#then the coloring like i wanted it to look like it was painted like traditionaly uknow but i just could NOT get it to look right so i gave
toustik-blogs · 1 year
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Its ya boi back with food eat while its still hot
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gachahugs · 4 years
I rlly love ur style!!! It just looks so fun and it inspires me to be more loose and have fun when I draw!!! Its the perfect amount of simplicity too, i rlly wanna practice breaking things down in a way thats appealing like ur art is!! i'm kind of curious who ur inspired by now, i would love to hear about it if u feel like sharing! ^^
THANK U SM!!💞💞🥺 that really means so much to me as someone who is so motivated and inspired by so many artists omg... and I would LOVE to talk abt some of my favorite artists omg yes !!
Natasha Allegri
Creator of Bee and Puppycat!! I love how loose and fun her art is..makes me want to doodle traditionaly !
Isaac_livengood (fozzie on tumblr)
His work is so lively omg.. definitely one of the most influential artists for me, his hxh art is some of my favorite and the way he uses shapes amazes me so much aaghh
Kanna Ki
Admittedly I've only read one of her comics (if I can't use magic) but I've looked at her other work and her lines are so soft and pretty !!
I only got into his work recently but the vibes are sooo good and I love how he draws faces..
Pa's art is soo cute and soft...the way they draw environments is so stunning to me its so detailed I know they put so much time into their work!!!
THE COLORS ☆_☆!!!!
Everything they make is literally so pretty omg, you've probably seen their paintings around !
Anatola Howard
I'm also inspired by so many of my mutuals on here and on twitter ahhh >:'0 I love art so much i hope u find some cool new artists here!!!
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A piece of opinion concerning feminism (first thread)
So, The Summer University of Feminism took place in France thanks to our State Secretary for Gender Equality (yes, all of those things are actually real) and I have been thinking a lot about about patriarchy. First of all, it’s no secret that I’m a guy, and yes, a feminist. Because patriarchy is a poison. We need to get rid of it, and achieve gender equality because gender itself is part social construct / part discimination and male domination.
So during this debate, “philosopher” Raphaël Enthoven spoke (the quotation marks are passive-aggressive, I know, but I hate the guy) and besides spending half of his speaking time whining and talking about himself, and attacking some evil feminists, he makes some good points about rape culture. The question was “can men be feminists” and he says yes of course. Well thank you very much. Although I desagree on one of his arguments, which is the following : Feminists are biased. I mean, yeah, that’s right. We fight a system. We have to be biased for that. We need to have an opinion about it. And because women suffer from sexism, they see it through the eyes of the victims who are more virulent towards the issue. Then again, not wrong but I still don’t see how it’s a bad thing. Every civil rights movement were started by victims of an oppression. That does not mean it was wrong. So saying that concerned people are the best to talk about an issue is wrong, because they are biased, according to him. But if victims don’t talk, who does ? When feminists talk, it’s not just a victim’s cry for help and revenge, it’s usually a powerful and wise stance backed up with facts and statistics. Then again, he spend the last part of his time explaining why he wasn’t anti-feminist and that he was not doing “male tears”, etc. So thanks for some of the good points you made, but please stop being so self-centered when a debate is not about you personally. It was about feminism and the place men can have in it, not “why I’m right and you’re wrong”
So about men and feminism, I would say that men NEED feminism. I needed it, and it saved me. Really. With patriarchy comes something that we begin to talk about : toxic masculinity. Aka : if you’re not traditionally manly, you’re not a man, and therefore, you are nothing. Those who think that are the same that, in middle school, in the playground would use feminine terms as insults (as if there was something inherently wrong with femininty or females in general) such as s*ssy, fragile, p*ssy, f*ggot, and so much more... Having insults thrown at you, and being bullied in school make people depressed. I have been one of them. Toxic masculinity gave me anxiety, and depression. Not related but kinda. I believe that clothing has no gender. It’s a peice of fabric, come on. Colors have no gender too. I’ve heard about couples freaking the hell out because of the color they want to paint the child’s bedroom. Pink or blue ? IF WE MAKE THE WRONG CHOICE OUR BABY WILL BE TRAUMATIZED (babies are half blind for  a certain amount of time when they are born, by the way. They barely see you, Martha. They just want to eat, sleep, be cuddled. They do not give a single f*ck if the walls are Fuchsia, Bubblegum or Pompadour Pink, Navy Blue, Sky Blue or Bleu Roi, because they can’t tell.) So when a guy wants to wear “traditionaly” feminine clothing, why not ? Why is nail polish a “girl thing” ? I once wore a dress, and my gender stayed the same, because guess what : I’m confortable with it. I still identify as a guy when I’m naked. I still do if I’m wearing my own clothes. I still do when I’m wearing “girl’s clothes” (although I’m not confortable in it because I don’t aestheticlly like it, and it doesn’t fit my body) I’ll end this first thread by saying that people who critizise others fot what they wear, the color of your hair (”OMG, you’re a guy and you dyed your hair purple - are you gay ? / That’s a girl thing !” - yes I actually did that, and it was bomb. I looked amazing, so thanks for your unsollicited opinion, Sharon, but I’m still cuter than you.), those people may not be comfortable with their masculinty / feminity. If you are, you let people be themselves. If it bothers you how people present themselves, you’re the one uncomfortable with it - with them - maybe with yourself.
Patriarchy tries to force gender roles on people, and it’s wrong, because when you don’t fit it, you’re screwed.
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