#there has got to be legal measures set in place so youtubers stop getting their privacy invaded like this
titsliker · 3 months
saw some shit i would rather not have seen on twitter dot com that made me genuinely sick to my tummy. deleting that cursed app and going to bed now
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elopez7228 · 4 years
Scenic Route 12/47
Read on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/18268208/chapters/43229774  
Start over : https://elopez7228.tumblr.com/post/620919089893933056/scenic-route-0147
Leia swallowed. For a moment, Amilyn Holdo wondered if she would cry, but that would be underestimating the veteran. She had fought bigger battles.  
“Amilyn,” Leia began, “Ben has made a series of bad decisions, no doubt under the influence of none other than Armitage Hux. They were partners in crime during their devil-may-care college years. He became arrogant and self-centered, thinking himself untouchable under Snoke’s protection. Snoke was the ever-powerful presence that gave him everything he desired, while filling his head with the unthinkable. It’s been a long time since I’ve lost all influence over him. And if a brief stint in prison is what finally wakes him up, so be it.” She sighed, “Look, he’s still my son and I love him more than anything, but I think this might be the beating that finally makes him get his act together.”
Amilyn smiled at the mental image of Leia’s small frame spanking the imposing Ben Solo—or rather, his troublemaker rockstar alter ego, Kylo Ren. A helluva spanking, for sure.
“Good. Well, if you’re ready now we have a meeting with the Governor in five,” Amilyn offered.
The tip of Leia’s cane slipped on one of the many papers littering the floor as she tried to get up. She had been using it to support most of her weight, but luckily she was able to catch herself, bracing her body against the desk.
Amilyn rushed to her side, noticing a slight tremor in her hands and infinite sadness in her eyes. She was strong, but her heart had been broken.
“Are you alright? Amilyn asked, “Should I postpone the meeting?”
“No, I’m fine, let’s go,” Leia sighed as she got to her feet again. She turned to Amilyn with tired eyes. “You know, the contents of this dossier have ruined three generations of my family,” she said gravely.
“I know. And I admire you for bearing this burden alone, despite everything, for all these years.”
“We’re so close. This is our last move—it’s us or them. If we fail, there won’t be a second chance. It’s time to finish this.”
She closed her eyes as the car made its across Sacramento to the state capitol building. She had spoken about her son with a detached tone, if only to hide her chagrin. She wasn’t kidding when she said that the contents of that dossier would destroy her family. It was the stuff of novels—The Grandeur and Decadence of the Skywalker Dynasty. The tale of how her parents Anakin and Padme Skywalker, fresh out of Harvard, had started the eco-conscious mining and water treatment company Resistance & Advancement Co. A new hope for the planet that would provide “a better future for all”. How Anakin had foreseen a massive profit margin, had signed contracts with suspicious clients against his wife’s advice.
How their son Luke, their Harvard legacy, had found his way to the top of the R&A administration in order to clean house. He wanted to cut ties with shady business partners and see his mother’s vision through. Leia, however, was always more behind the scenes, though guided by the same ideals of peace and justice that seemed impossible today.
And then there was Snoke, the Chief Financial Officer who had come to power under corrupt circumstances. He had plotted to take command of the Board of Directors and IPO the company by putting his cronies in power at R&A.
Leia had imagined that her son would side with her, to restore the family enterprise to its former glory. Never in a thousand years did she think that Ben would turn on her. He fell right into Snoke’s outstretched hands—worse—he declared that the new agenda was Anakin Skywalker’s legacy, his ancestor’s lasting vision for R&A. Snoke and Hux had brainwashed him.
She was jolted from her thoughts as the car abruptly stopped in front of the capitol building. Going around the mob of tourists partaking in guided tours, they made their way to the administrative entrance, where they were greeted by a debonair hostess in a black suit. After double-checking their IDs, she pointed out the corridor that led to the parliamentary wing. They found themselves in a waiting room where they helped themselves to two scalding cups of flavorless coffee.
Amilyn didn’t even need to check her watch. “We’re going to get stood up,” she declared. “That’s their strategy, tie us up in red tape, waste all our time in this massive waiting room and never get to the bottom of that dossier.”
Leia placed a reassuring hand on her friend’s forearm in response. She had regained her peace of mind, her eyes no longer filled with sadness or uncertainty. Instead they were brimming with a scathing sort of determination. Here, in the heart of the Californian capital, she was in the eye of the storm. And she was ready to confront it.
He came through the waiting room door right then—a fifty-something man with a craggy face and salt-and-pepper hair. He was sharply dressed in all white and he wore a suit jacket draped over his shoulders like a cape.
“Representative Krennic,” he introduced himself, “Yours truly on behalf of Governor Valorum. This way to my office,”
“We have a meeting with the governor himself, Mr. Krennic,” Amilyn objected.
“The governor sends his apologies, he was summoned regarding a rather urgent matter, but don’t you worry—I know the dossier quite well.”
“I see,” Amilyn managed behind the tightly gritted teeth of her fake smile, “Very well, then. We should set up another meeting right away.” She said as they followed him.
Representative Krennic pursed his lips in what could only be called a paltry, hypocritical attempt at an expression of sympathy. He took his place behind his desk and invited them to sit down.  Suddenly his eyes were hard and cold. He folded his hands together on the tabletop.
“The governor had a very time-sensitive errand to run. I assure you I’m entirely capable of representing him today. So let’s cut to the chase: the enterprise charter brought forth by FORCE which you object to so vehemently, is perfectly legally authorized. I have here the results of some studies done by the Environmental Protection Agency that contradict your claim.” He flicked through the dossier nonchalantly. Leia was about to make an impolite gesture but Amilyn stopped her.
“The state of California,” he continued, “represented by Governor Valorum—and I, in equal measure—has expressed consent to both FORCE and their CEO Mr. Snoke regarding the mining of the Humboldt sector. I should also add,” he continued with a cruel smile, “that on behalf of the thousands of workers that we collectively employ, that FORCE and the state of California are considering to jointly sue you for obstruction of public progress,  defamation, and violation of workers’ and unions’ rights,” he grinned wickedly, “and, if I recall correctly, we might even be able to sue for terror-adjacent activities. Any questions?”
Armitage Hux turned on the flat screen television embedded into his office wall. The highlight of the evening broadcast on ABC7News was the very public debacle in Sacramento.
Leia Skywalker, unmistakable in her long grey wrap dress, was crossing the street to get to her car. She was so small that Amilyn Holdo appeared tall beside her. A group of activists clad in Earth Soldiers t-shirts was waiting for them. Many of them were carrying signs with protest slogans including No to the Hoopa Valley mine!, Say No to Poison, FORCE must PAY, and Valorum is Complicit.
Among them Hux recognized Rose Tico, who was holding a megaphone and addressing the journalists who had scurried to the scene directly. The fire in her voice was palpable, to the point where he thought she would nearly be out of breath.
“We have just heard that the EPA approved the construction of a new mine in North Hoopa Valley! This is absolutely unacceptable, and we stand against it! All evidence points to Governor Valorum being a puppet of FORCE, which has funded his re-election campaign to a great extent! This man has been corrupted and he’s trying to—“ Hux slammed the mute button just as his phone began to vibrate. He raised it to his ear, annoyed.
“Sir, I’ve lost track of the Tico sisters, they flew to California via Reno, and I lost them right as the approached Tahoe.”
“Don’t you worry, I know exactly where they are,” he said, managing to keep most of the rage out of his voice. Phasma on the other hand, had the gall to sound relieved.
“Really? What is their location?”
“In the Capitol, you idiot, on national goddamn television! The Ticos, Antilles, Connix—the whole damn lot of them!”
Now she began to hesitate.
“Sir, I.. I’ll get there right away I’m—“
“Useless, you’re absolutely pathetic.”
No sooner had he hung up that he noticed a second incoming call. Snoke.
Hux took a deep breath as he smoothed his hair. Once he left his office, he navigated a dark corridor and knocked on an unmarked door that opened by silently receding into the wall. The inside of the room was similarly dark, with black lacquer floors and crimson drapery. Snoke was known to suffer from violent migraines and thus he detested the light.
“You may approach, Hux,” he declared, his voice audibly tired. “I heard that our friends put on quite a protest for the television?”
“Indeed. They’re reacting to the EPA’s decision making, and it’s trending on social platforms. They simultaneously hit YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. The story has been shared millions of times, they’re viral.”
“And above all, they are organized. The scene they caused today was painstakingly staged. They knew what the results of the vote would be beforehand.”
“It doesn’t really matter though,” Hux scoffed with a disdainful wave of his hand, “that they’re internet famous and amassing thumb-ups on YouTube. It’s a blip in the grand scheme of things, the mine is fully approved and ready for operation. We’ve won.”
“Don’t be so sure of yourself, Armitage. The hearing is in two weeks, and Valorum has plummeted in popularity.”
Hux scoffed indignantly yet again.
“We have Valorum eating out of our very hands. We make up no less than 20 percent of his campaign financing—he got re-elected because of our means. We employ, directly or indirectly, thousands within his administration.”
“And the judge, Mitaka?”
“His daughter was delighted that we bought her way into Yale, not to mention that we’re so generously funding his partner’s chemotherapy...with absolute discretion, of course. It’s all being handled through NGO charities. We’re talking millions of dollars here, but I’ve been assured that the books are bulletproof.”
Snoke said nothing for a moment. His skin was jaundiced like most heavy smokers, and his shoulders were permanently slumped. He chewed on his thumbnail, a nervous tick when he was deep in thought.
“No, this won’t do,” he said finally. “The Skywalkers are persistent, they fight unto the death for what they consider a family legacy, the very dignity of a name. This time it’s personal, they have nothing left to lose. And those who have nothing left to lose are particularly dangerous.”
Hux acquiesced in silence as Snoke’s gaze settled on him. The whites of his eyes were also tinged with jaundice, and his pupils appeared glazed over.
“This whole ordeal with these hippies in overalls feels like a ruse to me,” he began, ”there has to be something else at play. They knew we were going to buy out the EPA’s vote...and therein lies the key. Perhaps we have a spy in our midst. Find it, and neutralize it.”
“Understood.” Hux responded with aplomb. Then he added in a more hesitant voice, “And Ren? Where is he?”  
“Kylo Ren is exactly where I need him to be, carrying our orders on the field. Surely you don’t find that you miss him, do you?”
“No, of course not.” Hux chuckled lightly, “Evidently he’s very busy on the field.”
The madman had managed to go on tour with his crew of rabid rockers while persuading leadership that it would be an economically beneficial disguise. Meanwhile Hux had to pilot the ship from his desk and face Snoke’s wrath in person. It was typical Kylo. Even at Harvard he managed to garner the adoration of the faculty without lifting a finger.
One day he would have to explain how he was always seemingly in the right place at the right time.
Leaving Snoke’s office for his own at a brisk pace, he found the re-emerging  sunlight pleasant. There was something suffocating about the darkness that the president kept himself in all day. Hux was certainly not claustrophobic but he was glad to see the light of day again. He dialed a number on his phone and she responded immediately:
“Come to my office at once, I have a new case for you. We think there’s been an inside job. You need to get on this immediately.”
“I’m coming.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
He hung up.
It still gnawed at him. Where was Kylo? What possible mission could he be attending while the entirety of Earth Soldiers, including his own mother, were in Sacramento?
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M4A To WAV Converter
You may simply convert m4a to mp3 linux any WAV file to MP3 format by utilizing considered one of two free methods we'll element below, both are simple and quick. It's extremely fast, Free WAV to MP3 Converter is the fastest WAV to MP3 Converter obtainable. iTunes M4P Converter is knowledgeable DRM copy protected remove program that can take away DRM from iTunes music and movie files. As iTunes converter, you may convert iTunes to MP3 fast and easy. As M4P converter, you'll be able to easily convert M4P to MP3. You are able to do it in iTunes, nevertheless it's a ache within the neck as a result of iTunes doesn't save the Album Artist tag when converting due to a known bug, so when you've got any compilation albums, you may must edit the Album Artist tags for each of them manually after changing.
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Obtain and record music directly to iTunes Library for management. Launch iWisoft Free Video Converter. Click the Add" icon and browse for the WAV file within the file choice window. Choose the merchandise and click on the Open" button to import the audio into the application. Taking this into consideration, it is clear why MP3 is a superb format for distributing, streaming and selling music. However, this comes at some cost. With Whole Audio Converter you need to use batch mode to transform WAV to MP3. Most attention-grabbing, whether or not you change one file or to hundred files, the pace is sort of the same. It takes only a few seconds to render WAV information in the MP3 format. Before changing FLAC to MP3, you'll be able to customise the output settings corresponding to start time, stop time, audio codec, audio track, subtitle, and so on. Glorious app when you need to handle input and output audio information of various codecs. Many of them imply varied settings. The disadvantage, you can not carry out the conversion in a quick and computerized approach. For that function, I take advantage of Mp4 Video 1 Click on for Windows (search here or google) along side LameXP. So, being joined together, LameXP and Mp4 Video 1 Click on for Windows are the nice pair for both guide-correct and computerized-quick audio conversions.
