#then jack went outside and was filled with a boyish energy to do it large scale and yep
stuff-and-such-art · 7 months
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Young Jack learning his first spell, Mold Earth! He is about to be so fucking grounded. Destroying his father's estate and playing in the dirt 😌, as he should. Requested by Alicen in the dice shame discord!
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lolabean1998 · 6 years
Ali-Cat part 7
Sweet Pea Fanfic
Ali woke early the next morning still wrapped up in Peas arms, she couldn't help but smile to herself but she knew it wouldn't be like this for long. Pea wasn’t the kind of guy that dated or slept with a girl more than once, the fact that he hadn't made a move on her was a shock but she figured she should leave before he gets the chance. She carefully lifted her head from his chest, moving painfully slowly so she wouldn't wake him. But the second her head was raised and off his chest, his arms instinctively tightened around her waist pulling her closer to him.
“Nice try princess, it’s only 5 am. Go to back to sleep.” Pea mumbled sleepily, his deep morning voice sending excited shivers down her spine. He gave her a gentle squeeze when she stayed half way to sitting up. “Ali-Cat go back to sleep please, I’ll give you a lift to school later stop worrying.” He soothed opening his eyes and tilting his head to look at her, a lazy smile tugging at his lips.
“Pea, that's very kind of you but i don’t want to be another trophy to add to your collection. We both know this isn’t you, if i leave now it takes away the temptation.” Ali replied calmly trying her best not too sound rude, Pea released his grip slightly sitting up so he could look Ali in the eye properly. 
“Do you really think that little of me? You think that's why i took you in last night. Ali i took you home because you weren’t ready to be home alone, you needed to feel protected.” Pea explained, his feelings hurt at her assumption, not that he was going to show it. “Now go to back to sleep it’s way to early.” He muttered curling back under the duvet pulling Ali down with him. She didn’t know what to say, if she didn't know better she’d almost say he cared about her and what she thought of him. But she did know better, she knew it was just the lack of sleep making him like this, once he’d woken up a bit he’d be back to being his usual player self.
“Pea what are you doing?” Ali asked waking up to the smell of fresh pancakes and turning to see Sweet pea folding a fresh set of clothes by the drawer next to Ali. Pea looked up at her grinning proudly, before strolling back into the kitchen.
“Showers free to use and the clothes on the side are from Toni so you don't have to go all the way home to change.” He called back to her, “Hurry though your tea will get cold.” Ali couldn’t believe her ears, she climbed out of bed and jumped in the shower, the thought of how much effort Pea was putting in playing happily on her mind. 
After a quick shower, Ali threw on the torn jeans and large t-shirt that had been folded for her, there was no way the t-shirt belonged to Toni.
“Hey Pea, who’s shirt is this?” Ali wondered walking through his trailer to his living room/Kitchen. Pea’s jaw dropped when he saw Ali stood at the counter, a large grey t-shirt sloping off her shoulder slightly exposing a black lace bra strap, her hair pulled up in a neat scruffy bun revealing her make-up less face. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was, he quickly handed her a plate filled with pancakes and blueberries and a mug of steaming hot Tea. His face holding its usual smirk, masking his true feelings but only just, Ali could see the usual emptiness in his eyes had gone but she couldn't quite figure out what had replaced it. 
“Your looking at me funny, why?” She asked through a mouthful of food. 
“You don’t have a funny for me to look at Ali-cat Funny is a description not a body part.” Pea retorted smugly making Ali roll her eyes.
“Always the comedian.” She replied drily, before a small chuckle escaped her lips breaking her dead pan expression with a playful grin. “Seriously though stop looking at me like that! If you gave me a lift home you wouldn’t have to see this side of me. I’d have my make up to cover this up.” She gestured to her face like it was some kind of gruesome rash, her face a twisted contortion of disgust. Pea raised a very unamused eyebrow, gritting his teeth in annoyance to her words, he strolled over to her lifting her head with both hands so she was looking directly into his eyes.
“Don't ever say that! Promise me, Promise you’ll never think like that again.” Pea demanded. Ali froze in surprise to his reaction trying her best to avoid his gaze, his face was warm but serious, almost like her words had mortally wounded him.
The next few days at school were filled with the drama that followed the Serpents, Reggie had decided to tag the school logo with the Serpents, in an attempt to get rid of them and Jughead had rebelled against the new dress code. Ali had managed to settle in rather successfully, finding sanctuary in her new friends, Veronica and Archie. 
However since getting her jacket and tattoo there had been one thing plaguing her, minus the new judging glares and snarls from the Northsider section of the student body. Since that one life changing, eye opening night, sleep had been almost impossible, every time she had tried to catch some shut eye it felt as if she was forgetting something. Something important and she was over come with the strangest of feelings, like she had forgotten a part of her the only way she could describe it was by saying it was like she had left a limb behind. Sweet Pea had kept his distance, the sudden rush of feelings towards the new member had spooked him but he still kept an eye on her. It was impossible not too, he felt like a moth being drawn towards the light, he knew he’d get burnt but he couldn’t help it, resistance was futile. 
