#then put it as my lockscreen and show everyone how tiny and adorable he is
landoncrris · 1 year
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he is so boyfriend shaped 🤭💘💕💞💖💓💗
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babysizedfics · 4 years
Headcanons Masterpost 5
constantly being updated - last edit 17 Mar 2021
Please do not reblog!
Bold headcanons are my personal faves!
Story Stuff:
When Vee moved into the light sides house (plus roman and janus' reactions) | Vee's regression drought (plus more about it) (even more) | Janus' bday dinner and thinking baby vee is adorable | Characters' romantic and sexual orientations | even more mindscape lore, and even more | on Vee’s gender identity and her pronouns with examples | Did vee put up a dark edgy mask when she first moved in? | possibly everyone is disabled? maybe??
therapy with dr picani | being called "princess" | dad buying her a dress | when and how he learnt about agere | reacting to pronouns while regressed | being bullied in playgroups as a child | loves bubbles | collecting softies | first time regressing in therapy (and meeting Michael in reception) | bouncy baby bipa butt | used to like the book "gues how much i love you" as a child | flexible and weird baby sleeping positions | Minty sits at the breakfast table too | shaving legs (ro too) | putting her pullup on backwards and papa helping | being easily triggered by subtle things | starts calling patton ‘daddy’ outside of regression | Vee’s part british accent | Dr Picani purposefully triggering vee’s regression in therapy | extra tiny vee can’t say N sounds so she calls janus ‘gaga’
pink hello kitty overall dress | strawberry lolita dress with drawing (and wearing it for the CGs "wedding") | Vee's new feminine haircut (version without bra) | trying to grow it long before | pink glasses with pink lenses to help her light hypersensitivity! (and wearing them when little)
teenspace, insecurities and skinpicking | sewing his baby bro a softie | CGs teaming up to tickle him | when vee shoved her paci in romans mouth | playing duck duck goose with the family | not allowed to touch vee's softies (after accidentally stealing them once) | hand-clapping games | playing with (not cuddling) stuffies, hestia as a weight stuffie | would love to be yeeted | why roman is so embarassed abt his fear of the dark | fidgety toes stim | “I’m running away!!” tantrum |
getting angry when Janus treated him like a child and babysitting vee to cope | learning what middlespace is | repressing his littlespace -> involuntarily going extra little because of this, and the cgs take care of him | roman hates being babied because of high school (plus patton and logan learning abt this)
in this au roman does not have RSD
doing unexpectedly soft things to watch his littles smile and blush | vee shoving a paci in mama's mouth when he fell asleep | feeling protective of vee and calling her more petnames | mama-baby bedtime routine | does logan join vee for therapy?
Putting the baby down for a nap (incredibly soft!) | Does Patton feel like he is ‘too much’? (no but vee feels like fae is a burden) | Papa bear pretending to be a bear for his baby cub | playing the ‘diaper change’ game with baby vee! | loves cowboys/westerns (but roman hates them)
stealing stickers and sweets to make child virgil stop crying | baby vee stroking his scar and calling him pretty | having elderly friends from his knitting group | both littles loving nana's spinning top | punk gentleman aesthetic | being sweet when vee came out to him on facetime | nana emroidering vee’s clothes | accidentally scaring vee with the tickle monster | taking vee to his knitting group one evening | moving house to be closer to vee in the future | getting vee cinnamoroll earrings
Remus humiliating Roman in front of Jamal, but Jamal being sweet and supportive | Remus teasing Ro and Janus arguing with him abt it
Michael (Vee's future QPP):
Basic info/intro | Little vee calling him Mimi, then Mimmy and Michael calling her Kitty | meeting big brother roman | meeting janus (and giving HIM the shovel talk) | calling vee "pretty kitty" after seeing logan do the same | How he interacts with little and half-little vee | Asking vee to draw him a picture when he's sad | Vee shows Mimi her pacis (CUTE) | Michaels favourite activities to do with each family member | vee trying michael’s sour candy
vee likes gentle tickles, ro doesnt like tickle games | Vee and logan soft bonding days | Roman's theatre friends visit and Patton acts like a dad | roman giving his baby sis the biggest strawberry he coukd find | Logicality morning routine | How the grownups dress baby vee | everyone reacting to vee's pouts (in order of weakness) | Sleepy baby in mama's bsthrobe (and mama-baby nap) | Family bonding over DnD (ro and janus focus) | Everyone’s favourite memories | what everyone doodles | everyone’s favourite weather | everyones favourite pace in the house | everyone’s favourite music | everyone’s stop-the-baby-crying tricks (plus cgs wondering how janus is so good at it) | which characters can drive (and vee’s fear of it) | littles’ lockscreens | how easy is everyone to fluster?
