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spottedmischief · 10 months ago
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It’s been a few weeks since that fire. Still no signs of dad or uncle. He has met another hyena named Janja in the meantime in a place called the outlands. It’s a scary place. It’s where other animals chased him off to whenever they caught him searching for his father.
Why is everyone always so upset? He doesn’t get it. They also met another hyena. Chungu. They also met two other hyenas. Nne and Tano. They like to play rough. He doesn’t like that.
Even with new companions, Cheezi would still sneak off to find uncle and dad.
Why were they gone? The hyenas who were supposed to take care of his new friends were gone too. Did they abandon them? No, no. He knew daddy wouldn’t do that. Daddy was not like mom. This had something to do with the burning, red hot stuff - that was terrifying. And the other animals chasing them out, they were the ones keeping them from their family?
So now here he is. In the place where he used to live just a few weeks ago. Before everything suddenly changed. Unable to find his den because he has no idea where to find it. He’s never been this far away from it.
Janja didn’t want want him to go. The other cub never wants him to go into that place - it’s dangerous now. If it means he can find the ones close to him it’s a risk Cheezi is willing to take. So he simply sneaked off when Janja was not looking. He is stubborn.
Besides … what if they not only find dad and uncle but the ones who were supposed to take care of all the other cubs too?
That doesn’t make it any less frightening when other animals chased him before. Maybe he should have at least convinced Chungu to join, but usually the other cubs don’t understand what he wants. Because he doesn’t talk. Only sounds. Gestures. They don’t get it. Daddy would. Uncle would.
He doesn’t like to be alone. Maybe he should whoop after someone. But … whooping usually alerts angry animals, that’s why he stopped whooping after daddy. Whooping is bad - trying to search for your family makes animals mad.
Maybe he could … give it a try again.
There. It’s hesitant and quiet.
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boombambaby · 1 year ago
"Hey, hey, don't panic. I am not gonna eat you okay? Calm down buddy. I am a friendly lion." (young adult Simba to llama Kuzco)
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“You— you’re a talking LION!” Kuzco accuses, pointing a hoof at the jungle cat as he takes a few steps backwards on unsteady legs. “Nice try, pal! That’s what the last cat said!” He’s talking about the jaguars he was chased through the jungle by, something he’d really rather not repeat any time soon, thanks.
It dawns on him then that if the lion is talking, he might not actually be a lion. “Wait, you can talk! Are you— er, were you human?”
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wisemandrill · 5 months ago
Continued from here
"About Kovu, eh?" Rafiki listened to what Simba had to say--and to what he left unsaid as well. Those emotions and doubts were as clear to her as though they had been expressed aloud. "I see, less about Kovu himself and more about the argument with young Kiara after what transpired."
The old mandrill sighed and opened both eyes now to turn her attention fully on Simba. "She was right, in a way. You will never be your father. But!" She held up a long finger to stop whatever Simba was about to say in response. "That is because you must be your own lion. You can only be yourself, Simba. You have much still to learn. You are still a young king. Mufasa had many years to learn what you have had less than half your life to learn."
She chuckled. "And the most important thing in this instance is that you listened to your head and to those doubts whether you were doing the right thing, instead of listening to your heart."
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aslyfcx · 1 year ago
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@thepaststillhurts sent: "Why do you wear clothes? You are an animal after all." (from young adult Simba with a confused face xD I hope you don't mind)
unprompted asks (always accepting)
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"Welllll--that's a very good question. It's considered illegal not to wear clothes in public so that's why I'm wearing clothes and there is a place for that kind of stuff here in Zootropolis." Nick explained, tilting his head a bit off to the side. "Are...you not from around here, kid?"
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thepaststillhurts · 3 months ago
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~ Telling Kiara her grandfather, Mufasa's story. 😊 My father was one of the great kings of the Pridelands, if not the greatest. Thanks to him this kingdom can flourish and I can only be grateful for such a precious legacy. Also, my task is to protect what I got from him, and one day this will be Kiara's task. ~
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cunning-matriarch · 10 months ago
@thepaststillhurts from here
"Youre too close to our borders" The matriarch mocked.. "As long as I dont cross that boundary, you have no authority to tell me where i can go! You do not rule me" Her solemn statement was said with a low growl.
" Those lands were my home before you were even born." Shenzi's lip curled angrily, the growl rumbling deep in her chest with her ears pinned flat to her head.
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After a moment, though, she snorted. "I have no interest in that cursed territory. Or talking to you." Shenzi hopped down from her sunbathing spot, turning to head deeper into the backlands.
