#then of course they have to go glasses shopping and get ed the cutest glasses they can find
lumiilys · 5 months
You guys!!! I know we love Stede’s little reading glasses but have we ever considered Ed with reading glasses????
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Steddie Flower Shop / Tattoo Parlor AU
And that’s a wrap! I hope y’all enjoy this last installment! 
Part One I Part Two I Part Three I Part Four I Part Five I Part Six I Part Seven I Part Eight I Part Nine I Also on AO3!
Eddie was nervous. It didn’t help that his shop was closed and he had nothing to occupy him other than thinking about Steve coming over that night. Most years it was a welcome rest to shut down for the day after the hectic Valentine’s Day season but today he was pacing the apartment convinced he’d forgotten something. He’d pretty much spent all day freaking himself out about his first date with Steve. 
Eddie had decided he was going to cook for Steve. Mrs. De Lucas had taught Eddie some of her secret family recipes and he’d decided to pull out all the stops and make homemade pasta and tiramisu for dessert. He was just putting the finishing touches on the sauce when he heard a soft knock at the door.
“Steve! Welcome to my humble abode,” Eddie said as he held the door open for Steve.
“Thanks, Eddie.” Steve said as he walked in. Steve was holding a little ceramic pot. He must have noticed Eddie glancing down at it so Steve added, “Oh, I was going to bring you flowers but I felt like as a florist you’d probably be sick of them so this is aloe vera? I figured if you cook a lot you might also have to deal with cooking-related burns and aloe vera is really good for soothing them.” 
“Aw, babe. That’s so thoughtful!” Eddie praised. Steve flushed bright red and Eddie thought it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. “Can I get you a glass of wine?”
“Sure, thanks, Eds.”
“Of course! Cheers to our first official date, Steve,” Eddie said as they clinked glasses.
“I dunno, I think spending eight hours together in a van probably counts.”
“I was working, it absolutely doesn’t count,” Eddie disagreed.
“We had romantic music, we ate food, you kissed me goodbye, sounds like a date to me, babe,” Steve argued.
“Absolutely not. You playing cheesy music and eating sandwiches over my workbench with Robin and Chrissy does not a date make,” Eddie laughed. “A homemade dinner, wine, dessert? This is a date, sweetheart.”
“I’m only letting you win because you feed me,” Steve answered.
“Using me for my kitchen. Shame on you, Harrington.”
“At least you’re going into this with open eyes, hun,” Steve said, “I have high expectations after that fucking grilled cheese.”
“Oh man, the pressure!” Eddie joked as he grabbed the pasta and garlic bread and herded Steve over to the small kitchen table.
“This smells so good, Eds.”
“A De Lucas’ family recipe. I hope you don’t mind Italian.”
Eddie and Steve ate and gossiped about Robin and Chrissy and some of the crazy bouquets they had delivered the day before. Eventually, Eddie grabbed the bottle of wine and led Steve over to his couch. They continued chatting and Steve moved to lean against Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie reached his arm around Steve and started rubbing small circles into Steve’s collarbone.
“Are you trying to seduce me, Munson?” Steve asked.
“It depends. Are you feeling seduce-able?” Eddie answered.
Steve looked up at Eddie with big brown eyes and nodded. Eddie leaned down and kissed Steve. It was even better than yesterday. Eddie suspected it might have something to do with the fact that they weren’t being interrupted by Robin and Chrissy whooping.
“Steve,” Eddie basically moaned and pulled at his sweater, “Can I take this off of you?”
“Yes,” Steve answered. Eddie would have been self conscious about how far gone he already was but Steve was right there with him.
“So pretty for me, baby,” Eddie said as he started to kiss down Steve’s torso. He positioned himself on the floor in between Steve’s legs and continued to kiss and tease and bite as he made his way to the waistband of Steve’s joggers.
“Oh, Eds.”
Eddie would have done just about anything to hear Steve make those sounds again. He started to run his hands over Steve’s hips, moving lower as Steve started to cant his hips off of the couch. As Eddie was about to ask if he could finish undressing Steve, he noticed something that was a little too dark to be a mole. It was sort of a weird shaped blobish thing on just above Steve’s hipbone.
“Stevie, you do have a tattoo!” Eddie exclaimed.
“Oh shit, Eddie,” Steve tried to pull Eddie back up but Eddie was persistent. He got very close but he still couldn’t figure out what on earth Steve’s tattoo was supposed to be. 
“Steve. Do you have a tattoo of a dick on your hip?” Eddie asked. Steve burst out laughing and grabbed the back of Eddie’s shirt to pull him back onto the couch.
“No, Eddie. God this is embarrassing.”
“You don’t have to tell me about it, if you don’t want to,” Eddie answered as Steve buried his head into Eddie’s neck.
“Oh gosh, no, it’s just so stupid. Robin and I decided to get a matching tattoo like ages ago when we were bored at one of our dead end summer jobs.”
“Why’d you land on a penis?”
“It’s not, shut up.” Steve whined.
“Are you sure?” Eddie looked back down trying to imagine what else it could possibly be.
“Just listen! Okay so the place we were working was across from some shitty tattoo parlor so we spent hours pouring over the internet for ideas. It’s also important that you know we had also learned how to do the handshake from the Parent Trap.”
“I cannot wait to see how that’s relevant.”
“You’re impossible,” Steve scoffed. “Anyways. We couldn’t come up with any decent ideas until Robin thinks we should each get half of something. She thought it would be so funny to get a tattoo that we could bump together when we did the hip portion of the handshake.”
“This is even better than I could have imagined. What on earth is it supposed to be half of?” Eddie asked.
“A butterfly?” Steve offered. He looked so nervous Eddie couldn’t stand it.
“Stevie,” Eddie laughed, “I promise I’m not laughing at you. It’s just so cute and also so unfortunate.”
“No, it’s truly awful,” Steve agreed. “It was so bad. We thought we were so cool and we didn’t even realize what it looked like until we left the tattoo shop. I could never bring myself to get rid of it but I also never got another tattoo. I was so worried it would come out accidentally raunchy again. Robin kept her’s too but she got a bunch of other small random tattoos in the same area so it’s not, like immediately, obvious.”
“I can’t believe I was worried you’d make fun of my tattoos. At least I never got an accidental dick friendship tattoo,” Eddie teased.
“You’re the worst,” Steve said. 
Steve ran his hands over Eddie’s tattoos and Eddie’s breath hitched a little whenever Steve’s fingers ghosted over a sensitive area.
“I’m just teasing, baby,” Eddie kissed the top of Steve’s head.
“What’s this one from?” Steve asked and pointed to a small coffin tattoo.
“That one, and these bats over my elbow were for my high school band, Corroded Coffin. We still play every once in a while but not as often as we did back then.”
“Do you have a favorite?”
“I dunno, they’re all pretty random honestly. I have a tiny delivery van I’m pretty fond of,” Eddie showed Steve the rendering of the De Lucas’ van on his left bicep. Steve dutifully pressed a kiss into his arm. “Oh, and this one was supposed to be a ravioli but it kind of just looks like a ruffle-ly square,” Eddie laughed as he found the little tattoo on his rib.
Eddie and Steve spent the rest of the evening laughing together about stupid tattoos and meaningful tattoos. Eddie looked down at Steve laying in his lap, recounting his least favorite tattoo he’s ever given and Eddie thanked his lucky stars that they found their way to each other. Eddie thought about Steve’s offer to tattoo him and knew one day he’d take him up on it but most of all he knew he was never letting Steve go.
Thanks so much for going on this journey with me! I hope y’all like the conclusion of this series. I’m going to take a break for a bit but I have plans for a hockey AU for Stanley Cup season once I recover, lol!
I’m on AO3 @ randomhank! 
Taglist: @a-little-unsteddie @maya-custodios-dionach @eboyawstenn @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sadcanadianwinter @thehumblefigtree @throwbackthrowaway @micheledawn1975 @blisschaoss @vecnuthy @grimmfitzz @spectrum-spectre @croatoan-like-its-hot @momotonescreaming @beckkthewreck @korixae @citrus-owl @baron-zemo-trash @sleepdeprivedflower @nuagedemots @lololol-1234 @books-and-current-obsessions @acrolius @mightbeasleep @vi-an-te @gregre369 @i-must-potato @vampireinthesun  @steveisabicon @child-of-cthulhu @whimsicalwitchm @aceflavouredyougurt @that-bi-gremlin99 @oxidantdreamboat @goodolefashionedloverboi @notaqueenakhaleesi @briceslayed @raisedbylibrarians @bejeweledbaby @avacrebs @magpiemuseum @majesticenbypancake  @r0semaryyy @nerdsconquerall @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @shiyshy2004 @zerokrox-blog @straight4joekeery
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Summary: Google meets Bim for the first time, and comes to realize that Dark is full of contradictions.
