#theo mercier
x-heesy · 4 months
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𝙰𝚛𝚝𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚋𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚛 🇫🇷
Théo Mercier (born 1984) is a French sculptor, painter and photographer. He is trained as a designer and self-taught as an artist, and interned with Matthew Barney in 2008. He also worked with Bernhard Willhelm. He uses collage and found objects in his work. Vogue described his work as drawing "on a surreal and dreamlike imaginarium populated by singular, mysterious and often monstrous creatures." His work has been exhibited at the Galerie Gabrielle Maubrie and the Fondation d'entreprise Ricard in Paris, France and Lille 3000
#sculpture #sculptureart #sculptureartist #sculptures #sculpturelovers #sculptureoftheday #sculpturepark #sculpture_art #sculpturegallery #sculpturesofinstagram #sculpture_gallery #sculpturesurbois #contemporarysculpture #sculpturecontemporaine #sculpturephotography #sculptured #modernsculpture #abstractsculpture #handsculpture #artsculpture #instasculpture #skulptur #skulpturen #skulpturer #skulpturensammlung #skulptures #skulptūra #skulpturia #skulpturenausstellung #surreal #surrealart #surrealism #surrealismartcommunity #popsurrealism #popsurrealist #popsurreal #surrealist #surrealista #surrealistic #lowbrowart #weirdart #lowbrowartist #surrealisme #surreal_art #surrealismo #surrealpainting #newcontemporary #lowbrowpopsurrealists
𝚁𝚞𝚋𝚢 𝚋𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚛, 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙾𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚊𝚖 🎧
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clarkkantagain · 5 months
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theo mercier by pierre-ange carlotti
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jordi-gali · 1 year
Théo Mercier
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jenntapiaa · 1 year
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Théo Mercier “Bad Timing” 2023 (Exhibition @Villa Medici).
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Loïcia Demougeot and Théo Le Mercier competing in the short dance segment of the 2018 World Junior Championships.
(Photos by David W. Carmichael)
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janetsnekhol · 2 years
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Honestly I’m such a Theo and Loicia Stan, I’ve been following them since juniors and I think they are going to be a top team in a few years
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stab-the-son-of-a · 2 years
Under Pressure
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No. 12 WHAT COULD GO WRONG? “Mayday, mayday!” | Cave In | Rusty Nail
This is set in the same universe as Death is Cheap, in that the world building is the same, but with different characters and a separate plot. 
Taglist: @teamwhump
TWs: some lady whump, impalement, PTSD, some claustrophobia and nausea mention
Also fair warning that I'm woefully out of practice with action scenes.
“You know, I would have thought an underwater mine to be… colder.”
“We’re close to a hydrothermal vent.”
“Oh, that’s good.”
“No, that’s bad.”
Courtney stopped short to stare in silent questioning at Sabrina. “How do you figure that’s bad? The cold is worse for your powers. You’ve got loads of ambient energy, Falcon,” she teased.
Sighing, though whether in exasperation or fondness was anyone’s guess, Sabrina said, “Loads of energy to spare. Maybe even too much. These walls are all that stands between us both and all that energy.”
For a moment, Courtney went white and silent. Then, with a faked surety that died mid voice crack, she replied, “Well, I can put a bubble around us then.”
Another sigh from Sabrina, this one tenser. “I sure fuckin’ hope so,” she whispered. 
She guesstimated the vents were but a few dozen hundred pounds of rock and soil and some feet of water away, but she wasn’t a geologist. Her wings twitched with anxious energy, feathers fluffing up. She just knew they were close enough to be dangerous. Close enough to be useful, as Courtney had pointed out, but the risks outweighed the potential benefits. 
“You sure you’re cool with this?” Sabrina asked Courtney as they continued even deeper into the mine shaft. “I mean, after what you went through —”
“I’m cool as a cucumber,” Courtney cut her off, even as she hurried to rush ahead. 
Sabrina let out another soft sigh before she picked up the pace to catch up. 
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Courtney wasn’t certain how long they had been walking. An undercurrent (ha) of fear had settled in her stomach and left her nauseated. Her hands trembled. Compulsively, she formed little bubble shaped shields and rolled them between her fingers as they traveled. The deeper they delved into the mine, the darker it became.
Each footfall crunched, the unpaved, uneven dirt compression underfoot. Still, sometimes her mind played a cruel trick and it almost sounded like the heavy stomp of steel toe boots on concrete. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her knee ached and her leg felt heavy with phantom sensation.
She breathed deeply, taking in the scent of damp soil and the lingering mustiness that filled the entire space. It filled her lungs, expanding like moss, and she exhaled it shakily.