Baby on the loose in just a diaper (adorable, my absolute fave concept ever)
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bettydice · 4 years
(Planning the Day) To Meet You
Wangxian, Modern AU, Slow Burn, E-Rated
[Read on AO3]
Chapter 8
Thursday, Wei Ying-less
Determined to get this paper done and out of the way of meeting Wei Ying as quickly as possible, Lan Wangji goes straight to work after breakfast. He wants to, anyway. Except… He finds it abnormally difficult to concentrate. His phone and his lockscreen are right there.
After thirty minutes of unproductivity, Lan Wangji calls his brother and asks him whether he can stay with him for the next few days to finish his paper without distractions. Xichen doesn’t even ask him what could possibly be distracting him alone in his flat and instead happily invites him over and offers to cook for him every day.
When Lan Wangji arrives at Xichen’s flat, his brother has already cleared space on his desk and made a pot of tea. Lan Wangji thanks him, hands him his phone for safekeeping and goes to work. This time, he is way more successful and only allows himself short breaks to hang out with Cloud and Jade.
He only looks at his phone after dinner, when he’s about to go to bed. He finds he has several missed messages from Wei Ying and eagerly props himself up on a pillow to read them.
Wei Ying Lan Zhan, good luck today! work hard! ^_^v
Wei Ying remember to take breaks too stay hydrated :)
Wei Ying you must be hard at work, hm? good good ❤
Wei Ying Still working? Lan Zhan, don’t overdo it! your brain needs rest too
Wei Ying it’s good you’re so diligent once you’re done, I’ll give you a reward ;)
Lan Wangji Thank you for your messages. Sorry I didn’t reply sooner. I don’t keep my phone next to me while writing. So I don’t get distracted. I’m looking forward to the reward. I hope Wei Ying had a good day.
Lan Wangji barely has any time to look at his lockscreen, because Wei Ying replies almost instantly.
Wei Ying ah that’s good to hear! You work so hard ❤ my day was mostly boring :( Wen Qing was home and was annoyed by me so I went to the library but the library is no fun without Lan Zhan!
Lan Wangji I missed you today.
Wei Ying Lan Zhan… ❤ ❤❤ You should rest now You have to work more tomorrow
Lan Wangji ❤
Saturday & Sunday, Wei Ying-less
Saturday and Sunday pass about the same way and not as quickly as he’d like. His brother stays mostly out of his way, but will occasionally bring him tea or some fruit or a bunny. It’s getting harder and harder to not ask Xichen to give him back his phone and call Wei Ying to meet him. Or at least message him. Or look at his lockscreen for a few minutes. All Lan Wangji can do is to try to write this paper even quicker. However, ultimately there’s only so much rushing he can do. His degree is still important to him, even though at the moment it may feel less important than kissing Wei Ying.
Every evening, messages from Wei Ying are waiting for him, sent throughout the day. Little signs Wei Ying has been thinking about him and keeps thinking about him. Lan Wangji tells Wei Ying every evening that he misses him, and he hopes Wei Ying believes it.
Monday, sadly Wei Ying-less
At 5:30 p.m., Lan Wangji is officially done with his paper. He’ll take another look at it tomorrow morning, making sure to catch all errant typos and the like, before he’ll send it off to his professor. Once that is done, he can finally see Wei Ying again.
To celebrate, Xichen has bought dinner at Lan Wangji’s favourite restaurant and a plate filled with dumplings and lightly seasoned vegetables awaits him. It tastes delicious, as does the jasmine tea Xichen brews for them after dinner. They take it to the living room and sit down on the couch, finally able to enjoy their first proper conversation this weekend. Lan Wangji makes sure to tell Xichen all about the forest playground. Xichen looks at the picture with A-Yuan and the dam and agrees that the dam looked very sturdy and A-Yuan adorable. In turn, Xichen tells him about a few ideas he had how to improve his studio and shows him a list of exercises he’s thinking about including in his repertoire.
After their last heart-to-heart, things have changed between them. No loud, obvious changes. A gentle shift in their dynamic that feels natural. Lan Wangji tries to say things before Lan Xichen has to ask and he thinks it helps Xichen feel like his questions are not unwelcome.