A/N: Google is my curious bean and I want good things to happen to him (looks at the angst I have planned and sweeps it under the rug) nothing but good things.
Also the files mentioned are the other’s kids that Dark is planning on “adopting” in the coming month which is when the Lost Ones story I wrote takes place.
~::~ 14 Years Ago ~::~
It had been a couple weeks after Dark had taken Bim to the office for the first time, he had brought him back again. In that week, rumors flew like mad. Most people were writing off the encounter, but others took and exaggerated it to an extreme degree.
Dark’s blue soul might have helped with some of the wilder ones. But he had to set up some insurance after Bim lost himself in a shopping mall.
So Dark was back in his main warehouse office with Bim, two of his most loyal enforcers, his lieutenants, and Google.
Google was staring at Bim, an expressionless mask over his face.
“I have many questions,” he finally said.
“I have even more,” Bargs agreed as Dark’s other lieutenant was walking forward.
Sierras pinched Bim’s cheeks, almost knocking the child frames almost tied to his face, “What a cute little thing.”
Bim was trying to push her away.
Bargs was just staring at the kid, looking uneasy, “Where’d he come from? Is he Wil’s?”
“That would be the most logical conclusion,” Google agreed.
“The official statement on the books is that Edgar procured him for me,” Dark warned, as the man in question walked in with a stack of six five files.
“Here yah go,” Ed sighed, handing Dark the files who began quickly flipping through them. Before sliding them through the Void, and acting like he’d never been given them in the first place.
Edgar realized Bim was standing there and gave the boy an uncomfortable look before nervously eyeing the door. “Am I released now?”
“Ed isn’t he just the cutest.” Sierras smiled as Bim finally pulled himself free and walked over to Dark.
The southern gave a look towards Dark, “Sure, yeah, yah’all need anythin’ else, or am I good?”
“You can go,” Dark dismissed. “Get to work.”
“Thank yah,” Ed rushed out of the room.
Google watched him go, observing every twitch he made, once the door closed the android dared to comment, “And the reason for this clearly false statement?”
Both Dark’s lieutenants looked nervous, staring at Google.
“I have a suspicion that he’ll look more and more like Wilford as he gets older,” Dark admitted. “I want to avoid people that Wil has slept with in the past trying to extort me.”
“So he is Wil’s?” Sierras asked in surprise, trying to look around Dark’s leg where Bim was glaring angrily at her.
Google knelt down, trying to get a good look at the boy, already taking in observations like the nice clothes and the glasses.
“Like everything else he does he acts before he thinks,” Dark explained. “Wil’s nickname for him is Junior, that will suffice.”
“That’s not my name,” Bim told Dark, clearly upset,
“We talked about this,” Dark scolded calmly.
“I wanna go back to Daddy,” Bim told Dark.
“In a minute, I have to talk with the and then we’ll go,” Dark’s voice was firm, noticing that Google was now staring at him.
“Well all I have to add is that if either of you spot him running loose, which should never happen,” Dark glared at Bim on that last part of his statement, “he should be brought back to me. If anyone asks you about rumors about him, you are to deny them, even if the statement is incorrect.”
All three of them agreed to his demands, and then Dark dismissed his lieutenants, keeping Google in the room with him and Bim.
“Just say it,” Dark ordered him.
“This . . .” Google went quiet for a second. “This contradicts your previous actions.”
Dark clasped his hands behind his back, internally cursing Google for being too useful, “How so?”
“You show regular disdain for others, even your captains and lieutenants who you allow to live despite their many constant failings, like breathing,” Google explained. “However inordinate care was given to Wil’s child. He has a pair of glasses showing you regularly take him to doctors and specialists, because I highly doubt Warfstache would show such foresight. I tally that with your own clothing style, this boy’s suit must cost a similarly proportional amount.”
Walking forward, Dark thought for a second about the best way to go about this, “I’m going to need you to agree to something, a simple NDA.”
“Why not just command me?” Google snarled, hating the idea of being silenced by any means.
Dark looked back at Bim, “We’d agreed not to speak of that in company.”
“And why would I want that?” Google asked.
Bim made a gasp, and pointed at Google, “Why do you have his face?”
“It’s not polite to point, Sunshine,” Dark corrected, using his aura to push his hand down.
“Sunshine?” Google repeated. “May I ask who his maternal donor was so I can mentally prepare for the court case? Or should I preemptively kill them beforehand?”
“Bim is a clone of Wilford and I,” Dark admitted.
Google froze and he pointedly stared at Bim, “A clone, I was not aware you were interested in that?”
“If I tell you anything else,” Dark warned. “You will agree that everything I tell you, from his real name to his status as a clone stays between the two of us. Any information that I divulge, you can also communicate that information with them, but not anything more than that.”
“Sounds reasonable,” Google admitted; so long as he was not denied the information, he didn’t care who else Dark excluded. Smiling, Google brought up a holographic screen with the exact terms Dark had brought up. That Google would stay quiet so long as Dark shared information with him.
Dark read through everything and they both agreed to it.
There was a quiet gasp and Bim walked over, trying to grab the screen. “So cool.”
The Entity frowned at Bim, but before Dark could nudge Bim away, Google brought up one of his screens and had some glowing circles on it. Google watched his pupils briefly dilated before he touched the screen. The circles looked like they were exploding into fireworks when Bim tapped them.
Bim began slamming his hands against the circles as they appeared, Google calculating his reflexes as he went.
“You were saying?” Google urged Dark, the android hadn’t taken his eyes off him.
“Now that we agree to the terms, and I demand you print out a copy of that immediately,” Dark ordered.
“Done,” Google was already sending the information to Dark’s personal printer. “So whose DNA was used to make him?”
“By the records I have both mine and Wil’s were used,” Dark admitted. “No, I do not know how that works. In time, when I can trust your silence, I will give you access to his medical record. Junior’s real name is included in our little arrangement. You will address him as the others do.”
“Okay,” Google agreed, before observing Bim a little more closely, he’d gotten bored with Google’s little test and was tapping all over the screen to get it to do something else. “Why use Warfstache’s DNA? Was it for creating a more powerful clone?”
“As if I would use anyone else’s DNA,” Dark scoffed. “Wil is one of the few individuals I can tolerate on a regular basis.”
“An aspect of your personal life I fail to understand,” Google admitted. “Warfstache is loud and invasive and an overall security risk. If those traits were learned by a child it stands to reason that it might be an annoyance rather than beneficial.”
Dark just about took Google’s head off for his barbed comment, and the android felt Dark’s aura tightly curling around his neck, a warning sensor silently went off.
“Unless those traits were purposely selected?” Google corrected, unsure how to word his way out of Dark’s anger. He didn’t understand Wilford. The first time he’d met him Google had shot him and was consequently shoved aside by Dark. Wilford was, by all records that Google could find, indestructible. He didn’t die. Warfstache walked into the warehouse on many occasions with singed hair, clothes riddled with bullet holes, cuts that would kill a lesser being, and drenched in blood. His own or another’s Google was unsure and uncaring
Perhaps the demon found such displays “attractive” but that was something Google understood even less. Dark was a violent individual, something Google found he could actually understand, but Google barely had the ability to understand human mating patterns as it was . . .
But if Bim was a product of this relationship, perhaps this was standard demonic reproduction. Just applied with modern technology.
Dark’s vast power with Warfstache’s indestructibility . . . in an easily controlled and easy to teach package.
“Of course,” Google realized, his thought train lasted mere seconds to the outside world. “Naturally it would be.”
Dark seemed more confused than angry, and his aura constricted a bit looser than before.
“Are Wilford’s powers linked to his personality, or is his personality a byproduct of those powers?” Google wondered out loud, his processors already going off.
Dark raised at eyebrows, hands lightly clasped behind his back as he tried to use his aura to keep Bim from physically touching Google. The little boy was trying to reach up to touch the glowing “G” on his chest, and Dark didn’t trust Google not to electrocute Bim on reflex.
Thankfully Google hadn’t noticed and wasn’t waiting for an answer, his brain was already spinning with the applications that a child with demon heritage could be used for, seeing Bim far less as a person, and instead seeing him as a weapon. A prototype stage of a weapon, but a weapon nonetheless.
He was roused out of that when Dark spoke up, “I think you’re overthinking about this too much. Wil is a particular indulgence of mine. He is a good outlet for relieving stress.”
