#there are so many comparisons to previous shinee world concerts like with the outfits and everything but omg there was one w this clip
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xoalsox · 1 year ago
taemin doing jonghyun's adlib in sherlock (originally in clue)
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kickdownthewalls · 7 years ago
Top 20 Heavy Metal Albums of 2017
While it has been a tragic year in many respects (natural disasters, mass shootings, data breaches, a political hellscape, etc.), there has been more good music unleashed on the world than ever. I’ve spent the past few weeks trying to narrow down just the stuff I have had a chance to listen to to a top 20 list and finally gave up. So, this year, I am splitting my list in two: one of metal releases and one of everything else.
I’ll start with the metal releases. Several of these are new(er) bands I have discovered through Bandcamp and Youtube, but the majority are long-time favorites. Countries represented this year: USA (x7), Germany (x4), Sweden (x2), Japan (x2), Finland, Norway, Italy, Chile, and the U.K.
Without further ado, here are my top 20 fave metal records (and tapes) of 2017…
20. EVIL - Rites of Evil
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Bands that can successfully mix old-school black metal with thrash and/or speed metal always get my attention and Evil from Japan do it pretty damn well. Elements of early (like, REALLY early) Sodom are combined with Hellhammer to great effect, with lots of cool change-ups and a very raw production style.
19. JACK STARR’S BURNING STARR - Stand Your Ground
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From his early work with Virgin Steele and amazing solo album with Rhett Forrester (RIP) back in 1984, Jack Starr has had a long and varied career. I was expecting Stand Your Ground to be good, just based on the last record, but damn it is some really top-notch US power metal. Only a few bands are doing this kind of material justice and it’s great to see one of the scene’s legends still out there and at the top of their game.
18. JAG PANZER - The Deviant Chord
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It’s been, what, six years since the last Jag Panzer record? Damn good to have them back though and worth the wait. The band’s brand of US power metal is still intact, with a good mix of the faster, heavier stuff and more expansive, melodic songs. It’s not the band’s best album, sure, but it is still a strong return after a long break.
17. RAM - Rod
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Ram really knocked it out of the park with their previous album so Rod was bound to be a bit of a disappointment. Still, there are many great songs here and even the six-part conceptual piece that makes up half of the album works remarkably well. Classic heavy metal is alive and well.
16. SATYRICON - Deep Calleth Upon Deep
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This one almost didn’t make my list because, frankly, I forgot it came out until I started looking back over the year. Which isn’t to say it isn’t memorable, only that I never got a copy of it to really give it a proper listen. Glad that I finally did, though, because it is a huge return to form after the rather disappointing eponymous release of 2013. The smoldering menace of Now, Diabolical is back in all its glory, with the drums possessing a particularly wonderful, organic thump.
15. MIDNIGHT - Sweet Death and Ecstasy
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When it comes to filthy, punky black metal that worships at the altar of Venom, it is hard to beat Midnight. Having said that, No Mercy For Mayhem (2014) was a bit of a let-down after the still-brilliant Satanic Royalty (2011). Sweet Death and Ecstasy is right in between the two, with a couple of slower, more experimental cuts and fairly memorable songs in general.
14. WALPYRGUS - Walpyrgus Nights
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Despite a logo and album art that looks more like black or doom metal, this band from Raleigh play a very potent brand of melodic metal with clean vocals and lots of guitar harmonies. Closest comparison I can think of is Immortal Soul-era Riot. Very catchy vocal lines, killer riffs, and strong songwriting all around make this one of the year’s most underrated albums.
13. ACCEPT - The Rise of Chaos
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Accept pulled off a miracle by reforming without their iconic singer and then proceeding to release and tour 3 amazing albums in 5 years. While Stalingrad was the highpoint, Blind Rage was still a great album and The Rise of Chaos follows in similar fashion. It has a good mix of modern, heavier tracks like “No Regrets” and really classic-sounding cuts like “Analog Man.” One could argue that the band hasn’t progressed at all (and they would probably be the first to agree), but the release of another quality Accept record simply makes the world a better place.
12. KREATOR - Gods of Violence
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Kreator are easy to take for granted, as they deliver an album every few years that is always solid, kick-ass thrash metal with killer production. There are a number of great thrash bands out there (new and old), but I think Kreator are probably the most proficient and dependable of the lot. Gods of Violence is definitely on par with Phantom Antichrist and delivers at least one instant concert classic with “Totalitarian Terror.”
11. MYRKUR - Mareridt
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Multi-instrumentalist Amalie Bruun is really evolving her brand of melodic black metal with this record, her second full-length album. One thing I really appreciate about this one is that each song is very distinctive and incorporates many different instruments and vocal styles. The guest appearance by Chelsea Wolfe doesn’t hurt either. One of the few critical darlings that actually deserves the attention.
