#theo matos || musings
etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
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Theo Matos
Fandom: Crime
Occupation: Police Detective / Former Hostage Negotiator
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radicalrascals · 9 months
The Gentleman Thief
Original Character | FC: Pedro Pascal
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NAME: Gabriel Luis Herrán
AGE: in his 40s
SPECIES: human
PROFESSION: thief, con-man
Short Bio
For the first nine years of his life, Gabriel, son of Chilean immigrants building a life in California, had a sheltered and happy childhood. Though when his parents died, he and his older brother were left at the mercy of the foster care system and got quickly separated. Gabriel was difficult to place, handed from foster parents to foster parents and back into the orphanage. Every set back made him more rebellious, and he quickly realised he's alone in this world and if he wanted to survive he had to take what he needed.
Forward a couple years, Gabriel - or most recently 'Diego' - makes a living as a professional thief. He's pulled a couple of heists that gave the police a mighty headache, and made enemies in all sorts of places.
Steven Carlisle > [Tag] | [Ship]
Theo Matos > [Tag]
Patrick Moran > [Tag]
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen from Jazz (1978)
Full Steam Spacemachine by Royal Republic from We Are the Royal (2010)
Get A Grip by Aerosmith from Get A Grip (1993)
Here I Go Again by Whitesnake from Saints & Sinners (1982)
I'm Still Standing by Elton John from Too Low For Zero (1983)
Detailed Profile
FULL NAME: Gabriel Luis Herrán
KNOWN AS: Diego Alvarez, Álex Prieto, Michael Morgan, Carlos Ángel Peña Cruz, Rafael Guttierez, Héctor Morte
NICKNAMES: Gabe, Gabo, Magpie / Urraca
SPECIES: human
RESIDENCE: always on the run move
PROFESSION: thief, con-man
AGE: in his 40s
DATE OF BIRTH: November 3rd
PLACE OF BIRTH: Mendota, California, USA
NATIONALITY: US American (of Chilean decent)
PARENTS: Sofía Herrán (†) & José Mateo Herrán (†)
SIBLINGS: Matias Diego Herrán (†, older brother)
FACE CLAIM: Pedro Pascal
HEIGHT: 5ft 9 (1.8m)
NOTABLE FEATURES: Gabriel has a scar on his shoulder where he had a tattoo removed; he usually sports a well kept moustache but depending on the role he plays he sometimes shaves or lets his beard grow out of control
STYLE: Gabriel doesn't have his own style, he's used to playing roles and those roles have certain styles. He can be the inconspicuous everyman or wear expensive clothes and pretend to be high society. When he's by himself however he usually only wears a t-shirt and briefs, less commonly jeans.
LANGUAGES: English (native) , Spanish (native) , French (fluent)
SPEECH MANNERISM: Gabriel has a low and soothing voice and speaks both English and Spanish without accent. However, he will fake an accent if it suits his role.
STRENGTHS: masterfully hatches and conducts complex plans and is an expert in picking locks, ye olde skill of pickpocketing, and charming the socks off anyone he needs on his side
WEAKNESSES: lone wolf with trust issues, stupidly prideful, deadly allergic to peanuts, fiery temperament
INTERESTS: enjoying life to the fullest; the thrill of stealing; hopeless romantic who enjoys a good flirt
VICES: vengeful, cleptomaniac; recreationally smokes and drinks
Gabriel is romantically and sexually attracted to men, and a romantic to boot. He will woo his partner like there is no tomorrow, and though he will go to great lengths to keep his true identity as a thief a secret, he would absolutely switch sides for the right man.
Bonus points for muses with the following face claims: Oscar Isaac, Wagner Moura, Ethan Hawke, Diego Luna
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etxrnaleclipse · 2 months
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((Hit the heart if you'd like a starter from one of my crime-based ocs. Specify which character you would like in the comments or IMs!))