“How many people know about this?” Google asked.
“Apart from you and me? Two other people.” Dark pushed Bim away from Google and the little boy huffed and glared up at Dark, stomping his feet a little bit. “You will keep your hands to yourself, or you’re not going to the station afterward.”
Bim looked more offended then threatened, silently gasping before closing his mouth and puffing out his cheeks, turning away from Dark.
Dark visibly rolled his eyes, looking down at Bim for a couple seconds, then he turned back to Google and looked as if the exchange had never happened, “Anyway, you understand the need for complete secrecy. I understand and expect the information will get out eventually, but hopefully not until he’s more physically self-sufficient.”
“Does his development usually require close supervision or do you just leave him with a caretaker of some kind?” Google looked over Bim, trying to see any other signals that someone else looked after the boy.
“What is Wil’s belongs to me.” Dark motioned to Bim, “And he is Wil’s, I am not entrusting him to anyone else.”
“That makes sense,” Google agreed, going completely, inhumanely still. “Less cross-contamination.”
“I don’t think we’re having the same conversation,” Dark admitted. “But so long as you keep quiet, I don’t care what type of conversation we’re having.”
“If I might ask, why tell me at all?” Google asked.
“Because I can bully and threaten the others not to ask questions, or just leave them to believe that Bim is purely Wil’s son,” Dark told Google. “You however, I can’t afford to leave you to just ask questions, particularly around other people who will also ask the right questions.”
Google was fairly certain that was just a compliment, the first he’d ever gotten from Dark.
Then Dark added, “Then there’s also the fact that when you fixate on a task, I benefit from the information you find. So there are more pros than cons to bringing you into confidence.”
Blinking a couple of times, Google found he couldn’t fault in that line of logic. Google had never come into contact with a human clone before.
Google knelt down to get a closer limp and when Bim grabbed his face he used every ounce of self control not to shove him away. He did pull Bim’s hands down, trying to be as feather-light so he didn’t stress a single bone.
The android had never had to be gentle, it was a strange expectation for him. Not only for other people to have of him, but for him to have that same expectation of himself. “Everyone in the network calls you an underground Kingpin, I suppose that would make him a prince.”
Bim was tapping on Google’s glowing icon, Google refusing to let him access his settings or anything.
“He certainly acts like one,” Dark admitted, a softer expression on his face as he looked at Bim. “Wil enjoys spoiling him, but he is an only child so there’s nowhere else to put that attention. Besides, Bim is more than deserving of attention.”
“And what are you?” Google asked out loud, wondering about Bim’s hormonal and physical state.
“I’m gonna be a big tv star, like my daddy,” Bim smiled, holding his arms out. “I’m gonna grow a mustache just like him.”
Google projected this would just lead to another Warfstache, and Dark was letting out a long, controlled exhale, muttering to himself with a tone of absolute contempt, “Another actor in the family.”
Bim looked over at Dark, hurt and confused, “Huh?”
“Nevermind, Bim,” Dark opened up a portal. “Let’s go find your father, come along.”
Bim ran through the portal at full speed, an excited smile on his face.
“Remember our little arrangement,” Dark warned Google.
“As long as you supply me information,” Google agreed. “I will.”
“Of course,” Dark gave him a little grin and disappeared into the portal after Bim, leaving the android alone.
Quietly and stiffly, Google stood up and strolled out of the room, more than a little gleeful at the secret knowledge he harbored.
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spicyyy-muffin · 5 years
Little bit of love
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Harry Styles x reader
Warnings: Talk of past abuse, or unloving parents and friends. 
Summary: You are a musician, harry’s a musician, and maybe you guys love eachother, but that’s figured out later on. 
A/n: I’m seriously considering turning this into a series because there’s so many different directions i can take it, so if you guys like it, please let me know, and ill give you whatever you want!  my masterlist ;)
you were a musician. you worked every day. put in every single thing you could. dreamed it even more. this is what you wanted. you didn’t want the fame. or the red carpets. you just wanted to wake up every day knowing that you put in everything you possibly could, and you never settled. 
You had met Ed Sheeran, and Adele on two separate occasions, which led you to meeting Tyler Johnson and Kid Harpoon. You didn’t ask anything of them, just light talk, some mediocre musician jokes, talking about Stevie Nicks, when Tyler had invited you to come to the studio. 
“y/n come play a few cords with us in our studio yeah?” 
He nudged ed who was on his right, in the middle on a swig of his strawberry tequila.  
“mmmm yeah! played with the guys for awhile, even now when im feelin a little under tha weather, i go in. serious fun, give it a whirl!” 
you sat amused at what ed was saying, “yes! yes of course, that would be so much fun!” 
and so you did. once a week turned into twice a week, three times a week, and then eventually you found yourself coming every day. Clare Uchima, who you had become ridiculously close with in the short amount of time, had suggest that you damn well might as well work for them. 
And in all hell you wanted nothing more, but it was more complicated than just signing a contract. everyone else had to be okay with it, harry being the main one who had to truly want you on the payroll. and maybe in reality it wasn’t that difficult to become apart of the team, but you had overthought it so much, that it seemed out of the question.
but never the less of course, thoughout the months that this process took place, you had gotten very close with the entire band, Harry included. but it seemed Clare and Tyler were the people you spent most of the time making music with, and the people who teased you on the harry matter every chance they could. 
today clare and you had just got done with dissecting six different tiny little thrift shops in the tiny London town, discussing the aspects of how your life was going to chance in a couple weeks when they wanted to move locations back to LA to record a few songs. 
“I don’t clare, i just feel like, you know Harry, and Tyler, and Kid, and all of you guys have so many people already on production, and recording, and making, lighting. you could literally go to war, but i don’t want you all to feel obligating to signing me onto the pay roll just because i come bring you blueberry muffins every saturday morning.” 
You were shifting through the variety of clothes in the bin, not paying attention to the girl who stopped her scavenging and was now toe to toe with you. 
“y/n you are not a means of dead end. sure your blueberry muffins are absolutely to die for-” 
she nudged your shoulder. 
“but we all love you so much, even harry!” 
you laughed rolling your eyes, she never failed to bring up yours and harry’s ever lasting romance, which was not there...
“seriously! last saturday morning when we were messing around with the new guitar stevie bought harry, when you were brought up into the conversation, and i swear harry was like a little boy, whining about how i steal you too much and he wishes he could get more time with you!” 
“Yes, silly!” 
“god why do you keep stealing me when i can be spending time with harry.” you teased. 
“god when you two are finally together, im gonna make you a fucking cake that says ‘i told you so’ on it”
Walking up the little sidewalk path, and into the studio, clare still teasing you, and you just turning red at her comments. 
She stopped at the foggy glass door, when she paused, patting her pockets, cursing to herself. 
“god im so sorry y/n can you run back out to the car, i think i left my fucking phone in the console.” She looked at you with pure sorrow. 
“yeah! of course no problem, i’ll go grab it and meet you back.” she handed you her keys, and you handing her the tiny gift bags that you had bought for the rest of them, turning your heel, and making your way back into the car. 
It felt like you were outside digging in the damn car for an hour, when you finally found her found, logged underneath the drivers seat, classic clare. 
You were pushing into the room once more, eyes locked on her keys and her phone which you were currently holding. 
“damn clare you-” 
everyone was sitting there. balloons filled the room, a cake on the desk, followed by the cutest people you come to know in the past few months. 
harry, kid, tyler, mitch, clare, sarah, and adam. sitting in the little office room staring at you with smiles stretched upon their faces.
your face was undoubtably scorched, and sarah running into you pulling you into a big hug was no help. 
“su-suprise? but i haven’t done anything special?” you questioned. 
“so your song from ‘Green Book’ having a grammy nomination isn’t special?” Mitch looked up at you with curiosity.
“H-how d-you even know about that holy hell.” 
Tyler went into detail about how Clare had spoken to him about how excited you were when you first found out, telling her you didn’t want to rain on harry’s or anyone else’s parade for that matter by telling the rest of them. but eventually when nominations came out, last night, they all immediately found out anyway.
within this time however you failed to notice harry making his way from behind the desk, walking over to you. 
until an arm wrapped around your waist, “congratulations love, thas incredible.” being murmured into your ear, his breath hitting your neck. 
you pulled away, meeting the green eyed mischievous man in front of you, not saying anything, but just pulling him into a hug. 
but you quickly pulled away in panic, trying but failing at meeting everyone’s eyes. 
