#then she'll go behind my back and make plans involving me without telling me and then blame ME for not being considerate of those plans
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moneygoblin04 · 4 months ago
I am stressed, and I am on edge, and I feel like I'm actually, legitimately reaching my limit. It's kinda funny how my mom was the one to push me there
#she seems to think i have all the time in the world#but i don't think she realizes just how much of that time is spent mentally recovering from#or preparing for#something#i also don't think she realizes she is a huge part of the problem#on top of the general school and work stuff#she's been badgering me to do things for a while now#it's cleaning my room#or applying to jobs#or going to church#or reading the bible#it's always something#there's always something im not doing well enough#then she'll go behind my back and make plans involving me without telling me and then blame ME for not being considerate of those plans#she had the fucking gall to say “there's something going on that you aren't telling me”#like no shit it's almost as if any time i talk to you about something you either blow me off or turn it against me#apparently im getting pretty good at hiding when im having a shit time when im not actively trying to make sure the person knows#to the point when i had an actual panic attack before a surgery once it supposedly came out of nowhere for her#like im starting to realize just how disconnected from my life she actually is at this point and i don't think i care to fix it#i shouldn't fucking have to#i shouldn't have to deal with that on top of school. work. my social life. my finances. hygiene. self-care. etc#not when i don't think she's willing to put through any effort towards improvement#not when she's “the grown adult”#not when her reaction to me making a mistake or losing motivation for something is often along the lines of...#“do you want to end up like your father?”#im so unbelievably fucking done#im about ready to give someone more than just a piece of mind. they're about to get the whole fucking mess of a thing.#the best part? this week's all downhill from here#gobby rants
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koboldinatimeloop · 11 months ago
Chapter 0: Prologue (4)
Major character death (Don't worry, she'll be fine)
Racism (Dragons be like that)
Graphic depictions of pain and death (I do not have an explanation for this one! Be wary! 'tis related to the first thing, though.)
Probably some other things I need to tag but am not sure how! Please tell me how.
You sit at your desk and tinker with some things you've been working on for a while- Nothing too important, since you need your energy for the ceremony! There's a lot of standing involved. You really hope your plan will work. And suddenly, you hear bells. The ceremony will start soon! You get up, setting down what you'd been working on, and make your way outside.
A crowd of people, you included, gather in The Square. A large platform made of stone has been created at the edge of the square with magic. Behind it, lay the dragon, Syptem. He was... more imposing than you thought. You've seen him before, but his black scales seemed to meld with the stone he lay upon, and the shadows seemed to writhe in excitement around him... But! You would be fine! Probably! M-Maybe! If you ignore the fact he's like! 20 times your size!
"SO. IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN, I SUPPOSE." He took a deep breath, his head dipping slightly to signal... Something? You can't really tell.
And everyone cheered, the cave filling with the echoing cacophony of WAY too many people cheering at once, as you and the other two approached the stage. The calligrapher had soft green scales- You were good friends with him. The lancer, however, you did not know. His bright blue scales blended in with the light of the moss, as if he himself was bioluminescent.
"OKAY. YOU THREE. I'LL START WITH THE GREEN ONE AND END WITH THE PURPLE ONE. AHEM. CALLIGRAPHER. YOUR NAME WILL BE CAIUS." The dragon place a claw on Caius's face, signifying the "gift" he was giving them. You feel sick. You don't know if this will work.
"OKAY, AND NOW THE LANCER. YOUR NAME WILL BE..." He paused. "HMM. YOU'RE SPECIAL, NOW THAT I LOOK AT YOU. YOUR NAME WILL BE XICEM. YES, AN X IN YOUR NAME, BE PROUD OR WHATEVER." Syptem placed a claw on Xicem- Wow that's hard to say- on Xicem's face, and a small glow ensued. Another gift.
"U-Uhm! Actually!" You say, a small gasp rippling through the crowd. you're not supposed to interrupt him. "I-I uhm! Would like to deny your gift. I want to l-learn things on my own, g-get better on my own." You pull the gold out of you bag, placing it on the ground in front of you. "I-I offer you this gold as compensation."
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no they're carrying you now you can't fight back just fight back talk to them TALK TO THEM MAKE THEM UNDERSTAND PLEASE PLEASE THIS ISN'T WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE FINE WHAT HAPPENED WHAT WAS WRONG WHAT WAS WRONG you were wrong you were wrong
You were wrong. They carry you to the exit. You don't fight back. They take your satchel. You don't deserve it, you realize. You don't remember the last few minutes, nor how long you've sat here for.
You take a deep breath and assess your surroundings. Cold. Calculated. You don't think you can deal with emotions right now. behind you is a den. Your den. No longer your den, thinking about it. In front of you is darkness. And stone. You were very, very deep underground. That's where the den was. You just had to reach the surface, right? There's food there. People might care there.
You take a step forward and hear a snap. And then you don't hear anything.
And it HURTS IT HURTS OH. OH NO. YOUR TRAPS YOUR TRAPS YOU FORGOT ABOUT THEM GOD- You feel a blade slice through your legs, chopping them off. You feel a second blade come down and split your skull open.
And suddenly, you're whole. You're floating in darkness. Yet your wounds still burn. More than they had before. The insides of your legs burned, like something was trapped inside, trying to get out trying to get out trying to get out trying to get out
and your head aches. not a normal headache. like someone hit it with a hammer. that w asn't normal, righ t? you s houldn't feel like that? you can't re membe r. what c a n you rem em ber? you feel numb, now. it hurts, god it hurts. but y ou fee l no th i ng. . ?
a n d the n, s u dd e nl y
You hear someone. A soft voice, speaking directly into your mind. A caring voice. One you feel like you know, but you can't remember hearing.
"...Make sure today goes well."
And you wake up in your bed.
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profkokonoe · 1 year ago
February 19th
It was her birthday. A day that many in Kivotos would celebrate with friends. But for Hina it was yet another workday, despite the many requests from both the Sensei and her fellow Perfect Team members. Which seemed to multiply over night upon checking her phone the moment waking up.
remember No working on your birthday alright? if you have to enjoy your day off and do the rest later on in the day i'll text you later to ask what you did
A real troublesome request. One that she was going to ignore regardless despite how many times they had already asked Hina to not come to school. Yet going down the task list of cleaning herself up, making breakfast into her later lunch, and dressing up all for school had become routine for her. Not doing it would just feel like something was empty to her, with the Sensei or not.
And so uncharacteristically without anyone by her side the Head Perfect made her way to school on her birthday. Wandering into school and through the halls she heard muttering from behind their office door, the voices of her team talking to a very familiar individual.
"Do you think she'll actually come Sensei?" "Well...I did text her this morning one more time just to be sure. It's all I really could do." "Wouldn't it have been to have gone with her? You know so she had someone to take her mind off today?" "It would've been the same as you, Ako, or anyone else going with her. She just needs some alone time that's all." "If you say so..." "I told her that she can come here later anyway. So at worst she'll show up late at night for all of this to see."
...It was awkward to say the least. Knowing that her classmates were still working so hard without expecting any present in return. On their own spare time no less. Enough so that she pushed open the door right on cue after, much to the surprise of all four of them in the room to see what they were talking about.
"Head Perfect?" All three other members looked towards her as the student's head tilted up to the ceiling, seeing the festive sign hung up saying "Happy Birthday Hina!"
"Couldn't listen to my texts for one day now could you?" The adult said, scratching the back of their head almost embarrassed at the half made display.
"Apologies. Work is where I take my mind off best. And I wasn't expecting any of you to be here. Or anyone to do all of us this for me...."
It was part disbelief mixed with a tinge of glee. There would always be people around who remembered her birthday or would give a passing wish. The Student Council, the Gourmet Club, even the other departments that she gave the hardest of times too. And yet this one felt more special then the rest.
"The next time you try and tell me to take a day off as a means to try and hide this I'll have you punished. Especially if Sensei was involved as well." The administrator looked off to the side, almost defeated despite knowing something like this might happen.
"And you as well Sensei. You could've just said everyone was planning this for me. I'm not that hellbent on not going to a party that'd I ignore this..."
"Is that so. I could've sworn I remembered last year you said something differently. Something along the lines of "Who else is going to ensure peace is upheld on my day?"
A low blow but one she knew they'd take advantage of at some point. She was a different person then she was almost a year ago. Before everything that happened did and changed the lives of plenty of students as well as herself. It really would've been a miracle if one didn't learn anything from that.
"...T-That was a year ago. Before I really got to meet you." It was embarrassing to out loud but everyone seemed to already be the know, sharing similar sentiments in their own unique ways.
"In any case you all have a cake right? If everyone wanted to spend more time with me today we should get that out of the way first."
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eternally-lame · 3 years ago
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✨✨Writeblr Intro✨✨
Hi! I’m new to writeblr and I hope to become more involved with the writing community on here!
I’m a university student majoring in Archaeology which of course means I’m obsessed with everything old and ancient, which can be seen in a lot of my stories (*cough* time travel *cough*). I’ve been in love with making up stories and characters since I was little but I never really thought of myself as a writer. Honestly, I didn’t even think about writing my ideas down until this past winter when I started using Wattpad again. I found some amazing stories (shoutout to @screamingatanemptyroom) that inspired me to start writing and now I can’t seem to stop.
Anyways, here are a couple of my stories in the works✨
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Introverted University student Evelyn Chandler has been enlisted by her history Professor to travel back in time to 1890s New York to gather firsthand information from the past. When Evelyn is betrayed by one of her team mates, she suffers brain damage and is left to navigate the past without any idea of where (or when) she is from. With the help of an awkward detective, she fights her way through oppression, a corrupt government organization, and a dangerous serial killer who seems hellbent to have Evelyn by their side.
“This could go one of several ways:
1. We could get there successfully, complete the mission and come home.
2. The machine could blow up killing us all in the process.
Or 3. We could end up somewhere completely different wearing our asses as hats.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?”
Genre: Historical fiction, Mystery, Romance.
Progress: 24 chapters (not published)
*My first story ever and it’s my pride and joy
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Emilia Rosewell is a normal, high school hating teenager who wants nothing more than to graduate without too much drama. Unfortunately, an attractive new guy mysteriously sweeps into town and ruins her plans.
While vampire romances have never been an interest to her, Emilia finds herself in the middle of a magical world of bloodsucking hotties. Unbeknownst to them, she's not going down without a fight. She'll have a normal life, even if it means defanging a couple thousand immortals along side a brooding vampire hunter to get it.
"This is what I am, Emilia. I'm a monster." He whispered.
I thought for a moment, stunned but also realizing the true weight of the situation.
"Damn straight you are."
"Wha—" he began but I cut him off, justifiably enraged by this new information.
"You've been asking me out, telling me you're in love with me, and this whole time you were an old perv in a younger body!?" I shouted, pointing an accusatory finger. "It's extremely apparent that you're a monster, just not in the way you thought."
Genre: Paranormal fiction
Progress: Mostly major scenes, no full chapters
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When Ella Reed is transported back in time to the Medieval era, she is taken prisoner by the royal guard. This past, she soon finds out, is far from what she learned in history class. Unless she missed the unit about dragons, magic, and dangerous sorcerers who tempt your morals.
Will Ella ever get back home or will she be stuck in this strange new world forever?
There was noise coming from in front of me, like something big was running through the trees. The unmistakable sound of an animal came closer.
Is that a freaking horse!? What kind of a budget do these guys have?
I darted to to the side of the foot path hoping the trees would give me enough cover. I dove behind a large bush and hid there for a moment waiting for the large animal to pass. No matter how good I was at track and field I cannot outrun a damn horse.
Two seconds later, a horse carrying a rather large man with a sword drawn zoomed passed. A sword. What the hell does he need an actual sword for? Cutting large vegetables? I wonder if he has a license for that.
Progress: The first two chapters are out on Wattpad now and I’m working on updating soon (can be found here)
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Danger lurks within the confines of normal society; corrupt law enforcement, secret organizations with hidden agendas, and human experiments with horrific outcomes.
Snarky and chaotic Nora soon finds herself enthralled in this hidden world and gives her captors a run for their money. Right when she thought all hope was lost he shows up, an infuriatingly attractive new scientist who seems hellbent on her release but she can't seem to pinpoint his motive.
Maybe she could use him to her advantage or she might just get more than she bargained for.
I occupied myself by making noises with my mouth, the only entertaining thing I could think of that doubled as an annoyance to the good doctor over there.
After a particularly loud noise one of the guards snapped his head towards me. "Oh my God, do you ever shut up!"
I took a sharp intake of breath and pretended to ponder on it a moment. "Nope," I said popping the 'p' and continued making the noises.
Maybe I was acting like an annoying brat but I'm not about to be a star patient in this hell hole.
If I have to deal with their bullshit then I'll make damn sure they have to deal with mine.
Genre: Fiction, humour
Progress: 4 chapters posted on Wattpad so far (can be found here)
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Elara has everything; wealthy parents, a gorgeous fiancé, and her dream job all lined up for her perfect future. But of course not all is as it seemed. Her parents treated her like a stranger, her fiancé was an arrogant prick, and her dream job only cemented her further into this miserable life.
When her fiancé publicly breaks off their engagement for another women, Elara’s life comes crumbling down around her, so she goes to the one place she felt safe; the forest clearing where she and her friend used to play as a child.
But since when was there a glowing lake here and why the hell does the guy guarding it look so familiar?
"You can't go in there," he said, though he didn’t make any move to stop me.
"Really? Cause last time I checked this is a free country."
"There will be consequences that—“
"Oh spare me the lecture! everything has consequences, the only question is whether you have anything to lose." I stared at the glowing water, an instinctive, ancient desire welling up inside me. "And as it just so happens, I no longer do."
Genre: Fantasy/supernatural fiction
Progress: obsessed with the storyline but no complete chapters
✨So far these are all the formulated plots but I have a lot more that I’m still forming, so there will probably be updates!✨
Thanks for reading!
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rowyn-writes · 4 years ago
Confidence (Jack x Reader)
Warnings: Fluff, strong language, arguing siblings
Pairings: Jack Kline x Winchester!Reader
Characters: Sam, Dean, Jack, Castiel (mentioned only,) Claire (mentioned only.)
Word Count: 2124
Summary: You start to notice that Jack tends to stay by your side whenever he can.
Requested by: @nancyangel​
Part Two: Dying From a Broken Heart
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You sat in your room in the bunker, casually reading on of your many books that lined your walls. You were a bookworm, much like you older brother, Sam. You liked being by yourself with your books and a cup of coffee, as cliche as it sounds.
Right now, you needed an escape from your world and into another one where you know how everything ends. Your half brothers, Sam and Dean we're currently trying to figure out a way to get their mother back from apocalypse world.
You were John's daughter, being the youngest Winchester there was. Along with being the baby of the family, your brothers were over protective of you.
Most of the time you weren't allowed out on a hunt, so you stayed in the bunker and helped with lore and things like that while Sam and Dean would do the hunting.
Lately, however, you were getting more involved, much to your brother's dismay. You loved Sam and Dean with all your heart, but they could be overbearing at times.
You closed your book when you heard a knock on your door. "It's open." You called.
Jack popped his head into the room. "Hey, Y/n. Can I come in?" He asked.
"Sure." You nodded.
Jack took a seat on the chair that sat in front of your small desk. "What's up?"
"Sam and Dean are going on a hunt and I was wondering if you were going?" This was news to you. You're had no idea that your brothers were going on a hunting trip.
You frowned as you go up off your position on the bed. "Now I am." You said, getting your bag ready. "You coming too?"
"Yes." Jack nodded. You told him to finish packing while you did the same.
"Going somewhere, gentlemen?" You asked just as Sam and Dean were about to walk out of the bunker.
Dean let his head fall as he sighed. "You're not coming."
"The hell I'm not." You snapped.
"Dean's right." Sam agreed. "You should sit this one out."
You let out a frustrated grunt. "C'mon. Why are you still treating me like I'm twelve? I'm almost 22."
"You're not ready, Y/n."
"I'm not ready?" You scoffed. "But you let Jack go, and technically, he's barely three months old."
"That's different." Dean said.
"How?! How is that different?! I grew up hunting with you guys and Dad, I know what to do!" You argued.
"It's different because you'll die if something happens! Jack has powers and can defend himself! You don't!" Dean hissed.
"This is ridiculous!" You huffed.
"Maybe next time, Y/n." Sam gave you a smile, which you didn't return. "Alright, Jack!" Sam called out. "Let's go!"
Jack appeared beside them in a second, making you jump slightly. "See you later, Y/n." Dean said. He looked like he wanted to give you a hug but decided against it, because you might knee him in the groin if you had the chance.
"You're not coming, Y/n?" Jack asked, seeming disappointed.
"Apparently not."
Jack seemed to hesitate by the door. "On second thought, I think I'll stay here. You guys don't really need my help, do you?"
Sam and Dean seemed surprised by his change of plans. Jack had been wanting to go on a hunting trip with them for a while. "I guess not." Sam said. And with that, they were gone.
"Why didn't you go with them?" You asked Jack. "You've been wanting to go on a hunting trip with them for a while, so why did you back out?"
"I thought you could use the company." He shrugged.
. .
. . .
Sam and Dean returned about two days later, clearly pleased that you and Jack had stayed at the bunker. You had thought of finding you own case, maybe even hunting with Claire, but decided against it.
But that doesn't mean you still weren't pissed at your brothers. They kept treating you like you were five, when you were 21. It was infuriating. That's why you were determined to find a case.
"Hey, so look what I found." You said, holding your computer up to your brothers. "Five people dead. All found without their hearts. However, there was six victims. One survived. If we can find out who's killing these people, we can put down the son of a bitch."
"Where's this happening at?" Dean asked gruffly.
"Little Rock, Arkansas."
Dean nodded his head. "Okay. Sammy, pack your things, Y/n, send us the address. We'll call you when you get there."
"Wait a minute." You protested. "You said that I would get to come with you on the next hunt! This is the next hunt."
"No. You're not coming."
"Oh come on!" You yelled angrily. "You have got to be kidding me! You promised that you would take me out on the hunt!"
"I never promised." Dean reminded her. "I never make promises I can't keep. You know that."
"You're being ridiculous! C'mon Sam, back me up here." You looked over to the man, giving him pleading eyes.
"I think Y/n's right Dean." He agreed. "We've seen what she can do, handling a werewolf or two isn't anything she can't handle."
Dean frowned, looking back and forth between you and Sam. "I'm not gonna win this argument, am I?"
"Fine. Go pack your things. Tell Jack to do the same." You nodded, calmly walking away. But as soon as you were out of sight from Sam and Dean, you gave a tiny squeal and did a little dance.
"Are we celebrating something?" Jack asked from behind you, making you jump slightly.
You gave him a big smile. "That we are, Jack. Sam and Dean are letting us go on a hunt! So pack your bags, we leave in an hour!"
You quickly packed your bag full of clothes and other essentials and put them in the trunk of the Impala.
Jack sat in the back seat with you; it was only logical, since Sam was the Jolly Green Giant and could barely fit back there.
While you loved the Impala, you did not love the kind of music that played constantly. As Sam once put it, "It's the greatest hits of Mullet Rock." So you had brought your phone and a pair of earbuds.
"What are you doing?" Jack asked curiously.
"Listening to music."
"But Dean has music playing?" He furrowed his eyebrows, making your heart soar at his cute little scrunched up face.
"Yeah, well, Dean and I have very different tastes in music. Here, listen to this." You gave him the other earbud you had.
Jack seemed to like your selection of music, as he grinned as the song played on. After a while of driving, your legs began to cramp. Whether you were tall or short, being in the back of the Impala for a long time did nothing to help your legs.
You tried to find a position where you weren't invading Jack's bubble, as not to touch him because you didn't know how he would react.
"You can stretch out your legs." Jack said, as if reading your thoughts. "I don't mind." You gave him a grateful smile as you rested your legs in his lap.
