#there are parks in my area but it's not hiking to me just to walk in a paved loop around a man-made lake even if there are trees
coloursofaparadox · 1 year
#ive lost like all fear of dogs at this point. i realized that earlier today when a massive rottie started a fight with my boy#and my first instinct on seeing flying teeth was to sprint towards them and shove my body in between#its very possible it was also just all self preservation leaving my body because i am absolutely going to protect my pup#i would probably fight a bear for him there is no question that i would forcibly shove another dog off with my forearm#but fuck. despite the fact that i /know/ better sometimes i have a real real bad fatigue week and i use dog parks. i have like.#a selective list of ones that i will go to categorized by 'least likely to become a boxing ring'. tons of space. multiple separate areas.#i go only at off times when its not busy! i watch dog body language and keep an eye on him at all times.#ill rotate areas if i spot a potential problem. i have him under verbal control and wouldnt even be there if i didnt. but! like!#despite all that. just fucking anyone can go there. 'oh your dogs a puppy thats why my dog attacked him!' idgaf.#speaking as someone who has raised a reactive dog. if your dog is reactive why in the absolute hell would you take them to a dog park.#why!!! lif your dog is consistently fighting other dogs why would you do that! it does not matter if he 'only attacks dogs that arent fixed'#he is still obviously not having a good fucking time and is not going to enjoy this environment holy shit#just. gggHHGGH. i avoid off leash parks as much as i can already but. fuck. idek the point of this im just.#still a bit riled over having to physically throw myself in the middle of a dog fight while the other owner did absolutely nothing.#like just hovered! while his dog was pinning mine and teeth flying attacking and was actively fighting me trying to keep him off#when i can afford it im gonna find some sort of dog group walk/hike thing instead i do not want to socialize my boy like this#i am tired and very very upset because my boy looked so scared and i swear to god if you arent grabbing your dog i will fight it myself#fuck dude. fuck dog parks and fuck me for knowing better and still using em anyways.
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random2908 · 2 years
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thatbadadvice · 1 year
Dear Advisor,
I tend to be a very reserved and shy person so making friends is super hard. Recently I’ve been wanting to socialize more , but I genuinely don’t know how. Is there any advice that you have that can make me look more approachable and not be scared to talk to people. I’m so stressed about being alone and not having any friends, but I just find it so hard to go up to people and make a conversation. I tried once but it became super awkward. I just really need good advice from someone on how to approach a person and continue a conversation.
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Dear Awkward Anonymous,
It would be so easy to get into a whole deep let's-skeetshoot-therapy-on-the-internet session and try to help a total stranger unpack all of the GA-FUCKING-ZILLION ways in which social awkwardness shows up in a person's life. It seems easy, and it even seems meaningful and worthwhile, but to do so I would have to presume a bunch about your life, and make a bunch of assumptions about the ways in which my own experiences maybe/probably track with yours, and it would be a whole big wank-fest, and frankly ... it would be awkward. I'd be like you, standing there at the party, hoping that what I'm saying resonates or lands or even vaguely tracks with anything a stranger has ever known or experienced, presuming (probably rightly!) that it doesn't, and then flailing and blaming myself when I didn't emerge from the interaction with all the world's gold stars.
So here's what: stop talking to other people as a primary social occupation. Going up to people and just talking is fucking terrifying. The Bad Advisor says this as a Certified Extrovert™ who rarely shuts the fuck up.
Instead, find a thing to do with other people that involves some sort of task or goal or activity. Talk about the thing you're doing together, when you're doing it. If it feels okay, maybe introduce one or two of your own relatable-to-the-activity experiences in the process. See who picks up on it. Ask the people who pick up on it genuinely interested questions in response. This is what we awkward people call: engineering a conversation. It is the way, I am told, humans make connections with other humans. I have seen it work in my own life.
Depending on where you live and your ability level and skill set, I bet you have some options! You could seek out an open board game night, pub quiz session, knitting/quilting circle, or mutual aid meetup that's looking for volunteers. Especially look for social activities with strangers that involve a dedicated, pre-prescribed activity (such as a hiking or mall-walking group, stuffing envelopes for a political candidate or cause you care about, planting trees at your local park, or tasting tea/wine/beer/etc.). (Somebody is going to say join a ballroom dancing club or suchlike; I am personally terrified of this, but if you have a higher tolerance for strangers touching you and fewer than two left feet: it's literally an option. Line-dancing, on the other hand ... absofuckinglutely.)
Even if what's available in your area isn't your precise and specific interest, it might be worthwhile to check out something you are decidedly meh about -- you might not be the only meh person there. You can bond over shit that's boring or shitty with other people who find it boring or shitty! Some of my best friends, arguably my very best friends, came out of experiences we mutually loathed or found at least moderately and mutually miserable.
Consider especially finding an activity where you yourself are the manager of operations and/or have a designated task to take care of that is unique to your position! This doesn't have to be complicated or skill-dependent; can you become a voter registrar in your area? Well, bam! You've got paperwork people have to fill out and a good reason to jibber-jabber with folks who have to ask you the questions. Other ideas: join your local neighborhood association board, become a notary public, or see if your local pet rescue is looking for intake line volunteers. Do you have a trustworthy, especially outgoing friend who might agree to play "social glue" for you a couple of times at their activity-centric events? Make it explicit! Ask them if they'll play friendly wing-person for you at their D&D game, fantasy sports league, or some such.
Alternately: Do you have a unique and fun and shareable skillset you can share with others? Are you pretty good at drawing, programming? Simply a font of endless Merlin or NFL or Real Housewives knowledge? You might start a local Discord or other online social group to discuss and share your interests, then move it to the real world in a few weeks once folks get comfortable. You get the idea.
Most of all: Look for stuff that has more-than-just-talking opportunities available outside the designated group jam for you to maintain connections. Perhaps a group chat, a Discord, a Slack, what-have-you, where you can take more time to consider and draft your responses and posts? Connections with humans get made a thousand ways, and talking raw-dog with strangers is but one.
It takes a true social unicorn to be simply good at talking and only talking to other people. There are some of these one-horned wonders out there, to be sure — but let me assure you that the vast majority of folks want to be accepted and seen just as much as you do, and they're staring at the ceiling at night thinking just as much (more, probably) about all the weird, wonky shit they themselves threw at you than they are anything you ever said to them.
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bookished · 10 days
( a collection of fun and adventurous dialogue prompts. adjust phrasing as necessary.) feel free to make edits to better suit your muse, but please don’t edit or add on to the original post 💛 if you like, please consider supporting me through tips, it's highly appreciated.
"Want to try sneaking into the movie theater?"
"There's this exclusive sky bar on the top floor. I bet if we act confident enough, we could just walk right in. Ready to blend in with the high rollers?"
"You know the 'Staff Only' areas in aquariums always look so intriguing. I've got an idea involving lab coats and clipboards. Interested?"
"There's a secret passage in this art gallery that leads to a hidden exhibit. I overheard the curator talking about it. Shall we go exploring?"
"I've always wanted to see a movie from the theater's projection room. I've got a friend who works here – you get what I mean?"
"So, that exclusive restaurant is fully booked for months, but I may have 'borrowed' a couple of names from the reservation list. Feeling adventurous?"
"The old amusement park's been closed for years, but I know a way in. Imagine having all those rides to ourselves under the moonlight."
"I heard there's an underground speakeasy in this library. Apparently, you need to whisper a password to the librarian. Wanna try our luck?"
"Remember that fancy pool party we weren't invited to? I've got two waiter uniforms and a brilliant plan. You in?"
"There's a secret rooftop garden on top of that skyscraper. I bet we could talk our way past security if we pretend to be lost interns."
"I know this sounds crazy, but I found a hidden door behind the museum. Want to see where it leads after closing time?"
"The local TV station does live broadcasts from that studio. I bet with the right timing, we could sneak onto a set during a commercial break. Ready for your 15 seconds of fame?"
"I discovered a hidden hot spring in the woods just outside town. It's a bit of a hike, but imagine a midnight dip under the stars."
"There's a secret room in the library that's usually locked. I copied the key while volunteering. Want to see what forbidden books they're hiding?"
"Remember that fancy cooking class that was full? Well, I may have found a way for us to observe from the kitchen's back entrance. Hungry for some culinary espionage?"
"I know how to get onto the roof of the tallest building downtown. The view of the sunset from up there is incredible. Shall we?"
"There's a masquerade ball at the governor's mansion tonight. I've got two masks and a wild idea. Care to crash a high-society party?"
"My friend works at the zoo and says we could help feed the penguins after closing time. Interested in a secret animal encounter?"
"I heard this old theater is supposedly haunted. Want to sneak in after hours and do some ghost hunting?"
"There's a secret beach hidden behind those cliffs. The catch? We'll have to climb down a rope ladder to reach it. You up for it?"
"I found an old map of the city's underground tunnels. Fancy a subterranean adventure date?"
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sluttywonwoo · 8 months
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instead of you [part thirty-nine] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, angst
word count: 3.1k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
“How much longer until we reach it?”
“You’ve asked that six times in the past ten minutes!”
“That’s because no one’s given me an answer!”
“Because no one knows, Felix! None of us have hiked this path before.”
Felix grumbled something behind his brother’s back but he must not have heard because he didn’t argue further.
The majority of the hike thus far had been uphill, something that the park rangers had neglected to mention when they sent you off into the forest. Thankfully, the mountains and canopy of trees provided some kind of shade but it was still scorching hot. And humid. And you were sweating like crazy. 
Everyone was. Minho had already taken his shirt off and Felix had completely sweat through his. That was probably why he was complaining so much. He refused to take it off, though. Something about not wanting to get sunburned again. 
“You doing okay?” Jisung asked, looking over at you. 
The two of you had found yourselves in the middle of the pack for once, walking behind his parents and in front of his brothers. 
“Yeah, fine,” you answered, trying not to sound as out of breath as you felt. 
“Did you bring your inhaler?”
“Why do I even ask?”
After fifteen more minutes of walking and a bathroom break, you finally reached the waterfall. 
Felix sighed. “That’s it? We walked all this way for this?” 
“Shut up, Felix,” Jisung snapped. “It just looks small from the bridge, it’s not actually that small.”
“I’d say it’s a pretty average size,” you added, “maybe even kind of big.”
Minho laughed behind you. Thankfully, his parents didn’t seem to hear your comment. To be fair to Felix, it wasn’t a huge waterfall. It certainly wasn’t the biggest waterfall in Hawai’i, but it was one of the few that visitors could swim under. That’s what made it so popular. 
And the bridge had made it look smaller than it really was. 
There was an area to rinse off before and after getting in the water so you all took turns under the showerhead. 
Nikki was the only one who didn’t want to swim, which meant that she was stuck with all of the bags. You felt sort of bad when Jisung handed over the backpack you were sharing but Nikki assured you that it was fine, that she would rather hold them for you than have you rent one of the rusty lockers to store it in. 
Waimea Falls required everyone to wear a life jacket, regardless of swimming ability. You knew it was a liability thing but you still couldn’t help but shiver when you slung on the cold, wet vest and buckled it around your chest. Who knew how many people had worn it before you today.
Shoes were optional so you left your sandals in the gravel by the bleachers and tiptoed your way back over to the edge of the water. The boys did the same. 
The five of you stood there, staring at the rocks leading down into the lagoon, trying to figure out how to proceed without falling. It was hard to determine the best way in as all of the rocks that were big enough to step on were either jagged and/or slippery.
“Ladies first,” Felix said unceremoniously.
You glared at him but decided to take a step down anyway. Someone had to go first and since everyone else was being a pussy it might as well be you. You moved at a snail’s pace, trying your best to move in a way that wouldn’t send you tumbling down the incline if you misstepped. 
The rocks seemed stable enough to hold your weight without sliding around in the mud but one of them wobbled under you upon stepping on it, making you nearly lose your balance. 
“Careful!” Jisung and Minho shouted at the same time, causing you to turn around and make a face at them both. 
They traded weird looks with each other before turning their attention back to you, who had made significant progress toward the water. By the time you finally reached the edge, the boys had started trekking down behind you, much more haphazardly than you had. 
You extended your leg out in front of you to feel it out, trying not to scream when your toes grazed the water. It was freezing, way colder than you expected, but you knew it would feel incredible once you were fully submerged. It was one of if not the hottest days of the trip and you had sweat through everything. Even the life vest they’d saddled you with was beginning to feel sticky. 
“How is it?” Jisung called from behind you. 
“Feels good!” you lied, not trusting yourself to turn around and show him your face. He’d know you were bluffing instantly. 
Since you didn’t want to hold up the line, you took a deep breath and pushed yourself off of the ledge, finding your footing with both feet in the water. The bed of the lagoon was also covered with rocks. They were more slippery than the ones on the path seeing as they were wet and covered with algae so you had to be extra careful. 
You moved away from the shore so that the boys could get in after you. 
“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ!” was Jisung’s shout from behind you.
You turned back to see him submerged up to his waist. He apologized to the people around him for cursing before glaring at you. 
“You little brat!” he muttered, lunging at you.
You let out a yelp as the weight of your best friend dragged you under. You both emerged with dripping hair, laughing and sputtering. 
“You said it felt good!”
“It does! It’s refreshing!”
“It’s cold as fuck,” he muttered, “and you knew that.”
“What, can’t take a little chill?” you taunted.
He splashed you. 
“Are we going to swim over to the waterfall or what?” Minho’s voice echoed from behind you both, sounding annoyed. 
Jisung smirked before turning around to face his older brother. 
“We don’t all have to go together. You could have gone on without us.”
Felix was the last to get in, gingerly stepping on the algae-covered rocks to make his way over to the three of you. Dom stayed by the edge, content to keep Nikki company from the water. He claimed to be too old to swim against the current just to get thousands of gallons of water dunked on him. 
“Let’s go, babe,” Jisung said, jerking his head over his shoulder in the direction of the waterfall.
Swimming to the base of the waterfall proved to be a lot more difficult than it looked. The current was strong and moving against it required a lot of effort. People who weren’t strong swimmers had no chance of making it all the way under. 
It was doable for you, but not without struggle. The boys seemed to be in the same boat, save for Minho, who was the fittest out of all of you. He was already several strokes ahead of the rest of you when Jisung called out for him to wait up. He paused and tread water while he waited for you and the twins to catch up. 
“I thought we were going together,” Felix panted bitterly. 
“Not my fault you guys are slow,” he rebutted. 
“Maybe we should hold hands,” Jisung suggested and pointed to another family who was making significantly more progress. “They’re doing it.”
“You think that’s going to work?” you asked. 
“Yeah, how do we know you guys aren’t just going to hold me back?”
Felix clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Minho-”
“You could stand to pull some more weight, K-pop boy,” Jisung pointed out.
“Tsk, fine. How should we do this?”
Minho obviously helmed the line. You were stuck between him and Jisung, with Felix bringing up the rear. You didn’t argue about your place in the order but it did feel strange to be holding both Minho and Jisung’s hands at the same time. You couldn’t tell whether they felt similarly but you had to assume they did. 
Minho tugged you along and you pulled Jisung in turn. They held on to you tightly so as not to lose you in the tide. You tried to focus on keeping your head above the surface instead of the feeling of both of their hands in yours. 
Jisung’s hand-holding strategy actually worked and you made it to the waterfall twice as fast as you would have on your own. 
Trying to get under the waterfall was another ordeal. The water pressure was so aggressive that you had to fight against the water in order to get up on the rocks right beneath the stream. 
“This kind of hurts!” Jisung shouted over the roaring of the water. 
“Yeah, I think I’m getting bruises!” Minho agreed. 
“You guys are pussies!” you yelled, even though it did hurt and you wouldn’t be surprised if was bruising you. 
“I think Mom is trying to take a picture!” Felix screamed.
Automatically, all four of you posed even though you couldn’t see where Nikki was and you could barely open your eyes under the stream. You grabbed for Jisung but got Minho instead, accidentally squeezing his ass in an effort to hold his hand. How you mixed up the person standing beside you and mis-approximated where their wrist was, you didn’t know, but you immediately let go once you realized your mistake and fumbled for the right person’s hand instead. 
If Jisung noticed what happened, he didn’t say anything about it. Minho definitely did notice and you could see him trying not to laugh out of the corner of your eye. 
“Should we swim back now?” one of the boys, you weren’t sure which, asked after you had stood there for what felt long enough for their mother to have snapped a couple of photos. 
“You guys can, I think y/n and I are going to swim around by ourselves for a bit longer.”
That was news to you but you weren’t necessarily upset about it. You hadn’t been in the water for long anyway and you wanted to make the most of it. And if Jisung wanted to be alone with you, you weren’t going to say no. 
Your number one priority was winning him back, making it up to him, as much as you could. 
You followed Jisung to a secluded part of the pool, letting him tug you along as you floated on your back. Minho and Felix either got out or fucked off to another part of the lagoon. You weren’t paying attention when you split up and you weren’t about to look for them. 
“Did you want to talk about something?” you asked your best friend. 
“No, just wanted some space from my brothers.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Did you want to talk about something?” he parroted. 
You made a face. “No, unless you’ve changed your mind.”
You could tell he knew what you referring to immediately from the way his expression shifted. 
“Not here, yeah?”
You nodded in agreement. He was right, you should have that conversation somewhere private. Still, you took his answer as a good sign. ‘Not here’ implied that there was somewhere that you would have that conversation, which meant that he was willing to have it. You counted that as a win. A very small win, but a win nonetheless. 