“I really, realllly did not want to make a big deal out of this.” you looked at harry, “i know your album is in the making, and you are all going to california very soon, and-” 
harry pulled you back into his chest, “woulda stop worryin your little head for 5 minutes hm? we are equals yeah? we should all support, and push the people we love to do the things they love, and I know for a fact, you woulda made me blueberry muffins, hell even go so far as the last dollar in your bank account to support me. so why wouldn’t we do the same for you?” 
you wanted to cry. absolutely bawl. you had never felt this kind of support in your entire life. growing up, fucking sucked. you seeked validation from your parents, but it always fell through. you supported your friends, but they never showed you the same. so finally feeling supported was so emotional, you couldn’t put it into words. 
but when you covered your mouth, a few tears escaping the closed lids of your eyes. the music was immediately turned off, and the room fell silent. 
harry ushered you into his arms, “was it something i said? whats wrong angel?” 
you kinda just stood there in the awkwardness, choking back a few sobs, feeling harry lifting his head looking around the room for answers, but not getting anything. 
his hands grabbed your cheeks, where your face was pressed against his chest, but you closed your eyes. they were such good people, they didn’t need to see you like this. 
“come on dove, open those pretty little eyes for me please?” 
“im sorry, im sorry- i- you guys im so sorry, i jus-” 
“hey heyy, its okay, your okay, no need to be sorry, you haven’t got anything to be sorry moppet!” he laughed, which caused a little chuckle and a smile to be raised on your face. 
“i just, have never felt this loved before, so thank you guys, you have no idea how much this means to me.” 
Clare knew about your past, she knew how mistreated you were from the events your father put you through. and so that’s why she sort of weaseled her way between you and harry to grab you and pull you into your arms. 
under her breath, into your ear making sure no one could hear, “its okay babe, that wasn’t love, but it’s over now yeah? you got us now right?” you smiled, pulling away wiping tears off your puffy cheeks. Tyler was also the only one who knew, and by the time you looked he was already by your side giving you a hug. 
Clare knew you didn’t like it when others knew about your past, it just wasn’t you were. you weren’t that girl anymore, yesterday didn’t define you. 
But do to him standing too close, harry still pick up on the words. not batting an eye, or looking for answers, just stilling, knowing that if you wanted to tell him you could. 
mitch clapped his hands. “okay! lets get back to the celebrating yeah? I think our little nominee needs to open her gift.” 
you were pushed into one of the chairs at the table, everyone else slowing filling in. 
Harry was on your right, Tyler on your left, and Clare right in front of you. 
“you guys seriously did not need to get me anything, all i want is to be around you is all” you laughed. 
“oh we know, but I think this might be your favorite gift.” Clare pressed. 
“You are my favorite gift, so no, it won’t be” you smiled. 
when suddenly an arm reached over your shoulder dropping a single, but large envelope on the wooden table. 
you looked over at harry questioning. 
“guess your gonna have to open it up and see for yourself.” 
all eyes were on you now. 
you grabbed it, slowing unsealing, “you all are gonna be the death of me.” 
you looked inside, there was a bundle of papers, so you pulled them out spreading them across the table. they were contracts, 
You here by allow the personnel, y/n y/l/n, to play, wright, perform, with the cooperation ‘Harry Styles’ 
you skipped past all of words, but nonetheless harry’s signature was at the bottom. 
the rest of the papers, were the members and the producers signatures as well. 
and then an finally an empty contract lay in front of you, asking for your acceptance. 
you looked at tyler “is this real” 
you looked at harry “you’re not” 
“as real as the hair on me bum” you stood up your chair falling to the ground, you engulfed harry in the biggest hug you could muster up. 
“i owe you so much” 
“you owe me nothing pet, we’d be so happy for you to be apart of who we are, you are already are love, you just haven’t signed a contract. we’ve all known for a while that it was just a matter of time before you were helpin me out on stage yeah? 
there was nothing you wanted more. than to be with them. and so you signed, it was followed by everyone going out to dinner for the real celebration, and then Adam’s favorite pub. 
You would never mention how you loved the fact that Harry’s hand seemed to find yours as the night unfolded, every chance he got he took. 
And maybe, just maybe, when he walked you to the little home you were renting for the time being, you might have loved the fact that he gave you one last hug, placing his hands on the underside of your jaw, pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
yeah, you could most definitely get used to this life. 
my masterlist ;)- im open for requests too!
a/n: if you liked it please please let me know, i kinda wanna turn this into a series, or at least make a few chapters. other than that thank you for reading lovely<3
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rockbelric · 6 years
Birthday Misses
Happy 503 Day!! Edwin Week Day 3: Choose your own prompt!!
Summary: It’s her birthday and she was going to enjoy it with the people she loves, even if Edward was missing. Happy 503 day!!
Rated: K+ 
Enjoy!! Let me know what you think!!
Mr. Garfiel is able to convince Winry to help close up shop a little early today. After all, it is her birthday and he wants to take her out to dinner to celebrate. Unfortunately, all her friends and family were spread out across the country (and world) so it would probably just be her, Garfiel, and Paninya. Not that she was complaining! She had gotten many birthday calls, letters, and presents from loved ones. She’s a popular girl after all.
But to be honest Winry is a bit bummed that she still hasn’t received any recent letters, phone calls, or diddly squat from a certain someone. Someone who promised her half of his life the last time she saw him but was so dense she sometimes had to wonder. Like today. Edward hadn’t reached out to her all day, and it was almost evening. She knows he’s all the way in Aerugo, in a completely different time zone, but she had hoped he would’ve at least thought of her on today of all days! Even Al, who’s in Xing, called her and wished her a happy birthday! What is she going to do with this idiot?
“Alright Sweetie, let’s get upstairs and clean up. We have a dinner reservation to get to!” Garfiel rests a hand to his cheek as he laments, “I do hope Paninya has something appropriate for the occasion.”
“Mhm.” Is all Winry says, a little downhearted. How could he do this to her? All she wanted was a little recognition that he’s thinking of her? Is that too much to ask?
Trudging upstairs to the tiny apartment she sublets from her boss, Winry pulls her bandana off and sighs. She’s not gonna let one tiny little thing ruin her day dammit! So what if she hasn’t heard from Ed today! He sends her plenty of letters and photos and he calls when he gets a chance to, he may not be consistent, but at least he tries.
Opening her front door, Winry immediately notices that someone is already in her apartment. Instead of running downstairs and getting Mr. Garfiel Winry grabs her wrench and calls out. “Hello?”
She hears footsteps approaching and suddenly Alphonse is walking out of her kitchen, wearing a three-piece suit and a huge smile on his face. It takes a couple seconds for her to process what she’s seeing before she screams and runs to him.
“Al!” Grinning so hard her cheeks hurt Winry jumps into his arms. He beams back and gives her a giant hug.
“Hey Winry!” Al laughs, pulling her back so he can look at her properly. “Happy Birthday! Sorry if I scared you, it was supposed to be a surprise.”
“How did you get here? I thought you were in Xing?” She exclaims.
“Well when I called you this morning I was actually having breakfast at Granny’s in Resembool. I got on the afternoon train to Rush Valley, and now here I am.”
“So, why’d you come all the way over here?” Her eyebrows knit in confusion.
“For your birthday, silly! I came to visit you!”
“Aw, you didn’t have to come all the way over here just for little, old me! I’m not that important.” She slaps his arm playfully.
His angry face is comical to say the least. “What are you talking about? You’re my best friend! Of course, you’re important!” He huffs.
She blushes and thanks him, hugging him again because, gosh, she missed him. Xing has done wonders on Al, he looks leaner and sharper. “God, look at you Al! You look like a man!”
“Hey! What did I look like before?”
“Like a little baby boy. My how you’ve grown up!” She presses her hands to her cheeks, closing her eyes.
“Look who’s talking, you’re the one turning a year older today, not me!”
“Are you calling me an old lady?” Winry glares at him.
Quick as a whip, Al teases back, “No, I’d say you’re more midlife than old
“I’ll remember that for your next birthday, Alphonse.”
“Oh! Before I forget, I brought presents!” He walks over to his duffel bag and fishes around. He pulls out a couple packages wrapped in white paper out, handing them to her with a wink.
“For you.”
“Ooh!” Clapping her hands, Winry’s tears into them, eager to see her gifts. “Oh, Al it’s beautiful! I love it!” She pulls out a long, blue silk dress with a golden dragon embroidered down the side.
“You’re welcome, I picked it out myself. I thought the colors would look beautiful on you. Plus, I thought Brother would appreciate the dragon.” He snickers. She giggles at the mention of Edward. Oh right, she almost forgot all about her predicament with him.
“Have you heard from Ed lately?” Winry tries not to seem too eager.