10. BOLIDO - Heavy Bombers
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Chile is turning into a real hotbed for quality metal of all genres lately and Bolido is one of my favorite in the classic vein. They have a real talent for coming up with interesting riffs that are offbeat yet 100% metal. Just check out opening track “The Absolute Dominion of the Skies” and get hooked.
9. SATAN'S HALLOW - Satan's Hallow
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The Midwest has been sourcing some great bands in recent years and Chicago’s Satan’s Hallow are right up there with the best of them. Their sound is very reminiscent of the NWOBHM, with plenty of catchy riffs, strong vocals and a healthy dose of speed now and then. More old-school metal for us aging headbangers!
8. ORDEN OGAN - Gunmen
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While power metal as a whole has seen better days, certain bands are still out there delivering the goods and Germany’s Orden Ogan are one of my favorites. They manage to combine super-catchy melodies and huge choruses with fast and heavy riffage. Gunmen isn’t quite as good as 2015’s Ravenhead but it is damn close. Bonus: Liv Kristine guest vocal!
7. EMYN MUIL - Elenion Ancalima
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Following in the footsteps of Summoning, Italy’s Emyn Muil create epic pieces with a Viking metal flair and lyrics and imagery straight from Middle Earth. Grim vocals are used as another instrument to add to the atmosphere and the songs remain engaging throughout, despite their long running times.
6. VENOM INC. - Ave
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I’m not sure exactly what people were expecting from this release but I was actually quite pleased. It continues in the vein of the Prime Evil-era Venom (naturally) but with a bit more of the ferocity of the early years. It is great to see these guys out there playing the classics on stage but I was happy they were also able to deliver a high-quality release of new tunes, too.
5. OUTRAGE - Raging Out
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Long one of my favorite thrash bands, Japan’s Outrage went through some interesting turns in the 90s (who didn’t), but they have really returned to form with the last couple releases and Raging Out is one of their best to date. Pure old-school thrash with modern production. Still has some of the Metallica influence from the early days but it’s much less obvious now.
4. MIDNIGHT RIDER - Manifestation
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I remember getting this band’s first EP about a decade ago and loving their mix of early Priest and Sabbath but then never heard from them again. Until 2017, when this full album comes out of nowhere and not only lives up to the earlier work but exceeds it in every way. If you ever wish Priest had recorded more albums in the vein of Stained Class and Sad Wings of Destiny, this album is for you. The production and mix are perfect, too, coming across as 1978 with more clarity and impact.
3. VAMPIRE - With Primeval Force
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When Vampire first hit the scene, I was skeptical due to the hype and anonymity of the members, plus the debut was kind of underwhelming. Fortunately, their sophomore effort is leaps and bounds better, taking their raw, old-school thrash sound to new levels. They mix speed and brutality with a surprising amount of melody and skilled musicianship and the results are a frenzy of headbanging goodness.
2. MAUSOLEUM GATE - Into a Dark Divinity
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This Finnish outfit has been going for a few years now and never disappoints with their wonderfully eclectic mix of heavy metal, 70s hard rock, doom, and organ-heavy weirdness. Hints of Uriah Heep, BOC, Judas Priest, and Candlemass all shine through, but no description can really capture the band’s unique sound. Every track is epic in feel, even the shorter ones.
1. SANHEDRIN - A Funeral For The World
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The cover and title scream ‘doom metal’ but Brooklyn trio Sanhedrin tend more toward the likes of classic Diamond Head or… I don’t even know what. They cover a lot of ground and, yes, even some doom territory with the title cut, but it’s never anything less than killer, memorable metal. Can’t wait to see what this band does in the future.
On top of that, there were many excellent demos, 7” singles, and EPs this year. My favorites came from BOMBER, COVEN, CRIME, CROWN OF COMMAND, CULT OF EIBON, DREADFUL FATE, FORGED IN BLACK, FREEWAYS, HAUNT, KROSSFYRE, LUCIFER'S HAMMER, MIDNIGHT PREY, ORNASSI PAZUZU, POUNDER, ROCK GODDESS, and SPEEDCLAW. Rock Goddess in particular was nice to see back in action and I hope they manage to release a full album next year because the EP was very promising (despite the less than sterling production).
As good as the year was, I think 2018 has the potential to be a stunner. New albums from the mighty JUDAS PRIEST and SAXON are on the way soon, not to mention MONSTER MAGNET, SUMMONING, WHITE WIZZARD, LOUDNESS, TRIBULATION, POSSESSED, RIOT V, and VOIVOD. Plus… IMMORTAL… maybe? Finally?? It was promised in 2017 so here’s hoping it will finally appear. And maybe a new HADES ALMIGHTY, too? Stranger things have happened…
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