#then spent like a good half hour searching for a natori appropriate term instead just to go with good old-fashioned Fool help me
sunandsatellite · 1 year
Assumption: Natori enjoys chess.
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"Ha-- well, enjoy may be too strong of a term, I'm afraid. I have occasionally played the game-- most often during my time under Ama's tutelage-- but it was perhaps an event made agreeable by the company, not the game itself."
Natori hesitates there, gaze faraway as he seems to consider the merits of the paperweight gathering dust on his bedroom desk. When he does speak again, however, it's with a clipped, formal tone that is all too familiar, straightening his posture, lifting his nose into the air with the indignation of a spurned but proud suitor.
"...Now, it's only something into which that fool Caishen continues to relentlessly goad me, and I'll not let him have the last laugh on that matter."
The fellow bureaucratic cat must have acquired the knowledge regarding Natori's (lack of) skills somewhere, he assumes, else he'd have no such interest in no doubt flaunting his own.
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