“What?” Jisung asked, squinting at you through the sunlight. 
“What’s got you smiling like that? What’s on your mind?”
You hadn’t realized you were smiling until he pointed it out. 
“Just happy to be here with you.”
You had dinner at some famous burger place that night. You were too tired to pay much attention to what you were eating or what everyone was talking about but you’re pretty sure the food tasted good. 
The restaurant was in the middle of their dinner rush when your party arrived so you had to wait for a table. There was a small surf shop attached to the same building so you went with the boys to check it out while Nikki and Dom scoped out somewhere to sit. Everything was expensive so no one bought anything but window shopping kept you occupied for the time being. 
After dinner, you rode with Jisung’s parents back to the resort. He seemed indifferent to your presence this time, which you took as another win. He held your hand in the back seat and you rested your head on his shoulder. Neither of you fell asleep but you kept your eyes closed, enjoying the silence.
“We’re here, kids,” Nikki said softly once Dom had parked in the lot.
Jisung stretched, forcing you to sit up too. You thanked them for the ride, and for dinner since they paid, before Jisung asked if you wanted to take a walk on the beach. 
“Sure, let’s go.”
He led you by the hand through the maze of buildings to the hotel’s beach entrance. You passed other couples as you strolled past the pool and the firepits and it made your heart sink a little. You were jealous of them. Jealous that they could enjoy each other’s company out in the open like that. Jealous that they looked so happy. Jealous that they weren’t sacrificing one relationship for another. 
You were definitely projecting, they absolutely could have been in the same situation as you and you would never know but you refused to acknowledge that possibility because you were resolute on feeling bitter. 
The sun hadn’t fully set yet despite the late hour. Being that it was still the middle of summer, it wouldn’t get dark until much later than usual. You were also convinced that daylight lingered longer in Hawai’i than it did in other places but you had no evidence to back that up. 
“Here, I’ll carry your shoes for you,” Jisung offered, holding out his free hand for them. 
You paused. “Oh, are you sure?”
“Yeah, I know you don’t like the feeling of sand in your shoes.”
“Thank you.”
You bent down to undo your sandals and handed them to Jisung. He looped the straps around two of his fingers and resumed holding your hand. 
The sand was still warm, holding on to the heat of the day. 
“Are we going all the way down to the water?” you asked. 
“If you want to,” Jisung answered. 
“I don’t really feel like getting wet again.”
“That’s fine with me.”
You settled for walking along the outline of the tide where the sand was still dry. You followed the curves of the waves from hours past, tracing the remnants of high tide with your arms out like you were walking on a tightrope. Jisung trailed behind you for a few moments before catching up with you again. 
You had pulled your hand out of his grasp moments earlier to run ahead, distracted by the seafoam in the distance. You waited for him and put your arms back by your sides. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to ditch you,” you sighed when he reappeared at your side. 
“I know,” he replied. 
Instead of offering you his hand this time, he gave you his elbow. You took it gently, resting your hand on his bicep. 
He was uncharacteristically quiet. You wondered what was on his mind. When he invited you down here, you thought it would be to talk, to finally have that conversation. Maybe it had been and he changed his mind. Or maybe it had never been his intention in the first place. 
You were starting to think you’d never get an answer when he finally spoke. 
“I’m sorry for what I said.”
You tensed but kept walking, not wanting to confront whatever expression might be on Jisung’s face. If you stopped, you would have to look at him or stare at the ground. If you continued walking, you could just look straight. 
“I... didn’t mean that shit... about wishing I never met you. Or any of it really. I wanted to mean it. But I couldn’t, because none of it’s true. I was just really hurt. I still am, to be honest.”
“I understand,” you responded. 
“I want us to move past this,” he continued, “but it still feels really fresh. I mean, I only found out about you and Min a few days ago.”
You nodded as you listened. He was right. It had only been a handful of days even though it felt like an eternity. Being at odds with Jisung was hell. He was your best friend, after all. You had lived life with him by your side for the past four years. You didn’t want to imagine what that would look like without him. 
He cocked his head to the side, lost in thought. 
“I’m sorry too,” you added, wanting to reiterate just how shitty you felt about the whole thing. 
“I know,” he said softly. “I know you are. I knew you were then too. I’m sorry for invalidating your apology-”
“Don’t be!” you interrupted. “My actions and my words... they don’t add up. I would’ve thought I was bullshitting too.”  
Jisung scratched the back of his neck and forced a laugh. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy to wrap my head around. But I get it, I think. There’s just something about Minho, isn’t there?” 
You snuck a glance at him but didn’t say anything. You had a feeling it was a rhetorical question. 
“You must have been miserable this whole time. Trying to push down your feelings for him and then finally acting on them but being consumed by guilt when you finally do.”
“It hasn’t been the best,” you admitted, “but it’s my own fault.”
“Not entirely,” Jisung reasoned. 
You were surprised he was coming to your defense but you figured he’d go up to bat for anyone if it was against Minho. 
“Enough of it is.”
Your best friend shrugged. “I mean, it’s not like you’re known for your decision-making skills.”
You scoffed and nudged him with your shoulder. He laughed a real laugh for the first time in days. You had missed hearing it. It made you smile too. You rested your head on his shoulder and for once it felt natural. 
“I really am sorry, Ji,” you sighed, your voice wavering. 
“I know. I can’t pretend that I’m over it... but I will be. I also know that I can’t ask you to end things with him...”
“You can-”
“No,” he murmured. “I can’t. You would resent me for it.” You opened your mouth to protest but Jisung shook his head and you closed it again. “You would. Maybe unconsciously, but you would. Things wouldn’t be the same.”
“Things won’t be the same if I don’t end things with him,” you pointed out.
“I know,” he agreed solemnly. Then he sighed as if it was something he had already come to terms with. “But you’ll still love me the same. And that’s enough.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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live-love-be-unique · 3 months
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Weekend Away
Summary: A weekend away camping with your friend Soap leads to the start of a new relationship.
My submission for @glitterypirateduck #CoDVacationMode challenge. The prompts I used were:
12. Camping
32. Friends to lovers
34. First time seeing each other naked
Parings: Soap x f reader
Warnings: MDNI, smut
It had been a rare weekend of downtime after you had finished the last mission and after an offhand comment that you were going to do absolutely nothing except crash into your bed and move only just enough so that people didn’t mistake you for being dead, Soap had declared you to be his camping partner. When you agreed to join Soap on a camping trip you didn’t realize how thorough his preparation was. It started with his sending you a joint Spotify playlist “we’ll be needing good road trip music bonnie” along with a detailed list of your favorite road trip and camping snacks as well as a list of “things you need to pack to survive”.
The day the two of you set off, Gaz left you with some of his words of wisdom: “If you hear banjos, clench your buttcheeks!”
“Really Gaz? You’re referencing Deliverance now? If I get killed in some back woods somewhere I hope you fall out of another helicopter” You snap as Gaz smirks. That little shit.
You jumped as a deep Scottish accent sounded from behind you “Relax bonnie, if I wanted to kill you I wouldn’t tell anyone where we were going” Soap smirked as you got into his jeep.
“Not comforting MacTavish!” He laughed and pulled out of the parking spot “you haven’t told me where you’re dragging me yet”
“Relax, would you! You’re going to love it”
For the next three hours of driving you had been treated to Soap belting out his favorite songs, which mostly seemed like The Proclaimers on repeat and drumming on the steering wheel, both he and the radio at full volume.
“…When I wake up, well, I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next to you…”
You were almost ready to kick him out of the moving vehicle and head back to base when Soap pulled onto a dirt track. He stopped the car near the small forest and jumped out.
“We made it? Finally!”
“Not quite lass”
“What do you mean ‘not quite’? We’ve been driving for hours”
“Little bit of a hike to get there but I promise it’s worth it”
He’d of course been lying when he called it a ‘little bit of a hike’. You’d been walking for ages, enjoying the scenery of the area, you did have to admit it was a beautiful spot. You watched a flock of birds fly over the lake, not watching where you were walking and crashed straight into Soap’s back.
“Careful there bonnie” he chuckled as his arms braced you from falling flat on your face.
“Thanks” you muttered. Blushing, you extracted yourself from Soap’s arms and brushed yourself off.
“We’re here!” He announced with a flourish, throwing his arms out with a giant grin on his face. You look around and see what Soap is gesturing towards. You look in awe at the ruins of a castle, the crumbling stone walls overgrown with vines as nature slowly took over throughout the years “I found it when I was out here last and you were the first person I knew who I had to show this too”
“Me?” You ask, tearing your eyes away from the ruins.
“You love all those stories set in castles with ladies and knights and stuff so I just thought you might want to explore it and…” Soap rambled, suddenly nervous.
“I love it!..Wait, we’re camping here?!” You interrupted him, almost squealing with excitement.
“That was the plan, I thought we could set up the tent over by that wall there” he spotted you taking your camera out of your bag “I can set up the tent if you want to take a look around” he chuckled as you started admiring the sights through the lense of your camera.
You’d been exploring and photographing everything you could set your eyes on when you turned back to thank Soap for bringing you here but the words died in your mouth when you spotted Soap setting up the tent you’d be sleeping in tonight.
Dressed in a t-shirt and cargos, you watched as his arms flexed and moved as he pulled a support rope taut. You knew he was attractive, and might have been sporting a little bit of a crush, but as he lifted the hem of his shirt to wipe sweat off his face you’re pretty sure he could ask you to run away with him and you’d happily go.
“Why don’t you take a picture” he smirked childishly “it’ll last longer”
“Maybe I can take a picture of you like one of my French girls” you laugh back.
“Come on you numpty, we need firewood” he bumped your shoulder with his as he passed by.
The two of you worked quietly setting up the remainder of your little camping spot, the setting sun casting shadows through the stone window frame that would have once held a beautiful stained glass.
Soap lit the campfire while you started preparing your food, pleasantly surprised Soap had packed everything to make hamburgers, he laughed at your little happy smile “couldn’t drag you somewhere and not pack your favorite food”
You leaned back against your rucksack, relaxing into the quiet night air, you could get used to this you realize, beautiful scenery, no technology, sharing burgers and beers with Soap as you told each other funny stories about your friends and family and the rest of your team.
Soap stopped his current story and glanced up at the sky “come here” he gestured for you to sit next to him. You made your way over to his side as he dragged you down to lay next to him, both of your heads resting on a fallen log “look up”
You turned your eyes towards the night sky and gasped in awe, the entire sky was full of stars, you could see every single constellation.
“It’s beautiful” you whisper “I wish I could stay here forever”
“Told you you’d love it here” you glance over and meet Soap’s eye.
You stared into his eyes for what seemed like hours before you felt him shuffling closer until he was nose to nose with you. You’re not sure who made the first move, perhaps you both did, but Soap’s lips found yours as his hand moved from his beer to the back of your head, holding you closer to him.
You yelped in surprise against his lips as his other arm wound around your waist and pulled you onto his lap “I’ve got you bonnie” he smirked as he left open mouth kisses along your jaw and down your neck, his hand resting underneath you jaw, tilting your head to allow him more access to your neck. You throw your head back as a giggle erupts from your throat as Soap’s lips find a ticklish spot on your neck, you feel him smile against your skin as he continues his journey down your throat.
You reach down and take hold of Soap’s shirt and pull it over his head, his lips leaving your skin for the briefest moment as the shirt is pulled over his face. He leans forward and rests his forehead against yours as you catch your breath, blue eyes shining in the light of the campfire.
Soap curses as the boom of thunder breaks through the air, looking up at the sky as the first large raindrops land on your skin, he maneuvers you in his arms and carries you to the tent.
Setting you down in front of him, he wraps his fingers in your hair and pulls you against his lips, kissing you. His hands find the buttons of your shirt and makes quick work of them before he slides the fabric down over your arms and throws it over his shoulder.
The wind howled outside the shelter of your tent as you slowly undress each other, eyes and fingers tracing over each newly exposed area of skin, committing every single thing to memory “fuck lass, are you trying to kill me?” Soap smirked as his eyes practically devoured you. Standing in front of each other, dressed only in your underwear, both suddenly overwhelmed by the thought of being naked in front of each other for the first time.
Soap laid you down on the mattress he’d brought for the base of the tent “Do you want me to stop?” He asked as he positioned himself between your legs, resting on his forearms as he hovered over you.
“No” you whisper, fingers trailing through the coarse hair covering his chest. Soap shivered as your nails drag their way down his chest towards the waistband of his boxers “do you want me to, stop I mean?”
“If you stop I think might die” he claimed dramatically.
“Is that so?” You grin.
“I’d perish” Soap grins playfully back down at you “slowly and painfully in fact”
“Well, we can’t have that”
He leans back and kneels between your legs as lean forward, hands dragging his boxers down over his hips, Soap’s hands cover yours helping to remove the boxers down off his legs as your eyes wander over the length of his body, you unconsciously lick your lips as your eyes roam over his cock and he grins as your eyes meet his again “see something you like?” that cocky little shit.
Soap wraps his arms around you and lifts you up onto his lap as skilled hands make quick work of undoing your bra and throwing it to the other side of the tent. As he lays you back down you raise your hands to cover yourself, suddenly shy under the heat of his gaze.
“Come on now” he smiles softly “don’t tell me you’re going shy on me” You find yourself smiling back as you slowly lower your hands. His lips find yours “lift your hips for me love” he mutters against your lips.
“Christ” he mutters under his breath as his eyes roam over you “can’t tell you how many times if imagined you like this”
“You have?”
“Mhmm, seeing you now, definitely didn’t do justice to the real thing” you feel yourself blushing as you reach between your bodies to guide him towards your pussy.
“Soap…please” you grind yourself against the head of his cock.
“Please what love?” Soap grins, knowing he has you exactly where he wants you.
“Are you going to fuck me or what?” You sass.
He finally pushes into you with a single thrust “there she is” he smirks as you gasp. His forehead rests against yours as his crystalline blue eyes watch over every emotion that crosses your face. He hikes your thighs over his hips as his thrusts become more forceful, hands scrambling to feel every inch of exposed skin they can.
He lays kisses across your chest, blindly finding your nipple as his fingers graze your clit. Your thrust grow more frantic as you both begin to approach your climax. You cling to his shoulders, crying out his name Johnny as you as you come. Soap follows soon after, his own orgasm hitting him with a final thrust. He comes with a grunt as he collapses on top of you, you hold him tightly as you catch your breath. You hear yourself whimper as he pulls out of you, he wraps his arms around you tightly as he buries his face against your neck.
The next morning you find yourself curled into Soap’s chest as he lays on his back, one leg thrown over his and your head resting on his chest. Your stomach rumbling with hunger “What do you want to eat?” He asks, his morning voice made thicker by his accent.
You pretend to think, resting your chin in your arms over his chest “bacon and eggs”
“Oh aye, my girl wants bacon and eggs?” His arms tighten around you, holding you close. My girl, he calls you like it’s the most natural thing in the world “and what do I get in return?” His eyes glint as he smiles.
“Round two?”
Soap rolls the two of you over, laughing as he starts to lay kisses all over your face and neck “works for me”
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kitorin · 9 months
016. a sight just for us
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YOUR LEGS ARE BEGINNING TO TIRE OUT, fatigue's arrival has sweat accumulating on your forehead as your breathing becomes unstable as you stare at the way Hyoma's carmine ponytail sways.
Without turning around, Hyoma calls out, still far ahead of you. "Maybe. Maybe not."
"Self care day my ass." Though you mutter it under your breath, he chuckles as a response, halting his movements for you.
When he'd texted you to meet up at a park nearby the city, you expected a casual stroll in the park, not a borderline hike. You would've brought a much smaller bag—and a larger water bottle.
"I promise you it's not too long. Hang in there, we'll take a break if you need it." A hand offers his help, and you accept thankfully. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah—." You huff out, slightly embarrassed at how unfazed Hyoma remained, a contradiction to how the summer air relentlessly harassed you with its heat. "Just hot."
But he knows better. "There's no shame in resting. We'll take a break."
A tired nod, and you're fishing through your shoulder bag for your water bottle, hurried enough to almost spill it everywhere. You're not bothered by it though, as you're admiring the scenery; how the trees stretch their coffee coloured arms above you, emerald leaves holding hands whilst permitting some sunlight to shine through.
It's worth it, you think, even if you're sweating uncomfortably.
"Come to think of it, I didn't know this path existed." You're not constantly seeking outdoor activities nor are you particularly into them, but the park was well known enough for a multitude of reasons; one being their nature walks.
But those were outlined with stone steps, while the one the two of you were walking down remained untouched, earth and all. There were supposed to be wooden handrails accompanying the path too, as well as the occasional map adorned with a sign.
You begin moving again, a silent way of telling Hyoma you're ready to continue. "Is this a secret one? I don't think they included it on the website either."
"You're not exactly wrong."
"Meaning?" The sun's gleam was becoming more prominent, as you approached what you'd assume to be the end of the path.
"This isn't one of their nature walks, I just happened to find it one day." Before you're able to question his words, he grasps your wrist, pulls you towards the light.
You'd tried to protest, but it was difficult as you (barely) matched Hyoma's pace.
To no avail you're ignored, as the two of you rush, probably disrupting a few creatures of the local ecosystem, some dirt being kicked up as he pulls you along. "Just wait."
Not like I have a choice, dumbass.
In no time, the trees standing over you were gone and you're met with the sun blinding you, breeze immediately playing with your hair.
"We're here!"
He releases your wrist, as you ignore the stifling heat discomposing your skin to admire the view.
