#then when they go to the crèche she ends up blowing up the crèche lol
swordmaid · 2 months
i like doing the underdark after the tiefling party (so when shri’iia has just recently broken her oath) and I really like the idea that when she approaches the lolth drow cache she just starts to violently heave and vomit out spiders. her goddess’ punishment for embarrassing her BUT she’s thankful she gets the spider vomit and not one of lolth’s more creative punishments. then when they visit the wizard tower she gets a panic attack bc it feels like shes back in her tower again but she mistakes that dread for lolth’s presence and she’s like 📈📈📈 lolth still loves ME we are SOO fawking back
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goodberrygay · 3 months
I finished the underdark! I kind of speed ran the underdark but its done. The Grymforge fight frustrates the hell out of me, and I'm glad its done. Moved my way to the creche because theres some good loot there. I'm really trying to play a drow thats kind of tired of taking orders from everyone. She'll attempt to get along with (or at least not be outright rude to) people, until they're awful to her. So Crèche Y'llek was... not the best place to be lol.
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Lots of unhappy conversations with gith. A lot of "if I don't leave this room I'm going to throw hands with the next person that speaks to me like that."
I initiated the conversation with Ghustil Stornugoss with Ziv'ra, usually letting Lae'zel take over I didn't this time. Refused to tell Stornugoss about the tadpole due to her attitude with Ziv'ra. Then I made Lae'zel start the conversation, and eventually had her climb into the Zaith'isk. Things didn't go well after that lol. We saved the egg (I'm not selling it, its just in Lae'zel's inventory forever now), we saved the kid that tells you about Orpheus. Did some trading (came here specifically for the Knife of the Undermountain King) then decided it was time to go fight the Inquisitor. All of that went well, pretty easy fight. But meeting Vlaakith was another thing lol
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I really want to throw hands with this lady. From day one I've never liked Vlaakith, and I'm honestly upset that theres no option to tell her "I'm only doing this because you've forced my hand" Instead I save my game, tell her off (let her kill the entire party) and then reload only to agree to accept her terms and continue on lol. (side note this scene has always loaded weirdly for me. One reload and Vlaakith was just a bunch of bright colors, these screenshots are from when she loaded in properly one time out of many)
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Then we met with the Guardian, and I've decided that my Guardian was actually going to be someone this time. From day one Ziv'ra hasn't trusted the Guardian due to the face they're wearing. Which is their dead mom's face lol (yay trauma!)
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I cannot explain the amount of control she needed to use to not plunge that sword into the Guardian's heart. Ziv'ra's mother was not a kind lady (typical drow upbringing). But I'm trying to play with a "I want this person to think I'm trusting them when I'm not" kind of mindset. Shes only going along to see what will happen, and shes also not going to ever live her life based on what a god demands (she is a former Lolth follower)
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We ended the crèche run by contemplating blowing up the entire temple (Gale's talk of exploding everything appealed to Ziv'ra greatly at that moment). And once I equipped the Blood of Lathander to Shadowheart the party fought their way out of the Crèche. We took down every room, leaving the hatchery untouched though because Varsh Ko'kuu was actually a pretty decent dude.
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padawansuggest · 5 years
Could you tell us more about your Mandalorian temple au? Maybe specifically the temple, and how living there differs from the Corusant?
This ones got a bit to it so hold with me a moment.
Okay so general fandom (? I think it’s fanon but at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be canon, because places like Jedha exist and that’s TECHNICALLY a Jedi temple too so 🤷🏼‍♀️) that I tend to follow, is the idea that there are like 50+ Jedi temples scattered all over the galaxy (if it is canon that there are multiple in use, I doubt there are that many, and I also follow the idea that there are other non-Jedi related force schools out there, but that ones pretty much squashed by the canon that Jedi are evil child stealers and so what’s the point of having non-Jedi force schools if the Jedi are just gonna steal your kids anyways 😒) and so tbh, to start with, the Mandalorian temple is one of MANY in the galaxy.
