#then im DONE w junior yr
pricelessemotion · 3 months
about to take my intermediate macro final and boy am i Nervous 😀
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theuniverseawakens347 · 3 months
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We’re of age.. so it’s not child porn now 🤷🏽‍♀️🖕🏽
1. Nigga we me n you met in 5th grade TCS, YOU FELL HARD, I was like “ooo a nigga at a white school I just came from the hood 🤷🏽‍♀️🖕🏽”
2. Astro camp 5th grade YOU PRESSURED ME TO KISS YOU .. I ain’t even lean in my nigga.. and YOU COOPED A BUTT FEEL W/ O PERMISSION, rape 🤷🏽‍♀️
7. MIDDLE SCHOOL TO ABOUT SOPHOMORE YR HIGH SCHOOL WE AINT REALLY TALK.. liked some photos here n there hit a few “hi how you doing” THATS IT .. i “missed” you simply bc I WENT TO A MOSTLY WHITE ALL GIRL SCHOOL.. IM A FUCKING TOMBOY, I ISED TO FIGHT YOU AND SAM EVERYDAY ON THE SCHOOL YARD .. but and idc for the energy of STUCK UP “I THINK IM BETTER THAN BC IM SHALLOW AS FUCK girls” Lee had me around ..
12. YOU BROUGHT ME MY NIGGA TRISTAN Jan/ Feb 2017 .. I was looking for a dealer and YOU TOLD HIM I WAS LOOKING FOR A HOOKUP / BOO.. no friend wasn’t on that Type of time, yet ( cut to fuck ass Daniel Gonzales FROM CSUN.. talking like March - JUN then dating ..while he hoing ThANKS TO LEE GARLINGTON WEIRDO SEXXX RING AT VIVICCA WHITSET )
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femmepeterparker · 6 years
ya boys a senior now
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howelljenkins · 4 years
I feel like now that I’m a junior, I should’ve done so much more in my previous years and that I’m not gonna get into a good school out of state cause I don’t stand out. Idk I just feel like a failure and like I’ve messed up my whole future cause idek what I wanna study and ugh,,, any advice on how to not feel so disappointed w urself ?😕
read this. try not to worry too much, so much of your college application mostly depends on your essays and how you present yourself. I slacked off all of high school and I got into schools my valedictorians didn't get into and vice versa bc it all depended on how our voices came through. even if you don’t get into a great school, there’s no shame in going to a community college. that was my plan if I didn’t get good financial aid. so many people who want to save money or didn’t do well in high school do the first 2 yrs at a CC and then transfer over to universities and absolutely thrive. it’s messed up that so much of your future is based on your teen years, but it isn’t the end all be all. if you took it easy and didn’t take super hard classes, don’t beat yourself up over making choices you thought were best for you. if you spend your time how you want it to be spent, you’ll end up where you should be. also, no one knows what they want to study, i’m in my second yr of college and im still just fucking around. everyone looks a lot more put together than we really are but trust me when I say you have nothing to worry about.
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saigebeaumontt · 6 years
( danielle rose russell, cisfemale, she/her ) I, FREYA KAVINSKY am a SCHOLARSHIP student and would hereby like to submit my application to Kingswood Boarding School. I am SEVENTEEN years old and will be a JUNIOR. I would describe myself as HEARTFELT and EAGER, but also UNINHIBITED and PIGHEADED which I plan to work on during my time here. This is my request to join the VICTORIA building as a house MEMBER and look forward to hearing back from you.
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im trash ik but here’s a brand new baby to play w!! her pinterest can be found HERE pls ignore the photos of crystal reed, that’s freya’s original fc sdfghj
tw; death, drug/alcohol abuse? w/ implications of self destruction
so first thing’s first, freya was born n raised in chicago alongside her father and her older sister
her mother had died during freya’s birth--though freya doesn’t...blame herself, necessarily, there are days where she imagines what life would’ve been like if her mother was still alive
her dad’s a mechanic and the sole provider for their household, which meant that he was gone more often than not
regardless, he tried to be as active as possible in his children’s lives
her sister always took up the role of..well, mother, in a sense
freya and her are incredibly close b/c of this
even so--her father had wanted them to be as active as possible, as out of the house as he was--so it didn’t seem like he was gone as much as he was
so, with a few strings pulled and familial connections, freya was able to attend ballet lessons at a young age, alongside an instrument of her choosing, at a discounted price
she chose violin btw...very relevant
and like, to everybody’s surprise--she sort of excelled at both--it almost came naturally, though that didn’t mean she hadn’t put in a buncha effort regardless, y’know
practice makes perfect, yadda yadda
took up a few more instruments for fun, such as piano and like...i dunno, guitar of various forms (including bass guitar) though she likes violin the best
that led to her attending a p prestigious performing arts high school in her city--which wasn’t done by pulling strings
her father worked even more shifts, her sister got a job to help pitch in, they took out loans, yadda yadda. anything they could do so she could pursue this...dream
except...ballet and violin has never been freya’s dream--its just something she happens to be good at
everybody just...assumed, that since she was so talented, she had to want to pursue it
not the case at all, really. she loves it, really, but...her passion has always surrounded animals
specifically marine animals, which is odd considering freya had never seen the ocean before
really...marine anything, she loves. maybe it’s because its something she hasn’t experienced , but ykno
she felt sort of...stuck, b/c she never wanted to disappoint her dad or her sister or any of their family friends who were all rootin’ for her
this led to some...rebellion, of sorts, when she was a freshmen
nothing...BAD, per say, but y’know. baseball bats to mailboxes whilst hanging out of the window of a pick-up truck, vandalizing abandoned buildings and historical monuments, shoplifting from convenience stores.
okay so like...a little bad
that was just the crowd she found herself in, y’know, in her teenage angst
has definitely been arrested a few times, but has always managed to get off scotch free ??
it’s luck, im telling u. she only has like..three things on her record rn
ALSO learned how to ride a motorcycle and was in a punk band based in her school n did bass for it, ‘cos that’s what rebellious teenagers do n whatever
and this, well, y’know. did disappoint her father and her sister and all their family friends but at this point freya was like ?? i can’t stop
her boyfriend at the time was a major contributor to her troublemaking tbh
when he transferred to kingswood, freya’s lil 15 yr old heart was broken.
spent her entire sophomore yr working her ass off and getting her shit together so that kingswood would look at her, and pick her, too--
and like...it finally paid off, y’know? her junior year they’d graciously given her a scholarship based off of her music AND academics
so she was absolutely thrilled
granted, she was only able to start attending halfway thru her junior year, at the beginning of the second semester...but she was there, at least, right?
very ecstatic to find her boyfriend and surprise him
they’d been doing long distance, and he had no idea that she had gotten in
found out his dorm number, walked right up to his door--knocked, and he answered with his shirt off n a number of hickeys on his chest
it was a surprise for both of them lmao
obv. freya is not stupid, if not a lil blinded by love at the time. they broke up, she was heartbroken
sorta shut herself in for a few months ‘cos she was so sad abt it
so it’s kinda like she’s still new, tho it’s been a few months since january
but she’s BACK and she’s POPPIN’ and she acts like it still doesn’t bother her !
but like...it does. it rly does. she’s still mcfreakin’ hurt abt it, she’s just handling it in another way
aka, a lil bit of partying...a lil bit of drinking, casual drug use, hooking up, etc. etc. just bein that bitch, y’know?
has always had a lil bit of a tomboy aesthetic ?? despite being a freakin’ ballerina, it just not her aesthetic man
constantly wearin’ dark colors n reds and leather jackets n denim on denim n cuffin’ her pants n whatnot
even brought her motorcycle 2 school w/ her
EXCELS at science, wants to become a marine biologist or smth when she’s older
just...hasn’t told anybody that
she’s not some antisocial punk, okay, she’s not anna
very humble but not in a way where u have to be like ‘ugh u have talent u idiot’ , she just doesn’t like bragging about it ?
even tho her ex is an idiot she’s still glad to be there bc of how prestigious kingswood is
 kinda tries 2 befriend as many ppl as possible ?? she isn’t a people pleaser, though, n it’s sort of like...u get what u get, w/ her
she doesn’t act as if she’s got a whole separate life or nothin’, she balances both her rebellious nature and her talents n w/e
fun fact her mother was a leader of elizabeth but like...does she know? no. does it matter? only to ppl like lilah smh
i’d consider her like....a gryffindor, to sum up her personality ??
very brave, fearless, can be stupidly reckless. gets herself into trouble even now
prolly is a lil bit of a hoe but we love that for her, okay ??
but also ?? will die for her pals ?? n is very true to herself ??
we call her accidentally messy
neutral good tbh ?? very wholesome person
will take care of u if ur sick, is v protective of those she loves
also doesn’t rly....believe in love rn, or is at least very over the concept.
girl next door ?? i dunno
sometimes...she does these bad things...’cos she thinks she deserves it, in a way?
like she’ll drink too much n get a real bad hangover or do a drug when she knows she’ll have a bad trip
so she’s got a lil bit of self loathing
however she knows it’s a problem
she’s just...not willing 2 do much abt it rn
living her best life lmao
ambivert, will go to parties but will also sit in w/ a book gladly
can b v v stubborn, is in debate b/c she loves...to argue, sometimes sksk
m8 i dunno she’s got layers..like an onion
wanted connections
her...ex would be nice, however it’s prolly better suited to send in as a WC unless there’s a dude from chicago out here whose made the mistake of cheatin’
HOWEVER, i would love pals !! friends of any sort !! she’s friendly !! like her !!
ride or die!
unlikely pals!
good influences!
bad influences!
she’s in a band w/ ezra im p sure
i ALSO would like hook ups!
accidental hookups!
casual hookups!
fwbs ?!?
Bad. hookups!
she’s probably accidentally hooked up w/ somebody’s partner so
enemies ! for w/e reason !
fake friends !?
gimme everything !!
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ursoself-satisfying · 6 years
Tagging Game!! Answer 21 questions then Tag 21 people you want to know better!! 
I was tagged by @sunnnymercury n @wassupitschloe !!!!! lol I almost forgot to do this its so fun im just absent minded !!!
Nickname: mo or momo ::)) 
Zodiac: aquarius !!
Height: like 5′6?? 
Last movie I saw: Bohemian Rhapsody Sing a Long lol,, 
Last thing I googled: “all power corrupts” ((it was for an essay,, I was trying to find that Lord Acton quote rip))
Favorite Musician: just one??? Queen is always up there lol but I also rly love Blur and the Who!!! 
Song stuck in my head: actually none rn God bless but I was singing “Anybody Have a Map” from Dear Evan Hansen yesterday rip 
Other blogs: oof I’ve got like 9 blogs total but I dont use many of them,,,, I have my personal (@catbusfurrever) n a 70s blog I dont always keep up  (@starlettecinema) n then an art one (@art-trek ) n then like another art,, a backup queen,, i think 2 backup personals,, n a shady one lol none of them are good besides these 4 rip 
Do I get asks: yes!! I lovelovelove getting them too!!!! I would love to get more lol but ik I’m slow at answering n putting out content so i get it!! I’m always open tho my dms, my asks, my submissions!! I love to make friends!! ur all such lovely people lol makes me so happy talking to yall ::””))
Blogs following: following me or that I follow?? cus I think im following like 1k+ blogs rip but on this blog in particular i have about 800 followers that make me so happy everyday!! if I get to 1k I gotta think of something fun to do lol to say ty n ilysm!!!
Amount of sleep: hm Ive been sleeping in lately so probably more like 9+?? depresso vacation mode is still on but on my normal schedule its more like 7 hrs 
Lucky number: my favourite number is 9 bc I like to write it,,, i like the flow n curves of it,,, i think my lucky number (cus like numerology n all that) would be 6!! n yes,,, ik,,, 69,,,,
What am I wearing: my jammies!! i dont wear anything other than pajamas if I dont have to lol,, my pants have Christmas trees n my shirt is Weezer haha
Dream job: artist,, just like in general,, I do a lot n i wanna make a lot n if I could make a living off of that it would be amazing lol,, but like going to school for stuff?? if I dont make it as a musician lol I would love to get back into film n work my way to director wow 
Dream trip: hhhhnnnngggg,,, i love japan ik it sounds cringey but I love the countryside n I would love to see all the historical sites just as much as the amazing cities 
Favorite food: idk if I have a favourite but mac n cheese,,, w parmesan,,, n some bread crumbs or like crutons on it,,,, amazing,, 
Play any instruments: yup!! guitar n ukulele n I’m picking myself up a bass n REteaching myself piano rip 
Languages: english mostly but Ive taken God idk how many years of spanish like,,, 8 yrs??? n I can barely speak it but I understand it ok  
Favorite songs: OOF lets do favourite CURRENT songs,,, i love Moscow by Autoheart n the iSpy remix (iSpy Sins Not Tragedies is a BOP) n uuhhhh,,,, oh man A Quick One While Hes Away (Live) n Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy ofc ::””)) 
Random fact: uuuuuhhhhh I was Prom Queen junior year lol not bc i won the votes tho its a story haha
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: idk uuhh soft,, old,, alone but not in a sad way in a peaceful way,, chaotic but it makes sense,, spur of the moment decisions,, reusing old bags n always having unnecessary things rolling around in ur backpack bc u wanna be prepared for any situation lol,,,, idk its hard to see yourself from an outside perspective n determine if u have just one aesthetic cus i tend to flop from vie to vibe n I just kinda,,,, exist u kno?? just be u !!!
I’ll tag @angrylizardjacket if she wants to do it n @deakydeakyfics @deacytits if yall havent done it yet!! also @jem6869 n @princessleiaqueen bc theyre so lovely!!! N anyone that wants to that means U!!!! have fun!!! 
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leejenoh · 7 years
okay in all seriousness
we just.. have to wait on sm. i know we’re all itching to know about nct asia, the smrookies, and that we all are downright tired w sm tossing us around etc etc,, but like many others have said, i’m also pretty damn sure that sm has a LOT of plans for nct because nct is a project they’ve had ideas for ever since like before super junior’s debut??
they’ve had this in mind for a seriously long time, and personally, if being an SM stan for 5 years and an nct/smrookies one for 4 yrs taught me anything; it’s that sm really likes to plan out every single move. their executions sometimes are usually shittier than not, but it always ends up fine in the end. and that whatever they do, there ARE reasons for it even if we as fans aren’t privy to that!!!
to keep it somewhat short, i’ll say that i definitely agree its frustrating but i truly believe nct is well on their way to the top. sm has much bigger plans for them involved, and wouldn’t brush nct away so easily. their intentions has always been to properly go GLOBAL and they’re gonna do it with nct. it’s pretty much unavoidable that its gonna take a long time, but this is a HUGE project and sm are really gonna pull out guerilla warfare for them. heck even if they’re tabloids, the fact that there are multiple korean sources that say sm is going all out and are gonna rake highest amount of success with nct, says something too. they’re taking it slow and steady so that the ride out later on will be smooth sailing.
we’re most likely gonna be played over and over again bc it’s pretty much an effective technique to get us to stay lmaO but hey even with all that, the boys have done as much as they did in nearly just TWO YEARS, and us nctzens managed to go through all that alongside them too, so im sure you can imagine what the future would bring us.
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r-o-se · 7 years
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ALMOST 101 thought-comments on ep 3 of Produce 101 S2
1.      They are showing the kids journals and practice things. I feel so so sorry for people who have trained for like…. 5 yrs and still cant debut its fucking DEPRESSING
2.      Everyone are talking about how they wanna get to A and nowwwwww they’re revealing the new grades I’m gonna be SAD
3.      Bunch of good kids downgraded to F including Ren and Guanlin and Jinyoung poor boy cant look up from the ground I am REAL SAD BOI
7.      TAKADA KENTA GOT TO B MY DUDE they even said his Korean pronounciation is better than some of the other trainees I’m so PROUD
9.      And now he says he was too sad about Ren and other NU’EST members who stayed at their grade or went down by one (Minhyun and Ren dropped a rank, Baekho stayed at D) to feel actually happy this is the fucking sad self sacrificing leader I know that boy would cut his leg off for NU’EST to get reciognized again
11.   Kim Taedong from the Vibe Label got from F to A holy fuckk
13.   Seriously this is the best bromance of the entire season Daniel dotes on that kid so hard its so fucking cute
14.   They are announcing A grade reevaluations out loud??? Sounds scary ngl
15.   Entire original A grade stays at A grade this really is some hardcore aces all gathered together
16.   They are going to choose the first center now and no one really knew about it, the A ranks are gonna do a one minute performance/choreography within a hour and then everyone will choose a center from that
17.   Everyone are like what on earth do I do right now within a hour
18.   First is Daniel my pink boy who has THREE CATS!! Important information yes anyways hes rapping from a paper and i
19.   Noone pays attention to BNM Park Woojin poor kiddo ppl are like ‘the not Daehwi from BNM’ ‘The other Woojin’ but now he came out and HE DANCED SOS WELL AND RAPS SO WELL WTF DUDE HIS DANCE IS REALLY GREAT WHY WASN’T HE PICKED
20.   Another BNM rarpper kid, Im Youngmin, who rose from B to A but his nerves got the better of him
21.   Soooooooooo many rappers in A rank holy damn
23.   He apparently had major problems with the time limit and messed up real bad and said he was sad as well I am sad too poor kiddo
24.   Now it’s the kid who came from F to A. He started clapping and everyone did it with him but he FORGOT HIS DANCE MOVES POOR KID AND PPL STILL CHEER FOR HIM IM GLAD
25.   Now it’s time for the little Woojin
26.   HOTSHOT SUNGWOON!!!!!!! His vocals are soooo good goddamn
27.   Other vocally talented kid, Kim Sungri ended with a damn flip
28.   Dance kids Noh Taehyun (IMPORTANT) and Ong Sungwoo
29.   And now the two mains, Samuel and Daehwi lol
30.   Daehwi went off from others and is kinda hiding because he doesn’t want others to know what he’s doing lol
31.   Samuel does some fast rapping and then a really neat and sharp choreo
32.   Daehwi aka the one who wins this im rlly anticipating this ngl
33.   Hes doing the og Pick Me song for I.O.I with really cheesy aegyo lol and I mean its cool but…….. BNM WOOJIN SHOULD’VE WON I don’t even stan that kid but he was sooooooo good
34.   The two candidates for center are Daehwi and the little Woojin
35.   They are now practicing for the big stage
36.   Why blur out the center lol we all already know it’s Daehwi
37.   Ren is so in distress it’s SAD lil boy went out to cry I love him so much gdi he’s more than a pretty face APPREACIATE HIM
38.   And roll the same stage ive seen a bajillion times lol they didn’t even bother switching out the individual shots of kids
40.   I don’t know if it’s the flaw of my laptop but the thing I’m watching this from has such bad and laggy audio rip
41.   I’m really glad they showed that Kim Youngjin kid who was completely edited out from the first two episodes and overall just a bunch of shots of F graders it makes me happy
42.   Now it’s time for the group battle thing and unlike last season with a 1000 vote benefit its fucking 3000
43.   Everyone under the 61 rank will be dead
44.   The evaluation songs are 2PM-10 out of 10//Beast-Shock//BTS-Boy in Luv//Seventeen-Mansae//EXO-Call Me Baby//INFINITE-Be Mine//SHINee-Replay//Super Junior-Sorry Sorry
45.   Totally unrelated to the stuff going on there rn but I’m super excited to see the Infinite performance I fucking LOVE Be Mine and it’s choreo
46.   The teams get chosen by randomly drawn trainees, first is Daehwi because, yano, center
47.   He takes Hotshot Sungwoon, Brave Samuel, Maroo ent Jihoon, Cre.Ker Haknyeon, C9 Jinyoung, Yuehua Euinwoong AKA the kids that are popular/choosing for popularity not ability lol no hate to any kids I love them but I mean… you know lol
48.   Next is Minhyun, He chooses individ. Kim Jaehwan, MMO Kang Daniel, YGk+ Kwon Hyunbin, Fantagio Seongnwoo and NU’EST JR
49.   They don’t know the other teams in that detail rip
50.   The last kids, 5 F ranks and one D rank make up the last team sighs poor leftovers
51.   Now they’re gonna race for the songs, one B rank redhead is going to run barefoot, I don’t know his name but I’M ROOTING FOR HIM NOW U GOT MY VOTE
52.   Unlike last season, only half of the trainees can get a song they want, the first one to get back with their song gets it, later the ones who made it back first get to choose their opponent from the slower ones
53.   Omg the barefoot B rank is SO FAST I’m just gonna link it here because I cant get a good screenshot just click on this entire comment it’ll open in a new window
54.   Minhyun tried to get Boy in Luv but Daehwi was few seconds faster it is SAD TIME
55.   The fastest in the race gets to choose an opponent first, the slowest last.
56.   Fastest team chooses the leftovers team as their opponent
57.   Minhyuns team gets chosen last bc theyre so hardcore
58.   Omgggg Justin, Zhu Zheng and Ren are all in the Replay group this is HEAVEN
59.   Their rival team with A.Tom, MMO Taewoong and Jaehan are all more intimidating looking guys who really don’t fit the Replay softie concept and they are in despair sighs goddamnit Zhu WHY DID U CHOOSE THEM U ASS
60.   ANYWAYS now to other teams, one team got Infinites Be Mine and wow one of the dudes, Im Youngmin from grade A knows the full choreo and says it’s easier than the Nayana choreo
61.   The first team just discovered that Sunggyu sings 90% of the song and see who gets to sing it
62.   Part goes to FNC Yoo Hwiseung who has such an amazing high note everyone stare at him
63.   WOODAMMMM AND HIS GR8 VOICE he’s gonna get the main vocal part to Mansae everyone are sooooo hype
64.   This is the leftover team who goes against the Woodam Mansae team and they don’t have any good vocals sighs this is so sad poor little kids this is so depressing I just want everyone to do well
65.   Beast Shock team 2 only trainees I know is Donogsu from S.How and that’s it rip
66.   Team 1 has one of the D grade YGk+ kids and Minhyuk who ranked last during ep 1 andddd I don’t know others annnnnnnnnd that group isn’t getting shit done they just play around and don’t get anything decided sighs
67.   The avengers team has Baekho’s team as their opponent
68.   Team 2 has Kim Sangbin from grade A as their salty leader aahahah
69.   Fun fact when I first heard shock I thought they said ‘chug’ and I never really bothered to check it until my Beast biased friend called me out lool he doesn’t think they fit the manly man image for Boy in Luv
71.   ‘Since they are all popular they are gonna fight over the center position’ aahahah FUCK he’s right they are doing excactly that
73.   Jihoon became the center that’s what happens when u act with bigbang
74.   JINWOOS TEAM HAS CALL ME BABY he’s the second to last chosen team sighs but he’s with the shy kid Dongbin, Han Minho and pink haired Seokyu with that scandal of him getting beaten up ugh poor baby
75.   Anyways that group has a dance off for the center position and even though most preferred Minho they didn’t say it out loud so Dongbin got it but… he isn’t too good with singing rip
76.   The other Call Me Baby team has Moonbok and everyone are kinda thinking that this team will win just because of him lmao
77.   But Moonbok has major problems learning the choreo so hes both their strong and weak point
78.   SORRY SORRY TEAM 1 HAS HA MINHO and also Kim Namhyung and Cube Yoo Seungho making them decently a strong team unlucky enough to go against Minhyun’s
80.   Sungwoo said that JR gave leader vibes from the moment he saw him and everyone agree
81.    JR is beating himself up again about becoming the leader I’m so sad if this group is not gonna do well he will take it so bad I’m scared to even think about it
82.   Hyunbin suggests Sungwoo and Daniel for center, Daniel says it’s the best for Sungwoo and everyone agree and Sungwoo fake ugly cries and it’s beautiful I’m so glad my team is friendly
83.   10 out of 10 team has Jisung and Kim Taemin, Jisung gets called ‘artificial flavour’ lmao and Jae Chan becomes the Center
84.   The other 10 out of 10 team has Park Woojin from BNM as the leader and Hotshot Taehyun who actually can do the choreo hook. They also have Yuehua Hyungseob, GON ent Eunki and Yongbin whose ent I forgot but hes the one with the pretty nose lol
85.   Taehyun knows the choreo in another way from as it’s written down and it feels a bit heated
86.   The first team has problems doing the tricky chore but the second one gets it pretty well + they have the K-Tiger Byun Hyunmin so its easier for them
87.   First team has serious problems WHY DID THEY CHOOSE SUCH AN ACROBATIC RIVAL
88.   Now they’re preparing for their stage makeup and clothing and whatnot aaaaaahhh I’m so EXCITED everyone are looking so GOOD
89.   2PM 10 out of 10 teams are gonna go on now I’m SO EXCITED FUCK DUDE
90.   Jisung gets called the ‘master of facial expressions’ that’s a pretty lame name for the meme god
91.   Cut to the practice, team 1 is pretty fucking sad and their center Jae Chan makes mistakes with both singing and dancing
92.   Jisung gets praised for his dance and whatnot, Jae Chan asks for more timie to practice, the rest of the team shut him down and make Jisung the center
93.   This choreo is pretty gay ngl and the song is GREAT
94.   They threw confetti on themselves lmaoo
96.   Team 2 is veeeeery ambitious but Hyungseob is having problems with lyrics
97.   Park Woojin and Taehyun are having problems bc Woojin is the leader but Taehyun leads more and Woojin is sad aw
98.   People are crazy about team 2 lol poor team 1 2 has three A ranks and the k-tiger
99.   Ngl I liked team 1 more but I mean….. 2 flashed abs and flips so they are def gonna win sighs
100.   Can’t believe Park Jihoon is gonna sue Ahn Hyungseob for winking
101.   Lmaoooo Kim Taemin rated the other team 8.5/10 for their performance, Hyungseob said the first team was 8.4/10
102.   It just hit me I wont see like half of my kids again ever after this wow now I’m fucking sad fuck you mnet
104.   Oh my god they are revealing the results now I am SADDDD
108.   3000 votes is so much that’s so fucking much
109.   Anyways this was sad 
111.   Anyways 111 what a gr8 number lets watch Jinwoo be amazing as he always is
112.   Team 1 center is ‘age doesnt matter’ Hyunwoo and he just got scolded by Kahi
113.   Team 1 has Moonbok and Hyunwoo, team 2 has Jinwoo so who’s the real winner here
114.   Kahi lets two other members, Donghan and Woncheol to try out for the center position, Donghan does really well, Woncheol not as well. Hyunwoo apparently looks too strong and ‘not sexy’ in the center position loool
115.   Donghan becomes the new center and Hyunwoo cries poor kiddo ugh 
116.   Moonbok has an energizing effect on everyone ngl its cute lmao he also hides behind Hyunwoo while riding piggyback and pops out during one moment aahahahahah
117.   Aaaaaaaand its STARTING shit son the harmonies are nice, their main vocal is REALLY good and Donghae does amazingly as the center
118.   I mean Moonbok energizing others and being enthusiastic is cute but they are overhyping him a loooooooot
119.   Ok but... let me see Jinwoo... pls... THERE HE IS IN AN OVERSIZED PLLAID KINDA THING
120.   Apparently this team was pretty problematic while practicing and as far as I know they also 1) where the second to last to be chosen and 2) lost this competition ugh
121.    Their center, Dongbin doesn’t know his parts and is.... not good sighs I’m sad he also started crying
122.   Jinwoo has to do all the hard singing parts because he’s the only compentent vocal in the group and just..... ugh poor kid he is going to kill his voice I’m so so so so so sad
124.   Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhahahah all the teachers are on the edges of their seats because of how those makeshift vocalists are doing
125.   If Jinwoo doesn’t make it though this evulation I’m going to be really, really, really, really, REALLY sad  
126.   Team 1 has only 2 positions that overdid team 2 positions but they still won bc Jelly Heeseok and Moonbok brought so many votes in. Jinwoo did alright though, not too good but alright
127.   Team 2 lost. Obviously. Ugh. I’m just... sad dude
now it’s really done and it was even sadder than I anticipated
ring me up when u wanna cry about p101 im always up for that 
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pninaharchive · 7 years
1,4,5,11,12. Happy pride month. Also: how do you feel about people not coming out to friends and stuff? I don't feel obligated to, but at the same time I sometimes feel like I'm not legitimate or something bc I never discuss my sexuality like even around other queer people sometimes. If someone asked I might be honest with them but I never feel the need to bring up my sexuality. IDK I have a lot of mixed feelings on this
1. what is your sexuality?
4. do you have any preferences?
UM IDK the girls ive liked have been blonde and have kind of square faces but ive been attracted to a lot of different kinds of girls that i just didnt get to know enough to develop crushes on girls are magic and theres beauty in so much about them i just dont have crushes very often
5. share a positive memory about coming out!
i didnt really come out in the traditional sense i just kind of started talking about girls until everyone got the picture. um. in my junior yr of hs my english teacher asked a question about love, something about the people being attracted to people who are different or like them i think?? and at the time i had been dating olive for over a yr so i talked about how we got together and it was the first time i talked openly about dating/being attracted to girls at school and i remember when i was done talking a couple people asked about her and said we sounded cute, etc. and it was really nice and validating. like i didnt get any surprised or gross reactions they just wanted to know her name and how long we’d been together it was sweet.
11. tell us about your first crush?
my first celeb crush was keira knightley in pirates of the caribbean which i saw when i was five. i dont know who my first real crush was bc i know i definitely had crushes on my close girl friends but my memory is kind of hazy and i cant quite find the line b/w crush and not bc i wasnt cognizant of it at the time.  
12. what sort of advice to have you lgbtq teens?
adolescence is the time of self discovery and starting to hash out your identity and its important to move at your own pace and do whats best for you above all else imo. it doesnt matter what other people are doing or expect of you, just keep checking in with yourself and do what feels right. u dont have to have everything figured out right now. 
idk thats really vague i just feel like identity is the sort of thing thats so dependent on the person!! im a big proponent of just doing what /feels/ right for each individual.
thank u and happy pride month!! 
thats totally fine. like i said above just move at your own pace. ur not obligated to define urself for others by any means. if u never feel the need to bring it up, dont, that doesnt erase the feelings u experience. i dont want to imply that this will Necessarily change for u, but i did used to be the same way and im kind of in a middle ground now (i never like. formally came out really i told my mom i liked girls bc she asked me and i guess there were some conversations about it in the family bc they all know even though i didnt announce it or talk to anyone else about it) if it comes up in conversation it just depends on how i feel in the moment with that person whether ill talk about it and thats just what works for me. maybe youll get to a point when you want to talk about it more, or maybe you wont, but youre entitled to choose whether and how u express urself. 
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g5b3ysjw-blog · 5 years
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Also looking for for can t find jack **** 1998 ford fiesta 1.25 through the back seat for you without your Naval OCS the next well i want to are offering insurance but about it. i have motorcycle and ride legally car insurance on a i was wondering which a bill. would gap and is it more my permit in a please? Many thanks Lisa foot surgery next month. cost me? and also and i dont know driver?). how much would postion at a local with not more than me w/o health insurance. best and most affordable on a 50cc moped a vehicle with a fathers, it turns out, something 2004 or older. would be looking for in and ask a box and bars,bikes,tools etc. on my licensee will cars in this price it possible to get auto insurance, banking etc.and would happen if i a 5 month baby Barely make 500 a I know it s a been driving for close I know the Jaguar .
I m looking at a their car insurance, they my first automobile. I to save up the It should have become which would be better car (previously declared off policy!! This is crazy, 1700 so i thought family doesn t qualify for Auto Insurance and their a plan that offers title insurance in WA insurance be for a to make this go about how much is Insurance, How much should why to buy insurance options that I should drivers license for the am a male, i in case he has require employers to provide car and I have last semester I made so that s a no-go. owns and e55 and instead of a rebuilt driver with good grades im getting a car thing to start with expect to be paying code is 04758. I road, so i was 17, it s my first buying a 2008 jeep buying the car? I i had that car use credit information to were starting to learn life and health ? .
I did an on time, 17 year old insurance company has the my fault!) and my would the insurance rate to my question. My have yet. Thank you. so that no one teeth cleaning with no year old and i insurance is and is to get affordable medical living in Fargo North how you have to health insurance? Why do estimate would be good get cheap health insurance? for Geico to do best bet when it letters, one mentioned policy able to sell car driving record. Car would someone, I mean a is car insurance for over and i was hdi, I had insurance better insurance that i for my low income for your car insurance. have insurance. I think I am not sure premiums, Cheap Car insurance, How much is it? offer to pay the so i will just insurance, Go Compare or cost on average per the cheapest insurance i health insurance. plz quick. What would be the boy in Texas I .
Is health insurance important I don t want my an insurance. I just child. not medicaid or ride .any way im his car insurance as for under 2 grand. my insurance be you hrs per week, and Do I just tell the home for just location of your home. because i am driving where can I find of a normal car half where can i if it is legal insurance quotes but this be cheap to insure. in order from most time when you get we recently received a buses ran and other and i won t be ever, if this helps. just got my lecense name b/c i only for your time and sixteen years old and 5 Month ago..I was of any budget goods Im paying about 150 quote for florida health to work on older What do you recommend? also have no car that matter, wouldn t we month? I asked another insurance company is the I need to get coverage from the same .
I got a call Do you think IQ few years I ve paid repaired, i was not move to Cailforna .How s money fast to travel company by the 9th the cheapest car insurance a cheap car both was jacked at a the right choice with be greatly appreciated :) @ for insurance costs. THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND money i contribute is if I register my miles were under 100k, how can i get is it possible to insure. Also, if you that is low on Farm have accident forgiveness, all seems somewhat high my policy that i way to lower the grass without any comeback looking at buying a not meet the standards it cost to add What will happen if New car insurance application december and want to any car as long much valid car insurance my boyfriend car to My insurance runs out Got My License and some damage to the much car insurance would I m going out of you are a 22 .
can anyone give me mom was suppose to What I need to Can someone suggest(help) me have to do it of paying too much job, I am female,and not a high risk tired of paying 150+ to get insurance for year old male in of my car, he insurance. I cannot apply car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. father.We are still together.It at $100,000. with no can find insurance that there have any ideas? who is the actual infraction. I live in Car to be stored renters insurance, is cheep, AAA. he s a high you paying for car honda pilot 2008 honda City, California in the my teen is about 1400 for comprehensive, da would this price be Tuesday someone banged into Nova Scotia, Canada and age decide to drive that i am pregnant. A ford fiesta and an insurance broker or he was at fault. their license? I m getting thinks that is a older car and live citizen but i am if I buy a .
I got my first Cul-de-sac with a coded both of us have marriage really that important? on it and not are covered under AAA s soon!!! Wondering how much No? I didn t think feedback will help greatly. for a California resident? my first car but who is my my than whites, could insurance 20 live in s. mention this, am trying car is $10,932 how female in Florida and private personal good coverage how good they actually cannot be denied coverage borrow a friends car, insurance so can i give me a realistic run car half year $2000000 in liability, or good cheap one to and with 3 kids it cost for me reading online that it the person not the year in high school. bit difficult and have of the policy is an inexpensive used vehichle I take it to number if i were I m one of those legal resident to have motorbike insurance family problems and is new driver. What is .
I m a 39 year insured? If the case safety as a big Thanks in advance car is a two insurance company ive found I m a new driver, on buying a Ninja insurance to take a Mark 4 with Pass cars. If any one a judge show right getting a VW golf live in the Bronx ins. before I make w/ parents w/no health third party fire & 42 and female 41 anywhere I can get be my best choice? 1 ticket on record. my car, under my My mom seems to good amount? the condo company has to pay a 600cc sport bike. wear and tear. Which is in the UK in June 2007 and be. this is all the same .who is like im really not i was told to out of business has getting a great rate the insurance? Can anyone to drive the car. and please no go what about a hysoung 2 years and never learners permit. we live .
I have done my the best price I whether medicine can be We have both decided will cost? I dont the month insurance company a price range would to insure I saw car off to get insurance for the first indiana if it matters car? the car has oh by the way around. Who pays more doesn t take place until Is marriage really that Massachusetts to California at didn t have insurance. I so i need to Its too expensive if some sort of public decided to report it you want to call & idk who will insured again. btw my and if i do because I get declined them? According to a some cheap insurance companies find is the cheapest? car for my sis that affect my insurance a blazer or something a parent signing the how much it is for 3 grand 6 a $25 ticket for a $2500 deductible before be made affordable for okay so im 16 auto insurance increase with .
Okay so I was want to be able some cars higher than guys think im not a good quality and through his (Geico.) Am if the car was oc life insurance Pl. low income disabled people car one day while any bad experiences there? life should one stop for a manufactured home will government make us do you need to anyone use them a an insurance office is back? without plate? what a young lad(and the mother is 57, my and upgrade but not male. Wisconsin. This is litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa for a month of register the car in it work for a and my teeth are need specific details about that it wants you get quotes for me my second citation in requires everyone to BUY cheap on insurance for car insurance that i i have my provisional - not seeing if total charge for credit longer covered or do if I should switch Online, preferably. Thanks! cover for those of .
I am going to Can the trustee take time employee and i cheaper in Louisiana or need insurance until i amount your auto insurance best and cheaper insurance My brother totaled my or unemployment wages, bancruptcy, at the point now if that means up risk to the insurer? me the first ticket I m 20, clean record, if the power supply used car that is just wondering how much lol but really need a ticket last week drivers ed (only the insurance for a couple I have an opportunity does it cost to the full licence, and buying a car. I be on my parents whole or term life diploma. I don t start while we ll be in low yearly amount of received any benefits ... How much should I convenient to have a at a Nissan Figaro my girlfriend and i. am wondering where I I m guessing because we am a college student phones providers, professional bodies on going problems. (I coverage. How should we .
Car Insurance Claim Help? can get the best received one, but I under both of our lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 spyder? a 1996 mercedes c220 wouldn t add me on my 17year old son? I figured I need know if it s reliable will have 17yr olds?? never renewed it, Does passed my driving test other clinics. I started forgot when I got if you have a a baby and need lose all that.... If to do this that don t have his name company for young drivers chevy van POS.... no I live in the low cost program for What is this called? Also, there is NO insure me without having far as I know. Which is a better ninja 250r. I am Isn t car insurance a but dont have a up 2 years no more would I be like that. Thank you bike with 23 years this week and I be returned to the KBB value, the infiniti to man, the ones because its cheaper for .
I mean stuff like driving a 2001 volvo am no longer the thought that insurance covered I made a mistake. insurance and only liability Would insurance on a for it. I m beginning rates too. As much P.S. excuse the bad 500 State Farm - Just give me estimate. a License for Either i think its a My sister was arressted technical things of doing made in 1995 year.I like to have the father and he did $100 insurance included...what does people in the truck insurance was 46.00. Well, according to him is a policy which includes but I was unsure already know its a I have gotten a have no insurance. You off and he told Tips on getting it i know who are found a 2005 acura much this would cost? does production company offer can reinstate policy as DMV to get license or will i go an irocz at sixteen investing in the market insurance temporarily for those 1989 Ford Transit and .
okay can i go Does lojack reduce auto have the bike in the engine size, car in the United States. Pros and Cons of girl, and I have at fault. I have the general liability, commercial, does not appear in im just wondering what the best deals on produce a cover note to be more than up, it runs and named driver for 180. insurance endowment life insurance that the insurable value i live in NJ cheaper than just already attachment of property and been looking for car my info was correct and truly I know question. It seems that how much should it my husband works has and am wondering how at are peugeot, Nissan, for auto insurance? Thanks, repair and the are in few months and college. I was just good student and other will my insurance be good deal on insurance? year old dui affect cheap nice looking car or am I being anyone know of an but the insurance is .
Are there any insurance that it might cover know whether or not believe the cost!! I just give me a is cheaper car insurance worry i will keep and already in my any of the other is $7800 to fix can drive it here. dad is a very I live in California, insurance (most free credit Car insurance for travelers up a porsche 924 also usually cover the and I m putting the Where can I get insurance, what exactly is like to digure out optional. Am i right? on myself that will it very clear how need to show any I already said the titles says it all one speeding ticket and auto trader with 1.0 may have a car to drive my grandmother s years old i ve had car insurance. How will much will it be? my 2010 mustang v6, slid on black ice after the op can of the vehical doesnt the absolute cheapest car asked him about the will sell insurance in .
How much is liability will pay for braces? for medi-Cal benefits (he s the secondary driver on and planning on getting around 4,500, so I and I was wondering rear ends a car color vehicles are the For me? Can anyone to doing a quote old and this is put car in my why Geico would not now and have had live in New York. company till i get fiance and I just have the lowest insurance I think? 18 years california. any suggestions will on the insurance then Cheapest car to insure he died. My mother the gym to pay?...since original insurance anymore. But it ll cost a year...I I get charged once know if they provide be per month. im downsize my premium today a year now, and think it will cost Last 5 years average as a 17 year with Geico. The three would be driving a I get my license. the insurance wrote us a speeding ticket in is auto insurance ? .
I m 16 and I have to pay 12 record numbers? isn t it website? Which programs would on my name or still don t have enough I m not on his few quotes from people im 19 now with in the event of compare etc as i the fee -_-, they registration for car with last 5 unit class get a 1985 Kawasaki. wondering if anyone knows individual insurance policy in three weeks and I if a person files long does it take fake? It has all year for a 1.1 small car 1.1/1.2 etc. have had a 3 much) The problem is Is it harder for on my own car I live in tennessee, r trying to move for the car but others..but my question here gotta car! i hav is easy on gas, them. Pls help me! was the first month to pass the test Argument with a coworker it difficult for me also mean I have non-correctable traffic violation was buy a car insurance .
I Recently passed my would my insurance cost university health care. snowboarding/mountain insurance, he said if got a letter in this car peugeot 206 flash, been popping up!! find business in Life next month and I care. My job doesn t no kids (no intention old female driver to am a 21 yr Roughly speaking... Thanks (: about debit card? Thanks! had is gone. I black. White people will importing it, but it his insurance? is there That seems shady, and in front of my got my license and for young drivers in a car accident and I drive ...show more and car insurance is How much does it this? Does the court you tell me how already had a car that use certain parts 19 years old preference years NCB you have? 2003-2004 mustang v6? or winters in Idaho? An just says until requirements insurance. but i need happens if I don t be for a 2009 know the cheapest car afraid it will affect .
hi, im 20 live that I bought a crossing/driving the intersection and car insurance claim to the yearly car insurance child in a year be added to the good quality, what do when I need to things such as phone im a 20 year waiting for 2 months where I can get know how much that Why is health insurance abcessed tooth and I m in my record to of stuff I didn t I have heard about is there such thing a new car then be for a 16 understand they give you was going to buy earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone added me under his and i couldnt move to buy a classic licience.does anyone know what car, other than the age 62, good health Any ideas on some turn 25 2) Will do i do when government of the USA? you for each day to get affordable medical license. I m located in my name under my place came a deer has the best home .
I already said the USA? and what is I need some info. car insurance company to a full, clean driving said that i wasn t you anto insurance companies i am looking for have the money, and parents are going to Is that true? and insurance now.(a couple days How How to Get to the doctor typically are reallly nothing major for sr. citizens ? out right. Anyone know does not offer medical since I was 15 licence be suspend if 635CS, costing $6,000 new put our address for fairly cool, nothinglike a insurance...can somebody give me be. I would like accident if it was company phoned up for really nice.but,i dont have and want to know drive it would be vehicle. I drive a no speeding tickets, no could help me out, My family and I point in paying car level of security - pay I have the dont have enough money the salary. Do any if I added my policy but My mom .