Your true surroundings were revealed, a small field of grass adorned with a couple of trees, peering down at the park. Cautious, you inch closer to the edge, now noticing people—walking, cycling, jogging, appearing like small beetles hassling amidst the earth. Though the height of the cliff evokes nausea, it was beautiful, how small everything looked; how you could see so much.
"Are you really that unfit?" His teasing tone makes you realise how out of breath you were, as Hyoma holds out a bottle of Pocari Sweat, one from his backpack.
You pant a bit. "I just hate the heat—summer's not my thing." You accept the bottle, taking a particularly large sip from it after squatting down. "I'm surprised they didn't make this place and the route one of their nature walks. It's so pretty. How'd you find it?" It's a hidden gem, you look around and the area's spotless, not a single sight of rubbish, nor any damage inflicted.
"I didn't, Nee-chan did." He joins you, settling down in the grass. "She showed me when I was a kid, and after becoming an idol I've come to love this place more." Hyoma leans backwards, plopping into the soft grass.
You mimic the action, though a lot more hesitant and careful. "So you have an older sister." Your gaze fixates onto the sky, wispy clouds slowly drifting along. "Is she your only sibling?" You turn to see his response; a nod with a grin.
"I love her so much. She's always been there to help me, and taught me things like how to cook or tie my hair. She's so cool, too. I don't know what I'd do without her."
Joy was evident, from the way he spoke, to the beam he donned.
It's not like he was constantly stoic, but right now he was smiling as though without restrictions—a countenance completely different from the subtle and polite one he wore in photoshoots and interviews.
"What about you?"
His question snaps you out of it, a silent reminder that you've been staring. "What about you? Do you have siblings?"
"Oh. Nope." You pray that he didn't notice your staring, and if he did you hope he didn't misinterpret it nor feel uncomfortable. "That's why I'm so close to Yoichi and Meguru, since we grew up in the same neighbourhood. My parents were busy so I played with them all the time instead." You sit up, admiring the view once more.
"I see." He imitates your action, leaning back into his arms, palms pressed into the earth behind him.
"It feels sort of wrong to be here." The comment comes out wrong, bordering on the line of discourtesy.
But Hyoma didn't seem to take any offense. "What do you mean?"
"It's you and your sister's place. It doesn't feel right coming here for content."
"You know, taking photos for your social media."
"Oh." You regret speaking immediately when you notice his frown, and your worry still persists even after he smiles again. "Recently we've only talked about our 'deal', I wanted to spend time as friends rather than just business partners. Right now, I'm showing this to my friend y/n, not my partner l/n."
"I thought it'd be nice, it's been a great escape. There's pretty much no one here, I don't have to worry about being watched. I wanted it to be equally comforting for you too, after all, rumours are expected as an idol, you're just trying to live normally."
Lips slightly parted, and heart warm, you study his expression, painted with genuine solicitude, rose coloured irises soft. The definition of your relationship was perplexing; you know you're only there because of a mutually beneficial deal, yet at times it feels like authentic friendship wove the two of you together.
"Thank you, I love it." Say more, idiot. Desperate, you piece the words together hurriedly in your head, not wanting to leave things unaddressed but worried about uttering the wrong words. "But things like rumours shouldn't be expected for anyone. I'm studying and you're simply making and performing music. Just because it's common and expected doesn't mean it should happen, nor you deserve it."
For moment the two of you sit in silence, listening to the wind sing alongside the rustling of leaves.
Hyoma eradicates the silence first. "You're right, I never really thought about it that way since a lot of people tell me success like that comes with a price."
"Then fuck them. I mean there's nothing you can do about speculation, I won't blame people for their curiosity but not harassing someone is basic human decency." You've never actively updated on a celebrities' image to the public, and you have good reason to. Anonymity served as encouragement for some people to behave in such an intrusive manner. "You're just as human as anyone else, just a lot more skilled. And attractive."
"Aaaand that's where I stop you. You were sounding ever so wise til that part. Shut up." He turns, hand reaching to your face for what you'd assume to be a flick to the forehead. You push his hand away (being friends with Yoichi had made you immune to that attack).
"Am I wrong though—?"
Hyoma speaks with a straight face. "Yeah. How about we start off with how good you are at school?"
You roll your eyes. "Anyone can study."
"Not as well as you though."
"It's not like I'm number one in the entire grade." You almost wince at the memories of that one classmate that manages to surpass your score by just a tiny bit.
"Not to mention you have a life—"
"—of watching kdramas and reading books." You chuckle, it certainly wasn't as thrilling as how Meguru or Yoichi lived their lives, but it was your way; one that made you happy.
Hyoma's finger goes to your lip, hovering just above as to not touch you without permission. "At least it's not drugs, reading's good for you anyways, now shush for a moment." He lists off the other hobbies you indulge in on each finger, outlining what makes them hard. "Your personality is great, you're emotionally intelligent, you're really pretty too—"
The final clause earns a burst of laughter from you.
"What? Are you doubting me?"
"It feels weird coming from you. You're surrounded by attractive idols all day, and spend so much time with other ones in other groups. Calling me 'really pretty' after meeting all those stars is crazy. Not like anyone else would agree with you either."
Hyoma becomes silent at the comment. "This place is hideous."
A sudden readjustment in topic has your eyebrows furrowing with confusion. "Pardon?"
"Kawachi Fujien is stunning, a shame really since that just makes this place ugly."
"You can't say that, one being pretty doesn't make the other ugly—"
The moment those words left your mouth, victory pervades his features, a toothy grin, which was quite frankly quite adorable.
"I made you say it! The same applies to you, yeah the people on tv are pretty, but it doesn't mean you aren't. And—" His hand holds yours. "—if no one else has said the same things as me, then that doesn't mean I'm wrong. It simply means you're an undiscovered flower, one that the world has yet to discover and appreciate the beauty of."
Though the unexpected grandeur accompanying his words leaves you speechless, it's not unwelcome—you can't deny the ebullience creeping onto your lips.
"That's why, you shouldn't let anyone nor any self deprecating thoughts get to you, okay?"
His words erased any memory of any negativity you held against yourself. Sure, you can recall how you doubted why'd he choose you for this role, but the insecurities regarding your appearance and the misery they carried were gone.
"Got it. I promise you."
"One more thing."
"Hit me."
"At the end of March, come here with me. Let's watch the cherry blossoms together, away from everyone else. A spring just for us."
That would be nice, gazing upon the sea of pink, out of anyone else's reach.
That's if, if he even has reason to speak to you after this deal of yours, or if it lasts for that long.
You hold up your pinkie. "I promise you that too."
Hyoma's pinkie intertwines with yours. "It's a deal then."
In spite of whether this deal will last until then, and the heat permeating your cheeks, there's nothing but merriment blooming within your heart.
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LEGS SORE AND EXHAUSTED, you plop into your chair, absentmindedly drying your hair while texting. Your feet spin yourself around, as you send a final message to Ness before tossing your phone onto your bed.
You're concerned regarding the project, you ditched the gathering and are quite certain Ness wants you dead and has convinced the rest of the group the same. You've the faintest clue on the overall quality of the assignment, but at least you know you did everything you needed.
You're really pretty too—
It's been hours since you guys bid farewell, Hyoma had a family dinner he had to attend to, while you caught the bus home. You ponder a bit, who exactly was he having dinner with? Just his household? His sister would've definitely been there too, right? What about the food? Are there any foods he doesn't like eating? Or does he eat whatever?
You're an undiscovered flower, one that the world has yet to discover and appreciate the beauty of.
Chigiri Hyoma truly is talented, from his graceful execution of his words to the way your memories with him linger within your mind. It was as if he was a character that was birthed from the pages of a romance novel, particularly with how seriously he spoke those grand words. No wonder he's grown in popularity so much since the beginning of his career. To persist in one's mind must be a gift not many possess.
You shrug it off, flipping through your textbook and opening your exercise one, focusing on your priorities for the time being.
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PAIRING. chigiri hyoma x reader
SYNOPSIS. school gets overwhelming with constant rumours and accusations, thankfully someone is willing to help. but what happens when this mutually beneficial agreement escalates into something more?
GENRE. social media au, fake dating, idol / actor au
TAGLIST. @saesins, @punkhazardlaw, @silly-ez, @y-sabell-a, @mellozhi, @luvlunazx, @oldest-dream-pdf, @misfits1a, @hoshithinker, @livelaughloveisagiyoichi, @mave-in, @rinsie, @luvcryo, @fabitheraven, @h3xi2g0n3, @yuzurins, @ch3nyan, @jammiycge, @jocynotcute
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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ghoststyles · 9 months
Baby’s First Check-up
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A Fairway to Heaven Blurb
This takes place 1 year after the conclusion of the original story
*no trigger warnings; FLUFF only hehehe
“Harry, can you go upstairs and see if she’s awake yet? I knew we shouldn’t have scheduled the appointment at this time,” Briar puffs air through her lips.
“Sure. Gus Gus, wanna go see if baby sis is awake? We have to take her to the doctor,” Harry looks down at Gus, the gray around his eyes a little more prominent. The dog tilts his head before jumping up from his position on the floor and follows Harry through the entryway.
Briar puts the last minute essentials in her bag, not knowing how long they’ll be at the appointment, since it’s the first one at this office. She lines up the carrier on the counter, ready for Harry to put a wiggly little girl in there.
Harry quietly enters their bedroom, spying his sleeping angel in her little area. Gus stares at her through the mesh, his nose twitching as he smells her. Harry reaches down to gently pick her up, pressing soft kisses in and around her face. He grabs a tiny pink bow to stick in the fuzz on top of her head from the collection on the dresser.
“Good morning, sweet girl. How’d you sleep?” Harry says, scratching her back. He places the pink bow gently on her head. Harry looks around the room before grabbing her small stuffed giraffe, Raffie, and continues down the hallway to the stairs.
He appears in the kitchen minutes later, her little head resting delicately on his shoulder. Briar coos at her, licking her thumb to brush fuzzy hair out of her eyes.
“How’d you sleep, lovie?”
“Sleepy girl today. I think it’s from keeping mama and dada awake all night last night,” Harry smiles, pressing a kiss to her forehead and inhaling the scent from her oatmeal shampoo.
“She’s lucky she’s cute, huh?”
After situating her in the carrier, the proud parents make their way to the car hand in hand. Harry straps the carrier in the rear passenger side, laying a blanket over her while Briar jumps in the front seat. They embark, pinkies interlocked, preparing themselves to answer a million questions.
Harry spots his girl in the mirror, her hair in every direction and staring out the window wildly. His heart grows bigger and bigger for her every day. Briar and Harry’s nights have been long and restless, but well worth it. Now that he has his routine down pat with Oliver, this is a piece of cake.
Harry gently pulls the car into the lot, parking a few spots down from the door. Briar hops out to unbuckle the carrier, slinging the strap over her shoulder. Harry grabs Briar’s bag from the back seat then jogs around the hood to meet her.
The lock hands, walking into the front door of the office. It’s quiet, luckily, but their girl’s eyes are wondering all over the waiting room, taking in the colors. Briar pets at the side of her mouth gently as she sits on Harry’s lap.
“Wynnie Styles?”
Harry and Briar’s heads shoot up. Harry stands up, “Yep, that’s us!”
“Follow me!” The nurse smiles directly at Wynnie.
Harry nods, hiking Wynnie over his shoulder. Harry murmurs to Briar, “They didn’t say her middle name.”
Briar laughs, “It’s okay, just let it go.”
Harry huffs, and they follow her to an alcove in the hall.
“Place her on this scale for me, I want to track her vitals.”
Wynnie’s weight pops up on the screen. Harry beams, gently patting her stomach. “Such a big girl already!”
The nurse smiles, urging them to follow her into an exam room, “Dad, feel free to keep holding her while I listen to her heart and lungs.”
Harry nods, patting Wynnie’s back gently. The nurse holds the stethoscope gently over her heart, moving it around her back.
“Alright, everything sounds good. Dr. Miller will be in shortly.”
“Thank you,” Briar smiles.
“Such a good girl, Wyn.”
They fawn over Wynnie for a few more minutes before the doctor knocks on the door.
“Hi! I’m Dr. Miller.”
“Hi, I’m Harry, my girlfriend, Briar, and this is Wynnie,” Harry says, pointing to each of them.
“Hi, nice to meet all of you. Alright if we jump right in?”
The family nods, waiting for the doctor to continue.
“Let’s talk medications and vaccinations. She should be up to date with shots. How about flea and tick medication?”
Briar nods profusely, “Yes, this is my second Bernese Mountain Dog, and his first.”
“Girl dad!” Harry interjects, his dimples framing his bright smile.
Briar rolls her eyes and continues, “I’m very familiar with the risks. My older dog is 7 now.”
The veterinarian looks at Harry amused, but continues on. She writes a few things down in Wynnie’s chart before sending them off with a clean bill of health. Harry is still weary of letting her walk on the ground, so he holds her until they make it back to the car.
“Who wants a pup cup?!” Harry yells as he gets in the driver’s seat.
“Harry, we can’t spoil her already.”
“Yes I can. Trust me, I can get a lot worse.”
He locks his pinky with hers before kissing her knuckles. Harry surprised Briar with Wynnewood “Wynnie” Dorthea Styles with a house key attached to her collar.
Harry wanted to make a big gesture for Briar moving in, so when she planted the seed of her lease being up, he was on the hunt. He wracked his brain for months trying to figure out the best surprise.
“Hey, Birdie, do you want to see my new clubs?” Harry says smugly as the couple is standing in the parking lot of Wynnewood.
Briar couldn’t give less of a shit, but she loves Harry. She wraps her arms around his waist as he clicks the button to open his car’s back hatch. She doesn’t have much time, since she’s already taken 45 minutes of her 30 minute break to make out with him.
She closes her eyes, smelling his scent of sweat and sunscreen. Harry’s breath hitches, so she opens her eyes. Sat in a laundry basket with pink blankets and toys is an 11-week old Bernese Mountain Dog.
“I- who is that?” Briar questions, eyes wide.
“This is Wynnie. She’s our new baby, Birdie,” Harry says, rubbing her shoulder. Briar breaks free to approach the fuzzy pup. “I hope you don’t mind I named her.”
Briar looks at the name tag, “Is she named after Wynnewood?” Her high pitched puppy voice coming out, a few tears slipping down her cheeks.
“Yep. Wynnewood Dorthea Styles,” he smiles, his heart bursting from his chest. “Look what else is on the name tag.”
Her lip starts to wobble. Dorthea is her favorite Taylor Swift song; they sing it in the car together often. Briar flips the collar around to find a key. “What is this?”
“I want you to move in with me, Birdie,” Harry reaches down to swallow both of them in a hug.
“Harry, your house has a key pad to get in,” Briar gawks at him.
“The key is ceremonial,” he laughs, closing his eyes. “What d’ya say? Wanna live together?”
She presses a gentle kiss to his lips as she wraps her arms around his neck, “Of course. I wanna live wherever this cutie is.”
“What about this cutie?” Harry points to himself.
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rafecameronsmistress · 6 months
i want you to show me..
tw/cw: smut, name calling, oral, step brother, cnc?
it’s 2am on a weeknight and everyone in your house is asleep. you toss and turn in your bed horny and craving attention. you pull your tank top down a little exposing the pink lace of your bra and hike your tits up making your cleavage look enticing. you go on your phone and open up snapchat taking a selfie with pouty lips and sleepy eyes. “can’t sleep 😩“ you type then send it to a couple boys from your town, whom happen to be your stepbrothers best friends, Topper and Kelce. you knew if they were awake one of them was bound to answer, you were hot and they would give you what you wanted at any time of day. not even 2 minutes pass and Topper sends a picture back. he’s laying in bed, shirtless, with an arm behind his head flashing his cute smile. “sorry you can’t sleep babe, anything i can do?” score. you stand up in front of your floor length mirror, turning halfway to expose some ass that hangs out of your tiny shorts. “yeah, come over and help me 😉”. the thought of Toppers hands snaked through your hair has you getting hot and bothered. he replies now sitting up in bed with a shocked look on his face “really?”. you giggle and send another picture this time of just your bed “yes, really” you prayed he was actually going to come over or your vibrator was going to have to work over time. Toppers reply this time took way longer and you became annoyed thinking he wimped out. you flop backward onto your bed and let out a sigh, just as you start to slip your hand into your underwear you get a reply. it’s a picture of the road that says “on my way”. thank you god.
Topper is at your house within 10 minutes. he parks his Jeep in the area of the driveway where there’s no motion sensor lights, he knows the drill. you quietly open the large front door and wave him inside “hurry up” you whisper. he ducks inside and follows you down to the basement where your family has a bar, a movie projector, and large couches. you keep the lights off incase anyone wakes up, not wanting to be caught. you turn around to face him and grab his hand, walking backwards until your legs hit the couch. you lay back pulling him on top of you immediately running your hands across his stomach and up his chest. he buries his face in your neck sucking and licking your sweet spot. “mm i needed this, needed you” you tell him. he pulls his lips from your skin “yeah?” he grinds his clothed cock onto your heat. “fuck yeah” you moan at the friction, lifting your hips for more pressure. the room is encased in heavy breathing and the sound of a sloppy make out session. you push Topper on his back and bring his sweatpants and boxers just below his cock. you wrap your hand around his shaft and swallow half his length. Topper breathes in sharply “ssshit baby, that feels so good” he moans as he wraps his fingers in your hair.
