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chefyatogami-san · 12 years ago
Alright! To the bed!
Today was a good day!
I met a new person
I figured out a new way to type RPs
I got my Christmas Icon for Kuroh
Oh and KONAN! I'm just gonna let your reply out of my draft so you don't have to worry about it not being here when you look to reply ^^
Goodnight Everyone :D
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pianokeysandmusicnotes · 12 years ago
thepaperblossoms started following you
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senna-blade-knight started following you
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danyiwakura started following you
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thepaperblossoms started following you
"Hello." He smiled greeting the others.
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chefyatogami-san · 12 years ago
Alright bed time...
Actually equals text time but to the people I replied to today:
My reply probably got drowned and stabbed for you guys so uhh... JUST MAKING SURE YOU GUYS KNOW I REPLIED CAUSE I LOVE RPING WITH YOU PERF RPERS OH GOD IM SO NOT WORTHY!
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ratretro · 12 years ago
ooc; ;-; you feel our pain. YES MUST FIND AN ITACHI. xD
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thepaperblossoms-blog · 12 years ago
❥; ✰;
This particular night was as moderate as the one before it, relentlessly traveling kept Konan in a constant haze, usually only leaving the tranquility of her thoughts to attend to more salient matters. Almost there. Whispered aspirations silently reassured her that she rest would soon come while somnolent steps fought to continue. Truthfully sleep was a luxury she didn’t have time for, monotonously following dead ends kept her attitude pessimistic towards new tips. When investigating foreign lands Konan found herself more reserved, catching wind of the newcomer instantly she welcomed him with a raised brow. 
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thepaperblossoms-blog · 12 years ago
Mun picture?
                                        The Tale Of Konan-mun.                 ooc; Sorry for taking so long to get this, I was going to save it for when I got 200 followers, along with a long rant and meet the mun and so on. But I'm at 150 so I might as well, I just want you guys to know this is sorta a big deal for me, I don't like showing who I am online.For those of you who care to know, I have a very close connection with my Konan muse, she's the big, over-protective sister I never had. Honestly it would of been nice to have someone like her to help me hold the weight up. Sometimes I even find myself modeling my dedication after her, silly right? Looking up to a fictional character, pft who does that? Anyway I can relate to her a lot more than I originally realized, we both know how it feels to not have parents, admittedly poor Konan has had it a lot rougher than me. Lately I feel like were a team, working against each other while sharing the same mind, weird right? I'm not calm and collected like she is nor am I witty and dexterous, I'm actually really bubbly, clumsy and awkward in person but for some reason, it works perfectly with my muse. I love how she tolerates me, I love sharing every emotion with her, I love helping her achieve happiness, I love having her over my shoulder and in the back of my mind, I love how she's pushed me out of my shell, I love how attached I've gotten to this muse. It's really gotten to the point where I think we fill each other's voids, she needs to loosen up and smile more, and I need to stop solving everything with a smile, I imagine after Nagato's death she was extremely lonesome, I think I relate to this aspect more than anything. That's one of the main reason's I decided to keep her alive instead of resurrected, it really does help me portray her better. Plus I'm always trying to find her new friends, real friends that she can care for and want to help. When she was younger she was so cheerful and welcoming, it's hard to get her to genuinely open up and that's coming from the mun! I know she would be furious if I kept her open like a book to anyone she came across so I try to be fair and put her canon feelings into consideration. Konan has really morphed into this fictional twist of a role model that I can relate to. Out of all of my muses she is the loudest, and the closest to my heart.  I adore her more and more with each day. What bugs me the most is that she didn't get her happily ever after, she got death. Re-watching as her mun it actually kinda no, royally pissed me off.  She's the only muse I can't view as my little baby, she's a grown woman, and on my best day's I'm a young lady. Again I look up to her more than anything these days, I wouldn't take it as far as striding to be like her but, she defiantly has had an impact on me in the shortest amount of time. Everyone seems to be routing for team 7, don't get me wrong I love them in their own way yet, I'm on team Ame Orphans. Their connection hit's me right at home every single fucking time, I can't get over it and part of me doesn't want to.  Aha! So! Anyway! Onto a few random fun mun facts. :3;-; I'm really nice and really good at listening if you ever need an ear. ♥I live for McDonalds sweet tea.I have a personal connection with all of my muses, and relate to them more than any of you will probably know. Sweatpants are eternal bliss.I'm an militant atheist.I'm a waitress and hoping to start college in January.Fan girl doesn't even begin to explain my addiction to feels.Oh and my friends call me Kit. :3 
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