A hand each clasped over her mouth and around her waist even as she let out a muffled cry- but the hands were gentle, soft, and nothing like–
Schooling her features into a mask of calm despite her racing heart, Courtney glanced over her shoulder as Sabrina released her waist, then slowly followed the flickering glow of her fire where the darkness swallowed it.
Dark, save for the pair of shiny eyes that stared back at them. The green-yellow sheen and the faint light from the torch illuminated only the barest of outlines of the creature down the shaft. Large. She could tell that much. The shadows seemed to twist and shift, her depth perception failing her. Was it heaving in its breathing, or was it loping closer?
Slowly, ever so slowly, Courtney stepped back, every inch and footfall matched by Sabrina behind her. The glowing set of eyes blinked out, plunged into shadowy darkness and even the faintest of outlines disappeared into nothing. 
She froze. The stagnant air clung to her skin and filled her lungs with cotton rather than air. In the distance, a dull thud echoed and rocks and silt shifted with soft susurrus. Something heavy dragged over grit and clicked on the metal railway underfoot.
“Come on out!” Sabrina shouted. She readied a ball of flame in her hand, the heat so great it dried the sweat on Courtney’s neck. Even the fire’s glow wasn’t nearly enough to cast any light on whatever was moving in the dark.
The creature’s footsteps came closer, then further away, pacing, sizing them both up. A low growl rolled forward, like thunder.
“Fuck this,” Courtney whispered before she swung her arm in a wide arc- casting a razor sharp energy shield.
The mine shaft exploded into chaos. The thing in the shadows roared and lunged, taking them both down. It bore down on her, huge and powerful and its ghastly, steam-hot breathing scalded her skin. Sabrina’s knee pressed into her back, her partner going frighteningly still, but Courtney kept trying to scramble back and kick at anything she could reach of the thing as she shoved Sabrina’s motionless body out of danger.
Giant claws, pitch black and dirty, landed on her shoulders and cracked her skull against the earth beneath her. Hyperventilating and blinking away stars, Courtney tried to focus her magic, tried to 
“Little pig, little pig,” the beast chuckled, voice crackly like ice just about to give way. All the same, Courtney’s blood ran cold. “You’ve come to play?”
Blood dripped down onto her face. When she looked up, she came face to face with those same damn fucking eyes that haunted her nightmares.
“Hello, Watcher,” he leaned in closer. At this distance, she could see that her earlier attack had carved a thick line across his snout. “Fancy seeing you here.”
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Figment. Her old... boss. Never a friend.
(She had been young and confused and scared and hurt and angry at the world, and he had all the answers and he made everything make sense.)
“What- what are you-”
“Ah ah. My how you’ve forgotten to respect your superiors so soon.”
Her old boss who had set off an IED in a packed parking garage. 
(Then she couldn’t ignore the fear and pain anymore, that bloodying her hands left them shaky and stained. That she had one chance to start to undo some of the wrongs she had done with Figment and that chance was to let Fiery Falcon and her team escape. She was just trying to do right.)
Her old boss that had taken one look at the rebar through her stomach and just stared down at her for a moment, head tilted in silent consideration, before he’d shifted to a stronger, more animalistic form, muscles shifting and bones rearranging. She’d begged for him, between wet, raspy breaths, for his help. 
Instead, he’d taken hold of the rebar and twisted and turned it over until it bent like a staple. A rod of metal stapling her to the ground, under rubble and damning her to a slow end. He scratched a long, deep furrow in her cheek - a ‘reminder’ of her betrayal and that she’d thrown away everything he had made her into - and left her.
He hadn’t even looked at her as he’d tossed slabs of concrete and asphalt and metal aside. Her legs had been crushed by shifting debris and her lungs very nearly collapsed while she awaited her death or her salvation. 
And until she’d woken in a hospital bed, chained to the bed frame, she hadn’t known which it would be.
“Did you miss me so that you had to search me out?” Figment rumbled, voice chillingly familiar. It was the same damn tone he’d taken with her when he asked where the Falcon had flew off to. 
“Go to hell,” Courtney’s voice cracked. 
Figment laughed. “No, I don’t think I will.” With a roar, he gripped her by the shoulders, nearly crushing bone and sending waves of numbness down her arms, and tossed her to the side like a doll. Courtney crashed into the wooden strut and hit the ground with a thud and a wheeze. The pain sparking in her chest told her that she’d cracked a rib at the very least. 
Dazed, she propped herself up on one arm. Figment stalked closer to Sabrina, who was finally beginning to rouse, albeit with sluggish motions and a faint moan. He raised a claw over his head.
“No!” Courtney threw up a shield above her friend. The impact rattled through her whole body to drop her back to the ground.
Snarling just like the animal he appeared to be, Figment rounded back on Courtney and threw himself at her, shifting back to human mid lunge to avoid her block. He rammed his arm against the back of her neck, pressing her face into the dirt. It filled her mouth and blood rushed from her broken nose. With watering, stinging eyes and what felt like a baseball behind her eyes, she flailed blindly.
