#then we’re driving down to my sister and her family to celebrate my niece who turned 2 today
breakingjen · 1 year
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theycallmebecca · 4 years
Drabble: A Very Important Question
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates (and happy Friday to those who do not). This Christmas drabble is for @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ and the HBC Home for the Holidays. The prompt today is Christmas.
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Title: A Very Important Question
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission. 
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The cries of Chris’s niece and nephews greet the two of you and Dodger as you make your way up the snowy path to his mom’s house on Christmas Eve.
“Where’s your bag?” His oldest nephew asks as you and Chris come into the house.
With you back turned, you miss the panicked look that Chris sends his sister.
“Maybe Uncle Chris wants to sleep in his own bed tonight,” his sister says.
“He can’t! It’s tradition!” his nephew whines. “He always spends the night on Christmas Eve."
Turning, you see Chris is getting a triple whammy of sad faces from the kids.
Suspecting that Chris hadn't wanted to put any pressure on you to stay the night at his mom's, you touch his arm and he looks at you.
"I don't mind," you whisper to him. You give him a smile to show that you mean your words.
"Come on, Uncle Chris," the boys whine.
"Dodger wants to sleep in my room," his niece adds, wrapping her hand around the dog's neck for a hug. "He loves to spend Christmas Eve in my room."
"If Uncle Chris isn't sleeping here, can we stay with Uncle Chris?" his oldest nephew asks his mom.
This time you catch the look Chris shoots his sister. You aren't sure how to interpret the look, but seeing it, you can tell something is up.
"We'd have to go home and get our stuff," Chris says.
"Can we come? We can take mom's van!" his nephew asks.
"Fine, yes," Chris says. "Just let me talk to your mom for a minute. Get bundled up."
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Chris waits until he is in the privacy of his mom's office before he turns to his sister.
"Thanks for your help out there, Carly," he mutters.
His sister just shrugs with a smile playing on her lips.
"You know what I have planned for tomorrow morning," he hisses. "Now what am I supposed to do?"
"You can still do what you have planned," she points out. "We do have a Christmas tree."
Chris glares at her.
"You know what I mean," he snaps. "It was supposed to be perfect and now it will have to be done with an audience."
Her smile is a fraction too big and it gives her away.
"You planned this!" he accuses her. "You set me up!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," she replies innocently. She glances at her wrist, where there isn't a watch, and adds, "The kids will be ready just about -"
"Uncle Chris we're ready to go!" his nephew shouts.
"Now," his sister finishes. "Good luck."
"I'm going to get them sugary coffees," Chris threatens.
"Well you're staying the night so we'll all have to live with your choices," she says with a smirk before she leaves the room.
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You can feel the irritation radiating off of Chris as he drives his sister's minivan to his house so the two of you can pack overnight bags. The kids, however, seem completely oblivious to their uncle's Scrooginess as they sing along with the Disney Christmas album playing on the van's sound system.
Arriving at the house, Chris tells the kids and Dodger to stay in the living room while the two of you go to his room to pack. You follow him back to the bedroom and close the door behind you.
"I really don't mind staying the night at your mom's tonight," you tell Chris. "If that's what you're worried about."
His surly attitude fades as he turns to you. "That's not what I'm worried about, but I'm glad," he says then frowns. "Is my attitude that noticeable?"
"To me. The kids were too busy singing," you assure him. "If that's not what's bothering me, then what is?" Then you remember what day it is. "I mean, if you can tell me."
"I can't tell you," he says with a wink. "I just have to rethink something."
"Whatever it is, I'm going to love it," you assure him. "So don't let it ruin the rest of the day."
"You're right," he says, pulling you into his arms. "Thank you, I love you."
"I love you, too," you reply, leaning in for a kiss, only to be interrupted by a child pounding on the front door.
"Are you guys ready yet?" one of the kids asks from the other side of the door.
"Give us ten minutes," Chris calls back. He gives you a quick kiss and then the two of you get to packing.
After returning to his mom's house, the afternoon passes quickly. Chris seems to take your words to heart and gone is his Grinchy attitude. The two of you play outside in the snow with the kids before coming inside to warm up.
With a lot of cooking planned for tomorrow, dinner tonight is pizza from the family's favorite pizza place during which the kids try to decide which Christmas movie to watch after.
You are surprised when Chris's mom announces that everyone gets to open one present tonight, but you quickly notice that no one else is surprised. Obviously, this is part of their tradition.
Everyone files into the living room and his mom passes out gifts that are all wrapped in the same plaid paper.
"1!" Chris yells out.
"2!" two of them echo.
"3!" another person shots.
Then it's pandemonium as the room is filled with the sound of people tearing paper. Not wanting to be left out, you open your present and find a set of red plaid pajamas. Looking at Chris's, you see he got a matching pair. Then he holds up a smaller shirt that is clearly meant for Dodger.
Looking around the room, you see that his sister and her family all got red and white striped pajamas pants with matching Christmas shirts while his younger sister, her boyfriend, Scott and his boyfriend got the same plaid as you and Chris. Then you see his mom, holding up plaid pants that match yours but the same shirt as her daughter's family.
"Everything has been washed," his mom announces. "If anything doesn't fit, let me know, I bought extras and we will find something." She glances at the clock on the wall. "Let's get changed, I believe the Polar Express is scheduled to leave the station in fifteen minutes."
The kids squeal with excitement and race for the stairs.
Thirty minutes later, you are all dressed in your Christmas pajamas and settled as The Polar Express plays on the TV. 
After the movie ends, his mom reads 'The Night Before Christmas' and then the kids are sent upstairs to go to bed while the adults watch another Christmas movie.
Only once the second movie ends does Santa make "his" appearance as the men bring in Santa gifts hidden and the women fill the Christmas stockings.
Then it's bedtime and everyone goes upstairs.
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It's five am when Chris wakes up. He isn't a morning person, but he always wakes up early on Christmas morning.
Glancing across the bed, he smiles when he sees you still fast asleep.
Slipping out of bed, he leaves the room to go to the bathroom. On his way back, he pauses at the top of the stairs to see if he hears anyone downstairs. Hearing nothing, he returns to the bedroom and pauses when he sees you sitting up in bed.
"Merry Christmas," he greets you. Then the idea comes to him. "Let's go downstairs."
"I have to pee first," you tell him.
"Alright, I'll meet you downstairs then," he says.
He waits until you leave the bedroom before he opens his suitcase and pulls out the small box he'd put in there while he'd packed the day before. He quietly goes downstairs, not wanting to wake anyone up just yet.
Entering the living room, he finds the room lit only by the Christmas tree lights and he gets into position as he waits for you to come into the room.
Butterflies flutter in his stomach as he hears you coming down the stairs.
"Chris?" he hears you call.
"In here," he calls back.
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Walking into the living room, you freeze when you see him down on one knee in front of the Christmas tree.
When he says your name, your feet move of their own accord and you soon find yourself standing before him.
"I'm still not entirely sure what I did to deserve you," he says with a nervous laugh. "But I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Will you marry me?"
"Yes," you answer.
He slides the perfect engagement ring onto your finger and then he stands up. He pulls you against him and kisses you.
It isn't until the two of you hear cheers that you realize you are no longer alone.
Turning, you see that his entire family is standing in the doorway, wearing big smiles on their faces. Then you spot the bottle of champagne and a second of sparkling cider in his brother's hands and see that his mom and sisters are holding cups. They'd all known.
"Seriously, guys?" Chris sighs, but even you can tell he is faking his displeasure. "Did you have a bell on our door or something?"
"You always wake up at the same time on Christmas morning," his mom says, leading everyone into the room. "It's the only day of the year that his internal clock works exactly the same," she adds as a side note to you. "We just wanted to celebrate with you guys."
Drinks are poured and toasts are made, most of them welcoming you into the family, but a few are good-hearted teases directed at Chris, which make you all laugh.
In the end, it's a beautiful start to Christmas morning, even if you're all slightly tipsy.
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artxyra · 4 years
The Secret Life of MDC | Part 3
Part 3 - Welcome to Gotham, now get out!
Part 1 | Part 2 |
Arriving in Gotham was just an absolutely massive mess, that quickly turned into a several page report for Marinette to send to the school board the moment she arrived in her temporary dorm at Gotham Academy.
Let recap back to the airport. When everyone got off the plane, Lila was quick to make up an excuse about Bruce Wayne sending her a private limo that she’ll be happy to bring the class along. Of course, Caline Bustier, absently believed the long-time liar telling her students to gather their belongings and for Lila to call the Waynes. It was as if she had completely forgotten the arrival procedures. Arriving in Gotham, proceed to find the bus driver, and meet up with the Gotham Academy Headmistress to retrieve the rest of the plans for the month. Marinette tried to tell Caline that what they were doing was against the procedure, something that she had to memorize for moments like this, only to be lectured about behavior the second she finished talking off to the side.
Then when they finally arrived at the school, Caline had the nerve to lecture her again about not informing her about the bus before being dragged off by the Gotham Academy headmistress, who clearly was not happy with the decisions made before they could even step foot onto the school grounds. Gotham is not a place to dilly dally unless you know the area or a native.
“Do you think, she’ll be fired after this?” Chloe asks while setting her things into the wardrobe as Marinette clicks the save button on her laptop.
“Maybe, no matter what happens, we’re here for a month regardless of the decisions the GA headmistress and Principal De La Fontaine decides in the coming days. All I know as the class president and temp. TA; my job is to help her overlook you guys.” Marinette sighs and closes the laptop's top before giving Chloe her full attention.
“I still can’t believe you graduated early. Though Adrien and I are grateful you managed to stay despite everything.” It was rare moments like these that made Marinette glad that she gave Chloe a second chance. Chloe had apologized one winter when she was freezing to death outside because her parent went on a tropical vacation on her request and decided to allow the staff to take a few days off. It was Sabine and Tom that took the former bully into their arms and made her feel loved, a love that she rarely receives from her parents. Since that day, Chloe takes pride in the honor of being Marinette’s sister just as Adrien did when they took him in also.
“I couldn’t leave you guys to perish in that class. Also, I just didn’t want to give Lie-la the satisfaction of winning.” Marinette says as her phones with the familiar sounds of “The Other Side” by Ruelle. Instantly, Marinette picks up the phone and smiles. “It’s Damian, he wants to go out tonight. Think I have time before—”
“Go, I’ll keep you from trouble, maybe even invite Adrien over if he isn’t doing the same with Jon.” Chloe pushes the noirette out of their room before closing the door behind the designer with a smirk on her lips.
As Marinette makes her way out of the dormitory, little did she know that Lila was just doing the same but for a different reason.
Damian Wayne @therealbloodheir I had a wonderful night with my beloved. I can’t wait for more nights like these. [Attached is an image of two hands intertwine with each other with the moon shining between them.]
Nette @GothamsFashionSense Replying to @therealbloodheir That sounds like a marriage proposal. Missing you too.
In the halls of Gotham Academy, conversations buzz around the single fact that Nette was back in Gotham for the first time in weeks. Groups of students gather around a single person, whose phone is out in the open, all gushing about theories on how the date went.
The same can be said for GA’s exchange students who crowd around Lila Rossi like she was the air.
“Gurl, spill, how was the date? You’re tending on twitter, again!” Alya squeals, gripping Lila’s arm.
“Oh you, it was truly romantic. Damiboo took me on this romantic dinner, but the first place we went to didn’t serve any vegetarian meals, and as you know I’m one but he’s not. We left and found another place that was just right.” Her high pitch voices drive a shiver down people spines, well anyone that is in clear hearing distance to the Italian teen's voice range.
“Do they truly believe that she’s Nette. Bitch please, we all know that Nette has dark hair from the back of the head photos on twitter.” A random student scoffs behind the trio.
The trio turns around looking at the person in a new light. The student had long braided blonde hair and wearing the GA uniform. “You’re not fooled? I was pretty sure that she would try and convert you the moment you step foot into the building.” It was Adrien that spoke first.
“I'm Allegra, besides me is Claude and Allen.” The student says shaking hands with Adrien before continuing with, “Anyone with brain cells can tell you that she is not Nette from @GothamsFashionSense.”
Allegra then takes the empty seat beside Marinette.
“Name’s Marinette, these dorks are Adrien and Chloe.” Marinette says, “About the brain cell thing, we’ve been saying that since she joined our class a few years back.”
“It ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, as to how they manage to hang on her every word. And one of them is a self-proclaim reporter. The bitch hasn’t reported anything remotely true since the liar had joined us and don't get me started on her early years.” Chloe places her two cents into the conversation.
This was the start of a blooming relationship.
Claude, Allegra, and Allen were quick to understand the environment that the Paris Trio was living in. An irresponsible, enabling teacher and a class full of idiots. With the Gotham Trio, the Paris Trio was able to understand how Gotham Academy works and learn the ins and outs of specific places. Despite the fact that Marinette vaguely knows just about much.
“So, how were your first three days at GA?” Dick Grayson asks as the Paris trio who are sitting on the couch inside the living room of Wayne Manor. "Is it about the same as it was when I went?"
“Dicky, I am this close to making heads roll.” Chloe’s fingers are teaching as a look of crazy twitches in her eyes.
“It wasn’t all that bad the first couple of days and then Lila tried to convince GA students that she was me by photoshopping our twitter photos. Other than that, I’m more worried about when Bustier announces that our class has been invited to the upcoming Wayne Gala. I’m already booked with mine and Chloe’s dresses along with Selina’s and Cass’s.” Marinette says, resting her head on Damian’s shoulder as their hands' interlock. Damian places a quick peck on her forehead.
The room was once again oddly silent before Adrien let out a loud giggle.
The family turns to the model who was staring at his phone with the biggest smile on his face. Adrien was no doubt in a group chat with Luka and Jon about upcoming meetings and plans.
“What?” Adrien asks, looking up to the group of extended family members staring at him. They all quickly look away, some whistling while others mess with the person they are next to. “Seriously guys, what?” The whining in Adrien’s voice just made it harder for them to pretend to do something as they hold in a laugh.
“Nothing,” Marinette snickers as Damian brings to play with her hair by braiding strands of it. She always liked it when Damian messed with her hair, he sometimes does something nice, surprising everyone with his styling skills.
“Hey, Pixie-Pop and Pixie-Pop’s friends. When did you guys get in?” It’s Jason, to which majority had forgotten about even though Tim was a close second as he is hovering over a half-full cup of coffee trying to stay awake but isn’t with them in reality. Maybe Marinette should make her special concoction that would knock anyone out for quite some time.
“Hey Mari, can you make the switch?” Dick whispers in the designer’s ear. Marinette huffs agreeing to the older sibling’s request. Damian nearly groans as his girlfriend gets off his lap and walks into the kitchen.
Marinette comes out nearly ten minutes later with a steaming coffee mug in hand. She walks over to Tim and pushes his cup out of his hand and replaces it with hers. Tim, absently, takes a sip. Within seconds he is knocked out, cold.
“I’ll never not be amazed at how fast your drink can knock Tim out,” Dick says as he picks up Tim and exits the room. Marinette shrugs and takes her seat next to Damian.
“When does Cass get back from her trip?” It was Chloe who decided to break the silence between them.
“Before the gala, that’s for sure,” Jason answers as he pulls out the controllers for the game console. He gives Marinette a knowing look, who smirks with mischief in her eyes. He should know better than to play against Marinette.
It was times like this that made Marinette wish that the school board had investigated Mlle. Bustier years ago, like for example when the liar first tried to get her expelled in college. Yeah, that was such a long time ago.
Today was supposed to be an easy-going day, but for some reason, Lila managed to convince the teachers, Mlle. Bustier specifically, to allow the class to visit a nearby street mall. Mlle. Bustier, of course, agrees despite the GA teachers telling her that it was a bad idea to let the student go out unsupervised in a place they still don’t know much about. Caline laughs it off stating that they’ll be fine, and it’ll be just like walking down the streets in Paris. That added another dash to her inability to be a proper teacher.
Which brings us to the street mall. Lila was going into stores left and right proclaiming to be Damian Wayne’s girlfriend or stating that she is the niece of some high profile celebrity in hopes of getting free or discounted items. That doesn’t dwell well seeing as Gothamites are not as gullible as Parisians.
The Paris Trio along with the GA Trio watch the mess that she was drumming up from afar. Chloe had invited Allegra to join them which then extended to Claude and Allan who wanted to go for the arcade.
Lila even had the nerve to ask Adrien to join her and Alya shopping trips with the underlying message of making him pay. Once being denied on numerous occasions, Alya managed to steal Nino’s wallet in hopes of paying for all their stuff. Yeah, that didn't help their relationship status.
“Alya I told you that money wasn’t for you,” Nino screams into his girlfriend’s face as she tries to come up with an excuse. He was infuriated.
“Nino, baby, if you love me you would have just given me the money. Lila really needed those items for her date with Damian.”
“I don’t care about Lila’s need; she is not my responsibility. In fact, neither are you, Alya. You just spent the money I had saved up for this trip.” Nino had wanted to go into a DJ shop that sold the equipment he wanted and started saving the moment the trip was announced the year before.
“Stop bitching, it was only a couple hundred dollars.”
Oohs and side-eyes make up the crowd they were drawing. It was a free drama tv for them.
“Ooh what do we have here, a lovers quarrel? Now would be the perfect time to spring my new trap.” Suddenly, it was like time freezes.
Chloe B. @QueenBeeOfParis The best thing about my idiotic classmates is television drama. #savemefromthem
Tina @thepinkmistress I was finding my own business when this shit happens. [Attach is a video clip of a couple arguing and goons dress in green takes over the streets]
Tim Drake’s Bish @rachelcovefe The nerve of this group. Just finished my shift only to be told by some foreigner that she was @GothamsFashionSense like bish please I know you ain't her. #anotherdayingotham
Kimmy @kimmyontheblock Replying to@rachelcovefe OMG same but she then added in that she was Jagged Stone's niece. Um excuse you but we all know that it's @MDCfashion
Mari Needs Coffee @MarinetteMemes So the first relaxing day in Gotham ruined by the Riddler and Lie-la’s fanatics. Yup, so good to be back. #memescomingsoon #goodgrief #imabouttoheadout
Part 4 >>
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
Menorah Lights, Blessing of Life
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Author: @alliswell21
Prompt: I would LOVE to see some Everlark Hanukkah fluff there’s way to little out there right now. [submitted by anonymous]
Rating: T - for non-explicit: adult situations, childbirth description, and breastfeeding. 
Canon typical violence. Vague reference to a war zone/conflict. 
This work contains religious and cultural imagery and traditions. There’s also some use of the Yiddish language, as well as some Hebrew. There will be a glossary and more in-depth commentary at the end of the fic, when this piece gets cross posted to AO3 in a few days. Peeta makes a quick reference to 1 Samuel 1:27 towards the end part of the fic.
Author’s Note: Thank you, Anon, for this prompt. I have to be honest, and disclose I’ve never witnessed a Hanukkah celebration personally, and most of the events depicted in this story concerning the festival is a product of hours of research. I apologize for any inaccuracies or if I’ve inadvertently misrepresented any cultural or religious aspect of the holiday.
Extensive thanks to @rosefyrefyre​, who was kind enough to beta read, spell check my Hebrew, direct me to some great sites to aid my research, and serve as the best resource for Judaism accuracy I could’ve asked for! Rose, I always learn something from my interactions with you. I’m grateful for your willingness to share your knowledge. 
***Hannah: Hebrew origin. Means: ‘grace’/‘favor’; attributed meaning: ‘He (God) has favoured me with a child’.***
Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating the holiday! 
The house is reverently quiet, despite being crammed to the gills with all our family and friends.
  Peeta checks his watch nervously for the fifth time in ten minutes. He’s so rigid, I know his leg will bother him so much tonight, he’ll take hours to fall asleep. 
  I smile at him, making a mental note to warm some lavender infused oils to massage the stump of his leg. It’s the least I can do for my husband. 
  Peeta lost his lower leg protecting me from shrapnel during an attack while deployed to the Middle East some 16 years ago. I was rendered deaf in my left ear on the same attack…we are a perfect match, my husband and I; he has to wear a prosthetic leg to get around, I have to wear a hearing aid, and that doesn’t even begin to cover the burn marks and other scars we sustained in the service. 
  “I think we should…” he says quietly, motioning to the small table we placed by the window earlier. 
  I turn to my cousin, Johanna, and nod. 
  Jo winks at Peeta and shuts the lights off, while I pull back the curtains from the windows and tie them up, revealing a waning sunset over the rooftops of our neighborhood. 
  Peeta stands a pace behind me, transfixed by the slim line of flaming orange in the horizon being swallowed by deep purples and indigos of the falling night. It’s Peeta’s favorite color. 
  “Almost time, Katniss!” he whispers, giddy, placing a match box on the table at the foot of the menorah. 
  There’s a soft buzz behind us, which means everybody  is shuffling closer to the window. Outside, the world is busy with cars driving by, splashing the dirty slosh of melted snow accumulated on the ground from days ago; a dog barks somewhere in the distance, and a couple of people hustle home; but the thing that really catches my eyes, is that in a few houses down the street, candlelights start to flicker to life on windows and front porches, announcing the start of Hanukkah. 
  “Should—should we do it?” Peeta asks leaning closer to the window pane, clearly seeing the other houses already lighting their candles. 
  “There’s still a sliver of sun. They just can’t see it because they’re facing our way, against it.” I mutter back. 
  This is Peeta’s first Hanukkah as a host, so he’s a little eager. In fact, my beautiful husband was beside himself when everything fell into place for us to host tonight’s celebration. If he could’ve gotten his way, we’d have everyone over to light the menorah the whole eight days of the festival. But, we are expecting the arrival of our very own little miracle any day now, so hosting the first day was a very generous compromise with our family. 
  The thought warms me inside, and I caress my protruding stomach absentmindedly, staring at the darkening sky. 
  The sun finally sinks. “Now!” I grin at my other half. 
  Peeta grins back, handing me the candles. Two of them, to be precise; long and blue. If my Tatte —my father— were here, he would’ve insisted we used olive oil and wicks instead, but it’s only Peeta’s first Hanukkah leading, and he’s so nervous about the whole thing already…candles are perfectly acceptable. 
  First, I place the shamash— “Shamash means helper candle, Katniss,” Tatte would explain— in the middle peg of our menorah, so it sits higher than the rest. Then, I place the one other candle in the rightmost holder, to signify today is the first night of the Festival of Lights. 
  Peeta passes me the matches, and I light the shamash. I smile at him, encouragingly, and mouth the words: “Your turn,” 
  He takes a deep breath, wiggling his fingers at his sides, and then starts reciting the first blessing: “Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam, Asher kid-shanu bi-mitzvo-tav vi-tzee-vanu, Li-had-leek ner shel Chanukah.” 
  His Hebrew isn’t perfect, but he recites the whole prayer exactly as we practiced. 
  My mother, who’s standing with Peeta’s family, translates quietly, to not disrupt too much, “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light.”
  Peeta waits a moment, and then recites the second prayer: “Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam, Shi-asa nee-seem la-avo-teinu, Ba-ya-meem ha-haim baz-man ha-zeh.” 
  Again, my mother translates, “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our forefathers in those days, at this time.”
  Peeta’s blue eyes shine joyfully in the dim of night. 
  “Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam, Sheh-he-che-yanu vi-kee-yimanu vi-hee-gee-yanu laz-man ha-zeh.” 
  He finishes the third blessing, which we only say on the first night, with utmost reverence, and holds my gaze for only a second. 
  My mother translates this prayer as well, “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.” She explains this one we only say once, during the first day, but the first two, we recite every night. 
  I take the shamash from its holder and tip the flame into the wick of today’s candle, so it starts the mitzvah of the night. After the light has been kindled, we —the ones in attendance who speak Hebrew— sing Ha-nerot Halalu together. 
  When we finish, my sister, Primrose, starts singing Maoz Tzur, and Peeta turns puppy-dog eyes on me, because he loves my singing.
  I chuckle ruefully before opening my mouth and letting the lyrics spill like second nature. The rest of the attendees join in singing, and suddenly everyone is participating in some way. When the song ends, another one starts, and the atmosphere grows animated and joyful the longer it goes. As it should! 
  Peeta’s brothers came with their families, so he goes to them to chat. My mother has been sitting with them, explaining the proceedings, since it’s the first time they’ve joined us for Hanukkah. 
  The candlelight flickers from the menorah, the only light in the room, just as we finish another song, and then Uncle Haymitch staggers into the middle of the floor, shoving his hands into his pockets. The children peer up with interest, because most of them have known Haymitch long enough to guess what’s to come.
  Haymitch moves his arms just a fraction, and all the kids slip out of their seats like an exhale, and then, the paunchy, ol’ grump is throwing small, shiny, gold disks up towards the ceiling, crowing: “Gelt! Gelt! Gelt for everyone!” 
  “I think he believes he’s some kinda middle-aged, Jewish Oprah!” Blight, Johanna’s husband, cackles somewhere behind me, as the children descend like locusts on the chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil scattered all over the room. 
