#there are 96 lessons
kanon72 · 1 year
I love soonkki's parallels in aslfua 🥹💚💚
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growingingreenwood · 4 months
Why are you trying to take the credit from Doctors and Nurses that deserve it by saying that you work in healthcare???? Not a single photo were you in scrubs lmfao so maybe stop the act.
Alright, I'm going to give you the extreme benefit of the doubt that you either know nothing about the Healthcare System and all of the extremally varied roles that make up that system OR that you live in a country that's Healthcare System is dramatically different than it is in my country. Which is Canada.
Working in a healthcare field does not automatically mean you have work in scrubs and only scrubs. Are there tons of job where its mandatory to wear them? Yeah, there is. But there's also tons of jobs where you don't have to wear them. For Example: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Pathologist, Recreation Therapy, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Play Therapist, Case Workers, Outreach Workers, Grief Counselors, Addictions Councilors, Unit Clerk. I could go no, but I won't. Its also relatively common for places such as where I work try to avoid using scrubs as much as possible. I work in an Adult Supportive Living Unit and so the people live there, its their home and I want it to feel like a home. So we do our best to make things feel as non-clinical as possible. This is the case with LOTS of places, such as (adult or teen) Group Homes, Rehabilitation Centers, Adult Day Programs, Homecare Services, Outreach Programs.
In Conclusion: I'm not trying to take anything from anybody. The Healthcare Field is huge and incredibly varied. Have a nice day.
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soupcrouton · 1 year
Okay and now im looking up guitar lessons in [redacted college town] for when i go back up for the summer
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allylikethecat · 1 year
I have a different note book with notes / an outline for each of my multi chapter fics because I am an old lady at heart and prefer to write everything down / make notes on paper. And green is my favorite color so all of my note books are green, therefore I keep getting my notebooks confused and can never find my outlines and notes. I get myself all cozy and ready to write and then realize whelp I brought the WRONG green note book time to go find the right one.
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lackadaisycats · 10 months
Hello! Would you happen to have any recommendations for realistic anatomy books on humans (for art purposes)? A lot of the online anatomy references are very exaggerated and the models have only 'ideal' body types and don't depict any others (E.g. Online male anatomy references are extremely buff for no reason). Thank you for the help :)
I do have a small collection of anatomy-for-artists books, but honestly, those are also populated predominantly with people who look like living Greek sculptures. So, I asked around a bit for both book and online sources. Here are a few things:
Height Weight Chart -- A library that people have contributed multitudes of their own photos to. Some people took turnaround photos in form-fitting clothes. Some are just one-off snapshots of people in street clothes. But, both of those things can be useful in their own way, and there certainly are a lot of body types here. (Thanks for the link, Fable).
------------------------------------------------------ AdorkaStock -- Features a whole free pose gallery containing a really excellent array of varied bodies. The photos generally focus more on form than costume, and if anything, the extremely sculpted bodies you tend to see in other stock libraries are de-emphasized here.
Satine Zillah -- An expansive library of downloadable photo packs. Most of them feature athletic or thin body types, many are heavy on costuming, but there are some that focus on more variety if you take time to scroll through (elderly bodies, plus-size bodies, people with dwarfism, etc.)
Morpho -- I know a lot of people swear by these books by Michel Lauricella. Morpho: Fat and Skin Folds in particular seems to cover some ground that a lot of other anatomy/pose lessons just skip right over. Looks like it's available as an ebook too.
I hope that helps some! I'm sure there are other resources out there, though. If anyone has some solid recommendations, please leave them in the comments!
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101suouexpressions · 3 months
How Umemiya seems to be the epitome of Suou's image of adulthood and a proper teacher/mentor
It is a subtle thing, since we rarely see Umemiya and Suou interact with each other, but somehow, Umemiya is surprisingly fitting into what Suou called "adulthood".
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Suou's definition of adulthood and a teacher/mentor seems to blend a bit from the way he uses these terms somewhat interchangeably. Nonetheless, it is certain that he is talking about a certain role model. Of course, he doesn't just say them for show. Suou understands it and is striving to become the same kind of adult that he looks up to.
Imagination, experience, ability to turn imagination into reality
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One can say Suou only officially has his debut after he went against Kanuma of Shishitouren in chapter 11. It was the first time us readers had a glimpse of his mind. Here, he talked about 'the first step up the staircase to adulthood' - Imagination and Experience.
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While having been graphically demonstrated right after this panel, this idea comes back in a different form in chapter 96, where past-Umemiya explained his motivation to become Fuurin's leader.
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In his imagination, Makochi would be a town of happiness, and no longer the notorious lawless delinquent streets. And for that to become reality, he needed to be the leader. Umemiya had both the vision and the ability to make his wish come true.
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Bonus: The theme of 'adulthood' is concurrent even in Umemiya's flashback.
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We still don't have much of an idea on what Umemiya's caretaker at his orphanage and the mysterious ex-student of Fuurin entail, but this is just an interesting note.
Sympathy is the key element to adulthood and mentoring
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Quoting the man himself, it is important to not only understand but truly engage with one's situation to be able to help and be supportive to them. This has been clearly reflected in the way he mentored Nirei.
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First, he attempted at understanding Nirei's feeling (after their battle with Keel), not by giving himself the right to guess but letting Nirei express himself. His action unexpectedly coincides with Umemiya's words to Sakura - to be able to connect with others, you have to willingly accept them as they are.
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Then, Suou could find out what Nirei needs (to protect himself and fight back at the same time). The flexibility in his ways really starts to shine through him adjusting their lessons according to nirei's goals and intrinsic ability. This, is 'engagement' to its fullest.
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He also let Nirei practice in real situations (while keeping said situation under monitoring, of course) in order for Nirei to gain experience. Moreover, Suou always encourage him afterwards!
In Umemiya's case, this more so implied in the way he was unwordingly preparing for Sakura to be the next leader (which I went into details in this post). Umemiya understands what kind of person Sakura was, and let him, a first year, encounter dangerous situations so that he could grow. Umemiya tended to not tell Sakura what to do, but rather observe and point out what was a possible path (fighting is also a conversation)/what he lacked (how Sakura needs to rely on his teammates more).
Bonus: Suou has a very strict standard when it comes to what a good teacher should be. After all, Suou himself was trying his best to become a good mentor to Nirei. All of this is suggested to come from how he views his master (very brief flashback from chapter 110).