Andi Davenport || Prosecution Lawyer
Andre Du Preez || Professor/Police Liaison
Charlotte Moore || Assassin/Florist
Cris Morales || Detective/Agent (flexible occupation)
Daniel Isaacs || Criminal
Eric Carlson || Assassin/Former Assassin (verse dependent)
Gen Romano || Criminal
Iain Bradley || Dirty Cop
Jimmy Russell || Disgraced CIA Agent
Katrine Arthur || Corrupt Lawyer
Oscar Lind || CIA Agent
Pedro da Costa || Rookie Detective
Prue Gallagher || Detective/Agent (flexible occupation)
Rose Ainsworth || Detective/Vampire
Soraia Carvalho || Bodyguard/Former Secret Service
Steven Carlisle || Detective
Theo Matos || Detective
Toby Quinn || FBI Agent/Werewolf
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
((Would love to write the following muses more, so like if you'd like to plot with one of them:
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Theo Matos || 40 - 45 || Detective, former hostage negotiator
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Steven Carlisle || 43 - 49 || LAPD detective
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etxrnaleclipse · 3 months
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send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships! @jamesbloodybond said: 🎰
Theo Matos
Eric Carlson
Daniel Isaacs
Carlos Reyes
Steven Carlisle
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etxrnaleclipse · 5 months
Open: m 40+ Connection: partner, they've been dating for a while and your muse dropped the L bomb, and Theo freaked out a bit Muse: Theo Matos. 40-45. Detective. Idiot.
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The bar had a buzz around them that kept their conversation mostly private, but it still somehow felt wrong to be discussing something so sensitive in such a public space. Still, he needed to talk this through because his partner deserved the honesty.
"I'm sorry about the other day." he began, glancing down for a moment. "It was extremely rude of me, but I kind of panicked? I know it doesn't make sense."
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etxrnaleclipse · 5 months
Open: any (m 40+ if potential ship) Connection: take it anywhere, he's a detective so could be something to do with his work Muse: Theo Matos. 40-45. Detective.
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“Because I still think you could be a good person... I just think you choose not to.”
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radicalrascals · 2 years
The Adventurous Pathologist
Original Character | FC: Clemens Schick
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NAME: Felix Lilienthal
AGE: late 40s
SPECIES: human
PROFESSION: forensic pathologist
Short Bio
Son of a West-German diplomat, Felix grew up in a wealthy and priviledged household, and what his parental home lacked in emotional warmth he sought to compensate with excessive partying, exploring himself sexually and experimenting with illegal substances. It was in his uni days that an old fling presented him with their 3 year old daughter Mia. At a moment's notice Felix decided to finae grow up, for Mia's sake. A decision her mother never took, leading Felix to fight for sole custody.
After graduating he took Mia and moved with her to the US in his early 30s. He works as a forensic pathologist, suddenly finding himself with a lot of free time at his hands now that his 20-something daughter has spread her wings and moved out.
Addendum for the Supernatural verse
Felix was inaugurated into the supernatural world by his ancestor, a vampire by the name of Leopold Grimm. Felix works with hunters, informing them of any unnatural supernatural deaths. Yet despite working with the perceived enemy, he's respected by the supernatural community as their ally; especially by the undead.
Theo Matos > [Tag] | [Ship]
Rock Me Amadeus by Falco from Falco 3 (1985)
I Was Made For Lovin' You by Kiss from Dynasty (1979)
20th Century Boy by T. Rex from Tanx (1973)
Love Is Like Oxygen by The Sweet from Level Headed (1978)
Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions from Love at First Sting (1984)
Detailed Profile
FULL NAME: Dr. Felix Robert Lilienthal
KNOWN AS: Felix Lilienthal
NICKNAMES: Fe, Lily (if you wanna get punched in the throat)
SPECIES: human
RESIDENCE: somewhere in the USA
PROFESSION: forensic pathologist
AGE: late 40s
DATE OF BIRTH: September 18th
NATIONALITY: German-American
PARENTS: Margarethe Lilienthal & Walther Lilienthal (†)
CHILD: Mia Herzog (daughter)
PET: Macheath (ginger tomcat)
ANCESTOR: Leopold Grimm
FACE CLAIM: Clemens Schick
HEIGHT: 5ft 8 (1.76m)
NOTABLE FEATURES: several tattoos on his arms and chest
STYLE: tba
LANGUAGES: German (native), English (native), French (passable), Latin (broken), Ancient Greek (broken)
SPEECH MANNERISM: even though he grew up bilingual, there is a certain German tint to his English pronunciation that he can't shake. Felix can sometimes appear a bit taciturn as he prefers to only say something if it adds value, though if he likes someone, he can get quite chatty. He also cusses like a sailor.
