#then wicke (yes i had a wicke phase idk why)
thikutube · 4 months
log — [12]
js yapping, really
This is either gon be really long or really short!!
First of all!!
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NEW WIP PICTURE!! — what r they listening to you ask?
Yes this was unnecessary. Anyway, here's explanation why I like those songs because I wanna yab.
— My kind of Woman ~ is there any person who actually dislikes this song atp? — Sweater Weather - Instrumental ~ no the instrumental is so much better, change my mind (you can't) — this feeling ~ hella relaxing wdym — Cry ~ so you're telling me you haven't listened to this once? Liar. (/nm) — Goth ~ the gacha edits... — Main Title ~ GAME OF THRONES. GAME OF THRONES. GAME OF THRONES — yes to heaven ~ "I've got my eye on you. I've got my eye on you. Say yes to heaven.. say yes to me..?" I love this bit and it reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on — Where's my love ~ often use this when writing angst:P listened to this song on a daily basis when I broke up with my first love — Meet you at the Graveyard ~ "You lost your battle, life was hell. But I was always beside.. how can't you tell?.." ... — Need 2 ~ idk this just reminds me it's okay to leave toxic people I guess (even tho I can't lul) — Killswitch Lullaby ~ just relaxes me, no other reason. — Answering machine ~ js does something to me that.. idk. It's not relaxing but it's.. comforting — Mr. Rager ~ "You never see them too long on the ground – You wanna be one of them? Yeah. You wanna be one of them? Yeah." & "Hey, Mr. Rager! Mr. Rager? Tell me where you're going! Tell us where you're headed! I'm off on the adventure. Mr. Rager! Tell me some of your stories, tell us of your travels!!" This doesn't need a explanation, does it? — milk cassette ~ comfort song — I'm a Mess ~ weird but...:P lol this is literally a comfort song that makes me hate myself 😭 I still love it, soooo 👉👈 — Angels ~ "Oh God I'm going insane! Chasing after you- please don't leave me..!!" Toxic relationship vibes. — Digital hallucination ~ I may be weird but anyone else loving this song with their life? — Doktorspiele ~ Yes I know the meaning of this song, so what? — Stress Relief ~ Shush, but this reminds me of Star, in a good way — And I'd go a thousand miles ~ just because some friend told me this once:] — Superhelden ~ It's a German song. My dad enjoys German music. I guess. That's.. I... Uh...:3 — Nakakapagpabagabag ~ Star loves vocaloid, I gotta pick up smth from talking to them everyday — THE MEAT GRINDER ~ The animation memes. I still loves this so much — Action Winter Journey ~ that one weird FNaF phase — 4ÆM ~ songs with this vibe are amazing. — Dying ~ Something stays from every phase I had. Gacha. I'm still in that. — Chemical Burn ~ Ngl I got this recommended in my priv playlist and now I'm just vibing with it — 888 ~ "HAHAHAHHA XD boing!! ^.^" — Antarctica ~ "Get the f-ck away from me! I hate all of you faithfully!! This world was never made for me." no explanation needed — Friends ~ nostalgic. Actually, the first actual gacha vent I made was to this "what the hell are we?" — Halls Of Illusions ~ AND YOUR DEATH COMES WICKED, PAINFUL AND SLOW- Literally the best song for one of my OCs^^ — Closer ~ now come on. — Судно (Борис Рижий) ~ worst part about this is, that's a comfort song of mine..:3 — ラビットホール ~ unsure why I even like this ngl — On My Way ~ I sung this with my first ever partner alot:( — im so delusional ~ yes. — knife play ~ >////< — LET THE WORLD BURN - Sped up ~ "I shouldn't have fallen in love, look what it made me become" I relate — Orquestra Maldita ~ I just like:> — Hey Baby ~ HEY BABY GIRL WHAT YOU DOING TONIGHT?! I WANNA SEE WHAT YOU GOT IN STORE!! YOU'RE GIVIN IT YOUR ALL WHEN YOU'RE DANCIN ON ME!! I WANNA SEE IF YOU CAN GIMME SO MORE!! YOU CAN BE MY GIRL I CAN BE YOUR MANNN- okay. Enough. — Back in school ~ I love Mother Mother. This song especially is great. Should be more known ngl — bad idea! ~ it was a bad idea>p<
Yeah I hope you enjoyed reading all that guys:3
0 notes
joelwindows7 · 1 year
Ayo, WHAT?!?! Facebook made their own Twitter?!?!?!
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That's right. It's called Threads, simply.
You wanna try look at my Thread? Here
So, Zuckerberg, made his own Twitter yeah. I've just discovered when uhh one of an artist start sharing their Threads, you know. I am curious, Threads?? Oh, it's Facebook. Okeh, I download Threads.
You see, this one is under Instagram. So to Threads, you need Instagram account. I assume if you already have:
Meta Quest / Oculus
Other Meta accounts
Then you can start register with it.
Make note once again, this is Facebook
I am still skeptical with any of the claims they made, especially, Fediverse?!?!? Really? Can that load with another interface then, just Odysee can be loaded with 3rd party LBRY app that has nothing to do with LBRY inc nor Odysee Holdings? Stuff like that. Treat this as grain of salt, coz... you already know who is Zuck and his wicked business trick going on before and probably still now.
Why Threads then? Wait, Twitter died?
Dying sir / madam / idk. I heard, Twitter rate limit. Here 1 news.
Yes my friend. This is rushed up Elon's idea in order to probably save some bandwidth.
Yeah, I understand Web scrapper leeches it all out.
But Facebookifying (Require Login)?!?!?! Man you've become what you hated, so.
So there you have it
Threads. An ironic alternative to Elon's damages. Go ahead, feel free to try, if you ummm had nothing to hide.
What about Tesla
Phased out. Not only Elon canceled Indonesia branch of manufacturing, everything.
We got Hyundai IONIQ 5, and that's what we're going to acquire.
I know, no entertainment of sort unlike Tesla, but you might agree that an games in dash probably is a bunch of unecessariums. Car is to transport medium amount of objects, that's all. Okeh, but I still wish Hyundai had gaming like Tesla though after what we found in the middle dash cluster, an Android, and previously Windows CE.
Yeah. The entertainment in the middle is basically embedded multimedia computer, of course. After I think.. 2015 or 2016, it's Android.
No, the Cluster is another minimal computer, of course. We're talking the middle computer.
Wait we're going outta where.
Yeah, no more Tesla. Hyundai is better in my opinion. It's price still a million IDR, but certainly much less than Tesla (not only still import but many factors added). And it's decent enough.
And yeah. I am confused. Threads is by Facebook. Meta. Oh man. I wish the new Twitter wasn't Facebook. Still centralized ae eff right??
Well, stick to Tumblr. Idk.
by JOELwindows7
Perkedel Technologies
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crybabyddl · 4 years
Yes, let’s circle back to the beautiful performance of Edge of Great. More specifically the BODY LANGUAGE, particularly Julie and Luke’s, which I will be analyzing with gifs.
Exhibit A
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Jealous Luke looks over at Julie and Reggie vibing
Julie is aware that she’s avoiding Luke, which she is doing so bc she realized her feelings for him thanks to Flynn earlier in the episode.
Since Julie has put the task of ignoring Luke upon herself even though she has no obligation to, she ends up failing her own mission. She sees Luke’s reaction to the lack of her attention.
She literally FREEZES. She’s emotionally worried to confront what she’s feeling and it’s beginning to manifest physically.
Exhibit B
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It gets better y’all. After Luke finally has even a crumb of Julie’s attention, he beckons her over with his signature head tilt. This is important bc he did this with his longtime bandmate during the soundcheck of what would’ve been their biggest performance. If he feels comfortable enough using that body language with a girl he’s only known for, what, a week and a half(?) then you know this puppy boy’s got it BAD.
Julie is well aware that Luke is getting jealous. But in classic Julie fashion, she will try to tune it out instead of addressing it. Our wicked beauty doesn’t like confrontation and would rather just deny and avoid than potentially make things awkward, especially when she knows Luke would ask her about it at a later time.
The look on Julie’s face. Her eyes widen and the classic tight-lipped awkward smile is present. She’s literally saying “ok enough of that let’s get back to work doo doo doo” with her face. The way her body SWINGS back into performance mode as she faces the audience again. It may have been a split second, but when you’re deliberately trying to avoid looking into the dreamy (dead) eyes of someone you shouldn’t be crushing on, any amount of time feels too long. Plus, she knows Flynn is watching and doesn’t want her to lecture her (but she does anyway bc Flynn is observant and knows her bestie too well to let any action slip past her).
Exhibit C
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Keep in mind; NONE OF THE GUYS KNOW WHY JULIE IS AVOIDING LUKE. Flynn, Alex, and Reggie have noticed the Juke chemistry, but it’s still too soon for them to get past the “we like each other but we’re too clueless to notice that we reciprocate” phase, so even though their respective besties know, they are still denying. Besides, Reg, Alex, and Flynn know better than to keep pestering if they want to keep their kneecaps. In reality they’re both smart enough to tell by this point, but for the sake of the plot and to make everything more adorably frustrating, Flynn has the collective brain cell under lock and key, leaving Juke to be like *dog tilting its head and making that “a-roo?” noise*
Anyway, Reggie notices Luke being snubbed after realizing that his extra dose of Julie time was slightly out of the ordinary. Luke is clearly concerned (look at his eyebrows and how his eyes travel from Reggie, to Julie, then to the audience to trying and get his mind off it and bring his focus back to the main goal; the performance.) If he can’t have the moment of connection with Julie that he so desperately craves, he’s gonna fill that void as best he can by connecting with the audience. >:’)
But Reggie’s trying to help Luke brush it off by conveying his reaction as ‘look at julie coming into her own! i told you she was a star! and you thought you were the lead singer? think again buddy this girl’s got you beat!’
But since Reggie isnt a master at hiding his feelings yet, especially around Luke, —who was able to get under his skin earlier (“girls, am i right?”)—Luke was easily able to see through that and interpreted what Reggie was saying as “look at julie go, she all in the zone. you’re literally making heart eyes at her get a grip you’re slacking lmao” (hence luke’s right eyebrow quirking at reggie like ‘dude seriously gimme a break u know i need attention like tinkerbell’) even though Reggie’s true message was a bit less harsh and more lovingly teasing, but it’s Luke, he sees things through his eyes and at his intensity, regardless of who it’s coming from. (This is one of the reasons why Luke comes off as selfish at times.)
Exhibit D
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Poor Lukey boi can’t seem to catch a break today! Not only does Julie ignore him, then has a cute lil (platonic but it’s luke so it still makes him jealous >:P) moment, but now she has the AUDACITY to interact with Alex? The guy who was out learning Ghost 101 with this Willie guy instead of rehearsing with the band? What gives?! What’s he got that your moody ghost bf doesn’t? >:’(
He literally just watches, and even glances back in a way that, to me, screams ‘did i see that right? did i just see what i just saw with my own dreamy (but dead) eyes? say sike rn.’ \_(*_*)_/
Meanwhile, Alex pays no mind. I like to think that Alex is fully aware that Luke is an angry boy rn, but has learned to ignore it, especially this bc literally NOTHING happened. Either that or Alex has no clue and just truly thinks nothing of it and is having too much fun to think about Luke’s moody and childish behavior. Either way, Alex is just straight chilling and we love to see it *^_^*
Notice how Reggie is right there vibing with Julie and Alex. Luke feels a bit betrayed like ‘not you too! i know you were the first to turn on me but i figured since you’re such a golden retriever you’d be loyal and come back to my side!😠🥲’
Also; Luke approaches the rest of the group, wanting to be included in at least SOME of the vibing, but when Julie starts dancing and smiling with her buddy Alex, he backs up like
“you know what? nope. nevermind. not doin’ it.”
and the group’s like “i mean hey it’s your loss, but luke we want you to-”
“no, bc you chose to piss me off right in front of my face so no luke time for any of you! no cuddles, no hugs, no nothing! you made your bed, now lie in it and perish.”
Exhibit E & F: This is where it gets a bit interesting and theorized hehe...
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Now we all know that this moment is just fucking ICONIC
But hear me out– HEAR ME OUT!
What if... now don’t shoot the messenger who just so happens to also be the theorist... but what if...
WHAT IF!!! Luke didn’t!! plan this?!!!
Listen i know you’re probably thinking:
“Well uh Nicole, isn’t that kinda the whole point? It literally wasn’t planned until Charlie realized Madi was gonna be standing on the piano so he suggested the idea for the guitar solo to Kenny.”
And you’re right! But here’s the kicker:
What if Luke THE CHARACTER, just decided to do this as an “Alright that’s it! You wanna be like that? Well what if I just hit you with my super awesome radical totally cool wowza guitar skills & make a moment between us? Huh? What do you think about that? Hmm? HMMM???!!!”
He licks his lips & that to me read** like he was nervous (**read rhyming with bed just to clarify) so that means it could’ve been a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment thing.
In the second gif, you can see that Julie’s head is tilted, as if she’s a bit confused, but she’s also delightfully surprised.
Julie is quick to smile and scrunch her nose at Luke, something she does often. It tells Luke his impulsive action garnered a positive response from his favorite girl. Julie also starts to shake her head, but doesn’t go through the motion in full, which means she’s still a bit nervous to let her guard down. This is probably because she doesn’t know what he’s thinking or what he will do next. The lopsided smile mixed with the suave, gliding steps towards her probably brought her back to her daydream lol.
Luke’s happy bc Julie’s no longer ignoring him. He smiles like a GOOBER bc this chump is simping HARD for our Julie. So cute! :’)
Exhibit G
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And hear me when I offer this:
What if Luke poofed the guys out???