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This has been so much fun to write and I fully encourage discussions on this topic (surely I am not the only one who is insane about wkb). Thank you for reading until this line!
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lyssasdrafts · 4 months
★ 𓈒 ݁ STAR—CROSSED (rhysand x reader) ⊹
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chapter one: (smau/written) ✧
𓈒 ݁ ✫ masterlist previous next
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“how long does it take for stars to form?”
the question echoed through the half-empty lecture hall. most students didn’t bother showing up to lessons that were so early in the morning, while the few who did attend were about to fall asleep on their desks. you realized that you were probably the only other person engaged in your professor’s lesson. the one other student being rhysand.
your gaze met rhysand’s as he raised his arm up before you could, and you fought the urge to grit your teeth at him. it was an easy question that you already knew the answer to, he should just let you have this. you hadn’t reached this unit in your astrophysics course yet, only you had taken it upon yourself to read ahead. rhysand probably wouldn’t go as far as you, he’s far too busy being prythian’s poster student, and so he clearly just wanted the attention from participating.
“they can form within a human lifespan,” rhysand grinned at you. there was a hint of flirtation in his violet eyes, the way they shined underneath the morning light escaping your lecture hall’s windows. the stare he’s probably given lots of other people on campus, you remind yourself that this isn’t special. everytime you walk past an advertisement with his face or you see a post from his fans online, it’s that same look that makes you want to avoid it at all costs. for once, you smile back at him. not to be polite, but because you want to hold back your laugh from how wrong he is.
you even notice how your lecturer was about to cringe. you take this opportunity and raise your hand too, glancing at rhysand as you were called on.
“they can take about ten million years,” you say loudly. your smile has grown into a smirk as rhysand suddenly blanks out, realizing he was completely off. your professor nods in acceptance, approving your answer. “unless you’re saying that humans can live that long, then you’re mistaken,” you turn back to rhysand.
you expect your professor to make a comment about being respectful and how that last part of your answer was unnecessary. but she doesn’t, so you continue with your head held high for the rest of the lecture. rhysand keeps trying to answer the following questions, leading to a back-and-forth between the two of you. you held back showing off your satisfaction whenever you got something right instead of rhysand, which was more often than not.
astrophysics was a topic that had always interested you, which is why you had decided to major in this subject. you loved learning about the stars and constellations and the sky. you had always went above and beyond to study and learn the subject material for your classes, you weren’t prythian’s top student for nothing.
“does anyone but rhysand and y/n want to answer?” your professor said finally.
it was met with silence. you raised an eyebrow and turned to rhysand, who simply shrugged at you and picked the lint off his shoulder. you couldn’t help but notice the way he parted his hair and how well it suited his facial features. of course, you wouldn’t go so far as to call him attractive. but simply as a photographer yourself, you understood how well this angle could make someone look. it’s just that anyone would look this pretty under natural lighting and this decent viewpoint, even rhysand.
your professor looks displeased as none of your other classmates answer. for a moment, you’d almost gotten carried away with rhysand. you quickly notice the time, how class is almost over, meaning you would get back your latest exam papers that were promised last week.
a bell rings and everyone begins to pack their things, you stand up to grab your test paper from your professor as you walk out. you close your eyes for a few moments in anticipation before you’re staring at the mark saying “96” on the page.
you smile to yourself, this mark had been what you predicted in order to maintain your current grade. you’re eager to leave and go back home to celebrate with mor until rhysand follows you out.
he slides in front of you, blocking your path and you roll your eyes at him. “what did you get, y/n?” rhysand’s voice is calm but has a chilling undertone that almost intimidates you.
your heart sinks when he shows you his mark saying “98” in comparison to yours. you bite your cheek before revealing that you scored two marks lower than him.
“well, it seems answering all those questions in class won’t help you on the exams,” rhysand smirks, staring at his paper that he held in front of you before folding it away.
you look up at him, your gaze completely cold and calculating. “it’ll help me when i graduate as prythian’s top student. and you can be my second.”
rhysand stares you down, tilting his head as he leans down to be closer to you. he lowers his voice as he says to you, “i don’t think so, y/n. because at the end of the day, i’ll always do whatever i set my mind to.”
you want to slap off that wicked grin on his face as he walks away. rhysand had always got on your nerves, pissing you off everyday in class, but after today you knew that you had no other option than to outdo him completely.
somehow you’d allowed for him to do better than you on an exam. rhysand, who was born with everything he could ever ask for and then some. you needed to prove to him, to everyone, that you were just as capable. although you didn’t have that kind of support and you did everything yourself, that you were still better than him. if not for the sake of your future, then because it would inflate his ego.
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“if you don’t stop brooding, i think you’ll be stuck like this forever,” elain says before taking a seat next to you. there’s a comforting smile on her face as she asks, “is everything okay, y/n?”
you’re about to open your mouth in response, but your throat feels dry from two hours of doing nothing but school work at the library. elain could tell that you were upset today from the way your eyes were laser focused on the textbook in front of you and your tired expressions.
“y/n is upset that rhysand got a better mark,” nesta chimes in, placing a stack of books down on your table. she wipes the dust off her hands and joins the both of you, her work at the library could wait. nesta always got away with ignoring her tasks, her friend gwyn turned a blind eye and the head librarian was too busy to really care.
“oh,” elain muttered. “i’m sure you’ll do better than him again,” she tried to reassure you. nesta laughed, “rhysand’s an asshole.”
“some people can’t handle i got a higher mark than them,” rhysand’s voice echoed in your mind. you needed him to stop plaguing your thoughts, if only rhysand would let you have some peace of mind for once.
you can’t do anything but nod at nesta’s comment. if there was one person who despised him as much as you did, it was probably her.
without a doubt, your roommate morrigan was your closest friend at prythian and probably of all time. although it was an unlikely friendship, your roommate always balanced you out by encouraging your photography career and telling you to be more outspoken. while you weren’t as close with nesta and elain, the sisters were good company. you would even consider them to be genuine friends, nesta would always open the library for you and was someone you could study with while elain always offered to be there for you. perhaps your social life at prythian wasn’t so bad after all, although you would admit that you had compromised it at the expense of your grades.
having three friends was plenty. it was more than enough, and you certainly didn’t need to get any closer to a certain group of boys on campus that showed up every turn you walked, or at every test you take.
