#there are actually 1000 people who think sam is hashtag awful and a bad brother and dean is great! but i can’t even think about them because
sammygender · 3 months
s10 of supernatural has dean under the influence of something that is specifically described as just ‘making you more of what you already are’, and sam makes allowances and excuses for him again and again. he almost kills sam & sam forgives him immediately pretty much while he’s doing it. he puts it down to it being the mark, not dean. it’s not who you are, it’s just this thing that was done to you! (nevermind dean actually ASKED for the thing) ‘you will never hear me say that you, the real you, is anything but good.’
meanwhile, s4 of supernatural has sam “disobeying” dean via drinking demon blood, using his powers and lying to him about it (bc dean has already shown to be awful about it, literally hitting sam to the point of splitting his lip for using his powers/not telling dean which is the real thing deans mad about), which as far as dean & sam know isn’t causing anymore destruction than their normal activities and is actually saving more people - and dean goes ballistic, locks sam underground, tells him he’s a monster and he’d want to hunt him, and that it isn’t even about what he’s doing, it’s who he is. it’s not this thing you’re doing that i disagree with, it’s YOU, you’re fundamentally wrong and evil. ‘because it’s not something you’re doing, it’s who you are. it means you’re a monster.’
and there are still so many people who think sam and dean are equally culpable in their toxic dynamic. that they treat each other in similar ways. lol. lmao even
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