I know, I know. It’s a bold claim to make. But the boys are special, considering they are a threat to Caleb (3 gay-variant himbos vs. a gay magician that could’ve been on broadway but decided to make some sort of deal with a devil so he just entertains capitalists who most likely sold their souls to get into the hgc which i will probably elaborate on in a future theory so dont do that bc im gonna lmao idc we all have big brains) So it’s not too crazy to think that they could share some ghost powers.
We know Caleb transported the guys during You Got Nothing to Lose. And the guys have left a place at the exact same time on more than one occasion.
And you may be thinking “well what if the guys poofed out to give juke a moment alone together?” And to that I say...
Look at Reggie. He isn’t looking back at Alex like “dude let’s give them some space.”
The timing of him turning around, at least to me, makes me think Reggie was surprised by Luke approaching the piano. (But also he lowkey was waiting for Luke to prove him wrong by doing something to get Julie’s attention so Reggie isn’t mad. Neither is Alex but he doesn’t like being told how or WHEN to ghost) Luke doesn’t even give his bandmates a warning eyebrow quirk, a hand signal, nothing. Reggie turns to Alex like ‘dude what is he DOING?’ And before he can even really convey that, they go *POOF*
This man had a plan and he was gonna do it, so he did. Whether it’s the power of love, they stopped performing, or Reggie and Alex actually poofed out, the odds worked in Luke’s favor so he and Julie could have a super special moment, a moment special enough to make an actual living person (Nick) wonder if a “hologram” has a better chance at connecting with Julie than he does.
Again, regardless of who made them poof or how they poofed, they mf poofed so Luke’s a happy hamster. (Idk it just sounded fitting instead of happy camper lol wait what if someone had 3 pet hamsters and named them alex reggie and luke🥺 someone buy some hamsters and let me be their godmother or their aunt and i’ll love them from afar.) Anyway, Luke’s thriving, flourishing, his crops are going to grow in time for the harvest.
You can see Julie lean back as she turns to see Luke. It’s... almost as if... She. Wasn’t. Expecting. Him. To. Be. There..??
Honey badger Luke bc he DGAF <|:) Bitch, it’s Luke mf Patterson and he’s gonna,, GET! IN! YOUR! FAAAACE!!!
You CANNOT tell me he’s not doing the absolute MOST to try and seduce Miss Juliana Mariposa Rose Molina.
Yes I’m making a headcanon that Julie has TWO middle names and that one of them is the spanish word for butterfly and that the other is her mother’s name. Also yes, I believe (i believe that we’re just one dream away from who we’re– oh, that’s not what we’re doing? okay, sorry!) that Juliana is Julie’s full name.
In this house we love and respect Juliana Mariposa (Dahlia)** Rose Molina
**I’m just putting Dahlia there for fun bc I can. :) Whether I’d consider it a possible middle name of hers depends. Anyway I just thought it was a cute thing to add bc it goes along with the other middle names I gave her *^_^* Also, I feel like I made a post giving a bunch of the characters middle names lemme see if I can find it later)
Ok i’m done this took me basically all day from like 10am until 4:08. I obviously took breaks in between, but not long ones...😶
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Steal Town UNDERTALE: Genocidal Brawl
[hey hey hey! welcome back to another post lmao. this story revolves around a specific thought i'd had about good ol' undertale. since i'm in the steal town discord, i decided to combine steal town and undertale. first, before we continue, you need some context. context a; the person i've put into chara's shoes, who goes by boo among other things, is in the process of defeating sans in its own genocide playthrough, so i thought it'd be fitting for boo to be chara. context b; i have decided to put myself as sans. the only reason for this being: idk. i guess i just pit my steal!-self against steal!boo too much. idk. anyways, context c; this is gonna be a different take on the sans v. chara brawl, steal!boo and steal!mike (guess i'll out my name why not lmao) are a deity of unknown design and a phantom, based on the soldier from tf2, respectively. finally: enjoy!]
[*So much dust on your hands. Invigorating. Check pockets?]
[YES] [NO]
[*Everything's right where you need it.]
[Boo enters the Judgement Hall with a wicked smile on its face. It brandishes a knife, cleaning it of blood and dust. *Time to add some ectoplasm to it. :) Boo looks up, and... it's not that lazybones this time.]
[he's got a wicked smile on his face as well. he's floating there. pockets in his hands, teeth sharper than knives in his mouth, no goddamn legs... seems he's muttering something under his breath.]
* . . .
[No dialogue. Unusual... especially for someone in Sans' position.]
[No music, either...? What, did someone not finish this fight? What's happening here?]
[*Knock him down a peg. *Well... alright.]
[Boo takes a swing at Mike. Its knife doesn't do a damn thing, phasing through him.]
[A clock ticks in the background... every two seconds. Boo's unsettled by the ticking, but Mike seems right at home.]
[Boo swings again, believing that its knife didn't touch Mike the first time. It phases through again, as it has before.]
[mike seems to... chuckle?... under his breath. he grapples boo's soul, knocking him around with some green magic, and throwing him into a wall of green flames.]
[The ticking grows louder, and mildly faster.]
[no reaction from the phantom... this is eerie, to be sure.]
[Boo scratches its head with its knife. It's not sure how to react to this... indecisiveness? Is Mike refusing to fight for some reason?]
[ACT] -> [*Question]
*So... any reason you're just floating with no words, ghost?
[Green flames emerge from the panels in the floor with every one of Mike's wavering breaths.]
*... ... ... ...
*Ya grumpy, fancypants?
*... . . .
[the flames subside as mike regains his composure.]
[Boo shrugs its arms.]
*I got a smidgen bored.
[mike... to put it lightly, doesn't take this as truth.]
*so you... fucking, murder your friends? is that your idea of fun, britishman?
*Well, you do it all the time in that dumb boat game you play!
[mike rubs his face. his chuckling gets louder.]
*i just... don't understand you anymore... y'know?
[Boo attempts to stab Mike a third time. The knife doesn't interact with Mike a third time. Boo begins to get procedurally angry.]
[mike decides to put boo through his strongest attack first, sending his soul through a hellfire of buckshot and attempting to attack it with his hands.]
[Boo's SOUL gets hit by a couple of rounds of buckshot, but nothing else.]
*Keep up, old man!
[mike isn't sure what to come up with next. he settles on letting the green flames take their toll, tossing fireballs at boo's soul.]
[Boo, not expecting fireballs in a Sans fight, is taken offguard by SIX of them and takes... unexpectedly, 240 damage from them and is shattered for the first time, splattering blood onto Mike's face... somehow.]
[mike wipes the blood off of his face, and considers another attack.]
[The ticking of the clock begins again, with Boo's second spawn. It immediately hurls itself at Mike in an eerily psychotic manner, trying to swing at him with its knife. None of the attacks hit.]
[the chuckling gets louder.]
*What's so funny, eh?
[mike sends a flurry of... tank shells in boo's general direction. seems that he's taken to the box of feral idiots to help him in this endeavor. a clever move.]
[Boo gets one-shot by the first shell.]
[the chuckling gets quieter.]
- - -
yeah i know, i'm terrible at designing and describing attacks. i'm sorry.
- - -
[Boo makes it through Mike's final attack this run: a hellfire of tank shells, fireballs, actual fire pits, helicopter blades, bullets, shotgun buckshot, THE CLOWN's stop signs for some reason, and finally to top it all off: milfwife rockets. (mike said nothing between the cut and now.)]
[the chuckling has evolved into a breakdown of psychotic proportions. tears are flooding mike's cheeks, and his wide smile only grows stronger.]
[...eventually... he starts to calm down.]
[Boo takes advantage of this. As you would.]
[the maniacal flurry calms to a laughter...]
[...to a chuckle...]
[...to murmuring...]
[...and finally, to nothing, with mike's smile devolving into a frown and the tears subsiding briefly. his phantom body reveals a weakpoint: a human chest area. he falls asleep from the excitement.]
[Boo, seeing as Mike is re-enacting Sans's special attack, and vulnerable, takes this opportunity to drag the attack barrier over to his FIGHT button while Mike is calmed. He attacks, and...]
[he jolts to the left. Boo whiffs.]
[Boo attacks again.]
[he jolts to the right. Boo whiffs again.]
*-a really think you could'a-
[Boo attacks a final time, out of anger and spite. The blow lands. 395294673407603486546565634564069854765605946854657846958609697560703680467809940654649999999999999999999999999999999993458940358904769854065940759406754675869903859749305893405979963459735634895634895793940589340567899347590983459083480599789340578934579342089034758999744356797684697489367893467897468957469089460578994969455465546164954596864526985466854246968064489546045426154655449695945999465426315460545461536919650456454561605456604954697045684675891675690017856670429640462950494625458164545 damage is dealt to Mike. (Way more than what Sans would've been given, that's for sure. Yes, I typed all of that.)]
[mike collapses to the ground.]
[The clock continues to tick. mike gets back onto his feet.]
*... ... ...
[mike can't comprehend boo's cruelty. he runs his hands across his chest. the laughter picks up.]
[Boo attacks a fourth time, landing again and dealing the same amount of damage as previously typed. I'm not copypasting that, for both our sakes.]
[mike is silenced.]
* . . .
[he falls backwards. only able to think of his best friend.]
*...a... ax... h-elp... me...
[An especially long dusting sound effect is emitted from Mike's slowly dissolving body, lasting a total of 26 seconds. His souls nowhere to be seen, and no dust is left on the floor.]
[The clock is silent.]
[With one last psychotic laugh, Boo heads for the throne room.]
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daddyjackfrost · 4 years
List the Olympians (+Hades and Hestia) in order form favorite to least favorite, and why <33
okay! this actually took a little time cuz i had to really think it over. fair warning, the percy jackson fan in me is highly biased.
favourite to least favourite;
- Hades (is this obvious? yes. okay, beside being like chill and a loyal husband, he is SO cool. his power increases day by day! the increasing number of dead really does nourish his power. AND! his punishments? *solve this is puzzle* what a guy.)
- Apollo (he’s cool. LOL no okay, i know most of the myths about Apollo and yk he ain’t really a good guy, tho none of them are. everything he is the god of, are things i love and enjoy, plus he’s bi! so, respect 😌)
- Artemis (my QUEEN. she’s sexy what can i say. and i’m pretty sure she’s like the biggest lesbian every which i have to respect. i could be wrong don’t come at me she’s also this feminist icon and i love how she kinda did her own thing? and killed the men who tried to dishonour her.)
- Hestia (my soft queen. i really think that she’s just this kind goddess and from what i know, i love her. i love that her priorities were family and community and that everyone seemed to have kinda worshipped her. plus! i have this wicked idea in my head that even though she was kind, she would be the ultimate downfall of her siblings. *wink wink*)
- Dionysus (i love him. tbh, he and apollo could be tied, but i only recently started reading more about him. i have a lot to say about this guy, mainly because he was SO complex. Dionysus teaches us to become more than what we ordinarily are. He represents pure freedom, emotion, pleasures, nonconformity, and chaos. he’s also so chill?? like yeah he’s done some bad things (i found 3 major things) but he’s better than Zeus and therefor i love him)
- Hephaestus (he’s really powerful. that’s all i gotta say. he literally trapped Hera and literally blackmailed GODS. he’s an icon r u kididng me. also! tho he’s strong, he keeps a pretty low profile and apparently he’s nice and has a heart of a child. wait he also tried to rape athena— i take it back. he’s not an icon. idk man. i think he’s pretty skilled and i would love to watch him work.)
- Hermes (i would rob a bank with him, no cap. apparently he was a hoe tho. i feel like hades liked him. i like him mainly because he’s a sneaky piece of shit, and he’s considered the protector of human heralds so imma assume he’s nice. i don’t know if hermes has done anything like SUPER seriously bad, but i think he’s cool)
- Aphrodite (okay, i don’t hate aphrodite! i actually love her and her whole aura. i honestly think she needs to get over herself tho. a war? over an apple? ma’am pls. tbh, i think the goddess was bad tempered and quick to jealousy but she did protect those who worshiped her to some extent so, respect i guess. i think she could’ve kept it in her pants tho)
- Athena (NO I LOVE HER SHE SHOULD BE AT THE TOP BUT recent discoveries has bumped her down a bit. during my pjo phase, i wanted to be a daughter of athena SO bad. there can be many things said about athena, but she isn’t the goddess i thought she was. yeah, she’s super cool, and she’s good at war and giving dumb heroes courage, but eh. i think she’s hot. i just think she had a dark side and so here she is)
- Demeter (tbh i forgot her😀 so. i think she should just lay off hades and persephone. such a hover mother🙄 i think she’s pretty cool tho. very reliable and besides famine and extreme drama, i don’t think she’s ever done anything really bad? OH OH SHES A BAD BITCH THO. she’s also a pretty good mother. she loved persephone and u can see that with the way she defies zeus. zeus is a bitch for raping demeter)
-Ares (i almost forgot him omg. i think ares is under appreciated. he’s kinda only associated with war? and there aren’t many myths about him. i think he’s portrayed pretty negatively tho he did do some negative things. ares was kinda an assholw ngl. not like, SUPER bad, but i think he had daddy issues. oh oh!! i think i read somewhere that he never raped anyone and never considered women inferior to him, so, respect. i like him. i think we could be friends.)
[okay i’m ngl, these three are my least favourite. i literally like everybody above this]
- Poseidon (sigh. he’s a bitch. he’s moody and bad-tempered and so greedy. i think his powers are SO COOL THO. literally i also wanted to be a daughter of poseidon because r u dumb??? oh he’s such a misogynist tho. and a serial rapist?? keep it in your pants?? i don’t necessarily think he’s evil, mainly because our concept of good and evil don’t apply to myths and gods so. i just think poseidon is petty and i would like to give him a wedgie.)