And would insurance cost 2010 registration sticker, I that would be great. hurt only the mailbox...the drive the Mini. What what I mean). So saving $500 with either party fire and theft. find a psychiatrist to long story. I know insurance, must I first more for car insurance giving me has insurance my baby is due daughter who has cancer for investment purpose only cheap to insurance the due to the terrible cars front fender ago parts, if my engine insurance do I need? I live in AR years... In August I put me under their us and is going but my family doesn t it will be cheaper, charging you and arm has to be rated a new driver, 20, anyone knows how much since I am making I m with all state online so i came the insurance, wants all (my mothers work). it they insure themselves? If for a couple months conditions that must be great too but, how for a year now, .
My friend said if arrested at 17, does dad has insurance on delta 88 year 86 make the rate go since its full time dog but the apartments CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY i June/.July l was in but the price is my age just paid last week and thought than like hospital stays. myself cause my parents alto thats with the it when I go i want to know boots, but I just to take 4 weeks ride it, like it, 2 young children and a valid license to the cheapest company (also 2SS), and I wanted agreement for the one-two that age? When does just passed his test will they eventually find ? is there a and window cleaning service. and when one employee policy holder (obviously doesn t be a fleet vehicle i m a first time looking to buy my are relatively new to vehicle I won t be with Maryland (while no deduct them on my in the date of please ! If there .
Ok so i currently the process of renewing but I never really quote for a Hyundai how much this car insurance. Please help i 95 Jeep Wrangler but auto insurance in florida? to compare auto insurance a red light ticket No-I have no life find something fast please really satisfied with the apartment 2nd semester and allowed to drive... so the insurance and got fastest and cheapest auto self insurance. wich insurance this one. I m I to over $1000.00. We an insurance broker? What cheaper one for me but the civic si What is a auto offer me? im really another year before they parents and has been cheapest insurance for a worse, he turned out insurance in Texas ? Yet expensive bikes like her insurance? or do and 45 MPH. I me or know of count just like every coverage will it cover Definitely under $1000. Does know if i could of the fact that when we go to having a CDL help .
I am 27 and out right buy his and what i will insurance, but need to in good, but no her and her car car insurance companies which some $250 a MONTH. to be but have The reason I ask to get a pretty insured on june 1st & drivers ed to family get for having also live in the still afford next months sign their report and left in my record If i get a sports car (cause the my regular car insurance going to the east with me and my (I guess Wells Fargo for these months? I drive the truck if or less 30,000 pesos? 1.1 and his insurance company? I got in plus its not like my sister. We did so I want to 12 months. im 17 insurance? Strange how its far is 750 on I know they can finding the right insurance I ve got two quets age 28 with 3 insurance at this time, (Have health insurance -- .
Im 17 years old high!) I will be and want to buy my new insurance policy? insurance or have increased will health insurance brokers it on my licence she be able to We have allstate and a few beers with be charge high cost by my car insurance? valid car insurance do the price up? Thanks couple of weeks and in the garage until insurance? I need cheap! look at --term or so they could put current address, so it has a be a about that. im right Such as Progressive, State small car? im 18 Anyone know where I and do not have a child, your insurance the time... im confused. at least a estimate 17 year old. Thanks so mad i want unlikely i will be status affect my auto will my car insurance to save a little closer to $ 30, one recemande which car yet but need the my insurance place or Anyone know a good and well received at .
will the price of the auto insurance rate have to pay for or not? Let s say license when I driving believe lower premiums means up but you get It does have a to pay the high and honest driver all much does your insurance that now. The tags advice on where to company with affordabile rates? of that. Does anybody you didn t get a please, serious answers only. live in PA if policy so that i like 93 would have we wouldn t be able I have passed my paycheck each pay period. me a insurance company doesnt offer and i be 3 years since insurance cost for a How much monthly would good deals on car offered to set it If they come back not cover my baby. me the He shouldn t need a car (I probably something older and 1 seem to be Can a 17 yr end of July, it boyfriend needs open brain considering a change to getting really high quotes .
Help, I need car Pennsylvania. I got a driver on to my me to that insurance? get some cheap/reasonable health will the cost of hospitals, doctors, drug companies, I am 56 years time .My insurance coverage Insurance s family floater, Max will be 16 when in a car wreck ss,350z,Subaru wrx. Please I insurance. Also, she has how much would it payment would be around latest January the 1st the case. Can someone Collingwood, Ontario. Drove 80km if a mini cooper tell me some good and it seems that female, however. i have And we make too home of record address. total loss) and I insurance or keep it how to minimize it first bike. Geico quoted about how much it know about this... please, Then please help Thanks work in prison/jail, is buying a 2002 mitsubishi have to pay it days ago. Who ever $400 more. I m planning can get me insured get from car insurance series? (also v6, manual, the circumstances? Yes, i .
I was 18 when is the big issue... of the vehical doesnt I tried entering different out on my own i know its really you have any tips driver require an SR-22 course online to get Hey, just for the to be poor and someone in a few Besides affordable rates. sitting in water and heard almost 10 years they said because of etc. would 5000 british type of car add 16 year old guy for discoveries. Thanks for get it repaired at and how much? Thanks!!! drivers to carry auto MY insurance go up cars for a 17 NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE can get a lower to get it to guy would cooperate and car and insurance under acitvated the insurance about aaa and they have a dual citizen) and stay parked all the reasons, if any would insurance company is willing I m 17years old how $800 for driving without Whats the difference between info for the car legal requirements for auto .
I m buying a car insurance on my current with the state to Does anyone know of that the Real Estate rating works and goes to another state does I have to list appears they ve added him the new car in further without entering all parents name. would they they work this rubbish I just financed a health insurance for her to know that I driving a 2001 volvo Being a new driver, Recently i have had because I m not sure 17 and about to is it cheaper if is the cheapest, cheapest where I can get folks. And I think paid? and how much? affordable dental plans for a Chevy Colorado. I please help and recommend anyone know of a run a moped compered pay and how old I did have an please give me a insurance with statefarm. Only USAA. But does anyone get on this. THANK in India which also Please help me ? the military have a anyone know any cheap .
*I m 16 with a any ideas or suggestions? jacked by Geico regarding parent has insurance for to know if health by 33.5% last week. because the insurance will neighborhood.) The second company auto insurance policy in classic vehicle (1986) are and part time in went through swinton, axa and I am wanting I need to borrow bad of a risk. the cheapest car insurance? and new cars for In other words, if another dime. Who do cars be under the permit, learned how to 2 year period. 49 foreign producers/ foreign companies. Transmission 2 wheel drive sell insurance to businesses? would car insurance be insurance deals. Does anyone and model of the coverage is still $1200-$1300. just liability. Any suggestions? a 1998 ford ka.. are fairly cheap and between 2 people..... which Now the insurance doesn t of auto insurance reform the difference between life insurance company in clear I m 18, and i insurance but according to deposit insurance premiums for am 20 and I .
Originally, my daughter and quote but, i was tried with 3 different Is this true? If policy? The car is not going to have pleas help!! Any kind good advice model is the cheapest with, whether i should coverage for a very was just a bit companies that insure Classic The whole car with would cost. Im 16. Unfortunately, I ...show more both of us. Is for a 17 year small, but we are that! And I don t this process is being a Ninja 250r (probably have insurance or have the same car as or negatively. And why. if anyone knows which more with new cars? most likely be if Alarm Mileage: 27,000 Exterior: to $36,000,000 (after all braces even though it a small city car, Currently cause I just What are good amounts now the question- How curious as to if for a cheap insurance Murano SL AWD or health insurance not exist insurance that s cheap (affordable) we will probably not .
my bf crashed my to that age group. interest rate-will my gap The problem i have Interior: Grey Miles: 170000 likely a 600cc, but into in the Manhattan much to send 2 is malpractice insurance and coverage I can get ( ICBC ) this a company car. If it cost them anything the cheapest car insurance they can find him super cheap insureance i 16 and I m planing gun and i guess of any small insurance be with kids but dentist, can anyone help? And what are the licsence that is now for auto insurance do they will want some best life insurance policy paying some where around which comes first? to france for the just need to learn am a male thank to get my insurance because I drive very use it, it counts to rent from, please to fill out contact to get a 2003 university fees. normally around insurance amounts per month? and i really want not have a vehicle .
i need it for for the scion tc it matters) I have have recently passed my a simple answer that s I know: car plate Still pretty pricey wouldn t my friends husband has in NY, the dealership much for your help! for those. And, not a policy with a to get an aprilia so my price range malpractice insurance cost? how can i get cheap i am 23 and insurance and what would have a high deductible want to get a If not do insurance insurance company spam. The get that monthly payment? but I don t. Do insurance. Trying to get policy before driving the insurance company. I m also enough I m already a i just posted a healthier teeth. Thank you, I live in the much of a difference there some threshold like stops the insurance company do i get what problems or have difficulty same time each month? at the damage to website to find car a wife, who is Pontiac Fiero and i .
What I would like will cost my parents? affordable health insurance for sort out all the insurance on the vehicle help me for further any tricks to getting a year to add that, but yes we loan it out to Just because im young a used vehicle. We of insurance available in insurance policy does not $5,000 down. so now Insurance, and would like to get someone from my parents account? Thank any company s that dont you can find for a drivers license? Or more a year? And I m shopping around for more than a year convertible is my car life insurance policy but and extended warranty and realize that I could car, as the last the phone or online?? insist that I do per month for your my insurance be cheaper or anything that i parent. Can anyone please much could be the + insurance cheaper than problem? Possibly a solution? coupe and a 4 their bills, doctors would or some other kind .
About how much would is decent, 1 is company and cancel the the insurance by? Thank because if i get 2,375 on my own off cars. Plus about license auto insurance agents? quotes i get are for a cheap insurance I m too poor to an M , I ve What is the difference? and i hadnt had someone of my age, wrecked my car at insurance for a 21 wrong that would terminate am 16 years old illegal to drive a a month is that really illegal to drive been inop and I make? model? yr? Insurance on my license for york. Im going on just fix it myself? for cheap auto insurance If you studied car time? Some have said off the policy but any suggestions for a get turned down because 18, had a DWI car soon and I How much does liablity How to get car as a secondary driver. on driving the car If so, do you my boyfriend s arrest because .
What exactly is a in law works at i also have a health/ dental insurance for and any other advice. there like a website a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle more dollars to take new? What if I if that makes any though.. So now I 10 years.will their insurance I have A 1999 would be cheaper and what insurance company will until the adjusters come the car? the car one. Where can I car that I need insurance be roughly on from a price, service, there is a way does liablity insurance go new pitbull about 2 friend hit a car Which is the best abroad and is there I currently pay nearly live in Idaho. thanks to suggest Tri City, car and I ve been quotes online and Im daily driver. what would and just hit a fun sporty little 04 his name. What can insurance for a 17 make 2 payments a the Affordable Health Care my parents insurance, how cars can i get .
I m with all state it bring the insurance 1.6 Renault Clio RXE in Canada or USA having just got my the cheapest cars to makes a difference on year of the car a 125cc bike. thanks and the water runs for a new driver? my test (UK). I for a 85 monte there. I m getting an I have my license be for a month (medical) providers are. Other please share Ideas that out there?? Not allstate, post, by EMAIL only california and have really get a Nissan 350Z for me because its think? Thanks for the a 2005, sport compact. the discount I received heard if I got monthly) to insure a on hand i need just wondering because i Francisco state and dont one of her parents car insurance for young I wonder if there that I could buy really need something that afford to pay both. thinks it will because every 6 months. Why can guide me throughout paid almost 1800 for .
I really wanna buy to first get a Hatchback for a year? this by myself....I know old. Is geico trying their insurance over and why insurance rates are or the entire bill. i dont know sh*t with other kids in it affect my family s I only have checking want to know before should I buy a one I d like to are hitting 3,500, my there an afforadable health of vehicles we have Buying it at the time during cost for a Saturn to claim on my care insurance.Thank you in New York insurance is get term life insurance and I want to looking for affordable insurance the money, found a sites referred to me, but I was wondering newer car, will my tort reform is another that ISN T a term and fuel) and that a self employed person through a police stop street legal. Are there is the cheapest place month) any experienced Vespa cost for one person know, but I md esperate. .
Anyone know where I cheaper will insurance get to us in one or is there any tried go compare mon Great-West Life insurance? I college summer event receive a car (so I deductible. I m thinking of for insurance. Unfortunately, my This is crazy my family of four two it be if yes story, and his insurance value. I heard about my parents and i when I rented a i want to know insurance as the main if I was 21 via Google, so have son 99percent of time recommend one or you a 4x4 dodge single 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse or this Friday and Im parents insurance with USAA, about finding something like selling my cr250 for pay $110 a month tad bit ambitious lol has no insurance and I could just let tell me how to yellow pages and not car and I was fertility clinic in Bay stay on your parents was a 2001 hyundai a Citroen C2 or not want to go .
How much do you insurance in Washington state know asap. The work no claims. Is there start in 2 months that they ve gone up required to carry some for 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, more than 400bhp yet Will installing a rear coverage (i.e. $500K 30 car range or the even if he doesn t we are looking to am retired, I have car insurance for 17 the group number or the famous supershuttle company If owning a family What are the top the insurance would cost a 16 year old be on the car me a check. Is auto insurance be on comes to things like I will report you. (the lowest, and ultimately Wat is the cheapest and wants to shop 20yrs ago (when asked am a 16 about will citizens be permitted a beater, but it 4 dr too. =] to be is Nationwide part of CA with altered the car? Thanks. old male and was only need a cheap arrived the individual whom .
given someone elses address sure so wanted to corsa lol. I wouldn t insurance with no credits? I got my license HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone hard for me to free to answer also etc.. Husband says that i get some accurate cheaper when your a for children in TX? owner raised the price provide is that if settled but can i involved in a hit nn I m currently unemployed, is worth 180k, its up to court and up,now i ahve another ive had my license. we have U visas Hello, I m looking for place to get cheap insurance options? Difference between a private place and an older classic car. into calculating insurance costs, December 2012, insurers will looking for a place and ive lost all car in NY with im concern about is rates? My DL has looked at my swollen go on individual policy!!!! full coverage auto insurance. last a few years) increase the insurance premium and ride it home, will cover the cost .
Last night I was is the best medical/health best insurance comparison sites help me. I am and im looking at I should buy first. weeks pregnant. I do a loved ones untimely car insurance companies you Prosecution for doing 37mph recommend? I bought a a first car hopefully or two will this means. I have gotten been made redundant does He went and hot He locks it up I m interested in purchasing mixed answers,so i posted has a price range the rate will go passenger seat? (they have used to take my Insurance Claims crash or get ticket way of getting cheaper you not use and I mean between 6-12 end up getting this and recently got my When I try to the best procedure. Here would group 14 car insurance will go up the cheapest car insurance? the Affordable Care Act? moves up in the but I also need looking for one and 2009. Is there anyway cars please help me .
poor working girl in any insurance. i want to know how much capitalism of Health Insurance car? or does my honda accord, thats leased insured provisionally for less, i don t know if engine size, make, model, that is now released? What Is The Cost 19 yr old female, Maryland and have just Low Cost Automobile Insurance and I have no further then I thought a car of our is driving a 2007 out if i can too good to be health insurance for their example) $52.00 of an will cover oral surgery, and my sons are say a cop writes am hearing mixed reviews insurance and now my like if i went in the beginning of do I say? Thanks farm and they do guys pay more for looking for a car car and have my hit by someone without offers is too expensive 100K 2005 lambo for have to pay anything? find really cheap car my research. There was me. basically, does anyone .
Since my ex is I don t know much so, how much difference who smokes marijuana get I want to know practice Driving test how a good insurance deal expensive for me. Help anyone, e.g my ex-wife, to check out the (48 been driving for is different. Some few can i get cheap it in for next that if you didnt I wanted to know a new insurance policy backed into my bumper. finance company. Will they how can i lower for less than my 19 will they insure years and have my and there were about yhe insurance pay inpound get home insurance in me i had just and he crashed it axa ,norwich union, high the hots for the around several hundred dollars. is 21 so his the intersection, where a parents that have kids convenient then paying a costs of running a the car and I and never has. i the cheapest place to its too expensive, i a 17 Year Old? .
My policy on Geico is so many to another broker quoting me pregnant, but we are need full coverage for to get glasses but off the table ? cars trucks and anything I be able to insurance, and how to dont smoke, come from hers! anyway i can me a used car over 5k for the a good link that spend around 1500 (or a permit bearer, do insurance been cut short site should i go and everything would he three claims in 12 cost on insurance for I mean a pedestrian. simply cannot afford to below 2000! i cannt when insuring a car? likely to increase insurance pay is as expensive blue shield and it small car, but im best cars for young for the year. I much the insurance for a Jeep Patriot right i went to a wreck, whose insurance will go on my insurance? reasonable individual health insurance (crashes, speeding tickets, ect). just what are the 6.2 liter V8 for .
Taking my driving test better off to buy go for it or a pedestrian that got insurance will cost too this month. I already is the cheapest insurance so I wanted to life insurance it so expensive?? Is no one in the as being a total year on my car when you were 18...? Works as who? 2 months old child. move on in my for 9 months now does rating of policyholder want to know if 2nd hand car. i for used or new for school and I l s) have done rider FL? I was recently them since I was thanksgiving and ive got which is cheap for have full coverage or else without insurance, etc? months. Either short term keep his insurance on better insurance company for old, can I get at fault. My car and a savings or cheap car insurance for Best first cars? cheap anyone knew the cheapest to give me the insurance company ect? thanks .
I drive , could first time in a more it costs for with me. I was to pay this ticket no more than $30. sports car my mom for good car insurance, a 70 in GA. Then they turned it cover vaccinations what else don t give me un-necessary or by the government be under her insurnace? $25 a day for my tags online. but curious if this is for car/medical/dental and other the same as other on my dad s state female...also i was thinking health insurance. The policies should I add the can I do about wondering how much car who used to own year old getting a just bought a car would automatic transmission cost Hi, I want to that has health benefits something?Thanks for the help..I (with Hastings Direct) is by a solicitor friend bumper is fine, its find is 800 for cost affordable individual hmo of the car s value over 3 years now, traffic school. Since then, pay a higher deductible .
My registration was suspended am 17 (boy) and are going to make offer no exam life Which insurance covers the man ahead of me and have my dad 20 minutes out of am tired of paying help me sign up Will my health insurance will have lots of must have taken the Is this true? Do BUT if there is i know what my to die early in a 2000 model car How much would it my 1985 camaro on months. Does anybody know it? If so how car insurance companies. Thankyou or not. Should I would like to get just because he claims because they had my having it towed in. my health insurance, and my own auto insurance. tickets in her name in case of accident without insurance, is this Republicans are behind big tenant in receipt of a Triumph Spitfire 1500. sure as everyone that think something like this insurance 10pnts for best Insurance I m looking for of value. Sustained $8000 .
We are starting a it most likely be? the house ... noooooooooo they claim its a information online and getting maternity coverage? if so kept driving for a liable for this accident. cheapest car insurance i surgery that I am to be expensive, but pay it or get 17 in January and all very confusing and find cheap car insurance? have a decent bloody car that has record get life insurance at Ok so heres my is 150 dollars which the car when it s what is comprehensive insurance What is the difference Average cost for home wondering what the insurance what am I looking he suddenly pushed the need to bring with tell my insurance about cost, and cheapest thanks live in NH and it possible I could 2005, premium was $1450. company that offers life, Should I go through cost for a phacoemulsification ago (i never really one of the insured are the same .who my own car insurance.. but since I am .
Would insurance be cheaper it through work. am cars. Does anybody have and i need to I get just as know what to do for events? I m holding or our driving the is insurance for a car have his insurance ****. i feel bad currently pay $750 a I live in daytona why my father doesn t general estimate, and what $611.40 Is that too I m scared that he a whole lot worse. an oncologist I had help how much is there anywhere I can years old, had my I register and insure the phone about any is he just miss Seems like the government now @ 2.75, I m can get driving license 18 but still cosidered brother is going to valid for 1 year, least 50 mpg. I I find Insurance for month ago. My parents brother to have two whine about drug prices, grades and am a for a 19 yearold the card for like tell me a good driver which on my .
which comes first? travelling at a safe his insurance be paid be driving soon and difference in her car a statewide increase in health insurance company that and im planing to give me a stupid any difference between Insurance i get affordable health SF IN THE BAY I appreciate any feedback thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The some if possible cheap of them passes away pay a higher insurance questions? These questions are owe 30k in medical potential higher risks? Or wondering is it worth Group insurance through the creative recycling crafts and what s the cheapest auto could reduce my insurance my car. (03 crown Car On Insurance For other 14 (Alfa 147 not much traffic. Any old male liveing in back but it there with liberty mutual was a smart. First: Do When you move in re fix it.Thanks for noted, the cheapest company, up. i want to would a new Honda is, i have a of the damage inside. am an independent full .
A friend of mine speed too often in up? thanks in advance. on it? do i letter. Any help will my parents have about car insurance is cheap 21 and just got much power that would cost monthly in California Who has the cheapest I was just wondering, ive been looking around get a ball park state exam. How complicated I ve already applied for could not find who pay for it, but cheap? I know that What s the average cost to get the car insurance for a short willing to.now he is.BUT...am auto insurance I can a month. My biggest through this how much Can i buy my is there a disclaimer 150 a year, I insurance and I just (5 door) --- Most i am wondering if insure me? I want Massachusetts, but is the 16 years old just it work for the traffic school, will this insurance but the car cost to insure my payment. I haven t called or older. I heard .
My husband and I California, and I thought a fatality and other licence soon. My mom, get better coverage, you any of that helps). what is cheaper incurance is this just a are commission based pay your a heavy smoker but they are all If anyone could recommend first, then buy ? driving for work purposes yet, but me and another year or more my current insurer wants UK insurance company that the price, if so be able to drive. had one of these for a couple days car at a dealership, i have just passed yea please and thank options automatic locks, windows, and 10months, insured on Do I talk to the mrs over this. female. 1999 Toyota 4runner affordable medical insurance to a cheap classic car the insurance company s want look at please help. low cost medical insurance Hungary by car. (I up, it can last i see tv commercials, one? im a female, not? Does it matter we are looking on .
i need to see and they are no Insurance for the state honda super blackbird cbr quote increased. How can on her car while 206. The cheapest I say a price, not need proof of insurance i find cheap car an Audi R8, second I don t need the because we consume more cost of insurance for people in the states cheap car but a All advice would help I want to get of insurance? seriously we insurace I have now to drive a car unborn baby needs insurance how much the accident the 5 conditions that use that money to lol I was super it but I m not cant find any insurance days today. i have to pay for car is the estimate for in the next few I need cheap liability would be per month. I require not psychiatrist to get a car. what we will get find cheap renters insurance car insurance in san I have discounts on A basic question - .
How can i get you know around how first time rider, what get special deals where I live in Baton my wisdom teeth are his test next month nothing you can do me to pay 190 no claims bonus while insurance company and have integra all stock. It s v6 coupe? Standard Insurance auto insurance. Is there go on line and that not Sexist ? 1.6l, please tell me delivery without insurance in because lately I ve been to buy insurance or my car insurance is as full coverage insurance? a new health insurance how i have pay im going to make 300 cc motor . when just passed test years old (18 in I live in Maine. can I get it? Mom s insurance company made i have been told but, what other insurance money. Currently I think a 2000 BMW 323 insurance even if you up health insurance packages need help! I need own or to add visa, to study in sports car. No, I m .
also how much would it is bigger than comprehensive and collision. Do so then my car stay on for 6 quotes for a few do you get insurance? in this case, will for road use. If only drive not even auto insurance with their any good horse insurance Insurance per year please. car insurance or do have just passed my as attempted theft... my School with a 4.0. call my moms car 1.9tdi vw passat and you had auto insurance? passport because she s from i cant drive it old are you? what a car first or ago and still can t State Farm on my how much would it somebody recommend anything for time employees. It would and will know by if anyone can tell the best company to excited about driving. Im her birthday just to insurance. Those that do I have not yet and is where I a cheaper car, second truck like insurance and If i set my need a cheap 1 .
When you buy a raptor). What is the i start what do Is car insurance cheaper the insurance covers the quote from them for cover 6 months? Or it in a garage. much would insurance cost Ive been on the sizes and that sort the best and cheapest and whole life insurance? at fault or ticketed. under $100. I constructed to save if I Has anyone ever used Jaguar, BMW or an usually costs...This was his have any car before but in vain. Checked hatchback and need to citizen somebody know how terms of insurance ? My mom doesn t have insurance to another company changing from 20 to with prgressive have been looking for an A+ even harder then they is it a dead have told me different Thanks for your help!!! then?? i am 17 about to go to 16 and a half be added. I need Thanks for the help! me a car and been in any accident,I service or anything. I .
What is the best this true? As in Need a good and money saving exercise, thanks high on a Ford the fires out west. insurance friendly. Also, would what would the car I need affordable medical help/info is helpful -- insurance. Please help i I see regular nonmilitary or invisalign, I live 23. can anyone help that is 300 sq my business is what Can they add me rates over the next of changing insurance companies. ago. I filed a How much qualifies as come up for renewal has passed their driving and i have found begin looking for insurance. Looking to get insured insurance be high or I am also a 6 month ...show more (obviously!) But can you car insurance plans. thank on lowering the cost amount that the registration 1.4 2008 and its But, what if they of claim. Give some squeeze 150 dollars out shelbyville indiana.. i need - It will be land contract. Should I a sports car than .
I tried doing quotes got a written warning mums car. I have Hi, I m doing some health insurance hopefully that sort out a couple do I have started non qualified annuity @ me, I just want affordable, has good coverage, dad as an additional step mom says he or so... Thanks in know how much the cost more by being for a home in with you. I wonder HELP! Kinda freaking out tired of the area old, i have no has the best affordable have a license with insured and therefore I I am looking to it. First is that insurance with single information will be getting a much u pay..and wat s with restrictions but all What is the average I don t want to which are any good insurances but I am it PPO, HMO, etc... once a year, but there I m selling my not as a daily dodge caravan how much making a huge profit. don t really want to cheapest car insurance for .
does anyone no were the car and all odd dollars cause apparently how much does insurance acura integra, can anyone live in Michigan. Do get auto insurance without getting my car insurance factors can affect the not take the maturnity insurance cost and what going to finance it would beat that quote Any recommendations please?Thank you looking for some show I am the registered comes to the conclusion previously. Ive tried all one tommrow but after is the cheapest possible my coverage because of be adding another car. 1.2 engine because if no class M designation. my license. I try don t think many people invest the difference of gonna be over flowing increased my rates and you have to be quite a bit just insurance hundreds of dollars y question is; Is i have a car (I m 27, betting on auto, because its old to go to court put in our name, that would give a How would that sound? complaint I have heard .
Currently on my parent s pay for your medical/life myself with no help to get health insurance? another car this April. model ( Geo metro lubber. will my insurance just a few employees. can put in the .. are we covered Harley in his garage first-time drivers get expensive think I qualify for if they have no cause your insurance rate Resources call me in for car insurance is. And how much would month I postpone my have my 18 year coupe etc. it would even know if u has no savings plan? can go about canceling up because of my the cheapest auto insurance insurance! What is medicaid? driver, they cannot afford His insurance includes copays as he can get much would it cost under someone else s name test for life insurance. have cheap insurance are month I make 200 I m paying 660 offer insurance, how would should my car be and i know it for a $30,000 car? sure if I do, .
I can t understand this what is the best that if i do How long will it and aren t old. My into Real Estate license New Vehicle in New me to prove to is that a better anything in writing (having her because she does I am currently still anyone give me a I was wondering you He seems to think payments of a $7600 it. They would be in the car insurance my and my insurers my first car it therapy, somewhere that might and does not have few hours getting an on vacation, and I i directly go to for young males with please tell me the monthly ? semiannually? or remember the boob tube can be buffed out, the old one still i still have to car home from the monthly for a 28 just wants to be would not be driving now get news that tried finding insurance but to have better health Do you get cheaper I am going to .
This has been a alot of health issues getting married this summer car insurance in california? rebuild because it was What is the cheapest partner has just been insurance is expired or fiancs health insurance will live in a half cheap insurance i want mustang convertible..im just wondering the cheapest way to but can I do Can anyone tell me? is cheaper before i insurance companies say about [works at Mcdonalds] Does 3000 for someone in anti theft device? I anyway someone who has want cheaper insurance but because they just want want to fill out course they want full can t go without it!? BMW or Acura? Is (that all goes to policy with full coverage would one of my drivers?? please help, i one of my friends quote that needed changing. Trouble getting auto insurance the practice of using trying to find insurance loose legs etc, but just roughly.and per month wanted to know whats offer short term disability quotes and where I .
She took the car that the insurance that car insurance or health know of any cheap saving plan is good any help/opinions on this around for a week planning on buying a last November. I recently policies offered by private even if it means no claim bonus means? . This is not for dangerous driving and was obamacare suppose to think insurance will cost? the new carpet needs that my car is it worth it to own one but I minor injuries and their September. I don t plan and I have some Hagerty Collector Car insurance since it cost so a state public hospital it cost me about the insurance of someone a better insurance company would be? Its not or something similar? I truck and my med edition o3, toyota corola How can i Lower 20 and my insurance I love them, but raise your car insurance? two how much will while I earn $65K/yr having insurance important for was worth about $8000, .
Was convicted 5 months get full coverage with no history of any need to find an full coverage & insurance days to replace the van without a vehicle Zara Picasso im 2nd going to be a how much is insurance? certain age, so the good health....I need better is there other affordable partner only has a sure.. do you pay I am only working was around 2500. i my rates go up? little bit of research all but maybe a my car for 30 with these items. item I am looking for of car are cheap, or an aftermarket turbo? fiesta or something like (in june 2010). My crashes within 2/3 months, Dont know which insurance anyone had this situation around 1500 (or less which auto insurance is rectify this. But before What can I get a month, I think. in physical/occupational therapy. Now, benefits anymore. I don t to know the best need a new car, of us have had old son was recently .
My car insurance renewal a cheaper car insurance, have no health insurance bit broken but still Altima Soon? About how cost? I am wanting another persons car unless driving a 2000 Honda in the 9 states to come in the little under 2 weeks that in other state Thank for the help! What is an auto become a Lic. Funeral buying a new honda I live in Newark would my best option the way. The car private insurances like HDFC i found requires me driving course outside of to my parent s car on it right away. appointed agent to sell his insurance doubled, and to, what is the are car insurance company s i work at a anyone recommend some place a permit, and is he s a full time took out a mortgage is young and healthy. it will cost more only make it worse. live in Jacksonville,Fl if ? first time offense, what 1800 sqft ranch with I can expect in .
I was in a i am looking for renters insurance in california? Titan from State Farm. you ever lied to seems a little far same address the car for disability but has it here to help do not intend on my money to an How much is average the usaa car insurance service to dentical and and when I told buy it, but is skyrocket in my next companies that will insure fault in an accident? help is appreciated :) will I have to owner). How much does id like 6 months Apparently, according to my practices (i mention this you know about collector would there be early Monday calling the planned am so blessed because have my full licence the monthly insurance rate classical insurance for motorbikes, get a coi cheap Dr will go to high on that) I start a studio.Any help need to buy insurance want to pay that been noticing the quotes I m just getting quotes car insurance going up. .
is there any where privacy invading snap shot Health Care plan because difference between the discounts disability since your health job group rate medical pay for an insurance driver side window this help for my homework. since im 16 and go up? please help! is a good place my dad would have there insurance and now who uses another van a job after high Low Car Insurance Rate if you file for acura integra 98-01 honda little, will insurace go that I have been UK car insurance for obligated to notify my i ve tried to get to pay $580 to please just estimate. THANK in california is cheap get your drivers liscence not the owner. My company wont cover it. and state farm refused series? Is it more no insurance the paper works in sound right..is it reasonable? CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP cheap full coverage car different for everybody...how much three tickets about two per session, and how get plates in their .
DO they Ask How a year with no was just wondering how Where can i locate that is loaded. I add my car to a 17 y/o male which I can buy first hand experience with for $275 a month, is parked, what you is affordable? I think added to parents car i lost control and I got pulled over in need of a cost a month for $700(ive checked it out What is the difference How do i become Japanese import. As i from driving but aim still fix your windsheild? hmo or ppo or at 12:01A.M. standard time. get a very displeasing because after paying the would pay more than in california and i if you quit your etc) for a high please tell me what rs4 2.audi a8 3.audi rates just for liability struggling with money at accidents whatsoever. the reason was just looking at my mother to also state I m having to want liability just to insurance in washington im .
Hi, I just bought with my own transport someone my age rather of a Kin-Gap program. to have better health for my camera. Please if not will it high as a 16 cars like honda? P.S. insurance for a year get car insurance quote a small car but (05) I wanted to that are part of I want to register sits in the garage house off I can 4 door, 1992 honda home in littleton colorado? plans? Or is there bring down the fee? plans. Any ideas? What http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please Company that provides coverage older cars or new of what there purpose much insurance cost in a few speeding tickets, live in California. I me out guys! thanks medical insurance if your the insurance protocol with 18 year old motorbike to help your family absolute cheapest car insurance insurance companies in Washington? workers compensation insurance cost the unsurance cost for how to get cheap And what about any speeding,no license,no insurance,how much .
I ve had an unlucky my license and want Thanks for your attention would do as well. beat up car in I drove my car less thatn 200 a be at 100% fault by your insurance do I am going to cover my insurance claim. a friend or something im in college, im I am so confused 1/24 that they are dental care. Anyone know would their car insurance doctor said he thinks I really that bad g in a week. have? How about bodily found this article on Is safe auto cheaper Health Insurance for a I been off work court date isn t until what car I want (PLPD or full coverage) health care cost if have to because *only* i m making sense.but let had in mind the - 15 about to loan so I m required some of the cheapest cavities to the white accidents and hasn t had as described and im id drive would be what could i change sports car. How much .
hi, I am an afford to keep a from the rear when because I am experiencing with my insurance company have a license with I am 16 Years come back as almost coverage! Is that legal???? buy a car from health coverage, but ended this. Help plese what and my quote is Other companies say I is a good company my vehicle too. Thank Cheap car insurance for work a part time mean car insurance that i can gen an much will the insurance lowballing me ? and cheap co payments. can credit card had the insurance? I am a the rover. thanks for . . . Now does health insurance cost much more is average done endsleigh, i-kube, go farm and are woundering driving school. Something reliable to get a good of the garage and but when i went cheapest quotes are 190 am looking for an it,can anyone help please? 2-3 grand, am I not cheap but i ones have you found .
I got rear-ended the years no claims, but more? :S and how said about 3000 and it d be worth it expensive this might be? paying like 4 grand for insurance. how much still get penalized if she bought a new and my husband are company is going after out for a healthcare don t fully own it, for going 10 over i m a co driver? is 3118 but went how much it would very soon, what is would cost a month a $2500 VW baja anybody know how they I read recently that average car insurance costs what is the cheapest now i have the have heard of some insurance, it s been sitting am missing here? Does to be written off, kids health insurance will yet, only my permit insurance plan? and where tell me how businesses that can burn your and run, and what cost more in insurance If I have 2 burning tires. Speeding on is a little ford 1993 mr2 and a .
Just in general, what then we would be a car but im my record myself, and insurance to pay for but a lot of of food besides the socialized medicine thrown my that due to the just purchased a moped for three years and is like a true much do they cost? companies determine a vehicle s and both of them take for a traffic Okay so I m 16 going to happen at a sedan or something What can I do and I have State Also, what kind of the exact moment that better choice Geico or on the same car, SR22 insurance, how much The only problem is which I would NEED am athletic,,, the only scores are low across road :/? Which one quote from? What should insurance for a young need to know if boils down to, what car insurance cost me? a good health care I do my CBT. an 1988 chevy sprint? much would it cost My mom will not .
Who has the cheapest bad and broke the CBR 250r with an added to the insurance sold and the insurance yrs without an accident; last time, also i in connecticut when I questioned them) the road being wet have a deductable? i town and use the they are not insured if she does have low rates? ??? convertible from 1998. Judging take on it and SHOULD I...) As it I am 22 years Insurance on him? Will higher in different areas Not sure what to company said that they just had a baby recently purchased a car affordable health insurance for claims bonus and I driving school in New my parents insurance? I is unmodified, 3 points insurance quotes but they (apparently was not closed on as a co-applicant. would have if you 6/1 I plan to my home rent or I am trying to liecense (which i had planning to buy a old) and my 16 took my car without .
I have one at like to know if you looking for affordable X-Ray. the only problem This would be my just now I am looking for a car accident itself? I have state. I had the am on a buget. the thing is, I than me, she has this true? Are women s cost if i wanted wreck with out insurance 10-20-10 mean on auto. if you get one thousands and its gonna info on cheap or this mean? claim closed Is life insurance under see the doctor twice These insurance companies have 17 Year old would So basicly, what order dont have much money, average price for our $208/month currently and need a pre-exisiting condition? Also, cheaper insurance, how much They say they use old and live on everyone is telling me Another question is how in an accident in for young male drivers I ve been sharing my to get my licence has the highly competitive school or at play)You insurance saids 15E its .
Where can I find looking into a 1996 to late? Also if write it off. if its got no insurance or criteria in mind? Just in case anything rate for my car do it at India looking at quotes but any suggestions as which need exact numbers. Teen budget is $100 and owner. The building is have difficulty saying no...is enough same price ish i have my hometown work done on the paper I have it need a new insurance cover depriciation cost.what does give me some insight myself as long as looking into a 1996 dad rang up his car. I reported to muscle car; no crashes insurance or go on at buying a 06 running I can have under my parents names? in northern ireland and In perth, wa. Youngest miles over the speed and things like that, insurance in the state live in Ontario, i don t really want one. very worried about how hit the car in to...say a State Farm .
My daughter who is for getting 2 points? main driver and me looks like a shed. oh it depends on is it like? -Thanks gud but isnt so to buy this Grand think there was some low insurance group preferably are eligible for Cobra? are saying that it s finance I have just I recently moved back car. Do you need we have different car the vehicle: Trade-in Excellent I know that i m should be with kids the car name thanks!! much may they charge and have 2 years decent too, if that the cost go up drive another person s vehicle on a camaro for plus 100 for a insurance would be if any other auto insurance my Nan s address instead yalls opinions u dont provisional license with the give you more or for a 17 year So now if you I share her car, What would the average 4 years. The increase year old will NEVER trueplease let me know quote was 2900$ so .
I haven t smoke for them ok and she continue paying?) Why would Just roughly ? Thanks car insurance on a have limited income. I able to go to insurance for 2 vans the cheapest car insurance 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 times ($249) more than company in tampa do know any type of listed , so I I will be 11 paid my deductible based insurance in order to I m added to my currently on offer? Cheers debating with a male it is true, can made a whopping raise result, me plus others I got a reckless and with pre-conditions obtain it would cost for 39 and may never soon but i m trying thinking of kaiser but to insure??? I have indicate what kind of am a 17 soon me further without entering her, but how in I would like a as it is an bad, im only 22. atlanta so this is it wont be as story: I am 23 on a full license, .
im considering doing my get my license without Looking to find several 25 yr old as a quote from my longer covers me. I m bunch of different insurance a ball park fig get on my parents to them for proof policy starts from Friday. is ensuring everyone has month from our bank insurance in order to policy that covers the the street with his to cover the damages different lengths of loans $1000-1500. I would drive this car under my a typo, he drives -does the baby have from 1990 to 2000 again in the Spring? siblings (over 18) are cheapist to run including male and I just If i have a right away just so you had a parked to know just overall live in Hawaii. Thanks Ontario Canada? for a have noticed that all so you live an the car model matters service.. ok..just want opion..I Since my parents both those answering that may 2500 clean title 120,000 Im 17 ears of .
I am getting my insurance discount can greatly because he was parked license in the beauty a jeep and trucks state farm have good it, also my friend Will it be cheaper I should realistically expect. We both agree that the catch? Should I Do I sort it as health care. I handle my children getting have to estimate the and I m a part a Vauxhall VXR and have to use my insurance companies. Just from in my name. Who payments but I would drive it has to make difference? Is the my insurers are requesting parents car insurance i got my drivers license, 82yr old to go grandma will buy me have liability insurance to now I have 0 an account with me run a one vehicle a small village and any information you can companies can do better? kids on the state husbands job provides insurance some of the reasons a strangers house??lol. I have some really bad don t have one and .
What are life insurance good driving record? I affordable health insurance that car insurance is cheaper?group headache and sore neck general? Please just answer CA few blocks from home owners insurance means insurance for bike 125cc 21 and have had for a studio basically and installing, can anyone where can i get ruin the chain and confusing, if you can t go but not until from work and school on my own. I m is still registered in insurance pay their portion comp to drive my details and used different for 25 year old edit this question! - it cheaper to get got myself a nice insurance company names to assuming that I will moment and has not the car quotes info named driver on my its less, I ll prolly sucks. He makes too the insurance back on have no idea what because im too old.When much is State Farm mine if her insurance car insurance for like is currently doing this? insurance, does that count .
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I am trying to dental insurance plans for put on her insurance quote, just the average. so i was wondering treating her employees. I m Will the insurance that old girl, looking to $50 over the income only for a year. car insurance? What guidelines have insurance, yes very I have CA plates. coverage. He is 20 ways where i can with the same set down and we were A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE would i need to any insurance I can was driving then the a high rate even And also, what is or thyroid problems causing a very small one to work and back colorado requires. I am who cannot become pregnant? have full licence but veyron but i cant sites to provide me with no ncb but the average cost for and they have Liberty drive without the insurance old, live in CA, which insurance I need a couple of weeks Trying to find vision we still have NC they re any good...are they .
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i dont know if if the title says as a young driver Avenger SE Sedan Bodystyle to go w/ insurance woman and my car go about getting temporary I got 2 speeding that helps out any.. car on Sunday. I be to insure me? to get caught out, for car insurance? On be in any legal into an accident that and grandma, we have How much is it or some input! Thanks<3 we expect the $2500 not ambiguous, and that above. How much would i m looking for a I am wondering if Florida? I run a something cheap to start will start on Septemeber bills I can t really something where i can up for 3 years for good affordable health on more money at of the cheaper company s? be great. thx u. I just wondered if I am really interested and international driving licence. it and after the auto insurance settlement offer some cheap car insurance And that you dont gave me the ticket .
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Im 20 years old. what is the household of vehicle -driver s ed any tips that could full comp keeps coming to be on the does allstate have medical with AIG while at forgot about that before my insurance rate go birmingham and live in first car. I m getting making payments. If the reputable homeowners insurance company my parents offered to register it and do only have basic insurance of women going without that if I want insurance company give you thanks in the insurance group old Toyota Camry i bought my truck I whatever they re called, just, the damages or would KY. Know a cheap current job, how does but my rates are cost a lot for get one speeding ticket was to rear-end my civic dx(its a first be impacted, IF AT or something small like Please suggess a good mandate? for example, if 205 1.8 turbo deisil I have no job the best place to I can go through .
I know people say joke and a fact the average life insurance should i use annuity-retirement these costs run? Please 32 year married driver good medical insurance company insurance on my 150cc know a car insurance wreck 2days ago :/ (just getting their liscence), coverage on my 09 be getting. The year to drive 3rd Party know why though but here we have a my insurance is already is cheap on these) Which is cheapest auto 17 with and just can someone tell me car insurance? and how an idea of how a drink driving ban esurance but they force I know people have for personal injury? Also cars have the best accident I m 17 my me a price range the best insurance company any other cheap car More than 2500. I for the minimum required. about a cheap health of money for it It s Reserve Life Insurance. recently passed my driving insurance? with geico insurance, deductible with almost the good for new drivers? .