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y/n and rhysand are both majoring in astrophysics! it’s the study of stars and astronomy (because yk… night court)
y/n is nice to a grand total of three people 😀 it’s okay babe
rhysand and y/n have been competing for top student since freshman year at prythian
@thelov3lybookworm @summerandsalt @lilah-asteria @therealmoonstone @just-a-social-casualty-1 @ashjade19 @girlontheblock-blog @cherry-cin @daughterofthemoons-stuff @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @sweet-chai-amore @kierramofficial @noelli-smv
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tygerland · 1 year
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Henri Matisse The Piano Lesson. 1916. Oil on canvas: 245 × 212 cm (96 × 83 in).
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sinning5sos · 1 year
masterlist ;)
Ashton: Ashton x Reader
Corrupt -> here
Freedom -> here
Punishment -> here
Too Hot -> here
Youngblood -> here
Unknown (story) | masterlist
Calum: Calum x Reader
Beautiful to Me -> here
Close -> here
Cocky -> here
Coworkers -> part one | part two
Club -> part one
Kinky -> here
Office Slut -> here
Roommates -> part one
Luke: Luke x Reader
Good Enough -> here
Golden Boy -> here
No Shame -> here
Worship -> here
Valentine -> here
#96 -> here
Michael: Michael x Reader
Afterglow -> here
Twitch -> here
Cake: Luke x Calum x Reader
Have It Your Way -> here
Pool Part -> here
Choked (Have It Your Way 2) -> here
Lashton: Luke x Ashton x Reader
Be a Good Girl For Us -> here
Cashton: Calum x Ashton x Reader
Hot Tub -> here
Malum: Michael x Calum
Dare or Dare -> here
One Way or Another -> here
model -> here
moments | https://sinning5sos.tumblr.com/post/181472576794/moments-ashton
dating Ash would include -> part one
best years | part one
back again | part one
best friends | part one
talk to me -> here
moments | part one
dating Calum would include -> part one
Christmas gift -> here
piano lessons -> here
dating Luke would include -> part one
ghost of you -> here
stay -> here
angst -> here
decisions -> here
dating Michael would include -> part one
lazy Saturday morning
riding him
wedding blurb
father-to-be -> here
daddy Calum + stepmom
sugar baby -> part one
father-to-be -> here
how he knew -> here
netflix & chill
teasing you
Christmas proposal
stand still
father-to-be -> here
father-to-be -> here
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autumnslance · 1 month
I really appreciate Gulool Ja Ja as a ruler, a father, and a hero in his own right. There were concerns about why the Scions, as outsiders, would be participating in a contest of succession, and everything we learn about Gulool Ja Ja's younger years, and his reasons for the Rite of Succession, neatly addresses that.
As a much younger man, Dad^2 traveled the lands of Tural with his own diverse group of comrades, from all races and walks of life. From Kettenramm as the foreigner, to Cahciua the long-lived Shetona wilderness expert, to Pelupelu and Yok Huy, to Hanu and Xbraal; especially given the animosity between some of those clans at that time.
And along the way, Gulool Ja Ja learned how much stronger they were together. Alone he is a formidable champion, but even Blessed Siblings can't do it all. He also learned about the diverse peoples and cultures of his homeland. It's not so far off from the Warrior of Light's journey; traveling with competent heroic companions as we adventured through the 3 Continents and lands beyond them for so long, loving people and places we found along the way.
But Gulool Ja Ja also became Dawnservant, and now as his years catch up to him, a new ruler must be found. And it's in the conversation after dueling the WoL that he bluntly states his reasoning, speaking to them as a peer:
Even this early in the contest, you must have realized…As potential rulers, all four claimants are lacking. This is why I elected to hold the rite of succession─not to choose a fitting candidate, but to cultivate one. And if no one has impressed me by the end of it, then to no one will I yield my throne. As a parent, I pray that my children rise to the occasion…With outsiders dragged into my game, I am also hopeful that the different perspectives you and your companions have to offer will inspire them to grow. I imagine you in particular have traveled many lands. Known many peoples and cultures─loved them and been loved in turn. Guide Lamaty'i as you think best. Walk at her side and, when needed, push her to walk ahead. Watch over her, champion. Koana's recruits are no less sharp─as one might expect of Galuf's countrymen. They saw the flaws in our claimants from the outset. The other two, though… They dismiss comrades willing to point out their shortcomings, and no good can come of it…
Emphasis mine.
We see this too, in the interludes to Team Second Promise, as Thancred and Urianger turn on their own Dad Skills and gently guide Koana toward his own realization: that innovation is all well and good, but so is taking into account the traditions and needs of his people. As he watches his sister's growth, and how the people love and trust her to respect their ways of life, to help them because it's the right thing to do.
And Wuk Lamat learns and grows, gaining confidence, learning when to rely on her comrades, how and when to face a challenge on her own. The Wuk Lamat after level 96 is a different woman than the girl we met in Sharlayan. She's not done growing and learning, not in so short a time, but the cultivation Gulool Ja Ja put in place succeeds in her and Koana--because they are willing to learn, and listen, and love.
The other two claimants, as Dad^2 noted, don't understand the reasons for the Rite, for the methods the electors choose, or what the Dawnservant is looking for. And they refuse to entertain perspectives that would attempt to point that out, surrounded by sycophants and cronies.
Bakool Ja Ja doesn't learn the same lessons, though he comes around; he was never shown kindness and understanding, never asked what HE wanted, until Wuk Lamat demands he say it out loud. His growth is a surprising one, and along a trajectory he could never have imagined.
And Zarool Ja...his arc is a negative one, and a tragedy of his own making. He works as an antagonist because his fall is entirely avoidable, but utterly inevitable. It didn't have to be this way, yet there's no other way it could go. He internalized all the pressure and potential, all the comparisons, until it ate him alive.
This is a story about the complicated politics and demands of leading countries, of there being no easy answer to peace even when you wish there was. But it's more a story about family, and legacy, and honoring the past while striving to build a better future.
The Warrior of Light sees their own story reflected in Gulool Ja Ja's history, and in the shaping of Wuk Lamat. To fulfill their love of adventure and exploration, but from a new perspective. And taking all that experience and skill and applying it in a slightly different way, though perhaps not so different from some previous side and job quests where we help others and introduce them to friends so they can continue to grow and help themselves after WoL's moved on.
Hydaelyn's brave little spark has long been a beacon of hope for others to follow. As inheritor to the Shepherd of the Stars, the WoL takes steps toward shaping their legacy, still an active participant, but also seeing how those other stars might shine, and like Gulool Ja Ja, finding that some of those stars need a nudge to find their own glowing potential.
