#there are fireflies ❤️
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qualityrain · 11 months ago
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shes my collar (i’m the one that put it there)
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deerspherestudios · 11 months ago
not a question, but i just wanted to tell you that mushroom oasis and mychael have been one of the biggest comforts to me of late ☹️
genuinely, being able to have a little escape from life in the world and game that you created with mychael has done wonders for me and my mental. not only that, but it reminded me of the little things to pay attention to- like the fireflies that you have to go out and find in the forest at night or of the small flowers that grow beneath our feet in every crack and seam.
all that to say, thank you for the amazing game, cheea!! i cannot wait to see what else you have in store for us and mychael :) take lots of care and thank you again!
I'm gonna be honest I read this message many a times over; it definitely gave me a much needed boost. I've been stuck in a rut lately this month and trying to work has been hard but messages like these certainly remind me people enjoy the game as much as they do and helps keeps me going ;;v;; <3 Thank you!!
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shatterspin · 18 days ago
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utdr-stimming · 11 months ago
flowey and alphys friendship stimboard?
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Alphys and Flowey's friendship stim board!!!
:) x x
x x x
x x :)
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ladykissingfish · 1 year ago
*getting ready to go to a Halloween party*
Sasori: Deidara! Are you ready yet?!
Deidara: *steps out of the bathroom* Geez, you’re so impatient, hm!
Sasori: … what are you supposed to be?
Deidara: *spins around* A firefly! See?! *wiggles his behind* I have a set of small lightbulbs down there, and a switch inside the body that I can press so they’ll light up, hm!
Sasori: That’s actually incredibly clever, brat. Kudos.
Deidara: Thanks, Danna! Hey, did you know that fireflies only light up when they’re trying to find another firefly to mate with ~ ?
Sasori: Didn’t know that, no. Okay, we’re late enough already, let’s go.
*later that night, in Sasori’s room*
Deidara: *still in costume, repeatedly pressing the button to make himself light up*
Sasori, trying to read: I GET it already, you horny brat! Just let me finish this chapter first!
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icyfox17 · 8 months ago
Hi :3c
Helloooo!!!!! What's up :D how've you been??!!!?
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baede-6 · 5 months ago
Character ask game: Cayde-6 7, 22, & 26 For 26: Stick Cayde, Eris & the Drifter temporarily and accidentally locked in an elevator (pre Excision for continuity reasons). What happens?
*cracks knuckles*
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
❤️:I like a lot of the art that people make when it comes to Cayde (and Destiny in general).Some people are so,so talented.Drawings,cosplay,props,figures,blender renderings,what have you,I love it. The more love I see for one of my favorite characters,the better.Cayde deserves all of that love. I've also adored seeing New Lights get to meet Cayde for the first time in The Final Shape and fall in love with his character. It's something special.A whole new generation of Cayde fans.❤️
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
♠️:I'm honestly not as big of a fanfic reader as I used to be.Although,I do like it when people send me fanfics they've written,and I do read those (and if anyone ever wants to recommend fics,feel free and I'll take a look.❤️)
Something I like: 
❤️:In the few fanfics I have read involving Cayde,I like it when he gets to go on a quick adventure outside of the Tower,getting into some shenanigans and gets back in one piece. I also enjoy it if any of the Hunter gang are involved (or at least referenced) in said shenanigans,or if it makes me feel something,a good story should always make you feel something. Whether it makes you laugh or tugs on your heartstrings.
Some things I don't like:
-When people write Cayde where he uses slang like "rizz","babygirl","sigma"or "skibbity" casually in a sentence (yes, I've seen people write him like this,"babygirl" in the romantic sense?Maybe,but in the slang sense,no.I can't see him saying that.),if he were human (and not a centuries old Guardian 😅),I'm fairly certain based on his personality in the game, he'd be somewhere between his mid/late 30's-mid forties (Also basing this a little on both of his V.As who are currently in their 50's,but during most of Cayde's screentime throughout the games,they were in their 40's), he'd have no idea what those words meant.Even if he spent time around younger Guardians,it'd be like your dad using slang to sound cool and failing miserably at it,not to mention literally none of the characters talk like that in the game,which makes it even harder to imagine. (I personally couldn't take a character seriously, if they did.)
