#then well.... idk what to say lmao you might just be retarded
adhderall · 10 days
People who act like divorce is always detrimental to kids are so completely disconnected from reality. believe it or not, sometimes it IS the better choice.
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Survey #214
“if you are dead or still alive, i don’t care.”
Do you wear perfume or cologne? Very very rarely. Typically if I have to go somewhere formal or something. What was your favorite grade in elementary school? Probably 5th. Do you own a debit card? No. A credit card? No. Are you in debt? I don't pay for anything that could cause me to be in debt. When is your birthday? February 5th. What song are you listening to now? "I Don't Care" by Apocalyptica. What was the most traumatic experience of your life? The breakup with Jason. Have you ever lost a friend to drugs or alcohol? Kinda. Who was your childhood best friend? Her name was Brianna. Are you still friends now? We just drifted apart. If not, why? ^ Do you believe in Karma? Nope. What do you thinks happens to us when we die? I don't pretend to know. I hope some sort of eternal peace for those deserving, but who the hell knows. What age do you think you’ll die? Idk. 70s/80s? My grandparents lived pretty long. About how long was the last book you read? I haven't a clue. Have you ever read a play before? Yeah, in school. A play not written by Shakespeare? I don't think so. Have you ever read a play outside of school? No. Have you ever edited Wikipedia? No. Have you ever edited any other wiki? A lot... I'm one of the admins at the Silent Hill wiki, a content mod or something I don't remember on the SotC one, and I occasionally edit the meerkats wiki, which is an atrocious mess that I try to clean up where I can. Is there a website [besides social networking] that you check almost daily? A lot. Do you use your phone as an alarm? Yep. Do you listen to music while you sleep? No. Do you get scared when you know some virus or sickness is being passed? I don't get "scared," just very paranoid of germs. Are you realistic? In some ways. Do you own a romper?  No. What popular social media platforms AREN’T you on? Snapchat, and then I have a Twitter solely to like Mark's shit lmao. What does your computer’s slow-loading cursor look like? It's a spinning light blue ring. Do you prefer Microsoft Word or Pages? I've never heard of the latter, so. Would you rather have a trampoline or swimming pool? A pool, please. Do you have the same favorite colors you had when you were a kid? Pink, yes. What do you like to put in your tea? N/A What do you like to put in smoothies? I don't really drink them. Do your stuffed animals have names? Some. What was the name of the first porcelain doll you got? Bitch miss me with that haunted doll shit. Do you sell any products? If so, what? No. Do you know how to knit? No. Do you have an inspiration board? I have one on Pinterest of hair colors I like. Do you have a colored teddy bear? Maybe up in the attic somewhere. On what day is your local grocery store the busiest? I'm sure it's the weekend. What day do you usually go grocery shopping? Mom doesn't have a designated "day." Do you own a bobblehead? No. What do you make wishes on? Nothing. Wishes aren't magic. Well, I do on birthday candles, but that's only as a tradition sorta thing. What’s the best natural pain reliever? It depends; sometimes nothing natural works. What’s your favorite Paramore song? "That's What You Get," probably. Do you like scrambled eggs? Yes. Have you ever made a recipe you found in a magazine? No. Have you ever done a craft that you saw in a magazine? I don't believe so. Are you bitter about anything? I am permanently and inexplicably bitter towards my former primary doctor that fucked up my entire body thanks to keeping me on a medication and her being an ignorant fuck to the side effects, apparently. What is your favorite color for cars? Burnt orange. What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? *shrugs* If applicable, what’s your favorite dance costume that you’ve had? It was some sort of black dress-ish thing. I can't remember clearly. What’s your favorite flavor of mouthwash? Minty? Just ffs don't have alcohol in it. Do you drink CapriSuns? If there's nothing else to drink, sure. Do you prefer caramel or peanut butter? Peanut butter, I think. Do you like strawberry shortcake? No. Do you like butterflies? Yeah, they're my fave insect. Do you know any dances? Only the ones that literally tell you what simple move to do lmao. Did you go anywhere yesterday? No. Do you like yellow or blue more? Blue. Do you wear rings? Only one. What’s the last you got out of the freezer? French toast sticks for lunch yesterday. How often do you go for walks? Never, sadly. Walking along my road is scary with how busy it is, I CANNOT handle the heat, and for the time being, I can't walk far at all with my knee problem. Do you go on the computer or watch TV more? I say enough I don't watch TV, but I'm always on my laptop. What is something you’ll never eat again? Why? Brussel sprouts. 'Cuz they're fucking disgusting. What is currently happening that is scaring you? Abortion rights being taken away/wrongly modified is pretty scary, honestly. What would be your personal hell? The Christian Hell because fuck that heat lmao. What made the ‘weird kid’ at your school weird? He, I shit you not, would not say a word, but if he absolutely had to speak, he kept it very very short and quiet. He was always looking down and isolated himself. I felt really bad for him; he was so obviously depressed, but I was always too unsure of how to approach him and try to be a friend. What is a word you personally find offensive? "Retarded" when used incorrectly. What instantly puts you to sleep? Instantly go to sleep??? Please teach me how. What song is in a language you don’t speak, but you love it anyway? Well, I don't speak German fluently, so like, a shitload of Rammstein songs. What is something you would like to do if you weren’t judged for doing it? Tbh cosplay sounds so fun. What’s a movie you think everyone should watch? Why that one? Johnny Got His Gun. It shows just how fucking disgusting war is. What was the most unexpected good thing that’s ever happened to you? Senpai Noticed Me. What is the funniest fact you know? Idk. Oh, I might be mistaken, but I think the guy who invented the segway died via driving off a cliff on a segway. Big 'ole oof. What’s the kindest way a stranger has treated you? I remember as a little kid, the people in front of us in line at McDonald's paid for our meal. What is the biggest design flaw of your body? I have this random, deep dimple on my right ass cheek like what the fuck. What is the strangest thing you have ever felt? OKAY SO when I was in the process of having my ears cleaned back when I had that wax adhered to my eardrums, one step was having warm water like pounded into my ears, and it somewhat tickled but also felt oddly good, and it was just really weird. What makes someone immediately unlikable? Acting like they're above everyone else. Who’s a villain you sympathize with and why? Darkiplier hunny my poor husband. I won't answer "why" because yeah spoilers. What is something you regret to NOT have done? Fuck it, I wish I'd had *complete* sex w/ Jason. I was in love with him, and I'll probably