- Hera ( a BITCH. sorry, that’s my pjo self talking. she’s so jealous and vengeful?? like sorry miss girl, ur pus*y just aint it. that’s ur fault. i really think hera and zeus should have gone to couples therapy. i think hera is petty but also rightfully so— her husband SUCKS. she killed dionysus’s while family tho😐 and did a whole shit ton of rude and bad things. i think hera should have killed zeus and retired and then lived among humans and found a nice human man who wouldn’t cheat. idk man. i’m always so conflicted with hera. do i like her? no. but do i feel bad? yeah.)
- Zeus (🙄 enough said. i don’t like zeus. at all. fuck zeus WAIT DO NOT that’s all. i think he’s a bitch and kronos should’ve just sat on him or something.)
WELL. that was... yeah. that was a mess. thank you for asking this tho! i had so much fun.
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WandaVision episode 9 reaction lmao
before clicking the episode thoughts/predictions:
oh god im scared man
ok, fietro is quicksilver from the xmen, im sure
for the cameo, it might be paul bettany trolling but like what if he isnt, the guy has to be old enough to have existed and started their career when he was a child so maybe patrick stewart but idk
wow creative “the series finale”
wow okay
well they’re there being an epic superhero family
i really hope darcy and jimmy are okay
monica should have an epic fight scene showcasing her powers (not cause i absolutely love her or anything psh)
im going to combust if we get a quicksilver slowmo scene
honestly i hope agatha stays as some sort of minvillain maybe for a future film?
man im just sad now
alright lets go boys:
the last “previously on wandavision” :(
whitw visions epic man
i love you agatha but please
get yeeted
she just rose from the grave ok maam
imagine fietro just coming up and being like “whats all the fuss”
oh my god
the poor car
wicked witch of the east who
What the heck why???????? how??? is he good???
no he is not
i love her man agathas awesome
“my favorite member of the bureau” same hayward
i mean not really, your guy is white i think theyll notice
oh god hi
her hair is so pretty
uh oh dottie :(
hes just making a smoothie ohmygod
i love him so much
white visions having an existential crisis
did he just cry
ok wat
hey jimmy!
f i n a l l y hes arrested
Oh another end credits
quaint lil house
post-episode thoughts:
ok but im kinda sad
he’s ralph?
not xmen peter? why cast evan peters????
but that was kinda epic
most questions were answered but theres still some up in the air
for future movies?
still really hope that the whole quicksilver/fietro thing is explained because im still confused
really hope that hes not just some random guy because when he was under agathas control, he had peter maximoff’s cheeky personality. if she could replicate personality why not get pietro’s snarky personality? so maybe thats not the end for him hope it isnt
also, “real personalities arent far beneath” or whatever from fietro, so if thats his personality more exaggerated, would that mean he might be the guy under witness protection
where did white vision go though
why did she say “thank you for choosing me” ?
is it regarding the multiverse, that the kids came from an alternate universe where wanda had kids? so is this the subtle intro to the multiverse?
all in all, pretty good in regards to twists and the general epicness
still like how each episode they answered questions then brought up even more but in the end theres still so many
but then again, this is just the beginning of phase 4
still confuzzled abt the cameo bettany was taking about but whatever
im still hung up on the whole evan peters is ralph thing im still loki (pun intended) disappointed
that was a lot but it was cool :)
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S.T. REWRITE - S2:E9; Chapter Nine, The Gate - [Pt. 3]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
The survivors turn up the heat on the monstrous force that's holding Will hostage, and Y/n's powers are put to the ultimate test in the process. Eleven makes plans to finish what she started.
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A/n: You might be noticing a lot less 1st person pov, I'm slowing inching away from that since 1st person isn't a strength of mine. I most likely will phase that out altogether, idk, let me know?
Trigger Warnings: Violent racism. Allusions to domestic violence. If you would like/need to skip, I will be putting the usual markers [●●●] before and after. Both of these warnings will fall under the marker. Safe reading, my loves! I care about you all so deeply, and I want you guys to have my stories as an escape so I'm really hating myself that this scene is coming out during all this. Not that it was ever not going on before cuz we all know that's bullshit, but with it all being so amplified right now. Again, I love you all and if you ever need anything 💕💕💕💞💞💞 edit: also brief mention of needles
||3rd Person POV||
Billy Hargrove's car skids to a halt in front of the Byers house, the four tires send gravel up flying. The headlights dim out with a sharp click as he puts the car to sleep, and the rusty car door squeaks as he opens it. He takes the dying cigarette out from between his smirking lips when he sees who is waiting for him on the porch.
"Am I dreaming, or is that you Harrington?"
Steve sighs, tiredly. "Yeah, it's me. Don't cream your pants."
A cocky smirk overtook Billy's face and he shed his coat out of intimidation. Steve stepped off the porch and the two boys walked across the yard until they were directly across from one another.
"Whatya doing here, amigo?" Billy asks.
Steve cocked his head to the side, his arms coming to cross over his chest. "I could ask you the same thing... Amigo."
The cigarette hung loosely from Billy's lips once more, and for a small but lingering moment, he observed Steve trying to get a read on him.
"I'm looking for my step sister. Little birdie told me she was here."
Steve was quick to dawn a mask of surprise. "Huh, that's weird I don't know her."
Billy's face was slowly but surely molding into a wild glare, his brows already knitted together in agitation. He begins gesturing, vaguely.
"Small, redhead. Bit of a bitch."
A lick of anger flickered over Steve but for the kids' sake, he didn't let it show. He merely shrugged in a bored manner.
"Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, buddy."
Billy shook his head as he glowered at the ground, a twinge of disgust twisted up in his face. He took the cigarette into his hands, and he looks at it for only a second and smacks his lips.
A deep sigh resonates from within his chest, and he steps forward waving a shaky hand in the air.
"You know... I don't know, this...?" He falters, trying to find the appropriate word. "This whole situation, Harrington, I don't know. It's giving me heebie-jeebies."
"Oh yeah? Why's that?"
He takes another drag of his cigarette, letting the smoke fill his lungs and the feeling fuels his rage.
"My thirteen-year-old sister goes missing all day," his cold green eyes were now wide and dilated. Beady almost as he looked at Steve, no longer attempting to hide his fury. "And then I find her with you. In a stranger's house. And you lie to me about it."
His voice is shockingly calm, but lower than usual. A disgusted and hardened scowl contorts his face, and it doesn't ever seem to move. Steve laughs, hoping it doesn't sound as nervous as he is beginning to feel. Luckily, he recovers quickly.
"Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what?"
The smoke leaves Billy's lungs in a joyous cackle, his tongue flicks across his top set of teeth in excitement and there is a wild and unhinged look in his eyes. Steve didn't know it yet, but he had just said the magic words. He had just pushed the wrong button.
"I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said." Steve finished, watching unsettled as Billy continued to lick his lips excitedly. "She's not here."
Steve felt his confidence rising considerably. Up until Billy inched closer, he then rose up his cigarette, pointing it over his shoulder towards the house.
"Then who is that?"
Steve looks over his shoulder to find four heads crammed together against the window, watching.
Inside, Max, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike threw themselves down against the couch as fast as they could.
"Shit!" Cried Dustin, he looks between his friends hopefully. "Did he see us?"
"Oh, shit," Steve mumbles, turning back. "listen--"
Steve was on the concrete in seconds, Billy stalking forward to tower over him.
"I told you to plant your feet." He spits.
His right leg rears up and in one swift motion, his boot collides with Steve's abdomen, knocking the breath out of him.
The front door slams against the wall, shaking the frame and the four cowering bodies standing across the room.
His eyes narrow upon seeing Lucas among the bunch. Eerily enough, despite his bigoted fury, his face is completely devoid of emotion.
"Well, well, well," he seethes, one long arm throwing the door slammed behind him. "Lucas Sinclair, what a surprise."
He marches forward, and every thud of his boot's rubber soles against the linoleum is like a boom in his ears. He is already backing away, Max the only one brave enough to stay by his side. Billy's attention is redirected to her.
"I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max?"
"Billy, go away."
Her voice is shaking but she holds her ground. His voice lowers to a terrifying and threatening volume as he spits at her coldly.
"You disobeyed me," he says, in almost a sad and disappointed tone. "You know what happens when you disobey me."
"I break things,"
The second the words left his tongue, he whirls on Lucas picking him up by the scruff of his jacket and carries him all the way to the kitchen wall. He cries out, fighting against the iron grip, but it does little help. Terrified screams of protest erupted from the other three kids, but he doesn't listen.
"Get off of me, you--!"
Billy shoves Lucas farther into the shelf to enunciate his point and he leans in closer, teeth gritted.
"If Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will," Lucas doesn't give up fighting, his legs and arms still struggle for freedom but what little confidence he had waned as Billy leaned in closer. "Stay away from her."
Lucas feels himself being pulled forward before being thrown back into the shelf again and he grimaces in pain.
"STAY," his head begins to tremor, his rage overcoming his body. "away from her. Do you hear me?"
His heart slamming against his ribcage as he stares at Billy and his furious scowl, Lucas takes several shallow breaths and grits his teeth right back. "I said get off of me!"
Lucas's knee flies up and connects with Billy's groin, and the young Hargrove stumbles back with a tremendous groan. He's doubled over, hands gripping his legs and squeezing in pain till his skin goes completely white. Slowly his head rises revealing his now purple face, it's decorated with several thick blue veins on his forehead. His groans of pain evolved into furious growls, and his beady eyes are locked on Lucas.
"You are SO dead, Sinclair!" He roared. "You're dead."
A hand landed on Billy's shoulder, ripping him around on his heel to find Steve with disgust written all over his face.
"No," he spits, cocking one arm back. "You are!"
Steve's fist collided with Billy's nose, sending the other teenager back several paces once again doubling over. He watched as Billy straightened up, an odious and maniacal cackle erupting from his throat as he wore a wicked grin. Blood began to pour from his nose, and he licked his lips excitedly. Behind them, Lucas had scurried away and into the waiting arms of his friends who all took him into a protective group hug.
"Looks like you got some fire in ya after all, huh?" Belted Billy joyously. He stalks closer towards Steve, his voice lowering with every word. "I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody's been telling me so much about."
Steve reaches out and places his two forefingers on Billy's chest, lightly pushing him away. "Get out."
Billy stills as if contemplating his next move but by the time Steve can even blink, Billy has already made it. His fist swings through the air, nearly hitting the side of his head if he hadn't ducked fast enough. As he comes back up, Steve uses the momentum to swing his own fist into Billy's head and it knocks him into the table.
Dustin and the other begin to jump for joy. "Yes! Kick his ass, Steve!"
Billy rises again, more blood covering his lip and another cackle bubbling up but Steve doesn't wait for it to coms out this time. He throws another punch, and it lands squarely in Billy's jaw and he tumbles further into the kitchen counter. He just laughs more, blood now pouring from his mouth and staining his lips and teeth.
Another punch.
His lower back collides with the rim of the kitchen sink, and everything on the counters nearby begins to shake. His head is rolled back in laughter, and the kids encouraging cries are enough to distract Steve from the fact that Billy's right hand is reaching for a plate.
It breaks over his skull and he stumbles back covering his eyes and clutching his scalp. The kids' cries never stop, but they do turn worried as they scream for him to get up, and various 'looks out's were thrown his way. Billy was already on the move, and his shoulder reared back, his hand balled up into a fist with his eyes locked on his target.
When the blow finally comes, Steve is sent into the shelf and several things fall to the floor, including himself. He manages to catch his footing before completely meeting the ground, and as he struggles for balance he fumbles into the living room. He feels himself being yanked up to his feet, Billy's hands grip his sleeves tightly and he gives him a good jolt. His head rolls around on his shoulders as he is thrown around, still blind sighted with pain.
All he can do at the moment is push his one free arm into Billy's heaving chest, desperate to create as much distance as possible. He's shaken again, and Billy drops his voice into an angry hiss.
"No one," he pants. "tells me what to do."
His head flies back before barreling into Steve's, once again sending him flying across the floor. A triumphant cry is ripped from Billy's bloodied lips, the veins in his forehead and throat resurfacing. He stomps across the room towards Steve, all the while ignoring the many screams and pleas for him to stop and leave him alone.
"You're gonna kill him!"
"Billy, stop!"
"Get up, Steve! Come on, you can do it!"
Billy swings one leg over Steve's nearly unconscious form, trapping him in one spot and continues to throw his punches now completely unhinged. Steve's head is swung from side to side as each of Billy's fists connect with his face. Blood flies with every swing, a terrifying roar erupting deep within Billy's chest, and Steve is already more than halfway under. It is truly a disturbing sight to behold, the kids stand planted to the ground in utter terror, screaming their throats raw, begging for him to stop.
All except for Max. She knows her stepbrother is too far gone, and even if he wasn't, he never was an easy one to talk down. She must take matters into her own hands, and that's exactly what she does.
Her eyes have already found one of the syringes used on Will, and it was still full. Wasting no time she snatches it up and rips off the cap. Shoving the boys aside, Max marches across the living room to an unsuspecting Billy. The syringe flies above her head before descending in one swift motion and entering his neck.
Max backs away, the syringe remains buried deep in his skin. He clamors to his feet, staring at her in shock though already it has begun to take effect. He staggers back as loses balance, and his eyelids grow visibly heavy. His bloodied hand feels as if its filled with lead as it rises all the way up to his neck, and he winces as pulls the needle out.
"The hell is this?" He grumbles, lumbering after her. "You little shit, what did you do?"
