles, items brought in and out of the home, that a murder “Kill & Replace” can happen without anyone noticing.
What started with a side show at The Midway, went mainstream at the Grocery Store, then to the Hospital, and is now delivered to the door of the victim for the kill.
I told you the story of the Midway, so I could tell you this other story:
Knott’s Berry Farm
Think of it as “The Midway” for Disney Mainstreet USA in 1960 - 1985 or so.
A side-show killing field.
12:19 pm:
Some personal experiences I have survived when service calls and deliveries happened at my house, and turned into an offensive attack to kill me, not in any particular order:
I bought a drum set, when a doctor told me I should get some exorcise, and I asked if he could write a prescription for an “Elliptical Trainer” (is like a stationary bicycle exercise contraption) so I could get some help from Medicare to pay for it, since it had gotten too dangerous to do outdoor exercise activity, and the doctor said “no”, you should get a drum set, medicare won‘t pay for that either.
So, I had an old drum set, but, it was old and broken, and Bonzoleum wound up with all of my cymbals anyway, so, I decided I would take the doctors advice, and buy a new drum kit, to start drumming again, and get some exercise at the same time.
Sweetwater Music had just the thing I wanted. So, I ordered a drum kit.
The kit arrived a few days later, Fed-Ex in the driveway at the gate.
There were two big packages and a small package.
The driver tossed the biggest package out of the door of the Fed-Ex truck, it tumbled onto the ground. I asked if he needed any help to throw the other package out the door of the truck... he said he could handle it, and out came the second package, then three men with machine guns jumped out of the truck in the driveway. One of them also had the smaller package with him, and tossed that at me.
I lit my lighter a lot.
Two of the three launched into the air, their nitrous oxide tanks ignited when I lit my lighter.
The other one with the machine gun burst, his guts all came out of his stomach.
The driver assisted that one back onto the truck, put the truck in reverse, and sped away.
I came inside with my new drum kit.
This other terror bastard showed up that night with a female accomplice, putting nitrous into my house through a bedroom window where I was unpacking and setting up the drum kit, putting the heads on their, and being amazed at how cool and heavy duty the new bass pedal was, at a reasonable price.
The two at the window was a local drummer I know, Jed... “Crack Head Jed” known for his way of cracking heads. Jed is famous, as I have mentioned before, as a terror soldier who collects and kills the house cats of the victims he kills, he cuts their heads off, and puts the cat heads into a big glass container he has... the cat heads keep meeeowing for up to two weeks after their heads come off. He uses that as a “Shock & Awe” way of taking victims, when he invites someone to his house (at the house nearest the Grants Pass High School school bus parking garage).
I was was part of a band for awhile called “Redwood Dogs”, Jed was the drummer, “Scotty” (a cook at Laughing Clam restaurant) played guitar, I was singer, front man. I didn’t stay long in the band.
It turned out that Juseph Myers of 560 Jackpine arranged that I would encounter Scotty and Jed, meet them and see that they were musicians without a bass player or singer, two members of the Myers nbc/Universal/Comcast “Green Jello” terror cell, and, the arrangement was so the two could learn about who I am, what friends and family I have, to make a false friendship, and arrange that Myers extended terror cell could attack me later on.
I bought a guitar online from Guitar Center in Newport Oregon. The guitar was used, was one that I had been searching for for about 8 years at the time, it was not a secret that I was looking for that particular guitar, and one showed up at Guitar Center in Newport.
The guitar arrived Fed-Ex. The driver did not come down the driveway, instead he parked on the road at the end of the driveway. I was waiting for the delivery, watching status online, and knew within an hour of when it would arrive.
I walked outside when I heard the Fed-Ex truck.
The driver saw me approach to get the delivery, he put the truck in reverse and started to drive away. I chased after the Fed-Ex truck, the driver was shouting something about that he was surprised that I was not one of the “Strong” terror cell, was talking to someone else as he began to drive away with my guitar.
I jumped onto the truck and demanded he stop fucking around, to give me the package I ordered.
There was more bullshit that happened with that, but was done in a seemingly unrelated set of events over the next few days. I don‘t recall exactly what took place in the aftermath of that Fed-Ex delivery from Guitar Center of Newport Oregon.
What is remarkable, is that the guitar has a backplate cover for the electronics that has all of the signatures of the Metallica band. It’s notable that I broke Hetfeild’s nose in 1993 when I punched him for shouting at my daughter. Since the Fed-Ex delivery, all of the Metallica members have been killed in defense at or near my home. And, Bobby Trujillo was my bass player at the time when Hetfield’s nose was broken at my house in So Cal at the time, and, that event is how Hetfeild met Trujillo.
The story of the backplate is weird, and includes that I went to a Lincoln Park concert in Portland at the Rose Garden in around 2003. There, at that show, the members of Metalica where signing autographs in a side room special invitation party. They were not on the marquee at the Lincoln Park show, but were there to sign autographs at a private invitational gathering at the Rose Garden.
There, I saw Shane Welch and said hello, asked what he was doing there, “Small World”... he is someone I met while attending collage here at Rogue Community Collage, and is another one of the Juseph Myers nbc/Universal/Comcast Green Jello terror cell members, and he was with another guy I met later on, Marc Cobb, who years later after that Lincoln Park show, rented a house from me. But at the show, at the Metalica private autograph session, Shane and Marc Cobb both had the same kind of guitar electronics back plate that they had signed by all of the members of Metallica that day at the Rose Garden.
Ten years passed, and I bought that Guitar from Newport Oregon Guitar Center to find that the electronics backplate that either Shane Welsh or Marc Cobb had signed by Metalica. was on the guitar I bought online... the one the Fed-Ex driver wanted to run off with.
The day that Hetfield’s nose was broken, is the day he came to pick up the lyrics for the song “Enter Sandman“ which was written by my daughter that week in around 1993, and, I had created the graphic album art for the Metallica Black album cover that it’s contained in. As a result, I hid that snake in the artwork, Hetfield only wanted all black on the cover, with the Metalica logo. So, I punched him when he yelled at my daughter, then I hid that snake in the art so that it would only show up in a view at the printer, not on the computer view. The record producer loved the snake, Hetfeild hated it.
He has held a grudge ever since.
One other:
The local terror bastards had broken my water well, it was leaking bad, water squirting everywhere.