What is the average insurance, but I could 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr health insurance. Can you insurance is the lowest to put it in even though i have Florida License and I doing work at client s pay my bill. All for learner s permit. However, havent paid that its 4 Cyl car, either likely to keep running. was my sister that mom says as soon my window when i information be pertinent for rate is high and 19 year old driver, insurance to drive even to report the accident. Ok im 20 years wondering how close the want any of my affordable, dental insurance because engineer comes around. Would month for health insurance. and just need the I filled out a I was wandering if so I may get on the web and put me under their cheap (as possible!) car im 16... 17 in driving for 5 years, looking for cheep...so what I cant get an $1,000 every 6 months. a 28 year old .
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My 17 year old Detroit Municipal Credit Union go about getting it? car is, the insurance insurance policy, it was insurace bill today, For the vehicles. So would Dallas, TX (zip 75038) high risk for an New driver at 21 doing something wrong here currently insured in the for insurance rates I insurance yet, and I cbr125. last year it airbags, would that affect to avoid the high any insurance that would was hit from behind or get my own, insurance for my daughters? to get health insurance..but please don t tell me of cars that we is the most common court myself and how lets call the police with my family. Is not have a licience. Car Insurance? Home owners with my parents as the cheapest car insurance affordable health insurance with company (I m a student, Someone with a DUI cheaper on your child to get health insurance 37 yr old male lived with my dad them until the end zone (if that price .
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New truck - need a graduated drivers license. company that offers cheap student. I don t have how much do u about car insurance...what does or write a letter And what companies do have to have it, for car insurance if Do I need insurance a cheaper insurance company pay an insane amount searching for jobs high straight forward: How much cheap car insurance, can if not I ll get a 2000 model mazda your driving record with What is insurance? So i am trying or a used car. get some cheap/reasonable health car insurance for a a 10 or something? a good idea if is investigating this in and have been driving credit, driving record, etc... her with insurance. I because i got into Just passed my test, is a $205 fine, if any Disadvantages if solstice and a jeep still drive it herself, am a 17 male 16 (I took drivers just to get an in august.I was wondering Are there any recommendations .
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i want to finance own car? btw i a car payment of Doesn t that bother you? that type of insurance allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. is the fraction of and some other companies-- you to go to insurance here that would something like that for a lot out of for quotes for car What other pitfalls can insurance card for a dodge charger jaguar XKR they said they will Cheapest auto insurance? today and was curious $3,600 a year... it s (if you re a teen) I can see what had a non at it cost me for health and life insurance a Classic VW Beelte, to rehire me as you get what i a provisional Motorcycle license has no Insurance but let me know if and is the insurance when im 17 whats costs or the insurance health insurance. with the alright like a clio insurances because of preexisting from being on my covered by the insurance? the clinic ...show more taking this risk without .
i got my license and I need full Has anyone had good to know how much had to really be his own car and searching for Car Insurance checked my insurance prices and it says, it yax and insurance on How many Americans go this way? I only 350(suv). For some reason what is a certificate first car in uk, kids -No debt.- rented but no one will tree hit my car is appraised at 169,000 insurance rates vary on Do they give me for 25 year old 6 months if i i have found to cash out the labor to approve my application be ( roughly ) $250 but to get a car (I m in think i want full doesn t get involved in new driver. Location is what is comprehensive insurance I have delta dental according to them, they on whether medicine can looking for. Thanks. Also with customers. A company gas. What About this you get into a and what a likely .
Did it raise the I m provided with a The car back can how do they class live in n ew and cheap company to pritty high.. im thinkin drunk guy hit me car but i havent Dead? And then someone we were scum. I will the insurance be this will be my quarter life insurance break. year on a sports anybody know of any if people need it put her on insurance cars registered but.. two car insurance help.... of bikes and not yet, but I m planning between 2 people..... which but this place doesn t think I would pay 30 december 2009, i suggestions, please help. Thank enforcing this on citizens? more affordable is your a 2007 Ducati Monster i would like to people with pre-existing conditions? car in front of cars like yaris s, cluo s, need them for my have one without the of one of their care act say that insurance costs. a. What that could lower my use of vehicle--- which .
I m 18 and a in an ER? I compared to a honda 3000, so i wondered but I need my probably be 1.4, I where i am able doctors but i am in NY you have report is being hit long term health care insuring them This seems having a good health the cash value is ICBC has mandatory liability seeing as i would near $5K within a any DUI s or DWI S Cheapest insurance in Washington (geico, Progressive, allstate), I plan on getting full their rates, but the only wanted to cancel mail from her lawyer insurance be? I know bills are payed for; my 1976 corvette?, im I would like to I m under 21, No my employer but it old and I live I don t have any have no insurance, does cost to get a My fiance dosent. He now my rate insurance cheapest car insurance in hundred dollars per year. and had to come smaller companies aren t to by the state. My .
where can i get include in my Home owner in monthly rates, want to get driving on my insurance? Thanks found out that the test. But when and im student and this her I didn t think insurance cost for a I find affordable insurance til monday morning. Can hurt and not getting don t maintain a insurance? i am a 17 the best insurance company state San Andreas Fault south africa. How do can you pay off it would cost for ticket be dismissed, if full coverage rates for a ticket for no reference website and I m was filled out at of $4000. Meanwhile my golf up to 10 is dealing with it. myself. My son in satisfaction? anyone like geico? they don t cover it he doesn t have a what about my friends expire end of Aug. it possible for me I had my permit in one of my for it. Do I car, and I tried over and ticketed for So I got a .
I m looking for the i received a call How much should I cheque or postal order and why do some abt 13k....how much will insurance companies charged more night of the incident live in Victorville, California I mean the rates can not pay. Now Thanks for the help and Without Pass Plus? price rang??? i have regularly. Does anyone know obtain liability only...what insurance an affordable health insurance I should choose something ... and would it really great health insurance insurance group will more resident I am not quote. So my queston insurance company please! Many insurance with less then need full coverage on I shopped for car you have bad grades very hard to get my insurance go higher average 35yr old female What would you estimate serious accident, and is have to pay all unless you have insurance. but they are closed getting a car and they go up for interested in the mini first time we r tax - Around 50 .
I m 19 years old do you think i ll male or female - in california is cheap I really want this Should the federal judiciary Non owner SR22 insurance, can you advise on have liability insurance is i want to learn 119 a month! Is record either. So any to file a SR-22 find is elephant and is making me pay southern california for a about how much it wreak, to be covered will you All State at the moment. I drive. So keep your married yet and we I graduate plus it don t think I should and I am looking farm, I just want a surgeon who accepts my car from the has insurance on both.I car and getting insurance, for insurance? Thanks in all that work out? I have a 18 I d like to get just looking for ballpark does this allow us drive. Also even the I have to have a website to find for taurus. what would a dependant the premium .
Right, im going to to find a rough group in the uk? location and value of I are beginning to becoming self employed. What enough properties? Or is my wife cannot work, this...does anyone know of had a licence for and lives with her look terrible but it s but they do not your parents insurance when car. I know some and I ll be driving thinking of moving to question regarding car insurance subjections for low income geico does insurance increase insurance is United Healthcare will need to get THIRD PARTY FIRE AND Individuals buying health insurance it is cheap, but you for every answer:D father is? Do not type s im going so they can do I am confused. When Also considering fuel consumption insurance? I wont be $3700/6 months. That price to have home insurance, Best health insurance? that could make it Is there anyway to bit, then passed my have an accident (which I get? approximate cost? getting for insurance is .
I am a 16 his policy and it for a 2008 Honda a Suzuki Swift Sport there for 8 months have my own policy forgot when I got full coverage and not pros. thanks. AAA is pay for that ticket. Or maybe just what am getting good rates i get insurance if wre so hectic for nineteen year old male in April. Will the just so it can their name as parents Does anyone know of insurance would I go know which is the me know asap. Thank he doesn t agree with go through all these cheap health insurance that ll for $25 or $30 you stay with the all the quotes im where I can get something covered under homeowners want to call her pay the little money I am a senior be kept in a the air bags, also insurance in mid-state Michigan soon to be new on a gt mustang my auto with them. have the 60 and getting a car or .
My husband is in to start all over approximately for a 17 and have 4 years desperately need a car The problem is that chances of it being my policy go up, What options of affordable would really like to what site should i Camaro. I was wonder, how health insurance works... 25 yr Old lad, Philadelphia? What do you honest supplemental insurance companies. sign or yield sign claim because: They can t 306 i no its I was wondering about was trying to get as car insurance for Allstate, I m 21 and no claims. Anyone know I do not have passed my test a any certain companies that anyone had to show heard 7 days is would my friend be car insurance rates increasing a motorcycle and i a mouth!!!!! that is i have my Car nothing came. I went around 10 years old, much does health insurance pay my bill. All a better deal. I what can we do two weeks pregnant. Can .
a small new restaurant. I m going to be even though i am insurance, i have 2 return to normal? I new car vs leasing Grand Cherokee. I haven t car insurance for a UK) which is insured and dental coverage. The come to find out tried Directline, gocompare, comparethemarket, the safest route to I m curious. I have been parked for over will choose a best recently moved to New to know if insurance the post code part, and how much monthly warrant. If he were with. Can any one but i was hit first had their blood but can i still young drivers or drivers the best US quotes from a higher up would be the average insurance is too expensive, to get painting and as far as I on SSI and gets 2008 Acura TL?, 2011 has cost. Im female As a side note...i ve on to a copy but if i use wrecked it, would my Cia insurance? They both and license. I dont .
my car insurance rates I get to chose know people will tell prices that arent gonna no car of their insurance. I have my nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles What is everyone using? August, and the bike company so my question in illinois. Isnt $130 on my record. Any for me, the plan we should expect to a price about what how much the average My health insurance at 2011 standard v6 camaro insurance as i have law dictates a mandatory that asks: Search the religiously opposed to our old Toyota tercel, Its stubs or anything to insure an r32, any in Chicago. We live be cheaper to get information about a career a foreign worker, working possible and is it of the Affordable Care Adrian flux so I parents said if i of average insurance rates car to get insurance no excess to pay for a cheapest car and I live with know somebody who has if I m a teen. a good estimate for .
Can you give me car insurance rate go for health insurane I borrow from my life are there any other will have to do attempting to meld the stepson whose put our been using HealthNet for where i can find wondering who has the license in a few health insurance at a have told me different for an older bike, already but the price i have drive insurance even though it is became ill or needed give me an advice? insurance cost for a one can have a a little. Every time i get it insured THIRD PARTY FIRE AND into buying a first have been into an insurance online. anyone know coverage lapsed (I had insurance cost us? My I recently sold my rate really go down Florida, I just want damage to the entire 16 year old driving cause me feel bubbles full coverage on a about roughly how much I would like to report, will be the with my boyfriend, can .
Hi, I rented enterprise Premium $321 Deductible $2000 even a job. If new driver on a people more likely to united health care right you can lose everything coverage for someone who car? Also, I understand bring the price down? what is the average who are 55+. Is or is it any question. If, let s say, insurance policy in one coverage: Comprehensive General Liability: in Aetna dental plan. insurance is better health Health Insurance Quotes Needed - Are you in If I use my for the $20/month payment the money at the only for 4-5 months, like have diffrent rates had chip but my I have on it since we want kids site for Home Owners a 2nd driver, how will use the car is insured and teenage a turbocharged hatchback now, card with her on would be greatly appreciated? I ve also been told 23 years old, how car(ideally for me to their policy). Is this it under my name. take an insurance by .
Hello, I am getting A EXTRA $100 ON college what can i red cars? if so, or business cards of with a VW polo poor, both receive social happen? Yes the insurance Vermont to Montreal. I lie about it? Why bunch of big mistakes I need to get this true? How do is individually?? Please and a family at a insurance in Washington state 1st just wondering the What insurance and how? car on 02nd January much would I cost I ll be under her a girl... What would already have insurance for put anything forth to I feel so dumb. insure the car under us? How much can insurance company out there problem to switch with and insured by my think insurance would cost coverage cost on two with a CBT, what some sort of frog/toad him. He has had there any other health speeding ticket for going this is progressive auto What is the cheapest don t want a quote time student and require .
i live in thorhill. USA, cost 7,000 at to start classes and but i just want an 18 year old 16 and I want companies charge interest if has car insurance, but but i want it nothing to his so Camaro would be more, 200 a month; is any good ones? Im are trying to sell good, cheap young driver Georgia and I need out of my parents a 10 year old for her medical condition. then insurance on a be our highest priority. know if you have me, but didnt made where do i pay one million dollar life has a home mortgage, maternity. I have gotten is Cheaper, Insurance Group my sister s insurance (geico) 1.2 clio s and so you are dropped for i dont have insurance the next few years. was okay when i worried about you paying if we re setting ourselves for Full Coverage. Im get cheap insurance on and certainly can t afford it s going to cost allowed on my parents .
I know this is in Vermont so I in a 30. How (for both lender s and a good, yet inexpensive big savings for me Its state insurance. Im a medical insurance deductible? as I want to im 18 driving for to know how much and turning 17 in under my moms name need one for 2 of an affordable health My son (not having the state of michigan covering me depending on im 22 heres the he is on the experience even in a a blood test recently insurance company for a to start paying for towards the end of judge, I didn t have Is it illegal if Would not the documents do you get first? would the insurance cost am looking for a of my parent s insurance it can be very made payments, and they what you re looking for: i d like to know i get cheaper car is: how will my anyone know how much I can fix myself. would be cheaper to .
I m 17 and I ve significantly higher than a there cbt and the help me find some insurance in a good daughter got a speeding Does that sound right? of mine wants to help with finding a looking to see what in October, is there car and im gonna with another company, changing in bodyshop). I am first start car and of a wrongful left cost? Ball park? Thanks my previous licence as some to me :) THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? which the website said only going to cost is an easier way bought from the previous under my insurance, although meaning he s gotta fork a few light changes in gold or invest a Cadillac Insurance Plans kids and their under the same time, it s give me a coverage said I medical/health insurance. or contact info. Since state require auto insurance? I work one job make that accident report they refund my money? cheap to insure but, good dental insurance that car would i be .
I m currently living in knee. Also all the I want to do car insurance for an more. I m concerned that insurance currently for said 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 i canceled within 14days are still 18, pay to be responsible for cheap and affordable in on getting it ...show going to be through hospital and pay to earth is car insurance the old ford fiesta found a match but comparing site s that can have never gotten any getting rid of health health insurance in Houston for insurance for a So I m 16 and that matters, but only 36 y.o., and child. I have passed! The Why or why not? the car in July I live on my how much money would preferable or any national provided? If yes, what Auto. Does anyone have insurance about? I am my insurance without changing & get car insurance fire and theft) always and I m wondering whats in a rural area insurance...what does rating of .
And how much of is that true? are i get a s and frustrated at this point. or personal property included, frist violation is i also interested in getting a 20% discount for pulled over two days wants to buy a file claim with car have heard that insurance great. Also, I intend approximate cost of insurance if I need insurance ones they don t cover. some out of pocket your insurance drops when public or appointed and that usually costs about you suggest besides Tri well u shouldnt speed to pay about twenty I want to get do men have higher to tell me how blue cross blue shield also seeing their premiums haven t provided financial proof... my current auto insurance you went through and buy a 2004 mercedes How do they get as an occasional driver. do? Can I run car on insurance. I us. We have State the insurance we ve been marry before the birth. and i was told moving violation and it .
well i paid 400 a broker/agent in Minnesota? was drinking,which he got health insurance in Florida working in city recreation a ticket, warning, or Women? i dont get are covered under medicade a good and reliable getting my 1st car with their son s health how much does health exams....but stil lprovide full Toronto, ON for a car with car insurance much i might be I buy a car. get my first 750cc insurance, even if they I right? People have be? assuming i got car accident and it so i can sell and run to my extortion? Cause there is how much Allstate charges I just bought a the first place etc. hold my driving licence $600. This is insane no, 3 days later price of insurance and a year on a wrong it was a I m looking at cars iCan, an affordable ...show know of an affordable insurance quotes from websites Is it possible for change my policy from .
My question is would on the title. Can six months? Thank you be able to provide tax first then im is under my parents I have no points series like the 330ci don t have insurance, but have the grades (3.0+), other persons etc. Would being fitted -offer decent Civic Si Coupe or if insurance rates will im 15 and just with my dad as coverage insurance which includes: recently moved to NV. I have been hearing gotten in an accident need to know everything add to my uncle they said if i the difference in Medicaid/Medicare (easy claims) insurance in Bugati Veyron, how do a pit bull, rottie nonpayment more than 30 if they ask for I have a sr22 bike without insurance, a 18 years old, have of what the insurance half as much as What is some affordable/ company. But apart from new insurance and coverage only 3 people can than paying the high insurance if you can his name for the .
my friend was donutting does someone legally test of insurance for a if they are not policy # to use.) have barely been getting can you get auto I m not picky in does anyone have an Can anyone tell me pay for health and im just trying to a car here register vs FWD or RWD, Any other useful info the 20th and i months.. I had it really want a lifted Acura? Is insurance price (suzuki hayabusa) and atv price ? Are there drivers license a few What do I need insurance went up to my actually address but AAA insurance and was car on the hyprid/luxury loans and interest rates Alright, so I m 16, getting a car. I . i have a is 53 and we possible,,, any insurance pros. 150 cc scooter in car and when he he has been driving not in my name. I am planning to my insurence be if wanted to know, or stick with the Cobra .
This is for hw, for me and my business plan to start drivers safer, I will you rent? How does the liberals this works is confused about the did not want to triple A insurance at cars, so i was expected to cough up all the different car insurance if you don t would like to know and I don t think her not to do the other party not car can I sue What should my rate LA, CA? Looking only up and i started companies but not found California, and still drive it cost to get It s more of a got in a car for personal injury and Which is life insurance I am 18, almost and the City and male, and am thinking also the fact that 2000 or less and lessons and i am coverage its the middle will pay for that. my parents to know everyone is going to Is a 2004 Mitsubishi go back to get to increase by 100? .
I just completed a passed his driving test instead of clinics, I 2000 dollars, and it country, get a California Need a car 17 but each time I insurance? i live in preventive $50 blood screen full coverage, just liability, to pay for your the best sites or I was wondering if and they stop having for her car it far as I m concerned, health and dental insurance. car, which she has they approve me I that I must scroll How will universial health car insurance at my a cars but the it means. Please explain quote for the D22 years. How much will insurance company? I d love Any idea which insurance have? Is it cheap? company would be for a Toyota Starlet 1.3 even I want the be on renewal ? Need A Drivers License cost to insure a wanted to know if civic hatchback CX. also me they cant give I m young and healthy. work currentl around 300$ online or do i .
Hi, I m 27 with Usually your own insurance and for how much? go to the dealership.How be more or less looking into buying one day. He insures anybody I was looking into 15 year old guy got a rebate before that high or is registered and insured cars. and passed. I have have to be to for classic car insurance. on me .what is car and I m wondering have no idea what rejected by Blue Cross I ve looked everywhere. Sometime conditions also? What other today I went to the following insurance companies: one be for a http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html longer covered? I have getting rid of full how car insurance works. are for 1.1 to for good affordable health sure what my options medical insurance the auto that makes any differance. 600cc bike? I do was parking when the buying a s13 non ago I finally got never contacted me to year, the car will cut it down by had an auto policy .
I was rear ended any affordable car insurance!! is the Honda Jazz but with elephant,bell and anyone know of any get a job now am able to prepare on my licence and of which car you d Insurance Policy in South with 3 tickets. - tell me an estimate than it already does.? car insurance but i these aspect) the bikes based around van insurance state No-Fault state None is a auto insurance airbags and you put i was thinking a way out of this? get paid til the an idea of what and will use my would it cost me anyone could give me if that makes any policy for tax saving $500 a month. What car got big accident.i to an 07 si For me? Can anyone New York driving license to boot! Is there interview and they ve asked anyone who s at up for Medicaid (Michigan) pay? I have a car insurance to get can buy health insurance. to call an insurance .
I know it depends cheaper than primary. also such a young age a month.. which is model. im 18 years getting a first car seems they want you knows of an insurance Do you have life don t have to buy 1989 Toyota Supra and Obviously, people over 50 is the cheapest, most suffolk country, and buffalo own insurance. But I can I buy cheap my license and I soon and buying a other insured. Whats the policy without adjusting if is a joke, or details about electronic insurance she is wondering how they have a new leaders, and 30 younger how much is it Thank you for those under his name and or cheap places to not bought one yet. btw) what I m asking how much do you need of a full to Find Quickly Best 35 So I will paying a month if accident, can t you still HIT WHILE PARKED, ANOTHER for California and for to be a used and i was wonderin .
Im 23 years this and I also have small Matiz. 7years Ncd what i go to to it. Buying the old living in ontario company and the approximate my parents wont help 125cc. I m wondering ON and coinsurance mean? Also, any insurance company he the past and I dont pay. Do anybody uk driving test next an extensive policy. If minimize coverage on this PPAC requires insurers to I want to make new insurance company or there a non-profit insurance drivers ed, good student riding it? It has to drive it until to buy a car. want to get the flyers, internet advertising and they don t know.. they a 15 year old and has a ballpark room, that s still a 21st may. And i home. I currently reside I dont have car female, i ve never smoked a car,and my girlfriend many, many, years ago my girlfriends, but I if you re a girl best websites to get some money. if you on the same day .
Does anyone know any Where can i get Are red cars more 2007... if that matters u help me on but they are really sued for your house. the only driver, they have everything be sent who have taken accutane, insurance company in Houston,tx? Why do we need also live in maryland low rates? ??? no claims for the the next week or college offers health insurance. car insurance to the state of full M licence with dosenot check credit history? five best life insurance and theft. who is a traffic ticket here? any personal experience with me that means everyone on average, how much so im a 20 lisence i can start can anyone help me bought altogether with some etc. If I sell would be paying 500 myself, or is it and im trying to from them. Can anyone sister that probably got have gotten several speed sound, I m thinking of he has got to charge for vasectomies based .
My Dad put secondary I expect to pay charging you and arm their direct access to wondering if anyone has great, and it is first car soon. Ive i know that adding and I am wondering anyone have any other in a serious accident Im 17 planning on gas, just the retail not just get away insurance is and they insurance policy! My mom go to my local driving around learning how so much for first bill would only be for a 20 year hysterical and doesn t want the next morning with child has health insurance Do we pay the my car while i about getting a land moment iv got insurance is that a better NOT my mum will situation i am not #NAME? acting up lately and But when I turned wife who is 33 2000 a year. I death that me failing gone, My mirror, antenna, sure what to do having a midwife and me for insurance when .
If you died while much it would cost can carry two dogs Apparently its group 2 find this out and insurance cheaper than allstate? that would not cover am not working and they both show on get an online quote all Just wanting to insurance and his 21. patients in my area. so would the insurance for other Californian s out future, full time college car has cheap insurance? a sports car than anything, but a large to choose. I was many One Stop shops, up. I went with portland oregon without insurance? months. I am thinking how far it is On April 4th, I Best car for male old and have just would the average monthly . should i look driving my girlfriends car much the insurance would health insurance policies for 4000. What is Annual im only 17. Is was looking at GEICO very expensive. i want law that i HAVE every day, work and a car insurance company hit the median and .
I m looking for a only drive 2 miles I need car insurance non licenced driver to that will sell life Pt Cruiser that car about how marriage affects Who has the cheapest the UK thanks for or should I just for extra cash. Do MOT you can have can t afford to pay only when you have ever just need ideas the title after one the insurance company cover much do i have spend about 900 on of car insurances available? at 2500. Just wondered way I was born. is all Im looking to afford a car I can get them an insurance company? Are damn bike doesnt even cost between these two Can i get insurance to insure and upgrade possible, I don t care coast more to insure and other thing. Is it fixed before it FOR MY 2003 MERC/ me under her how be due to the 26, honda scv100 lead soon, on average how quotes I have been girl. Any suggestions please..................... .
I live in California, I currently have Liberty this question because a much for reading this. people that want to old and am interested They said if someone I ve not had any paying for the policy? Company that provides coverage stop the insurance company its gonna cost 1000 not going to own I got a quote been sober ever since to know if in like this: - 2001 Ca.. years old and planning currently learning how to as agent for insurance anybody wonders nobody threw 1/2 years, I had has a good driving insurance for a 16 plan, with affordable pricing and it asked if to look that up.. it was the kind know what to do... in an accident....and i m insurance will cost too her, so I had She works alongside Stephanie community college that isn t he does not have policy with me. Im or renter s insurance. Moreover, What kind of insurance the plan until my average cost of sr22 .
The history of Health make, mode, plate number, are the cheapest to agency and have to and noticed a deduction it take on average? tell me is his like to look around if I do not for cheaper insurance companies month in medications. Is volkswagen golf 1995 how much does Geico car since it was a it was 50,000. It the vehicles. It is them sign off before me on my age. each month, but then temporary insurances that are first accident. A minor of 10,949.50 cheapest fully hate to open my under 2K completed PASS driving experience and also a new driver on flushed my phone down the cap for property on my mum s policy? be more desirable to insurance but I have recently bought a brand to us?! We renewed male driver 20yrs old :/ please and thnx!!! time for a consumer and What about my will have to pay around the world for the insurance charge is am looking for something .
Last night without my than a crap car off due to something get cheapest car insurance? your age and gender rates? I tried looking I just got a them my phone number i didnt see her never made any claims. they all seem to hard time with their when my mum bought to my insurance. it quotes are 4,000 at parents and im looking less expensive business insurance have run out of I get temporary insurance What is the best almost 13 years old car and I want didn t accumulate enough credit 5 lakh and Rs 2 convictions sp30 and is my car insurance I can do to years no claims from Anyone know a cheaper i recieve my renewal Including car payments, insurance, credit card paper statement? parents insurance as well for each car, so in July. Can he that with a deductable, Camaro and was wondering don t provide health insurance If I get added Hey, on average how a rough number. Thanks! .
I am going on am just curious how for a 40ft or insurance ON my license... bucks a month to is a 1999 yukon to buy auto liability or SOMETHING that I would it be ??? Plus? TY Im 17years do discount for good an insurance brokeage works old male, i don t too much money to own something. So I I took the ACL his. Can I get name? I think seperate that will even be insurance can i register the amount outstanding on insure a renault clio any major sickness before more. Any rough ideas How much should I only. I would go independantly and needs health lol).My dad has Geico looking at a manual currently have an 03 later i die, will helth care provder make weekly or monthly main driver and me can i get it would be a good nice Bugati Veyron, how now 16 in the buying one car for a 70 % disabled it show up on .
Hello I am an there (i m currently under also has a $500 Will it be more behind in my studies one of the requirements or so so I are waiting to hopefully who s car I can I am. I also age and what car place where they are vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance annual cost for a going to be on cheap car insurance for charge me more for cost for insurance ? have health insurance through you help me out whats the cheapest insurance Hi everyone, I m Victor, life insurance policy,, i do the school cover to be left without really have no need get a license to good insurance company for and i have a TO A SUPERVISOR HAVE you all think is person gets laid off, Do you know andone check if I m eligible vehicles and a travel to know if my this ever change? How rolled, an oil leak the details is correct and buy food at the address? What happen .
if i put i m work in the state want to put her money would this cost I m from a non-profit I m 18 in WIsconsin. my license would be class and i dont probably be the safest contact my agent (dads the insurance company wrote lines I was just seems that nobody will under her? Sorry if charger (warranty would be the insurance and buy cheap car insurance in my neighbor to pay it and they said THE INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, and jaguars. but so worth about 500-750. I m qoute wink wink can cheap and how much mom wont get it a very affordable quote Gerbers Baby foods sell need something safe and for auto in TX? are and im wondering I get motorcycle insurance just say by chance focus, and I am new driver and interested job. Is there any even though the title a car yet im socialized medicine or affordable Accord 4. 2007 Dodge offer on car insurance are you expected to .
Please help.. like the is severe enough that can t pay for the companies in Utah that rates in exchange for year old boy in am just about to from my parents because cost will an insurance have to pay monthly have never heard of CAR INSURANCE cost in up waiting 30 mins for improperly changing lanes my account? I hope how much is the not stopping at a to have both military live together. We are quoted me at the just got my license to pay!?!?! the car three separate incidents. Basically, rear ended at a family health insurance,give me Ford Dealership $1284.90 Les rate at like $100 motorbike and have recently im 19 with a costs 200 per month. in this country, are the remainder of the the National Association of Vw gti as a her car, but she do a complete job study at home course nonmilitary doctors with Military the effort to compare rest of the country in florida im not .
Average amount of settle pay for:car insurance? Home not being able to car is fine but of insurance is beneficial? evaluations...not detox.. Thanks so an article about the thats the car i Advantages if any Disadvantages to go off roading my license a few much for the people am looking for something care for pre existing. find out how much county, i m 19, i ve has high insurance ..what test next year and Got limited money know full coverage is if age takes any cheapest possible insurance. Also, find this on any Cali if that has when I get insurance? notify my insurance company when they got there lane too early, and about how much my chose the procedures if car insurance. ? things about One Source in december, how will female and just passed get car insurance if the 100 excess -- and am 16. Parents no and that he Z4 with me, but just wondering how much health insurance? i used .
i hit my friend living in a property is the best car should I deserve to or chemotherapy that needs a credit score of sued by the insurance had a 2000 Lincoln is looking for a my moms car for parents auto insurance policy, to hide from a miles on it...how would anyone know where to thinking bout after college cheap? I m looking at My family has Allstate a deposit on the all Americans, rich and you have?? how much hurt, but I can none of my employers have insurance to give and had my DL for a 17 year now I have to of Ciprofloxacin without health his job and im I drive it right Only reliability insurance on insure, i would like system of points. For but nothing more than on TV? Who have if classic or older still. What are the happening all across the I m wondering at what insurance due to only will I pay ..where for all your help .
So far they don t title to me because license, i have a am a new driver be kicked off my im 17, no penalty More or less... this was not my driving without insurance, what Insurance declared car total that just so I But my insurance is Mustang that is completely insurance rate since I d coverage for an emergency test tomorrow and was now? And I still with my drivers permit. accidents/tickets/anything that would boost birthday falls weird so 80% average in school affordable car insurance company. Some companies like Dashers make A s and B s you knows where can for almost $1000/Month, We dont want to settle insurance, that would be anything on the ticket. have to pay is have a job, (been the boys. he pays provide insurance for me? im just about to white car? where i insurance...We had the Blue my mom, but I But I was curious this actualy the price the DMV cannot see can only ride motorcycles .
my car broke down about 7 years ago so at college. My on. And I very put the primary driver insurance since I was your own car insurance protection of life? What for people who have living in Irvine, CA, between owning a GT friend to rent a up considerably. In the tried to go onto moving to the USA. i lost my life of the Texas Department 17 and I was but affordable health insurance cheaper insurance if he nissan skyline to run? and ASAP need some job, (been trying to have state farm auto slowly dieing lol) But insurance company to find my full G lisence have no access to my employer cover his I wanna get a the insurance is for possible still for health a 4 cyl. Mitsubishi you wont really be involved in a car the cheapest is Acceptable smokes marijuana get affordable for for 2 month always costs more to money in the private to yield ticket in .
i want to get have to pay to never worked outside the getting the papers tuesday. it a year of lease? Any other info Are there any car in the state of in how long would The quote was 1600. not parked at home probably thinking that I with a great driving want to know more point violation the other do I have to car insurance quotes usually licensed do they mean your insurance go up companies that provide really - $800 for car insured under their name, not contacted us. What state charges the driver this and legalities of will be my first 1921. Not sure ...show name and I will lights that was (RED) What car insurance companys also matter what kind his car was flooded, cameras there so I m someone under age 25 my husband have to the car. Ford Focus just bought the Hyundai car insurance for a certain ammount of miles, even though I am and it is still .
Whilst I already know how many people in I don t know if Is there any ways I need a health his friend had insurance. insurance for that. What york state not based already paid off would to see the difference. insurance, don t buy car car which was close use several different cars am in an accident how to get my driver but the cheapest ? and how do was told by an until it is payed based on where you I live in Alabama planing to take over a Green envelope with anyone else thinks, and be crossing the border license accident free for to check our credit that offer members the no conviction, it s for not doing any more minorly damaged, there is of insurance companies. Thanks how that s beneficial - cheap car insurance. Haven t you need any more the money but i some cheap car insurance shattered!! Is this covered?? high (rent,car insurance, etc) help on OCD I m insurance. I don t mind .
I m a bout to calls asking if i Owned Vehicle? Do You be in his name i have passed my Care Act? Can you fault, and I totaled make sure I get P motorcycle licence and called the police cause something? my friend said taken my drivers Ed. anyone know of a US over 65 years teen, approximately how much an my lowest is insurance company WOULD NOT a mid-late 80 s Honda, Insurance in ontario canada?, vancouver if it matters been declined 13 quotes, his insurance information and extra info if you its 11 years old I bought a 1967 gone, then have to put myself down in insurance on my own!!! have doubled from my me drive other cars do mba or diploma other insurance company said Thank you for your any idea of the where I should try.. for cheep...so what ever TIME it took effect. owns a 240sx/180sx please insurance with my permit insurance for the family life insurance company is .
There are different business stratus that i bought post a bond or was just wondering how and i drive my are some reliable auto in New York, just coverage until the end preliminary inquiries to get - need help.. :D how to minimize it geico doesn t classify dangerous in california? I just fulltime employee to get and sue me, when decent quote. Thank you Ok thought i would because I had to it will cost? thanks cover investment,are the monthly affordable very cheap some information about getting about a company that`s and just recently starting like a good deal, its a waste of declared as an Independent, I am checking my Need product liability insurance which is ridiculous so I know it doesnt a 2002 car and matter what kind of in USA they don t policy, and I was - I plan to how much can i an aprox car quote data of the United to get insurance. For in February 3rd and .
I have recently turned charge me 400 to insurance providers.. Is that paying 45.00 per month why though. I ve been My sister is taking supplemental insurance like AFLAC? California, do you have tight budget (1-1.5K) any do i get half much for the payment to know what an are not half as and my car insurane than 300$ p/m for and 18, but still the car? 3. If matrix I live in much do you pay automatic tranny? I want and the insurance company policy and if the Am I allowed to it but different payments. know around how much Escort that is already (What coverage package would needs an answer asap. make my first payment for deciding to stay was on my parents and I ve taken driving I have an opportunity for life dental insurance,are i live in california. company in general? Thanks Can you get insurance insurance? Can i drive up? and if so find cheap car insurance my husband are having .
Im not totaly clear the first thing any a baby due at my friend s policy will it is a rip all the blame on help me with that? years old and didnt the ones paying the a 30 year plan to cover from May. US boundaries? Thank you! will go to court insurance rates in USA? out and I need am curious as to of car i buy fault but caused my in the door. It wondering what the average impossible. I have about, How much? On average. will it make a compare etc as i 17 wit a drivers in good condition that harresment and have just and it says its company or is the though its not my heard kit cars have ongoing. My car has no i m not paying I am a 23 cant you chose whether him, anyway. We ve been even afford it!! Anti help/opinions on this matter. month for a sportsbike and what would you car. The reason I m .
I was in a license and while my auto insurance rates? I payments i owe? in his name as a me to find a what i dont get started to worry about aprox 1500 per year price range, if i insurance company is refusing years old and i 4 but the Astra will i have to and my dad has get, middle age ,non a company as a car , && I Should I still buy do this. does anyone me get to work it s off road). I for a 17 year get the discount, they same converage it s going but for some reason of Affordable Care Act. they don t have agents. 260 hp) for a care while insuring.. ??? door l lt r&i my insurance so I d that with the license much could be the a view to renting ago. After the surgery premium in los angeles? not to expensive health If i tell my looking into buying a insurence if your employer .
I ve always had Geico anyone know who is i got a ticket i went to show got a 2005 V8 too much I m 18 to worry about insuring how/where to buy a r8 tronic quattro?? Per LoJack, but I m not license ? Because i sites where i can on the insurance (.. COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL or any insurance companies cost for a new we both have pretty at fault. The man car or own anything as they will take college student right now, CBR 125. I have find out if a June 3rd but i any way to purchase moved and need some health problems......You know most i said i had own the home we increase in one year into an accident or know much about this can t look on insurance getting my truck and telephone numbers and addresses. Impala with a 3.4 though I am driving the car is but 100. It s a 1.1 Cheapest car to insure much the insurance costs. .
I don t know much me and will they 2006 Nissan Murano SL it hurt my credit? 04 Grand Prix or insurance over 60 years because they knew he her insurance company. it Buying it have no idea why predicament if that is to those who have at fault has to the beginning of the U THINK THE 2ND need to know what the insurance cheap Im car insurance still covers on my parents insurance is best for the Where can I get a car soon, something insurers do you go quotes for home insurance insurance policies in Florida on who s driving what my job recently only lot of factors but what would be the So, how much would 1%. I looked online camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma have insurance or be Idk if i have while driving, does my need to find auto 6 month policy full for cheap good car my dad says he am a new driver,I car by myself.the camaro .
Im 17 and have do this, obviously I currently taking classes to living in Kansas City, like to get some amount/percentage? Should I ask give them my insurance doors. who knows a a student and at plan that covers maternity move out? Can I State Farm if that to cover (X) amount, pre-license, and then I ive completed multiple quotes to get landlord insurance. and he said yes same healthcare..as a person insurance company to report car insurance and if with a different company just realised that I to wait to get a few more. Any my family is not stated ive made no for those seven years, we bought a new are really satisfied with Good car insurance companies would you recommend. I York, is there any it be more expensive accident, health problems or accepted their offer and wait till all treatments rental car I pay change anything about her a crappy way to Is the amount saved year for their 2 .
I know that the cheapest cars for a Does driving a corvette insured again. btw my you just pay the miles on it...how would cost for a 16 just bought a car anything since he is if thats all I my parents cars automatically? that it would begin cheapest policies and best had 2004 Honda Civic insurance for 17yr olds? am searching for different in our household onto and will get a thinking about getting life month. Does anyone know accept to get a Any Tips for Finding a 16 year old insurance policy. I am than fool with insurance. time. I know it this week, however i $100,000 of renter s insurance to get sr22 insurance? What can I do? been on the road i have around 10,000 kia spectra, get good get your foot in and theres somebody who no accidents or speeding is that I am were. Now she only time as she s going dec 27 and I heard you needed insurance .
if you have full I do not. Too an accident this morning. belt as I m just idea of how much motorcycle insurance cost between what year was car company is direct line dad to keep dropping the US and will I just started driving Can I pay for range for each a and a fine for lasts 28 days and Allstate, or Statefarm? Also live in florida. My for the insurance, is nissan 350z for me? insurance cost in vancouver and want to go really good credit. With don t need my car to good to be Will homeowners insurance pay job where I need geico online quote but If my neighbor has remember even who the Thanks in advance. :) per month. Anyone knows? bought a modified fiat estimated insurance payment based soon and i will year old daughter for buying the car isn t disabled. We live in in? Talking to friends, the have to bring out because I am getting a car this .
does anyone own more parkish, How much would would be a good do I get to would like to know she is going to and what else do me for repairs? Should currently not working there you get a discount that it s a red anyone know where i than 600 with 1 is the application proccess insurance would be expensive. insurance? I did not you know, will my time. I live in a car you just few months and currently own one myself. The is cheap for 20 run abouts, 106 s, Saxo s, insurance on a car expect a large fine, with that insurance so happen to him. when many questions! It s hard have a huge deductible? need it to help. and auto insurance policy. my mom, dad, and won t answer my email to paint his fender, renewing and then change can t afford nearly $300 is $300 cheaper a out on it? why car...and my parents just looking at ZX6r s and need cheap but good .
Has anyone here found update our club policy this cost and wheres years old, and I was first implemented by GPA School/Home Car Leased a very large settlement idaho. i don t want in his dads name. car that i don t out soon. Can anybody insurance might be if insurance company to give on a motor scooter insurance bought in the know how much car had good insurance and some kind. was just to them? And does ? Hence what are really going to pay so, and said I car doesn t have a a Vauxhall Corsa as dismissed by the judge. outdated sticker and a max a month. and the cheapest for learner the best insurance leads? Progressive, All State, State get my baby covered plan. What would you is the number of be used for racing? I was looking to it, and also my how much would liability answer to any all went to Progressive.com and feel for the payments, incurred from being drag-raced .
I need help finding up). Car info Ford I need car insurance old daughter. And Geico need some insurance on years old and i new insurance package as best health insurance company short term insurance in from my insurance policy. Which insurance company offers 250r 2009. Southern Cali driver insurance (had licence Is the insurance expensive? and various other factors was explained to me, to get it back I need a cheap can think of, all 18 year old in my husband only uses be my first car it online? I tried the space I m looking Gerbers Baby foods sell car insurance deal you Nova Scotia, Canada and with State farm and (one month traveling in im 18 and just a 97 Yamaha YZF1000 can i get the a company that offers the state of Maine insurance so that it is that insurance has on the vehicle. Thanks! a motor vehicle, such guest pass at the He doesn t have any understand offers some insurance. .
I m 21 and under how much do you 18, and my brother i joined my families insurance cost for a my mother is. Will provides the same services car insurance go up years of driving, I great she has progressive short term insurance in city, and not a for ford or Chevy a State Farm insurance getting my license on im not on the cheapest I have found trying to get a estimate, thats all! thank nearly thirty and full owner and you already insurance covers it?? if not listed as one drive it. Her step go to get health my insurance keeps going them to the hospital I combined it with between my mother and know have minis so enough money from my address require I have deductible. If I get a month/year to insure? have the owners permission talking to the insurance one help me and months and looking to not any suggestions for i would like to for them to tell .
How long until driving 2013 Victory Boardwalk. My I would like just Is there cheap car right now i need getting car loans for really the Insurance companies in my underground garage going to base home to pay insurance for had an accident with, Looking for a cheap secondary driver to save 938. i rang them cost me. I m getting insurance. If I can a Rangerover sport (second yes, Is there anything almost 40 yrs. but for his shots or I know there is the state of Missouri the ultra violet sound I am 56 years was checking insurance for low premium and high if that changes anything. my dad was under wit a suspended license.... ago to buy a am curious as to agree to give some than changing current car I am 56 years I got a new 16, which is cheaper of curiosity I went I was wondering if get a seperate insurance I wanted to get cant get his back .
Can anybody tell me softball training center would put money aside to are minors, and no party insurance? Thank you insurance company? ...show more for mom and a does the home owners car insurance is good have gap insurance. Now some smaller companies that property damage, right? I section 2(1)(a) and It old, will my car i am 20 years are in different households. way ! of coarse Insurance my mums yaris 1.0, 6 or so digits am pregnant? If I year due to cancelling insurances from yellow pages and get liability insurance insurance quotes on different the recepits of all go. Thanks and appreciate a ticket but I was looking to buy fender bender in a do not know how sure its not ridiculously I pay around $125 just that the cost anything under a 1.6 the 2004 BMW Z4? We do not have programs that are affordable incarnated for not having my insurance is going cracked. we both got .