“yeah, i bet it does Top” a third voice adds as the lights are switched on
you pop your mouth off his cock, your heartbeat in your throat now, “what the fuck?” you screech, scrambling to fix yourself
“shit” Topper sighs loudly “Rafe i-“
“save it, get your dick away from my little sister before i knock your fucking teeth out yeah?” Rafe threatens walking closer to the couch, Topper stands up adjusting himself and goes to say something but Rafe interjects “you have five seconds to get out of my fucking face” he grunts. Topper looks back at you with ‘sorry’ written across his frown then he turns and disappears
you stand there frozen in fear, will he tell your parents? how long was he watching? “always knew you were a little whore” he scoffs “how many of my friends have you fucked?” he cocks his head to the side. “i dont know what you want me to say i-“ you stutter, tears welling in your eyes. “i want you to answer my question” he smiles. “just Topper” you say hanging your head in embarrassment. Rafe steps into your space lifting your chin “you like sucking his dick?” you stay silent not wanting to talk about this with your step brother. he squeezes your face forcing you to look at him “you like being a slut? huh?” he laughs and gives you a light smack on the cheek, “show me what you were doing to Topper.” you stare at him wide eyed trying to comprehend what he just said “what?” you croak. “i want you to finish what you started” Rafe says. “but you’re my-“ he cuts you off finishing your sentence “i’m your stepbrother i know, and you’re just a dumb whore so it shouldn’t matter who’s dick is in your mouth” his smile is sinister now “get on your knees and continue doing your job” he demanded.
your face flushes and you feel your ears heating up. embarrassment and a little fear flooding through your body. “Rafe please” you beg as he pulls his pants down, “open your mouth” he says grabbing his lengthy cock. you comply taking all of him down your throat, vigorously bobbing your head. “yeah just like that pretty girl” he moans while collecting your hair to hold it out of your face. you bring both hands to his shaft and stroke him while you suck, catching a good rhythm. his heavy breathing and deep moans have you tingling between your legs, you squeeze them together in attempt to get some relief. so many thoughts are racing through your head the main one being ‘why am i getting off while i suck my step brothers dick?’
to be continued.. (???)
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hearts4golbach · 7 months
The Night Shift.
Chapter 8.
Johnnie Gilbert x Fem!Reader.
I tossed and turned in my empty bed, falling asleep for only short increments of time. I had everything on my mind. the cafe, new years eve was tomorrow, the man that i ran into, and especially johnnie.
the sun hadn't risen yet. I checked my phone, it was only 6:08 am. I had a couple missed texts.
mom: miss you bunches! 😘
me: miss you too.
I rolled my eyes and clicked on the next message.
johnnie: are you up?
me: sadly
johnnie: I can't sleep
me: me either, is something keeping you up?
johnnie: yeah but it's not a big deal
johnnie: you?
me: me too.
johnnie: I kinda wanna drive around, wanna come with
me: obv
johnnie: pick you up in 10?
me: yess
me: you don't have your license though
johnnie: oh yeah I forgot
me: okay lol I'll come pick YOU up
johnnie: sounds good
I put my slides on. my mind was a screaming mess thinking about johnnie. what's he going to think of my messy hair? is it okay for me to just wear pajamas? whatever. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door.
my heart began to race faster as I approached Johnnie and Jake's house. Johnnie was waiting outside for me on his phone. We made eye contact as he flashed me a tired smile.
"morning, sleepy head." I called from the window.
he flapped his hand at me. "Hey, y/n." I looked up at the sky, it was a dark shade of blue and you could see it progressively getting lighter. "you okay?"
"yeah, the sky is just pretty."
he hesitated. "uh, yeah. you wanna go find somewhere to watch the sunset together? I mean, we don't have to, but, whatever. weird." he rambled.
I rolled my eyes. "you're fine, Johnnie." I patted his arm before he threw his seat belt on. "I'm so down."
"uh, there's this really good spot, like, right up the street." he mentioned.
"tell me where to go." he did as I said and told me the directions to the area. it was a hiking spot with a big parking lot. at the edge of one side of the parking lot was trails, and the other was a fenced off ledge. I parked as close as I could to the ledge.
me and johnnie sat comfortably on the roof of the car. It was completely silent, almost awkward. I hurried, racking my brain for something, anything I can say.
"do you believe in fate?" was the first thing I thought of.
"more or less. what about you?"
"not really, but something changed that." I glanced at him. he was staring at me like he could feel the secrets seeping out of my pores.
"me too."
a few hours later, around noon, I was sitting on the couch watching breaking bad and texting Jake.
jake: how's it going with johnnie poo?
me: what do you mean bro
jake: you're soooooooo obvious abt the fact that you like him!!!!
me: I don't even
me: what
me: I hate you
jake: so much denial even though he LIKES YOU TOO ejsus y/n grow a pair
me: wtvvv jakkeeee and even if I did like him there's no way he'd actually date me
jake: stfu I have never seen him so star struck in my lifeeee
me: okay well we've only known eachother for like a week now sooo I doubt that
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Imagine...Forest Ranger Dean
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Pairing: Forest Ranger!Dean x reader
“Hi,” you said into your phone, speaking as soon as you heard the other end pick up. “This is Y/N Y/L/N and I don’t mean to be a bother but there’s sort of a big black bear outside in my yard and it’s uh, not going away.”
“You want the forest ranger, Miss,” said the voice on the other end. “One moment.”
You sighed as you looked out your back window, the bear still roaming around, lazily taking a seat and laying in the sunny backyard.
“Dude, go away,” you said.
“Excuse me?” said the other end of the phone.
“Sorry. I was talking to the bear,” you said, getting silence on the other end for a few seconds.
“Can you safely tell me what the bear is doing?” he asked.
“Um, sunbathing from the looks of it,” you said.
“Remain indoors. I’ll be over there soon.”
“Charlie, go home,” said a man in a brown uniform and jeans, wandering into your backyard. The bear rolled on its side and the man ran a hand through his hair. “Charlie.”
The bear stood up and yawned before it padded out of your yard. The man walked around to the front of your house and knocked at the door.
“Thanks,” you said.
“You’re not from around here. Everybody knows Charlie,” he said. “He’s got that white tuft of fur that’s like the shirt Charlie Brown wears.”
“It’s still a bear,” you said.
“Yes, it is. Be more conscious of keeping the fence to your backyard shut,” he said. “Charlie loves to get his tan on.”
“So if I keep my door shut-“
“Charlie will just keep on passing by. Don’t feed him and keep your distance but Charlie is friendly,” said the man.
“Thanks,” you said. “Wait don’t bears like garbage?”
“I’m teaching a class on wilderness safety this afternoon if you want to stop by the rangers station. We’re right next to the entrance to the state park down the road,” he said. “Starts at 2.”
“Thanks. Maybe I’ll swing by.”
You were giving the ranger a bitch face when you finally caught his attention at the station.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said, waving you into the back room when he was done counting heads. “Come on in.”
“That’s a group of kindergarteners,” you said.
“Their teacher said it’s okay,” he said. You grumbled but followed him inside, standing along the back wall with a few other bored looking adults. “Okay little guys and gals. In case you don’t know me-“
“I know you, Uncle De,” said a girl near the front.
“I know you do, rascal,” he said, ruffling the top of her head as he walked past to the other side of the room. “For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Ranger Dean Winchester, also Emma’s Uncle, but you guys can call me Dean.”
“Can I?” asked the little girl from before.
“No, rascal,” he said with a smile. “Now sh, Uncle De’s got to tell all your friends about being safe in the woods.”
Dean went into a presentation of the local area and the animals that lived there, the types of plants that grew and basically a bunch of places they should never go without an adult with them.
“Now kiddos, who wants to go for a hike?” asked Dean. A bunch of hands shot up and you took that as your cue to leave. Dean grunted when you started to go for the door. You went back to your spot, Dean moving the kids into their smaller groups with their assigned chaperones. He paused once they were outside in the parking lot, nodding at you. “Hold up.”
“Do I really have to go on this little nature hike?” you asked.
“You won’t pass the class if you don’t,” he said with a smirk. “Come on. You’re the one I’m most worried about.”
“Me?” you said with a scoff.
“Uh huh. All those kids have parents that know what they’re doing. You...you make me concerned and I don’t want to be concerned so I’d rather you go on our little hike and learn a little bit more,” he said.
“What do I get out of this?” you asked.
“Peace of mind for one. I’ll buy you dinner tonight too,” he said with a cock of his head.
“Dinner?” you asked.
“Hey. Gorgeous single women don’t exactly move here all that often. I’m not above asking you out before somebody else in town can,” he said.
“I didn’t move here to date,” you said. “I moved here to get away from guys actually.”
“Oh. We do suck sometimes,” he said with a smirk. “One little date though? No strings. Just dinner at our one restaurant in town. I mean, it’s the least you can do after I saved you from that viscous bear this morning.”
“Fine,” you said. “You get one date, Casanova.”
“That’s all I’ll need.”
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scumbagjaeger · 1 year
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starring: Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie, Porco, Reiner, Levi, Zeke
rating: mostly sfw!
notes: Part 2 of my travel series! First of all, I don’t think any of the guys would ever turn down a trip with you to go anywhere!!! These are just some of the specific destinations that I think they’d love to take you to and what I think they’d like to do with you(: and these are places that I’ve been, unfortunately I haven’t been to any African or Asian countries but I didn’t want to stereotype anything about these places. Feel free to share your ideas!! What’s your dream vacation? What other travel scenarios would you like to see? Let me know, send me an ask!
Part 1
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- Okay it’s so cheesy but please stick with me okay
- The iconic “freedom” panel, with his arms outstretched? That’s him whenever you guys go to hike or explore a national park
- I don’t think he’d be one of those like intense backpackers by any means? The man still needs regular access to a shower
- But he loves as much of the untouched nature as he can get!
- So I think a roadtrip would really suit him! I think there’s something super intimate about road-tripping that you don’t get on other trips
- Imagine you fly to a place like Reykjavik (Iceland), rent a car and then explore the ring road together
- Volcanoes! Canyons! Glaciers! Waterfalls! What’s not to love, he loves the spontaneity of it, and there are times when he feels like you two are the only ones on earth :’)
- One or two nights in the city, they have a nice nightlife scene if you’re into it, otherwise just exploring cafes and cool areas around the bay
- Then you pick up the rental and hardly see anyone else again!! Lol it can be super isolated there
- The drive around can be super exciting though?? When I went we’d see a couple waterfalls every hour in some regions! He’d be impressed with each one :)
- On less-exciting legs of the trip you guys can have really open and vulnerable conversations too? Just about life and stuff
- Car sex car sex car sex
- I also think he would have a hard time with camping, no access to a shower or regular toilet stresses him out
- But I think he’d really love hikes and national parks? Just no camping trips (yet..)
- I think Hawaii would be a fun place he’d love to take you
- I’m thinking Oahu at least? That’s the most touristy of them all hahah. But I’d imagine that you go once and he begins to fall in love with the culture and nature
- And then he suggests you explode some of the other islands and see the more natural side of Hawaii!
- Maybe you guys book a hotel that has a balcony, and by halfway through the trip you’re out there with blankets sleeping in the moonlight
- You don’t get much sleeping done though 😉😉😉
- I think Jean needs a vacation where he can get back into nature and forget about work, and Hawaii is a great place for that
- Would probably love going to a Luau with you, a more authentic one that actually supports Hawaii natives yk?
- Is constantly putting flowers behind your ear bc the boy’s a ROMANTIC!!
- Loves markets and street fairs but is a bit gullible? He’ll come up to you with a bunch of baked goods and say “that vendor is so nice! His mom baked all of these treats fresh this morning and gave me a good deal on them!” And then you guys will walk past a different vendor with THE EXACT SAME BAKED GOODS and the same sign that says “baked by mom, fresh this morning!” and he’d be like “huh, maybe their moms are friends or something”
- He’d take you to see the ocean (duh)
- But I think he would also love to take you to small towns in Europe??
- He might need some convincing to go to a place like NYC or Las Vegas
- Much prefers towns like Cambridge? So many free museums and archeological collections (I also love this town lol)
- Would be still open to going to a big city with you! I mean the amount of history in New York is insane!
- But the crowds would overwhelm him :(
- Maybe could handle a weekend there on the way to another destination?
- Or at least will need a lot of time to recoup in between the nightlife and other big tourist activities
- Honestly if you wanted to go to a big city he’d be open to go, and he’d let you explore the city while he finds a good book or explores at his own pace
- Not alone! Like imagine you went with a group of friends and Armin yk? He’d be too worried about something happening to you if you were out there!!
- Yeah Armin would probably be a touch paranoid about being kidnapped or pickpocketed
- Like you could be visiting your hometown and your sibling comes to pick you up and he’s like “are you sure that’s them???? Can they get out of the car so we know it’s them?? What if it’s a trafficker??? You know I saw this news report about…”
- Okay so first I think he’d have fun with weekend camping trips? He might dabble with a longer backpacking trip, but I think his regular getaways would be camping trips with you and maybe a blunt or something 👀
- But as far as like traveling for a vacation, I think he’d actually be a lot of fun at Disney or Universal Studios
- He’ll make fun of the cringey and annoying Disney adults (the ones who would like push a kid in order to get ahead in line for a ride yk? Nothing wrong with liking Disney at any age!)
- But otherwise he’s super happy to see everyone (including the two of you) get to let loose and be kids again!
- I also feel like he’d have the best luck at finding the Disney character people?? Like you are always first in line to take pics
- He’d probably want to take pictures with the Disney characters but would always insist on doing some dumb pose? He’s just planking in front of you and Mickey lol
- He also likes Disney because he can make up the most outrageous backstories for you both when talking to cast members (he tells Peter Pan about how he rescued you from bandits, Woody that he is a toy, etc)
- Like at airports, children are drawn to him so he’s always making them laugh in lines too? Not in a weird way but he just sees them looking at him and he’ll start doing an impression (once the parents give him the lil nod of approval)
- He’ll talk to children like they’re adults about their favorite Disney things too?
- “I totally agree, Rebecca. Anna was just trying to do what’s best for her sister Elsa” (he’d just be great with kids all around)
- Would probably cry at the Avengers Campus??? Just super amazed by Spider-Man and the others
- Also I think he’d love the drinking around the world “challenge” at Epcot. You don’t want to get too drunk at a family theme park but he likes trying all the fun drinks and learning a bit about the cultures of different places!
- I think Italy or New York would be a lot of fun with Porco! Just any big city really
- Maybe Italy specifically just because of the weather? Idk when I think of them modern AU I end up thinking of Chicago because I’m from that area, so a hot area like Italy would be perfect
- The man tans like a god probably? Like five minutes in the sun and he has the perfect golden tan
- Also he’s being conscious about suncare and will put sunscreen on you! Buys two of the biggest goofiest tourist hats to shield your faces from the sun
- Probably has an interest in the fashion scene at least a little bit? Has one of those trench coat/duster jacket things when he’s in New York (secretly you think he’s doing a model-strut whenever you two are walking around lol)
- Likes to people watch in a cafe in Italy while discussing clothes you like
- Will buy you clothes after the trip and surprise you (can’t buy it during the trip bc of your suitcases!! But he jots down the things you like or will order it in store to be shipped back home)
- Also would love the food in Italy!! Insists on eating out like every single night because everything is just so good!
- But it’s also super rich so one day you both just lie in bed, too tired to get up. After that you guys take it easy
- Will judge you for wanting a simple slice of Sbarro pizza (“Really? We’re in NYC babe there’s literally every type of food imaginable? And you want Sbarro???”) but one night you wake up in the middle of the night you wake up and he’s curled over the sink with a Sbarro slice?? Hello??
- But he got you one too so it’s okay xoxo
- I think he’d like to get away in a city because the intensity and the energy of a city is the perfect pick me up when he’s feeling weighed down from work (plus the man’s a model he belongs in an Italian fashion show let’s be honest)
- I feel like he’d love road trips and camping! For some reason I think he’d be nervous to fly across the world to Europe?? Down for a flight within the US though (I always imagine them to be American but that’s just my hc!)
- Places like Arizona or Utah, even Yellowstone would be perfect!
- He probably burns really easily, so y’all get the biggest floppiest sun hats and make your way through Bryce Canyon or the Grand Canyon!
- Gets all sweaty but pulls you close as you both admire the scene before you. “(Y/N), look at how beautiful it is!”
- Reiner is so hard on himself, and I think that’s still apparent as he pushes himself to rush through the trails
- You need to make him wait and pace himself before he hurts himself! Drink water you fool!
- But imagine after getting deep into Yellowstone, you find a beautifully tranquil scene and you FINALLY see Reiner’s shoulders start to droop
- He can finally let himself relax, surrounded by the beauty of the natural world (and you), and his problems literally melt away
- At Bryce Canyon they had a really nice presentation at one of the parks about light pollution
- If you guys saw something like that Reiner could be moved to tears
- When you drive back to your hotel at night, you both pull over to admire the stars
- They shine brighter than they ever have back home, where the city lights obscures them. Neither of you say anything, just staring up at them in awe and wonder. Reiner reaches out for your hand and squeezes it in his own(‘:
- I wanted to say that he’d like Japan (and he would!) because he’d love the peace of the temples and shrines
- But I think that’s too predictable!! Plus he’s Japanese so he’d probably already be taking you there occasionally to explore!
- I think that he’s actually get a lot out of a trip to London??