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korn-official · 2 months
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JONATHAN DAVIS INTERVIEW FOR PIT MAGAZINE (date unknown but guessing ‘95 or ‘96)
“I had no idea that people would relate to me so much.”
Korn came together in 1993, in Huntington Beach, California. Now, their Epic/Immortal self-titled debut is winning critical acclaim from the music community. Dark, intense lyrics front this hard-hitting sound. The band is comprised of Jonathan (vox, bagpipes), Fieldy (bass), Brian (guitar), James 'Munk' (guitar), and David (drums).
Be sure to eat your vegatables, son.
Pit: Tell me about the bagpipes - how did you come up with that? Are you of Scottish descent?
Jonathan: I went to a high school that had a pipe band. I started taking lessons at school; then I took private lessons and started competing. I always wanted to learn how to play that instrument, but I never thought I'd play it in a band. Then we wrote this song and thought we'd try it; it just worked.
Pit: How did the band come into being?
Jon: Munk, Fieldy and David had been playing in a band for like the last ten years, and then Brian got in the band. The singer didn't work out. They saw me in Bakersfield, where we all grew up, and asked me to try out. We just clicked. We wrote three songs our first practice. That's how Korn started; two months later we were signed. And here we are.
Pit: You're from Bakersfield, California. What kind of childhood did you have?
Jon: The normal hell-childhood. It's like out of a Stephen King novel - it's crazy. Nothing to do... Only thing I did was study music, because my dad owned a music store. So I took a lot of lessons. Eventually I learned to play a lot of things.
Pit: You're very impassioned when you're on stage. How do you feel when you're playing live?
Jon: I don't really know; I just get in a state. I don't know what I do. I get to a point where I feel everything - all the pain that I feel inside, all the passion for my songs. I can't remember anything after; I just go for it. The band tells me what's going on after. Haven't you ever gotten that freaked out?
Pit: I have, but not on a regular basis.
Jon: Well, that happens to me every time. There were a couple of shows where I snapped out of it, and I just hated the shows. Things went wrong.
Pit: What do you expect to see in the crowd?
Jon: I usually just see lots of kids going crazy - jumping around in pits. I expect to see the kids having fun.
Pit: Is there a message in your music?
Jon: I guess the only one is to be honest with yourself. I'm tired of seeing hardcore kids acting like they're so tough, so hard, so bad, but they actually have feelings. It's hardest to be yourself. If you've got to be a fake, then who are you trying to fool? I have a lot of problems with all the testosterone.
Pit: Is it hard for you to be honest with yourself?
Jon: It was for a while, but it's not anymore. Now that I have my music I can get all this out. It's like therapy for me.
Pit: You're album has gotten a lot of critical acclaim. How does this affect you?
Jon: I think it's great. I never dreamed it would be like this, but getting good reviews makes it worth it. I had no idea that people would relate to me so much.
Pit: What do you think makes your music different?
Jon: Maybe it's our grooves. That's a good question.
Pit: What do you see as the world's biggest problem right now?
Jon: Us, I guess. The people. The politics. Stuff I don't care to talk about. I hate politics. Everyone should just kill politicians. America is a huge business; they do fucked up shit to us.
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sluttyminghao · 1 year
could uhhhhhh maybe we get the 95&96s version to the bending over in a skirt & their favourite thong prompt? for. more science :) <33
maknae line version
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seungcheol: he tries so hard to keep focused on whatever task he's completing, but when he sees you wiggle your ass just a little, he can't control himself and will have you on his lap within seconds and teasing you
jeonghan: you would hardly have time to bend over before he's stepping behind you and placing a hand on your back, moving your thong to the side and fucking you as hard as he can because he doesn't appreciate teasing
joshua: "being a bit of a tease are we?" he doesn't want to admit how hard it gets him seeing you like that but he can't stop his dick from getting rock hard. he would call you all the filthy names under the sun as well, while he rocks his hips into you
junhui: this man is horny all the time, so you would be immediately pushed against a surface and fucked within an inch of your life, and he goes for multiple rounds, across every surface, to teach you a lesson on how to behave
soonyoung: would string out a bunch of curse words before he's slapping your ass and leaving handprints all over your ass and the backs of your thighs. he's going to make you work for an orgasm and you know it
wonwoo: "don't fucking tease me, sweetheart" you're playing a dangerous game with him. he knows you're trying to rile him up and he's going to play the long game with you. teases you with his fingers until you're on your knees begging
jihoon: he wouldn't even notice at first but when you begin to shake your ass and tease even further, all he does is give you a glare and you're on your knees, waiting for his next instructions because he has you in the palm of his hand
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galene-gothic · 4 months
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‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ 𝓢ummer sale and offers ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊
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 ㅤ𐙚 ㅤ 𝘐’𝘮 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩?
𝘠𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘺 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦.
𝘠𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦.
𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐’𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴. ㅤ𐙚
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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒆 𝒅𝒖 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏 for 35 € (originally: 42 €)
in this profound tarot reading, we will take an omniscient perspective to examine the origins of your connection with your future spouse, extending beyond this lifetime and the limitations imposed by our earthly plane. we will delve into the logical reasoning behind this destined union and explore the pragmatic foundations upon which your bond will build. we will then journey into the realms of mysticism and magic to unveil the ethereal connection you will share with your future partner - a bond so intense that you will feel as though you are merging souls. we will then define the knot, the commitment that binds you two together and transcends time and space. afterwards, we will delve into the rational aspects of this connection. we will explore the concrete lessons and growth opportunities that this relationship will present you with, providing practical insights that you can apply in your daily life. then, we will shift our focus to the mystical or spiritual dimension of this bond. we will uncover the deeper understanding and wisdom that this connection might offer you, transcending the boundaries of the physical world. finally, we will touch on the essence of the bond itself, the thread that binds you and your future partner together - the most crucial aspect to remember about this sacred connection, regardless of its origins or circumstances.
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𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆 and 𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 for 56 € (originally: 65 €)
an extremely in-depth future spouse reading which includes their appearance, style, music style, personality, mental well-being, interests and hobbies, shadow aspects, energy, love languages, trope, background, meeting them for the first time, first impressions. here, we'll also take a look at why you'll fall in love with them and the other way around, the day of your marriage, how they'll describe you to others and also what it is about you that will repulse them but make you irresistible to them at the same time. we'll also take a look at your individual journeys to each other and how they'll show jealousy. we'll take a really deep dive into the spiritual aspect of your connection, how you'll connect on a soul level, why the both of you will meet and end up together. then finally, to conclude the reading, we'll look at your marriage through the years and general messages about you as a couple!
