thecomfywriter · 2 months
🎇The Naveena-verse Show - Pilot 🎇
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SCENE: the studio lights turn on, revealing a stage with one large red sofa on the left, a blue lazyboy on the right, and a loveseat between the two. A coffee-table sits centre of all the seats. Sitting on the blue lazyboy is a man with jet black hair, pale skin, and dark eyes that narrow with his devious smirk. It widens to a stage-worthy smile as he crosses his legs and smiles to the audience
I: Weeelcome folks! This is the first episode of your new weekly talkshow here on thecomfywriter network. Welcome to… The Naveena-Verse Show! 
Confetti sparks as a large screen behind the host flickers on with a glitching neon sign that reads, THE NAVEENA-VERSE. 
I: I’m your host, Ian Obsidian, one of the rejects of thecomfywriter’s wips. While my career as a star is over, I’m not done yet! I’ll be the voice of the public, here to interview all the cast and characters of thecomfywriter network’s books! Here on this show, we get into the nitty-gritty, asking scandalous questions, reveal nailbiting lore, and delve deep into the psyche of these characters. You’re going to get the childhood stories. The traumatizing events. The hidden crushes. The scandalous affairs. Every rumour, every whisper, every question— I am here to make sure you all get the answers you seek. 
The wall-sized screen flashes with the hashtags, #askthecomfywriter, #thenaveenaverseshow, and #TCWsubmitaquestion
I: Before we introduce our guests for today, let me explain how the show works. We announce the featured guests, or ocs as they are more commonly known as, ONE WEEK prior to the show. This is your chance to use these hashtags on the screen to submit posts, questions, rumours you want addressed, gritty lore you want exposed.. Anything and everything. Nothing is too far. Not when your host is Ian Obsidian ;)
The camera zooms in at Ian Obsidian winking at the audience.
I: For a little preview, I’ll tell you the questions I already have lined up for today’s unfortunate contenders. A little birdie told me of the sister who kissed her sister’s boyfriend some time ago— OOPS! Or the same sister who continues to sabotage her sister’s every relationship, whether it be platonic or romantic. Hmmmm... I wonder why? We’ll find out, that’s for sure. And then, of course, the well-mannered, perfectly calm and moral protagonist who hides a secret sadism behind the warmth of his eyes. Say… isn’t he the same man who feasted on the blood of all his victims? Or are we not supposed to talk about how he imprisoned his own father and electrocuted him repeatedly for the sake of it? Hmm… I wonder what his morality had to say about excusing the mass murders his serial-killer mentor proudly admits to committing. 
The audience gasps as Ian Obsidian grins more sinisterly. 
I: And then, we can’t skip the other sister, who hides snakes in her necklace and insanity behind her smile. The girl who always goes unnoticed. The serpent in the grass, the unnoticed shadow who notices all— the girl who pretends she wasn’t the thief who poisoned an entire feast she offered a starving man. Lastly, the charming face of his kingdom. The celebrity, the schemer, the pawn. A puppet to his parents, to the monarchy he hates, and every guardian he has that doesn’t want him. I do wonder what the secret behind his infantile memory is? Or his loathsome attitude towards his poor younger sister. 
Ian Obsidian shuts the screen off behind him and makes direct eye contact with the camera. 
I: Have I intrigued you yet? Good. I hope you have your questions lined up. If you have any other rumours you’d like address… If any little birdies have been singing on your balconies— submit them in @thecomfywriter’s submission box. Our ask box and post submission are both appropriate methods, but you can also reblog this interview with the following hashtags and your questions: #askthecomfywriter, #thenaveenaverseshow, and #TCWsubmitaquestion. Once again, that’s #askthecomfywriter, #thenaveenaverseshow, and #TCWsubmitaquestion.
The room goes dark, with only the voice of Ian Obsidian to break through the darkness. 
I: Now, without further ado… let’s introduce our first guests, shall we?
A spotlight shines down on Ian Obsidian. 
