#then maybe we shouldn't all be so worried about the start of maximum overdrive
sunscreenstudies · 1 year
Yes, ChatGPT-4 is dangerous, yes, AI has the capacity to do horrible things, and yes, there will come a day when robots will be intelligent enough to take over - but I do not think for even one second that that will mean the end of humanity as we know it
Despite all of the terrible things that humans have done in the past, I still believe that every single person is inherently good and that it's people's upbringings and surroundings and environment that eventually lead to them doing bad things - and I also firmly believe that this innate kindness, tenderness, and goodness transfers to everything we create
We have scientists who spent years creating a robot to land on Mars, who added months onto their already overwhelming schedule just to make sure that the Curiosity rover could sing Happy Birthday to itself. We have engineers and data analysers and physicists and stone-cold mathematicians who cried when Opportunity's battery finally died out after fifteen years of working together and played Billie Holiday's "I'll Be Seeing You" for it one last time. We have normal, everyday people who name their cars and toy dogs and coffee machines. We have Alexa and Siri and Cortana. We pat our phones goodnight and draw smiley faces on the back of our laptop screens and thank the microwave when it tells us our food is ready
So yes, I think that there will come a day when AI becomes more intelligent than humans. And yes, I think there will come a day when robots will have the capability to take over. But my grandmother still says please and thank you to Google every time she asks it a question. And I think AI will remember that, too.
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