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There are two main ways to get your FLAC recordsdata legally: ripping from CD or purchasing from a digital store. Ripping is simple to do however you will want the appropriate software for your pc. Nevertheless, there are some gadgets that allow you to rip and retailer FLAC files on a networked exhausting drive without having to ever contact a COMPUTER; the Bluesound Vault is one among these. The most important drawback to this program is that have to buy the Infinite Pack to transform audio files which are longer than three minutes. Many applications, including Home windows Media Participant, help you convert audio recordsdata to MP3. A few of these applications are free, whereas others have to be bought. Each program works slightly in a different way. The most important thing is to comply with the instructions rigorously. Truly Avdshare Auido Converter can convert between any audio codecs, like changing MP3 to FLAC, M4A to MP3, AAC to WAV, etc. Choose a preset. In case none of the prepared profiles suits your needs, you'll be able to create a customized one. To do it, click on the blue gear button underneath the profile. There'll seem a brand new window the place you'll be able to set the sample charge, bitrate, and channel. WAV audio information are an effective way to protect the complete and correct high quality of a recording in a really lossless format in your computer. Nonetheless, if you happen to're not an audiophile and are concerned about cupboard space, it might be time to transform them to a extra manageable format like MP3. Anybody know of a good converter for WAV to Mp3? I found heaps with google but they appear a bit dodgy. Simply wanna know if anybody knows a superb one. Probably a free one. If your songs are out of DRM safety, you may simply convert them with iTunes. Let's learn to convert songs to completely different audio formats with iTunes. Free Convert MP3 to WAV may be very to use. Merely add the audio information to convert, choose the goal audio format and high quality profile and then press the "Convert" button. Within the Open Media dialog, convert m4a to mp3 linux click on the Add button and browse for your music file. Then click on Open. No, there is not. FLAC is taken into account to be a lossless format, and no audio info shall be lost within the conversion. You'll be able to see for your self by evaluating a file that has been compressed to FLAC then decompressed with the original WAV file.
After including M4A file, you are able to do some customizations freely. Press the "trim" button, you may trim the M4A file into a number of sections by dragging the sliders to set the period time, or adjusting the "Begin Time" and "Finish Time" columns. Click the "Edit" > "Audio", you are able to regulate the audio quantity, customize "fade in" & "fade out" impact freely. You can now obtain YouTube videos as MP3 information with HD audio high quality. Our main YouTube to MP3 Converter can be compatible with many other on-line video sites comparable to Vimeo, Dailymotion and Liveleak. Don't convert the file to MP3 if the kind of file contained within the m4a format is an AAC, as a result of you will be converting from lossy to lossy, and marked reduction in sound high quality will happen. Moreover, if the file's bit charge is 320kbps or less, it's normally not a good idea to convert the file. The file is not going to get any better by changing it, and if the file has a bit rate of 320kbps or much less, it should not be taking on an excessive amount of memory, so there is no such thing as a want to cut back its measurement. If the issue is a matter of the m4a being incompatible along with your media participant, I counsel you upgrade your media participant, because the m4a format is sort of standardized.
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Free MP3 to WAV Converter, Convert MP3 to WAV. Use this device to convert video and audio information from many different codecs to WAV. You may either choose an area file or input a remote file location for conversion. In case you are logged in you may decide-in to get notified by electronic mail once the conversion is finished. I use iDealshare VideoGo to convert M4A to WAV or convert WAV to M4A. This iTunes Music Converter is absolutely practical and easy to use, enabling you to play all the DRM-protected and DRM-free iTunes audio files on any of your portable audio gamers, no matter they're PSP, Zune HD, iRiver, Sony Walkman, Sansa, Cowon, Creative Zen, iPod, iPad, iPhone or cellular images like Blackberry, Nokia, SamSung, Motorola, HTC and so forth.
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cxhfidelia623-blog · 5 years
How To Rip The CD Or ConvertCda Files To Other Audio Format?
Is the quickest and easiest method to convert audio to video online. Miro Video Converter can convert just about any video file to MP4, Theora, or MP3 (the audio only). Step 2: Select a proper file kind, as a way to select MP4 or other format you wish to convert fastly within the subsequent step. The most important benefit of this YouTube to Mp3 converter, it would not have these terrible pop kind advertisements when you're downloading your file. Perhaps it occurs only for now, however it will be a sin to skip this platform from this listing. Downloading YouTube MP4 movies is absolutely as simple as that. Downloaded MP4 information will probably be permanently saved in your gadget and you will be able to access them whenever and wherever you want without Internet connection. Sooner or later, it may develop into legal to obtain any video from YouTube, as long as it is for personal use. But when a decide decides that, expect the music business to go to warfare towards YouTube and its converters. To MP3 Converter converts most of video and audio input varieties of recordsdata, like MP4, WMA, M4A, FLAC, AMR, CDA, OGG, AVI, WMV, AIFF, FLV, WAV, and others. Along with encoding of native media files, the applying can download and convert to MP3 on-line video and audio content material. Select the ‘Save' button to retailer the video in your computer. A couple of phrases about widespread misunderstanding. CDA is a shortcut created by your working system to mark tracks of an Audio CD. Audio CDs do not comprise precise recordsdata. They use tracks instead, lots the same as outdated LP data. To have the ability to address these tracks, working programs create CDA labels. CDA is not a file format, so you might't convert cda to mp3 on-line to it in a separate step. It's created routinely as you burn Audio CD. If you are considered one of these home windows consumer s who're looking for a free audio changing instrument with simple-to-use interface, Any Audio Converter Freeware supplies simply that, permitting you to effortlessly convert video information for FREE! This audio converter can convert between nearly all widespread audio and video codecs including AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, ASF, FLV, MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV, FLAC, OGG, AU, MP2, and AC3 codecs. Convert FLV movies from YouTube, Google, and NFLV to MP3. I've been using your product for a couple years now. I simply wished to tell you of us how much I like it. It's completely my goto software for any media conversion. I don't have any cash to contribute, but I wished you guys to understand how a lot I recognize your software program. Thank you very much. Open the drop down menu at Convert all recordsdata to: possibility on the high-proper corner. From the new pop-up window, choose MP4 format and determination from the Video tab. This system additionally allows you to break up output files based mostly on chapters saved in supply files (often present in M4B files). Metadata by default are copied from the supply files, but the user can add their own tags. The app is simple to use: add the original file, select your desired format and high quality, and download the output file to your pc. MP4, mp4 converter to mp3 also referred to as MPEG4 is principally a video format that's used to store video and audio data. Additionally it may possibly retailer photographs and subtitles. Normally it is used to share movies over internet. MP4 can embed any knowledge over personal streams. Streaming data is included in mp4 converter to mp3 utilizing a distinct trace. CDA to MP2 converter will convert your CD Audio format recordsdata to MP3 format and play a non-cease music for you. There are several converter functions out there for CDA to MP3, however all of them aren't dependable as a number of of them may hurt your CD or laptop computer. YOUR ONLINE VIDEO CONVERTER! allows you to convert and obtain your favorite movies from YouTube, Dailymotion and Clipfish in a format like MP3, MP4 and further.
The instruments above offer 5 methods to transform and report your Spotify music. Which method do you like? Undoubtedly, DRmare Spotify to MP3 Converter is the throne winner of this high checklist when it comes to the output quality and changing efficiency. The others within the record haven't got lossless music quality but you are most definitely tough to hear the difference. Besides, they do provide further great options like making ringtone, burning audio CD, and many others. If you are alright to sacrifice some audio quality and changing velocity, it is not a nasty concept to try other instruments like Aimersoft iMusic, Wondershare Streaming Audio Recorder, Deezify, and so forth. When you ship your scribe to , you will get an e-mail when the video render is full. will let you play the video in the browser and you'll even have the choice yo to download the video as an MP4 file (as soon as you've logged into ). For some reason the video file has no resolution or FPS and any of the other stuff that is in the properties in a video file. This is the only file that that is taking place to. I've tried re-downloading the file a number of occasions, with the same end result. I could really use some assistance on this I'm misplaced in this. To begin with, plenty of Mp3 downloading and converting websites declare that they've a operate to transform YouTube to Mp3 320 kbps. On this article we'll discuss audio encoding settings that affect the standard of sound. Understanding the conversion settings might help you choose the optimal sound encoding properties when it comes to file measurement relative to sound high quality. Benefit from OVC's free MP4 to MP3 converter for getting top quality MP3 information from your present MP4 movies. Our extremely versatile video converter supports conversions to many different codecs as effectively. In case your CD is an audiobook, you can convert it into M4B audiobooks format that is supported by iPod and iTunes. CDA to MP3 Converter additionally helps DVD. You can rip DVD to MP3 with CDA to MP3 Converter. Click on on Rip CD button to begin to convert CDA to MP4 or different audio format you desired. A conversion dialog will seem to point out the progress of cda to mp4 conversion If you want to stop the method, please click on on Stop button. After the conversion, you'll be able to click on on the Output Folder button to get the transformed recordsdata and switch to your iPod, iPad, iPhone, mp3 participant or exhausting driver.
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heathered-beinn · 3 years
BangtanTV Youtube Vids 3
Dance practice by 정국 of 방탄소년단 - YouTube Dance practice by 정국 of 방탄소년단 (Jungkook of BTS)
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This short dance routine was a nice little insight into the level of Jungkook’s dance skills a few months before the band debuts. I looked up the band’s debut date which is June 2013 and this was filmed in January. From what I can remember from previous vids Jungkook didn’t have much/if any dancing experience when he joined the company so this is quite an impressive start! I am not a dance expert in anyway but I’ll make a few observations using my common sense. This short routine shows he has already developed a good sense of flow, has a good memory for remembering steps, and nice posturing for the style of dance (i.e. it doesn’t look awkward or robotic). His rhythm was off a little in places, which was most noticeable throughout the second set of bell rings. I’m going to make another uneducated observation based on this off-rhythm: throughout this video he seems to be dancing more from memory rather than dancing to the music. Is this a one off or is it because he is still learning (and probably under pressure)? It will be so interesting to see how his skills grow from here on out.
방탄소년들의 졸업 - YouTube 방탄소년들의 졸업 (rough translation: Graduate of BTS)
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Oh my goodness <3 <3 !!!! This is so cute!! The song is clearly about them graduating from their respective schools. Dressed up in their school uniforms, J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook sing a Korean-ised version of Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa - Young, Wild and Free ft. Bruno Mars on school grounds.
It is like, tooth-rottingly cute – all of them are so young and baby faced! Jungkook seems to be the lead singer already and did a little rapping too. He’s definitely a singer more than a rapper but it still sounded good. J-Hope’s voice is smooth and he oozes confidence. He also looks like he hasn’t aged a bit from then to now! Jimin is just a little cutie. I think he was mostly background vocals and visuals in this little music video which I’m sure was down to his lack of confidence in singing since it was so new to him. *sigh*… there was so much youth and innocence in their voices back then. Okay so their voices were a little unpolished and it wasn’t exactly a blockbuster of a music video but, you know what, it was pretty damn good and definitely an entertaining performance.
Observations: so taking into account that this would all have been edited and somewhat scripted, looking and reading between the lines the three of them seem to be genuinely close already. I know Korean culture is generally less conservative with touching between friends than western (yet more conservative in other ways) but the three seem pretty natural with each other. Either they gelled fast or they’ve been working together for some time already – even before Jimin became an official member of the pre-debut band. I really liked how, rather than pretend to be macho males who dominate the school and ogle the girls, the video is just them hanging together and essentially ‘playing’ like young teenage friends. I had to laugh at Jimin measuring his height against the growing Jungkook. Enjoy the inch while you can darling because it’s going to go fast lol!! Also, you really would think they were all the same age but if I’m right, there is four years difference between J-Hope and Jungkook!
 130208 지민 - YouTube 130208 지민 – Jimin 08/02/13 (UK date!)
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Thanks to Grace Lee in the Youtube comments for the translation.
Jimin tells us he went to Jungkook’s graduation with Jin and Suga (hyung). They went because they heard Jungkook didn’t have many friends but it turns out he was surrounded by girls (lol!) and Jimin was a little jealous (jealous of JK having more friends than him, or that they were girls, or that JK has a lot of friends who aren’t Jimin/the band?). He then says that now JK is a year older he will probably become a bit more manly (again, is that a good thing or a bad thing Jimin? Are you afraid he will get taller than you? Or that he might not be so playful? Or are you looking forward to those things…? In all honesty I thought this was a bit of an odd thing to say but then it might be the culture difference). The team are getting a vacation (excellent, I bet it is really needed – although if memory serves, by the time American Hustle Life comes around it’s been a long time since they had seen their family so this might have been the last trip home that they talked about). Jimin says he feels bad that RM and Suga can’t go home early because they have to work on songs but he hopes they can go home soon and rest. (Two things come to me here; one, RM and Suga are already the lead writers at this point and they are under a kind of pressure that they can’t go home until they meet some kind of quota? Look, they are both adults at this point and it’s a difficult industry so this isn’t too surprising that there is a lot of pressure, but it shows how hard they had to work to get to where they are today. It did not get handed to them on a plate. Do I think this particular pressure was unnecessary; yes I do. Do I think it’s the worst thing in the world: no I do not. I can acknowledge that there are much worse things to be doing than writing songs in a studio for hours on end. I also think the that the pressure will probably nurse their passion for the job. However, that doesn’t mean they are not stressed, tired, and mentally drained, so I empathise with them and hope they get the break they deserve soon. The second thing is: a small note about Jimin’s concern and regret that RM and Suga aren’t going home like himself. That shows he has some empathy and that he cares about them. As this is incredibly early in the band’s career this is just an observation of the emerging bonds.