I: Known as the founders to @thecomfywriter’s career. Perhaps their most famous— or perhaps infamous, depending on who you ask. The characters who rule the program, who hold the crown of reverence— the golden geese of @thecomfywriter network! Introducing… the legendary! The iconic! The controversial! The cast of Throne of Vengeance!
The audience applauses as the spotlight switches over to the four people entering the room. In walks, front and centre, Caramel with her flaming red hair and sparkling blue dress; Alan with his modest smile and humble vest and trousers; Cara with her bonny smile and trademark grey and purple outfit; and Morreial ja with his famous ja smile and casually flamboyant suit. 
I: Come in! Come in, folks! Take a seat! Get comfy! What will you have to drink? Unfortunately, we don’t have any broopasha here, but we have sugar-
Caramel: Ew. 
Morreial ja chuckles, trying to draw attention to himself. Meanwhile, Cara simply presses her eyes closed, and Alan grimaces. 
CM: Sorry. Was that rude? I just hate sugar on its own. Broopasha is fine, but sugar? Yuck yuck, ew ew. 
Cara [whispering]: Okay, Red. I think he gets it.
Morreial: Thank you for having us today. Water will be fine for now. 
Alan: If it is no trouble! Thank you. We appreciate your hospitality immensely.
CM: No water for me! That's so boring, guys, what? I’ll take spiced tea! Extra spicy! >:)
Ian Obsidian looks between each cast member, then to the audience with an amused grin. 
I: My my… we’re already off to a great start. 
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OKAY! I HAVE NO EXPLANATION. I DON’T KNOW WHY I DID THIS INSTEAD OF ALL THE PENDING PROJECTS I PROMISED. I just thought this would be a fun little series to start. A mini talk show where you get to interact with the characters directly, rather than as the author speaking on their behalf. All the tag games I’ve been doing put the idea in my head. 
Anyway! Submit a question! An ask, a post submission, a reblog, a comment… doesn’t matter! Go buckwild, go crazy! Otherwise, I’ll probably just go into the questions I teased in this introduction :))) 
Happy writing! 
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Tagging the TCW crew, as well as the last 10 accounts that interacted with my posts!
Interact with this post here to be added to the TCW tag list :)
TCW Tags List:
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3 @satohqbanana
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @kind-lion
@mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill @storyteller-kara
Last 10 accounts* to interact with my posts:
*i really hope yall are actually writeblrs. something, i can't tell because there is a lot of writing reblogs, but not a lot of wip content??? so ignore this if you're not actually a writer who wants to share their own work! :)
@awleeofficial @finickyfelix @dahliaontherun
@willtheweaver @skullduggeryandfilibuster @fandomloverfan
@mandylynn4 @twistthing @gaymessallday
AGAIN! feel free to ignore if you were the last 10 tagged and you want nothing to do with this LMAO. this is just a fun way for me to meet new people in the community and see if they actually are writeblrs :)
21 notes · View notes
thecomfywriter · 2 months
🎇The Naveena-verse Show - Episode 1 pt1 🎇
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
SCENE: The camera shows a zoom-out angle of Ian Obsidian smiling at the audience as the cast of ToV-- Alan, Caramel, Cara, and Morreial-- all sit on large sofa across from him. The loveseat in the middle is empty, and the coffee table is filled with glazed snacking nuts and water for each guest. Alan sits in the middle, with Caramel on his right and Morreial on his left. To the left of Morreial is Cara. His hand is draped around the seat behind her.
I: Okay! Let’s start off with some introductions, shall we? Not that we need it, of course. But for the newcomers of our program, how would you all introduce yourselves? 
CM: Newcomer of not— say the name and remember it. Tattoo it on your forehead, on your arm, in your mind... I don’t care. But the name is Caramel, the last fire-dancer, the Redheaded Bandit, and the best Cairoyas magician you’ll ever meet. 
I: I love the energy! For all those aren’t aware of what a dancer is, they are one of the six magical Families in Soilaila. Alan— since I know you’re our certified Mensus, care to explain the rest? 