-When people write him like he wouldn't know what any real life current pop culture would be.Yes,Destiny takes place hundreds of years in the future,but he literally makes a reference to watching Firefly,a show that came out in 2002,and was cancelled after one season.(Also one of my favorite shows btw.😘)Cayde references it because his V.A is Nathan Fillion,who played the main character,Malcom Reynolds,on the show. It's an Easter egg,but it's still canon. He references it in idle dialogue in D1.
Here's a video I found, if anyone wants to hear him say it.
"Look, I'd love to stand here with you all day, but, um... *tut* I got a... a show I like to binge-watch... it was... cancelled early. Still love it."
So saying he wouldn't at least know what something more popular and super ingrained in our current culture, like Star Trek or Star Wars is, would be a little far fetched in my opinion. Not to mention the people at Bungie are a bunch of nerds and there are literally hundreds of pop culture references throughout the actual games. (This has nothing to do with Cayde,but just further proving my point,one of the ornaments for Malfeasance itself is a Firefly reference. "Aim to misbehave"? Yeah,that line is a direct reference to Firefly.I also kinda wanted an excuse to use one of my favorite gifs of Mal. 👀)
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I also understand that not everyone is a massive kriffing nerd like I am,and the likelihood of that being common knowledge is slim,so I at least understand why some people might not know that,but it's just a preference of mine. (Also historically,in real life, we know a lot about events,customs,and trends from hundreds of years ago,so saying the same of the Destiny-verse,which takes place in the future, isn't a stretch. Even if all historical records were destroyed,there would still be word of mouth stories handed down through the centuries.)
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Needless to say, people can write and interpret Cayde however they want,I couldn't give a cotton sock,I'm an adult and I'm just answering the question and giving my opinions and preferences.Take them with a grain of salt. 😄
You do you, kiddos. 👈👈😎
Nothing but love.❤️
Go wild, and have fun.😘
26. Freebie Question:
♠️:I know Cayde and Drifter have history, so they would probably be reminiscing the old days,throwing snark at each other,trying to come up with some crazy scheme to get out of the elevator (or y'know,all three at the same time)much to Eris' chagrin. Eris would probably suggest using some kind of magic to get out of the elevator (like how she's pulled the Guardian out of situations before). Any way you go about it,I think Cayde and Drifter would be driving Eris a little nuts. 😅
Thank you so much for the ask! ❤️♠️
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If you read this far, you get a gold star sticker. ⭐
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eggwishing · 2 years ago
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soccer mom CEO mr star
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delilahcalicocat · 11 months ago
Holy Fuck, Crying Right Now.
Just finished the Bray Wyatt documentary. And it has me in tears.
Gone but never forgotten- R.I.P. Bray Wyatt
But I think Alexa and Bo are gonna do something at wrestlemania.
No spoilers because if you haven't seen it you need to go watch that documentary it's free on peacock right now..
He still has the whole world in his hands
And we will still be the fireflies
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qualityrain · 10 months ago
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wow chapter 37
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deerspherestudios · 2 years ago
'I hope this Blog keeps the interest up', Cheea, you could go on Hiatus the next 5 years and the minute I see sweet Mychael I would be getting the game in a heartbeat!
You deserve to take it as you need, and Mychael deserves everything, I love the character and the story you made so much, there's no way I wouldn't be interested in it no matter how long it takes!!! ❤️💕
Waaaa tysm this is so sweet 😭😭 I've been soso busy lately, I appreciate you responding to my silly little tags 💔 I'll definitely remember that, tysm!!! <3
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starryy-leo · 1 year ago
Art of my creature, Venus ❤️
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Venus uses she/her pronouns!!!
From an AU shared by me and @t0x1nz
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belovedfromnature · 1 year ago
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garden-variety-cryptid · 2 years ago
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🍉 🐈 🍉🐈🍉🐈🍉!!!
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catastrophicbluezz · 2 years ago
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They try to teach me how to dance, but they can’t bc incase this account doesn’t make it obvious, let me tell you… I AM BEYOND HELP!
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navybrat817 · 2 years ago
Been thinking it's time to put Navy on the spot .... Which is your favorite of the triplets and why???
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Ahh! Christy! Why?! Ugh. Okay. I answered a FMK ask here ages back and I have to go with Jeremy. Here's the "middle" triplet. The largest of the three. The quietest. Looks like a grump. Long hair. Like these @nixakimbo edits.
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But so, so soft for Firefly. Yeah. Her nickname is Firefly. ❤️
But I love James (Bucky) and Jordan, too! I love them, too! I love them all. ❤️🔥❤️
Love and thanks. ❤️
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