Glancing at the clock on the wall, Alphonse casually answers, “Yeah, a couple days ago actually.” Her eyes show the slightest bit of strain behind them, “Why, you haven’t spoken to him today?”
Wiping her sweating hands on her coveralls, Winry shrugs, “No, I figured that he was busy, or traveling today.” Al’s mouth hangs open in surprise. “l guess he forgot.”
“That idiot,” Alphonse looks up as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Glancing at his watch he lets out a long exhale, “You should probably get ready, we have a dinner reservation to get to.” and gently pushes her towards the bathroom.
He shuts the door before she can get another word in. Fighting the urge to go back outside ask Al more questions about his brother, Winry reaches into the shower and turns the knob all the way to hot. She cleans up and puts on her cutest little summer dress. It’s her birthday and she was going to enjoy it with the people she loves, even if Edward was missing. Suddenly a horrible thought comes to her.
Stepping out of her bedroom she finds Alphonse and pounces on him, “What if something’s wrong Ed? Maybe that’s why I haven’t heard from him today. He could be hurt or in trouble and there’s no way for us to know!”
“Huh? I’m sure he’s fine, this is Edward we’re talking about, he’s just an idiot.” He calms her down, “Don’t worry, we’ll probably hear from him soon, just give it some time.”
“How do you know? Are you hiding something, Alphonse?” She puts her hands on her hips, glaring at him with suspicion.
“Wha- no, of course not!” Flustered, he checks his watch and then grabs his dinner jacket, “Come on! We’re going to be late!” Stopping to help her into her own jacket, they close up her apartment.
They meet downstairs with Garfiel and have to wait an extra few minutes for Paninya. She complains about the outfit Garfiel made her wear, and he bats her hand when she tries pulling at the blazer. “But I hate sleeves!”
Ignoring her whining, Garfiel looks Al and Winry up and down, “Well, aren’t we a sharply dressed group of people?” He smiles at them and leads the way.
The restaurant is busy and bustling, but they sat quickly thanks to their reservation. Paninya and Winry gape at the menu prices but Garfiel assures them it’s his treat. He immediately asks for a bottle of wine and it doesn’t take long for the group to loosen up. By the time they’re finished eating, they’re all groaning in their seats, their stomachs completely full.
“Mmm, that paella was heavenly.” Al wipes his mouth with his napkin and waves down the waiter, “Can we have more wine, please?”
“Oh, Alphonse, are you trying to get me drunk?” Garfiel bats his eyes while Winry and Paninya laugh at Al’s horrified reaction.
“Mhm, I’m starting to feel it too,” Winry sits back and swirls the wine in her glass before taking a sip.
“Oh, Winry, before I forget, Ridel and Satella were asking if you wanted to come to dinner at their house tomorrow, you too Al!” Paninya finishes off her glass.
“Sure! I’ve been meaning to visit them and if Al wants to come too?” Winry looks at him for approval.
“Yeah, I can’t wait to see the baby! I haven’t seen him since he was born!”
“Perfect! I’ll let them know-” She’s cut off by the waiter setting a large pastry down on the table and that’s the queue for the entire group to burst into a birthday song for Winry. Clapping along, the birthday girl looks around the table at her friends and her heart is filled with so much joy and happiness. Closing her eyes, Winry wishes that Edward is safe and sound wherever he is and that she hears from him soon. Al and Paninya erupt into cheers as she blows out the candles. Somehow, everyone manages to find extra space in their tummies because the cake is wiped clean off its plate in a matter of minutes.
After dessert, Mr. Garfiel pays, and their little group sets off back to their apartments. Passing by a bar that is packed and lively, Alphonse hooks his thumb over his shoulder, turning to Winry and Paninya. “Do you guys want to grab a couple drinks before we head back, it looks pretty fun in there!”
“Oh, Alphonse, now I know you’re trying to get me drunk!” Garfiel teases the boy again. “Unfortunately, I can’t. I have an early morning tomorrow. But you go ahead! Don’t let me stop you!”
He waves goodbye as the three of them walk in and find a cozy table in the back. They tell each other stories about what’s been going on in the past few months, Al regaling about Xing and all its wonders. They even order some shots that burn going down.
“How can you drink that stuff Al? It’s so strong and bitter!” Winry wrinkles her nose and sticks her tongue out.
Laughing, Al brings the glass of whiskey to his lips, “Trust me, the alcohol they have in Xing is way stronger than this!”
“You sound like an ambassador the way you talk about Xing this, and Xing that!” Paninya teases him, “I’m surprised you didn’t come back riding a panda!”
They all crack up, wiping their eyes. “It’s funny you mention that because I did-”
“Oh my god! Don’t tell me you actually rode one!” Paninya leans forward, her shoulders shaking with amusement.
They enjoy themselves a little longer before Paninya has to excuse herself early, saying she’d better get home before the land lady locks her out of the building again.
Just the two of them now, Alphonse and Winry order a couple more drinks and sit at the bar. It’s starting to clear out, so there’s more privacy for the old friends to discuss more delicate matters.
“So, how are things between you and Mei?” Winry wriggles her eyebrows, swirling her straw around in her glass. If her head was starting to get fuzzy at the restaurant, then she’s totally buzzed by now.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Al’s face is flushed from the alcohol and the sudden mention of Mei.
“Yes, you do! Now spill!” Funnily enough she almost spills her drink trying to pick it up.
“She’s been teaching me alkahestry, it’s not like I’m there to pursue her!”
“So, there’s nothing going on between you two?” She waves her finger back and forth at him. “At allll?”
He shakes his head and looks at her over the top of his drink, mirth in his eyes. Holding back a smile, he takes another swig.
“Alphonse, I swear! If you’re lying to me, I’m gonna kill you!”
Throwing his head back, Al lets out a deep laugh. “Oh wait, maybe something did happen, I just can’t remember.” He rubs his chin, pretending to think hard.
Smacking her hand down on the counter, Winry squeals in excitement, “Tell me everything!”
“There’s not much to tell, really. She really likes me, and I really like her too.”
“Oh wow! You guys are going to get married and then you’ll be a Xingnese prince, and you’ll live in a giant palace together, riding pandas into the sunset.”
They laugh so hard their stomachs hurt. Wiping tears from his eyes, Al decides it’s Winry’s turn in the hot seat.
“And you and Brother? How’s that going?” He gives her a mischievous smirk.
Flipping her hair back, Winry takes a deep breath. “Oh, it’s going great. He only forgot about me on my birthday and is hundreds of miles away and I have no way of contacting him unless he calls first but yeah, it’s so great. So, so great.”
“Winry! I’m sure he didn’t forget! He just gets caught up and things slip past him! It happens all the time!”
“Uh, huh.” She tosses back the rest of her drink and slams it back down on the bar. “How about another one of those shots?”
They drink and joke until it gets too late and they’re too drunk. Stumbling back to her building was difficult. Al has to throw his arm over Winry’s shoulder and they support each other as they amble down the deserted street. They stop to giggle at almost everything, trying to keep their voices down but failing horribly at it.
Finally arriving at her building, Winry stops and grabs Alphonse by his jacket, unexpectedly serious. “I’m so happy you came to visit me, Al. Really. You’re the best friend ever. God, I love you!” She’s got tears in her eyes as she wrestles him down into a bear hug.
“Aw, Winry, don’t cry!” He pats her back, suddenly emotional as well “I love you!”
“I’m so happy you have a body again!” Winry sobs into the front of his jacket. “I still can’t believe it!”
“Yeah! Me too!” He can’t stop the tears running down his face. They’re both drunk and crying in front of her door, suddenly overcome with their love for one another.
“And I can’t believe you’re marrying Brother! You’re gonna be my sister, but for real this time! I love you guys so much!”
“No, I love you guys more!”
“No way! I’ve been waiting forever for you guys to get married!”
“Shut up! No, you haven’t!”
“Wanna bet? I even planned out some stuff!”
“Alphonse!” Winry laughs, “What the hell?”
“Hey! I got bored sometimes!” He grins, putting his hands up. Cracking up, the two friends feel more like the little kids they once were, so many years ago. Eventually the laughter dies down and they’re leaning back on the building, looking up at the night sky.
“We’re really growing up, aren’t we?” Winry muses aloud.
“Yeah… but I’m not the one having a midlife crisis here.”
Huffing, she smacks him on the head, while he laughs, trying to block her attacks. Deciding she’s had enough, Winry runs upstairs and locks Alphonse out. She makes him beg through the door and say that she is the youngest, most beautiful, and most talented automail mechanic in all of Amestris before letting him in.