never experience genuine sex again so like- What’s the weirdest thing you put in a microwave? Idk? What movie changed your life for the better? I'm not sure. Oh, wait, I remember when I was still Christian, God's Not Dead really touched me, but we know how I am religiously now. What’s something your relatives don’t know about you? Many probably don't know I'm bi. What’s something your parents did, which you have sworn never to do? Have children before marriage. Back when I wanted kids. What’s the most annoying thing your pet does? My cat is obsessed with trying to lie on me as he'd done as a kitten, but then I can't see over him to see the laptop. Teddy scratches a lot and won't listen to "stop" for anything. What’s the biggest sum of money you’ve won? Uhhhh. I have no clue. Have I ever? Idk. Have you ever smoked weed on April 20? No. Tell me about the last event that made you really, truly happy? Oh boy. Can you name three good things about your most recent ex? He's funny as fuck, super intelligent, and hard-working. Have you ever thought about how the world will end? Yeah. What object do you own that has the most sentimental value to you? The pebble I got from my partial hospitalization program. What’s the best memory you have of your father? Him teaching me to ride a bike. What was on the last sandwich you ate? Ham, cheese, and mustard. Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry? Silver matches more things, but I'm allergic to it. I find gold in general prettier, too. Have you ever gotten back together with an ex? No. What is your favorite Thai dish? Never tried Thai food. When was the last time you made out with somebody? February. Are there any candles in your bedroom, and what scent are they? No. When was the last time you went to a birthday party? Last month for my niece. What pet names do you use with your significant other? A whole lot. What brand is your toaster, if you have one? We don't have a toaster, but a toaster oven. I don't have the slightest clue what brand it is; it's ancient. Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you? No and nope. What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries? Wal-Mart or Harris Teeter. Would you rather travel to Japan or Scotland? Oh man, I don't know! I guess Scotland. Does your house have a porch/balcony? We have a decently-sized back porch. There's a front one as well, but it's tiny. What was the last movie you saw and who did you watch it with? I watched The Shining by myself. What’s your favorite type of bread? Pumpernickel. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Yes. Can you cry on command? If so, have you ever used it to your advantage? No. What time does the sun go down where you live at this time of the year? Like, 8:30-ish. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? If I literally had to get them done for whatever reason, I guess I'd pay. Me doing them myself would be a nightmare, especially with tremors. Did you ever fail your learners/drivers test? I haven't taken it yet. Do you have any stickers on your car? I don't have my own car. Blackberry, Droid, or iPhone? iPhones. Do you like diet soda? NO. I don't just not like the taste, but the artificial sweetener gives me crazy headaches. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? No. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? No. How old were you the first time you drank alcohol? I don't remember. WAIT shit dude, I was young. I grew up going to a Catholic church, and during that "eating the blood and body of Christ" thing (I forgot what it's called), we sipped real wine. Yes, even the kids. That shit was NOT grape juice. Name someone you’ve become a lot closer to recently: No one. What was the last fight you had with your parents about? Dad, I've got no clue. Mom, about her constantly shit-talking my dad and I no longer wanted to hear any of it in my presence. Does your car have a sunroof? N/A Did you ever have braces? Yes. Are you from the South? Yes. What does your last status on Facebook say? It was something about the bullshit Alabama abortion law, I believe. I barely ever ever make my own statuses. Do you tip your server when you go to a restaurant? I never can because yeah, no money, so I can't even pay for the meal. If I could, of course I would. Have you ever snuck out of your house? No. Are you friends with people on Facebook that you actually hate? No? Name your favorite Ke$ha song: I guess "Take It Off." What’s your favorite place? Ah man, the tattoo/piercing parlor I go to. What was the last comic book you read? It was one of the Silent Hill ones on the app years ago. What’s the worst trouble you’ve ever gotten into? Probably when I ran away from home in like middle school. Do you know anyone your age who has a child? A good number, but I mean I'm 23 so that's not exactly strange. Ever had a friend online for a long time without seeing a photo of them? A few. The last time you threw up, what caused it? Medicine that was known for nausea. Did you have any foreign exchange students at your high school? I don't think so? Any foods from other countries you would like to try but haven’t yet? Not off the top of my head. Do you think the world would be more peaceful without any religion? Maybe. Probably. Idk. Have you kept the same icon here for a long time? Yeah. I don't really take pictures of myself, so. Why did you choose your icon, anyway? It's the most accurate representation of how I look on the daily. And it's not horrendous. Does it hurt your feelings when people talk shit about things you love? Sometimes. It doesn't hurt my feelings, but rather it makes me deathly embarrassed because I feel stupid for liking it and like they're making fun of a part of me. Can you be friends with people with opposing political views? Yes. Are there any fandoms you used to be in, but left? I don't think I exactly "left" them, just lost big interest, like Rhett & Link/GMM. I still love the guys, but I don't watch them anymore. Warriors is another example. Do you prefer ruffly or regular potato chips? Ruffled. Do you write down your own recipes, or just commit them to memory? I don't cook. Can you do any impressions? No. What color do you want to dye your hair? Currently I want to dye it lilac, but I can't afford a professional to do that. What is a food you enjoy, but don’t have very often? Shrimp. Favorite fictional world? Wonderland. Do you carry pepper spray? No, but I want to. Have you ever had to use it? N/A Have you ever been kicked out of a public place? Why? No. Do you donate to any associations that care for animals? I don't have my own money. Have you ever worn those Drunk Goggles? Yes, in D.A.R.E. Can you agree to disagree, or usually get upset over conflicting views? It depends on the topic, but it's generally very easy for me to agree to disagree. Rodeos – entertaining, or cruel? Animal abuse. Who is the best female rocker? Why? Ohhhh good question. I like Lita Ford, for one; great singer and she fucking slays the guitar. She seems cool, too. Do you care what kind of toilet paper you use? Not really, no. Do you still have any decent arcades nearby? No. Bullfighters who get gored kind of had it coming, right? Yes. They fucking deserve it. Have you ever accidentally found porn when looking for something else? Thank God no. What do you like on your