 130208 정국 - YouTube 130208 정국 (080213 Jungkook UK date)
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Thanks to Hopeful Mang in the Youtube comments for the translation. Before I even get into the video I want to make the observation that JK is wearing a fur-lined coat in the studio – just how cold is it in there???!!!! He also looks tired/cold, poor lad.
Right, so, according the translation, he says he is finally filming his log and he watched Jimin do his and thought he didn’t speak well but now that it’s his turn he realises he doesn’t know what to say. (Well JK, you were quick to judge Jimin – and quite harshly – but now you realise it really isn’t that easy! I do wonder, now, if JK was in the room with Jimin when he was filming? If so, was Jimin maybe teasing him when he said he, Jin, and Suga thought he did not have many friends and that’s why they went to his graduation? Then maybe he made up for it by suggesting he was surrounded by girls, which he may not have been? Who knows, but that’s another possibility lol!)
JK then tells us that today was his graduation and that he had been looking forward to it but now that it’s happened he’s actually not that happy. (I wondered why? I was curious about him graduating anything at 15 so I googled and figured out that since he’s fifteen he’s just graduated middle school! So now I’m wondering if he’s nervous about going to High School? Or if he’s sad about the pressure to leave a certain part of his childhood behind? Or maybe he’s sad he might not see some his classmates again?) He says it is 11:39 and they’ve just finished dance practice (I am hoping that he is talking about 11 in the morning…) Like Jimin, JK says it’s almost New Year and he can’t wait to go home. He finishes the log by saying he misses his mum and dad and that everyone will be waiting for him at home and he wants to go. (It must be hard for JK to be so far away from home at such a young age. I know that many children are, for various reasons, but I hate the ‘oh don’t worry about it there are other people worse off’ mentality. That kind of thinking helps nobody and only deteriorates a person’s mental health because it doesn’t stop them feeling bad but increases their overall stress because they feel guilty for feeling bad. Anyway, back to JK, I wonder how he copes without his family? Who provides his pastoral care? Are there staff there – like the house staff you’d get in a boarding school who are a bit like a stand-in parent? Or do the other band members, like Jin and Suga, look after the younger ones? What does JK have to do for himself? Does he cook his own meals? Clean his own washing? Organise his dental/hair appointments? What about when he’s unwell? Who looks after him? Does the company provide any of that? I know the band live in dorms so there has to be some sort of living arrangements. Hopefully this will all get answered in time.)
 130212 RAP MONSTER - YouTube 130212 RAP MONSTER – (RM’s Log)
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Thanks to Grace Lee in the Youtube comments for the translation.
So RM starts by saying that New Year’s is over and that’s he had a [legal] drink with some long-time friends [ones he’s known for 13-15 years]. (I’m glad he at least got to celebrate New Year – the video doesn’t spell out if he actually got to go home but I really hope he did). He says that he’s realised that real friends are the ones who stick with you through the bad times as well as the good (I’m sad it’s taken this long for you to realise darling but I’m glad you know now). He thinks the band is going to debut soon (it’s about four months off from what I read) and after the break he’s recharged and more determined. Starting tomorrow it’s going to be a storm and he’s going to practice more (which I assume means he’s going to launch into song writing with more vigour and determination and try even harder with the dancing – which great for him!! <3 The break evidently did him the power of good. I hope he manages to keep it going x)
 130212 정국 & 지민 - YouTube 130212 정국 & 지민 – 12/03/13 Jungkook & Jimin UK Date
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OMG WHAT CUTIES!!! <3 <3 THEY ARE SO ADORABLE Thanks to Grace Lee in the Youtube comments for the translation.
Jimin starts talking first. (He sounds a bit croaky ☹). He says New Years is over. (That was really quick!!! They last filmed on the 8th and it’s now the 12th – not much of a vacation for them! ☹) Anyway, Jimin tells us that as the two of went to Busan they got to film their log together (presumably because they arrived back at the same time? The two of them seem a little awkward – not with each other – but as though they don’t quite know what to say lol. So I don’t think they exactly practised their log beforehand, which maybe they should have *insert crying with laughter emoji*) Jimin then says that as he predicted he put on a lot of weight. (I am… so sad. It’s been less than 4 days Jimin, even if you were on a drip that mainlined calories into your body 24/7 you would not put on that much noticeable weight in 3 days!!! This fixation on weight from all of them is breaking my heart.) Jimin then also says he caught a cold and his throat is sore (which explains why he sounds all choked-up, poor lad ☹. Then it is JK’s turn to speak and, bless him, the silence is awkward – he’s really going to have to work on feeling comfortable in front of the camera.) JK eventually says that he had a good New Years and that he knows it will be a long time before he gets to go back to Busan again (Jimin nods along with a little sad pout and I want cry for them). JK then says he will work harder because of this (I’m kinda reading between the lines here and taking it that he means he will try to block out how much he misses home by focusing extra hard on their work. Whatever helps, sweetie.)
Jimin echoes this by saying that now they’ve caught up on some rest he’s ready to work harder (I want to go all motherly on his butt by saying; darling you are clearly under the weather and you need more rest, not to work harder right now. Get into your bed and let me make you some tea.) He reiterates this to JK by saying ‘we’re going to work hard? Correct?’. They look at each other and giggle a little shyly as JK agrees they will work hard (absolutely adorable, I’m loving this little friendship already). Jimin then draws the log to an end by saying RM needs the studio and that his throat is in a bad condition. He asks JK if he has anything more to say to which (LOL) JK says no and repeats he will work harder. Jimin awkwardly ends the log.
Extra musings; I find it absolutely adorable how awkward they were and it very much came across that it wasn’t that they were awkward with each other - in fact, they appeared to look to each other for reassurance - but that they just didn’t know what to say. I don’t think they aren’t comfortable talking ad hoc in front of a camera. It is really sweet that they clearly tried to help each other through the filming. JK is definitely the most shy out of the two and became a cute little ‘nodding dog’ whenever Jimin spoke as though his friend was saying everything perfectly for him (for anyone reading this who doesn’t understand; the term ‘nodding dog’ is a reference to a cute little toy that sits on a vehicle’s dashboard and nods it’s head to the vibrations. Overtime the term has morphed into a reference to people who sit and nod as someone else speaks – usually during speeches/meetings/lectures. Over-all it is an amusing analogy rather than a mean one and I definitely mean it in a gently teasing way!)
Anyway, these two seem to have a cute little friendship going on, which is nice to behold as we didn’t get to see much about their friendship until American Hustle and that godawful day working at the airport – which I have tried valiantly to scrub from my memory. I really hope to see more of them working together in the future – and maybe they will continue doing logs together <3
130214 J HOPE - YouTube 130214 J HOPE’s log
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J-Hope!!!! Sweetheart <3 <3 I love your shirt – you look all sparkly! Thanks to Grace Lee in the Youtube comments for the translation.
J-Hope starts by saying he’s finally filming his first log (and I may or may not have melted into a puddle of goo when he smiled and clapped his hands together – such a beautiful boy, like sunshine personified). His graduation video has just been released (which I assume from my Google research on age and Korean education means he has now graduated high school, well done sweetie and congratulations!!!!). His graduation makes him feel both nervous and excited as it feels like ‘something is starting’. (I wonder if the company were holding back a little on debuting the band until the majority of them had finished high school – which would be sensible considering the band’s workload!). J-Hope says he hopes it’s not too cringeworthy but he wants to talk about his goals (nothing cringeworthy about that and I definitely want to hear about them!). His first goal is to get better at rapping before the band debuts, with the help of RM and Suga (I love how the band members are helping each other and I also admire J-Hope’s desire to improve his skills for the sake of the band). His second goal is to dance more like a pro (after what I saw in American Hustle Life then you have natural talent J-Hope and are already dancing like a pro, I don’t know how you can improve really. You’re definitely the most talented dancer in the group when it comes to hip-hop). He then tells us that it is Valentines Day and that he hopes we are enjoying it, relieving a lot a stress (?) and are eating a lot of chocolate (<3 you too J-Hope, even though I do not celebrate that day in the slightest lol). He finishes the log by wishing us a happy Valentine’s day again.
Further musings: a really cute log and a great start. J-Hope talks naturally in front of the camera and his smile is just beautiful and makes you automatically smile along. Maybe JK and Jimin should take some notes on J-Hope’s confidence and delivery lol.
 130214 지민&정국 - YouTube 130214 지민&정국 – Jimin and Jungkook
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Ah the cuties are back!!! And they’re recording their log together again <3 Note: this is 2 days after the last one and the same day J-Hope recorded his first log. Thanks to Grace Lee in the Youtube comments for the translation.
(I may have sniggered at their choice of music playing in the background because I really don’t think they understood the lyrics…) ANYWAY, so, according to the translation, Jimin starts by saying it’s Valentine’s Day but also Graduation Day at his school. (I’m a little lost as to whether he is actually graduating anything specific or even where he might be graduating from). JK chimes in that he graduated today too (which I thought he did the other day? Confused.com). Jimin then says it was a day off school so he didn’t receive any chocolates (I’m guessing Valentine’s Day is quite a celebrated occasion in Korea). JK chimes in that he still received two chocolates (I like how males get gifts too and not just females for Valentine’s Day). Jimin says he got one chocolate. LOL at JK saying he won! Jimin then explains they get chocolates from the girl trainees in the company and that he doesn’t mind just getting one because they are on a diet (cue my angry face because I think I’ve already established I don’t think it’s a healthy diet). Jimin says he looks to Jin to lose weight in which JK chimes in that Jin is good at taking care of his body. (Funny enough, in one of the last Jin logs he said staff had commented on his growing weight, which was a load of bullshit, but Jin was determined to eat more healthily. So which is it? Jin is overweight enough that he needs to diet according to staff (gross and no) or does he have an enviable figure that JK and Jimin want to emulate? I mean what am I even talking about because neither Jimin or JK are overweight anyway and probably have six packs from all the dancing…) Then Jimin says… (and I genuinely want to cry that he says this, I don’t even want to type it) Jimin says ‘in order to not be called cute because of my fat, I will lose weight in anticipation of becoming handsome.’ (I don’t know where to even start with this horrible utterance. Firstly, there is nothing wrong with being called ‘cute’. Cuteness does not just cover looks it also encompasses personality whereas the term ‘handsome’ really doesn’t, at least from where I come from; you can be handsome to the eyes but an absolute dick in personality. Also, being thin does not mean you are handsome either – I have seen some men who are incredibly slender but not physically fit, all ribs and angular bones, and I wouldn’t class them as ‘handsome’. Anyway beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. Everyone finds different qualities attractive. Also, not to give the game away, I saw what Jimin blossoms into when they appeared on the Late Late Show and he has nothing to worry about. I honestly don’t think it was ‘losing weight’ that truly transformed him either, not in the end. However, I can empathise with the lad, Jimin has a very youthful face that is prone to adorable full cheeks, even when the rest of him is pure lean muscle. I get that he’s at an age too where he wants to be seen and treated like an adult but, Jimin, that comes at a price too – don’t be so quick to try and shake off your youth, it’s precious.) Then JK devastates me by saying he wants to do the same. (Look, there is nothing wrong with wanting to look good – or at least feel like you look good. However ‘losing weight’ – which is ALL they mention so far - is barely part of the answer. So much depends on things like having a ‘healthy diet’ – lots of vegetables etc - being happy gosh that is so vital, getting enough sleep, getting enough exercise, wearing the right clothes, how your hair is cut and how it shapes your face, same with the eyebrows, your personal grooming, getting the right amount of sun, and how you hold yourself – posture. There are so many aspects that can factor in to attractiveness. Also, do you want to attract people who only value you on your looks? Even as an Idol? Surely talent is more important?
Further musings: JK and Jimin seemed at ease together again – JK very much relying on Jimin to lead the log and simply nodding along to whatever he says. I noticed he also clutched his throat quite a bit, something I’ve not noticed before, and I wonder if he caught Jimin’s cold?
Can’t wait to watch more!
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wetrumpfeed · 5 years
This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back at it again with your weekly recap of the past week. If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!
Sunday, April 28th:
Will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo on @FoxNews at 10:00 AM. Talking about the Southern Border and how the Dems MUST act fast to change our pathetic immigration laws. Will be tough, watch!