He has to fight hard to maintain his vision and his balance. It feels as if gravity has tripled. With her directly in his sights, his anger once again redirected at her, he commands his feet to take him to her. Instead, he blinks and finds himself on his back with an aching spine.
"Shit," Mike breathes.
The anesthesia coursing hard through his veins is enough to subdue him but does not bring him completely under as it did the small Byers boy. But it was enough for everyone at that moment. They watched disturbed as he laid on the floor, his head rolling back and forth as he laughed almost joyously. He was amused.
Max only looks at him, for once in her life without even a sliver of fear. All that's left is loathing, and disgust.
She shakes her head, deciding she is still not done. Max would ensure that this would not happen again.
Max takes the bat into her hands and held it over her shoulder, stalking over till she towered over Billy as he had done to her oh so many times.
"From here on out, you are going to leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?"
"Screw you," he spits.
With all her might she throws the bat into the floor just between his legs, his head limply raises up to see that it had missed his crotch by only inches. Everyone watches in awe.
She has to pry the bat from the floor, the several metal nails had been buried deep into the wood floor only further proving her strength and point.
"Say you understand!" She roars. "Say it!"
He says nothing, his head still rolls across the floor.
"I understand," he whispers meekly.
Her brows shoot up, and she tilts her head. "What?"
"I understand." He repeats.
His eyes flutter closed, exhaustion sweeping over him. Satisfied, and finally free, Max drops the bat to the ground with a clatter.
Three mouths watch agape at the sight, they only widen further when she steps around his still body. Bending over, she pulls a set of keys that stick out from his pocket and hold them up for all to see with an impatient look.
"Let's get out of here."
||Reader's POV||
The ride here lasted way too long, at least it felt like it did. My hand comes to rest on the shoulder of Jonathan's seat as I try to peer around to look at where we are. The car had already been going fairlybslow these past few minutes, but it had gotten even slower leaving me to believe we had to be here. Sure enough, just past a few trees, I can barely make out a small wooden porch of the cabin illuminated by the headlights.
I look over to my right at Joyce as the car comes to a stop. Nancy and Jonathan exit the car and head for the trunk, their doors rocking the car a bit when they close them. Will, for the most part, is cradled against Joyce, his head lays against her chest. She hasn't taken her eyes off of him since we got in the car, she's just been lovingly stroking his hair and brushing strands away from his face. My eyes fall to him, my mind hasn't been able to think about anything else other than him or what I'm about to try to do.
I feel eyes on me, and I look up to meet eyes with Joyce. Her expression is hard and somber, her lip is trembling but her eyes are far kinder. We share a silent exchange, knowing the road that lies ahead will not be an easy one, and it's almost a weak attempt at consoling each other.
I take a deep breath and open my door.
I stop, my hand leaving the handle and I look at her curiously.
"Sweetie, I am so, so proud, a-a-and thankful for what you are willing to do for this family," she smiles halfheartedly. "But this is a lot to ask. Are you sure this is something you're up for? I couldn't possibly ask you to do something so big if it's too much."
I look at my feet, her words bouncing around my head. They are the perfect meal for my anxiety, feeding all my fears and doubts. And yet, nothing inside me changes. I look up at her, my eyes falling to Will as I speak.
"Yes," I murmur, shaking my head a bit. "I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I didn't at least try."
My eyes well up with tears, and I look to the woman, who so long ago, had become like a second mother to me.
"Will's my best friend, he's one of the best people I know. And I know he would do the same for me," her eyes are fogging up too, I realize. "This family has done so much for me... I want to give something back."
"Oh, honey," she croaks, reaching a hand out and over Will to give my hand a light squeeze. "You are apart of this family."
The dam breaks, and I feel several hot tears slide down my cheeks and dangle from my jaw. I smile crookedly and soon so does she. She gives my hand another light and loving squeeze and we nod and exit the car.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Between the four of us, we managed to get Will and everything we brought up to the house in one trip. I took the stuff Jonathan had grabbed from the trunk so that he could carry Will.
Nancy is the first to enter, and hitting a switch by the front door, a couple of lights flicker on. We file in one by one, and when I enter after Jonathan, I'm surprised at what I see. And smell. I had expected a mothy, and dusty old cabin given the boards over the windows but it was surprisingly tidy and smelled a bit like an unusually pleasant mix of laundry detergent and pine.
It finally hits me this was where El had spent the last year. It's weird to think this is where she has been living all this time. I step out of the way as Joyce comes in after me, and hesitates just as I did to look around. I stand on the other side of the couch as Jonathan lays Will down on the cushions. Thankfully, he hadn't woken up and we can all only hope that he stays that way until we're ready. We were halfway there when we realized we forgot the anesthesia.
I release a deep breath, trying to push out as much of my nerves as I can and my eyes linger across the room soaking up the details. My eyes catch on what lays sprawled out on the coffee table; a large and completed puzzle of a fireworks display. I feel my expression soften, the ends of my lips tugging up as I think about El enjoying her puzzles.
"It's actually," Nancy said as she got a good look around. "kinda nice."
"Hopefully we can keep it that way," I joke dryly.
I watch as Joyce roams around the room inspecting the place, finally she stops in front of the cast iron fireplace and kneels down in front of it. She looks up at all of us and nods.
"We'll do it here."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Jonathan and Joyce bring Hopper's bed out into the living room in front of the fireplace. All the while, Nancy and I begin setting up the heaters.
I'm glad I have the help, it makes everything a little less intimidating. Only a little. I still know that this is going to take just about everything I've got.
But I meant what I said to Joyce. I am going to do this. I have to. And I want to.
That quick trip to Chicago is starting to turn out to be not such not a bad thing, after all. If I hadn't gone, I never would have broke. I never would have hurt so hard that I found my control. I never would have hit rock bottom. But that's the thing about rock bottom, I guess.
You can only go up from here.
Joyce begins to fill the fireplace to the very top, and Jonathan and Nancy have already turned on the space heaters.
I return from the kitchen with snacks and juice in hand, and I felt absolutely foolish. But halfway through set up, I realized I was going to need all the strength I could get. Which meant I needed fuel. Thankfully, the others not only understood but encouraged it. Even though it all made sense, I still felt silly sitting at the table, eating Hopper's food while everything was going on around me.
But I'm so hungry. I hadn't realized how tired and starving I was until I sat down. It must have been almost a full day since I've eaten! I try to remind myself that this is all what's best for everyone. I can't make much of a difference if I'm not taking care of myself too.
I'm surprised I'm having trouble at all, but my nerves are only growing as time marches on. But before I know it, I've cleared everything in front of me, and just in time, too. The others are now gathering around Will, and they don't seem to be attending to any more details. I rise from my chair and join them.
When I see Will, I can feel coils around my heart tightening, constricting it completely. I suddenly wish Dustin were here just so I could yell at him, cause it really did look like it was right out of the Exorcist.
They had managed to tie his hands and feet down, each limb now connected to each leg of the bed. His arms laid as perfect 'L's beside his head, and he was still an unnatural shade of white.
"You sure this is a good idea?" Jonathan asks, voicing all of our inner doubts.
Without breaking her gaze away, and the hard and stern expression returning to Joyce's face she answers.
"This thing has had Will long enough," she spits, sounding as angry as I felt. "Let's kill this son of a bitch."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · Black Lives Matter links below. Check them out please! Do what you can, every voice counts! These past couple resources have been thanks to @ blm-links on tumblr
Colorado Freedom Fund
"Founded in 2018, Colorado Freedom Fund (CFF) is a revolving fund that pays ransom (posts money bond, pays cash bail) for people unable to afford the cost of buying their own freedom. #FreeThemAll #BringOurNeighborsHome"
Anti Repression Resources & Tips
"We provide support for actions that are anti-patriarchal, anti-racist, anti-imperialist & anti-capitalist. Our support work comes primarily in the form of education, information and referrals. We also manage an anti-repression bail fund for those that do not have the resources to bail or bond themselves. We are a first resort for education and information on solidarity and a last resort for financial support."
Friendly reminder to check out and support the wonderful black writers on this site. Particularly accounts dedicated to writing woc/poc!readers. I've found the most on tumblr [you can find and add to the list on my notifs board. I'll move it somewhere more conviennent when I can] but I've struggled finding some on here and on ao3 and such.
So please tag them below, or here in the comments, any you might know of on this site or ao3, they NEED to be easier to find!! Especially with x readers. I'll return here and add to this as well when I can. Again, soon I hope to find a more creative and useful way to tag black and poc/woc!wow! Cause again, I want this to be an easy to find resource for anyone looking for xreaders.
I'll be sharing them on every platform of my account, so you guys get the recognition - and proper representation - you deserve.
Tag List: @dickkwad​​ @aimee-lucass​​ @iblesstherainsdown-in-africa​​  @miscellaneoustoasts​ @happyandlonely-blog​ @missmulti​ @youpi-chan​ @peeperparkour​ @ba-responds​ @bibliophilesquared​ @blogforhoes​ @witch-of-all-things-soft​ @shawkneecaps​ @whothefuckstolemykeds​ @mirdall @fishswimbetterunderwater​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​ @stranger-things4​ @heavenlycat567​ @nightbu-g​ @grapesauze​
DM me, or drop by my inbox if you want to be added!
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oswildin · 5 years
Frustrations ~ Dhawan!Master x Reader
Request: Oof these angsty master x reader are hitting hard 😭 can i request a funny / fluffy one? I had the idea that the master kidnaps the reader from the fam and he like handcuffs them together so the doctor can't hurt him without putting the reader at risk? And they both get more and more annoyed with each other, but the master realises he's actually beginning to reply like them? Even better if it ends with like kissing but IDK up to you obvs 😂 Thanks in advance! ☺ ( @resonate-concrete )
Warnings: Just pure crack. Honestly.
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You paced around the space station, listening to the Doctor’s ranting as she did what she always does. Get distracted. The fam were watching her with amused glances as you took a look around the station, taking it all in. You were definitely in the future, that was for sure. You took a glance out one of the windows as you saw debris floating around outside. The planet you were on had a purple surface, as the deep night sky encased it. Peering back, you realised the others had disappeared, as you sighed to yourself. Every time. You mumbled annoyances as you stepped back from the window. They couldn’t have gotten far.
You began to search the base, calling out for your friends as you began to grow tired of looking. You sighed to yourself, before deciding to try calling them with your phone. As you pulled it out, you felt a hand grip round your mouth, muffling your yelps as you tried to struggle away. You instantly went into flight mode, as you kicked your leg back, hitting whoever was trying to keep ahold of you as you heard them hiss. However, their hand was still over your mouth as you narrowed your eyes, deciding to try your luck. Hey, it worked in the movies. You managed to shuffle your head slightly, in a way that their hand slipped, causing their finger to be over your mouth as you instantly bit it. Hard. The person yelled in pain as you flew forwards, falling to the floor. You gasped, as you turned around, looking up at your potential kidnapper.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” You exclaimed, seeing it was in fact the Master. He looked very angry. He was clutching his finger with his free hand as he glared down at you.
“What is wrong with you humans?” He hissed, waving his hand about as he took a step towards you, towering over you.
“You’re the one who tried to kidnap me!” You furrowed your brows.
“Doesn’t mean you had to bite me!” He growled, before kneeling down towards you, a small smirk on his lips. “Although, if that’s what you’re into.” He wiggled his brows suggestively as you pulled a disgusted face.
“In your dreams, psycho.” You spat, as his smirk fell at your words. Oh, it never fails to entertain you. Bringing down a mans ego. Alien or human. He reached into his pocket, revealing some sort of device as you looked at it in confusion.
“What’s your plan?” You asked, voice quiet as you stared into his dark eyes. He smirked once more.
“This.” Before you could flinch away, he quickly managed to place the device on your wrist as it bolted around your wrist, another part grasping around his own.
“Handcuffs?!” You exclaimed, trying to pull your wrist away from his, but he was too strong. “Wow you really are into power dynamics aren’t you?” You commented as he rolled his eyes, getting up as he yanked you with him. You hissed at the pressure on your wrist. “Right so, what now?” You asked calmly, seemingly bored of his antics already. “You better have a key for these things.” You gestured to the handcuffs.
“Like I’d tell you.” He sneered as you pulled a face at him. “You are insufferable.”
“Yup. Been told that before.” You replied, looking happy with yourself.
“Perhaps I made the wrong choice of captive.” He commented, tugging you along as you walked moodily next to him.
“My mum always said that if I got kidnapped they would return me.” You shrugged casually as he tried not to grow annoyed with your pointless rambling.
It had been ages since you had lost the others. Part of you worried they’d gotten into some trouble. Of course they had. It was the Doctor after all. You began to grow tired of walking about as you stopped, causing the Master to peer over at you, irritated.
“What now?” He huffed, exasperated.
“My feet hurt.” You whined like a child.
“Not my problem.” He gave you a tight, wicked smile as you glared at him.
“Also you owe me a new phone.” You pouted, looking down at the device in your free hand.
“I’m sure you’ll live without it for a few hours.” He rolled his eyes. God was this what it was like to have humans tag along with you? It was exhausting.
“Brand new model as well.” You muttered as he began to walk once more, pulling you along. You whined as you had to follow him, your feet begging you to stop. “So what was the plan? Handcuff yourself to me then what?”
“Well, if you’re with me, and I’m the only one who can release the handcuffs, then the Doctor wouldn’t risk putting you in harms way.” He told you as you narrowed your eyes.
“That’s a stupid plan.” You mumbled as he clenched his jaw. “I mean, come on!” You laughed. “Aren’t you meant to be like some sort of evil genius who comes up with these great big extravagant plans?” You asked, raising a brow as he gave you an amused glare.
“You try doing this for thousands of years.” He retorted as you pulled a face of ‘fair enough’.