Once they’re ready for bed, they sit on the couch in their pajamas and reminisce about their childhood. They yawn and giggle until their eyes feel heavy and fall asleep on the couch.
In Winry’s dream there’s a persistent clacking sound. She doesn’t know where its coming from but it’s annoying the hell out of her. Blinking awake, she realizes she’s curled on one side of her tiny couch while Alphonse is softly snoring on the other.
It came from the window. It must’ve been the middle of the night because the sun still wasn’t out yet. Creeping over, Winry peers down into the street and sees a dark figure standing under her window. Trying to make out who could possibly be trying to wake her up in the middle of the night another pebble sails through the air and hits the window.
Opening the frame, Winry pokes her head out and calls into the night. “Hello?”
“Winry! You’re awake!” Oh my god. It couldn’t be.
“Yeah! It’s me! Can you come downstairs and let me in?”
“Uh… sure, give me a second.” Closing the window shut, Winry tip-toes around her dark living room looking for her slippers. Alphonse was still sleeping peacefully on the couch, not disturbed in the slightest.
Winry meets Ed downstairs, opening the door for him. “Hey, Win, how’re you?” He smiles at her, as if it isn’t the middle of the fucking night and he showed up completely unannounced.
“What are you doing here?” She whispers harshly, “It’s the middle of the night!”
“Heh, sorry about that. There was a bit of a mix up with my train ticket. I guess I’m not as good as planning as Al is.” They softly trudge upstairs, avoiding the living room, so as not to wake Al. Setting his suitcase down on Winry’s bed, Ed shrugs off his coat, hanging it up in her closet. He explains that he accidentally bought a ticket for 10pm instead of 10am and had to spend the day haggling with the ticket agency in West City and was finally able to get on a train heading to Rush Valley for three times the price.
“I don’t understand, why’d you go through all that trouble for a train ticket?”
“What do you mean why?” He takes his shoes off, peeling the socks off too, and stands up straight “I came for your birthday, dummy!”
“My birthday?” Winry blinks.
“Yeah! Well, I know I’m late, and it’s technically not your birthday anymore, but those bastards wouldn’t budge. So, I had no choice but to get here so late and- did you know how long I was standing out there, trying to wake you up? Almost 20 minutes!” He hooks a thumb towards the window.
“So, you were trying to get here for my birthday all day?” She asks, still in disbelief. And here she thought he’d forgotten about her.
“Yeah, I thought Al told you? That was the plan; to meet up here for your birthday and surprise you,” Walking in front of her, Ed rubs his hand on top of her head, “I’m sorry I fucked it up.”
Tears form in her eyes and Winry hugs him as tight as she possibly can, catching him off guard. Her face is pressed against his shoulder as she muffles, “I thought you forgot.”
“Dummy, how could I forget about you?” He rests his cheek against her hair and hugs her back.
Pulling away, she glares up at him, “Because you didn’t call or write! How was I supposed to know? You made me worry about you again, idiot!” Her eyes were shining with anger as she points a finger at him. Man, did he miss her.
“Alright, alright, I said I was sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” He chuckles and leans down to kiss her. It’s been so long since they’ve done this, they both melt into the kiss. It’s soft and slow and perfect. Humming in delight, Winry smiles against his lips, unable to contain her happiness.
“Missed you.” He murmurs and her heart bursts with love.
“I missed you too.”
“Love you.”
Giggling, she pecks him on the mouth, “I love you, too.”
Kissing her forehead, Edward looks down at her. “Come on, let’s go to sleep, I’m beat.” He undresses to his boxers, while Winry turns down her bed. Before Ed can climb into her tiny bed though he freezes.
“What’s wrong?”
“Al’s in the living room.”
“Yeah, and?”
“What if he wakes up before us and sees us in bed together?”
“Wha- It’s not like were naked!” She laughs, “I’m sure he’d survive.”
“That’s easy for you to say! It’s not your little brother seeing you sleep with your girlfriend!”
Putting her hands on her hips, she raises an eyebrow, “Excuse me, girlfriend?”
“You know what I mean!”
“Edward, stop being so stupid! Al doesn’t care! He even told me he’s planned our wedding before!”
“What? How? What?” He sputters, blushing so hard he looks like a tomato. “Why the hell would he do that?”
“Both of you shut up and go to bed!” They hear Al yell from the living room.
Huffing, Edward yells back “Fine!” and rips the covers down callously. They have to cuddle up really close to fit together so Ed pulls her partially on top of him.
“Goodnight, Win, I hope your birthday was good, even if I wasn’t there.”
“Mhm, yeah it was. And my wish came true.”
“Oh yeah? What was it?”
“That you’re safe here, with me.”
Butterflies flutter in his stomach and he brings her closer to him. “I love you, automail freak.”
“I love you too, alchemy nerd.”
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j-diamond · 7 years
Forever (Edward x Reader x Oswald)
This goes out to @fuckperfect67 Sorry it took so long!
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  “Ahhh, Mr. Mayor.” You call as he leaves his office, “You need to sign these by Friday. Also the opry called. Apparently they’re having a re-grand opening and they want you there.” you hand him the papers, and a post-it with the date and time on it. He nods and walks back into his office, having forgotten why he came out, all the while looking at you bewildered. You go back to your desk and begin to work when he sticks his head out the door,   “Could you call Edward Nygma into my office?” he asked clearly confused,   “Of course Mr. Mayor.” You say as you press the number 2 then the call button.   “You’re doing great.” Edward says as he walks past making you smile to yourself, “What do you want?” You hear him say as he closes the door behind him.
  “Who’s that?” Oswald whispers, “Why is she here?” he stares at you intently, wondering how long you’d been there.   “Well I hired her while you were gone.” Nygma says as responds as he pushes up his glasses, “After all every successful business leader needs a P.A.”   “Wait!” Oswald says excitedly as he looks back and forth between you and Edward, “I have my own actual personal assistant?”   “No, Oswald.’ He says as he shakes his head, “We have ‘our own actual’ assistant.”   “Still Edward.” He says smiling brightly, “It’s still pretty cool.” Edward sighs knowing there was no use in arguing,   “Yes. Oswald, It’s ‘pretty cool’.” Edwards says dully, while rolling his eyes.
  A few days go by and you start noticing the your work get less and less, until it’s pretty much nonexistence. You sigh, sitting there bored out of your mind. The clock chimes letting you know it was time to go, and you pack up. You look around, the mayor’s hall was pretty empty, “Will I get fired?” you ask yourself as you begin walking out. Before you go Edward spots you and calls you over,   “You almost left without your paycheck.” Edward says as he hands you a roll of money. You take it and stare at it, “Sorry it’s not a check, but Oswald forgot to order more. So I just decided to it would be easier to pay you in cash.” You put it in your bag and look at the ground,   “Ummm…” you say not sure of how to phrase your words. You look up at him, and begin to notice how much taller he was compared to you,   “Did you want something?” he ask and you blush out of embarrassment,   “Oh, right. Umm…” You readjust your bag again, “Why did you hire me?” You look at him and notice his puzzled expression, “I mean. I have no experience for this job. And you guys don’t seem to have much need for a P.A. much anymore.” He looks down at you,   “Do you not want to work here?” He asks and you shake your head,   “No. I mean yes! I mean…” you sigh, “It’s just that-”   “You’re curious?”   “Well kinda…”   “You know-”   “Yea I know.” you say cutting him off, “Curiousity killed the cat.”   “Well it’s the good thing that the cat had nine lives.”   “Because satisfaction brought it back?”   “Exactly.” he says as he pats your head and walks away. You stand there confused,   “What just…” you ask yourself, “it was nothing.” you shake your head and begin to make your way home.
