0choo1 · 1 year
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book - Gonggi 2020 (PLAY SERIES 1) published by ADD TO CART (0.1 X the object)
24p 90*165mm 500edition Hot stamping
『Gonggi』is the first book in the ‘Add to Cart’ play series and explores gonggi, a traditional Korean game similar to jackstones. The stones move in arcs as they are thrown and caught, and the hand repeats its movements. This process of playing the game is compared to the planets in space in our work, printed in two colors using foil stamping so that the angle of the light changes how it looks. The continuous and repeating image is presented in an accordion book format that is hand-bound so that the cover and interior pages, or the beginning and end of the book, are all connected as one. 
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gabrielleguy · 1 year
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In conversation a few weeks ago with Sean O’Toole at The Book Shoppe, Cape Town, about his new book The Object that I designed.
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deliasamed · 9 months
What is The Object of a Sentence?
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Object of a sentence in English
  The object is a subsidiary part of a sentence that receives the action of the verb or shows the result of that action. It answers questions such as whom? what? to whom? by whom? about what? to whom?  These questions help identify and clarify the role of the object in relation to the verb.                                                           There are two main types of objects:   Direct Object: Answers the question whom? or what? concerning the action of the verb. It directly receives the action of the verb. For example: She read a book. Direct Object: book       Indirect Object: Answers the questions to whom? or for whom? or about what? concerning the action of the verb. It indicates the recipient or beneficiary of the action. For example: She gave him a gift. Indirect Object: him Direct Object: gift The indirect object receives the direct object or benefits from the action.  An indirect object can be prepositional or without a preposition. Here are examples of both:     Indirect Object without a Preposition: He gave the student a book.     Indirect Object with a Preposition: She has received a letter from her friend.       Direct Object in different forms : A direct object can take various forms, including a noun, a pronoun, a numeral, an infinitive, or a gerund. Here are examples of each:   Noun as Direct Object:  She bought a car.   Pronoun as Direct Object: I saw him at the mall.   Numeral as Direct Object: I have read both books. I like the first better than the second.   Infinitive as Direct Object: She wanted to learn.   Gerund as Direct Object: He enjoys swimming.   In the fourth example, to learn is an infinitive phrase acting as the direct object, and in the fifth example, swimming is a gerund acting as the direct object.       The Indirect Object: Transitive verbs, such as to give, to send, and to show, can take both direct and indirect objects. The indirect object often answers the question   about whom? about what? with whom? or for whom? and typically precedes the direct object. The indirect object is expressed by a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case. Here are examples:   By a Noun in the common case: She gave the child a toy.     By a Pronoun in the objective case: He showed me the new painting.        
The Prepositional Indirect Object:
Prepositional objects can follow many verbs and adjectives, providing additional information about the action or state. They answer questions such as about what? about whom? with whom? for whom? The prepositional indirect object can be expressed by a noun with a preposition, a pronoun with a preposition, or a gerund with a preposition. When there is an direct object in a sentence, the indirect prepositional object usually comes after it. Here are examples:   Noun with Preposition as Prepositional indirect Object: She is interested in science.    Pronoun with Preposition as Prepositional indirect Object: They are fond of him.    Gerund with Preposition as Prepositional indirect Object: She apologized for interrupting.   Prepositional Indirect Object after Direct Object: He gave a gift to his sister.             What is The Object of a Sentence? Subject-Verb Agreement in English What is a predicate? Predicate Types Subject of a Sentence. Types for definition Read the full article
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carabanchelnet · 6 months
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📌El Ayuntamiento quiere destruir el huerto cedido a los vecinos que protestaron por las talas de Madrid Río: “Es una venganza” 📌“4.000 ancianos de residencias podían haberse salvado”, The Guardian da visibilidad internacional a la Comisión que señala a Ayuso 📌El Gobierno recurrirá las leyes de PP y Vox contra la memoria 📌Esto es lo que Almeida inyectó a OkDiario, The Objective, El Debate, Javier Negre o Jiménez Losantos en 2023 📌… Y MÁS …. https://carabanchel.net
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winnednes · 5 months
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the Object show!! the!! object!! show!! wow!!! D² theObject show! its Name!! myPromoiton for my.object show .waow
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viejospellejos · 5 months
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«El ciudadano que recibe voluntariamente una asistencia sanitaria debe asumir los efectos adversos derivados de la misma si prestó su consentimiento informado (…). Dado que la posibilidad de que se produjese el daño del que deriva la reclamación había sido divulgada por la Aemps cuando se le administró la vacuna y que dicha vacuna fue recibida voluntariamente, el daño aducido no puede ser considerado antijurídico y, en consecuencia, no puede imputarse responsabilidad patrimonial a las administraciones públicas a raíz de esta reclamación», se desprende de la respuesta del Ministerio de Sanidad a un procedimiento de reclamación patrimonial, al que ha tenido acceso THE OBJECTIVE, por los graves efectos adversos que provocó a un joven esta vacuna. @theobjective
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Enviado por: Arturo
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silkayyyyy · 4 months
Did u guys know abt this thing called dial town. Thye have theobjects 4 heads. Bigif true
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todocubaonline · 2 years
El dinero que va ganando Shakira con su canción contra Piqué
Sus últimas tres canciones le han propinado una jugosa suma que no te dejará indiferente.