“You’re always welcome here, I hope you know that. I liked having you around, Wangji.”
“I liked being here. Sorry for not staying longer.”
“Ah, no, not at all. You need your own bed and you want to see Wei Wuxian.” Xichen smiles knowingly and Lan Wangji nods, slightly embarrassed, since he’s very right about both of those things. ”I have my first client this week anyway, I think it would be awkward for you to be around.”
“Xichen, that’s great. You didn’t tell me.”
“Well, a half-client maybe. Nie Huaisang asked me whether I wanted to, how did he put it, ‘practice on someone who’s just happy to get a massage’ to ‘get back into the flow’.” Xichen laughs softly and Lan Wangji can’t help but smile.
“That does sound like Huaisang. And like a good idea.” Lan Wangji feels a little bad when he remembers their last phone conversation. He should write Huaisang a message later and thank him.
“I think so, too. I’m excited to get back to work.” Xichen seems to really mean it. A part of Lan Wangji’s heart that has been tense for over a year finally relaxes a little.
“I’m glad.”
“What about you? What are you going to do with the rest of your term break? This was your last paper, right?”
“Mn. Have some reading to do for the next semester, but no papers.”
“I suppose you’ll be seeing Wei Wuxian a lot?”
“... Mn.” Lan Wangji smiles a little at the thought. Now there’s no reason not to spend as much time as possible together.
“You’re free to borrow my car any time.”
“Thank you.” If they could take A-Yuan to the forest playground again that would be lovely. Or maybe a longer day trip to the beach?
“Remember that uncle owns a cottage in the mountains. Maybe you want to take Wei Wuxian there for a romantic weekend trip?”
Lan Wangji is really glad he isn’t currently eating or drinking anything, otherwise he’d surely have choked. While the thought is not unwelcome, he didn’t expect his brother to say something like that, especially not while wearing such a delighted grin that can even rival one of Wei Ying’s tamer wicked grins.
“Ah, too soon for that? I apologise.” Lan Xichen does not look sorry.
“Mhm... “ Lan Wangji really wouldn’t mind at all. They could even bring A-Yuan, if everyone would be okay with that. Lan Wangji could cook for them and they could hike to the waterfall and A-Yuan could build and destroy as many dams as he would like. They wouldn’t have to say goodbye in the evening.
Xichen clears his throat and Lan Wangji is drawn away from his lovely thoughts.
“Mn. Too soon.” But maybe one day.
Lan Wangji can’t stop thinking about how it would be if he took Wei Ying to the cottage. All the way back to his flat his mind conjures visions of Wei Ying in front of the fireplace, face glowing. Wei Ying sitting on a counter top in the kitchen in one of his soft sweaters, collarbone showing, while Lan Wangji prepares dinner. Wei Ying closing the door to A-Yuan’s room after they’d brought him to bed and looking at Lan Wangji, eyes intense and -
He has to stop himself there, because he is using the subway and there are people around.
As soon as he arrives home, he drops his things, takes off his clothes, not even caring to put them away properly, and hurries to the shower.
When the hot water hits his skin, Lan Wangji is already fully hard. He closes his eyes and instantly returns to where he stopped earlier.
Wei Ying looks up at him, biting his lip. All day, anticipation has been building between them… Lingering looks and touching, ever growing in intensity. Tiny kisses pressed against the cheek or the corner of the mouth. And now… now.
Lan Wangji takes Wei Ying’s hand and drags him into their bedroom. He closes the door behind them and finally, finally they’re kissing. Hungry, open-mouthed kisses.
Maybe Lan Wangji doesn’t know what it actually feels like, but his cock is more than happy with what’s happening in his imagination. He leans against the wall and grips himself tighter, strokes himself quicker.
He takes off Wei Ying’s hair tie, light blue, and watches as his hair falls long and soft across his shoulders, down his back. He wants to keep kissing his lips but also all the other parts of him he can reach and -
Lan Wangji is almost completely undone already, heat blazing in his stomach and behind his eyes. He decides to skip ahead, so his imagination is on the same level as his cock.
They’re both naked, now lying down, the bed or the floor, it doesn’t matter. Wei Ying’s hand is on Lan Wangji’s cock and they’re still kissing and Lan Wangji is hot all over, so close now. Wei Ying moves to mouth at Lan Wangji’s jaw and squeezes him, just right. Lan Wangji gasps “I love you” -
- and then he comes all over his shower door. Again.