I called the phone number that is on a sticker on the water well equipment, “Juaquine Well Service”. The people answered the phone call: “Hi... new Juaquine Well Service”. I made sure I called the right place, asked to repeat what they said, and again it was “new Juaquine Well Service”. So I asked why it’s “new” when I called a number from a sticker that was put on the well equipment more than twenty years before I called. The explanation was the Juaquine Well Service is under new management now, and they just added the word “new” to the name, and continue to use the same phone number, to maintain the customer base of the previous management, who it turns out, had put many thousands of stickers that say “Juaquine Well Service” on all of the well equipment that Juaquine Well Service installed of repaired over many years.
So I scheduled a Well Service Repair Call.
The repair technician showed up in Lorena Chapman’s red Toyota Tacoma truck but had a magnetic door sign on it that said “Juaquine Well Service” like the kind real estate agents use.
I could see immediately that there was going to be an attack as soon as the red Toyota came down the driveway.
So I played along.
I waited for the attack to happen, and it did when others showed up in the creek bottom hiding, had snuck through the woods from Chapman‘s, to Strong’s, then to my creek near the water well.
The Well technician had a concealed .25 custom gun, and shot me with it while holding a clip board and pretending to write an estimate of repair costs.
He fired, the bullet struck me, he lunged at me to tackle me after the shot, I defended, and the Juaquine Well Repair Technician wound up with his arm filleted, splayed open from forearm to wrist, when I defended with a fingernail clipper.
The .25 guns have no barrel. The bullet brass serves as the barrel. They hold two shots, and are small enough that they fit on a key ring. They injure, but don‘t kill, and the wound it makes is scary, looks bad, but is superficial.
So, Juaquine Well service attack failed, and the technician drove away with his arm splayed open wide, and I had been shot in the chest.
One more, of dozens of service call survivals stories:
Building inspector from Josephine County Building & Safety:
I need an inspection for a house I started to build, have not been able to complete due to increase in terror occupation of Josephine county Oregon.
The inspector arrived alone, had a look at what was needed, and then looked at other work that had already been inspected and signed off on. The fake inspector was claiming that a particular wall was not framed correctly, required special engineering. He was looking at the wrong wall. There is a wall the required special engineering, special HD-7 and HD-10 Hold Downs, and other anchoring and special nailing schedule, on a different wall than the one the inspector was claiming was not correct. All of the engineered components are installed, inspected, and signed as completed.
He demanded I show him the engineer’s plan, so, I went to get that, when I returned, there were three other men in the house, they had my daughter, and put her on the table saw that was in the house, and the saw was turned on as she was sitting on top of the table saw.
I had to unplug the saw from outside quickly to keep my daughter from being cut with the table saw.
I don‘t remember any more than that.
But that happened from a call to a building inspector.
2:27 pm:
I am pretty sure the terror bastards killed my family since then.
I don‘t have any reason to believe they are alive, and if they are alive, they could be held captive, or made into “Partner”, “Companion“ forced surgical victims.
I am the one who survived.
The few explanations are exemplary of what became of all of the US Citizen inhabitants of Oregon. Most, however, were simply gasses with nitrous oxide and Medazolam airborne gas at the Walmart in around 1999 - 2004, captured, and tossed into a giant blender they had in the parking lot when a fake asbestos abatement construction project was underway at the Walmart.
There, the restrooms at the front of the store had a hole in the block wall, where an “exhaust fan tube”, a big one, four feet diameter, was positioned for what looked like ventilation. There was gas being released inside the Walmart. I think the gas they were using was such that it made the people need to use a restroom when exposed to it. I went into the restroom there, and in the stall was someone who was grabbing people who came into the restroom, and taking them through that “ventilation tube” out into the parking lot. There was a very large construction site size blue trash bin, about forty feet long, ten feet tall. I saw people being taken through that tube, so I went outside, saw the blue bin is where it was routed to, the bin had a ladder on the outside, I climbed the ladder, looked inside to see that the people were in that bin, and being put into a modified chipper/shredder, a very big commercial size chipper/shredder with some special hopper attachment on it to accept the size of the material being put into it. The people were alive, and crying for help as they went into the shredder.
Someone approached me there while I was on the ladder on the bin. I told him I was looking for a construction job, so, he directed me to the service counter inside the store.
My family was inside the store, so, I found them, told them to just behave as usual, continue to shop, then we’ll pay for the groceries, then go home, and that is what we did that day.
There were shopping carts filled with purses and wallets being lined up at the service counter in the front of the store. It was in the afternoon hours when these things happened, and it was a nice sunny day outside.
Other days, I put terrorists into their own contraptions, not a Walmart, but at Flemming Middle School, where there was three incinerators where the children were put into if they did not do as they were told. I went there, to talk with the armed guard that looked over the incinerator area everyday at  10:00 am to put a guard into the incinerator for about two weeks.
That did go over very well. The terrorists demanded that the person responsible for that step forward, or they would kill a student every hour until that happened.
They did kill some students, so I stood up that day at whatever the event was at the school, a sports event, and said I had done it, then, one by one, all of the students stood up, and said that they had done it.
About a hundred kids were all saying they were the one that put so many guards into the incinerator. The event was at the North Valley High School, not at Flemming where the incinerators still are, more than twenty years later.
Later that week, all of the students at the high school were killed, piled into a heap at the automotive shop class by the baseball field. There were tires, plywood scraps, junk, and about two hundred students in a big heap, about twenty feet tall. Grants Pass Rural Metro Fire Station sent a fire truck over to do a controlled burn of the heap of dead and dying high school students. Many were not dead, just could not move. They were left there in that heap for a few days so others could see what happens to he hero’s.
no help has come.
There are no helpful people for a thousand miles in any direction.
There are no signs that helpful people are near.
There are no helpful people, and there is no US national Guard anymore. The national guard suffered the same treatment as did the highschool, middle school, and elementary school students.
Most of the smaller students were taken on field trips and never returned to the schools.
Please send help.
Bring your own hospital.
If helpful people do think about saving USA here in Oregon or anywhere on the West Coast, you have to remove Twitter from the internet first, otherwise the news media will report everything that happens in coded news stories, and many hundreds of thousands of Christian, innocent looking terror soldiers will swarm you with confusion, bullshit, detour, road block, gas, and any other thing they can do to make a bottleneck to trap you while you are gassed with anesthetic, surgical grade gasses, nitrous oxide, and other “Boutique” poisons the terror army has developed, produced, and are stockpiling in underground, and above ground places.
Study this account.
Pay attention to the tunnel information.
Don‘t make any friends here, they will trick you, and trap you, then blame you for things you did not do.
By pass all of the local authorities.
Shut down Twitter permanently first.