Alan brightens up and straightens his back. with a polite throat clearing, he bursts into explanation. 
A: Absolutely! I did this not long ago, actually. Can you imagine! — Caramel, the best magician i have ever the privilege to meet, did not know of the Family structure in Soilaila? 
CM: Okay, Paaya. No need to bring that up right now. 
Alan covers his 🙊 with his hand and his cheeks flush. 
A: Apologies. I did not mean to embarrass you. If anything, the audience should be impressed by your immense mastery of all the Families magic despite your unawareness of their rules and specifications. I know I certainly was. But then again, everything you do impresses me, Caramel.
Caramel untucks her hair, hiding her smile behind a veil of red. 
CM: Just go on your tangent, Paaya. You’re keeping everyone waiting. 
A: Right! The Families! As our lovely host, Ian, has mentioned, there are six in Soilaila. The first being the Abilities family, who considered the labourers of our society. Their magic is designated towards the physicality. Mastery of the tangible is their fortitude. Then, the second family is the Mental, though we more commonly call ourselves the Mensus. It is where I hail from. We are the thinkers of Soilaila, responsible for innovational magic of the mind and telepathy. 
I: I heard a rumor that divination wasn’t considered Mensus magic? What’s up with that? 
Caramel scoffs and nudges Morreial in the background. 
CM: You said this would be difficult? This guy is basically just giving us pop quizzes. 
Without breaking his ja smile, Morreial mutters under his breath
M: He’s warming us up, Caramel. It’s called building rapport. 
CM: The hell is rapport? 
One flashing look from Cara has both Morreial and caramel sitting properly in their seats again, shut up. 
A: Well, you are correct in that gossip, though I would not rely on that form of information as your primary source, Ian. It is a slippery slope to invest one’s faith into the meanderings and musings of the ton. 
Ian Obsidian, alongside the rest of the audience, laughs while the camera zooms in on an uncomfortable Alan. 
A: Did I say something peculiar? 
I: Wow! You really do talk like a geezer! 
Alan’s entire face and neck goes red. Caramel narrows her eyes while Cara shifts in her seat awkwardly. Morreial is the only person without a reaction. 
I: hey Alan— you tell me not to trust gossip, but it’s been 100% right about you guys so far. Wanna hear what my sources have to say about how you speak? 
A [face flushing]: I suppose I do speak odd, and that would be the talk of the town… Do go on. What else do they say? 
I: That you speak like a geezer because your old man will punish you if you talk normally. 
A weighted tension silences the room. Momentarily, the camera pans over to Alan’s hand, where he is seen spinning his ring. 
I: You spinning your ring tells me it’s true. 
CM: Oi! Piss off! 
Cara places a hand in Caramel’s thigh, but she shrugs her off and flares her eyes at Ian. 
CM: No, because what kind of question is that? Who asks that in front of an audience? Are you asking to die, buddy? 
Before Ian can respond, the camera cuts to Morreial, who sweeps in with his ja smile and undeniable charm. 
M: Caramel is not used to these types of programs. I’ll apologize on her behalf. We stopped at the Mensus family, didn’t we? I’ll answer for the rest of the Families. I am the politician in the room, after all. 
Ian obsidian smirks at Morreial’s unwavering eye contact and relaxes back into his seat. 
I: Sure. Let’s do that. Next family is Elemental. They’re basically the run down version of the Dancer family, right? They can do elemental magic, but only in prayer or labour context? BORING! Let’s just skip over those ones and get into the juicer Families. The Big Three. I hear you have haughty opinions about these guys, Morreial. 
M: Well, that depends on how you define haughty. 
Ian Obsidian laughs heartily. A wild mischief gleams his eyes brighter. 
I: Always got to be careful, don’t you? I guess it makes sense for the son of Jervees. Haughty as in… I hear you hate these bastards and all their audacity. 