Tuesday, Eighteenth Day with Wei Ying
Lan Wangji has successfully handed in his paper and arranged a meeting - a date? - with Wei Ying for 3 p.m. His reward is apparently going to be some ice cream. Spending time with Wei Ying is a reward by itself, of course and the lemon sorbet last time was refreshing, but… Meeting outside, going to a park where there’ll be other people around, isn’t quite the intimate setting Lan Wangji has been hoping for. Maybe he can ask Wei Ying to come over to his apartment after, for… coffee? No, Lan Wangji knows he will not be able to invite Wei Ying with such an obvious excuse. He really wants to kiss Wei Ying, kiss him properly and deeply, but not like this, not with shallow phrases and the expectations and pressure such an invitation would bring. Another time.
Their ice cream date is lovely, as expected. Well, the lemon sorbet tastes as decent as last time and they’re able to find a bench in the shade, next to a little pond. Both very lovely. However, Lan Wangji can’t ignore how Wei Ying’s smiles have a little bit of an edge today, like on Wednesday evening, before they said goodbye. But nothing really tangible, nothing Lan Wangji can really put a finger on. Wei Ying is always fidgety, but is it worse today? He chatters as happily and quickly as he always does, telling Lan Wangji all about his weekend and often, he’ll put a hand on Lan Wangji’s arm and keep it there for a while.
Still, Lan Wangji can’t help but feel uneasy, but decides to finish eating his ice cream before trying to ask Wei Ying about it. Wei Ying seems to have been waiting for him to finish, too, because as soon as Lan Wangji eats the last bite of his ice cream cone, Wei Ying looks at him and cocks his head.
“So, what are you going to do, now you have handed in your paper? Immediately start on the next one?”
“No more papers.”
“Oh, good for you!” Wei Ying bumps his shoulder into Lan Wangji’s arm and smiles. Lan Wangji thinks he sees a hint of sadness? Melancholy? “I suppose that means no more library time for you! Freedom!”
“Ah, good for you. Mhm, it was nice seeing you so often, but nobody wants to sit in those stuffy rooms during summer, right?”
Cold panic curses through Lan Wangji. Did he hear that right? Does Wei Ying think they have no reason to meet now?
Wei Ying is oblivious to this and quickly continues. “You must be so relieved to get a reprieve from my shenanigans, haha! No more shameless porn in the library!”
Lan Wangji had simply assumed they’d spend even more time together now, as much as possible, preferably all of his time. But of course Wei Ying has his own life, his own plans. He doesn’t think Wei Ying means that he doesn’t want to see him anymore, but it’s hard to think calmly about this when his heart is beating so painfully in his chest.
“Wei Ying. Do you still have things to do in the library?”
“Me? Haha, of course not! I only ever went there to… well… Uhm, I’m done with all my random reading.”
Only ever went there to… meet Lan Wangji? The cold that had gripped him before, slowly begins to thaw.
“Are you busy with other things?”
“Eh, I have this one project to finish before next term, but it’s boring and I can do that in one night. A-Ning might need help with a thing or two, but other than that… nope!”
“Then why…” Lan Wangji turns so he can look into Wei Ying’s eyes. “We can still see each other often then. Every day, if Wei Ying wants to.”
Wei Ying stares at him, wordlessly and stunned. It’s not quite his ‘Lan Zhan, did you just flirt?’ expression, it’s something more vulnerable. As if he’d never thought Lan Wangji would say something like that.
“Oh,” he finally whispers. Then he clears his throat and smiles, no edges this time, only relief. “Of course I want to. But you don’t have to! I’m sure you have a lot of things you want to do, now you have all this free time! Meet people, visit places, hug your bunnies, play your guqin or -”
Lan Wangji puts his hand over Wei Ying’s hand, because in the past it seemed to have helped him get his point across. “I want to spend my time with you. A-Yuan, too.”
Wei Ying stares again, opens his mouth and closes it again, before any words come out. Then he lowers his head, looks down at Lan Wangji’s hand on his hand and stays like that, silent, for a long time.
Lan Wangji tries really hard to be patient, to let Wei Ying work through whatever he has to work through, but the more time passes, the harder it gets. He looks down at his watch and decides to give Wei Ying another thirty seconds. After that time has passed, he entwines their fingers like Wei Ying did on the playground and softly says: “Wei Ying.”
Wei Ying finally lifts his head again and even meets his eyes. His own eyes are slightly red, though no tears seem to have been spilled. And he’s smiling, free of edges.