Eventually, he let you rest, both of you sitting down on the metal floor of the station as you leant against the wall. You pursed your lips before clicking your tongue to fill the silence.
“Don’t you stop for two seconds?” He grumbled as you gave him a wide smile. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Ugh where is she?” You whined. “How big is this place?”
“Too big. Apparently.” He dragged a hand down his face in exasperation as he was beginning to grow tired of his own plan. Was it even worth putting up with you?
“That’s what she said.” You joked to yourself, as he groaned, hitting his head on the wall behind him as you furrowed your brows. “Why are you doing that?”
“It’s distracting me from the pain you’re making me endure.” He said lowly as you rolled your eyes at him. Finally he stopped as you raised a brow.
“Better?” You asked.
“Much.” He sneered, clenching his jaw as he looked ahead. He had to admit, certain traits of yours reminded him of his last regeneration, Missy. You had that sarcasm, playfulness and didn’t seemed to be too scared.
“Okay this is impossible.” You groaned, trying hard to keep up with the Timelord. “She’s obviously got herself in some trouble. Knowing my luck they’re all dead and I’m stranded here.” You commented as he raised a brow at you.
“You’re a cheery one.” He smirked.
“If they’re dead, you’re taking me home.” You told him sternly. “It’s all your fault I didn’t find them in the first place, deciding to jump me like that, I mean, did no one ever teach you any manner-“ Before you could finish, you found yourself pinned against one of the walls, as the Master looked down at you with a tired expression.
“You are one of the most unbearable humans I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.” He sneered. “Oh your pointless ramblings, your empty words, and your god awful annoying personality.” You hissed as you looked unpaused at him. He wasn’t expecting that. It only annoyed him more.
“Sounds to me like you’ve got a crush.” You told him cheekily as he growled in frustration. Nothing phased you did it?
“Do you ever shut up? Do you always have a retort to everything?!” He exclaimed, his eyes searching your own.
“Just about, yeah.” You nodded, as you felt yourself blush being in such close proximity to the alien. You couldn’t help it. He was a bad boy. A very handsome, crazy bad boy. You swear the bad guys always look good on purpose. Before you could register what was happening, the Master had closed the gap between the two of you, crashing his lips to your own. He hated to admit it, but you were annoyingly chaotic. It was an energy he couldn’t help but be drawn to. You raised your brows in surprise as you allowed yourself to sink into the kiss.
As quickly as it had started, it ended. As you looked up at the man in confusion, before planting a smug expression on your face.
“So... The handcuffs, is that what you’re into?” You questioned, as he slowly blinked, calming his breath.
You both shot your head in the direction of the Doctor’s voice calling your name. You were almost disappointed she had resurfaced. No more action for you. You sighed.
“Now she finds me.” You groaned, as the Master smirked at you, before lifting your wrist up with his own as he placed a code into his handcuff, allowing it to fall off your wrists and to the floor. You looked at him confused. “What are you doing?”
“Leaving.” He told you, stepping back, before beginning to walk away.
“Hold on!” You called after him. “You can’t just leave!”
“Yes I can.” He said smugly. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.” He gave you a small smirk. “Maybe next time I’ll bring the handcuffs again.” He winked, as you felt hot under his gaze. Before you knew it, he was gone, disappearing out of sight as you sighed, deciding it was home time.
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kimnjss · 3 years
Okay, firstly, I wanna say I’m sorry I haven’t been keeping up with Kinda Hot 😭 my life has been a mess this past week!
Anywho, 😅 GIRL! I have so much to say about which member I think would have a one night stand with a fan lmao
So to be brief, I’ll just listen them with a short explanation.
Jin- yes. That man has so much charisma behind that shy, good boy persona of his. He’s just picky with his choices. But I 100% believe he has slept with a fan.
Yoongi- no. I believe he’s more of an intimate guy.
Hoseok - ABSOLUTELY! Lmao that man has DEFINITELY had a more than a few rendezvous with a fan.
Namjoon- yes, but not anymore. Like I whole heartedly believe Rap Monster brought fans home lmao but RM doesn’t.
Jimin- no. He likes the game of flirting but that’s as far as it gets. Maybe even the nervous game but I don’t think he’d sleep with a fan because he’s emotionally detached lmao. We all know Jimin’s soft but we also have to remember the man is a Libra. So I don’t think he’d want to potentially hurt any fan’s feelings by having a night with them.
Taehyung- absolutely. I agree with you.
Jungkook- no. I don’t think he views fans more than just friends. I think the thought of being intimate with a fan scares him lmao.
JUST MY THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS!!! Please don’t attack me 😅
ooh yes let’s talk abt it . most of the reasons i pulled out of my ass lmao . nd i really wanted to hear what other people thought .
jin .. you definitely could be right . i have the hardest time reading him out of all the other members . he just seems really polite nd to himself around some ppl .
yoongi .. i can see him w like a serious girlfriend w short hair (idk why that matters but it does lmao) but agust d?? 👀
hoseok .. i’m thinking he’d be how you described joon to be . i just get strong boyfriend vibes from the guy idk what it is .
namjoon .. valid, i agree 
jimin .. (definitely did not think abt how the fan would react lmao . just went on the fact that i would be down nd ran w it) buut with that in mind ., i see what you’re saying . a bit too sweet to go around breaking hearts . 
taehyung .. right!?
jungkook .. that’s why i think they’d have to go through whole get to know phase ., so it doesn’t really feel like a fan . don’t think it would be with a superfan tho or anyone that gives off sasaeng energy . 
LMAO don’t worry !! i’m wicked nice nd this is fun !!
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tama-rrow will be kinder- an am archives playlist
at least 3 months and 31 songs later and this monster of a playlist finally has a cover hell yeah
the pun title is....... literally the only fun thing about this playlist, actually.
song notes, and also spoilers, under the cut
a lot of these songs are mood songs; the lyrics don’t have a whole lot of relevance. most of them do have at least some lyrical relevance, though, provided that the song has any lyrics at all. it’s p much just the songs that helped me draw all that Good Good Angst
also important to note: I started making it after episode 9, so it’s mostly relevant to the back half of the show, and especially to the last couple of episodes.
again, this is 31 songs and over 2 hours long, so the notes are........ kind of long
Ghosts That We Knew - Mumford & Sons
So give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light/'Cause oh that gave me such a fright/But I will hold as long as you like/Just promise me we'll be alright
Desert Song - My Chemical Romance
this is one of those songs that’s there primarily for mood reasons; i added it right after episode 9 came out and it was on loop pretty much the whole time i was drawing stuff for that episode. the lyrics are kinda relevant, but not enough for me to pull out any specific lines.
The World Is Ugly - My Chemical Romance
this was added for mood reasons after 9, but then it became relevant.
I just wanted you to know/That the world is ugly/But you're beautiful to me/Are you thinking of me/Like I'm thinking of you/I would say I'm sorry, though/Though I really need to go
The Light Behind Your Eyes - My Chemical Romance
yes, there are three mcr songs in a row, and no, i’m not gonna apologize for that. the am archives slam dunked me right back into my emo phase. also, this song just straight-up hurts. like, the whole thing.
If I could be with you tonight/I would sing you to sleep/Never let them take the light behind your eyes/I failed and lost this fight/Never fade in the dark/Just remember you will always burn as bright
In Case You Don't Live Forever - Ben Platt
my one note for this song is: ow.
I've waited way too long to say/Everything you mean to me/In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now/I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around/In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth/I'm everything that I am because of you
Spanish Sahara - Foals
this one’s another mood song, but it does have some lines that work; the forget the horror here sections are the biggest reason this song ended up on the playlist, actually, mood aside.
Hot Gates - Mumford & Sons
mood mostly, but also:
And I can't be for you all of the things you want me to/But I will love you constantly/There's precious little else to me/And though we cry, we must stay alive
Iridescent - Linkin Park
When you were standing in the wake of devastation When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown And with the cataclysm raining down, insides crying save me now You were there impossibly alone
Do you feel cold and lost in desperation You build up hope but failure's all you've known Remember all the sadness and frustration And let it go, let it go
Gone Away - SafetySuit
again: ow.
i just... go look at the lyrics. do it. it hurts.
POWERLESS - Linkin Park
it’s mostly here for mood, but the lyrics feel relevant in a way that i can’t pinpoint but it’s a way that hurts.
Daylight - Boyce Avenue
i have other connections to this specific cover of this song that make it Extra Painful but like Daylight started playing literally right after Crazy while i was at CVS and i was like hey hi excuse me i just wanted to get some Arizona w h y
Here I am staring at your perfection/In my arms, so beautiful/The sky is getting bright, the stars are burning out/Somebody slow it down/This is way too hard/'Cause I know, when the sun comes up/I will leave, this is my last glance/That will soon be memory
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
ah. the Quintessential Sad Medical Drama Song. not that tama is a medical drama but like it kinda gave me those vibes at times?? anyway. it’s here for mood more than anything but there are some lyrics in it that hurt
The Winner Takes It All - ABBA
not even abba is safe from tama angst.
no seriously though i got this song stuck in my head and had an aw fuck come on seriously???? ABBA?????? you’re making ABBA hurt???????? moment
re: joan and owen
The gods may throw a dice/Their minds as cold as ice/And someone way down here/Loses someone dear/The winner takes it all/The loser has to fall/It's simple and it's plain/Why should I complain
and re: joan and wadsworth
I don't want to talk/If it makes you feel sad/And I understand/You've come to shake my hand/I apologize/If it makes you feel bad/Seeing me so tense/No self-confidence/But you see/The winner takes it all
I Of The Storm - Of Monsters and Men
Are you really gonna love me when I'm gone?/I fear you won't/I fear you don't/And it echoes when I breathe/Until all you see is my ghost/Empty vessel, crooked teeth/Wish you could see/And they call me under/And I'm shaking like a leaf/And they call me under/And I wither underneath
Hail To Whatever You Found In The Sunlight That Surrounds You - Rilo Kiley
this one is 100% a mood song. i’ve debated taking it off the playlist but it just... gets me in the right headspace for drawing tama art, i guess?? something about the sadness/anxiety in the song or something i think
Fear - Sleeping At Last
it’s instrumental, so yeah, mood song
For Good - Wicked
i’ve made art based on this song, but i didn’t even use the lyrics that actually hurt the most?
And just to clear the air/I ask forgiveness/For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know/There's blame to share
And none of it seems to matter anymore
Empty Chairs At Empty Tables - Les Miserables
yeah so realizing how well this song fit kind of felt like what i would imagine getting hit by a train feels like
the whole song fits. just trust me on this.
All Gone (No Escape) - Gustavo Santaolalla
another instrumental one that’s mood-only, but i was rewatching a last of us playthrough as a reference for a thing and this song popped up towards the end and i was like “ah, that hurts, i need it”
All Is Well (It's Only Blood) - Radical Face
y’know what? the song’s pretty short. have all the lyrics, and i’m sorry.
All is well now Pay no mind All is well now I'm just fine I'm just fine It's only blood; I have plenty left It's only blood; I just need to rest I said I'd fix this That I'd set things straight You begged me not to But I couldn't stay Couldn't wait They cut me up, but I did them worse And I'll be fine, I just need to rest All is well now All is well now All is well now All is well now
when i heard it, i swear to god it replicated that exact sinking feeling i felt in the pit of my stomach when i first listened to episode 15. it fits way too well, and i have too many feelings about this song, and hhhhhhh
After the Storm - Mumford & Sons
And I won't die alone and be left there Well I guess I'll just go home, Oh God knows where Because death is just so full and man so small Well I'm scared of what's behind and what's before
The Trapeze Swinger - Iron & Wine
someone in the tag mentioned this song and i’ve been crying over it ever since
it’s just. 9 minutes of jesus christ, ow, what the fuck
Winter Song - The Head and the Heart
this one’s mostly here for mood, but some of the lyrics do fit and they hurt, like “we’re just praying that we’re doing this right/but that’s not the way it seems”; joan realizing that she’s been going about the tier 5 clear out the wrong way and the costly mistakes that come with that.
Touch - Sleeping At Last
i think this one’s mostly for the mood, but there’s something in the lyrics that make me think of joan in the finale; that kind of numb, “none of this feels real” denial of everything that’s happened both to her and to the people she loves.
Silhouette - Owl City
this song hurts especially in the context of the “i need you to be happy” line, i think; the line changing between “will i ever feel again//will i ever smile again//will i ever love again” is just, like, a trifecta of pain
The fire I began, is burning me alive But I know better than to leave and let it die I'm a silhouette asking every now and then Is it over yet? Will I ever smile again? I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own But the more I try to move on the more I feel alone So I watch the summer stars to lead me home
All Is Well (Goodbye, Goodbye) - Radical Face
fun fact! all is well (it’s only blood) has a companion song!! because you know what’s better than one angst? two angst!!
And I have lost your face It slips between my fingers now And all the world is gray As though you took the colors with you When you went and passed away
It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday - Jason Mraz
this one’s on my joan/owen playlist too, but it hurt too much to not put it here.
And if we get to see tomorrow I hope it's worth all the wait It's hard to say goodbye to yesterday
And I'll take with me the memories To be my sunshine after the rain It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
Cradle and All - Audra McDonald
i’m just sitting here, innocently listening to joan’s playlist, when this song pops up and i’m like aw fuck aw shit no goddammit
It's not like he didn't love, no, that I couldn’t conceive There are many ways a man can stay And many ways that he can leave
Oh hush, oh hush, don't be scared I know that you tried, I know cared Let's put it behind us, that noise in the hall
We All Go the Same - Radical Face
i’ve made art for this song, too! it hurts. it’s sad. it’s about death. it’s got sad piano. what more explanation do you want
Light In The Hallway - Pentatonix
it’s.... comforting in a sad way, idk. it felt like it fit, especially towards the end of this playlist.