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in this tarot reading, I'll predict the things that your future spouse will do in order to win your heart, the thoughts and feelings that'll flood through their mind when they'll look at you and the other way around, and also into how you'll view each other. we'll look at their life story to figure out why they will be the way that they are when you'll meet them. we'll also take a look at how they'll describe you to their friends and family. we'll look into why they'll admire you and why they'll choose you. how they'll act in front of you vs in front of others.
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𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒆'𝒔 𝒐𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 and 𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒂'𝒔 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 for 89 € (originally: 96 €)
all the sections from 'the soul alchemy' package, some messages from the universe regarding your love life, advice that can help you attract love into your life, a walk through your first love/heartbreak, messages from your ideal person and a peek at why people fall in love with you + who crushes on you!
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most of our lives are spent by trying to understand ourselves, realizing that we aren't as evolved as we thought we were, self loath, pity and misunderstandings are a very common theme when it comes to ourselves. by purchasing this option, you will receive messages from both your inner child and future self, guidance on your path and some advice for self love, why people feel grateful to have you in their lives, the way you touch their hearts and alter their lives, a small reading that brings out your inner magic and information on how to become your best version and traits that you need to face and should work on.
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𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒂'𝒔 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 and 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒅𝒆 𝒍𝒖𝒏𝒆 for 69 € (originally: 76 €)
most of our lives are spent by trying to understand ourselves, realizing that we aren't as evolved as we thought we were, self loath, pity and misunderstandings are a very common theme when it comes to ourselves. by purchasing this option, you will receive messages from both your inner child and future self, guidance on your path and some advice for self love, why people feel grateful to have you in their lives, the way you touch their hearts and alter their lives, a small reading that brings out your inner magic and information on how to become your best version and traits that you need to face and should work on.
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this tarot reading will delve deep into what remains mysterious and unknown about you to others and even to yourself. we shall explore what secrets are kept from you and what you should keep hidden from others. we shall also take a glimpse at the shadow, the darker side of your character and psyche that remains hidden and repressed. this will be a dark and mysterious spread, revealing the hidden facets of your being and exposing those shadows we'd rather not confront. we shall also peel away the layers of the past and explore the hidden admiration of those who dislike you without reason or explanation.
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𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆 and 𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒂'𝒔 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 for 77 € (originally: 83 €)
an extremely in-depth future spouse reading which includes their appearance, style, music style, personality, mental well-being, interests and hobbies, shadow aspects, energy, love languages, trope, background, meeting them for the first time, first impressions. here, we'll also take a look at why you'll fall in love with them and the other way around, the day of your marriage, how they'll describe you to others and also what it is about you that will repulse them but make you irresistible to them at the same time. we'll also take a look at your individual journeys to each other and how they'll show jealousy. we'll take a really deep dive into the spiritual aspect of your connection, how you'll connect on a soul level, why the both of you will meet and end up together. then finally, to conclude the reading, we'll look at your marriage through the years and general messages about you as a couple!
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most of our lives are spent by trying to understand ourselves, realizing that we aren't as evolved as we thought we were, self loath, pity and misunderstandings are a very common theme when it comes to ourselves. by purchasing this option, you will receive messages from both your inner child and future self, guidance on your path and some advice for self love, why people feel grateful to have you in their lives, the way you touch their hearts and alter their lives, a small reading that brings out your inner magic and information on how to become your best version and traits that you need to face and should work on.
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𝒄𝒐𝒆𝒖𝒓 𝒅𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒔 and 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒆 𝒅𝒖 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏 for 67 € (originally: 78 €)
in this profound tarot spread, we will embark on a poetic journey through the stages of your connection with your future spouse. to start, we will unveil the sweet aspects of your bond - the moments that will bring you ease and comfort, like a delightful dessert that melts on your palate. then, we will navigate the challenging aspects - the parts that may bring a hint of bitterness or sourness, like a tart that tests your resolve. we will then pinpoint the taste bud - the particular aspect of your connection that will capture your attention, the flavor that will linger on your tongue, the particular aspects of your connection that you will be most keenly aware of, the element that will be most prominent in your mind and heart. to conclude, we will focus our attention on the digestive aspect of your connection with your future spouse - the part that, although not immediately apparent, will have a lasting impact over time. this element may unfold gradually, taking its time to reveal its significance, similar to how a complex dish affects your system in ways that might not be immediately obvious. it will be an aspect of your connection that will require patience and keen observation to recognize its influence and importance.
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in this profound tarot reading, we will take an omniscient perspective to examine the origins of your connection with your future spouse, extending beyond this lifetime and the limitations imposed by our earthly plane. we will delve into the logical reasoning behind this destined union and explore the pragmatic foundations upon which your bond will build. we will then journey into the realms of mysticism and magic to unveil the ethereal connection you will share with your future partner - a bond so intense that you will feel as though you are merging souls. we will then define the knot, the commitment that binds you two together and transcends time and space. afterwards, we will delve into the rational aspects of this connection. we will explore the concrete lessons and growth opportunities that this relationship will present you with, providing practical insights that you can apply in your daily life. then, we will shift our focus to the mystical or spiritual dimension of this bond. we will uncover the deeper understanding and wisdom that this connection might offer you, transcending the boundaries of the physical world. finally, we will touch on the essence of the bond itself, the thread that binds you and your future partner together - the most crucial aspect to remember about this sacred connection, regardless of its origins or circumstances.
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𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆, 𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔, 𝒄𝒐𝒆𝒖𝒓 𝒅𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒔 and 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒆 𝒅𝒖 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏 for 111 € (originally: 143 €)
an extremely in-depth future spouse reading which includes their appearance, style, music style, personality, mental well-being, interests and hobbies, shadow aspects, energy, love languages, trope, background, meeting them for the first time, first impressions. here, we'll also take a look at why you'll fall in love with them and the other way around, the day of your marriage, how they'll describe you to others and also what it is about you that will repulse them but make you irresistible to them at the same time. we'll also take a look at your individual journeys to each other and how they'll show jealousy. we'll take a really deep dive into the spiritual aspect of your connection, how you'll connect on a soul level, why the both of you will meet and end up together. then finally, to conclude the reading, we'll look at your marriage through the years and general messages about you as a couple!