“I’m sorry, Lan Zhan. You need to stop being so sweet to me, obviously I can’t handle it.”
“No.” If anything, this just proves he needs to be even sweeter.
“No?” Wei Ying looks taken aback for a second and then starts laughing, throwing his head back. “No, he says. Ah, Lan Zhan, you’re amazing.”
Wei Ying’s laughter eventually quiets down into a gentle smile and he leans against Lan Wangji’s arm and rests his head on his shoulder.
“Did you really say every day?”
“Ridiculous.” But Wei Ying sounds fond as he says this and Lan Wangji can finally relax.
Wei Ying lifts their intertwined hands and presses a kiss to the back of Lan Wangji’s hand. Maybe it’s not the type of kiss he’s been dreaming about, but this feels meaningful. And necessary, so he can keep kissing Wei Ying in many ways, for a long time.
Wei Ying Lan Zhan ❤ Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow? 6 pm?
Lan Wangji Yes, I’d love to. Thank you.
Wei Ying don’t thank me haha Wen Qing has to work so she won’t be there to supervise cooking
Lan Wangji I could come earlier and help.
Wei Ying nooooooo no no you’re invited Do you like scallion pancakes?
Lan Wangji I do.
Wei Ying Oh great! I can do those pretty reliably. See you tomorrow Lan Zhan Sweet dreams ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Lan Wangji ❤
Wednesday, Nineteenth Day with Wei Ying
Dinner is just as lively an affair as last time, maybe even more so without the calming influence of Wen Qing. The scallion pancakes taste delicious, despite being burnt in a few places. Wei Ying drowns the taste in chili oil again.
Lan Wangji had hoped he’d get to listen to another one of Wei Ying’s good night stories, but after Wei Ying casts the Dream Spell over A-Yuan, Wen Ning is the one to tuck him into bed and Wei Ying takes Lan Wangji’s hand and pulls him into his room.
Wei Ying looks determined, as though he brought Lan Wangji here with a purpose. Once they’re alone, standing in the middle of his room, still holding hands, he looks intently at Lan Wangji, opens his mouth to say something and… falters. He averts his eyes and instead turns his gaze towards his desk. The flowers are still there, though they look decidedly less… alive.
“Ahaha, sorry. I didn’t want to throw them away, but they do look really sad now, don’t they?”
“I can bring you new ones. If you’d like.”
“I did like looking at them, but it’s such a waste to bring me flowers! Or any plants, for that matter. They’ll just die tragically.”
Lan Wangji makes a noncommittal noise, thinking he can simply take care of Wei Ying’s plants and flowers for him. Since they’ll be seeing each other often.
Since Wei Ying is still holding his hand, Lan Wangji tugs on his hand and waits for Wei Ying to look at him again.
“Ah, how rude of me! Please sit down, Lan Zhan!”
Nervous energy seems to have replaced all of Wei Ying’s determination; he lets go of Lan Wangji’s hand and gently pushes him towards the bed. They sit down next to each other, and Lan Wangji decides he will quietly wait for Wei Ying to calm down and tell him whatever it is he wants to tell him.
For a while, they sit in silence. Well, mostly. Wei Ying isn’t talking but he’s restless - always bouncing his leg or drumming his fingers against the blanket, looking everywhere but at Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji isn’t someone who is troubled by silences, awkward or otherwise, but it’s hard to not be affected by Wei Ying’s nervous energy. Especially when he doesn’t know why Wei Ying is nervous. It feels different than yesterday, but again, Lan Wangji isn’t quite sure why he thinks it’s different. It’s just a feeling, after all.
“Dinner was nice.” Lan Wangji eventually breaks the silence with a pitiful - in his opinion - attempt at small talk.
“I’m glad! Good! Who doesn’t love pancakes, haha!” Wei Ying’s leg bouncing intensifies. “A-Ning is a good cook.”
“Mn. Wei Ying too.”
“Ha. Haha, thanks.” Now both legs are bouncing.
“Wei Ying.”
“Lan Zhan!”
Lan Wangji clears his throat and frowns when Wei Ying finally looks at him.
“It’s nothing, nothing. Don’t worry!”
Lan Wangji simply raises one eyebrow.
“Ah, Lan Zhan, don’t look at me like that! Just give me a minute or ten, okay!” He rests his hand on top of Lan Wangji’s thigh, but takes it away again, before Lan Wangji can hold it. Then he stands up. “I’m going to grab a drink. Do you want some, too? Ah no, you said you don’t drink. Ha, sorry. I’ll be right back! Okay!”