3:50 pm:
I suspect that SAGClubMed Junket Jet, and one other smaller airplane flyover today dropped a load of anesthetic gas while flying over.
The jet airplanes historically have not participated in the release of airborne gasses, but I feel that is going to change dramatically over the course of the next few weeks.
I am feeling like I want to lay down and sleep, heavy eyes, diminished concentration on what I am trying to do is part of the symptoms, blurry vision is the most prohibitive for the moment.
Email from Chicago Music Exchange and Vintage King Audio today basically says that some “Britain/Vatican source bass” is on the way to deal with problems. The email suggests low frequency, infra-red channels technology, and is also a “Citizens Band” message in the code.
There is a sort of “stay under the RADAR” message included.
The email comm says that there is a “Back to Basics” idea with regard to the “British/Vatican Source Bass”... to me, the message looks as if a terror army equivalent of US navy Seal or US Army Ranger special team of British Knights is called to service to solve problems in USA (Josephine County Oregon). There is a “nhs” sort of statement, so, suspect 3501 Excel Drive in Medford Oregon is a place of interest.
“Excel” = Cross Cell = “Terror cell of the Cross”
“Excel” = E + X + C + El = Power Cross Holy See Ell = “Holy See Cross Cut Power” = “Vatican Section Power” = Vatican Sexton Power = Vatican Directive Power = “Director of Pirate Power”
... “Vatican Section Power” = “Pirate Power Slice” (apple pie; Drugs Source)
There is a specific decode: “Asa Heroin nhs” That translates to: “Asa Hutchinson at Social Security Administration”, or, “Drug Enforcement Administration is at Leading national state health insurers” as you prefer to see it. Most terror pirate code is very loosely translated.
In SDA terror army households, a “Hutch” is a “China Hutch” is where the “China White” is stored, symbolically.
Asa Hutchinson is a SDA terror operative from day one, in charge of SAG/SDA terror army heroin distribution, trafficking, post production activity to get the heroin rations to the SDA soldiers.
(reminder, the innocent looking Seventh Day Adventists are all heroin addicts. They are controlled through addiction to heroin. Those who control the heroin distribution also control the terror army. Should control of the heroin distribution change management, then, the new management controls the terror army, millions of soldiers globally. That is what Afghanistan is for, and the British control Afghanistan poppy production, through the perception of US armed forces present there, who are really Canadian and French who killed and replaced the US armed forces there, are wearing US uniforms, using US equipment, look and sound like US military but are all British ruled Canadians mostly.)
Repeat: The email is saying low frequency, red. I know of unknown technology that is infra-red based tech, like the television remote control technology, but is somehow enhanced with digital, or some other communications capable magic. Was developed as a side effect of US Military contract communications technology in around 1990′s from private sector contractors who are the leaders of broadcast signals, such as broadcast television companies are. I think there is a delay that happens naturally as a result of ultra low frequency infra-red wave forms used for communications such that the naturally occurring delay attribute increases over distance of the signal, more distance, is more delay. 15 second delay in transmission to reception over about 500 feet is part of this technology.
4:51 pm:
Examples of terror communication being told, and refined, with loose interpretations that all combine to hone the decoding terror operatives in on the exact message being told:
not in any particular order:
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(Twitter is watching everything I do today very closely, and are reacting to my online activity in real time to foul me up. They are inserting those “see new Tweets” labels everywhere that I want to take a screenshot today more than ever before.)
Those Tweets above are all parts of some very specific message being said. I don‘t know what the message is, but there are many other parts to it. The key to the comm lies on the smokestack climbers video, especially where the climbers leap from one hand hold to another hand hold. (could be instructions to use a different base of communications instead of Blu-tooth handshake directed at the terror army, millions of them all with iPhone and Android smart phones connected to one another). There are more parts. I will try to find some of the more “direct from the source” variety, and those will be far from face value of these others.
This is the source:
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There will be other iterations of the same communication coming from British, Canadian, and US top government accounts today.
Listen to what this terrorist bastard is saying on behalf of Joe Biden:
See that he is referring to a switch in communication methods.
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This is the part when Twitter puts out an All Points Bulletin to send assassins to kill me:
Happens all the time.
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and this is the part when Twitter sics LAPD (Rampart Division and CHP [not specified, is default with every Tommy Burger... ]) on me for the kill. This part does not happen all of the time, is just Twitter doing a “Double Down”, so, that means the terror bastards at the Grants Pass In-n-Out Burger terror cell, and the Grants Pass 7th St. Burger King are going to be here at my house in about one hour from now. It’s 5:33 pm.
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“Cheeseburger... Cheeseburger.... Coke! no... Pepsi! no... Coke! .... FRY!”
5:41 pm:
Mariam Websters terror command to “Go back to old communication tools” (pre-smart phone custom made devices, some are made with “electronic cigarettes” where the “butt” contains a battery, and are fitted with the same kind of transmitter that was put into my jaw in 2011. A small paper cone speaker is also fitted into the e-cigarette communication devices. They were custom built at Radio Shack near you, and the ones in Grants Pass, there were two Radio Shacks not long ago. (look for tweets about Shaqueal O’neal for more Twitter comm about switching out the iPhone for the older ways).  The e-cigarette’s were invented solely as a means of providing to the terror army a set of parts necessary for building the covert communication devices made from the butt of the units.  The old 1980′s 900 mghz cordless phones were also a source of parts to build covert communication tools from the handset transmitter and receiver. The terror bastards put the e-cigarettes into their ears, like earplugs, so, some recent photographic evidence of the same “switch to old ways” is presented this week with photos and videos featuring individuals wearing some clunky looking ear phones, white ones, odd shapes.
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5:57 pm:
Until Twitter is shut down, there is no way to stop the communications between global terror leaders, and the millions of terror soldiers that are commanded with use of Twitter from “Verified Accounts”.
Until Twitter is shut down for good, the terror and mass murdering is guaranteed to continue, and in all reality the failure to recognize the eminent danger to the world that is presented by Twitter and Google, is a subsidy and endorsement of terrorism by the global security who fail to recognize the threat Twitter presents to the world, and the mass murder of many millions of people that Google and others are responsible for.
Maybe the global security community can hook up with Robin Hood to buy up a lot of Twitter stock, and Google stock, to go ahead and fund the terrorist bastards while they are jacking off, and failing.