  Peeta encourages his younger nephews to get in on the fun. 
  Between all three of our siblings, Peeta and I have seven nephews— two of them are teenagers— and one niece. 
  The adults shake their heads and smile from the sidelines, watching the children in merriment.
  When all the gelt has been collected from the floor, Peeta asks the children if they would rather: eat, play dreidel, or hear a story. Since the oldest child in attendance is 8½, the kids settle on a story pretty quick. 
  I sink into the cushions of our plushest chair to watch my husband corral the little ones onto the rug for their story; one of my hands rests lazily on my heavily pregnant belly, while I hold a half eaten sugar cookie in the other one.
  “So…who can tell me what we’re celebrating for the next eight days?” Peeta starts.
  There’s a soft chorus of kiddy voices calling “Hanukkah!”
  “That is right!” Peeta agrees, his eyes are wide, excited, merry, “and Hanukkah is a very important party, because it reminds us of the Miracle of Lights and the victory of the Sons of Israel over the mean ol’ gentiles—“
  “Mamme says gentiles aren’t ‘all’ bad!” cries out Bekka, Johanna and Blight’s little girl, who looks like a carbon copy of her mother, except with long, wavy hair. 
  “Um…you’re right, I should’ve said ‘Greek invaders’ instead of gentiles…my bad—”
  “Uncle Peeta…” one of our nephews— on Peeta’s side— blinks owlishly at him, “What’s a gentile?” 
  “Non-Jewish people,” says Asher, one of Prim’s twins. 
  “Oh…like Muggles are non-magic folk?” asks another of the Mellark boys. 
  “I guess so,” answers the other twin, Aspen.
  “I don’t think we are Jewish,” comments one of Peeta’s nephews, turning inquisitive blue eyes to my husband and then to his own parents, “Are we?”
  “No, buddy, you aren’t a Jew—“
  “Uncle Haymitch says gentiles are helpless,” interrupts Aspen, shaking his head sadly, “He says the goyish thing gentiles do is putting mayo in their pastrami sammiches! So, if neither of you don’t put mayo in your pastrami, then you’re alright. You’re mishpachah, Bran!”
  “Um…what does that mean?” asks Bran.
  “We’re your mishpachah, right, Mamme?” inquires Asher.
  “It means ‘family’,” explains Prim, making the Mellark boys look relieved, and even proud. 
  “Are you a gentile too, Uncle Peeta?” asks Asher, “Uncle Haymitch says you used to be his favorite Shabbos Goy of all times before you married Auntie Katniss.”
  I almost choke on my cookie. 
  Peeta wheezes out a tiny chuckle, but is interrupted by my enraged sister.
  “Boys!” Prim rushes from her chair, her daughter half asleep in her lap; she dumps the toddler into her husband’s arms to stand in front of the twins with her hands on her hips. “That is not nice! What have I said about repeating all the mishegas Uncle Haymitch says?”
  “Not to…” the twins mumble contritely. 
  “Oy! I’m sitting right here, Sunshine!” Haymitch calls out. “Plus, kinder wisdom,” he pronounces it the Yiddish way, like the start of kindergarten, “it’s still wisdom!” 
  The twins are 7, but they can be a menace and clever to boot.
  Haymitch continues, “Everybody knows the Boy used to be pretty helpful back in the day. I was almost sad when Sweetheart finally snatched him up, despite it being the smartest thing she’s ever done,”
  “Haymitch…” I ground a low warning. 
  It’s a well known fact I kept digging my heels in against Peeta’s subtle advances for years, despite having feelings for him myself; I’m grateful my beautiful husband persevered though, because looking at him now, I can confidently say that our marriage, our family, would’ve happened anyway, despite my deep seated fears, the physical and mental toll being in a war zone took on us both, and all the heartbreak in between… 
  Unlike my mother, Peeta did not convert to Judaism in order to marry me. He did that on his own, way before I agreed to make our odd relationship official. I tried to persuade him from converting though— he does love Christmas and bacon— but again, he was committed to our faith with an iron will only the grave can quell. 
  “Eh!” Haymitch waves me off, “Nobody can win with you girls. Not even kvelling about one of your husbands!” 
  I sink deeper into my chair, sufficiently mollified. The old man can gush all about Peeta all he wants, as long as he doesn’t comment on me.
  But Haymitch has a big mouth; he used to give me a hard time for my apparent ‘prickly personality’, often telling me I was so surly, I was practically gornisht helfn—beyond help—and once, he even said, I was as charming as a slug. I retorted he was probably looking at a mirror, and that was the end of that.
  When Peeta started hinting at wanting more out of the casual arrangement we’ve had since the Army, and to my chagrin, two more suitors sprung out of nowhere, Haymitch had the gall to tell me that before Peeta, I was as romantic as dirt. Peeta gave him an earful for that one, though. It was glorious seeing Haymitch properly chastised by his favorite Shabbos Goy.
  I giggle at the memory. 
  I finally relented a couple of years ago, letting my fears go. Haymitch was the first to congratulate me when I announced I was dating Peeta, like a normal couple. My uncle fixed me with a stare that said he expected me to really try, because this boy was a true catch, or as he called him then, “a mensch if he ever saw one.” 
  I happen to agree. 
  I sigh, massaging my ribs where the baby is digging its tuchis in. 
  Haymitch gets away with a great deal of things on the simple account that he was the only person who actually accepted, and welcomed our mother into our family, when she married our father. Everyone else called her an opinionated shiksa behind my parents’ backs, probably thanks to my Bubbe…dear old Grandma really disliked the idea of my father marrying a gentile girl, despite being clear as day how much they loved each other. 
  My sister glares at Haymitch too, then turns to her sons, “It’s the first day of Chanukah, nu?” The boys nod in affirmative, “Then be good, so Uncle Peeta can finish the story—“
  “But, Mamme…we know the story!” 
  Prim gives them The Look and shuts them up right away. “Bannock, Graham, and Bran don’t know the story. They’re our guests, and we are called to be hospitable to everyone, right?” 
  I stare at Prim with mild amusement. She’s such a MOM! 
  “Yes, Mamme.” 
  I wonder if I’ll be able to master ‘the stare’ as well as my baby sister has? 
  Prim told me once, that everything she knows about mothering, she learned from the years in which I took care of her, after our father died, and our mother fell into a debilitating depression that almost killed us all from starvation and hebetude. 
  I have mixed feelings about that assessment, first, because: At first I was just trying to keep our situation hidden from others, so I made sure Prim and I were clean and presentable for school, that all homework was made on time, that we studied our Torah lessons, and that we attended Hebrew school without missing a class. I made sure Prim ate at least once a day, even if that meant I went without.
  There were things I couldn’t provide for my sister, simply because I didn’t know how, and when the pantry was empty, I started secretly raiding the trash containers behind the stores in our neighborhood.
  I was 11 then. 
  That’s when the first and only interaction with Peeta— or as I knew him then: the baker’s son— occurred before the Army. 
  Peeta had been watching me steadily lose weight and figured something wasn’t right. Then he saw how I dove out of his folks’ bakery’s garbage container and emerged empty handed, because trash had already been collected. 
  Instead of sneering, bullying me or calling the police, Peeta gave me two, fresh loaves of bread— the chiefest of foods in our culture— and thanks to his generosity, I figured out how to keep Prim, mother and myself fed when money was tight, hunting squirrels and little birds, long enough for my mother to find the strength to get the help she needed to get better.
  Secondly, in my adult life, I’ve learned to appreciate our mother’s position. She had a really hard time with life in general. Her family turned their back on her when she converted to Judaism, yet people in our community mistrusted her because of my grandma’s own prejudice, the fact that my mother was a nurse and every now and then her hospital wouldn’t (or couldn’t) honor her religious freedom to observe the Shabbat didn’t help her case. People started trusting her after they saw her care for the sick in the community, often paying from her own pocket for their treatments. 
  Peeta never struggled fitting in with my family. Then again, he’s so sweet and friendly with anyone, always so happy and ready to lend a hand…why everyone in our community loves him, and welcomed him with open arms as one of us. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to picture my loving, sweet husband as a seasoned Army veteran, who’s seen his share of destruction and death…then again, maybe it is because he’s seen humanity at its worst that he makes the extra effort to stay a pacifist and he chooses to show The Lord’s love unto others. 
  “Sorry, Peeta, please continue with the story. You’re doing a lovely job!” says my sister.
  I chance a glance at my husband, and see the mirth in his bright, blue eyes. 
  “Thank you Prim,” he says, turning back to the boys, with wonder in his voice. “But, I was thinking, and this might be the best idea I ever had! What if we let the boys tell the story of Hanukkah tonight, since it’s true, they know it better than I do? They are incredibly smart young men!” 
  “Avadeh!” exclaims Haymitch from his spot. 
  The twins wiggle with excitement, and both of them turn eager, hazel eyes to their mother, seeking approval.
  Prim takes a deep breath and nods. 
  Both boys turn their bronze haired heads back to Peeta, enthusiastically. 
  “Alright, go on then, tells us what happened!” Peeta encourages. 
  Asher starts, “The brave heroes, called the Maccabees, kicked out the Greek gentiles that wanted to make the people of Israel pray to their gentile gods! Then the priests came to ‘re-medicate’ the Holy Temple—“
  “Rededicate!” Thom, Prim’s husband, corrects from the back of the room, but the boys are on a roll now.
  “‘Redadecate’ the Holy Temple, by lighting the menorah. So, they looked all over the place, but found only one jar of ‘puridified’ oil—“
  “Yes, what Tatte said! They only found enough of the good oil, to light the menorah for one day!”
  Asher pauses for effect, while all the adults react to the suspense accordingly, gasping and murmuring. 
  Aspen continues the narration after a second. 
  “At first, the priests thought: oh no! We don’t want to light the menorah for only one day, it needs to burn all the time to clean all the filth the Greeks left behind, so we can praise Adonai again!”
  Hushed voices comment their approval. 
  The other twin picks up the story. “But they decided, that even one day, was better than none at all, so they used that little bit of oil, and fired up the lamp, and the lights burned for eight times straight!”
  “Eight days…” corrects Thom.
  “Eight days straight!”
  “It was a miracle!”
  Everyone claps, excitedly. 
  “The priests had time to…” Asher cranes his neck, seeking his father in the crowded living room, and then smiles, enunciating his word with precision, “‘purify’ more olive oil, to add to the menorah from then on!”
  “That’s why we celebrate Hanukkah every year! To remember how our people defended their freedom,”
  “And won back the Holy Temple,”
  “And The Lord accepted their effort with a miracle of lights!” 
  The whole room erupts in cheers and song. Everybody hugs each other in celebration. 
  After a moment, our auntie Effie calls out, “Oh what wonderful storytelling, Tattelles!” She rushes over to the twins and smacks loud, wet kisses, on both of the boys’ cheeks, leaving red lipstick all over their wincing faces. 
  The twins wipe their cheeks with the backs of their hands, and Prim just sighs, hugging her sons to her chest. “Well done, Asher. Well done, Aspen.”
  Peeta pats them both on the head, and ever the attentive host, directs everyone to help themselves to the many treats he made. 
  “Is everything fried?” asks one of Peeta’s sisters-in-law.
  “For the most part,” I hear my mother say, fondly. “To commemorate the miracle of the oil, traditionally, Hanukkah food is fried.” She explains, patiently. “Everything is delicious, and Peeta and Katniss made quite the spread.” 
  My mother busies herself, setting up a stack of napkins on the table where we placed all the food; she then serves latkes to the Mellarks.
  Haymitch grabs her hand and pulls her to sit by me. “Come rest, sit with your daughter, enjoy the lights. I’ll shmooze the bakers now, nu!” 
  My mother comes to sit next to me. She smiles tiredly, “How are you feeling, zeeskeit?” 
  I grin, she’s using the same term of endearment Tatte used to call us. It means ‘sweetheart’.
  “I’m alright. Just a little tired. My back is killing me and I think I have gas, ‘cause my belly keeps rumbling and tensing up.” 
  My mother arches a dark blonde eyebrow, “Maybe the baby is on the way?” 
  “I suppose that could be a possibility,” I shrug. I’m 6 days shy of my due date, but the doctor says I’m healthy, and he expects no complications, whatsoever, plus first time mothers can be early. 
  Thom brings out a dreidel to play with the children. 
  My toddler niece rubs her eyes grumpily— she’s got gray eyes, like my father did. Like mine. Mother and Prim are blonde and blue eyed, but I favored my father in appearance…I wonder who my child will like? I hope it’s a little of both Peeta and I— the girl clings to her father’s arm, watching her brothers and cousins spin the top, suspiciously. Once she realizes gelt is involved in the game, she perks up a little, and tries to spin the dreidel to mixed results. 
  Everyone sits around the children, eating latkes dipped in applesauce or sour cream; Peeta decided not to serve any meat tonight, so we could eat dairy products. Effie is dipping hers in salsa…what an odd woman! 
  Johanna is eating an entire block of cheese, noshing on it like a mouse. 
  Peeta brings me and my mother sufganiyot; he smiles sheepishly. “These were a hit.” He says, “they’ve already disappeared from the tray.”
  I stare at him with wide eyes. “Why does that surprise you, babe? Your cooking is amazing!” 
  Peeta rubs the back of his head, bashful. “Eh, it would be embarrassing if the baker couldn’t handle jelly filled donuts, nu?” he whispers, kneeling in front of my chair. 
  “Nonsense,” I say equally quietly, “you are the most talented person I know.” I kiss him on the forehead, after pushing back the ashy waves of hair falling into his eyes. 
  I hope our child has wavy hair like Peeta does! Mine is boring…not so much the dark as ink color, but the way it’s so thick and straight, the only way to keep it up is in braid.
  Peeta gazes at me with so much love, my heart skips a beat. 
  “Have I told you recently, just how grateful I am to have you as my wife, lover and partner in life?” He reaches up to caress my face, and suddenly the hubbub of the party fades, leaving us in a bubble of our own. 
  “I’m grateful too!” I say, curling my sugar coated fingers around his, cupping my cheek. 
  It’s a veritable miracle that Peeta and I are here today, married and with a child on the way. 
  We grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools, and frequented the same places; yet, despite crossing each other’s paths often, and outside the lone time with the bread when we were eleven, we never truly interacted with each other until we found ourselves deployed to the same base overseas.
  Peeta enlisted in the Army fresh out of high school. I enlisted much later, when it became glaringly obvious that if I was going to pursue any higher education, it would have to be paid for by the military, since every penny Mother and I made, went straight into Prim’s Med school fund. 
  Prim took a couple of breaks from school while building her family, but she’s a pediatrician now, beloved by her patients and their parents. 
  Thom is in the field as well, as a Physical Therapist. He was Peeta’s PT for a while; that’s how him and my sister met. They married years before we did. 
  Call it chance or providence, Peeta and I had no idea we were in the same camp, until our names got chosen for some grunt duty I can no longer remember. We recognized one another instantly, and became very close friends while in the service. Close enough to share cots and knock boots when the itch was too unbearable to ignore. We discovered we had more in common than just our hometown, and then…the worst day of our lives happened, cementing our dependence on the other, like only tragedy can. 
  While on a mission, our unit got attacked. Our Commander, a burly man named Boggs, called for extraction while we ran for cover from a volley of bullets raining on us. In the confusion, Boggs stepped on a landmine that blew off both his feet. 
  I rushed to him, pulling him back to safety. I didn’t think of the shrapnel flying everywhere, but Peeta— who had located me a second earlier— did. He made it to me somehow, and shielded my body with his own, earning a mangled leg full of lead for his troubles. 
  Boggs was beyond medical help; the poor man bled to death in my arms in the transport back to base. Peeta was badly hurt, losing blood quicker than anyone in the transport could stomach. I tried to help him as best I could, wishing I had my mother’s touch or Prim’s cleverness; I placed a tourniquet on Peeta’s thigh. It saved his life, but cost him his leg. 
  It wasn’t until we arrived back in camp, and the adrenaline and terror left my body, that I was able to feel my own wounds. I had second degree burns in several places of my body; the fire and heat miraculously spared my face. Then, I noticed the ringing in my left ear wouldn’t go away, and when it did, no other sounds came in. 
  I was honorably discharged for my damaged ear, but I requested to stay close to my buddy, Peeta Mellark, until he was stable enough to go back home. When questioned about this, I simply replied, “We protect each other. Is what we do.” 
  Peeta was discharged too shortly after. We got shipped back home to America together, which is how we’ve been ever since.
  Peeta and I survived against the odds.
  It took us months and lots of counseling to be able to sleep through the night without waking up screaming. 
  It took him years to convince me it was okay to let my guard down around my heart. I was always so scared I’d lose him to some unseen danger, and like my mother, fall into such a deep depression I could harm any potential children we had together, because in my heart of hearts I knew Peeta was it for me.  
  It took us five, ten, fifteen years to be where we are at, and that in itself is a miracle I’m grateful for. 
  “Peeta, darling, the candles are almost out,” says Effie, who apparently is eager to turn the lights back on. 
  “Alright, let’s see…” I stand up to check just how consumed those candles really are, and as soon as I do, my incompetent bladder releases all the pee I have in my body, and then some. “Feh!”
  My mother gasps and pushes Peeta back, who was still kneeling close by. “Katniss, your water just broke!” 
  “What?! Already? Whatdowedo?!” Peeta is frantic, practically jogging in place, hands hovering uselessly around my belly. 
  Effie screeches in a very uncharacteristic fashion. “Oh! What a big, big, big day this is, darlings! Katniss, doll, you might get to hold your very own bundle of joy in your arms on the first day of Hanukkah! What a blessing!” 
  “Well, first things first,” says my mother, going into nurse mode. “Everyone, calm down! This child is not about to drop just yet. Second, Katniss needs to get out of these clothes and into clean ones. Then we need to get you packed and ready to go to the hospital. Peeta, dear, you need to call the doctor, and let them know your wife’s water broke, and you’re heading to the hospital soon.”
  “Okay! Yeah…on it!” says Peeta chewing nervously on his lower lip. 
  He reluctantly steps aside to make the call. By then, my sister is moving people around to get me through the room.
  Delly, Peeta’s sister-in-law, comes from who-knows-where with an armful of towels to mop up the floor. 
  “Thank you,” I offer embarrassedly.
  Delly waves me off, “Oh no, honey, don’t you worry about it. I know how these things go. You have more important stuff to think of right now. We will clean this place up, and probably call on grandma and grandpa Mellark, to let them know.” 
  I give her a hug, because she’s the nicest person I know, and barely hold back an ugly sob. 
  Peeta comes back from calling the doctor just as my mother is helping me into a pair of baggy sweatpants. Prim’s going through my bag triple checking what I packed, despite my protests that both Peeta and I have been checking on it every day for the last week. 
  “Everything is ready, Katniss. The doctor is on the way to the hospital. There’s a triage nurse already waiting for you, our paperwork is being processed as we speak, so all we have to do is sign it when we arrive, and Effie and Haymitch are taking over hosting duties from us.”
  “Oh great!” I sigh, “you can say goodbye to all the wine in the house if those two are in charge,”
  “Is that sarcasm I detect? That means the contractions aren’t even painful yet…” says Prim dryly. Then she and my mother giggle. 
  I glare at them, rubbing the back of my hips, my bones back there kind of burn. 
  Peeta seems confused and wisely keeps his mouth shut. He grabs the hospital bag I packed for me and the baby, a week ago, and shoulders a backpack for himself, he packed almost a month ago. 
  My mother rides with us to the hospital, and since everyone knows her and my sister there, I get extra pampered by the nursing staff. 
  My obstetrician, Dr. Aurelius, checks on me as soon as I’m put in the hospital gown; he’s a little concerned about my blood pressure, so the nurses keep an even closer eye on me. At 32 I’m not at any greater risk of things going wrong than any other mother-to-be, but this is my first child, so I endure their over prodding gratefully. 
  Labor itself goes quickly, only a couple of hours from the water breaking to the crowning. Peeta holds my hand through it all; he tends to me lovingly, feeding me ice chips, blotting sweat from my face and neck, whispering sweet nothings and encouragement into my ear, and when he’s not talking to me or the medical staff, he prays. 
  After surviving a war zone, second degree burns and a few broken bones, I think that giving birth is perhaps the least painful experience of all. Not in the literal sense of course— giving birth physically hurts like a mother!— but in the psychological-emotional sense. I’m going through this trial for love, with the expectation of meeting someone amazing in the end.
  But when it’s time to push, a fear older than time itself chokes me up. “I can’t do this! Let the baby stay in my belly…I can keep the child safe here, please!” 
  “Sweetheart, look at me,” says Peeta cupping my face in his hands, “You are the bravest, most selfless person I know. I’m not denying how scary this is, bringing an innocent into the world, but you’re not alone…we have each other, and we will face this fear like we’ve faced any other fear, and we’ll beat it into dust!” 
  “Together?” My voice wavers.
  “Together!” he vows. 
  “Katniss…the baby’s crowning,” says Dr. Aurelius, “This is it! On your next contraction, I need you to push real hard, alright?”
  I nod, exhausted; Peeta squeezes my hand in his, and I squeeze right back. 
  “Here it comes!” I bear down with all my might and growl all the breath out of my lungs, and suddenly, the best sound in the world fills the delivery room: the meowling of my newborn reaches my ears. 
  “It’s a girl!” calls the doctor from between the stirrups holding my legs up.
  The man holds the screeching child up, so we can see her, and my whole world shrinks to her tiny shape. 
  Peeta is crying. 
  I’m crying too! 
  My mother is somewhere in the background singing something I can’t quite catch, and everyone around is bustling to get my brand new baby girl cleaned up and measured. Then finally she’s placed on my chest, and my husband and I can’t stop staring and caressing her. 
  “Shalom, sheifale,” I sigh in contentment, kissing my baby’s forehead.
  “Welcome, little one!” Peeta murmurs. Our daughter wraps her whole hand around her father’s index finger and holds fast to it. 
  Again, it feels like we are in this hermetic bubble, where only Peeta, myself, and now our newborn, exist. Meanwhile the doctor and nurses are still working on me, but that doesn’t matter. My family is finally whole, and that too is a miracle full of light!
  “Mazel Tov, my dears!” says my mother, smiling at Peeta and me. “I’ll go tell the people in the waiting room the good news…do you have a name picked out already?” she asks tentatively, her face lit with happiness and relief. 
  “Hannah!” says Peeta right away. “For I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted my plea.” Peeta’s eyes widen, then he looks down at me sheepishly, “unless, you have something else in mind?” 
  “No!” I laugh, “Hannah is perfect!” I hold the babe higher on my bosom, and tilt her head towards my mother, “Hannah, say hello to Bubbie Lily, she’s my Mamme, and I am yours!”
  My mother giggles, “Happy birthday, Hannah Mellark, and happy Hanukkah, zeeskeit.” My mother leans closer, and gives Hannah’s head a peck. “Next time I see you, there will be others with me…your mishpachah, who are eager to meet you, sheifale!”
  “We’re almost done here, and you can see some of your family. But be mindful of visiting hours!” says Dr. Aurelius, pushing back from the instrument table. 
  We all say our thanks to the staff, and my mother goes to talk to our family in the waiting room. Peeta’s led to the nursery, to give Hannah her first bath. Once the baby is dressed and swaddled into a hospital blanket, Peeta snaps a couple of pictures of her with his smart phone and sends it to everyone one we know. The caption reads: “Hannah Mellark, because G-d favored us with a child!” 
  The nurse helping Peeta, takes two of those thin hats they give all the newborns, and fashions it into a single hat with a big bow on the front. Our daughter’s head will be warm and stylish.
  Back in the room, Hannah latches onto my breast easily enough, and to our surprise opens her eyes, to show deep blue peepers, like her father’s! 
  “Look, Daddy, she’s got your eyes!“ I exclaim. 
  “Can she call me Tatte?” Peeta asks quietly, as if asking permission.
  I nod, “Hannah, your Tatte gives the best hugs in the world!” 
  The visitors file in. My mother-in-law falls in love with Hannah, her first and only granddaughter. Peeta’s father tears up a little bit, and hugs his son, kissing his temple. I’ve never seen the Mellarks so happy and moved. A baby would do that, I guess. 
  After our siblings come to visit, Effie and Haymitch make a quick appearance. Haymitch holds Hannah the longest; he sings her a song in Hebrew, then says a blessing over her. 
  Effie pulls Peeta aside, “What we discussed…” she says demurely, smiling softly, and hands him a bag. 
  Since she already gave us practically half of Buy Buy Baby at our shower, I have no idea what else she could’ve gotten, but my husband’s entire demeanor lights up like fireworks when he peeks in the bag. He hugs Effie and thanks her profusely. 
  I fall asleep after a while.
  When I wake up again, the room’s mostly dark, except for a soft, flickering light. 