burger? Cheese, ketchup, mustard, a little bit of mayo is fine but not mandatory, pickles, and very little onion is okay. What do you NOT like on your burger? Lettuce and tomato. Do you like 'loose meat’ sandwiches? Like sloppy joes? Yeah. Have you ever seen an unwrapped mummy in person? No, but that'd be pretty fucking cool. What things have people shamed you for? Besides the obvious disagreements like political subjects, I don't know. Do you always reply to private messages? (On any website) Yes, unless it's spam or advertisement. Are there any 'adult stores’ in your area? I wouldn't know. Have you been inside of them/shopped there before? No. Who was your favorite actress to play Morticia Addams? Anjelica Huston. What is the next film you want to rewatch? Idk. I don't really watch TV or movies to begin with. What is the next film you want to see for the first time? I've been wanting to see Jacob's Ladder for a very long time, but I have to find a time I actually *really* feel like it to possibly enjoy it. A movie you love even though it’s cheesy? I'm sure there's something, but idk. Share any song lyrics you misheard? When I heard "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendrix for the first time, I swore the lyrics were "excuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of "kiss the sky." What was the last song you heard for the first time and enjoyed? I both enjoy "Bad Girl" by Avril Lavigne and see it cringy as fuck at the same time. Who are some of your favorite female fictional characters, and why? Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 is up high 'cuz she's a badass, CYNDER FROM THE LEGEND OF SPYRO SERIES BECAUSE SHE'S COOL AS ALL HECKIN' HECK AND ALSO #AESTHETIC, and I've fallen more and more in love with Tyrande Whisperwind from World of Warcraft now that she's become vengeance-crazed and more interesting than she already was. Oh, and then there's Bayonetta. Why? You know why. A character (in anything) you wish hadn’t been killed off? In recent news, BRING BACK STAN THE MOTHERFUCKING WATER MAN, MARK. Have you ever had to hit up several stores in search of one item? What was it? I'm sure I have at some point. Do you have any calluses on your feet? From when I used to walk outside for hours, you have no idea- What was your last big purchase? A plane ticket. Have you ever eaten grits? I HATE THEM SO MUCH. Do you always dress right after a shower, or do you like to chill in your towel/robe for a while? I put clothes on right away. Have you ever looked up your state’s laws and read them? I don't think so. Have you ever had to talk to a lawyer? I feel like I did have to once for something...? Have you ever been in pain so bad you passed out? No. I sincerely don't know how I didn't when I had to get that cyst drained, though. I have no words for that pain. Can you have kids? Well, physically, yeah. Doesn't mean I ever will or even want to. If you could get rid of one of your allergies, which one would it be? POLLEN. Do you have any cousins that look like you? No. Who do you know who is dating someone that looks way too old for them? Idk. Have you ever gone on a Facebook deleting spree? Yeah. What's a good example of "don’t knock it till you try it"? Waffles with peanut butter spread over them with syrup. What is surprisingly painful? Hm. "Surprisingly." OH, something I say as well as many others: Getting your nose pierced is more painful than you'd think compared to other piercings. Which person shaped you the most? Probably Jason. Or Mom. Have you ever been 4-wheeling? Yes. Do you live anywhere near the woods? There's a wooded area beyond the field. Do you have any important anniversaries you celebrate? Mine and Sara's. Can you rap? I don't even have to try to say no. Do you know how to use a DSLR camera? Yes. Tell me about the sickest you’ve ever felt. Oh man... I remember in elementary school, 3rd grade I think, I had the weirdest 3-day "sickness" where I felt every single moment like I was right on the very verge of vomiting. I went to the ER on the third night, but they couldn't detect what was wrong. Next day, I woke up miraculously fine. Those days were horrifying for someone who is terrified of vomiting. Any important birthdays coming up? My nephew's isn't far off. If you could play one instrument flawlessly, what would it be? Electric guitar. Have you ever heard of Hollywood Undead? Do you like them? I love some songs, like others, don't enjoy or care about a handful, and then truly haven't heard most. Have your friends ever told you something really personal? Was it weird? Well yeah, close friends do that often. It's not weird. Has anyone ever called you a coward before? Who called you that? No. Have you ever written a whole song before? What was the title to it? No. Are you a Jeffree Star fan? Or no? Do you think he’s awesome/dumb? I loooove that funky alien man. I find his work ethic incredibly inspiring and he seems so super accepting and is just very radiant and positive. Has your grandmother ever made you anything? Not including cookies. I don't think so.
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flameontheotherside · 6 years
But What Now?
Had a talk with my mom again. Joked about becoming a nun. No, I'm not going to do that. I wouldn't conceive the thought of the lifestyle seriously. In other words I wouldn't make an obedient nun. Whatever that means. Last night we were talking about how I feel about seeing other people. Okay, I'm not one of those that have a "type". I'm pretty all inclusive you know how like dating is like going on a job interview lmao. Like how it's in print about non discrimination and blah blah. In other words I'm not rigid. I have an open mind. Some people can surprise you.
My mom is going to a shelter. Just staying there during the week and stay with me on the weekend.... But my lease is almost up and Ive not a single clue where I'll end up. I can't be apart from my cat. He's like my son lol. My big baby. One things for sure....
I don't want to spend another year cohabitating with this guy.
Would rather sleep next to a pee-drenched pervy old guy under a bridge. Looks like I'm going to be a troll afterall. *cue Sarah Mclaughlin music* OK ok I shouldn't make light of it. Common sense says I need to go with my mom but my heart says that I belong with my cat Odin. He's attached to me too. He's my big fat fluffy security blanket. I don't want to stay with another man that thinks I'm "retarded".
Yes it sounds corny and a little cheesey but idk, not exactly sure, at this point I'm speculating. There is someone there, I just don't know if he's real or just really in my imagination. Normally I laugh at this kind of stuff... Ugh I'm being given hints but it doesn't make sense to me. I feel like some of my clients who don't understand time not being linear.
See, the problem is I think too much.
Like I'm in my head 75% of the time constantly putting pieces together. It doesn't make sense. Now, I definitely feel like Sheldon Cooper with my mental whiteboard for days without sleep just:
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I kind of want to spend some time alone but I've kinda been alone the past 3 years. Have this nagging feeling something is up. Last night after meeting Bragi in the realms and all, I wanted to look him up. Must be from the peace realm. What is so significant?!