7:10 pm: Documentation of continuance of personally threatening terror conditions in the neighborhood:
Terror “Shark” assassin accompanied my walk to the mailbox, looked like Janice Freeberg’s old Ford Crew Cab F-250 Diesel, creme colored. The vehicle appeared to have left the Chartrand 376 Jackpine RCMP terror cell, and may have proceded to the Terror Air Force “Air Support” terror cell at 535 Jackpine, where Janice “Jay Bob“ Freeberg is the terror Air Force Regional General.
Inside the mailbox is a fake notice from Carpenters Pension Trust. Is a mocked up letter of bullshit, with fake logo, and inconsistent with real Carpenters Union correspondence.
The fake Carpenters Union mail is in the same stylings as was the Josephine County Tax Assessor attack of late 2020, when someone by the name of Constance Roach was claiming I owed more taxes, because they said I owed more taxes on my property, and included much attacking from local terror cells. The fake correspondence method of attack is used as a shell within which a seemingly legitimate set of circumstances that require the victim to make repeated phone calls, postal mail, online activity, and personal visits to physical locations, and/or visits to the home or business of the victim by the offensive terror cell doing that kind of attack. The people involved in such attacks that are based on false representation from authority figures are often people who work at or in association with the entity being represented by the fake correspondence, and therefore have access to much personal information necessary to do the foolery, while gaining more knowledge of personal information of the intended victims prior to making the hit attempt.
One of the reasons such fakery is so successful for killing and capturing slaves is that all of the terror cells have been issued at least one Stingray or Kingfish Surveillance Unit, or, a Huawei Hong Kong Knock Off version of the Stingray or Kingfish Units, one’s that have many additional features, are more functional than the name brand Harris products are.
The victim makes the required phone calls in response to some kind of official looking correspondence, such as a notice from the County Tax Assessor’s office who is stating in the notice that the increase in tax has already been applied arbitrarily one sided without justification or cause for tax increase. The victim is told to jump through some hoops, make some calls, to do an appeal of the bogus correspondence. The problem is with the amount of Stingray surveillance Units that are in the hands of all of the terror cells, so, when the victim sees the increase in tax, and that it’s already been applied, then sees the deadline for making appeal, and makes the necessary phone calls, those terror cell operatives are already standing by, waiting for that call to be made. The call to the real tax assessor, is re-routed to a fake tax assessor who sent the bogus correspondence. The people who do this kind of attack are highly specialized, are well equipped, have a lot of money, and have gained a lot of real estate for the Screen Actor Guild who they truly represent. The idea is to kill or capture the victim and extended family, gain ownership of the victims real estate, vehicles, banking and other assets, and to gain that persons ID in it’s entirety, where the property is transferred to SAG for control, and is used as a residence for a terror family who replaces the original victims, or, the better properties are snapped up by individual SAG members, such as is the case that happened to my father’s estate in Las Vegas, it was stolen by these kinds of SAG special teams, while I was targeted for Take-out as a result of my father’s death, and the ensuing Probate that resulted of his estate, valued at well over a million dollars without even considering his business holdings.
The Stingray units are only a small part of the bigger picture of terror communication manipulations, much of which is detailed in this account elsewhere, and is extremely complex.
Once the SAG takes possession, through these kinds of elite groups of terror cells who specialize in “Whale Hunting”, and all is processed, the ID of the victim is used separately, in different direction, where there are actors who continue to portray the murdered victims at staged doctors appointments, and the health record of the murdered victims is obtained through the Social Security Administration, which also has been taken over by the SAG parts of the Christian terror army, the leadership of the terror army. They obtain MAX Medicare Part-D prescriptions of preferred narcotic pain medicines prescribed in the name of the murdered victims. Those medicines are put into a pool of access where SAG members are able to pick and choose what drugs they want, all for free, all are medicines that belong to a murdered disabled or elderly US Citizen. The system is called ClubMed, I refer to it as SAGClubMed to avoid confusion with the vacation company with same name.
Further result of the Fake Correspondence terror is that the replacment terror family members that are recruited from Canada, are instructed to Vote for the SAG Shills that SAG arranges on the ballots at election times, for all offices, from State Governor, to City Water Master, and every elected office there is, without exception, there is a SAG Shill on the ballot for each office, on both sides of the ticket.
So, I got one of those today in the mail.
8:24 pm:
Also worth a mention is the pain in my side as I walked out to the mailbox, looked to see where that Shark Truck had gone, saw some tail lights at Freeberg’s, heard some voices from Freeberg’s and simultaneously from Monroe’s, and, there was the sound of perhaps a wounded animal coming from Dietrick’s SAG/SDA Heroin Trafficking Central terror HQ at 601 Jackpine.
8:38 pm:
Also worth a mention is the odor of two-stroke motor oil that was hovering around my front door upon return from the mailbox, presumably left their intentionally in response to my sentiments towards the national security personnel who only want to jack off as the nations population is killed systematically by the movie actors and musicians they love to get all of that Schwagg from... back stage passes, signed autographed hats and tee shirts, private autograph session and some fast ass from Taylor Swift, and those one way two-week cruise boat rides they love so much featuring Kenny Wayne Sheppard and Joe Bonamassa bringing home the best blues on earth.
Two-Stroke oil... Bardahl is my guess... at two am, even the Bar Doll looks good.
The nsa empowers the terror army with their ignorance of the existential threat to the entire world imposed by Google, and Twitter, of which, removal from the internet is what is required to save their own lives, and the lives of others, just to get started.
8:51 pm:
Heater Update:
Still frozen.
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9:19 pm:
I suppose I should mention the two terror soldiers who came in my house last night during the thawing of the compressor unit. They were each wearing Pixel Suit electronic camouflage technology, and both sustained substantial head injuries before leaving.
A third one was encountered outside, by the heater compressor, and wound up in the creek (frozen, very cold water in there) over by the fence line at Monroe’s property and mine. That one launched away of nitrous ignition, also was wearing Pixel suit camouflage, while a fourth one was not harmed, remained outside by a storage shed, on the Chapman side of the fence. So far, Sparacino Li’l Pantry terror cells are suspected, as a Theresa Sparacino replacement (third one) and Nicole Sparacino (the original) and perhaps a Kyle Myers of 560 Jackpine (Fred Meyer Department Store terror cell), and a Nora or Rita, or Rena Myers, or replacements of them are suspected to have been the intruder/attackers.
Nicole would have been the one in the creek.
I have no further assessments.
no help has come.
There are no signs of helpful people anywhere.
Please send help.
Send US Military, there are no police or national guard for more than a thousand miles in any direction. All were killed many years ago, some may still be held captive.