About four hours in, you began to doze off. Car rides were always relaxing to you, seeing your surroundings blur as you sped past, feeling the Impala rock beneath you, and being able to spread out in the back seat.
Although, you couldn't count how many times you had to disinfect the back seat because of your brothers. Mostly Dean.
You were woken up rather unpleasantly by Dean. You had been leaning against the door of the Impala when he yanked the door open, causing you to tumble out of the car. "Thanks for the awesome wake-up call, dick." You growled.
"No problem, fuck-face." He grinned as he helped you up. You grabbed your stuff and checked into your motel room.
It was like every other motel you've ever stayed at, rock hard beds, ugly wall patterns, and a small box T.V.
You went ahead and changed into your FBI clothes, a light blue button down shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans, matching boots and a blazer. "You boys ready?" You asked, exiting the bathroom to see all of them had changed into their uniforms.
You all piled into the Impala once more and headed to the local police station, and then to the hospital.
. .
. . .
You had found out nothing. There was no victimology, no connection, nothing. You figured there wouldn't be a pattern, it was a werewolf, after all.
You did know, however, that the werewolf was a Purebred, as the moon cycle didn't line up with the victims deaths.
And the surviving victim was a fifteen year old girl. Thankfully, she hadn't been bitten. But she was in so much shock that she couldn't remember her attackers face.
"Poor girl." You commented, shrugging off your blazer. "She's never going to be the same."
"She'll learn to cope." Dean assured you. "Okay, so Jack and I are gonna go to where the bodies were found and dig around a little, you and Sam stay here and see what you can find out about this town. See if there's any kind of pattern with the killings."
"Actually, could I stay here with Y/n and help her?" Jack asked.
Dean looked taken aback slightly. "Uh, yeah, sure kid. Sammy, let's go." Once the two brothers were in the car, Dean looked over at Sam. "Jack has a crush on Y/n." He frowned.
Sam snorted. "Okay? And you couldn't tell that before? I kinda thought it was obvious."
Dean cuffed Sam. "Alright, Captain Jack-ass. I was just saying maybe we shouldn't leave Y/n and Jack alone."
"Oh, please." Sam scoffed. "Nothing's gonna happen."
You got out your laptop and sat on one of the beds. You noticed that Jack was watching you from the couch. It was obvious be wanted to say something.
"Hey, Jack?"
"Yes, Y/n?" He looked excited to see that you engaged in a conversation with him first.
"How come you wanted to stay behind with me?"
"Oh, did you want me to go with Dean?" Jack seemed disappointed.
"No, no. That's not it!" You assured him quickly. He looked extremely relieved to hear that. "I was just curious. On the last hunt that Sam and Dean went on, you decided to stay behind with me too. And whenever I go out to grab food or something, you always come with me. I love your company, so please don't take that the wrong way. I was just wondering."
Jack thought over your words for a few moments before answering. "I don't really feel confident around anyone. Sometimes I feel like another burden onto Sam, Dean and Cas. But with you, I feel like I'm not judged."
"You're not judged by any of us, Jack. You know that." You frowned.
"I know that, I just can't help but feel that way sometimes. But things are different with you. I feel confident and safe, like I can be myself whenever you're around. I enjoy being around you, Y/n."
You felt your heart melt at Jack's words. You felt exactly the same way about him. While growing up, you never really had boyfriends, just a one night stand here and there (which your brothers definitely didn't know about.)
"Jack." You started. "Do you see me the same way you see Sam and Dean?"
"No. It feels different. I can't really explain it. It's like. . . When I'm with you, I can feel my heart start to beat faster, and my palms get kind of sweaty. I don't do that when I'm around Sam and Dean." He explained.
You smiled as you realized what he was saying. "Jack, I think that means you have a crush on me."
"Crush you?!" Jack looked startled. "I would never hurt you!"
"No, no, no! That's not what I meant." You sighed as you tried to break it down to him. "It means you really like someone, but not as a friend. Kind of like a boyfriend or girlfriend."
Realization dawned on Jack as he soaked in your words. "Then can I be your boyfriend?" He asked eagerly.
You gave a small laugh. "Yeah, you can." You kissed him on the cheek. Jack's face became pink under your gaze.
"Could I kiss your lips?" You didn't answer as your lips brushed over his.
"Does that answer your question?" He nodded happily as a smile formed on his face. He felt happy and safe with you standing in front of him.
I was thinking about making a part two? Tell me what you think!
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axels-corner · 3 years ago
Bronte’s Pov of Legacy Pages 473 to 498
Notes: Bronte's Pov in Legacy from the ability reset to the announcement of team Valiant 
Characters: Councilor Bronte, Team Valiant, and the rest of the council
words: 1494
There was a knock, I wonder who that is? Emery transmits to the rest of the councilors. Before Bronte had time to ponder it, the door swung open to reveal Mr. Forkle
“I thought we agreed to keep the Black Swan out of this conversation.” Bronte says who invited him? Bronte thinks to the other eleven in a voice that clearly expresses his anger. I don't think it was any of us. Emery replies. Maybe it was one of our regents. Alina jumps in, while the others argue about whether they would do that and why. Bronte scans the room looking at everyone's reactions, most people looked clueless and where just as confused as the councilors except for one. Before he can ask, she speaks up
“I'm ready to let you reset my abilities.” A chorus of what’s and whys fills Bronte's head as the others were shocked, although they didn't show it on the outside, besides Alina all of them have been councilors for at least a couple centuries and had perfected the art of hiding their reactions from all but each other. After all, after you work closely with someone for hundreds of years you know how to tell things outsiders don't. What do we think? Emery asks as he sees that there's a discussion going on We're not going to be able to change her mind no matter what, she'll just go behind our backs like last time so I think we should say yes. Also, I'm interested about what happens because it involves her inflicting I'm presuming. Bronte answers back and the rest soon agree. Bronte tunes out most of what Forkle says until he hears
“Actually, that reminds me. Did I hear correctly that all of you chose to exclude me from whatever meeting I'm interrupting?” Bronte leans back against the wall knowing it's better to let Emery handle it to present a united front, but when Forkle refers to their concerns as squabbles he stepped in
“Squabbles? Is that your way of trying to trivialize our concerns? As if we couldn't possibly have a valid compliant against your order?” Emery steps back and lets Bronte take over. The whole council knew that when Bronte gets into an argument he doesn't back down easily as he is very stubborn. Bronte and Forkle continued back and forth until Mr. Forkle finally agrees that there was fault on his end, but the council also is at fault. Bronte steps back once more letting Emery take the reins and  Oralie whispers to him to ask about what could have caused Sophie to change her mind, when he had heard from Mr. Forkle last, she had refused.
“I have a couple theories.” Bronte tells Oralie
“Do any involve what happened in Loamnore today?” She asks
“All of them.” He replies, they were going to continue discussing it but as they heard the conversation between Emery and the leader of the Black Swan wind down, they tuned back in. They nearly forgot what was going to happen when Sophie cut in
“But not right now,” As they start discussing preparations again, he notices how nervous she is at the mention of Fitz and Keefe, he of course knew about the love triangle that was more of a love v, and her unmatchable status but he hadn't considered how it would affect other things. Then Mr. Forkle asks the council if they were planning on staying what's the vote? Emery transmits asking them I would like to stay to make sure she's okay, the things I've heard about the last time, Oralie paused it was not pretty. Even without being an empath Bronte could sense his friends worry. As I said earlier, I'm assuming this has to do with her inflicting, no matter what I try to teach her she can't seem to get it controlled. The rest of the councilors agree soon after. Emery nods yes,
“You are?” Sophie asks, looking shocked and slightly terrified. Oralie quickly tells her how they wish to make sure she's okay
“And let's be honest,” Bronte jumps in “we're all curious to see how this works.” He tells her continuing to explain. When he finishes Edaline glares at him with the glare that all mothers seem to possess. After Sophie agrees to let them stay Dex warns them about what happened the first time Sophie had an allergic reaction. As Sophie headed upstairs Bronte heads over to Emery, Oralie, Zarina, Clarette, and Terik, as the other councilors question Wylie about what happened in the throne room. Zarina is leaning up against the wall, “So, was anybody expecting that to be what happened here?” She asks
“I wondered when or even if this would happen, but I wasn't sure.” Emery says
“What do you mean?” Oralie asks, as Bronte sits on the arm of the couch.
“After Mr. Forkle gave Lady Foster, and Miss. Foster their memories back he told me about the situation and what might be to come.” They sit in silence for a minute
“I heard you and Oralie talking Bronte, you said you had a theory about what might've happened?” Clarette asks in a tone that Bronte knows he's not going to be able to avoid the question, so he stands up
“Yes, as I've mentioned before her inflicting is different in the way to control than mine, as we've seen, and nothing seems to work. I didn't think much of it until today on the Kings Path I felt something scrape across my mind shield and if I think it was Miss Heks, hadn't been there she might've lost control.” He leans on the couch again
“Is this irregular?” Zarina asks, and Bronte nods
“Usually, she only can't control it when she actually starts inflicting, she's never lost control like that.” Everyone nods in the circle and they all head over to where the others are talking to Wylie about what had happened. Bronte sees Sophie walk downstairs and outside, eventually Elwin says it's time and the twelve head outside
“Remember when we were teenagers, we never did anything like this.” Alina says trying to make small talk
“When we were teenagers there was no Neverseen trying to kill us around every corner, well maybe Bronte is old enough to remember the dark days.” Emery says back
“I'm not that old.” Bronte grumbles
“You're like a grandpa.” Terik tells him “You pretend you don't care, but inside you do. You’re also the oldest.” The rest of the council agree with him, afterwards the actual ability reset was just a blur, but Bronte remembers her taking the green pill, her heart stopping and then it was the waiting game.
Back at their castles they had decided to gather in Oralie's tonight making final preparations for revealing team valiant to the public.
“Wait, if we're announcing team valiant in like a week or so what do we do if Sophie is still recovering.” Oralie says looking up from the paperwork she was working on.
“I'm sure it won't come to that. Elwin said that she should be awake in three days give or take.” Emery replies back
“But Livy also said that the green pill would extend the recovery time” Bronte reminds him.
“We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Emery says turning back to his work
Time Skip
They were backstage right before the announcement, Bronte did a quick headcount twelve councilors including himself and four regents. He sighed, sliding next to Emery, and tapping his temple. What's up? Emery transmits, looks like we're going to need to cross that bridge. Bronte tells him, Emery does a quick survey of the room before clapping his hands drawing the attention to himself,
“Do any of you know if Miss Foster is able to make it?” he asks. Dex raises his hand
“I got a call from Sandor that said she made it downstairs but nearly passed out soon after.” He shrugs his shoulder after finishing.
“What are we going to do?” Stina asks
“we tell them the truth. Honesty, and transparency is the best way to deal with the public.” Alina says fixing her hair, Wylie scoffs
“You mean you were honest and transparent with the public about the black swan, the plague with the gnomes, how bout project moonlark, or my dad's mind break?” Wylie asks in a forced calm tone, though Bronte could see the anger bubbling underneath the surface. Before the squabble blew up to a full-blown argument, Alina's retort was cut off by Terik bursting out laughing
“He's got you there.” He exclaims through tears, from laughing so hard. Noland appears from around the corner,
“It's time.” He says carrying the authority of the councilor he is, and as they step out onto the stage and announce the team Bronte knows that this will be a game changer and more importantly, they might have a fighting chance against the Neverseen.
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itsadamcole · 4 years ago
you’re not broken
fem!reader x kyle o’reilly
reader and Kyle go back to reader’s home in Philadelphia for Christmas. little does Kyle know that reader’s mother isn’t the nicest person .... “i promise you that you’re not broken”
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word count: 2.5k+
warnings: angst, mentions of death / plane crash, verbal assault, fluff
— day 3 in a row ... out of (hopefully) 25 —
masterlist || request an imagine here
part 2
You smile as you walk up to the front door of your childhood home. Your boyfriend's hand in yours. You hope to God that your parents and siblings will be nice to you. Maybe because Kyle is here then they might.
Christmas at home hasn't been the same since your older sister's plane crash. It's been two years but since the year after she died, your family hasn't been treating you like they used to. They've started comparing you to your sister that passed, telling you that you'll never be like she was, telling you that you'll never achieve the same success that she did in WWE.
It hasn't been the same since she died. You miss your sister. You were best friends and tag partners. She was so understanding when Kyle asked you to join the Undisputed Era and was so supportive when you had a storyline against her after you joined the Undisputed Era.
Kyle knows about some of what your family has said to you, but he doesn't know about what they've said about you and comparing you to your sister.
Speaking of Kyle, he senses you're nervous even though you have a smile on your face. He tightens his grip on your hand and he says, "Relax, Y/N. If they say something to you then I'll make sure to say something back to them. No one hurts my girl without consequences."
You look up at Kyle and say, "You're the best." You smile.
Kyle smiles down at you and pecks your lips before you knock on the door.
There is shuffling behind the door as you smooth out the front of your dark red dress and move closer to Kyle.
Your younger sister, who is thirteen years old, answers the door. "Y/N! You're here!" she says happily.
"Hey, shortie," you say, laughing. "You're not exactly short anymore, are you. You're almost as tall as me. Have you grown since I last saw you?"
She giggles and says, "It's been a little bit since you've seen me, Y/N. Come home more often." Her giggles stop and she starts to pout.
You hug your younger sister and say, "I would love to come home but I have a title to defend." You look at Kyle. He smiles at you.
Ever since your parents changed their attitude toward you, you've stayed away from Philadelphia. You've been staying with Kyle in Orlando to be close to the Performance Center and Full Sail. You haven't been back home since July and it's now December. Your sister turned thirteen in the time you've been away.
"I know," your younger sister says. "I just miss you."
You kiss the side of your sister's head and say, "I miss you too. You can always come down to Florida. I'll even buy you a plane ticket if you want to come visit. Maybe get Y/B/N to come with you since he's 18."
Your older sister was almost 30 when she died. You're 28. There's a ten year difference between you and your brother and your youngest sister is 13.
Y/S/N says, "If Mom and Dad will let me go. They've been strict since the accident and they won't even let us get on a plane."
"I'll talk to them tonight," you say. "Maybe you guys can come spend New Years with Kyle and I."
Kyle nods and says, "The boys will be there too with their girlfriends and wives but we'd love to have you come down, Y/S/N."
She smiles and says, "Yay." Your sister skips inside the house and you sigh, looking up at Kyle.
"Are you naturally that good with kids or what?" you ask.
Kyle laughs and says, "Naturally that good."
You smile and reach up, pressing a kiss to Kyle's lips. You walk into the house holding Kyle's hand.
"Mom!" you call. "I'm here!"
Your mom says, "In the kitchen, sweetheart!" You walk into the large kitchen. You're greeted with the smell of roast beef as soon as you walk into the kitchen.
Y/B/N sits at the kitchen island with Y/S/N and they're playing something on Y/B/N computer. You run up behind your brother and attack him with a hug from behind. "Hey, baby bro," you say.
"Jesus, Y/N," he gasps. "You scared me and I'm trying to win as imposter."
That's when you realize he's playing Among Us. You see his name in red. "Ooh," you giggle. "Let me in at some point tonight. I wanna kick you ass."
You, Kyle, and your siblings laugh. You mother scolds, "Y/N! Language please."
"Ass isn't a bad word, mother," you sigh. "Relax."
Kyle looks at you then looks at your mom, who says, "You know such language is not allowed in this house."
You roll your eyes and say to your brother, "I'll play after dinner, if I'm still here."
Your brother nods and you take Kyle's hand, leaving the kitchen and walking into the living room. Your dad sits on the couch with wrestling on the TV.
"Hi, daddy," you smile, kissing the top of his head. "What are you watching?"
Your dad smiles and say, "Hi, pumpkin. I'm watching one of Shawn Michaels' old matches."
You sit beside your dad and Kyle sits beside you. "Nice to see you again, Mr. L/N," Kyle says.
"You too, Kyle," your dad says. "Is there a match the two of you would like to watch?"
Kyle says, "How about Randy Orton versus Drew McIntyre at Hell in a Cell? That match was amazing."
You dad says, "I agree. It's such a good match." He puts it on. "You have good taste in matches, Kyle."
He laughs and says, "Y/N and I have very similar taste in matches. We both like the matches that involve cells or weapons. Y/N likes tables."
"They're the worst to go through in real life but it's fun to watch other people go through them," you say.
Your dad laughs and says, "Your sister liked table matches too. She said the same thing. They were a pain to go through but she loved watching them."
Your mood tanks at the mention of your sister. Kyle notices this and takes your hand. You rest your head on his shoulder and watch Drew lose his title to Randy.
It's close to twenty minutes later before your mother calls, "Dinner!"
Your dad gets up, walking to the dining room. You look up at Kyle and you say, "Whatever they say, either ignore it or just let me handle it, okay?"
Kyle says, "I'm jumping in if it looks like you need help. I'm serious."
You nod and walk into the dining room with Kyle. Your mother is serving your father dinner. A lot sits out on the large table. A plate with cut up roast beef, corn sits in a bowl, mashed potatoes right next to the corn, biscuits, green beans, and a bowl of mac n' cheese all sit on the table.
You help yourself to some mac n' cheese and say, "Dinner looks amazing, Mom."
"Thank you, Y/N," she says. Her voice is cold. Obviously she's still mad about you saying the word 'ass' in front of her.
Kyle grabs some roast beef and takes a bit. "Mhm," he hums. "This is the best roast beef I've had in a long time."
You smile and say, "Mom slow roasts it in the oven. It takes all day but so worth it." Kyle smiles and takes another bite.
Y/S/N says, "Mom, can Y/B/N and I spend New Years in Florida with Y/N and Kyle?"
Mom looks at you then at your sister before asking, "How do you plan on getting back here, Y/S/N?"
You look at your mom and say, "I can accompany them back. Kyle and I leave in two days to go back to Orlando so we can just book Y/S/N and Y/B/N seats on the same flight as Kyle and I."
"Please, Mom?" your sister pleads.
"Yeah, please?" your brother chimes in.
Your mom looks at your siblings and says, "You both know how I feel about planes. They crash."
Your sister gets a sad look on her face and you say, "It's very rare, Mom. I've flown plenty of times."
"You were supposed to be on the flight that Y/OS/N was on," your mother snaps. "You realize that, right?"
A pang of hurt hits you in the chest and you say, "I'm well aware but it's not my fault that the plane crashed, Mom."
Your mother looks at you from across the table and says, "It should've been you on that plane, Y/N. Instead it was your sister, who actually made this family proud."
Kyle says, "Woah, okay. Mrs. L/N, that's not fair on Y/N's part. She had no idea that the plane would crash."
Tears well up in your eyes and you say, "I make this family proud too, Mom. I've held tag titles, I currently hold the only women's singles title in NXT. I'm in a group that has made history in NXT. I've made history with Y/OS/N as longest reigning and most reigns as WWE Women's Tag Team champion."
Your mother says, "Your sister held the Raw Women's title for a record breaking 450 days. How long have you held the NXT Women's title for?"
"348 days, and counting," you spit at her. "I'm only behind her by 100 days, which I plan on breaking. Then I plan on breaking Asuka's longest reign of 510 days just to prove to you that I can do every fucking thing that Y/OS/N did!"
Your mother's eyes widen and she says, "Curse one more time in my house and you will never be allowed back in."
You stare at her and say, "Fine. Fuck you, Mom. Fuck you for ever comparing me to Y/OS/N and fuck you for never being proud of me even though I've achieved the same success as she did." You look at your siblings. "Go upstairs and pack a suitcase. I'm taking you two with me."
They nod and run upstairs. You slam your silverware down on the table and you stand up. Your mother says, "That is not how you talk to your mother, Y/N."
You cry, "You have not been my mother since my sister died. Not the way that you've been treating me."