El dinero que va ganando Shakira con su canción supera los 2,5 millones de dólares. La sesión #53 de la colombiana y el productor argentino Bizarrap ha alcanzo todo un récord al acumular 135 millones de visualizaciones en YouTube hasta el momento de redactar esta nota. De acuerdo con el medio TheObjective, una aplicación monitoriza todas las escuchas que acumula la canción en las distintas…
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hypnosisreddeer · 2 months
How Does Red Deer Hypnotherapy Work?
The way red deer hypnosis operates is by putting patients into a trance, which is anintensely relaxed and concentrated condition. When the subliminal mind is in this state, it is more open to therapeutic interventions and hopeful suggestions. A professional hypnotherapist in Red Deer who also assists clients in exploring the fundamental causes of their problems, such as worry, tension, or undesired habits eases reframing negative thought patterns. Positive behavioral alterations, increased self-awareness, and enhanced emotional well-being can all be positively encouraged by this non-invasive therapy. By a cooperative and individualized method, Red Deer hypnotherapy helps clients reach their aims and live lives that are more satisfying.
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Investigating Cognitive Therapy and Hypnosis Therapy for Red Deer
In the chase of mental health and personal development, people often look for therapy methods that work for their particular wants. Hypnosis therapy and Red Deer Cognitive therapy are real methods for overcoming obstacles and refining mental well-being.
Recognizing Cognitive Treatment with Red Deer
Cognitive therapy is a kind of psychotherapy where the goal is to recognize and change unfavorable thought processes and beliefs that fuel emotional uneasiness. Therapists that practice Red Deer Cognitive Therapy collaborate through patients to help them form healthier thought patterns and coping mechanisms. Action for disorders like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is particularly successful using this evidence-based technique.
People learn to classify erroneous ideas and switch them out for more sensible, balanced ones during cognitive therapy. Through this technique, people can take charge of their mental health and knowledge a reduction in emotional distress symptoms. Clients can see distinguished gains in their general excellence of life by establishing realistic goals and monitoring their growth.
The Aids of Hypnosis Treatment
Theobjective of hypnosis therapy is to reach the subconscious mind through absorbed relaxation and focusedkindness. People are more open to positive criticism and behavioral adjustments though they are in this mood. Stress, anxiety, phobias, and bad habits alike smoking or overeating are just a few of the glitches that Red Deer hypnotists help patients.
In a hypnotic session, the therapist leads the patient into a trance-like state so they can examine the fundamental roots of their problems. Through this technique, clients can alter their behavior and mentality permanently and reframe harmful thought patterns. Hypnotherapy Red Deeris an individualized method that helps people increase their emotional well-being and reach their goals.
Putting Methods Together for the Best Outcomes
Each Red Deer Cognitive Therapy and Hypnosis Therapy has their own advantages, and in certain situations, they can be combined for best effects. People can address the conscious and subconscious influences on their thoughts and behaviors by combining various approaches.
While hypnotherapy can more deeply reinforce these changes, cognitive therapy, for instance, can assist clients in forming healthier thought patterns. Those looking to overcome anxiety, boost their self-esteem, or kick bad behaviors may find this combo very helpful.