Oh... Speaking of which Jose hit me up. I'm avoiding him. He knows who I am and I know him. He's okay but kind of questionable? Something just isn't right about him. I don't mean to judge but I feel uncomfortable hanging out with him again. Hercules. The funny thing is I met him on the bus and thought he was a total freak. We got to talking about supernatural stuff. Then he pretty much disclosed who he was. I confirmed and wanted to leave it at that but I'm "too nice". Gave him my number in case he needed help with waking up. Dumb on my part, told him who I was and now hes in love with me... He doesn't have any direction or aspirations other than getting in to fights. Give me a break I mean a guy who has his shit together and you know responsible, motivated, not an asshole, not an addict with a good head of thier shoulders... Would be great. A unicorn.
Would like to meet Bragi though.
Alarms are going off but it doesn't make sense. I don't understand how he's popping up everywhere. Kinda want to see why. Maybe just ask him what his deal is. He comes by a lot. Haven't had a visitor like that since Odin and well I lost a friend here on tumblr (Ishtar) so she won't be my friend anymore because of Vanessa's involvement with him. She has Odin on a leash. It broke my heart because it was a misunderstanding. Odin is cool and very funny. Bragi is kind of shy so idk...I can't help but feel he's important. Why though? Knowing Vanessa she would spring this up on me. She must have had a thing with him. Oh lord. I lost count. This might be yet another spiritual fanboy from home.
Erik and Vanessa say I'm developing a crush on him. They got to be joking. That's impossible. I don't even know a Bragi and don't suspect I will. Which leads me back to that dropdead gorgeous Joe character from that show called "YOU". They are telling me that actor is Bragi but it doesn't make sense. Therfore I'm stumpt.... Maybe someone I don't know yet but resembles him? No, that's stupid. I'm going to just stick with trying to get more info out of Bragi. If he even talks. Poke him a little. Idk... Maybe just give up. Eh, maybe he's another Jose I will meet. Jesus with my luck he will be just as creepy and fucked up. Now I want to avoid all public transportation. Then on the other hand... If he's not a rediculously attractive loser, you know minus the loser part. Yeah no, well...not possible. I'm never that lucky.
... That's it I'm just going to get Bragi to spill it.
😘 💞 💕 ❤️ I love you guys!
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zenithgurugirl · 3 years
Truth pt. 2
My mother since birth has sabotaged my life existence. Anything inspirational as kid that I have done, she did not support. As a child you have the tendency to impress your parent by joining spelling bee's, sports, art stuff, etc... You become social and make friends and become a part of your friends circle (clicks, subculture, etc...).
Okay, so the first thing I do as a child (because I did not go to preschool and probably should have to learn social friendly skills) I tried to play house with the other children. This did not work out well. The kids had the mommy and the daddy thing already picked out and they already picked out their kids (in Kindergarten we had this huge area with sections of play houses set up, it was awesome! Little fridges, ovens, bunk beds, table and chairs, all sorts of plastic foods and plates. It was loads of fun for most little kids okay.)
I was scouted out as a maid. We had picked babysitters and even played out granny and grampy but No... I was maid. I cleaned up the kitchens and made the beds. I cooked and vacuumed, swept and mopped. I did not have a place to go so I switched out into different play house families. I was honed out to be alone. The little girls had "mommy" meetings and the "dads" went to work. I went from play house to play house cleaning shit up.
At home I had a very large play house of my own as a little girl with a big doll house to match. Not from my mother but from one of the guys she dated. He was really amazing for building those two things for me. I was grateful that this guy (out of many many men she dated) even noticed my lonely existence. From age newborn to 5 I had no sibling to play with and no friends. My mother usually put me in the middle of the living room with toys and did her thing (what ever her thing was idk to this day.... I was too busy being imaginative in my own world in my head.) This wonderful man graced her life and felt sympathy for me. So I would come home and hang out the rest of the day in my very own neat organized play house.
Put this to real life perspective in a humorous way....
I might have been the fucking maid at school and neglected as a kid at home BUT I HAD A BAD ASS PLACE ALL MY OWN haha! Make me a maid - I got me a pad all my own, I did not have to share it with anyone! Take that Kindergarten!
I had an imaginary friend named Johnny. He was older than me and smelled like the river that ran behind our rented house. Yes he was wet, all the time, but never dripped water anywhere except outside near the bridge. Don't ask....
Anyway. During the time of the maid play crap at school; I did artwork. I would color on the huge pads of paper. I took advantage of the little book shelf littered with books and read every one of them. I'd get real bored and I screwed up by doing all the packets that were labelled with my name near the teachers desk. Oh she didn't like that because I went ahead and did all the work available for Kindergarten. It had my name on it and I was bored.... what did she expect?
Which reminds me; I was really good at reading and writing before the age of 3. I didn't talk until I was in Kindergarten - by choice. I didn't want to talk. I learned how to talk at age 1 and stopped at age 2 because I was traumatized by my cousins. So, I stopped talking and took up reading and writing. I was able to write paragraphs at age 4 and reading college books. No joke! Its not a bragging thing here. It was survival. I was alone, bored, and neglected by a parent.
In first grade I wrote a book for show and tell. It was called "Monsters". The rest of my Kindergarten year was artwork and going with the 5th graders to a reading circle while the other students did their packets LMAO! 5th graders were confused by my presence at first but then soon realized I was smart and began picking on me. So, in first grade I wrote my first story. MONSTERS. I even illustrated it with monsters. Okay, this didn't end well with the teacher all horrified about my well being and talking to my mom who beat the shit out of me when I got home. In first grade I ended up in the 7th graders reading circle as my 1st grade class mates did their reading circle. I was being influenced by the older kids who were picking on me.
I'm a parent today. I embrace and encourage my daughters decisions and goals. I even help her by purchasing whatever it is that she enjoys. She liked making music so I bought all sorts of crap so she can proceed with that. She likes painting and drawing so I bought art stuff of all kinds. Anything to reach whatever goal or dream she has; I support, encourage, and do with her.
Unlike my mother who beat the crap out of me for writing a book and freaking out the class. Funny thing is, she watched me write it and illustrate it at the dining room table. She kept calling me strange and weird but let me do it. Then beat the shit out of me ???? Thanks for the great support! What she should have done is redirect me, talk to me, and help me with it so it wouldn't be so shocking at Show and Tell. Thanks mom for your abuse, it was the best!