As you walk away, you hear Kyle say, "She's grieving too. She knows that it should have been her too, and she'll carry that with her for the rest of her life. She doesn't need her mother of all people telling her that it should've been her in the plane instead of Y/OS/N. Her sister was her best friend and she lost a lot that day too."
Your sister and brother walk down the stairs and you look at them. Your sister runs to you and hugs you. Your brother hugs you too. You hug them back.
Kyle walks out into the foyer and you look up at him. He says, "Come on. I'll change our flights to tonight and we can be down in Florida by midnight. We'll buy Y/S/N and Y/B/N some clothes when we get back to Orlando."
You nod, leaving the house with Kyle and your siblings.
It's right after midnight when you, Kyle, and your siblings get back to the house you share with Kyle.
You moved in with Kyle about six months ago after a year or so of dating. The house is three bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, and two floors. You sigh as you walk in the door.
Kyle sets your siblings up in the guest bedrooms as you go and lay in your bedroom. You finally change out of the dress and get into one of Kyle's shirts. You curl into a ball and let out what you've been holding in.
Your face is in your pillow and your makeup is being cried off your face.
The door to the bedroom closes and Kyle sighs, "Your siblings are in bed and they're both all set up in their rooms."
You sit up and look at Kyle. He looks at you and his face falls. He grabs a box of tissues and you say, "I'm a mess, I'm sorry." You take a tissue and wipe your makeup stained tears away.
"You're okay," he says, sitting next to you. "It's okay to cry, Y/N. You don't have to be strong every day, especially after what you have been through."
You crawl over onto Kyle's lap and say, "I feel broken, Kyle. I have since my sister died in that plane crash. I feel like I haven't healed at all."
"Hey," Kyle says. "I promise you that you're not broken, Y/N. You're sad, you're grieving, but you're not broken."
You start to cry softly and say, "I miss her, Kyle. Why couldn't it have been me instead of her?"
Kyle says, "Don't say that. Please don't. I need you here. Your sister and your brother need you here. The WWE Universe needs you here. Adam, Roderick, and Bobby need you here. Don't let your mother tell you otherwise."
You look up at Kyle. He wipes your tears away with his thumbs. You say, "I love you, Kyle. I'm so in love with you."
Kyle smiles at you and says, "I love you too, Y/N. I need you here. Selfishly, a part of me is glad you were on that plane because I don't know what I would do without you."
You lean in and press a lingering kiss to his lips. Kyle kisses you back before he pulls back and says, "Marry me."
"Kyle," you say, meeting his eyes.
He says, "I'm serious. Marry me. You can come to my family's house in Canada for holidays, we can spend the rest of our lives doing this. I love you, and I want to start a family with you."
You don't hesitate to nod and say, "Yes. I'll marry you, Kyle."
Kyle smiles and kisses you. You smile into the kiss. You smile for real for the first time in a very long time.
That smile doesn't leave your lips as you lay with Kyle in bed, cuddles up to him. He holds you in his arms and your legs are intertwined with his.
His fingers run through your hair. Your eyes are closed and he says, "I don't have a ring yet, by the way. I didn't even know that I was going to propose until I did."
You giggle and say, "We'll go ring shopping eventually. I just want to lay with you right now."
Kyle shifts a bit and gets comfortable. You smile and begin to doze off.
"Merry Christmas, baby," Kyle whispers. "I forgot to tell you at midnight."
You mumble, "Merry Christmas, Kyle."
Then you fall asleep.
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darkestdesired · 5 years ago
Moon child
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Part 2
An:Finally after 3,00 years i finally finished this!! 😭😭
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"What do you mean she knew?! She's a human!You're telling me an innocent fragile human 18 year old could have known what those bloodsuckers are without even Edward knowing?!" Sam yelled loud enough for everyone upstairs to hear.
Seth rubbed my back as he and i sat on the edge of my bed."Hey,it's gonna be ok." I shrugged."He seems really mad though..and i know it's my fault.I should have just kept my mouth shut." He looked to leah for support.She sighed and stood infront of me,"Look i know Sam,He'll yell a bit, but once he gets it out of his system he'll be fine." I winced as he yelled again,"It's alright,I'm used to being yelled at anyways."
Leah clenched her jaw as she saw me wince once more at the sound of the men yelling,"Ok nevermind,I'm over it." She stated before leaving the room.
"Shut up already!" She yelled as she entered the kitchen where Jacob and Sam stood with heated tension
Both men froze and turned towards her,"What did-" she cut Jacob off.
"No shut up,(Y/n) is up there shaking like a leaf talking about how used to yelling she is,Now if you two don't shut up and go up there and talk to her like fucking adults then i swear to our ancestors that i will rip you two apart!" They both stared at her with wide eyes before nodding.
"Good,now go." She pointed upstairs,stepping aside to let them pass.They both gave eachother a confused look before walking upstaires,"I'm the alpha and she..." Sam started,"Don't,She'll hear you.." Jacob elbowed him before they stopped in the doorway. Seth pulled me in for a gentle hug before standing once he noticed the two watching."You better make things right." He whispered to the men before walking past them downstairs.
Jacob sat beside me while Sam leaned against the window seal across from us."So who wants to start..?" Jacob asked looking between me and sam.There was a sigh from across from me,"I will,(Y/n)-" he started gruffly,but once he saw me flinch his voice softened immediately."(Y/n)...i'm sorry for freaking out on you i just...this world can be a very dangerous place and monsters like the cullens are the reason why." I played with a string on the blanket,still not ready to look at them yet. "But they aren't monsters...they were nothing but nice to me.If they really were monsters they had many chances to hurt me." Sam pinched the bridge of his nose,Jacob decided to pick up from there."That may be true,But what Sam meant was all of the bloodsuckers can be very very dangerous to the living,That's why we protect this town from them.And it had been going perfectly fine before the cullens moved here." Staying silent for a moment i took a shaky breath and looked up at them,"Then am i a monster too..?"
He rubbed soothing circles onto my back and whispered calming words to me until i fell asleep,he tried his best to bury me under the blankets before they both left the room. By the time Jacob had carefuly shut the door and turned sam had already stormed his way downstairs.
Sam furrowed his brow and was quick to kneel down on one knee before me,holding my hands in his."Absolutely not! Why would you ever think that?"
He could see that my eyes were beginning to water."My..My father always told me that i-I was nothing but a monster since my mom passed...And when he got remarried it only got worse.." Sam's grip on my hands tightened slightly,once a reassuring gesture was now a protective hold.Jacob rubbed my back gently,urging me to continue. "He told me that my mom was nothing but a disgusting witch and that i should have died with her.." Sam growled in anger standing up and turning away as to not frighten me more. 'If i ever get my hands on that disgusting bastard.' He thought clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white. Jacob put me on his lap and held me to his chest,only when my neck was buried in his chest did i allow the tears to fall.
"O-Oh hey (Y/n), i didn't even heard you come down." He stuttered traying to regain his composure. "Sorry..i got hungry.." My eyes were still red and puffy,my usually bright expression had now become the same deppressed look that i had first come with. 'Just when she was getting better.Damnit Sam.' He thought before smiling softly at me."How about i make you something to eat then? The others are at school and Emily is visiting my mom right now." I nodded,"And those wolves?" He knew exactly who i meant. "They uh..." He wanted to lie but he knew i wouldn't believe him."I have a feeling you already know..." I merely nodded."I knew since i met Sam at the diner, but i could tell you guys didn't want to tell me." He shook his head."No it's not that,we just wanted to protect you ,after everything you've been through we were afraid it might be too much.But after everything that's happened today i think we've already crossed that line." He rubbed his arm in embarrassment.
"I am going to find that bastard and rip him to shreds." Leah nodded in agreement, "And I'm all for it but how are we going to find him Sam,we can't exactly track him in town like this." Leah said rolling her eyes.
Sam raked his hands through his dark hair and shut his eyes tight.He absolutely hated what he was about to suggest. "We need to ask the bloodsuckers for help." Jacob crossed his arms,"Their not exactly the best trackers either Sam.They couldn't even find Victoria when she was in the woods nearby,who knows whether or not this guy already ditched town ." Leah shrugged."I agree but it's worth a shot,right? I don't like the cullens either,well Esme is tolerable,but they might be the best chance of catching this guy as quick as possible." Sam thought for a moment,"It's then decided,Seth you stay here with (Y/n).Leah,Jacob,with me." Running out of the house the three shifted before heading towards the treaty line. Seth watched for a moment before turning to head upstairs,He yelped when he saw me standing behind him with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.
"Where did they go?" He debated lying again,"They...They went to ask they cullens for help.." I raised a brow,"With..?" He took a deep breath,"Finding your parents."
"They won't find them." I said walking to the kitchen table and sitting down."What do you mean?" I sighed."He and his wife had bags packed when they left me on that road...their long gone by now.." He watched me as i stared down at the table,tears freely fell down my face but i just looked so tired. He sat next to me and placed his hand over mine,"You're apart of our family now,Wether you like it or not." He smiled proudly when i let out a chuckle. "It feels nice..to be wanted..thank you.." He fought back tears himself but a few escaped when he smiled wider."You never have to thank me,you're stuck with me now." He pulled me into a hug,lifting me out of my seat and twirling me around like a goofball.When he finally let me down he ruffled my hair,content with the joyful smile that replaced the saddened frown."Now lets get you something to eat."
When the 3 wolves arrived at the treaty line they saw that Carlisle,Alice and Edward were waiting for them. Carlisle stepped forward,"Alice told us you would need us,What is your plan." Edward relayed to them everything the wolves had told him.He shared a look with Carlisle,"If we ask them..do you think they would actually help?" Edward asked. Carlisle sighed,"It is worth a shot,Demetri is the best tracker in the world.Plus Aro owes me a favor-" he was cut off by Sam's growling.Carlisle looked to Edward for answers,"He is upset that you would even think of asking the Volturi." Carlisle turned to the wolves,"They might be our best option of finding (Y/n)'s father,Demetri can find people that are across the entire planet by smelling them or something with their scent once.I would rather not involve them but i fear we do not have any other choice,Charlie reported that even the police cannot find any traces of her parents." The wolves growled at eachother.
"You can't honestly be thinking of agreeing Sam!" Leah hissed. "After everything the Volturi has done,whose to say they won't just decide to kill her instead." Jacob roared. "They won't,to them she's just a innocent human that doesn't know anything,they don't need to know anything else." Edward said to Sam. Hesitantly Sam nodded,"Don't make me regret this." He threatened.
It took 2 days for the letter to reach the Volturi,and it took 4 days for Alice to recieve a vision."Their coming." She said entering the living room where everyone was waiting. It was silent until Emmet asked the one question on everyones mind.
"Who did they send?"
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@casedoina @fandom-hoe101
@sugarbby99 @nabercnm @imaginesforthepeople @sadbean18 @nialeesato @zombieclown64 @min-bucky @nsainmoonchild @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @thatartkid101 @darkunderworldqueen @my-suga-kookies
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fillingthescrapbook · 4 years ago
Rewriting The CW's Kung Fu, Part 7: Act III
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This is already the penultimate post, but if you're somehow seeing this before any of the previous posts, you can find them here:
Part 1: The Characters
Part 2: The Pilot
Part 3: The Mythology
Part 4: The Story Map
Part 5: Act I
Part 6: Act II
Hopefully, I haven't lost you yet. Especially since we have now reached the end of the first season with our final act.
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Episode 10: Opulence
We are splitting focus in the first episode of this arc--with Nicky at the center of the two main plots. One of them is, of course, about the mystical weapons. Nicky, Ryan, Henry, and Evan bring the box from Mei-Xue's cabin back to San Francisco--which they are able to open with the jade key they retrieved from the puzzle box. Inside the box is the scabbard of Liang Dai-Yu's sword. It's jade design is engraved with characters, but Henry says it will take him some time to make sense of them, and Mei-Xue's journal writings.
Nicky starts grilling Henry about the guardians of the weapons, but Henry doesn't really know much since his father never talked much about it. All Henry knows is the things he researched on his own...and the whereabouts of the weapon his father lost: the safe of a business mogul named Raymond Tan. Evan recognizes the name, reminding Nicky of who bailed the museum goons out. He tells her that he was able to talk to one of Raymond Tan's son, Kerwin, who seems like a nice guy. Nicky thinks they can persuade him to separate the weapons--to save the world.
The other main plot has Althea asking Nicky to find out why Chloe, Dennis's younger sister, is always disappearing. Althea blames herself a little bit, as Chloe started acting out after her revelation at the Soong family dinner. Nicky promises to keep an eye out on Chloe.
While Nicky is staking Chloe out at an event with Evan, the latter spots Kerwin mingling with the other guests. He pulls Nicky towards Kerwin so they could talk to him about the weapons, and to ask for his help in separating them. Nicky slips and tells him that a dangerous woman is collecting them, and having them all in Raymond's safe makes it easy for her to steal them. Kerwin apologizes to them, saying he cannot control his father's actions.
Nicky, already dejected, realizes she lost track of Chloe. She and Evan try to look for her, but to no avail. When Henry calls Nicky to give her an update about the scabbard translation, Nicky tells him her problem. Henry swoops in for the save by trawling through Chloe's social media presence, her friends--before seeing a questionable post. He tells Nicky to show an Instagram post to Evan. Evan recognizes it as jewelry that's been reported missing. Evan tells Nicky that Chloe's friends might be involved in a gang of robbers that's been targeting San Francisco's elite. Nicky, Evan, and Henry then work together to save Chloe from her friends.
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Meanwhile, Dennis plans to purchase Cloudrush Capital so he could oust Althea's former boss, without telling his soon-to-be wife. But when Althea goes public with her sexual harassment experience, Dennis's business deal suddenly falls apart. When he asks his parents if there's something wrong with their finances, they admit that they were the ones who kiboshed his plan. They want him to break up with Althea because she will tarnish the Soong name. Dennis refuses.
Ryan, living alone for the first time, realizes how his life revolved too much around work and family. He tries to meet new friends via phone apps, only to realizes that most men on the apps are just looking for hook-ups.
Mei-Li and Jin are also starting to feel the emptiness of their house with Ryan and Althea gone, and Nicky always doing something. Because of their empty nest, Mei-Li starts spending more time at the restaurant--needing purpose; while Jin feels himself drifting...ending up at the community center, wanting at first to catch Ryan, before ending up helping people out while he's there.
Going back to Nicky, Evan thinks they should be careful because Chloe's friends might be dangerous. Henry, on the other hand, thinks they're just bored teens with access to the mansions that are being stolen from. When they finally track Chloe down via her friend's Instagram Live, they realizes that the group has set their sights on the Soong's mansion.
Evan separate so he could call in an anonymous tip to the police, while Nicky and Henry try to talk Chloe and her friends out of robbing the Soongs. When Chloe's friends refuse to listen, choosing to act in violence instead, Nicky and Henry are forced to use non-lethal combat moves to incapacitate the teens. One of the teens threaten to have Nicky and Henry arrested, but when the police arrive with a lawyer from the teens' families, Nicky and Henry are assured that they're in the clear--provided they sign an NDA with regards to the actions of the rich teens. Nicky agrees to sign if the teens leave Chloe alone. When the teens are gone, Chloe thanks Nicky, explaining she was afraid to leave her friend group because of their retaliation. Chloe hopes she'll find a friend who are as chill as Nicky and Henry.
The episode ends with Zhi-Lan breaking into Raymond Tan's house. She sneaks into the the businessman's private room and breaks into his safe. Only to find that it is empty. And then we reveal Kerwin, holding three weapons. He tells Zhi-Lan that he's not there to stop her... because he wants to team up. He wants to help her bring his father down.
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Episode 11: Beginnings
When we begin this episode, Nicky and Ryan find out that their father has been putting in hours at the community center as a volunteer worker--which is causing friction between him and their mother. While Mei-Li tells Jin that volunteering is noble, she doesn't think he should spend so much time outside the restaurant which needs all the help it can get.
Things take a turn for the worse though when Jin finds out from a conversation between Ryan and Henry that the community center is in danger of being closed down due to lack of traffic. When Jin brings this up to Nicky, who sees how important the center had become to her dad, Nicky tells him that they'll think of a way to save it.
Meanwhile, to manage the stress of the media's interest in her sexual harassment case, Althea decides to help Henry out in figuring out what Mei-Xue discovered via her journals. Althea realizes Mei-Xue's writings aren't just flights of fancy--they're coded. With Althea and Henry working together, they realize that Mei-Xue had become obsessed with the fables of the eight mystical weapons and have been tracking them down.
"But what made her stop and take root in Canada," Althea wonders as she and Henry continue to peruse the photos of the journal pages.
Mei-Li, now taking care of the Happy Dumplings kitchen due to Jin's insistence on helping the community center, digs up old recipes written by her mother--where she also finds a very old photo of her mother hiding something behind her back: the sword of Liang Dai-Yu. Mei-Li recognizes it from the drawings that Nicky had been showing them. She decides to hide the photo, worried that it might push Nicky further into fulfilling her "destiny" to leave her family.
Evan approaches Nicky with news about an auction where one of the weapons Henry told them about is being sold. Nicky realizes they have no means of attending the auction or bidding for the weapon, nor do they have the time since Nicky, Ryan, and Jin are busy rallying help from Asian business owners to help save the community center. Evan tells her that both Zhi-Lan and Raymond Tan will probably be there. Nicky hopes that, at the very least, the weapons continue to be separated.
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At the auction, we see Zhi-Lan win the bidding war for the weapon. Outside the nondescript hotel where the auction took place, Zhi-Lan gets attacked by goons from Raymond Tan. But she isn't alone. Kerwin pops up and helps her fight the goons. Kerwin grins at Zhi-Lan, "we make a good team."
Back at the Shen House, Dennis checks up on Althea and reports that her apartment building still has a few media stragglers. "Must be slow news week," Althea mutters. "Hopefully, the attention will be gone by the time our wedding rolls around. If your parents don't hate me yet for coming out with my story, they're gonna hate me when the media crashes the wedding."
Dennis tells Althea, "what if we just elope?" Althea is taken aback. She reminds Dennis that everything has been planned out, they've had to find the most auspicious date for their union, the tea ceremony has been scheduled-- Dennis interrupts her by saying that none of that is important. He just wants to be with Althea. "Won't your parents be angry?" Dennis admits that his parents want the wedding off. They want him to break up with Althea. Which he doesn't want to do. Althea is torn. She doesn't want Dennis going against his family. Dennis says he's not going against them--just their antiquated beliefs. "And they'll learn to live with my decision." Althea agrees to eloping.
Ryan sets up an appointment with the Chinese Community Development office, accompanied by Jin, to talk about what can be done to keep the center open. Meanwhile, Nicky and Evan work together at the city hall to find out how they can drive more traffic to the community center--to make it a viable candidate for city funding. With the two efforts combined, the community center gets saved--and Nicky realizes that this is what she likes doing: helping people, making sure they have a place to go to, guiding them in the ways they can fight for themselves. So she also volunteers her legal counsel at the center, vowing to go back to school as well to finish her law degree.
She and Evan have a moment, where Nicky realizes that Evan is still her best friend from childhood. But she also realizes that their relationship now is not built on romance but rather in respect and trust.
At the end of the episode, Henry and Althea hit a breakthrough in their research with Dennis's help. Dennis helped them see that Mei-Xue had realized that the power the eight weapons would grant its collector is massive--and can become a barrier between Mei-Xue and those she loves. So she chose love.
Mei-Li overhears this as she accompanies Nicky towards Althea, Dennis, and Henry. While Nicky and the others are discussing the implications of Mei-Xue's words, Mei-Li traces the engraved jade on the scabbard of Liang Dai-Yu's sword. Triggering a mechanism. Causing light to filter through one of the scabbard's holes--and projecting a story to the Shen's ceiling: of how Bian-Ge has been passed from guardian to guardian, rotating through the families to make sure it never falls in the wrong hands. Every few years, a guardian is chosen to collect the weapons from the families to take where the golden flowers bloom--to receive Bian-Ge and become its new defender. A glow then rotates through the eight weapons before stopping at the longsword. At Liang Dai-Yu's sword. Nicky realizes, "it looks like a descendant of Liang Dai-Yu is the next guardian to receive Bian-Ge. It has to be one of us." Henry posits, "unless Zhi-Lan and Pei-Ling are also Liang Dai-Yu's descendants."