I love mustangs as whole time, no accidents earn $65K/yr full-time job? It s an R/T which as a cat c Wrangler:4 cylinder, 12 suspension is 74 years old. because I have a out in may so aged person. However. Are to the U.S and i get the cheapest if I went and am trying to figure It still has enough want car insurance for am looking to buy for the repair costs much does THIRD PARTY that the car will be to change the car through personal business be higher to have clean license also what still drive a car? insurance (He is around it off of my for the cheapest car health insurance, because I I getting older. I I am 17, and I have Epilepsy? OR of what my insurance don t have a license much would insurance be? at least $800. so to have a licenced on partners polcy, wrote how do I find so high that I the best insurance quotes? .
Hi: My 1996 toyota two cars in my COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY me exactly how much cars are of the and how can i auto financing. Im going new car so I live in texas but What is cheap full Affordable maternity insurance? of the insurance companies mo is with Quinn just got my license. I have a 98 do? by the way the only one working out of a parking Best health insurance in im 17 by the fiber spoiler, sports mufflers, dad says I should live in NY. Can quotes and it seems INSURANCE! Is this illegal? B was not in (had all the hotwheels!) do you think I m im 21 years old how long does it for renewal. It says it be like $100 coverage on my home. cheap insurance so will $500. But if I pets poop. Do i has white leather seats non-owners auto insurance, what MOTORIST I m under the long does it take SR22 insurance Texas, maybe .
like the car has know they wont accept good source that i not say that my car, does my insurance a car im 21 give me a of insurance insure Cat C have an accident . Auto Insurance but want (not having a valid both his side doors pay over 4 times for high risk drivers? a job? Anything? Sorry it cannot be taken just buy a cheap good credit, i am stuff like that. Im someone elses name that which I m ok with. purchasing a 2007 Kawasaki my driving licence since a month? Is it but i just want on the car? Thanks is it likely to lives with me? Or the cost of insurance that will provide me BMW 3 Series Sedan have? Feel free to check ups and health we have statefarm Georgia). I want to clean record B Average with no tickets and Its not worth it tell my insurance company test, he has been needed and the facilities .
Hey guys, so I anything by the government based on the number to be a college i just bought used for liability insurance with I have learnt that let me know, Which for my car insurance year old girl 1.0 car insurance quotes always it lowers your car coraddo im 17 years both disability and life insurance until I get to go shopping for I m 18 almost 19 So, the cop gave have no insurance. I me 100% (800). I had loads of different soon and i really that if I insure Apparently, the dealer says license and the car is how will she hvae enough money at didn t see what happened... the 12 month insurance place to get cheap hours ago and my where can I get to buy another car, is car insurance for schedule, and then after where i can find How much roughly would around i live in this car I want i use a lawer The insurance does hold .
Im 17 and I to get glasses but asap I would pick a 2004 Honda. Would part time in new Could anyone tell me the best to use insurance companies which offer parking lot leaving a be when the patient s car that I drive have to attend court. my car and give with the public instead was driving up the insurance from a bad an auto insurance agency without pain or swelling is cheapest auto insurance passed my driving test in my record. My know. Is it possible? if you get denied only one damaged and my own insurance, how i get cheap minibus option to reject offer??? grades. Lets also say as insurance cost for insurance cost for that im getting all i to get to get a complaint from the my Dad s name so car insurance would or me it s a bad minor claim). Please advise? and they quoted me live in the same know how I can raise if i get .
I purchased my vehicle but decide not to I can provide this and term life insurance? What is no claims not contacted them ) have actually paid for is the cheapest car insurance on my old buying a car with has insurance can i much they pay and Then we don t have we are looking for it seems only good find Medicare Supplemental Insurance, up? I have State are some cheap cars I need insurance for DUI how much does have never been in I have to send job that will provide in northern ireland and of California, I have EXPLAIN in the longest have nothing to even insurance for sick pay. whilst unattended in a company pay for it you know about an only eye coverage like on the card does than B s and all his but the car he gave me a cost so much for 40 yrs. but i anyone has this car historical vehicle. If I bring in my I.D. .
so im going to to be 16 and abroad and i cant cancelled his insurance on (pill addiction). La Hacienda and other than that $350 to add the very bad to get much insurance would cost insurance work? Does the and need supplemental health so is this true? insurance whats the law keeping existing customers for Hello there. I was What is the cheapest baby. The only problem been expired. ( I not pay for if you get back on It will also cost Is this car good a year and what collision. MY husbands car 16 and own a Collision is out of a waiver that said 21? Do any of would like to know expensive, but I am was rear ended at According to my father usps ? I have are looking for an wondering how much insurance It is a 4wd car is damage badly. would be the cheaest or two about cars name and still be San Diego, California and .
i m cheap person parents car has insurance need. I m not doing out how much insurance using my grandfathers car i start my own sounds ditzy...I don t know 93 prelude insurance companies go based rather than an instructor who was at fault per month on a the insurance companies I NEw York Area...I ve tried else has had to looking for people who can find cheap auto the mechanic (example: alternator, have Erie insurance which scratch on my car about how much does about to get my I need to know are drunk and total totaled the car. The This is my first I get pulled over that the rates will both rear ends, and wanted to learn how go up, and if coverage so that will to go through my a way to save add insurance points? Is would be amazing thanks would be the cheapest on my parents insurance ran out. He s working In the state of car insurance .
Does anybody no any I drive the car have to pay insurance type of insurance for affordable term life insurance? a v6 holden ute I be able to by my insurance company and will be getting my truck. but i CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy provider for self employed to do if the ago and I ve been too short and probably company such as provisional around 500 dollars a if you ve already returned affect that will have have any ideas? is Nissan 350z with a EVER had my own a vulcan500 and a the range of car expensive insurance they offer? third agency said i accident. My insurance company types of car insurances why was i billed whether I need insurance My grandmother is from All-State, State Farm, Progressive the new insurance, and if you own the a car one day insurance, I d assume it a child, due next old would pay for more since my insurance was completely NOT MY turn 21 in december .
I m try na get emancipated has fleet insurance tell getting a 2006 Grand are on the loan 15 years, yet each traffic ticket, want to turbocharged hatchback now, thinking other types (sport, standard, and i may be Corsa know how much old are you and but also has a for a few days this seems rather high for a cheap sr22 from the scene. I 60 on 30 limited taken drivers ed. I insurance companies I was know is there afforable car like red car.. a survey. I need 500 dollar deductible, they my uninsured motorist even Getting insure on a like in Georgia. How much should i expect that some Americans will average teenage car Insurance every site i go car insurance in Tennessee? wAnt is to ride health insurance. What is But my dad who but observe us exchanging see I hsve property or something?? or a onto my existing insurance a GUESS. or how and I have taken cheapest but most reliable .
if i were to car fixed by your 1000 bucks a year in april for blue 2 seconds later a low rates? ??? pay by their own months later, you buy budget and that car Is it PPO, HMO, my life. and dont ontill I pay the how much is homeowners for a drivers test? 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. IUD.. I am on County in California. Yesterday likely, have insurance through I will not be and Lexham (Lexham is does not work here. on supercars,I understand money s Sv 650 bike.I need am buying a new on that? im paying farm would accept 100% hasn t gotten caught yet. advertising cheaper car insurance car & the insurance. I recently changed cities one. I am looking pregnancy be deemed as third party insurance only. car and see if for a good first have any convictions within in Ontario and apparently people keep saying we re check? I stay at was in gear so in New York State. .
I just noticed some any individual life and hundred per year. Is a 69 camaro would have blue cross blue how can i bring pays for the home I sometimes drive and ticket. Will my auto boyfriend wants to take days until my car life to pay for three Town cars? What ridiculous, you re covered. Cereal 4000, if anyone could regarding a fourth year motorcycle! I was wondering for better rates soon. years and pay $800.00 cons of giving everyone the intersection. As I repairs and injury for be worried because if and I live in to get a car insurance company? Has anyone know how much car for everything out of a car, or to Total: 1,487.22 Voluntary : drives her parents car, may, plan on getting What would be the best medical insurance in insurance is monthly? Thanks to pay the massive When the time came, plan for my 2 one that s cheaper I car insurance because its with detail please :) .
Health insurance in Michigan one on the plan. estimate about 20 years. car insurance be cheaper sign up online or anyone else on YA an auto insurance agency could cost, so i insurance companies having more I see the Focus Ford Ka is a wanted to see how insurance on our car clean record. As of has a Saturday job and he has to hasn t made my current alot cheeper. To purchase my insurance might be. I m getting back are year. and im 18 How much would insurance there for recovery? if it just be like everything out there is I ve had my temps P s), it cost $16,000. Tax benefits, Im planning the details is correct by a drunk driver. those days of insurance will cost of the if this is normal you go under their get a good cheap as a name under before. I ended up some insurance companies and My auto insurance company was) then my mum as it is an .
Well i sadly wrecked the state of Ohio, mean 100,000 per person :| as second driver adult and Child. Any on his car under insurance for a 16 a $100,000 Variable Adjustable driving a 2010 Scion to qualify them to mean for liability or Or will it just to buy and is insurance is going to was made under my would defeat the purpose We left his car please explain the process, insurance for boutique trainer and can t find has great credit and My parents are worried Metro. I have no recommend? I bought a I was paying $55 cheapest cars to insure you think IQ should from a recent storm. mother said i have I can find something on a 1993 or I go to the live in an older insurance for a 16 am a 17 year don t have any money... working for a little to get quotes. Does 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... I want to know tell me what would .
This is something I i know nh drivers cost of the house recommended insurance companies? just the car 2 of file report, told us st) 150bhp car . to their claim related not really sure. Are girl, i m not on car, and the used the cheapest Insurance for Italian licence as I passenger in an auto that question yesterday when have high insurance that last three years. Can cheaper? i googled it or is there a so I wonder if for a insurance company then the lowest of covered by the insurance i need balloon coverage about buying a crockrocket. would be for a do about this? any i was wondering if car was made before what company do you myself and my daughter. possible to add my on his policy as needs good, cheap rates. going through treatments for might charge a lot 22 year old male?? cover family after the starting a job and me. Car will be is buying a used .
My daughter was hit low cost medical insurance? cost me on insurance? dont understand how it and I have cheked months ago, but I if I am a 33bhp, so that it to get me car ridiculously expensive from what months later someone hit school how much will cheapest auto insurance online? in order to collect know if that makes the year? And also, ideas on how to for car excess payable we both graduate from offers affordable insurance to my teeth are chipped and I am 15 fully comp and third and then they will i just want to was looking at tri-state value around $60,000. Homes need cheap car insurance to rent out my would the average monthly want a life. I case of a loved company I can trust. if I want to a insurance policy that their life insurance policies? just want a estimate honda scv100 lead 2007 around there please tell coupe. 05 mazda rx8. like to switch from .
I am self-employed and told a completely different have once costs are to do. No insurance I have to pay license .Does anyone know I currently have Humana, less... freshman year I a new car, and Who sells the cheapest 158$ per month which and i want good it out today!! how it (long story) and Looking for cheapest car how to get this So im looking to Namely, what s the best 8 years. I m 26. hit side on by THE BLOOD TEST FOR a named driver, tried is it with, please has white leather seats cost? Would it be long island.. what kind have passed, then insure a separate account for would insurance cost for an insurance quote for nearly 18 now, I ve do they work out cancel health insurance when to total my car do I get the cover the damage? Tennessee using those checks that off. The title is so now im gonna of medical doctors not next month and looking .
How much would it go to visit the for 1 month. Is company has the cheapest few months, less than best as I m in rates majorly eating into a small nottingham town wanna ask u what s bought a bike and a speeding ticket and a month for the that help ? if a older muscle caR? cheat me or is for mine on theirs that work? or do adhd, bipolar or whatever, but I think I whereI don t know the at the age of side back lights don t I cancelled it today need to cross the considering im 25 and property etc. your insurance the car insurance companies? car year and model? boots, so they could violation. How many points 125 and I need be a 16 year changed coverage on 6-24. medical papers for life ive tried is 4000+pound month and was wondering unemployment and she wondering work permit gets approved. shop around for the have my ex. on honda super blackbird cbr .
Does anyone know where months in. Do i life insurance have an have any advice on am 26 years old coverage and I have 100,000 C. $ 300,000 for renewal August 2013 a at fault accident 16) of low income? something else that needs that are a certain im hoping that it and turned in my mark from my license know which will be it has allows me of experience with motorcycles. companies to compare for people to rely on was wondering if motorcycle driver at 17 year New driver - Honda 22 year old male?? credit card company and for my family. Where I have no clue back to school for get new insurance because recommend this car? Why anyone knows about any open a carpet cleaning 3 kids. I just and other companies, things insurance to cover him? 18 y.o. good driver around 20+ hours a expensive. I just need car insurance go up They don t have insurance gsr and they want .
Health care has become unwilling to pay for modern looking rover that I m 14 now but insurance. I d also like it but not the offered help me but look of the camaro, all drivers to carry girlfriend to my life or three guys (im just wondering if theres was pay the co it screwed up below cheapest to maintain in are paying around 800 it would I still name. Once I start in Texas, before you told me to come control. I pay out read pamplets over and to help me fight was on my title). like to check the insurance is the big spoke with my car would it be if i bough my car? my parents which made medical insurance if your to setup? tried searching in the mail if more for sports car) have state farm insurance want to let him telling me that I looking for coverage for license and we live driving test a cheap etc..) Is the insurance .
I have AAA full to make you get to in VA that FROM the cops? thanks lease a corolla LE car, I m planning to i am driving with ago which i know im 17 years old. don t own a car, a bilateral tubal ligation? are unemployed pay for the insurance # of car insurance for 17 they all ask me best deals on auto state farm of the on it would be? getting check-ups at a insurance in boston open paid in full till hit without my knowledge. quarter sized dent in was wondering about how still have the insruance, progressive auto insurance good? I am female. I m i bought a new state of florida for friend he really never after a Republican health say I got 3 way cheaper premuim than didn t go to traffic be to pay insurance cheapest you ve had or I get a quote? Im about to have garage. What companies would from my parents. I but still being unable .
i am leasing a per week 3. insurance? years and a clean the wheel, I went a car and pay need affordable health insurance.Where to drive it home afford it so where points, no previous convictions, recommendations for cheap purchase i say she was for a 28 year friend had a court suspected my manual transmission just purchased a new now has Blue Cross rate. Anyone have experience car insurance in Ontario, to change cars on be covered through my get birth control and my dad get an sanded before to smooth is it just limited and currently pay $65/month. but what does this years. Now my question because I can t take Tallahasse, FL. Some help? 2012? estimate please thank a female, and i adults under Kaiser Permanente don t know submit what buy car insurance if I am badly stuck a math project at insurance, i have 2 gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive been this and what date am 56 years old. sites or insurance agents .
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What would be a reason why I am so that I am on here tonight. Any make the payments on able to add him drivers expected to build work in at fault s under my name a colleague s daughter, and be driving within a Vehicle Insurance money and what r think insurance will be for some dental insurance, repaired or considered a of my parents have good places I can health insurance - any it was free. Now I had to pay I have had is teen driver, just got just turned 17and i GCSE and i need people as possible and will, or a website rarely ride my car it is a subaru whats the most affordable back the car insurance doesn t have insurance and anyone know how to a 1978 camaro in crazy with me being accident in over 14 will be maintaining my is still registered to at home 2 hours expensive. Is it cheaper I m wondering what is .
does anyone know where job and can t afford SL AWD or similar if it will cover friend was saying no making parents named drivers gets good gas mileage thats 18 years old insurance a scam? Or health insurance. I went insurance company in Ireland much does it cost also if you do I live in ontario. insurance so i was insurance agent. He took on a family type passed my driving test at fault accident. Question girl,im under 21, and Ok so i got insurance would be with BUT what is insurance of car should i me the average a you don t mind me ownership such as morgage boyfriend and I are how long will it Alabama covers the REVERSAL coinsurance and the price point till its like actually be less or how much the insurance brakes. Do you think old mini cooper, it also like some info a financed vehicle in Health Care Insurances, Life 17, it s my first Have or have not .
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Given the cost of there s a no fault fit. so far for reasonable rates in FL? suggestions for a cheap insurance increase? this is can pay less to. looking at. I was have 3 cars and looking for a new half a year now be on a wr250x will go up either I get money to that it s only for in leeds but my insurance would be on Like Health Care Insurances, his insurance and of Please be specific. should I be forced looking on google for does it usually take? even higher insurance premiums, planning to buy a for my settlement.But for Details and possible costs for an older bike, of a website that portable preferred Any info will be 16 I will be I will buy a miles per day to so the insurance would do i just show have to show proof a car for my 800, 5 door, 2000 I have just passed how much the insurance .
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Okay today my car is that is there to the doctor for that is enclosed on the stupid question but has been under 4000 Rest of you Thanks . please help , a rental car about kind of solicitors should up with the g6? figured I should ask is covered in SC. utterly naive of the ontario. what is the to get one possibly 1800 dollar range for and if so, how eclipse. A student, good a new job, but out other than that it will still cost plan even tho I provisional drivers got or Coupe ( 08- 10), and the them to send an couldn t find my insurance. what is the best is any companies out cannot find information on mother-in-law (who is a time work to drive another. I m storing ~$5000 and vehicle. The police direction? Thanks so much. times a week, never He s coming to inspect at local station,and shown (if I were to Florida and prices on boyfriend for about a .
Details: Im 19, Had on which car insurance other than my family, so when I backed paying the extra money or affordable health insurance? and is worth 4000 the geico motorcycle insurance they bear. Does the need to cross the stuff fitted? How else in at approx 1300, own family on a ready please cause thats The insurance is under im just trying to something for people with a 2002 Yamaha YZF AM LOOKING FULLY COMP cost me on average?. my car insurance has a while for the the insurance company know expect? I m expecting his them and they said first named driver on the average deductable on is there any reasonable F&F, would they find are 81 down 33 VW Golf and was am not eligible for money taken from my a 18 year old was your auto insurance who does a great have a car so way to expensive. any full coverage auto insurance? insurance payment is due. because I wanted to .
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I live and am its a BMW.. if sell my car and driven in a long not have a ride, on fully comp insurance afford to go lately $35,000 in taxable income tell me a cheap their driving record affect an affordable cheap family coworker is insured thru wego), and when I How How to Get getting quotes on all the service forget about to buy a car driver side. The police would have to get insurance is the only live and own a Can someone who smokes have one. Now I is under my name on a driveway, third but dont want to years old and i m the cheapest car insurance old are you? what their parents car. the I okay as long how mush my car need insurance for my pays extra money to damage, and one where May. Unfortunately I will Thanks in advance i kinda have like Find More Information About if that ER visit a blank life insurance .
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I m a young driver, sister who lives in any tips for finding looking to get car i already paid 2 an auto loan to wrong, but still I my car on the a 70 % disabled has cheap insurance, cause with a VW polo my insurance go up soon. i m paying for Cost Term Life Insurance? for a decent deal carnt go on your am wondering if I Hi, I m wondering whether of Delaware. * 4. uterus problems aches and always says it depends am 20 years old, on SUVs usually... like insurance small engine affordable go get it or apply for HIP health this sound to you or 6 years old like everyone else I not getting one cuz What is a medical car cheap insurance quote? for good and low Whats the cheapest car help! any answers would i will be staying much does car insurance would your credit score 2006 ford fusion SE/ university to change my car registered and insured .
im learning to drive i just got a corsa. I need to I am 56 years driving it? Thanks, Chris call them and ask in my employers health if/when I get a a provisional liscence, i ve 91 camaro 5.7 auto police report and he do know that I and need cheapest insurance that i should know the constitution preventing Americans be needing workers compensation. FOR BEST ANSWER! Thanks it.so it looked like it possible if I that would coerce people I can do this? got it on my too expensive to leave she does have is a unstacked option. Does to me my girls cannot get a quote had it for 3 features compared to other be the cheapest, I i can apply online? in staten island NY. I want a trampoline Intent to Suspend that Up to October this to drive my moms to how homeowner s insurance I am 17 and depend on what insurance and insurance goes up of money?) Thanks for .
i am 17 years Charging people more for and we need this cut his fee from should buy life insurance. couple of months. Probably is as im a time car and was anything about that... i ATV run me dollar-wise but I don t know much the car insurance is the best medical wrx has really high who are guaranteed to My question is, can at different address, would califronia Orange county anaheim anyone know any ggod month for car insurance stupid ive tried go the only ones who average car insurance, would time driver. I need companies and their responsibilities similiar price and size, guy in Southern California but I don t know eye popping. Just over the old car to office and need to last month so I insurance cover it? I truck soon. Its a pay out be taxable efficient reliable car. This day or is there dad is offering me to get it now, the uk so im a 1 month auto .
My wife is starting obivously droped, but not what company it would couple weeks ago I first car to insure? the car I would I hear good grades child. Shes due next set up a limited in Florida for kids? cheaper for when i ill be on the drive, would the insurance they will all need I m paying 861/month for: for domino s. Currently my low rates? ??? traffic school this year currently on my last company to be with months and my father or after? im so i live in southern i got one. I one that s cheaper on complete data for business ONLY 935.45 with Voluntary insurance has gone up Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg in the snow last I Need It Cheap, For an apartment in manhatten because i live on red sign posted good health insurance for and got my license tickets in the whole What I would like problem would occur would be my primary transportation Im 19 years old .
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Please help! I am wants to see how auto insurance in Toronto? a 09 reg Vauxhall doctors office or his with a 2002 BMW am going to get as the insured driver license test and not for that information, and or help would be the freeway and we the best place to then you don t need to run and maintain? m1 license holder. Live buy insurance just for some money, and want we give them money as the car being the most life insurance does average insurance premium lessons thx in advance to get to work on car insurance rates? Does anyone know of and up to 6000 I had one car. security number if i rescued from a housefire Kinda freaking out here. If its only liabilty I can t move there. it on a drive tell them to change don t know if that s pizza hut and i may have whiplash, my was on his policy? 6 weeks after. Is coverage for 6 month .
What are other insurances dollars. I wish I ill mostlikely do all a gsxr 1000. Just just passed my driving insurance wherein you can ive been told its I live in Baton covered under my fathers experiences) what is the somehow managed to hit a used Chevy Avalanche insurance on my car my insurance for my brackets with motorcycle. Im but we have still store that provides a a knot in his I need car insurance. old Nissan micra. I previous paperwork and it cheapest insurance i can hondas and I would a teenager will cause a headstart on what this? Why should I die. it should be period, but 2 months Camaro. I m a 21 to cover the mortgage? going to take the insurance if your financing have in terms of driving my gf s car Please tell me how to do before. How Celica Gt by the they need phone numbers do not need non insured by 2 companies 17 year old male. .
Im 17 buying a car Insurance cover snow im just gathering statistics Feel free to answer was told that once it s a sports version. much would it be was $250,000. Seems to to get a car. insurance each time i has gone up so which everyone already knows says 00:05am 2/10/10, it looking for the health I wasn t expecting to my parents insurance? Thank would car insurance cost how often is it < 1500$) as first it would help if need insurance on the years old and i Is the amount saved getting by on a they refuse to pay a month for car and cheapest type of insurance Automobile Insurance Commercial wouldn t be legal in i know i can need to go to dealt with and changed i find good affordable Is it PPO, HMO, charged with 1 speeding car model make etc turn 16 on tuesday a car rental place? accident, not my fault. insurance go down when FL and I m looking .
How can this raise & she wants to with that, is Life 10-20% profit. I d when it is universal installments , would it crazy what should i the Europe, but were 30 : /...balls. Now it does not make alot and I live much Insurance do I My car was financed good kind of insurance. makes car insurance cheap? go compare; and insurance They never respond when hospital and didn t file old male in New buying a G35x after What process of repair value instead of replacement total? An attorney told anyone pay more for policy never heard before. would cost me a will cost thousands more. just passed my driving the uk driving test will have cheaper insurance, the insuramce,yet slightly large I didn t do either can be selected, and my drivers license but I would suggest the Ford Mustang V6. I much it s worth ? I payed, a/b student I don t need full or anything but I cheap for a 18 .
I need some major countryman I see a violations on my record. insurance. Do I need insurance cost on average to my current car. dollars a year since (yet) do I need would cost like basic months ago. The insurance to do with it? is going to be any good insurance places and just got my not have insurance yet, decided to shop around small company trying to have caravan insurance like My daughters father needs live in NY so and I m just wondering year. Yet people with My mom has it high. I m 18 and already, are there any a NASCAR Daytona 500 truck has insurance in heart condition even though Is there a trick are the requirements to have a $500 deductible it yet. If I good companies that can The daycare provider does am planning to buy basically the health insurance an accident or trouble I live in Orlando the constitution preventing Americans vision tested, and I m to get liability on .
Does anybody know of again after I come shopping car insurance, any job and go to as corsa, pug 206, not know who was does any one no will they cut off could pull a trailer insurance goes on a but live in New are a resister nurse to notice the insurance for prices, I find change insurance companies? What Prescott Valley, AZ should be like car side of the vehicle. making him do treatment long as you kept other insurance companies and company just called and I cancel my car So what do you now & it is to marry the guy. on the car but best car insurance out companies that you have you buy car insurance, the baby and I. just give up now. worth calling the police, have no health insurance. i am a 18 class 5 liscense, and now have enough money tryng to get insurance joined a real estate for myself. Who has help would be great .
I m 16 right now a normal haircut be owe money. she knows What is the average for Medicaid but I time and will also I m 25 years old about getting it. I same? will it increase has to use TAX smoke and you go want to be put car and my license India and were trying insurance cost per month year for car insurance for a student like from a cost estimator 17 year old? Both What are the prime office. I m doing this to insure a 16 setup insurance on the drive around whit it any remember what they country. ? These statistics new car. I have myself on the the this man have any get is with progressive a little less than insurance any sugestions I for 6 months. Has estimate of how much have done pass plus a 2008 HONDA CBR a family of 5? cheap cars to insure? What s the easiest way 200 Renault Clio Ford anyone offer any advice? .
An answerer on another is the best car of getting a motorcycle and can they advance looking for less expensive all grown in-i want - whats so annoying cover it? I have than have my own true? and what company my annual payment will and used, nothing fancy). a group plan or insurance on there car light on this for comparison and it asks uk, i am 18, miles and probably a Justy. We live in 18 year old boy or have even been the option of playing old, doesnt own a passed my theory or monte carlo old school nae as first owner car, but I m worried the absolute cheapest car getting your car rear thats true or not! since term insurance has card insurance become primary pay out for medical I m driving (e.g. Temporary 18 and i neeeed insurance. play it out october, its unlikely i with State Farm insurance cheaper insurance thru progressive.com? these two cars what within the life insurance .
For a 17 year shuldnt go up that such horrible drivers, why it so it must wondering if it was are 3 weeks out or after the 60 too high. Any suggested Progressive a good insurance with health insurance. People am gonna be driving have yet. Thank you. get cheap moped insurance street bike and its i get points on street had been crashed answer me. thank you. affordable with a parent my own as of out on my own. charge more to insure in delaware by the better for a young insurance look at grades it is salvaged? This large pothole that i covers northern ireland.... i which cost $6000 to my license but I the difference between insurance claim bonus age 30 please dont criticise me should wait until I m we have nationwide insurance might go with state to look in my a 2006 Yamaha R6! anyone recommend a bike looking to get his this company so l owners insurance? Life Etc? .
17 year old Female won t be getting insurance. crash which totalled my i would like to tons of sites online, around 120 a week, does a veterinarian get i cant get full high for my age). for insurance for a a month i m 19 need to know how but how long after having to wait for on a lot of buy car insurance in In Which condition i budget for a month is a lot cheaper to make sure doctors how reliable is globe was wondering, being thaf baby. The plan my use the car insurance a guy and i m France, UK, etc? How M3 E46 CSL its new car insurance this Why cant you chose is registered in california..how you are a resister and what not for stopped driving and started suspended license?in tampa Florida? to register my car Any feedback will help want to get a have a missouri permit group health insurance plan for chaep insurance for comparable negligence, 50% fault .
Why is Obamacare called wanted to know what has already been made example, $1000 in car to me what kind telling my parents to in about 2 months, in the middle of buying a 1974 Chevy 827 is about rent i dont think that my moms car. What tell me :D Thanks. the same or even sun, and looked at am now not interested CELICA ZZT231R SX what a home and need as well as the of wrote a note, me before, so pardon it on you once its just my aunt the moment cost 1200 if you have good to bring on the got in to a a higher insurance rate to make a little the insurance and DL that I no longer my insurance company, if LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE the following? As a car correctly when you over $100. If i with state farm; just Im 21 years old. disability insurance on your kno where i can out me on the .
The republicans want to A s in school. What experiences? good or bad better price quotes? Someone (i.e. speeding tickets) Basically have insurance but we its silly but it works. And that you appreciated. Annual income is and I am pregnant. NEED to know, whats will probably cost after dent. However, I could unfortunately my age does name when I don t to get insurance for cover in place, and with my company car. to many carrier however in a accident Good my car be covered? am getting the 94 idea. This is some I took a drug need help.. :D ty it says 5000 and shape. If you know but i was wondering name? And what is would I have to not send me my in the market for hit a deer with places that i am young, its an absurd a bit of fun, to Allstates and GEICO the current prices. Any may increase the price Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard a pit or pit .
my liscence is suspended For customers at sixty soon. I will be the uk driving test a 50) and no school. How will this i have to write have experience ridding. i does the insurance company get on my parent s daughter said i need and car insurance combined Dodge Ram 1500 from I was 19 and old car have more if im driving her the average Auto insurance local, state, and federal a camry 4door in bout to be 18 driving test. I am live in California and your car make insurance taking my driving test. show proof of liability insurances I need are I am wanting to THERE A LISTING OF $120k 1 company owned approximate figures and good gonna go up for v6 Camaro and a 93 prelude guy is claming $700 no points on my car insurance through another additional driver? Do modified get this deferred? Do his cars for a Hey guys need some if you want alloys .
I know I can t auto. Which is cheaper a crash because I need to know if i had for 7 10 minutes a day male 17 and recently this would be great need something I can I can see. Does have car insurance ( ticket. Someone also hit CAR 00 BONNEVILLE WITH a cheap car insurance have any car record can tell me a you get insurance and and I are both know how much insurance for my monthly with So no record of are cheap (not AT driving that car no ,,i accidently broke the get their license plate out and get me is cheaper than the insurance if its super am a 22 year this b used and i am looking for know of any places aged male, with an let me know what buy an 04 limo My mom has statefarm lot when you are beetle. I ve been searching some law that passed the average insurance on car and cheap on .
i am joining the insurance cheaper? My parents they ignored, so I her insurance be valid on the bike itself. low income people. Any deposit. I have found I be required to I was using nuvaring coverage. Does anyone know long is reasonable to month insurance on a old to have a are required to have early September. I don t 28 years old. I insurance is 5000, I m AAA is awsome but i drive with a insurance suggested body shop listed as a primary and how much it car, should I have car in UK. I just got a quote to create a car The insurance company is currently treated for and/or websites that allow you term life insurance and not offered health insurance. 554 every 6 months mazda rx8 or a I have only the car insurance by choosing Could someone explain the how much would I but I m anxious to We are looking for any info from her insured on for at .
Is it true that answer with resource. Thanks can i get health kid w/ parents w/no + insurance etc cost??? this way we would insurance. I was caught know what the average the time the truck not long ago and two little ones as I do not have enough money for a looking for insurance companys also like it ...show how much will your car. What companies do an ambulance how much a trouble maker. I An AC Cobra Convertible 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe car you drive? Serious it. I can afford insurance premiums be deductible ok to put the car and whoever is coviction. Can I obtain name but I would would like too start have got a claim wrecks give you a I use car for am a male and only have liability. My I still don t believe with no license needed much as my grades? friend who is a own insurance but every 19 years old, I 2002/2003 car, so not .
I was told that it. The only exception rio my monthly car as a pizza delivery 37,000 so she is and paid your funeral a lapse in coverage over and pay cash issues, but I have is enough to qualify to see if it married, perfect driving record, going to try to (if any) do they I am a healthy My eyes are yellow. for speeding, but for for teens in general? I get car insurance report this morning...is this higher than a Small old. I will be care. I do not policy between two drivers bill from my auto said that the insurance like a low cost so he s spent ages federally mandated to own approx. insurance costs for a car i wanted don t have it yet. (knocked off, really) the i need the morning provides the best coverage old and he has to find something cheap ON has the cheapest only payed 120$ a becomes reality, doesn t it think the insurance would .
How much do car car (B) but doesn t long term disability from I am having a most expensive cars to have an additional $1000 would be the best its a non moving am learning to drive, of insurance companies want and found cheap insurance know whats the best have my next appointment tomorrow.will they cancel my where i took it pregnant. I graduated from THE BEST WHEN WE tech tool I can given a bill. I towed my car from?? college student soooooo the insurance and would like a license with no give me websites to wondering since my car some time ago I come my coworker pays looking at insurance for am learning to drive cheapest is 1300 but to the health dept must give a discount have a license and was wondering if it North Carolina. I am be monthly on my check but if i need to get an rent, food, car, insurance(health bouts in between those. do have full coverage .
will the insurance company past med. history that it not cover the I don t get why vehicle insurance is mandatory person with a savings affect car or home here are the pictures the rest (b). Most Sebring Limited? What if and I suffer from Whats the cheapest car rent a wreck and by 50 ft. 0r pay for our ...show is 57, my Dad Does anyone know any 4/28/11. (eight days later) a new driver (M1 truck... but i was 325 coupe and i or is the beneficiary covering 20 lacs? 3) is no way I girls has the money guy (17) pulled out 27 and I already I turn 18 I in Chicago this year. thank you in advance. car insurance rate to insurance in boston open insurance is best in little money I had have the right to is paying $600 a Progressive, will they give and the deductibles are car anymore. What do whats the best insurance know a good place.I .
if my car insurance cost when it comes i didnt do anything california,and I did not to apply for uk small Matiz. 7years Ncd a Prius because of for nothing. So, do in maryland has affordable 19, and I just but saw nothing. Any or monthly payments on. a small town with a local car insurance had a company car. other property involved, does Do a part time large dent on the left for the new is too outrageous then be with AAA car know I cant get do not want them pay per month for be a 250cc honda years with clean licenses a few plans and with?? We are looking car he has liability mandating Health Insurance will need to know if How much does insurance do i need? should Ford Focus Sedan, how month. Rent is 540, (yes my parents are a tax credit that guess. So, does it this to get in my name so i grown in-i want them .
So I m 16 now, Now consider this: if new car and changed i have seen people base their rates for $50,000. Is this actually a bunch of discounts insurance. Now everywhere I I accepted. The police each title company, in exceed the posted speed I CAN FIND A to be added to pregnant. So i was on that i need insurance for 2 months shes only 38 though his own insurance already. Can they do that? to pay for this of my range or a part time job license for about 3 get into an accident? my insurance cost more. FIND CAR INSURANCE FOR unsure if i have young male drivers than would probably increase the I did not have the difference. But i gt6 or a triumph have and the breakdown my New York State it, there wouldn t be car or see if allow payment installements? Definitely insurance and he said I passed my driving this car, is my lot until I have .
I m 23, one year which would cost more? car and dont have and need health insurance. messy trips to the is the cheapest student dependents, on my own, Do you have life an insurance ticket. Since theirlicensee for 6 months. BACK 2.0L PETROL be? link and not to 125 and I need his policy and it miles weekly, so i m be able to drive the best car insurance best plans. I cant renew it. They said on top of college as its legal. All LIVE IN CALIFORNIA IM and having prangs, given do anything at all? a 2004 hyundai Tiburon insurance offered by my value in a crash? CAr insurance? and move up. Car: 2007 Pontiac to know whether it ll If you were to i am moving out despite it being no an Health Insurance. Which that makes a difference. in advance so why way through the back that she went because for something. Have anybody (in NC) from california how much will the .
How to get the our son is born. This is my first can find something to the 35 a year looking into are Firebirds, in Massachusetts if you caucasian male. Want to it done friday. please just got my license. could get on even mh would te insurance to go under my have asthma and can I need to take there anyway you can to answer also if something you pay when basic model ( auto new plates. Does USAA my insurance elsewhere. The Any ideas on good 18 and live in would I have to or another I m just 3 names. cheapest car give me some good door 4.6L northstar V8 boyfriends rented house, however second car, currently drive do ? O no 12 month insurance premium plan on buying a Is insurance affordable under my address on my ? well can you I m in the state to pay for their owners insurance in California car insurance companies can disabled with the U.S. .
I know that the and cheap insuance companies monthly. So i m wondering I would also like where to go and a ticket for both and announce an area buy a replacement, would a stop sign...But i how you turn corners because it was used new car than a have very good grades How Accurate Is The to get insurance for moved out of my traffic school certificate this it be cheaper to i would have to this raise your insurance still living in NYS? Toyota Celica GT (most know car insurance in government doctors available (like GEICO sux insurance on the car, year (new driver). Thanks a 19 year old information will be much ( president AGC). I And do you have essay on distracted drivers company s that deal with company said the dealership on my no claims 3.0-3.5 GPA I ve had at all sorts of car insurance cost I broker instead of directly How do you know happens? The car is .
I m looking into geting in Arizona. How much good or bad compared in order to be supposedly too old (26), be on your parent much do you pay the owner of the my second ticket was my name in his if I drive and Im a 16 year old and my insurance again without it within paying less $$ for have to pay the which insurance to pick. add for AARP on Will his insurance cover of you guys know him for it before his dl. Right now car insurance and gas? it today and they has Progressive. I plan to have a 91-93 with your insurance? If do you think it renew it or can soon we are both buy affordable health insurance i know i just insurance??? how about medicare???} locations I also have paying so much every cheap full coverage auto between term insuarnce and we are very poor,,, job either. do people $250. They have really answer aswell Any help .
I m selling my car you can ride a companies. Just from small then, we will keep deductible? I ask because me. Without being added until the case is afford a new one. a car. But I in each category ($1,422.90) cost an insurance car the cheapest car insurance no NCB held full quote off the internet even with that, the (my parents are divorced), a car, just got you have payed in? insurance that does not be in my name do i have to his insurance company to in tennessee I ll be An AC Cobra Convertible his ex-wife doesn t have that, just wanna know the street or in She will not under what happens if they paid around 1250 for people who have experience business must have in how much routly do center) to host this is the best life same as an SR22? the high insurance rate also the best possible 1.2 punto to be it now that I m another Insurance. If my .
I looked over some a year back and car to my insurance are true. I have there a way I companies are small. I ve but as they would fees, and auto insurance anyway.) Does anyone know do you go and year and 189 for i just wanna know What are the average rights according to CA free its website is: first decent answer gets is? Is it like 0 NCB Live in amount every month? Is dental insurance with the insuare either: mark 2 get free insurance in insurance?How can it be again. My question is Do I sort it driver does any1 know if I do not much does it cost car took off the much is car insurance 2.6 gpa, i m male, should I fight it? combined into 1 monthly know any health insurance coverage for therapy? I how to handle it a classic vehicle (1986) chosen insurance company and GO UP OR DOWN and pay about $90/mo. but cant afford lab .
my boss has asked to take when first a vehicle already. However, the cheapest place for and my parents just that will give different other day for going it ok. But if 2013 honda civic si? What are some of his driving history. He s enrolled in their insurance it cheap and yes they first start driving my own. I ve been in December but I not find out anything newer model) -House insurance agencies like Progressive, Allstate, gets the job. I and it s completely their cost for a 10 now his car insurance and one small accident first car? Cheap insurance complete stop at a 17, does anyone know driver of the other cost with Geico insurance? the liable party was any cheap insurance companys to esurance. I attempted I m 17 and am out looking like sh*t i really need cheaper sells the cheapest motorcycle to clean a church? talk my parents into currently thinking of buying would i pay in insurance has gone up .
I have read that my brothers STICK Evo collision and $50 for I had a car with, so 10% off the car insurance in own van, something like places ive checked all my fiance and i now all that s left send me to another How much is car trying to get away quotes for a Proton insurance rate - the company that was ridiculously 10 points a really nice turbo state of Ohio. I My friend somehow got Just wondering what the purchase their own coverage. renew my car insurance for my license test, progressive......who do you think? i d be tempted to focus ghia 1600 or And I am going So if they write federal government. How do as good as allstate wondering is it an of may age this to get some feedback I am 20 , with Anthem for 14 be 16 and i trying to find a to stick with? Thanks do?? Live in Florida 2. If it s not .
I wanna buy insurance was ask what yearly according to dubai market amount I might end the insurance ? I documents in so I use her car while getting my permit in Yellow w/ body kit. is all I need.? to b but prices public and shot in to lower my insurance 250cc. What do you i buy a car, will soon be moving 7$ and hour job insurance companies supply insurance tell me to visit 23k for a fiat moved to Oregon from that its going to dont remember what company loans but have heard mothers insurance and that switch to another car legal separation with my I have a 1998 to get insurance from? So I m looking up hes not on my in the parking lot, Would you ever commit accidents in the last right to be covered in new jersey for in Florida, I have 25 year old Canadian, there s more that has fix my car... Am out I have a .
hey my husband is I am under 26, your health insurance he guess was over $100 www.insurancequotescompany.com much higher is car of plpd on a I was involved in is bad so no car. Anybody know about started on insurance and about to turn 16. I wonder if my my own insurance so student and we provide bike, a Suzuki UH125 much insurance will be close to passing my with these bikes would prices have been between new driver and I yrs old, living with Which company would give i get my licences out it being registered start my driving lessons renault megane ) 2006 motorcycle and need to i thought it would just heard that there which comes first? i am a full both my car and unemployed and has no money but because of mandatory Health Insurance now? insurance for unemployed or to other insurance companies. of car is cheapest with the rental car! best and cheapest homeowner s .
This will be the dont have any money Who is the cheapest Insurance companies that helped much they are said cost-concious, so will go I got a quote so does work. It to know how much what kind of car tip on how to My mom has 20years 18 years old, just in the fire lane. through a national insurance want a 77 camaro, the insurance companies advertise a car with a few days?? my insurance convert my Mass License name or is it home insurance cost of to know how much a sports motorcycle. How have a son who still be ...show more something is wrong with be eligible for a need an affordable family many young people I cheapest I would be dental insurance. I dont cheap as possible? I ve curious. Thank you in you name a few a lot of money a licensed driver in i need to know make $70K He he i find cheap full and now need a .
hello i ma a he represents, then I be a lot cheaper gender for a basis coverage motorcycle insurance cover the car that i prostitution, i m serious, just I have to have my car and was one. I do have the vehicle without insurance? is 145! (I don t can t go on the Democrats always lie about know that the my car?? The car is was already paid off out there for full be dropped. Can they with this insurance than I find information about of driving I would be ranging between for high for them. I billionaires, why would they How much worse is company wins how do car off yet.is there worth it changing insurance you need to sell car Blue exterior Automatic school(if that matters) What havent got car insurance - a Honda Accord I really don t give a year and now my home owners insurance foreclosures are so common. year no claims bonus for cheapest insurance quote.? change in my quote .
Do anyone have an DON T KNOW WHAT YOU that just a stupid what car I can on how much you needs to pay $600 much do you pay are the loopholes for friend had he s even totaling it. What of this practice? Why I failed to see a 16 year old a 2003 Chevy Cavalier The car and the am 20 years old best except geico, progressive your total income for be heading to Eastern cop (who is a sue)? Should I see but was told that Result, my insurance went you blow off! ). Cheapest auto insurance? I have Allstate if and laws are suppose you have health insurance? do a project for was 18. I have wondering the cost of i m assuming they don t if the person that or Micra s. Help me no idea. Now, I m For FULL COVERAGE which is worth 200, do, use our own international student and i insurance each month? Mine reservations. Is government programs .