  Hannah is not in her bassinet, so I sit up with a start, only to find the most wonderful scene in front of me: Peeta’s holding the babe by the window looking down the road. The blinds are open, and on the sill sits a child size menorah. The shamash is lit, but the day one candle is not. 
  “Peeta?” I call softly.
  My husband turns, smiling, “You’re awake! We didn’t want to disturb you. You had a hard, busy day, but…” he shrugs, “It’s Hannah’s first Hanukkah, and I figured you wouldn’t wanna miss it,” 
  No, I wouldn’t. 
  I get up, gingerly, and shuffle towards my family. 
  I cock my head and study the candelabra, which looks suspiciously like the kind business owners put in their offices along their Christmas trees and other wintry decor to show how inclusive they are. This one is smaller than regular menorahs, made of plastic, with a cord sticking from the side which is plugged into the wall besides the window. The flickering light I thought at first to be a real flame, is just a small bulb with a candlelight effect. 
  “Where did you get an electric menorah?” I ask skeptically.
  “Effie,” my husband blushes. “She said it was okay, as long as we lit a kosher menorah, which we did at home,” he says a little defensively, with a lot of pleading generously sprinkled in between. 
  My father would’ve frowned at the decidedly un-kosher menorah. 
  Reading my expression, my sneaky husband harrumps, “This is a hospital, Katniss. I don’t think they’ll be thrilled to find there’s an open flame in a room housing a newborn, no matter what holiday you’re celebrating.”
  I sigh. He’s right. Safety protocols should be observed, and we did light a traditional menorah already; plus, this one is practically a toy for the baby…technically a Hanukkah gift. 
  I relax my stance. I wasn’t aware that my shoulders were so tense during that exchange. 
  “Fine,” I acquiesce, “show me how does the thing work?”
  Peeta grins, looking at ease holding our daughter in one arm like a pro. No wonder he’s always our nephews’ and niece’s favorite uncle. 
  He pulls a couple of bulbs from his pants pocket, and holds them on his palm for me to peruse. “All you do is screw these in the small sockets, just like placing the candles in a regular menorah. Then, you press this button, and it lights up!” He points at a small button at the base of the toy. 
  I nod, accepting his explanation. 
  Hannah wiggles a bit in her father’s arm, then makes an aggravated noise. Peeta adjusts the child against his chest, and looks at me, expectantly. 
  “Hannah’s waiting, and she’s probably getting hungry. I should know, I’m her Tatte!” 
  I snort a reluctant laugh. The man can drive me crazy, in an endearing sort of way. How can I deny my family anything?!
  We say the blessings together, then Peeta whispers all the ceremonial rules on lighting the candles to our baby.
  Hannah has her fist wrapped around his finger again, so he picks up the pretend shamash with the same hand, and touches the tip of the bulb into the opening, so— according to him— Hannah is lighting the day one candle herself…symbolically. 
  He screws the bulbs in their right places, and switches the candlelight on. 
  I must admit, it’s not as tacky as I feared it would be. I make a mental note to let Peeta know I’m glad he thought of this, later…probably tomorrow. 
  We sing quietly, not to disturb anyone else on our floor. After the ceremony of the candles is done, we hold onto each other, watching the flickering lights, while Peeta narrates the story of the Maccabees to Hannah. 
  Everything is quiet after that; Hannah fusses once, so I take her into my arms, and sing a lullaby. 
  Peeta has been staring at me all night like I hung the moon in the sky. He gazes at our daughter like she’s the most precious thing he’s ever seen, and I’m sure my eyes reflect the same feelings as his.
  “I wish I could freeze this moment, right now, and live in it forever.” 
  I smile up at him, who in turn is gazing at our daughter and me with adoration; my heart fills to bursting!
  “I do too!” I stand on tiptoes, and kiss his cheek. “Happy Hanukkah, Peeta. Happy Hanukkah, Hannah.”
  “Same to you too, sweetheart, and thank you Lord, for blessing our family with the miracle of life.”
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sunflovverharry · 4 years
Allegiance - Fakedating!Harry
Finally decided to make a new tumblr for my writing as I’ve been wanting to start posting forever ago, but my former blog was marked explicit for no reason!! BUT here I am, shitting bricks that I’m actually posting my work.. Let me present to you; Fakedating!Harry
word count: 4.4k warnings: language, drinking, angst, fluff summary: harry and y/n go through the ups and downs of their slowly changing relationship pairing: harry x reader
!!!!! it’s my first time releasing anything I’ve ever written and i’m shitting my pants. this was so fun to write and I hope you enjoy it! please reblog, like or tell me what you liked about it, i’ll greatly appreciate it🥺 i have a series i’m working on atm that’ll be out soon (hopefully), along with multiple one-shots so look out for that if you enjoyed this piece (the series is fwb!harry if that’ll help you want to read it hahah). enjoy my first one-shot of fakedating!harry (might put out a part 2 to this sometime but don’t take my word for it)
It wasn’t the first family gathering I had to come with him to. Not even the tenth. No, it was probably more like the fiftieth I couldn’t say no to coming to during the last two tears. Two years of playing his loving and devoting girlfriend. His family and friends have known us as the perfect couple since he first introduced me a warm july evening two years ago. Apart from it being a fake relationship, it seems pretty fucking real to the outside world. Maybe we’re just that great actors.
July 19th 2018
Harry took a hold of my hand as we walked through the luxurious modern home in the outskirts of London. It is the first time I’ve stepped foot in this house - eager to catch every little detail as I slowly walked beside Harry. It was gorgeous and I hoped to get a tour sometime. Not that I even know if I’ll ever come back here after tonight. It might be a one-night thing for all I know, only agreeing to come with Harry because I literally could not find an excuse to save my life.
Being at a function where you know next to nobody except your supposed boyfriend is terrifying, but at the same time I had to hide my nerves in case anyone caught on.
Our family has never had any big parties or get-togethers except for weddings - which there weren’t many of. Most of my cousins decided they were off fine without a marriage certificate to validate their relationships. I supported them in their decision, but ultimately I want to marry the one I one day want to spend the rest of my life with. Not having the best relationship reputation it’ll probably be a while until a wedding where I’m the bride takes place.
The large double french doors leading out to the expansive garden were open for guests to go in and out of the house and to the garden where mostly everyone were mingling when we arrived. The engagement celebration of Harry’s sister and her fiancée was in full swing and it looked as if we were the last ones missing. That made it all the more terrifying. How on earth are we going to keep up the façade of us being in a relationship all night?
We’d talked about details on the way here deciding to go with our friends setting us up on a blind date a few months back. It isn’t far from the truth, but we were definitely not on a date. We had to accompany our best mates who were on a date, but for the most part we ignored each other only letting the talk and get to know each other. The worst thing is, it wasn’t even worth it as they literally shagged and didn’t see each other again.
As to how we’re now here together - I accidentally walked into him and spilt my tea all over his fancy suit clinging to his body. Cliché, I know. To repay him for the spill, he asked me to be his pretend girlfriend and like I said I suck at excuses so here we are about to be introduced to his whole family it seems. Way to take away the attention from the happy couple.
«Mum.» Harry’s hand slipped from mine as we closed up on the group to the left. I didn’t want to interrupt a reunion between Harry and his mum so I kept my stance a few feet behind him and waited for Harry to take the lead as he hugged his mum saying a quick hello to the rest of the people standing in the small circle.
«Y/n, mum. Mum, y/n.» Harry stepped to the side so I could take the short steps forward to greet his mother. It was the first time I was meeting a guy of any sort parents and I’m sure I was shaking as she pulled me in for a hug. It was warm and welcoming as she whispered in my ear.
«It’s so lovely to meet you finally, y/n.» I smiled at her as we parted. She kept her hands on my upper arms taking me in with her moving eyes. «Harry hasn’t told us anything or answered a single question about you, but now I can ask you myself!» She cheered as Harry groaned in the background. How was this lovely lady basically getting pulled into a trap by her 26 year old son?
The next few greetings went above and beyond my expectations. With knowing how insensitive and closed off Harry, I had imagined his family was the same - which looking back was unkind of me as his family are the complete opposite. Being here accompanied by his loved ones also showed me that maybe Harry isn’t as hard as he comes off as, he just doesn’t like to open up to the wrong people. I can tolerate and understand that, but he hasn’t exactly made an effort to get to know me, so I wouldn’t say he has a right to be heartless towards me. Not after I’ve done him a massive favor.
«How long have you been together then?» Harry had gone to talk to his future brother-in-law and sister and I was left seated with some family friends of theirs. I didn’t mind one bit spending time with other people than Harry. It was freeing not having to pretend and have his hand caressing my thigh and asking if I wanted anything from the bar. Sure, I would have reveled in it if we were anything close to friends or even lovers, but just knowing it’s him makes me want to shake him off.
«It’ll be six months on the 27th. We had our second date on his birthday actually and he didn’t even tell me! Can you believe that?» I asked incredulously. It wasn’t true, we hadn’t even met up on his birthday nevertheless been on a fucking date.
We sat in comfortable conversation for a couple minutes talking about Harry and me before he came back sliding his arm over the back of my chair. His fingertips trailed up and down my arm as he quickly got back into the conversation.
It felt oddly normal when we were conversing about day-to-day subject and talking about solely ourselves, but then I’m brought right back into the plain lie about our relationship.
July 2nd 2020
This time it wasn’t an engagement party though, it was a celebration of Marie and Jack having been married for 30 years. It’s a huge accomplishment and compared to every other gathering, I’m happy to be here. Though the fake relationship between Harry and I hasn’t been the best, we’ve certainly tried our best and his family still seem to believe it.
We’ve had our ups and downs in private, but always been on our best behavior out with his family - holding hands, laying my head on his shoulder, him kissing my temple and squeezing my waist. It didn’t happen all too often, thank god, but we’d shared the odd kiss or two at times where it deemed right to do so. I’m not sure I could bear getting a taste of his lips more than I had to. At his sister's wedding last summer when we were slow dancing somewhere in the midst of all his family and their friends we slowly leaned in - whether in the heat of the moment or because it seemed we had to i’m still not sure. Either way, it was a nice kiss shared between us when we were both drunk off of champagne and the love we felt around us.
Since, there’s been a few pecks here and there, but mostly keeping to placing our lips on the others cheek, forehead or hand. I do think Harry’s opened up, though only slightly, it still warmed my heart. We’ve had quite a few enjoyable chats whilst driving home or sitting in a corner of the garden we’ve spent most our time in at his parents home. I still don’t know where he lives, him picking me up and only going to wherever the dinner or party would be held.
We haven’t discussed how much longer we’re keeping the lie going about us, but it was starting to gnaw at me knowing we would probably part ways in not too long and never meet again. He had become a part of my life I’m not sure I want to lose. The beginning was horrible and we didn’t get along in private, but after that kiss at the wedding something turned in the both of us (I hope).
Up until recently we’ve been really fucking lucky to have avoided all questions about moving in together and a possible ring on my finger. Weeks ago when we had dinner with his parents the questions surely weren’t held away though. Babies, apartments, rings and everything of the sort were brought up. It was heavy subject for two people who barely could stand each other a year ago and by the end of the dinner I was more than ready to put an end to this extremely complicated lie. It’s turned into much more than the one party I agreed to the first time he asked me.
We had a nice chat about how we were excited to see his nieces again in the car, giggling about our memories with them these last two years. It was nice being so open and comfortable with him not having to worry about him being angry or quiet. He talked back and laughed with me and even told me a couple stories from before I was in their life. I’ll miss them and the rest of his family when we inevitably end us.
Marie greeted us just like she does every time we come by, for dinner, a party or game night I just couldn’t refuse to join in on - with a kind smile grazing her lips and the same welcoming hug she’d given me the first time we met and ever since. It was really something I was looking forward to when I knew I’d be seeing her.
«Harry, y/n! You look fabulous, did you force him to match his tie to your dress?» Marie squinted her eyes at me in a ‘I know he’d never do it if he wasn’t forced to’ look. And of course, she knew her son way better than I did and only laughed with her as I told her yes, indeed I even had to put it on him myself. Which was the truth for once.
«Hopefully we’ll be throwing you some kind of celebration sometime soon, yeah? Engagement, pregnancy?» She hinted at the subjects we tried our very best to steer away from at all times as we followed her back to the garden I was falling more and more in love with. For the most part we’d been able to laugh our way out of it.
Harry laughed as he took two glasses of champagne from a server for the both of us to sip. It would definitely clear any pregnancy rumours which I’m sure there were swirling around between his family members. This family does not like to take their time with anything, saying life is too short to fool around. I’m sure they’re concerned and suspicious of why we’re taking things slow not even living together when his sisters all got engaged or married within the two first years, but they’ll be let in on our secret soon enough I hope.
In one way I’d love for this all to be over and continue to live my life as I did before Harry - but to be honest I’m not quite sure how I’ll ever go back to that. Life with Harry sure has its pros and I would enjoy it as long as it lasted. Especially the expensive champagne they always seemed to have at every function.
A couple hours or so later the speeches were in full swing. I knew Harry wasn’t doing one as I’m sure everyone would think he’d propose to me at the end of it, so he decided to forget about it. After his sisters had said some lines each, Marie and Jack stood up at the head table right next to us. They looked as in love now as they did two years ago and it was incredible witnessing how the spark between them never seemed to die. I can only wish to have a marriage as wonderful.
«You want more to drink? Can have mine if you want.» Harry offered quietly before Jack asked everyone about how gorgeous his wife looks tonight. He truly adores her and it shows in every way he acts and speaks to her.
«Yes, please. Thank you.» I grabbed the glass of some sort of concoction from his much larger hand. Smiling up at him, I sipped the drink from the straw feeling his hand squeeze my waist to pull me closer though I’m not sure how much closer I could get unless I sat on his lap. We’d been touching each other considerably more than usual during the night. It felt good and with how friendly we’ve been lately I almost wanted more, just like how I’ve been wanting for the last couple months. More touching my thigh, more squeezing my waist, more kisses on my temple, more brushing my hair away from my face. He was addicting, inexplicably so.
Harry put his lips to my cheek as we listened to his parents speak about how their love was at an all time high, even after thirty years of marriage, four children and a couple of granddaughters to show for it. The softness to their voices as they spoke passionate, kind, loving words to each other was absolutely remarkable. It brought my deepest feelings out and I couldn’t help but shed a tear or two. I hadn’t noticed they were falling before I felt Harry’s thumb whisking them away and pulling my head to rest on his shoulder, another kiss planted on my forehead this time.
I savored the moment, the love I felt all too much for me while thinking about how this would be over far too soon for my liking. His family were growing on me. Harry was growing on me. I enjoyed his company, when he would open up without me asking or begging to know a small detail that probably didn’t matter to him as much as it did to me. He had become a huge part of my everyday life by now, texting him on days we weren’t meeting up.
I firmly remember the first day we hung out just us two. It was a Tuesday evening and we had gone out to eat - really only to grab a photo we could give to his parents who had been begging for one. This was around halloween last year, so we were on solid grounds by then.
At first it was awkward as hell, neither knowing what to say or how to start the conversation, but after we had ordered we soon got into conversation and we didn’t stop until we’d been sat there for three hours. It still baffles my mind how nice that dinner was and how I didn’t ever think ‘can this be over soon?’. Thinking back, I think that’s the exact moment I realized I might’ve grown feelings for the man.
The night had gone by in a blink of the eye, suddenly it was nearing midnight and we had just said goodbye and were making our way to his car. Sitting down and watching the house as Harry reversed out of the parking spot, I thought about what a lovely night it’s been. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself and this one party will forever be the reason I won’t ever regret fake dating Harry Styles. His mum made it all worth it when he didn’t.
«Would you like to come to mine for a drink before heading home? It’s still quite early for a Saturday, innit?» Harry didn’t come off as nervous or scared to ask me to join him at his place before sending me home. There was no way I could deny his request as I’d finally get to see the flat he resides in and I’ve imagined for two years.
It only took us around ten minutes to get to his flat, shocked to see that it isn’t as far from mine as I thought. He’s got enough money to live in a nicer area, but this definitely has charm to it and maybe that’s why he wants to live here.
The flat itself was victorian but with a modern upgrade. A luxurious kitchen with all the appliances one could need, a lovely island serving as his dining table that led into the living room. I wanted to jump onto the couch and lay there for eternity by only looking at how soft and comfortable it seems. The rather large L-shaped couch took up most of the room, but he’d made sure to have enough space for tall, wide bookshelves filled with anything but books behind it.
Don’t get me started on the dark wood flooring that looked as original as it could get. They brought character to the flat and blended the old victorian feel in nicely with the more modern look of the walls and kitchen. I’d love to have a place like this someday.
«You can sit down and I’ll grab a bottle of wine, sound alright?» Harry hung his suit jacket that he hadn’t worn at all on one of the chairs lined by the island counter. He moved into the corner of the kitchen where I couldn’t see him any longer as I stepped off my shoes before tiptoeing to the couch falling down into it. I was right about it being soft and comfortable. It was as if I was being lulled to sleep all I needed was a light blanket tucking me in and I’d be set for a good night's sleep.
Harry chuckled when he came out from the kitchen, a bottle of red in one hand and two glasses in the other, to see me cuddling into his couch. I don’t know what he does in his free time or if he usually has girls around his flat and this is a normal view for him, but right now I didn’t care. He was giving me wine and a comfy place to sit which honestly is enough for now. I don’t want to scare him away by talking about my feelings for him past midnight, half drunk after all the drinks I’d already had tonight.
Chatting to Harry was a breeze. We giggled before getting serious and then struggling to breath as we laughed harder than ever before. It felt light and good, like we were the best of friends and for a moment I thought I could live with that. As long as I got to continue having moments like these with him, I could deal with only being friends. Then I had another glass of wine and decided that I couldn’t bear him not knowing how I feel for one more second.
«Harry.. we can’t keep doing this. It’s not fair to the people involved, and it’s absolutely not fair to us.» My eyes were watching my finger trailing the pattern of one of his pillows I was holding in my lap. There was no foreshadowing to tell Harry that I would bring this up and I could tell he wasn’t ready for it by the sharp intake of breath that could be heard from him.
«I’ve thought about it recently and obviously we both knew this couldn’t last forever. I’ve grown a lot the past two years and I know what I want now. A fake relationship isn’t it, no matter how much I adore your family.» I could feel my throat burning as I tried to keep my tears at bay. The last thing I wanted to sit in front of him crying my eyes out. Still not daring to let my eyes reach his, I closed my eyes as I continued talking.
«The first year was awful. You weren’t nice to me and after doing you a huge fucking favour, which I still don’t know why you needed a fake girlfriend, you were still treating me just like how you did the first time we met. Then after your sisters wedding, it started getting better and by winter we were good friends. Something shifted in us, in me at least that night and I can’t overlook it anymore. It’s fine if this is it for us, ‘cause I can’t lie to your family anymore, but I need you to know one thing before I leave.» It felt so good telling him how I’d felt for so long, only one last thing to tell him.
Pushing myself to look up at him, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I couldn’t hold back the tears. He looked so vulnerable though he wasn’t the one holding his breath with a heavy heart trying to tell someone they have stronger feelings for them than might be reciprocated. He looked worried seeing me cry, but didn’t do anything knowing I didn’t want a hand to hold or a hug at this moment.
«I realized tonight that the night we first went out for dinner to take that picture for your parents was also the first time I understood my feelings towards you. It’s fucking insane that even after a year of basically hating your company, three months of us being friends was all it took for me to get feelings for you. I don’t want a fake relationship and I don’t want to be just your friend. I’m not going to say I’m sorry if this ruins things completely between us because I’m finally being true to myself and to you.»
Harry looked as if someone had just punched him in the face. His mouth was hanging open, jaw slack, eyes wide filled with curiosity. I had never let myself take in his gorgeous face completely. It’d only do me more pain than pleasure. Now though, I’m taking in every single detail I can before he either tells me to please leave or throw me out.
I removed my eyes from his face when his phone made a noise telling him someone sent a text message. It being close to one thirty in the morning made me incredibly curious as to who could be texting him now.
He apparently took his time to read it instead of responding to me as it was dead silent for another minute or so. Maybe he was replying or it was a really long fucking text.
Letting out a long sigh he dropped his phone back down on the table. It seemed he wasn’t quite sure what to do or say with how he dragged his hands over his face before standing up only to sit back down again five seconds later.
«Mum wants you to know that she loves you and thanks you for being with me, not just today but in general. This is how it’s been for the last two years for me, y/n. My family adores the shit out of you and I get at least two texts a day from mum asking how you’re doing and when she’ll see you next. It’s always y/n this and y/n that. You’ve invaded everyone’s minds and they’re obsessed with you.» Though it was nice hearing how much of an impact I’ve made, it almost made me more sad than happy. A couple more tears fell as I listened to him go on.
«The first year I tried so fucking hard to make you want to end it. Every time I asked you to come with me I hoped you’d say no and end it just so I could get you out of my head. You invaded my mind just like you did everyone elses and I couldn’t fucking bear it knowing we weren’t a real couple. After that kiss at the wedding I couldn’t keep my act together. It was excruciating being mean to you so I tried being your friend. I still to this day don’t know which was worse, being closed off or close to you.» Harry took one last breath before moving slightly so that he could reach over to hold my hands in his. This isn’t what I had expected and I still don’t want to get my hopes up.
«I want what my sisters have, what my parents have. I’ve wanted that so badly that I began thinking it wouldn’t happen as I’m 28 and still haven’t had one long-lasting relationship. I’d started to believe that it wasn’t in the cards for me - having a wife and a family. Then you came around and I these two years have showed me how fucking perfect you are and how you deserve so much better than me. But I’m a selfish man and I want you, y/n. Want you so much.» Not being able to keep away longer, I swiftly closed the gap between us, slotting my lips with his as I moved to straddle his waist.
It felt unbelievably good to kiss him like this, passion and lust clear as day as our tongues met for the first time. He wants me. I couldn’t stop saying the three words in my head as I let go to catch my breath. How in the world could I be so lucky to be wanted by the man I want?
I laughed as I wiped at my cheeks, removing the tear stains as well as I could without a wet washcloth to clean them off. Harry guided his lips from my jaw up to my cheek ending with a kiss to my shut eyelid. I had never experienced Harry being this soft and attentive, but it was all the more to look forward to.
«Maybe we can turn the fake relationship into a real one and not tell my whole family about it?» There was a cheeky smile playing on his lips as I let out another laugh. If this is what I have to look forward to - jokes, laugher and passionate kisses possibly leading to something more - then I couldn’t wait.
«Of course, Harry. And tell your mum I love her back and give her my number, will you? I’m still looking for a tour of their house after two years of you not giving me one.»
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fosterem · 4 years
I kicked off my weekend last night by doing 3 home visits with 3 of my favorite foster homes.
I miss the flexibility that daycare gave me, but I’m really enjoying the space from my children/and the interaction with humans who don’t drool. (Disclaimer: I do love the interaction with the kids on my caseload. Even if they drool).
I don’t even mind all of the paperwork. The thing I like least, is going to court 🥲 The court system is the reason for 99.9% of all my problems. Like.. what’s going on over there? Need any help to move things along?
It’s going to be in the 50’s today. I cranked open all of my windows this morning. I’m sick of the stale. We’re at the point in winter where everything feels gross. I have air purifiers running in our house, but it’s definitely not the same.
Everyone is getting clean sheets today. I’m washing all throw pillow covers/throw blankets/rugs. I need to take my car for an oil change, and then I really want to vacuum it out and scrub it down. I have no idea what my children do, but there are mud/foot/scuff marks up the doors/back of seats in their spots, and I’m sick of looking at it.
Thursday marked 5 years of m+m living with me. My brother is driving down from the city to come celebrate with my parents and other brother/sister in law. I haven’t seen my brothers since Thanksgiving, or my parents since Christmas. I miss my family. My grandparents are fully vaccinated, so we stopped by (masked) to see them. My grandpa is on a slow (very slow) decline and covid times seem bitter sweet. I’m thankful for the summer we got to spend with them. Time we wouldn’t have gotten if covid wasn’t a thing. We spent almost every day over in their backyard with them. Memories I’m thankful my kids get to shove in their love bank. I have contradicting feelings surrounding my grandparents, but they’re good at loving my kids in big ways.. and I’ll always be grateful for that.
Two more weeks until the expected arrival of my bb niece. She’s measuring close to 8 pounds, and my sister in law is t i n y. I can’t wait to sniff her head.
I got my dad + my girlfriend’s dad signed up for the vaccine. The grocery store releases slots at midnight, and the spots are taken by 12:04. My mom has very limited availability and doesn’t understand that you can’t just request the time you want.. we’re working on it.
I’m debating on canceling my appointment with the psychologist. I don’t know what the point is. To tell me I have OCD? Okay. She doesn’t take my insurance and wasn’t able to say how many appointments I’d have (to determine the cost).. it feels confusing. My last appointment with my therapist was 3 (?) weeks ago. I’m not even sure if I’m going back to her. She said I can request an appointment whenever I want, but blah. I don’t want to pay 1000+ to be evaluated by the psychologist and then end up not going back to therapy.