Ms Scotland contestants spark fake twitter outrage over being Scottish
BREAKING: Sri Lanka bans burqa after investigation reveals a large number of Muslim women involved in Easter Sunday terror bombings that killed and injured hundreds of Christians
“America is an English-speaking country and you need to learn English.” - a proud legal immigrant and total boss.
Not everyone that had a TV career is a deranged leftist - Pat Sajak, Wheel of Fortune host, lifelong republican conservative
Top Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx subpoenaed over Jussie Smollett case
SUNDAY GUNDAY: Legal immigrants exercising their 2nd amendment rights to protect their stores during the 1992 L.A. riots.
The side of women’s empowerment feminists don’t want you to see
Sunday Gunday NRA Convention edition: fun for the whole family!
dRuMpF's BaSe Is AbAnDoNiNg HiM!
Monday, April 29th:
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Presidential Memorandum on Additional Measures to Enhance Border Security and Restore Integrity to Our Immigration System
Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration Posts
President Trump Speaks to the NRA Convention
First Lady Melania Trump Welcomes Mrs. Abe to Washington D.C.
President Trump Welcomes the 2019 NCAA Women’s Basketball National Champions to the White House
I spoke at length yesterday to Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, Chabad of Poway, where I extended my warmest condolences to him and all affected by the shooting in California. What a great guy. He had a least one finger blown off, and all he wanted to do is help others. Very special!
The NRA is under siege by Cuomo and the New York State A.G., who are illegally using the State’s legal apparatus to take down and destroy this very important organization, & others. It must get its act together quickly, stop the internal fighting, & get back to GREATNESS - FAST! ... ....People are fleeing New York State because of high taxes and yes, even oppression of sorts. They didn’t even put up a fight against SALT - could have won. So much litigation. The NRA should leave and fight from the outside of this very difficult to deal with (unfair) State!
I’ll never get the support of Dues Crazy union leadership, those people who rip-off their membership with ridiculously high dues, medical and other expenses while being paid a fortune. But the members love Trump. They look at our record economy, tax & reg cuts, military etc. WIN!
The Media (Fake News) is pushing Sleepy Joe hard. Funny, I’m only here because of Biden & Obama. They didn’t do the job and now you have Trump, who is getting it done - big time!
Sleepy Joe Biden is having his first rally in the Great State of Pennsylvania. He obviously doesn’t know that Pennsylvania is having one of the best economic years in its history, with lowest unemployment EVER, a now thriving Steel Industry (that was dead) & great future!........
The Dues Sucking firefighters leadership will always support Democrats, even though the membership wants me. Some things never change!
Bob Mueller was a great HERO to the Radical Left Democrats. Now that the Mueller Report is finished, with a finding of NO COLLUSION & NO OBSTRUCTION (based on a review of Report by our highly respected A.G.), the Dems are going around saying, “Bob who, sorry, don’t know the man.”
The New York Times has apologized for the terrible Anti-Semitic Cartoon, but they haven’t apologized to me for this or all of the Fake and Corrupt news they print on a daily basis. They have reached the lowest level of “journalism,” and certainly a low point in @nytimes history!
(Retweeting Baylor Lady Bears) Thank you to @realDonaldTrump and the @WhiteHouse staff for a great experience for the Lady Bears! #SicEm
Pittsburgh jobless rate hits lowest point since the early 1970s (maybe even better than that) and Sleepy Joe just had his first rally there. Fact is, every economic aspect of our Country is the best it has ever been!
The Coyotes and Drug Cartels are in total control of the Mexico side of the Southern Border. They have labs nearby where they make drugs to sell into the U.S. Mexico, one of the most dangerous country’s in the world, must eradicate this problem now. Also, stop the MARCH to U.S.
If the Democrats don’t give us the votes to change our weak, ineffective and dangerous Immigration Laws, we must fight hard for these votes in the 2020 Election!
Muslim convert arrested for plotting LA terror attack on Jews, Christians, military, and police
Why isn't this one of the top stories on every network?
In 1988 Joe Biden had to apologize and drop out of the Presidential race for plagiarism and for fabricating his academic record. He lied about graduated top of his class when he graduated 76 out of 85.Say it ani't so Creepy Sleepy Joe.
Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein submits resignation | Fox News
Presidential nominee Donald Trump on Stephen Colbert and Colbert Loved Trump and Loved the Wall... Deleted from CBS site and youtube!
OMG.......It's gonna be like 2016 ALL OVER AGAIN!! Biden struggles to fill small auditorium in Pittsburgh for his campaign kickoff!!
Who's the racist?
This legend
[CURRENT YEAR] Child Abusers Be Like
CONTINUING THE TRADITION: Enjoy, Baylor Lady Bears Basketball Team!
Tuesday, April 30th:
Presidential Proclamation on Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, 2019
Presidential Proclamation on Jewish American Heritage Month, 2019
Proclamation on National Foster Care Month, 2019
Presidential Memorandum on Delegation of Authority under Section 5 of the United States-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act of 2016
Nomination Sent to the Senate
Presidential Proclamation on National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, 2019
Presidential Proclamation on Law Day, U.S.A., 2019
Presidential Proclamation on Older Americans Month, 2019
Presidential Proclamation on National Day of Prayer, 2019
Presidential Proclamation for Loyalty Day, 2019
President Trump Welcomes the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe
President Trump Participates in the Visit of the 2018 NASCAR Cup Series Champion: Joey Logano
We have 1,800 ISIS Prisoners taken hostage in our final battles to destroy 100% of the Caliphate in Syria. Decisions are now being made as to what to do with these dangerous prisoners.... ... ....European countries are not helping at all, even though this was very much done for their benefit. They are refusing to take back prisoners from their specific countries. Not good!
China is adding great stimulus to its economy while at the same time keeping interest rates low. Our Federal Reserve has incessantly lifted interest rates, even though inflation is very low, and instituted a very big dose of quantitative tightening. We have the potential to go... ... ....up like a rocket if we did some lowering of rates, like one point, and some quantitative easing. Yes, we are doing very well at 3.2% GDP, but with our wonderfully low inflation, we could be setting major records &, at the same time, make our National Debt start to look small!
I am monitoring the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano!
If Cuban Troops and Militia do not immediately CEASE military and other operations for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the Constitution of Venezuela, a full and complete.... ... ....embargo, together with highest-level sanctions, will be placed on the island of Cuba. Hopefully, all Cuban soldiers will promptly and peacefully return to their island!
Today, it was my great honor to welcome and host the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano and @Team_Penske to the @WhiteHouse!
Ohhh how outraged the liberals got when Terry Crews wouldn't get on the anti-Trump bandwagon
Poll: 3-in-4 Americans Oppose Allowing Felons to Vote from Prison
CNN’s Chris Cuomo says Antifa is “a good cause”
FBI Report: Antifa Wanted To Stage An 'Armed Rebellion' At The Border
Another Democrat Gets Arrested. NJ mayor arrested on election tampering charges.
BREAKING NEWS: Pro Maduro forces run over protesters in Caracas, Venezuela with military tanks.
MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders accidentally makes a strong case for the Second Amendment while talking about Venezuela: “In Venezuela, gun ownership is not something that is open to everybody. So if the military have the guns, they have the power.”
What do we want?;
A clear and present danger.
White Men stop scaring Muslim Women please
Wednesday, May 1st:
Presidential Proclamation on National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2019
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration Posts
President Trump Welcomes 2018 NASCAR Cup Series Champion Joey Logano to the White House
President Trump and The First Lady Participate in a Dinner for the National Day of Prayer
I’ve done more for Firefighters than this dues sucking union will ever do, and I get paid ZERO!
“The Democrats can’t come to grips with the fact that there was No Collusion, there was No Conspiracy, there was No Obstruction. What we should be focused on is what’s been going on in our government, at the highest levels of the FBI....” Senator Josh Hawley
I am overriding the Decommission Order of the magnificent aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman, built in 1998 (fairly new), and considered one of the largest and finest in the world. It will be updated at a fraction of the cost of a new one (which also are being built)!
Gallup Poll: 56% of Americans rate their financial situation as excellent or good. This is the highest number since 2002, and up 10 points since 2016.
“No President in history has endured such vicious personal attacks by political opponents. Still, the President’s record is unparalleled.” @LouDobbs
Congress must change the Immigration Laws now, Dems won’t act. Wall is being built - 400 miles by end of next year. Mexico must stop the march to Border! @foxandfriends
Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI? He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!
NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Besides, how can you have Obstruction when not only was there No Collusion (by Trump), but the bad actions were done by the “other” side? The greatest con-job in the history of American Politics!
A Real Attorney General
I am continuing to monitor the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!
The Collusion Delusion is OVER!
"The Mueller Witch Hunt is completely OVER!" @SeanHannity
Watch Party: Attorney General William Barr Testifies on Mueller Report Before Senate Judiciary Committee
Suddenly I'm in the mood for Sushi :-)
Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, sues NBC for $275 million
President Trump's official YouTube channel just uploaded this video entitled "Obama knew"
US to give migrants DNA tests to prove family ties
Barr and Ted Cruz laugh at Democrats absurd grandstanding
We’re reaching peak levels of Leftism here
🗣🇺🇸Crispy The F*ck On 🗣🇺🇸
My dad went to the capital today and sent me this!
Thursday, May 2nd:
Executive Order on America’s Cybersecurity Workforce
Vice President Pence and The Second Lady Participate in the National Day of Prayer Service
Seven Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Trump and The First Lady Participate in the National Day of Prayer Service
Steve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process. Steve won the battle of ideas including Tax Cuts.... ... ....and deregulation which have produced non-inflationary prosperity for all Americans. I’ve asked Steve to work with me toward future economic growth in our Country.
As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayer
Steve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process. Steve won the battle of ideas including Tax Cuts.... ... ....and deregulation which have produced non-inflationary prosperity for all Americans. I’ve asked Steve to work with me toward future economic growth in our Country.
As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayer
On this day of prayer, we once again place our hopes in the hands of our Creator. We give thanks for this wondrous land of liberty, & we pray that THIS nation – OUR home – these United States – will forever be strengthened by the Goodness and the Grace & the eternal GLORY OF GOD!
Congrats to @U_S_Steel for investing $1+ BILLION in America's most INNOVATIVE steel mill. 232 Tariffs make Pennsylvania and USA more prosperous/secure by bringing Steel and Aluminum industries BACK. Tariffs are working. Pittsburgh is again The Steel City. USA Economy is BOOMING!
Proclamation on Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust
Thank you, working hard! #MAGA
OK, so after two years of hard work and each party trying their best to make the other party look as bad as possible, it’s time to get back to business. The Mueller Report strongly stated that there was No Collusion with Russia (of course) and, in fact, they were rebuffed..... ... ...at every turn in attempts to gain access. But now Republicans and Democrats must come together for the good of the American people. No more costly & time consuming investigations. Lets do Immigration (Border), Infrastructure, much lower drug prices & much more - and do it now!
Chairman Pao, largely irrelevant & disgraced former CEO, reminds us why she resigned
Grope for the vote Joe is moss growing on a rock with no accomplishments.
Barr exposed the rampant desperation of Trump’s foes
Ukrainian embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016
The never ending story over there
Ah, so it's been China all along. Hillary giving China access to her server and special access programs. A dozen US spies ratted out and killed by China. Feinstein employing a Chinese spy for the better part of 20 years. Biden securing large funding for his son from China. What more will surface?
Liberal Logic is a disease
Friday, May 3rd:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to a Key Administration Post
President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominees, United States Attorney Nominee, and United States Marshal Nominees
Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Awareness Day, 2019
National Hurricane Preparedness Week, 2019
National Small Business Week, 2019
Proclamation on Public Service Recognition Week, 2019
President Trump Meets with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic
(Retweeting The White House) Happy National Space Day! 🚀 America is the best in space, and President @realDonaldTrump is making sure no other country can compete with our leadership. http://45.wh.gov/4fMkEu
Finally, Mainstream Media is getting involved - too “hot” to avoid. Pulitzer Prize anyone? The New York Times, on front page (finally), “Details effort to spy on Trump Campaign.” @foxandfriends This is bigger than WATERGATE, but the reverse!
JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! “Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969”
“The U.S. Created 263,000 Jobs in April, Unemployment Fell to Lowest Level Since 1969”
We can all agree that AMERICA is now #1. We are the ENVY of the WORLD — and the best is yet to come!
Had a long and very good conversation with President Putin of Russia. As I have always said, long before the Witch Hunt started, getting along with Russia, China, and everyone is a good thing, not a bad thing.... ... ....We discussed Trade, Venezuela, Ukraine, North Korea, Nuclear Arms Control and even the “Russian Hoax.” Very productive talk!
Fred Keller of the Great State of Pennsylvania has been an outstanding State Rep. Now he is running as the Republican Nominee for Congress, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement. Strong on Crime, Second Amendment, Military, Vets, and Healthcare. He will do a fantastic job!
(Retweeting The White House) President Trump welcomed Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic for his first visit in the Oval Office today!
The International Association of Firefighters Union is rebelling on their very foolish leader. Perhaps they will vote him out of office. He doesn’t get it!
I am continuing to monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms. This is the United States of America — and we have what’s known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH! We are monitoring and watching, closely!!