  “You know,” a voice says behind you and you turn around,   “Oh, Mr. Mayor.” You say as soon as you recognize Oswald.   “You can call me Oswald.” he says as you look at him,   “But that would be so informal.” You say remembering your first day, “Mr. Nygma said our relationship should be nothing but formal and professional.” He smile falters for a minute,   “Well then may I at least call you by your name.” he ask and you open your mouth but stop yourself,   “Mr. Nygma said in order to keep my job you can’t know my name.” You say quietly, he looks at you shocked then angry,   “Did he now.” He says and you look at him unsure of what to do.   “Yes, but you can always call me L/n.” you say and he smiles at you, but you can tell it wasn’t a happy smile.   “Of course L/n. Could you cause Nygma into my office please” He asks through gritted teeth.   “Sure thing Mr. Mayor.” You say as you hit 2 then the call button.   “What is it this time Oswald.” Edward asks in a bored tone, “If you forgot I have business to attend to.” Oswald looks at him,   “Your business can wait.” He says grinding his teeth, “Why can’t I know l/n’s name?” he asks straight to the point, “Why did you tell her that she can only keep her job is she basically doesn’t talk to me at all?” Oswald looks at him uninterested,   “This is what you called me for?” He asks and shakes his head, “Oswald you are a crime boss. You can’t have people like her, knowing all of our secrets. It’s proven that once you know someone’s name you automatically grow closer to them. Oswald you can’t risk falling for this woman. You don’t need another weakness.” He sighs, “Oswald, just trust me, if you ever learn her name, things will go spiraling downward.” Oswald thinks for a moment and Edward uses this as a time to leave,  “Then why do you know her name?” He asks stopping Edward. He turns to him, straight facing,   “Because unlike you.” he says and leaves, but turns around at the last moment, “There is no love in my heart.” He leaves and makes his way to the break room. Something broke inside of Oswald as he heard that.
  “I am so sorry!” You say as you hurry up and grab a towel and begin to try to clean it off. He stops you,   “It’s okay just take it to the cleaners,” he says as he begins to take of his blazer and his shirt. You blush and you take them from him. You make your way out but then you stop at the door,   “But what about your favorite mug?” You say as you look at the many pieces of glass that littered the floor.”   “It’s okay. Just clean it up when you get back.” He says as he stares at the remainder of all that was left of the mug he had had since he was in high school. “It’s not okay.” his voice comes out as a whisper and you had already gone, “Why do i feel this way?” He stares at the shard that held the imprint of the question mark, “Why?”
  “Awww.” you say as oswald comes to you desk, “aren’t these penguins so cute?” you look at him and he just stares at the screen, something written on his face that you wouldn’t  quite understand, “I think penguins are just the most cutest of the animals.” you say absentmindedly. He just smiles at you, “Ooh, your nickname should be Penguin.” his face falls, and he frowns, “You’re so cute. Just like a Penguin. You even have the hair for it.” You finally turn around to him and see his distraught face, “Omigosh I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it.” He looks at your face and his heart melts,   “It’s okay.” He says as he smiles, “I can be your penguin.”   “Hey Y/n!” A voice calls ruining the moment that you two were obviously having. You turn to see your best friend storming in,   “Geez! B/f/n you can’t just barge in here! This place is supposed to be heavily guarded. How did you get in?” You ask as they approach you,  “I just said I was Nygma’s little sister and that he asked me to meet him here.” They say shrugging their shoulders, “For some reason they easily believed me. You deadpan at her,   “Well, I was talking to the Mayor so give me a moment.” You say as you turn to him and he smiles at you,   “It’s okay Y/n we can talk about it later.” He turns but before he leaves he looks back at you, “By the way. You have a lovely name.”   “Ooooh,” B/f/n says, “he likes you.” You look at them shocked as they continue to and then look at Oswald’s office door, you'd never thought of him that way.
  “Is that Y/n?” a voice says in the background,   “Yes, Oswald.” Edward responds,   “Tell her that she can go home today. We won’t be back for a while.” He responds,   “I don’t know if you heard him or not, but Oswald says you can go home for today. We’re out, and I don’t want you just waiting in there all day. I’ll still pay you the same as if you were here. Okay?” He says to you, and you look at the phone silently, “Y/n are you still there?”   “Yes. I’m here.” you respond, “Yeah I’ll go home.” You sigh, they really didn’t have any need for you.   “Hey,” Edward says, his voice softening, “It’s okay.” he says simply, and you smile.   “Umm, Edward..” you say, unsure of what you were doing, “I-” You were cut off by the sound of a scream, and the sound of punching.   “I gotta go.” Edward says hurriedly and you soon hear the dial tone. You sigh,   “I hope they’re okay.” you say to yourself as you begin to pack up.
  “As it is now confirmed that the crime boss-” The tv shouts as you change channels, not really having cared for whatever the news anchor was going on about. Your stomach gurgles, and you sigh.   “What time is it?” you ask groggily, as you make your way to the fridge. You pick up a can of yogurt, which, upon opening, you realize is indeed expired. Groaning you finally check the time,   “Well, it’s shop now, or starve.” you sigh and put back on your shoes and coat and head to the store.
  “Who’d of thought I’d see you here?” A voice says as you drop the packs of paper you had picked off the shelf. You both bend down to pick it up.  “Thanks,” you say and you finally look up to see the person who had been talking to you, “Mr. Nygma?” He smiles at you,  “We’re not at work,” he says smirking, “Please call me Edward or Ed, if you prefer.” You blush, thinking about how many ways this scene could’ve gone, and therefore concluding that you watch too many animes.   “Well, Ed.” you say, seeing how his name would sound coming out of your mouth, “What brings you here?” You begin to walk with him. He shows you his basket,   “Work.” he says as you notice various supplies, most of which are usually used for building or destroying things,”And you?”   “Food.” you say bluntly, “Well that and a little bit of work. Which is why you saw me with the paper.” He opens his mouth to say something, but his phone rings and he smiles apologetically. He answers it and you notice his hand tighten on his basket. His voice hushes and you can no longer hear him. You look around unsure of what to do, when something catches your eye. You grab it smiling. You hurriedly put it in your basket, when you look up and notice something else behind it. And if it were even possible you begin to smile wider, “Definitely.” you say as you put that to in your basket and hide both of them, as you make your way to Edward just to find him gone. You frown and look at the time: 9:45 pm. You sigh and head to the checkout.
   “These came in for you both.” You lie as you sit two boxes on the desk, trying to hide your smile. They look at each other suspiciously, and you can’t help but wonder what they were saying to each other. Maybe there was more to them then you’ve come to learn in the past year? You shake your head, knowing that you knew them pretty well, “Well aren’t you going to open it?” You can’t help but to hide your excitement, “It’s not like it’s a bomb or anything.” you roll your eyes, and they exchange more looks. Edward picks up the box and holds his ear to it, and you can’t help but laugh, “Come on guys. Just open them.” They look at each other then open them, prepared for anything, but what it was.   “Y/n…” Edward says slowly as he picks up a mug with a f/c question mark,   “I saw it at the store and thought of how I had broke your favorite mug last month.” you say looking down, “ I know you said it was okay, but I saw how sad you were. Also sorry it’s not like the original. They only had f/c, and I figured since it’s my favorite color you might like it too.” He looks at you smiling,   “I love it.” he says immediately, Oswald watches this exchange and opens his box, and can’t help but smile either as he pulls out a similar mug but with an umbrella instead,   “I got that for you cause I noticed how you carry your umbrella everywhere. Though not recently anymore, so I thought you might’ve lost it. So I got that cause I figured you missed it. Also sorry about it being f/c also…” He shakes his head,   “It’s alright.” he smiles at you, “I love it a lot.” You all just stand there for a moment before the phone rings, “Well get back to work.” And you go to leave, but before you do Oswald stops you, “But before you go, can you give me a cup of coffee in my favorite mug?” he hands you the mug you got for him and you smile,   “Of course, Mr Mayor.” You say as you leave.   “What do you think you’re doing?” Edward says to Oswald, and Oswald hangs the phone back up,   “I’m just admiring my assistant and he lovely gift.” Oswald says looking through the blinds as he watches you wait for the coffee machine to finish. He waves at you, and you notice him and wave back.   “Our assistant Oswald.” Edward says then smirks, “Besides that git she got you was a last  second thought. Obviously she was thinking of me first, but then felt sorry that you didn’t get something so she got you that sorry excuse of a mug.” Oswald turns to him, frowning,   “Take that back.” he says, clearly a little mad, Edward smiles,   “What take back the truth?” He says knowing he’d won this battle, “Sorry. Can’t do that.” He turns around and leaves, “Oh Y/n!” he shouts, knowing Oswald would hear him.