The end.
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ilegnangeli · 3 years
Random June Thought #1
I think I may have to be the most sentimental person I know. Or maybe not sentimental but mental. Just kidding. So I’ve shared that whenever I go back home, I get pretty sentimental. And it’s really true.
Maybe because I get to see my parents. My aging parents. And I get reminded of how fast and finite life is.
I have so many things planned for them but I feel like I’m running out of time. Whenever people ask me what I want to have in the future, I don’t answer them with having a family of my own but instead I want to see my family members safe and healthy. I want to spend a longer time with them. Never mind getting married or having a family of my own. Just seeing my family members’ good health and seeing them living a good life will be more than enough for me.
The thing is I almost always get to do heart to heart talks with my family when I meet with them. I get to speak with my father and his plans for the future. I get to chat with my mother about where she wants to go and what she wants to do. I get pretty sentimental because I love these people. I love my parents so much. And I want to honor them as much as I can, spoil them as much as I can. But I’m so short on time. I only get to visit them once a month and it pains me that I need to say goodbye ever so often.
I’m not a kid anymore but I still am a kid in my parents’ eyes. I love that my parents are so loving and unconditional when it comes to providing love, care, and attention to us���their children and of course, grandchildren. I love that I grew up with the parents I have now. I’m grateful that I get to experience life with them as my parents. I love that I have a generous father and a loving mother. Their combination is perfect. So thank You, God. Thank you for giving me these parents. I am eternally grateful.
Today’s Father’s Day. It's funny because since the ‘rents, me, and my younger sister are vaccinated, we get to celebrate together. With my aunt and cousins, too. And little Batuti who had to come along because there will be no one to look after him in our condo. Lmao
Anyway, today was a really good day. An emotional one, too. On the way home, as my cousin drove us back to the Metro, my aunt and I had this conversation about the future. She asked me about my plans. She asked me about my plans for the house where my parents are living. She asked me about the future—my future. I told her I don’t think about getting married. Because I feel like in the short span of time remaining with my parents, I just want to spoil them. I want to give them the life they deserve. I just want to provide for them. Because no one else will do that for them. All my older siblings are married, busy with their lives, and busy their own families.
Plus, I’m afraid of becoming a parent myself. I don’t know if I could be as loving or as caring as Mama Duay. I don’t know of I could ever be as hardworking and generous as Papa Henry. I don’t know if I can call myself a mother, a parent in the future. I’m not sure if I want my future children to grow up in this specific environment. I don’t know how I will be able to raise strong, independent, and caring children. I’m so afraid for them to experience pain and suffering here. I’m not sure if I could take it—just watching them grow up while struggling. I don’t know. I don’t want them to feel the same things I’ve felt—I'm feeling—here. I’m not sure they deserve this kind of life. It’s so hard to live here. My God, just thinking about this makes me tear up.
Life is hard. And I don’t want to be selfish. I don’t want to raise children because I expect them to give something in return for the life I’ve provided for them. I don’t want that.
But then I think about my parents. What they want for me. I feel like sometimes, when I talk about my crush during meals, my dad gets pretty silent and a little jealous because I seriously sound like I want to settle down. Lmao I feel like my mom always says that my crush is gay because she feels that—at the same time—she doesn’t want to give me away. (Dear crush, if you only knew how much I have thought about our future together lol. Thank God, you’ll never know though.)
What’s funny is that sometimes I feel like my parents WANT me to settle down with someone. So that they could be at peace. Damn, this is going to make me cry so hard. I don’t want to cry, I’ve been crying over the weekend. My heart can’t take it anymore lmao. If the world gave me money for every tear I dropped or every ounce of tear that came down my face, I’d be swimming in a pool of money. Dammit. But life, life is much harder. And I can only write about life because that’s how I roll. So in case you’re reading this in the future, SELF. I hope you’re in a much better place. I’m praying for the future of us. This is me from the past saying hello.
On our drive home, I spoke with my aunt about how I was planning to travel with my parents before the pandemic. I wanted to bring my parents abroad. I wanted to bring them to the places I’ve been and experience those places with them. I still want that. I will do that. Please COVID-19, go away.
I also told my aunt that I wanted to bring my dad back to Ilocos. He loves that place. My parents are both from Visayas. Papa is Waray, Mama is Bisaya. How they ended up together? That’s a story for another time. But my dad was stationed in Ilocos for some time, way before I came into their life, and they lived there for some time with two of my ugly ass brothers. Sorry I always call my siblings ugly asses—it’s my endearment. While my elder sister and eldest brother were in Samar. Parents married early, both were 18 at the time of marriage. But despite that they were able to raise their children. I feel like writing about their life—maybe one day I could write about our lives. Soon? Lol anywho, Papa loves Ilocos and I want to bring him back there. With the fam. If God will give me enough time with my parents, I hope to be able to bring them abroad, too. At least once.
I wish I could win the lottery. So that I could do all these things faster. Buy that house I’ve always wanted to have in Presello lmao. Give the life I want to give to my parents and my younger sister. Spoil my nephews and niece to oblivion. And prolly purchase a guy who would love to settle with me. I’m just kidding. I always joke about becoming rich and just buying men. But that also scares the shit outta me. Imagine, what if he’s a serial killer? And he only marries me because he wants my money? Hmm, those are some thoughts to ponder. So much for watching true crime shit on YouTube.
So I’m going back to my original plans. Get those education units. Get that teaching license. If God permits me, get that graduate degree. Leave the country. Never look back. LMAAAAOOOO, girl. Hopefully these aren’t wishful thinking. Because istg, I want a better life for my family. If it means I’ll never get married, then so be it. HAHAHAHA.
Anyway, happy father’s day to all you dads out there. I hope you had a great celebration with your families. I had a great one today. And I loved every moment of it. I wish I could celebrate more with my family. I miss us eating out together. We’re big bunch, you see. And I get a little bit too sentimental when I get reminded of the past because right now, in this pandemic, we can’t do that. But thank God for technology, right? We get to video chat our loved ones and celebrate with them even when they’re far away. But then again, these social media networking sites aren’t meant to substitute for real-time, face to face conversations. They’re just here for interim purposes (this line reminds me of my journalism paper back in uni yo!).
I have so many things I want to share, so many things have happened today. Actually over the weekend and I want to write about it. But let’s just leave this post here. Let’s park this topic. Oh man, my brain wants to write more but I don’t want to end this on a sad note.
Mondays are the worst. I want to face tomorrow with a smile. I want to work harder, become better, and then leave with a light heart. My God, I pray for this anxious heart of mine to please calm tf down. Hahaha.
Cheer up, self. Things will get better.
P.S. I am addicted to TWICE's Alcohol Free. This song is my last song syndrome.
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All Is Fair: Ch. 19 Velvet
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Tommy's plans have everything to do with a little velvet box. Ada and Polly have reservations, but Tommy is off to the country to bring back his bride.
Sorry for the giant-ass hiatus. I've had Covid and complications from Covid, so it has been tough to find my muse. I hope you like this offering.
“On the table by the window will be fine, and if Mrs. Gray arrives before we’ve come down, send her up here,” Ada spoke quietly to the maid who had brought a tray of tea and scones into the bedroom. She didn’t want to wake the boys, who were sleeping uncharacteristically late for a Christmas morning. Her own chances for a good night’s sleep had been poor to nonexistent after Tommy dropped his bombshell.
She’d had a bath and fixed her face and hair before the sun crept over the eastern treeline of Tommy’s estate. By the time the sky had begun to fade into the bruised lavender shade that she loved best, she had slipped into a burgundy satin and velvet pantsuit. She stood at the window and watched the dawn go fuchsia, then salmon, and finally pale blue before she rang for tea. The loosely draped satin of her top flowed like liquid as she poured her first cup and waited for Aunt Pol.
Like many others who were raised with very little, Polly celebrated Christmas in a big way. The loss of her own children and the hardships she faced while raising her nieces and nephews had meant that she couldn’t get enough of a proper Christmas morning through the eyes of a child. Polly made it a point to be with Charlie or Karl or both on Christmas morning, and she brought enough gifts to make Croesus blush. True to form, she came down Tommy’s drive, fresh from sunrise mass, as Ada poured her second cup of tea. Ada stifled a giggle as she watched one of the house boys struggle under the weight of a huge red flannel bag filled with gifts, but her lightened mood was short-lived as her mind returned to the news she had to relay to her aunt.
“Happy Christmas, Ada,” Polly sang as she walked through the door and pulled Ada into a hug.
Ada squeezed her back with all her might inhaling deeply the scent of French perfume. When she pulled away, she placed her finger to her lips to warn Aunt Pol to be quiet. “The boys aren’t awake yet. Have some tea.”
“I’d rather go wake the boys. Who ever heard of having a lie in on Christmas morning?”
Ada wrinkled her brow and gestured toward the sitting area, “I really need to speak with you before this all gets started. It’s Tom.”
As they settled into a pair of dainty boudoir chairs, Polly lit a long brown cigarette and sighed, “This had better not ruin my Christmas. What’s he done now?”
“Well there are two things, and they are somewhat related,” Ada started. As much thought as she had given the recent turn of events, when it came down to telling Aunt Polly, she didn’t quite know where to begin.
Polly took a long drag on her cigarette and blew the smoke towards the window, where the draft from the aging sill sent it wafting into curlicues. “Take your time, love, but those boys will be awake before long.”
Ada looked down at her fidgeting hands. “Esme is in town, and Tommy is getting married.”
Polly sat up noticeably straighter and raised her voice. “And just exactly how are those two things related?”
“Tommy is marrying Lia, but I think Esme is partially responsible for his sudden decision to propose.”
The whole story came spilling out of Ada starting with how Jenny came after Tommy, armed with information that she got from her copper boyfriend and Esme. “She told him that if he really cared about Lia, he’d let her go before she got hurt.” She took a deep breath and wrinkled her nose, nearly afraid to voice her thoughts to Pol, “I’m convinced that he’s marrying the girl half out of spite.”
Polly nodded knowingly. “And the other half is that he loves her and doesn’t want to lose her. This impulsivity, it isn’t like him.”
“Apparently, Esme laid it on rather thick. She had Jenny talking about tormented souls and such.”
Polly was taken aback. That Esme—she could hold a grudge like no other. The family would need to get a handle on her. On the other hand, all of their lives depended on the protection and discretion of Moss and his men. If there was any trouble in the ranks, it would need to be swiftly dealt with. Jenny’s man was a liability.
“Is Tommy getting rid of the copper?”
Ada nodded in the affirmative. “Tommy contacted Moss and to let him know about the leak in his department. He told Moss that the money that changes hands between them is meant to ensure discretion on the part of his officers and that any more exceptions would mean a change in leadership at the top. The only reason that Jenny’s man hasn’t been permanently reassigned to guarding the prison’s shithouses is that Tommy ordered him to keep Jenny away from Lia. At least until he can marry her.”
Polly nodded and raised her eyebrows in agreement. “What about Esme?”
“He said wants to make things right with her. He said it’s not right that she’s a Shelby, but she won’t even take our money for her children. He wants to call a truce and set something up for her and the kids.”
Polly scoffed, “I’ll handle Esme. She’s more likely to take it if it’s coming from me.”
A melancholy feeling came over Ada all of a sudden. She remembered taking care of John’s kids when Martha died. They were like her little brothers and sisters, but before long Freddie was back from France and babysitting was the farthest thing from her mind. Then a few years later they lost John on Christmas day. She wished she had spent more time with them all. Maybe there was hope for some kind of reconciliation. It would be nice to have John’s children around.
There were sounds of movement in the hallway, and they realized that their time was almost up. Polly leaned forward and asked, “And this marriage proposal? Did you see it coming?”
Ada cut her eyes toward the door then back to Polly. “No, Aunt Pol, just a few days ago I was worried that he was growing bored of her and that he was going to break her heart. I believe that when Jenny told him that Esme was on about curses and the blood of the innocent on his hands, it got to him. I think he has it in his mind that Lia is his second chance...his saving grace. He says he wants to keep her safe, give her the Shelby name. He kept saying that he doesn’t want to lose her. He was saying things like, ‘I have to do this the right way this time.’ Just talk to him. I’d love to have her in the family, but she's not like us. I want to see Tom happy, but it’s not fair to drag her into this life without knowing what she’s getting into.”
The following morning, Tommy stepped into his study to find Polly curled up on the end of the couch while she smoked and waited for her tea to cool.
He circled around his desk, unlocked the drawer, and slid a blue velvet box into his coat pocket before announcing, “I’m off”
Polly smiled into her teacup, “Where are you going?”
“You know where, Pol,” he grunted as he pulled on his overcoat.
“Do you love her?”
“Yes. As much as I’ve ever loved anything.”
“Anything or anyone?” She let her words settle on him as she took a long drag from her cigarette. “You know there's a difference, right? I know she makes you feel alive and strong. I know she adores you and makes you feel like the most important person in the world, but, Tommy, she’s a real woman with a real heart that can be broken.”
“I know that. No one’s heart is getting broken.”
He crossed the room to where Polly sat and gazed down at her with those limpid blue eyes that made her want to believe him.
“I know what I’m doing, Pol. No one’s heart will be broken.”
She reached out for his hand and squeezed it with both of hers, softly smiled, and whispered, “Alright, Tommy, alright.”
Tommy walked along the path that led to the barn, his boots crunching into the near-frozen gravel. His left arm swung at his side; the fingers of his right hand unconsciously rubbed the velvet of the ring box that was nestled in the pocket of his coat.
As he approached the barn, he could hear the rise and fall of indistinct voices. One of them was unmistakably hers. He stopped walking and took in the scene before him. A few milk cans stood against the wall, and a hay wagon was parked beside a neatly kept fence. A collie poked her muzzle out of the barn door, perked up her ears, and warily barked.
“What is it, girl?” Lia said as she patted the dog’s back and stepped around her.
He hardly recognized the girl standing before him: face scrubbed clean, hair tied back with a workman’s kerchief, clad in dungarees crammed into muck boots, and a barn jacket that was at least two sizes too big for her.
“Tommy! What on earth are you doing here?” she gasped.
A weathered voice called from behind her, “Who’s here Lia-Bug?”
Her father came out of the stall just in time to see Lia rush to Tommy and throw her arms around him.
“I can’t believe you’re here. You should’ve sent word that you were coming.” Her muffled words were warm as she nuzzled her chilled face into his neck.
Tommy gently pulled her away to his side and cleared his throat. Lia’s father stood a few feet away, wiping his hands on a kerchief like the one tied in Lia’s thick waves. His moss-green eyes never wavered from Tommy’s as he spoke, “Auralia, where are your manners?”
He stepped up to Tommy with his hand extended, “Patrick Montrose. You must be Thomas Shelby.”
“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Montrose. Call me Tommy.”
With his hand gripped firmly around Tommy’s he returned, “Alright, Tommy. You might as well call me Paddy since we’re damn near the same age.”
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atc74 · 4 years
Soul to Souls - Twenty
Warnings: Mentions of labor, fluff, some more fluff, worried!Dean, fluff...it is just a huge fluff fest
Summary: Since she was four years old, Annaleigh has seen the same boy in her dreams. For twenty-five years, she grows to love the boy that has now turned into a man. Dean Winchester just lost the only family he has ever known. The guilt drives him to work harder than ever before. He works to forget the pain, until he meets Annaleigh and she turns his world upside down. What she learns changes both of their lives forever, but what will he do when he discovers the truth? Will he accept it or run back to the only life he has ever known?
Pairing: Dean x OC Annaleigh
Word Count: 1650
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches​, @katehuntington​, thank you both for being my guides! Dividers and cover art by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89​.
A/N: This was my very first series I ever wrote four years ago in September 2016 and I am so happy and proud to bring this back home. Thank you to everyone that is enjoying the story so far. You’re probably going to get a couple chapters a week, trying to wrap this up before the new series starts.
This is the very end. Thank you so much to everyone for sharing this journey with me, a second time. I hope you love this little family as much as I do!
Like Dean’s scent? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker!
Soul to Souls Master List
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Sam arrived at the hospital the next morning with the twins in tow to meet the newest member of their family. Dean greeted his brother and his two older children. Holding their daughter, Annaleigh watched from her bed as he settled the twins into the large rocking chair in preparation to hold their baby sister. She gently transferred the baby into Dean’s arms, kissing him lightly. 
“Okay, you two. You have to be gentle now. She’s really tiny, okay?” Dean spoke to them softly as he set the baby on their combined laps. “Millie, Robby, this is your new sister, Sammie. Samantha Karen Winchester.” 
Dean glanced up from his children to catch his brother hastily swipe a hand across his face. “Come ‘ere.” 
“I thought you didn’t do chick flick moments,” Sam scoffed, trying to conceal his emotions. 
Dean pulled his brother in, hugging him tightly. “You know I love ‘em. But, don’t tell anyone, I’ll kill ya.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Sam laughed, sniffling. 
“Babe, I don’t want to interrupt your moment, but would you mind getting me some more ice?” Annaleigh held out the empty pitcher for him, and he grabbed it from her. 
“Coming right up. Sammy, watch them, please,” Dean called out to his brother as he left the room. 
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Annaleigh and Sammie were discharged with a clean bill of health later that day, and she was excited to get home. She may have just given birth, but it was still her husband’s birthday. She had texted Sam as soon as Dean left to pull their vehicle around, hoping everything was ready. Her phone buzzed in her hoodie, and she pulled it out to see a text from Sam. She smiled, knowing it was going to be perfect. 
“Are my girls ready to go home?” Dean smiled as he entered the hospital room. 
“Yeah, we’re more than ready, Daddy.” Anna returned his smile, ensuring Sammie was strapped into her carrier, the cover ready to be zipped up to keep the frigid January wind out. 
“Okay, Mama, here we go,” Dean announced, throwing his wife’s bag over his shoulder before gently picking up their newborn. Anna grabbed the diaper bag, and they headed home with their new baby. 
With precious cargo in the backseat, Dean drove slower than normal. He checked on his girls frequently through the rearview mirror of the new three row sport utility vehicle. He had given up driving Baby on a regular basis when the twins were born, but when they found out they were expecting another baby, Dean insisted on a larger truck, so his family was safe and sound. He now only drove his beloved Impala on date nights with his wife. 
Rolling to a stop right in front of the walk, he hurried from his seat to help Anna out of the back. “Okay, Red, take it easy.” Dean held her hand as she slipped from the captain’s seat. He quickly went to the other side to grab the carrier before helping Anna to the door. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” Dean cooed, gazing down at his newborn daughter. “Welcome home.”
Annaleigh made her way through the door with Dean right behind her. He set the baby carrier down then turned back to retrieve the bags from the truck. Anna peaked around the corner of the archway to see everyone ready. She winked quickly at Sam before reaching down and releasing the straps to gently lift the Sammie into her arms. She joined the rest of the family in the kitchen to wait for her husband. 
They heard Dean’s heavy footfalls on the porch before the door opened once more. “Red? Where’d you go?” He removed his boots and walked around the corner into the kitchen to find his family. 
“Happy birthday!” The extended Winchester clan exclaimed, catching Dean by surprise. 
His eyes slowly scanned the room, taking in the faces of his family. His incredible wife and their new daughter, standing with their almost four year twins. The smiling face of his brother, his arm around their neighbor, Jody. Bobby, his surrogate father, and Castiel, the angel who raised him from perdition. Dean felt his eyes well up, finally allowing himself to let out the overwhelming flow of emotions he had experienced in the last twenty-four hours. 
From the apprehension when Annaleigh went into labor, to the fear that something would go wrong during the birth, to the joy and relief when Sammie finally took her first breath. To have his family, the people most important to him on the planet, in one room, meant more to him than he could possibly express in words. He didn’t even know if the words existed for what he was feeling. 
Anna passed the baby to Jody, before rushing to Dean and engulfing him in her arms for the first time since before their daughter was born. “Happy birthday, Baby.” 
Dean let the tears flow freely as he held tight to his wife. “I love you, Red. Thank you so much for this.” 
“Daddy! Daddy!” Millie and Robby ran over to Dean, each holding a gift for their dad. 
Dean lowered himself to wrap his arms around his children, bringing them both into a bear hug. When he released them, he took their proffered gifts, holding onto them to open later. 
“Happy birthday, brother.” Sam engulfed his brother in a warm embrace, like so many they had shared before. 
“Thanks, Sammy.” Dean clapped his brother on the back before letting go. He exchanged quick hugs with Cas and Bobby, before reaching Jody. 
“Thank you for being here for my family,” he expressed his gratitude and lightly kissed her cheek. “And, you’re good for my brother. I’m happy for you two.”
Jody smiled, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she glanced over at Sam, holding his new niece, looking happier than he had been in years. “Thank you, Dean. I’m happy, too.” 
“Daddy, open your pwesents!” Robby hollered, shaking them in front of him. 
Dean took the less than subtle hint from his son and sat down at the table. “Which one should I open first?” He looked between his two oldest children, a smirk on his face. 
“Mine!” They yelled out together. 
“No mine.” Millie shoved her gift out. 
“No, Millie. I said mine!” Robby protested. 
“Hey, hey. Calm down, both of you,” Annaleigh broke up the potential fight before it could really get started. “Your sister is sleeping, and it’s Daddy’s birthday. This is not how you act, is it?” 
“No, Mama. I’m sorry,” Millie murmured. 
“I’m sorry, Mama,” Robby echoed. 
“Okay, now please have some patience. Daddy will open them when it is time for presents, okay?” 
“Yes, Mama,” they replied in unison. 
“Well dinner is ready to be served, if anyone is hungry,” Jody announced to the family. 
“Yes! I’m freaking starving!” Dean exclaimed, the group laughing, because when wasn’t Dean hungry?
“I’m going to put the baby down,” Annaleigh said, taking her from Sam’s arms. 
“I’ll come with you,” Dean said. “We’ll be back soon.” 
They climbed the stairs hand in hand. Thankfully, Sam and Jody had moved the bassinet and baby monitor to their bedroom. Annaleigh gingerly laid Sammie down on her back, swaddled tightly. She was already asleep, and they held their collective breath, hoping she would stay that way for at least an hour or two. After a few minutes, they closed the door and headed back to the kitchen for dinner, baby monitor in hand. 
The mood in the kitchen was jovial. The Winchesters had much to celebrate that night, not just Dean’s birthday, but the birth of another child, a healthy family, and good friends. Watching his family, Dean decided he couldn’t be happier than he was at that moment. 
“Is it time for pwesents now?” Robby groaned. 
“Yeah, buddy, it is,” Dean laughed. He closed his eyes and blindly reached for the pile of presents. He opened his eyes and started tearing into the paper to reveal a picture of him and Millie, inside a frame that read “Daddy’s Number One Girl”. 
Millie threw herself into Dean’s arms. “I love you, Daddy. Happy birthday.”
“Thank you, baby girl. I love you, too.” 
“Okay, Robby, your turn.” Dean opened the second present on the table, and was again met with a picture of himself, this time with his son, under the hood of the Impala, both of them smiling ear to ear, with grease on their faces. The frame read “Mechanic in Training”.
“Buddy, thank you. I love this, so much. I know you’re going to take good care of Baby someday.” 
“Love you, too, Daddy. I pwomise I will.” Robby wrapped his arms around Dean’s neck. 
“Thank you guys so much for being here.” Dean smiled, filled with emotion, meeting each of their eyes as he looked around the room. 
“Babe, there is one more,” Annaleigh came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, a present in her left hand. 
“Red, you gave me a baby for my birthday, what else could you possibly give me that I don’t already have?” 
“Just open it, dude,” Sam demanded. He was sitting across from Dean, Jody pulled into his side. 
Dean carefully pulled back the paper. Inside he found another picture, this one of all three of his children. The frame read Daddy’s Little Angels. He sniffed slightly, a tear rolling down his cheek. “When did you take this?” 
“Sam took it this morning when you went to get me more ice chips,” Annaleigh told him. 
Dean collected himself for a moment, breathing deeply. “I don’t know what to say.” 
At that moment, Dean knew his happiness knew no limits. He knew each day would be different, and there would be good days, bad days, and great days. But, his happiness would grow by leaps and bounds, just like his love for his family.
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Soul to Souls tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @flamencodiva​​ @iwantthedean​​ @jensengirl83​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @smol-and-grumpy​​ @kbl1313​​ @waywardbeanie​​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​​ @princessmisery666​​ @shy-violet-soul​​ @lastcallatrockysbar​​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​​ @fangirlxwritesx67​​ @squirrelnotsam​​ @michellethetvaddict​​ @magssteenkamp​​ @wonder-cole​
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Fallin’ All In You (Pt. 41)
Title: Fallin’ All In You (Pt. 41)
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 3,934
Warnings: Smut, Breeding Kink
Tags: @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​, @two-unbeatable-beaters​, @randomness501​, @sevvysaurus​, @paryl​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @talesfromtheguild​
Author Notes: 4/4 of the Holiday arc! Holiday Smut! I know, I know I said we would meet Jack’s family in this and I had thoughts of describing his family more but I wanted to focus more on the women in his family.