The wonderful Diamond and Silk have been treated so horribly by Facebook. They work so hard and what has been done to them is very sad - and we’re looking into. It’s getting worse and worse for Conservatives on social media!
So surprised to see Conservative thinkers like James Woods banned from Twitter, and Paul Watson banned from Facebook!
As the great people of IA, IL, & MO continue to confront the devastating flooding, know we are here for you and ready to help! My team remains in close contact with @IAGovernor, @GovParsonMO, @GovPritzker, and the local officials managing the impacts of the destructive flooding.
“They wanted to know what Trump was up to with the Russians - which of course is nonsense. This whole thing was a complete setup.” George Papadopoulos to @seanhannity
I’m sorry but was the HATE CRIME on the MAGA HAT ASIANS that happened like 2 DAYS AGO just not important enough to get any coverage? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MEDIA???
joebiden.info is outpacing the official Joe Biden website!
Surrounded by secret service agents, with a huge grin on his face. The left is completely fucked. Hand cuffs and perp walks are coming!
Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969
BREAKING: 82 arrested in multistate child exploitation sting
I made it, pedes! GEOTUS just gained one more voter to Keep America Great!
Republicans dont care about the environment. Oh, wait...
Christine Blasey Ford back to take out Barr
Barr will EAT your Chicken! BenGarrison Cartoon
Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?
Saturday, May 4th:
There is nothing easy about a USA Infrastructure Plan, especially when our great Country has spent an astounding 7 trillion dollars in the Middle East over the last 19 years, but I am looking hard at a bipartisan plan of 1 to 2 trillion dollars. Badly needed!
When will the Radical Left Wing Media apologize to me for knowingly getting the Russia Collusion Delusion story so wrong? The real story is about to happen! Why is @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @CNN, @MSNBC allowed to be on Twitter & Facebook. Much of what they do is FAKE NEWS!
So great to watch this!
Anything in this very interesting world is possible, but I believe that Kim Jong Un fully realizes the great economic potential of North Korea, & will do nothing to interfere or end it. He also knows that I am with him & does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen!
Very good call yesterday with President Putin of Russia. Tremendous potential for a good/great relationship with Russia, despite what you read and see in the Fake News Media. Look how they have misled you on “Russia Collusion.” The World can be a better and safer place. Nice!
(Retweeting The White House) We're killing it on the economy! 🔥
Justice Kavanaugh is Still Triggering the Left: Kavanaugh to co-teach GMU summer class at Antonin Scalia Law School, snowflakes protest, but class will be taught in Runnymede, England. So students (& profs) will be traumatized by the presence of an individual teaching at a campus 3,600 miles away?
Shouldn't the new chant this time around be "Lock him up!" (And his entire admin including her obv)
Anyone remember this young patriot cleaning up the protest signs and trash left behind by the women's march?
The House Lynching Committee
Remember when Obama made fun of Trump's 'magic wand' to fix the economy? To Obama's shock & dismay, Trump is president. For the past 2½ years, Trump has been waving his magic wand, banishing burdensome regulations; lowering taxes; appointing savvy people to top government posts; & yes, negotiating.
The right CAN meme
Teach us, O brave and wise actors
Without further ado, sometunes to get you jamming through all this WINNING:
Favorite Color Is Blue
Family Business
Move On
Lift Yourself
Save My Soul
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 5 years
HAPPY SATURDAY SUPER ELITES!This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back at it again with your weekly recap of the past week. If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!Sunday, April 28th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo on @FoxNews at 10:00 AM. Talking about the Southern Border and how the Dems MUST act fast to change our pathetic immigration laws. Will be tough, watch!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Ms Scotland contestants spark fake twitter outrage over being ScottishBREAKING: Sri Lanka bans burqa after investigation reveals a large number of Muslim women involved in Easter Sunday terror bombings that killed and injured hundreds of Christians“America is an English-speaking country and you need to learn English.” - a proud legal immigrant and total boss.Not everyone that had a TV career is a deranged leftist - Pat Sajak, Wheel of Fortune host, lifelong republican conservativeTop Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx subpoenaed over Jussie Smollett case🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:SUNDAY GUNDAY: Legal immigrants exercising their 2nd amendment rights to protect their stores during the 1992 L.A. riots.The side of women’s empowerment feminists don’t want you to seeSunday Gunday NRA Convention edition: fun for the whole family!dRuMpF's BaSe Is AbAnDoNiNg HiM!Monday, April 29th:TODAY'S ACTION:Nominations Sent to the SenatePresidential Memorandum on Additional Measures to Enhance Border Security and Restore Integrity to Our Immigration SystemPresidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration PostsPresident Trump Speaks to the NRA ConventionFirst Lady Melania Trump Welcomes Mrs. Abe to Washington D.C.President Trump Welcomes the 2019 NCAA Women’s Basketball National Champions to the White House🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I spoke at length yesterday to Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, Chabad of Poway, where I extended my warmest condolences to him and all affected by the shooting in California. What a great guy. He had a least one finger blown off, and all he wanted to do is help others. Very special!The NRA is under siege by Cuomo and the New York State A.G., who are illegally using the State’s legal apparatus to take down and destroy this very important organization, & others. It must get its act together quickly, stop the internal fighting, & get back to GREATNESS - FAST! ... ....People are fleeing New York State because of high taxes and yes, even oppression of sorts. They didn’t even put up a fight against SALT - could have won. So much litigation. The NRA should leave and fight from the outside of this very difficult to deal with (unfair) State!I’ll never get the support of Dues Crazy union leadership, those people who rip-off their membership with ridiculously high dues, medical and other expenses while being paid a fortune. But the members love Trump. They look at our record economy, tax & reg cuts, military etc. WIN!The Media (Fake News) is pushing Sleepy Joe hard. Funny, I’m only here because of Biden & Obama. They didn’t do the job and now you have Trump, who is getting it done - big time!Sleepy Joe Biden is having his first rally in the Great State of Pennsylvania. He obviously doesn’t know that Pennsylvania is having one of the best economic years in its history, with lowest unemployment EVER, a now thriving Steel Industry (that was dead) & great future!........The Dues Sucking firefighters leadership will always support Democrats, even though the membership wants me. Some things never change!Bob Mueller was a great HERO to the Radical Left Democrats. Now that the Mueller Report is finished, with a finding of NO COLLUSION & NO OBSTRUCTION (based on a review of Report by our highly respected A.G.), the Dems are going around saying, “Bob who, sorry, don’t know the man.”The New York Times has apologized for the terrible Anti-Semitic Cartoon, but they haven’t apologized to me for this or all of the Fake and Corrupt news they print on a daily basis. They have reached the lowest level of “journalism,” and certainly a low point in @nytimes history!(Retweeting Baylor Lady Bears) Thank you to @realDonaldTrump and the @WhiteHouse staff for a great experience for the Lady Bears! #SicEmPittsburgh jobless rate hits lowest point since the early 1970s (maybe even better than that) and Sleepy Joe just had his first rally there. Fact is, every economic aspect of our Country is the best it has ever been!The Coyotes and Drug Cartels are in total control of the Mexico side of the Southern Border. They have labs nearby where they make drugs to sell into the U.S. Mexico, one of the most dangerous country’s in the world, must eradicate this problem now. Also, stop the MARCH to U.S.If the Democrats don’t give us the votes to change our weak, ineffective and dangerous Immigration Laws, we must fight hard for these votes in the 2020 Election!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Muslim convert arrested for plotting LA terror attack on Jews, Christians, military, and policeWhy isn't this one of the top stories on every network?In 1988 Joe Biden had to apologize and drop out of the Presidential race for plagiarism and for fabricating his academic record. He lied about graduated top of his class when he graduated 76 out of 85.Say it ani't so Creepy Sleepy Joe.Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein submits resignation | Fox NewsPresidential nominee Donald Trump on Stephen Colbert and Colbert Loved Trump and Loved the Wall... Deleted from CBS site and youtube!🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:OMG.......It's gonna be like 2016 ALL OVER AGAIN!! Biden struggles to fill small auditorium in Pittsburgh for his campaign kickoff!!Who's the racist?This legend[CURRENT YEAR] Child Abusers Be LikeCONTINUING THE TRADITION: Enjoy, Baylor Lady Bears Basketball Team!Tuesday, April 30th:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation on Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, 2019Presidential Proclamation on Jewish American Heritage Month, 2019Proclamation on National Foster Care Month, 2019Presidential Memorandum on Delegation of Authority under Section 5 of the United States-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act of 2016Nomination Sent to the SenatePresidential Proclamation on National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, 2019Presidential Proclamation on Law Day, U.S.A., 2019Presidential Proclamation on Older Americans Month, 2019Presidential Proclamation on National Day of Prayer, 2019Presidential Proclamation for Loyalty Day, 2019President Trump Welcomes the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo AbePresident Trump Participates in the Visit of the 2018 NASCAR Cup Series Champion: Joey Logano🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:We have 1,800 ISIS Prisoners taken hostage in our final battles to destroy 100% of the Caliphate in Syria. Decisions are now being made as to what to do with these dangerous prisoners.... ... ....European countries are not helping at all, even though this was very much done for their benefit. They are refusing to take back prisoners from their specific countries. Not good!China is adding great stimulus to its economy while at the same time keeping interest rates low. Our Federal Reserve has incessantly lifted interest rates, even though inflation is very low, and instituted a very big dose of quantitative tightening. We have the potential to go... ... ....up like a rocket if we did some lowering of rates, like one point, and some quantitative easing. Yes, we are doing very well at 3.2% GDP, but with our wonderfully low inflation, we could be setting major records &, at the same time, make our National Debt start to look small!I am monitoring the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!CONGRATULATIONS to the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano!If Cuban Troops and Militia do not immediately CEASE military and other operations for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the Constitution of Venezuela, a full and complete.... ... ....embargo, together with highest-level sanctions, will be placed on the island of Cuba. Hopefully, all Cuban soldiers will promptly and peacefully return to their island!Today, it was my great honor to welcome and host the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano and @Team_Penske to the @WhiteHouse!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Ohhh how outraged the liberals got when Terry Crews wouldn't get on the anti-Trump bandwagonPoll: 3-in-4 Americans Oppose Allowing Felons to Vote from PrisonCNN’s Chris Cuomo says Antifa is “a good cause”FBI Report: Antifa Wanted To Stage An 'Armed Rebellion' At The BorderAnother Democrat Gets Arrested. NJ mayor arrested on election tampering charges.BREAKING NEWS: Pro Maduro forces run over protesters in Caracas, Venezuela with military tanks.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders accidentally makes a strong case for the Second Amendment while talking about Venezuela: “In Venezuela, gun ownership is not something that is open to everybody. So if the military have the guns, they have the power.”What do we want?;A clear and present danger.White Men stop scaring Muslim Women pleaseWednesday, May 1st:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation on National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2019President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration PostsPresident Trump Welcomes 2018 NASCAR Cup Series Champion Joey Logano to the White HousePresident Trump and The First Lady Participate in a Dinner for the National Day of Prayer🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I’ve done more for Firefighters than this dues sucking union will ever do, and I get paid ZERO!“The Democrats can’t come to grips with the fact that there was No Collusion, there was No Conspiracy, there was No Obstruction. What we should be focused on is what’s been going on in our government, at the highest levels of the FBI....” Senator Josh HawleyI am overriding the Decommission Order of the magnificent aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman, built in 1998 (fairly new), and considered one of the largest and finest in the world. It will be updated at a fraction of the cost of a new one (which also are being built)!Gallup Poll: 56% of Americans rate their financial situation as excellent or good. This is the highest number since 2002, and up 10 points since 2016.“No President in history has endured such vicious personal attacks by political opponents. Still, the President’s record is unparalleled.” @LouDobbsCongress must change the Immigration Laws now, Dems won’t act. Wall is being built - 400 miles by end of next year. Mexico must stop the march to Border! @foxandfriendsWhy didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI? He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Besides, how can you have Obstruction when not only was there No Collusion (by Trump), but the bad actions were done by the “other” side? The greatest con-job in the history of American Politics!A Real Attorney GeneralI am continuing to monitor the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!The Collusion Delusion is OVER!"The Mueller Witch Hunt is completely OVER!" @SeanHannitySIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Watch Party: Attorney General William Barr Testifies on Mueller Report Before Senate Judiciary CommitteeSuddenly I'm in the mood for Sushi :-)Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, sues NBC for $275 millionPresident Trump's official YouTube channel just uploaded this video entitled "Obama knew"US to give migrants DNA tests to prove family tiesBarr and Ted Cruz laugh at Democrats absurd grandstanding🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:LOLWe’re reaching peak levels of Leftism here🗣🇺🇸Crispy The F*ck On 🗣🇺🇸#metoothMy dad went to the capital today and sent me this!Thursday, May 2nd:TODAY'S ACTION:Executive Order on America’s Cybersecurity WorkforceVice President Pence and The Second Lady Participate in the National Day of Prayer ServiceSeven Nominations Sent to the SenatePresident Trump and The First Lady Participate in the National Day of Prayer Service🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Steve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process. Steve won the battle of ideas including Tax Cuts.... ... ....and deregulation which have produced non-inflationary prosperity for all Americans. I’ve asked Steve to work with me toward future economic growth in our Country.As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayerSteve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process. Steve won the battle of ideas including Tax Cuts.... ... ....and deregulation which have produced non-inflationary prosperity for all Americans. I’ve asked Steve to work with me toward future economic growth in our Country.As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayerOn this day of prayer, we once again place our hopes in the hands of our Creator. We give thanks for this wondrous land of liberty, & we pray that THIS nation – OUR home – these United States – will forever be strengthened by the Goodness and the Grace & the eternal GLORY OF GOD!Congrats to @U_S_Steel for investing $1+ BILLION in America's most INNOVATIVE steel mill. 232 Tariffs make Pennsylvania and USA more prosperous/secure by bringing Steel and Aluminum industries BACK. Tariffs are working. Pittsburgh is again The Steel City. USA Economy is BOOMING!Proclamation on Days of Remembrance of Victims of the HolocaustThank you, working hard! #MAGAOK, so after two years of hard work and each party trying their best to make the other party look as bad as possible, it’s time to get back to business. The Mueller Report strongly stated that there was No Collusion with Russia (of course) and, in fact, they were rebuffed..... ... ...at every turn in attempts to gain access. But now Republicans and Democrats must come together for the good of the American people. No more costly & time consuming investigations. Lets do Immigration (Border), Infrastructure, much lower drug prices & much more - and do it now!