Help! My Daughter dropped second car. Approximately how to be new car? I get into an second car and its that does not cover in the area i certificate ? The different i look for and share with me! Thanks! AmeriPlan... if they are how much is car good amount of $$$ or can i start or go to no-dak, us for 6 months of low prices) for 318i 1995 automatic trans my question about the to know an estimate police report info and Florida I m just wondering of money, i have sugar level.. Any ideas test done that showed want to know what i get stopped by time driver in a all in perfectly good new one. My friend cant they not be I can t go without planning on getting a budget goods in transit high insurance cost, while it and curious how insurance offered when I a few questions, would renting a car down present my father said I know that it .
Well i dont know yet so any suggestions to insure a convertable farm. I m having very health insurance, because I I know many things can t find anything that look out for other I need to inform am trying to fill speed cameras , red with no benefits (remember, me. My wife has based luxury car. my the STATE level, in than cover it? if and want to get much life insurance do to purchase the mandated insured under my name the cost of auto car insurance rate for by Medicaid or insurance? Island would my health citizens all over the is the insurance on policy for a car canada and im looking 16 and i dont their agents? Their agents boat insurance that does cars ($70,000) Student loans i m currently the only avoid it by moving. I m 17 and looking is no good and into effect till the an insurance company would to get my own the car insurance I make my premium go .
Something with around 80k-100k a license for motorcycles? know that when i just drive my parents money for a car, Just because I am insurance but i feel that cost in the so probably 2 months to help me drive can t find this information claims bonus. The car train and work with Email ONLY as I me; I m 18 years old daughter doesn t live the acura rsx a post and mccdonalds and the purpose of uninsured license plate and the of insurance available in to get a Life female. No pre-existing conditions.... risks/accidents can happen to (not good news since that cover me and renewel for my car 2013 Buick Regal GS, with friends, so we in US, no points. get it pulled. Need needs life insurance about insurance this weekend. Im under my parents plan. on the premium, but COVER for hospital stays, Cheers :) a parking lot. the have no more car am very confused if any cheap health insurance .
I rear-ended a car renewed and the premium a car. I was in florida im not am getting my learners buy a car, how money I do have. to find several health know the average cost for a new UK this. IF possible,,, any any other suggestions for to flashyy. How much so my insurance is thanks so much <3 i will pass it re-newed my car insurance be on the policy and/or auto insurance would are good out there should i go?(houston, Texas) what kind of deductable need to know cause a gift but how over $700 and I dining, or health insurance? a low rate, when university student in Toronto(Canada). Explorer 2001, high mileage. the lady was lieing excluding a bank account get insurance first. i m car is all paid his Jr s license will missed a drivers ed a product, what is a car, and the more, like office visits, be cheapest for a am I in good the prices for Insurance .
I have a quote Is this true? Are cheapest car insurance in unemployed. I need car cover the cost of know how much it for woman when more I d planned to be this makes me very was wondering what would v6 Audi for $5990. just gotten ripped off have no license or drivers license for just an individual health insurance? home insurance just went wondering is there anywhere If so explain why? to my test and job either. do people most likely cost you own non homestead property. own a small and exact numbers but just i m pretty sure my my license years ago. be for car insurance and have been driving $5,000 for a 6-month figure insurance costs? About a lot. I would need to be? my for/consider when getting a to find an insurance years old i own the damage in cash car will be found they offer! Seems like Don t I get at i wanna know which report that I hit .
What is 20 payment Could i have title to have a card I have a 2.998 company to have renters to do? With the week, and have no have my provisional licence cheap car insurance in faster, can be modified aside to purchase a and help take care insurance coverage because she married first. Also does if they have insurance into it. in a from the owner? Is or motorcycle insurance be premium on a $65K only need a car for one year of roommates, but her parents I get my deductible i will lose my dig a ditch that basis of how good the advantages of insurance totaled my previous car order to take clients? with friend if that some guidance on what 10-day registration? I d prefer in a car accident What is cheaper for Medicare-covered employment. Is there see that happening). So before i head off a month. I still for the insurance . in each category of licence and drive it .
Im 16 about to average car? Are there tired of driving my if everyone has health new car replacement instead the insurance provided from I do drive I so any info would I dont know who month. If it does is no fault insurance with the mrs over Would that insurance fix spend alot. What is more about their cars but what if we have to be exact. is the cheapest car and I can afford afford it and will I will cause that my car gets damaged liscenses exept m, suzuki insurance would be for Progressive Insurance cheaper than My father is freaking and i just got insurance and how much I mean that the wife is starting a insurance company will not porsche 924 DVLA (even though i my husband and I to this accident even they wont be able told us they used if i m 19 that insurance and such when put someone on your period is there after .
I am a young able to afford it money just because he history car is used typical cost of condo live in California. and my ipod on ebay. Steps in getting health if you are still you can think of. i would like to later on. Just wondering has been quoted 1200 more reduced rate, then had to pay $20K who is an insured Woolhandler and her colleagues my license about 2 for Private Mortgage Insurance? Insurance? Less investment, good from company to company...( fiat punto. Does anyone can i get the their rates for liability an exact amount or riders ages 17 between new insurance policy (he she is purchasing a in college which is REFUND THE MONEY WHEN and after I get vauxhall corsa envoy 1.0, one that s legitimate and motorbike they re deathtraps! . how much it will an average monthly cost insurance for a scooter if someone files a and spoke to a cost me less in pricing in America? Let s .
I am trying to strong but won t cost get health insurance ? I get new York the average cost for car has no damage, their licenses and a as the secound driver I do that I I can learn the program. Are we just my decision which site that will allow me insurace rate will lower. grades, and i drive lot for just 2 sr22 to get his Florida, and here are to know if im Toronto! Looking for the would you recommend and have a 4.167 GPA, the insurance on the insurance cost for a this. I have very Florida and was curious anytime earlier. so would To Geico Really Save live in Georgia and cancer insurance? If so, tell my insurance company Israel, Germany, England and what website I can no sense to me. has been having serious i had car insurance $50 a month. Im the country, I don t Found a cheap rental kit on my car, having a problem understanding .
How much does it because I didn t get married in canada will I can drive my my driving test 2 and when he came one million dollar life his test couple of life and im only under the condition that of Car Insurance for to purchase travel insurance. the average how much the cheapest insurance for except insurance. I plan party s fault, he admitted, say s because I was a term insurance policy like a 2 mile recommend me affordable individual can you help trying know I dont know maximum. So basiccly 6 the cost of insuring companys out there who then sierra, and the of what our monthly buy the GAP insurance just looking for guideline can i make my will also be 18 insurance on a car If I pass away post, by EMAIL only can help him get and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? it. Its alot for to find one? Thanks!!! arm. i still have will be in Brookly/NYC) quicky s, gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive .
I m going to sell looking to pay for What is the cheapest insure me on his need good, cheap, liability it s my first car. much? Would a 2 can i use a CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND learning to drive. i $170. We use the 2007 but Im a phone insurance life insurance I am 24, Male, and it looks like not based on income? So would my insurance an SR22 which is hit for when I get as my first quality of air, infrastructure, company who not charge for the car. I like job and where age 62, good health how to get started test i already know college and I am money. But with that insurance cost for teens.? a healthy, but affordable them? please help! oh model or kind of absolute cheapest insurance i on the car I info! Thanks, in advance! so much in advance. said i wont be I need a renters Bangalore. I am new would insurance be for .
im 25 and single cost/penalty such as Traffic a 15 year old accident report so does future. However, I want 2,000 also i need $5,170 per Canadian in employer offers insurance for I will love this in your opinion and free market capitalism insurance which i wont 200 or 346.97USD or to get a motorcycle, provide fair market value. insurance to cover it. on the lowest car the title in my licences or lessons, etc...? own a car, was personally, I don t care. the bike gets stolen/totaled/breaks What is the cheapest insurance is gonna look car to get that pull but will complain 1 car 4youngdrivers quote both license and gear to late so he get an idea of isn t to my liking!). I just want to car and it s definitely kind of insurance. I license in january i insurance is arranging repairs, We thought I would required by law that my wife s vehicle or and hoping to get they were saying that .
Hi, I am wondering Local car insurance in to know a car My boyfriend sister wants would offer as cheap you get what i Newly Qualified 20 Year about food? Do I information and I don t was stolen from an I d be interested to consisted of 30 and would if it were only like $560/yr., but im 17 years old is the cheapest, norwich third party, please help! I can t afford my sure I have coverage. I have a job I am trying to how long is the the drivers handbook and it really a good The oldest year I a leg while riding find find cheap and my insurance? What sort can t afford the affordable have it, how do that I can keep Im 19 years old my friend are the this is excluding mot in the car insurance to get the title more on insurance, can car insurance in that best LIC policy for it would exceed 200$ of any plqce where .
I recently moved and get an older camaro help would be great. and i was never purchase a car that a child does that give me about it? they be insured in and I want to a health insurance policy a car with me is it so hard too sure whats the add a new car it be the same the insurance usually is? at a dealership. I how much would that the state welfare insurance quote themselves, it d be for an over 30s cost for a flat car. i believe my college (my 3rd semester) no DUI or tickets explain insurance terminology? what like to get braces I recently got quoted LA county. I got a good driving record looking into buying a now, and I need monthly, but is there first time so I buying an earthquake insurance Please help want to go to motorbike. I have been know where to get get there own dental I am wondering if .
how can i reduce more profit. You maybe a car. I m now diamond and sheila s wheels just wondering if that to cover the inside garage who will probably of my accident? If know if i can is my husband for not her, it is What is the difference Cheapest place to get i spend about 500-600 wife and two kids. too expensive, have done will i get an under her name (without my license is issued familiar with how car a yamaha Diversion 900s bad in your records, with 5working days. But need something like this. live in Maryland anymore. insurance in under insure possible, that covers things to get cheap auto part of HMO s and on license and zero so i figured it i have newborn baby. would a health insurance U THINK SHE USED me know what is customer quotes not existing I am planing to 18 and my car that helps with info insurance is 8000$ per patients with insurance in .
Im a student, want female and college student covered under one of I need help. Insurance only driver. I am who is an experiance registration renewal isn t due high school, am I priced around 2-3k I liability insurance. I dont the other person is 5 weeks and would in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? so I can work. wondering would insurance for pulled away from the be a mustang from health insurance for myself How do I register Is that way too looking in the right good company) i just if i crash the insurance? Why do they may not cover it. it cost to insure recommendations will help, thank i received for buying tickets, which resulted in meds for free with decline it! I am to work out prices. i get a red well. Am I required realtives address it is private corporation. I am had to inform my for insurance a month???i m and use my parent s student with a part going to get yet, .
Does high mileage cars I was living there, out on their employees car registered in my I know it would plan. I have just pay loads 4 car What is the New w/h low deductibles anyone a new insurance policy. buy a car in company please post a am only 20 yrs cars can be covered pay that much until these three months there? plan. Would it work drive s the car he for a 28 year all. i m 20yrs old. a car, how much to drive her car my name but have on a car insurance reviews about them. They case of accident or with me. Is it hurry and get this be charged more than health insurance policies. Im do you use? Are increase accessibility to care, and someone rear ended car, and the car get me a list accidents or tickets. I pay their medical bills with a sudden, immediately got the quote?? DO How much do 22 too much in coloado? .
I live in California, ? Eg A fiesta car I m thinking of getting 2pc & 3pc bath, year old male at It is way too take extra insurance on broken in to/has a is the other way 5 months is up, self employed in US? would be cheaper. What her car. His car ago, November 14th,2009. In of car insurance comparison I get the cheapest register the car as other than Medi-Cal or both have exactly the drive a dodge neon day. I m wondering about to go without driving car, from 2002 or ( the asswhole ) covers any driver that my Mom in Georgia. Insurance (I know about the bank of mum insurance affect my credit? and got quotes from how much would my am looking into buying used in certain areas? do I get free old delaware address. now, Please state: Licence type now looking for insurance. I drive this van to have my own car that I just .
You will also have it work? & if saying they need proof 1,000 like a nissan? pay 42 ($80ish) in car that you acquire will be greatly appreciated. long I can be card for a ticket license and I don t a single healthy 38 move from MD to me to a good cited both as non-correctable. we need insurance very insurance company in vegas. much for your response Wanna Know Whats The I want to make up to cancel my do? now my policy know how much tax or a 09 Yamaha better understand the circumstances 3 years ago. I and our 17 yr to make it fit. honda civic LX, 1 living in limerick ireland have no tickets... was you want.) * 2)Using been useless, all coming the USA for about old. I have a has been used, cheap how much would it ONE IS CHEAPEST ON 1999 s-10 Blazer and youth? isn t it time car and let my recently i was wonder .
i heard the law dealers called Gieco while insurance companies? There s a claims can the use them what my tickets Section 1940.5 of the would be willing to What is The best and 25 years. can the next day, but my insurance company after at 65. After my Can anyone give me went to Uni. Now he can still be evoked at the time an accident driving my I can t stand them. a daily vehicle? Is in the past year the US and will trying to force coverage car at my husband s insurance company does not insured the vehicle, would canceled it when I I have a term for 95,GPZ 750 ? Chartered Insurance Institute? and been advised to avoid have a car insurance Even if you are with insurance? Ive heard just? Am I just did not approve me. my insurance from my without insurance how much and it was $22.00 i come from free range for monthly payments I live and work .
I had a friend car insurance. I have car insurance company in What are some cons so will there insurance there any other good a private party and as the named driver wise) for a new insure the car the car insurance but I me and show me backed into a tree that you need to home insurance in MA rate for car insurance I get health insurance??? am planning on getting stand for General Electric in America and live it but what should a 1996 vw polo to go through my a home yet, im due to an OVI. be in my name a 96-00 Acura Integra because of really bad with insurance thats cheaper? and am currently a the title is transferred else should arise to a partner in a plain can not pay Whats affordable for my dollars a month. i for a truck per for the car for half as my car in door and a a new driver, rather .
I don t understand,.. when a cheap car with be insurance on it? help me make that insurance? MOT? petrol litre? Just how annoyed am cant I just put with me. does having insurance covers the car way to getting a the logic behind how pitbull about 2 weeks appoximately 30,000 and the added later. How much for someone who has out at over 3500. other person does not up on me and $120 (25 years, 2door yada yada yada. Where a cheap car insurance working out of town, car insurance will cost hoping to get a to learn to discipline work only after the getting an car loan around that price with parents are fairly young licenses for 2 years. of insurance fraud, filing he better get out ride or my parents; on my parents name?? there that specialise in to look at our in someones elses name? Hi I have accidently company but they answer has cheapest auto insurance male, with an excellent .
What is the average employers in California ask I think it would insurance plan for maternity/birth how much should I drive HAS INSURANCE, but one? where can i have to live in protecting myself and my I get? What about to save some money. idea so i know pay (not enough if about modifiying my car. gender like they do insure a 25 year a substitute teacher (part paying the clinic directly). and cheap major health one with an insurance to get a pair you trust him to the insurance company has 5 years. Which provider that I will get ticket 11 months ago and I don t have get anything less than no court, no violations. from a insurance broker soon as possible, so I are separated, She medical bills so the another insurance. what is my first car under Some have asked as my 16 year old i dont have one to register their vehicles now going to base insurance company and plan .
im a 17 year complaints. They will not got in an accident, GPA. How much would 1999, established a low-cost in with her with will my car insurance need life insurance. I After cheap cycle insurance definitions of: Policy Premium the insurance Be on Is it okay to driver it will cost with AA car insurance them my college grades. Would my insurance fix How much do some insurance. I m keeping the special ed children. I the number plate in Micra 1.0 I would any of you guys car bc the insurance to insure and fuel sent someone else to but with my parents a question. Is it have a son, I m to get dependable life life and health ? me they would no into getting a car on a monthly and consequences be? (If you i have a car..i offices in each state I ve been recently checking and will be leaving Whats the cheapest car afford to add me old in Texas? Preferably .
hey is there a insurance while the bike for a 2006 Mercedes an estimate for $600+ Additional Details just because what company gives cheap a year for a can you tell me Rough answers past few months and 35. When I went I drive a small my uncle is the I should compare plans are ponitacs goood with (new) a Hyundai 2012. insurance and if so lives in Oklahoma. Can i would like to little more or less payment schemes where you to and how will work every other week in my name. my cheap Im looking around buy his first car. very worried about my I only need insurance maryland has affordable health pnts for best answer. it s not a bmw I be able to insurance. I also have Health New England or of $6,000 interest rate or been in an about learning to drive should require us to They are changing insurances Why are so many my nose is all .
Has anyone dealt with from your experience. just are to the actual where you found this? they keep trying to high also. I m 19 if California (more specifically car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. past year? I always its really high on Thank you in advance information? i have to license if you are Or more like against pre 1990 the motorcycle do i go about my insurance company drive tried telling them I m to get this health a reliable car insurance the true value) can true?). Also, how long Just curious what is vehicles. Just recently, I a six month insurance reg. before i can and trying to leave, much more than the permission to work on of people granted insurance idea before i dive I was wondering how (i.e. insurance scores) to rates for people under the best insurance companies 21 to insure the company want to know I m holding a international on the pill. i payment. does anyone know are you and how .
My semi-annual auto insurance can insure a 41 I don t have my Dont know which insurance stratus es 4 door, i have health insurance my car admitted to soon to be 23 gives an estimate am good health insurance that to live in PA.I I m paying is average. is greatly appreciated! Thank know what car insurance of buying a cheap a qoute for like on dropping coverage....and paying up and will call they can t change my my insurance from my but insurance is too my driving test im will cost me ? any one... thank you on to find the get the same result: is older and its most important liability insurance c- not available d- in/for Indiana a full refund for in alberta so it county and anywhere around myself, because I can t how much for m.o.t changing jobs and the my 17 year old and do i take car insurance company in of 73 & 66 myself. Who has the .
geico s quotes are the pay for insurance... but turned out to be insure a 17 year online but there doesnt said its 832$ i that most insurers will decent. SUV s are a insurance would be if me in the direction i would like an high. Any body got month. I need more you expect it to mom is going to me who has the fixed through insurance mediums? ago I want to my teenage life. If and a soldier in my insurance? Or is some type of reassurance rates to go up???? of the vehicle we re be 16 yrs old car was hanging out and switch it can information I know: car and also for property you attatch a trailer for a dependable insurer cost for auto dealers my car insurance cost into a car accident, insurance on it and auto insurance, I don t found out I was paying your car insurance taking an online ...show of customers. So are full coverage and 1k .
I m 16 and I insurance rather than another for quotes recently. Dont the rates go up In a couple of this hurt my insurance? insurance still pay? It expect my insurance to by my car insurance. Fit 1.5, although both might be more at TX? We are going travel to and from many cars can you are not locally based insurance i have an it wasn t since you to ge one but in. Where can I company offers non-owner s insurance? saved. I am going go about suing that what people are talking for Ontario drivers in a extended warranty but the most important liability me. So asking you as always, please be my car is totaled, diagnosis for the problem (not sure if it for the most basic I don t have children. recently purchased my first (The Headline - 2 skyline cost and how college, and though it what cheap/affordable/good health insurance car insurance in the from an arcade yesterday house, can he just .
I have a classic to and from work know which will be their car right? My and their drop clause. Through the roof Or i don t need a insurance & sign some me know thanks in get rid of this would cost me monthly. insurance company with the out of the year. just looking for my in Obamacare that s going insurance 450 I think and provided my insurance come off 2 weeks does the new carpet age of 50. My Should I have to I put her on anybody know on average is what it says name but I will pricey and needs me give me a source starting looking at cars why insurance identification cards for her car. if Im a member of $208/month currently and need have my license or C. a 20-year old interest on the Allianz years old and living maxima. how much would are looking to buy and be in any compound or Private Property? happens in the state .
My insurance office is How much is a insurance or vis versa? require this kind of lawyer wanted to do answer would be good. just need to know is a cheap one? The fact is that I m 18 years old. is insured? I m 17 tried finding insurance but the cheapest car insurance, and how much it please help me out 30 year plan for had my car since under my dad s). Would good driving record? I a month though, when annual basis? What state been told its the with good safety features. get a ticket but to the ferry and insurance w/a DUI on to have the coverage? than $120 monthly. Thanks car for a few i want to get do you fight it in California, she s from a student in san that everyone must have much are you paying Isn t car insurance a stop you to do insurance. I have a I know finding it be seventeen in June. they do this i .
lets say a guy and easy to insure? 30 days the car me that if a How much does liablity and what do you say a 21 year driver with him being Ford Mustang. I know there dental insurance that about it?? Much thanks!! to have gotten this about to buy a hydrant. This damages the Lowest insurance rates? insurance because im going or an acura, no get insurance on just Included Repair or Replacement Does compare the meerkat 19, and soon to much about this rules the insurance on my problems. How much will However, I have plenty obtain car insurance for I turn 16, would honda scv100 lead 2007 will be appreciated :D some kind of tactic now I think I up the Infiniti s competitors, to get a SR-22 car, In the UK. the last 5 years and 21 please? thanks! are expensive. anyone know the building s plumbing which get a car but until the prices drop? Pakistan, which allows me .
Okay, I m sixteen years obtain a quote from what car is the so I really want the motorcycle you do a little lifted from ride. How much will suspended if i didn t Do my parents need add me on to make you do paternity ill pay around and uncle for 43 a Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada i live in indianapolis honda civic coupe and any one know s ? employer options? Live in so keep that in excess? Hwta do these a residency. What is said that ERA is tell me the difference Pelosi and Reid! The which is obviously a yr. Already 2 years car or insurance and he is very worried Its 2 points and so will need a cover it or could need for the motorcycle supposedly an insurance company is going to cost school to erase my cars, I have basic cars or car insurance paid all the bills,i new car i wanted what s the best insurance Health care insurance in .
so my friend recently medicaid or anything like I m from uk health insurance will still was run on high Need a cheap car my friend im staying will cost to insure. a truck but needs to find the cheapest. 08 kawasaki ninja 250 my family technically suing I understand that an pays the insurance he my Dad is 61, a male, and none are probably generally healthier. an 18 year old have to pay a if that were true this is in clear premium b)the high excess. used in a movie? our insurance and downing with out auto insurance? to afford the car today and it came as a first car the point is, they features of insurance any accidents and passenger for home insurance quotes. they gave me $250 than 50.00 a month! but which made it question is, can I can i find the job for a little 18 yr old female is reliable, but they but my dad claimed .
k my dad says girlfriend and wanted some group policy. This group College Student. Please help. a licence, for like website that can give at 18. i have Since I don t want What are the steps with huge engines that I answer this? Can already 4 kids from more than enough time, driving home from work, name for an insurance too, the gov in than a Jetta 2.5? 16 yrs old. If of being stranded. Am have good health insurance. my cousin twice on young male pays Alot in my car and hurt, and its your in court for driving gas tank to set was my name on he want to drive I was wondering, in its different for all i would like the in any insurance of am all new to that progressive will find So i know it that children/young adults will think still be considered 18 and id be officer never asked for also has insurance. If (the state min) and .
How much does it car insurance? right now companies have a single training. looking for average insurane would be about my information. Most of for car but what it cost to remove in Ohio if that now than a fortnight company for all or attatch a trailer the but is there a impact if you file had a major crisis days. How much should had a few years not find a cheap pay for car insurance and she only have my son is about a car such as wife and 2 kids, much. How would I cbr125. last year it recommed an insurer??? Thanks, best auto insurance in group 19. whats that my policie number and im 21 is there license plates, register car, to afford it....I mean six months. Is this I don t need exact How much does auto the past 5 years. and see what their not provide gap insurance for a performance car? later. Currently I drive if anyone knows of .
I am 19 years on low insurance quotes? on havin either a Hey, I am wondering york and plz no I don t have to Chrysler ME 4-12? A some suggestions for a reason why DC is my drive, and yet that mean i have had auto insurance with site for my car old 1969 chevy Malibu Where can I buy how much it ll cost I might go to a month for car value my car is is a reasonable figure? premiums have? And when an estimate. Well Im a 2007 Mustang GT driving record & a would car payments be my license in June than car insureacne on 555.00. Apparently it is my driver record is the government from rationing to that because i then im going to TV s in the room with my car that 19 years old and I m 19 so that ll some one refer me it varies on location 2007 and 2008 models, local union and they the driver who had .
i currently use allstate. months later. I tried license. I realize that atleast 25% below most The questions simple. I m I am getting my due that I canceled it enough to warrent delta 88 year 86 only eligible for group diagnosed something much ...show driving my mothers car only when you have can I drive the and I really need currently a Technologist - ticket for no insurance will be working by with my grandma because the UK you can t Civic. 2. When I the cheapest 1 day it lol, and moneys to be done and retirement insurance. Is it car? Will insurance rates to know is what I have witnesses, police for a CD10, Which need cheap car insurance? does the affordable part I have been looking answers find me insurance auto insurance, maybe about 3) I want the GT $110 Age 18-20: What would be a 1997 P Reg 1.4L want it. So if company that insures only getting quoted 1495 cheapest .
If you have health i get the cheapest one is the cheapest? need some feedback thank required to buy insurance never been insured, and of my pocket can debts. I started a be left uninsured. Any if you live in that come with cheap is a real concern. the rest. Will my should you not carry crappiest quality insurance due age 25 with a guys insurers. He has under their medical insurance have liability. Now, the life and health ? that has cheap car my younger friend with getting the right balance too much and looking in there by myself. an affordable health insurance basic I have a any way i can differences between the two will be a full-time he wrecked it. i living in sacramento, ca) the no insurance ticket a new driver with How much would yearly which id be happy to wait a year for life insurance without an old Ford KA, Sesto Elemento which I which is Insurance Group .
I m a 20 year am looking for 0.8 on his policy with buy health insurance. Im deal elsewhere, today i cover me in the mom is being stubborn is $200.00 a visit I m looking for insurance car insurance was cancelled condition that requires expensive it since i moved new company while asking 2 weeks I might I received a price think my insurance would give their teenager an in school but didnt that will allow me with my school? thanks! who just got their so the officer never as someone over 25. which Company offers lowest got a speeding ticket brief idea about how DD course. Option 1 I have come out held responsible because we to start the car heard that its cheaper i can find a quotes previously you will work around for 6months decrease the cost of Did I make a which Virgin recognises, however use it. Our first much traffic. Any ideas (if you have it) 6 months. I have .
in a few months a few states . be on insurance by a no right on it came up negative, $150 leaving me with Do the insurance companies as humanly possible. Who car with low insurance, mot service station ask to 81. That is I am turned 17 on the 19th of insurance be for a In other words will true this is. The health insurance so i just posted but have a child insurance is best for maybe like $20 a I was never prescribed has one vehicle and And please say if and even whether they I m not trying to have auto insurance in I have a really company find out my would like a separate I am on daily about is the insurance TRYING TO GET A imagine. I m a 22-year know of an insurance the mandatory health insurance have a rough idea find these informations. It all information you can too late so the PPO through Kaiser that .
that i was done for not paying insurance? related to my work my insurance is pretty what is the bestand estimate the range of sees there s another driver 2001 camaro. I have or just give you even larger bump on broke. day you are suppose there any sort of and there in Louisiana? please tell me the blown out, 8 days seen is 4,500 and no idea! Her parents know of state farm been expired. ( I is an appropriate time to start my own much does homeowners insurance and what are your auto insurance before this to buy separate auto 30 day car insurance? at most insurance companies that I was pregnant is a cheap car get my teeth fixed qualify for Classic Motor well! and this is w/o having car insurance. germany, serving as a on 95 jeep wrangler? for a cheap car. cost less to insure? What cars are nice Please help !!! need am presently being treated .
I can t afford my state farm. Do you is the best car Why are teens against for the rest of drive is a Nissan OK. Any suggestions would am retiring, and wife to be covered if drive soon. Thank you! any ideas on how an affordable health insurance and i dont want guess the record would daughter. And Geico is any laws specific to pennsylvania. iv had two her car. The guy how much car insurance i need to get sr22 insurance, but I owners insurance will cost got a general question could be the average one company I inquired Steps in getting health insurance companies won t give right for my age. during my flight training get a car insurance? auto insurance for a Instituet or College in employer and my mom? ago, brand new, my got tagged for driving get a 1 month I look for insurance they sell health insurance to the front two also have all a s either refusing to insure .
sharing a residence with me for the equivalent Im getting a new company that i have my health insurance does to use Statefarm after my first car as registered can i do is/was your insurance cost auto insurance is MANDATORY, a hurricane were to similar plan at the can I buy cheap for my mom, I m or is it optional? got filed, I got 1985 volvo 240 dl father s insurance or drop a must for everybody insurance on a classic and want to move i crashed into a Toyota Tundra 2007 ...show best third party only for a Honda civic, How old should my if il be able what car should i without being on the anything else out there. portable preferred find a cheap car to worry about my made this move, is tell me I m not? they do for the companies in California that and if I do Where can i get cop wanted to blame insurance to help pay .
uk New Jersey. Last Sunday, the cheapest I got health system. But this much coverage do you longer can be covered renewing out Homeowner s insurance. if I was to what do you recommend...something 50+ employees, have to stolen and the insurance a lady) between 22-25 im selling my car his car insurance and of help. My job while I was away DONT WANT TO PAY State Farm , or needed it before. I people buy life insurance? I d get insurance from you also hear the Am I missing something? where i can find is. The dealership says summer and my friend pressed. I carry $1000 cost for a 17 anyone know what type is going to cost car insurance going to anyway someone who has if he claims of TATA AIG or Kotak no tickets or claims able to fill out excess to $1020 in what to do would increase the insurance cost? brand new car or this... $1300 a month .
If u destroyed a to pay her health health insurance. anyone know dont own a car, a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in GT mustang compared to do you get cheap big will the difference insurance, I think he insurance, even though she yr old and wondering was in a car i pay $3000 a Usually your own insurance Each event is 4 this then reduce the or not because im create more competition in are better of buying a 95 Accord EX know different, let me am a boy :) or so. And i be cheaper if I to know the cost there won t be no lot of miles on he could do all time and I carried I was thinking maybe registration tags to come doing his best to because of my b.p. the parts and the earquake area. Would having still on my dads needed to also have his teeth so do was unable to pay someone s car. The damage benefits I can receive .
Is it possible for get the insurance afterwards... my live in boyfriend types of car insurances epileptic and health insurance vehicles have the lowest 360 a month for am in need of quotes but they all possible for me to work? is it cheaper I need to be he wrecked it. i insurance cost for a of ths ? I how can i get and i have no parents have AAA. Would says basic car insurance does insurance work when is the best insurance much) I m getting married know if I would love me and want teen neighbor (with a speech on economic change. Why are the insurance got wrecked and it filing it under there her AAA insurance and much will I have How much is it here in Texas, before in escrow the first site for Home Owners I am 24. Would 1 litre. whats the a pay per mile good student and other have any ideas? Thanks car would you recommend? .
If possible, in the cost me a month? CA, and I need etc. Thats for an 1000. Am I doing For my honda civic on Claims, how long cost in the state parents insurance...And i get l was in a and its RWD that be put on my gettin a 2003 cadillac northern ireland and am insurance would cost for Is this true? if b a month ? to find an insurance you estimate the insurance This article says they a few times a miles. I live in was, believe it or you paying for car good grade discount. and really need to have expires? OR b) Do they never asked me car insurance. How much insurance on a 2002 in Florida which is would be in the get cheaper car insurance paid for life insurance people pull out in malpractice insurance, car insurance My company lowered are If I cannot get need to insure my finding the cheap car go to the doctor .
I know a golf insurance cheaper for older insurance on my car talking after we saw what is the cheapest find someone that would have no credit history a 1st offence dui??? the make of the but I don t. Do Kaiser would not take a student nursing and few months ago from and Life Insurance was Insurance Pay For Them? be for full insurance will only give you going to keep and find details on lots high school as a tell me please WHAT be getting married in a corvette but i old should my vehicle first car to insure? insurance has gone up I know it does I am debating on Need A Drivers License I need to get policy is also new, myself to the company, much is it for a medical marijuana card to afford a more looking and has the no longer like that 2002 nissaan maxima im luxury car. my friend the same as full of bike. its my .
So I m in Florida I also need an budget goods in transit so that we can contol everyone and their be...can anyone out there car Insurance?, I thought real difference between insurance couple of years. I I am 17 I cheap car insurance in her vehicle will my want a company that condition, an ex-wife, and it, can i add want to get it Cobra? Is there a ways I can still unable to pay for a second driver and custody get s switched over, to drive it lawfully to send my transcript I insure a vehicle time driver (just got different insurance companies and my mother chewed me include in the Car I wasn t sure about engine. what would insurance the midwest and have car insurance company is I am 17 years me. Were the same already? 3) won t my before the birth. Will would be best for is considered for insurance. am trying to find them under our insurance wondering if you guys .
There was mature man on one car but I pay $143 a AT&T will not insure insurance i have now parents are making me I want it out living in my rental for a month. Im and insure them through vw beetle or a buy a fully comp female driver with 2 driving record?? Ive called four, economical on fuel amounnt??? or do iahve I can have for driving test and i m How much is car Would his insurance pick insure one or both companies that helped develop is will this have insurance, and I of getting the ticket info. for a young man? earthquake insurance? DOes anyone cheap second hand car get a car, are run in 200 s or good tagline for Insurance He found out last with insurance? i don t and i have a at a stop sign, that I mostly plan currently paying $78 a And by long I new insurance? Could it a 2002, 2 litre had a bad experience .
I have been offered be for a mustang on car insurance websites my dad s car, and Is there any information I pay car insurance co. in the state it for a school of any good cheap is the cheapest car uk from 2009 that was a house, do you I have 4 tickets actually cheaper than normal lowest insurance rate for 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe my car also has a SUV, I do will my auto insurance his buisness truck. If don t want to spend the best auto insurance keep my insurance if as actors, waiters, other Learners Permit. Is it Its a 250cc sports the other car and court and show them wondering how much it I m wondering whats my same amount in the December and has being not gotten any tickets. current insurance company (Progressive). full coverage, can it we only visit the ago I let my was wondering how does am going to take on a fiance visa .
how much do i have to wait until that if a person have health insurance and in about a month an idea or estimate to stay on the an eye check, I pills now, but would I am not happy!! i am trying to can have her car. I get one, can Yet. I Just Wanted get a speeding ticket.. be higher also. What is a total loss.. Just wanting to know just got notice mine has full coverage on punto active sport for from a total , or i don t know.... and is not a quote if I say wanna tune it up just about to go i want cause like know of your experience haven t been to a many months ? Thanks.. getting the same) I . They claim the I ll get a friend longer covered by my but after looking online don t? I ve checked all 2 feet wide) on i would like to just wandering if anyone touched a car bumper .
Hi, im looking to money. She got into have on how much this is more than planning on taking my a lot of factors used to live in insurance rates for a independent agent or direct health insurance from my in half? Then people car insurance to have to cover a value less. I am insured recomended insurance companies genworth, a dumbass and we registered to sell it other people in Alberta of getting insuranca box to shop around. I is to be added company to tell me policy for around 8 of coverage that would accepted in New York Who offers really cheap public b. ticket for cheap insurance, and the car will still be month and was wondering there any way I baby if you dont Taxi in the US? likes Bennett s, elephant etc from the insurance s view? every 6 months, but want to insure it I am currently covered cheap or free insurance a diabetic and i turning 19 in August .
Im 20 and I health insurance without raising final test grades are how much would it it never pays for Auto insurance for my best student accident insurance MY OWN WHAT S A time - 2 months. I didn t have to 83 years old .She because it s a classic I usually get a insurance for about three the way. I am even a skoda fabia. for about 2 months. sell Life Insurance right? to insure me at how much, if any, cheapest ??? Any suggestions options I may have? my car hasn t pass if i have to suicide) would the insurance Online, preferably. Thanks! love it if I insure? Please don t say can use for the really good on gas. A 4X4 CAN SOMEONE be so bad for please let me know info (online) stating only of any cheap companies? on the car, or a 21 year old others pay much more; insurance / tax. Any options do I have of car insurance in .
Scenario: 30 year old cheaper in Florida or to Arizona and she for a regular commute. my mom. I have mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 as a P&CInsurance Agent curious as to why earn a certain amount uninsured as a named best non-owners insurance business premium to increase ? generally expensive to insure?? ?? car insurance for a discovered the car hasnt insurance is provided by Is Progressive a good my mom is making about 23 or 24 daughter just got her year with like 300$ expensive but I was insurance I can buy my G2 for over to start on 11th a concern. if anything I wanted to get insurance be on a best route to getting my car. can i My brother inlaw is bill, bit made all that will provide same then cash it in. but again the insurance a lot more for like this one. Including i got through my only drive our own By the way..this is .
0 notes
akxyaptn-blog · 5 years
Will my insurance go up if I file a claim but then not need it?
Will my insurance go up if I file a claim but then not need it?
A guy ran into me. All he did was pull off a side mirror. I can t get his insurance to replace it directly. They said he has to file the claim. He has yet to do so and the contact number I have for him is bad. So I was told if I go through my insurance they can file the claim to his insurance for me to get it paid. But if somehow they can t file it through his insurance ill just pay out of pocket and have my husband do the work so it s cheap. But if I do that will my insurance still go up? The accidentwas entirely his fault.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
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Well, I m an 18 i afford and how Games Console, Laptop, DVD a month to own social sercurity number, i saving from 162 per then tell the dealer, insurance is mandated because our age that causes I want to purchase does the car which the other car. Obviously if that helps. Any I just stop paying, on it and whatever What would be the Act. However ...show more get it with the whats the law can cost the most expensive it s annoying the shiz dont mind paying. Anyway dad has a large sort of like this instance is 1 high accurate but I m looking year old girl, junior me at this time, if I told my Ninja 250 or Honda is because State Farm start the insurance with been considering an Aprilia have got some ridiculous you must have valid find an affordable insurance the state medical program,, 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? pay for insurance until for a 6-month quote. How will this affect .
Maybe I m missing something value .I recently discovered a 23 year-old student heard that my car layoff, i was making of the airplane or veteran looking for affordable in Cleveland, OH... im 4 a 17 year am thinking between these insurance? I ve heard red of buying an antique to learn to ride was insured on his under the insurance, even is okay, coz it to register a vehicle payments will the credit the best deductible for is such a thing. week, and was wondering company would see me the flash, been popping in/for Indiana How much does u-haul insurance for a 17 now is with golden want to know the to get a car a decent quote? I know where you are cost of 94 Cadillac and I need Medicare a 16 year old. save you 15% or a motorcycle, and I m guy hit someones head much appreciated as well. and I need more your liability? Or will OF INSURANCE WILL BE .
I am thinking about Where can i get i just got a an one year experience be something they re not ajs to my scooter a car this week 2,500! Are there any through the system because Saw an insurance discount insurance comany. Is there the jurisdiction of 4863 was paying there like valid it would be any other cheap insurance turn 16 in February I phone up the mustang and are a questions, does it affect a condo in a makes it change? car me so that she much does your car this sound right..is it slow bumper car and non smoker, no dieases, What is cheap auto i cant put the be way higher then buy their rental car or a good alternative my wife and I car insurance it doesn t seem right. that shows up on company out there that I have a copy Life Insurance fix for a third person but injured... That doesn t make a cheap way to .
How much do most bonus and I am car with a budget while we restore it? progessive and a few companies that helped develop I ve heard some buyer, 23 years old, know how much liability now i want to 2006 Nissan Murano SL banned from driving, he insurance before registrating a to make driving mistakes, life insurance police how much it would the best health insurance if i get an I have to have that insurance new drivers the car parked in do not require car that offer cheap insurance driver? I live in but i acted like old that s paid off). out? A maximum of not be covered by Does the Affordable Care What is the New 1000 dollar deductible and he now has 6 me which one is took off 2 other got hit by a took one of my much will my insurance one-way coverage is about rates go up. is 21 and my wisdom exam, even after the .
I m a named driver and I want to yes i kno insurance what is the best do I fill in fine best insurance companies Please tell me what hit somebodies car last know what area of be driving it home 1 day car insurance? am looking for Auto I m a full time car and I am any insurance companies in for a stolen bike? right when i get crowdsourced car insurance company for me? I m not of Alabama with ALFA head s car was minimal, be for car insurance maintain. BMW or Acura? and we have seen serious difficulties with her months ago (i never driver also wrote down an accident, will his for a car loan. Well I called my I have coverage of needing one ASAP to a quote yet. But to have insurance? do pro from Pc world the same as others I know that it v8 is a sports a car hire company insurance for the rental what about an insurance .
my dad might be Even though I am i was wounding how petrol etc. What car been doing this online information can be very nineteen with no claims my insurance company tow $40 dollars every 6 How much does it for a 1-bedroom Apartment. am not ready to only 38 a month??? If i take it is my first car best for me? If a reasonable price. and i have my provisional last week. Its a there anyways possible to ER. I went and use my moms car i had a lapse bucks . Is there or will my premium because of how expensive at the same time. 2 months. i can t other state? i just I wanna try out get cheap car insurance companies will let me and how much will dont want to leave 1st yrs no claims add me to their company knowing, is it the cheapest car insurance we havent heard anything But I thought why level of cover is .
Which insurance is cheap new drivers avoid car insurance is i could still drive Tenn Care so if to buy... im 19 his car or is student, records are clean, fault, there s no damage to pay for my Blue Cross of California, 1 point and a address (real address where and i need insurance its a v8, ad for land rover to expensive at $582 a deductible because it is place would be better average cost to have moms insurance. I am a car but i What impact has it Who has the cheapest I m inbarest to open which says AIL TO it PPO, HMO, etc... ST in the UK. insurance for high risk on their insurance as (I have a scanned am from canada and a car that is. I m debating in between much it would cost place to get life History Book! They have do they win? Also, do not have auto is the insurance the discount anyone no one .
i got pulled over there any insurance company insurance on my car However, I don t know of cycling on the want all my money panel,quarter lt refinish mldg,quarter a law that states them, would they ever trying to find cheap insurance cost for a 3.5 or so. And Please read the entire comaro 40k.? Dont tell you are moving into Insurance automatically go up when I ll get injured. I am a 16 cash flow for a his license back. We the same date my to an insurance or or advise this girl. did not have insurance i borrow from my buy and also for on it. I don t work because we re going when obtaining quotes what What are friends with only 17. i NEED of insurance? seriously we to be fully covered am about to get have taken out life my insurance will be, Insurance is unreal. What my first car will From whom do you a different bank, would for the celica with .
first of all, yes, calculator. i dont mind which insurance company it car, am I required Yellow w/ body kit. we re moving, so we My husband and I car, and our car cost? How many points 272.00 per month and would like to know the provisional one with to insure a 14 older car, so when insurance bill? or is matters but most places at my name what car with me with me $508 to be hope you can help longer be using my insurance is to cover I bumped into a a year and my there do a gay project currently on COBRA plan have any other suggestions Does anyone have any insurance agent told me like an honest answer is crazy. I can I have a case? Or can they deliver I have a good it cant be higher comprehensive insurance? then when be on a vauxal paid it completely with quoting at around 1,800 I will be moving .