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chivclry · 1 year ago
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The young azure colored rabbit moved slowly throughout the Pridelands as everything was so big to him, he made sure to wear fake hooves and antlers to pass off as a stag as his family wouldn't accept a mere rabbit as it wasn't the true sign of chivalry which was something he stood by.
However, he was glad that his hearing was enhanced as he could pick up many noises with ease. But, he didn't count on some lionesses happening upon him and taking him for a young deer.
He tries to get away from them but the back of his neck fur was gripped which caused him to scream out as he was being taken to a strange rock formation, he lifted his fake hooves to his face and closed his eyes, fearing the worst.
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bcllbcy · 8 months ago
Starter for @thepaststillhurts 🍃
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The bellhop looks around at this vast area as this didn't look like his home as there were no houses and such, only grasslands and trees?
He was outside it seems, his keyhole shaped pupils scan around as he adjusted his coat.
Best to explore and see what was all here, his footsteps making prints on the soft dirt as he wondered if whoever lives here be able to physically see him as not many can.
He could see elephants and others animals which made his mind wanting to leap for joy at this discovery, wanting to see even more delights.
He continued to tread forward.
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musemelodies · 1 year ago
"Okay, we can have another contest if you want, like beetle chewing, but I am sure I am gonna win!" Simba walked past Timon with a smug look on his face. (from teen Simba to Timon)
While he was still feeling the aftermath of the snail slurping contest (and it probably would've been wise to sit this one out), he had never been the type to turn down a challenge. (Especially if it involved beetles!) Timon stood up at once, putting on his best game face, ignoring that tiny voice in the back of his head that said he was gonna regret this.
Pfft, he'd be all right. Timon was a lot of things but a quitter wasn't one of them.
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"You're on, kid! I'll have you know I'm a champ at beetle chewing! Why, ask Pumbaa!"
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fatherofnarnia · 1 year ago
"Gotcha!" He pounced on the big lion. "Hey Aslan, you know what? You're my new friend. What do you wanna today?" (from cub Simba in the Hakunana Matata jungle)
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Aslan laughed as he let himself to be pounced down by the little cub. "You may show me around, even introduce your other friends you were talking about to me. I like meeting new people."
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@thepaststillhurts from here
Once they were close enough, the matriarch lowered her head and set the cub down on her own little paws. Nudging the little squirt's backside to encourage her toward the king. "Go on, fuzzball." She grunted.
Seeing them reunite was cute. Her own current litter was just a bit younger than the 'princess' currently. Her belly showed evidence of nursing pups.
"No need to thank me. I dont eat kids." She chuffed, scratching at an itch on her ear. "She made it all the way to the elephant graveyard, fuzzball apparently takes after you"
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glitchedxout · 25 days ago
@thepaststillhurts // cont.
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Something about this cub was...oddly familiar. Kiros couldn't quite put his paw on it. The great king cocked his head to one side, one paw crossed over the other. He had been relaxing in the sun on the outskirts of Milele- the place he had been banished to with what remained of his pride.
Only his sisters, Akua and Amara.
"My name is Kiros. I am the king around here."
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regiscarnivora · 5 months ago
Continued from here
"Of course dad."
Kion replied to him with enthusiasm at his father. The young prince hardly had some time to be with him, given that they had priorities that didn't coincide with one another at times. The only moments the two were around was with the pride and before they could sleep inside Pride Rock. Thus, he was more than excited to have some time with him before he could be with his Guard partners for most of the day and deal with other threats he could fight back.
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wisemandrill · 6 months ago
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"Rafiki? Can we talk?" He sighed, his expression implying worry.
Rafiki had found some time that day to simply sit among the roots of her baobab and listen—not listen for any specific messages from Mufasa or the other Great Kings of the Past, but simply listen to the sounds of nature around her. It was quite a peaceful day.
Despite the events of the day before.
And it appeared the young king of the Pride Lands something weighing on his mind, perhaps in regards to those very events.
“Of course we can talk,” she smiled gently, opening one eye to gaze up at Simba. “Come, sit beside old Rafiki, and share with me what burdens your mind.”
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spottedmischief · 9 months ago
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Please don’t sit on him Mr. Red hairy thing cause that’s gonna hurt you look heavy and large I’m just a little guy
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thepaststillhurts · 6 months ago
Simba's trip around the Earth
I've sent Simba on a trip around the Earth to have fun, explore new places and collect adventures (age: teen or young adult, so actually during his lifetime in the Hakuna Matata Jungle). XD This is also a great opportunity for Disney Crossovers so don't be surprised if you see this adventurous lion in your askbox. :P
Here is the map and my finished or ongoing threads:
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Peru: The Emperor's New Guard - with @boombambaby's Kuzco
Oceania: Underwater Adventure - with @daringtosing's Ariel
More to be added...
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