- He’d probably have a lot of fun exploring the churches? The art and the history and the tranquility
- I don’t think he’d be running to see any of the royal palaces or big tourist grabs like the London Eye or Big Ben, but St Paul’s Cathedral?? He’d love it there
- And he’d love the parks, they’re spacious and it’s a nice place to people watch
- London seems very private?? Idk I’m here now and everyone seems to mind their business hahah. Polite? I bet he’d really appreciate that
- I also think he’d secretly really enjoy football?? You won’t see him jumping for joy at pubs with any of the British men
- But if a team that he likes is in an intense game, he’s holding his fork in a first so tight it could break in half
- I don’t think Levi would ever be able to fully stop thinking about his work or get away from his regular responsibilities, but he’s really inspired by the British Museum and the British Library
- After you two explore those types of areas he might pull you towards on of the courtyards outside of those areas (they both have lovely green patches outside!) and alternate between writing (I’ve always imagined him as an editor or columnist of sorts… critic maybe?) and talking to you(:
- Also let’s be real, he goes for the tea
- Honestly I think Amsterdam would be fitting for Zeke
- Amsterdam would be fun with Zeke because the whole city has a laid back vibe
- Zeke gives off a weird mix of constant ease but also stress? Maybe it’s the trauma? Who knows! But the man needs to relax
- And Amsterdam is super chill! There’s a lot of historical memorials and museums to keep you both occupied and the canals are beautiful
- Plus there’s marijuana everywhere omg
- Honestly he’d have a lot of fun in the red light district? Super polite and respectful about everything but the man’s a freak let’s be real (he’s leaving the red light district the SECOND you’re uncomfortable btw he’s super understanding)
- There are really cool markets all over? The flower markets are my favorite! A whole street full of flower bulbs and plants to buy!
- He’d probably suggest you buy some, and when you point out that they might not travel there he’d suggest you just move there together
- Idk maybe it’s the weed, but I think vacations with Zeke would just make him weak in the knees, falling in love with you all over again
- I feel like he’s pretty depressed/apathetic to the world (sorry king 💀), but seeing your eyes full of awe as you explore the large tulip fields makes his heart ache with love for you
- Big softy underneath the trauma xoxo
- Amsterdam would be packed with a large variety of experiences and Zeke would start the trip passively going along with whatever you want, but by the end he’d be dragging you around trying to see everything the world has to offer!
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Thanks so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Please leave an ask if you want to see any other specific scenarios! I’m working on one about college majors next so stay tuned!
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crabussy · 1 month
Hi robin hope you're doing good!! Are there any places to see or things to do you'd recommend for someone visiting Aotearoa for the first time?
hi its actually francis but I'm just as (if not more but don't tell him I said that hehehe) fanatic about aotearoa!!! I'm happy to help out. I'm gonna write a bit and leave this in drafts and then rob can finish it off cause its reaaaally late!! eek!! I gotta sleep because there's hiking happening tomorrow!
waitomo glowworm caves are great but ACTUALLY!!! I DON'T RECOMMEND THE SUPER FAMOUS ONE!!!! it's nice but it's not so long and the photos you see online are usually better than the experience you get. try out ruakuri caves in waitomo instead!! they're pretty much right next to the most popular caves, but they're longer, deeper, contain more interesting formations AND glow worms as well!! not as many as the main one. it depends on what you're looking for!!! there's a SUPER COOL motel called woodlyn park where you can stay in an old boat, an old tram, an old plane or a hobbit house that have all been converted into rooms. it's really cool!! might be a bit costly though
SWIM SOMEWHERE IF YOU CAN!!!! a river, an estuary, a beach. check water quality first!! beaches are probably your best bet! one of my favourite things in the world to do is swim at the beaches in aotearoa. I have yet to see a beach that makes me happier than the ones here!
some REALLY COOL TOWNS include rotorua (super stinky geothermal hotspot!!! so cool!!!!! bright green lakes!!!) and ahuriri (art deco town!! they actually hold a 1920s inspired festival there yearly if I'm remembering right!), <- francis went to bed at this point HI its robin now. what the freak is up guess I'm writing the rest of this post. also I'm DEFINITELY the bigger fanatic don't listen to her. liar liar pants on fire etc
UM!!! DEFINITELY hike/do a day walk if you can. I fucking LOVE hiking here it's always beautiful. in te ika-a-māui (north island) I really enjoy the waitākere ranges, there's currently a rāhui for some areas but I went hiking last weekend and the trail I went on was really lovely. there are quite a few to choose from!! I went along exhibition drive and the beveridge track, entering from titirangi village.
we're well known for our native birds, but as many of them are endangered you might have trouble seeing many of them. I'd recommend tiritiri matangi, an amazing conservation island off the shore of tāmaki makaurau. it can be pricey to visit but the sheer number of birds to be seen there is wonderful!!! you can even see takahē, as well as kiwi at night. the cost of the ticket goes towards the conservation being done on the island.
if you have a chance to experience a kapa haka performance or attend a māori festival GO. GO GO GO. it's always incredible, the power and just. joyous fierce pride people put into the waiata and haka is amazing. if you go around june-july, you'll be there for matariki celebrations!!! experience them. there'll be lots of events happening in major cities like tāmaki makaurau and pōneke.
if you're up for a bit of camping, motutara farm is an absolute gem. it's in whananaki, and needs to be booked WAY in advance but my god its marvelous. the beach is wonderful the rockpools are fascinating the walks are incredible and the camping sites are so lovely. you will have to deal with long drops.
genuinely, and I'm so serious, if you end up in the north island LET ME KNOW!!!! I love meeting up with people and if you end up in the city I live in, I'd love to show you around!!! there's a walk I really love in my town that I'd be happy to take you on.
there's so much more but these are my (and francis's) top picks!!!! I love these islands so much. there's so much to be experienced. I WILL ALSO SAY!!! the public transport is very good. you can mostly rely on it especially in cities.
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adventureswithteddy · 6 months
Every time your posts show up in my timeline I get a little happier. It means a lot to me :) I don't know who's running this account but it's very obvious that you're well travelled and knowledgeable of the countries of the world. (And have a great love for Teddy!!) So to whoever is running this account, thank you for sharing your travels with us, through Teddy. (⁠≧⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠≦⁠ ⁠)
I'm going Australia NSW this March, and if you've got any recommendations for exploration, I'd love to hear about your adventures!!
:D Thank you!! You telling me of your joy means a lot to me.. Just little ole Teddy's photographer here, while some days I think it could be nice to have someone helping out I don't think I could relinquish the reigns. Just trying to see what I can while I'm here and keep an open mind to new adventures! :) I really enjoy so many aspects of sharing Teddy's adventures. I get a little photo diary of where I've been and Teddy does a great job of tying it all together. I do have a love for Teddy and am quite protective of the little guy. He needs some support you know? I'm so happy that you're enjoying supporting Teddy and really appreciate you taking the time to tell me.
Ooo how exciting! That's tough! It's a big area!! Will you have a vehicle? Where will you be going? I think I tagged all the photos I took in NSW with either #NSW or #Australia so I would definitely recommend searching those on my page for some photographic inspiration.
If you're going through Sydney a neat way to see the opera house is to take the ferry across the bay -- there is a line that shoots straight across and takes you right past the opera house. It's only a few dollars so I think it's a lot cheaper than the bay tours you can get.
Royal National Park is gorgeous, depending if you like to hike there are some great coastal walks you can do there.
Rock climbing and hiking in the Blue Mountains is beautiful.
Obviously you need to get some meat pies. So many cafes and otherwise will sell a huge variety and just yum.
Teddy and I lived over in Australia for about a year and a half and were planning to be there longer but Covid threw a major wrench into those plans (got laid off, living out of a van, foreign country and no way to have a stock up of food while all the grocery stores were emptying out... it had some scary aspects to it). But living there that long there was time for us to explore the area in more depth. I'm not sure how much you have available in this trip so that could help narrow the recommendations.
Feel free to shoot me a message and I'll try to go into more depth on anything you want more information on :)
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f33der · 1 year
The hike
Christian gets into his old ford pickup and exits the gates of the military base where he works. “Shit that was a long day” he says. “I CANNOT believe my leave finally starts, 2 whole weeks off!”
The year is 1993 and Christian is an officer in the Army stationed in Virginia. He’s been in ever since his family disowned him after he revealed he is attracted to men. Hoping to find a partner in the military, he applies to be an officer and possibly meet someone. After 3 years with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, he can’t help but feel a bit hopeless as he can’t really meet anyone openly. With no family and no prospects of finding love he is just going through the motions, day by day.
It wasn’t just the lack of options that prevented Christian from getting him a date, in the last year or so his trim physique had started to soften up into a little beer belly. Late nights drowning his sorrows with beer and binge eating until he passed out started to take its toll on Christians waist line. Luckily the strict weight standards and forced exercise his job required kept him from plumping up too big.
Standing at 5’11”, Christian had an adorably cute face. Quick growing dark thick beard a military style hair cut with bright blue eyes. Very much an ex jock when he looked in the mirror with strong arms and a thick chest but still not body builder buff accompanied by a little patch of chest hair that ran down over his recently rounded out belly to his crotch. Thicker hairy legs and calves and an olive skin tone. Not ugly to say the least but definitely needed to get some cardio in to be “attractive.”
“Fuck, I have got to start getting in shape or my commands gonna have my ass.” “ I wonder if I can still fit into my combat uniform?” He says, as he slaps his gut and watches it bounce back to its round shape. “Maybe I should check out some of these nearby hiking trails and get some exercise.” Not having really any friends he decides to go it alone. The following day he maps out a moderate trail, gets his gear ready and his uniform on and drives about an hour into the country to meet the trail head. Without a parking lot he decides to drop the truck off at a nearby shopping center where he knows no one will bother towing it and walks the rest of the way to the trail.
He starts off eager to sweat and see some nature as the dirt path winds him deeper and deeper into the wooded Forrest. “Damn it is hot today” he says as he reaches for his canteen to replenish the trail map slips out if his backpack and lands on the ground. Christian hasn’t passed a single person which he actually loves and is about an hour into hiking. He reaches a fork and decides to go left noting he’ll be able to find his way back. Another hour goes by and a few more random turns on the trail later Christian decides to trace out where he’s been on the map. “Oh no, oh no, dammit” he says as he frantically searches for the lost map. “ dammit I knew I should have brought a spare or even a satellite phone.” He starts to panic and decides to try and retrace his steps.
Hours go by and the sun is setting, Christian is lost and is getting really worried. Luckily he can start a fire and find some cover for the night in an open area by some fallen trees. He sets up camp and hears his stomach growl, “ ugh I only have a few snacks, first thing in the morning I’m headed dead East to find someone to help me outa hear.”
Morning comes and his hunger deepens. After packing up his campsite he heads toward the sun and bushwacks his way for what seems like miles. “ I’m so so stupid, how could I let this happen, I should ha...” He hears something in the distance, all he can see are trees and sky. “ are those gunshots??” He says, worried. As he gets closer to the sounds he confirms someone is definitely shooting off a rifle, “maybe they’re hunters and they can help me out” he says. He gets his brighter article if clothing out, his red boxers, and waves it in the air to signal he’s no deer or squirrel as he heads closer to the sound. “ HELP, I’ve been lost out here for awhile can you help??” He screams toward the gunfire and it stops. He continues forward to find a small parcel of land, maybe a quarter acre cleared out in the forest and a vintage cabin. “ maybe it’s a vacation cabin for hunting” he says out loud and walks his way up to the front yard, red boxer briefs in hand. “ anyone around?? I’m lost and I could use some help!” From the back of the house comes a deep voice that barks out “ Who’s on my Fuckin property?” Christian screams out in a panic as he eased his way around the corner of the cabin “ please, I’m sorry to trespass but I got lost in the woods and I need to maybe use your phone?”
From around an older shed in the backside of the yard comes a shirtless beef cake of a man. Christians jaw drops as he gawks at the man before his eyes, wielding the rifle he heard earlier. His gawk turns to terror as the business end of the rifle turns its way to Christian and the question is repeated to him, “ I said, who the fuck is on my property?” The man screams in a thick country accent. “My name is Christian and I’m in the Army that’s why I’m dressed like this. Please I got lost hiking and I really need some help. I’m so sorry for trespassing. Please don’t hurt me.” He pleads. “Christian, my name is Billy and I really don’t like company on my land” the big country hunk says as he lowers his weapon. Standing at easily 6’4” and probably 250 pounds of pure manly beef, Christian can hardly believe his eyes. Billy is dirty blonde with a thick beard that’s trimmed up nicely on the neck. Wearing a pair of aged ripped up tight Levi’s and work boots he stares unknowingly at Christian. Under his handsome face sits a big beefy upper body with a dark farmers tan. His not so hairy chest leads down to a big plump beer gut that seems to suspend itself in mid air. The brown leather belt and buckle around his waist seem to stretch as they bow under his proper gut. Standing about 30 feet apart, Christian can’t stop staring at this big meaty man until he hears “ what the hell are you fixing your eyes on me like that for boy?” Christian’s responds, “I’m so sorry, I just wasn’t expecting to see someone like you living here, or.. never mind I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to startle you.” Billy smirks and starts to walk forward as Christian finishes his sentence, fearing he’s about to be killed by this country boy. Billy gets right up to Christian, looking him up and down to examine his new “guest” and says “you look like you been rollin in mud boy. How the hell did you find me and my land all the way out here in these woods? Never mind, I guess I can fix you up with some water and comfort to talk more about what we goin do with you now.”
Christians eyes go wide as he hears those words. Billy puts his arm around Christians shoulder and slightly forces him toward the front entrance of the older cabin. It looks as though it’s been well maintained considering there’s no driveway or telephone poles in site and all Christian can see as he enters is a large field adjacent to the back yard with several different kinds of crop and a large barn in the distance beyond that. The inside if the home smells like timber and baked bread and is definitely lacking in electronics. Wood burning stove and what looks like vintage furniture all around. As Christian takes in his surroundings he hears billy say“ why don’t you strip down outa those clothes so I can give um a wash and you can refreshen in the washroom toward the back of the house?” With a big menacing smile on his handsome face. “ umm.. I ugh.. I just really need to find my way back home man I-“ Christian is interrupted as billy screams “ ITS SIR IN MY HOUSE, you got me boy?” “ yes sir, I’m so sorry I’m a little uncomfortable I’m just going to go ple-“ as Christian gets up while speaking billy pounces to the door and deadbolts it with a key. Christian gulps hard and they lock eyes as billy says “ well you must be a city boy cause you got no manners now do you? Ya won’t let me wash you up, you won’t call me sir and now you wanna leave before I fill you u- I mean get you a meal? That is just a shame” billy laughs as finishes his rant. Christian is visibly shaken as sweat drips down his neck, he slowly back up and tries to make space between himself and billy but knows that if a fight erupts, he’s not winning. He chooses to stand down and continue pleading with billy to just point him in the right direction but billy, with his fingers rubbing his broad chin just paces the kitchen/ dining room area and seems to think about his next move. Christian finally stops pleading to be released and they lock eyes. Billy’s pale blue eyes look him up and down and he blurts out “ take off that jacket shirt thing covering your mid section.”
Ughhh.. o.. okay?” Christian blurts out as he uncomfortably removes his military cover jacket to reveal his normal uniform. “ now take off the other one too dammit!” Billy demands as he jumps forward at Christian. Christian quickly unbuttons the blouse to reveal his undershirt tucked into his pants. His slightly toned chest and nipples show their outlines through the shirt and as he fully removes his arms, Christians little beer gut spills out for billy to immediately glance at. Christian just stands awkwardly with his head down contemplating the idea of making a run for it. Billy breaks the silence, still shirtless and walk over to billy once again. Almost halfway across the room he orders “ well it looks like you’ve been eating well, Christian.” Billy says in a seductive voice as he closes the gap between the two. Billy reaches out his big weathered hand and pokes Christians gut then pinches it with his thumb in Christians belly button and his index finder under his fat roll directing Christian down onto the seat nearest the stove. Christian, sits reluctantly and cant help but stare into Billy’s round tanned gut which is directly in his face. Billy grabs Christians chin and forces his eyes toward his own. Billy takes a step back and grabs ahold of the belt buckle under his beer gut and unfastens it. Slowly pulling it out through the loops of his skin tight Levi’s. Christian notices the top two buttons are undone already and stares back at billy. “ in this house, we like to eat until we’re full and we ALWAYS finish what’s given to us.” Billy says as he starts to unbutton the rest of his fly buttons one by one. Reaching the last button revealing a thick bush surrounding a throbbing meaty cock, not too big but thick and dripping with pre cum. He pulls his pants half way down, grabs his cock with one hand and slaps his stomach with the other as he arches his back. Christian is aroused but worried and blurts out “ sir, that’s a bit to big for me to swall-“ Billy grabs the back of his head and shoves the cock down his throat. Christian gags but takes it as best as he can. Billy thrusts a few times and is so worked up that after a minute or two he clenches Christians hair with his hands and cums down his throat. “ omg I’m going to drown” Christian thinks has billy won’t let up. He swallows and swallows as fast as he can and finally is able to breathe only to feel half full from what felt like half a gallon of cum being forced into his gut. Billy pulls back, smiles and pulls his pants back up. Billy says calmly “ here’s the thing little guy, I like myself and my men with a healthy appetite and a round pot belly to show it. Now what I plan on doing to you is seeing how quickly I can get you to bust outa that uniform you seem to want to keep on so badly.” As he steps closer to the fearful Christian and places a gentle hand over his plump little gut “ now, I hope you’re hungry, strip down and wash up cause I got supper in the oven and I’ll cook up some extra sides just for you.”