I kept writing. Any attention is great at this age, even if it was abusive attention. I wanted to become a writer. This was now my dream, my goal, my ultimate place in life. I would write books. I would read dictionaries and encyclopedias and all the research books that I can cram inside my big imaginative mind and make stories.
I was and still am continually sick (Marfan Syndrome). My mom did move around a lot. She had many boyfriends. Most of them never liked me because I was "weird". She invented a scenario of me that I was slow and retarded. This probably saved me from molestation since most of the assholes she dated were drug users and criminals and abusive and creepy. She claims today that she never did drugs but I'm well passed the age of naïve - if your friends and boyfriends are using YOU ARE TOO using with them. I was too involved with my lined paper and pencils and books to pay any attention to her bullshit life. I had bad grades except for my reading and English classes.
When we moved back to her childhood town; my play house was destroyed and my doll house ended up with my Aunt who hated little girls. I stopped school all together pretty much. I did good in 3rd grade but had 4th grade twice because the teacher of 4th grade could not stand that I was able to read and understand what her huge grading book was all about. Not sure if anyone out there knows what I am talking about - those huge grade books with all the answers and how to teach a class certain subjects in the book .... well, I read the whole thing and knew that she was doing it all wrong. WOW I got held back a year for being too smart for my own good. She told my mother that I was immature and needed more socially exceptional things in order to pass her stupid class.
She got a new teachers book the next year and locked it in her desk. She also had me sit in the far back so that I couldn't read the big teachers book while she instructed students. Oh lets not forget that she also took me out of college level reading and comprehension studies to Kindergarten reading and writing. Bitch. Like that was going to stop me from pursuing my dreams. I quite school. Basically slacked off anything she had to teach. 5th grade came and that teacher adored me. He let me read and write anything I wanted. The kids (my younger peers from my flunked grade) were jealous and tried everything to ruin my life. I hated them and they naturally hated me. I was in the library most the time during my second year of 4th grade and 5th grade. Read every book on the shelf and learned how to work the computer.
Fights every day after school during the second time around in 4th grade and 5th. I learned how to kick ass and give black eyes. I was bullied most my life so I learned how to fight back. I was even slapped around by a teacher! So, yep I think that kids should be able to fist fight. I think adults today should just go out and fight it out with boxing gloves. It does help. All this anti-bully crap has these kids today stupid soft to even the slightest gesture. OH HE TOUCHED ME! Yeah, he did touch you. At least he didn't fucking smack you around and call you curse words. Be thankful you little wimp!
My mother got married when I was in 5th grade to some wealthy asshole. He treated her like shit and me too. I was not allowed to have any books in my room and I couldn't have any paper or pens or pencils in there either. I had a television, black and white. No radios no desk no nothing. I had to get rid of my dolls. Basically; grow the fuck up. He molested me from day one until I was twenty.
Oh I tried leaving the home. A thousands times did I try to flee. I ran away all over the place. Now, normally a young teenager runs away to a friends house or to a boyfriend. I had neither. Sometimes one would run off to a relative. Yeah, I done fucked myself there too. My family hated me. Thanks to my mother, my grandma and grandpa - my aunts and uncles - my cousins - they believed whatever my mom had to say about me and most the time it was not good. She told them things like - I was a pathological liar, a thief, mentally retarded and rebellious, etc.... whatever she deemed good for her to keep me home. Crazy bitch.
I learned to be social all right. First place to run off to was San Francisco. I slept in the bus depot. I learned how to pan handle. I made friends with homeless and hung out with them learning life skills. You'd be surprised what life skills you learn from the homeless. Much respect for them out there! Sure I got sexually harassed maybe even sexually assaulted and raped. Shit happens and I learned from it. I learned to wear secure clothing and don't fucking flirt. Don't talk to everyone and keep to yourself. Discernment and gut feelings - yep I learned this. I learned to be alert and when it was okay to relax. I learned the value of life. I saw shit that would make one of these spoiled SJW people scream SATAN IS HERE lol! I see this bullshit today and just shake my head in shame about our society.
My mom she would have people find me and drag my ass home. I wasn't doing drugs, I wasn't hoeing around and hooking it, I wasn't being a bad citizen in society. I'd always land a job and a place to stay out there. I gave good advice and was actually influencing good things to those around me. I was kind and caring and anyone who was helping me - in return - I helped them. But she would drag my ass back to her home with that molester. I signed up for modelling and that was short lived. I signed up for fashion design at an art school, paid my tuition and got dragged back home and had to drop out. She wanted me with her. Any boyfriend I had ended up sleeping with her or she'd tell them I'm retarded and they'd dump me immediately.
I ran so far away as to end up in New York. I ran off to Canada. I ran off to Mexico. No money. No car. Just a thumb for a ride and a backpack. She would find me and get someone to drag my ass back here to this county. I bought my first home in Oregon. Had to sell it after a year because she threatened me with her suicide attempt. Family blamed me for it and I wasn't even here!!!!! How can a person blame another if the other was not even around her depression. I never talked to her for a year. So she goes depressed to the point of suicide because I didn't talk to her and was living my 23 year old life out with a full time job, a newly bought house (not a rental), a car that was paid off and raising a kitten.
I was forced home by family members and threatened. I came back because my half brothers packed up my house with a moving van and had their wives beat the crap out of me. I wasn't going to come back. I had sell my house, my car, lost my job (worked in a craft store), and lost most of my belongings thanks to half brothers and their evil wives.
I rebelled as much as possible and became the monster they thought me to be OH YEAH! Started drinking, smoking weed, pill popping, partying, stole my moms car, and ran up the cell phone bill and any other bill she had to pay. Then I stole her money and spent it too! By this time I was 25/26 years old. I did try to run off a few other times but my half brothers would travel across the states and bring me right back to mother. She was divorced when I was 20 years old. My half brothers thought of me as a shit ass retarded girl. My mom began gender shaming me. I did end up gay for a while because she wanted a boy not a girl.
I'm super straight as they call it today. The gay thing was a phase. I can't keep a boyfriend ever or get married. My mom will scare them out of my life even today she does that shit. Oh and she moved in with me after I bought a trailer in the trailer park. The family tells me "She will be homeless if you kick her out so think about that when you decide to be nasty with her again. You will be blamed for her homelessness if you kick her out of your home!" OUCH!!!!!
