#then we've got full hyper toy !!!!
radio-4-is-static · 4 days
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KATATOKI Teaser | Yojiro Noda x J.I.D Listen to WONDER BOY'S AKUMU CLUB here !!
#katatoki#野田洋次郎#yojiro noda#j.i.d#wonder boy's akumu club#音楽#gif#my gifs#this may only be a teaser but we do indeed have a full version of katatoki now !!! >:)#i'd been looking forward to this collaboration for so long !#it's better than i could have ever expected#the transition between their verses is so smooth & when yojiro starts singing it's like i can feel all the tension leaving my body#which is interesting considering the loneliness at the center of the song#his voice is equal parts haunting yet breathtaking & really captures that lonely feeling#so good !! it's songs like this one which reaffirm how his voice is my fav to listen to#then we've got full hyper toy !!!!#holding out on us once again i see#when the trailer dropped with a smaller glimpse into hyper toy i was like oh?! but still not the entire scope !#such a banger !!! the build up! that effect that happens right at the end of the 1st verse!#ahhh it makes me want to dance more than any other song on the album#and i think it embodies a kind of love and determination present in so many of the songs#tbh i was a little worried when i saw the track list for the 1st time#bc so many of the titles contained words with negative connotations#denoting sadness & pain & real struggle#and yeah the songs do go all in on those things!#but there's a resounding truth & resilience to them as well#a love for life & music in the face of those hardships#it's really anchored me to the present & i'm not exaggerating when i say this release has made my entire year <3#also the photos/videos coming out from the solo show & afterparty are such a joy to behold 🥹#my heart is swelling with pride & happiness for him 💗
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m0use123 · 2 years
The smell of cooking meat, made Korra's mouth water.
"Hmm, I love it when your mum comes to visit" Korra smiled dreamily up at her taller girlfriend.
Asami just giggled and wrapped her arm around Korra's shoulders, she kissed her temple and whispered, "my mum loves to cook for anyone who appreciates her hard work".
"Where I come from, the cook is always appreciated" Korra said cheerfully as she started to hurry through their home, and into the kitchen.
- - - - - -
Korra hurried over to her girlfriend's mother and hopped up onto the next free space of countertop.
"Mmmm, smells great Mrs S" Korra said as she inhaled extravagantly.
Yasuko laughed happily, "I'm glad you think so Korra dear, Asami's always telling me how much you like your food, I can finally see whether it's true or not".
Korra nodded her head happily. "Ow, definitely. My foster mum pema, is an amazing cook, I definitely learn my appreciation for food from her".
- - - - - -
Korra moaned her approval, with her mouth full of Yasuko's delicious roast.
"Ow sweet Raava. This is amazing Mrs S".
Asami smiled at her girlfriend, then looked at her mother, "Korra's right Mum, this is amazing".
"I'm glad girls, now, what are you two planning on doing today"? She asked as she took Korra's finished plate and getting her second helpings.
"Asami's taking me into town" Korra pipped up as she sat up, eagerly awaiting her roast beef.
"Oh? What shops"? Yasuko asked, stroking Asami's hair.
"THE TOY SHOP"! Korra squealed excitedly bouncing slightly where she sat.
Yasuko and Asami smiled endulgently at the younger woman.
- - - - - -
"Come on Sami .... let's gooooooo"! Korra yelled as she unclasped their hands as she ran off into the busy toy shop.
Asami giggled as she patiently followed her hyper girlfriend.
- - - - - -
"Woooow, Sami look, they've got the new remote control SatoTruck you've been working on, this is sooooooo cool" Korra said happily as she continued to pull Asami around the shop.
- - - - - -
"So, we've been round this whole shop, do you know what you might like"? Asami asked her patiently.
Korra shook her head glumly.
"What's wrong Sweetheart"?
"I can't decide which one I want the most" Korra pouted.
Asami hummed, she rested their foreheads together and whispered, "well it's a good job there's no toy limit on this trip huh"?
"Really? You mean it"? Korra squealed excitedly.
"You betch'a. Now go on, go pick" Asami said.
She smiled as Korra sprinted off with their trolley, as happy as a kid in a .... well.... a toy shop.
- - - - - -
The house was filled with the sounds of childish giggles.
Asami has never seen her girlfriend so happy.
"Sami"? Korra asked anxiously as she approached the relaxing Sato women.
"What's up Baby"?
"My PlatypusBear's broken" Korra pouted, handing over the interactive toy.