Bring your own hospital, all of the medical facilities are occupied and controlled by the terror army. They have been extermination centers where US Citizens are killed, for more than twenty years, Asante Health is the leading medical oriented terror cell, having taken control of the vast majority of hospitals and medical clinics in Oregon. Oregon Health Science University entire campus and Vetarans Administration Hospital there is all terror controlled, forced experimental surgeries are performed on victims who go there for treatment. OHSU is a close second in leading medical terror to Asante Health terror cells.
10:17 pm:
That “Cloud Backup) message is part of the attack last night.
That one showed up this morning and yesterday was the first time I’ve seen that one. It’s sometimes present, and sometimes is not present.
norton and all of the Symantec products serve the Centurylink ISP terror cell. If I accidentally hit that button, all of my computer content will wind up on the computers of the terror army, and clones will be made to mimic my accounts, and bait investigative people, if there are such people.
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0 notes
olive-hampton · 5 years
10 Best Facebook Pages Of All Time About Decorative Concrete Patio Sealer
For example, homeowners can match the stone facade of their household by setting up decorative concrete to produce a stone patio and partitions without the expenditure of putting in standard individual stones. As back again yards, Specifically concrete decorative patios are being transformed into deluxe extensions of your home, the center and soul of these new spots could be the concrete patio.
In the event you’re planning a tailor made structure, perform Together with the contractor to include these joints into your style and design for your thoroughly clean, undetectable glance.
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Upkeep – Pavers, brick, and stone can settle, generating uneven surfaces which can be harmful to walk on. The joints and grout between them can crack and permit weeds to mature, or else Enable drinking water into your substrate and lead to them to rise.
The basic weathered appearance and purely natural stone appears of Fairford Paving offers for your timeless patio which can be appropriate for comforting or entertaining. The concrete slabs look like hewn stone, and have delicate shallow riven surfaces which provide and best base for patio furnishings and seating.
Patch any holes with concrete patch. If you need a worn rustic or industrial glance, leave the holes in tact.
You'll be able to turn your outdoor patio area into an excellent seeking specific backyard trip applying such creative ornamental principles. Try to not overdo things that carry a confined appearance.
Some yards are merely featureless items of land. You can just plant some trees and hope they live, but a stamped patio that has a pergola received’t have to have trimming or watering, and gained’t draw in squirrels, raccoons, or possums.
Use paint which is self-priming and self-sealing, to save yourself some levels. Give it right away to dry, then use tape to mark a border and develop your rug style.
We do not charge a dime! Our replacement estimate support is one hundred% absolutely free. We don't ask for ANY money facts and you can use us as persistently as you want. You don't have any obligations. We find you certified concrete patio replacement pros that ideal meet up with the needs of one's undertaking, however, if You're not fully pleased with the estimates offered, You're not obligated to move ahead. We do the job with countless concrete patio businesses to provide prime provider... The Masonry Execs inside our network specialise in every kind of concrete patio projects like foundation, patio, driveway, pathway, and many other household renovation and residential advancement tasks.
The Exclusive equipment and products essential for decorative concrete also add on the cost, as does the expertise from the installers. To check out how decorative concrete is completed, take a look at our decorative concrete procedures:
I’m not sure it is possible to realize that with employing a department being a stencil. So that you can etch it although not lighten it – I hope that may be what you want!
Once the concrete slab is placed the area with the concrete incorporates a retarder used which slows the hardening in the cement within the surface area. After the concrete under the surface area has hardened the surface cement is washed off exposing the tiny stones or combination generating the concluded glance.
Particularly when the concrete is stained pink, you’ll be impressed how authentic your patio appears. And In addition, you’ll by no means require to worry about cracked grout or weeds developing by way of your slab.
Efflorescence may also occur once the sealant over the floor of your concrete wears off. Water from rain, snow or ice can settle in the concrete and leave at the rear of People crystals. Homeowners have to have to make certain they seal the concrete adequately to avoid this problem from happening.
0 notes
Open Concept design – Does It Fit Your Space
The view from the family room shows how opening up this Madison area home provides access to activities inside and out.
Everywhere you look open concept design is THE hot topic. Believe what appears on TV, the internet and in print and there are no other options for your Madison WI area home. It has been trendy for more than a decade. But, interior designers from coast-to-coast report is may be losing its luster.
As you approach a remodeling project or renovation plan there are basic considerations. An open floor plan doesn’t work with every architectural style. More importantly, it doesn’t work with every lifestyle. How you live and your family needs define if an open concept space is efficient or just trendy.
Young families with small children and first-time homeowners are smitten with wide open spaces in their home. With plenty of opportunity to keep track of the kids and still watch TV, create meals and relax. Older homeowners, looking to “age in place,” consider wide hallways and fewer doorways a plus when getting around is difficult. For them it is a matter of modernizing with efficient features.
Evaluate your home. Consider:
Do you feel cramped in your living space? Crowded rooms getting worse as the family grows (in number and stature).
Is it hard to communicate when family members are separated by walls?
When friends and family gathers do you break off into small groups – or everyone congregate in a cramped kitchen?
It is all a matter of lifestyle and daily routine. Nobody suggests it is time to make the house seem smaller and congested. Opening things up is the popular way to go.
Ironically, the modern open concept means fewer rooms and fewer walls. When the term was coined it meant rooms with arches and wide openings instead of doors. That’s still true, but now it means “let’s knock out that wall!”
Turn Open Concept Design Into Real Space
Simply removing walls doesn’t always improve the experience in an existing home. It can make using the space awkward and detract from an easy flow from room to room.
For most people looking for an “open concept” they are looking for easy transitions from kitchen to dining area and family space.
You bring dreams and ideas gathered from dozens of sources – most likely, TV, the internet and interior design and decorating magazines – to your concept of an open home. Interior design professionals add an artistic touch and experience in the field to bring details together. Under a skilled interior designer’s guidance, the open “concept” becomes a workable open “floorplan.”
Before deciding without question that a wide open living space is perfect for you, consider all the details. If you enjoy cozy private spaces consider other options. If your family is on the go your lifestyle might be ideal for this makeover. Benefits include:
Space for active people – a lot can be happening from one end of the house to another without losing touch with each other.
No claustrophobia here – when you open the floorplan so people move effortlessly there’s no more “closed in” feelings. Your overall square footage of useable space may not change much, but everything feels bigger.
Let there be light – interior rooms are notorious for little or no natural light. One big space open to outside walls allows natural light to fill the room. Adding new windows is a popular step.