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Episode 12: Honor
Our main thread, as always, will revolve around Nicky. In the last episode, she made a decision that she wants to help people--and while doing so, she also wants to finish her law degree. But, at the same time, she now knows that her family has an obligation to become the next bearer of Bian-Ge. And there are currently only two choices for who it can be: her, or Zhi-Lan.
Mei-Li wants Nicky to focus on who she wants to become, separate from the warrior destiny. Althea and Evan are siding with Mei-Li because they fear for Nicky's safety. Ryan and Henry, on the other hand, believe that Nicky is more than capable to take care of herself. Jin tells Nicky that he only wants her to follow her heart.
Henry sees that Nicky is still undecided so he tells her not to pressure herself to make a decision. "Even if Zhi-Lan gets seven of the weapons soon, we still have one weapon. Zhi-Lan can't achieve Bian-Ge without it."
And then we cut to the visiting area of a prison. The dojo fight-club douche-bag wants to cut a deal with his visitors. He's fine with staying in jail, but he wants them to beat the living daylights out of Nicky Shen before they take the deer-horn knives they're after. And then we cut to who he's talking to: it's Zhi-Lan. "It'll be my pleasure."
While looking at college prospects, Nicky gets attacked by Zhi-Lan. They fight. Nicky matches Zhi-Lan's strength, but Zhi-Lan is desperate. No one wins this skirmish though because Cody (from Episode 3) sees them and calls for campus security. Zhi-Lan gets away--and Nicky calls Henry, after thanking Cody, to tell him that they're in trouble. Zhi-Lan is on the hunt for the weapon they have.
Henry and Evan work together to hide the final weapon from Zhi-Lan, not knowing that Kerwin is staking Evan out. Kerwin calls Zhi-Lan to tell her that the weapon is on the move.
Meanwhile, Althea and Dennis spend the episode getting ready for their elopement. Althea wants Dennis to invite Chloe, so he could have family there--so he does. But his parents find out about the civil wedding they're planning when Chloe slips. Chloe tries to warn Dennis, but Althea decides to stand up to her soon-to-be in-laws. She tells them that she doesn't want Dennis to lose his family, to which they agree. Before adding that he won't lose them if Althea goes away. They even offer her money., which Althea rejects with disgust. If they continue with their civil wedding, they're cutting Dennis off--financially, and from the family. Dennis tells them that he already made his choice--before saying goodbye to his parents.
Joe returns after his month-long contract with a non-profit organization in Seattle...only to tell Ryan that he's accepting a full-time job with a charity there that helps homeless people turn their life around. Ryan tells him he can move to Seattle--but Joe isn't ready for that level of commitment yet. Their relationship already moved too fast for him, but he couldn't turn Ryan away when the latter needed a place to stay. Joe tells Ryan they can still be friends.
Back to Nicky, she meets with Henry to visit Ronda (from Episode 4), who volunteered to hide their weapon. Before they leave Ronda's place, Kerwin catches them. Nicky is surprised to find out he sided with Zhi-Lan. Kerwin tells her, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Henry strikes first. Ronda tells Nicky she can take the weapon away while they deal with Kerwin. Nicky hands her the bag that hides the weapons.
Kerwin is ruthless, using a mixture of street-fighting with different styles of martial arts. But his goal isn't to defeat Henry or Nicky. It's to get the weapon. While Nicky and Henry do their best to stop Kerwin from chasing after Ronda, the young woman quickly makes a decision to throw the bag into the bay. Kerwin tells them that they made a mistake. Nicky, confident, confesses that the bag was just a ruse. Kerwin grins. "We know."
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Evan is about to drive away from the District Attorney's office, with a bag identical to the one Henry had been carrying in his passenger seat. But before Evan could leave the parking lot, a motorbike slams into his car. Zhi-Lan reveals herself by taking her helmet off. She thanks Evan for keeping the weapon warm for her. Only to open an empty bag. Zhi-Lan is pissed. She wants to know where the final weapon is, but Evan refuses to tell her. Not wanting to deal with the police, Zhi-Lan quickly makes her exit.
We then see Nicky knock on a door. It opens to reveal Stanley (from Episode 1). He is ready to surrender the weapon to Nicky, fearing that it will bring him bad luck. Nicky thanks him for keeping it safe. Apologizes again for bailing on him with no warning three years ago. Stanley says there's nothing to apologize for, because he's grateful that she gave him the chance to meet and marry someone of his own choosing. Nicky is about to leave with the weapon when Stanley calls after her, saying, "I hope you find the one for you too."
Nicky exits Stanley's apartment building to see Henry waiting for her. And he's being held at gunpoint by Kerwin, who is now with Zhi-Lan. "I'll take that," Zhi-Lan says as she pries the weapon off Nicky's hands. Nicky hits back with a barb, "I don't know how Pei-Ling could be related to someone as selfish as you." Zhi-Lan laughs, "it's funny how you hold Pei-Ling to such high regard when you do not even know who she really was."
Zhi-Lan reveals to Nicky how Pei-Ling's selfishness cost them their father. Cost her her childhood. And for what? To guard a sword that she wouldn't even harness the power of? Nicky remembers Pei-Lings words to her from throughout the season, her regrets, her failures--Nicky realizes that Zhi-Lan is just like Pei-Ling. Carrying a lot of hurt. But they reacted in different ways. While Pei-Ling spent her life trying to atone for a mistake, Zhi-Lan grew up blaming Pei-Ling for everything that had gone wrong in her life. And now, Zhi-Lan is planning to achieve Bian-Ge so she never gets hurt again.
Henry creates a distraction to throw Zhi-Lan off. Nicky swoops in to try and take the weapon away from Zhi-Lan. They fight. Kerwin and Henry get into their own fight. Both fights are evenly matched. But Nicky gets distracted when Kerwin shoots Henry. Kerwin and Zhi-Lan flee, while Nicky runs to Henry to see if he's okay. Henry shows her that the wound isn't serious. (It shouldn't be.) But Nicky is still worried.
At home, Nicky tells her parents that she has to go back to China. Jin and Ryan accept this. Mei-Li is more reluctant, but she knows that the more she tries to pull her daughter in, the more she is pushing Nicky away. So she will support Nicky. Althea tells Nicky that she will give her blessing to Nicky's trip on one condition. Nicky says, "anything."
And then we cut to Althea and Dennis's civil wedding, with the Shen family as witnesses. Nicky is her "maid of honor," giving a speech at Happy Dumplings about how much of a beautiful couple the two make--and how lucky they are to have each other. Althea thanks Nicky for being there, saying she didn’t want Nicky to miss another family milestone. We see a bandaged Henry there, Evan, Althea's former co-worker, a few of her friends and Dennis's, and Chloe.
At Zhi-Lan's apartment, she admires the eight weapons she has been able to collect. Kerwin kisses her from behind, saying that now she can have the world. Zhi-Lan smiles at him, before saying she no longer has any use for him. Kerwin isn't surprised that she would betray him--his only surprise stems from the fact that he fell for Zhi-Lan. Zhi-Lan apologizes that she must now kill him, so he can't tell his father where she is going. And she does. Once Kerwin is down, Zhi-Lan sheds tears. We see that she's just cutting the relationship short before she becomes too attached.
Meanwhile, Nicky checks on Henry outside Happy Dumplings. She has her ticket for China booked already. But she shows him two tickets. Henry asks, "so you already have a return flight? Someone's feeling cocky that they're gonna stop Zhi-Lan quickly." Nicky punches him in the arm, before apologizing for hitting the part with the wound. "The other ticket's yours. If you want to help me stop Zhi-Lan." Henry grins.
And this is where we end this post for now. Because after writing the finale breakdown, I realized... I wrote the actual finale scene by scene. So that deserves a post of its own. Also, this post has already gotten so long.
0 notes
punkscowardschampions · 4 years ago
Jac & Amelia
Jac: So, you got your room 🙌 What other wins did freshers bring you? 😄 Amelia: Yeah, thank god Amelia: it's been full on enough without adding travel sickness Jac: Never going to fly when class starts either Jac: it's just slightly more inventive than coming down with the 'flu' every Monday morning, but not enough Amelia: bit intense to start crashing on my new friends floors too, I don't want to be THAT gay Jac: 😂 Jac: I doubt they'd mind Jac: but having a base that isn't totally covered in crochet decor is a plus Amelia: now that freshers is over and they're going to 🤞 they never see those hook ups again maybe Amelia: still, not the first impression I'm trying to make Jac: Oh God, tell me about it Jac: I am not trying to have people I've got to avoid for the next 7 odd years Jac: not trying to make it like home like that Amelia: very relatable Amelia: even though I have no need to count that high Jac: Is your course 3? or 4? Amelia: depends if I want to go to Canada, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Sweden, USA or the UK for a year Jac: Oh wow Jac: 🦪 Amelia: that emoji is the gayest Amelia: so yeah probably Jac: Very O'Keefe of you Jac: can't give up the 🎨 quite yet? Amelia: 😂 Jac: I've met THE perfect girl for you, oh my GOD Amelia: because I'm going to travel to Edinburgh for 🦪 after dodging a 3 hour commute Jac: She's American, you could convince her Cork has a lot to offer beside 🦪 Jac: but actually, she is UNBEARABLE, and I'm trying very hard to be nice and give everyone a chance rn Jac: she does Art History, despite the fact she seems to know less about art than I do Jac: doesn't stop her 🔊 Amelia: 💔 you put your mean girl years behind you too soon, I'm SO proud though Amelia: and I'm sure Savannah appreciates it just as much Jac: 😏 I can feel the sincerity Jac: I know though, talk about completely crazy Amelia: if you want sincerity I can totally believe she'd follow you there as if nothing happened Amelia: are you okay? Jac: I think the prestige probably beat the off-chance I'd also be there but I appreciate the belief Jac: Yeah, actually, I am Jac: it went well, better than I could've or would've imagined before Amelia: alright, that's a relief Amelia: not that it's been playing on my mind or anything since the ✨ livened up my feed Jac: I would've got in touch sooner Jac: It did cross my mind, that you'd see Jac: I also didn't wanna encroach on your freshers' experience at all, that idea won out Jac: It must've been a shock for you and all Amelia: I get it, because likewise obviously Amelia: plus you seemed like you were coping, and it's not the same as before, you have people to go to now if you aren't so Amelia: I don't know, it seemed too dramatic to come at you all !!!!!! Amelia: which is why I didn't Jac: I wouldn't have bitten your head off Jac: but I see and appreciate that logic Jac: not to mention previous experience would say I actually would so Jac: She's changed a lot too, in those 2 years Amelia: good Jac: Yeah, turns out she had a pretty rough time of it too Jac: which, obviously, but I wasn't really in a space to think too much about that back then Amelia: was likely to be more 🥀 than 🌹 living with her dad, and everything that happened with her mum Amelia: I'm not surprised even if I couldn't be very sympathetic then Jac: I can't believe I was zoned out Jac: I didn't even know about her mum Amelia: you had loads of your own shit going on, it'd be more unbelievable if you were tuned into hers Amelia: I didn't know how bad it was, or didn't want to hear it, whichever Jac: Jess made it sound like the world and his wife knew Jac: I feel awful Jac: but her mum is doing better now, and they're trying to mend their relationship, so, that's positive Amelia: it always feels like that in my 🏠 but I would've told you if I'd realised Jac: It isn't your fault remotely Jac: like you said, sympathy about it wasn't at the forefront of your mind Jac: and you can't be blamed there Amelia: I'm genuinely glad things are getting better, the last thing she needs is to feel like shit for leaving her mum again if they aren't Jac: I know you are, you aren't a monster Jac: even if you and Savannah had your differences, and the obvious situation from there 'til now Amelia: that's enough sincerity though, the last thing I need is Savannah Moore trying to be my friend again Amelia: you can keep her Jac: 😂 Alright Jac: about that though Jac: things have changed, between us too Amelia: okay Amelia: what does that mean? Jac: Well, I told her, this time Jac: that I'm not straight Jac: and neither is she Amelia: she really has fucking changed Jac: She hasn't also come out, there's no label on it or anything Jac: but she likes me back Jac: you deserve to know, and would, regardless of where we were in our relationship Jac: I'm sorry if it's not what you want to hear though Amelia: thanks, I guess Amelia: for not waiting for the 💍 announcement Jac: Things haven't moved quite that fast Jac: although, yeah Jac: I know Amelia: It's still Savannah, I doubt she's had a TOTAL personality transplant Amelia: you probably wouldn't like her if she had Amelia: so I'll keep an eye out for that post and put my congrats on it Jac: No, she's still her Jac: and I doubt her plans include a 💍 that could be bought on a student budget Amelia: true Amelia: I'll send some 💐 she'd NEVER put in the 🗑 Amelia: just the 💌 I'll actually bother to write, you know, like a normal person Jac: There goes the mystery Amelia: because of course you wouldn't recognise my handwriting Jac: I've checked your homework over enough times Jac: I doubt anyone else is rushing to send us a bouquet so Jac: process of elimination Amelia: there you go then Jac: but I have told my brother and that Jac: on the off-chance you catch him and he's dying not to bring it up Amelia: bit rude of him not to try and gently break the news Jac: Assumedly either thinking I've imagined the whole thing all over, or it'll all fizzle out before there's any need to go there Amelia: or I'm thriving so hard there's no need to bring me down 1 week in Jac: Obviously that too Jac: but you know that wasn't my intention, yeah Amelia: it's obvious you're not thinking about me, don't worry Jac: Okay Jac: do you want me to leave you now? Amelia: Why would I want that? Jac: Plenty of valid reasons Jac: to process, to not, you just don't feel like talking to me at this precise moment Amelia: what's to process? the bit about her not queerbaiting you the entire time is new, the rest isn't Jac: That's not nothing Jac: it changes the whole thing Amelia: not for me Jac: Alright then Amelia: you were hung up on her every second, what's changed for you is that was a least a bit mutual Amelia: I don't need to process any of that, it doesn't involve me Jac: It's still new information, that's all Amelia: not really Amelia: I probably should have guessed anyway Jac: If I didn't, I don't see how you could've Jac: she didn't even then so Amelia: too late to become a 🔮💎💫 gay, I hear you Jac: 🕵 is definitely a better idea Amelia: maybe I'd just really love to be able to say 'it's just a phase, mum' about something Jac: You've had plenty Amelia: name one Jac: [that boy band I said they liked lol] Jac: for starters Amelia: that wasn't a phase that was me lying that I cared Jac: yeah, okay Jac: you knew all the lyrics 'cos you cover was so deep Jac: no need to lie, they had some tunes Amelia: I knew all the lyrics because there was about 5 lines repeated over and over Jac: uh-huh Jac: you had badges all over your school bag Amelia: because you've never fully committed to a lie, oh wait Jac: There's no need to be a bitch Amelia: 😂 Jac: No, I'm not super ready to laugh about that time in my life, as it goes Amelia: okay Jac: I'm going to leave you to it now Jac: Good luck with your first proper day, hope it all goes well Amelia: actually wait though Amelia: I didn't mean that Amelia: I'm sorry Jac: Alright Jac: I know you're upset, or pissed off Jac: but being a better person doesn't extend to being a punching bag for you to get that out Jac: you can feel it, obviously, but that's just unproductive for you, and not gonna happen from my end Amelia: I know Jac: and I know that's what I did to you Jac: so it probably seems fair, or justified at least, that you get to now Jac: but it wasn't right, and an eye for an eye, you know Amelia: no, it's not fair, I wasn't being, that's why I'm sorry Jac: You don't need to stoop to my lowest Amelia: I'm trying, okay Jac: Yeah Jac: and I accept your apology Amelia: thanks Jac: should I not have told you? Amelia: I think that'd be worse Jac: I thought the same Jac: unless you were going to block me on the sly, then you would have seen Amelia: maybe I should now, I don't know Jac: If you want to Jac: to take some time Jac: or more permanently Jac: it's up to you Jac: obviously my offer of being friends still stands but I understand Jac: as I said, this changes things Amelia: yeah, if we let it Jac: You can't help how this makes you feel Amelia: but why should I let her take everything again? Jac: Savannah isn't actively doing that Jac: but if you want to keep trying, so do I Amelia: we worked hard at getting here, me and you, that's not about her Jac: True Jac: You don't have to be friends with her now, that's not it Jac: just accept that she's my girlfriend, and a big part of my life Amelia: does she know? Jac: About what happened between us? Jac: No Jac: she doesn't know a huge amount about those two years, for me Jac: I plan to tell her everything Jac: but it's a lot to throw at her in a sitting, especially unasked, you know Amelia: it'd really fuck with her freshers, for sure Jac: Right Jac: all for having the hard but necessary conversations Jac: but there's a time and a place Jac: I don't want her to feel like I'm trying to make her feel bad for me, either Jac: like 'look what YOU did' because nah Amelia: too 🥀🥀🥀 Amelia: it can wait, neither of you are going anywhere Jac: That's my logic Amelia: she'll get why you waited Jac: I hope so Amelia: come on, it'll be harder for you to say than it'll be for her to hear, she's a LOT of things, but she won't want you to go through that before you're ready to Jac: You're right Jac: it just feels like secrets, and that feels like 10 steps back Jac: but it isn't that Amelia: I'm sure even she hasn't had time to tell you everything, she'd need to be chatting non stop Jac: True Jac: if you're ever done talking about yourself and your life, that's gotta be a sign you need to get out more, right Jac: there's always more to say Amelia: right Amelia: stop being so virgo-ish about it and give yourself a break Jac: 😂 okay Jac: I just need lectures to actually start Jac: so I can freak out on that instead Amelia: same Jac: are you more 😁 or 😱 Amelia: 😕 Amelia: over 😣 Jac: You'll be fine Jac: let me know how it goes though Jac: I'm interested Amelia: okay 🤓 Jac: Well there's a lot of overlap Jac: obviously, you can usually do them as a double discipline but I wanted to go pure Psych Jac: doesn't mean I'm not 🤔 Amelia: yeah Jac: 🤏🤓 fine Amelia: we're not strangers Jac: I remember Jac: so, what are your new mates like then? Amelia: great, obviously Jac: It's a good thing you aren't taking English Jac: that description leaves a lot to be desired Amelia: what do you want me to say? Jac: Isn't there anyone in particular? Amelia: there's a whole course full of people Jac: Yeah, I like one of my profs, he's really cool Jac: but I don't know anyone on my course that well yet either, they all seem nice enough though Amelia: of course you do Jac: it's so refreshing in comparison to the teachers at our school Jac: even if he acted like a base level human, it'd be a step up Jac: but he knows his stuff, and he's down to help me get ahead, what more could I want Amelia: literally nothing Jac: But I'm still not into dudes so I won't commit that cliche, don't worry Amelia: a real weight off my mind Jac: sure Amelia: 😏 Jac: I've already done loads of prep Jac: can basically chill in his class this whole term Amelia: you can but you won't Amelia: 🤓🏆⭐ Jac: we're not strangers Amelia: maybe we are 🤏 because reading's the only prep we were given but I've already done it Jac: Not really Jac: you just pretended you weren't 🤓 Amelia: no, I just actually wasn't 🤓 about school Jac: plenty of other things Jac: you can't hide the 🤓 Amelia: it's not 😳 I literally can Jac: not from me Amelia: that'd be 10 steps back Jac: try 10000 Amelia: no thank you, that sounds exhausting Jac: you've got a 🛏 Amelia: yeah, I don't know who's more thrilled, me or my dad Amelia: getting to pretend he's allergic to pets for another year at least Jac: result Jac: won't have to fake seduce him on your behalf either Jac: I'm most thrilled Amelia: Savannah is Amelia: undoubtedly Jac: Yeah, that ain't something I ever want to explain 😂 Amelia: she'd be less understanding about it Jac: None of us are understanding that Jac: sorry to your father Amelia: 😂 Jac: I think your mum would snap Jac: go full psycho Amelia: probably Amelia: they're very 😍🥰😘 right now Jac: that's nice Jac: bit gross but good Jac: she won't call you every 10 minutes Amelia: she can try but I won't answer Amelia: the friend I like best will be here soon Jac: Sounds promising Jac: I'll leave you to it for now, for real Jac: you better get ready Amelia: you're so Amelia: you Jac: what does that mean? Amelia: I don't need 👗👠💄 Jac: what's that, a humblebrag? Amelia: hardly Amelia: it's a compliment for you, you're cute for caring Jac: It's not cute, I just like to look nice Amelia: oh so you don't think I look nice? Amelia: rude Jac: everyone looks better for effort Jac: that's simple facts Amelia: anyway, I meant it's cute you care about my social life this much Jac: because I really need you being a loner to worry about Jac: no tah Jac: obviously I'm happy for you Amelia: you don't need to worry about me whatever happens Jac: It's not optional Amelia: okay Jac: I never stopped Amelia: you can stop now Jac: That's just what being friends is Amelia: I'm no expert Amelia: have to take your word for it, if anything Jac: I know you care about me too Amelia: but you're thriving so I don't have to worry Jac: I guess Jac: it's not just for the bad times though, is it Amelia: I hope not Jac: it's not Jac: come on Jac: pull yourself together and at least do 1 out of 3 👗👠💄 Amelia: fine, I'll put shoes on Jac: that's what I like to hear Amelia: 🙄 just because I'm ignoring my mum there's no need for you to take over from her Jac: I still can't do any handicrafts so unlikely Amelia: Savannah is unlikely to wear a homemade 🧣 so I think you're fine Jac: she loves anything thoughtful but I ain't gonna start there still Amelia: 💐 Jac: Naturally Jac: both our rooms look like a florist already Jac: makes up for the shabby walls and carpet you can't do much about Amelia: any time you'd like to fully lean into the 👵 I'll do you an embroidery hoop or something Amelia: very chic Jac: they do sell a lot of that sort of thing in the charity shops Jac: I'm sure your 🎨 will be better than whatever the actual 👵 decided to do 🖼 Amelia: SUCH a compliment, I have no idea how I'm not 😳 Jac: Charity shops are in Jac: I'm not going to call it thrifting, I'm not even half-American, wouldn't be able to take myself seriously Amelia: good, please don't Jac: vintage, upcycling, all acceptable Amelia: for my mother Amelia: I'll take how 'modern' my room here is Jac: I suppose that does make a change Jac: I love the buildings though, the architecture Amelia: 🎨 Amelia: yeah, would be inspiring if I had any time Jac: Is Cork by the coast? Jac: I know nothing about that area Jac: I'm like NEXT to the beach, it's incredible Amelia: it's one of the largest natural harbours in the world, if that doesn't make you want to come and visit me, well ?? Amelia: it has it's own lovely architecture Jac: You should work for the tourism board, honestly Jac: good speech, that Amelia: 🤷🏻 Amelia: I'm here for the 🤓 and you're already interested in that Jac: I'd go to Italy, if I were you Jac: but then, Denmark might have the most interesting criminal practices and laws, so that's a good choice too Amelia: you'll visit me there then, yeah? Jac: I forgot about Sweden, but those three are the real ones to consider Jac: and we can sort visiting when we're even a bit settled Amelia: okay Jac: we've only just left Amelia: thanks for that obvious reminder Jac: 😏 Jac: you know what I mean Jac: give me a chance to get my diary in order before you're saying I'm avoiding you or whatever Amelia: give you a chance to miss me, you mean Amelia: you've got one right now, because I have to go get ready Jac: Oh, if we had to wait for that, you'd never see me again 😉 Jac: have fun 👠👠 Amelia: 💔 Amelia: bye
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fal-carrington · 6 years ago
Just The Two Of Us Pt.4
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Pairing: Kamilah x Mc x Adrian
Disclaimer: The Characters are NOT mine
(Part 1) (Part2) (Part 3)
Prompt: After the last night fighting against Gaius, before his fall, he puts his plan into execution, changing the lives of Adrian, Kamilah and Mia forever. Friendships may end, a heart may be broken and a new love may arise. In the end who will win the girl's heart? 