This time, Morreial is the one that chuckles. He pushes the licks of his wavy black hair out of his face and flickers his grey eyes towards the crowd. His smile glows more charmingly when he notices people swooning. 
M: I wouldn’t call that a fair assumption, Ian. I’d say the Big Three have a lot of affluence in Soilaila. Whether they deserve it is up for debate, but their presence in Cairoyas society is undeniable. 
I: You’re from the Big Three, aren’t you? All your parents were from that family. Dead and alive! 
Morreial’s suave expression twitches for just a moment before he flashes his ja smile again. 
M: That’s right. My late father was an Artist, and my late mother was a Dancer. Both my adopted parents are Dancers, and both my godparents are Arcanics. 
I: How does it feel to be the most influential person in Soilaila? 
M: I don’t know, Ian. You’ll have to ask my parents that. 
Ian and Morreial have a stare down, neither of them wiping the cunning grins on their face. 
I: I like you, Morreial. We’d get along, I’d say. 
M: I’m glad you hold that opinion, Ian. 
The audience laughs, and once more, Morreial flashes his ja smile at them. 
I: I’m going to redirect the conversation for a second towards your lovely belle here. Hello, Cara. How are you doing tonight? You look dashing, as always. 
Cara smiles bonnily, once more making the crowd swoon with her soft beauty. 
C: I’m doing well, thank you for asking! How are you doing tonight? 
I: Oh! I’m doing great. Wow! I’ve never been asked that before. 
Without breaking her smile, Cara adds...
C: I mean, this is your first rodeo. You haven’t had any screen time outside of this, have you, Ian? 
The camera flips over to Morreial, who struggles to hide his smirk behind his glass of water. Meanwhile, Caramel shamelessly slaps her leg and hoots. 
CM: Suck it, Ian! 
One disapproving look from Cara, and Caramel simmers down immediately. 
CM: I’m not apologizing, but continue….
Ian clears his throat and turns his attention back to Cara.
I: I hear that happens often. You get the spotlight for just a moment, and Caramel steals the thunder. How does it feel to constantly be her shadow? 
Caramel’s amused expression slackens immediately as Morreial an Alan exchange glances at each other. Cara simply looks humoured.
C: You say that like it’s a bad thing, Ian. Who says I want to be in the spotlight? Who says red isn’t doing me a favour every time she takes the spotlight away from me? If I’m Red’s shadow, it's because I want to be, and for no other reason. Red and I are equals. She shines and I support her. She can’t shine without me, and I can’t live without her. It’s as simple as that. 
Ian narrows his eyes and leans in to double down. 
I: But I can imagine it gets frustrating sometimes. I mean— your best friend is the girl on fire, and your boyfriend is the informal prince of Soilaila. Isn’t it tiring to always have to compete for their attention? 
Cara giggles softly, hiding her pretty smile behind her hand. 
C: I don’t have to compete for attention that’s already mine. Where else are they going to look? The whole world pays attention to them, and they only pay attention to me. Why would I feel bad about that? 
I: But we gotta address the name thing. This is an audience question— shoutout to @illarian-rambling for this submission. Once again folks, as a quick aside— submit your questions through @thecomfywriter’s ask or submission box, or by directly interacting with our episode comments section. 
The big screen shows the hashtags used for submitting questions to the program: #askthecomfywriter, #thenaveenaverseshow, and #TCWsubmitaquestion. Then, the camera turns back to Ian and Cara. 
I: But back to regular programming. @illarian-rambling asks: “Cara, sweet girl, why was half the name of the person who first found you the best name you could come up with? Did your dragon mama not name you?”
Cara giggles, blushing her rosy cheeks rosier at the question. 
C: @illarian-rambling sounds very kind. I’m surprised you guys know about the dragon mama thing. Unfortunately, my dragon mama didn’t speak to me, and even if she did, I was too young and stupid to know what she was saying. I know Galka, but I think she may have been speaking a more ancient dialect of dragon tongue, because her words never made sense to me. As to why I named myself after the first person I met— it’s because she was the first person who cared enough to ask. I was four, and honoured. You have to remember, I had spent months admiring Red from afar in the treetops. Her magic made me sparkle, and she made me dare to wonder about how powerful someone could be in this world. So when that sparkling girl on fire turned to me and asked me who I was, I wanted to be her. So that’s what I became. 