Wei Ying practically flees the room and when the door closes behind him, Lan Wangji sighs deeply. He’s a bit at a loss and he’s also getting frustrated. What is it Wei Ying needs from him?
Lan Wangji waits for several minutes. When he notices he’s bouncing his leg, he gets up and goes looking for Wei Ying. He finds him in the kitchen, staring down at a shot glass filled to the brim with tequila (according to the open bottle on the counter). Is this his first glass, or has he been drinking the entire time?
“Wei Ying?”
Wei Ying flinches, so deep in thoughts he didn’t hear Lan Wangji approach.
“Oh, Lan Zhan! Sorry, I’m coming!”
Wei Ying takes the bottle and the glass and sits down at the dining table. Lan Wangji doubts he has a Lan-like rule of “no food or drinks in your room”, so did he sit down here to escape the intimacy of his bedroom? Lan Wangji watches with ever-growing frustration as Wei Ying throws back the shot, grimaces and then sends a weak smile Lan Wangji’s way.
“Wei Ying. What is going on?”
“Oh, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan. You’re really not making it easy for me you know? You look so handsome today.” Wei Ying points at him, as if accusing him of a minor crime. “That’s very rude, sidetracking me like that!”
“... I’m sorry?” Lan Wangji is wearing his favourite silk-blend shirt today and has most of his hair down, instead of tying it all back. Is this truly what has unsettled Wei Ying? It doesn’t seem likely.
Wei Ying laughs, almost a hysterical edge to it. “You’re also too cute! I’m suffering over here, you know?”
He fills his glass again and empties it just as quickly.
Lan Wangji isn’t quite sure how to react. Is Wei Ying deflecting with flirting again, or is he telling the truth in a way that doesn’t make sense to Lan Wangji?
Wei Ying fills his glass again and Lan Wangji suddenly has the pressing urge to slap it out of his hand. Instead, he grabs the glass and empties it himself. It tastes… abysmal.
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying almost knocks over the bottle on the table, so shocked is he by Lan Wangji’s display of bad decision-making. Because that’s what it is. ‘Lans don’t indulge in alcohol’ exists for a good reason, as most Lans have a very, very low alcohol tolerance. But it’s not indulging if he hates every drop of it, is it?
Lan Wangji grabs the bottle, and fills the glass once more.
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puppies & questions - a klance oneshot
klance buzzfeed puppy interview AU :)
So a @lancemcclain wrote this AU and I just kinda took it and ran so thanks for the cute idea and enjoy! 
Keith usually didn’t do filming stuff. He was used to sitting at his desk and editing all day. Meeting with different video groups. Editing some more per their wishes and requests. But Shiro asked him for some help with filming a puppy interview, and even though Keith never really liked it when Shiro asked him favors because there was usually a ‘but’ or a ‘and also’ attached to it later-he wasn’t immune to the charm and adorableness of puppies. 
So Keith sat behind the camera on a very comfy stool while Shiro chatted with the human shelter volunteers. A playpen had been set up in the corner, the pee pad all crumpled from the puppies frolicking throughout the pen, trying to say hi to everyone walking by. 
“So who’s coming in today?” 
Shiro had walked over, now holding a coffee and a bagel from Adam who stopped by during his lunch break at the nearby university. 
“Oh, It’s Lance McClain.” He said nonchalantly as if he was not one of the most popular celebrities at the current moment. As if he wasn’t seriously attractive. As if Keith didn’t have a mild crush on said celebrity. 
“Oh, okay.” Was all he could manage, as he turned back to the camera and began to fiddle with the settings, only to have Shiro fix it right after him with a quiet huff. 
A few minutes later the door opened and a tall woman with her hair drawn back in a large white ponytail glided in, followed by a casual looking Lance McClain. Keith swallowed, and stood up, then sat back down because was he supposed to say hi? Or just sit there? 
Shiro walked up and gave him a handshake, Lance McClain smiling back with an impossibly bright smile with impossibly straight teeth. They exchanged words but Keith was too busy staring at the way his bomber jacket stretched across his shoulder. But then Shiro was walking towards him gesturing and talking and then Keith was looking Lance McClain in the eye probably looking like a doe-eyed idiot. 
“Hi, I’m Lance,” He said, extending a hand which Keith took. It was strange hearing him say his own name. Like they could have been meeting at a coffee shop. 