Let the fun begin – when friends and family gathers for holidays and special events everyone is together even though spread apart. As a rule, gatherings find people congregating in or near the kitchen. Done right, the kitchen in an open plan is in the midst of all the entertaining.
The Kitchen Comes First
The driving force behind opening up space is almost always to update the kitchen. Homeowners feel trapped in a small kitchen surrounded by walls. Preparing meals and cleaning up afterward they consider themselves left out. And they often are. Taking down barriers between living spaces and the kitchen makes communication easier and expands the value of the kitchen. That’s why you should consider the needs of your kitchen from the beginning.
Before making a huge commitment in time and money, consider some of the drawbacks to opening your kitchen to the rest of the house:
Aromas – there are times when the smells of cooking are terrific. There are times when they are horrific (think when an oven is being cleaned). Even the highest of the high-tech exhaust systems don’t get it all. Walls restrict the flow of air so smells are more confined to the kitchen. Sometime a good thing, sometimes not.
Noise – a garbage disposal running, mixing a batch of brownies, clanking pots and pans and the usual everyday sounds of kitchen chores are not soothing. Those high-tech range hoods aren’t silent. Walls filter out noise, too.
Your mess shows – preparing a complete meal, baking or getting ready for guests creates a mess in the kitchen. Without walls whatever you’re doing in the kitchen is on display. It is difficult to “leave until later” dirty dishes that can be seen by everyone. A consolation: you can chat while you clean up (maybe even lure some helpers).
Walls As Design Elements
There are positive features of enclosures. And, there are alternatives to floor-to-ceiling walls. On the positive side more tradition room layouts offer:
Refuge – have your heard the saying “too many cooks spoil the broth?” For some cooks the kitchen is private space they would just as soon not share with everyone all the time. They prefer to work without interruption and distraction.
Elegant dining – if you’re a fan of formal dining and entertaining, combining a traditional kitchen and dining room is a plus. Professional interior designers report more people are choosing to create “semi-open” spaces to get the best of both options.
Less is not more – taking away walls takes away opportunities for cabinets and countertops. Even if there’s room for a spacious kitchen island, storage isn’t the same.
Designers are being asked to provide separation rather than opening up more space. Why would you buck the open concept design trend? There are two very common concerns homeowners express:
Few quiet places – unless family members retreat to bedrooms or another floor it is hard to find quiet. All the elements that make a large open room ideal for entertaining make it less than ideal for concentrating. TV, video games, movies and children playing are distractions with no place to go. And you have few quiet nooks to relax, read or just take a coffee break.
Housekeeping – most people work in or around the kitchen. When it is cluttered it gets dirty. Keeping kitchen messes from living areas is important. More importantly keeping dirt and debris tracked in from outdoors and throughout the house out of the kitchen is vital. An easy to navigate traffic pattern means dirt knows no boundaries either.
Walls, No Walls – Open Concept Design Isn’t Absolute
Sharp interior designers are finding ways to open up space in homes without remapping the floorplan or knocking down walls. There are less common areas that led themselves to exciting designs. Interior designers know:
There is more to glass than windows – glass can be used as railing systems on stairways where half walls otherwise blocked sightlines. Long-time favorites on decks and balconies, glass panels work well indoors, too. For homeowners with small children shatter-proof glass is an ideal replacement for spindles and railings.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way – some walls cannot be removed because of the way they were built or because the cost is just too high. Especially in older homes. Options include arches, French doors and other unique openings to create open views without disturbing structure.
Seek Guidance For Your ‘Right’ Design
There is so much going on in the world of remodeling and interior design. You cannot watch enough TV, surf enough websites or peruse enough magazines to keep up. Actually, the more resources you dive into on your own, the more confusing it gets. The idea of open concept design is everywhere. When it’s time to consolidate all your thoughts you need a counselor. You need a trained, experienced professional to bring all the elements together and help you define your dream.
Do you understand everything that goes into applying an open concept design to your existing space? Is it workable? Is it worth it – today and in years to come? Trends shift. They come and go. Your family’s needs change. A major renovation to your home is a life altering experience.
Matching homeowners with the living space of their dreams is what DC Interiors & Renovations does every day. Blending elegance with efficiency and function is a challenge. Doing all on time and within a precise budget is too. Our award-winning team includes professional interior design training as well as on-site experience as a licensed general contractor. We create the design and follow it through to the end – on hand every day to make sure it goes as planned.
When you’re ready to explore the possibilities, call, email or visit our Madison showroom. Our skilled interior designers will help you decide if an open concept design is right for your Madison WI home.
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qualkoesuce-blog · 5 years
Speed dating delaware
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morris015596-blog · 7 years
Successful Raised Bed Gardening Through Shirley Buller.
