seiten-taisei · 4 years
Hiya friend :) Hope you're doing well in these trying times. I was wondering, where do you go to keep tabs on when new chapters of Saiyuki Blast come out and where do you go to read them?
Hey there! I am doing okay, I hope you are doing well too!
I’ve been checking Zero Sum every month, but have not heard news, nor seen a chapter.
I will definitely update here if something changes!
Ps: Sorry for those who asked this during the past month, I’ve been a bit busy!
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darknessthatdevours · 6 years
theperfectladiesman replied to your post: “Mr. Bunny, I think you pissed off the wrong...
“I feel dirty just agreeing with you.”
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”Oh, have I finally won you over as an admirer?”
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zenonthebamf · 7 years
@theperfectladiesman [ previously ]
Gojyo had been a bit of a klutz all day. Dropping shit left and right. And then right and left. Seriously. If he dropped one more damn thing he was gonna kick it out the damn window.
And, sure enough, after getting up to grab him and Zenon more booze, upon returning he dropped his lighter near the ginger. Well, that was too special to kick out. Cursing aloud and setting the beer down on the couch next to Zenon, the redhead bent over to pick it back up. Unknowingly giving the ginger quite a view.
Before he knew it, Gojyo felt a firm hand on his ass giving him a firm squeeze. It was so sudden, it startled him a bit, which was evident in the way he snapped back up. But by the time the hanyou turned to regard the frisky bastard, he had a self satisfied smirk on his face.
“Excuse you?” Gojyo tried to sound indignant.
Witnessing the redhead getting frustrated at his sudden clumsiness brought amusement to Zenon. Nearly everything Gojyo touched, slipped right through his buttered fingers. Hilarious, really. He didn’t think it was possible to be that klutzy and yet here was one redhead proving him wrong.
When Gojyo bent over to pick up the latest fallen item—a very important lighter—he had unintentionally given the ginger a damn nice view of his butt. Zenon already knew it was nice to begin with, but was it just for show or was it firm as it looked?
At this point in their rather complicated relationship, Zenon was darn comfortable with the redhead; comfortable enough to test out his musings. And so, he proceeded to give that ass a nice squeeze.
Well, Gojyo’s ass was definitely as firm as it looked. What the hell did he do to make it that firm and round?
Zenon wasn’t aware of the smug smirk he was sporting—it probably appeared subconsciously--until the feigned annoyance caught his attention.
“Ah, well, fuck,” the ginger shrugged nonchalantly, now caught. “My hand slipped?” He heard that line used somewhere and it seemed pretty appropriate to use it now.
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fearbehindasmile · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
ONE OF THESE IS NOT LIKE THE OTHERS also damn, look at those gojyos- 
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towardsthelight05 · 7 years
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Link to IMAGE5
Hikari was never fond of womanizers, gamblers and chain-smokers, hence she's never enthusiastic every time a certain customer would visit her shop, exaggerating over how she can smell his intoxication all the way from the kitchen. But after a few meetings, she learned his name, took a glimpse of his story, it taught her that behind the unpleasant vice and gossips he was a fine man of virtue. So every time he comes in, she'd serve him his personal blend, chat, debate and then tease each other a lot. Then the most ironic thing happened, when the universe started testing the stretch of this friendship, because before she knows it they started going on dates together.
If anyone asks she would deny it, deny the fact that she did wore this ridiculously girly red dress to match the color of his eyes. Or that she spent a little more time fixing her hair than usual.It's not even the first date, just the first time they went out of town together. Out of their comfort zone, a setting where they will learn more about each other.
The country-side cafe they had brunch in is packed with tourists from the capital. Hikari's gourmet senses was tickled when she saw that the cafe also offered local delicacies, zooming in on items she can use for a new recipe. After a good 15 minutes, maybe? She caught a familiar scene involving her date. A young woman blushing heavily after being saved by him from whatever accident that may have happened, she never really bothered asking, its a typical thing after another anyway.
Hikari scoffed at the sight, raising one of her eyebrows up before going out of the store. She didnt want to make a scene, not when she's all dressed up and is looking forward to the rest of the day with him. But outside the store, as he walked out of the door, she was there, cheeks puffed, mustering up all the patience she could. Nevertheless, pretending she wasn't annoyed will just add to her already brewing mood, so she let it out gently.
"Would it kill you to not be nice to all girls? Even just for the day? She's clearly flirting with you, you know that right?"
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dragonkinggojun · 8 years
@theperfectladiesman: [ previously ]
Usually, Gojyo wasn’t one to flirt with men, joking or otherwise. But he could honestly say he had never seen anyone like the person before him. Appearance-wise, he kind of looked like a youkai with the dragonesque eyes, scales on his skin and pointed ears. But he neither acted or felt like a youkai. He was fucking beautiful… straight or not he couldn’t deny that. He’d have to be blind.
What he hadn’t expected? Was for the other to call him ‘general’ and act like he already knew him. The other hadn’t even bothered to look at him. The hanyou looked down at himself like he was expecting to find something he hadn’t seen before on his person.
“Not a bad title, but the last I checked I ain’t a general.”
Rarely did Gojun visit the Lower World, but he did when his tolerance for office politics had reached its max. And so, he sought refuge in bar for the time being prior to calling it a day. But this happened.
When the expected line of him being a tight ass was not heard from the General, pair of scarlet sclera looked up from his cup of tea to find a strikingly similar doppelganger. Gojun blinked.
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“Ah. Apologies. I appear to have mistaken you for someone else.”