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Selecting Red Deer's Best Therapy
It's important to speak through a licensed therapist to decide which treatment plan is suitable for your distinctive situation when thinking about Red Deer Cognitive Therapy or Hypnotherapy. Every person's track to mental health is different, and the best consequences can come from a customized treatment method.
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awrasmedia · 3 months
مسؤول سابق يكشف السبب الحقيقي لتوقيف ضخّ الغاز الجزائري نحو إسبانيا عبر المغرب
بعد قرابة الـ 3 سنوات على قرار السلطات الجزائرية بوقف ضخّ الغاز عبر الأنبوب الذي يمتد من حاسي الرمل إلى إسبانيا مروراً بالأراضي المغربية، والذي أثار جدلاً واسعاً، عاد الحديث مجددًا عن الأسباب الحقيقية التي دفعت بالجزائر لاتخاذ هذا القرار. وبالرغم من التفسيرات السياسية الكثيرة التي صاحبت هذا القرار، كشف تقرير نُشر على موقع theobjective الإسباني، أن السبب الرئيسي الذي دفع بالجزائر لاتخاذ هذا القرار…
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totaldisplay02 · 9 months
Importance Of AIDA Model In Marketing Agency!
In the dynamic world of advertising, the Marketing Agency In Mumbai helps in capturing the attention and interest of consumers is an art. The AIDA model, a time-tested framework, serves as a guiding beacon for advertisers aiming to create impactful and persuasive campaigns. This article delves into the intricacies of the AIDA model, unraveling its four stages—Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. 
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Attention: The initial phaseof the AIDA model revolves around capturing attention. In a saturatedinformation landscape, advertisers need to develop an enticing element thatseizes the audience's interest right from the start. This might manifest as avisually striking image, a memorable tagline, or a headline that sparksthought. The objective is to halt the audience's distracted attention andencourage them to pause, prompting further exploration.
Interest: After capturingattention, the subsequent phase involves nurturing interest. Advertisers mustoffer valuable information or present a distinctive proposition that capturesthe audience's intrigue. Whether it involves spotlighting product features,showcasing benefits, or narrating a compelling story, this stage focuses onmaintaining audience engagement and motivating them to explore further intowhat the brand brings to the table.
Desire: Moving fromcapturing attention and sparking interest, the AIDA model progresses to thedesired stage. In this phase, advertisers strive to instill a sense of longingor necessity within the audience. This entails presenting the product orservice in a manner that stirs emotions, addresses challenges, and positionsthe offering as the sought-after solution consumers have been looking for. Theobjective is to establish a connection that ignites desire and imparts a senseof urgency.
Action: The finalculmination of the AIDA model occurs in the action stage, during whichadvertisers steer their audience toward a particular response. This may involvemaking a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or interacting with the brandon social media. Effective calls-to-action are clear,compelling, and seamlessly integrated into the overall narrative, promptingconsumers to take the desired step and solidify the connection between the brandand customer.
Application of the AIDA Model:      
Digital Advertising: In the digital landscape, attention-grabbingvisuals, targeted content, and interactive elements play a crucial role in eachstage of the AIDA model.
Print and Visual Media: Print and visual media leverage compellingimagery, persuasive copy, and strategic placement to guide audiences throughthe AIDA journey.
Social Media Advertising: Social platforms excel in creating engagementand desire through storytelling, user-generated content, and interactivecampaigns.
The marketing agency is also known for Bill Board Advertising In Mumbai, that is the reason why we have become the top choice of people all around.
About Total Display Total Display is one of the leading names in the city, and that is the reason why they have become the top choice of the people all around who want to have proper advertising. 
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/importance-of-aida/home
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0choo1 · 3 months
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book - GO OUTSIDE (PLAY SERIES 2) published by ADD TO CART (0.1 X the object)
16p 120*170mm 740*900mm 250edition Silkscreen, Sewing
『GO OUTSIDE』 is the second book in the play series of <ADD TO CART> for outdoor activities.
Light books and mats for outdoor figures with simple luggage! When you open the cover attached to the book, it becomes a small mat where you can sit and read anywhere.
Both the book and cover are made of waterproof tyvek fabric.
Photo: jeongwonsa (instagram:jeongwonsa.kr)
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gabrielleguy · 1 year
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Also coming soon…
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deliasamed · 11 months
Cleft sentence ( It was yesterday that...)