“You’re making a convincing argument I should have killed you,” he whispered softly as he ground her face in deeper. “I don’t intend to repeat the mistake.”
Her struggles began to slow. Her body stopped responding, all the air her muscles needed burning up in her lungs uselessly, and her vision began to turn impossibly darker.
No. She couldn’t let this happen. She couldn’t let him win again. 
Courtney was better than him. Going still and conserving her strength, she concentrated all that she had into a single tiny, tiny bubble of energy and placed it between her back and his stomach. 
Sabrina screamed, “Courtney!” right as everything exploded.
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In hindsight, leaving the girl alive was a mistake. Theo groaned and curled tighter, or at least tried. His left leg shifted only slightly and then was stopped by a heavy pressure, but it was his spine and ribs that protested the most, announcing their displeasure with blinding bolts of pain. 
“Oh, looks like he’s waking up. Good.”
That got him moving. Jolting to full awareness, he ignored the pain and yanked himself upright. 
There was rubble everywhere. Water leaking between the various cracks in the ceiling and walls and soaking the ground. The Falcon and Watcher both stood, though Cour– Watcher leaned into her new partner.
“Fuck you,” he growled. “What did you do?”
“We’re trapped,” Watcher said bluntly. “The entrance is blown.”
Abruptly he realized that he was in his human form yet could see just fine. The entire structure of the mine shaft was illuminated by Watcher’s energy shields, bolstering the walls and roof to prevent a secondary collapse. The honeycomb shape of her energy gleamed a dull golden hue. His heart beat faster. They could leave him here and he knew damn well Watcher would let this whole place come down on his head. 
“Apparently,” he snarled, not letting his fear show as anything else but rage. 
No one spoke. Watcher and Falcon shared a meaningful glance that he could almost gag on. 
Courtney turned her attention back to him, eyes cold and viciously empty. He just curled his lip at her. “We’re going deeper into the caves,” she said.
“That seems so terribly bright.”
“Shut your fucking mouth!”
He did, but not because she told him to, but because she planted her foot right on the rock pinning his ankle between another rock and leaned on it. Rolling his eyes up and swallowing a grunt, he cracked his neck and jaw. 
“Alright. Deeper into the caves we go then.”
Sabrina leaned down and helped move the stone off him but only just enough he could scrape and tear it free. Neither so called hero paused long enough to see if he could stand before they were walking away. Gritting his jaw, he very pointedly made sure not to limp as he followed behind.
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Mmmmm I love a Clair de Lune program so much
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
what are some of your LGBTQ headcanons for some of the CC characters?
My LGBTQ headcanons for CC characters? Sure, I’ve got some! I’ll also list some characters' canon facts since I support them, but let’s see what non-canon ones I can come up with!
And disclaimer! These are my current LGBTQ headcanons; there is a chance that they could change as my story progresses!
Sexuality-based LGBTQ Headcanons:
Main Characters
Samuel King
Eduardo Ramirez
Frank Knight
Elizabeth Ripley
Angela Douglas
Elliot Clayton
Arthur Wright
Issac Bontemps
Diane Parker
Gloria Hayes
Gabriel Herrera
Penelope Sage
Priya Desai
Felix Reed
Nathan Pandit
Amir Devani
Orlando Ordelaffi
Ben Shepard
Hannah Choi
Carmen Martinez
Michelle Zuria
Evie Holloway
Rose Zhao (She and her husband married for none-romantic reasons)
David Jones (Has a preference for women ((and hasn’t realized his attraction to men yet…))
Grace Delaney (She tried to get Jones to realize his sexuality in high school but couldn't get him to understand…)
Alex Turner
Andrea Marquez
Yann Toussaint
Jack Archer (With a preference for women, but unlike Jones, he recognizes his feelings toward men)
Lars Douglas (He likes to call himself and Jack bi-bros and bi-buddies)
Marina Romanova
Jonah Karam
Cathy Turner
Christopher Scott
Jacob Arrow
Hugo Mercier
Amy Young
Roxie Sparks
Maddie O’Malley
Charlie Dupont
Deigo del Lobo
Martine Meunier
Janis Rivers
Jean-Philippe Delacroix
Gauthier Delacroix
Enzo Traoré
Léa Bonnet
Zara Tien
Theo Moon
Kai Malano
Nadia Den Yamin
Russell Crane
Ingrid Bjorn
Rupert Winchester
Dick Wells (This man called science his mistress once, and I have headcanoned him as AroAce ever since!)