Hydroponic gardening is the developing from vegetations without soil, normally indoors. If you have actually been actually gardening for any amount of your time, you are actually most likely a lot more informed compared to any person concerning all the different resources a person will certainly must maintain their landscape in excellent condition as well as well cared for. This article contains numerous practical pointers on gardening that will definitely help you receive the lovely yard from your dreams. In urban areas, container gardening is actually unquestionably one of one of the most well-liked techniques from horticulture. Usage handwear covers to avoid cutting your hands and to provide yourself a lot more traction as well as see to it you acquire every last pot you can easily locate. If you are willing to invest a little initiative at home landscape using these organic horticulture ideas, you can easily grow your very own vegetables and also fruits naturally and also lead a healthy and balanced life. I would like to launch you to some time-tested concepts for your personal natural gardening pleasure. In case you loved this information and you would want to receive more details relating to mountains in england map (find more) assure visit our own webpage. Premium should be superb unless the job your carrying out demands offhand handwear covers. When they are actually positioned in a placement that gets direct sunshine, the tranquility lily is yet another plant that does not call for a lot from illumination and the fallen leaves tend to go yellow. Also numerous sources are accessible with therefore simple directions that are incredibly useful for the newbies that are actually much intrigued to learn more as well as even more regarding gardening and the best ways to obtain the landscape of their need. Oddly, few modern gardening writers have actually come across this method - though that recognized in Victorian opportunities. Right now, if gardening can easily ever before be actually claimed to possess a big weekend break", like Radio 1, at that point this happening bank holiday is absolutely that. That's certainly not merely the final chance much of our company will certainly need to inhale some late-summer life right into our wilting plants; it occurs to become practically bang on the 300th wedding anniversary of the childbirth of Capacity Brown, a male whose impact is actually writ large in English yards all over. It is a method from increasing as well as farming of vegetations as a component of Agriculture, on a specific parcel particularly suggested of gardening. Composting is the olden strategy of returning back to the planet gardening products that are impassive. Gardening is actually a device to mellow out life's tension, enhance the environment, cultivate people, as well as develop communities. This kind from gardening allows you to grow the vegetations of your choice within a confined space and have a remarkable plant when that pertains to veggies. For more information head to where you can additionally receive an audio model from Hydroponics Horticulture. Modern horticulture really has been influenced by many different things and as daily passes there will certainly be actually much more modifications in gardening. It is actually best to become naked when you do this (or any gardening), simply because that is the most wonderful technique from doing that. This means gardening at night, in the moonshine, so the next-door neighbors will not observe you. Here are actually some tips to assist be sure that your effort at horticulture achieves success right initially. Hydroponic develop units are actually indoor horticulture devices that use no dirt, and yet make remarkable plants that flourish in an in the house growing setting. Vegetable horticulture may make veggie that are typically less costly in comparison to store got, and veggies off a property veggie garden definitely try better easily. The optimum position for a Brush is in between four and 6 feets coming from a warm window which provides the plant excellent in straight sunlight. Likewise, our team have to consider that productive wildlife-friendly gardening really isn't pretty much abundance. Here's yet another horticulture pointer: spot a sheet of bright tinfoil behind your vegetations if you expand all of them indoors and encountering a home window. Kathryn Dawson composes posts for Bristol Landscape Services, a garden gardening as well as design company giving Bristol yard upkeep to clients at affordable expenses. This is actually the simplest manner in which one can receive relevant information on any type of type of horticulture devices. To answer that all essential soil question a digital ground tester is actually fantastic gardening present. Then again, there are unique conservatory gardening kits that can be obtained online. The gardening is actually executed through freelance workers with gardening adventure as well as an interested rate of interest in horticulture, but which might not be qualified garden enthusiasts. To stay away from any kind of too much warm when you are gardening, if possible, make an effort horticulture either early in the early morning or behind time in the evening. Because of this, possessing water in your yard, such as a stream or a fountain, could leave you running out in mosquito-ville. For a long time that seemed that the only individuals that could possibly be successful with hydroponic horticulture were actually the professionals. Hydroponics horticulture is the expanding of vegetations without dirt, in shorts, dirtless gardening". In some cases they may be very slender at the starting point of the course and also I like to believe that this was intentionally created as the location to leave your troubles at the door. For those trying to find land based job, the internet site, is actually one such specialist jobsite that gives a impressive as well as easy ways of locating land-based works online. Thrive is the leading charity in the UK that makes use of horticulture to generate good changes in the lives of people which are living with impairments or even ill health, or even are isolated, disadvantaged or prone. Viewing the way that attribute grows vegetations naturally in bush, together with the approaches it utilizes to supply the nutrients they need to flourish is what organic horticulture is about. Hence, one could mention that this type of gardening is definitely just working with nature as well as its components to get the type of first class make that they prefer. Container gardening is actually typically used in rooms and on terraces, outdoor patios, and also rooftop leadings. Preparing your yard for a dry spell is actually an extremely important component of the gardening process, without water a garden may certainly not make it through. Gardening delivers a variety of activities to enhance the bodily health and wellness of the landscaper. Which is how our team arrive at what to lots of are going to be the unpromising subject matter of horticulture. This article will definitely deliver a little details on the essential devices and also the top quality from tool you ought to try to find. NB: Don't forget to constantly make use of gardening gloves when taking care of garden compost and various other organic materials for your very own safety and security & realize that this takes numerous months for compost to break down sufficient to make use of. I readily confess to having recurring beauty rests" throughout my gardening adventures. Each area is thoroughly written to assist you begin or even proceed gardening with a handicap, and provides best tips for every task, tips on how you can take care and valuable information on the best suited devices and also devices. The high quality ought to be superb given that you'll be actually making use of these throughout your gardening occupation. Another primary reason that you must include these inputs your gardening plan is actually the appeal and the sheer elegance of its shades. Many individuals decide on the west or even eastern edge from our home specifically considering that they provide half a time of straight sunshine, and then a small amount from shade as the sun removals throughout the day. Along with precious vegetations coming from all over the planet and bunches of rare historic flowers picked up over the final 400 years, these are gardening possibilities like no other. You may wish to acquire a kit got in touch with a 'connect as well as go' hydroponic gardening package. In addition to our annual exhibits at premium horticulture events such as the RHS Chelsea Floral Series, our program of tailor-made occasions supplies you the opportunity to meet some of the UK's leading yard professionals in unique places all over the UK. When bitten by gardening infection an amateur are going to begin to research study and also practice making an effort various strategies as well as formulations all the while getting knowledge and understanding. Impact Horticulture is a way of utilization little room to excellent result, always keeping vegetations close all together, which blocks weeds as well as demands hardly any upkeep as soon as began. Due to the fact that these works are usually not advertised, this is actually an excellent means to track down jobs. You merely need to spend a couple of hours a year sustaining that the moment whatever is actually set up. That's virtually the perfect careless guy's horticulture technique. Numerous service center and also equipment stores use cutter honing solutions for a little cost.
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livingnomadstyle · 8 years
After we left Oregon, we were headed to the US Southwest. However, there were a few things we wanted to see in Northern California. So we found a mountain cabin for a week that allowed us to go exploring in San Francisco, since that was our main destination in the region.
I will be the first to admit that San Francisco was not as expected. We have been to a lot of big cities across the United States and many of them were trash ridden, as could be expected due to the population. However, I will say that most of the areas we explored in San Francisco were clean, well maintained and, above it all, the streets were wide enough to maneuver (a problem that exists in many big cities).
We explored much of San Francisco, over a 2 day period. We were efficient in our planning but did not feel hurried in our explorations.
Golden Gate Bridge
One of the most well-known bridges in the world, the Golden Gate Bridge is an architectural marvel. It set the world record in 1937 as the longest suspension bridge in the world at 4200 feet. The Golden Gate Bridge has since been overtaken by the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan, at 6352 feet, as the longest suspension bridge. Even though it does not hold the crown for longest suspension bridge, it is still held in worldwide acclaim and is a stalwart representative and top tourist destination for San Francisco.
In order to explore The Golden Gate Bridge and surrounding area, you need to find parking. If you are coming from the north, you have to cross the bridge, pay the toll and then cross the bridge again if you want free parking on the Northern End. If you are wanting free parking and coming from the Southern End, you simply need to traverse to across the bridge to find parking on the North Side.