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder - The Secret Sisters this song is kind of like... sad and optimistic at the same time. i wanted to end this playlist on at least kind of a lighter note, and i think this song does that. it works with the finale; sad, not quite recovered, but still looking towards the future and knowing things can still be better despite every terrible thing that’s happened.
also, it’s where the pun title comes from.
Sorrow weighs my shoulders down And trouble haunts my mind But I know the present will not last And tomorrow will be kinder
Tomorrow will be kinder It's true, I've seen it before A brighter day is coming my way Yes, tomorrow will be kinder
Today I've cried a many tear And pain is in my heart Around me lies a somber scene I don't know where to start
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unfolkist · 5 years
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?No. She’s great, and a really good friend but no.
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?Nope
3. Have you taken someones virginity?No
4. Is trust a big issue for you?Sometimes
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?Well, I’m pretty fond of my girlfriend and I see her everyday
6. What are you excited for?Classes to start in ten days
7. What happened tonight?I guess this means last night, I watched netflix with my girlfriend, complained about the heat and then fell asleep on the couch
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?No
9. Is confidence cute?Yes, very.
10. What is the last beverage you had?Coffee
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?More than my own sex.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?No
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?That was last night, so same answer as 7. I don’t have plans for next Saturday. Why? Are you free?
14. What are you going to spend money on next?Idk, probably lunch on Monday.
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?Yes
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?I’m always changing, and so are you.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?My girlfriend.
18. The last time you felt broken?Idk, sometime recently though
19. Have you had sex today?Yes 🌚
20. Are you starting to realize anything?I don’t know anything
21. Are you in a good mood?I’m in no mood
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?No
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?I think so
24. What do you want right this second?I want my cats to stop running around the dining room and fighting
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?Well, I would hope that we had discussed it beforehand. If she just went and did it, I’d be upset.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?Yes, never dyed it except those spray-on Halloween dyes.
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?No, absolutely not.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?Light homophobia framed as “male-bonding” in Mindhunter season 1
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?No
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?Those with good intentions do.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?No, @wicked-lemon-boy is great. Wait does this mean “talking to”? Because I’ve only ever talked to girls so the question doesn’t apply.
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?Yes obviously we share a home
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?No, love me some carbonated syrup water.
34. Listening to?The fan in the window.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?Try not to.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?On her way to Whittier.
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?It happened to me 🤷🏼‍♂️
38. Who did you last call?@glenn-the-dawg, she didn’t pick up
39. Who was the last person you danced with?Oh god I have no idea. Haven’t danced in a long time.
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?This morning
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?I have no idea.
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?Not yet but I’ll probably get around to hugging
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?Every day
44. Do you tan in the nude?No
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?No
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?No she left the room lol
47. Who was the last person to call you?My dad
48. Do you sing in the shower?No
49. Do you dance in the car?No
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?YES top 10 experience of my life
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?School probably
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?Not as a genre but most of them are really clunky and poorly thought-out
53. Is Christmas stressful?Yes but only because I’m always in debt and can’t buy everything for everyone
54. Ever eat a pierogi?No
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?Does pumpkin count? If not then apple.
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Starting pitcher for the Dodgers
57. Do you believe in ghosts?Not literally
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?Only when I have deja-vu
59. Take a vitamin daily?No
60. Wear slippers?No
61. Wear a bath robe?No, I have one but I don’t use it
62. What do you wear to bed?A minimalistic version of what I wore that day
63. First concert?Paul McCartney at the Pond in Anaheim in like 2005. I fell asleep while he was doing piano songs, and then he did Live and Let Die with fireballs on the stage and that woke me up.
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?Target
65. Nike or Adidas?Neither
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?Fritos are too salty BUT you gotta put them in homemade chili. It’s the shit.
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?Peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?I’m still waiting for her American Primative phase. Cover Don Bikoff, Taylor!!!
69. Ever take dance lessons?No
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?Something medical-related
71. Can you curl your tongue?Yes
72. Ever won a spelling bee?No
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?I cry for everything except sadness it seems like
74. What is your favorite book?Johnny Got His Gun
75. Do you study better with or without music?Without
76. Regularly burn incense?Used to, idk where our tray went
77. Ever been in love?Yes
78. Who would you like to see in concert?Bob Dylan, just to say I did
79. What was the last concert you saw?Mitski at the Palladium
80. Hot tea or cold tea?Hot
81. Tea or coffee?Coffee
82. Favorite type of cookie?Chocolate chip
83. Can you swim well?Well enough
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?Yes, I am an adult
85. Are you patient?No
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?DJ probably
87. Ever won a contest?I’m sure I have, but I’m drawing a blank
88. Ever have plastic surgery?No, I just naturally look great for 25.
89. Which are better black or green olives?Don’t like olives. Wait what’s a green olive?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?I’m a fan
91. Best room for a fireplace?Living room
92. Do you want to get married?Yes
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bitchesofostwick · 5 years
With unlimited budget what would you prefer - watching movies in cinema or at home? Is there any underrated movie that is your fave or a classic that seems grossly overrated to you? What is The Disney Movie of Your Childhood? What do you think about musicals?
ooh thank you for all these questions!! to answer the first, i couldn’t pick between them. i LOVE going to the movies (so much that i often see at least one or two movies at the theater per month by myself, and then a few more with friends), and i loveeee movie theater popcorn even though i know it’s bad for you (but idc, the buttery goodness is unbeatable). but i also love setting up a blanket nest in my room and watching two or three movies in one night by myself. this is how i’ll usually watch a silent movie, or a black-and-white, or a foreign language film—movies that are otherwise hard to find or see in theaters (although i have one near me that only screens older movies and i love it and i go there often for westerns lol). anyway i love movies and i’ll watch them anywhere!
okay for the second question i had to check my letterboxed account lmao. but yes. for underrated movies, i’ll pick two animated movies, because animated movies are never treated seriously (unless they’re pixar smh, or ghibli which does deserve its serious treatment) and are by default underrated, imo. so! the first would be in this corner of the world, which is an anime film about a girl living in hiroshima before and after the united states bombed the city during WW2. it’s comparable in theme to grave of the fireflies, and equally horrific, but in its own way. the colorful, vibrant style makes for a jarring juxtaposition against the tragic and shocking story. it’s beautifully done and i highly recommend it to anyone looking for a WW2 story told from a civilian, non-western perspective. the second underrated film is the breadwinner, a story about a young girl in taliban-controlled afghanistan who disguised herself as a boy to provide for her family after her father is arrested and taken away by the taliban. the animation is lovely and the story is emotional and inspiring. i loved it.
overrated classics. everything woody allen has ever made. taxi driver (i adore scorsese and RDN both but somehow could not get into this one). the graduate, although the soundtrack slaps and we stan katharine ross. scarface (sorry al, it didn’t do anything for me). cool hand luke (and i love!!!! paul newman!! everything about the story should’ve been something i liked but idk what it was i was just like meh). the outlaw josey wales (why do people think this is one of the best clint movies?? imo it is not). i’ll stop there before i rant all night hahaha.
the disney movie of my childhood is most definitely the lion king, with an honorable mention to mulan!! i also adore hercules, but i didn’t like it as much as a kid as i do now.
as for musicals, i like them! i had a brief musical theatre phase that stretched from middle school to high school, during which i got to see wicked on broadway and les miserables on national tour. i still like musicals but i don’t know any of the “newer” ones, and i think theatre has become too expensive and out of touch with the lower and middle classes, which is disheartening.
anonymously (or not) ask me any question you’d like to know about me
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joedizzlefoshizzel · 5 years
lmao Dark Phoenix was bad.
Am I surprised? Absolutely not.
Am I disappointed? Yes.
But was I entertained and excited? Totally.
The whole premise had so much potential and was really interesting, but everything was done so HASTILY and with zero subtlety
We just get fuckin catapulted into Jean’s crumbling world from the get go with, like, what? 5+ min of backstory and painful memories to serve as the whole basis/support for her ‘going off the rails’ arc?
Yes, that beginning scene suffices and gives us an understanding of why Jean would feel so lost and conflicted for the rest of the movie, but not enough.
Did we really get to see the love she had for her parents, or the love they had for her in the earliest parts of her life? Was it enough to make the feeling Jean had that made her think she was a danger to everyone and thing she cared about seem sincere and well justified?
I don’t think so. Her parents didn’t feel like real people and when they died, I wasn’t phased. It didn’t feel like anything was missing once they were gone. We weren’t really given a reason to care about them besides the fact that they were Jean’s parents since we didn’t see them actually, you know, PARENT Jean. They were in a car together and died. That’s it.
Charles coming in and offering Jean a home and family was done well— albeit lacking in concrete moments/memories showing that Jean really did feel at home and loved by her family at the school for gifted youngsters, instead, of the sort-of one sided ones that just had Charles talking to/at her while she listened rather blankly.
RAVEN’S DEATH!!! What. the. fuck. dude. That was done so so clumsily.
Raven’s only actions and behavior involve criticizing Charles, doubting the X-Men, and being nice to Jean, which make sense and do stay true to her wary and caring nature. BUT from the very beginning, Raven is just straight fed up with all of Charles and his X-men bullshit, creating this somewhat jarring, out of nowhere hate for Charles. (Maybe I’m just picky, but her attitude just felt unnatural—idk if it’s J-Law’s acting or the script but yeah)
Hank...my oh my as soon as Raven died all of his complex thought and reasoning flew out of the fucking window. Him blaming Raven’s death on Charles??? What?? His desire to kill Jean??? Asking ERIK—WHO HE HATES—for help???
Erik wanting to kill Jean to get revenge for Raven goes completely against what he said earlier about how killing did not ease his pain and how he stopped living that murder life™️. Now if he wanted to kill Jean in order to protect his Genoshan mutant fam that would make sense, but that’s not what incites him to go after Jean (at least that’s what I remember since I forget if he said he was doing it for Raven or for his ppl)
Raven dies only so her last living moments and beliefs can motivate these goofs, Hank and Erik, to shit on Charles, the X-Men, and take on the endeavor of killing Jean
Then following Hank and Erik’s complete 180, Jean remembers that the X-Men and Charles is her family and that she shouldn’t be destroying them because ????
It’s already established that Jean cared for Charles and her X-family and was scared she would hurt them in the beginning after getting struck by the solar flare and seeing how Charles had lied to her. But what fuels her turning against the X-Men is her realization that they (and Charles) were, indeed, shite for lying to her—plus, like, having wicked space powers and the aliens wanting her help played a part too (but a really lame one)
So, Jean finally remembering that Charles and the X-Men are her family and are good, then deciding to not go berserk on them utterly defeats/makes a mockery of her ‘going dark’ arc since it’s just a return to how things were before
Closing Complaints:
What the fuck was that dialogue?????
Jean describing how she felt after absorbing the solar flare,
“I just feel so.........turned up”
Alien Jessica Chastain: “Your emotions are what make you weak”
Jean: “No...My emotions are what make me strong” *explodes Chastain*
that’s the fucking equivalent of “no, u” or the uno reverse card ughhh my god
The rest of the x men were relegated to crappy background helpers I don’t even need to explain this just watch
The aliens lowkey deserved a better ending they just wanted a home man. What happened to sympathy for refugees and living beings in danger of total fucking extinction? (Didn’t we just see that in captain marvel.......oh wait maybe that’s why they got murked so as not to copy captain marvel oh well)
I can say that I really like how there were a lot of setting changes. That was damn exciting and quite stimulating, but bad because the events were all over the place
Action scenes good very excite
Floaty hair VERY COOL
Need I say more? That was some damn good closure... I love those “old friends”
1,000,000,000,000,000 fucking points for that scene
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modernlcve · 6 years
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*  —  stats —   trevor portillo !
* — basics !
full name:   trevor keegan portillo. nickname(s):   none. age:   twenty - three. date of birth:   february twenty-ninth. place of birth:   boston,  massachusetts. gender:   nonbinary. pronouns:   he / they. sexual orientation:   bisexual. level of education:   high school graduate.
* — physical !
tattoos:  none.   wants em but is just too scared of needles :pensive: piercings:   none. notable features:   anyone ever notice how wicked broad noah centineo’s shoulders are.    yeah. weakness(es):   too soft. scar(s):  gnarly scars on his right knee and right elbow, short scar down his left shin,   scar on his jaw,   and a few smaller ones on his hands.
* — domestic !
occupation:   he’s got balls in the air.   fry cook.   plays drums for his dad’s band.   interns at a local radio station. residence:  apartment.   maybe roomies who knows. social class:   working class. parents:   mandy portillo,   age 43,   raised him on her own from the day he was born til she met his step-dad.   she’s a little new age,   a little funky,   she teaches yoga and blows glass.   jason portillo,   age 40,   his step-dad that he considers nothing less than blood.   apart of trevor’s life since he was like 4. has no contact with his birth father.   doesn’t even know the guy. siblings:   one younger half-brother,   morgan “mo” portillo,   age 12.   trevor gets a kick out of busting his balls,   because he’s 12. extended family:   largely disconnected from his mother’s family.
* — personality !
positive traits:   altruistic,   gregarious,   loyal. negative traits:   reticent,   sophomoric,   hypersensitive. myers-briggs ( x ):   isfp;   the adventurer temperament:   melancholic. moral alignment:   neutral good. horoscope:  pisces,   the fish hogwarts house:  hufflepuff.