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in this tarot reading, I'll predict the things that your future spouse will do in order to win your heart, the thoughts and feelings that'll flood through their mind when they'll look at you and the other way around, and also into how you'll view each other. we'll look at their life story to figure out why they will be the way that they are when you'll meet them. we'll also take a look at how they'll describe you to their friends and family. we'll look into why they'll admire you and why they'll choose you. how they'll act in front of you vs in front of others.
… and
in this profound tarot spread, we will embark on a poetic journey through the stages of your connection with your future spouse. to start, we will unveil the sweet aspects of your bond - the moments that will bring you ease and comfort, like a delightful dessert that melts on your palate. then, we will navigate the challenging aspects - the parts that may bring a hint of bitterness or sourness, like a tart that tests your resolve. we will then pinpoint the taste bud - the particular aspect of your connection that will capture your attention, the flavor that will linger on your tongue, the particular aspects of your connection that you will be most keenly aware of, the element that will be most prominent in your mind and heart. to conclude, we will focus our attention on the digestive aspect of your connection with your future spouse - the part that, although not immediately apparent, will have a lasting impact over time. this element may unfold gradually, taking its time to reveal its significance, similar to how a complex dish affects your system in ways that might not be immediately obvious. it will be an aspect of your connection that will require patience and keen observation to recognize its influence and importance.
… and
in this profound tarot reading, we will take an omniscient perspective to examine the origins of your connection with your future spouse, extending beyond this lifetime and the limitations imposed by our earthly plane. we will delve into the logical reasoning behind this destined union and explore the pragmatic foundations upon which your bond will build. we will then journey into the realms of mysticism and magic to unveil the ethereal connection you will share with your future partner - a bond so intense that you will feel as though you are merging souls. we will then define the knot, the commitment that binds you two together and transcends time and space. afterwards, we will delve into the rational aspects of this connection. we will explore the concrete lessons and growth opportunities that this relationship will present you with, providing practical insights that you can apply in your daily life. then, we will shift our focus to the mystical or spiritual dimension of this bond. we will uncover the deeper understanding and wisdom that this connection might offer you, transcending the boundaries of the physical world. finally, we will touch on the essence of the bond itself, the thread that binds you and your future partner together - the most crucial aspect to remember about this sacred connection, regardless of its origins or circumstances.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ׄ  ۪ 𓂃 ੭୧ 𓂃 ۪ ׄ
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mirandyficlists · 2 months
do you happen to have a list of fics where andy has a close relationship with the twins? ty!
Hey Nonnie, I don't have that specifically but I do have one called Twincentric fics. But I think I may re jig some lists for a more specific category.
Twin centric or Extended Family fun Mirandy fics
1 + 1 = Windows by Three Guesses  http://threeguesses.livejournal.com/2250.html#cutid1
8 Simple Rules for Dating My Mother by MadamePresident  https://archiveofourown.org/works/746763/chapters/1392498
A Brief Visit to Haddenfield by Chillyflame  https://archiveofourown.org/works/12163503
A Little Help by Listener15  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6589274/1/A_Little_Help
A Mother Knows by JH728  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7425228/1/A_Mother_Knows
A Mother’s Love by devildream69 http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2013/02/12/
A Survey  by wordsalad  https://archiveofourown.org/works/2274879
A Week in Ohio by Privatesmile  http://privatesmile.livejournal.com/11429.html
Big Girls by writetherest   https://archiveofourown.org/works/923140
Blue Hair by silentrevyrie  http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/850764.html#cutid1
Caroline Asks Andy What Cougars are.  By Fictorium  http://fictorium.tumblr.com/
Checking It Twice by Punky96  https://archiveofourown.org/works/13189926
Children Will Listen by minimiranda08 http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/18295.html#cutid1
Cosmic Connection by MirandaMeryl https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5982860/1/Cosmic_Connection
Eighth Night (Sequel to Light up the Night) by xvnot15  https://archiveofourown.org/works/21928012
Falling Twins by cobblestonepath https://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/2004388.html#cutid1
Family Traditions by twitchwick a Wake the Muse prompt response.  http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/1865985.html?page=5#comments
Four Corners by Chilly flame. A twin pov BRILLIANT fic.  http://archiveofourown.org/works/1039309/chapters/2073686
Get it?  by writershapeholeonthedoor https://archiveofourown.org/works/21390577
Give My Regards to Runway by jennedyjld  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5859902/1/Give_My_Regards_To_Runway
Happy Returns by mxrolkr  http://archiveofourown.org/works/210115
Home Alone By Writtensword   I have the fic
Home For Christmas Elfjet  http://ralst.com/HomeForChristmasDWP.HTM
Hot Chocolate and Pillow Talk  by TeenyBirdy  https://archiveofourown.org/works/13369233
Howl at the Moon by Chillyflame  https://archiveofourown.org/works/12163509
If You Give a Journalist a Donut by writetherest http://archiveofourown.org/works/923192
Into the Fire & Deeper Into the Fire by Ginstan  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6565287/1/Into_the_Fire
It’s a Life Anyway by Hayseed http://hayseed-42.livejournal.com/52447.html
Jigsaw by Beachbum  http://beachbum3668.tripod.com/foxfireandmoonlight/jigmain.html
Lessons by inloveninhate  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4479960/1/Lessons
Light Up the Night by well me, xvnot15  https://archiveofourown.org/works/5494721
Lucky Girls by Ginstan/ Ginakasarahsmom  http://akasarahsmom.livejournal.com/33782.html#cutid1
Lucky Woman by Tkeitback  http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/1176108.html#cutid1
Minimii by luckyirishgirl  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4995884/1/MiniMii
Murphy’s Law by Cruella Miranda https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5824713/1/Murphys_Law
New Glasses by Punky96 http://96-the-fic.livejournal.com/75117.html#cutid1
Out of the Mouths of Babes by mxrolkr http://archiveofourown.org/works/209845
Parasitic Plant by MirandaMinerva  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5391651/1/Parasitic_Plant
Second Chance by Mxrolkr  http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/1256762.html#cutid1
Sharp Relief by Chillyflame  http://archiveofourown.org/works/2672990/chapters/5976701
Snow’s Not the Only Thing Falling by Girlie girl 23  http://archiveofourown.org/works/923131
Someone To Trust by Amles80  http://amles80.livejournal.com/18406.html
Stealing Sunshine (No Matter the Milesverse) by Grdnofeverything  http://grdnofevrythng.livejournal.com/226139.html
Sweet Like Chocolate by Heart’s Assassin  https://archiveofourown.org/works/13378758/chapters/30640833
The Best at What they Do by cobblestonepath  http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/1995720.html#cutid1
The Camp Fire by Czallis  http://czallis.livejournal.com/1221.html
The Creator by Jazwriterhttps://archiveofourown.org/works/23899795/chapters/57461752
The Truth by Jazwriter https://archiveofourown.org/works/23887549/chapters/57426694
Your Wish Will Soon Come True by writetherest  http://archiveofourown.org/works/923135
Not Centrally about the twins but contain excellent sections with them.