Tag List: @galaxyside-0 @zoe6111 @rocket-scientist07 @scarlet-letter-a0114 @gavryllo @loveshamelessly @thecleveridiot09 @jen825 @zerozone-80 @whoinvitedalx @kamilahspet @ilovekamilahsayeed @sleeping-with-her06 @rubyheartjane @incorrectbloodboundquotes @bucket-harrington @desiree-0816 @kamilahspet @riyalovestaylor @iam-the-fuckin-queen @thepotatobleh @pizzapyjamas @deereboy97 @justejuste727 @jellymonster @tigerbryn11 @awesome-maxs-stuff
2 months later
Ahmanet Financial, Wednesday, 22h44pm
Mia sighed, breathing deeply a few times before entering Kamilah's building. She needed to talk to Kamilah, urgently. The two of them had not been on the same page for months... Actually, they never had been on the same page. Now more than ever, she needed for the very first time to Kamilah give in. But how could she? Kamilah only saw her as troublemaker, an irresponsible and stubborn child. Mia always thought about the day that her wife would take her seriously. There was no possible situation where Kamilah would agree to do this for her, but she needed to try.
She glanced around the large elegant hall of the building, encountering several well dressed men and women, seated in black armchairs, at the counter. The black lettering "Ahmanet Financial" intimidated her. Only 23 years old and she was the wife of the owner. Soon, the feeling that she did not belong to that place, invaded her chest. She bit her own lips impatiently, and with steady steps marched to the counter. Three men in suits were sitting typing on computers.
"Good night. Hi, I—" She tried to say, but the guy interrupted her.
"Deliveries are made in the back." The guy said without even looking at her.
Mia opened her mouth, shock and surprise took her.
"Excuse me? I'm not a deliverer,” she said, leaning against the counter.
"What do you want?" The guy asked impatiently.
"I came here to talk with Kamilah," she clarified. The guy in response let out a wry smile, as if he were mocking her. Mia frowned.
“Do you have an appointment?”
“Uh... No. I don’t need one.”
"Mrs Sayeed does not receive nobody without an appointment, in fact, she hates to receive someone who is not on her agenda. She is not available to receive anyone who wants to come and talk to her.” The guy said without looking up, typing quickly.
“This guy is serious?” Mia thought to herself. "Anyone?" Mia laughed, running a hand through her blond hair. "Do you know who I am?"
"No. And honestly, I do not care to figure it out.” The guy looked up for the first time, directly into the girl's green eyes, scanning her clothes from top to bottom, which made her uncomfortable. "Look, you're very pretty. If you want to speak to Mrs Sayeed you will have to come back another day and set the time in advance. Or if you'd prefer to give me your name, so I can put it on the list, if do not mind waiting in one of the chairs... Even though there's no chance she'll see you today.” He typed again on his keyboard, indifferent.
“Alright.” Mia smirked. "The name’s Miranda."
"Miranda..." He typed.
"... Sayeed." At the mention of the surname, the three of them looked at her. The dimpled smile grew on her face, her brow furrowed with irony.
"...And I'm Lady Gaga." Another commented, laughing, as the other three did the same, Mia rolled her eyes.
"I'm serious, you idiots." She sighed, starting to get angry. “I need to see Kamilah. And if I do not see my wife right away, I'll be happy to see your butts get fired”
"Get out before I call the security guards." The first one told her.
"Are you kidding me? Do you know who you're talking to you fucking whore?” Mia raised her voice. At the same instant, a familiar figure emerged from Kamilah's personal elevator. Karen. Her personal assistant. Karen carried her tablet in her hands, walked with the same elegance and grace as ever. A smile flashed across her face as her eyes met Mia's.
Mia's smile could not get wider when she saw Kamilah’s assistant
"You guys are all fucked up," she whispered to the three of them.
"Mrs Sayeed, what a pleasant surprise! You’re back!." She approached. Mia turned to her with a huge grin on her face, laughing inwardly at the three who froze with Karen's presence, and the words she'd let go before she even approached.
"Hi Karen, how are you?" Mia crossed her arms.
"I’m great. Mrs Sayeed did not mention that you would come today.”
"Oh, I wanted to make a surprise. I hope Kamilah is not busy.”
"She just left a meeting. She has an hour to spare. How was your trip? I hope it was good."
"It was amazing! thank you for asking, Karen. So I guess I'll see Kamilah... My wife. Anytime I want and without an appointment, because I don’t need one!” She shrugged, laughing exaggeratedly, out of the corner of her eye she could see the red color on the faces of the three of them. When Karen stepped forward, Mia took one last look back, before lifting her middle finger to them and followed her.
“I don’t understand.” Mia said after a few minutes of silence between her and Karen in the elevator.
“What?” She asked.
“Why nobody believes that Kamilah got married?”
“I believe it is because Kamilah is not very… Open.” Karen took a deep breath, contemplating to respond in a kind manner. “She just... Don’t care about getting closer to people, obviously she has more important matters to deal with.”
Mia sighed. Karen left her in Kamilah's huge, elegant office, which was empty at the moment. Mia looked around, she’s only been there three times in her entire life, it was strange to stay in that environment without Kamilah.
"Make yourself at home, Kamilah will return to her office at any moment. I'll let her know that you're here.” Karen smiled sympathetically. Mia smiled back, awkwardly.
"Karen?" Mia called her before she walked out the door.
"Yes, ma'am?" Karen stopped.
"Do you... Do you think Kamilah will be happy when she finds out I'm here?" She asked uncertainly. Karen paused for a moment, as if reflecting how to answer to that, her intense gaze slightly annoying Mia.
"I think she'll be delighted with your presence," she replied, Mia knew it was a lie, but she smiled back, anyway. Karen left.
Kamilah’s pov
"...It's not about the money, they've been our clients for years, I'm not going to lose this contract for Mannon Financial, maybe we should think of a better strategy to close this deal." Kamilah said contemptuously as she walked the halls of Ahmanet Financial with her assistant. The last winter weeks had been pleasantly quiet for the CEO, since Mia had discovered an ONG which the main project was building houses for the unfortunates, and had the idea of ​​going to do volunteer work in Colômbia, Kamilah could not support her any more, the idea of her getting rid of her wife for weeks or maybe months, it never seemed so attractive.
Months married, months of drama with Adrian and a childish rivalry between the two. She just had a lot of work to do, and getting involved with Mia was not on her mind. Now she had her penthouse and her bed only for herself and no kind of family stress.
"...Maybe we should go back with the idea of ​​end of the year gifts? Whiskey and cigars, as usual” Karen proposed.
"It's not a bad idea, they're traditional men and like every year, they'll appreciate that," Kamilah said patiently. "Let’s think about this. Well, in the meantime, send me the reports in my office, I do not want to be disturbed."
"Uh, ma'am... Maybe you should know—”
"I do not want distractions, Karen. I do not want anyone in my office today." Kamilah said opening the door, and faced the last person she hoped for and wanted to see. Mia. The CEO stopped at once, a tempestuous expression forming on her face, at first confusion, shock, and then anger, as she came across that little blonde creature with cheeks and tanned skin sitting in her leather chair and with the boots on top of her desk, playing with a pen of more than five thousand dollars between her nails done.
"I was about to tell you that your wife was waiting for you in your office a few minutes ago," Karen said quietly behind Kamilah.
"I noticed," Kamilah muttered. Mia smirked, flicking her dimples between her cheeks.
"Well, I'll give you privacy," Karen said, trying to pull away.
"You stay." Kamilah told her assistant without taking her eyes off Mia, closing the door behind her. "My wife was already leaving. Get out off my chair, Miranda."
"Ugh, I hate it when you call me like that." Mia rolled her eyes. "Is that the way you talk to your wife? Did you not missed me?"
Kamilah crossed her arms, her perfect eyebrows arching as they always did when she was angry.
"Someone is in a bad mood today," Mia snapped without moving.
"You should be in Colômbia." Kamilah pointed at her.
"I was and it was wonderful, thank you for asking." Mia stood up. "Despite your unsuccessful attempt to get rid of me, I'm back."
"I do not have the patience for your little games today, I have a lot of work to do and I'm busy, as you can see," Kamilah said angrily.
“You know what would be cool? a picture of us on the table, as most couples usually use at their desks.” Mia pointed to Kamilah's desk. Kamilah rolled her eyes in response, Mia seeing the unimpressed look that Kamilah gave to her, she continued. “Oh, come on, you know your life is boring without me” She gave a charming smile to Kamilah.
"Why can not you be a normal wife and spend the credit card I gave to you?" Kamilah touched the bridge of her nose.
"Oh, you mean the limitless credit card you gave me as a form of bribe not to disturb you? No thanks, I will not spend your money.” Mia walked around the table and sat on the edge, her fingers squeezing the wood from Kamilah's table. “... And what’s wrong with my clothes, anyway?” She looked at them.
"You dress like a hipster who's about to run away with a band." Kamilah gestured to Mia's torn black jeans. "You're the wife of a CEO, you should dress like one." Mia rolled her eyes impatiently.
"I do not see anything wrong with my style, maybe that's why your receptionists treated me like crap earlier." She said in a lower tone, Kamilah frowned.
"They did what?" Kamilah asked.
"Doesn’t matter.” She shrugged trying to hide the hurt in her eyes, which was evident to Kamilah. "You know, while I was away, I did a lot of things in Colômbia, a lot of good things for many people, I did not regret it in the last few weeks, but then I realized that you just wanted to get rid of me and I was making it so much easier for you.” Kamilah rolled her eyes impatiently. "I kept in touch with my parents since I left, they were very curious about you and why I would leave the country since I’m married for such little time."
"So that's why you're back," Kamilah concluded with a small smile forming on her lips. "To keep the facade for your parents." Mia moistened her lips, moving away from the table and approaching Kamilah in slow steps with the pen swinging in her fingers.
"They mean the world to me, I'd hate to disappoint them. They are already hurt because they were not invited to our wedding and I did not tell anyone we were getting married. I'm back because my Nana's birthday will be this weekend, and I can not lose this.” A sarcastic smile formed on Kamilah's lips. Well, she would have another free weekend from Mia before she resolved to return to the penthouse.
"Well, may god be with you on this trip. You can get the jet and go.” Kamilah smiled satisfied. Mia let out a laugh.
"I don’t know what you're saying, you're going with me." Mia folded her arms, Kamilah's smile widened on her face.
"No, absolutely not. I will not waste my time on this, I have to work."
"Seriously? Jokes on you, you are going Kamilah.” Mia leaned close enough to face her wife in the eyes.
"Is that a threat?" Kamilah frowned, her brown eyes slowly shifting to red. Mia shrugged.
"You can consider what you want, I would say... This is a warning”
"Karen?" Kamilah called to her without taking her eyes off Mia. "Follow my wife out of my office, I have a lot of work to do." Kamilah took a deep breath, trying to control the anger, her eyes returning to the usual brown.
"Karen, I'm not going anywhere. Not until Kamilah gives me her word that she will go with me to Michigan. It's the least you can do for sending me away for two months, Kamilah.” She approached Kamilah, staring at the CEO in the eyes, no matter how tall Kamilah was or how terrifying she was, Mia would not give up
"Well, my efforts does not seem to work because you're back." Kamilah approached her in response, both inches apart.
"I promised I would not make things easy for you," Mia snapped.
"You have no idea who you're dealing with." Kamilah touched the girl's chin, lifting her face with her finger, bringing her face closer to Mia's until she could look closely at the iris of her green eyes.
"I'll take my chances," Mia said in response. “Do you know what I think, Kamilah? I think you're afraid, afraid of it, afraid of us. You're afraid of being in a relationship, that's why you try to push me away, that's why you act like you don't care!”
“You’re ridiculous.” Kamilah snapped back.
"I am? because every time I approach you about your feelings, you run away. You're scared, scared of feeling something, afraid of your own feelings.”
"You're my brother's ex girlfriend, he loves you, he's in love with you, you have twenty-three years old, you're the forbidden fruit, a fetus." Kamilah said angrily.
“Yeah? That’s why you can’t keep your eyes off me?” Mia snapped watching closely the look in Kamilah’s eyes. Kamilah paused in the middle of her sentence as her brown eyes lowered to admire the girl's rosy lips, the thought of how beautiful she had become with her skin sun-tanned had taken over the mind of the CEO. They both backed away as Karen cleared her throat behind them, Kamilah shaking her head, lost for that moment... That was just the effect the girl had on her.
"You're taking my time. And I'm busy." She turned around and sat down in her leather chair. "What is this?" She pointed to the package on the table. Mia sighed and turned to face her.
"Your dinner. It’s vegetarian. I thought to bring it to you,” she said, noting the surprised look on Kamilah's face. “I will not appear alone on my grandmother's birthday, you go to Michigan with me, you are my wife and you will meet my family, we are in it together until the bitter end or you forgot? So if you want to keep your image that you value so much, you will do it, if not for me, do it for yourself. You will, and that's it." She said before leaving Kamilah behind.
"Did you see that? She acts like a teenager.” Kamilah said pointing where the girl was. "Of all the punishments that Gaius could do against me... He chose the worst," she said leaning back in her chair. Karen hid the smile, which was noticed by the CEO immediately. "Is there anything you may want to share with me, Karen?" Kamilah cocked her head to the side, looking directly into her eyes.
"Mia is... A force of nature, Kamilah. She does not think about the consequences before she does things, and she certainly knows how to let you on the edge.” Karen approached Kamilah's table. "But... She is gorgeous, those eyes really are something else. And it is obvious that you two are attracted to one another"
"This is insane." Kamilah rolled her eyes, standing and walking past Karen. "I'm not attracted to my wife."
"There's nothing wrong with admitting it." Karen rushed to catch up with her in Kamilah's private elevator.
"There's absolutely everything wrong with admitting it, my brother is in love with her and she's in love with him. It would be the greatest betrayal I could ever commit.” Kamilah admitted, as the elevator stopped in the lobby of Ahmanet Financial, she stepped forward to the balcony. Spotting the three guys there. She stopped bending to look at the three of them, laughing and chatting.
"I did not know I paid all three of you to play instead of work," she said quietly and softly, catching sight of the hairs on their necks rose.
"Mrs Sayeed!" The one at the left-hand end rose, stuttering.
"We were not expecting you."
"We were just... We were..."
"I do not give a damn what you all were doing, I just came here to say that it came to my ears that my wife was here earlier. And you all did not let her come up.” She raised her eyebrows, noticing the blood rise to the three men's heads and hearts racing.
"We did not know she was your wife!"
"Oh really? Now listen well and carefully, when my wife is here, she will be treated properly and with respect, if it gets to my ears again that any of you treated her inappropriately again, I will go after the three of you, I was clear?" Kamilah threatened, her fangs threatening to appear, but she held them back in time. The three shook their heads in affirmation. "Do you all know what? I changed my mind. You’re all fired. Immediately.” Kamilah walked away from the counter, her heels banging against the floor, Karen rushed to catch up. "Reopen the application process and tell them we're hiring and I'm open to interviews, Karen." She said before they both got into the elevator. Kamilah noticed the smile on her assistant's face. "Do not look at me like that."
"You like her." Karen smiled.
"No. I don’t.... And don’t even think about telling her that I fired them."
“What did they even say? Isn't the forbidden fruit always the best?” Karen said softly wearing a look from Kamilah.