“Ali-cat you look like crap what’s going on?” Sweet Pea demanded pulling her into an empty class room, the dark circles under her eyes beginning to show through her make up. He had kept his distance for long enough, seeing her like this was killing him the evidence clear on his stressed body language and worn out expression. Ali stood dazed for a second, the sudden change from heading to the library in the busy corridor to being dragged into an empty class had sent her exhausted brain into a confused tail spin. Sweet Pea pinning her to the wall with a hand either side of her head as he gazed into her eyes with a blend of worry and frustration.
 “Ali! What’s up with you, you look awful!” He stated again when she didn't responded the first time.
“Thanks for the confidence boost Jack ass.” Ali retorted scowling up at Sweet Pea, holding his gaze for a moment before heaving a huge sigh and tilting her head to rest against his arm. “I’m just tired is all, not getting enough sleep. Nothing to worry about, now can i go study?” She asked apologetically, yawning at the thought of sleep. Her eyes feeling heavier than ever now that she was surrounded by the warm, comforting glow that seemed to swallow her whenever she was around Sweet Pea.
 He could see the exhaustion taking hold of her and his heart melted, he sighed pulling her into a tight, emotion filled hug. He felt as if all his problems had disintegrated the second she was wrapped in the safety of his arms. Ali felt her whole body relax into him, the feeling of being incomplete had gone the moment she was with Pea.
“Ali we both know you aren't getting any sleep at all, you can’t hide it from me. Come on you can miss one class, you need to get some sleep.” Sweet Pea mumbled into her sweet smelling hair, Ali pulled away opening her mouth to argue but Sweet pea spoke before she had the chance. “Don’t argue Ali-cat, there’s no point studying if your brain is too tired to remember any of it.” He reasoned.
“There’s no point Pea, I’ve tried everything. I just can’t sleep.” Ali protested, she wanted nothing more than to spend her weekend off, in bed asleep and watching Black Adder. Sweet pea smiled leading her through the now deserted corridor towards the car park where his bike waited patiently for him.
“Not everything Princess, come on we’ll pickup something to eat on the way to my trailer. Maybe you just need a change of scenery.” He smiled warmly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they left the building.
 After stopping off at Pop’s to pick up some food, Sweat pea drove Ali to his trailer, biting his lip throughout the whole ride. The feeling of her arms clinging tightly to his torso sending sparks flying through his veins. He pulled up outside the steps to his trailer, helping Ali off his Harley focusing all his energy on surpressing the boyish grin that was desperately fighting its way to the surface.
“Pea, let me help. Please, i feel bad for making you pay and for letting me stay here to rest.” Ali pleaded watching helplessly as he pulled 2 slightly chipped plates from the cupboard and some cutlery from the drawer before dishing up the delicious food. His eyes flicked up warning Ali as she approached the kitchen counter, Ali froze throwing her hands up mockingly in defence before bursting into giggles.
“Ok, ok jeez. If looks could kill...” She bubbled wandering past him to his room patting his shoulder as she went.
 “You haven't made me do anything, I want to do this. Believe it or not I do have a heart” Pea called watching curiously as she appeared a few moments later with a large duvet thrown over her head. She dumped the thick, blue cover on the worn old couch and began fluffing and folding it to make it more comfortable.
 “Ali what’re you doing?”“I’m making sure we’re comfy whilst we watch Black Adder.” She grinned waving a small stack of CD’s at Pea. “And i know you have a heart, it’s one of the things i love about you.” Ali’s eyes shot wide open and she cringed when she realised her little slip up, with any luck he wouldn't notice. 
But he had noticed, he wandered over carrying 2 large plates full of food an intrigued expression on his face.
“What do you mean one of the things you Love about me?” He asked handing her a plate and sitting down next to her so she could lean into his side. Ali didn’t know how to respond, all ability for speech had gone out the window as she sat there opening and closing her mouth like a fish.
“I-I ugh, hmm. umm Ok well you see ...” She drifted off looking nervously at the plate in front of her. Sweet pea watched her nervous body movements for a few seconds until it clicked. She loved him too.
“Ali look at me,” He whispered, raising her chin with a oil stained, over worked hand. Ali reluctantly shifted her gaze over to him, frowning when she saw the unbreakable grin on his face. 
“I’m in love with you, i think you were trying to say something similar.” He chuckled at the wave of relief that crashed over Ali’s face, tears springing to her eyes as it hit. “Ali-cat why are you crying?” He asked brushing away a tear from her cheek. Ali sniffed looking up at him.
“I have no idea,” She laughed wiping away the tears of joy that were now streaming down her face. “I love you too Sweet pea.” She grinned snuggling into his side and placing a tear stained kiss on his lips.
@soffie-toscana​ @everheart12​ @lady1505​ @karleedaniels27​
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