Gif Credit: Pinterest
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           You stared in awe as the sprawling farmhouse came into view. There was a long winding gravel drive from the main road leading all the way to a large two story farmhouse that was lit with warm yellow lights from inside and outside. You were speechless as the taxi cab pulled up on the driveway that had an odd assortment of trucks and cars parked on it. The driver parked the taxi and got out to open the trunk and pull out your bags.
           You took in a deep breath of fresh air as you exited the taxi and turned to the driver smiling warmly. Traveling was exhausting and you were so grateful that this taxi driver had been willing to drive all the way from the airport to Jack’s family’s farmhouse. You handed the driver forty dollars for a tip and he thanked you animatedly as he handed you your duffle and rolling suitcase.
           “Thank you kindly miss.” He said a deep southern drawl and you nodded your head.
           “I’m just grateful you were willing to come all the way out here. So thank you very much.” You explained.
           “Oh I don’t mind I know the Daniels family they’re a good bunch if a little rowdy.” He said easily.
           “I can only imagine if they’re anything like Jack.” You said teasingly and the man laughed brightly.
           “So you’re Jack’s girl that I keep hearing about?” he questioned lightly and you blushed lightly at his words. “They’re all very eager to meet you. Just don’t let them scare you away they’re harmless.”
           “Oh well thank you I’ll make sure to remember that.” You laughed softly as you looked back the large house, you could see a shadow in one of the first windows and then suddenly there was a flurry of motion at the window. You watched as more shadows passed across the windows leading to the front door that was opened widely with a small elderly woman bursting out with Jack following on her heels quickly. “Thank you again you have a good holiday.” You said warmly to the driver as you began your trek up the driveway as you saw Jack making his way over to you hurriedly.
           “Happy Holidays darlin’.” Jack said warmly as you dropped your duffle bag and suitcase and embraced in a tight hug. Jack wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and held you close to his body as he dipped down to press a kiss your neck. “Thank goodness you’re here.” He husked out into your ear. You laughed brightly as you pulled your head back to look into his eyes.
           “Aww what’s the matter honey? Miss me that much?” you asked teasingly and he glared at your teasing. He then smiled brightly down at you and gave you a kiss to your lips. You moved to deepen it but Jack pulled away grimacing softly.
           “They’re all watching.” He said softly as he tilted his head to the window. Your eyes darted over and you smiled as you watched the curtains at the window flutter shut. “Besides the biggest instigator of the family is still waiting at the front door.” You nodded as you pulled away and moved to your luggage but Jack beat you to it easily scooping it up in his hands while he slung an arm around your shoulder. “How was your flight?” he asked
           “Tiring but fine.” You answered easily as Jack led you over to the woman standing on the front porch waiting for the two of you. She was an elderly woman who had shocking white hair pulled up and away from her face. She was wearing a pretty red dress with a scoop neckline that stopped at her knees and a Christmas themed apron over it. She had the same chocolate brown eyes that Jack had and a warm bright smile on her face.
           “Finally!” she exclaimed happily as she opened her arms to you as you got closer. You pulled away from Jack and walked into her arms where she hugged you tightly and your wrapped your arms around her firmly. “Oh she’s a good hugger.” The woman told Jack over your shoulder and you laughed out delighted. She pulled away and cupped your elbows to keep you close as she studied. “Now let me good look at the woman that’s captured my grandson’s attention.”
           “Memaw.” Jack said in warning tone and you smiled widely at her. “She’s tired and has been traveling all day to get here can we not bombard her?”
           “Oh Jack hush.” She admonished him and he instantly grew quiet to your surprise. “I just want to get a good look at her before everyone else meets her. Besides this is the first time in a very long time that you have brought someone home to visit.” She explained easily as she tucked her arm into and began turning to the front door. “Now don’t let the others scare you they’re a bit much but they’re good people.”
           “Oh I’m sure it’ll be fine.” You said easily as you walked into the front door.
           “Famous last words.” You heard Jack say from behind you as you entered into his family home.
             You sat on the queen sized bed as Jack set your duffle bag and suitcase in the corner of the room for you to unpack later before bed. He came to stand in between your open legs and cupped the sides of your face smiling affectionately down at you. Pulling you to him he kissed your lips deeply and you groaned softly.
           “I’ve been waiting forever to do that.” He husked against your lips and you smiled keeping your eyes closed. It had been at least an hour since you arrived and you felt like you must’ve met Jack’s entire family within that time. “You look tired, do you want to take a nap before dinner?” he asked softly as he pressed brief chaste kisses to your lips teasing you.
           “Hmm, no way I’m pretty sure your grandma would think me weak for taking a nap.” You responded laughing lightly.
           “She would not. She knows we’re all a lot to take in she wouldn’t hold it against you.” He assured softly as he pressed a long kiss to your lips.
           “Liar.” You whispered against his mouth and gripped his shirt holding him tight to you so you could sweep your tongue against his bottom lip making him groan as he opened his mouth to you. You effortlessly flicked your tongue in Jack’s mouth and gripped his shirt tighter in your hands. “I missed you so much.” You whispered against his mouth when you pulled away.
           “Me too darlin’. Me too.” He whispered back before he kissed you deeply once more. “How was your visit with your Dad?” he asked softly as the two of you pulled away and you began unpacking your luggage.
           “It was alright I got one good day with him so that’s a plus.” You responded as Jack helped guide you around the room the two of you would be staying in. He watched as you pulled out a knee length hunter green dress from your suitcase and hung it up in the closet and crowded behind you.
           “That’s good, I’m glad you got to celebrate with him. That dress is going to look so good on my floor.” He said into your ear as he bent his head down and began kissing up and down your neck. You moaned softly as you tilted your head back onto his shoulder giving him more access to your neck. You both stood there for a few more minutes just leaning into each other enjoying being close to each other again.
           Just then you both heard the sound of loud footsteps running up the stairs and then a flurry of loud knocks sounded at the door.
           “Uncle Jack! Daddy said to stop holding your girlfriend hostage we want her to come help with cookies!” came the shout of Jack’s youngest niece. You chuckled softly as you heard her than running back downstairs.
           “C’mon I’m being summoned to bake cookies.” You said as you patted his arms that were wrapped low around your waist. Jack groaned softly and shook his head.
           “No you’re my girlfriend I get to keep you.” He said softly in a childish tone and you laughed softly before turning in his arms. You kissed him deeply and harshly stealing his breath from him. When you pulled away the two of you were both panting.
           “Of course you get to keep but you have to share with your family right now.” You assured him as you pulled out of his arms and he groaned again following you dejectedly to the bedroom door as you laughed softly.
             The sound of raucous teasing floated in from the dinning room where most of the men of the Daniels family sat playing a game of poker as the women were in the kitchen baking as the kids bounced from room to room. The elders of the family were in the living room watching a movie except for Jack’s Memaw who had insisted that you start calling her that as well. You pulled another tray of sugar cookies from the stove and began sliding them onto the cooling rack on the large island of the kitchen. Jack’s sister and sister in law were in charge of decorating the enormous amount of cookies that you all were baking. His mom and Memaw were in charge of mixing the ingredients and you were in charge of the stove which you were more than happy about as you felt your day of traveling starting to catch up with you.
           “So tell us dear when did you know that you were in love with our Jack?” asked Memaw as she looked up from the bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough with a smirk that reminded you immediately of Jack. His mom tried to chastise her mother for being so bold but you shook your head laughing softly.
           “It’s fine.” You said easily to Jack’s mom. “I knew I’d get at least one interrogation when I agreed to come here. I’d be disappointed if I didn’t.” you explained. You turned back to Memaw smirking right back at her and watched as her eyes twinkled with amusement and admiration. “As for your question it kind of snuck up on me. I was attracted to Jack when I first met him a couple of years ago at work but he didn’t know who I was back then, I worked in the lab and he didn’t come down there very often. It wasn’t until I was promoted that I was on his radar.” You explained easily as you left out details of your and Jack’s work.
           “So you noticed him first?” asked Jack’s sister and you turned to her with a nod of your head. “Well isn’t that par for the course with us Daniels, huh Ma?” she asked laughing knowingly.
           “Oh of course. Every Daniels member has always been the last to fall in love with their partners.” Jack’s mom explained to you making you laugh with a knowing nod.
           “Sounds about right.” You agreed and the women all laughed around you.
           “That man is going to marry you.” Memaw said softly and you turned to her sharply. “Oh don’t look at me like that he is. You can see it in his eyes.” You shook your head softly as a smile creeped up onto your lips. Jack had only mentioned marriage once in a teasing manner and the two of you had been more apart than together for your relationship that it was slow moving which you were not unhappy about. You just didn’t know if marriage was something that Jack was serious about.
           “We will see.” You said smiling at her.
           “She’s right though. Ever since you’ve gotten here he’s always watching you when you’re not looking and it’s such a soft look. And Jack doesn’t soft looks.” Said Jack’s sister in law and the group of you laughed again at her words.
           “I love the man so I’m willing to wait.” You said shrugging and the women smiled at you with soft sighs.
           “Well he can’t wait too long. I want more great grandchildren.” Memaw said loudly making you, Jack’s sister and sister in law to burst into laughter while his mom chastised her loudly. “Oh hush sweetheart I’m old enough that I can get away with saying those things. Here dear why don’t you go refresh the drinks for the poker game. Give Jack some sugar and luck.” Memaw said softly as she handed you a few beer bottles from the fridge.
           “Well I can see when you’re trying to get rid of me.” You teased and the women laughed again as you walked out into the dining room where Jack sat with one of his nephews on his knee while he played poker. You stopped in your tracks at the image and felt your stomach bottom out. Jack was leaning forward to whisper in his nephew’s ear explaining his cards to the young boy and your mind immediately began racing with images of Jack with your children. Your heart clenched in your chest and you sucked in a breath. Jack heard you and looked up in concern but when he saw you standing there staring at him with such an intense look on your face holding the beer bottles he felt his whole body heat with desire. You were looking at him like he was the only man in the room and he could feel his arousal start to build in the pit of his stomach.
           His eyes tracked you as you moved around the table refreshing the beers that all the men were drinking. You joked and laughed easily with the men as you moved looking as if you had always a part of the family and that thought made Jack’s heart twist in his chest. You belonged here with his family and Jack felt the desire to give you that grow in his chest. When you came over to stand beside him he tilted his head up to look at you as he felt your hand softly rub his back. You smiled down at him and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, he nearly groaned when he felt your tongue quickly lick at his lips before you pulled away.
           “Win this hand and you’ll win something else later tonight.” You whispered softly in his ear and Jack had to silently stare at you as desire coursed through him. You winked and walked back into the kitchen.
           “Alright Ryder you ready to win yer Daddy’s money?” Jack asked softly to the little boy in his lap.
           “Sure am Uncle Jack.” Ryder said happily as he grinned across the table at his dad.
             It was hours later and you were heading up the stairs tiredly after helping clean up the kitchen and dining room. You were beat after traveling all day and then spending the late afternoon to evening with Jack’s family. As you opened the door for the bedroom you were instantly yanked into the room and shoved against the door. Jack’s lips were dragging open mouthed kisses against your neck and his mustache tickled underneath your jaw.
           “Jack!” you gasped out softly as he rested his weight on you.
           “I won darlin’. Hell I won the whole damn game after your promise downstairs.” Jack panted out softly as he ground his hips into yours. Your arms came up to wrap around his neck and he nuzzled farther into your neck. “So what’s my prize?” he asks in a low gravel making you shiver against him.
           “It’s gotta be within reason your family is sleeping not far from us.” You pant softly as you feel his lips suck open mouth kisses into your flesh. “Jack.” You gasp softly as his thigh comes up to press in between your legs.
           “Slow and lazy or hard and fast?” he questions in your ear as his hands clasp your hips tightly dragging you up onto his thigh.
           “If we do slow and lazy I might pass out, I’m so tired.” You say softly as you clench your thighs around his.
           “Hard and fast it is then.” He responds easily as he twirls you away from him and the door to face the bed. His fingers are already tugging your shirt up and over your head as your own come to the waistband of your jeans undoing them quickly. Jack groans lowly as he sees your matching black lace set that you were hiding under your clothes and hurriedly begins unbuttoning his red plaid shirt. You move closer and begin undoing his belt buckle and quickly slide down his zipper. Before you can slide your hand in his underwear Jack has to turned around to the bed again. His larger hands are gripping yours loosely as he guides them to the tall bed post. “Keep your hands here darlin’ no touching tonight.” He demands lowly and you shift with a soft whimper.
           Jack’s hands trail from your own over your arms to your shoulders where he snaps one of your bra straps against your skin making you hiss in pleasure. They then travel down your back to the clasp which is quickly undone and your breasts drop slightly in the black lace. Jack tugs one of your elbows up and he slides it out of the bra strap before replacing it back on the bed post. Stepping closer and pressing his front to your back he repeats the action with your other arm before dropping your bra to floor. You’re panting with desire at his soft touches and anticipation to him finally touching you like you want him to.
           “So tell me what you were thinking about when you came into the dining room earlier. You looked like you could eat me alive with those sinful eyes darlin’.” He said softly as his hands suddenly cupped and gripped your breasts tightly in his hands. You threw your head back to rest against his shoulder with a low whine and your hips shifting back towards him. “Uh-uh darlin’. Tell me.” He demands as his hands tweak your nipples in his fingers. You’re panting as your head falls forward and your head is growing cloudy with desire.
           “I-I oh Jack.” You gasp out softly as the feel of his hands becomes too much for you. Suddenly his hands are gone and you’re gasping.
           “Tell me.” He demands again and you feel his fingers plucking at the waistband of your underwear.
           “You looked so g-good with your nephew in your lap. It-it made me think about if we had kids.” You pant out and try shifting back against him. Jack’s groan is low, loud and long as his hands flex on your hips. You hear a ripping sound and suddenly you’re bare. “Jack!” you hissed softly at him.
           “I’ll buy you a new pair.” He grunts out as you hear him shedding his own underwear before he’s pressing close to your back and you feel his cock slide in between your ass cheeks. You whimper softly and press back against him. “So you want to have my children is that darlin’?” he asks in a deep tone and one of his hands comes to gather a handful of your hair and drag your head back. You’re gasping for air with the movement and then suddenly he’s slamming into you. Your grip on the bedpost tightens as Jack begins to pound into you from behind. “You want to get you pregnant is that it?” he drawls out lowly and you’re keening soft and high using the bed post to push off from and thrust back against him.
           The heat in your body is building quickly and your muscles are clenching tightly. You shift your feet further apart to ground yourself as Jack dips his hips and thrusts harshly up. Your breath is being dragged out of you and sweat is beading at your forehead and rolling in between your shoulder blades.
           “Please.” You gasp out softly needing Jack to do something more than pounding into you. You feel his hand in your hair disentangle and ghost down your back.
           “Please what darlin’? Tell me and I’ll give you everything.” Jack pants out. Your heart clenches in your chest and you know full and well that he speaks the truth. This man would give you everything he can if only you asked.
           “Please Jack. Put a baby in me.” You gasp softly and fling your head back as his cock drags against your walls just right. “Please, oh please.” You gasp out, your fingers clenching so hard around the bed post that they start to cramp. Jack’s growling lowly and wrapping an arm around your waist so his fingers can flick against your clit as he begins to thrust harder into you.
           “Gonna fuck you so good darlin’. Gonna put a baby in you tonight. You want that darlin’? You wanna have my baby?” he pants into your ear and begins to grind his hips against your ass as his fingers expertly circle your clit.
           “Yes please, oh please. Fuck.” You pant and then your mouth is dropping open in a silent scream as your orgasm slams into you taking you by surprise. Your walls clamp down on Jack’s cock and he’s burying his nose into your neck and moaning lowly against your skin.
           “Fuck darlin’, take it. Take it all.” He gasps out into your skin and you feel his orgasm release into you making you gasp for air.
           There’s a ringing in your ear and it takes you quite a bit of time to come back to earth after that high. You’re still holding onto the bedpost but your fingers are cramped and starting to hurt, not to mention all of your muscles are cramping. Jack’s hands come up to loosely cup your hands and you snuggle back into his chest so that he arms cradle you. He manages to pry your hands from around the bed post and sweeps you up into his arms cuddling you close to his chest. He gently lays you down on the bed and moves to the ensuite bathroom. Coming back into the room you rolled your head over to see that he had brought out a damp wash cloth that he used to clean you up and throwing it into the hamper in the corner of the room. When he came back to the bed and climbed in you snuggled up close to him laying your head on his chest and just listening to him breathing.
           “So you want to have my children huh?” he asked softly and you let out a soft chuckle.
           “Eventually if that’s where this is leading.” You answered him. “It just hit me when I saw you with Ryder. You would be a great dad.” You explained as you nuzzled your nose into his chest taking in his scent.
           “And you would make a great mom.” He murmured to you as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. You hummed low in your throat as sleep began to overtake you quickly.
           “Love you Jack.” You slurred out with a smile.
           “Love you too darlin’. Happy Holidays.” He said softly and the only answer he got was a soft snore from you that made a wide grin form on his face.
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Survey #294
“maybe it’s not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate”
Is your bed big enough for two people? Yes. What is your favorite board game? I like Battleship. Have you ever been hospitalized for more than 2 weeks? I think one stay at the psych hospital stretched over two weeks, maybe three. I don't remember. When was the last time you heard someone scream? Irl, probably at some point visiting my sister's family and my baby niece was upset. If you include via audio, a couple days ago when watching Egoraptor's Kingdom Hearts 2 stream. He's a Loud Boy. Who was the last person to call you baby? I have no clue. Why did you last go to the airport? I was going home from Sara's. Have you ever showered with another person? Not since I was a little kid with my sister. Is there something you are keeping a secret from your parents? I mean, nothing major. There are small things I don't tell them, though. Are you able to forget people easily? FUCK to the NO. What disgusts you about bathrooms? Sharing a toilet with literally anybody. Have you ever had gum stuck in your hair? I mean maybe at some point, but I don't think so. What was the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve dated them? If you’ve never been in a relationship before, do you watch Scrubs? I knew Jason maybe two/three weeks before he asked me out. We clicked so damn fast. Don’t you hate it when people talk about their relationships constantly? It can become a bit much. I have (had?) a friend who did this profusely to the point it was pretty impossible to have an actual conversation, and then she fell off the face of the planet. Being in love is an absolutely amazing thing, but like... that's not all you can talk about. Do you enjoy old movies? Yeah, there are some great ones. Do your neighbors annoy you in any way? Someone a few houses down has a dog that NEVER shuts the fuck up. I don't know how it doesn't lose its voice. What was the last party you were invited to? A Halloween party hosted by my friend Summer a few years ago. It was a good time. Are you honestly happy with your life right now? N O P E Do you find it fun to pray for people? I don't pray, but even if I did, "fun" seems like the wrong word. Generally when you pray for someone, there's something negative going on in their life, so like... I think "fulfilling" is maybe a better word? Has your mom ever crocheted you a blanket? My mom has deadass been working on a massive blanket since she was in her 20s (maybe even a tad younger), and she's at the tail end of her 50s. She works on it less than once in a blue moon. She started with the intention of passing it onto her kids. Do you regret letting a certain guy slip away? Debatable. It's questionable if I ever would have gotten competent help without Jason leaving, and if I didn't, what if he finally had enough when we were already married with kids (that's what I wanted at the time, anyway)? That would have broken me even worse. What show did you want to be on as a kid? Whatever the Nickelodeon one was where you got slimed lol. Do you have regrets? Of course I do. Does anyone really know you? My mom and Sara, at least. What song do you want played at your wedding? It depends on my partner and songs we consider special. Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? No. I do, however, love me some "Love Story." And you are LYYYYYYINNNNNGGGG if "Picture To Burn" doesn't make you feel like a Bad Bitch. Would you ever dye your hair unicorn colors? I would DIIIIIEEEEE to do that in pastel tints. I wish my damn hair took color well... I have literally only had ONE very effective hair dyeing experience, when my friend spent hours turning it red. It stuck for MONTHS. List 3 of your pet peeves. 1.) Turning tragedy into a competition; 2.) making mental illnesses "trendy;" and 3.) elitists of pretty much anything. Do you type fast? Very. What do you like to put on your pancakes? Typically just maple syrup, but I'll put butter on them if given it at a restaurant. Have you ever accidentally drank spoiled milk? I've taken a sip and immediately realized and spat it out. Have you ever had your heart broken? More like shattered into incalcuable pieces. When you were 3, was your natural hair color the same as it is now? No, I was dirty blonde. Have you ever received a scary message from someone online? Yes, I'm pretty sure. What does your first name rhyme with? "Infamy" is close enough, ig, if we're excluding other names. Do you have freckles on your face? No. I did as a kid, though. Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character? Probably the angel kitty (I had a coloring book, even), but they're all SO pretty. I love Lisa Frank stuff. Does your family always have your back? My mom and dad do, at least. My older sister does, meanwhile it's hard to tell with my little sister. She's not very affectionate and expressive of love to the point I question a lot if she even likes me. What type of wedding do you want to have? Gothic! Are you more of a leader or a follower? A follower, within reason. I'm definitely not a blind one. Do you know anyone with a profession in law? Quite a few, actually. Have you ever Googled yourself? Yeah, at some point. Do you have a regular vacation spot, or do you always go somewhere new? We don't really go on vacations. It's not an expense Mom can really afford. Where were you working 10 years ago? Nowhere. ... 5 years ago? Still nowhere. ... 1 year ago? Nowhere. What's the shortest amount of time you've had between relationships? Like a day. I know it sounds bad, but I left Girt already knowing I loved Sara, and I didn't really have anything to heal from. As a child, what comfort foods did your parents make for you when you were sick with a cold or flu? We'd have Saltines, chicken noodle soup (which I never really liked), and ginger ale. What's your favorite art style? Probably hyperrealistic fantasy stuff. What time period is considered to be your country's 'golden age?' I don't know, I'm not a history buff. Have you ever done LSD? I've never done any drugs. Are any of your coworkers currently out on maternity/paternity leave? N/A What is your favorite parody movie? Maybe the Paranormal Activity one. I barely remember it, though. What kind of first impression do you hope others have of you? That I'm kind and friendly and really care about their feelings. Do you have a good sense of balance? NOOOOOOOOOO. I stray like a motherfucker when I walk. Have for many years. It's weird. What is your least favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry, ugh. Does your car have heated seats? No. What's something that has been in your local news lately? I don't watch it. What's your favorite internet meme? Oh, I have no clue, I love memes lmao. What is the strangest pizza topping you've ever eaten? Nothing, really. I'm not very adventurous with pizza. Can you name any books or movies where all the main characters die? Not off the top of my head. Do you live alone? No, I live with my mother. What’s the grossest thing you’ve encountered in/at a fast food joint? *shrug* Do you swallow chewing gum? No. Do you ever get goosebumps while listening to songs? EXTREMELY easily. Like that is so, so regular, be it from the lyrics, the singer's voice, or just the music. Are there any amusement park rides you refuse to go on? Why? Most, really. I get dizzy way, way too easily and don't want to faint. What is the best roller coaster you’ve ever been on? I'm afraid of roller coasters, so I can't answer this. Never touched one. Don’t you think black jellybeans are icky? Ugh, YES. What was the last thing you measured with a ruler? I helped Mom use the long, flexible kind to measure the couch because she was gonna move some furniture around. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen? Oh, I'm sure the mountains when driving to Tennessee. I was too young to remember it well, but I can never forget that I marveled over them. Would you rather have a Playstation or Xbox made console? I'm a Playstation gal. What if you were watching COPS and saw your significant other on there? I'm... not gonna lie, if it was Jason for doing something stupid and not, like, murderous, I'd probably cackle. Have you ever tried to write to any celebrities? No. When was the last time you blew bubbles? I ain't got a clue. Have you ever stumbled across a beehive? More like wasp nests. What food(s) make you cringe? Quite a lot, given my extreme selectiveness with textures. More than anything, probably egg yolk. Have you ever played an automated 20 Questions game and beat it? Ha, I actually had one of those! I have, but damn was that hard. Have you been to a restaurant where they cook the food in front of you? Yup, Ichiban. Pretty cool. Do you feel that presidential campaigns make people too competitive? I mean, no. People care about who is going to be the head of their country. Do you find Family Guy hilarious or offensive? Neither. Do you still write letters to people, even though there’s e-mail now? No. Have you ever had an accident involving a microwave? Ha, I'm a travesty of a cook, so yeah. I remember on one occasion I accidentally dialed in many minutes for popcorn and entirely forgot about it. Safe to say I didn't eat it. I've split hot dogs in there, and I'm certain there's more. Do you like the movie Forrest Gump? I adore that movie. One of the best films ever imo. Can you handle heat well? I honestly doubt you'll meet someone who handles it worse than me, especially physically. I have severe hyperhidrosis, so I will literally sweat like a pig in 70* weather. I absolutely cannot handle it. Do you smoke weed? What are your opinions on its legalization? No. Legalize it for at least medicinal purposes. Have you ever had a school shooting at your school? HA, I can promise you my high school must have at some point. Are you usually the first to do something, or are you more of a follower? I don't pay attention to this. What is your favorite way to eat a potato? Fries, yum. Are roses your favorite flower? No, but they're high on the list. Have you ever been to a horse race? No. I think they're abusive anyway. Do you like lobster? No. Have you ever swam in a lake? Yeah. There's one lake I swam in that was so clear you could see pretty far and just watch the fish and turtles. Have you ever convinced someone to show you their private parts? "Convinced"????? That's fucking coercion. I've seen people naked, but not by fucking pressure. What is the greatest treasure you have ever found? My older sister found a cracked amethyst geode once. Idk where it's at now, but I hope she (or we at the house, depending on where it is) finds it at some point, though. My niece has come to love smooth rocks and pebbles, and I think crystals would blow her away, never mind one that size. Do you eat beef? Regrettably. Are you good at card games? I mean, what's the game? I'm not exceptional at any I can think of. What is your favorite musical? I don't like musicals. Did you ever play the Oregon Trail game? Omg yes!!! I LOVED playing it as a kid, especially the 3rd one, I think? Do you watch It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia? No. Who is your favorite country singer? I actually do enjoy Tim McGraw pretty consistently, but I don't actually seek out his music. Do you know anyone who is Mormon? An old best friend was. Do you like grunge? Yeah. What’s your favorite kind of cheese? American. What’s the most historic thing that has happened in your lifetime? Most likely Covid. What’s your funniest story involving a car? It's not hilarious, but once we were behind someone whose license plate said "omw" lmao. What scientific discovery would change the course of humanity overnight if it was discovered? Well, a proven Covid vaccine. Do you think that humans will ever be able to live together in harmony? Nope. What’s the scariest non-horror movie? Idk. What’s the most amazing true story you’ve heard? I'm not sure. What’s the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis? Having to explain my Mark tribute tattoo lmao. What was one of the most interesting concerts you’ve been to? I've only ever seen Alice Cooper, and while it was great, "interesting" seems like the wrong word. Where are you not welcome anymore? Probably Jason's house, at least not by him. Or Colleen's, probably. Idk how she feels about me by now. What’s the most recent show you’ve binge watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender w/ Sara. What’s a common experience for many people that you’ve never experienced? Paying bills. What’s the smartest thing you’ve seen an animal do? I kid you not, our first cat would look both ways twice before crossing the street across our house. (Please do not allow your cats outside.) She'd do it even more when bringing her kittens there too to hunt. Chance was truly incredible. I could really give a lot of examples of her intelligence. I also had another childhood cat (my favorite before Roman) who would respond to a certain clap pattern I'd do if Mom let me bring him inside. Wherever Charcoal was wandering, he'd come running. What’s the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about? Oh, I'm sure it was RP-related stuff as a kid. What’s the longest rabbit hole you’ve been down? I'unno. What’s the saddest scene in a movie or TV series? Possible spoiler warning for a super old movie??? Probably when the main character of Old Yeller had to put the dog down because of rabies. But I cry like a bitch easily, so maybe there's something that tears me up even more or just as badly. What odd smell do you really enjoy? None that are "odd," really. What’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild? I've seen a mink once when fishing with Dad deep in the woods. What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from a work of fiction? Oh, I don't know. I'd have to think for a while & I don't feel like it. What food do you crave most often? Probably ice cream. Who in your life has the best/worst luck? I don't know about best, but my mom absolutely has the worst luck. Which apocalyptic dystopia do you think is most likely? A meteor, maybe? If you had a HUD that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show? I'd want to know if they were criminals or just dangerous. What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen a kid do? Oh, my niece is so funny. One of the things that gave me the biggest laugh (and was most adorable) was this time I was taking family pictures for Ash at a local lake, and Aubree went running into the gazebo, span around totally like in a princess movie, and exclaimed, "It's enormous!" She is such a darling. If people could read your mind, what would they usually find? Just how bored I am, memories of Jason bc trauma, lamenting my disappointment in myself, "why is Mark so perfect," worrying about Sara, thinking of RP character developments... What celebrity would you like to meet? Mark. 100%. I would die to just thank him (if I could get words out, oof) and hug him and try not to soak his shirt in tears lmao. Do you need money to be happy? Don't bullshit me, you wouldn't be happy homeless because you can't afford a home. So to a degree, yes. What's a good idea you've had recently? Hm. What gift would you like to receive? At this current moment, Cloak's (Mark and Jacksepticeye's clothing brand) limited edition "life after death" design for a shirt. It is so fucking pretty, and I love the nature focus. What are you most excited about right now? Honestly? Getting my laptop back. I wanna play WoW lmao. What's your favorite song from a movie? Maybe uhhhhhh was "Supermassive Black Hole" actually written for Twilight? Where would you like to volunteer? I very, very badly want to volunteer to take pictures of animals up for adoption in shelters for like their social medias and stuff. I've asked like the two local places, but no bites yet. What's the last song you listened to? Metallica's cover of "Turn The Page." What's the last YouTube video you watched? I'm watching Gab Smolders play SOMA. Fantastic game.