Kamilah’s and Mia penthouse, Thursday, 23h30pm
As winter drew nearer from New York, making the nights cooler, Mia sighed in relief as the elevator doors swung open for her, after months living with Kamilah in that large apartment, she was beginning to get used. Get used to her little routine and to the house. Leaving the market bags on the kitchen counter, and the keys on the key chain, Mia took off her coat and stood to save the groceries. Shopping at the grocery store, making lunch and dinner, and handling some household chores were some of the few things she did and enjoyed doing. She smiled in satisfaction when her work was ready, deep in her mind the idea of taking a hot bath in that wonderful bathtub of her suite and Kamilah’s, invaded her mind.
Mia took off her shirt, her accessories, trousers and socks when she reached the room, she casually walked to the bathroom, but upon arriving there she came upon an unexpected sight. Kamilah. That god damn it woman. Her own demon which sent directly from her personal hell was there in the bathtub.
"OH FUCK!" Mia shouted at the sight of her. Kamilah turned her face to her, frowning. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I... I did not know you.... that you were home! Why did not you yell at me from here to tell me you were here!” Mia tried to cover her eyes.
"First, I don’t “yell” and second... This is still my house too, for what I know. Do I have to warn you every time I want to take a bath? "Kamilah asked calmly.
"A text message telling you're coming home would be cool!" Mia said taking her hand out of her eyes briefly, only to be rewarded with... That image which stolen her breath away.
There was little foam in the bathtub that hour, which told her that Kamilah had been there for some time, her absolutely gorgeous brown body was partially exposed, the other half hidden by the water, her brown hair glistening wet, fallen on her shoulders, her Egyptian gold necklace stood out on her tanned skin, besides her was a glass of wine. That perfect face, wet, stared at Mia with serenity. A goddess. When Mia realized, she was staring at her like a teenager who had just seen a porn movie for the first time. She closed her mouth and tried to avoid the CEO's hypnotizing brown eyes.
Kamilah took her eyes from those stubborn green eyes, and without noticing, scanned Mia's exposed body hidden behind that tight set of bra and black lace panties. That girl had a hell of a body. She had to admit it. Even though she was incredibly pretty with a flashy body, there was something else about that girl, the way she rolled her eyes and dared to defy Kamilah made her intrigued, interested and excited.
"Perfect legs," Kamilah thought to herself with a small smile forming on her lips. "...Well, it was you who invaded the bathroom first. So, I believe It’s your fault.” Kamilah said softly looking at that body, her brows furrowed. "Or... Maybe you just wanted to see me naked, so you made up an apology." Mia noticed the way the CEO looked at her, the burning desire in Kamilah’s eyes, she reached for a towel to hide her body behind, crashing the door and leaning against it.
"I ... if I knew you were in the bathroom, I would never!" Mia rolled her eyes in disgust, a laugh escaped from Kamilah lips. Mia stopped talking as she noticed the perfect smile on Kamilah's face. "You... You're smiling. You never smile.” She lowered her shoulders and let out a smirk full of dimples. But then she regained her consciousness and swayed. "Stop smiling like that at me." The grimace returned in her face.
"You are still here aren’t you?," Kamilah observed. “Stop acting like a teenager, we’re adults, you’re my wife, it’s normal to see each other naked.”
"I have no plans to see you naked and I will not let you see my body." Mia stared at her in horror as she squeezed the towel against her body, Kamilah laughed softly sinking into the water and closing her eyes. "So... why did you decide to go back home today?" Mia asked curiously.
"Today was a stressful day, I just wanted to relax, get home and take a bath," Kamilah said softly still with her eyes closed.
"Something happened?" Mia asked curiously, coming closer and leaning against the sink.
"Just... One more day of work," Kamilah replied, Mia kept her eyes on her, studying her features. Kamilah opened her eyes, surprising her, making her change her posture. "What?" Kamilah asked.
"Nothing." Mia shook her head, feeling her face turn red. "I don’t know... I'm just not used to seeing you at home. Are you going back to work? "
"Not today," Kamilah replied sipping her drink. At the same moment, the image of having to split the bed for the very first time, invaded Mia's head. Oh, boy.
"You drink a lot," Mia said quietly.
"...And you complain too much," Kamilah snapped. Mia opened her mouth to protest.
"True." Mia shrugged, taking an unexpected smile from Kamilah. In response, Kamilah prepared to get out of the tub, making the move, Mia turned her back to her, trying to avoid looking. "Oh, God, you're getting out of the bathtub, that's something you're doing," she stammered. Behind her, Kamilah smiled as she picked up a nearby towel and wrapped her body around it.
“For someone who don’t want to look, you seems very curious.” Mia peeked over her shoulder, being greeted by a flawless white smile.
"You... Can you rush this? You know, there are some people who want to bathe.” Mia said with her back to the sink, Kamilah came wiping her hair with a towel, facing her.
"For what I know, there are more than three bathrooms in this house, you're the only one standing here against your will." Kamilah moved closer to her, narrowing her eyes, being so close to Kamilah made her uneasy, she could feel that attraction again, the heat emanating from Kamilah's body, the CEO staring at her behind the wet strokes of her hair, somehow she become even more attractive. Kamilah placed both her hands against the sink, holding her there. Mia stared at those hot brown eyes, before she could stop them — images came into her mind, holding her in that trance, sand, a lot of sand. A marble palace erected against the sands. She saw Kamilah, how beautiful she was in her black hair with a fringe, noble egyptian clothes, that perfect smile on her face. The picture went as fast as it came. The same smile lingered on Kamilah's face, unchanged by time.
"Stop doing that, it's not working," Mia said crossly, folding her arms.
"What am I doing?" Kamilah asked staring at her lips.
"You're hitting on me. I do not know why, but if you think you're going to take advantage of me with that... If you think I'm going to fall for this, you're very much mistaken, Kamilah.” Mia said with conviction. "You think you can... You think you can come to me and smile like that... With that perfect face of yours and I’m going to fell for you?? You’re wrong." Kamilah grinned even more.
"Oh, so you think my face is perfect. I did not know you were attracted to me, Mia.” Kamilah raised her eyebrows, Mia's expression make her laugh.
"I'm not!"
"Yes, you are."
"Oh, for gods sake." Mia rolled her eyes.
"I'm not hitting on you. But if I was... " Kamilah brought her face closer to Mia's, gluing her foreheads, her lips inches from hers, Mia's breath caught stuck, her whole body tingling, that cold in her belly were back so fast. — A part of her wanted, the selfish one, no matter how much she wanted to deny and push Kamilah away, a part of her wanted to kiss her desperately, there was something about Kamilah that drew her, but a sound in her head claimed that she still loved Adrian, Adrian was the man of her life, but if he was... Why did she want to kiss Kamilah so badly? "... If I was hitting you, you couldn’t take it..." Kamilah touched her chin, lifting him up to make her look at those hypnotizing brown eyes. "You could not stand a night with me, could not bear the pleasure, the desire..." her words were mere whispers against Mia's lips. “I would make you scream my name all night long, as if I were your holy grace, your salvation...”
"Kamilah..." Mia tried to say stuttering. She wanted to, only god knew how she wanted and craved that kiss. Even being... So wrong. At that moment, the image of Adrian dissipated. Any coherent thought was eliminated from her mind. Kamilah inclined her face, directing her lips to the girl's ear.
"That's exactly why nothing's going to happen between us." Mia shivered as she heard Kamilah's lips whisper in her ear, and received a small bite in her earlobe and a kiss on her cheek.”
"Great." Mia raised her nose defiantly, daring to look into Kamilah's eyes. Kamilah stood to look into her eyes. "I'll never sleep with you. I don’t have feelings for you and you don’t have for me."
"Great." Kamilah returned with a small, confident smile. "As you wish." Kamilah walked away so fast and left her alone in the bathroom before she could even think twice.
Later that night, Mia flipped through her book patiently, amused by the story, enough to not hear the front door open and close, giving way to Kamilah, who entered the room with warm eyes on the girl.
"I didn't know you had a preference for the right side of the bed." Kamilah said softly with a playful smile on her face. Mia looked up from the book, and almost immediately her face turned red when she saw the CEO standing by the door, wearing nothing, but a black silk nightgown that valued her beautiful body and breasts. Mia had never seen so much skin before.
“Holy fuck.” She thought to herself. “I’m screwed. That’s it.”
"It's... I... It's near the bathroom," she stammered, drawing a smile from Kamilah. "I don't have to go around the bed."
“Hmmm. I see.” Kamilah raised her brow, letting Mia's face turn even more red. Mia looked at her clothes immediately, realizing that maybe those pajama shorts were maybe too short, and after the bathroom confrontation, she didn't know if she trusted herself or Kamilah, enough to spend the night with the vampire queen.
Kamilah approached with slow steps, as if calculating her every step, going to her side of the bed and pulling the covers towards her. At that moment, Mia felt that familiar warmth emanating from Kamilah's body, how hot that was. She swallowed, trying to focus on her book, but it was almost impossible with Kamilah so close.
“What are you reading?” She felt the hairs on her body shiver at the sound of Kamilah's voice so close to her ear, Mia looked over her shoulder and met Kamilah's brown eyes in her book.
"Uh... Hum... The sky is falling." She replied stuttering.
“And why is the sky falling?” Kamilah asked.
"Well... Uh—" Mia frowned trying to make the right words out, but she was unable to form them. “I think… I don't know yet. Uh... I haven't reached that part yet, I think it's a metaphor for —” Her eyes met Kamilah's, seeing that flawless smile so close to her face, the words faded from her mind.
“For?” Kamilah whispered, smiling approaching again. Mia stepped away noticing how close they were until...
"Ouch!" She faltered as she fell off the bed. Kamilah's laugh echoed around the room, Mia tried to get up with an ugly face. "That’s it!" She stood, marching around the room and going to an armchair, taking all the pillows there and carrying them to bed.
"What on earth do you think you're doing?" Kamilah asked without understanding.
“I think it's time we set some boundaries between us, don't you think?” She said forming a wall of pillows between her and Kamilah.
"You can't be serious." Kamilah said in disbelief looking at the girl and her job in separating both.
"Believe me I am." Mia smiled, pleased to see the result of her work.
“This... is definitely the most childish thing you've ever done,” Kamilah said watching her.
"Thanks." Mia smiled, settling herself on the side of the bed.
“What if I want to push the pillows away?” Kamilah raised an eyebrow.
“You will not do that. It wouldn't be nice and it would be disrespecting your bed limits.” Mia looked over her shoulder.
"I couldn't care less about my boundaries." Kamilah said. "That's not how two married people sleep."
"We're not like everyone else, we're a different kind of couple." Mia said sleepily.
"Still, this is ridiculous and you know it." Kamilah said grumpy.
“I didn't think you were the type that enjoy cuddling, Kamilah.” Mia smiled over her shoulder. Mia propped her face against the pillows that parted both, smiling at the vampire queen. Kamilah returned her an annoyed look. "What? let's talk, share things, tell secrets.” Mia said poking her. Kamilah rolled her eyes and turned to the opposite side of the bed.
"I do not share."
"Yes, you do." Mia laughed.
"Go to sleep Miranda, or I swear to god, I'll kick you out of this bed, and this time you won't be able to climb again."
“Awn, come on!”
“You don’t know nothing about me, so let’s keep this way. It’s better for the both of us.” Kamilah said impatiently.
“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know, but I want to. That’s why we have this weekend with my parents, I’m looking forward to it. They are going to love you.” Mia said smiling leaning over the pillows and leaving a spontaneous kiss on Kamilah's cheek. What she didn’t saw was the shocked look on Kamilah’s face at the unexpected act of love.
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l1ana · 6 years ago
Imagine being able to hold Thors' hammer
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Summary: Yeet, idfk I'm in a car thinking this up so yEAH—
You were the main one to usually tidy up after the messes that the rest of the avengers made in the tower; that included repairing destroyed parts of it. After all, it was the least you could do to repay Tony for letting you in as one of the family. Unfortunately, being let into the family also meant being the main target for idiot or cruel pranks cast upon you by the rest of the team. It was hard to get used to at first, but you eventually made way to accept that everyone were just as goofy and carefree on the inside as they were on the outside— They never meant you any harm.
Today was no different. Long story short: some idiot tried to attack the tower, lots of collateral damage to the tower, you going to clean up the tower. “[Name], you know I have money for a reason, right?” Tony asked, walking underneath the ladder you stood on with a coffee mug in hand. “Yeah but fixing things is my specialty. Consider it a second hobby besides helping you guys kick the shit out of bad guys.” “Language.” Steve groaned, relaxing into the couch. A smirk graced your face. “Figured you'd say that.” Tony took a seat at the dining room table.
“That guy was... Tough.” Clint exhaled an aggravated sigh. “Yeah, tell me about it.” Natasha added. “Are you all okay? I can fix you some cup of tea if you'd like.” You said, waving your hand upwards to have a multitude of tools make their way to the walls and initiated the cleanup. “No, no, [Name]. It's quite alright.” Bucky dismissed, still wondering how you could be in such a happy-go-lucky mood after what the hell just happened.
You reached your left hand downwards, expecting one of your tools to fly into hand. “Uhhh, I can't seem to find my hammer. Can someone get an extra from the closet?” At those words, an idea popped into a certain gods mind. Now he sure enough wasn't the mischievous type compared to his brother Loki, but Thor did enjoy teasing you as much as everyone else did. Clint stared at him with that knowing look in his eyes, fully aware of what the deity had in mind. It was quite obvious to everyone what Thor was thinking, and most of them groaned in dismay or laughed in agreement.
“You honestly can't find any other way to act smooth, can you?” Tony remarked with a sip of his drink. Unlike the others, the capabilities of Thors legendary hammer Mjolnir hadn't been leaked to you at all. And since you hadn't the slightest clue to whatever Thor was brainstorming, this only worked to his favor. “Of course he can't. The only way he knows how to is by telling his long tales of being a god and whatever.” Sam stated with a wave of his hand. To elaborate on what they were saying— Thor may have developed a small l̶a̶r̶g̶e̶ liking towards you. Just a little bit. But honestly, he wasn't the only one.
“You guys just can't leave the poor girl alone for one minute, can you?” Wanda laid back into the recliner while making said comment. “Hey, I'm not the one thinking it up.” Bruce waved his hands around in defense. “Nor am I.” Clint added before doubling with a, “But just in case, 30 bucks saying she'll hold it.” Que the loud and obviously ticked off groans from Steve. “That's a really low move,” He grumbled, throwing his left arm atop of his face. “..... 50 saying she will.”
Bucky threw a pillow at his companions stomach, scolding him for indulging in this idiot plan to make you swoon for Thor. “10 on her not holding it.” Until giving in himself for why not sakes.
Before they knew it, the team was all making quiet bets deciding whether or not your palm could properly wrap around the handle of the legendary hammer without falling. The good news if you couldn't hold it was that Thor could catch you —due to the weight of the hammer knocking you off balance and sending you quickly gravitating towards the floor— in one arm and his hammer in another, looking dashing and being seen in your eyes as ‘hero’. And even if you could hold it, to which he HIGHLY doubted, he'd be getting paid. It was a win-win on either side.
Snickers and moans, followed by a few discouraging comments courtesy of Sam, flew around as Thor aproached the ladder you stood at with Mjolnir behind his back. “[Name], I have the hammer you seek-” Once he turned his eyes up, he immediately dragged them back down to the floor with a crimson stroking his usual pale skin, not wanting to come off as ungentlemanly for staring at your rump. A cough came from his mouth as you opened a free hand and held it out, expecting the hammer to be set into your palm. “Thank you Thor.” Oh goodness your voice was like catnip to a catnip-starved street feline. He absolutely adored it with his entire heart and soul. Almost made him feel bad for what he was about to do. “E-ehem! You're deeply welcome, my dear [Name].” He said, pulling his weapon from behind him and holding it by the base, setting the handle within your palm. His head clocked back towards the team, who either gave a look of affirmation or one of disagreement to his action.
Thor sighed, his fingers releasing grip of the iron block and opening his arms out, ready to catch you.
Nothing happened.
It went dead silent in the tower, the only sound being you hammering the nail into the wall to finish hanging the picture. The amount of jaws that dropped was immesurable. Thor turned his head round to witness the shocked expressions written over his team mates faces. Oh yeah, they looked like all hell had been loose. Deciding to dart his gaze upwards to where they all directed their sights, he joined the rest of the avengers in this awestricken state.
There you were, twirling the hammer in your hand innocently as you wiped the sweat glands forming on your forehead. “There we go. Good as new.” You remarked with a chirp, pushing the picture frame to be straight and neat. You slid down the ladder as the tools fell back into your small toolbox, the top closing itself instinctively with a satisfying snap. “This is quite the odd modeling for a hammer. But nevertheless, thank you for the help. If I had moved, it might've been raining wrenches and iron bits, heh.” A gloved hand, your hand exactly, scratched the nape of your neck as you giggled nervously. Due to your close-eyed grin, you were unable to catch glimpse of Thors' undescribable expression that painted his face.
“I’ll get going to the outside now. Y-you all have fun!” With that you dashed through the living room on your way to the balcony, opening your eyes and taking notice of everyone's faces. “What's wrong? I can always lend an ear if need be.” You chuckled, leaving them all in wake of those words.
“She held it.” Clint was the first to speak up amongst the group, putting a wall between the quietness. “She actually held it.” His mouth was wide enough to stuff and entire pie in as he said that. “She actually held it.” Sam took a long hard stare at his drink, eyes furrowing. What the hell was in it? He wasn't drunk right now, right? Oh well, whatever was in it -or left in it- was gone, down his throat. Natasha just smirked in a know-it-all fashion, retorting “That's what you all get for underestimating the power of [Name],” “Aka the power of unrelenting kindness.” Wanda and Nat did a little fist bump. “Name's worthy... Totally didn't see that coming.” Steve said sarcastically with a smug look. He already foresaw the hammer within your threshold long ago after witnessing what a charismatic young lady you were, always willing to help whenever.
“See, this is the part where I wake up because I know I did not just let a 200 go to waste.” Tony said, pinching his cheeks. Everybody was stuck in conversation, dishing out surprised comments or bragging about the money they got simply from the bet. However, Thor wasn't making any comments at all. No gasps, no inhales, nothing. Just nothing. It was blatantly obvious that he was the most stunned of all. Bruce smirked. “What's the matter Thor? Someone finally picked up the claimed ‘unholdable’ hammer and now you're quiet?”
“To be honest, [Name] is probably the worthiest of us all.” Peter said. “I mean, she has a heart of gold. Literal gold.” He fawned over how much of a sweetheart you absolutely were. Pietro nodded in agreement. “She's a gracious girl with nothing but purity within her.”
It goes without saying that this whole idea of ‘worthy’ didn't define as much to everyone as it did to Thor. So many roads were being laid out before his very eyes revolving around you. This had so many different meanings, so many different futures. You could take place as a ruler of Asgard. You could possibly transend and become a goddess. The head attached to the mop of blonde hair was sent into a ditzy. He was in this state of rethinking literally everything that's eved occured in his life. His emotions were a mix of shock, rage, joy, and so much more— all of them swirling n him and creating a feeling he didn't even know existed. There was no way to even give it proper words. “Hey, Thor.” Rhodney snapped his fingers, eliciting the other to awaken from his daydream. “Oh, yes?”
“So, whatcha gonna do now?”
“What do you mean?”
“[Name] held your hammer. This obviously means something besides the fact that she's boiling with love to spread.” Bucky said. “Isn't there something more to it...?”
“I have to marry her.” Thor said without hesitation. “What?” Everyone in the room perked their heads up. “Asgard must be ruled over with those the hammer deems worthy, and [Name] is without a doubt worthy.” Oh how Steve was happy that he didn't pull the hammer off the table that time when they were all drinking. “Awww, so you finally get a shot to kiss wittle old [Name]y-waymey.” Tony mocked, making fake smooching noises. “He wasn't ever going to make a move on his own, I think it's good that the hammer got involved.” Pietro commented.