Keith’s vision came out of tunnel mode when he heard Shiro. 
“-eah so Keith is gonna be doing most of the interview stuff, and I’m just here to make sure no one dies.” 
“What?” Keith looked at Shiro, who gave him a grin. A grin that said “have fun with this really attractive celebrity play with puppies while you get to sit there and watch.” 
Lance laughed at Shiro’s comment. “I am very ready to cuddle every puppy in this place so let’s bring it on.” He flashed that perfect smile again, and Keith noticed a dimple form in the left corner of his lips. 
Keith resituated himself behind the camera and turned on the camera. “Um, you can just sit on the green ex on the ground.” Keith pointed, and Lance smiled at him, lingering, before going to sit. The volunteers brought over the puppies and Lance’s grin grew as they attacked him in a playful herd. 
One immediately went for the jar of questions and began to eat the small slips of paper. 
“Oh geez,” Lance giggled, pulling the puppy away, and Keith swore his heart imploded from the sound of Lance giggling. 
“Okay-” Keith cleared his throat, as a very fluffy puppy settled itself in Lance's criss-crossed legs and fell asleep. “So um, just choose questions from the jar- oh gosh-” 
The same culprit had found his way back to the jar and was batting it around. 
Lance laughed again, scooping up the puppy in his arms. “Maybe this will work better if you ask the questions. I think I’d like that better. Interviewing myself is kinda weird anyway.” 
Keith blinked at him, before getting up and crouching to grab the jar, which was slightly wet from slobber. “Uh, yeah, that works. Yeah.” 
“Sweet.” Lance smiled at his quick before his attention was taken by two puppies starting up a tussle on his legs. 
“Okay, so the first question-”
“Wait, I- Sorry, I can’t see you behind that huge camera.” Lance chuckled, peering to the side, the two fighting puppies now hoisted under his armpits. 
He wanted to see Keith? As in look at him? Oh god he just realized that he was literally wearing joggers and a t-shirt from his dirty laundry bin. Okay, no time to panic now just do the damn interview and this will all be finished soon. So Keith scooted the stool to the side, the jar of questions sitting in his lap, and his shoulders hunched. 
“Much better.” Lance nodded in approval, a smirk threatening to appear. 
Keith nodded back, trying to not look Lance in the eye because wow they were really nice and blue. “Okay, first question. If you could go back in time and play any role in any movie, who would you play.” 
Lance gave one of the puppies a quick kiss on the head before answering. “Okay, this is easy- definitely Jack from Titanic.”
Keith hated that he smiled. “Okay, next-who has been one of your favorite costars to work with?”
Lance pondered for a moment, drumming his fingers on one of the puppies’ back, while another knawed on his wrist. “Probably Gina Rodriguez- she is just super fun and lighthearted and we have the same like, goofy sense of humor which was super cool.” 
Keith nodded, listening intently because here he was, just chatting with Lance McClain. 
“So you’ve been in a mix of lighthearted and serious films- which genre do you prefer to act in?”
Lance looked at Keith as he asked him the question, before scooping up a runaway pup, and holding her close. “Um, well the comedies I’ve been in are always super fun and I think that’s the most like, enjoyable? But I also like the chance to kind of switch roles and play some more serious parts- and it’s the serious movies that get to tell deeper and more personal stories, which I really like as well. So both.” He smiled like he had broken the rules and Keith found in unfairly cute. “Are you a comedy movie kinda person?”
Keith almost missed the question that was fired back at him because- well this wasn’t how it was supposed to go, right? He figured it wouldn't hurt to answer it real quick though. He didn’t want to be rude or anything. 
“Um, not really? I mean I like some comedy shows but not really movies.” 
“Nice,” Lance nodded, holding a puppy up to his face and letting it lick his nose. 
Keith continued with the questions, and almost every time, Lance would ask him one in return. And it wasn’t like- it wasn’t like he was just doing it to maintain some kind of image. He seemed genuinely interested, which is what threw Keith off the most. 
“Ghosts are not real,” Keith scoffed. The jar of questions had been finished and they had just been going back and forth for the past ten minutes asking each other things. Their conversation flowed easily and Keith felt like he could talk to Lance for hours without getting tired. 
“Um, ghosts are too real and I’ve seen one.” Lance puffed his chest out, holding a puppy protectively like Keith had offended the dog as well. 
“You’ve seen a ghost?”
“Yes! At my grandmother's house. Her house is like a million years olf so it had like a hundred ghosts in it.” 