Hope Newman
Armand Dupont
Viola Pemberton
Rita Estevez: Thought she was straight but started having feelings towards a certain woman…
Luke Fernandez: He thought he was straight, but after everything with Fabien de la Mort, he started questioning
Carrie James: Unsure of her sexuality
Émile Bardot: Unsure of her sexuality
Other Characters
Olivia Hall: Lesbian
James Savage: Demisexual
Edward Dante: Pansexual
Karen Knight: Bisexual
Nigel Adakue: Gay
Asal Hawaa: Bisexual
Katherine Woolf: Lesbian
Jasper Everett: Gay
Mia Loukas: Bisexual
Arthur Darkwood: Gay
Geroge Mathison: Gay
Cody James: Pansexual
Gender-based LGBTQ Headcanons:
Nathan Pandit: Transgender (female to male)
Alex Turner: Demiboy
Hannah Choi: Demigirl
Jean-Philippe Delacroix: Genderqueer
(I don’t have many gender-based headcanons yet…)
That’s everything I could come up with! And like always, I am open to hearing about your opinions, headcanons and suggestions on this topic!
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figureskatingfanblog · 9 months
2024 French, Swiss, and Spanish European Teams
Men - Kevin Aymoz, Luc Economides, Adam Siao Him Fa
Women - Lorine Schild
Pairs - Camille Kovalev / Pavel Kovalev; Oceane Piegad / Denys Strekalin
Ice Dance - Evgeniia Lopareva / Geoffrey Brissaud; Loicia Demoegeot / Theo Le Mercier; Marie Dupayage / Thomas Nabais
Men - Tomas-Llorenc Guarino Sabate
Ice Dance - Sofia Val / Asaf Kazimov
Men - Lukas Britschgi
Women - Kimmy Repond, Livia Kaiser
Ice Dance - Arianna Sassi / Luca Morini
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leahthedreamer · 2 years
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Loicia Demougeot & Theo le Mercier (FRA) FD Swell Gnossienne No.3 Le Di A la Caza Alcance || ISU European Championships 2023
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clarkkantagain · 5 months
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theo mercier by pierre-ange carlotti
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jordi-gali · 6 months
Theo Mercier
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springtwirling · 2 years
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Name: Lonni (what last name she uses depends on how much trouble she’s gotten herself into today. you should be afraid if she says Devante. but technically her last name is Kaleb because if someone finds out a Constantine has a kid then they’re dead and a spirit can’t technically use their last name on the adoption papers (yet) so sorry Theo she’s your baby now)
Gender: Agender (she/they)
General Appearance: Medium length faded black hair, pale skin with vitiligo, always wearing lipstick that she claims is ‘made from the blood of her enemies’ (it’s actually Raphael’s Laura Mercier Velour matte but he doesn’t stop her), about 5′9″ 
Personality: Like with all her dads, she’s MASTERED the art of sass. Unfortunately, most of this mastery has come from Ian. Raphael hates it. She’s otherwise a helpful lady, with the intent to forge a path of good will and hope in the most brutal way possible, because she’s seen what the world has done to her dads, and she will rip the gods from their thrones and curse them to dying slow if they think she’s going to let them go through that again. Assholes.
Special Talents: While she’s not great at using runes and spell circles and studying and stuff, she’s actually really good at being sneaky and light on her feet and prefers using blades of different kinds. She also has a knack for shadow magic, but her dads don’t find this out until she fucks around and finds out.
Who they like better: Don’t ask her that :( …Ian
Who they take after more: Ian! Theo finds this hysterical. Raphael is hurt like mama hearing their baby say ‘dada’ first. 
Personal Head canon: She acts like a tsundere and a lot of people say that to her, but in reality, she swears that she’s not being mean to you because she likes you, she genuinely thinks you’re awful and would gut you like a fish. If she likes you, she’ll smile and laugh like anybody else. It just so happens thaaaaaaat the only people so far that have seen that are her dads.
Face Claim: Emma - Night Owls & Summer Skies
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figurelifeflirt · 3 months
2022 Lombardia Trophy entry #8
Short dance
Leccardi/Della Torre(ITA)
Thoughts: there is not nearly enough video of these two and Elisabetta looks fantastic.
Thoughts: okay. This was a lot. This was showy. And it’s not the first time I’ve noticed that these two like to make a spectacle of their programs. The deep v-neck in Arnaud’s outfit is even more unsettling in the K&C.
Demougeot/Le Mercier(FRA)
Thoughts: Theo, I don’t love the mustache. Loicia, yes the blue brings out your eyes. But if we’re being honest here, the only reason I liked this more than L/C is because I actually found Loicia attractive. Okay, now that I see Theo in the K&C, he is still pretty.
Thoughts: Natalie, you were perfection. Again, there will NEVER be enough video of these two. I could watch Natalie all day.
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sunskate · 7 months
Loicia Demougeot & Theo Le Mercier RD at 2024 Challenge Cup
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