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Falling Back Into You (Chapter 2)
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(A/N): I’m back with Chapter 2 of SingleMom! Alex. Wanted to upload an update before I start my work week tomorrow. Sorry for any errors, especially when it comes to tenses lol. This isn’t proofread in any way. Hope you guys like it.
(Y/N) had gotten back to her loft after walking Alex and Mia home. She absentmindedly made her way to her couch and sat.
The retired soccer star put a hand on her heart and tried to still the pounding inside.
Did Alex Morgan just really walk back into her life after all these years?
She chuckled to herself at how much the forward affects her still. It's been what, 15 years since she developed a life-shattering crush on Alex?
Of course, her being married to Servando at the time and her being straight as a ruler meant that nothing ever really happened.
Just a useless lesbian (Y/N) secretly in love with one of her closest friends.
Her thoughts shift to Mia and how much she resembles her heart-strong mother.
An ear-splitting smile made its way to (Y/N)'s face as she replayed today's events.
Man, was she still whipped for Alex Morgan.
(Y/N) and the USWNT just won their second World Cup in a row after beating the Netherlands in France.
She was ecstatic as she broke down in tears in the middle of the pitch.
"(Y/N)! WE DID IT!" Alex called, she looked up and saw the forward running at full speed at her and she opens her arms.
Alex crashed into (Y/N) as they giggle madly, embracing down on the grass.
"We did! I'm so proud of you!" (Y/N) exclaimed, hugging Alex even tighter. She looked up at (Y/N) with a smile and (Y/N)'s world seemed to stop.
"I'm proud of you too" Alex replied. They were lost in their own world until Kelley comes up to join their hug.
"Oh my God guys! Back-to-back!" Kelley said, sandwiching herself between the two players.
The trio laughed and started making confetti angels around them.
Soon, after all the awards had been given out, it was finally time to celebrate with their family in the stands.
(Y/N) tried to ignore the sting of seeing Alex celebrate with her husband. But what was she supposed to do?
She jogs on over to her mother and sister who flew out all the way to France just to watch their daughter.
She jumps up and envelopes them into a wild embrace.
"You did well kiddo!" Her mom said, ruffling her hair. She chuckled and grinned widely.
"I suppose you did okay" Her sister retorted. The siblings looked at each other and laughed.
"Thank you guys for being here" (Y/N) said, tears in her eyes again.
"Of course. Anything for you, honey. Now go celebrate with your teammates" (Y/N)'s mother said, shooing her daughter away.
(Y/N) laughs and proceeds to jog back to her squad. She tries looking for Alex but she was still with Servando.
Her shoulders slump for a bit and sighed.
Noticing her bestfriend being a little beat down, Tobin approached (Y/N) with Christen and her niece.
"Why do you look miserable and not like someone who hasn't won their second consecutive world cup?" Tobin said playfully, (Y/N) laughs dryly and tries to make baby talk to baby Heath.
Tobin and Christen both glance in Alex's direction and looked back at (Y/N) worriedly.
"Even after four years, (Y/N)?" Christen asked with a sad smile. (Y/N) stops playing with baby Heath and looks at the Utah star.
"Well... I guess I can't help it" (Y/N) said quietly. Tobin and Christen could only nod at their bestfriend.
*end of flashback*
The thought of Servando once again riled up (Y/N). Why the fuck would he leave Alex when obviously she's the best thing that could ever happen to anyone?
And Mia? Come on, she's only known the kid for a day and she already wants to see the kid grow up as a proud Aunt.
"Straight men..." (Y/N) grumbled to herself as she stood up and started to work on her usual schedule.
It had been about two days since (Y/N) saw Alex and Mia. She was going about paperwork about her next product for her athleisure line when her phone rings.
(Y/N) stares at the unknown number on the screen but figures it may be something important about her social work.
She pushes the answer button and steels herself for a phone conversation. Hey, she can't help it if answering phone calls still gives her anxiety at 40.
"Hello?" (Y/N) said. She hears a sigh of relief and a chuckle she knows all too well.
"Oh my god, I can't believe you still have the same number after all these years" Alex breathed out on the other end.
"Alex?" (Y/N) said, immediately breaking into a smile.
"Yeah. Hi" Alex said. (Y/N) stood up and started walking around her room, trying to control the giddiness she's starting to feel.
"Hey. To what do I owe the pleasure?" (Y/N) said. There was a slight pause from Alex.
"I actually.... have a really big favor to ask. I mean I was really going out on a limb trying to call you on a phone number you gave more than a decade ago" Alex said, chuckling at herself.
"Sure, shoot" (Y/N) said. A bit nervous on what Alex was about to ask her.
But she knew that whatever it was she'd inevitably do it. She was whipped like that.
"Mia's classes got suspended because of some weird cold epidemic happening in her school... She's off early and I'm still stuck in traffic..." Alex trailed off, feeling a bit shy at having to ask (Y/N) of all people.
"And you need me to pick her up because you're afraid to let her wait too long?" (Y/N) offered, already moving to get her keys and wallet.
"Yes... I hope you're not busy" Alex said, biting her finger nervously. She was sitting in an Uber she took from the university she was coaching at.
"I'm not. Anything for Mia" (Y/N) said heartily. Alex feels her chest warm at (Y/N)'s words.
She caught herself feeling giddy and mentally scolds herself. Why was she feeling this way now?
"Damn, that girl has known you for a day and she's already got you wrapped around her finger" Alex joked, ignoring the beating of her heart.
"What can I say? She's charming like her mom" (Y/N) said. Heading out the door and walking to her car.
"Sweet talker" Alex retorted. The forward was thankful (Y/N) couldn't see the blush on her face.
Why was she blushing? She thought.
"I try. Text me the school address and I'm on my way" (Y/N) said.
"Alright. Thanks, I owe you one" Alex said, putting the phone on speaker so she could start typing Mia's school address.
"Cook me dinner and we'll call it even" (Y/N) replied without thinking. She mentally face-palmed herself, did she push too far?
After all, they haven't seen each other in years. (Y/N) didn't really know if Alex still considered her as a close friend.
"Sure. How does next week sound?" Alex said, already feeling nervous about having (Y/N) over.
"I might just take you up on that offer" (Y/N) replied, heaving a sigh of relief that she didn't scare off Alex with her brashness.
A notification dinged on (Y/N)'s phone.
"Already sent the address, (Y/N). Thanks again!" Alex said, truly grateful that (Y/N) was willing to do this for her.
"No biggie. I'll text you when I'm with Mia already. Do I drive her to your place or mine?" (Y/N) said, getting into her car and starting the engine.
"Mine please. There's a spare key under the doormat. I'll meet you there as soon as I can" Alex said.
"Gotcha. See you later, Al" (Y/N) said, pulling out of her driveway.
"Mia already knows you'll be picking her up. Drive safe, please" Alex said.
"Yeah, mom" (Y/N) joked.
"Shut up. See you!" Alex said, before finally hanging up.
(Y/N) chuckled and put in Mia's school address into her GPS. She shoved her phone into her pocket and went on her way.
Mia's school was pretty near, about a 15-minute drive from her place. (Y/N) parked her car and started walking towards the school entrance.
She found Mia up and about, her bag abandoned on the ground as she kicked around a soccer ball with her friends.
"Hey hotshot. Time to get home" (Y/N) called to the girl. Mia whipped her head around and grinned at her newest Auntie.
"Auntie (Y/N)!" Mia said, breaking into a run and hugging the older woman.
"Hey kiddo. You seem to be enjoying that class suspension huh? Your mom's stuck in traffic so you've got me for company in the meantime" (Y/N) said, carrying the girl and spinning her around in a hug.
"(Y/N)? As in (Y/N) (L/N), soccer legend?" One of Mia's friends said, staring at (Y/N).
"Yeah! She's my newest Auntie!" Mia said proudly, walking back to her friends and picking up her bag.
(Y/N) felt a bit flattered that a seven-year-old would know her name. She walked towards the kids and heard them giggling.
"Auntie (Y/N), my friend says she wants your autograph and a photo. Would that be okay?" Mia said.
(Y/N) chuckled and squatted down to the kids' height.
"Sure thing. What do you want me to sign?" (Y/N) said. Mia's friend gingerly picked up the ball they were playing with and handed it to (Y/N).
"Could you write it to Leah, please?" The girl named Leah said to (Y/N).
"Alrighty then" (Y/N) said, scribbling her signature on the ball.
Mia also took the liberty of volunteering to take the photo of (Y/N) and Leah.
By the time Mia and (Y/N) we're walking away, Leah was absolutely ecstatic.
"So kiddo, do you wanna stop by for food before heading home?" (Y/N) said, slinging Mia's bag over her shoulder.
"McDonald's please!" Mia said with a skip in her step after the promise of food after school.
"Gotcha. But I'll check with your mom if it's alright first" (Y/N) said. She opened her car's passenger side door and allowed Mia to take her seat shotgun.
"Okie dokie artichokie" Mia said, exploring the inside of (Y/N)'s car from the confines of her seat.
(Y/N) chuckled at the young girl's antics before putting Mia's bag in the backseat.
(Y/N) dialed Alex's number and got into the driver's seat. She connected her phone to her car's bluetooth so both she and Mia can hear the conversation.
"Hello?" Alex answered, (Y/N) couldn't help the smile that graces her features.
"Hey Al, I got Mia already. She has something she wants to ask permission for" (Y/N) said, winking at the girl.
Mia giggles.
"Hi Momma!" Mia said, practically jumping up and down in her seat.
"Hey Mia. What did you want to ask?" Alex said. (Y/N) started to pull out from the school parking lot, already heading to the nearest McDonald's.
"Can me and Auntie (Y/N) buy food from McDonald's before going home?" Mia said pleadingly.
"Hmmmmm..." Alex hummed on the other end.
"Puh-lease mom" Mia said, practically begging her mother.
"Yeah, please Alex" (Y/N) said playfully. Mia grinned at her, pleased that she was getting the support of an adult.
"You two are insufferable. Fine. Buy me something while you're at it" Alex said, laughing.
Both Mia and (Y/N) cheered, the McDonald's was already in sight when they finished talking with Alex.
(Y/N) bought food for Mia and herself, including a vegan option for Alex (A/N: Yes, McDonlad's will have vegan options in the future lmao).
(Y/N) pulled up to the Morgan household not long after. Mia quickly sprinted out the car with her food in hand.
The older woman chuckled at the young girl's energy, taking Mia's bag from the backseat as well as her and Alex's food.
"Slow down, champ" (Y/N) said, walking up to the front door. Mia crouched down and fished the spare key under their doormat and opened the front door.
"You should tell your mom it's not exactly safe to leave a spare key where anybody can get it" (Y/N) said, heading inside.
Mia shrugged and rushed to the living room, turning the television on and munching on her food.
"Hey, don't you have homework?" (Y/N) called, setting down Mia's bag in one of the seats in the living room.
"Nope. We just finished exams so the teachers are pretty chill right now" Mia said, half distracted by the soccer game that was currently on television.
"Alright then. I'll just put your mom and I's food in the kitchen" (Y/N) said heading out of the living room.
"Okie dokie Auntie (Y/N)" Mia said.
It took Alex about another hour before finally getting home. She could hear Mia laughing on the other side of the front door.
She fishes out her keys and opens the door. The sight that meets her immediately makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside.
(Y/N) and Mia are playing soccer inside their living room. A make-shift goal has been made from throw pillows.
Mia has the ball and is currently trying to get past faux-goalkeeper (Y/N) who is hilariously using oven mitts as keeper gloves.
Her daughter looks very focused on the ball and doesn't seem to notice her yet.
Mia blasts the ball and (Y/N) subtly lets it slide on her right and fakes a defeated sigh.
The young girl jumps up in celebration and pretends to sip tea.
"Ah, even you're celebrations are top notch I see" (Y/N) said, chuckling at Mia.
"Of course. She learns from the best" Alex finally said. The two whipped their heads in her direction.
"Mom!" Mia said, running towards her mother and enveloping her in a hug.
(Y/N) stood up and brushed off any dust she might've been covered in after their mini-soccer game and approached Alex.
"Seems you've been pretty busy" Alex commented, looking pointedly at her oven mitt covered hands.
(Y/N) blushes and quickly removed them. She scratches the back of her neck and chuckles shyly.
"Well, we got pretty bored without you here" (Y/N) said, grinning cheekily. Alex shakes her head but laughs at the pair regardless.
"I'll clean up in the living room. Your food's in the kitchen, Al" (Y/N) said, moving to put away their pillow goal.
"Thanks, (Y/N)" Alex said. She leads Mia into the kitchen and eats with her daughter telling her about her day.
"My friends even took a picture with Auntie (Y/N)!" Mia said enthusiastically, as if on cue, (Y/N) walks in.
"You seem to be pretty popular with seven-year-olds, huh?" Alex said playfully. (Y/N) blushed once again.
"Yeah, well I try" (Y/N) said, taking a seat next to Mia. She fishes her own food and starts to eat.
Alex and (Y/N) ate in silence as Mia continued on talking about her day in school.
But the peace was interrupted when Alex's phone dinged. She turns to read the message, it was from Kelley.
She's here? We should hang out and catch up soon! Is she free on Friday?
"Who's that?" Mia said, peering at her mother's phone.
"Just your Auntie Kelley" Alex said, typing in a reply.
I'll ask her now.
"I miss Auntie Kelley!" Mia exclaimed, her french fries lying forgotten on the table.
"Kelley? How's she been doing?" (Y/N) said, piqued by the mention of an old friend.
"She's doing great. She's happily married now" Alex said. (Y/N) looks at her surprised.
"Wow. That's amazing. I'm happy for her" (Y/N) said. She felt a little bit guilty of having missed out on a lot of important events in her friends' lives.
She was a pretty bad friend.
"Yeah. She wants to catch up with you, by the way. I told her you were back... if that's okay. I mean she was the first person I called to pick Mia up but she was busy" Alex said, rambling, fearing that (Y/N) might not have wanted other people know she was back in town.
"That sounds great. I miss her and the other girls" (Y/N) said, reaching out to touch Alex on the shoulder.
The forward almost sinks into the touch that sends electricity through her.
"We could invite them all over for drinks on Friday, if that'll work out for you" Alex said, fighting back a shiver with (Y/N)'s hand still on her.
She almost whines at the loss of contact when (Y/N) pulls back.
"Sure. That'll be perfect. God I miss them all" (Y/N) said, already looking forward to Friday night.
But she looks down at Mia worriedly.
"But what about Mia? Who'll look after the kiddo while we're out with the girls?" (Y/N) said, ruffling the girl's hair.
Mia giggles and reaches up to hold (Y/N)'s hand as she gets back to eating her fries with the other.
"I have a baby sitter. Don't worry" Alex said, grinning at (Y/N).
(Y/N) stays for about an hour more before finally checking her watch.
"As much as I love being in the company of you two... I'm afraid I have to go. I have an online meeting in 45 minutes" (Y/N) said, standing up and looking apologetically at Alex and Mia.
"Aw, but Auntie (Y/N)" Mia started to say. Alex pats her daughter on the head.
"Shh, Mia. Auntie (Y/N) has to get back now. But you'll see her soon again" Alex said. (Y/N) blushes at the promise of more time together with them.
"Yeah. I'll be back before you know it. I'll stop by here on Friday so I can hang out with you a bit before your mom and I go out" (Y/N) promises and pinches Mia's cheek.
Mia moves away from (Y/N) but grinned at the older woman's offer.
"Okay, Auntie!" Mia said.
Alex walks (Y/N) out the door while ignoring the slight sting in her heart to see the woman leave.
"Thanks again for today. Look at Mia, she's only known you two days and she already loves you" Alex said, opening the front door for (Y/N).
"Oh I can assure you it's reciprocated" (Y/N) said, smiling at Alex.
They hold each other's gaze a bit longer than necessary. (Y/N) shifts on her feet for a bit before finally stepping out.
"I look forward to Friday, Al" (Y/N) said, tipping an imaginary hat in Alex's way.
Alex giggled and leaned on the doorway.
"Me too" She said. (Y/N) shoots her a smile before walking to her car and pulling out of the Morgans' driveway.
Alex watches (Y/N) drive away, with the latter giving her a small wave before speeding.
She returns the wave before closing the door. She leans back and puts her hand on her heart, feeling the thump of her heartbeat.
She looks at Mia in the kitchen who was distracted with trying to use the McDonald's paper bag for origami.
Alex sighs before pulling out her phone and dialling Kelley's number.
"Kell, I think I have a tiny bit of a crush" Alex said.
To Be Continued
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bechloeislegit · 5 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2019
Prompt from FanFiction Users Aalderman2027 and Guest: Military AU fic. [See the end for the full prompt from both].
A/N: Since these were both similar ideas, I have combined them to make this one fic.
"I know mom," Chloe said, holding the phone between her shoulder and her ear. "Beca tried. It just isn't in the cards for her to make it home for Christmas."
Chloe was bouncing her 11-month-old daughter, Sophie, in her arms as she spoke to her mother.
"I know, but this is Sophie's first Christmas," Charlotte Beale said. "The army should make exceptions in cases like this."
Chloe chuckled. "The army doesn't work like that, mom. Besides, we'll be spending Christmas with you and dad. Sophie will have a wonderful Christmas and birthday in Tampa."
"I can guarantee that," Charlotte said. "Your dad has already ordered ponies for a pony ride and a bouncy house for Sophie's birthday party."
"I'm glad we can have so many of the family there for that," Chloe said.
"What about the Mitchells?" Charlotte asked. "Are any of them coming?"
"Warren and Sheila won't be able to make it," Chloe said. "They had already had plans to travel to New Mexico to be with Sheila's family."
"What about her mom?"
"She won't be there either," Chloe said. "She leaves on the twenty-third to meet her sister for a Christmas cruise."
"That's too bad," Charlotte said. "There won't be any Mitchells to celebrate Sophie's birthday."
"She'll have one Mitchell there," Chloe said. "I am a Mitchell and will represent her mama proudly."
Charlotte chuckled. "I stand corrected. And the Beales will be represented fully. Your brother and sister are both coming for Sophie's birthday and Christmas. It will be a full house. Plus we'll have your aunts, uncles, and cousins who live nearby. They're all coming to Sophie's birthday party."
"It will be good to see them all," Chloe said. "It's been a while since we've all been together."
"It will," Charlotte said. "Give Beca our best the next time you talk to her."
"I will," Chloe said. "Sophie and I will see you in two days on the twenty-third. Don't forget our plane gets in around two-thirty your time."
"Your dad and I will be there," Charlotte said. "We love you."
"Love you, too," Chloe said, ending the call.
Chloe quietly put the phone down and took Sophie to her room. She had finally fallen asleep and Chloe laid her in her crib.
"Goodnight, sweet Sophie," Chloe said, softly rubbing Sophie's back. "Mama and mommy love you."
~ Day 16 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~
Chloe had been sleeping for a short time when the ringing of her phone woke her. She jolted up to a sitting position as she grabbed her phone and quickly answered.
"Hey, babe," Beca's voice came through the phone. "I'm sorry I woke you, but I had a chance to call so I took it."
"Don't ever apologize for calling," Chloe said, her voice raspy from sleep. "I love to hear your voice any time I can."
"God, I love you," Beca said.
"I love you, too," Chloe said. "Are you okay? You sound tired."
"I'm okay," Beca said. "Been a rough couple of days, but everything's quiet for now."
"I miss seeing your face," Chloe said quietly.
"Me, too," Beca said. "That's actually another reason I called. I am going to try and Skype you on Christmas day. I'm not sure what time, but I'll call you first."
"That's wonderful," Chloe said, smiling. "I'm sure Sophie will love seeing her mama."
"How's our baby girl doing?" Beca asked.