I: And do you still want to be her, Cara? 
Cara shakes her head and smiles. 
C: Even if I did, I never could be. Red is red. I am green. We are opposites, but Maadh… do we attract. 
She shifts her position in her seat and interlaces her fingers in Caramel's hand. 
C: I found who I am now. Who I was always meant to be. It’s thanks to Red that I have. But I am Cara, the Cairoyas Pixie. And I know exactly who that is, even if the world only sees me as Red’s shadow. Even then, it’s an honour to be her other half. 
Ian cocks a brow up and grins at Morreial.
I: I see why you like her, man. Let’s move on and get into that, actually. What’s the story behind that? How did you win her over? Or was it the other way around? 
Cara looks up at Morreial, giving him the platform to speak. 
M: I definently pursued her outright. She pursued me behind the scenes. Whenever I thought we were in the perfect situation for me to woo her, I only realised afterwards it was because she orchestrated the opportunity to begin with. 
Ian and the audience both laugh. 
I: Stealthy! So I'm assuming she runs the show then? 
M: Without a doubt. She’s my girl, but I’m her man. That’s the dynamic. 
I: And I hear Caramel likes to say she domesticated you for her chores. Oh yes, Caramel! Don’t think I forgot about you. You too, Alan! I’m letting you two off the hook for now, but we’re coming back to you guys in a second. 
CM: Don’t bother. 
A: She means we are thrilled with boisterous anticipation. 
Ian chuckles again, whispering an aside to the crowd.
I: Someone ask the backstage crew to get me a thesaurus asap. I’m going to need it to talk to these guys. 
Interestingly enough, the camera catches Alan’s face twitch and his eyes go dark as a flash of silver glints in the gem of his ring. He covers it with his finger, but it isn’t until he grits his jaw and his fingernails scrape his thigh does the calmness of his typical expression return. 
Ian Obsidian makes no comment, but his interest does peak, causing the redirection of the conversation altogether. 
I: Actually, screw the thesaurus. You know I’m just messing with you, right Alan? 
Alan smiles politely and nods. 
A: Of course, Ian. I hold no begrudging feelings towards you. 
Ian claps his hands and laughs. 
I: That’s good to know! Good to know.... I was worried you might go cold on me for a second. 
Alan’s body tenses as all his friends around his exchange confused and worried glances. 
I: Ooooh! Did i just unfold a secret? I thought your friends would know about this! Didn’t you give Morreial the symbolic cuff for older brothers? And don’t you call Cara, ‘Cara-na’ because you see her as a sister? And isn’t Caramel the person you share a mind with? You keep secrets from even them— that too of this size? 
CM [whispering]: Alan, what is he…? 
M: Oh, he shares more than mind with Caramel. Those two are basically inseparable. Cara-- remember the time he gifted Caramel an entire galaxy for her birthday?
C [perking up]: Oh, it was incredible! It was a hologram, yeah, but of the galaxy and night sky, and all the constellations of the night they first met. How sweet! 
M: Dude set the bar up so high that I struggle to reach it even now. Annoying ass…
C: You do a great job, don’t worry. 
Morreial smiles at Cara, and while the crowd is clearly won over by the couple’s charm, Ian Obsidian’s focus remains square on Alan, who seems to be having telepathic conversations with Caramel. His fists are balled, and every time a glint of silver flashes on his ring, he presses his eyes shut and attempts to refrain the sadistic smile that tries to spread across his cheeks. 
I: You’re not the nice guy you say you are, are you, Alan? At least, not 100% of the time. 
CM: He is. I’m not. You wanna see that side of me, buddy? 
Ian Obsidian laughs and relaxes back into his seat. 