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Chairman Pao, largely irrelevant & disgraced former CEO, reminds us why she resignedGrope for the vote Joe is moss growing on a rock with no accomplishments.Barr exposed the rampant desperation of Trump’s foesUkrainian embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:The never ending story over thereNO PLATFORM FOR YOU!Ah, so it's been China all along. Hillary giving China access to her server and special access programs. A dozen US spies ratted out and killed by China. Feinstein employing a Chinese spy for the better part of 20 years. Biden securing large funding for his son from China. What more will surface?Liberal Logic is a diseaseKEKFriday, May 3rd:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to a Key Administration PostPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominees, United States Attorney Nominee, and United States Marshal NomineesMissing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Awareness Day, 2019National Hurricane Preparedness Week, 2019National Small Business Week, 2019Proclamation on Public Service Recognition Week, 2019President Trump Meets with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:(Retweeting The White House) Happy National Space Day! 🚀 America is the best in space, and President @realDonaldTrump is making sure no other country can compete with our leadership. http://bit.ly/2DOCmBr, Mainstream Media is getting involved - too “hot” to avoid. Pulitzer Prize anyone? The New York Times, on front page (finally), “Details effort to spy on Trump Campaign.” @foxandfriends This is bigger than WATERGATE, but the reverse!JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! “Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969”“The U.S. Created 263,000 Jobs in April, Unemployment Fell to Lowest Level Since 1969”We can all agree that AMERICA is now #1. We are the ENVY of the WORLD — and the best is yet to come!Had a long and very good conversation with President Putin of Russia. As I have always said, long before the Witch Hunt started, getting along with Russia, China, and everyone is a good thing, not a bad thing.... ... ....We discussed Trade, Venezuela, Ukraine, North Korea, Nuclear Arms Control and even the “Russian Hoax.” Very productive talk!Fred Keller of the Great State of Pennsylvania has been an outstanding State Rep. Now he is running as the Republican Nominee for Congress, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement. Strong on Crime, Second Amendment, Military, Vets, and Healthcare. He will do a fantastic job!(Retweeting The White House) President Trump welcomed Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic for his first visit in the Oval Office today!The International Association of Firefighters Union is rebelling on their very foolish leader. Perhaps they will vote him out of office. He doesn’t get it!I am continuing to monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms. This is the United States of America — and we have what’s known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH! We are monitoring and watching, closely!!The wonderful Diamond and Silk have been treated so horribly by Facebook. They work so hard and what has been done to them is very sad - and we’re looking into. It’s getting worse and worse for Conservatives on social media!So surprised to see Conservative thinkers like James Woods banned from Twitter, and Paul Watson banned from Facebook!As the great people of IA, IL, & MO continue to confront the devastating flooding, know we are here for you and ready to help! My team remains in close contact with @IAGovernor, @GovParsonMO, @GovPritzker, and the local officials managing the impacts of the destructive flooding.“They wanted to know what Trump was up to with the Russians - which of course is nonsense. This whole thing was a complete setup.” George Papadopoulos to @seanhannitySIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:I’m sorry but was the HATE CRIME on the MAGA HAT ASIANS that happened like 2 DAYS AGO just not important enough to get any coverage? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MEDIA???joebiden.info is outpacing the official Joe Biden website!Surrounded by secret service agents, with a huge grin on his face. The left is completely fucked. Hand cuffs and perp walks are coming!Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969BREAKING: 82 arrested in multistate child exploitation sting🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:I made it, pedes! GEOTUS just gained one more voter to Keep America Great!Republicans dont care about the environment. Oh, wait...Christine Blasey Ford back to take out BarrBarr will EAT your Chicken! BenGarrison CartoonService guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?Saturday, May 4th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:There is nothing easy about a USA Infrastructure Plan, especially when our great Country has spent an astounding 7 trillion dollars in the Middle East over the last 19 years, but I am looking hard at a bipartisan plan of 1 to 2 trillion dollars. Badly needed!When will the Radical Left Wing Media apologize to me for knowingly getting the Russia Collusion Delusion story so wrong? The real story is about to happen! Why is @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @CNN, @MSNBC allowed to be on Twitter & Facebook. Much of what they do is FAKE NEWS!So great to watch this!Anything in this very interesting world is possible, but I believe that Kim Jong Un fully realizes the great economic potential of North Korea, & will do nothing to interfere or end it. He also knows that I am with him & does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen!Very good call yesterday with President Putin of Russia. Tremendous potential for a good/great relationship with Russia, despite what you read and see in the Fake News Media. Look how they have misled you on “Russia Collusion.” The World can be a better and safer place. Nice!(Retweeting The White House) We're killing it on the economy! 🔥SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Justice Kavanaugh is Still Triggering the Left: Kavanaugh to co-teach GMU summer class at Antonin Scalia Law School, snowflakes protest, but class will be taught in Runnymede, England. So students (& profs) will be traumatized by the presence of an individual teaching at a campus 3,600 miles away?Shouldn't the new chant this time around be "Lock him up!" (And his entire admin including her obv)Anyone remember this young patriot cleaning up the protest signs and trash left behind by the women's march?🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:The House Lynching CommitteeRemember when Obama made fun of Trump's 'magic wand' to fix the economy? To Obama's shock & dismay, Trump is president. For the past 2½ years, Trump has been waving his magic wand, banishing burdensome regulations; lowering taxes; appointing savvy people to top government posts; & yes, negotiating.The right CAN memeTeach us, O brave and wise actorsSO MUCH WINNING, STILL NOT TIRED OF IT!!Without further ado, sometunes to get you jamming through all this WINNING:Favorite Color Is BlueFamily BusinessMove OnLift YourselfSave My SoulMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
0 notes
neptunecreek · 6 years
Life as an EFF Activist
EFF Is Looking for a Great Writer to Help Us Fight Surveillance
I just woke up, and I’m drafting a memo for a Congressional staffer, explaining the ways that a new censorship bill will be dangerous for free speech and innovation. One of my colleagues is in Washington, D.C., and is scheduled to meet with that staffer in a few hours, so I have to get an early start.
While I get ready to head to the office, I listen live to a hearing where a tech CEO is struggling to explain to Congress what measures the company is taking to protect users’ privacy. A few of my coworkers are already in the office live-tweeting the hearing. After a particularly clueless remark I jump on Signal to ask them, “lol did you hear that?? we should tweet it.”
Why am I telling you this? Because EFF is looking for a new addition to our activism team. This job is a big one: you’ll be joining EFF’s efforts to end warrantless spying by the NSA and other federal government agencies, as well as to fight for restrictions on the use of surveillance technologies by local law enforcement agencies. And it’s the perfect time for you to start: Section 215—the law that the NSA relied on for decades to collect Americans’ phone call records—is set to expire at the end of 2019. Between now and then, we expect a major legislative fight over its reauthorization. We need someone activating the public to demand that lawmakers respect their right to private communications.
Once I get to the office, I catch up on the news I’ve missed. My coworkers have been talking about a new proposal that would make it harder for patent trolls to file nuisance lawsuits against practicing companies. It’s a good idea, but does it go far enough? In the afternoon, I start working on some notes for a presentation I’ll be giving next week about the history of Internet censorship.
And then it’s back to that censorship bill I started the day on. We’ve gotten word that a new version will be introduced tomorrow, and it’s even worse. It’s time to start writing. First thing tomorrow morning, we’ll be sending an email out to half a million people urging them to call their members of Congress to stop the bill.
I’ve spoken to a roomful of patent experts at Harvard Law School, a bar full of hackers in South Dakota, and everything in between. I’ve testified before the California legislature and been interviewed for national TV and radio spots. This is the hardest job I’ve ever had. It’s also the best.
The Activism Team
Sometimes people give me a puzzled look when I tell them my job title. I’ve gotten questions like, “Activist? That’s… a job?” It sure is, and it’s part of the three-step system that makes EFF the powerhouse it is. EFF’s legal team works to make sure that courts respect your civil liberties online. The tech projects team creates and advocates for technology that you can use to defend yourself. And the activism team empowers and inspires you to demand that policymakers and other people in positions of power defend your digital rights.
Working on the EFF activism team requires top-notch writing and communications skills and the ability to research and get up to speed on an issue quickly. Many people on the activism team have backgrounds in journalism. Some of us have backgrounds in the humanities or grassroots organizing. What we all have in common is a passion for protecting civil liberties online.
Does this sound like you? If so, read on. There are a few more things you should know about working on the EFF activism team.
We Win with Words
When you’re on the activism team, you wear a lot of hats. One day, you’re a policy analyst. The next, you’re a rabble-rouser. But the most important thing you are is a writer. We all spend much of our day researching and writing.
We blog about the latest developments in technology or tech policy and how they’ll affect users’ rights. We send emails designed to get people to take action, whether it’s calling Congress or showing up in person to a rally. We often write collaboratively with others on staff, especially when we’re first figuring out the right talking points on an emerging issue. Some of my favorite moments have been when a group of us try to come up with the best name or slogan for a new campaign.
It’s because we take your writing skills seriously that we want to see your writing when you apply. We want to see that you can unpack complicated ideas and make big arguments, in a way that will resonate with anyone.
Not much of a writer? Check out our other listings.
Tech Changes Every Day. So Do We.
Everyone on the activism team has a few issues that we focus on, but that’s just a fraction of what we do. Expertise in issues of surveillance and privacy is advantageous, but the ability to research and learn quickly is essential: we go where the work is needed most. If our copyright team is especially busy one day, you might need to write a quick blog post about the latest ridiculous YouTube takedown. I started at EFF as a member of our patent reform team, but when we got word of a dangerous censorship bill, I had to shift gears to spend several months working around the clock to stop it.
A Workplace Culture Like No Other
EFF is an amazing place to work. It’s the first place I’ve ever worked where, whatever I’m researching, I can knock on the door of one of the world’s foremost experts on that thing. Public key encryption? Check. ISP regulation policy? Check. Esperanto? Check. We rely on each other, and it shows in our work. When a blog post goes up on EFF.org, it’s often benefitted from the expertise and creativity of a dozen different people.
Outside of work, we have board game nights, Star Trek nights, and West Wing nights. There are internal mailing lists for vegetarians, movie buffs, and even pizza fans. There are also a lot of us who have to leave right at 4:30 to get our kids, and that’s supported too. This is a place where we work hard to make work-life balance work for everyone.
Maybe you’re reading this and thinking, “But I can’t move to the Bay Area! Aren’t apartments like a gazillion dollars there?!” Here’s the thing. Yes, the Bay Area is an expensive place to live. And that’s why EFF offers things like rental assistance and even a home-buying program, in addition to our competitive salaries and other benefits.
If this still sounds like you, take a look at our job listing.
from Deeplinks http://bit.ly/2SvGVJj
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plogan721 · 6 years
Protect yourself from Unwanted Viewers
It is important to protect yourself and your family and still produce good, quality videos .  Photo by Bromium
This is third in a series of vlogging, which is something I have been meaning to update from the last time I wrote about this topic.  If you had not had a chance to view them, I have written about videos you should be doing to get the most views on your channel if you have on or plan on starting one for 2018.  Today, I want to talk about how to protect you and your family once the viewers start watching your video channel.  I talk about YouTube mainly, but this applies to any platform out there: Facebook Live (and a new feature, Facebook Watch), Instagram and IGTV, Twitter, and many others.
Going Viral
It is important to know when your video is a one-hit wonder or when it goes viral, which I will go into more in just a bit.  Truth be told, not every video you make is going to get to that point, where the moment someone mentions your name, you are elevated to that of a Justin Bieber, a Kardashian, or even a Logan Paul.