We were coming from the Northern Side and opted to pay for parking. So, we crossed the bridge, went through the toll, turned around and pulled off at the last exit before crossing the bridge. It will direct you to the Presidio / Fort Point Area. you will exit to the right. Then I would suggest staying in the right lane, following to the right. At the stop sign, make a left and follow the road to the first turn off for parking. I suggest not going down to Fort Point to park. It is VERY crowded. The first parking spot gives you proximity to the bridge and the parking is relatively inexpensive.
From here we followed a dual foot and biking path up towards the bridge. We took a path less traveled and it brought us by different Batteries (areas of gun powder and weapon storage) that were used to defend the harbor area. We eventually went through a tunnel and came out near the information center. It did afford us a few picture moments to snag great images of the Golden Gate Bridge.
We eventually made it out and up to the actual bridge. We entered the bridge and made our way almost half way across. There were many bikers on the other side as well as walkers and joggers on our side. Standing and walking on the bridge was an absolutely exhilarating experience. It is worth the walk.
Golden Gate Park
After the Golden Gate Bridge, we visited Golden Gate Park. This park is not adjacent to the bridge. We left the bridge area and drove all the way to one end of the park by going on Geary Blvd west and then going south on 47th Ave. We took 47th to JFK Dr and made a left (east). This allowed us to drive through the whole park.
The main attraction for us was the buffalo. Sure, nothing compares to seeing a stampede of buffalo in the wild. But, seeing buffalo in the center of a major California City was a new one on us. So, we had to drive through and check it out. This park is massive. You will see a multitude of areas where you can pull off to enjoy the outdoors. It was an interesting park, to say the least.
Painted Ladies
How many of you have watched Full House? Most Americans who watched TV in the late 80s to early 90s have likely seen or heard of it. In the intro there is a park featured where you can see a section of row houses that are all painted uniquely. The park is Alamo Square and the houses are called the Painted Ladies.
We took a moment to swing by there. Mama Nomad is a big Full House fan. There was some renovations going on at Alamo Square. But, we were still able to find a parking spot and view as well as capture images of these fine row houses.
From the Painted Ladies, we headed over to Japantown. Our eldest Nomad Son, Noah, has an affinity for Japanese Manga and Anime and his brothers have a shared interest. There is a book store in Japantown that is a 2 story, Barnes and Noble type book store that specializes in Manga and Anime. So, we had to check it out.
Noah did some research prior to us visiting. He found Kinokuniya (the aforementioned 2 story one) and at least one other one. However, as we searched while we were there, we found that none other existed in the area by the time we visited. But Kinokuniya was and it was very busy. If you have an affinity for Manga or Anime, you need to visit this place.
Ghiradelli Square
After Japantown, we headed for Ghiradelli Square. Ghiradelli Chocolate is a famous chocolate company known the world over. There is a square in San Francisco known as Ghiradelli Square that hosts the chocolate company’s retail outlet as well as some other business retail fronts. I cannot honestly tell you what else was there. We pulled up, paid for parking, got some ice cream based creations from Ghiradelli Chocolate, ate them and left. I can say that what we ordered was, indeed, scrumptious.
Lombard Street
From Japantown we made our way to Lombard Street. To be more specific, we made our way to Lombard Street between Hyde Street and Leavenworth Street. This is an area considered to be on the the crookedest streets in the world. It is at a severe downward angle and encompasses 9, almost U-Turn level turns within one block. We journeyed down it in Ebony II, a Ford Expedition Extended Edition vehicle. Let me just say it was tight maneuvering but very exhilarating.
The Chinatown in San Francisco is actually the first, oldest and largest Chinatown in the world (outside of mainland China, of course). We were going to eat noodles at the House of Nan King. When we got to the area, almost the entire area was closed to vehicles. They were celebrating a Chinese New Years Parade and most streets were blocked.
We drove down and around many blocks, which led us to the financial district, but never back into Chinatown. It was getting dark and parking was near impossible, so we ventured outside of San Francisco to a little restaurant across the Golden Gate Bridge, in Sausalito. Parking was easy, prices were reasonable and the food was great! We simply told ourselves a story that Chinese Entrepreneurs moved to Sausalito from San Francisco for better parking and that we found one of those gems.
After Chinatown, we went back to homebase because it was getting dark. The next day we headed into San Francisco and in the direction of the ferrys for Alcatraz. We looked into parking the day before. Most of the reviews for parking reported that people with out-of-state plates, like us, had their vehicles broken into. So, we launched SpotHero, found parking at the Holiday Inn Express and booked. We figured that nothing would happen to Ebony II at the Holiday Inn Express Valet Parking. And, fast forward to the end, we were right. We recommend this parking.
After parking and walking to Pier 33 (about 3/4 mile from the parking area), we got in line for the ferry. There is only one company that runs the ferry. We suggest that you buy your tickets at least 48 hours in advance. Also, please note that there is no food on the island. You can bring food. They simply do not serve it. You can get some at the pier or on the ferry, if you are hungry.
We arrived on the island and immediately walked up to the area to watch the short documentary of the island. It is something we highly recommend that you do. It gives you a lot of background and context about the island. For example, did you know it was a military installation first, in order to protect the harbor during the gold rush? Then it houses military prisoners and then Federal prisoners; until it was finally closed in 1963.
In 1969 it was occupied for more than 19 months by Native Americans making a stand against the US Government in relation to the land taken from them. It was this action that was cited as the event that turned things around for Native Americans and their rightful lands, here in the US. Finally in 1986 it was turned into a National Historic Landmark.
We explored and walked all over that island. We saw the cell blocks, where the prisoners who escaped and were never found, slept. We also saw cells for Al Capone, Bumpy Johnson and more. We explored the outside garden area, the solitary confinement, the recreation area and much, much more. Did you know that the kids of guards lived on the island in apartments? Yep! They traveled, by ferry, to San Francisco for school everyday and returned to Alcatraz every night.
We were even treated to seeing and meeting William Baker. He was an Alcatraz Prisoner who stayed there from 1957 to 1960. He has been in prison for most of his life. After spending more than 50 years in prison, he wrote a book called Alcatraz #1259 and has been on the straight and narrow ever since.
Again, San Francisco was not as expected. It is not somewhere I would want to live. But, it was a great city to visit. We experienced a lot of different cultures, famous spots and history; both known to us and unknown. It is a place worth visiting, at least for a few days. Safe Travels.
Exploring San Francisco After we left Oregon, we were headed to the US Southwest. However, there were a few things we wanted to see in Northern California.
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