I: What is with you all talking on his behalf! Isn’t he the protagonist of ToV? Alan— all your fancy words and you can’t speak for your- 
Suddenly, Alan’s eyes open and a polite smile graces his face. 
A: Let us take a break, shall we? 
I: Break isn’t for another ten minutes. 
A: You are the host. You can make the adjustments to your program.
I: I’m not sure i want to. 
Alan looks up at the ceiling, then at his silver glinting dragon ring. A sinister smile suddenly creeps up on his face. When he looks back up at Ian Obsidian, it is with lethal, metallic eyes. 
A: Hey. 
A kooky smile alights Ian Obsidian’s eyes at the sudden appearance of the cold-eyed, husky voiced Alan. He juxtapositions the timid, warm-eyed version of himself to a more confident, overpowering presence. 
I: There he is. The noble child who turns sadistic with his cold eyes. This is the man I truly wanted to interview. 
Ian Obsidian offers a hand out to the cold-eyed Alan, who cocks his head in response and raises his brows, clearly amused. 
I: It’s nice to finally meet you- 
A: Put your hand away unless you want it broken. 
What once was an amusing discovery has suddenly made the entire room tremble with the growing threat of his presence. Alan, with his eyes cold, was like a dragon choosing his prey. 
A: Do you still need that thesaurus to understand what I am saying, or are you going to put your hand away now? 
CM: Alan… 
Morreial stands up of sudden, blocking Alan from the camera and audience's view. But Alan’s metallic glare never wavers off of Ian Obsidian. 
M: Let’s take that break now, shall we? I’m famished. 
Ian Obsidian nods, attempting a cool smile towards the audience. It is a futile attempt. Something about the cold-eyes of the noble protagonist of ToV sends shivers down everyone’s spine. 
I: Sure. let’s do that. We’ll be back folks. Grab yourself a snack and a drink, and we’ll be back after the commercial break. 
*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Wanna know more about the cast of ToV, who the mysterious "cold-eyed" Alan is, and why he turns 'cold'? read ToV the first 10 chapters of ToV here.
Have a question for Ian Obsidian or the cast of ToV? Submit a question through @thecomfywriter's ask box or comment on this episode!
Have a writing question for @thecomfywriter? Submit a question through @thecomfywriter's ask box!
Want the cast or Ian Obsidian to react to a specific post? Submit a post in @thecomfywriter's submission box (click the message icon, then click 'submit a post')
To be on @thecomfywriter's tag lists, interact with this post here. Navigate @thecomfywriter network by checking out the pinned post here. And turn on post notifications by checking out @thecomfywriter's blog.
*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
OKAY! That's it for the official episode 1 of the Naveena-Verse Show. I'll add the TCW tag list below the 'read more' line, but once again, if you'd like to be added to the TCW tag life, Interact with this post here.
Submit your questions! Ask away! I'll probably be back soon with part 2 of episode 1, since I'm enjoying this so thoroughly.
Also, a little teaser for episode 1 pt 2... I'll be answering @satohqbanana's indirect question 🤫
Alrighty folks. Cheers!
Tagging the TCW crew, as well as the last 10 accounts that interacted with my posts!
TCW Tags List:
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3 @satohqbanana
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @kind-lion
@mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill @storyteller-kara
@dahliaontherun @writingismydrugs
Last 10 people to interact with my post:
*i really hope yall are actually writeblrs. something, i can't tell because there is a lot of writing reblogs, but not a lot of wip content??? so ignore this if you're not actually a writer who wants to share their own work! :)
@authorcoledipalo @vinyl-chic @quality-on-a-patch-of-awesome
@willtheweaver @tiredpapergirl @decaffinatedkryptonitething
@awleeofficial @vanillamidnight-us @mariawesker2
AGAIN! feel free to ignore if you were the last 10 tagged and you want nothing to do with this LMAO. this is just a fun way for me to meet new people in the community and see if they actually are writeblrs
Happy Writing! :)
17 notes · View notes