  “If you so much as touch her!” Edward says as he storms into the office. But Oswald just waves him off,   “What am I supposed to do?” He says smirking, “FIre her? I mean, I won’t, but you can. Because hurting y/n’s feeling isn’t something I want to do. Look how much she likes working here. I would never do that, because I care for her. Unlike you.” Oswald’s smile had grown , knowing he’d won this argument, as Edward fumes out of the office,   “Oswald can never have Y/n. She’s mine!” He says as he closes his office door, he sees the mug he’d gotten from her a few weeks back, “I love her, more than he does.” Then it clicks in his head as he voice goes to a whisper, “I love her…” He then stands up, not realizing he had been on the floor, and goes to his phone and presses the call button,    “Yes?” your voice asks through the phone and he smiles at the sound of it,   “I’ve existed for over a million years. I change every day, and will never be the same twice. What am I?” He says quickly, wanting to get it out before he could change his mind. You don’t respond after a while, and he begins to grow nervous,   “A date?” you ask and he smiles,   “Yes.” He says, but then freezes, not having planned this far.   “Mr. Nygma?” you ask, after he doesn’t respond,   “Oh yes.” he says, snapping back into reality, “I was wondering if you would like to eat lunch with me? I mean you don’t have to,  I could just pick you up something.” He stammers on but hears you giggle,   “I’m sorry,” you say, his heart breaking slowly,   “She’s busy during lunch.” Another voice says, and he immediately identifies this as Oswald.   “But i’m not busy during dinner.” you say, to him, “I mean. Only if you want to.” He smiles brightly at this,   “YES! YES! OF COURSE.” He says but then calms down, “I’ll pick you up at 7:30.”
  “It was amazing.” You say into the phone, as you hear B/f/n squeal,   “You realize that that means BOTH of them like you.” they say, “Dare I say love you.” You blush madly,   “Both of them?” you say, unknowingly that they both had been listening in on your conversation, “I doubt it. I mean why would Oswald and Edward like me? I’m just there personal assistant?” Oswald clears his throat and you hurriedly say your goodbye, hang up the phone and turn to him. You couldn’t help but be shocked when you saw how angry he was,   “Call Nygma into my office.” He says and closes his office door immediately. You do so and Edward smiles at you as he walks by making you blush. As he closes the door and you begin to wonder what they were talking about.
  “SHE IS MINE!” Edward shouts to Oswald and Oswald throws his pencil holder at Edward,   “I SWEAR TO YOU EDWARD IF YOU EVEN TRY TO INTERFERE WITH US I WILL KILL YOU.” Edward snarls at Oswald   “YOU KNOW NOTHING.”   “YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS.”   “JEALOUS OF WHAT? YOUR DELUSIONS?”   “OF ME AND Y/N!”   “THERE IS NO YOU AND Y/N.”   “WANT TO BET?”   “I DON’T HAVE TO I ALREADY KNOW. BECAUSE-” Edward stops as the door open,   “Ummm,somebody wants you both.” you say shakily and instead of listening, they shake you off,   “NOT NOW Y/N!” Oswald shouts at you, “We actually have something important to do.” He slams the door and you hear them begin to yell at each other again, things occasionally begin thrown around. You gulp as you turn around to the group of guys standing there with large guns.   “T-they’re not available right now…” you say shakily as a guy approaches you,   “Well well well…” he says as he puts his hand under your chin and makes you look at him. The metal felt cold against your skin, and you couldn’t help but feeling scared for your life, “Looks like we’ll be stealing you right of their hands.” he turns to the rest of the gang, “Right boys!” You open your mouth to scream but a gag is placed in your mouth, “Can’t have you screaming. Either time.” he says winking at you, sending a shiver down your body. Tears begin flowing down your face as you wonder what you did to deserve this.
  “FINE!” Oswald say, huffing, as he falls to the floor, “We’ll just let Y/n decide.” He looks at Edward, who is lying against the door. Edward lazily nods at him and he begins to crawl to his desk, battered and bloody from their long fight, “Y/n come in here.”  After there was no response, Edward begin to get up. “Y/n.” Oswald says again, this time worry filling his face.” Edward’s adrenaline begins to kick in as he shoots up and opens the door and spots your empty desk,   “She’s not here.” He says and panic begins to set.   “It’s 10.” Oswald says trying to reassure himself, “Maybe she went home?” Edward shakes his head,   “She’d never leave without her bag.” he says as he notices it hanging from your chair, “Oswald, someone took her.” he grows angry, as he looks at the paper stabbed with a knife on your desk. He picks it up reads it and gives it to Oswald, who decides to read it out loud,   “Stole your bitch. Butch.” he balls it up and glares at it, “She’s not a bitch.” His tone grows darker,   “This is your fault.” Edward says as he begins growing angry, “If you hadn’t shouted at her. She wouldn’t be gone.” He grabs guns out of the wall and begin tossing them into a pile. He looks up to see Oswald on the phone. He storms up to him, just as he hangs up, “A phone call isn’t going to save her.” He pins him to wall angrily,   “Isn’t it?” Oswald says and Edward snarls.   “Someone called?” A voice says as Edward turns around to see Zsasz. He smiles as they pick up the guns and begin their way to kill Butch.   “Boss!” Someone yells, and Butch sighs. He looks back at you,
  “Stay. Or else.” he says his mouth next to your ear, “I can go again. Can you?” He picks up a shotgun and leave, and you stay there paralyzed. The sound of gun shots pull you back into reality and you curl up into a fetal position and cry, seeing as that is the only thing your mind could think of doing. The lights flicker off, and you can’t help but cry louder.   “Y/n!” a familiar voice shouts and you stop crying.   “Oswald?” You whisper.   “Y/n!” he shouts again and you use the rest of your strength and to bang on the room door you were in.   “I’m in here!” you shout. “I’m in here!” Your body soon gives up on you and you collapse, “I’m in here.” your voice barely a whisper, and soon you black out.
  You wake up and the lights blind you. You see a dark figure and you scream. Curling up into a ball, assuming past events were just a dream.   “Y/n. It’s okay.” A voice, you assume is Oswald’s say. You look up at see Oswald. You reach out to touch him, and when you touch him you instantly cry. “I’m here Y/n.”   “He-” You sputter trying to get the words out, but Oswald places his arms around you,   “It’s okay.” he says, rubbing your back, “We’re here now.” You hug him back, tears streaming from your face,   “We’ll always be here.” You hear Edward say, as you feel a second pair of arms wrap around you,   “Forever?”   “Forever.” They say in unison.
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beebeecee · 7 years
tagged by @sasahara-sohei thanks lovely! 
how tall are you? - 5′7/170
what color and style is your hair? - red & curly-ish 
what color are your eyes?- blue
do you wear glasses or contacts? - unfortunately yes
do you wear braces? - not anymore, still have a permanent retainer though
what is your fashion style? - casual?? jeans and whatever i’m feeling that day 
when were you born?- May 13
how old are you?- 23
do you have any siblings? - nope
what school/college do you go to? - one in Canada.. lol
what kind of student are you? - defeated, but still trying
what are your favorite subjects? - communications & philosophy
what are your favorite shows? - Greys, stranger things was good!, i just started watching Riverdale and it’s good but I don’t have a lot of time for tv right now because of school 
what are your favorite movies? - The Lion King, I saw Get Out and DAMN was it good, Children of Men, the Purge series, (I swear these change everytime i’m asked this question aside from LK)
what are your favorite books? - I don’t have any non-academic recommendations right now, it’s been awhile
what are your favorite past times? - going to concerts! If I could, I would spend most of my time doing this lol
do you have any regrets?  - yeah, mostly it’s as soon as I leave my house 
what is your dream job? - I still have no idea 
would you like to get married? where? - pfffft, who knows. I have never really thought about it much. 
i’m leaving this question out because it was lame and creating my own. do you think chester the rat terrier is the cutest and greatest dog on the planet? - what is a rat terrier?? wait, nvm I’m not sure I want to know. 
do you want kids? how many? - Eh, I want furbabies for sure, kids are another story 
do you like shopping? - shoe shopping? yes. actual clothes shopping? depends. You can make it fun with friends sometimes but most of the time it’s tedious
how many countries have you visited? - 3 that I remember. Mexico, Dominican Republic and Cuba
what was your scariest dream? - it’s super rare when I remember, but anytime friends/family die 
do you have any enemies? - i'm sure someone’s holding a grudge, but I have no names that I know of
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? - nope
put your phone on shuffle. without skipping post the first 15 songs that play
Incubus - Privilege
Zico - Veni VIDI VICI
Topp Dogg - Cigarette
KO - Capable
Amy Whinehouse - Me & Mr. Jones
Desiigner - Panda
G-Dragon - Coup D’etat (ft. Diplo & Baauer)
Royal Blood - Careless
SPICA - You Don’t Love Me
Teen Top - Miss Right
Childish Gambino - Sweatpants
Deftones - Rocket Skates
Dumbfoundead - Cochino 
Melanie Marinez - Alphabet Boy
Ed Sheeran - Runaway
what a nightmare of a list of songs... anyway. 
I tag: @daehdream @scottietrademark @taewoonsgf @fyhjjxxn @kiritsuneren @taeilsboobies @rudebbomb @alittlebitblockbbias and anyone else that wants to do this! only if you want to of course 
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