* — favorites !
movie:    the big lebowski. tv show:   workaholics. book:   lord of the flies. drink:   blue monster.   idk the flavor name. food:   he will eat...   anything.   and love it. animal:   ducks. color:   blue. song:   the air that i breathe by the hollies. artist:   the animals. celebrity crush:   harry styles
* — impressions !
first impression:  he’s a lil funky.   he doesn’t really get weird about strangers so he’ll have no problem telling u personal or weird things abt himself right off the bat.   he’s an open book and he just wants to make friends :) self impression:   trevor just sees himself as a normal dude.   not a particularly high self esteem but not a  horribly low one either.   he thinks he could be doing better,   but he ain’t doing too bad either. lover impression:   trevor wants Great Profound Love so yeah maybe he’s a little sappy in this department. he’s doting,   he genuinely likes making other people happy and who better to channel that into than a Lover.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   nice people,   familiarity,   a good laugh. turn offs:   people who try and live a too fast paced life. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/weed/alternates between smoking and vaping,   just depends on the week he’s having. dominant hand:   right. clean or messy:   messy. early bird or night owl:   night owl. hobbies or special talents:   he is a genuinely good drummer. he’s got a good internal clock.   gets along with kids well.
01. where was your character born? what brought them to boston? what do they like most about the town?
trevor was born in boston.   he stuck around because he likes it well enough.   he likes being close to his family and friends,   he likes living in a city big enough that he can still get lost sometimes,   even though its the only home he’s ever known.   he likes the nightlife.   he likes seeing frequent newcomers,   a new cast of faces every now and again.
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
trevor’s family is his parents and his half-brother.   they all get along pretty well.  his mom is a free-spirit,   it’s hard to not get along with her.   his step-dad is one of his best friends,   he just feels like they Get each other and they share similar interests so they’ve always kind of palled around.   his brother is in middle school and going through a bit of a douche phase,   but they’re all pretty sure they can pull him through it.   he’s good friends with sylvia and riley,   in their own ways.   he knows they have a history  ( granted he probably doesn’t fully understand it ),   but,   ultimately,   isn’t the kind of person to let their beef get in the way of his being friends with both of them.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
trevor’s biggest fear is never finding stability.   he knows he’s too young to have everything on Lock,   but he hates change,  and always has.   he wants something steady,   a real job,   friends who’re sticking around,   a partner he can trust,   just some semblance of the easy domestic life he’s always been so into.   he doesn’t bring it up much because i don’t think even he realizes just how scared he is of feeling like he does now,  kind of in between and looking forever.
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
trevor was in love with one of his best friends in high school.   they dated on and off for three years,   but,   in the end,   it was decided they were just better off as friends.   they still hang out,   whenever she’s in town,   and it’s not especially weird or awkward.   he had a boyfriend at the end of high school and his first year out that he’d say he was in love with.   they’ve got a little more bad blood.   for someone that dates as much as he does,   you think there’d be more than that,  but he doesn’t make it to In Love with most the people he sees now.   his heart is broken almost always though.   of course his exes were worse,   but like when that thottie unmatches him after a lively conversation about grill food?   yeah it hurted.
05. your character is doing intense spring cleaning. what is easy for them to throw out? what is difficult for them to part with? why?
im gonna stop answer this too because i feel like i keep saying the same thing in them all.   eventually,   i’ll have this down to like 3 questions jsfdhskjdfh
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
making moves.    he’s likely working at the diner.   if not,   he’s probably loitering around the radio station.   he loves playing music,   but,   ultimately,   doesn’t want to pursue performance as a career.   he is interested in getting work at the station though,   and working with music more tangentially.
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
oh buckle up.   trevor’s favorite song is the air that i breathe by the hollies which is.   a choice.   but its because when he was eight and he heard it at his parents wedding he was pretty sure it was the most Romantic song that had ever been written not that its a huge priority for an eight year old but consider.   he’s a freak.
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset?
trevor’s microchip will short circuit over like.   generally people being mean he just Cannot understand why you cant be fundamentally nice it costs zero dollars to not be an asshole.   he’s also particularly sensitive to people calling him dumb.   when he’s upset,   he likes to be working,   talking to customers and pretending everythign is Okay.
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
his mom burned enough incense there weren’t a lot of Heavy Kitchen Smells but when she broke out the online recipes for at home vegan curry she found it was always a Fragrant night.
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vrenaewrites · 4 years
CRAVE by Tracy Wolff thoughts: Chapter 0 - 21
Full video here.
In which a mortal girls goes to her uncle’s boarding school after the death of her parents, and finds it full of creatures.
CH 0 for some reason: if you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space
“Try my hardest not to freak the eff out” - if you’re gonna use expletives, use them
Immediate info dump of “if you’d told me two months ago i was gonna be in fairbanks alaska to get a puddle jumper to denali, the highest mountain point in north america” 
CH 1: landing is just throwing yourself to the ground and hoping you don’t miss
I thought these quotes were weird self help quotes but then i realized they were probably the chapter titles
The fog is referred to as “civil twilight” - this weirded me out because civil blood and twilight, idk if this is a real thing? Will look it up if i remember: it is the brightest of the 3 twilight phases and it is ABUNDANTLY clear that she added the civil part to not make it straight up twilight because this book is unwitting twilight satire
He tells her it’s a short runway “because it’s hard to keep a long one clear of snow or ice for any amount of time” HE’S IN THE MIDDLE OF LANDING A PLANE ATM BRO WE DON’T NEED ALL OF THAT INFO ATM
Grace is kind of funny if not a little cheesy
“Textbook landing” - maybe if that textbook is a horror novel he’s reading upside down and backwards - i don’t know if by listening to this i’m missing the line breaks and short sentences that would make this funny, so if i am lemme know but if she didn’t break this up it’s clunky
Her uncle is headmaster of the boarding school she’s being sent to
“Despite being a year younger than my own 17 years” - did you not read this out loud? Did no one hear how redundant that was?
“According to wikipedia, heeley - hailey? - has only one major road” she’s mentioned google and wikipedia at this point and idk if i’m the only one who finds that type of thing annoying af
“In weather that’s 20 degrees below freezing, if the app on my phone can be believed” THIS IS SO ANNOYING
“The insulated helmet will keep you warm as well as protect your head if we crash” yes macy we know what helmets are and also insulation, again the redundancy
CH 2: Just because you live in a tower doesn’t make you a prince
“Is that kadmere academy?” i shout - not, is that it? They’re on a snowmobile, with helmets on, and macy understood her...and she understood macy saying they’d be there in five minutes
She couldn’t google the academy
“I half expected quasimodo to be waiting for us when we got there”
It may be a castle but at least there’s no moat or dragon
Macy has short rainbow-colored hair
She’s wikipedia’d and googled her life away but didn’t expect to not be able to breathe since she’s coming from sea level and is now up in the mountains - i’m from florida and even i know what altitude sickness is
She sees a flash of red in the window “i don’t know who it is or why they even matter” ...what does that mean?
But she doesn’t see them when she looks back and she’s disappointed, which she acknowledges makes no sense…
“I should be bowing and scraping right about now”
It’s a castle with an xbox and giant flat screen, and they have wifi AND cell service up in the desolate mountains. I went to cossayuna - 476 feet above sea level, 7 miles from a town - and NONE of us had cell service the entire time
She picks up a chess piece and it’s a carved vampire, then a dragon
Then she comes face to face with the most intimidating guy i’ve ever seen, not just because he’s hot, there’s something different and powerful though i don’t have a clue what it is”
Face too intense to be beautiful, skyscraper cheekbones????, red lips, stone-cutting jaw, bottomless obsidian eyes, obscene lashes
Trapped by his stare, hypnotized by the sheer magnetism rolling off him in waves
“Annoyance flashes through me”
He’s blocking her view of anything else - did he step between her and the chess board?? Confusion, but because of this she has to look at his long lean body
“Double-wide shoulders” gross
“Nothing to do but admit that this boy is sexy AF - a little wicked, a lot wild, and all dangerous”
“Seriously, when exactly did i become the heroine of some YA romance? The new girl swooning over the hottest, most unattainable boy in school?”
CH 3: vampire queens aren’t the only ones with a nasty bite
He quotes hamlet to her, and she corrects him for fucks sake
“I warned your uncle you wouldn’t be safe here, but he obviously doesn’t like you much”
“Welcome to alaska?” “more like welcome to hell, now get the fuck out”
“Ignoring the pterodactyls flying around in my stomach” - this is a great line if it didn’t take you completely out of the action, which it does
This whole exchange about big bad monsters is soooooo fucking cliche
And he’s talking about the chess pieces the whole time????? Am confusion.
She’s so horny for this insane man screaming at her and cornering her
She says she’s lost everything that matters and he changes, his agony visible behind “layers and layers of defenses he’s erected”
It’s calling to her own agony
They're soooo connected and staring at each other
He pulls on one of her curls and it makes her super horny
“Five minutes ago he was being a total douche to me”
Pushing him is like pushing a wall of granite
He’s got a scar down half his face that she didn’t notice until now????
“A fallen angel with a bad boy vibe for miles”
She’s touching his scar…
“I don’t understand you”
CH 4: shining armor is so last century
“Mr. tall dark and surly” would be more snarky and cute if she didn’t just have an ~earth-shattering moment of connection~ with him over their agony or w/e
Some weird instinct i don’t understand tells me not to mention that guy - the amount of times this girl has acknowledged something she doesn’t understand is so redundant and weird.
She keeps referring to the guy she spent half the last chapter basically falling in insta-love with as “tall dark and surly” as if that didn’t happen, as if he was just a dick and then he left without all the insta-love shit
Uncle finn and flint is a student...couldn’t pick any other name?
“A smile in his eyes that’s as different from the other guy’s iciness as the stars just outside the windows are from the endless midnight blue of the sky” and i’ve fallen asleep while she was spinning this long unending heavy-handed metaphor
His eyes blaze with sympathy
He offers to give her a piggyback up the stairs…
“You’re so little i won’t even notice” not lyk other girls guyz
Four guys open the door and they’re all sexy AF, tall dark and surly is among them ofc
“I couldn’t help but wonder why the icy guy made me hot and the one lending me his warmth left me cold” WE GET IT WE FUCKING GET IT WE DIDN’T NEED YOU TO SPELL OUT THE ALLUSION
“I want a name to go with his insane body and even more insane face”
CH 5: things hot pink and harry styles have in common
Macy is a cinnamon roll i love her
His name is JAXON VEGA...JAXON. G2G
Macy was so nice to her that she finally starts crying because macy is the BEST
Grace puts on a harry styles t-shirt and macy is dancing around to watermelon sugar when she comes back. This book already feels dated and it came out last month
CH 6: no i don’t really want to build a snowman
She wakes up in the middle of the night thinking about jaxon and almost has a panic attack
I hope in the actual book there is a tw for panic attacks because when i see / read about the symptoms of one or a description of one it triggers one for me
She goes exploring the castle in the dark to avoid the attack
Some guys come in wearing like concert tees and ripped jeans and she wonders if they’re ghosts, like how hogwarts has ghosts
I could swear he was sniffing me which was totally bizarre and not ghostlike behavior at all - this was cringe except i was listening to it at like 2x speed so when you hear it fast it’s actually funny
The guys corner her
They say something like “show us what you can do” and they seem to smell something about her…? They’re werewolves maybe??
CH 7: Something really freaking wicked this way comes
Hate these titles sfm
“With my thin california blood, i won’t last in the snow”
Jaxon saved her ofc and makes the guys apologize
“The moon is doing its thing” they’re totally werewolves
She thanks him and he’s like “i just made you a pawn in a game” and she’s like dude what but he’s staring at her and it’s making her hot and bothered
He wipes blood of her bottom lip and sucks it off and she finds it SUPER sexy
“This isn’t like your old high school”
He whispers in her ear “you have no idea what i know” and i’m like..okay dis kinda hot or whatever
She wonders when she’ll see him again and why it matters so much to her - bitch because he makes you horny!!!! Just say that!!!!!!
CH 8: Live and let die
It’s at this point that i stopped for the first round, and i had to ask: why the FUCK didn’t macy or the headmaster tell grace that this was a school for - obviously - vampires and werewolves? Is macy one? Is it genetic? Grace is a mortal according to the back of the book.
Grace tells macy what happened minus jax
She mentions to macy the boys didn’t have cold weather gear on and macy’s like hmmm weird idk anything about that
And they’re going to a party tonight and grace is like i don’t wear makeup i only own makeup and lip gloss and i’m like...did i accidentally re-download AFTER because here we go with the NLOG syndrome
The party is a welcome party for grace - and it’s actually a high tea??? Tf?
“I’d die without netflix”
“Have you seen this show legacies? It’s about a bunch of supernatural creatures that go to a boarding school! Isn’t that silly??!”
And then macy says, “who can resist a hot vampire?”
Guys….are we SURE this isn’t satire?
“I can’t help remembering what those guys said about the moon doing its thing when i see the werewolf on the show…”
CH 9: Even hell has its factions
Omg her dress is showing off too much of her big boobs, maybe the jeans she originally wanted to wear will be better
Macy calls her beautiful and then we get a full “with my curly hair and freckles and this color eyes i’m so not beautiful, i’m wallpaper next to macy”
“We could be fashionably absent” lol
The beads on the door don’t shock grace but they shock everyone because she is NOT LIKE OTHER GIIIIIIIIRLS
This castle is goth chic baybeeeeee the light fixtures are downturned thorny black roses where can i cop these
“The pterodactyls in my stomach are now butterflies”
She says FML. did a 50 year old woman write this. Edit: i looked, i cannot find how old this author is
Velvet wallpaper, wall sconces shaped like dragons, LET ME IN
“Self-imposed isolation” lol little did she know what a phrase in the lexicon this would become in 2020
Cliques include muscular people near the windows, soft flowery delicate people in the back of the room which are macy’s friends, super-tall literally hot people in the middle, and the black-or-white money people that seem to be more formal
She says “basketball anyone??” re the tall people lol
I am going to guess: werewolves, witches, dragons??, and vampires
Macy keeps having coughing fits?