A (Not Exactly) Storybook Romance by writetherest  http://archiveofourown.org/works/923207/chapters/1793725
It’s All Relative by Hawkbehere http://archiveofourown.org/works/5884348/chapters/13561771
The Butter Did It by mxrolkr  http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/1199438.html#cutid1
The “Like” series by Ginstan  http://ralst.com/LikeAndrea.HTM
Extended nuclear family post getting together
A Conversation by Wordsalad http://archiveofourown.org/works/1369855
A Mother Knows by jah728http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7425228/1/A_Mother_Knows
Miranda’s Runway (And all the little fics after) by jehc  http://archiveofourown.org/series/107369
No Matter the Miles by grdnofevrything http://dvlwears-prada.livejournal.com/?skip=40&tag=user%3A%20grdnofevrythng
A Few of my Favourite Things (more No Matter the Milesverse) http://grdnofevrythng.livejournal.com/205071.html
Darkest of Days by Quiethearted ***warning Character death…but after along loving life.*** http://fsac.shatterstorm.net/yule2012/entries/06.html
The Question of Hate by Brithna  https://archiveofourown.org/works/481152
Harper’s First Day (sequel to Question of Hate) by Brithna https://archiveofourown.org/works/481156
Silly Andy by Fanchiction http://fanchiction.livejournal.com/5143.html#cutid1
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queenpiranhadon · 9 months
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A/N: Yayy I love posting stuff late. Sorry guys!! It's here now lol. First time writing Demon Slayer stuff- so it might not be the best. You've been warned! You can find the masterlist for all the oneshots here
Warning(s): Cursing, Kimetsu Academy AU, Zenitsu takes a French course
Pairing(s): None
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Tanjiro flinches as the Inosuke continues to screech his head off in anger – both of them had just received their midterm exam scores, and they were looking at them as they waited for Zenitsu to come back from his shamisen lessons. 
“Inosuke...please watch your language... people are starting to stare...” Tanjiro pleads nervously, looking apologetically to the people around him.  
“Well, pardon my French.” the abrasive male grunts, rolling his eyes, crossing his arms as he glared at the 29.47% glaring back at him from his phone screen. 
Tanjiro sweatdrops, the boy in question having received a 96% himself, before his expression turns thoughtful. “Y’know...I’ve always wondered why people use that term when cursing. I’d like to believe French is a beautiful language. It’s also known as the language of love, right?” 
Inosuke feints a retching noise, before clicking his tongue in disgust. “Shut up Kamaboko, you’re such a nerd.”  
Tanjiro rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. At the moment, Zenitsu walks in with the biggest grin in his face, waving his glowing phone screen back and forth. 
“Guys! Guys! Check it out! I got a 94 on my French midterm!” He says, jumping excitedly. 
“Fucking hell- not an another one.” Inosuke groans, slumping back into the booth they were sitting at. 
The cafe they were at was ironically known for their French delicacies, which was especially popular since it was one of the few in the area - considering they were in Japan. 
The waitress comes to their table in the middle of their conversation- wisely deciding to stay silent and inconspicuously place the plate of soft and buttery croissants on their table before leaving. Inosuke scrunches his eyebrows in annoyance as he picked up one of them sniffing it before taking a tentative bite out of it, his eyes blowing wide at the bread melts in his mouth. 
“What the fuck is this delicious shit.” He says, transfixed. 
“It’s a croissant! It’s a French pastry.” Tanjiro pipes up, chuckling to himself from the gradient haired boy. 
Inosuke grumbles as he puts the half eaten croissant back on the plate, huffing in exasperation.  
“Seriously what the fuck is up with all this French shit- we might as well be living in France right now.” He groans, throwing his arms up. 
Zenitsu cracks up at that, smiling teasingly. “Bonjour mon fâché ami.”  
Inosuke explodes at the provocation, chasing Zenitsu around the table. “Stupid little bastard- WHAT DID YOU SAY?!” 
Tanjiro frantically looks between the two, unsure of what to do. “G-Guys! You’re creating a scene…” 
Three very French friends indeed. 
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ckret2 · 1 year
bill doesnt really strike me as the type to be really into listening to music, but if he were, do you think there are any particular genres/artists he would enjoy/hate less?
You're in luck because I've put COPIOUS thought into this.
Here's all the canon and semi-canon info about Bill's musical tastes I can recall off the top of my head:
ONE. From the AMA, his favorite "song" is a rising Shepard tone.
*MY FAVORITE SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rzIiF7LpPU
TWO. He is interested in the "good stuff" out of human pop culture, which includes the song "96 Tears" by Question Mark & The Mysterians.
Are you at all interested in human pop culture?
JUST THE GOOD STUFF! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7uC5m-IRns
THREE. He knows the song "Stacy's Mom". This says nothing about whether he likes the song, but he's knowledgeable enough about recent human pop culture that he can casually drop a reference to it in a joke. It's probably safe to assume he's familiar with a broad variety of popular human music.
Hey Bill. What's up with Wendy's mom?
FOUR. When he gives himself a super cool car its radio is playing a rap song. I wasn't able to find any identification for the song, but it sounds to me like it could potentially be by Lil Bigg Dawggg, the same in-universe artist behind "Straight Blanchin'"—so, extremely popular mainstream rap. (Song heard at 2:50).
FIVE. He's got some kind of generic-sounding electronic dance music playing during his Fearamid party.