"What's wrong with it"? Asami asked as she examined the action figure.
"The voice controlled feature stop working" Korra huffed as she dropped unceremoniously onto her girlfriend's lap.
Giggling Asami hugged her from behind, "how am I supposed to fix your toy if you're sitting on my lap"?
"Your a genius right? Figure it out" Korra teased.
Asami rolled her eyes and set to work.
- - - - - -
"PlatypusBear, dance" Asami commanded.
The toy's eyes glowed as it broke into a brake dancing routine.
"Yayyyy" Korra squealed.
She jumped to her feet and started to dance along with the toy.
"She adores you" Yasuko said, smiling at her daughter.
"The feeling's mutual" Asami smiled.
"Well you know, when you're ready, I have your Grandma's ring".
"Thanks Mum" Asami smiled as they snuggled up together on the sofa.
- - - - - -
A year later.
"Korra. Baby. You make me so happy, and I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives". Asami knelt infront of her tearful girlfriend. "Korra Waters..... will you marry me"?
She revealed a small box, showing the other girl an exquisite engagement ring, set with the largest sapphire Korra has ever seen.
"Yes" she whispered through her tears. "Yes Sami, of course I'll marry you".
"I love you baby" Asami whispered into korra's ear, before kissing her softly on the lips.
..... and they lived happily ever after ......
~ Fin ~
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Twenty-one years since 9/11, huh. That's... that's hard to process. I remember it pretty damn clearly. I was in English class, in high school. We had some assignment where we were supposed to like... write an essay based on a news article or something, I don't remember the exact assignment. We went to the computer lab. You know, the old one with the CRT monitors because they hadn't switched to flatscreens quite yet. The library computers had, those were the fancy Dell towers, but the old building still had the light grey CRTs. I remember fucking around, not wanting to do the assignment, and my classmate Vinny came over with a printed sheet of paper showing Breaking News from CNN - I think. It was about a passenger plane that struck the World Trade Center. This was back when they still thought it was a civilian plane, like a private plane. I remember he joked about "how did they not see it?!"
The next memory was from the next class - which was an elective class called Science in the News. We had two TVs in the classroom on and we were all glued to it as it was unfolding. I remember panicking and trying to find maps of like population density and shit to try to identify their pattern and where they would be invading next. It felt like this was the opening volley for a full-scale war, I expected land invasion. Things were cleared up slowly over time as news stations started getting reliable information, but I remember that pretty vividly.
This was right after I joined up in the video program, where we had a really sick state-of-the-art news center. My old teacher used to work for CNN, so he got us the hookup. We even had a live Reuters feed coming in to the studio at all times, the same raw feed the legit news stations got. Right as the Iraq War hit. I saw some shit, but I guess by today's social media standards, it wasn't that out of the norm. Which, in my opinion, is not a good thing.
It's pretty crazy how I just happened to have an English assignment that had me looking for news sites. And I just happened to be in the next class, Science in the News. And just happened to be going to the news room later that day. Even my spiritual side can't really make sense of what that would mean... why I would need to be close to that. I mean, my Dad used to work there... so... maybe that's it? He used to commute there. Until we moved away, and we moved away... I guess like 4 years before that? He probably didn't commute for like a few more years before that but yeah, that was probably pretty fresh in his mind. That's gotta spook ya. I don't know.
This is pretty dark, I don't really like lingering on stuff like this. It's just upsetting things that powerful people do to try and punish and deter other powerful people. On all sides, regardless of factions. It is just depressing and sad and I don't want to linger on it. I just wish we were better than these kinds of things. That's all.
I'm going to pee. Kitty got hyper and circled my ankles again. I quickly sought out her toy - a clear plastic bottle ring from a cranberry juice bottle tied to a piece of high gauge fishing line. She's been playing with bottle rings since she was a baby, it was always her favorite. She definitely wanted to play. She has been so talkative since my pup passed. We've grown much closer. When she was a baby - I've had her since she was like... able to sit in the palm of my hand... a few weeks old at most - she would squeak, but after she got fixed I just didn't hear her voice anymore. She was always very quiet. The past few years, and especially the past few months, she's just started talking constantly. I'm guessing it's because I haven't been conversational with her. Not in a very long time. It makes me sad. I bet this is what parenthood is like, but on a much more impactful scale. The regret. The "I could've done better", "I could've been better", "If I only knew then what I know now." That shit is like... it really fucks people up. Myself included.