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urasayo · 8 years
@theperfectladiesman liked your photoset:i’ve been. on a sayo drawing
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   ❝--Well, Gojyo, I didn’t think I was your type. Should I feel flattered?❞
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seiten-taisei · 7 years
I'm sorry, I never took the time to thank you sooner for all you've done for the Saiyuki fandom. Thank you for all your love and dedication to Saiyuki and for taking the time to translate so many things. I absolutely love coming to your blog to look at all you post and if I get behind on things. You are truly amazing & I love ya for it.
Oh gosh, I don’t feel like I’ve done that much, I just report on my findings, hehe. But thank you so much that really means a lot to me. I love this fandom so much and all the awesome people I’ve met over the years. Really it’s because of the community that I’ve been able to keep this blog going. If there weren’t other fans to talk to I probably would have had a harder time keeping up this blog.
I don’t do much translating though! You can thank @soto-translates and @lunosamentelunitoo who do most of the translations you see~ Sadly I can only spot some words and that’s it :( I wish I could read Japanese because I’m sure I’d have an easier time finding news!
Plus a lot of merch findings are thanks to @marikumagica , I spot some from time to time but she’s like a merch hunter. She’s crazy amazing!
Your words gave me a big smile. I’m happy to contribute anyway I can to the fandom and to keep people updated! I want to keep the community thriving even when the anime is over and when the manga is on hiatus. I love this manga too much and it’s had a huge impact on my life.
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zenonthebamf · 7 years
Accidental Mail
@theperfectladiesman: [ previously ]
Ding dong.
Gojyo twitched and slowly blinked his eyes open. Lazily turning his head to the right, he groggily read the time on his alarm clock. 10 fucking am. Who the hell was at his door at such an ungodly hour?  
Ding dong.
“I hear ya, gimme a moment!” Gojyo shouted to be heard down the hall before rolling out of bed and stretching with a long, loud yawn.
Luckily, the redhead had the decency to pull on some boxers before trudging to his front door and opening it up to see a nervously fidgeting man holding a package rather awkwardly.
Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, Gojyo looked it over with rising suspicion now that he was more awake. He was fairly sure he hadn’t ordered anything online recently. When the package was handed to him, he noticed it wasn’t even his name. He opened his mouth to tell the deliveryman but stopped himself when the name registered in his mind. It was his neighbors…
“Thank you,” Gojyo murmured and watched a moment as the guy quickly scurried off. Huh.
Shrugging, he looked down at the package then over at his neighbor’s door. Now, a good samaritan would knock and hand the package over to the right recipient without question. A slow mischievous smile spread across his face.
It was a good thing he wasn’t a good samaritan.
Without further hesitation, Gojyo took the package back inside with him with a chuckle of anticipation. Yeah, later he’d probably get punched in the arm or something for being so nosy, but it was going to be worth it. Hopefully.
Plopping down on his couch, Gojyo set the package on his lap and immediately began picking at the tape to see what was hidden inside. Moments later, he was able to open the flaps and peer inside. He immediately laughed in delight. This was going to be priceless.
It was a big black dildo.
Admittedly, he took a moment to examine the dildo- running his fingers over it and looking it over in curiosity. It was rather impressive. He didn’t think that brute was one who took it up the ass.
Tossing the box haphazardly aside, Gojyo took just the dildo and left his place to knock on Zenon’s door. While waiting, several teasing lines and jokes ran through his mind, making him grin wide. He just had to quickly decide the best greeting out of them all. This was gonna be great!
Immediately pouncing on the laptop in a near frantic manner to see if the order could be cancelled since he supposedly placed the order last night---it shouldn’t have processed already right? Doesn’t it usually take three to four days or something like that? As monocular vision skimmed through the content, Zenon did not bother hiding the twitching eyebrow.
Why in the fuck did he pick one-day delivery?
What the fuck was he on to think that ordering that thing with next day delivery was a fucking great idea?
Rubbing his face—all traces of being hungover now temporarily gone—Zenon could only hope the package was as discreet as the website claimed, and closed the laptop. In all honesty, the ginger wanted to break the laptop but knew that wouldn’t accomplish anything but make another dent in his bank account.
A knock on the door had the ginger quick on his feet, though he soon regretted it as the room instantly spun. Grabbing the couch for a moment to steady himself, Zenon slowly trudged his way over to the door, uncaring at his unkempt appearance for the supposed-delivery person. Well, he’d give the site props for staying true to their promise of next day delivery.
Unlocking and opening the door, expecting a uniformed person holding the parcel, but instead Zenon was greeted with the sight of his annoying half-naked neighbor holding---
That thing.
Another visible twitch of his eyebrow.
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What the hell did he do to deserve this shitastic day?
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susumu-theloner · 6 years
↘ a benchmate
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Thankfully, today was not an overbearingly sunny day. After a week or so of nonstop sunshine, it got old fast. Granted it was summer, so it was to be expected but jeez, it couldn’t hurt to have some clouds thrown in every so often.
Dark violet eyes briefly glanced skyward at the partly sunny sky, gauging how many hours he had left before dark fell on the town. Surmising, Susumu had a good several hours to finish his errands and return to his dwelling at Shinsengumi’s and still have some time for himself. The people there need to not get injured so often since they depleted his medical stock more quickly than he can restock it.
A quiet sigh escaped thin lips once he spotted a vacant bench nearby outside a little stand that was beckoning him. Once the medic ordered some snacks, he perched on the bench after setting down his purchased belongings beside him.
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towardsthelight05 · 8 years
"I have an “owie” on my lip. Will you kiss it and make it better?"
“There are about 200 kinds of germ that live in our mouth. Kissing you will just multiply it but if you have a death wish then why not.”
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dragonkinggojun · 8 years
“Am I dreaming, or do you really exist?”
[ send one if we haven’t interacted! | @theperfectladiesman ]
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“I am not amused with your pick up lines, General,” Gojun replied with a hint of annoyance, unaware the other was not one and the same.
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