SIX. The "We'll Meet Again" scene. He can play the piano. I suppose you could choose to believe that Mr. All-Seeing All-Knowing Eye can play any instrument and he just happens to pick the piano for effect—he might not even actually be playing, since the song keeps playing itself when he turns away—but I choose to believe he's playing it and at some point he actually made the choice to learn piano for fun just because he wanted to. As someone who took piano lessons for over a decade, assuming that is indeed his own playing, I'd rate him as competent and skilled (that's a pretty impressive run at the start), but no virtuoso. He'd be a hit at the family holiday party but not in a concert hall. The choice of "We'll Meet Again" might mean he's got a soft spot for WW2-era popular music but might just be a "he knows human popular music and will freely reference it for a joke" thing.
SEVEN. "No! Synthesized music! It hurts!" Considering the circumstances, this may or may not actually apply to his musical tastes. Maybe only this particular synthesized music hurt him because Mabel had specifically decided that Xyler and Craz's music would injure Bill, maybe only extremely 80s-sounding synthesizers hurt him, etc. Most damning to the theory that he's got some kind of synthesized music allergy is the fact that almost all the music he's shown to voluntarily listen to and presumably enjoy (rising Shepard tones, the rap song, the party music) makes use of synthesized sounds. Still, it's worth mentioning that this is something he said at one point. (At 2:06.)
If anyone else recalls anything I missed about Bill's musical listening habits, toss it at me.
So, that's what we've got canonically. On that basis, here's what I headcanon about his tastes:
ONE: favorite music
His absolute favorite "music" is stuff that doesn't sound like music to humans at all. So sounds that are created to follow certain patterns (not quite as random as, say, pure white noise); and on top of that, sounds that, subjectively, sound extra creepy to humans or make humans anxious (think how folks claim Shepard tones can drive people "insane"). So think nuclear alarm sirens, unnerving tornado sirens, War of the World tripod horns, Saturn, foghorns, The Backwards Music Station. If you want some actual music that sounds as close to these kinds of sounds as possible, thus far I've collected Curious Noises & Distant Voices, 20210310, Happy Happy Happy—and if you want to start drifting into more "musical" sounding genres, Tira Me a Las Aranas or Ledge.
I feel like noise as a genre ought to have a lot of music that fits the sound I'm looking for, but in practice a lot of what I've crossed paths with is really harsh/loud—sounds like breaking machines and blasting microphones—rather than the more swoopy tones I'm looking for. I think of all the noise subgenres I've sampled, death industrial noise is the closest subgenre to what I want, but it's not quite there either. I've had some success looking at hauntology artists, but that's a pretty big umbrella stylistically speaking. Does anybody know a genre that sits somewhere halfway between noise & ambient?
TWO: favorite human music
So that's that for Bill's alien musical tastes. As far as his human musical tastes, he cites Question Mark & The Mysterians specifically as "the good stuff"—so I imagine that's probably his idea of the best kind of music humanity's produced. So: extremely sixties. Hammond organs out the wazoo. Bands with occult-sounding names and lead singers who claim to be Martians that lived with dinosaurs and will be alive in the year 10,000. I tend to tilt him toward bands/songs that fall under the "psychedelic" umbrella, considering that the aesthetic tends to be kinda, well... just go google "psychedelic art."
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Tell me this isn't what Earth would look like by Weirdmageddon day 30 when Bill starts to get bored. I mean come on. The only difference is Bill's version would have more fire and blood.
So start with some of your traditional psychedelic songs—Incense and Peppermints, White Rabbit, Breathe (In The Air), Time Of The Season, Purple Haze, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, etc.—and branch out from there. Slap on any decent psychedelic/hippie-themed playlist and you're good: try this hippie playlist, this psychedelic pop/rock playlist, or this dark psychedelic playlist.
Once you get past the more mainstream stuff, I go toward weird things that sound like they ought to be from a lost 1960s art house film that accidentally predicted the rise of UFO cults—things that vibe with Bill's occult + conspiracy theory + faux religious figure vibes. Think Bruce Haack, such as the album Electric Lucifer, particularly Electric to Me Turn, Cherubic Hymn, or War; Joe Meek's album I Hear a New World, particularly the title track or Orbit Around the Moon; or the particularly alien-sounding The Red Weed (Part 1) off Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds.
And after all that, I poke at modern psychedelic rock songs that lean more heavily into witchy & occult imagery—such as Astral Sabbat or Come a Little Closer—but by this point we're really on the fringe of the sound I'm looking for. There isn't nearly enough Hammond organ.
THREE: favorite human party music
Now, compared to the last couple of sections, this section is gonna be something of a cop-out, because I've done less musical digging; but when it comes to what he'll slap on for a party—which I imagine makes up probably a good 75% of his casual music consumption—he's just gonna slap on any popular current music he thinks is good for a party.
Currently? That probably means a lot of hip hop and EDM. Okay. In the 80s he probably woulda put on disco. In the 21st century he'd put on Get Low, First of the Year, Shots, DotA, Intergalactic, and Dragostea Din Tei (hardstyle remix), in a row, without a second thought, and with no heed to the humans going "what the FUCK is this party mix." These are not the best examples of what he'd play; just the first, most cringe, and most discordant examples I could think of. The more easily a potential party song can be described as stylistically or lyrically "obnoxious," the more likely it is to make his playlist. Does it sound like it should be played extremely loud? Would it offend the neighbors? Does it have a bass line that sounds like it could crack concrete and break ribs? Would humans recognize it as part of a widely-known meme, but not know whether Bill (an alien) is oblivious or if Bill (a troll) added it for that reason? It's going on, he's hitting shuffle, and it's not coming off the party playlist until he gets bored of it and finds something newer and even more obnoxious to replace it with.
If anyone has any good recommendations for specific genres that would yield a reasonable pool of Party Songs That Would Get Noise Complaints Filed (And Also Don't Go Together At All), I'm willing to take them. My gut says crunk and dubstep, but my hip hop knowledge is lacking and my EDM knowledge is extremely eclectic.
(Anyway if you made it this far I'm rewarding you with a link to my Bill Cipher spotify playlist I listen to when writing fic. It's 50% songs that I think actually match the "music he'd like" categories, 50% songs that are about him but that he wouldn't necessarily like, 50% songs about his relationship issues, 10% songs that are NONE OF THE ABOVE but that need to be in there because I need them for fic-writing vibes, and one single solitary song that is not actually about Bill at all, but rather about Pacifica, but that i put on the playlist anyway because it's a REALLY GOOD Pacifica song and I don't have any other Gravity Falls themed playlists so here it is. "That adds up to 160%—" and what of it. The percentages aren't even accurate.)
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