Going viral is the newest thing for getting views, but not everyone has what it takes to go there.  When you do, it is a good sensation when a viewer recognizes you, and according to most of the YouTubers I have mentioned in my last post, most viewers are sweet, and they only wanted to thank you for brightening up their day or giving them the information, they needed for a problem that needed to be solved.  Going viral is the video that people talk about at the office (did you see that video where…).  It can be politically charged, cute, or thought-provoking.  It starts with something in the video that is out of the ordinary.  I will get to more on that subject in a different post.  Know this: once you have that video that gets people talking, be prepared to go into protection mode.    
Why give this advice?
My channel has only 158 viewers, so I have not gotten to that point where a viewer recognizes me.  So, why am I giving you this advice?  Perhaps, I may be talking you into creating a channel of your own, or you may want to see what’s out there for you.  I am not in your head, but I could be.  Safety may be one of your concerns, and if that is the case, keep reading.  Call it a preventive measure.
Addressing the situation
One of the most common things between me and popular YouTubers out there is location.  We do not give out our real addresses. We give general locations of where we are, such as a city and state.  Nothing else.  It is for our own protection.  You may have noticed that even in my blog posts, and I mention my city, I say Central Ohio, that’s it.  No city.  It is the same with my videos.  Yes, I am in the phone book, and at one time, I had an unlisted number, until I became a business person.  Now, I have a phone number that rings into the same line as my home phone, and I use my cell phone as well.  I currently do, only because of a couple of things I need it for.  One day, I will switch to just my mobile phone.
The reason I protect myself is I do not want to wake up in the middle of the night and finding someone standing over me or come home to an empty house. 
If you do not mind viewers sending you mail, set up a PO box to receive that mail, especially if you are in the phone book.  The PO box also protects you from having threats sent to your mailbox.  Set your phone number to private if you have a landline phone or do not give out your number at all.
I never post pictures, videos, and blog post while on vacation.  (Although I accidentally posted family pictures on my IG (Instagram) account the evening of July 4th, I did not give the location of what city I was in). Again, for safety reasons, plus this is a good opportunity for being “Off the Grid” for a day or a week to enjoy yourself, and not let your social media accounts dictate how you want to spend your vacation or a shopping trip.  When you go shopping that is for you and only you, enjoy the moment.  Your viewers will understand.
Take the time after your trip to edit, refine, and post as though you are on the trip now.  In videos and posts before your trip, do. not mention when you are going, unless you want a person to visit the same place.  I do not mind, but I also post after the fact too.  Same goes if you do travel videos.
This is tricky because there are some rules that you can set while at the same time, you can also protect your children as well.
Since I do not have children of my own, but I do have nieces and nephews.  One particular situation that comes to mind is the year after I started my YouTube channel.  I did not know what I want to create at the time, but I found my sister’s children doing something very fascinating.  My nephew was 2 and my niece was 1 at the time (they are now 11 and almost 10), and I was making a video of me interacting with them, especially my niece, who had gotten to the point of walking pretty good.  She toddled over to me, and said, “Ta Da”, which was her favorite word to say. (And the only thing I could understand her to say at the time.)
Anyway, after that, I uploaded it, errors and all.  My sister saw the video and was furious with me.  She was screaming to the point of telling me that she did not want their father, her ex-boyfriend, to see the video. I screamed back, “my camera, my channel, and I will post what I want.”  This was in 2009 when YouTube did not give a care in the world about what the guidelines for this sort of stuff, as long as you post it. (Translation: Before Google bought it).
I reluctantly took it down, and I thought that it was a missed opportunity for me to get views on it, but not so fast.  Did I get permission?  Just because they were my niece and nephew, that does not give me the right to make a video. They were family, but not my children.  You have to ask these two questions: 1. Do you want/or can your children be in the video/picture? If the answer is no, move on.  Do not ask why and do not beg them to give permission.   2. Can I post this on YouTube/Vimeo/Facebook Live/IGTV with you in it?  If the answer is again, no, edit the scene and take the person out.  Do not blur their face.
Last name protection
A couple of family video channels I watch do not give out their last name for their own safety, but it is easy to find them on Google.  I did a little experiment and looked up their YouTube channel name, and Google had the full information, including the last name.  I will not give the channel name and who I looked up since they do not want it revealed.
When I introduce myself on my channel, I only give my first name, but I do not give out anything else, such as my marital status, age, and as mentioned earlier, my location.  I really do not care if you find out my last name or not.  It is listed as part of me being a business owner, and it is needed for legal purposes.  I am very proud of my last name.
I am not going to tell you one way or another on giving out your last name.  If you want protection, that is for the PO box address. 
Speaking of that, if you do show packages you receive on camera, you may want your address to stay anonymous. Use a sharpie or some other black marker or tape to cover up the address.  It is a good idea to cover up the sender’s address as well.
So, these are the tips I and other YouTubers use in order to be safe when making videos. I hope you keep these tips in mind when you create your first video.  I have sprinkled little takeaway moments throughout the piece, so, there are none in this portion of the post.  Remember, be safe no matter what you do in life.  Do not let anyone stop your dreams or your joy.  You got this. God Bless You and your family.  
from Blogger http://bit.ly/2A1Px2l via IFTTT
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meghancheyenne · 7 years
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Compared to Other Debt Solutions
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is known as a reorganization bankruptcy because it allows you to file for protections under the Federal Bankruptcy Code while repaying your creditors; effectively reorganizing your debt. Because I am a bankruptcy lawyer, we file chapter 13 cases on a regular basis. A chapter 13 is very different from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and offers far greater benefits over third-party financial services such as debt consolidation and credit counseling.
What are the advantages of Chapter 13?
While many third party companies have sprouted up over the last several years claiming to work wonders with secured and unsecured debt, the power of the Federal Bankruptcy Code has been an established part of American society for decades. Many of the fly-by-night debt consolidation, debt settlement, and credit counseling programs make empty promises, but Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a proven and effective way to utilize federal laws to get out of debt.
The automatic stay
The instant your chapter 13 bankruptcy is filed, the automatic stay guarantees that collection efforts are stopped in their tracks. This has the effect of halting collection efforts from phone calls, lawsuits, garnishments, repossessions and even foreclosure. Debt consolidation programs on the other hand have no legal authority to stop any kind of collection activity. Furthermore, some unscrupulous debt consolidation firms have been known to take large fees and leave their clients to the mercy of the collectors when the inevitable garnishments and credit card lawsuits begin.
Asset Exemption
Unlike debt consolidation, Chapter 13 bankruptcy offers protection on secured assets for a total of over $1 million, as well as providing protection for unsecured debts of up to roughly $330,000. One can even exempt retirement accounts, ensuring a better financial future. While the process of reorganizing debt through bankruptcy can be considered a consolidation, it’s a world away from the financial service that seeks to take out an even bigger loan to cover debts. One of the widely criticized aspects of third-party debt consolidation is the practice of taking out a large home equity line of credit to cover unsecured debts. This is essentially trading debt on credit cards for a debt on one’s shelter and home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy offers a guided solution for people to pay down unsecured and secured debts without risking losing their home to foreclosure.
Reduced Payback Amount
While the exact amount depends on the Bankruptcy Court where it is filed, your debt can be reduced by as much as 90% through skillful negotiation by experienced attorneys. Debt consolidation does not reduce the principal owed, and there are additional fees included. Debt settlement may be able to reduce the amount of debt, but the amount of debt that is reduced is often subject to extensive IRS tax liabilities! Furthermore, these negotiations often require a lump-sum payment, and chances are if you’re struggling to make ends meet, you haven’t got thousands of dollars hidden in your mattress.
On Your Terms
Debt consolidation and credit counseling programs are often at the mercy of creditors. If the creditor decides to file a lawsuit, garnish wages, or attempt to repossess or foreclose on property, these services can only stand by and watch. Creditors maintain their power. Chapter 13 bankruptcy on the other hand puts the debtor and their attorney in control. Creditors are the ones who must comply with the program. In fact, they are prohibited by law from making attempts to collect their debts from the individuals involved – they get what the court gives them.
Limited Timeframe
Chapter 13 bankruptcy usually has a repayment period of 3 to 5 years that is set up in accordance with the individual’s ability to pay, income, assets, total debts and other expenses. Once this term is completed, any remaining debt liability is considered “discharged,” or wiped away for good. Debt consolidation and credit counseling can last for years without making a significant impact. Some of these organizations have even been sued by the federal government for taking their clients’ payments without getting them out of debt. Even the organizations that comply with the law do not always obtain consistent results for their clients, because they offer incremental steps for problems that often require immediate and significant action.
No Interest or Late Fees
As soon as Chapter 13 is filed, interest and late fees on most types of unsecured debt cease to accumulate from that moment on. Debt consolidation at its best can only reduce the interest rate. The same result can be accomplished by an individual simply calling their bank and attempting to negotiate a lower rate on an existing loan. In addition to that, the debt consolidation companies are receiving a portion of the funds, either directly or indirectly. Either way, it creates an incentive for the debt consolidation organizations to drag out the process. This is a contributing factor to why many debt consolidation plans fail.
Your Best Interests
When filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection, your attorney has an obligation to always do what is right for you, the client. Violations of this are taken very seriously and can result in an attorney losing their license (being disbarred). This is why if you hire an attorney you can expect to see real results and not have to worry about a conflict of interest.
Pay Necessities First
Unlike a debt consolidation program, chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to pay your most important bills first: your property and taxes. Unsecured debts get any leftovers after your vital bills have been paid. Since debt consolidation providers often only deal with unsecured debt, it can have the unwelcome effect of focusing an individual’s resources on credit card bills, while their property goes unpaid and potentially becomes foreclosed upon.
Free Consultation with a Bankruptcy Lawyer
When you are ready to file bankruptcy, call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506. Attorneys in our office have filed over a thousand cases. We can help you now. Come in or call in for your free consultation.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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johnson564-blog · 7 years
Online Reputation Management - Your Customer Said What About Your Business? Find Out How
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If you have a company in today's contemporary world, you are aware that it's no more a matter of if you have an internet presence or not. It is now a thing of exactly what that online existence is. You have to learn how folks perceive your brand and if that understanding matches the one that you want based. It is not sensible to simply let things fall where they can when your internet reputation is demanded. Firms can not just let other men and women decide what their brand is, they ought to be the one on the top of it controlling the story.
That is where online reputation management is sold in.
What's online reputation management?
Online reputation management is the custom of taking charge of a new standing online. It involves continuous monitoring and making certain that the perception of a company remains on the positive side by fostering positive content and diminishing the visibility of content that is negative.
What's online reputation management important?
Everybody is online nowadays. Your clients have social networking reports, your opponents have a site, along with your prospects are reviewing forums for product testimonials. There's not any escaping the power of the net and the way it's been the greatest source of company for plenty of brands.
Various studies have revealed that 75 percent of possible clients assess reviews first before they make a purchase and four out of five of these select the contest after studying one lousy review. That is eighty percent of new clients lost because of some potentially mismanaged online standing.
Take good care of what your clients see online and do not let other people - your disgruntled customers or competitions - do it to you. Or it is eighty percent of the new clients from the door before they even reach it.
How can you go about managing your online reputation?
There are a whole lot of details involved with successfully plotting and implementing a fantastic online reputation management plan. Based on how large your company is and just how much of your presence you already have online, the quantity of time and work required will vary. However, the 3 things which are consistent regardless of what when coping with handling your brand's online standing are: 1) determining where you currently are reputation-wise along with your objectives, 2) repairing any harm and functioning on accomplishing your objectives, and 3) ensuring you maintain the goals you have attained.
Deciding Your Online Reputation
Before implementing any measures in handling your brand's reputation online, it is crucial that you determine what the baseline is so that you understand how much work still has to be carried out. Below are a few essential questions which can help steer you in a fantastic beginning.
What's your audience saying about you?
The most frequent resources that determine the overall opinion on your brand are sites, forums, social networking, and review websites.
Proceed to these places on the internet and type in the title of your organization and take a look at the results. Are they largely complaints about your service or product? Can they reveal that your brand in a favorable light? Is your site on the first page of search engines or so are different resources displayed first? The results will provide you a good idea on which your potential clients see and what their initial impression could be when exploring about you.
It is essential to notice certain quotations and compliments or complaints so you've got a more concrete idea on how you are being perceived on the internet. This may also provide you a more rounded view of your internet standing objectives.
What exactly are your reputation objectives?
The Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland explained it best when he told Alice, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will lead you there."
The identical truth applies to reputation management. You can not only be overall about your targets. "I want a better online reputation" won't do. You've got to be certain in what you need to take place. Is your company being bashed in forums? Plot a game plan about the best way best to combat this. Is it true that the contest continue posting false reviews concerning you? Find a way to make them quit. Does your brand want more favorable testimonials? Get strategizing to promote happy clients to discuss their expertise with you.
Additionally, it helps if you divide your goals to instantaneous types versus the mid-term along with also the long-term. This way you are able to prioritize better and may audit your achievements more obviously.