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Construction It is…that (cleft sentences)
  The construction It is... that is known as a cleft sentence, and it is often used to emphasize a specific part of a sentence. Cleft sentences are typically formed by splitting a sentence into two parts: the clause before it is and the clause after that.   Here's the basic structure of a cleft sentence: It is that .   Let's break down the construction and provide some examples:         Emphasizing the Subject:   Original Sentence: She won the race.   Cleft Sentence: It was she who won the race.         Emphasizing the Object:   Original Sentence: He ate the last piece of cake.   Cleft Sentence: It was the last piece of cake that he ate.           Emphasizing the Time:   Original Sentence: They will meet tomorrow.   Cleft Sentence: It is tomorrow that they will meet.           Emphasizing the Place:   Original Sentence: We'll have the party at the beach.   Cleft Sentence: It is at the beach that we'll have the party.           Emphasizing a Particular Event:   Original Sentence: They arrested him at the protest.   Cleft Sentence: It was at the protest that they arrested him.     In each of these examples, the cleft sentence places emphasis on the part that follows It is, drawing the reader's or listener's attention to that specific element. Cleft sentences are a useful tool for adding clarity and emphasis to your writing or speech.           Cleft sentences with until and till:   You can use the cleft sentence construction in negative with until and till. This can be particularly useful for emphasizing the time or condition related to an action. Here's the basic structure for using until or till in a cleft sentence:   It is that .   Let's look at some examples to illustrate this rule:           Emphasizing the Time (with until):   Original Sentence: They will not leave the party until midnight.   Cleft Sentence: It is not until midnight that they will leave the party.           Emphasizing the Condition (with till):   Original Sentence: I won't give up my search until I find the truth.   Cleft Sentence: It is not until I find the truth that I will give up my search.       You can adapt this structure to various situations, depending on the preposition or conjunction you want to emphasize. It's a flexible way to draw attention to specific elements in a sentence.                   Cleft sentence (It is……that) “It” as a Formal Subject Subject of a Sentence. Types for definition Simple Sentence – Unextended and Extended sentences What is Sentence? Definition of a Sentence Read the full article
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Follow through and Overlapping action.
Body parts and appendages drag behind the rest of the body, and continues to move when the body stop. This is also known as drag. Follow through refers to how parts of the body or clothing continues to move after the body has stopped Overlapping action refers to the offset of the body attachment in its movement in comparison the the main parts Drag refers to the delay of the object in relation to the main body. All there elements add realism to a character to make it more believable to the viewer causing them to get more emersed into this animated world. The amount of drag you give and object or a character often correlates to its mass. As an animation technique the movement looks more fluent if one first animates the main body then theobjects attached to the body to see the relationship between the two more clearly.
Lotte Reiniger A German film director and animator best known for her work on the adventures of prince achmed. This film used paper animation, paper animation focused on hole body physical movements to display emotion, as facial expressions would have been too fiddly to animate with paper. The bodies themselves where not detailed but where more like silhouettes. The paper and cardboard cut-out figures that were weighed with led and hinged at the joints, and the more significant the character the larger the range of movements are (more hinged at the joints) A camera was placed over the paper cut out scene which was placed over a light box, and the figures where hand manipulated frame by frame. To show things getting further away in the frames, the objects would be thicker when closer to the frame and thinner when further away from the frame, of sometimes even slightly opaque.
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cyruscabaral · 1 year
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[ BLOG ]
Reflection #2
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I learned a lot about creative writing after a week of teaching, starting with the characters in every story. They behave as described in the story, but they are also fictional characters. Also, I discovered that characters might be divided into three categories: Major Characters, Minor Characters, and Round Characters. The Major Character is given much development, more issues to be resolved, more context, and more action and The Minor Character it has a specific goal to advance the plot. Round Character is a power to startle you in a compelling and even in an inevitable way. Second will be The Modes of Fiction which is the Myth, Romance,High mimetic,Low mimetic ,and Ironic.Also, I discovered that fiction is a "piece of cake" in the modes of fiction. Thru thediscussion of maam Tricia I also learned the important role of Setting, Props, Plot and Theme inthe story. The setting gives a description of the story's how, when, and where. Props these are theobject having meaning. Plot is what happens in the story, while theme is the lesson you want toget through. Third that I have learned is the Types of Plots wich is the Linear plot, Episodic plotCumulative plot, and the Circular plot.
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