Do I hate my mom? Yes.
I have many reasons to hate her. I learned to distance myself from any love and can walk away cold and shallow from any relationship. I have no heart for actual love now. Thanks to her I have learned this. Never get attached to anyone or anything. I can walk away from this life and not feel a thing for it. To me, it was a waste of time and energy. My existence is a total waste and time of energy.
Happy Mothers Day......
Actually; I love my daughter and her boyfriend. I have a motherly (my own kind of mommy) to her best friend and her boyfriend. They are my true family. If something happened to them I would be weeping and feeling pain over it. I had a half sister who was my best friend in my 20's who ended up as a best friend and I love her too. She passed away 3 years ago and I still cry over the loss of her. So not all is waste of time and energy. I did learn how to correctly love my little family despite what my mother has done to me. I still hate her. I live with her or rather she lives with me. Her sick joke is to tell people "My daughter and I are married" ..... No. Just no.
Someday I am going to publish my novels. Every one of them. I'm going to move away and have several places that only my little family knows about (my daughter, her best friend, and their boyfriends - because they seen first hand how my mother is) and I will build my mother a home of her own - a gift from me. But my homes are not anywhere near her home and no one can drag my ass to her house because after all - I gave her my life - 40+ years of it.
I just feel wasted away though. I missed out on all sorts of stuff that I am seeing with my daughter. I didn't want to live here in a trailer park. But when you have a mother or parent that leeches off you spiritually, mentally, and physically - your time and effort mean nothing. I had money but it was spent on her bullshit. Right now today she complains that she has no money blah blah - yet 6k sits in her bank account while I pay 300 dollars on bills and 850 dollars on rent with a 600 dollar paycheck. I'm in debt. She doesn't help and if I ask for her help she usually says "I don't have money to help you".
I don't ask by the way. I know what comes out of her mouth with the HELP ME question. 6k in her bank though. She can pay bills for the next 3 months at least. Give me a breather. Or let me move in an ex boyfriend who wants to help me and is pissed off at her for digging me into further debt. She likes me suffering and struggling. If I am happy she gets all sorts of angry. No joke! She's 74 years old and still gets up in my mug if I even act on being happy.
So yep. I have vented it all out.
My plan; to own multiple escape area places and never tell her where I went. When she dies to collect the house I had built for her and leave joyfully and to never visit her graveside EVER!!!!!!!!
Happy Mothers Day!
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tambikidogo · 8 years
Tumblr media
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!.
Stranger: whats up!
You: hello
Stranger: where you from?
You: my moms puss
Stranger: lol you fucker
You: the usa
Stranger: what state?
You: MI
Stranger: not for
Stranger: far*
Stranger: I'm half retarded don't judge my spelling
You: IN
You: omg
Stranger: lolol
Stranger: you're laughing at me
You: a lil
You: and your use of the r word
Stranger: retard?
You: yeah lol
Stranger: its ok you can say it i won't be offended
You: well my little brother might lol
Stranger: lol sorry to hear, i just think people are way to sensitive these days
Stranger: sorry
You: ehh lol
You: the world doesnt give a fuck about people's feelings
Stranger: ehhhhhhhhh you canadian now?
Stranger: lol exactly
You: but i do lol
Stranger: lol fuck your feelings?
You: I always say the world doesn't care but I do
You: naw
Stranger: fuuuuck em
You: i love my feelings dammit
Stranger: true feelings are important
Stranger: sensitivity can fuck right off
You: what is a "true feeling"?
Stranger: is this a trick question?
You: im a sociologist so this is really intresting to me
You: *interesting
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: im not a sociologist so i wouldn't know because I'm not well studied on the subject
Stranger: lol on fleek huh?
You: i asked for your personal definition lol
You: yessir
Stranger: for a true feeling... hmmmm love is a true feeling
Stranger: can i elaborate on that more?
Stranger: hmmm im not sure
You: i LOVE how you're asking my questions for me lol
Stranger: feeling or emotions get complicated, are they something that we as sentient creatures fabricated, or are they just states of the mind created over a long evolutionary process
Stranger: to philosophical
You: and money is also a physiological, philosophical and a physical concept as well and love that shit lol another quesiton, if you hurt the ones i love then haven't you hurt a true feeling?
Stranger: bahaha
Stranger: too deeep
You: lo siento
Stranger: im not getting into this
You: too much for ya lol
Stranger: to deep, you hear that a lot?
You: i do
Stranger: hahahaha!
You: i love it
Stranger: which part do you love?
You: the physical and the philosophical
Stranger: who doesnt
Stranger: sometimes its just too much
You: if you don't got a brain, whats the point
Stranger: lol
You: like i love running experiments on omegle
You: the responses is always way more aggresive when i'm uncovered
Stranger: when you're uncovered?
You: very rarely do i meet my match, brain wise that is
Stranger: and what kind of experiments?
Stranger: oh i can't say that I'm a match
You: like i'll be an absolute idiot
Stranger: i don't think we know each other to come to that kind of conclusion
You: and people will be much more forgiving when cleavage is involved lol
You: thats why i said i very RARELY meet my match
Stranger: i could imagine people are easily blinded by the tits
Stranger: ahaha fuck you
You: you weren't included in that lol
Stranger: uh huh
You: very easily
Stranger: now you're just giving yourself a blowjob
You: i think we all should do that to ourselves every once in a while
Stranger: haha if i could i would
Stranger: without a doubt
You: zactly!
Stranger: right?
You: i ain't hurting nobody
Stranger: who said you were?
You: that's my gauge for what i do
Stranger: nah you're no threat
You: yep
Stranger: you seem like you're just looking to have a laugh
You: harmless is me
You: you don't like laughing??
Stranger: ahaha i never said i didnt
You: that's all im on here for is a quick........
You: laugh
Stranger: quick....fffffffff
Stranger: fun
Stranger: just a bit of fun
You: just a touch
You: a quickie
You: a laughie
Stranger: just a little touch
Stranger: just a little stroke if you will
You: i like a hard and fast......
You: joke
Stranger: a hard hitting, strong pounding....
Stranger: punch line
You: i hv so much wine in my body
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: drinking all day?
You: no!