"She's doing well," Chloe said. "We kiss your picture goodnight every night before we go to bed. She recognizes your pictures around the house, too."
Beca sniffled and wiped a tear from her eye. "I miss you two, so much."
"We miss you, too," Chloe said, holding back her tears.
A muffled voice came through the phone's speaker and Chloe could hear Beca saying something but couldn't make out the words.
"Babe, I have to go," Beca said. "I'll call you on Christmas and let you know about the Skype call."
"Be safe, my love," Chloe said. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Beca said. "Always."
"And forever," Chloe added before the call ended.
Chloe put her phone back on the nightstand and laid back on the bed. She reached a hand out to Beca's side of the bed. Even with Beca gone for so long, Chloe couldn't bring herself to sleep on that side. She let out a heavy sigh and turned to her side, falling asleep in minutes.
~ Day 16 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~
Two days later, Chloe was glad the flight was over. Sophie did rather well but the last fifteen minutes of the flight she had soiled her diaper and Chloe wasn't able to change her since they were so close to landing.
Chloe finally made it to the baggage claim and found her mother and father. Charlotte immediately took Sophie and scrunched up her nose.
"I know," Chloe said. "I couldn't change her because we were so close to landing. I need to find a changing room."
"I'll take care of her," Charlotte said. "Give me her diaper bag and you and your dad go get your bags. We'll meet you back here when we're finished."
"Thank you!" Chloe said as her shoulders sagged. She loved her daughter, but traveling with her was no picnic.
Chloe handed over the diaper bag and Charlotte went marching off to find someplace to change Sophie. Chloe's dad looked at her and smiled.
"I've missed you, baby girl," Carl said, pulling Chloe into a hug.
Chloe fell into the hug. Nothing beats a hug from her dad. The carousel beeped and came to life. Carl let Chloe go and they both stood near the carousel to get Chloe's bags.
Carl and Chloe collected the two bags that Chloe had checked and sat to wait for Charlotte.
"So, how are you?" Carl asked.
"I'm doing okay, daddy," Chloe said.
"How's Beca?" Carl asked. "Have you heard from her lately?"
"I did talk to her briefly two nights ago," Chloe said. "She's doing well."
"Good, good," Carl said. He smiled as he looked over at Chloe. "I miss that little ball of sarcasm."
Chloe laughed. "I miss her, too."
"Here we are," Charlotte said as she stopped in front of them. "All cleaned up and smelling like a baby should."
Sophie reached her arms out to Chloe and Chloe took her from her mother. Sophie laid her head on her mother's shoulder.
"Are we ready to go?" Charlotte asked.
"Yep," Carl said. "Got the bags right here."
Carl picked up Chloe's two bags and they walked toward the exit to the parking garage.
"We put the car seat in," Charlotte told Chloe as they walked. "Your dad even took it to the fire station to make sure it was set up properly."
They arrived at the car and Chloe put Sophie in the car seat and buckled her in. Once Carl had put the bags in the back of the van, they left and made the short drive home.
~ Day 16 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~
It was Christmas Eve, and Chloe was helping her mom cook dinner for the family. Everything was pretty much done so Chloe decided to make a batch of sugar cookies.
"Mom, where are the packages I mailed to you?" Chloe asked. "I want to do a quick check to make sure everything is intact."
"Your dad put them in the garage," Charlotte told her. "He'll be back soon and can help you move them inside."
"Hello, anyone home?" a voice called out from the front door.
"CJ!" Chloe squealed and ran out to greet her older brother.
CJ grabbed Chloe up and twirled her around. "It's great to see you, Chloe!"
"You, too," Chloe said as CJ set her down.
"Chloe!" Charlene called out, seeing her sister as soon as she walked in the door.
"Char!" Chloe squealed and hugged the younger girl.
"Where's my niece?" Charlene asked.
"She's in the kitchen with mom," Chloe said. "Come on."
Chloe led the way into the kitchen. Charlene let out a squeal when she saw Sophie.
"Oh, my gosh, Chloe," Charlene said, picking Sophie up. "She's gotten so big."
"Hey, munchkin," CJ said, kissing Sophie on the cheek. "Hey, Chlo, how's Beca?"
"She's doing well," Chloe said. "She's going to Skype tomorrow so you'll all be able to see her. Well, it will be through a computer screen, but I'll take what I can get."
"I miss that little ball of sarcasm," CJ said with a laugh.
"That's what I said," Carl said, having heard CJ. He stopped and smiled. "It's good to have all our kids home at the same time."
"It sure is," Charlotte said with a beaming smile. "Charlene, please set the table. Use the Christmas plates. Chloe, get the silverware and glasses and help Charlene. CJ, make some of that Christmas Punch."
The kids started bustling around to do as Charlotte said. Carl took Sophie from Charlene and cuddled her to his chest. He blew raspberries on her belly, causing her to giggle.
Chloe pulled out her phone to take a short video of her dad with Sophie. She put her phone away and she and Charlene set the family table.
"Carl, I need you to take the turkey out of the oven," Charlotte said, taking Sophie from him.
"Yes, dear," Carl said, kissing Charlotte.
"If we're having turkey tonight," Chloe said, looking at her mother. "What are we having tomorrow night?"
"Ham," Charlotte said.
"Your mom gave me a smoker for Christmas," Carl said as he lifted the turkey out of the oven. "And I'm smoking the ham for Christmas dinner."
"Sounds delicious," CJ said. "And, voila, the punch is done."
"Set it on the table, please," Charlotte said. "Chloe, can you take Sophie?"
Chloe walked over and took her daughter from her mother.
"Carl, you carve the turkey, while I plate up the rest of the food," Charlotte said. "You kids go wash up. It's almost time to eat."
"Yes, mom," CJ, Charlene, and Chloe said simultaneously, and then laughed.
Everything was on the table and everyone sat down.
"Carl, will you say the blessing?" Charlotte asked.
Carl nodded and they all joined hands. A tear came to Chloe's eye when her father concluded the blessing, saying, "And please keep all our men and women in uniform, both here and abroad, safe. Especially, one soldier who is near and dear to our hearts. And we know you know who that is. Amen!"
"Amen," everyone repeated.
"Thanks, daddy," Chloe said. "That meant a lot to me."
"Char, get out your camera," Charlotte said. "I want pictures of Sophie having her first Christmas Eve dinner."
"And make sure you send them all to me," Chloe said.
"On it," Charlene said.
~ Day 16 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~
Dinner was done and the family helped clean everything up before heading into the living room.
"The tree looks beautiful as always, mom," Charlene said.
Sophie yawned and Chloe smiled down at her. "I'm going to put this one to bed," Chloe said. "I'll be down in a bit."
"Can I help?" Charlotte asked.
"Sure, mom," Chloe said. "Char, you want to come, too?"
"I'd love to," Charlene said and jumped up to follow them upstairs.
Once they were in Chloe's room, Chloe pulled out a Christmas onesie to put on Sophie.
"I've dreamt about this," Charlotte said. "Having all the kids here at Christmas, with grandchildren running around."
"Oh, no," Charlene said with an eye roll. "She's starting already."
"Oh, hush, you," Charlotte said, laughing.
Chloe laughed, too. "I guess this year you'll have to be happy having one grandchild crawling around. She's trying to walk but she hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet."
"Does she try to take steps?" Charlene asked.
"Yeah," Chloe said. "She's pulling herself up using the table, the chair, the couch. She then tries to take steps and she does but only while holding onto something."
"That's what each one of you did," Charlotte said. "It's a sign she's ready to start."
Chloe smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. Chloe picked up Sophie and held her to her chest. Her eyes were half-closed and Chloe knew it wouldn't be long before she was asleep. Chloe sat down on her bed, staring at the wall across from her.
"Everything okay, Chloe?" Charlene asked.
"Yeah," Chloe said and sighed. "I'm just disappointed that Beca is missing so many of Sophie's firsts. Her first Thanksgiving and eating turkey, her first Christmas, her first steps, even her first word."
"Is she talking?" Charlotte asked, excitedly.
"Not yet," Chloe said. "But she does say something that sounds an awful lot like mama when she looks at Beca's pictures. I kind of hope I can get her to say it when Beca Skypes tomorrow. That would be a hell of a Christmas gift, don't you think?"
"It sure would," Charlotte said with a big smile. "Looks like this one is ready for bed."
"I think you're right," Chloe said and stood.
Charlotte kissed the top of Sophie's head and whispered, "Sweet dreams, little one."
Charlene did the same, whispering, "Try and say Aunt Char tomorrow, okay?"
Chloe chuckled as she gently placed Sophie in the crib her parents had set up for her. "Goodnight, baby girl. Mama and mommy love you."
The three women walked out of the room together and made their way downstairs.
~ Day 16 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~
"Wow," CJ said as he flopped down on the sofa. "Playing Santa is exhausting."
"Thanks for all your help," Chloe said, looking around at her family. "Sophie is going to have the best first Christmas ever."
"You might have gone a bit overboard, Chlo," CJ said. "She's not quite one yet. She won't remember any of this."
"I'm not to blame for all of her presents," Chloe said. "I only mailed about ten things for her. The rest is all mom and dad."
"She's our first grandchild," Charlotte said. "I'm allowed to spoil her."
"Are we going to keep our Christmas Eve tradition of opening one gift tonight?" Charlene asked.
"Of course," Charlotte said. "Carl, you get to pick which gift they can open."
"I love this part," Carl said, smiling as he looked under the tree. "CJ, you get to open this one." He handed CJ a gift. "Chloe, you get this one. And, Charlene, you get this one."
He handed the two girls their gifts. "All together now," Carl said. "Go for it!"
The children laughed as they ripped the paper from their gifts. Each had a box and opened it.
"This is nice," CJ said, holding up an off white cable knit sweater.
"You'll look quite dashing in that," Charlene said as she opened her box. "Wow. Mom, Dad, this is awesome."
"What is it?" CJ asked.
"A complete set of Grey's Anatomy DVDs," Charlene said. "I love this show."
"We know," Charlotte and Carl said simultaneously, and then laughed.
"Chloe, what did you get?" CJ asked.
Chloe was holding a quilt. More like clutching it to her chest as tears ran down her cheeks.
"Chlo?" Charlene said. "Are you okay?"
Chloe nodded and sniffled. "Mom, this is the best gift I've ever gotten."
"What is it?" CJ asked.
"It's a quilt," Charlotte said. "With photos from her and Beca's life together so far."
"Can we see?" Charlene asked.
Charlotte helped Chloe open the quilt.
"There's Sophie right in the middle," Charlene pointed out.
"Here's our wedding picture," Chloe said. "The others are pictures of the two of us together, and some of us individually. It's beautiful, mom. Thank you."
Chloe went over to her mother and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm glad you like it," Charlotte said, her voice thick with emotion.
It wasn't much later when everyone had gone to bed. Chloe took her quilt with her and traced Beca's face as she looked at the photos. She fell asleep with the quilt wrapped around her shoulders.
~ Day 16 of 2019's 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~
Chrismas morning found Charlotte up early to start breakfast. Carl was close behind since he wanted to get the ham ready and in the smoker.
Charlotte was the first one downstairs when she noticed something.
"Carl!" Charlotte called upstairs. "I need you down here. Now."
Carl came rushing downstairs. "What is it? What's wrong?"
"Do you know anything about this box?" Charlotte asked. "It wasn't here when we went to bed."
"I have no idea," Carl said. "Maybe one of the kids put it there."
Charlotte walked over to it and looked at the tag. "It says it's for Chloe and Sophie."
"Go get the kids up," Carl said. "I'll stay here. Something weird is going on."
Charlotte went upstairs and woke her children. CJ was first and he hurried downstairs.
"Mom said a mystery box showed up," CJ said.
"Yep," Carl said, pointing to the box. "It has a tag that has Chloe and Sophie's name on it."
"Maybe it's from Beca," CJ said.
"Maybe," Carl said. "But it wasn't here last night. How did it get in the house and under the tree?"
"What's going on?" Charlene asked.
"And it's for me and Sophie?" Chloe asked her mother as they came down the stairs together.
"Yes," Charlotte said.
The family looked at the box and then at Chloe.
"You should open it," Carl said.
"Should I get Sophie?" Chloe asked.
"I'll get her," Charlotte said. "You guys figure out how to open it."
Charlotte came back a few minutes later, carrying Sophie. Chloe took Sophie and walked over to the box.
"Look, Sophie," Chloe said. "This box is for you and me. Want to help me open it?"
"Mama," Sophie said.
Chloe jumped back. "Did that box just move?"
"Don't be silly," Carl said. "Just open it. We're all dying to find out what it is."
"Is anyone else freaked out at the fact this box just showed up in our home?" Charlene asked. "I mean, how did it get in here? And why didn't we hear anything?"
"Char's right," Chloe said. "It is a little freaky."
"Dad and I will open the box," CJ said. "If there's anything to worry about, we can handle it."
"Okay," Chloe said.
The three Beale women stood back while Carl and CJ stood by the box. CJ looked all around the box.
"It looks as if the box is covering something," CJ said. "I think we just need to lift the box up."
"I think you're right," Carl said.
Carl stood on one side of the and CJ on the other. They both grabbed a side.
"Ready, Dad?"
"Let's do it," Carl said.
They lifted the box to find Beca sitting there smiling at everyone.
"Beca!" Chloe screamed and ran toward her. Beca barely had time to stand before Chloe was throwing her self into Beca's arms.
"Hey, babe," Beca said, kissing Chloe. "Hey, baby girl." Beca kissed Sophie's temple. "Did I hear her say mama?"
Chloe nodded yes.
"I can't believe you're here," Chloe whispered.
"It was last minute," Beca said. "I didn't have time to call you. I love you."
"I love you, too," Chloe said, leaning in and joining her lips with Beca's.
"Mama," Sophie said, causing the two to break their kiss.
"That's the best thing I've heard in a long time," Beca said with tears in her eyes, kissing Sophie's cheek.
Beca took Sophie from Chloe and hugged her to her chest. She then put her arm around Chloe's waist and leaned in for a kiss. They stood there in their own little bubble, enjoying the fact that they were together.
"Do we get to hug you now?" Charlotte asked, finally breaking the silence.
Beca nodded as Chloe wiped the tears from her face. Charlotte and Charlene pulled Beca, Chloe, and Sophie into a group hug.
"It's good to have you home, Beca," Charlene said as she pulled back.
"Thanks," Beca said.
"So, how exactly did you pull this off?" CJ asked.
Beca laughed. "I used the key Charlotte gave me to get in. I found the box in the garage and put wrapping paper on it and then just put the box over myself."
"You've been under the box since last night?" Chloe asked.
"No," Beca said with a laugh. "It was only about 30 minutes. As soon as I heard your mom get up, I got under the box."
"Let's leave them alone for a bit," Carl said. He looked at Beca. "It's good to have you home, Beca."
CJ looked at Beca and Chloe and smiled. "Best Christmas ever," he said before following the rest of the family into the kitchen.
As soon as they were alone, Chloe kissed Beca with all the love she could put into a kiss. Beca moaned and kissed Chloe back.
"Merry Christmas, babe," Beca said, trying to catch her breath.
"Merry Christmas, Beca."
Prompt from FanFiction User Aalderman2027: Military AU fic. Beca isn't supposed to be able to make it home but surprises Chloe.
Prompt from FanFiction User Guest: Military AU where one is a soldier who can't make it home for Christmas. The other is at home with the child disappointed but the soldier is able to surprise them at the last minute.
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georgialouisea · 5 years
The 3 Year Secret
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Pairing - Dean x Reader, Aunt Julie (oc), Adam, Kristen, Sarah, readers parents. Word count - 2.1K Warnings - Fluff, a smidge of angst, secrets. Written for - @spnfluffbingo2019 Squares filled - Kissed to keep quiet. 
Fluff Bingo Masterlist
“Having fun?” Dean asked as he handed you a full glass of champagne sitting down in the chair next to you.
“So much.” Smiling at him you took a sip from the glass, your focus drifting back towards the center of the hall watching your younger sister dance with her husband. “Feeling like a proud big sister, are you having fun?” You asked pulling your eyes away from them to look at Dean.
“I’m here with you how can I not be having fun?” He winked at you. “They look happy.” He tipped his head towards the newlyweds.
“They are they’re perfect for eachother, the classic childhood sweethearts story, they’re gonna be so happy together, bet you ten bucks I’ll have another niece or nephew this time next year.”
“I don’t doubt it.”
“You two lovebirds!” Your Aunt Julie plonked herself down on the empty chair next to you, the wine in her glass threatening to spill over the edge.
“Hello, Julie.” Dean smiled at her.
“Oh, you two are sweet.” She grinned at you. “So-”
“So what?” You asked as you placed your glass down on the table.
“When should I start shopping for my dress for your wedding?” She asked with a wink, it was quickly becoming apparent this wasn’t her first glass of wine probably closer to her third.
Dean’s arm wrapped around your waist. “I don’t know.” Your hands rested in your lap your fingertips brushing over your finger where your wedding ring usually sat.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want your family with you on your wedding day the way your family dealt with parties, birthdays and weddings they went all out every time and that’s not what you and Dean wanted. Your life with Dean was unpredictable, to say the least, hunting took you to a different state every week neither of you had enough time to plan a wedding. When Dean proposed to you three years ago it took you less than a week to get married at the local courthouse taking a few hours away from hunting to get married. It was small and intimate with only Sam and Cas as your guests but you wouldn’t change it for the world. With everything happening so quickly you didn’t have a chance to tell your Mom you were engaged before you were married. That was three years ago, to your family’s knowledge you were just dating Dean with everyone waiting for news of your engagement. You wanted to tell your Mom face to face not over the phone and especially not without Dean there. Every single time you went to tell your Mom your secret another family member would have some news, your sister’s engagement, your Brother having a baby, your sister’s wedding, every single time you let their news be celebrated. As time went on it became harder and harder to find the right time to tell your family your secret.
“I’m sure it won’t be too long before you’re engaged, right Dean?” She raised a brow at him as she sipped on her wine.
“We’ll see.” Dean tried to brush off her question.
Picking up your glass you took a large sip of champagne.
“Oh you two need to have kids, you’ll have such beautiful babies.” Julie gushed with a grin on her face.
Choking mid swallow your hand covered your mouth as Dean’s hand rested on your back. “Honey, you okay?” He asked handing you a glass of water.
Taking the glass from him you took a few slow sips of water. “I’m fine.”
“Julie, will you excuse us, I think we’re gonna go and walk in the grounds, get some air.”
“Oh you kids go enjoy, I’m gonna go find my husband.” She took her wine glass as she stood up stumbling slightly before quickly finding her footing as she headed towards where your cousins were sat.
“Are you okay?” Dean asked his hand running up and down your back slowly.
“Yeah, honestly I’m fine.”
“C’mere.” Taking your hand he helped you to your feet. “We’re gonna go for a little walk.”
“My Mom will notice we’ve gone.”
“Then she can send someone to come find us.” Grabbing your bag you slung the skinny metal strap over your shoulder as you let Dean lead you out of the hotel. Linking your arm with his you walked in silence next to him, your pace slowing when you approached a lake towards the back of the hotel, the trees above you lit with fairy lights intertwined in the branches.
Dean’s hand covered yours as it rested on his arm. “What’s going on?” He asked when you stopped walking.
“We’re constantly lying to them, every single family meet up, every single phone call with my Mom, we’re married Dean I should be able to tell my Mom that you’re my husband not my fucking boy-” You didn’t have chance to finish your sentence before Dean’s lips were on yours, his arm slipping around your waist as you melted into the kiss.
Pulling away from you his forehead rested against yours. “Your brother is walking towards us with Kristen.” He whispered pecking your lips as he pulled away with a smile on his face. “Hi, guys.”
“You two sneak out too?” Adam asked with a raised brow.
“Just needed some air.” You shrugged.
“Aunt Julie got to you two too?” Your brother smirked at you.
“Something like that.” You sighed.
“There’s a really pretty bride over the lake down there, if you two are spending some time out here it’s pretty romantic.” Kristen pointed over her shoulder.
“We’re heading back up into it.” Adam nodded towards the hotel.
“Good luck!”
“You too.”
Watching them walk away Dean’s hand gave your waist a squeeze. “Do you want to stay out here or go back inside?”
“Stay out here.”
“C’mon then.” Dean’s hand took yours as you walked along the edge of the lake. “You want to tell your Mom then?”
“I do, not this weekend this is Sarah’s weekend this is her wedding I’m not going to take a second of the attention away from her we’ve waited for three years we can wait a few more weeks, drive back out here and tell her.”
“Is that what you want to do?”
“Yeah, it is.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Dean smiled down at you. “Let me know when you want to go back inside.”
“I’m enjoying this, here with you.”
“Me too.”
Knocking on your parents front door you took a step back. “Are you ready?” You asked Dean looking up at him.
“Are you?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
The front door opened. “Y/N? Dean? What are you two doing here?” Your Mom asked pulling you both into a hug. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, we’re okay, we’re in town and thought we’d stop by.”
“Come in, come in.” She ushered you both into the house. “Where are you staying? She asked closing the door behind you.
“We’re gonna book a room at the hotel in the city.”
“No you’re not, you’re staying here in your own room.”
“I erm, think we should talk before we agree to stay here.”
You watched the smile on your Mom’s face disappear. “What’s wrong? Did you break up? Are you sick?”
“No, we didn’t we’re still very much together and neither of us is sick.”
“So what’s going on?”
“Is Dad home?”
“He’s in the garage, do you want him here too?”
“I’ll go get him, go get settled in the lounge.” She waved her hand in towards the back of the house as she turned to go find your Dad.
Sitting down on the couch Dean’s hand held yours as your hands rested in your lap. “You okay?”
“No -”
“What’s going on?” Your dad asked as he walked into the lounge, his eyes on you. “Are you sick?”
“No, why do you both think I’m sick? Do I look sick?”
“Are you pregnant?” Your Dad asked ignoring your question.
“No, would you both please just sit down so we can talk to you.”
Waiting until they had both sat down on the couch opposite you, your parent's body language closely mirroring you and Dean, your Dad held your Mom’s hand as they waited to hear your news.
“I’m going to start by saying I’m so sorry and we should have told you a while ago but it was never the right time, Adam told us Kristen was pregnant, then Sarah got engaged and every time we’ve gone to tell you something’s happened so we’ve delayed telling you so many times.”
“Y/N, what’s going on?”
Taking a deep breath Dean’s hand gave yours a squeeze his silent confirmation to continue.
“Three years ago Dean asked me to marry him, we got married less than seven days later with a friend and Dean’s brother Sam there, it was completely unplanned we took an afternoon off work and got married, by the time I could tell you we were engaged we were already married, I didn’t want to tell you over the phone I wanted to be home when I told you and every time I’ve tried it hasn’t happened.”
“We know.” Your Mom admitted with a smile.
“We know you’re married we have done for years.”
“What? How?” You looked at Dean wide eyed an equal look of confusion on his face.
“The first time you visited us here after you got married you were in your room talking about how you were gonna spend your six month anniversary, I was putting laundry away and overheard the two of you talking, it confused me at first because you’d been together for well over a year, the next morning you must’ve put your ring on out of habit, Dean noticed it at the same time I did, he held your hand and when he let go the ring was gone and his hand was in the pocket of his sweatpants.”
“You’re not mad I didn’t tell you?”
“I knew you’d tell us when you were ready, as long as you’re happy together we’re happy for you.”
“You are?”
“Of course we are! Come here.” Getting up off the couch she pulled you into her arms. “Are you happy?” She whispered.
“I’m so happy.”
“Good.” Pulling away she held you at arm's length. “Dean your turn.” Letting go of you she pulled Dean into an equally rib crushing hug. “So.” She gave Dean a final squeeze before letting him go.
“So what?”
“When are you two having your engagement, wedding and three year anniversary party?” She asked with a wink.
“Whenever you want to -”
“Steve get the calendar we have one hell of a party to plan!” Your Mom pecked your cheek before scurrying off to the kitchen.
“Dad, you’re not mad?” You looked towards your Father who was yet to say a word.
“Your Mom told me when she found out of course I’m not mad, these past few years that you’ve been with Dean are the happiest I’ve seen you in a long time.” He pulled you in for a hug kissing the top of your head. “I best go stop your Mom before she invites everyone she knows to this party.” Letting go of you your Dad stopped and stood in front of your husband. “Oficcially welcome to the family son.” Your Dad shook Dean’s hand pulling him in for a quick hug. “Continue to keep our girl happy and safe.”
“Always Sir.”
“I really need to go stop your Mom.” Your Dad winked at you before following your Mom into the kitchen.
“That wasn’t too bad right?” Dean asked wrapping his arm around your waist.
“It went much better than I thought it was going to.”
“See you’ve spent all morning stressing for nothing.”
“My Dad called you son.” You grinned up at Dean wrapping your arms around his waist. “They’re happy for us.”
“Y/N! We need to know who you want to invite, also will this be like a second wedding, you could renew your vows maybe?” Your Mom called from the kitchen.