Christian nods agreeably and strips naked to reveal his untrimmed ex jock body to billy. Billy licks his lips and says “ throw the clothes next to the wash room, I’ll take care of them tomorrow. Sit down after you wash up.” “ with what clothes?” Christian responds angrily. “ “none fat boy, I wanna see that belly get nice and plump while you eat.” Christian walks away to wash up thinking “ holy shit, how the fuck did I get into this situation? How do I get out? Why does he want to watch me fatten up? Why did that turn me on?”
“Suppers ready, get ya ass back out here boy.” Billy screams. Christian comes back cleaner than he was and sees a full ham, mashed potatoes, collard greens and gravy along with heaps of baked muffins. “ a-all this for me?” Christian asks nervously. Billy chuckles and says “ I gotta eat too, don’t be selfish.” They sit down and and Christian reluctantly starts to eat realizing he’s actually starving.
It’s pretty much dark again and billy, still with his pants unbuttoned leans back to rub his distended stomach for Christian to see. “ damn, I’m lookin like a pig these days wouldn’t you say Christian?” Christian, still working on his mound of food nods in agreement and feels his dick start to throb at the sight of this hunky man in front of him. Billy notices his stares, gets up and approaches the back of Christian as he eats noticing his boner. He pulls Christians chair out and gets down on his knees. Christian is in awe at the moment. Billy looks at Christian and says “ ya better keeping stuffing that food in as I do this aright?” Christian responds “ yessir” and continues to stuff himself with the country feast. Billy starts at the pecs and puffy nipples, sucking and licking them. Then goes to the small crease under them to tease Christian. He moves to Christians puffy love handles to lightly bite on them and pinch the other side with his fingers. Billy moves down to Christians now distended stomach and starts to tease him. All the while Christians cock is throbbing for attention. Billy continues to tongue his way down as Christian continues to stuff himself. Billy pushes his face into Christians crotch, smelling the musk from the mans loins and wraps his lips around Christians dick eventually deep throating him. Christian exhales in ecstasy as billy works him while pinching and massaging his bloated stomach. Christians finally finishes and cums but is only half way through dinner. Christian sits there amazed and a bit confused as billy gets up, picks up a handful of mashed potatoes and shoves it into Christians mouth. Christians eyes grow wide as he realizes he’s being force fed. He tries to fight billy off and another handful enters his mouth only to feel Billy’s gigantic hands wrap around his wrists and hold them down to continue fattening Christian up. He pleads as handful after handful are forced down his throat and his belly tightens with each swallow. “Fuck, sir I can’t eat much more I’m gonna pop.” Christians belts out inbetween handfuls as the plate in front of him empties. Billy smirks and starts to laugh, “ don’t worry boy, I guarantee you’ll finish all this under my watch, unharmed.” Christians braces for another handful as food scraps tumble down his softened belly, getting stuck in his chest hair and pubes as he is forced to eat and eat until the last bite finally makes its way down into his gorged stomach and his arms are released. “Fuuu-burp, I can bar- ely breathe, I’m so tired.” Billy pats Christians taught belly, lifts him up and carry’s him to a separate room in the house with an old cot and some spare old clothes on the floor. Billy places Christian down on the cot and leaves him to rest. He locks the door behind him and Christian quickly nods off from exhaustion.
The next morning Christians wakes up and finds billy leaning in the doorway. “slept in little guy, we still eat three meals a day no matter when you wake up.” Billy says. “Your uniform is washed. Breakfast is almost ready so get ya ass dressed.” He barks. Christian washes up and arrives at the table to find another massive spread. His military uniform is actually clean considering it was hand washed but he’s FAR from hungry. “ billy, sir, I’m sorry but I’m just so confused and kind of scared. The police and military are gonna come looking for me. I won’t say a word if you just let me go I promise.” Billy turns around, smiles and says “I don’t think they’re gonna recognize you after I’m done with you fat boy. Those pants are looking tighter already.” Cristian responds “sir, I don’t understand why you’re holding me hostage to fatten me up like this?” “ like I said I like my men with some extra meat on their bones, you just happened to have a head start.” Billy says as he walks over to Christian, forces him to sit and puts a heaping plate of food in front of him. “now eat up piggie.” Christian works on the hearty breakfast of mostly carbs and meats until he drops his arms in defeat. Billy sighs and approaches the back of Christians chair again. “I guess I’ll just have to make you eat then.” Billy says as he reaches into a kitchen drawer to retrieve a long rope. Christian panics and tries to get up only to be forcefully seated by Billy’s strong arms. Billy hog toes Christian to the back of the chair, picks up a thick slab of pork and shoves it into Christians mouth. “Ain’t gonna plump you up if you can’t even finish a meal properly.” Billy announces as he continues to bring food to Christians mouth. The rope wrapped around Christians mid section between his chest and stomach grows tighter as he is forced to eat what seems like a pound or two of breakfast food. When he’s done, billy unties his captive and sends him to the small room to rest.
The same routine continues for each meal, it seems Billy enjoys the feeding part so Christian is restrained for every meal and made to eat and eat until billy is satisfied. Sometimes its with clothes on but mostly without. Sometimes if its a lighter meal billy will play around and make Christian suck him off or the opposite. Christians room is small and he is only allowed to use the wash room to bathe and use the restroom when Billy is around so his physical movement is non existent. He tries to do pushups and pass the time with some small exercises but there’s no way to counter act the calories he’s being forced to consume daily. Day in and day out christian is force fed massive amounts of food with little physical activity and the weight is starting to pile on. His stomach is always being stretched bigger and bigger with every meal and it always looks packed full. He doesn’t know his weight anymore but he estimates a good 20 pounds has been added to him if not more. He can feel himself growing fatter by the day. Dinner is Christians favorite because after the stuffing he knows he will get a long break before breakfast and he can read and relax in bed with the stash of books he found in his room. As fucked up as the situation is, Christian starts to form a routine around his captivity. He asks billy if he has any more reading materials so pass the time and billy brings him a plethora of novels and readings from somewhere in the house. Christian knows his only chance of escape is if someone stumbles upon the cabin in search of him. “I should have told someone where I was going,” Christian says to himself as he wonders what will become of him. Christian sits alone most nights and the one thing he really misses is social interaction. “I need to start forming a bond with billy to win him over and maybe I can escape. He wants me to eat big and get fatter so ill just give in, I won’t fight back, ill win him over!” Christian thinks to himself.
The next morning Billy wakes unlocks the door to the small room and finds Christian awake already. He is half naked with his camo pants pulled up over his meatier thighs and looks at billy. “ You’ve really turned me into a hog sir, I’ve been wrestling with these buttons on my pants for a few minutes and I can’t seem to fasten them. My gut is too fat.” Christian says as he slaps both sides of his distended but less full stomach. His Belly giggles slightly in front of billy who’s awe stricken by the sight. “ Damn right, I have fattened you up nice” billy says. Christian can see he’s turning billy on instantly and he milks the occasion. “ so what’s for breakfast big guy?” Christian says as he rubs his belly in circles, enticing Billy. “ I like to see you so eager for a feeding pig, I cooked up a bunch of eggs and a fat slab of ham from the farm. Also got some of those muffins you seem to like so much.” Billy spits out with his southern draw. “Mhmm, well I’m ready to dig in” responds Christian slapping his belly once more for dramatic effect. The two men walk over to the table and Christian sits down with his pants still unfastened, his hairy stomach fills into his lap as he leans over to smell the food in front of him. “ smells delicious sir” Christian says. Before billy can even get the rope, Christian digs in and with force. He alternates between the eggs and the ham, taking a break every now again for milk and a bite of the muffins. “Guess you don’t need to be hog tied if your gonna eat like this, fat boy. If you keep this up your gonna be a porker in no time.” Billy says as he watches Christian devour the meal in front of him and starts to eat his own breakfast as well. Christian finishes quickly but he’s stuffed, his face is red and he’s flushed as all hell. His stomach has expanded a good few inches since he’s started and he leans back in his chair to stretch.
He slaps his round belly for Billy to see and says “ why do you want to fatten me up like this? Are you ever going to let me go?” Christians says as he continues to play with his protruding gut trying to break the ice and get some dialogue going with his captor. Billy looks at him for a moment and continues to eat. A few minutes go by and he says “ Listen fat boy, I’ve spent a lot of years here building this place for this kind of thing. You just happened to walk right on up to me. Seems like fate huh? As soon as I saw you undress me with your eyes I knew your cute ass was the one I wanted. Also I can’t have you runnin off telling anyone important that I’m back here.” Billy explains. “I’m sure you’re curious how long this is gonna go on for but I got BIG plans for you if you know what I mean.” Christian gulps hard and sits quietly. It’s not what Christian wanted to hear but now he knows this might be permanent. Maybe a case of Stockholm’s syndrome will kick in and make it more bearable he thinks. Billy finishes his own breakfast and allows Christian to wash up and use the bathroom. He is locked back in his room as billy goes back to tending the farm.
The days start to blend together as Christian is made to simply eat and get bigger. It has felt like weeks or maybe even a month or two have gone by but Christian has no idea. His once small beer belly has grown into a proper gut that pours into his lap whenever he sits upright almost covering up his cock. It’s round and firm rather then flabby because of the highly caloric, dense meals. His plump love handles wrap around his torso form a perfect ball of a gut that seems to grow wider by the day. The outline of a once relatively fit, athletic body can be seen where his hips are as the V shape is still present but now there is a big ball shaped stomach protruding outward just above. Stretch marks are forming around his armpits and waistline and even his thighs. Christians pecs have softened even more but his constant pushups and pull-ups in his small room along with his ridiculous diet have actually beefed him up around the chest and arms which billy encouraged.
Christian is allowed to shave his face with Billy’s straight razor under supervision and his now trimmed face shows off his fattened features surrounding his already handsome mug. His thighs and ass have gotten larger too as he sits around most of the day. Christian sometimes forgets what he even used to look like as he is stuffed like a pig day in and day out but his relationship with billy has started to turn into an oddly forced romantic affair. Billy refuses to get too close but he is affectionate and loving. “After all, he’s never tried to actually harm harm me” Christian says to himself.
One day as Christian is nearing the end of his room workout he hears the door slam harder than usual. Billy scrambled around outside Christians room and finally opens Christians door. “Just heard a radio message in the barn that they’re looking for a guy that matches your description.” Billy says somewhat frantically. “ I can’t have the law snooping around here and finding you all bound up in the kitchen getting stuffed so I’m going to start filling you up somewhere more secret.” He said with a dirty smirk across his face. “gonna have to fatten you up a little faster too so they don’t recognize ya if they find ya around here, huh?” Christians eyes grow wide as he hears those words. “ sir, I’ve done everything youve said. I’ve been eating on my own and obeying you. I can barely handle the food you serve me now though.” Christian pleads. Billy grabs Christian by the wrist and drags him into a room he’s never been in before. It’s the master of the house that has a huge bed in the center of the room with four big posts on each corner of the bedframe that extend to the ceiling. Billy forces Christian into the room. He goes to retrieve Christians old uniform and throws it at him. “ put it on and button it up fat boy.” Billy demands. “I want to see to it that you burst right out of that thing before I burn the evidence.” Christian stares at the uniform wondering how he’s even going to get the pants halfway up his legs and past his fattened ass. The buttons on the shirt might not even touch with how fat he’s become. “DID I STUTTER PIG? I said PUT THE DAMN UNIFORM ON!” “Ok ok I’ll try sir.” Christian responds.
He waddles his way into the pants and they look painted on. His thick backside and thighs are so much larger then they used to be that there is almost no room left in the pants. The outline of his cock can be seen clearly they’re so tight. He pulls the light green army issued undershirt over his head and yanks it down past his chest and over his round stomach. The fabric around his gut it so tight you can see Christians belly button indent perfectly. He tucks the undershirt into his unbuttoned pants and pulls the button end of the pants toward the button hole on the other end of the waistband. The gap between the two is about 2 inches from each other. Christian breaks a sweat to button the camo army trousers. “What happened to the soldier I met? Seems you put on some weight fat boy?” Billy says as he chuckles watching Christian struggle. After a few minutes Christian fastens the pants button. A sweat stain on his chest and under his pecs let’s billy know it was a endeavor. The pants look like they’re about to rip at the seams and the button is about to burst. Christian puts the button down matching army blouse over his head and wiggles his thickened arms into the holes. He tugs enough to get the shirt around him. Christians arms look beefy as they fill out the sleeves well. He looks down to start at the chest and works his way down, button by button. The first few arnt so bad but the chest is too small now. He reaches the button above the curve of belly and sucks in as hard as he can. He quickly fastens all the buttons, struggling with that second to last one but finishes the job. As Christian exhales he feels like a sausage in a casing. Billy stares in amazement has he takes in the sight. Billy’s force feedings have fattened Christian up, probably adding a good 40-50 pounds to his once ex jock frame at this point. His buttons all look like they’re about to take an eye out.
Christian feels defeated knowing this all started because he wanted to lose weight and got lost hiking in the woods only to find a man that would force feed him to look like he does now. Almost ironic. Billy exits the room sporting a massive hard on, pre cum dripping through his jeans. He returns with a few strands of rope and orders Christian face up on the bed. Christian slowly mounts the bed, trying not to tear through his skin tight uniform. Billy ties his victim up to the posts, limb by limb. He stares down at Christian who helplessly stares back wondering what will happen next. Billy smiles and says “ let’s see how much food we can fit in ya.” Christian knew there would be a feeding but as billy started to bring in plate after plate of carbs and meats and cheeses, Christians eyes grew wider. “He can’t possibly expect me to finish all of this, can he?” Christian thinks to himself. Billy finally brings in a big jug of milk and what looks like massive pumpkin pie. “Aright fat boy, where do you wanna start?” Billy says joyfully. Billy cuts some homemade bread in half and fills it with some homemade meat from the farm and cheeses. Christian gulps hard as he prepares to take the first bite of a sandwich that could feed 3 people. Billy holds the sandwich in front of Christians concerned face and forces his jaw open. “Eat up!” Billy teases as he forces Christian to chomp off a heaping first bite.
Christian swallows and another bite is waiting. Chew by chew, swallow by swallow, billy pushes the massive sandwich down Christians throat. Another sandwich follows and then another, each one getting harder to eat as the stuffing continues. Fresh rolls are shoved into Christians mouth every so often as he struggles to keep up. Billy is amped up by this feeding and Christians stomach starts to stretch but it doesn’t have much room to grow. His military blouse is stretching thin over his growing mid section as he’s forced to swallow more and more food. The holes grow wider between the buttons in the shirt revealing the undershirt he’s wearing as the last sandwich is presented to Christian. As Christians hands and feet are tied to the bed he starts to thrash around and turn his head to deny the food. Billy grabs his jaw and forces a bite into Christians mouth. He swallows a few bites and finally the 2 buttons burst off of the shirt and fly across the room. Christians distended belly surges forward as a sigh of relief escapes his mouth. “Fuckin finally, I thought I was never gonna get to see you undress for me” billy says in a teasing manner. The center or his belly is now bulging from the shirt and billy demands that Christian finish the sandwich. A few more reluctant bites go down and another 2 buttons, burst but with less dramatic effect, resting on his crotch area. “that’s a good pig, keep growing for me fat boy. I want to watch you shred these clothes.” Billy says as he slaps Christians belly and forces the rest of the sandwich into his mouth. Christian moans as he swallows the last bite. “Please sir, I can’t ... eat.. anymore. I’m gonna explode” he pleads.
Billy laughs and brings the jug of milk up to Christians lips. “Couldn’t catch what you said there piggy, drink up.” Billy demands as forces the spout of the milk jug into Christians mouth. The force of Billy pushing the container into his mouth creates a seal. Billy looks devilishly at his captive and slowing squeezes the jug, forcing the rich creamer into Christians mouth and down his throat. Christians arms reach for his face to instinctively shove the man off but again, he is bound like a hog. He thinks to himself “ fuck I’m going to drown, I need to breathe.” Billy lets off but keeps the container in place in Christians mouth. He breathes heavily out of his nostrils for a minute or two and as his breathe returns to normal, Billy slowly starts compressing the jug again. . Gulp by gulp, Christian feels his gut pushing its limits as the last bottom button bursts, revealing Christians round and fattened stomach covered by a painted on undershirt. Billy, sprouting a hard cock through his work jeans, gives Christians belly a soft rub as he examines his work. Christians gorged stomach heaves as he catches his breathe. Billy pokes and slaps his victims belly. “We’ve made some good progress I’d say” Billy says as he leans over and inspects the pants button that should give way any minute now. Christians expanding gut is nearly hanging all the way over his waistband now and the button can barely be seen. “Now we just gotta pop this last button and I think we will be alright. Ready for desert?” Billy says as he reaches for the pie. Christians wiggles and his belly does the same as he trys to free himself with no result. Billy pulls the undershirt over Christians chest to untuck it from his tight pants and waistband revealing a packed balloon. His hairy stomach is stretched tight and it’s glowing with taught skin. Christians belly button is even stretched out and less deep. Shiny red marks appear at the roundest part of his stomach showing just how wide he’s become during this stuffing. His love handles have the formations of stretch marks just from this feeding.