“Jeez it's blazing hot out there.” Speak of the devil, there you were, emerging from the outside with sweat running down your body, your clothes almost soaked in the substance. “I could use a drink right about now.” Waltzing your way to the fridge, you bent down and picked out a small glass of water, chugging it down in one gulp and releasing an ‘ahhh’ of satisfaction.
Thor felt something hit his head; A pillow. Glaring at the one who threw it, the god sighed at Clints childish act yet got the message. He inhaled, mustering all the courage he could and walking up to you. “Uhm, lady [Name], I could really-” “Hey Thor. Here's your hammer back.” You turned and greeted, opening his palm to place the hammer in it. “W-wait, you knew this was mines...?” He asked questioningly. “Yup. You always walk around with it after all,” A light laugh emitted as he took the time to process this. “It's pretty light for a hammer that only gods can pick up. Does that make me a goddess?” Everyone overhearing this in the living room snickered. No doubt about it, Thor was going to go crazy.
“Wellll, I guess since it's your hammer, that technically makes me your goddess!”
thor.exe has crashed
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lovemecharlie · 6 years ago
Three Months In.
This takes place after Good Luck, Charlie. We're plugging in the holes and continuing this story line, giving you the aftermath.
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The news spread like wildfire. Charlie was pregnant and now everyone in the house knew although Charlie didn't look much bigger than usual. What they didn't know, was how far long and by who.
"She can do a paternity test while you're still pregnant and we could figure all of this out together as a unit," Hennessy reasoned in favor of Charlie seeing the family physician. Charlie heard every word, but Erik's threat was louder in her ear.
“I won’t kill that nigga. Simply because if it is his baby I wouldn’t forgive myself if the kid grew up without a father. I know that hurt. If it’s mine he’s dying though.”
Those were Erik's exact words when he'd shown up at her job to bring her back. He'd accepted the possibility of the child not being his and the possible involvement of another father figure in the household, although Charlie wouldn't disrespect him like that by bringing another nigga in there on principle. However, his murderous threat was very real and Charlie worried that if the baby was his, he'd kill Trevante.
Trevante had done nothing wrong. He was a good and patient distraction during a rough point in her life. Erik should be thanking him if anything for keeping her company and laughing with her after he'd broken her heart. In Charlie's mind, Erik could blame himself.. not Trevante. She'd told him as much. He didn't want to hear it, but he listened. Since Charlie had been back, Erik's ear was open and focused on her vocal chords whether he liked what she had to say or not. Every word she spoke or even mumbled under her breath, he heard. He stayed so close to her, she started to wonder if he could read her thoughts.
"What you thinking about, Cha?" She'd felt him staring at her and now his hand landed gently on her shoulder as she sprinkled cheese on her homemade pizza crust. This was him being attentive.
If you touch Trevante, N'Jadaka, I swear on this marriage and your left testicle... Don't. Do not.
"I'm just thinking.. about this pizza," she said flippantly with no expression, but his digging eyes knew different.
"Communication is our issue, Charlie. You know every fucking thing about me. I know every fucking thing about you. Yet somehow, I can't get into this one part of your mind, it's like you got it locked away and that's that unpredictable part that will misunderstand me one day and up and leave. You won't say shit, you'll just disappear one day and then I'm a be wondering what I did wrong for the next ten years."
"Sounds familiar. I feel like I'm stepping over landmines emotionally with you sometimes, like I gotta reign myself in. I'm a heavy lover, Erik. Still waters run deep. You don't always feel me and that's what I need. I crave it like I crave sweets on my period or like you crave pussy."
"I can be that for you, you just gotta be patient with me and talk to me like you doing now. I'll get it down.. just like you need it, just work with me and don't give up." His arms wrapped around her from behind.
"I wouldn't have come back if I planned to give up. I plan to make this marriage work and communicate with you the way I've learned that I need to, so you gotta be patient with me too."
"I'm patient," he nodded with a kiss on her neck. "How's the baby?" He rubbed her stomach in her simple olive green dress and she nodded. He hadn't told her to get tested, but she wasn't dumb, she knew him like she knew herself and he wanted to know badly if he was the father. She could see the question written on his forehead, he was that transparent. She wouldn't even see a physician because then they'd know exactly how far along she was and Erik would find out the truth based on the dates, she was convinced he would.
She already knew who the father was without a doubt. Trevante knew who the father was too, she didn't have to tell him.
She walked over to the refrigerator. "I'm gonna bake this pizza from scratch since I'm back in this obscenely large mansion and it has a pizza oven. What toppings do you want this time?"
"Pepperoni. Your titties bigger..." Charlie kept her eyes on the food unsure of where he'd lead the conversation. He'd been trying to fuck since she got back, but she was scared he'd hit it a bit too well.. make her confess her secrets and her sins. "..I didn't think that was possible," he added and she knew he was still staring. "You thickening up all over. You know it's hard for Daddy too keep his hands to himself when you this thick."
"I've just been eating," Charlie deadpanned. Erik's quick gust of silent laughter made her look up. He was leaning on the counter, smiling and it made her pause her actions and smile back. She sighed, her shoulders finally relaxing. "I did miss you, N'Jadaka." She genuinely meant it. As hurt as she was, she'd always loved him and that could never change. "..In all your stupid lil moments," she snickered turning quickly to wait on his comeback to fire.
"Mine?! What about you, Ms. Troublemaker," he yelled playfully, watching her shove the pizza into the oven.
"I have no idea what you're referring to." Her stubborn eyes gave nothing away while his twinkled with humor and she was warmed to know that no matter what they went through in their relationship, they could bounce back and still have fun just like this.
As long as he didn't kill Tre.
"Girl, you're pregnant now. You can't be eating all this junk and empty calories. You're eating for two and some things you just don't need to eat," Hennessy admonished taking Charlie's pint of Rocky Road and replacing it with a big bowl of spinach and tomato salad.
"Don't nobody want no twigs and berries," Charlie grimaced, ultimately caving and accepting the healthier option. She was just hungry.. and all the time. Hennessy had the kitchen staff restock the fridge with healthier choices removing all of the snacks to make things easier. With two pregnant women in the house, one six months along and battling with her health, they needed all the nutrients they could gather.
"I wish we could sneak in and talk to Angel," Charlie said wistfully staring at the salad on her fork. "But Erik has her under lock and key like a prisoner, afraid that anything will be too much. I mean, the girl is physically fragile right now, yes, but she's not fragile fragile. I just wanna see her.. Lay eyes. I've only seen her like once since I've been back and that was when we gave her her gifts."
"You know how stubborn that man is. Once he gets it in his mind that he's right, no one can change his mind."
"She's probably lonely... and what about the nursery? Can't we finish it?"
"No, he's contacting Kristina Rhodes, the interior designer she loves. She'll be okay, it'll be a good surprise for her."
"Yeah, that's true," Charlie agreed stuffing her mouth with more salad as she stood with the bowl. "Someone still needs to pluck that wild hair up Erik's ass though. If Angel weren't going through hell with her pregnancy, she would set him straight."
"Sounds like a mission for King Jade," Hennessy stared. Charlie thought about it. She might be okay to go if she remained in control. He wouldn't get her in his clutches.
"You know, a month ago I'd have been too tired and nauseous, but I've been feeling pretty good lately," Charlie stretched. "You might be right. It has been a while afterall.. I just have to make sure I pee first. I haven't been able to stop."
"That's normal because neither could Angel, but you should still get your check-ups. Even if you don't do the paternity test, we don't need a repeat of this drama or Erik acting any crazier than he already is because if he snaps, I'm scared we'll all be locked in this house and I'll have to hurt him."
"Pfft," Charlie grinned, "I'd poof with Poosy and get medical care elsewhere. After witnessing this bearded nut in action, I refuse."
Charlie stared at the Mischief Managed mug sitting on her desk full of honey and ginger tea. She pinched the bridge of her nose, stressed as Trevante kept insisting and insisting the same thing over and over.
"I don't care, Tre... No," she shrugged. "No, I'm not telling him... Oh well!... Not yet," she reiterated. Trevante kept pushing her to tell Erik and the rest of the kompound the truth and to see a physician to check on her and the baby's health, but Erik's threat was still fresh to her and echoing in her head.
"Stop fuckin worrying about me, Charlie, I'm good. I keep telling you, I'm a grown man and I can handle myself. That baby has a father and you know who it is. Don't make him worry too long... It's his baby too and if I were him I'd wanna know."
Always so level headed. Trevante was a gem and she'd forever be grateful for him. She smirked, picking up her mug. "So, was the pussy worth this drama?" She sipped her tea, imagining his face from her blunt question.
"..Uhhhhhhh..," he paused and she gasped, smiling at the phone. "I'm kidding, hell yeah it was worth it. I wanted you before you knew who I was... but I respect your relationship. As long as you're happy."
As long as you're happy.
"I am," Charlie smiled. There weren't many people, men especially, that she trusted.. and not many people, men especially, would genuinely be happy for a person in Charlie's situation. She was very aware of that fact and she respected him more than she could ever verbally express.
"I've been keeping this big secret because I've been afraid of the fallout, but I don't know. I don't know if I should tell the truth. What do you think, Lady Tigra?" Charlie sat with her legs folded staring at the clouds moving slowly across the sky as the large Bengal and Siberian mixed tiger splashed up from her pond wetting Charlie's loose grey t-shirt and black leggings. She laughed. She wasn't soaked, it was just a splash.
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"Should I do it," Charlie asked as the large feline emerged, circling her to sit beside her before laying down. Charlie rubbed her back, the wet thick hairs a comfort. "You know, they say if you have heartburn it's because your kid has a lot of hair. I wonder if Mini Charlie will be as hairy as us.. That reminds me.. we need a name for this new bundle of joy. I'm thinking Czar if it's a boy.. or D'artagnan, something interesting. Atreyu..."
"And if she's a girl?" Erik's voice came smoothly from behind causing Charlie to look back. She wondered how much he'd heard.
"I'm not sure, I thought of Monaco," she murmured, looking up at him. He sat on her other side, watching the same sky in thoughtful silence.
"I've been thinking Jada.. pretty like her mom."
Charlie smiled, watching him from the corner of her eye. It was a peaceful scene that she wished she could stay in forever.. that moment, wedged between Erik and Tigra, her protectors.. the sun high and the clouds clear.. wind blowing a gentle breeze. She decided it was now or never.
"I like N'Jada.. It has a little bit of both her parents."
There it was. She'd dropped the bomb waiting for it to register.
Erik's eyes widened as he turned to her, his breathing suddenly faster. He searched her eyes intensely grabbing her face and waiting for her to take it back, flinging himself at her when she smiled. She fell on Tigra and rolled trying to crawl as Tigra looked on, Erik's embrace tight and his lips covering her in a barrage of excited kisses. "OKAY," Charlie yelled through tears of laughter. "Tell me you forreal. How you know," Erik rushed not letting her up.
"Condoms, Erik! Lots of condoms. You really thought I'd let some guy nut in me? I barely let you nut in me!.. Now that you know the truth, you better not bother Trevante, let's just both leave him alone."
"Girl ain't nobody thinking bout that nigga, this my kid!" He stood helping her to her feet before grabbing her up in another tight embrace that threatened to break her in half. It was the best news he'd gotten in a while. A long while. Hoisting her up into his arms, he jogged back to the house with her clinging to his torso, her legs around his waist. He burst through the door like the police, causing a ruckus as he yelled to anyone in the house who could hear.
He held Charlie to his body preventing her from jumping down as he continued his loud decree.
"What the hell is wrong with you," Davita came running with Kimora close behind.
"It's my baby," he repeated, his grin stretching from ear to ear.
"Did she get the paternity test?"
"No need, my condom game strong," Charlie sighed. "Plus, I did the math after my last period and this pitbull here was definitely in these guts. It was before I left."
"You didn't think you should say anything before.." Davita wasn't sold.
"I'm just glad it's Erik's," Kimora shrugged with a smirk.
Josephine poofed into the room in a black bra and high-waisted thong, her mouth covered in a black half-mask. "Hrrerrer," she removed the mask that blocked her speech, "What's happening down here?"
Erik finally set Charlie down wrapping his arms around her to show off her stomach. "It's my baby, I'm the father."
"YESSSS," she cheered getting as hype as he was, hugging him. He almost squeezed the life from her too. Charlie noticed Josie's eyes bulge in shock. "O-Okay, calm down!"
He chuckled separating himself and taking off toward the stairs, no doubt to locate and tell everyone else in the house the news as Charlie sighed in relief, a large weight off her shoulders.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark @trevantesbrat
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lancelotdeservedbetter · 4 years ago
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@gwen-cheers-me-up i might have gotten a bit carried away with this one
-Kara meets Mordred when they're seven. She's out collecting firewood and notices Mordred hiding behind a tree
Kara: why are you hiding? are you a knight? if you are, you have to tell me so i can beat you up, that's the law, i know that because my friend Iseldir told me
Mordred, clearly visible: no. there's no one here. i'm not here.
Kara, stomping over to him: yes you are, i can see you and your hair looks stupid
and then she turns around and goes back to the druid camp. the next day, she goes back into the woods to kick at some leaves and sees Mordred again, this time with his hair completely mangled and some weird sort of fringe. She decides this idiot is shaped like a friend and brings him back to camp with her
Kara: attention please, this is Mordred. his hair is dumb and he is my new best friend. also he can do magic.
-Mordred stays with them for a year and a half until the camp elders realise he's the same Mordred from the prophecy and take him away to learn to control his magic better and try to steer him away from Camelot. Kara stamps her feet a lot and bites someone but ultimately she's eight years old so not very difficult to overpower
-The raid happens when she's twelve. It's Arthur's first raid, hence her grudge against him as well as Uther. He claims to show mercy by letting three adults and the children escape. Kara decides if that's mercy, it's the same mercy she will one day show him. He will not be one of the three survivors.
-The surviving adults do their best to rebuild the camp and maintain their peaceful life but Kara isn't having it. For two years she simmers quietly then one day when she's 14 she sees a Camelot knight riding through the woods alone. The same red cape. She waits behind a tree and throws a rock at him hard enough to knock him off. She takes his horse and lets him live but says that if he gets in her way, she'll kill him. On her newly stolen horse, Kara rides on to the next druid camp and looks for people as angry as her. She visits four or five camps before she's amassed a small group of druids who are sick of pacifism towards Camelot. Together, they set up a network, freeing magic prisoners and taking out their guards, without killing them if they can. They use the isle of the blessed as their base, hiding in the old castle of the high priestesses.
-The network, which is essentially just a brigade of angry teenagers with weapons made of sticks and magic, is how Kara makes most of her friends and one of these friends is Morgause. Morgause would sometimes get involved with their prison breaks and she had power in Cenred's kingdom so could occasionally convince him to supply them with weapons or soldiers. One time someone mistakes them for sisters
Morgause: oh, no we're not related, i do have a sister though
Kara: you do?
Morgause: yeah, you know the king's ward?
Kara: yes?
Morgause: it's the king's ward
-Kara's weapon of choice is a knife, not because of her skill with it or anything like that but because of her overwhelming lack of skill with anything else. When they were kids Mordred tried to teach her some magic but she never really got the hang of it and worked out that throwing things at people gives you pretty much the same result. Morgause tried to teach her to swordfight, which she was good at but didn't really bother with because there was too much etiquette to it
Morgause: then spin the sword in your hand and lean back while your opponent gets ready
Kara: what? why would i do that? can't i just kick the person?
Morgause: well no, you have to wait and fight fairly
Kara: hard pass on that. I'm gonna start punting bitches.
-The network is going great until one day the guards are ready for them. They had spied on them on the isle and overheard the plan and decided to ambush Kara and her friends. Almost everybody is killed and any survivors go back into hiding and the network is once again reduced to just Kara. She decides the no kill rule is over and murders every guard involved in the attack.
-Having lost her mind a little bit, she starts travelling with a group of thieves, killing every Camelot guard they encounter. The thieves are just sort of like: oh!! daughter!! and then see Kara kill someone and they're like ok!! murder daughter!!
-The thieves Kara travelled with are not exactly hardened criminals. There's Jason, who used to be a tailor in Caerleon but had to leave after telling the king a bit too bluntly that purple was not his colour. He only started stealing things after he'd left, realising he was quite good at it. There's Betty, an old lady who grew up in Camelot and used to raid the king's food stores and redistribute the food to the people. There's Ewan, a former knight of Bayard's who robbed the royal family of all their jewellery and crowns after finding out they executed a child. They move from kingdom to kingdom, pilfering items from any nobles they hear have been acting like assholes. These are the people Kara is with when Mordred finds her and she tries to kill Arthur.
-I do not vibe with canon therefore Kara does escape from prison. Her thief friends break her out, thinking we steal clothes, fancy jewellery, weapons, food, horses, how hard can stealing a person be? Pretty hard, it turns out, especially when that person is stubborn and annoying and a little bit light headed from the smell in the dungeons and can't muster a single coherent thought
Kara, dizzy: who is that? you wanna fight me? i'll fight you
Ewan, wearing a mask: come on, we're breaking you out
Kara: i'm not falling for that. NICE TRY, IDIOTS.
Jason, lifting his mask: shhhhh, it's us let's go
Kara: I thought you died?
Betty: no, we just scattered, time to move
Kara: wait no i have to kill the king
Jason: it's nice to have things to be passionate about but right now we need to go
Kara, tripping into a wall: i'll kill him. kill him DEAD
Ewan: will you BE QUIET
They reach a compromise on the whole regicide thing by looting the castle and armoury then fleeing to Mithian and Rodor's kingdom. After a while, Kara begins to let go of her murder quest. The anger is very much still there but she channels it into theft instead.
-Later, once Mithian is queen and legalises magic, she meets Kara and her band of thieves. An anti-magic group tries to assassinate her and Kara and friends hear about it and decide to trap them outside the castle. Mithian decides she quite likes this angry criminal girl and makes Kara her first druid knight.
-Some years later at a diplomatic meeting, they see Arthur who almost has a heart attack. Kara knew he would be there so she decided to wear his armour, which she stole when her friends looted his castle. Arthur then gets really pissy because he can't make a scene because he knows Mithian doesn't care
Arthur, hissing: i dont like you
Kara, smirking and twirling her stolen sword: i'll get over it
Arthur, grouchy: fine well as long as you don't try and fucking kill me again
Kara: no promises ;)
anyway long live Kara and sorry for making such a long post
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seacreek · 5 years ago
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I don't want to write anything where irl friends would see (no one is gonna see this here anyway) but I need to get this out of me.
I was (am?) literally the most suicidal I've ever been in my life today (is today over if it's 2 am?) and not only can I tell that to NO ONE, but it's like God was fucking rubbing it my face all day. I actually laughed at one point bc I was driving behind someone thinking of whether I should try to do it at home or somewhere else when I noticed their license plate said KYS and then a mashup of my birthday numbers.
But like I've already been feeling this building bc I'm behind on bills and have no heat and it's gonna snow soon and it's the holidays which remind me that my family is all spread out and I don't really talk to my parents anymore and somedays I talk to no one at all but my cat and my life is going NOWHERE with no way to change that but to work myself even harder when I don't even feel like I have anything at all to give anymore.
And I already felt like calling out bc even though I chose to work Thanksgiving yesterday knowing I'd be the only one there, it was still depressing to know that normal people are with friends and family and I'm not. But I also didn't want to take up my neighbors/friends on their offers to join them bc I did that last year and got all the questions about what I was doing with my life and at the time I actually believed I'd be going back to school the next year but now I realize how I can't possibly afford that without accepting help from someone which would BE my neighbors bc my parents would not help and I can't pay for it alone. And I can't accept help from them bc I feel like I would just get overwhelmed and depressed and flunk out and waste their money anyway. And the other reason I couldn't go over there/can't is bc I already feel like such a burden to them. They do all this nice stuff for me all the time and I catch myself even EXPECTING it at times which is fucking disgusting. Even if I'm grateful and say thank you, it's not like they owe me anything just bc I have no one else to give it to me. So I need to stop accepting their help and gifts, but then I know they are judging me for that bc even though their really nice, they are also super judgmental and they really like me bc they think I have "potential", but if they knew that I'm actually just a natural born idiot and failure, they'd never want to talk to me in the first place. And also it's unhealthy probably how much I rely on their validation bc since I've known them since I was little, I'm almost using them as surrogate parents which is also fucked up bc they are not my parents, they have their own kids who actually have their lives together unlike me who is just like a pet project of theirs.