You: i had a long day
Stranger: long day of drinking
You: water
You: and now i'm drinking franzia
Stranger: i guess the water appeared by ways of magic
Stranger: hey at least the cities on fleek
Stranger: kitties*
You: ayyyyye
Stranger: titties*
You: cowabunga
Stranger: holy fucking retarded
You: dudes and duddettes
Stranger: sorry i can't spell because all the blood has rushed into my penis
You: awww
You: you shuld call a doc
Stranger: dudes and dudettes lol
You: peen doc
You: idk why that tickles me sooo much
Stranger: i did, he told me to stop taking viagra
Stranger: lol
You: so ofc you took more
Stranger: duh
Stranger: obviously
Stranger: tickles your prostate
You: ummmm i only fuck viagra laden lads
Stranger: well isn't it a shame that I'm so far
You: well youre not laden enough yet
Stranger: no? how laden am i supposed to be?
You: 23 in long and 50 in wide
Stranger: wow thats a a crazy hard on
Stranger: ill see what i can do
You: i was talking about pills
You: if you not swalling pills that heavy
You: i ain't with it
Stranger: lol don't think i could swallow pills like that
You: well you're a puss in fur boots
Stranger: hahaha better than a bald booted puss
You: bald booted puss
You: bury me rn
You: peace
Stranger: dead
Stranger: peace
You: well i actally have to go
You: my uber is here
Stranger: well atlas show me the titties before you go i gotta see em.
You: boy
Stranger: <3
You: have a blessed day
You have disconnected.
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in-paradox-space · 7 years
so my boyfriend just dumped me.
I wrote a massive stream of thoughts down below.
im not going to spell/grammar check it and i only write these things to look back on in the future. 
if you read it, it will be hard to follow
i write them in a way i know i will understand, because theyre intended for me. 
so a lot of context isn’t written down, because I expect myself to already put that context into the right place.
ultimately these are a collection of thoughts many many many other people think, and youre not reading anything new anyway.
In the long term this is a good thing but I’m still in shock.
One of the last things he said was ‘I think you’re mistaking being woke for being retarded’.
I had to look at it and think objectively. What if I am retarded?
Am I just retarded? I asked deep within and it’s like my body was rejecting any possibility of it being true with denile.
I know now the truth is I’m just not on the same plain as these people. It’s foolish for me to try to connect with them on that level with those questions. Whether I am or I’m not retarded, I’m in a completely different world from them and it’s just not comparable. 
Still, I had to ask. Am I retarded? Whenever I looked deep enough to find an answer, a part of me just threw back denial at any possibility of it being true.
I never claimed to be woke or all-knowing but I didn’t say that because that starts a typical pattern of discussion.
I do care what he and many people think and it’s just damaging to pretend I don’t, but if I gave in to that and tried to correct him it would just build on how much I care. Trying to acknowledge it and let it pass.
I don’t blame him at all. This sounds like self-pity but I don’t feel sorry for myself. I’m still shook but I think I’ll be alright once I’m done processing it and acknowledging it all.
Again, I don’t blame him. I’m surprised it hasn’t come to this already
I guess this is the time something good came from being a dick.
I’m wondering if I get to say this is the meds. I get hella mood swings from my medication. Like super fast switches
I’m honestly a different person, entirely different personality, on this medication. My mood literally switches every couple of minutes, sometimes quicker. I would switch between mania and extreme irritability less than a minute apart from each other after starting the medicine.
I do believe that made me act like a dick to him and many people I know.
Am I allowed to say it’s not entirely my fault because of that though. Many others, including the old me would say I can’t. I’m still to blame. Any loss of control over self is just the result of me not manifesting the willpower to make a change within myself. 
I do try to make this clear to anyone reading
but these are thoughts from deep down within
where things aren’t expressed with words, but just the understand of myself I only truly share with myself.
If you think you understand what I’m saying, you most likely don’t. Even if you think I’m wrong on that.
It’s the bane of my existence. Truly.
The feeling of not being understood while others say they understand. 
If I say nobody understands me, or you don’t understand I become a cliche
and also people can respond with ‘I know I don’t understand, thats why im asking’.
when i try to help people understand my world, it leads to them understand less and less and less
while asking more and more and more
and I’ve seen it happen a thousand times... to me. 
I know the pattern, exactly how it starts. When I notice that, I try to explain to them that I know how it starts. They’re just not going to understand the answers to the questions they ask, it’s an endless cycle. 
They believe they’re different for some reason though, that they will be able to understand. Or that’s what it is on the surface. Really, I know they aren’t real and that they’re being controlled in a way to just enact conversations in a precise enough way to get to me. 
I’m speaking in material world  terms though.
They sometimes get offended when I insist they don’t understand.
when we eventually end up screaming at each other, because I gave into their persistence
and it plays out exactly how I knew it would
they say I don’t understand
then I point it out, they won’t understand. I’ve had this conversation many times before and you just won’t. 
but they still persist and it just goes on 
I forgotten how I started talking about all of this.
but yeah my boyfriend dumped me.
this is what I actually wanted but right now I’m still shocked. which is what happens.
I was a dick to him, and many other people. I’m surprised he stayed around  that long. since february. half a year.
I’ve gotten fat since then. I’ve become very ugly. I’ve been very mean, very ignorant and just yeah not a nice partner. 
also we never kissed lmao
never felt i could authentically go into kiss him
he did try once when we was at the door, but i turned my head and pretended to be looking at something. I pretended i didnt know.
honestly I prefer girls.  i wont go into why, its just really my personal whatever you want to call it.
It’s how I feel. I don’t like females. almost none of them. It is sexism. that is the definition of what I feel. i wont try to convince anyone to think the same, or act in any way other than avoidance. 
but after lots of observation i came to a conclusion. its a long winded one, and again, its something about me that I just know. I don’t have the feelings in words.
but yeah, I just dislike females. Almost all of them. 
the ones I don’t like i must objectively admit, I hold them on a pedestal because im sort of crushing on them. they’re no different, despite that fact though. 
i also struggle to talk to them. i also had a bad history with my mother and sisters.
you can blame it to that and i accept the possibility of it being down to that too. im not saying men are better (unless thats literally what im saying. its just sort of a stream of consciousness) 
anyway yeah
im attracted to girls more but i dislike females
so i dont persue them
and if i ever do, im too fucking shy 
like i cant make eye contact with them. im so chill around guys like my heart doesnt even race. im so authentic
but i just freeze and i dont know what to say
so yeah, i went for a boyfriend instead
yeah maybe sometimes im into that, but deep down its not a lot 
maybe just as one night stands. as relationships it doesnt work.
and i guess thats part of why it fucked. I wasnt inclined to put the effort in after the initial manic phase of me falling for him
 i like not using my phone. i ignore or dont even check messenger for days
i usually reply to my one main friend only, then ignore the rest. even that is around once every 4 hours at most. 
and in person i treated him as more as one of my friends, not even a main main one. just a casual.