Hot redhead - simone, hot dark girl - lily, hot asian girl - gwen
“Simone’s just bitter all the guys are looking at you”
Grace loves dr. pepper so i fuck with her
Macy’s boyfriend is cam and his friend is james, who looks at her like she is food?
“I’m just not that interesting”
CH 10: turns out, the devil wears gucci
Would i have probably picked this title as well? Yes. did it make me cringe nonetheless? Fer shure.
“Do i need some jerk trying to make me his afternoon snack?” huh???? As far as you know these are normal boys...make it make sense
Jaxon makes his ENTRAAAANCE BABY
Dressed all in gucci black - she can tell from across the goddamn room
“Jaxon is anything but regular, anything but ordinary, even here among the blatantly extraordinary”
Icy blank stare soooooo much
She calls his voice low wicked and wild
She can’t stop thinking about “running my tongue over the perfect bow of his upper lip, dragging is lower lip between my teeth”
Idk where these thoughts are coming from!!!! Baby you 17 c’mon now
I try to think of anything else, snow!
She takes a drink and it goes down the wrong pipe lmaoooo
“At least if i find a bathroom i can die in peace” lol
But he touches her and she stops choking and she’s like “he couldn’t have stopped that, i know, but…”
He stares at her as he bites the strawberry and she takes it as a threat
CH 11: in the library, no one can hear you scream
“His moods change more quickly than my bffs instafeed” I -
Oh so NOW she’ll say “the fuck you in his eyes” but she was saying freaking and eff before...did her publisher tell her only x amount of fucks per book?
She goes into the library and her body is like RUN, but she ignores it…
There are beautiful gargoyles and ornate shelves and...stickers fucking everywhere?
The gargoyle is pointing to an secret room that says students needs permission, but she hears chanting and decides to check it out since it might be one of the native languages spoken in alaskaaaaaaaaaa
“Especially because some of them only have less than 4,000 speakers left in the world” okay gracie-pedia tf?
CH 12: it’s all fun and games until someone loses their life
She meets a girl named Leah - who was the one chanting
Okay but i do fuck with the horror movie quote pillows…
Damn leah’s boyfriend died…
“Tea from homemade leaves” again...read this out loud before you put it in a published novel...do you mean loose leaves? Do you mean homegrown leaves?
Is she gonna poison her????
“What do you guys have to lie about that’s so important?” “Everything”
CH 13: just bite me
“Lol jk”
“Finish your drink” BITCH IT’S POISON
Macy and leah are being soooo weird about what could have happened to grace on her own
Apparently leah is super popular and secretive so it’s weird she took to grace so fast - is this a NLOG sitch or a “come into my web little fly” sitch?
She pukes because of “altitude sickness” aka poisoning i bet
CH 14: knock knock knocking on death’s door
This theme of bastardization of guns and roses songs is really....something.
Grace takes a mental health day because she’s still feeling weird
Flint comes to check on her and invite her to a snowball fight…?
If your character’s name is grace, i feel like you can’t use gracefully as an adjective, the same way you wouldn’t say Rue said something ruefully.
Flint kisses her cheek and i’m already waiting for this Great Value Edward/Jacob triangle
But he makes her feel ~nothing~ compared to jaxon
CH 15: so hell actually can freeze over
Macy likes flint, uh-oh
But the different groups don’t mix
“What is this, mean girls alaska edition?” - stfu
Omg her uncle checks on her and he reminds her of her dad and :(
We get sooooooo much detail about how to dress to go out into the wilderness...here is one thing i was able to find out: tracy wolff lives in texas. So i feel like she did ALL this research and then was like y’all gonna LEARN ABOUT THIS I SPENT TOO MUCH TIME!
As a girl who has never ever seen snow, i felt this fascination
She finds a gnarled up weird tree guarding a trail
“A weird sense that i should turn around - like the feeling in the library - came over me but i knew i was just being silly”
The lack of survival instinct henny
She comes across a gazebo where leah and jaxon are sitting
CH 16: sometimes keeping your enemies close is the only thing that prevents hypothermia
That’s not a chapter title, it’s an entire sentence…
Ooh they’re having an angry, intimate convo
And leah slaps him!!
“They’re looking at me like they’re the predators and i’m the prey they can’t wait to sink their teeth into” we get it, first of all. Second of all, what is with the long-winded metaphors
“Every time i catch sight of him i feel something tug at me i can’t identify, something i have no ability to explain” it’s horniness.
Then she just leaves but he catches up to her
With his sexy af hair blowing
“Trying to run away from all the thing he makes me feel when really i just want to grab on to him and hold on tight” - so what is the truth?! You keep acting like you don’t know what the feeling is but clearly, YOU DO.
“Everyone answers to me, eventually.” - we found the line used in the adverts guys!
Oh my god, what an asshat. Asshole, i would have laughed. Asshat is stupid.
It’s annoying af
Doing my best dory impression: just keep walking
“Making friends with a dr - a guy like flint” CALLED IT, he’s a dragon
Leah’s boyfriend was jaxon’s brother
Neither leah nor jaxon was wearing a jacket. BOOM
CH 17: it’s discretion, not diamonds, that’s a girl’s best friend
Not only cringe but grammatically incorrect…she coulda just said “discretion is a girl’s best friend” and we woulda got the reference….
Grace mentions jaxon in front of macy and she’s supes weird and grace is FINALLY like wtf is the secret you’re hiding from me
“She looks at me like i’m a few snowflakes short of a snowball” SOMEONE. READ THIS OUT LOUD. WHERE IS HER EDITOR I JUST WANNA TALK.
The order?! “Just a nickname for the popular boys” bullSHIT
Macy FREAKS OUT when she realizes grace has been alone with jaxon
She says he was interesting and “macy looks at me like i said i wanted to bodysurf the alaskan tundra”
Macy “We’re talking about jaxon right? Arrogance of a rock star?”
She didn’t mention “the scar that turns him from to pretty sexy af, and scary af”
“He’s not the one who tried to kill me” “you’ve only been here a few days, give it time” get her MACY!
CH 18: how many hot guys does it take to win a snowball fight?
Ooh jaxon mad that grace is going to flint’s snowball fight
“His breath is so warm and soft that i can feel it everywhere, even deep inside” okay you horny bitch!!!!! Was this cringe or did i like it or both?
“The orange and dark water scent of him” ...what? Dark water is a cologne? Or does she literally mean like the dark water of the ocean? What in confusion
Her throat is always tight and dry around him, all the time, every day
Flint pops up and he is wearing a dragon beanie…
The rest of the order shows up and “For the first time the phrase got your back makes sense” to grace...are you kidding me? You never understood a very simple common phrase til now? Sure jan
But she only has eyes for Jaxon...they both reach to touch each other.
“Grace” it’s barely a whisper but i feel it all the way inside myself BITCH
“Something tells me this boy and his world famous disappearing act is going to be the death of me”
CH 19: we came, we fought, i froze
Civil twilight AGAIN.
“I didn’t think screwed up and obnoxious was your type” me-OW
The snowball fight happens
Sounds like fun, the designer faction isn’t there
“Did she just do parkour against that tree?” re: Macy so close to being funny. I did exhale through my nose. Then “did you just parkour that tree?” i DID laugh
Flint climbs the tree with grace over his shoulder ‘like spider man’ and all i can think is “you better hold on tight spider monkey”
The wind is so strong it knocks her out of the tree…
CH 20: there’s never a parachute around when you need one
Flint catches her in mid-air...this man… #teamflint2020
“You’re heavier than you look” dead
He has shame in his eyes? Why?
And flint is SUPER MAD!!!!!!!
Jaxon puts himself between grace and flint so grace can’t touch flint
“Can i just say i’m feeling a lot like alice in wonderland here? Things get curiouser and curiouser.” stfu
I was laughing because she was like “so much for fitting in, now i might as well be painted biohazard orange” but then she said fml. Stfu
Jaxon picks her up
CH 21: I like standing on my own two feet, but getting swept off them feels surprisingly good, too
If it takes up more than one line of a google docs page IT’S NOT A FUCKING CHAPTER TITLE!!!!!
Ooh and his arms feel really good around her, REALLY good
Now he smells like orange and snow and it’s making her crazy
Macy looks at them like she’s getting punk’d
“Grace.” “what?” “shut up.” i’m dead
“I sprained my ankle, i’m not dying of consumption” “yeah well, the night is young” this made me lol despite it being more of macy’s voice than jaxon’s
Jaxon is blaming grace for falling? “You don’t see macy falling out of her tree” is he negging her rn?
She’s called him super-sexy twice in a paragraph
Macy goes to get ice bc she’s scared of Jaxon and grace says, “Et tu, brute?” lmaooo
“I can do it myself” “maybe i wanna do it for you” and macy squeaks LMAO
His scar makes his smile a crooked little smirk...who else had a crooked smirk...the vampire this is 1000% based on, maybe?
“I find myself relaxing despite myself” guys. Reading is power. Read your work out loud so you can hear when you use the same word twice in a sentence, like this.
“My whole body lights up like the aurora borealis i’m still dying to see”
They almost kiss but don’t bc macy comes back
0 notes
Happy ask but again which ever ones you want to do
pink: sunsets or sunrises?
Can I say both? I like both for different reasons. Sunsets are nice because the colors are more vibrant and pretty, but sunrises are so soft and glowy and they mean that it’s a new day... with no mistakes in it yet, haha.
freshly cut grass: are you an early riser? if not, is this because you stay up late?
Not anymore, and yes.
journal: would you dye your hair if you had the opportunity? why or why not?
I might. I ombre’d my hair a few years ago, but my dad did it and i think my parents were scared to let me actually bleach my hair that light even though it was exactly what I wanted, so he only left the dye in for like ten minutes (I have darker brown hair, ten minutes isn’t enough), so you couldn’t really tell from far away. It was kind of bleh, there was literally ONE streak of hair in the back that turned the right color, that couldn’t be seen unless i deliberately looked for it. But if I had the chance to do it again, maybe by a professional, I might. Not an ombre, though, that was a phase.
painting: in what ways are you creative?
I like writing, and drawing/painting, and singing. I wouldn’t say I’m particularly amazing at any one thing, but I would also not say that I’m bad at any of them. I also really like hand lettering and calligraphy-type stuff, but I know I suck at that. I want to get better at it, though. I kind of want to try bullet journaling when I start taking a couple classes at a local college and maybe get a job next semester.
waves: is there one music genre you can’t listen to?
Heavy metal?
writing: do you write letters? if not, would you like to be?
I don’t. I used to “pen pal” with my best friend, but we both kind of grew out of it because... we saw each other a lot, we didn’t really have a lot to write about. And we were, like, seven, so the letters weren’t very good anyway. I kind of want to get back into it, though.
waterfalls: describe your perfect date.
A walk in the park (not in the summer though, I live in Arizona), or a trip to the bookstore, or something like a coffee date, but not coffee because I don’t drink coffee. Something comfortable that makes it seem like hanging out with a friend, except it’s a date. Also, I’ve always wanted to go to Disneyland or Universal Studios with a boyfriend, that always seems so fun. My friend got her first kiss on the California Adventure boardwalk, so. The expectations are high for when I get my first kiss, you know?
freckles: what’s something that makes you happy? describe the first thing that comes to your head.
The first thing that comes to my head is cuddling with cats, because I spent a good five hours a couple nights ago cuddling my cousin’s cat and crying over said cat at 1am with my cousin, because what else do you do at 1am when there’s an adorable blepping cat in the room?
pine: if you could only smell one scent for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I have this perfume that I wouldn’t mind smelling forever... not sure exactly what it smells like, though.
icy: homemade or takeout?
Usually homemade.
clouds: list your top 5 songs at the moment and how they make you feel
I’m just going by current “songs I actively search for on YouTube most often”
Photograph by Nickelback, specifically the Alex Goot/Against the Current cover - nostalgia, because I moved away from my childhood home a few months ago after living there almost my whole life. I may or may not have cried the first few times I listened through it.
Waving Through A Window from Dear Evan Hansen - understood
Popular from Wicked - idk I just like singing this one
Battle Scars by Paradise Fears - this one will give you feels for pretty much any fandom you can possibly think of, it’s such a good song. Also it’s like... it’s calming to listen to, it’s like musical reassurance. Sort of like Waving Through A Window, but not exactly.
Who You Are by Paradise Fears - listen this band is just really good at making you feel ok with where you are in life
silk: list songs you listen to for a jam
Weak - AJR
Stop and Stare - OneRepublic
Over Open Seas - John Glossner
Birthday - Selena Gomez (this is purely a “getting ready to celerate my birthday” jam, I literally don’t listen to it otherwise. I do like it, though.)
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
idk, I’m sure there are more, but those are somewhat off the top of my head, so there you go. I don’t really listen to music to jam very often, I just listen to music that I’m feeling in the moment, you know? And a lot of the time, that means listening to a Dear Evan Hansen song on repeat for three hours.
black nail polish: what do you do to pamper yourself?
Bubble bath, shaving the entirety of my legs rather than knee-down, face mask, body lotion if I can be bothered, washing my face thoroughly (I usually try to do that anyway, but sometimes I can’t be bothered), painting my nails and a usually lousy attempt at painting my toenails, listening to music, putting on soft pjs and socks and leaving my hair in a turbie towel for like two hours, usually because I just forget it’s there.
hidden beaches: do you prefer to hang out in a big group or one on one?
Somewhere in between. A group of no bigger than five, including myself, after that it gets loud and stressful.
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