#there are villains i like who are evil *just cause* but crucially theyve got other stuff going on that is cool
chrysalis/cadence. .. thimk about e it
OK, so I’ve actually thought about this before and i’m betting you aren’t going to like what i have to say. sorry
i don’t really care for queen chrysalis. there isn’t really much there to care about. she has like more lore in the comics, but it’s literally just that she’s evil just cause. that’s all of her lore. I guess, judging her purely by aesthetics, and by her function as a villain, she’s kind of cool? I guess? I like evil woman as much as the next girl, but evil woman with less than zero substance? idk man, i’ll probably just rewatch Fullmetal alchemist instead. 
I guess I don’t really care for cadence either. I know she’s got more going on in the comics, but I’m not aware. she kind of seems more like a living plot device than a character? and I’m really not a fan of her design. Like at all. Why is she shaped like that? 
 I guess since I don’t really like either of them, I guess sure? They can have each other. No skin off my back. No horse in the game . I suppose them being together fixes the problem of the princess of love being a hetero monogamy stan
sorry again :(
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