You rested your forehead against Dean’s chest. “What have we let ourselves in for?”
“One hell of a party apparently Mrs Winchester.”
“I love you.” You smiled up at him.
“I love you too.”
“Do y’all want a cake?” Your Mom asked as she popped her head around the door with her phone pressed to her ear.
“Oh my God, we’ve created a monster.” You groaned.
Dean reached out taking your hand. “No cake but we will have pie.” He winked at you. “C’mon let’s go plan our wedding reception I guess.”
Tags - 
Forever Taglist - 
@mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @emoryhemsworth @dwgrl1903 @cassieraider @deans-baby-momma @mogaruke @heyitscam99 @mouselovesmusic @supernaturaldean67 @atc74 @witchofenoch @malindacath @skathan-omaha @ain-t-bovvered @beffyblueeyes @serienjunkiegirl @jchona @polina-93 @thefangirlliveson @rhochradel @juanitadiann @amandamdiehl @dixonsunicorn @katieelementarymydearwatsonme @atlas-of-the-world @chelsea072498 @dean-winchesters-bacon @racheo91 @mrswhozeewhatsis @death-unbecomes-you @brewsthespirit-blog @shann-the-artist-moon @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @claitynroberts @spnwoman @angelsandwinchesters @smoothdogsgirl @cdwmtjb8 @perkypolarbear @thisismysecrethappyplace @tatertot1097 @jessieray98 @gh0stgurl @starfirerules @kcrews74 @calaofnoldor @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @screechingartisancashbailiff @malindacath @kolelondon24 @natura1phenomenon @thehufflepuffblog @lemondropirwin @babypink224221 @mariekoukie6661 @mymysosa @blackcherrywhiskey @lonely-skys @titty-teetee @foreverwayward @81mysteriouslyme @x-waywardaf-x @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog @paintballkid711 @sandlee44 @deanwinchesterswitch @supernatural-harrypotter7 @ilovefanfic86 @sleepylunarwolf @lauravic @caryswhogoesbothways @broadwaybaby25
Dean Taglist -
@akshi8278 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @dramaqueenrolf @itsallaboutthedean @shadowysandwichcreator @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @ruprecht0420 @hobby27 @05spn18 @stevieboyharrington @aussiefangirlwolfy @destiel-equals-life @waywardrose13 @supernatural13-13 @vickyfarley @musiclovinchic93 @spnskinnyballs @adoptdontshoppets @flamencodiva @parksandrecmyass @brightestflame @hhiggs @princessofthefandomrealm @clarewinchester
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hellas-himself · 4 years
Crack Ship Holidays
Christmas Pt. 1 (i guess lol)
Okay. So I know we’ve had at least 3 holidays since the last time I posted this but whatever. have some hella late christmas nonsense. It’ll be feyre’s bday, christmas and then new years. Reyes, Valentine’s day and then Cassian’s birthday which I will always write to be in the summer will go together in one until Sarah gives us his actual birthday. 
This ship is so stupid and I live for it. shout out to @bookloveaffair @crackedship for indulging me 
I smile when I see Cassian step into the gym with Az and Elain. Iliana comes running over to me and I welcome her with open arms.
“I saw your painting out front,” Lia says with a smile. “I know your signature. It’s very pretty.”
“Thank you,” I say and let her go. I greet Elain and Az with hugs and kisses. “Thank you guys for being here… I haven’t done anything like this in a long time.”
Elain playfully hits my arm.
“As if I would miss your first art show in school?”
Cassian comes to stand beside me and slides and arm around my shoulder. He presses a kiss to my temple.
“Hey, handsome.”
“You did good, bunny,” he says as he looks around the gym. With the help of my students, we set the display tables in a way to allow everyone to walk freely as well as make room for Aelin’s stage. It’s nothing more than a raised platform in the center of the room that Evangeline and I helped to decorate. She’s already there, getting her students ready. The home ec teacher has a cookie and hot chocolate station in one corner and there are arts and crafts and other things some of the parents have organized together to keep the kids busy as the parents walked around.
“There is a little contest between each grade. It wasn’t my idea but the parents apparently do this every year. Each kid who entered the art show get something regardless but the winner of each grade gets some kind of prize.”
“I wish I had known,” Cassian says playfully. I pinch his side.
After encouraging the others to look around, I make the rounds, greeting my students and their families. I refuse to vote for the contest- it isn’t hard to sing praises of these kids and their work. Aelin has her kids playing Christmas carols with their instruments while the small chorus group sings.
Evangeline stands blushing beside her oil painting of snow-capped mountains. Rowan and Elide are taking pictures of her while Lysandra and Aedion look on proudly. I catch Lorcan casting his vote for her and when he sees me, he just shrugs.
I get asked about an after-school program, if I tutor, if I take commissions. It’s slightly overwhelming but I still accept the phone numbers and business cards from the parents. I don’t need him to turn around to know that Tamlin is standing with Briar at the snack table. She’s chatting with one of the aids, wearing a matching ugly sweater with him. I’m surprised that he would be here, that he would even leave his house like that. Maybe he is capable of giving a shit, but it doesn’t matter. I see Cassian talking to one of my kindergarteners, praising their artwork with the same enthusiasm that he praises mine.
“Hi, Miss A,” Tessa says and Cassian looks up from where he’s kneeling. He smiles at me in such a way that I wish I could just kiss him in front of everyone here. But Tessa’s mom brings me from my thoughts as she thanks me and now Cassian for encouraging Tessa who was ‘not herself’ after her father left. Cassian graciously distracts Tessa while her mother and I talk quietly.
The principal calls everyone to dance and I am surprised to see Aelin at the piano. Only her older kids are playing instruments now and when she starts to sing, I want to cry. I knew she played the piano and the guitar, I’ve watched a few videos of her with a cello but she had never told me that she could sing. Cassian and I dance, Azriel and Rowan taking turns dancing with me. Elain and I dance while Cassian brings Iliana to get hot chocolate and cookies.
“I can’t believe he’s here,” she mumbles. I shrug.
“As long as he doesn’t talk to me, I really don’t care what he’s doing.”
“If he even speaks one word…”
I kiss my sister on the cheek and she sighs.
“You’ve done so good,” she says and gives me a smile. “I’m really proud of you Feyre.”
I don’t know what to say and blush, making her laugh.
The principal announces the winners of the art show while Aelin plays songs from A Charlie Brown Christmas. Goodie bags are passed around by volunteers dressed like elves and until I see his eyes, I had no idea that Aedion had disappeared to change into a santa suit to hand out presents to the kids- definitely Aelin’s work.
As the families and children leave, the school staff stay behind to clean up and talk. The principal hands out the bonuses and I’m surprised to receive one. Aelin insists we all take pictures by the tree and I try not to laugh at the sight of my sister standing between Cassian and Tamlin who are waiting for Briar and I to finish with the staff picture. Rowan throws an arm around Cassian’s shoulder and the two whisper to one another. Az has Iliana on his back and once we’re done, I make my way to them. I kiss my sleepy niece goodbye before saying my goodbyes to the others.
“Are you okay, bunny?”
I look up from my laptop to find Cassian walking into the bedroom.
“Work?” He looks at my laptop and I shake my head.
“No, just saving the pictures Aelin sent me. They’re cute.”
He joins me in bed and I turn the screen so he can see.
“I love you in the dress.”
I blush as I roll my eyes.
“Thank you,” I say and close the laptop. “And thank you for being there.”
“I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.”
I set the laptop on the night table and he pulls me into his arms.
“I love you,” I say to him and he smiles. I know he worries about what seeing Tamlin might do to me, he doesn’t have to say it. “If someone would have told me last Christmas that I’d be here with you like this… I wouldn’t have believed it.”
“I wasn’t exactly the picture of hope.”
Cassian chuckles and kisses me.
“No… You weren’t.”
“But you were. You were and I made it through all of that because of you.”
“Bunny… You made it through all of that because of you and the work you put in.”
“Which I wouldn’t have done if you didn’t make me feel alive…”
“So it wasn’t just the mind blowing sex that did that?” he says playfully but I can tell he’s surprised.
“No… You did that way before I looked at you and wanted to rock your world.”
He smiles and I kiss him.
“And when did that happen?” he asks.
“Way before New Year’s Eve.”
“We went dancing for my birthday, remember?”
“Yeah, you wore that little red dress-”
“You remember?” I ask suddenly.
He scoffs as if the answer was obvious.
“We danced all night and even before we got shit faced you were being way more flirtatious than usual.” I could vividly remember the slow and steady way he grew more comfortable letting his hands roam while we danced. Almost everything he said that night had a double meaning, and I had been all too happy to indulge his flirting and flirt right back. I had finally felt something other than emptiness.
“It couldn’t be helped,” he says and kisses me. “You were so happy and that dress was just… Do you still have it?”
I snort. “Maybe… Why? Want me to put it on?”
I love the way he blushes at my tone. I kiss him and run my fingers through his hair.
“I love you, Cassian.”
“I love you, too, bunny.”
My phone is ringing and I can’t find it as I search for it blindly. I have to open my eyes and sit up. I find it at the foot of the bed, under my pajamas. With a groan, I go to answer it. I am surprised to see Nesta’s name on the screen but then I remember what day it is. I put her on speaker as I get dressed.
“Happy birthday,” she says and I sigh.
“Did I wake you up?”
I almost say yes, but Cassian had woken up me before he went to work and left the house late thanks to his idea of ‘wishing me a happy birthday’. I snort and pretend to cough.
Silence. I go to the bathroom to wash up and I can hear her walking around.
“Elain said she’s taking you to breakfast.”
“Yeah, she is.”
“Did she tell you I was coming?”
“She mentioned something like that.”
Nesta sighs. “Do you think I can pick you up?”
I want to tell her that I was driving myself to meet Elain and Iliana but I recognize the hesitance in her voice.
“I have to let Val out first though.”
“Great! That gives me time to finish up.”
An hour later, I am locking the front door of the house. Nesta is parked outside, nervously tapping her fingers against the steering wheel. When I make it halfway down the driveway, Nesta gets out of the car and opens the passenger side door. She’s dressed casually for once- blue jeans and boots instead of a dress suit and heels. Her hair is down, too, straight where mine is wavy.
“Happy birthday,” she says again and gives me a tentative hug.
“Thanks, Nes.”
“Coffee?” she asks and I nod.
She drives us to the nearest Starbucks and insists I find us a seat while she orders. I answer texts while I wait, most of them from Rhysand and Elain. Aelin and Rowan sent me a ridiculous snapchat video and Lucien wrote me a long, heart felt message on an Instagram post with a bunch of pictures of us throughout the last year- except of course, one of them is of us as kids. I always hated my birthday, my parents had never really given it much importance. It was so close to Christmas and I had to wait the extra week or so to get a present. Never a party. Never anything more than a forced ‘happy birthday’. But Adela and Vinny… Those two threw me a birthday party every year until we were old enough to host our own. I remember the first year when we all met, I had not mentioned my birthday out of habit but Rhysand had told his mother and on Christmas Eve, they picked me up and took me to their house to celebrate. I still had the doll they’d bought me, tucked safely in a box in the attic.
“I don’t know you to drink anything else but this,” Nesta says and I look away from the Adela’s text to find my sister setting an iced caramel coffee before me.
Even better, she brought me cake pops. Nesta doesn’t touch her latte and instead is watching me tear into the cake pops as if I hadn’t eaten breakfast.
“Elain told me that Tamlin was at your work event,” she begins. “Are you okay? Did he say anything to you?”
With food in my mouth, I just shake my head. She waits for me to finish, to drink from my coffee.
“He kept his distance.”
She sighs.
“I feel… I should have been there.”
“His girlfriend works there, Nesta. I can’t exactly tell him to leave without reason.”
“He hurt you, that’s reason enough.”
“It’s fine. Elain was with me and you know Az and Cassian would never let him near me.”
“I know but… If I hadn’t upset you, I would have been there and I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry. I had no right to speak to you that way. I didn’t give you a reason to feel comfortable telling me about Cassian or your job or anything.”
I feel my face getting warm and I take a long sip of my coffee.
“I know your birthday is terrible timing for this but I didn’t know when else you’d be okay with talking to me… I haven’t been the greatest sister. I’ve been… awful.”
“You don’t have to wait for birthdays or anything to talk to me,” I say, finding it really hard to meet her eyes. I’m used to angry, irritated Nesta. Not… this. “You know I can’t be mad at you forever.”
“And that’s the thing… You’re too forgiving Feyre.”
I laugh and roll my eyes.
“Only you would complain about that.”
“I’m not complaining… I just mean that I don’t want anyone taking advantage of that.”
“Cassian isn’t going to do that.”
“I know he isn’t.”
When I raise a brow, she sighs.
“Just because you’re another year older doesn’t mean you stop being my baby sister.”
“Even if I wanted you to kill him, you can’t go to prison, Nesta.”
She laughs. “Shut up, Feyre.”
“I think I understand,” I say which seems to surprise her. I push the other cake pop to her. “I know you have one in your bag, but have this one.”
“A peace offering?” she asks.
“More or less. But if you really want to make it up to me, buy me drinks at the club tonight.”
Nesta grimaces at this and I laugh.
“I’m kidding.”
“No, it’s not that. I can’t say anything,” she says and looks at her watch. “We should go. Elain is almost there.”
“We’re going where?” I ask, looking at my stupidly handsome boyfriend who I want to strangle. “I look like you just picked me up off the corner!”
Cassian laughs at this and when I smack his arm he laughs even more.
“You look beautiful. Though I have to admit, this is going to be torture for me.”
“Torture? You’re not the one who has to worry about their ass hanging out of their dress in front of their boyfriend’s parents!”
I’d found the dress I wore for my birthday last year. I put it on thinking we were going dancing, not having dinner with his family at some fancy ass restaurant.
“Bunny, it’ll be fine. I swear.”
I groan and Cas puts his hand over my thigh.
“We can turn around.”
“No… Just. I’ll survive.”
Everyone is dolled up when we arrive, even Nesta is there.
“Now I know why she wouldn’t buy me drinks,” I mutter and Cassian laughs.
He kisses my cheek before letting my hand go as our friends and family come to greet us. I don’t feel too bad about my dress once I see the way Elain and Mor are dressed- even Aelin in her gold romper covered in sequins. Adela and Vinny are just as affectionate as always and I have to laugh when she hands me my present before I even sit down. I sit between Cassian and Rhys- both men encouraging me to open the small box as if it were for them. Children, really.
The waiter takes our drink orders and only then do I open the present- It’s a necklace, much like the one Elain has, but instead of a blue stone, it’s red. Cassian happily puts it on me before I go and thank his parents.
Conversation is easy going and I’m surprised that Nesta has lasted this long around us. She seems… content. I eat just as much as Cassian does, and by the time my cake is carried to the table, I don’t know how the hell I’m going to eat that, too. It’s a gorgeous cake, designed to look like a mash up of Van Gogh, Dali and Degas. And the inside- it’s the mojadito cake that Adela always made for us.
I get more presents; books from Aelin and Rowan, a sketchbook with my favorite pencils from Elain and Az, a pair of heels from Mor. Iliana made me a birthday card and got me a mug that says ‘not paint water’. Then there is the set of crazy expensive markers from Rhys and Lucien and a black pajama set from Amren that I did not show everyone because once I saw the label, I knew just what kind of set it was. She gave me a devil’s smile. Cassian gets up from his chair and walks over to Adela who hands him a very large box from somewhere under the table.
“Happy birthday, bunny,” he says as he sits down with it. The table is cleared to make room for the damn thing and I stand up to unwrap it. And it’s a fucking tablet. For digital art.
He shrugs as if this is no big deal. I throw my arms around him and cover his face in kisses which leaves him laughing. I smack his arm.
“I can’t believe you!”
“Do you like it?”
“Are you kidding! I’m already thinking of all the things I’m going to make with it.”
Cassian smiles and kisses me properly.
When I turn away from the newly lit candles, Cassian is standing at the entry way of the living room, rolling up the sleeves to his shirt. He has a knowing smirk on his face and I can’t help but smile.
“Music… candles… that dress. If I didn’t know any better, I would say it’s my birthday,” he says to me and I laugh.
“Well, this is my birthday and I want what I didn’t get last year.”
“And what is that?”
I walk towards him, having to look up now that I am without heels. I place my hands on his chest and undo some of the buttons of his shirt.
“I want to dance with my best friend,” I begin and run my hands down his chest and stomach before reaching for his hands. I place them on my waist.
“That’s all?” he whispers and I find myself blushing.
“No,” I reply and he raises a brow. “I don’t have to pretend I don’t feel anything for you. I get to show you just how much I want you.” I kiss him. “How much I love you.” I kiss him again.
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essaysbyciara · 5 years
Old Habits Die Hard| Part Three: Recognize the Butterflies
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Warnings: Language, lightweight mentions of sexual situations, marijuana use
Here’s part three! This is turning into a slow burn which was not my intention lol. Again, thank you for all of the responses and love. It makes my heart super happy. Taglist is still open! 
Yahya’s right thumb trails down the seam of your sundress. He slips his hand between the slit of your dress and pinches the brown skin attached to your left hip. It’s the first private moment you two have had since the drive north on I-95.
“I told you my family would love you…” 
“It was looking really rough for a minute there. I thought your Uncle Trace was going to kill me.”
“Trace means no harm. He just loves his niece.”
“And I love his niece…” Yahya’s kisses were beyond soft, your soul flutters during every millisecond his lips meet yours. They feel like butter. Your foreheads touch as your right hand pats his rising chest at the syncopation of your own heart. 
You two desperately needed this moment. Between Aunt Jerri scream-singing every Earth, Wind and Fire song from the depths of her lungs to your uncles somewhat-but-really-not-so-gentle interrogation of Yahya to the incessant screaming of little children and the fight that almost broke out at the end of the street, you craved to find a sliver of the peace that exists back home. 
You also needed another opportunity to hide from Dave. 
Despite the protest by some other organs belonging to your body, your heart made the best decision by coaxing you to instantly delete Dave’s Instagram message. You didn’t even read it, swiping left to throw it all away. You made the decision to stand up for your current relationship. As much as you wanted to settle into Yahya’s affectionate imprisonment of your body and take in his incessant need to kiss your neck and right earlobe, you couldn’t help but to survey your surroundings in hopes of spotting -- and swerving -- Dave. 
The last thing you wanted was to see him in the physical and to marvel at the man who eliminated all timidness from your aura. You were already triggered by the thought of his presence, wanting to  repel -- yet craved to feel -- those lighting bolts that crashed against your body at the sight of him. 
“Aww, look at the two lovebirds!” Aunt Jerri walks upstairs from the basement with a box of Franzia white wine in her right hand. She’s set to drink for the rest of the night. “I’m so happy y’all came up.” 
“Me too, Miss Jerri,” exclaims Yahya as his takes the last sip of his drink. 
“Boy, you are too polite for your own good!” Aunt Jerri caresses Yahya’s left shoulder as she walks past you both and into the living room. You begin to stare at Yahya and wonder how on Earth you found a man this kind, generous and thoughtful. 
That kindness and generousity  motivated you almost a year ago to call Yahya’s office and ask him out on a date. Weeks prior, you watched Yahya speak on a panel at a social justice conference and from the back of the room, you could feel his beautiful spirit. Most of the “social justice warrior” men you encountered up until that point were “woke” in public places but womanizers in private spaces, their misogyny masked by outward motivations to change the world. There was something about the powerful yet gentle way Yahya spoke on the tough topic of criminal justice reform that kept your attention even after your appearance on a panel about arts and justice earlier in the day. 
Against your high levels of exhaustion, you willed yourself into participating in the closing event for the conference. You were finally able to see his height -- long legs and galavanting walk -- up close and personal, totally oblivious to Yahya trying not to stare an ungodly long time at you as you jumped in and out of conversations. You two caught eyes a few times in the midst of the fellowship happening around you, with the last of the stares causing him to walk up to you to introduce himself. The conversation was brief but impacting. You both were in the beginning stages of what they call “the fall”. 
You hadn't felt this way since the summer. With Dave, you encountered these butterflies that traveled throughout and around every peak and valley of your curvaceous body. You never wanted someone beyond the very concept of need like that before. But since that drive back to the mundane life that Dave’s presence saved you from, you hadn’t heard from Dave. He disappeared on you without a trace, Aunt Jerri telling you to let him go because he was only supposed to be, as she called him, “a temporary distraction.” But Dave was a temporary distraction who, on your last night in Philly,  said that he was going to call you every night and come visit you on the weekends. Your orgasms would no longer be limited to the spare room at his brother’s house or the backseat of your car or Aunt Jerri’s basement anymore. 
You owned your townhouse. You could scream as loud as you want.  
Dave broke his promise and after you broke down about it, you made a covenant with yourself to move on. Using the conference’s website, you found out where Yahya worked and called his office. You had to get what was yours -- a confidence you acquired over the summer. You left a message -- along with your phone number -- with his law firm’s file clerk and waited, scrolling through his Instagram as you imagined a day in the life of his love. Yahya called you back and invited you out to lunch. Mission accomplished. 
Dave’s disappearance led to you finding the love of your life. This man standing in Aunt Jerri’s kitchen who can’t keep himself from touching your body, who couldn’t wait to make you his Mrs.; who’s love for you is so deep that your uncles had to fall back because they could tell almost instantly that Yahya was here to protect and honor you in a way that would have met your father’s expectations. 
And you weren’t going to throw that away for Dave. 
Aunt Jerri breaks up your gaze at Yahya. “Y’all two are staying the night, right?” It was only 6 PM, too early in the day to think that you two would be too drunk to get home. “I’m thinking about opening up the house tonight, you know, to celebrate y’all engagement.” 
“Aunt Jerri, you what? You don’t let people in your house…”
Once the street lights come on and the barricades are picked up by the city, the block party moves from outside to inside two or three houses on the street. In years past, Aunt Jerri would never let her house become an “after-party” spot despite the protest of her family. 
“I know, I know. But hey, I’m in a festive-ass mood and I want to celebrate y’all union since your mother didn’t want the hoodlum side of your family present.”
You wince at the brutal honesty of Aunt Jerri’s words. You cut a look at Yahya as he tries to stifle his laughter at Aunt Jerri’s opinion of your mother. He lifts up his hands in defense and apologizes by kissing your forehead. 
“Let me talk with Yahya to see if we’re going to st-”
“We’re staying.” You cut another look at Yahya and this time he’s not relenting. 
“Aww, yay! Let me get the guest room ready for you…”
You take an incredulous look at Yahya. The more you languished, the more chances you had to run into Dave. You loved your family but for the sake of your sanity, it was beyond time to leave. 
“Yahya, babe. We don’t have to stay.”
“What? You’re tired of celebrating us?” 
“Don’t do that to me… I just … there’s a reason why my Mom didn’t want Dad’s side of the family there, you know what I mean…” You remember your Dad’s funeral and the empty liquor bottle that almost hit your mom’s sister, Aunt Rachel. It wasn’t her fault that bottle went flying. 
“Look, let’s stay for a while, sleep it off and leave first thing in the morning. Okay?” Yahya’s sweet kisses always changed your mind. You grin and bear it, yanking at the belt loop of his jeans. You are determined to hold onto him as long as you could. 
As you soak in the rest of your private moment, Uncle Trace enters the kitchen with a bottle of Crown Royal in his hand. “Yo, Yah … come downstairs, man. Let’s rap right quick.” Yahya lets you go with ease and follows Trace downstairs to the basement.
“You smoke, Yah?”
“Not really, man. But it doesn’t bother me.” 
Trace pulls two whiskey glasses from the downstairs bar and places them on top of the table. His pour is heavy and Yahya gulps in fear at how much of a drink he’s about to have with Uncle Trace. The fear still carries on throughout Yahya’s body. 
“Y/N wanted me to talk to you and apologize, man.”
“No apologies necessary, Trace. I get it.” 
“That little girl still has me wrapped around her finger, man. She damn near ran me over today because of you…” Yahya and Trace laugh and tap their glasses. “When my bro was in the hospital, I told him that I’d look out for her like she was my baby girl, you know? I had to see what was good with you. But you’re solid, my dude. Just know that protection doesn’t stop.”
As the day turns into night, the last man that Uncle Trace thought he protected from his niece sits mystified that you ignored his message. He knows you must be up here with the man that benefits from his absence. An absence he still can’t wrap his head around. 
Dave peers out into the street as the barricades are lifted and the neighbors park their cars back into their designated spots. His brother, Pardi, is one of them. 
“Yo, Dave. Miss Jerri’s is the after spot tonight? You comin’?” 
There’s no such thing as leaving a person “on read” when they are right in your face. 
Taglist: @yoursoulstea​​​ @harleycativy​​ @twistedcharismaaa​​ @dorkskinneded​​​ @need-my-fics​​ @ghostfacekill-monger​​ @writerbee-ffs​​ @chaneajoyyy​​ 
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