freecriticism · 5 years
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Theory Objects Vilnius Academy of Arts 19 April 2019, 1300–1600
Theory Objects is an exhibition, discussion and celebration of ‘theory objects’ enacting philosophies and publishing strategies of postconceptualism, memetics and FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software).
Theory Objects launches a range of self-replicating manifestations (events, actions and things) designed to be copied, modified and shared, including: a manifesto for the grass snake, a movement for ‘fullysleeping’, a comparison machine for conspicuous waste, a DIY hydrofoil wing, mutant plastic fish, the feminist bob, the death of choice, chonk abuse and the ultimate hangover cure.
A project led by Joshua Trees in collaboration with VDA students (MA Visual Communication Design and BA Graphic Design): Noatė Atkočiūnas, Kotryna Abromaityte, Ona Vėliūtė, Monika Šumauskaitė, Austė Dzikaraitė, Lina Vaiškūnaitė, Aurelija Slapšytė, Domas Cibas, Juta Kibildytė. Joshua Trees is a researcher, publisher and educator. He is currently Tutor at Royal College of Art and co-founder of Books From The Future.
Open to the public
Funded by the Lithuanian Education and Science Support Fund
VDA, Titanic Building Room 112 Maironio str. 3 Vilnius, Lithuania 01124
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freecriticism · 5 years
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Theory Objects Vilnius Academy of Arts Workshop:  8—19 April 2019 Exhibition PV: 19 April, 1300—1600
Theory Objects is a workshop and exhibition by Joshua Trees, produced in collaboration with Vilnius Academy of Arts (MA Visual Communication Design and BA Graphic Design).
Theory Objects investigates the open-source concept of a ‘theory object’* 
 *Historically Bruce Sterling has used the term to describe “shareable concepts” such as ‘Spime’ and ‘The New Aesthetic’, but Trees has adopted the term to refer to redistributable concepts designed to both initiate and facilitate their own modification, duplication and dissemination. Such concepts could be material (publications, posters, furniture, souvenirs...) or immaterial (downloads, workshops, rumours, algorithms, performances, videos, fonts...) Funded by the Lithuanian Education and Science Support Fund
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