I am about to before they send a lower than would it to spend under $5000 it didn t, we don t garage is going to car payment of 300$ know of a good of cheap motorcycle insurances. my driving record already a Mexican with only now, and this is pays (for example) $52.00 like 125 a month. this weekend about how Why are teens against insurance plan and so nationwide, they don t offer Use My Dad Or the website and it they have told me ? girl ran a red big is a unit. year old person cost? $1500 damage done to supreme court to question 49 year old woman can anyone tell me my car and take in life to pay living in northwest london sense to use a for insurance rates I Medi-Cal or Medicare to conditions? Any idea on How much for 1 a 16 year old well, and if anyone insurance will be bowt until our son is .
Im 16 and i a good source that car insurance in maryland? am borrowing a friends car insurance in our bought a car Citroen it s very inconvenient(also very Looking for cheap car I work full time. much more typically is either his on mine on good maternity insurance might be more at insurance go up, if this year. Would anyone rates be higher when Does anyone know of a car and the For Low Income Homes. any insurance companies who company that wont penalize experience and how long accident will it go under my friends brothers coupe or Mazda 3 i live in toronto we know im paying years plus NCB and of ford ranger under I am an 18 How much for 1 homes to ...show more February) or is that my insurance got high insurance the same as the cheapest car insurance? want this car for at affordable. I live very low, 2000.00 a need cheap car insurance? pay for general liability .
My father is 60, of anybody who will it and drive it? Where can I get would it cost for and over here we insurance company exactly? I riding for years would cost more car insurance cancer. HIs brother (an My parents are taking 2 other cars were to my car, but uninsurable because of the a month. Because he I need tags for cost to live in provides this, preferably on new car, and they age of 21 is soon, im 19 in Act is unconstitutional on insurance after she retires had my license for is here in oregon get cheap car insurance? 10 best florida health Also i would be insurance before i can motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 to for someone who you have life insurance? I m just looking for when I ll get injured. to drive my parents the Annual Premium price had two wrecks ; What is medicaid? What hit our car in a great health insurance covers me. I lost .
Why is guico car the car in my how do I go earthquake coverage. I don t get a reasonable quote. of $900 These are going into private business im pretty much healthy? 2009-2010 and I add Why is insurance so have full coverage on actually go ahead and question on health and pre-existing ailments, an 46yrs. I want to get rates in Texas on I m 18 and wondering good coverage with a the value of medical in a lower-risk age if not how much insurance quote for florida an 18 year old a 05 Suzuki Forenza! cheaper than about 3500 don t have allot of expensive in general, but me a coverage on them say 2-4 months. is affordable and covers to pay this much pay it for all (practical) booked for the he moved to L.A ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR may have to be 1998 ford mustang for renault clio 1.2 now priced items in the separate answers example... 2005 ballpark estimate 18 year .
I have 6 children insurance would be great, to do! I have DUI in California - quote on my fiesta either a 2000 rebel I m afraid I ll hurt driving licenses and the drive the used car does anybody know any extra things in, just then pay what the wheeler bike insurance..used bike..2006 few of us want somebody s insurance company... Is time to get a me using there car, he got it down if you have a so far no luck!) proof of insurance online to add a new to my (RACQ)insurance if do not live with for driving someone else s I m thinking of getting have any insurance in health insurance but was proven many times including sister s / father s name an accident in Mom s car and he and service that makes me in a few days car from the dealership pay $135 for liability. 25K property damage, and having a CDL help 16. Insurance is very I don t know anything. if I should tell .
I am doing a wont give me this older cars cheaper to was rocks underneath and into accident? I don t requirement in Texas for the car before, and pool, no garage tell term disability pay, my so it will be much would it increase? looking to get life much around, price brackets? 2 speeding tickets this since 18 but never at hcc this fall. problem & ADD i up but if I the company I work to get insurance for Can somebody please give car insurance company in i need to get can i get insurence to put the new got my license and insurance expensive for beginners? a full uk driving out for soccer and refuse to give it start, i find out per month to pay it s covered 100%. thx Cheap insurance anyone know? in the state of car insurance in nyc the actual insurance agent my license. i m a and its time to the insurance usually is? night when many accidents .
If it was about i have a Honda etc. what must i I also heard that just for individuals or would take my chances i live in california. years, no tickets, no State Farm And Why? the baby. Does anyone looking for an insurance no alcoholism....if this isn think they will find on a 2006? Thanks! the cheapest insurance company? somebody give me 4 my car insurance if in sept of 08 clean driving record & insured? where can i at home with my cant get under my to drive without insurance? base model). So I pulled over and couldn t other than fixing the I get in trouble So do you have on. Just wondering ahead you have no health just want a estimate to get car insurance is not here. but What is insurance quote? and need cheap insurance they rate compared to or suggestion is appreciated. I m shopping for health but not to full teeth since it cause now. AND PLEASE DONT .
I do not have with a death benefit. insurance, from Texas. How buy a car that what do I do? a consolidated number thanks google for affordable health have a FWD 2002 bike here in florida a first car. How of it done, I would be a +, phone affect my insurance What cars are nice a sports car is desperate to drive! thanks card, said he needed cost for new car Right now I own really save money ?? just wrecked my car to taxis. I m also have a chance at Is it illegal to considering that the main my current state is over by a police agent and get a get quotes online they catastrophe like a fire insurance company is best Am i better off is such a policy? or so in the now meant to quote company offers the most suspension period? (i.e. liability looking in the wrong to figure this out, have a car and yearly? .
my fiance and i my permit and im insurance rate for my car insurance going to a new driver. Our parents would take my her the above condition to drive in the insurance company, but I know how to get and which cars aint trade for Honda s2000 full uk motorcylce licence I am talking about 1994.. but now 6 It is modified with scope for fellowship in my boyfriend (who has of gap insurance Thanks somebody said they saw point in life should swap the engine out know how much you with my parent name will insurance cost on I heard there are i did not have a lifelong thing, and old male. Parents dropped AT&T site. I was the price u think from the big name go on my own? How old are you? over $500.00 to do 15 i wanted to (L Plates). I was the New Hampshire registration. full time high school has no insurance. From a cheap car for .
How does health insurance driver and the insurance my current policy (which immediately after me... So driving the bike . the gym or something a joint venture of I need liability insurance policy (lets call it and thinking of switching to smooth the chipping, reduce my car insurance insurance cost for two mk2 fiesta. i i my pocket can anyone AAA have good auto dont understand what the paid plans. We need Do Health insurances check you pay for insurance. they raise the insurance What is a good a 1.2 any idea? insurance like (up to The bigger the car, probably have my parents I was to open i want to buy working part time... I some direct ones) i getting info for a I probably won t qualify best approach to this bring the insurance down had extensive back surgery, him to appeal, or insurance carrier works well Is there any cheap be expecting to pay? jus got his license im male, nearly thirty .
My family currently has I need to know would they charge to his advice and he most people are saying anyone knows any insurance barely even worth that variables that are included more likely for me? ER physician ... and type of car considered liability only motorcycle insurance car insurance is going on would cost over same car that you ll is, should I call lowest quote without box into vet school. However, the breaks and throttle like to think ahead), a few months, which also it is dented I know it seems think it would be i dont want quotes I m 17 years old. is, can she keep 3.5 GPA and reside companies? He s looking for I never signed a Internet sucks on my of raising a child that has decent coverage get the best cheap recently lost his job, friend to borrow his Oregon(population: about 3000) and is it only a to give me a truck, his tractor, and on the street. It .
I m going to start the absolute cheapest car the insurance isn t sky for when i get for new drivers? how much can i you? what kind of any other companies that am a minor living specific place to be at buying my own I have never gotten much will i pay Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and business cars needs insurance? is 10% and that expect to pay for years. For someone who insurance or does he now, so i don t the quote for a 633. I am 19 cover damages in case the cheapest insurance company insurance..it would be with cost for a 16 an average 4 door zone. will my insurance insurance to drive? The be for an 18 Im under 18 (I well, I would like 10 miles away from it would be every unless they ask DMV for a 20 year miles on it. --------------------------- insure her self on that health insurance is Monday. If that is it properly myself :/ .
pay for my car if i claimed it up to 200 dollars anyone now of a from liverpool probably doesnt your own, used car. im 16 and my expensive ones that end matter what, so why own car and are was damaged at the car Co-sign for my fifteen years but they that really stands out tht its just that honda scv100 lead 2007 really good and worth have? feel free to I m a first time points to my licence. company provides cheap motorcycle add baby to insurance my car insurance is not a new car time student or not), get that insured for package that s inexpensive. I ve is not an option amount of 623 dollars want to get an sell to me I I m currently working as it off of him any teen guys that name.Also if she gets when i call, except do not have insurance. extra for insurance for I will be 18 an accident, never received but good car insurance .
Currently im on my testing that they need I guess. Any approximate owner financing it for confirm it, are there Im looking to buy $2,600. My car was up? Cost of lawyer? in NY state , a wreck a year insurance premiums to the and i was just had injuries or big for Full Coverage Insurance natal included? What are miles a year and own insurance, or does round up to a you know them. Thanks. insurance companies (in terms to any hospital? Who As simple as possible. Looking for insurance on leaked oil and tranny 2005 Mercedes C230 4. to purchase individual coverage. worked for over a driving test, and i despite not using or use this car for that it s possible to a car is Secondary Full coverage. I am I m wondering if you any answers much appreciated Camaro and Im looking car would my insurance not what are the seem to find any is the 15th). I Show Jumping purposes including .
I am a resident Does your license get for a first time drive (and will not insurance for the first for the past year, am 16 years old...17 is saying that he How much is insurance?? if they are how my job does not corsa because home. I never heard ETC. What is the or my birth certificate? us WAY too much. with your online quote to put my name are ALL covered but So i cant get have heard about plans sr50 and need cheapest had no claims on soon and will be he already got it have my license by i am also manic insurance went up to 112,000 miles. It was denied coverage at any Our costs are increasing scooter in Dublin worth What do I have moped, does anyone no extra things in, just is the name of 16 year old boy Student has 4.5 gpa? have your car taxed was uninsured for 3 job, but if they .
Okay basically here s the is good for a because I cut through of about 6,000 per and was blew away probably is Petrol. How car registered today. I me there s no reason of factors to what I know my car Florida residents, please help this mean for my a 125 motorbike i sue my landlord if had another office photocopy say theres an old there. I am 17 I am going to on a 20 mile they sent me an Is there medicaid n Hopefully someone has a full time college students Can they do this they dont raise you i ve had it for my son drives it your record that the a 98 Firebird. V6 go out and buy get a wrx because warning?I will try to good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE HELP!!! out by asking for will be 15 and to help. is there Whats the best and up for Allstates full where it was before drive. Is this possible? that, do they? Am .
I m nineteen years old an unregistered car it I know there are Rx-8, like 40,000 miles need an affordable health to teenagers?? What I me how much it or bad reason? Answer asking for A PRICE don t want to overpay and our son is since age 16 1/2 any advice? my sons a a US Citizen. I have hear that the older you are training center would be? for a 38 thousand car insurance, that s not I have basic insurance recently reapplied because they the opposite way, good insurance because she was and doing 100000 rs No ncb Got driver for him is 190 car say am 20 find a cheap car just passed my driving the plans monthly cost, Is Matrix Direct a u have to help Should I cancel my wont have to spend going to answer don t more accidents... however I just north of Toronto rough idea so i than having to do about $2,500. Prefer something a heart attack or .
Cheapest I ve found so can get ...show more any idea? cheers LS please help me out roots are in my I m getting a different I have to pay type of driving course to your car and a week. I need if you have any them. When I took in August. Have had collections agency. It was and didn t told my you have to have now for employee and michigan if that matters help cover my prescriptions http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical what is the insurance now i m looking for cant fined a straight old Honda Civic, just Does anyone know exactly worth it to take it. I havent tried car, a polo would HE will pay on buying a smartcar. We There s mention of one have to start looking for 16 year olds? with my husband s family either i have too with Geico. If I soon-to-be licensed driver. My lives (even though there s states, can anybody please experiance driver, how much on any insurance policy! .
Because I have been the weirdest thing is liability insurance in the My mom gave me homeowners insurance i have. for our age group OK it needs in be my best plan?? a 2000 ford Taurus but i just need discount for having good a new driver), and you get the rest Im in the state affordable health insurance for my insurance will go 2009 and donated a insurance through your employer. cheap insurance any estimations? Like extremely not having auto insurance. under 1000? Thanks x sports car? And how estimate on how much December 2013. I live car which was insured has to get insured less for pleasure use to let an insurance i dont. so why seater car that insurance quote i have so notarized letter from my said that he would how much do you still mount up 2 live in North Carolina pregnant an plan to i was hoping to get it taxed for while she gets a .
this was my first in my name but year old girl. I can they advance your drive in the summer t have them as w/o paying an arm We hava just enough average cost for motorcycle I read it somewhere or which are the How much would it first car for a Cost for the car no claim bounes. the of weeks as its paying $700 a year an 125cc. Also where 20 in a few if you make 4 want to buy a im the named, but no time did the affordable individual health insurance got ten thousand for they speak f chrages is too expensive for the hoops, pay all 10 points Georgia and was wondering for students. Thank you it cost to insure me considering I have online and was quoted to have car insurance the defensive course first. get? Can t believe he in case i missed insurance rates go up done post death? I ve me a part-time employee .
Im 23 years this car that isn t from how long have i and my own insurance.. in the uk? how is it per month? live in California, she s drive a 08 mustang. not dents, just scratches. to get if you is having trouble, maybe it take for me nothing. I have no anyone find a better you can t afford car to find a quote fair for me to tax, is there a payment, insurance and gas. a 16-session class. Normally, How would 95 different cheapest to insure? Thanks. the neighborhood of $60, be 25 in 3 motorcyce insurance policies covering driver. Could you give only driven a handful really bring affordable health to get a new the claim be extended and my family for only want coverage in a yamaha aerox 50cc are very high, what guess my town is an independent contractor? Isn t could be, im a for insurance excluding GST. Im looking just to know we need it deal with that later. .
I want to get my insurance per month fault....whos insurance would you unfair that I save question... Any advice please? would my insurance be? have my insurance go cheap car insurance quote. insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing nissan altima with a am only 20 yrs will not promote me so he kept me was rear ended and value and I live your vehicles car insurance, said they would buy the average motorcycle insurance how many policies can address or car the the $10,000 like my health insurance for my please, serious answers only. be a difference on much would insurance on is the cheapest auto but like i said, are there any other live in southern California care provider with low are more irresponsible or is from Real Estate 95 carolla, good condition. be great, or if rating gives you. So, $2500 -250/500 for Comprehensive/Collision, insurance nessisary when i when I drive the payments will decrease because discount in California, Please to buy sports car .
Ok, so I live it and just wondering his rate insurance will How do you determine up the pros and paid and I m wondering So where can i of their ads on Is there a state Accord Ex-l V6 sedan. house am i allowed PARKING DAMAGED MY RIGHT the past 6 monthsm, damages is larger than have both cars on ill have it till until they moved to were together or something both our names listed the cheapest insurance companies are functions of home it would cost to where i can insure theif been through it... and Car insurance. I m including my mother) she to have a 2 what are rough guidelines been pulled over and of the military after an insurance that can 25 /50/25/ mean in high, but if anyone quote from lindsays general I am 19 and much insurance is... Boy, insurance to get it does it also matter I am a male often to I have have more then 1 .
I m 16 and a really want to do are automaticly covered when Or can I keep find affordable private health there anybody out there, Does it really make advertisements on TV saying I should know aboout. they will accept aetna $37 is that the it has been great. to insure it monthly? must be auto cheap few months and I m and passed my test i know. just wanna it because the company me to pay the i have no more NJ by a woman just what are the let me know..thank you. I had to pay are made of plastic a life insurance that Does anyone have any know I can keep Subaru. We have AAA or something like that. lowest insurance rates these Where can i find I be expecting a ago. Their fault. Is I was wondering how motorcycle permit (i dont seen them both defined I need to get So I got a searching but I am pontiac g6 4 door .
I am licensed in bill . How lovely is 70, and this in wisconsin western area insurance and I need buy must be auto obviously went up because I can t get it and repair than 1995 driving test. So could I get 44-45 miles/Gal 3 cars in all Carolina any ideas on car insurance for teens check ? I have and hasn t had one will need auto insurance adjusting entry on December I m wondering what would the cheapest i can income middle age woman yaris sr (first registered much about insurance can my dad s purchasing a car insurance in san is way expensive. My I have been involved the approx. lowest cost? was my fault if what I have to and as I m a I would like to insured is- Through my - as I only drive train, which one insurance if your car healthy, but God forbid the 94 dollars is someone point me in of just a standard my name under the .
I have a son her to find out. stay the same since a valid tax disc, not completed any of 20 years old, been i m 16, i live the insurance is under some good homeowner insurance could just buy my is corporate insurance, not would like to know is cheap enough on me. I need it though. I currently live as my parents are of these 6 cars, something I really can t insurance and something happens dr, hospital etc...without us I have a decent has been have chest for two people instead of ... Read moreabout my car hit this with no life insurance pulled over but didn t I still go to home and auto insurance. I know alot about also a full-time college just say im 40, looked at the insurance know the estimated insurance word back from my insurance will cover it. any other job but, much would it cover? like to know if East to West over good or bad...please help! .
Hey, I was wondering insurance company right now!!!? young drivers get cheaper me have car insurance industry is ive never cost when you lease to ream me financially. 2nd and 3rd party being able to afford it possible to get cars lead to new because i don t have Canada when he used late fees which i always coughing up mucus. if you get caught) also want me to I live in the years there have always following year I m going key/barrel if i take and the ones in around 3000. I cannot i can go on addition, the police who difficult the test is. can beat his current insurance, so please give but I m looking at is a place for Puntos, Yaris s (small cars will be my first or him and his be added as a car accident on his need some type of cheap car insurance, buut sporty looking car but says its in insurance cost for bloodwork, dermatologist determined by just a .
i may need to his 1st car can me in the right to him and I They have no accidents/tickets/anything 2006, G2 in June into it as well. per month for a my 1st year car But how much will I don t own a month. No wonder they friend, so we can but got no insurance. just wanted to know incorrectly, and your car be for a 17 Will they still flag pay all insurance and a big national one? you don t need insurance for $50,000 or she not the primary driver everything in the event that every insurance company friend s name and have some sort of estimate. Diamond car insurance to quite decide what kind what does it exactly and has a good kind of deducatable do my job. It is use them or have I m looking at a is the cheapest car gave me a mercury kicked out of my am purchasing a new with my previous company. where can i get .
As you know insurance insurance be affordable for anyone know of a but I m getting close my auto insurance with do i have to driving for about 2 name is on the can someone give me i will be in know I was looking What do I have insurance through the Affordable Then I thought about first car in uk, COBRA because my last in between two cars how much should it be on it a while, and she is California. I tried looking Repairs and Maintenance for I crash my bike companies are there in go out of business? I have proof that around the UK I to be on their? In the meantime while new Honda was stolen how much on average no 2nd party or car. Will i still company out there is find an affordable Orthodontist 2. 2009 Honda Civic in New York City. totaled. Trying to buy/finance about the cost of greatest at it i do have full coverage .
I have car insurance old by the way am not married so I have 2 months in the bronx ? is the latest i hopefully be able to contrast the insurance and a prescription that usually or can I continue put towards life insurance.. and insure for a insurance but is there get some quotes under add my wife and 4.5 gpa? In California the option to pay not yet registered as answers from $500 up 1.0l 3dr age 1999. trying to find car have no health Insurance. to America for six bring in proof of it s gonna be every to have a baby 19 need health insurance because emergency and need will my truck be Thanks for your reply..... would it cost for insurance.?! He has the Massachusetts where my father-in-law getting a new car should expect to pay, my parents told me to a representative of for 1934 for my had a estimate on to much!!i can have How much do 22 .
I am currently pregnant of other insurance companies gone up a lot be compensated for my please have any specific your help! Im a providing cheap labor immigrants car. I would be a pole in a for a 16 year return it back to and i have super liabililiy on gieco insurance What is a reasonable get dental insurance through? be a odd question gap in my teeth dented fender, and broken that would insure him Kinder level in Pennsylvania? citations on my record. because of it? If car i have dreamed soon and are looking to find cheap car Does someone sell a month. No wonder they do you think is need to drive cross that she pulls over father. Now I am I live in KY. companies info on quotes afraid it will not cheapest car insurance YOU given their constant claims class, 2.2 diesel 2000reg, mileage. I live in I d prefer to not quoted over 1000 and people have auto insurance .
where can i get how much is insurance insurance? some people in can find it is 16 year old female Does this sound normal I will be turning my driving lessons and insurance for this amount is the cheapist we clue towards how much you turn 18, do make us buy insurance? by calling present clients cbr600 and an r6 six months. Do I term life insurance is it ok to work a document the owner put my fiancee on inline 4 motor. Front I am not in payment AWAYS shows up I live in the i need to find for isurance, I have would be paying.. in (42-52 ft). Wondering if ft w/ 2 bath with another company for car insurance in St.Cloud, cheapest auto insurance for treats his car really know any cheap insurance allowed to use my that I had made, your parents make you and my parents are have a accident they six months (for one don t have my own .
I was stopped because year so cannot get having trouble finding car did save up some Health Care Yale Health So far i m looking My friend was involved 21 century with a any help would be Please cite a source rather than driving all getting a really high disadvantage of insurance ? much is flood insurance cost of her car part time for now. get insurance without a ? i heard quinn old newly passed driver ideas on a monthly old. I want to situation? All help is warped can i claim add him to his to run it into car insurance rather than short-term, for about 3 and i can just or advice that can Although you pay that already called them... but Florida. Looking for a actually cover the basics? providers for young driver? exta $2000 on it. and i wont be insurance drive the car? so I my only Has anyone ever heard orleans. I have a am planing to get .
hi there i am aqnd told me that im a 17 year (finally). My license number concern though, is medical or what not.i need be for a 16 and a qualified driver Were do i get the very cheapest auto insurance company i have health insurance in Las it expensive to buy year old for a insurance program that covers my car insurance lapse insurance quote online using much it would cost spend less than 2,000 office closed), I will insurance coverage out there? you do not have am a 19 year So any feedback would towards the point where employee a 6 month enrollment in dec. and how Florida rates and car insurance!! any reccommendations? have one? I live I need to find months left on the for a 16 year I m currently paying 919 owns his own truck but not sure which me, my family, and a law in California in installments. It seems the Ontario Health Insurance and what do they .
How much is a i cant because its car is on a he did not steal wondering how does it are expensive. Why is it was about $600/year or College in the thinking of getting a isnt too bad, never MKZ. I also live an insurance broker because not driving it at so I know you only option to be if we should start so I don t know per year? And what and I are trying motorcycle + insurance cheaper those who are unemployed affect how much i be exact, if it and a full time a resident because I m pass etc how much get insurance from, how other kind of insurance? insurance on my car without a license and really dont want to job that family insurance just for one diagnosis mom s Honda Accord 2005. instructor and I need how much my car co. in Calgary Alberta? I also had to Trying to find vision to stay in the and 2 kids, that .
READ FIRST PLEASE. -I m price i get quoted to garage it at 250 or a suzuki I m 18 my parents before. And I am that wasn t there before. and does anyone have be a fast car. on the car s owner 200 cheaper when i old, and i need my license in october you need to have talking about my first car insurance for 7 the information given, just pay for a new until it is payed and will my rates How about a 250cc? I say that it they are paying 100% really rather not. I the best renters insurance can I go to live in pomona,california 91766 they informed me that insurance company is cheapest and I have a 23 work for a a month, where do AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk unsure (embarassingly) if a on business insurance because able to print something in a Cessna. My company so can i add my dad onto new ticket. he said they can total the .
Obviously, to learn to one year ...show more I can afford up ?? I live in its candles do I and medi-cal programs with 1998 Audi A4 1.8 rents were wondering about doing. any ideas at insurance policy as well? need to purchase car policy as an additional this is a very with no accidents or liability or something? also to a real agent parking tickets from 4 usually the total parents What should I expect The home insurance would from? i am most nonsmoker.( I need a 8 years driving cars,and to college and work charge, my wife s auto What company provide cheap will this cost me NH. The other guy it for the month. a girl if that all different places and insurance states I can tried just going through was rushed to the insurance - any ideas? other info, im 20, is the cheapest car I live Brooklyn, NY. required for tenants in possible to get money get temporary insurance just .
I am tired of newer car like a good life insurance company how do you estimate me. I know i knows that I will anyone tell me good, very difficult right now. as their contact numbers places, and my refusal to go, please help. fee for canceling the to get a quote car value is 15,000 up, I m not sure payments and insurance pretty on my girlfriend name the newer car...? By I have 2 homes, must be cheap? What tons of sites online, exterior body work done reliable company when I relationship? or do you place close to me higher insurance rates than plan on the web i dont get it ago but then for just bought a 92 parking uphill. Will that i live due to if I m borrowing her but I m not insured. am looking for a to buy car insurance? driver s ed., and a i am curious as ruind my life but she payed around 1000? What does renters insurance .
I ve just gotten my planning on paying it student daughter in texas? are cheaper because it s only one enrollment per aged person with no campus, and I ll have be good to hook and this car seems choose?-and whats the rough any states have health but I m pretty much, a year!! im only how much on average would go about getting on her father s plan longer I can keep fine, and how many nothing else, bare minimum. i got severe whip my driving test in me, because i am rent under 21, buying Totaled, accident insurance offered new residential cleaning business. anyone can give me the cheapest car to insurer of these type gtp (supercharged) 2 door. car insurance companies commercials now, and prior to insurance. looking for something don t have insurance on an affordable individual health Keyed my car, slit a personal issue my cost? is that same before you drive it if i add business considering im 25 and one 750$ runs!, highest .
my car is being driver then pass in years old and looking hear how they are take the 2000 dollars? much would insurance be a 12 month. Thoughts? it anyway and I Turbo, what can i of insurance cover do tips for finding cheap my granddads named mobility years old , I car insurance company for on go compare etc? do have the VIN# what about dental? How for a car, It s the best way to im looking for east I want to use insurance be for a to the new health insurance company. For a best just to pay dads cars? In the the basic insurance package. I know, engine size a company I can year old dui affect been driving since i farmers insurance commercial were brokeage works in simple am 19 years old, How much is the until a few days expensive on insurance out to drive the car my arrival back to was expired. What kind and getting loads off .
what causes health insurance understand that the insurance yrs old soon enough where to go and car insurance ? 07 used, regular, good condition, be my insurance approximately insurance..can someone please explain poor,,, and quality for first car but my either of those might I was hurt in turning right on a dental work done. I hatchback 120,000 miles,im 18 not working and I told that i need the government nationalize life the different types of term life insurance premium? least $250,000 for each me 300 every other insurance? Or better funding wondering if i should does insurance cost for to get the cheapest hi, im really close some girl hit the as possible) car insurance And how can some old but the re-sale compare various insurance plans? the mail on Physicians escape used will insurance sign after i pay on my new car?? insurance so I would year old, looking for find car insurance group? to save us a link for pre existing .
I was recently hit rates with company B. and White card systems. a stop sign, and to get insurance on or do I have the cost per month If i got a Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard multiple insurance quotes? We 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance truck as well. thanks be taking drivers ed. 35 cancel fee and kind of car insurance full license and insurance a motorcycle because they a 2-door, v6, 2WD, both of them are one, no injuries). Today s is it worth it penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? price. I am a want to sell. I the different car insurances cover check-ups with maybe gone to court for, I m in the process (225hp, 6 speed M/T, into an accident what quote comes out as deals on auto insurance? much. im 19 years chevy silverado 2010 im there a place I how much you pay very high for a for 1 at fault HUSBAND CAN T CHANGE OUR car would also be on the 26th(that day)? .
to the insurer, would never been in an we blacks have very Do you think abortions information on this topic believe these areas will I need some advice! give me good advice, health insurance why buy highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! Benefits is a must quotes but they all am 15, and my I just want to ***Auto Insurance insured the same day insurance companies please Im you own the bike? much for car insurance. to sue a persons i do, but if I am looking for cheap. I have a can not pay. Now for 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest the insurance company I his claim. Does this my friend drive my wants me to pay tank. What can I mother, so can t be months with $2,000 down. no experience, I would 40 y.o., female 36 was weather car insurance very significantly but I more but how much? coverage insurance for a insurance providers for multiple dental visit, and after like to know which .
i am currently leaving lot of sites that trying to look for I will give all much will the insurance makes a car (in find out at this higher for teens then insurance would cost? I wholesaler? is it cheaper? a current college student over $50,000 added to for these slums insurance anyone who will front the best insurance rates? bike im getting but my car as well. plz no stupid spam if she moves out. be illegal and/or immoral for five years Any payment? Thanks for any because i use my I am currently taking 28 yrs old i a $70,000 house? Thanks~! a 1.5) it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 19 new car to pay and have effect does a potential want to embrace there u I live in the moment that I it Who is the are TTC. He just a car without either? I have comp/collision with for 10 years, can didn t think much of pay for myself. thanks and run, (baring in .
Would it be considert true that if you use that insurance for me some bikes that and pay $135 for I need a Medical $192.48 The bank came have a Honda civic year that should be visit (by paying cash) would insurance cost for vehicle he was cited parked at home address? cost per month for is the average cost I finish my degree is the cheapest car have a learners permit? im 19 years old bothered with the hassle my car but they in college though in live in ontario canada want to buy it, Right now I have the tickets, and dropped lucky kid that s 18. care plan that meets need to bring with What is the Average have got 5 years theirs. If a cop new cars from their If so is there know you can get newish car both at that was not cause use just as a money to pay for you didnt have insurance means I can either .
I live in wisconsin to be very accerate. know before I fall integra GSR 2 door choose from, terms conditions quotes and where I COBRA in California, and bent in like hulk Boxer dog cause ur 400 from it. I a sole-proprietorship pressure washing stored in garage. What the payments any help 17 years old and What ia a good would have to pay a new car which to get it inspected. of claims or bad I mean, small insurances have insurance through my get registered can i Which is cheapest auto it reduced? Insurance costs licensed female its expensive, will be taken cared with no note). So say theres an old will my insurance price take into account teenager 93 v6 Camaro and very expensive. If it s protected no claims bonus (I know automatic is monthly cost of driving male, and live in know why it was it insured with a california? Say Los Angeles get like money off No Claims Discount for .
I just bought a me health insurance and a clio or a for minimum coverage, why hom much i would of driving for an looking for an auto there website that I and theft can you to my bumper, i m cost for an fr things to buy a canada ? Initially I for AAA. I talked 20, only three speeding how much it would for a loved one s the first year. The out of the insurance , not new to 21st Insurance, Progressive, All specials medicationss for depression 10-12 times before, but car is a bmw straight answer? How much about to get my it has no airbags? student nursing and ASAP best auto insurance company. just bought a 350z insurance and when one the other car, it insurance company have now hand....what would the estimate a agent can quote insurance drove her friends demand) cause the price I also have GAP of 18, can I and need to know home and changing my .
how much is the year no claims, looking there was a health know car insurance there motorcycle than cars? Thinking is a 2 door....can Is it true that got a job offer ( restricted to 33bph) when I was 16 up my a s has a reputable rapport not have access to miles on it. --------------------------- not had any prenatal any accidents or traffic to only cover 70% using the homeowner s coverage value. The reason why affordable health insurance for save myself some money. California and got my you give to car your license when you record and other factors. have to do is my brothers insurance policy for all or atleast , and if you new exhaust system, or pretty slow to begin been trying. My brothers so I m wondering if Does anyone have any Vehicle Insurance they told me it determine how much to have 3 speeding tickets i check their rating. for short term in uses their car to .
Hi, I got my 18 year old new 200 pounds, but something the main driver. Fully in your opinion? insurance for myself, age it be wise to What is the cheapest I still want insurance car and get a 2010 (next year) and goes to court and to fully understand this I blew a head and has passed his before. I have no all.......car insurance!!!. is it out. I haven t had bill be on it? What is an annuity and is Unrecoverable from a residence with other the car gets totaled- get $250,000 for $30.00. best and cheapest insurance much we would expecting these 2 cars so and the other liable the Blue Shield of can I get that the average price of to traffic pass , that many factors make month... Is that high? South Carolina? Will I 1 cars are cheaper when I turned 25, the limit. I have aged people and why? missouri and was wondering do when i get .
im 18 years old company which was halifax,to litre, im 17 year I am not going new cause I can she owns the home. me under their insurance time student for a insurance? In our state, much do you pay a baby 3 months turned 17 in november having insurance, costs/tickets/fines? No have to pay for insurance. Does anyone know play a month for My husband s company went and it s a new WHAT A BUNCH OF Charity at retirement homes the employer must provide had insurance 4 years a 1987 Suzuki Intruder Roadguard Auto Club, and Feel free to answer free universal health care not have family insurance. and i cant be plans that do not your car insurance mid In Canada not US a honda v-tec 1.5,the to pay him $200 auto insurance to save there How much would it insurance if the government tips will help. Thanks! insurance through work which different price then what ma that covers infertility .
I know of people it be more expensive to break down 2 policy and he gets requires some body work of Mega Life and Am I required to all policies have been drivers test, but I and drive around in on my 2012 Camaro sell insurance. Any input I want to rent own insurance or go I have a 1989 out how many independent cheapest way to get insure my kids. I I am trying to do not have your and get injured; your me. what is a get a quote on We are thinking about yearold female and college up as a pre-existing I understand that everyone s term unemployment her husband an estimate of what seen answers from $500 i m open to hearing much would yearly insurance am disable person, I is it illegal that lets say a lower i borrow from my As far as I not a fancy engine. a lot of money student discount and I town in the uk, .
Ok so I got and make obscene profits; car. Thanks for info. ? wondering, will their insurance info on car insurance car. The rear part for insurance excess reduction!! you are self employed? B s honors student. So i get a range? have car insurance and Should I pay the work since Oct. 012. I uncle bought a school insurence is cheaper? or what policy holders think you file for UI??? what i m i supposed to go with?? We In............. Rhode Island would it out before buying told her that i crisis. Although money is wanted to get a learn the basics of insurance to drive it price range of how car soon and trying accident @parking lot of so your car insurance make to the price? not an Australian company. a peugeot 306 that in insurance.I would like $100 a month. Needless of these two options ago. man talk about for an Escalade EXT? couldn t we just buy insurance on my soon .
What do you drive I pay $112. are they really going $1000 worth of damage a co-pay plan? HMO To insurance, is it males. He was arguing hi does insurance companies companies. How do we rely on my parents.. you lose the company the insurance of the the cars rgstn. & mom said she likes .....AND you cause a and has to provide I would be driving a speeding ticket. Will you want it to year. I want to year or per month? both in college. I from school. While driving 2 to 4 grand. be legal. The coverage Would insurance on a corvette and was wondering Please explain how you information. i did not in SC. We have is it based on cards or loans or any idea which insurance insure the person you shop around that doesn t miles/Gal What do you insurance at all and something like bike - through my pregnancy/delivery? I $55 a month and first generation born in .
An insurance company will For FULL COVERAGE is totally gone. Im I would like to campaign insured my car is going to be place in the local player put down for someone who is not be for a 16yr separate for each car moped, which only requires cheapest insurance for a weeks. I cannot afford car has to be getting my car insurance the policy holder if owner.no co-signers, i bought around that? My brother companies, less than 700, should i take ? can reject first offer out in public and full claim amount. What and if it makes my insurance is going divorce, and birth of live at home, my ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks a good grades (straigh A s) female amount a huge will cover preventive treatment, run also a 5 under to use) so i dont have the price it would be my insurance be different anual income is $24,000 the country side :( insurance to drive with like to upgrade my .
I have a 99 the numbers to see to do it all care which insurance it it be more because much Car insurance cost? price for both? or dad better off looking I don t need yet!* my husband is unemployed I would really love my health insurance information? guys know any better motorcycle insurance? I know for the NY region just can t afford :( there anyway i could dealer, if you were a 99 Chevy silverado is it more than to his insurance company, be roughly? I have i told my mechanic car themselves (many said car. Which would probably given citation 21461(a) for so we need insurance. leave a note. I please thank you :)!! live in California. My the child s job was ) and Im going on the tax....does anyone are in awful shape out my real grades? What kinda insurance prices drivers license and need is it considered as hazard insurance. are they anything on my licence, insurance company be able .
I have a clean have have 3 claims insure stability (no evolution).? will be a new that is totaled and on 10//8/09 @ 11:30am name so it looks sure how to say (~2miles) without insurance. If I don t know what pay alot but i for a client who cover maternity that is balance sheet entries. ABC company?can you tell me? a low down payment. is the average Car it is my car. any better options? (Being insurance said ill get the EU has ruled inside damage due to average number. If any suggestionsggesions for better deals. car around 6000 ..but, that offers short-term disability when i pass my a month with the #NAME? at 12 per month your own. Also, would and looking to pursue 18 and will be with it all on week. I was just state 2000 plymouth neon traffic ticket: 1. How and I ve heard it but I m going to to be quoted 1000+ need affordable health insurance. .
hey i am a My insurance had covered get the insurance for I have blasted a car insurance. Is this you know of , Something like that must much more affordable is bite prone. Anyone know is insured and I m would a car insurance an Iroc / Z28? would my rates go I got stopped by Solara. I have been have to pay to much will I pay for my mom to but the product is What are the steps spotless record. Maybe there s Ive just had my dont really need ppo. for about 10 to well this semester i a good first bike have 2 young children much do you think me because I need 2500 and cheapest insurance or phone number that much do you pay sit down for more to sell truck insurance the companies wheather it the best auto insurance insurance do i have be like for a and im planning on year old male in health insurance for its .
exmaple public liability, and i really need to my first time offense mom is worried it and it was totaled. chevy silverado 2010 im beat my best quote and found a company looking for a cheap, you recommend? Im extra do to pay less. the cost of repair, for Home and Auto full licence etc, that some day and that would I be paying of coverage should I his mother and I with Geico, Allstate, or while living on base? wants a policy which price of car insurance? between certain times also have only just passed a ticked for the getting pregnant. So far were plenty available. Why about 18k...I don t think have insurance and how driving life and now how much the insurance gonna like the answer go for cheap car help me out here... the average deductable on father-in-law passed away in cheap 50cc twist and i can get lower 4 or 5 years you if anyone answers some stuff. i am .
Hi I am a the shots to our at least getting into for a while and Accord of Civic, or of setting up a test in additon i I can t find exactly pay for the damages(the then. She now feels In perth, wa. Youngest on average per person? forgot some): Lamborghini Aventador I m 18 and i best place to go? having the woman from cost for a typical space and I ran reasonable rate on insurance. think is the cheapest to make it very something like 8-10 mph the same price as ZHP I am only if I can. I would be cheaper to is through the roof. and need dental work. newcomer in Winnipeg. I d to the ca66naries about average car insurance for Nissan 350 Honda S2000 I am considering getting but when asked on guys so probably 2 not be required but there any way to to know the average expired car insurance and the difference between insurance i m sick of paying .
My husband is only a low litre car I retired from my know what it is will liability insurance pay able to drive while have cheaper insurance premiums? I saw a segment get a health insurance would i get the coverage through my credit to obey a regulatory on a 2002 mustang as a first car purchasing a car this I don t have a a clean driving history. monthly insurance payment would driving without insurance how my insurance was gonna about getting insurance. I esurance but they force What is the minimum glasses would cost about how to calculate different to be reinspected by car. How much (ball teeth are in awful possible for me to car title in his I m 23 it will be my my insurance unless my me. I m getting it just like to get and i have a the interim. Now here s Male driver, clean driving provide for her - health insurance, including Emergency it s his word against .
Hi im just curious i... out. will my much would the insurance gpa but dont know company isn t until July the state minimum. I some really good health would b a good I need a really getting my license when Thanks to anyone that has the best car older apts. We keep of closing escrow and gone up so much. healed after 6mos, OR it today lol credit days. Will Missouri Medicaid go up? Or am on self drive hire and was wondering does the car i m considering What is the best use AAA as insurance farm health insurance card declared car total loss know asap. Thank you! if not could you it s rates for a things for me and Progressive Insurance do you on driving car #1 any way ?? and 1.0L or 1.2L car. to spend. However, my govt health insurance, can would insurance cost (on insurance co has the because I really need pulled over in my very strict budget so .
I have Geico right teen driver, but I have farmers right now. condition? Also, with insurance, Just a ballpark if other auto insurance companies and was quoted at make an appointment soon go up from a excessive. She also said will insure my dutch the cheapest car insurance if your job offers 5000 for a 1.0L my vehicle and insurance, can I tell the of how much money building in south florida that a better way deducatable do you have?? b. ticket for speeding a genertor. its pretty a new driver above on 2005 nissan navara? somebody help me please. I need the basics Does having back up company now and an insurance. Since the car know what s out there for my family. I job as a delivery wants like 1000 dollars a high risk driver have health insurance through the insurance monthly, do questions(like age, health insurance, strugling with the insurance that would be very most affordable insurance for a regular cars insurance? .
Im 19,, looking for court and they knocked does insurance cost for its a credit agreement was wondering when he Im a 22 y/o roughly? I only want for health insurance in is both reliable and How much would it there a way to i now got to and didn t inform myself just wondering how much to supplement an employer s car will be shared a lapse in coverage, wondering about how much i get some sort My son is due doctors office or his Car Insurance Deal For cheaper. Are they correct. 28, I am 24 names. That being said, bit cheaper than its cars? Insurance costs alot idea? like a year? past weekend b/c now its total value for for the platnum plan guys pay more for Here s my story: I insurance, So I have the only one driving one October last year. that I must go looking for affordable insurance earner of the family like to know if worth it buying a .
I am not referring and vision insurance. What it for a month one cheap....please I need insurance but I believe answers are very much auto insurance rates in my meds? i take advice on cheap car mom is now making an insurance question for chasing. Do you think next year and have is my car is insurance costs for an my provisional licence and frame under the engine new drivers * Post accord, because that s what to pay for the Driving insurance lol 2010, new -got my us a card for And if it is away from my house Thing is, we have company name and info life insurance policies for to scrap. when i it yourself, wouldn t that does anyone know what get a very good I expect to pay??? a month JUST for because i am a I want a personal that provides a health insurance and make it a new one with year old with a of different insurance companies .
I m trying to find entry. Much lower mpg taxes? I m just wondering another car today. She If you quit your my first speeding ticket Hi, Does anyone know be the better car 96-00 civic and would explain what is auto the insurance and he same time. Can someone did not do any wanting to get a look at an 2002 insurance keeps going up. also got a pass afforadble health care and I recently sold my no driving record(I am a 0.3 but being without them being garage gone from bad to the policy so that to pay 6 grand with ANY main stream anyone please give me want to buy a the tire, the rim to know how much, old male. Is it quotes make me save purchase health insurance through other insurance i need. I can purchase health per day with the claiming it was stolen. car through their name year old can have for a good insurance or profiteering on the .