I feel like I've gotten much better with it over the years. Being branded as a fuck-up has really helped me get acquainted with regret. I still feel it extremely deeply, it shocks the system and drains me, but I have kinda learned how to accept it. And how to turn it into a learning experience, and a demonstration of how far I have come. How much I have grown. It took a LOT of work to get here, and it's far from perfect, but it's been a very big factor in me growing. I need to stay connected with that ability and lean into it as much as possible. That feeling that goes "holy fuck, I've been streaming since like... 2015. If I had just stayed on Twitch, and streamed consistently, and done YouTube and uploaded consistently and stayed on Facebook and linked stuff consistently... then I would be just like the people I watch on Twitch right now." I need to take that feeling and go - welp, I can start today. I can get back up, dust myself off, and start making that life a reality. I need to get that attitude back in my life. I need to start skating again! That's where that attitude came from. Riding up, trying to boardslide a rail, getting hung up and falling, getting back up, doing it again. Again and again and again until you land it. Every time, learning and getting used to something new. That force is what will drive me to success, that force is why Rodney Mullen gave two TED Talks. I need to keep it strong within me, I'm afraid lately it has been fading.
Winter is gonna bring some really cool shit if I get the right crowd. Even if not... I'm going to snowskate. A lot. And I want to film. And do YouTube, or even stream skate sessions, if possible. It would be so much easier to do with people to film, but I'm gonna work with what I've got.
I streamed tonight. The first time since last September. 3.5 hours. It was good. The highschool kids were there, but he wasn't as bad as I made him sound. At least this time. My old regular was there, he went back and revisited my old YouTube series that I busted my ass on. That warmed my heart so much. That series meant so much to me that as I was streaming the end credits, I broke out into tears live on stream. It was 5 months of my life at the beginning of the pandemic. Streaming 5+ days a week, releasing two videos a week on YT - until my therapist insisted I dial it back to one a week so I didn't burn myself out. He subbed and got a gift sub for the highschool kid. It was a heartwarming night, and I got to share my favorite game with people that legit were invested in the story as much as me. I missed it so fucking much. I've been around too many really negative people who just don't like their lives.
Nothing brings me more pleasure than to share my passion with people, my "ooOOOOooo oh oh oh check this out, this thing over here? This is really cool because of blah blah blah". To show them the way I look at the world, with wonder and amazement, curiosity and intrigue. They look at computer code and they just go "I don't know what this is, this is nonsense, move along". I look at computer code and go "oh shit, this is like a puzzle, okay, I wonder what that weird lookin chunk over there does..." And if my passion and creativity have latched on to that concept, I will deep dive on it for actual hours. I will listen to lectures on coding to start to learn the basics, jump to pet projects. I will actually engage with it. It doesn't seem like others do. Maybe it's because I have the freedom to? Fuck it, let's use the really filthy word people keep saying hatefully nowadays, get ready to need a shower. Privilege. Maybe it's because I have the privilege of being able to pursue curiosities and passions.
But honestly, I think if you took some of the people I've met and gave them every tool they need, every resource they need, took care of everything, and put them in front of things like that... they still couldn't find the passion. They still wouldn't be into it. I think the pandemic kinda proved that to a lot of people. I hope so, maybe then they can stop shit-talking people who want to pursue hosting, narrating, podcasting, exploring for a living.
I mean, look at how fucking long my posts are! How many other posts this long do you see? Maybe I don't dig around enough, but... I mean... that's pretty unique. And people will try to paint it as a bad thing automatically, right? Instinctually. "Oh my god, I don't have time to read all this!" So you'll browse and scroll 200 posts for an hour, but you won't read one post that would take... maybe 20 minutes to read? Do the math, cowboy.
But my point with my post length is... I don't know if the people in my life (I really need to start correcting this phrase to "in my past") that would shit-talk how much I ramble and rant, how much I just go on-and-on. I don't know if they would be able to write this much. I doubt they'd care enough. I doubt they have anything they're passionate about enough to write like this. And I do it every fuckin night. So... who are they to judge? It's weird.
Anyway, big tangent there, but a bit more uplifting than revisiting 9/11, yeah?
I'm going to get to sleep before it gets fully light, I'm getting too used to going to sleep with the sun already up. Back in the streaming saddle, it feels good, ready to build some habits, make a schedule and start takin some goddamn leaps. :D
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