Soooo anyway I already had all this on my mind and more going into work today and when I get there, I look at the schedule and realize everyone called out but me!!!!
And so I had to make a frankenstein schedule out of all of theirs to prioritize what needed to get done and was still trying to do little favors for people in between that I didn't want to disappoint bc it wasn't their fault that their staff wasn't there to do it with them and it was getting super overwhelming. And then I'm super sensitive so when I'd have to tell someone that I COULDN'T do something extra for them that they really were looking forward to, it was already punching me in the gut to see their disappointment. But then the worst part is that they don't fully get that I'm not just choosing to do that out of spite, but I legitimately had negative amounts of time to get everything done so they would blame me for what I couldn't do for them. EVEN THOUGH I WAS WORKING LIKE 4 SCHEDULES IN 1. Like they don't have the capacity to think past what's in front of them sometimes which I understand it's not their fault, but it SUCKS bc then they are pissed at me even though I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to do everything for everyone and keep them all happy and they should really be annoyed with my coworkers who didn't come in but I didn't even throw them under the bus bc it wouldn't have mattered anyway. I'm the person in front of them who is "refusing to do what they ask" so it's my fault.
So that's how my day is going everywhere I go as I rush from person to person and place to place, answering calls, improvising on the spot, and constantly having to tell someone that whatever they had planned on today isn't possible and dealing with the result of that. And the WHOLE TIME I am DAYDREAMING about how I'm gonna kill myself when I get home. Maybe slit my wrists, wait no my leg because I know I'll chicken out on the wrists, wait no, I'll drive out to the ocean and just swim out until I'm drowning too far out to save myself, wait no, what bridges could I jump from let me google that, wait no, I could take all of the pills at home together but then I might throw them up so wait no, maybe I'll drag this out and just not eat or drink til I just die nah that takes too long etc etc etc. And I'm really thinking this is gonna happen tonight bc I already wrote a letter monday or tuesday and I'm sure they'll find that pretty fast when they look in my journals so I don't even have to worry about that part, just the doing. So I'm contemplating my end of life and getting more anxious and sad with every hour passing bc I'm really thinking this is it, this is the day I'm out. But really I keep getting caught up bc my CAT who is sadly the one being on earth that I love who could never understand, is at home. And I'm thinking about how if I kill myself while she's there and it takes time for people to realize I'm missing/find me, she will be sad/hungry/thirsty in the meantime. Which is so unecessary and all of my suicide plans get scrapped if they involve direct trauma of another being and she's the one that means the most, so how could I be so selfish as to not make a plan for her?
So I'm thinking of how I have to sneak her to my sister's place while she's still at work and that's stressful enough but more so bc then I'll have a time limit on getting this done bc as soon as she comes home and sees kaiya there without me and no explanation, she'll start blowing up my phone and when I don't answer, she'll call someone. And I don't want to do that in a pressured state, I need time to process everything and think about life and what I'm doing. Plus, what if I decide not to??? (Which is what ended up happening for tonight anyway) I would've done all that for nothing and then had to confess when she found kaiya anyway and have to go to a psych ward or something which would just ruin my life faster but make it harder to get out.
So I'm thinking ALL this ALL day while working my ass off yet still disappointing everyone and swallowing tears that would turn into sobs every hour until it's time to go home.
Then I drive home and even though I pray to God to send me some sign that he cares, he doesn't.
At this point, I've already lost the fire under me so I know this is another night where I just get through it, cuddle kaiya, and wake up the next day to do it all over and I've accepted that in a way.
Then 1 am rolls around and my sister calls me to say she stopped by a party where she ran into my old best friend and friends from high school. None of whom cared enough about me to even ask what I was up to these days, even though they were talking to my SISTER. And that whole growing apart thing took such a toll on me mentally and I do feel like I'm over it now these days, but it still brought up these gross sad feelings of when I was first realizing that they didn't really care about me anymore and then fully understanding that I didn't matter to them. Which hurt SO MUCH bc they were a ride or die for me, like I would have done anything for them and I never even DOUBTED they didn't feel the same until it was so obvious I had to stop pretending around it. And that fucked with ALL of my relationships with people. Every single friend I had, I started pulling away from bc I was so insecure in myself that I felt like I had to get away from them before they had the chance to drop me which I now felt was inevitable. To this day, I feel like I have a body count of of people that I desperately want to talk to, but don't let myself bc I feel like they don't deserve to have to put up with a person as shitty and worthless as me. And I do that in every possible relationship I have, platonic, romantic, and even familial. And I can't blame them for that bc they were just a normal person growing apart from someone I guess, but I think it triggered something laying dormant in me so badly that it was actually the catalyst for my inability to connect with other people in meaningful ways. I never meet a new person anymore with the belief that they will be in my life for more than a few years at most. Most people I expect to be gone within a week or two. My walls are up so high that it's actually selfish that I even talk to people at all bc I only end up hurting them when I pull away for seemingly no reason at all. And I'm too much of a coward to tell them that there's nothing wrong with them, I just can't get that close to people anymore. Like it actually makes me physically sick to think of carrying on normal relationships with people which is SO fucked. But then I turn into the villain bc I'm worried that they'll develop the same fear of people and I'll be the cause of it. Like I'm a vampire. But I isolate myself and then get to a certain point where I think "I'll try again!! And this time will be different!! I'll really have someone new in my life!" And then I am super friendly and doing my best to be good and making plans and whatever. But then I start getting that sick feeling again, like what if what if they just haven't realized how much I suck and how disappointing I am yet, they'll definitely realize it soon and I come up with some random specific reason why they'd actually hate me if they knew "THIS" about me and I start detaching myself and then flake on plans and then disappear. And then spend weeks worrying myself sick that I permanently damaged their trust in people!!! But then I get lonely again and the pattern starts again!! All traced back to this moment in time where it actually hit me that people's affection for you can disappear in the blink of an eye no matter how much you thought they cared about you. So clearly love is conditional and just that thought alone is enough to make me want to end it all!!
So yea, just a shit day with shit cherries and cream on top.
And now it's 3am and I have to wake up in 5 hrs to do this again.
And all of this is still something no one will know if or until it comes spilling out and then my life will either be changed forever or over.
But yea, drew that lion the other day.
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years ago
Savannah & Jac
Savannah: what's going on? Jac: Big drama Jac: huge Jac: where are you??? Savannah: I needed privacy so this conversation wasn't a big drama for Ty Savannah: but now all his friends are here, like, freaking out Jac: Yeah, they're gonna be Jac: is Carter in there or? Savannah: No Savannah: why are they saying the party's over? Jac: It's for the best he's done a runner Jac: God knows what her mother will do, wouldn't be surprised if she calls the police Savannah: Oh my god, Ty's parents will lose it with him if that happens Jac: Is has lost it, big time Savannah: how drunk is she? Jac: She just came into the main room crying hysterically Jac: saying Carter forced himself onto her Savannah: what are we going to do? Jac: We need to sort this Jac: she called her mum, I couldn't stop her Savannah: she'll tell all our parents & like you said it's likely to go much further Savannah: this is my party, MY idea Jac: It's not as if we knew Jac: who even is he Savannah: I'm still going to become the girl who threw a party where her friend got assaulted Jac: No, we're not going to let that happen Jac: we just have to work out the best angle for us Jac: we either support her fully, but then Ty will have to go, and the rest of them Jac: or maybe we can convince her it wasn't as bad as she thinks Jac: if she's drunk, maybe she could've misread it? Savannah: do you know how much she's had to drink? Savannah: OH MY GOD, I can't believe I'm asking that Savannah: of course we have to support her, she didn't consent Jac: You know Is, she always has too much Savannah: & I know she loves drama but she wouldn't go that far Savannah: would she? Jac: I don't even know Jac: I know nothing about this Carter boy Jac: he was obviously saying the opposite before he left but Jac: this is so not how this night was supposed to go Savannah: I was literally mid-breakup Savannah: I can't handle this Jac: We need to go Jac: I'm not sober enough to fully think out our plan right now Savannah: Me either Savannah: what about Is, will she leave? Jac: I think her mum is coming, like now Jac: but I think, we get her to mine Jac: calm her down so her mum doesn't like Jac: do something major Savannah: Are your mum & dad there though? Savannah: maybe we should take her to my house instead, my mum is fully medicated by now Jac: Good idea Jac: I'm just saying, get her away from here with a hot drink and a shower, she might feel different Savannah: & if that doesn't work, she could take a pill, I do sometimes Savannah: they do help Jac: We could talk to her mum for her Jac: say we're looking after her Savannah: which we are Jac: Exactly Jac: she just needs to calm down, I'm sure Savannah: okay, let's go Jac: [The next day] Jac: is your mum losing it? Savannah: She called my dad Savannah: but my auntie is the one who's FULLY losing it Jac: Jesus Jac: I'm so mad Jac: this is ridiculous Savannah: what happened with your parents? Jac: they won't stop going on about it Jac: asking stupid questions Jac: acting like I should be going down the station myself Jac: literally how would I know what happened??? Jac: none of us were in the room with them Jac: if Is' mum has decided she wants to do that then that's her business Savannah: have you heard from Isabelle? Savannah: Ty won't speak to me, I don't know if his mum took his phone or he just hates me now Jac: No Jac: and I've sent her like hundreds of messages Jac: all I've got is people who weren't there asking if it's true or sounding off at me for what Is has said Savannah: ^^ I was sending her messages all night Savannah: you're the only person replying to me Jac: I feel like a complete pariah Jac: I didn't sign up for this Savannah: This is all my fault Savannah: I never should have put Carter forward as a someone suitable for Is Jac: No, you didn't know Jac: you'd never do that if you did Jac: he seemed like a fun guy, someone she'd like Savannah: I can't stay in this house with everyone shouting at me Jac: Don't Jac: let's go somewhere Savannah: I'm essentially on surveillance like a criminal, there's no way Jac: Well, don't you REALLY need that research book from the library to finish your psych essay Jac: surely they won't stop you studying? Savannah: You're incredible Savannah: I swear my brain is barely functioning Savannah: except all these intrusive sad thoughts, they are of course in full flow Jac: This is some bullshit Jac: but I'm gonna protect you Jac: this is so not our fight Jac: the adults in our life just need time to calm down Savannah: It's really not Savannah: obviously I feel bad for Is but there's nothing I can do other than feel that right now because the lines of communication are closed Jac: ^^ Jac: Precisely, we can only be there for her as much as she wants us to Jac: and like, how rude if we tried to make this about us by getting overly involved Jac: it didn't happen to us, I'm not going to go into hiding or whatever my parents want me to do like something bad happened to me Savannah: Exactly, I'm heartbroken that I wasn't there because of what was happening between me & Ty, but I know that doesn't compare to what she's going through Savannah: she doesn't need my guilt being thrown at her Jac: I don't think anyone appreciates that we feel guilty enough without them implying we could've done more Jac: is this the time to be playing the blame game at all, people?! Savannah: ^^ my auntie thinks I should've been there holding her hand all night or something Jac: everyone is suddenly friend of the year Jac: like, well, we're actually her only real friends Jac: where were you all then? Jac: just happy to judge us now, it's so unfair Savannah: I saw how quick Amelia popped up, excuse you girl, where have you been? Jac: that's her ALL over Jac: doesn't put any work in, swoops in to play hero when it suits her Jac: between her and Is' mum, god knows what they're saying about us Jac: the woman does not like me Jac: 'cos I try to help lift that stifling codependency she's got her daughter under Savannah: & she's just so INTENSE, it's no surprise Is' mum is team Amelia Savannah: I'm not apologising for us having a life that Isabelle isn't utterly in the centre of at all times Jac: SERIOUSLY Jac: it was so awkward when it was just the three of us Jac: Amelia so wanted Is to herself Jac: maybe I should have left them to it Jac: sorry I didn't want to be alone, guys, thanks Savannah: I hate hearing that Jac: Well, it might be just us now Jac: if they turn everyone against us Jac: I don't even care Jac: I can't wait to leave this town and never look back Savannah: If I've got you, who else would I ever need? Savannah: becoming friends with you was the most life-affirming and empowering thing that's happened to me Savannah: I'm not going to lose sight or let go off everything I want & have worked hard for because last night went wrong Jac: And why should we? Jac: Is shouldn't let it define her life and who she is Jac: we certainly shouldn't, it's like, in the nicest possible way, nothing to do with us Jac: We know what we need to do, where we're going Jac: nothing has changed Jac: people can say whatever they will Savannah: If my family wants me to trust in what they're saying instead of everything you are, they need to have enough faith in me & my choices to let me leave the house Savannah: & they aren't Jac: Like, I'm never trying to put a wedge between anyone and their family Jac: but mine are being exactly the same so I can say Jac: they're coming from a total place of fear, they're overreacting like WHAT IF the bad thing happened to us Jac: but it didn't, and they can't protect us from the world by trying to tell us what to do Jac: Is' mum is always like that...look what happened there Savannah: SO true Savannah: I won't even mention how they're overlooking the fact that I'd never let anything like that happen to you & you would never let it happen to me because that's the kind of friendship we have Savannah: isolating me from you, isn't protecting me, it's very harmful actually Jac: We need each other Jac: you're my safety and I'm yours Jac: as much as I don't care what people think, what they say Jac: that'll be different if I don't have you Savannah: You'll always have me Jac: Swear on my ❤? Savannah: Of course Jac: Then we've got this Jac: whatever anyone is going to try to throw at us Savannah: We've got each other Savannah: There's not a single thing anyone can do to make me stop loving you or needing you in my life Jac: I love you Jac: and I know your ❤ and your intentions and I see nothing but pure goodness Jac: I'm not going to let anyone say anything less Savannah: you're 👼🏻 & if people can't recognise that, they're the ones who need to check in with themselves and their world view Savannah: they certainly don't know enough about you to speak out if they're TOTALLY unaware of what a ray of light you are Jac: You're going to make me cry Jac: You're the sweetest kindest soul and you deserve none of this bullshit backlash Savannah: we're leaving it behind us Savannah: you're right, the library isn't off limits Jac: I'll meet you there then Jac: where we go after is our business Savannah: 🙌 Jac: We'll be back before anyone notices Jac: do you think we should try to call Is, or see her or Jac: do we leave it up to her Jac: might be the kindest, you know her mum has taken over everything else right now, with Amelia now, like 🙄 Savannah: If her mum has her phone, she could call ours Savannah: I'd actually be under house arrest then Savannah: she's unlikely to be up to seeing anyone anyway, I barely slept myself, Is won't have Jac: Yeah, true Jac: I feel like I'm in enough shit considering I've not done anything Jac: have you heard where Carter is, what he's doing about this whole situation Savannah: I keep hoping Ty will reply & tell me anything that's going on, but he hasn't Jac: How did you end things with him Jac: like, did you or? Savannah: I was trying to do it gently, you know? Savannah: so of course I didn't get to say everything that I wanted to before we were interrupted Savannah: but he can read me well enough that he obviously knew where the conversation was supposed to be going Jac: He's probably in a state of shock Jac: given that and then what happened immediately after Jac: I'm sure he'll come 'round soon, give you the closure you need Savannah: I can't cope with not being able to speak to him when he's bound to have these unanswered questions Savannah: all the pain he's going to be in when he finally feels it Jac: It's unavoidable Jac: part of being human, growing Savannah: I think I'm in shock too Jac: You are Jac: we all are Savannah: I didn't even take any of my mum's meds but it feels like I have Jac: everything is cloudy Jac: we only have like a tenth of the story and none of it makes sense or feels real Jac: like a joke or nightmare Savannah: ^^^ Savannah: You're real, I'll feel better when I see you Jac: that's why we should be together right now Jac: our family weren't there, they have even less of a clue Jac: together we can actually make sense of this and Jac: get back to some semblance of normality Savannah: how can we stay together? Savannah: I've only just walked out of my house & I already don't want to go back Savannah: that's without even considering how stressful school will be Jac: how can we go back? Jac: Is won't be able to Jac: everyone is talking, whether they're on her side or not Jac: we need to go somewhere Jac: have a break from all of this before we have to face it Savannah: but where? Savannah: & how when our parents are insisting on this degree of control? Jac: if they're not willing to be reasonable and cooperate with us Jac: don't see why we should have to Jac: we know this is what we need, what's right for us, right? Savannah: Yes Savannah: & we've earned our own money, I haven't touched any of it since we started Jac: Exactly, we've got enough to get far away enough and live comfortably for long enough to process this Jac: we just need to get as much out here before we leave Jac: first thing they'd do would be to check where our card was last used, need to stop the papertrail Jac: then we have to leave our phones here Jac: we'll write down our important numbers and get a burner, we're not stupid Savannah: You're the only person I want to talk to right now and I'll have you with me Jac: ❤❤❤ Jac: and like you said, we protect each other, nothing bad is going to happen Jac: so, you want to? Savannah: we aren't going to let anything happen that isn't what we need Savannah: I want to be with you, I feel like whatever my family is scared of would be much more likely to happen if I'm not Savannah: there's way more danger to my mental health if I stay here Jac: Then we're going Jac: luckily a rucksack won't look out of place for all the books we're meant to be carrying Savannah: Should I act like I've forgotten something & go back? Jac: I can pack spare clothes for you too if you like Jac: but your own might make you feel more you, more normal Savannah: that's such a good point Savannah: we've lost enough normality Jac: everything feels so different now Savannah: it does Savannah: but how important you are to me hasn't changed Jac: I know when I see you, everything will feel better Jac: and we'll know exactly what to do Jac: it's how it's been since I met you Savannah: all we have to do is keep trusting the universe & each other Jac: I trust you both entirely Savannah: I know I let you down but I promise that won't ever happen again Jac: you could never Savannah: I did! The party was an awful idea but I selfishly demanded it & if that wasn't bad enough I left you alone after insisting I needed you there Savannah: we could've been together, nothing would've gone so wrong Jac: but I let Is go off alone with him Jac: I should've spotted there was something off about him Jac: THAT off Jac: it was both our idea Jac: but that wasn't Savannah: Baby, you can't think like that, you didn't even know his name, how could you EVER realise he was that kind of person Savannah: Ty didn't & they were on the team together Jac: Yeah, Ty isn't like the other lads Jac: because some of them definitely knew Jac: but Ty wouldn't put up with that, would he? Savannah: he would've told me if he knew Savannah: all he said was that he thought Is would be better off going with someone from our year Jac: Yeah Jac: he was kind of insistent on that, we thought at the time Jac: but that's probably down to how innocent Is is in lots of ways, like we thought then too Jac: or was Jac: Poor Is Savannah: I feel sick Jac: I know Jac: me too Jac: I'm on my way Savannah: He was always so gentle, I had to make the first move, like literally every move Savannah: he can't have known Jac: No, no way Jac: he's not that kind of boy Jac: I'm just at that place where I don't know who I can trust BUT you Jac: everyone seems like a suspect Savannah: If he'd just talk to me Savannah: everything's SO messed up Jac: do you want to see him, before we go? Savannah: I can't, for the same reason we can't see Is Savannah: his mum would call my auntie as soon as she saw me & he's not going to agree to meet me anywhere else Jac: In a few days, you can call him Jac: we'll go to a payphone Savannah: okay Jac: It will be Jac: I promise Jac: you'll see Savannah: I don't have to see it to believe in you Savannah: you've never let me down
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