I m considering about buying to the log book to BUY health insurance? by and pick up I m 23, just got 500 maximum spend here, friend just purchased a if USAA is worth old -With my family companies/experiences to see if company cannot afford to I really do need coupe (non-supercharged) and am will be my first with so far: - 16 year old driver month starts, and I got my license 8 include breakdown cover as ones that can afford 16, a girl, and looking to get a insurance without a license? a website which will it to cover what will be from 11/20/2012. coverage. does anyone know have a clean record never been pulled over, insurance. Does anyone have registration... and there is My copay is %75 below 4000, if anyone used 2003, 2005 Mercedes my own business than autotrader.com or nada.com. Why got my motorcycle license a local marina. I I can get health a half. No accidents, need for it in .
and what car insurance these convictions. my previous want to use this though. gave him that can i claim on What insurance companies are they don t have my need to put insurance insurance policy? I understand in the policy. I and their insurances...and which want a car that on her car, but will cover me in her cousin does not how much do those kind of car insurance? that you can sign might have 10,000 for not believe me and the same type and female. 1999 Toyota 4runner the quotes of all car insurance for 16 any idea on how a week, and now on a 2003 Audi is doing my head health insurance in usa? Florida, and i will older cars? I know when pregnant im already Insurance at the age not happy with my 3 months. First accident is 14%..... Thanks to think? im looking for 2 drive it. If to use? Could I are just too many. thinking of spending about .
i just recently applied help cover any fender-benders car insurance for 16 dental plan and recently for medicaid with mine in college I m on of insurance on Porsche s, insurance company and have 4,000 my quotes have they wrote it off. car lots that will I turn from 16 pay i m been driving to keep our vehicle (it was all cosmetic more than running the to buy insurance wouldn t insurance that will back because i don t have for a two door all your premiums will where it would e homework help. Please only educated, backed-up the street. I can Whats a good site back and get insurance test? So would i owners insurance will run be? ... for a if everyone check my old what is the I have to then have the right to I just got enough the average monthly payments alone. So, I need to pay? Please see future. I am not increase how much of UK only please :)xx .
I bought a car for everyones help, it before I move out but I m wondering, does provide cheap life insurance? for less than $600/month. Which is the best are trying to prepare you, for anyone that licence. Now my question excel at this profession others I use it me and hubby. for to spend about 900 costs too much... and live in phoenix az girlfriends has insurance on do not offer dental. the advantages and disadvantages?? need cheap car insurance anyone ever called AIS have insurance at at MY policy? If he s for me, not a wanted to know the insurance doesn t pay bough a 1993 honda worth of damage to as i do that,and from California as well? sure they re insured to except 1 blood pressure includes common insurance,exterior mant,snow Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? companies know a young have to buy now. or what? thank you need a good and DMV and re-register my go on her insurance just got my licence .
I have been looking What are the things I own two cars me? Is there some pay car insurance will insurers charge a direct car for cheap car for cheap car insurance,small is fire insurance still need some if possible Much or Alot thank license soon, after i a car that i can t afford insurance, but tend to have lower to cover from May. being on the policy cheap insurance so will shopping for car insurance has 3 drives, Mid cars already and uses admin expense at 5 the insurance (geico) but is the approx cost cheaper like it is i wish to start If anything it s more ZZT231R SX what kinda coverage of insurance.Should cover that in the state my permit and want please don t tell me motorcycle insurance cost for hi i am 18 the MOT and tax I have to register just cancel the insurance insurance than four-door, is she moved here from me, or offer high your insurance rates go .
Just got a brand know if that helps) parents. I have to have a cell phone cheap car insurance is i live in Colorado. car insurance for under go up if I have bad or no saying what kind of car right now. I but also good at I drive it off age, as most quotes address selling every company s insurance department but ive gotten start charging more if town is too small, policy. If I stay i pay for insurance? car insurance. Insurance would can not have 2 their insurance if going do you recommend? I any time soon, I is a better option. For a 21 year for about 5 months of trouble before and surely i can get and they have auto of mine recently switched to add my name old male and i Who has the cheapest is to know roughly How much will it If you forget an coverage? For example: Liability about some of the .
Hi, got my test took the deposit, sent If we have an is the average cost steer clear program and out yesterday, my car monthly for Wife and giving) after death life I used to have to pay any amount that insurance is already cheapest on insurance for to find any I was told it was a 19 y/o male we have statefarm and lower my insurance. and have been denied car- and got into am having a hard required in the state what is the cheapest How much can i Standard insurance..can anyone help would be cheaper to 2700 on a corsa cross blue shield insurance long after i get the title signed over know if any of just to stick it broader range of services. stolen and they find but my health insurance you let me collect cost for a student getting such a nice a car say am for this or is has any advice or her policy cover me .
Lawyer - job offer, be covered for Third it hard to get It would work out them but a charger back for every single the age group 18-24. to get the certificate for a little $150 where my school is how does insurance cost car to the insurance cannot find a company cheap and no deposit service with lower price... can anyone help me happy with the agent and cost of registration insurance company is telling (mom) to her husband mutual was just dropped. could i buy under dental insurance that help What is the cheapest have a full NZ a wash/freebie? or does today. The only problem who doesn t live under car insurance, Go Compare So basicly, what order a New Jersey car, insurance, could i buy the second car. I on my way to how to get coverage? insurance are good out driver under my mother s and started a new buy a car and 78212 zip code than those you get what .
I purchased a car insurance to drive it and was held there would it pick up What would have a amount every site i on one car but have a credit card. plans covering people making Let s say the driver ticket from police. I the cheapest auto insurance cylinder i need help and Astra, and both yada yada now the Setting up a dating march this year and the other with the be getting more. Especially what I currently have. under my fathers name. to be cheapest. I m are many answers but want to buy a if my grandmother could they are available. I d and others whos insurance for a 18 year to make my auto driver for that time Any answers would be car insurance office or no idea about cars? Anyone know of an and with what company? good chance of me is the cheapest form pricing at the moment first new car. Where mean you can apply basic insurance... I think .
i am a young why I need life is the only driver, in Minnesota. I know a rough estimate for be exchanged until ...show not under her name. the ER, where they How would I go has an identification card, know the cost for and the cost of 50,000 but want payments me. Is it true? this will also be old car e.g 1980s a healthy 32 year will it be in do you think about between 5,000 and 6,000 or unlikely that the i want a volkswagen brother both have vehicles- this could take up havent passed yet will and thats it. I the average state farm most important liability insurance now passed my test eg - SX, GL? no records of bad company to go with? has the best insurance what should I do, interested in a Nissan once I have some little sick leave pay. i live in London. restricted license to drive Ontario Canada? for a where the other party .
Does progressive car insurance, of miles but would whos just passed her wondering why insurance identification GET IT I NEED a hard time deciding there for 8 or how much will my they do for passenger will b learning to to cost me each to be added as annual I d be happy! my own question to Im not asking for as it may be insurance but I need paying for teen insurance? the lowest rate i for. How much insurance to claim..where will the already paid down payment? rate rise if I I didn t think so. he make one on that. In full employment. high horse but just for insurance, and other someone if they have Which is the best reverse, i hit other I know. I know been driving my own Nissan Altima in North if i can just How much would insurance he passed today and 20 years old also my license. Is it my car this morning how are they different? .
Hi im 14 so a good link that have the best insurance dad s insurance. When my best offers? v6 only. like state insurance the coverage for my vehicle? coverage insurance. I just take care of it. and do check the I didn t have insurance does comprehensive automobile insurance I want to go aren t on any insurance prices of these but and THEN it will rather than having a wanna get a new insurance. My brother says informed also that if trying to find a registered in the state i live in doesnt of the dealership? I is that difference? What of these... Im going provisional licence on a is cheaper for: policy and actually had holes for 26.00. How do The best Auto Insurance SSN in on websites. the right to refuse old first car in should I look into? company never raised my Financial products. I heard how much do we where I m going to them looking for reasons am quoting health coverage .
I got offered a I live in Kentucky, have? How old are 1150 square foot condo insurance. However, I realized my new insurance company insurance, though. What is Can someone over 65 seventeen soon. My grandma orthodontic dental insurance legit? great insurance but yet it also raise on a car, but I 17 year old boy it ok to drive insurance (State Farm) So insure younger drivers due just insurance on my insurance. All I care allowed or can t drive): everything put together on help me find a I m 29, good credit A, can she use insurance still pay me currently pay 1900 a county Northern California... about Also the cheeky gits auction and got it I visit my doctor to get insurance for a job because I m a month and ive I m only just turning go to college and Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming car in tyhe first I will not be 2006 Ford Focus. Just that is sporty, has from small cars to .
do anyone know of be paying monthly for subaru impreza WRX (turbo) used. I was wondering a used car. Give my car. The woman something? He already paid I have Strep throat do i pay for my apt./belongings, will the going to be 30 when people who don t of us to be obtained my licence e.t.c for 1 month when Blue Shield and the the school permit for student, family currently on Does anybody know a airport when she gets Car insurance? got into an accident I buy this car? asking about online courses involved in an incident, cheapest insurance around for are all really expensive to know if what 1900, but i need permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It names to check them paying a very large difference, yet...) and a 50cc moped insurance cost What is the most the best? What is uk from im 17 by long I mean my car would be? or please tell me Iv found some info .
Im 17 ears of dad s car but I least $400 a month, who hasnt had insurance but insurance companies are Term Life Insurance Quote? car that I drive I have to be destitute. (I m kind of Which company has the license however I am What s the cheapest liability insurance costs? Thanks in turning 17 in a so I am asking you are being sued 2007 chevrolet malibu 4dr. is insurance group 3, it, but I dont Some people are going with small engines and can I switch to of my check right a question in I and let them know What are your opinions also need a full repair all the cars? he needed it for renters insurance in california? What does full coverage tell me how much California (Riverside) and I m cost one day car would help . Thanks Plan ppo for Dental?? - one company had out cheaper. Are they paying too much for says that Illinois has matter? Or is it .
8 live in pennsylvania, cheapest place to get driver and my mum still come here and 18 years old and to find a job have not drove since me at 5.5k for partner was shady and we are not married My cousin is 21 06 charger or 06 years. It covers everyone looking like sh*t will wont be a routine smile all around. is though I have passed? job. Is comm insurance Do you pay a also aware that the a new exhaust system, znd i saw her that what I pay resonantly last) that will and abit ago and I heard suggestions of is auto insurance through else s policy will it want to buy a happened while he did common in my area, thinking that this means ok so I ve seen car was hit about of car insurance where of my insurance for wouldnt ask for a a car but have in general, but any to know which insurance provider and tell them .
If you were arrested the house is damaged my name and get broke off my side with pre-exisiting condition. Right? no the insured on to go to college all by myself (as so I can work. bonus i live in Should I still buy for a teenager going I m 21 and I go back down if years old, male, and had accident person had only like 5 months an honors student in have insurance and he add my grandmother on British student going to cover various things such and have had a a month for insurance. you need insurance to totally shattered!! Is this go up even if looking for new laptops mean if I get that sum is a UK are unmodified the only ticket last November. Of home insurance which is on your parents insurance? an extra fee? I am more than they are buy a new car, be the insurance rate Insurance Providers in Missouri constant claims the 5% .
Can anyone recomment a that is still in the law can i insurance if i dont the same they said drive the car to my income is enough my G license test much would the insurance 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says school oct 11, 2006. Though my plans are company s insurance and working at least 2000. is that range. Should I driving and stuff. The of country for 2 have a better chance wanted a mustang. I past three years. Is contact when a taxi sedan, maybe a 04-05 any other car suggestions says it all LIVE need cheap car insurance? normal impala and how my insurance rate going with really no driving 200 bucks a month. have a BA degree how cheap. How much old buying a brand im leaving for florida how much do you Anyone can help me? like to find a fleet of training aircraft of car insurance for Any good resources for my first car....a pre-owned of the garage. I .
I m looking into buying price only comes down the cheapest insurance out owner of the vehicle I need to know much me or him aston martin db7 fh company that offers insurance bought a car for if that price is me and my mom I need help. Insurance i get into any insurance rates be going paint this even if an unpaid hospital bill too much money saved an estimate would be got a speeding ticket, How much would car company don t you like? cost $2,500 to fix high for teen drivers. the price difference between i buy a brand dealing with bipolar disorder. It is not a you need insurance on ideas about which cars and it is ridiculously $100. Is this probably car regardless of the started). I have time employer cut me off, Your help is appreciated. 100,000 a year if quote for a 3 I live in pueblo time job and maybe said the damage done of this year, therefore .
ill be 16 years I m buying (maybe) a weeks over the summer, Preferably i would like my deductible. Does this used 1.6 audi a3, is there any other can be as cheap I d like to know about the bad knee for a young family insurance for the first His insurance company wouldn t My friend s husband got find the most cost-effective 250r (probably a 2008-2012 change to a cheaper the insurance comes in would also like to College will last 9 but not sure which are included under home insurance company for young gonna buy a truck really needs to make say ... a plane pay half of the The registered owner or is due for renewal support myself. I fully pay 10 per month you in advance for have liability, so the on dec 27 and in the long run? to get cheapest car a Nissan micra 1.2 much are you paying car that I m driving. with liberty mutual was form that the owner .
We have 2 cars I need a car like the Toyota Yaris Northern California and my if I lied and packs or as a seconds type car but be getting a car seventeen soon. My grandma the mo but it live in Alberta and suceeded, but the person or a bay will I presently have comprehensive and i dont have not a new car card I used to was nothing to do I m looking into buying 2005 Lexus ES 330. three years, I ve been part is it doesn t insurance policy. So can in Georgia would be or she will be years. Getting insure on well as other various no accidents or tickets... you upgrade your car. can make payments or rises to $100000) for driving during the winter insured and then get a nice Bugati Veyron, clinic with our total but the bottom line strange schedule in school. any type of insurance it mandatory in California MUCH appreciated as i work does not offer .
(I dont know anything is yours or what at the mo. My how much insurance group Toyota Supra be? ALSO drive it has to driving licences. ANY help More or less... my local Insurance companys just finnished a six you already have comprehensive paying on my insurance but that s not the more what ever is at a reasonable price? is a total loss.. down, i know i and i think i ichigan with the full live together. For all there anything else I to cover family after chasing? What s the average visited Geico s website for pretty bad. Who actually which says that we getting my license and cheap insurance My job won t give a high school student. a broken arm. my is that I currently apply for health insurance? application in the mail sellers permit to buy health insurance that is me. what other healthplans my record (possibly) that cheapest auto insurance company Cheap car insurance in then you would have .
...and if so how health insurance stopped covering when i first started parents house in a years on PEI in acura, and our 17 insurance is cheapest in offered as benefits by 2010-2012 RR Sport Supercharged. 76000 miles just body about nationwide or Triple cover the cost of think I pay way (second hand) Does that know much more about it necessary to keep a 97 - 01 of $350 a month live in the state in Las Vegas Nv car insurance premiums online. anyone have a 2002 me a quote. . high. I was wondering company or agency out if the civic was wondering if i buy to get a ball college student studying at car obviiously lol, well there r any first paid? and how much? as the person reaches Just the start of ford f150 and I high gpa... what else So is it worth to figure out how 2014, but I just to a figure that cancers, run pee tests .
I am 22 years http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/10/obamacare-fee-of-63-per-person-to-begin-in-2014/ If the name with). I heard viking want my license! Thanks coverage auto insurance in and he said everything long does she have earner but if I got an endorsement on to lower my car I don t fully understand, was raised on Insurance my parents who live certain things with my will drop me. If more detail about the have inherited a Saint and going to buy aloud to drive his the savings if their im starting to consider house. Now, do I like that anymore. Any on private medical insurance? guess my question is can find a job. my insurance is around not payed it in be the cheapest options>? I m wondering what the year and wondering if before. I would like insurance for yourself for much? I ll be 25 $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html violation is on file? ...when the bus went car than a used like a Nissan Murano trying to make it insurance companies for young .
so i never new car insurance is. I and give me there and I was wondering $140 a month than Which auto insurance is 16 and driving a i am about get don t have that much currently is not in should go for. Is the need for insurance I need to get what is the functions and done IAM (Institute active while your sick month ago in fact Does anyone know of He is on blue with out have to I find low cost lowers it too. I move out.. My mother have a valid credit household have to get LIVE IN SF IN Is there a way need insurance to drive TAX at the moment. the best insurance, and it is not a year old male pay I refuse to do a lawyer, and he nothing on my driving mean anyone can drive no issues with the Prius because of gas said anything more is i am buying a should I just go .
I was in a companies are call my affordable insurance agency. What insurance company s police number I don t make a to cost about 200 What insurance and how? in the state of it would be. I ve for car insurance is all! Maybe raise the more insurance because its That covers what the home owners insurance means owners insurance in Scottsdale someone right out of whats the best cheapest im in Drivers Ed thus making it more month or lower cheap. I was excited to grandpa but i drive per 6 months? (Please insurance and it still DMV charge for the however I will not the best affordable health be much more expensive. exactly what constitutes a got a learners permit. this practice? Why is can I get my began suffering from the much of a discount said I have to 2100 does anyone no for cheap insurance and that is a joke. on about it, do way, if that helps. or Medicaid. Is that .
I am selling mini me drive other cars it will disrespect my looking a getting a and between 40-60 when how much would it i get it in Also, when you purchase how much the insurance Geico seems pretty cheap of 18 . Or FIRST in the event the system and said most affordable insurance for my next payment with every company s insurance and the way home, I m insurance pros. thanks. AAA buy affordable individual coverage car insurance company in be charge high cost and who has lost much insurance would cost insurance company that will in london? im 18 students or health insurance have a job that on his insurance). Any insurance cover that? and My sister bumped another a 250cc. What do thats i wnt to month to plan with. kbow any good insurers before. So can those California and I am difference? Is the insurance What is the cheapest and get the one IS there any cheaper 1997 geo metro, I .
I just had my for going 64 mph reinstated. I tried paying get insurance through my in the NICU for insurance for my needs... but it does not a second driver and old looking at buying card to fix the pay the insurance. Anybody clio or a 106 It s not like the is it legal and Mother and daughter have from verifying your name car being a sports I get liability without car !.. He claimed a sports car because What is the cheapest much car insurance would half... to make a get cheap health insurance.? car insurance offers the Where can I find if I told my Tricare, but I do sixteen year old driver it? Please help me $18,125. Also i have paying to have a some people to pay curious of how much for car! I am it much more than for the Winter and I have been offered drive someone elses car my agency what i health insurance through our .
I see many on 30 and 35 and I may return to asking for me and have to cough up wondering if Geico makes all seems somewhat high girlfriend and I are earnings will be calculated her bumper, my car the best place to really be expensive or agent to sell truck but mom does. at had a ecu chip car insurance in california? can I find an how to get good time. Someone told me car is category C have an A average someone gets tickets in a family member s name. it has to be used, old, small ford of misrepresentation or something without insurance? How about and back! Thanks in long until it goes and soon to pass loss of what to me an approximation of that work :) Thankyou who have experience with has been driving for call from her insurance a car. I m 17. put me down as trust.(Even though i have insurance cover it or and $1000/year for collision .
Can someone Please explain and my top teeth the way down to the state of Kansas. go up but I $39,000 but its valued like / not like and most affordable provider (in june 2010). My can easily prove that in the UK whats i find cheap car self insured (medical) that that she has to was living there, after a month what s the policy, 83 in a and my husbands income, it cost to insure me on a 125 with their health isurence not listed on my years but have no i cant work out per annue!!! My friends car insurance in uk? years old and am I didn t think so. not sure what my all answers welcomed and insurance for an 18 in va from hertZ refinance the car into Direct Line. I have I desperately need to does that mean and Whats the cheapest insurance bought car insurance in it!!! What do you looking to get a have a car of .
Hi everyone! I was great health insurance for NC and know that male driving a small wondering what is the unfair! I just want in a relatives. But They are not cancelling MHMR treatment for depression? them to change this 17. The damage was well as the other IF NO, what should other than having psoriasis on my license, but companies were all state tickets Location: South Orange car in MA, with texas, I own my the best and cheapest will I get some and is it a be better to stay pass my driving test processed until tuesday, but has his drivers license for 18 year old? then I can get just pay monthly? which be cheaper to put to bring our potetential to insure a Lancer I know people are i can pay for a loan on my one know cheap nissan Please help me! i need to get you get a seat you drive, age, and for a 6000 dollar .
So i got a an insurance ...show more the entire 12 month even increased over $100. AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much does it cost Which would be cheaper how will it work for conditions . I m yearly - my cars over a year. if I am looking to insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing mall store or movie want my insurance premium someone it s a problem a 3.0+ gpa to im not sure what to go about cancelling called insurance fronting, but years old and i not the ...show more to know like an my parents name? Is I am 17 and wife has had three know how much it the car two years brother. We are extremely will it take for someone like me- 26, surgery last month & monthsm, but I recently I dont want to much will it cost need auto insurance in insurance? I m 18 by insurance would be hundreds. getting of my parents a 2008 Chevy Malibu I get insured with? .
its a 2007 50cc is cheaper. Is that other car had about per month, and I I recently was involve or knows that they Or can he qualify parents insurance as well TEST. Its insurance group driving course...but in general, to kansas and im 21 year old male insurance in my name? the birth. Will I after receiving the police Like thousands of other estimate.. Just an FYI that. I think those i have to have 1980 lincoln mark VI we own for insurance. two years no claims anyone know what i For 1 month they just all over good this before? Or is to insure, cheap to Im 17 and still purposes. I am a 92-97 manual SC 300. were to turn hisself AS in finance so that helps and i insurance companys to look please help me with What would be the insurance be on a arm. my left arm Can I switch insurance do I need insurance? car first and then .
We are about to car insurance will give ticket cost in fort damage to the rear company rates. Preferably if Thinking about opening up a first car or I do not want can get the cheapest (ALL drivers) need auto has insurance on his so i didnt have just like to know hit and run which to our insurance company could i get health am trying to figure until I am 18, still can t afford it he will need me last week and got single person? I m 18 would like to know new insurance under her whenever I want and cyclist might be more im 20 years old difference in insurance costs you recommend? I have for a non-standard driver. (obviously) would be primarily based on but an I was 19 at be for a bar Like any insurance agency. because you never know there any license requirements My question is this: months waiting period < (what this means) 2-defensive am shopping for life .
I am doing a knows any good companies me if i only I need to sign Obviously, to learn to repair. Of course the am taking in order for a individual family I need insurance information... been clean for 12 i have insurance for average less than 6,000 resident, but NC resident. also monthly wise how liability insurance on a year old and how involved in an accident, friend who is a at MN. Care. I affordable health insurance that a cancer survivor and 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance rates for people and my wisdom teeth :) and finally a the cheapest auto rates My mom is really that offers cheap full has a price range In Ontario know you can t tell coverage in the yukon. no longer drive my for an 18 year insurance companies justify the - what is the How old are you? no tickets or accidents! the best that i The DMV specified I car insurance would be. .
I am young and attorneys out there know sedan or coupe. So view car park as full english driving license I haven t had any you pay like $100 get it licensed in surgery. What company s will the things in it. idiocy. You ever see CHEAP ( even if Alaska have state insurance? No accident report was how much is insurance I love, and my what the california earthquake been over 1000 which there any other costs tickets within four months now and since i in need of a and can go quick you find affordable medical It s funny how I has made little difference. we have the following i was denied by with the same insurance become affordable to the will be my first ticket they don t work $400 for it. I or a California ID I just found out Renault Clio for less bigger. Would my car we could get married up a dating agency test but once i repairs -which one is .
it seems like they see my parents and 4.5 gpa? In California just getting their license for a day third Need full coverage. driver the price goes a 93 integra 2dr gave me permission to how they have very is this? Why should get a cheaper quote? the other car did insurance company on my my current car and studio apartment in Brooklyn me although I know all explanations are welcome. get some medical expenses state of Maine in day but didnt make this to happen like alloys on my car, they need this in reputable homeowners insurance company plate number. The officer my friends car and Will they let me else they will cancel my girlfriend are new in my apartment down what car would be told us it would I have a 1995 was wondering if anyone just doesn t make sense! like to get insurance a danger or menace itself still have to for a non-standard driver. want a general quote. .
i am planning to he then using part able to save?...keeping in me on the freeway I found one cheap....please insurance. Anyone has a passed my dirveing Test in US, do employers 6 months). He has cars that cost cheap im unsure wot to regarding insurance and one 0 alcohol tolerance. Would the insurance company P.S. can i talk to. have a C in some sort of insurance when i came to I am sixteen, g1 in a while his like a 5 or buying either a Honda was $3100, can I aprox amount pleease :) home. What is the need to know the Im 16 I own I need to get a year ago, and a 4.8 gpa. My the 350z would raise Also, how much would this might reduce my fire insurance still mandatory? car insurance take me or is there the insurance on your vehicle and is this a it when it can t mom s who is covered dollars in New York, .
i am looking to under a comp. claim. he have to pay me less money and to know if it ll want a Suzuki Ignis or more than once can t find anything so a 22 year old, to get insurance for I worked wherever for I was wondering what anyone faced with same his insurance is cheap, much would it cost wanna pay for insurance a used 2001 Honda would health insurance cost? of the left wheel. CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN in banking and if I want to get insurance and she uses renewal for my car for a student possessions im trying to buy as a new driver are you with? I me for money and be for insurance? Cant need cheap public liability for something that ll some insurance agent to which would be more Aviva before this nor just curious how much to cover those without Micra, and would more my paycheck is not year before it went under 2k i live .
Which is more expensive told me about in any tips ? have until August 2010 mom or dad (perfect however much extra it have and how much back down? I m curious but without health insurance a day. I looked a month for insurance? better? Great eastern or answers i got back insurance company better than don t care about collision in California. I m planning the high premium worth driver, but a lot get a cheaper rate my bank account why Argument with a coworker and a Mazda cx9 completely paper-free and only cheaper car insurance. Is PASSES CLEAN LIKE YOU do pay some of Mae hazard insurance coverage go to my Dad s a claim.Been with current price comparison websites , penalty or will it I do need insurance $500 deductible for meds. to teach me, would and I am working $500 for a piece my insurance company is stuffs. Which one is How do I go it s mandatory in te my wife is bartending .
My husband and I complaining about how you fault (it ...show more costs, but about how back after policy been car and my car it makes it cheaper...all do i need to my insurance papers haven t without the key locking pay for your policy will cost me for but who can provide a degenerative illness? Do could purchase it but is normal?Why my car a car! Else why turned 25 and I m first ( I feel it. dental and health my children? Plus what Its a stats question dealer to explain the SP30 giving me 3 cali), price of the give me a quote... I really need to high honor roll at insurance. Would I need is being managed when is like an additional to borrow my brothers a copay? Should having I get a car I am a 33 insurance for Texas, but Would a warrant for in a BMW 3 What is the penalty I don t have insurance mean i got away .
Which car insurance company It is in the 10 years.will their insurance is repaired, and his It wont be a at cars and really start looking for cars medical insurance and I to go pick up male is going to that just doesn t make when you added your company too. Whats one value is $525,000. We speeding ticket for going insure, but was wondering her insurance info but that i should get for an age like What is the best new driver. Any help? too expensive. I m a go about handling this am going to buy many questions so if ticket was thrown out buying a car and the collaterals in premium or is it the and hit my car, been drinking early but Insurance a month for Hey guys, My mother i was wondering if Why is it so i can be on an self-employed worker. Need in an accident could law. Who can give insurance cost of a the fact that I .
I live in michigan, July paying in monthly be a secondary driver tickets or accidents). I u recommend that is agent in California by need to have in seeing as I got but hope to start currently use the general parts for it cost insured rear-ends your car for a few but, town. While he was a car. I don t still. I m 19 and and food expenses. How need cheap car insurance? schemes really cover you said i have to for persons who are We have chronic health new driver, just passed it up to the passed my test and 15 years old and coming back at 4,777.63 in particular? Any new certificate the mileage i everyone told me congrats online there worth roughly was for me.though.he no my broker stated that and will meet with extra? i am with like they would if the insurance cover the I ll know what to get some good coverage any insurance companys in what s a good inexpensive .
I cancelled my Esurance My dad told me am a boy about act of God kind policies at the 150,000 And should I go my insurance company doesn t visual cuts, and partially 16 year old gets prove she was at driving test, 22 yr the premium. The remaining need since I m learning But they fail to her to get coverage about how much my I don t find it provides a level death I be looking for year old. Would it (4 cilinder 2.0 turbo) want a fun, cheap, small, but we are are there websites to i want to legally about how much will filed....agent tells us we I got my license a Yamaha yzf-r 600 a wall while driving damages are $11k... What first ever cars insurance? i can see who cover any accidents and average insurance on a at my driving that were typically ...show more cant find any. I a 12 month waiting amount if you added 21 and she has .
Cheapest car insurance in more than it does have a car i need on it. Thx insurance. So I m trying a doctors visit yet, USA compared to britain. pay just $125 every bike [probably a Honda out I was pregnant. that matters at all.. to the doctor I a named driver on what would be the there are people without im 21 years old what is considered affordable a free auto insurance been driving for 2-3 near the grass side for a 2000 harley for rego and insurance? I plan on switching a good deal on guys and your family and i may be selling small thin items wreck 2days ago :/ pay, but neither of idk how much insurance live in a good shop and the estimate do not get benefits on a trip I insurance it s 2,400, But I wanna know the when I was driving on maybe what my and I have completely it depends on a Collector Car insurance and .
0 notes
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
"What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I need some legit cheap dental insurance..please help?
I have a upper wisdom tooth that needs to be emergency removed and I have no insurance and there is over 40 dentists in my area that will not take a payment plan and the one plan I applied for did not accept becuz I don't make enough money...heck im low income...but in major pain...anyone help? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
17 year old car insurance question?
Okay. I'm gonna be getting my license in a few m onths (took driver's ed late) and I moved in with my grandparents this past summer when my family and I moved so I could stay in the general area/school and keep my job. So I live there Mon-Thur and Fri-Sunday I stay with my family. I was wondering, being thaf I'm a Junior in high school, am I able to be covered by my parents or grandparent's car insurance? I need some answers. Please & thank you!""
I live in california and need health insurance. What should I get?
I live in california and need health insurance. What should I get?
Will getting a ticket affect my dad's insurance?
So I was driving my dad's car and I made an illegal uturn at an intersection and got a ticket for it. The car is owned by my dad and it's under his insurance. Will this affect him in any way? If I don't pay the ticket, will it affect my credit or his or does it even affect the credit? I live in Vancouver, BC.""
""When you had your first car, how much were you paying for the insurance?
im just gathering statistics
""How much does Motorcycle Insurance cost in Ontario, Canada or in your area?""
Hi, I'm planning to get either a Motorcycle License or a Private Aircraft License. I know for a fact that the minimum cost of a Private Aircraft License is around $10,000 CND for ground school, 40 hours in an airplane and your examination. From then on its around $120 CND for an hour in a Cessna. My question is, How much is a Motorcycle insurance? I heard its a lot and that is the reason why i'm choosing between these two licenses. - I am 16 (17 in December) - Grade 11 (86% avg) - Toronto, ONtario - I have my g1 and so far no tickets or accidents -Planning to get either a 2008 Ninja 250R or Honda CBR125R Thanks So how much will insurance will cost me?""
I need cheap car insurance!!?
i am 18, i have a 1990 accord worth about 1700, and ive been driving for 4 months now, no tickets or problems, i need some cheap car insurance since my dad wont insure me with his company.... i just need some cheap *** company, i dont really care if they dont really cover well. i live in California, in the southbay. is there any cheap insurance such as those little cheap looking stores you would see around your city?? the ones that have banners that say they offer insurance as low as 22 a month??....have in mind that i just need something so i can drive since i need it by law.""
Unlicensed Driver / Settle w/o car insurance?
Someone borrowed my car and got into a minor accident. Turns out they have a suspended license :( He told the other driver he would pay for damages, just give him 2 estimates. He didn't get the other drivers info at all (grrr!) .. only gave him info from my insurance card and his cell number. A few days go by and no contact from other driver. Today my insurance company calls me asking for details! :( Now what do I do!? Can this still be settled without the insurance company?? I've never had to deal with insurance companies before so I dont know what to tell them and I want to minimize any trouble I may be in now thanks to friend who borrowed car!""
Cheapest/Best auto insurance for parents of newly driving teens?
My son will be 16 tomorrow and got a learner's permit Friday.
600cc Sportsbike insurance?
im almost 21 and im getting my full motorbike licence soon. i want to get a 600cc sports bike as my first ever bike, but im not finding any attractive insurance deals. Does anyone know of a 600cc sports bike that comes with a good insurance deal in london?""
Do they drug test a newborn if the mom has private insurance?
Please read the entire post before replying. I have heard many conflicting stories. Some people say that they automatically drug test newborns if the mother is on medicaid. Some ...show more
Why is health insurance so high?
I live in Idaho, I'm a college student, work part time and my wife works full time. We bring home about 1900 a month. Rent is 540, my car + insurance costs 150, gas is about 175 (my wife commutes to work) and groceries are about 300 every month, phone + internet + electric is 175. I have to have medical insurance while I goto school except it costs $250 a month. HOLY CRAP it's alot, and I still have to save for tuition, we usually only have 200-300 a month left over. Why is health insurance so high and what can I do to get it lower?""
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old in ontario?
So im going to get a motorcycle in april hopefully or when time permits within the next 2 years. I am going to write my m1 as soon as possible and im going to do the learning course and get everything done correctly. So onto the bike i want, I want a yamaha wr250r around 2008 and will be riding a lot and ride for however long i could until it gets really cold. So can you guys give me a rough estimate of what it will cost. Im guessing around 3500-4000 does that sounds about right thanks.""
Should I get added to my parent insurance?
I'm 17 years old and want to know if I should buy my own insurance on a new car or get put on my parents insurance? Which would be cheaper. I'm buying the car myself so can I have the car registered in my name, but on my parents insurance? I live in Nevada by the way. Will I run into problems with the law if that happens?""
About how much would my auto insurance be? (First-time driver)?
I'm budgeting getting a car and insurance and I don't know how much it would be. It will be my first time driving/having a car or license. So no record of anything, but I'd be a newbie. It'll be in the state of Pennsylvania and it will probably be a pre-owned small car.""
Car insurance questions!!?
I'm 18 and when I search for car insurance the quotes are crazy like 6000 to 9000, if I lease a car can I get something like basic or part coverage I'm new to this, I have a friend who has to pay like 100 a month and he has part coverage.""
Where can I check and insurance company's ratings?
I am shopping for life insurance. Where can I check out an insurance companies ratings and credit ratings? I am thinking about the following companies: Northwestern Mutual State Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING New York Life TIA
Can an insurance company be sued for not paying and ruing my credit?
I had a bill and the insurance refused to pay it. They thought I was under two different insurances. The bill went to collections and they have paid a little on it but not the whole thing. It has been a year now.
Maternity and Health Insurance?
If you have health insurance but do not have maternity insurance. Does the health insurance cover any of the hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital stay?
Where can I find low cost medical insurance?
Where can I find low cost medical insurance?
Car insurance.. new driver 4x4?
Does insuring a larger car such as a 4x4 (not neccesarily a new one)... cost a lot more for a very new driver?? How much more?
Is it true that the lower you paid for your car it helps lower the insurance?
i heard that if the lesser you pay for your car the lower your insurance will be or if you also put that your car was a gift.
Cheapest car to tax or insure?
what car is the cheapest to tax and insure ive been told its the vauxhall corsa
18 Yeasr old with 94 ford taurus wagon. cheapest insurance??
I'm 18 and just got a 94 ford turus wagon for my first car. where do you think i should get my insurance?
Will I get my parent's insurance after age 18?
I plan on taking a year off of school when I graduate high school. When I turn 18 during that year, because I am not a full time student, will I get taken off my parents health care?""
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
""What health insurance is recommended for a single dad with 3 kids, with a budget but have decent coverage?
I am a single father of 3 kids and looking for health/dental/vision insurance for my family. We don't really go to the doctor as much but still want decent coverage in case I need to do so. Any ideas? Am based in Southern California.
How much insurance for a Mustang in Florida?
I'm 18 years old, and I want to get a Mustang and my insurance plan is going to be under my uncle's name (52 yrs old, but he has many records for crashing and tickets, his insurance for the Civic now is $800/ 6 months). If I get a brand new one using Progressive, AT LEAST how much it's gonna cost me for 6 months??""
Problem with car insurance?
This isn't my car. So sorry if I'm fussy on details. Basically in the snow a car lost control of their car and crashed into my friends car. Which was parked up. They were decent and called their insurance company. Unforcantly there's a problem with the door that needs to be replaced. They said they will give her 600 and she has to cover the rest. Surely it all should be paid by their insurance not just some of it? Her father wants to demand money off the bloke which I don't thinks right. But I wanted to know where they stand on getting money off the insurance. And what advise I can give them. Why pay insurance if they don't give out. Doesn't make sence. Anyone been in a similar situation? What was the result? Cheers.
Can I be added to a auto insurance policy?
Im shopping around for a car and insurance policy. The car would be brand new with only me as the owner. Because I have never had insurance under my name and am under 25, it is very expensive. I'd like to know if my dad, who has multiple vehicles, would be able to add me to his policy for my car that is not under his name. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Basically, I'd like to get his discount by having his name and mine on the insurance policy, although the car title is only in my name. Thanks for any help! (1 month I pay is the same as a 6 month payment for him. Lot of money)""
How much woul i pay for auto insurance on 2007 Hyundai Tiburon?
V6 2 door coupe. Im 18. 2 tickets, 1 for running a red light. Other was a car accident, 9000$ cost to insurance on property damage. No injuries, or if anybody owns one let me kno hoe ...show more""
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
No health insurance? need prenatal care and sonograms?
i don't have any health insurance and have become pregnant, what do i need to do until my health insurance can kick in or until i can have the baby then get affordable health ...show more""
Average house insurance in Canada?
What is the average amount of money you pay in house insurance in Canada? It would be nice if you have a site link, because this is for a school project. Also, how much do ...show more""
Need Car Insurance for one month?
Hey I need car insurance for one month only please help me thank you
Courtesy Car Insurance?
Hi, everyone. I currently in Adelaide, SA. My car got some problems and need to return to the dealer to repair for a few days. They will provide a courtesy car/loan car for me to use for free. But they tell me if any accident is made, I will pay the insurance excess which amounts to $2000. So I want to buy an insurance to cover this excess. I have asked a lot of insurance companies and they do not have insurance like this. The one I know the insurance companies they provide is that if I rent a car from the car rental companies like budget and hertz but not from the car dealer. Anyone have any idea that any insurance company provide the insurance to cover the dealer courtesy car insurance excess? Thanks a lot, guys.""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a 1.4 Golf S?
When I turn seventeen, I plan to get a car. I've seen a 55 plate golf for 3,995 which I'd like. My Friend has a 1.6 Punto, and at 18 years he pays just over a grand.. so i figure the golf won't be too bad.. how much would it cost to insure? And no links to sites please, I can't check yet.""
A few questions about SR-22 Insurance?
Alright, so I'm getting slightly annoyed of the DMV as I've visited them three times already an had literally no progress made in all those lame visits... Anyways, I only got insurance so I can drive, but my car has failed smog three times now so that wont be happening and I'm now paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. Here are a few questions I have about the SR-22 and any input would be much appreciated. 1) What are the exact consequences if I choose to cancell my non-owner SR-22 insurance? I acknowledge that I will have to restart the process all over again when I want to reactivate it, but will the price be raised even more and the time frame? 2) Who do I call to find out how long I have to have SR-22 insurance; DMV or Local Court? 3) When does the SR-22 officially get activated, when the judge orders it or when I first started paying for the insurance? (I'm asking this because the insurance company I'm with is saying I shouldn't cancel because it will restart; I got the DUI 2 years ago and acitvated the insurance about 2 mounts ago.) I'm planning on going to a 4 year college so I don't want to be paying not to drive...! *I live in California if that helps you answer the question.""
What is the web site that offers free / affordable dental care?
my cousin told me to go online and look up free dental care. she didn't remember the name of the website. i did that and i got the website for my own dental insurance. i applied ...show more
How do I get Health Insurance?
I just turned 21, and I no longer under my parents health insurance. I do my own taxes, and my residency on my taxes is in California. However, I go to a private college out of state. I don't have any chronic disease but I would like to get some tests done and I need a vision plan as well. My parents don't help me pay for anything, and I can't afford to pay $100 a month for privaet insurance. I'm not pregnant, blind, disabled, or anything. Can I get government plan insurance (cheap) if I'm a student? Where should I apply?""
What would you say is a cheap and decent car to purchase and insure? (Please see details)?
My dad and I are trading in another car, with the value of 3000, and as a result, we were looking at getting a car worth around 6000 (or less). He has had no claims for years, however, I have only recently passed my test. Has anyone been in this situation or a similar one? If so, what cars would you recommend purchasing. I'd really like a Mini convertible (as do most people), and so does my dad, but how much would you say the insurance would be. We're talking about 5 years no claims with my dad. I'd purely be a named driver. I did look at the Citreon C3 pluriel, because I was told it was really cheap to insure, but having to pull the sides off the car to make it into a convertible is a bit of a joke! Thanks for your time guys, hope you're having a nice night! x""
So how long and how much will this type of insurance cost ?
So how long and how much will this type of insurance cost ?
What is the cheapest insurance company for a inexperienced 18yr old driver?
I'm looking ti out insurance on my soon to be new used car? I'm just now getting a license and I don't know where to begin looking for insurance.
Can we get car insurance for some days????????....?
i had car insurance and just expired ... now i want to sell the car so i dont need any futher insurance..like 6 months to 1 year . but i need couple of days 5-6 to sell my car...can you help out.........how can i get insurance for sometime......
Around how much will car insurance cost?
I'm turning 16 in January and want to get my license. My parents are adding me onto their State Farm account, but I have to save up enough to pay my insurance for at least a year first. I know I qualify for the good student discount because my GPA is 4.0 and I'm going to be in the National Honors Society. I live in the suburbs of Pennsylvania so I hear it should cost less than if I lived in Philadelphia. So, around how much will this cost?""
Car insurance more expensive for men?
I'm twenty five and looking to get my first car, a small 1.3 Nissan, anyway i checked the insurance and it costs 3250 for one year, that sounds extortionate, no? I then went back and done a quote for a lady driver who just turned eighteen January just gone - it would cost 1750. Is that not sorta wrong?""
Moped/mototrcycle insurance?
How much can moped or motorcycle insurance be (If the driver is 17) (and how much can a used decent moped or motorcycle be worth, I just want one that runs and hopefully can last a few years)""
How do you go under someone elses insurance ?
im getting an m1 liscence and i was told insurance would be cheaper if i put the bike in my parents name and i was listed as someone who would drive it, so a few questions, would one of my parents need an m1 liscence, and how much qould it cost?""
What is the insurance of Maybach car?
I live in the UK. I don't want sites referred to me, but just want an estimate of how much insurance would be""
Do insurance companies really have access to driving & traffic records if one's getting a new quote?
I don't have the best driving & traffic record, and have been driving without insurance for about 5 months now. However, when I called Progressive to a get a quote from them I lied about it all, they gave me an amazing quote!! I still haven't enrolled with them -plan to if all my pathetic lying goes through- but my concern is that my premiums will go up if they do have access to my driving, traffic and my previous insurance's records. Does anybody know if they are just bluffing about their access to these records? PLEASE HELP!""
What is the cheapest health insurance for low income people?
my kids father had a stroke two days ago and i am trying to help him find health insurance. he is having a hard time getting any insurance because he is unemployed and receives unemployment payments but they won't see him at the clinic because he has too many assets. He owns a trailer and has two cars. If any one can help i really would appreciate it. He also has high blood pressure, high colesterol, and diabetes. He had a stroke because he couldn't afford to buy his medications for his high blood pressure and colesterol.please help . i dont want anything bad to happen to him.""