The waistbband of Christians pants folds under his gut as his fat mound spills over into his lap, love handle to love handle, forming a perfectly symmetrical fat boy. From above, Christian is sprawled out with a desperate look in his eyes as he feels himself expanding with no way to stop it. He wonders to himself how much more he can eat before he bursts or throws up. Billy kisses Christians soft pecs and licks the sweat thats dripping down his chest. “Fuck you taste good.” He says as he scoops a big spoonful of pie and holds it up to Christians mouth. Christian whimpers as billy forces the spoon past his lips and into his mouth. Billy puts his hand over Christians mouth and forces him to swallow with each new bite of pie. Christian holds the sweet dessert in his mouth for minutes trying to avoid a blow up. “Don’t worry fat boy, I’m patient. One way or another I’m going to pop that button of your pants,” Billy chuckles out. Christian looks down at his stretched belly and he can barely see his crotch anymore and swallows. Billy places a gentle hand on Christians stomach as he alternates between stuffing Christian with pie and forcing him to drink the fattening creamy milk. Billy feels Christians stomach gurgle and slightly expanding with each gulp or bite that he’s forcing into the helpless man.
A few minutes of this continue and the pie is not finished, a big fat spoon of pie is again presented to Christians lips as he pleads “no more, I’m gonna puke”, as his mouth opens billy shoves the spoonful in and “POP” goes the pants button holding together the two sides of his waistband. Christians belly accommodates the new space and pushes an inch or two forward. He let’s out a large moan and leans his head back. Billy, finally satisfied, stands up and takes in the full view as he chuckles. “God damn fat boy, I never thought I’d get to force feed such a handsome pig enough to burst outa their clothes!” Christian slowly chews the piece of pie as milk and sweat drip onto his meaty chest and he can’t even respond. His head lays back on the bed frame as his arms and legs are still bound. His undershirt is pulled over his pecs and his Blouse is missing every button besides the top one. His pants lay defeated as Christians big round hairy gut rises and falls with each labored breathe. Billy is impressed by his work and slowly approaches Christian’s feet to make his way onto the bed. “Now that those pants are undone I can get to your cock, I guess I’ll finish you off.” Billy whispers as he pulls Christians buttonless pants and underwear down to his thighs and start to kiss Christians hairy legs. Billy works his way up to Christians now rising cock and admires the incredible amount of food he’s forced Christian to eat. He smells Christians musk and sweat as he plays with his manhood. Billy starts off slowly, reaching his hands up to feel Christians gorged stomach and caress his body. He kisses the indent that the tight waistband of the pants has left on Christians underbelly. Billy teases Christians cock and slowly starts to insert it further down his throat until his nose is at the base of his Christians groin. Billy’s forehead rests on Christians bloated gut as he moves up and down, faster and faster. The extreme pain Christian feels in his stomach is now overshadowed by the affection Billy’s showing to his cock. He’s never had someone make him feel so good when they are sucking him off. It’s the best head he’s every felt.
Christian jolts as he climaxes and cums for what seems like an eternity. He looks down at his distended ball gut and see Billy rise, wiping his mouth with a giant smile on his face. “Fucking fat pig likes to get his dick sucked, consider that a treat for destroying your clothes.” Billy says as he gives Christians belly one last slap and walks out of the room. Christians eyes grow so heavy he immediately falls asleep and the day ends for him.
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mepuppy · 1 month
Let It Ride - Supernatural rewrite
I do not own the characters, nor the storylines. I'm simply adding a twist to the episodes. Please feel free to help me out with constructive criticism on the story or the writing. Sorry for the mistakes, not proofread and english is not my first language. Here's the secon episode, I hope you like it.
Word Count: 6,6k
1x02 - Wendigo 
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Sam jerks awake from a nightmare. He is riding shotgun next to Dean on the Impala, with the Harley tailing them. Hot-Blooded by the Foreigner is playing on the radio. Sam blinks and rubs his eyes and Dean looks over, concerned.
“You okay?” he asks his younger brother, frowning. Sam glances over and away.
“Yeah, I'm fine.” he answers looking out the window. Dean nods and checks the rearview mirror to make sure the Harley is still there.
“Another nightmare?” He looks at his brother again. Sam clears his throat. “You wanna drive for a while?”
Sam laughs. “Dean, your whole life you never once asked me that.”
“Just thought you might want to. Never mind.” he says looking back to the road.
“Look, man, you're worried about me.” Sam says looking at his brother, “I get it, and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay.” he says grabbing a map and dean agrees skeptical. “All right, where are we?”
“We are just outside of Grand Junction.” he answers, looking back at the Harley again.
Sam folds down the map of Colorado that has a large red X labeled 35-111. “You know what?” he looks at Dean “Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon.” he says still thinking about Jess. 
Dean signals and stops on the side of the road. Y/n catches up and stops by his open window. “Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica—”
“We gotta find Dad first.” Sam agrees without looking up.
“Dad disappearing and this thing showing up again after twenty years, it's no coincidence.” Dean says looking between Sam and y/n. 
“Yeah. John will have answers. He'll know what to do.” Y/n dropped more her head to look at Sam.
“It's weird, guys.” he says, finally looking at his older ‘siblings’. “These coordinates he left us.” he pauses for a couple of seconds “This Blackwater Ridge.”
“What about it?” Dean looks back at him.
“There's nothing there. It's just woods.” Sam says putting down the map. “Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere?”
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The Impala and the Harley are parked next to a sign that says "RANGER STATION Lost Creek Trail, Lost Creek National Forest". 
“So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote.” Y/n says looking at a 3D map of the national forest, paying particular attention to the ridge labeled "BLACKWATER RIDGE". Dean looks at the decorations.
“It's cut off by these canyons here, rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place.” Sam points around talking to y/n.
“Dude, check out the size of this freaking bear.” Dean exclaims, astonished looking at a  framed photo of a man standing behind a much larger bear on the wall. Sam looks over and comes to stand next to Dean.
“And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. It's no nature hike, that's for sure.” He finishes off looking over his shoulder to y/n.
A forest ranger, walks up behind them; when he speaks, the trio whip around, startled. “You kids aren't planning on going out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance?” the ranger says suspiciously.
“Oh, no, sir.” Y/n says smiling.
“We're environmental study majors from UC Boulder, just working on a paper.” Sam laughs a little creating a cover story. Dean grins and raises a fist.
“Recycle, man.” he says and the other two look at him frowning.
“Bull.” the ranger retorts, turning around. Sam's eyes flick to y/n, while she and Dean don't move. “You're friends with that Haley girl, right?”
Dean considers. “Yes. Yes, we are, Ranger Wilkinson.” he says after checking the ranger’s name tag.
“Well, I will tell you exactly what we told her. Her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying he wouldn't be back from Blackwater until the twenty-fourth, so it's not exactly a missing persons now, is it?” he asks looking at Dean again with one eyebrow raised. Dean shakes his head. “You tell that girl to quit worrying, I'm sure her brother's just fine.”
“We will.” he thinks about it and continues “Well that Haley girl's quite a pistol, huh?”
“That is putting it mildly.” the older man goes behind his desk and rests his mug on it.
“Actually you know what would help is if I could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. You know, so she could see her brother's return date.” The ranger eyes Dean, who simply raises his eyebrows smiling charmingly.
Dean, y/n and Sam leave the ranger station. Dean is holding a piece of paper and laughing.
“What, are you cruising for a hookup or something?” Sam asks.
“What do you mean?” Dean asks stopping and turning to hs brother.
“The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge, so what are we waiting for? Let's just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl?” both Dean and y/n look back at him confused.
DEAN and SAM stop on opposite sides of the Impala.
“I don't know, maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it?” Dean is on the driver’s side of the Impala, next to y/n, who is holding her Harley’s clutch, while Sam looks at them from the passenger’s side of Baby.
“What?” He looks at both, annoyed.
“Since when are you all shoot first ask questions later, anyway?” y/n asks tilting her head.
“Since now.” Sam turns away; opening the car door.
“Really?” Dean asking opening his side too and looking inside to Sam, who just shrugs. “Let´s go to this Hayley’s house.” He tells y/n and gets in the car.
They all stand at the door to a house. The door opens to reveal Haley Collins. “You must be Haley Collins. I'm Dean, this is Sam and y/n, we're… ah…” he looks at the two and back at the girl  “We're rangers with the Park Service. Ranger Wilkinson sent us over. He wanted us to ask a few questions about your brother Tommy.” 
Haley hesitates. “Lemme see some ID.” Dean pulls out a fake ID with the name 'Samuel Cole' and holds it up against the screen of the door. She looks at it, then at Dean, who smiles, then opens the door “Come on in.”
“Thanks.” y/n says smiling and entering the house. followed by the two men. Haley catches sight of the Impala.
“That yours?” she points at the car. 
Dean looks over his shoulder and smiles. “Yeah.” Sam and y/n are looking back at the Impala.
“Nice car.” She smiles back and turns to lead the trio into the kitchen. Y/n rolls her eyes at Dean’s face, looking back at the girl. Dean turns his head to mouth something to Sam, who also rolls his eyes. “This is my other brother Ben.” She says as they get to the kitchen and a boy is sitting at the table on a laptop.
“So if Tommy's not due back for a while, how do you know something's wrong?” Sam asks sitting down on a chair while Haley does too on the head of the table.
“He checks in every day by cell. He emails, photos, stupid little videos—we haven't heard anything in over three days now.” The girl says and looks over at y/n who’s sitting on her other side.
“Well, maybe he can't get cell reception.” she says looking back at the girl.
“He's got a satellite phone, too.” she answers shaking her head.
“Could it be he's just having fun and forgot to check in?” Dean asks knitting his brows and sitting by y/s side.
“He wouldn't do that.” Ben chimes in. Dean eyes the boy and he looks away. 
“Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other.” Haley explains looking at Dean.
“Can I see the pictures he sent you?” Sam asks and Haley agrees, getting up to grab a laptop. She pulls up pictures and turns the computer to the trio.
“That's Tommy.” She clicks twice and another picture comes up, then the still frame opens the latest video.
“Hey Haley, day six, we're still out near Blackwater Ridge. We're fine, keeping safe, so don't worry, okay? Talk to you tomorrow.” Tom says in the video and it ends.
“Excuse me.” Sam says pulling the computer and playing the video again.
“Well, we'll find your brother. We're heading out to Blackwater Ridge first thing.” y/n says turning to the girl and smiling reassuringly.
“Then maybe I'll see you there.” she looks back at the girl “Look, I can't sit around here anymore. So I hired a guy. I'm heading out in the morning, and I'm gonna find Tommy myself.”
“I think I know how you feel.” Dean tells her, looking between Haley and Ben.
“Hey, do you mind forwarding these to me?” Sam asks still looking at the computer screen and Haley agrees.
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In a bar, the trio is sitting down at a table. Sam has John’s journal and y/n has some newspaper articles.
“So, Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers, mostly. But still, this past April, two hikers went missing out there. They were never found.” she says, looking between the two men. Sam opens John's journal.
“Any before that?” Dean asks looking at her. She hands the newspaper articles to show him.
“Yeah, in 1982, eight different people all vanished in the same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack.” Dean reads over the headline “And again in 1959 and again before that in 1936.” While she explains what she found Sam pulls up and opens his laptop, which already has a window open to Tom's video. “Every twenty-three years, just like clockwork.”
“Here. Watch this.” he turns the computer screen to the side of the table y/n and Dean are sitting “Here's a clincher. I downloaded that guy Tommy's video to the laptop. Check this out.” Sam goes through three frames of the video one at a time. A shadow crosses the screen behind Tom.
“Do it again.” y/n asks looking intently at the screen. Sam repeats the frames.
“That's three frames. That's a fraction of a second. Whatever that thing is, it can move.” Dean hits Sam, making him and y/n look up..
“Told you something weird was going on.” Dean says without taking his eyes of the screen.
“Yeah.” The younger man answers, closing the laptop
“I got one more thing.” y/n says grabbing one article from the bottle of the pile and hands Sam “In 'fifty-nine one camper survived this supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid. Barely crawled out of the woods alive.”
Dean looks over at The Lost Creek Gazette.
“Is there a name?” the two ask in unison looking at the girl. who nods and gets up. “C’mon, I found his address already.” Outside the bar she heads to shotgun of the Impala.
“And…? What’s his name?” Sam asks following her, with Dean behind him. 
“Robert Shaw.” she says opening the door “I’ll go with you, I’ll just need to come back and grab Dixie afterwards.” she refers to the Harley. The two men take their respective seats, with Dean driving and Sam on the backseat.
This was the arrangement they always had growing up, since Sam is 2 years younger than her, she would normally be shotgun whenever it was just the three of them. And Dean being 2 years older than she was, normally, the designated driver, unless he had found a chick, then the two youngest had to figure out a way to go back to the motel by themselves. In the beginning Dean’s rendezvous bothered her a lot, because she always had a crush on him. With time she learned to ignore it, but whenever she thought about it, her stomach still turned.
Arriving at the old man’s building, they headed to the door and knocked. Using the ranger cover again, Mr. Shaw let them in.
“Look, ranger, I don't know why you're asking me about this. It's public record. I was a kid. My parents got mauled by a—” he stated walking inside the apartment with a cigarette on the corner of his mouth.
Sam interrupts the man “Grizzly? That's what attacked them?” Mr. Shaw takes a puff of his cigarette, takes it out, and nods.
“The other people that went missing that year, those were bear attacks too?” y/n asked looking at the man frowning. They all paused.
“What about all the people that went missing this year? Same thing?” Dean added. Another pause. “If we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it.” he continued.
“I seriously doubt that. Anyways, I don't see what difference it would make.” Mr. Shaw sits down on a recliner. “You wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever did.”
Sam sits down across from the old men. “Mr. Shaw, what did you see?”
He pauses again. “Nothing. It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it, though. A roar. Like...no man or animal I ever heard.”
“It came at night?” y/n asked looking between Sam and Mr. Shaw, the latter nods.
“ It got inside your tent?” Sam asks, trying to understand further.
“It got inside our cabin. I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door.” he looked from Sam to y/n “It unlocked it.” he looked back to Sam “Do you know of a bear that could do something like that? I didn't even wake up till I heard my parents screaming.”
“It killed them?” y/n asked with a calm voice.
“Dragged them off into the night.” Mr Shaw shakes his head. “Why it left me alive… been asking myself that ever since.” He pauses. And then his hands go to his collar. “Did leave me this, though.” The older man opens his collar to reveal three long scars. Claw marks. “There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of a demon.”
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The trio walk the length of a corridor with rooms on either side.
“Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. If they want inside, they just go through the walls.” Dean says looking ahead.
“So it's probably something else, something corporeal.” Sam looks at him.
“Corporeal? Excuse me, professor.” Y/n asks, a tone of laugh in her voice.
“Shut up. So what do you guys think?” he says smiling.
“The claws, the speed that it moves...could be a skinwalker, maybe a black dog.” Dean answers also smiling.
“Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature, and it's ‘corporeal’. Which means we can kill it.” Y/n looks at the two brothers.
On the next morning, Dean opens the trunk of the Impala, then the weapons box, and props it open with a shotgun. He puts some guns in a duffel bag, while y/n brings her own duffel over her shoulder. Sam leans in.
“We cannot let that Haley girl go out there.” he says looking at Dean then y/n.
“Oh yeah? What are we gonna tell her? That she can't go into the woods because of a big scary monster?” dean retorts knitting his brows when looking at Sam.
“Her brother's missing, Sam. She's not gonna just sit this out. Now we go with her, we protect her, and we keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend.” Y/n tells him with a hand under his elbow. Dean picks up his duffel.
“Finding Dad's not enough?” Sam slams the weapons box shut, then the trunk. “Now we gotta babysit too?” Dean stares at Sam. “What?”
“Nothing.” he says and throws the duffel bag at Sam walking off. Sam looks over at y/n, who just shakes her head and follows Dean.
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AT the forest, the Impala pulls up. Dean, Sam and Y/n get down and  find Haley, Ben and a man checking a shotgun, all with full backpacks.
“I'll tell you again, I don't think Ben should come.” The man tells Haley and shakes his head.
“Roy—” the girl looks at him.
“Look, you're paying me good money to keep everybody safe. I think Ben's safest at home.” Sam opens the back door of the Impala and pulls out two duffel bags, making Roy and Haley look in their direction.
“You guys got room for two more?” Dean asks as Y/n grab one of the duffel Sam is handing her.
“Wait, you want to come with us?” Haley asks, looking at Dean.
“Who are these guys?” Roy asks, getting closer to her.
“Apparently this is all the park service could muster up for the search and rescue.” Haley rolls her eyes and Sam heads past everyone. Y/n and Dean look at eachother.
“You're rangers?” Roy asks eyeing the two that are left.
“That's right.” Dean grins at them.
“And you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?” Haley points at their feets and pants. Dean and y/n  look down at themselves.
“Well, sweetheart, I don't do shorts.” Dean winks and y/n rolls her eyes as they head past Haley.
“What, you think this is funny? It's dangerous back country out there. Her brother might be hurt.”
Sam and Y/n look back. “Believe me, I know how dangerous it can be. We just wanna help them find their brother, that's all.” Dean says passing Sam and Y/n..
The group hikes through the forest, Roy in the lead, then Dean, Haley, Ben, y/n and Sam bringing up the rear.
“Roy, you said you did a little hunting.” Dean looks up at the man in front of him “What kind of furry critters do you hunt?”
“Yeah, more than a little. Mostly buck, sometimes bear.” Roy walks slower.
As Dean passes Roy, he asks “Tell me, uh, Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?” Roy grabs Dean. Y/n looks on.