I also snapped and got moody about various things everytime i was around him.
it just builds up, and tonight i was being very moody. trying to make sure things go my way, because i didnt want a personal project to go differently to how i planned. 
it meant alot but deep down. I wanted control
i felt like control was being taken from me, and that was one of my only forms of control. This is where I believe my ego is destroying my life(in one way), although idk how my ego comes into that.
i didnt want to admit that, even to myself
even though a part of me was acknowledging it at the time, while fearing i might continue to desire control
leading to psychotic breaks and a downward spiral in the years to come.
him and my main friend were taking the project into their own hands. scrapping my ideas for it, and replacing it with their ideas
they both agreed they was better ideas. im in denial but im making my self type, yes, they were better ideas than mine. 
i didnt want to admit that. i didnt like that fact. it was threatening, and if a concept like that can be threatening, i presume my ego is involved.
on another note, im going to meet an internet friend, the end of this month, were gonna do shrooms and acid.
sure ego death likely isnt that simple but its worth a mention.
also ego is releated to sense of self and distinction between things in the universe. im not looking for ego death, per se (maybe i am and im just unaware), i just want  to not care what people think and what way people might percieve me
so yeah. i was being moody and making sure my ideas were in there. while they insulted my plans together.
its not painful, but  i physically felt a sigh of sadness in my chest.
ive felt much worse though. especially last time my bf dumped me. the first time he did. we didnt speak for a week. he came back. i went through so much pain in that time, that when he called me back and got back with me. i just didnt care. i met him like once a month after that and ignored him. surprisingly he took his time (months after that) to dump me too.
I know there’s a lot of great features about me, but theyre far from the surface
so i dont know why people stay with me for that long. there are no reasons for them to stay with me, that they can see without being me.
there really really are plenty more fish in the sea. fish much better for them.
so again. its a relief this happened. As long as he doesnt come back and develop on this.
as long as it ends clean like this. its all good.
I need time to process shock right now. 
Also to truly acknowledge how I feel and just feel. 
then he’s gone. 
i dont have to worry about him. im also glad i got to use him for a project in time
needed him for something else but oh well. its not something he wanted to do though 
and i wasnt being very grateful, just more demanding of him doing it. 
we also had plans. me him and my main friend. but i didnt want him there because i just feel like its extra baggage. 
so i dont have to worry about that
he got me a birthday present for my soon coming birthday. 
idk what he plans to do with that but if its edible he can just eat it. if not, he has friends, they can have it. 
this made me think though.
its understandable why he did this. he chose to leave because ultimately i was creating an unpleasant experience for us both while not actively trying to make a pleasant one.
the reason my friend hasnt left though, is simply because he’s loyal enough to stay that long. we have a stronger bond and feeling of understanding with each other. weve known each other very long and done a lot together
but how long until it becomes too unpleasant for him. 
im aware i need to be kinder to him. i honestly dont feel i have the power to be nice when im in that state though
nobody on the outside can see that
its simply me being a dick
and whether meds are to blame or not, how long would he choose to be around that
he has plenty more options
and hes similar to me, he can just move on
i need to be more open to what he says
i need to let go of my desire for control 
i dont need him,
but i want him in my life 
to have him leave my life would be a huge change. hes the only reason i really stay in this country other than my doctors being here. 
i want to explore usa, just party and do lots of shit
but i have a perceivable future with him 
if he leaves i need to figure out a way to keep my health up, while in the US
change is an important part of my life. Change and adaptation. 
thats not what is holding me back from him leaving
but I do want the future, that involves me and him going far.
Whether he takes me along or not he is going far
and i dont want to just be a leech, I want to be there with him 
I also dont have anyone physically
that im as okay with as him
i dont want my mood swings to destroy friendship
im aware of it while its happening but i cant snap out of that.
its so strong. my exterior convinces my interior that i am right, therefore, i disagree wholly with him
when he’s almost always right
and its a shitty situation
i feel so strongly about it then, that this time i am definitely right. even though all the other times like this I was wrong
then later on, i reflect and realize he was right again while i had some hints of truth+logic but was wrong
how long is he going to put up with it? 
is it long enough for the meds to be tapered down enough for the mood swings to disappear.
if so, will our friendship be as strong and undamaged as it is now, on the way out.
it would be foolish to tell him tonight because its 4:30
its the emotional irrational time of night. 
but tomorrow i... i dont emotionally want to
but tomorrow i must tell him that im different on these meds
and i dont want to snap at him
im aware i do and that hes right
and most of all, i understand why my boyfriend left, and the reason my friend hasnt done so yet is because hes more loyal and connected to me
and that i dont want him, my friend, to leave. He has many valid reasons to, and im not the greatest friend
but i dont want him to leave. the others can leave. i dont give a shit and i havent for a very long time
but if any person is important to me, its him and my good health consultant.
not even family
just him 
family have been a hindrance more than a help
he’s the one truth
i dont know what that means
but i tried to type what he is quicker than  i could think as to be as honest as i could with myself.
hes the worthy one in this unreal universe. the one who can succeed. who deserves it. 
the one i want to succeed.
if i dont succeed, i want him to. whether i do or dont
if i die and lose everything
i want all my potential to go into him so he can use it for good.
i dont want to cause him to leave, and i must ask for his understanding and patience until im off the medicine
my personality and how i even feel placed in this world is so different
i was extremely dissociative off the medicine
and i know, off the medicine i will think/realize that the medicine is just used as a means to host me
make me the same as everyone else and stop me from thinking freely. its thought control
and thats the truth but ill be much more aware of it off the meds
like i literally just 
extremely dissociated is all i can hope to say
you wouldnt get it unless you felt the level yourself
but on them
im like a moody, menstrual 15 year old girl
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