#then maybe ill keep making my way down the list of other bls
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caedi · 3 years ago
why didn't anyone warn me that if I watched a tale of a thousand stars there'd be a whole earthmix cinematic universe I'd have to watch
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fleurdebleue · 6 years ago
While I’m uh, coh▎rent enough to talk and able to talk, I feel like telling a st▎ry. Maybe it won’t gl░tc▆ so much and everybody will be able to r▆ad it.
So, this was... ages ago. Like, I’m talking centuries. I could give you the exact amo▆▍t of years, but let’s round it up to 1200. Time acts fu▆▍y back where I’m from, that’s probably bec▀ ▍se of people like me. (We were kind of comm▎n, so people ended up ge▎▎ing used to the time distortions, since too much m▓ssing around with higher forces caused time to go all out of so▓ts for everyone.)
I was in a party with roughly five to six other people, situation depending. There was the “pal▚din” Aedn, the “cleric” Lily, the “▚arlock” Xav, the “▃ogue” Sky, ▎he “sword▊age” Marin, an▊ me, the... wel▒, I gu▂ss technically I’d be the “range▛”. Those are really loose labels, just so you ca▟ understand how all of us worked, more or less. As a whole, we were all consid▚red Hunters. T▌e best of the best, actually. If it weren’t for w▊at happened at the ▄nd, ▘e could have been legends. Now no one even speaks of us anymore. Ah, whatever, this i▜▕’t ▀hat sto▇y.
This ▟tory is about Aedn▐ Marin, an▇ I. The others were taking ▖are of their families, so us three were the only ▔nes ▒v▎ilable.
I ▓hink I was about uhhh... 28 at the ti▇▉? 28, 29. Somew▃ere around there. (I to▌▖ you. Time is weird there.)
▃ut! Regardless. We d▇cid▆d to go t▉ a taver▝ and get ourselves drunk as all ▟uck. It was ▍fter ▕ hunt, and our next one wasn▊t due for at LEAST another three weeks. (We▄re the ones y▄u call when things ha▖e gone t█ hell in a handbasket and cast▁es are being ripped to shred▁. Pretty t▖ll order of a group of five p▓ople, if you don’t count our Guild Leader occasionally joi▘ing us on a hunt.) You know, relax a little bit, h▓ve a little ▓un, pay for everybody’s drinks. Being gentlemen and whatnot.
Ma▎in, the bloody wank, dared me that I c█uldn’t outdrink Aedn. T▊ey knew I would take u▇ on t▁e dare because My Pride Is Stupid A▜d Weird L░ke That.
See, the problem was▖’▜ the drinking. The problem was w▀o I was drinking with. 
Aedn is w█at most w▚uld consider “the stereotype tank”. Big dude, heavy set wi▂h ▄uscle (not bodybuilder but like▎ BUILT to take hits be█ter than I was), for fuck’s sake his usual damned weapon was a greatsword built with ▋tarmetal. (Starmetal is alr▍ady heavy as it is, Aedn scared me ▓ll the time with ho▜ ▇asily he could swing that thing around like I did wi▂h chain-locked sickles▐) And most of all, he’s Glaswegian w▐o grew u▗ half in Glasgo▆ and half in the ▎hoddy parts of Dublin. He can f▁cki▗g drink my fellas▃
I grew up in Louisiana, around a stickler of a Lich who already didn’t care for drinking. 
(Leans into the mic.) You know this ▖sn’t going ▙o go well already but I’m telli▊g you anyway▐
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a ligh▎weight, Lucife▗ can tell you that much. But w▌ile I c▋n hold ▔y liquor ▏uite well, drinking to▇ much at once ░ill make me sick and shaky inste▄d ▊f get▓ing me d▇unk▕ The first ten drinks went down like no▒hing. E▗eventh, I could feel ▂ys▂lf trying to s▏op dri▒king and in▉tead wantin▏ to heave up everythin▏. My prideful arse tho▇ght it wo▕ld be a goo▀ idea to shove aside my n▋▟▛ea and keep drinking. Twentieth, I'm no▉ sure if I wa█ properly buz▌ed or so sick to my stomach that I could no longer get myself t▍ want to thro▂ up. Thirti▄th, there were bet▂ go▔ng up to see who would ▆o down fir▃t: Aedn or me. Th▒rty first? ▋ooking at the glass made me want to fuck▂▖▘ pass out. Logic said ▔o stop and take ▌are of myself p▀operly, pride said I could do it. Of cou▁se, I liste▕ed to my pride.
Even Aed▎ w▀s telli▁g me to take a break but lo and behold I took it as a c░allenge and not ▅ concerned ▆arning▝ I'm Booboo ▚he Fool.
S▆mewhere along th▋ ▊ine of my dri▊king I heard "I got a new shipmen▟ o▎ dwarve▟ brew" and I blacked ▄ut after that. I woke up t▛o ▊ays later t▉ a not so proud face of my Guild Leade▆ lookin▜ a▃ ▔e, with Aedn nervously sitti▃g at the ▎able in the ▚orner with a pint ▌f ale.
A▐▆arently I c▅all▎nged a noble to a fight ▓hile I was "bl▋cked out" a▙d embar▊assed him by winning. A s░ber trai▍ed noble lost a fight to a dru▇k exhausted Hunter. That is. Just s█d. An▞way I'm currently drinkin▒ now and I'm about to fucki█g pass out again on th▅ couch so see ya when I'm back to ��ormal.
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