“Whatcha doing, Roy?” Dean asks more quietly staring at Roy. He grabs a stick and pokes the bear trap Dean had almost stepped in. Haley looks annoyed.
“You should watch where you're stepping. Ranger.” he drops the stick and retakes the lead.
“It's a bear trap.” Dean looks back at the rest of the group. Y/n rolls her eyes at Dean.
They hike on. Haley catches up to Dean. “You didn't pack any provisions. You guys are carrying duffel bags. You're not rangers.” Haley grabs Dean's arm, making y/n look up at them. “So who the hell are you?”
Ben passes Haley, Dean and y/n. Sam looks at Dean, who indicates with his expression that Sam and y/n can keep going; they obey, but y/n walks slower. 
“Sam and I are brothers, Y/n is our best friend since forever. And we're looking for our father. He might be here, we don't know. I just figured that you and me,” he looks her more intently “we're in the same boat.” Sam passes them.
“Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?” Haley asks confused.
“I'm telling you now. 'sides, it's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman. ...ever.” he says. Y/n passes them agreeing. “So we okay?” He continues ignoring the girl. Haley pauses, but then agrees.”And what do you mean I didn't pack provisions?” Dean pulls out a big bag of peanut M&Ms and sticks his hand in the bag as he hikes on, tapping y/n on the shoulder and passing the bag to her afterwards. Haley waits a moment, then follows.
After a while  hiking Roy, still leading stops. “This is it. Blackwater Ridge.”
Sam heads past Roy. “What coordinates are we at?” he asks and Roy pulls a GPS out reading it.
“Thirty-five and minus one-eleven.”
 Y/n comes up to Sam. “You hear that?” she asks the younger man.
“Yeah. Not even crickets.” he answers as Dean reaches them.
“I'm gonna go take a look around.” the guide says rearranging his backpack.
“You shouldn't go off by yourself.” Y/n warns him, looking at the man.
“That's sweet, honey. Don't worry about me.” he waves his gun and pushes between Dean and Sam to retake the lead. They turn back to the others as Ben and Haley catch up.
“All right, everybody stays together. Let's go.” Y/n sighs and tells the rest annoyed at Roy.
“Haley! Over here!” Haley runs towards Roy's voice, followed closely by the others. They come to a halt.
“Oh my God.” she says, alarmed. The tents are torn open and bloody and all the supplies are scattered.
“Looks like a grizzly.” Roy says holding a torn out part of a tent. The rest looks around.
“Tommy?” Haley takes off her backpack and goes through the campsite. “Tommy!” Sam moves to catch up with Haley, shushing her. “Why?”
“Something might still be out there.” he says looking around the woods.
“Sam! Y/n!” they head over to Dean, and crouch next to him. “The bodies were dragged from the campsite. But here, the tracks just vanish. That's weird.” They stand up.
“I'll tell you what, that's no skinwalker or black dog.” y/n tells the two men looking between them. Back at the campsite Haley is crying over Tom’s cellphone.
“Hey, he could still be alive.” Dean tells her when he’s close enough. She gives him a look.
“Help! Help!” a man’s voice yells from the woods. Roy leads the way as everyone drops their gear and runs to the aid of the shouter. “Help! Somebody!” They find no one.
“It seemed like it was coming from around here, didn't it?” Haley says agitated. They listen.
“Everybody back to camp.” Sam says turning and already heading back. At the campsite, all the supplies are missing.
“Our packs!” Haley says, looking around.
“So much for my GPS and my satellite phone.” Roy complains.
“What the hell is going on?” Haley asks fearful looking between Roy and Dean.
“It's smart. It wants to cut us off so we can't call for help.” Y/n says and looks at Sam.
“You mean someone, some nutjob out there just stole all our gear.” Roy looks at her and throws his arms up.
Sam goes to Y/n and Dean. 
“I need to speak with you two. In private.” They head a little ways away from the group. “Good. Let me see Dad's journal.” Dean hands it over. Sam opens it and flips through until he finds a particular page while the other two look at him. “All right, check that out.” He points to a First Nations–style drawing of a figure.
“Oh come on, wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or, or northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west.” Dean tells Sam looking back at his brother.
“Yeah, but think about it, Dean. The claws, the way it can mimic a human voice. It actually makes sense.” Y/n exclaims still looking at the page.
“Great.” Dean takes out his pistol. “Well then this is useless.” Sam hands the journal back to Dean.
Sam started going back to the group, but stops and turns “We gotta get these people to safety.” Dean and y/n look at each other and sigh. Back at the campsite, Sam addresses the group. “All right, listen up, it's time to go. Things have gotten...more complicated.”
“What?” Haley asks.
“Kid, don't worry. Whatever's out there, I think I can handle it.” Roy tries to be the alpha again and Sam cut him off.
“It's not me I'm worried about. If you shoot this thing, you're just gonna make it mad. We have to leave. Now.” He looks back to Haley and Ben.
“One, you're talking nonsense. Two, you're in no position to give anybody orders.” Roys takes a step towards Sam.
“Relax.” “Hey!” Y/n and Dean say at the same time stepping closer to Sam and Roy.
“We never should have let you come out here in the first place, all right? I'm trying to protect you.” Sam looks back to Roy who steps right into Sam's space.
“You protect me? I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you good night.” He looks up, since Sam is taller than him, with a snare on his face.
“Well, this thing it's a damn near perfect hunter.” Y/n says as she and Dean go closer to them and put themselves between the two.
“It's smarter than you, and it's gonna hunt you down and eat you alive unless we get your stupid sorry ass out of here.” Sam tries to get closer to Roy but y/n has a hand on his chest and he doesn’t press it.
Roy laughs. “You know you're crazy, right?”
“Yeah? You ever hunt a wen—” Y/n pushes Sam and Dean comes with her looking at Sam. 
“Chill out.” Dean yells in Sam’s face at the same time Haley calls Roy out.
“Stop. Stop it. Everybody just stop. Look. Tommy might still be alive. And I'm not leaving here without him.” She comes closer to Roy.
“Look, it's getting late. This thing is a good hunter in the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night.” Y/n started.
“We'll never beat it, not in the dark. We need to settle in and protect ourselves.” Dean continues and look back at the girl he grew up with.
“How?” Haley asks.
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It was already night and the group has built a campfire, and Dean and Y/n draw something in the dirt around the campsite while Haley pokes at the fire.
“One more time, that's…” Haley asks looking at the two.
“Anasazi symbols. It's for protection. The wendigo can't cross over them.” Dean explains again to the girl. Roy laughs, gun over his shoulder.
“Nobody likes a skeptic, Roy.” y/n tells the guide as she heads over to sit next to Sam, who is at the edge of the campsite.
“You wanna tell me what's going on in that freaky head of yours?” she asks, trying to look in his eyes. 
“Y/N, I…” He starts but Dean cuts him off getting to them and sitting by y/n side, using her knee as support.
“No, you're not fine. You're like a powder keg, man, it's not like you. I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember?” Dean says, scolding him.
“He has a point.” Y/n smiles and points Dean with her head. A pause.
“Dad's not here. I mean, that much we know for sure, right? He would have left us a message, a sign, right?” Sam looks at Dean and waits for an answer.
“Yeah, you're probably right. Tell you the truth, I don't think Dad's ever been to Lost Creek.” Dean looks down, then back to Sam.
“Then let's get these people back to town and let's hit the road. Go find Dad. I mean, why are we still even here?”
“This is why.” Dean takes his hand off y/n knee and holds up John's journal. “This book. This is Dad's single most valuable possession—everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. And he's passed it on to us. I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things.” 
“The family business.” Y/n finishes Dean’s sentence. He smiles at her and she smiles back.
Sam shakes his head. “That makes no sense. Why doesn't he just… call us? Why doesn't he… tell us what he wants, tell us where he is?”
“I dunno. But the way I see it, Dad's giving us a job to do, and I intend to do it.” He looks back at his brother
“Dean...no. I gotta find Dad. I gotta find Jessica's killer. It's the only thing I can think about.”
“Okay, all right, Sam, we'll find them, I promise.” Dean tells him
“Listen to me, Sammy. You've gotta prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while, and all that anger, you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You gotta have patience, man.” Y/n tells him and grabs his hand, making him look at her.
Sam looks down, then up again. “How do you do it? How does Dad do it?”
Y/n looks over at Haley and Ben. “Well for one, them.” Sam follows her gaze.
“Besides, I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little bit more bearable.” Dean continues also looking at the siblings by the fire. He pauses and looks at Y/n. “Also, I'll tell you what else helps.” Her eyes meet his.
Sam looks back at Dean.
“Killing as many evil sons of bitches as we possibly can.” The three smile. A twig snaps.
They all hear a voice, probably the WENDIGO “Help me! Please!” Dean stands and readies his gun. “Help!” Sam shines a flashlight about.
“He's trying to draw us out. Just stay cool, stay put.” y/n tells everyone and goes closer to the campfire and the siblings.
“Inside the magic circle?” Roy retorts, laughing without humor.
“Help! Help me!” And then a growl starts. 
Roy points his gun at the sound. “Okay, that's no grizzly.”
“It's okay. You'll be all right, I promise.” Haley tells Ben in particular. Another sound sounds closer and she shrieks.
“It's here.” Sam says.
Roy shoots at the rustling, then again. “I hit it!” Roy says and goes to see what he hit.
“Roy, no! Roy!” Dean yells and turns back to Haley and Ben. “Don't move.” Dean, Y/n and Sam run after Roy.
“It's over here! It's in the tree!” they hear the guide up front, but the wendigo reaches down from the tree and snaps Roy's neck.
“Roy!” Sam shines the flashlight around, then they head back to camp.
The next day, after a night taking turns to keep watch, Sam and Y/n are sitting against a hollow tree stump, Sam is holding John's journal and playing with a lanyard attached to it and she has her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed. Dean, Haley and Ben are among the tents.
“Can I ask you something?” Sam starts without taking his eyes off the journal.
“Mm-hm” the girl murmurs not moving.
“Why weren’t you with Dad? Before he disappeared?” he tries to look at her without making her move.
“Well…” she starts and pauses for a couple of seconds  “I was supposed to be with Dean, on his hunt. But headed to Bobby’s for a while.  She sighs and pauses again.
“Why?” he insists.
“Ah, you know…” she looks at him, still laying on his shoulder. When she realizes he isn’t dropping it, she stands up and sighs again. “I don’t know. The two of us went to a lot of hunts by ourselves this last year. And, sometimes, when is just the two of us…” she looks ahead and finds Dean talking to Haley “it gets a little weird, the tension, and stuff. It wasn’t always, it was actually spreaded…” She looks back to Sam “But still, I needed some time away from him.”
“You still have a crush on him.” Sam half states-half questions, because of course Sam knew. He was her confident when the subject was Dean. And he never told Dean, the same way he never told her all the things Dean always said about her to him. Even though sometimes he just wanted to put both of them in a locked room and just let them leave after they talked about their feelings.
She doesn't answer him, just gives him a sad smile and gets up, holding a hand to him. He takes it and they head towards the group. They decide to go explore. Dean leads the way through the woods, Molotov cocktail in hand. Y/n follows then, Haley and Ben, then Sam. They pass trees with claw marks and blood.
“Dean.” y/n calls the older man to the side. 
Dean catches up. “What is it?”
They look around at the trees. There are bloody claw marks and broken branches everywhere. “You know, I was thinking, those claw prints, so clear and distinct. They were almost too easy to follow.” 
They all hear a growl. Sam whips around. Trees rustle. Blood drips on y/n’s shirt. Dean notices and looks up, then pushes her out of the way; Roy’s corpse lands where they’d stood seconds before. Sam examines Roy as Dean gets up and helps y/n
“You okay? You got it?” he asks as she takes his hand to get up. She nods and mouths a ‘thank you’ as Sam speaks.
“His neck's broken.” More growling.
“Okay, run, run, run, run, go, go, go!” Dean says as he starts running still holding Y/n’s hand so she follows. Everybody takes off.
Ben falls and Sam hurries back to help him up, dividing the group three and two.
“Come on, I gotcha, I gotcha.” Sam tells Ben as he helps him up. Dean, Haley and Y/n stop short; the wendigo is in front of them. Haley screams.
“Haley?” Ben yells back. 
Dean drops the molotov. And they hear Sam’s yell “Dean! Y/n!”
The wendigo has an unconscious Haley on one shoulder and is pulling Dean and Y/n by the ankles on each hand. She looks at Dean and mouths ‘M&M’s’. He looks at her confused. They know it won’t do any good to fight the Wendigo the way they are now. So their best shot is giving Sam a chance to find them. She held out her hand to Dean and he carefully took the bag of candy from his pocket and handed it to her.
She grabs and opens it without making too much noise. Then starts to drop one M&M every couple of steps. When the wendigo raised them from the floor Dean’s head hit a rock and he passed out. She was worried about him, but kept doing her task of leaving Sam’s trail. After they got to its lair, the thing dropped Dean and y/n, leaving her unconscious as well.
Sam and Ben look up after falling through the floor; Dean, y/n and Haley are hanging by their wrists from the ceiling. Sam runs to Dean.
“Dean! Dean!” Sam grabs and shakes dean while Ben is calling Haley. “Dean!” Dean opens his eyes. Hey, you okay?” Dean winces.
“Where’s, Y/n?” Dean asks looking around and spotting her, but when Sam cuts him down he almost falls to the floor.
“I’m going to her now. Calm down. Sit here!” Sam helps him to an empty patch on the floor and goes to y/n who’s still unconscious. Ben passes him with Haley, after releasing her. “Y/n! Wake up! Hey, how are you?”
She opens her eyes slowly and a pained look crosses her face. “I’m amazing.” she says faintly. “Dean?” she asks weakly. 
“Right here.” he answer her from his spot, already standing up and going to her and Sam to help out, groaning. Meanwhile, Haley spots Tom, still hanging and starts crying.
“Tommy…” Haley touches Tom's cheek. His head jerks up. Haley jumps back and shrieks. She turns to Sam. “Cut him down!” Sam heads to them and cuts him down. “We're gonna get you home.”
The stolen supplies are piled in the corner. Dean picks up flare guns. “Check it out.”
“Flare guns. Those'll work.” Y/n grins and Sam smiles. Dean laughs and twirls the guns. They head down a tunnel, Dean and Sam in the lead with the flare guns and with y/n between them, and Haley and Ben supporting Tom, who is limping. They hear a growl.
“Looks like someone's home for supper.” Dean looks back at the siblings behind them.
“We'll never outrun it.” Haley looks at the hunters frightened.
Dean looks back at Sam and y/n. “You thinking what I'm thinking?” she nods and Sam answers.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“All right, listen to me. Stay with Sam. He's gonna get you out of here.” y/n says.
“What are you gonna do?” Hayley looks between Dean and y/n.
Dean frowns and looks at  her. “no, you’re going with them.”
“I’m not leaving you behind alone! Don’t even try it.”
Dean chuckles and shakes his head looking at the floor. He looks back at Haley and winks, starting to walk back hand in hand to the girl he spent most of his life with.
“Chow time, you freaky bastard!” She yells, smiling back at Dean.
“Yeah, that's right, bring it on, baby, We taste good.” He looks ahead and yells too.
Sam waits until Dean and y/n are a safe distance away and looks back at the three siblings. “All right, come on! Hurry!” The Collinses follow Sam down the tunnel. They hear a growling sound. Sam points the gun at it, then lowers the gun and turns to the Collinses. “Get him outta here.” “Sam, no.” Haley starts.
“Go! Go! Go!” Sam tells them and turns back to the mine.
“Come on, Haley!” Ben starts pulling his sister to the entrance of the mine. Sam holds the flare gun ready to shoot, looking down the tunnel.
“Come on. Come on.” Sam yells and the growling intensifies. Sam turns and: the wendigo is right in his face. Sam shoots and misses, then runs after the Collinses. “Get behind me.” Sam is large enough to hide all three Collinses. The wendigo approaches, taking its time.
“Hey!” they hear Dean’s voice. The wendigo turns. Y/n shoots it in the stomach. The flare goes off and the wendigo goes up in flames. “Not bad, huh?” Dean asks and y/n grins at Sam.
An ambulance loads up Tom. Two police officers interview Ben while Sam stands behind him. A paramedic cleans the last cut in y/n’s cheek. When she sees Ben and Sam leaving the officers side and head to Dean and Haley, who have been patched up already. 
Y/n sees Dean smirking lasciviously at Haley, she says something and he nods laughing. The paramedic tells the girl she’s all done and she thanks him. Not wanting to head in Dean’s direction, but everyone’s there already. Another paramedic calls Haley and she followed him, not before leaving a kiss on Dean's cheek. Y/n’s stomach turns, but she looks down.
“Man, I hate camping.” Dean says as soon as y/n reaches the Impala and sits down next to him.
“Me too.” “Yeah.” Sam and her answer him.
“Sam,” she looks past Dean at him, “you know we're gonna find John, right?”
“Yeah, I know. But in the meantime?” He turns his eyes to Dean “I'm driving.”
Dean looks down at his keyes, as he considers it. He throws them in the air and Sam grabs it. Y/n runs to shotgun and gets in the car, when Dean realizes, he looks at her incredulously.
“You snooze, you lose, Winchester.” she winks at him when Sam enters the driver’s seat. Looking at the sky Dean heads to the backseat. Sam turns the keyes and ‘Fly By Night’ by Rush begins to play while they drive off.
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