STRENGTHS: Felix' main strength comes from being good at his job; he also has an open mind and a thirst for adventure and learning; and he makes an effort to look after the people he cares about
WEAKNESSES: has crippling stage fright and hates speaking in front of an audience (making him die a little inside before every court hearing); though usually calm and collected, if provoked or threatened Felix won't shy away from violence; he's overly emotional while often struggling to express himself
INTERESTS: Felix likes to try and experience new things; from food to places to obscure sports, he loves the unfamiliar and gets easily bored with the ever same hobbies. He does however seek consistency with people; making friends for life.
VICES: occasional smoker, recreationally smokes weed sometimes as well
Felix is romantically and sexually attracted to men, and incredibly loyal and caring. Growing up in a household devoid of any real emotion left Felix struggling - even as a grown adult - to express his emotions despite feeling so very deeply.
Bonus points for muses with the following face claims: Wagner Moura & Renato Schuch
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radicalrascals · 2 years
The Zealous Journalist
Original Character | FC: Wagner Moura
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Threads | Headcanons | Aesthetics | Open Starters
NAME: Rafael Moreira da Silva
AGE: late 40s - early 50s
SPECIES: human
PROFESSION: journalist
Short Bio
Rafael is an accomplished journalist with a focus on politics and socio-economics. In his long career hes worked as a foreign correspondent, guest lecturer and editor, but ultimately prefers the freedom of freelancing. He's a workaholic to the point that he does neglect himself and the people around him, which ultimately had led to his divorce.
Addendum for the Supernatural verse
Although his brother Nick is a werewolf, Rafael wasn't aware of the supernatural parallel society until recently. He still struggles to cope with his new knowledge, but is eager to learn everything he can, mostly in an attempt to better understand his little brother.
Isabella Perez > [Threads] | [Ship]
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Tisha Whileaway > [Tag] | [Ship]
Ben Hernandez > [Tag]
Jocelyn > [Tag]
Taca Fogo by Tihuana from Ilegal (2000)
Presença by Skank (feat. Emicida) from Presença (2010)
Don't Speak by No Doubt from Tragic Kingdom (1995)
Maka's Song by Abraskadabra from Maka's Song (2007)
Creep by Radiohead from Pablo Honey (1993)
Detailed Profile
FULL NAME: Rafael Moreira da Silva
KNOWN AS: Rafael da Silva
NICKNAMES: Rafa, Rafinha
SPECIES: human
RESIDENCE: São Paulo, Brazil, in hotels all over the globe
PROFESSION: socio-economical & political journalist / foreign correspondent
AGE: late 40s - early 50s
PLACE OF BIRTH: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
PARENTS: Ana Maria Schmidt Moreira (†) & Renato Soares da Silva
SIBLING: Nicolau Moreira da Silva (younger brother)
EX-WIFE: Joana Luíza Ribeiro Pinto de Mello Neves
CHILDREN: Vaneza Talita Pinto da Silva (daughter) & Tiago Vicente Pinto da Silva (son)
FACE CLAIM: Wagner Moura
HEIGHT: 5ft 12 (1.82m)
STYLE: Always well-groomed, Rafael is clean-shaven, wears his grey hair short, and always sports a nice button down, either with a full suit or formal trousers or a bit more casual with a classic jeans.
LANGUAGES: Portuguese (native), German (fluent), English (fluent), Spanish (passable), French (passable)
SPEECH MANNERISM: Rafael's English has a strong Portuguese lilt to it, but he know how to express himself in an eloquent and sophisticated manner. He speaks clear, unhasty and with a low, soothing voice. He usually refrains from cursing, but some situations just ask for it.
STRENGTHS:  his strong sense of justice and a nose for a good story make Rafael a great journalist; he's brave and eloquent and just a bit of a flirt
WEAKNESSES: Rafael tends to put his work before everything else, including friends, family and his own well-being
INTERESTS: his job. there's barely anything outside of it that he registers; although he does enjoy riding his motorcycle and he makes an attempt to reconcile with his children and maybe be better with people in general
VICES: fuelled by his desire to get more work done, and caffeine's limited effect, Rafael resorted to illegal stimulants, and in turn to alcohol to come down. He may have renounced hard drugs, but he still appreciates his booze.
Rafael is romantically and sexually attracted to women, looking for someone to engage in sophisticated conversations as much as silly banter. He needs someone who can accept that he won't always be physically or emotionally available, especially not when hyperfocus strikes. He considers himself just a tad bit dominant in bed, but a true gentleman. Has no issues taking care of household chores but needs reminders. He needs reminders for everything.
Bonus points for muses with the following face claims: Ana de Armas, Camila Pitanga, Alinne Moraes
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