In this AU, they DID start off with Coruscant as the main temple. But in this AU, Palpatine takes over the galaxy around ten years earlier, so, when that happens, the Jedi leave Coruscant (they aren’t killed because the clones aren’t around, and there was never a war going on... maybe... tbh idk the exact details on how the Empire came to exist yet, but I know that Order 66 never happened) and scramble quick to find a place that’s not Empire related to touch down on and eatablish a new place.
It was actually Qui-Gon that suggested it. When the Empire came down on them, the council told her to become a council member and for once, she didn’t argue it, because shit just hit the fan hard and she needs a higher position in the order to keep them from doing something stupid. For once, the council isn’t trying to get rid of her, because she IS the most experienced in battle combat in basically the entire order, and they need her help.
So, in this AU, two important things have already happened: Obi-Wan (left the order when she was 19, so about 10-11 years ago) is already dating Satine Kryze, and she also had to leave Alderaan (just like in canon, I agree with Alderaan’s decision to pretend to be Imperial, simply because of their specific place in the galaxy meaning that they’re very likely a target if they step out of line,) because force sensitives and former Jedi, are also being hunted down. So of course, her first thought was to go to Mandalore, who’s not Imperial and with a very strong government in this series, and the second thing that’s already happened in this AU; Qui-Gon has already adopted Obi-Wan.
So, Qui-Gon’s first thought when they’re looking for somewhere to land the order is the exact same thing as Obi-Wan. To see if she’s okay and also that Mandalore/Concord Dawn (in this AU their governments are basically combined) is anti-imperial and would POSSIBLY harbor them. So they land there and start setting up shop in their rarely used Mandalorian temple.
So, thats backstory for why they’re there. Now, since the temple there is rarely used (I headcanon that it IS used no matter what, but mainly by Mandalorian Jedi and support staff and corps staff that wanted to be a part of the Jedi order, but still wanted to stay on their planets, and tbh that sounds hella fun) that means that culturally, it doesn’t end up being much different from the Coruscant temple.
Differences include being pulled into the outside-of-temple Mandalorian culture itself (ceremonies and events, because I imagine that Mandalorian are kinda showy people who tend to drag anyone they like into their fun) but also, being a general pain to the actual Mandalorian government, which mainly consists of Jaster Mereel and his 5000 children and grandchildren and also like 3000 True Mandalorians and people like that.
Also, sidenote, lol, Death Watch AND New Mandalorians are basically the Nazi parties lol they can choke and rot, and no one in the royal fam is associated with them, and their meetings are broken up regularly because that shit is whack and I hate it.
Anyways. While living there, the Jedi make friends with the True Mandalorians (aka: people who like blowing things up hon) and they do regular raids on imperials near their systems and plan an entire fucking resistance.
An idea that came to me a week or two ago: Obi-Wan has DEF slept with Breha Organa. Like, abaolutely def. She was Breha’s favorite dancer back on Alderaan. Anyways, so, Satine met her once, and she just immediately KNEW, and so now Satine (Very Possessive) just absolutely hates her. So, one of the most hilarious moments of Alderaan saving face and pretending to be imperial, is when Breha travels to Mandalore to join an Alliance meeting (this is the last time they sent HER instead of Bail) and the imperials question her about it when she gets back and Breha doesn’t know what else to say so she’s all ‘well, you’re men are hunting force sensitives for sport, so my latest consort had to move to another star system, and I get So Lonely sometimes, so I paid her a visit’ and honestly???? Satine will kill that woman if she ever comes back to Mandalore, it’s hilarious.
Jaster nearly had a heart attack when he heard that one. But like. From laughing. Satine knocked over a statue. It was great. Mandalore used to be so peaceful before all these renegade assholes showed up to ruin the peace.
Anakin is only like 13-14 when this all starts, so Padme is going to be finishing her first term as queen in a year or two, but then after her second term is finished, she’ll be headed out to start her own secret alliance meetings, and then things will get REALLY gay like hon, she’s a top and Anakin is gonna love her instantly. She’s like. Prime lesbian material. Do y’all KNOW how rare tops are?????? Hon.
Ahsoka is smol bb who got rescued from the crèche with all the other kids but she’s adorable and probably makes friends with some of the Fett children.
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