Keith snickered at his exaggerations and covered his mouth when a tiny snort escaped. “Oh my god.” He breathed. 
Lance laughed loudly, his body tipping from front to back with laughter. “You-you have a cute laugh.” He said as his giggles calmed down. 
Keith shook his head, feeling his cheeks get warm. “Anyone who snorts does not have a cute laugh.” But all Keith could hear in his head was cute cute cute cute cute he called me cute. 
“Well I like your laugh,” Lance said quietly, looking at Keith through his lashes like some kind of- well some kind heartthrob movie star. 
The sound of clicking heels interrupted the moment as Lance’s manager walked over with Shiro. 
“Alright Lance, we’ve got to head out soon if we’re gonna make it to your next interview.” 
Lance pouted, his lip jutting out as he gave each of the puppies a kiss and a hug before letting the volunteers take them away. 
Keith turned off the camera, glaring at Shiro's shit-eating grin as he took over packing up the camera gear. Lance stood up and straightened out his clothes and walked up to Keith who was lingering near the set. 
“Thanks for the interview, it was really fun.” Lance smiled warmly, stepping close to Keith. He could smell his cologne, fresh and beachy. 
“Yeah, it was - it was nice.” Keith smiled, shoving his hands in his pocket. 
���Um, I was wondering- well I don’t know um-” 
Lance fidgeted with his hands, and Keith smiled at the nervous boy in front of him. 
“Yeah?” Keith urged him on. 
“Um, well I wanted to exchange numbers and see if we could hang out. Sometime. Whenever.”
Keith let out a breath, and he was pretty sure Lance could hear it, but he didn’t care as he slipped his phone from his pocket- unlocking it and handing it to Lance. 
“I like your lockscreen,” Lance said as he handed Keith his phone back. “I like space too.”
“Yeah, yeah it’s cool.” Keith bit his lip, peeking down at his galaxy background, still having a hard time believing that Lance had just put his phone number in his phone. 
“So, text me and we’ll grab coffee or lunch or something.” Lance looked at him with those bright eyes and that bright smile and Keith, for a moment was convinced that this wasn’t a real thing. But then Lance was coming in a for a hug and Keith leaned in with a little more force then he meant. But Lance delivered with a similar enthusiasm and his hands spanned across his back, and Keith got an even better whiff of whatever kind of scent Lance was wearing and it was so clean and calming Keith felt like he could fall asleep right here. 
When they pulled away, Lance’s cheeks were pink and Keith was pretty sure his were as well. 
“I’ll text you,” Keith said. 
Lance's face broke open into a grin. “Okay. Okay cool.” 
Keith clutched his phone to his chest and let out a sigh, just to make sure he was still breathing. 
Lance texted like a maniac and Keith kinda loved it. 
I just saw the ugliest bigfoot statue 
It kinda looked like you 
Just kiddingggg
But you would have loved it 
Keith snickered as his Mac pinged with every text.
 Lance i’m trying to work here 
I know which is why I’m giving you a much deserved break 
But if i’m bothering you i can scooch outta here 
You’re fine Lance 
Thank you for the entertainment 
Okay sweet :))))))
They got coffee at a place tucked away in the city, and only two people came up to ask for a picture. They talked for three hours, both ordering seconds, and then thirds of their respective drinks. Lance, a medium latte with vanilla and cinnamon. Keith, a London Fog. With every new topic they discussed, every giggle Lance let out, Keith liked him even more. He saw how human and how real and raw Lance was. He made Keith feel comfortable and welcome and valued. He would listen and respond with intent and it made Keith feel things that he wasn’t sure what they were. 
At the end of their coffee date- “Can I call it a date?” Lance had asked and Keith had said yes- they walked out of the building and Lance whisked Keith into a nearby alcove to kiss him gently. It was so soft and delicate that Keith was pretty sure he was gonna melt on the spot and disappear into the drain. But he let himself indulge and wrapped his arms around Lance’s back, while long brown fingers cradled his jaw. 
When they pulled away Keith was breathing heavy, despite the lack of tongue. Oh god, did he want to know what that felt like. 
“I’ll text you.” Lance said, pressing a last quick kiss to Keith’s cheek before getting into the black SUV across the street. 
Five seconds later his phone buzzed. 
U are very cute and i wanna kiss you a lot now so when can i see you next ?
Keith rolled his eyes and bit his rising grin as he opened up his calendar app. 
            the end :) 
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