#there have still been cases where i almost fainted ๐Ÿ˜ญ my head started to feel really warm and tingled all over my sight got dark and
hanabeeri ยท 1 month
new week!! my cats are doing good <3 the vet said to keep an eye on my male cat, to track his progress. no pretty decorations on this weeks update either because i feel sick </3 oh and i'm writing this on my phone so the formatting is a bit ugly and spacey ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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what happened this week? aaaah...
>i visited the vet and he checked both of my cats. lucy is doing good! he said that her wound is healing up just fine and that the swelling is gone. when he checked harry he said he seems to be fine now, and that he can't tell right away what caused his seizure. since in rare seizures can happen once (and then never again) he said he won't do any further testings just yet. but should it happen again, i'll have to give him his emergency meds and take him to his clinic right away. from then on he will initiate testings and i will have to monitor harry's further progress
>i've been feeling really dizzy since yesterday ๐Ÿฅน someone i knew has once told me that whatever i'm dealing with sounds like POTS. i didn't know what it was to that time, and i don't think i will ask my doctor to look into it for a diagnosis.. but knowing the possible cause for my dizziness, racing heart and feelings of faintness is still a comforting thought. at least i know that it's not necessarily my fault. before that i always felt really frustrated and upset whenever i had a flare up. now i try to be more patient with myself, eat something salty and hope i'll feel better. the only reasons why it's still hard sometimes are either lack of options to rest in public or my very own parents who think i'm being lazy ๐Ÿฅน they always blame flare ups on anything but you know... a possible disability which, in comparison, is pesky at best ๐Ÿ˜ญ i'm fine most of the time, i just need to rest on some days more than on others.
edit: okay so, i'm not sure if this is funny but i am allowed to laugh because it happened to me. yesterday i felt really dizzy and faint in general. but for some reason i kept forgetting ๐Ÿ’€ so everytime i sat or laid down and then got up for whatever reason my body would move but my soul would remain seated ๐Ÿ˜ญ i was close to fainting once AHAHA i'm okay though. i laughed about it yesterday too after the... 3rd time maybe. i heard a cat meowing outside so i jumped up, ready to protect my cat in a fight AHAHAH but my body said 'no <3 hihihihi'
and... that's it. other than that i stayed at home and looked after my cats. i was too worried to do anything else. my previous plans were to accompany my friend to something she was anxious to do alone, and go to a book flea market with my friends. i couldn't go.. but next time for sure! they sent me their book hauls though, so i didn't miss out on anything, haha.
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i would like to think that my image descriptions are getting better ๐Ÿฅน doing my very best haha. im holding myself back from going on rambles and adding extra information; like the fact that we grow vegetables and fruit in our garden or that there's a small spring and a house.
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