Might it be required to run a reputation audit?
Yes. You won't understand just how much you have come should youn't indicate where you began. Write down all quantifiable information about your present reputation online, compare it to your objectives, and decide on a game plan on bridging both. A number of the most Frequent things you can step on your audit would be:
Your brand's average client rating on review websites The number of favorable outcomes on Google when Looking for your Enterprise The number of enjoys You've Got on Facebook The number of complaints that your help desk receives in a specific Time Period Your brand-new Klout Score These are simply examples of quantifiable data it is possible to base your aims and strategy upon. Additionally, it is crucial to remember to specify a deadline for all these items so that you understand how frequently to run your audits and fix any things required.
Conducting Online Reputation Damage Control
Now that you are clearer about what the issue is and what your objectives are, it is time to do some damage control. Consider these questions when setting out some fires associated with your online reputation.
Can you eliminate negative reviews?
It is different. When the reviews are posted in your area - your Facebook page, site, or YouTube station - you then have the final say on what material gets to remain. You are able to eliminate anything negative on your own brand and push the more favorable remarks in addition to the webpage. Some online characters do so with the objective of fostering only positive ideas in their own spaces, particularly in the comments thread in YouTube. You really can not blame them. YouTube is notorious for getting a number of the most barbarous commenters in the whole World Wide Web. If the threads aren't moderated, it could get rather nasty.
But you have to be cautious when deleting unwanted comments and testimonials. There is a difference between eliminating an average note from an internet troll to eliminating a legal complaint from a client. The former is clear and generally vital. The latter may send the incorrect message to your viewers - it may be construed as censorship and may have a negative impact in the way your brand is perceived.
In instances such as this, it is far better to allow the reviews remain - provided that they are not disrespectful - and - only respond to them. This may be an excellent chance for you to provide your viewers a firsthand research into how your company handles criticisms and client complaints.
How can you react to poor reviews?
Very professionally. Following is a valuable guideline when responding to negative reviews on the web.
Focus on the primary problem and equipment that your answer towards it. Some testimonials can go on and on because one reason why clients compose them would be to port, and therefore you want to be the one to hone in on the particular reason for the complaint. As soon as you've dissected it, then build your answer with this specific issue as the principal focus. This may simplify the dialog, temper the feelings involved, and save everyone's time.
Do some background research. Equip yourself with as much context as you can concerning the client's issue. If they are whining of a delay in their own purchase, check the right section and affirm the purchase information. If they are unsatisfied with the way your help desk managed their preceding problem, proceed through the documentation and find out what else might have been completed. Do not answer without getting all of your details first. Additionally, it is crucial that you learn whether the matter is an isolated or long-term so that you take the proper measures in making certain it doesn't happen again.
Be considerate and Nasty. Apologize for the matter and invite the customer for taking the time to allow you to understand about it. Beginning with something easy but true like this can go a very long way to making your client feel much better.
Identify yourself. Ensure that the customer understands who you are and how you are connected with the corporation. This will tell them that the correct men and women are paying attention and they are being taken seriously.
Be instantaneous. Nothing becomes angry customers more furious than when they believe that they've been ignored. Always make it a point to answer complaints within 24 to 48 hours. You need to be certain that your side of this story is heard manner before other men and women control the story. Maintaining Your Online Reputation
Performing damage management isn't sufficient once you would like to be constant in handling your online reputation. When you've put out the more crucial fires, it is vital that you have a strategy in place that concentrates on the upkeep. In online reputation management, being responsive is just good if you are catching up. Following that, the objective is to be more proactive. That means tracking, monitoring, and continuously upgrading.
Can you stop any more bad reviews?
Realistically, you can not - unless you tirelessly censor every mention on the internet that sets your company in a negative light. In this scenario, you should probably stop since it is not a very successful use of your own time.
There'll always be somebody who will not be very impressed with you personally or your goods or your ceremony, plus they may become really vocal about it. You can not really stop them from doing this, but you can mitigate the harm those reviews can trigger.
Which are the methods for reducing the harm from poor reviews?
Regulate the story. Because you can not control just what folks say about youpersonally, then it is better that they speak about you in which you are able to view them. This implies inviting the dialog to occur on your area - your Facebook webpage, your own site, or your own Twitter account. In case you've got zero FB page, make one. If you do not have a client feedback form, print one. When there's a method to immediately deal with company whenever there's a problem about their products or services, most customers will utilize it. Just when that is inaccessible will most of these resort to grumbling in their private FB accounts or moving to a Twitter rant. You do not need them to do this. You want the dialog to occur on your area not just so you are upgraded but also to be certain you've got the capacity to moderate it.
Boost the favorable. Post regular updates on all of your distances which place your company in a favorable light. This doesn't just mean great reviews, but essentially anything that strengthens the standard of your brand. Share useful articles related to your business, upload humorous pictures which also create your audience believe, update your standing with applicable info on whatever your audience will discover useful. Do this frequently, which means that your prospects and current clients locate this first on your spaces rather than the terrible reviews.
Monitor and monitor. Do not allow your reputation eliminate you anymore. Establish monitoring and tracking for your brand, organization, and key words to ensure that you're educated any time anybody says something about you online. What is the very best means of tracking and monitoring your online reputation?
The aim now will be together with the dialog. You are already aware of the overall audience consensus and also have done some substantial work into fixing any damage due to any deficiency of online reputation management. Now, you only wish to be kept abreast and only using basic Google search isn't going to cut it anymore.
At this point you want the big guns. This usually means a software or tool that is made for online reputation monitoring. These generally function is you prepare the tool using the key phrases you want tracked - your organization name, your competitor's, the key word for your business, etc. - along with the instrument will send you an alert when those phrases are pinged, providing you with a chance to take care of any matter when it pops.
What attributes do you really need in an internet reputation tracking tool?
Real-time updates. Look for a program which you can configure to send alarms the moment you obtain an internet mention. Many will just send you one email each day and others will ask that you log into the program to get your own notifications. All these are acceptable possibilities for regular routine tracking, but if you are managing a launching or something time-sensitive in which you need to get informed once someone mentions your name or brand, then it pays to already have real-time upgrade capability on your own tool.
Unlimited key words tracking. This usually means you're trying to find a tool which allows you place this up using as many search phrases and titles to monitor as you believe necessary. The most common limitation is five key words per account, which will not do if you are monitoring not just 1 company and its rivals and keywords, but others too.
Unlimited Outcomes. Some programs have a limit on the number of results they could send per month based upon the package you have bought. You would like the software which will deliver you as many mentions as your key words can create.
Direct hyperlinks to your own mentions. For ease of accessibility, you need a tool which requires you to wherever your key word was pinged without you having to render the application itself.
Ability to monitor all over the Online. You need your tool to have the ability to scour Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, sites, forums, news websites - you get the idea. There is no purpose of paying for something which only tracks news websites and dismisses the conversation occurring on social networking. You have to gain accessibility to all.
Would you also should concentrate on great reviews?
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Definitely. They say that you need at least five great reviews to counteract a single bad one. Locate those excellent reviews also. Be approachable to happy clients. You need them to article in their positive experience so that your prospects do not only get affected by people who wrote bad reviews.
How can we get visitors to post positive testimonials?
It is possible to do it right or via a few other subtler ways.
The direct method is to provide your products at no cost in exchange for a critique. Obviously, it does not usually follow that the experience for your reviewer will be optimistic, but if you are confident of what you are offering, odds are they'll be writing something good about you. It is also possible to have competitions or promos at which the winner will then write some thing about this item. This will get the job done not just to allow you to get more favorable testimonials for your own brand, but as advertisements too.
A more indirect way of inviting your happy clients to post about you're creating social websites sharing buttons prominent in your internet spaces. Whenever you write a new blog article or record a brand new YouTube video, shut it using something like: "Have a story to share about our product? Email us, leave a comment, or post your story in our Facebook page!" The majority of the time, your viewers need other people to understand how much they enjoy your product, they simply have to be reminded.
The increasing popularity of social networking and the world wide web has made online reputation management a requirement for all sorts of companies. It is not merely a witty phrase entrepreneurs throw around anymore. It has become a crucial part of the way you look after your own brand. Be cautious in regards to safeguarding your online reputation. Know what folks are saying about you and be certain that to have the tools which can allow you to monitor your brand and deal with the conversation. Bear in mind, bad reviews will affect prospects and will cost new clients while proactive reputation direction will engender loyal customers and encourage more. Offer your brand's standing the attention and work it warrants.
Caelan Cheesman is a specialist on company standing and lead production. You are aware of how important reputation direction is for your small business. The upcoming logical step is to do something about it.
Reputation is the key when it comes to company, as you understand and companies are in danger with each and every person out there with a intelligent mobile phone.
I have put together a demonstration on some quite intelligent applications that may track your standing for you and alert to that the instant something is stated online and requires actions.
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meghancheyenne · 7 years
Stop Repossessions with Bankruptcy
Vehicle repossessions are unfortunately quite common as many people are still struggling to gain a foothold in the unsure economy. Falling behind on vehicle payments can occur for a variety of reasons, with medical hardship and job loss as two of the biggest contributing factors. You should contact your friendly neighborhood bankruptcy lawyer who will help you.
How Your Vehicle Can Survive the “Repo Man”
Contrary to popular belief, repossessions can happen even if you’re a single day late on a car payment. While the amount of time varies depending on the lender, falling behind on car payments is risky because banks and finance companies are often trying to squeeze as much out of consumers as possible. Bill collectors are usually paid a commission based on a percentage of what they collect, so they have a very strong incentive to either obtain payment or repossess the vehicle. But that’s just the beginning of the collections process; just because they got their vehicle back doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Repossessions usually involve all kinds of extra fees tacked on along the way in addition to the remaining balance of the vehicle after it’s auction (which is virtually always less than market value). You might expect the collections efforts to get even more intense.
Debt collectors are notorious for bending the rules and being unethical, with upwards of 130,000 complaints filed against them with the Federal Trade Commission in the last year. The truth of the matter is that bill collectors have one goal: to collect. They rarely (if ever) inform consumers of their rights under federal law and the options available to them. Scare tactics are often used instead because the consumer’s best interest is not really that important to a bill collector. If no payment is made a lawsuit can be filed and a wage garnishment can be applied to the debtor.
That’s why it’s important to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney as soon as you know there’s an issue. Filing for bankruptcy will stop repossessions and other collection activities immediately. In fact, in most cases you can maintain possession of your vehicle through the bankruptcy process! Of course, in some cases it isn’t worth keeping a car if it’s unneeded. In those cases, a voluntary surrender in bankruptcy means you give the vehicle back to the lender, but the debt can be wiped out completely (including any fees they’d love to tack on).
If you’re behind on your payments, contact the bankruptcy team at the Lincoln Law to learn about your options and come up with a plan of action in the event you can’t catch up on your payments. Facing repossession and other collection tactics can be frightening, but with the power of the bankruptcy code on your side, it doesn’t need to be. By choosing an experienced bankruptcy law firm, you can protect your valued property and stop debt collectors in their tracks.
Do I Need A Lawyer To File Bankruptcy?
If your financial struggle is causing you to consider filing for bankruptcy, you might be wondering if you must hire a lawyer to represent you.
The Risks with a Lawyer
While technically there is no requirement to hire a lawyer, it is important to recognize that the rules governing bankruptcy, called the Bankruptcy Code, are extremely complicated. A bankruptcy petition listing your assets, debts and other pertinent information is at least 35 pages long (and often longer). Errors in the petition could result in a dismissed (or unsuccessful) case or even loss of property you thought you would otherwise keep. It’s also important that all the information is prepared properly and accurately, because information perceived as misleading could land you in jail for fraud or perjury.
Qualifications of Bankruptcy Attorneys
Attorneys go to school for several years to obtain a juris doctorate degree. With their J.D. behind them, they take on the challenge of their state’s bar exam – if they pass, they are licensed to practice law in that particular state. However, since bankruptcy laws are written by the U.S. Congress, lawyers also need to familiarize themselves with the federal bankruptcy code specifically, which isn’t generally a focus on the bar exam. But even once all of these obstacles have been overcome, it’s important to remember that not all lawyers are the same – experience and focus in bankruptcy matters tremendously.
Our Recommendation for Bankruptcy
Although it’s not technically required, it’s most definitely prudent to hire a bankruptcy attorney who is extremely knowledgeable and experienced to assist you along the way. A relatively small expense earns you years of legal experience and the understanding of the bankruptcy code. Do some investigation about the attorneys you are considering working with. Are there complaints about them on government or review websites? You can also check county court records to see if the lawyer has ever been arrested or charged with a crime. One of the best resources for finding a trusted lawyer is simply ask your friends and family members if they know someone who can help you. But ultimately you’ll want to meet whoever you are considering working with to ensure they are knowledge, trustworthy and considerate of your goals.
Free Consultation with a Bankruptcy Lawyer
If you have a bankruptcy question, or need to file a bankruptcy case, call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506. Attorneys in our office have filed over a thousand cases. We can help you now. Come in or call in for your free initial consultation.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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