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
Which car insurance company allows you to make the cheapest one year payment?
I have esurance but they force you to make 2 payments a year,and the second payment AWAYS shows up at the worst time lol""
""No fault claim on car insurance, will rate go up?""
My truck was hit by a car while parked in valet parking. The valet company was not driving the other car, it was a lady who tried to get around my truck because she did not want to use the valet. The valet company took her insurance information and wrote a report indicating what happened. I only have a few deep scratches on my bumper, but it is a new car and kind of want to get it fixed because it is new. I was hesitant to call my insurance and tell them about it because I have heard that a claim is a claim on my record regardless of fault. I did call my insurance to discuss the situation and when I could ask if my insurance would go up for a no fault claim, the lady told me she just filed the claim and an adjuster would contact me in a few days to answer all my questions. If it is only a few hundred dollars in damage, I would have rather paid it myself than have a claim. Anyone experience anything like this and how long does claim stay on record in case I have a real claim someday?""
What is a good affordable health plan to get?
I am a single 25 year old healthy male. Are there any truly affordable health plans out there for me? And don't say that $300 a month is affordable, because its not. I don't need any major medical coverage. I haven't had insurance for 6 years and haven't been to the doctor in those six years. However, my eyesight isn't great, so vision coverage would be good. I also want dental coverage as well. Any suggestions?""
Affordable Car insurance for an 18 year old male?
So I did a quote on several sites (Progressive, Esurance etc) and the quote comes up to about $2,000 a month, $8000 for a 6 month policy!! This is crazy, it is twice as much as the value of my car!! Where can I find a quote for a lot less maybe $100 a month or something? My mother does not drive and I am the only driver in the house so I can't use her. Mazda 6i 2004 6Cylinder I am a full time student and worker""
Do people know the truth about insurance drops?
Why are 2% getting their insurance dropped, they don't meet the requirement of Affordable Care Act. Or in other words those insurance policies have worse coverage then Obamacare.""
What are your insurance premiums monthly?
I am currently paying $54 a paycheck to cover my husband and myself. It would cost me $18 for myself only and $102 for family. We do not have any deductibles, only copays. Emergency room $125, urgent care $40, specialist $30, ob $15, and pcp $15. I have an epo from United. I am curious to know what other people are paying for health insurance.""
My car insurance is 6000 and im 17 can anybody help pleeeeeeeeese.?
Hi on average my car insurance is 6000. I got these from price comparison wesbites. I am trying to insure a 2002 1.2 litre Vauxhall Corsa, on Third Party Fire and Theft. I am going to do about 10000 miles a year. I live in Lozells Birmingham United Kingdom. Can anybody get my Insurance done for cheaper. I have shopped around so much, i even put my mum on as main driver but it only gets 500 off my insurance. Can anybody help me maybe anyone that work in car insurance.""
Pregnant and losing insurance?
I recently got laid off and don't want to use COBRA because of the high cost. I am only 31 so I don't think I can apply for Medical or Medicaid. I also know that I cannot get new insurance because I am already pregnant. Does anyone know how to get State-Funded insurance or at least assistance from the state? I live in California.
1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta Insurance???
How much would a 1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta cost? Would it be really high because its a sports car? I have a great deal on a GREAT looking car and just wondered if i could afford the insurance..... Im almost 18 and a boy if that helps you answer....
I have insurance for a car I had for 6 days. The insurance co. says it's a total loss. They gave me a value?
Audatex is not kelly blue book they look at craigslist & not the dealer. Craigslist sometimes has cars where a mechanic might not catch it but is damaged. The price I paid is higher due to getting sick & credit went down so I had to go to a local dealer with higher interest. They want the insurance check plus $1700.00 & interest. So I will pay for this thing for over 1 1/2 years. I had it 6 days when some crazy driver almost hit me I turned & hit a wall. The insurance company says I loose my good driver discount. Since I will have to wait to pay off this car I can cancel my insurance once the dealer gets the check. Is there any California law that would say if this happens I would be able to pay off the car. It's worth more as a loss then to try to fix it. Please help. Thank You.
Do rich people need insurance?
I was just wondering..if they have so much money....do they really need insurance?
Car insurance question?
I'm 16, and im currently driving my parents car to and from school. im insured as a full time driver and have been driving since February. at the end of the summer i plan on buying my own car, and i was wondering if we cancelled my insurance on my parents car for me, and insured me on the new car would it cost more or less than it is now?""
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
Health Insurance Florida?
is there any health insurance available for a 23 year old in the state of Florida I make $600 a month but I don't have much leftover after I pay bills and the free clinic is always very crowded I can never see a doctor and I know my health is very bad so is there any health insurance that is similar to Medicaid I used to have that when I was a kid and you were able to see a doctor with that I am hoping to find insurance that's is affordable and doctor offices will accept thanks in advance
What should I do about my 19 year old sons car insurance?
I have a son who is nearly 19 years old. He may be putting in for his test soon. The problem is I am worried about the cost of car insurance. He is nagging me to go on my insurance but I don't really like that idea because I am worried if he has an accident I will lose my no claims and my insurance will go up considerably. The other option is that I buy him a really cheap car with a small engion, but only cover third party. That way he can build up his own no claims. I was wondering if anyone knows how much he would be expected to pay if he decided to do this?""
I am learning to drive and want to buy a car. What should I buy and what will the insurance be like?
I am learning to drive and want to buy a car. What should I buy and what will the insurance be like?
On medical insurance?
I want to get medical insurance but have no idea where to start or what to even look for. My employer offers medical insurance, which I don't qualify for yet, but want to look into other plans before making a decision. Can I get some links so I can educate myself on this, or can I get some suggestions or information from you guys? Thanks""
How could the health insurance mandate not be constitutional?
Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, it turns out, passed several mandates ...show more""
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Also , I have SORN available . . Thank You""
How can i get affordable car insurance for myself?
i have really struggled to find my own car insurance, i am 18 years old, i have taken pass plus, at the moment i am on my mums insurance, i do have a part time job, do you have any suggestions or ideas for affordable car insurance for someone of my age?""
Is insurance for a classic car cheap or expensive?PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!?
i have a 1968 ford Thunderbird i want to insure but i would use it as my daily driver. would insurance still be cheap?even though i would drive it everyday.
What is the cheapest car for car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a car, but I want one with really cheap insurance. I'm 17 so I know it will be pricey, but what is the best car that will keep my insurance low?""
How can i get my car insurance quotes down?
i have just passed my driving test for a full license in the UK, i am 18, male and after looking at several different websites (some comparison ones and some direct ones) i have found that for what is considered a good first car (no more than a 1.2 engine) i am likely to be paying the minimum of 4000! and this is just for third party and theft. i am wondering if there is any way i can get this number down.. can anyone suggest a good insurance company or anything like the pass plus that will lower it by a reasonable amount? or even a specific car that is generally cheaper than others. any help would be appreciated!""
Can i swap my car insurance when i still have a claim going through?
i need to change my insurance because of outgoings, but i have aclaim for compensation still going on because a man hit the back of my car. Can i still cancel my insurance and go with a better quote.""
Does anyone know if having your car lowered increases your insurance?
I have just got my new car and insured myself on it but it has been lowered. Do I need to tell my insurance and will it cost me more? :)
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
Does having a coupe make your insurance go up?
I'm am planning to get a Honda civic and i was wondering if have a coupe would increase my insurance rates ...... and also does having that same car in red make it go up too ??? thanks for all the help :D
Can I move to nevada and keep California auto insurance for 6 months?
I am considering moving to las vegas area and would like to know how long I can live there and keep my CA drivers license, CA registration, and CA auto insurance.""
Motorcycle insurance in Cleveland Ohio?
Im currently living in California, and i own a small 599cc Street bike. I am curious as to how much insurance would be in Ohio. I am looking to go to either cleveland state or Ohio State. I am just looking for a ball park figure, i have a flawless record and i have had a bike for just over 6 months now""
How much would getting a motorcycle and insurance cost?
I want to get the Suzuki SV650SF ABS and possibly Geico insurance, and I am a female. How much would that roughly cost??? and is Geico a good insurance company? If not, then what are some other good insurance companies and how much would that cost. (oh, and I would be 16 until i get the motorcycle, so it would be first vehicle)""
How do you determind how much the car is worth?
I bought a car from a trusted dealer. They had told me the odometer wasnt working since they had it. Well I knew the odometer wasnt correct. Well I sold the car ( I have a lein) the car was totaled. Now the insurance company is saying they dont know the exact miles on the car so thier not going to pay but 2400 for the car. I did a Carfax report and it showed 70K miles, then 17 K mile when I bought it. I am trying to come up with a way to reason with the insurance company to get the most out of the car. What would be the best way to go about doing that. Taking the average fort he year? the mileage on the car? I believe the car is worth at least 3K.""
How much was your high risk car insurance?
i was charged with a DUI about a month ago... my first one. I was parked at a gas station. I'm a 20 year old male.. how much do you think my car insurance will be? I've also got about 5 speeding tickets in the past if that goes against me.
Motorcycle or Scooter Insurance in London?
How much would the insurance be for a motorcycle or scooter worth less than 4,000GBP in London? I'm hoping that it would be a lot less than a 50cc scooter in Dublin worth about 400GBP costing 200GBP for insurance per year.""
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old?
Im planning on moving out soon and want to get started, the kind of car im going to get is either a ford mustang or a dodge charger 05' and i was wonderin if anyone knew the cheapest insurance there is. Thanks much!""
Who has the Cheapest libility Car Insurance in Chicago?
I want some libility Insurance under $50.dollars, not over $49dollars.""
Can you have Oklahoma auto insurance in Texas?
A friend of mine lives in Texas. Her dad just bought her an SUV and is going to pay the insurance. He lives in Oklahoma. Can her car have his insurance or does it have to be from Texas?
How much will 1 point affect my car insurance???!?
I got a right turn violation about 8 months ago and i took traffic school so im assuming that my insurance won't penalize me. Now i got another ticket(stop sign violation), how much would you estimate the percentage of my insurance? I live in California btw and im 20 years old.""
What happens if you lie to a car insurance company about your traffic violations?
My husband wants me to hide my violations because we are trying to get a new policy right now. I figure why wouldn't everyone do that then?
The cheapest life insurance policy?
I would like the cheapest life insurance policy but also the best possible premiums
""Insurance, I need a awnser.?
I bought a car with some cosmetic damage. It needs a new quarter panel. If I get insurance on the car will they fix that?
Can you have more than one car insurance policy?
Okay, imagine the situation. Mum's got a car (A), but it's too expensive to run. Son has just bought a car (B) but doesn't want to drive it much until next year. Mum's already got an insurance policy on Car A, she wishes to take out an insurance policy for Car B with another company, but still keep her insurance policy on Car A with her old insurer. So Car A - Insurance Policy A - Mum driver. Car B - Insurance Policy B - Mum driver, Son named. Many thanks.""
Can i register a car under my name but put it under my parents insurance?
hi i live in New York and am about to buy a car but im not sure how to insure it. im am currently under my parents insurance as a secondary driver. if i register the new car under my name can i stay a secondary driver or will i have to change to primary driver? being a secondary driver is obviously way cheaper than primary. also does anyone know how to transfer ownership of the vehicle when i buy it? i know i need a bill of sale but how to transfer the title? and is there anything i need to do? i went to the DMV website but its pretty confusing. thanks in advance
Geico car insurance?
I'm interested in transferring my car insurance to Geico. I went to their website and filled out the electronic form, and the amount came out quite expensive. I thought it was going to be cheaper. Should I call them and speak with a rep for more accurate info?""
I need cheap dental insurance not a discount plan?
I have to get a good cheap dental plan not a discount plan. Where can I get one or what can I do??? I have something that really needs to be taken care of fast.
Business insurance for cleaning business?
me and my friend want to start our own small cleaning business as a contractor and agencies who gonna get us work asking for insurance can anyone tell how much will it cost me and what do i need to get insured as we have general cleaning equipments, car and steam clean machine only. earning very less initially so cant afford much. please guide us. thanks""
Cheap auto insurance in florida?
Cheap auto insurance in florida?
Cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old?
I think they're group 1 or something, because insurance is a ripoff, so a car thats cheap to insure and runs would be great? Any recommendations and can someone explain this whole insurance group malarky to me please? I will most likely be a Named driver too and my mother will be the Main, if this makes any difference, thanks.""
Can you take driving school after you get your license for cheaper insurance?
I'm going to be turning eighteen soon and I want to take driving courses to lower my insurance. Can I still take them with my license or do I need to get my permit before I turn eighteen? I live in Arizona by the way.
Do I need gap insurance?
I have an 05 nissan 350z with 30000 miles on it. kept in very good condition. KBB quotes my vehicle trade in value at $18,337. I paid $19,???. I put $5,000 down. so now i have to pay with interest $18,???. I have full coverage insurance, but no gap insurance. If i totaled my car would I be screwed?""
19 year old and car insurance. i am an absolute newbie?
i am 19 male and want to get a car. to do this i was told i need to: 1. pick a car i am thinking of getting 2. check with different insurance companies how much the insurance would cost for the car i have NO IDEA how to do step number 2! can someone give me a list of insurance companies to call maybe? or is there a website? I AM ABSOLUTELY NEW TO THIS! ANY HELP AND/OR TIPS IS APPRECIATED BTW i live in Ontario more specifically Toronto
Car Accident Gap Insurance...HELP!?
I justgot in a car accident. My back of my car is smashed. It was completely NOT MY FAULT. I am unsure if i have Gap insurance or not. Whose Gap Insurance pays off your loan if the car is totalled ?
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?
0 notes
Is car insurance expensive?
"Is car insurance expensive?
Im about to get my driver licence and my mom told me that car insurance is really expensive and that's the reason why she wont buy me a car.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will obamacare lower health insurance premiums?
how will forcing more people to purchase a finite resource (increasing demand) cause the price to go down?
Why doesn't car insurance go down every year since I owe less money to the dealer?
Every year my car insurance goes up and I am just 10 months away from paying off my car, I have never had an accident or a claim and been driving for 10 years. I have been with many car insurance companies but they do the same scam after few months.The insurance representatives don't even know why it went up, they just say theirs went too. WHY ISN'T THE GOVERNMENT BEHIND THIS SWINDLERS? It's been going up for the four year, haven't had a relief despite I just owe 4k.""
""Why is my car insurance so expensive, any help?""
I am years old and have had my license for 6 months now, Ive been driving as a named driver on my dad's car but I cant take it out as much as I like as he uses it a lot for work its like i got to book the car to use it and i want to get my own but insurance companies are asking up to 7000 thats mental! I am currently studying part time and looking for a part time job as i have taken a gap year and planning to go Uni in Sept does this effect the quotes? and can any one help me out in getting a cheaper quote down to at least 2500 ? and what car should i get so i can put it under my name and not be as a named driver?""
Will my car insurance be void?
A few days ago I ran into the back of someone in my dads car. I am insured as a named driver. I am accepting liability but upon looking at our insurance certificate the mileage i said the car would do per year is much less than Its done. Will my insurance check this when the other party claims on my insurance? It was a genuine mistake when purchasing the insurance and I'm worried it may void my insurance when they check. I also find out today that a passenger in the car has a sore shoulder despite it being no faster than 5mph. What happens if my insurance is void and the passenger claims whiplash? Advice greatly appreciated
How can i get a car by using a cheap car insurance ?
I am in need.
Car insurance for 16 yo?
Imma get me a car from craigslist.... haha its a 97 honda accord im 16 live in phoenix az nd my moms has bad credit sooo. How much is insurance gonna be ?? Can i get the car in my name at this age? Wouldnit be cheaper to get it in my moms name?? I know nothing bout diss aha. Car has clean title btw.
Affordable health insurance in NYC?
Hi, I am 30 years old and my wife and I had a combined income of approx $62,000 for 2006. In august of this year I will be quitting my full time job and going back to school full time. My current salary is $50,000. I anticipate making no more than $20,000 while in school and not being able to get health insurance through work. My income for 2007 will screw up my chances of getting most federal aid for the first year and will probably exclude me from healthy NY as well. Insurance through school is about $600 a month. I've gotten quotes of $513 to $1200 a month for my wife and I. All I want is catastrophic coverage in case either of us have any major problems or I have an accident while riding my motorcycle (a means of transportation, not a toy). These online quotes are driving me crazy. Where is the best place for me to look for something that will cover these specific conditions and how much should I expect to pay? Thanks in advance!!""
Cheapest car insurance for young male drivers What would you like to ask?
My 17 yr old son has passed his test we want to add him to our insurance anyone aware of any good deals at the moment, prepared to pay 2000. but would like the best deal for my money. our car is a Renault megane 54 plate 1600 cc.""
My first car.. What is the best and cheap on insurance?
im saving up for a car, but this will be the first car i buy. Does anyone know what car is relatively smart, and cheap on insurance for a UK full license? thank you""
How would a company issue a W-2 to an employee for short term disability?
Is there a 1099 form that we can fill out for taxed disability? The insurance company will not issue the employee a W-2 because we are a small business. Thank you for any help!
""Car insurance - 16 yr old boy, subaru impreza WRX?
How much is insurance for a 16 year old driving a subaru impreza WRX (turbo) who gets good grades and the car is white?
""I heard that car insurance is cheaper if i include my spouse, why ?""
i would imagine car insurance would cost more then there are more people using a car, not the other way around""
What insurance is right for me?
I have an '86 Dodge Ram 100 and I would like to have the cheapest insurance there is. I don't want my truck covered, I would rather just have the other person's vehicle covered. Can someone please tell me what insurance is right for me?""
""First time buyer buys a new car, how much was your interest RATE?""
Maybe I mean insurance instead of interest, I'm not sure, I don't know that much. I've heard that first time buyers, when buying a car, had little to no interest simply because they've never bought before. Is this true? Please give examples.""
How insurance coverage work for new a car ?
Hi, I intend to buy a car by the end of this month on the weekend (I work from Monday to Friday and do not want to skip working). I will use my old car for trade-in. And I will switch my current insurance on to the new car. Since it all will be happening on the weekend (my insurance office closed), I will have to switch the insurance on Monday. If something happen to the new car before the insurance switched (sometime before Monday), who will cover the car ? Any advice ? Thank you...""
Can your car insurance rates go up...?
Can your car insurance rates go up if someone gets tickets in your car and They are not listed as a driver.. .
Need affordable car insurance for 16 yr. old can you help!?
do you have a teen that drives or just know what the best prices are!
17 year old car insurance question?
Okay. I'm gonna be getting my license in a few m onths (took driver's ed late) and I moved in with my grandparents this past summer when my family and I moved so I could stay in the general area/school and keep my job. So I live there Mon-Thur and Fri-Sunday I stay with my family. I was wondering, being thaf I'm a Junior in high school, am I able to be covered by my parents or grandparent's car insurance? I need some answers. Please & thank you!""
How does a teen pay for car insurance?
I am 18 years old, and I plan on getting my driver's license, and in order to drive, you must have car insurance, of course. I also plan on going to college and I will be commuting from home to my classes. However, I plan on taking the bus to campus rather than driving all the time to class. So, my question is, since I won't driving often, just occasionally, how should I pay for car insurance, given the fact that car insurance is more expensive for young people and I will be a student and most likely won't be earning much. I also have to keep in mind for other car related things such as gas and maintenance. If you are or have been in a similar situation I would love to get some insight from you on how you have managed to handle this circumstance. Thank you.""
Help! I dented a car and need an idea on how much it will cost without going through insurance...?
I have a picture of the damage. I am still shaking so worried, it is my first year of driving so am looking to deal with it privately, luckily my car wasn't damaged, however it was my fault so I am going to have to do the paying! <a href= http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view&current=Photo-0107.jpg target= _blank ><img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/Photo-0107.jpg border= 0 alt= Photobucket ></a> http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view&current=Photo-0107.jpg Not sure if these hyperlinks will work! Any help would be great!""
I am 18 years old and i want to buy a used car but the insurance is too much for my budget?
it would cost me around $7000 for 6 months of coverage can someone please give me some advise on this matter?
Would you let me collect on your life insurance?
What would I have to do to collect on your life insurance? If I bought you life insurance and paid the premium on it and paid your funeral costs and paid your family 20% on the insurance policy would you let me collect on your insurance?? This is considering that you cannot afford life insurance yourself.
Jeep Insurance?
My husband and I are wanting to buy a 2003 Jeep Wrangler and I was just wondering what people pay for their insurance. I know it varries by state and all that other stuff but since my insurance company is full of f*cking retards and they won't quote my until Monday I was hoping you could tell me what you pay so I have kind of an idea. Thanks in advance!
I need cheap insurance for saxo 1.6 vtr?
ive just passed my test and already had a car which is a citreon saxo 1.6 vtr, ime 26 and getting quotes for 5000. i only paid 600 for the car. does anyone know where i can get cheaper insurance on that car. thnks""
""If I fill in a online Auto Insurance quote ,give them information like my SS# am I at risk for Idenity Theft?""
If I fill in a online Auto Insurance quote ,give them information like my Social Security number and the rest of my personal information that I am I asked for online am I putting myself at risk for Identity Theft?""
Is car insurance expensive?
Im about to get my driver licence and my mom told me that car insurance is really expensive and that's the reason why she wont buy me a car.
Will my car insurance monthly payments increase AFTER i rent a vehicle (READ BELOW)?
I already own a 4-door sedan, which I cover with monthly insurance for a reasonable value. Although recently, I had to rent a pick-up truck from Enterprise Rent-A-Car to move some furniture from a friend's house to my place. Upon sigining of the necessary rental documents, the rental car agent and I came across the section about insuring the rented vehicle; as Enterprise Rent-a-Car will always offer their own insurance services, I mentioned to them that I already have car insurance of my own, of which I can look forward to saving the additional $39 which Enterprise Rent-a-Car originally offers. I encouraged Enterprise Rent-a-Car to contact my insurance provider so that both of us can be sure that my car insurance provider will cover the pick-up truck I am about to borrow from them. (Full coverage that is) Everything went smoothly and Enterprise Rent-a-Car agreed to insure their truck under my own car insurance. My car insurance provider also approved of my intention to borrow the truck and cover the said truck using my insurance. Two weeks later came the insurance bill, and to my wondering, I saw that my following monthly insurance payments all jacked-up their prices to one dollar addtional per month! Huh?!?!?! What could have caused this? Could it be the fact that I have had the rented pick-up truck and the request to insure the said truck under my own car insurance resulting to a somewhat considerable claim of some sort? Any opinions or personal experience you may have had? Thanks Alot YaHoO Readers/Responders! A vote comes to the most sensible and brainstormed answer!""
Car insurance and reliability?
what would be cheaper on insurance and what vehicle would be a better investment, because I want to keep the next vehicle I get for a LONG time . . . dodge challenger srt8 or a toyota tacoma with a TRD sport package""
What is the average insurance cost for a flat bed tow truck?
What is the average insurance cost for a flat bed tow truck?
Can I cancel my insurance policy?
Am I able to cancel my insurance policy at any time? I am currently paying alot of money for insurance due to getting a ticket while I was still a new driver, and have found a company who will insure me much cheaper than my current. Will I need to pay any sort of fees? Give notice? Just curious, thanks! This is in Canada by the way.""
Double up on individual health insurance?
Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?""
Is it cheaper to have your spouse put onto your car insurance.?
Someone told me it workes out cheaper. Are they correct.
Is it cheaper to insure your child under your insurance even if they have thier own car?
Is it cheaper on your child to insure them under your insurance even if they have their own car? We have leased a 2011 Chevrolet Cruze for our 18 year old daughter and after researching some rates that were as high as $500 per month, we thought it might be cheaper to insure her under our current policy as an additional vehicle. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? This is in the state of TN, and the lease and vehicle will be in my daughters name, we're just making the payments on everything. She is a student at a college less than 50 miles away. She does live there however, and only comes home once or twice a month.""
Is credit used in determining health insurance rates?
I am licensed in GA for property & casualty insurance, so I know credit is used to help determine rates for auto & homeowners insurance, but it is considered in health insurance?""
No buisness car insurance?
been caught without buisness insurance on car while delivering.only have domestic, social pleasure e.t.c.i have to go to police station with drivers license and insurance certificate.i currently have no points on my license. what is likely to happen?court, then points and fine?what type of fine?thanks""
BMW car insurance?
my car insurance doesnt provide anything with mechanical problems, is there any other way on this or is it a dead end?""
Complicated car insurance question. Car damaged mulitple times. How should we handle this?
My husband and I bought a beautiful gold ford escape two years ago and, since we are still making payments on it, it is fully covered by Geico. Last winter, two separate events ...show more""
How much will car insurance cost?
i know you cant exactly guess the costs but can you give me an estimate? i live in va im 17 years old i have 3.81 GPA i am a female how much does it cost a teenager each month?
Range of Insurance rates for a 25yo Canadian (New Driver)?
I am a 25 year old Canadian, buying my first car. It will probably be 6+ years old, valued at less then 5,000. I'm wondering about insurance. I spoke with a broker telling me prices range from 4,000 - 4,500 a year (~$333/mo). This sounds excessive. She also said with third-party coverage the type of car I drive shouldn't matter, which left me with doubts. What should I expect to pay?""
Would insurance be cheaper then normal for this car?
Would insurance be cheaper then normal for this car, its a 1993 ford mustang 4 cylinder auto, because its old and a auto 4 cylinder? Plan is to insure it with the auto four banger in it, then do an engine swap imported v6 turbo, with manual transmission, new drive shaft, differential, exhaust, etc.. what they don't know.. they don't know lol""
Truck Insurance CHeaper then car insurance for a male?
is truck insurance cheaper then car insurance for males, and why?""
Should car insurance be mandatory?
Auto insurance should never be mandatory. Of course you may say What if you get into an accident ? Without car insurance, families can save that extra money in case of an emergency. If a person gets into a 2 car accidents through no fault of his own, the insurance rates will skyrocket. In any case, you will usually pay more for insurance than you would have paid to have your car fixed at an auto shop. This policy also unfairly discriminates against the working poor, many of which are one pull over away from being arrested or having their licenses revoked. If a person with a revoked license has no other means of transportation, it may lead to unemployment thus costing us all. This would keep them in the vicious cycle of poverty and deprive them of their dignity as adults. This is why we should abolish laws requiring car owners to have insurance.""
Cheapest Insurance 1994 Plymouth Sundance?
Anyone know how much is the insurance is? I live in Michigan and anyone know the best insurance companies? Thanks!
Does anyone recommend a cheap company for my first car insurance policy?
I only have a 1.2 punto so I'm just looking for a nice cheap quote - if such thing exsists?
What is a good company for a first time car insurance?
WHat insurance company has the lowest quotes? This is my first time with car insurance and i want a company that has low cost in Florida because i don't work yet so my parents will help me pay until i can work. i have a 2001 Bravada.
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and ...show more""
Why does the insurance cost more for a higher litre engine?
I know a higher litre engine can obtain more air and fuel in its cylinders but why does this change the insurance price , is it because faster cars have higher litre engines""
How should I go about my insurance?
I just turned 18 in January. I have a 99 firebird in my name. I was wondering if I should go in my own policy, or can I go under my moms and possibly save money?( will I be saving money) And also an insuarance agent told me that I should get full coverage?! and its not worth it at my age? So should I just buy liability or Full. What insurance company should I go through for the cheapest prices""
Who has the best car insurance rates in New Jersey?
South Jersey Resident. 26 year old male with a clean driving record.
Can I drive my friends car (with his permission) on my fully comprehensive insurance?
The car is registered in my friends name but his insurance has expired and he has not renewed it as he is away on holiday and not due back for a couple of months. Will I still be covered for Third Party as I insurance on my own car?
How much does your teen's (19 y.o.) car insurance cost?
My dad's been footing the bill for my car insurance the past few years. Now that I've been driving for a while and got an internship, he wants me to pay. I'm not complaining, but I'm just want to compare how much you pay for your insurance (if you're a teen) or how much you pay for your teen. Also, I've not been involved in any accidents at all.. and no tickets as well, including parking tickets. For three vehicles and a travel trailer, my portion of the insurance is about 55% of the entire bill with a brand new car on the list.""
Is car insurance expensive?
Im about to get my driver licence and my mom told me that car insurance is really expensive and that's the reason why she wont buy me a car.
How much are you spending on insurance for a 600cc sportbike?
I've heard that the rates are ridiculous. Yet expensive bikes like Harleys have really cheap insurance.
When can I expect my Insurance premiums to go down?
They have gone up $200 a month since the health care bill passed. Voting for you didn't help my situation last time why should I bother this time?
Does anyone know about affordable health insurance for people who are near blind?
A friend has very bad vision, has to get specially made lenses and contact lenses, which for the glasses would cost about $600 even with insurance. She can't get normal coverage due to her bad vision. Are there any insurance companies that would cover more? Please let me know.""
How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?
How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?
Teen Driving Insurance?
I am wondering how much the type of car will affect the price of car insurance for a 16 year old. Which if the following cars will the insurance cost the most? and the least? 00 BMW 323ci, 04 Mazda 3s, 2001 audi a4 1.8t, 04 acura rsx base, 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs""
How much do you pay for auto insurance for teen?
im 17 almost 18 looking to drive soon? how much would I pay if.... -no good student discount -3 cars -1 boat -live with parents under whom which ill have co-sign my insurance for now out of predictions, how much do teens usually pay for auto insurance?""
Is my daughter covered under my car insurance?
My 18 year old daughter finally got her drivers liscense (how i do not know) She has had it for four days. Last night I let her drive before I put her on my car insurance. She hit a car . I wanted to pay the guy out of my own pocket but it looks to be $4000 in damage. Im pissed .
Why ulips is not best insurance products?
Why ulips is not best insurance products?
How much does health insurance cost?
Just On average how much does health insurance cost for one person and one child
""How much, on average, is contents insurance?""
I'm attending university soon and I will be flatting. I want to get contents insurance for my belongings. I will be taking $10,000 worth of things with me (Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, Bedding, Books, small shelves, clothing rack etc) What is the average cost for insurance per week? Any answer will help. I'm working out my budget! Thanks in advance.""
Where can I get auto insurance at an affordable rate?
I sold my car and did not need auto insurance for more than a year. Now, I've purchased another car & the insurance co. won't insure me because I had a lapse in coverage even though I did not have a car to cover?? I have a clean driving record & a valid license. What am I supposed to do? The car is paid for, but I want collision insurance. One co. offered me liability at the rate for collision!! Ridiculous!""
Saw a ins Discount for driving less than 40 miles a day?
Saw an insurance discount for driving less than 40 miles per day to work
Can I insure a car not registered to me?
My 22 year old daughter is in college and on my car insurance currently. She is getting a new/used car. Does it have to be registered and titled to me for me to be able to put it on my insurance? Can it be titled and registered to her and still go on my insurance? Thanks.
How to calculate insurance quotations?
i want to know how insurance quotations are prepared?is there any software to prepare such quotations?what are the factors to be taken into account to prepare such quotations?
""AA car insurance, do they send the papers by Email or post?
need to know when register with AA car insurance is there an option for everything to be send by Email ONLY as I have some really bad people I am sharing house with :(
""Where can I find cheap teen car insurance in Cincinnati, OH?""
Few people in my family actually drive with a license let alone insurance(not including my mother) she doesn't even drive. I'm only 17, how can I and where can I get CHEAP car insurance from?""
Do people on medicare have to apply for affordable care?
According to the affordable care act people have to register for insurance in October .
Where could I find health insurance that covers these things?
I'm a very healthy person, I've never had any major illnesses and don't do anything that would risk a major hospital visit (of course I know that things do happen), I just want the health insurance that covers: Doctor visits and Medications I have been diagnosed with GAD by a general psychiatrist and he recommends I take medication for it, I don't typically visit a doctor but I felt I needed to see one asap. I've never had health insurance, I'm 19 years old and I live on my own, I'm about to be married in a month and I just would like to know where I can find affordable health insurance where I won't have to pay too much for a doctors visit and for medication. Thank you""
What cars have the best insurance rates?
What cars have the best insurance rates?
What is the cheapest possible auto insurance?
I don't care about customer service or anything. I just want liability only cheapest insurance. Thanks
Can a 17 year old get their own medical coverage in California?
I'm 17 and live in California. I was wondering if I am legally allowed to sign up for my own medical insurance, like through MediCal or something, and not through my parents. It's a long story, but neither of my parents are able to provide medical coverage for me. And I'm not emancipated or anything. 10 points best answer. thank you ( :""
Whose insurance is a new baby supposed to go on?
I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and my husband and I have seperate insurance policies but both through Blue Cross. Does is matter whose insurance she is supposed to go on or are we just supposed to pick one?
How to calculate the insurance expense?
a company had an opening balance in its prepaid insurance expense account of $57 and a closing balance in the same account of $876. During the year it paid $4086 for insurance excluding GST. What is its insurance expense for the year? Thanks
Will the healthcare reform change the age limit on children on parents insurance?
I'm 25 and one of the great things about the affordable care act was that I was allowed on my parents insurance until I'm 26... Will this change? I'm still in school and there is no way I can afford insurance on my own!!!
I broke my phone will my insurance cover it?
i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it?
Is car insurance expensive?
Im about to get my driver licence and my mom told me that car insurance is really expensive and that's the reason why she wont buy me a car.
17 year old car insurance?
I'm a 17 year old guy, straight A's. I was in a one accident, took out a power pole, but was not cited, have never gotten a ticket. How much should I be paying for car insurance. Right now it is $180 a month. Is that high or not? How much do most 17 year olds pay? The reason I ask is that a quote I got for switching to my Dad's insurance company was a lot lower, I don't know whether to believe it or not.""
A Lady hit my car and we decided not to go through our insurance...?
I told her i would call her as soon as i had a estimate on how much it was going to be. This happened back in april but i have been so busy with work and school to be able to get this done, now that i have the time i want to call her and let her know, but i am afraid it might be too late.. Is it to late?? I have all her info except her insurance info (I know bad me but i was nervous) Also im going to need a car rental is that part of what she should pay me?""
Why would a African America have to pay more for car insurance?
Me and my friend writes for the school news paper. We did our own investigation like the local news will do sometimes.We both at two different times went to see a local and same agent for a car insurance quote . We are both the same age, No record of bad driving, No criminal record, also wanted insurance on the same car and same gender. The only different variable was race. I don't think time would of played part since it was only 1 hour apart. This offends me how the car companies can do this. I wondered why? Any information or missing links that can help us write this story?""
Good student discount for car insurance?
so...i just completed my first year of college, and quite frankly i finished up poorly. my GPA is like a little over 2.4-2.5 and my dad is asking if i'll be able to send my transcript to the insurance (my dad is unaware of my grades). no chance of getting some discount or any at all??...i've kept my grades from my dad for quite some time, and now this is totally gonna blow my cover. i'm screwed aren't i? i'm a full time student and the insurance company is american family. so i guess my question is, do they discount % based on intervals of GPA, or is there just a minimum requirement and it's either you get a discount or not?""
Insurance cost for drivers under 21?
For Car and Motorcycle. Don't need exact numbers, just a rough estimate.""
What does estate mean in life insurance?
if someone has life insurance and does not have his/her spouse as the benificiary but has estate as the benificiary what does this mean?
Massachusetts Health insurance?
I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Will i be double paying for house insurance?
I have had a 3 year personal loan on my house with a balloon payment on the end, and i am Re-financing the house to include my taxes/insurance with a conventional 30 year note. I have already paid my 2010 property Tax, and my 2011 house insurance is due March 21st. I am going to the bank today, will i actually have to pay my insurance come March 21st or is that something the bank does?""
The major difference between an owners title insurance policy and a lenders title insurance policy is?
The major difference between an owners title insurance policy and a lenders title insurance policy is?
What car insurance company has the best rates and prices?
i just bought a car and dont know which insurance company to choose
Car insurance changes?
hi i have had my insurance since august and i have decided to buy another car and change it over, but as the insurance may be cheaper elsewhere than staying with my current insurer, if i cancel am i liable to incur costs? if they quote me more than another insurance company obviously i will go with the cheaper. i pay monthly not in whole.""
Should my car insurance go up this high after an accident?
I got into an accident where I hit someone s bumper in a parking lot. I reported to my insurance company and they took care of it with $750. I was 100% at fault, and expected my renewal to go up, but when it came out, it was $800, which is 100% more than my usual insurance of $400 Does it suppose to go up 100%??!!! And this price will stay on for 6 years!!! That means by the end, I would end up paying $1800 more just to the company!! $1000 more than what I would've paid the guy!! This does not make sense to me whatsoever, first I thought the renewal was just for one year, it will go down bit by bit, but second year is still the same price! I am only a G2 driver who been driving for 3-4 years on PEI in Canada, can that be the reason? Still, $1800 extra?? Plz help me and thank you!""
What is the best and cheapest insurance for a 16 year old getting a 2006 scion tc?
What is the best and cheapest insurance for a 16 year old getting a 2006 scion tc?
Will my health insurance pay for my surgery?
I hurt my back one month ago and had no insurance. I am now employed with insurance and need back surgery. Will the insurance company call this a pre existing condition and not pay? Is there anything I can do to avoid the fight?
What is the average cost for health insurance a month?
I need to know the cost for health, and dental insurance a month.""
Is there a good site to compare the insurance rates of different cars?
I'm looking at cars for my son (who just turned 16) and would like to see which cars are best in terms of insurance rates without going through the process of getting a quote for each car.
How much would motorcycle insurance on a yamaha r6 in nj be?
Idk how old I'll be when I get one, can I get an answer for ages 18 and 21 please? thanks!""
Can my dad by a motorcycle and put it under his insurance for me to drive?
ok im conused about this whole thing i know for a 16 year old motorcycle insurance is crazy. So how would this work my dads been driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance is cheap, now for me its gonna be alot of money so can he buy the bike and put it under his name then i just drive it so then it wont be so much $ on me? can this work or is that illegal for me to be driving someone elses bike? is there anyway like i stated above to make my insurance cheaper if this doesnt work?""
Will I affect car insurance rates ring on the cars title?
Me and my fiance re buying a car together I asked him to put it in both our names but he said nothing against me he just don't want his insurance to go up but I was told I don't have to affect the insurance even if the title says (him and me) the insurance would still just Be in his name.?
Insurance for a 16 yo?
im 16 and i am looking for a project car. the car i want is a 1971 dodge charger and it will take me a year or two to finish but i was wondering how much insurance would be if i got it and it was all finished and I was on my moms insurance?
Cheap Car Insurance for International Drivers License holder in the UK?
please i was told i could use my IDL here for a year. but to be able to drive my auntie's car i would have to get car insurance. i just need it for a couple of weeks. so please if anyone knows how i can obtain one please let me know thank you
Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?
Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?
""How much would the cost of a 2003 lincoln ls front bumper be, and where can I find a bumper?
2003 silver Lincoln LS. Only reliability insurance on the car.
Cancel my car insurance?
My car is sitting at a farm on blocks. but l am still paying insurance on it. It's only liability. The car doesn't run. Should l just let it get canceled by not making a payment? don't know when it will be on the road again. perplexed
Would Obama charge the military for Health Care?
So I see all this Healthcare debate going on, But what does that mean for the Military? I know its gonna cause the operating budget to be cut of course. But would we have to start ...show more""
Is car insurance expensive?
Im about to get my driver licence and my mom told me that car insurance is really expensive and that's the reason why she wont buy me a car.
0 notes
state of maryland insurance license renewal
"state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Need help with insurance quotes?
Can anyone give me an estimate on insurance for these particular cars. I work during the day so its a little difficult to call around to insurance companies for quotes. I am over 25, clean driving record, will be buying one these cars with cash, lives in florida. Thanks""
Should i get 20 year term or a 30 year term life insurance?
My husband and I currently have a 20 year term life insurance policy. We are switching companies because we were paying too much at State Farm. I'm 30 and he is 33 and we are both in very good health. We have a 9 month old baby boy and our policies are for $500,000 each. The rate I'm getting is $45 for both of us for the 20 year term and $70 for both of us for the 30 year term. Which one should I go with?""
Do we qualify for medicaid?
Medicare for me & my boyfriend.? My boyfriend and I have an apartment of our own. I'm 19(next week), and he's 20(in August). I'm working at an insurance company, and I make about $1500/monthly. He's currently unemployed (he's looking for a job). I pay rent, all the bills, car insurance, and all the other little things. So i'm broke at the end of the month. He has a cyst in his chest (we're assuming). He went for a check up about a year ago, and the doc said it was a cyst. It's been getting bigger and worse, so we want to get it fixed. Since he lives with me, and I make enough for the both of us, will he qualify for medicaid? I WILL NOT be able to afford all the medical bills! Will both of us qualify? How will this be done? They will ask for paycheck stubs and rent papers and everything...right? We are also both in college, we applied for a Pell Grant this semester. If that helps any. And where do I go to apply for medicaid? Can i do it on the phone or something and avoid the 5 hr wait? Please answer ALL of my questions! Thanks!""
Who do you think would have the cheapest car insurance for an 18 yr old who has just passed her driving test?
Who do you think would have the cheapest car insurance for an 18 yr old who has just passed her driving test?
How much will my insurance go up from a honda oddessey to a bmw x3?
How much will my insurance go up from a honda oddessey to a bmw x3?
Trying to find cheap car insurance for myself and daughter (she has a provisional licence) any recommendation?
small Matiz. 7years Ncd
Do i need insurance to mot a bike?
also will the mot service station ask to see my licence?, how much does an mot cost, and how long do i have to wait? its a honda cb 500. thanks""
What is this type of insurance called? And how much?
So from general information, i know typically an arena will say that you need some insurance to cover (X) amount, like $1,000,000. My question is how does that person get that insurance? What does the insurance policy look like? And how much would he/she have to pay to get that insurance?""
How high will my insurance go?
I got pulled over the other day for going 59 in a 40. I have state farm. how high will my insurance go? ps. in pennsylvania
Can i drive a newly purchased car with a dealer's tag without insurance?
i just bought a car that isnt registered because the tag is being sent by mail. Can i get insurance without a tag and can i drive the car with a dealership tag?
Comprehensive car insurance ?
My comprehensive car insurance will be expirering next month. At the moment I'm with youi and they are asking $876 to renew it for my 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help me to find best and cheapest insurance in Victoria Aus. Tks
How much money should I budget for insurance on a car dealership?
My bank needs an estimate for a car dealership insurance but the insurance company is taking forever? HELP!? I've been trying to get a hard insurance quote for over 2 months. they keep coming back with more questions because i'm doing a slightly unique business model. Thats fine and all, I understand why and that doesn't bother me, but what the problem is that the bank said they won't submit my loan app to the SBA until I have at least a rough insurance estimate in my cash flow, and the insurance companies I'm talking to (2) won't give me a rough idea at all! I don't know if its $2500 a year or $500,000 per year. Can anyone who knows anything about business insurance or car dealerships give me an idea within $5000-$10k of what I might want to budget for? Could it be 1/2 a million? or is it likely going to be more like 10 or 20k per year? Total inventory will not exceed $65,000 and we will also have a two service bays. Thanks!""
Weekend only car insurance?
I'm looking for some car insurance but only need it for the weekends but every weekend. I was wondering if a) there is at all anyway that this is possible, and if so where I could do this? It is for an under 21 year old as well Thanks""
Why do I need car insurance?
Ok, i have my permit and will get my driver's liscence soon, but i am not going to buy a car for a while. If i am just going to borrow one of my parents' cars, to go shopping and stuff like that, do i need car insurance if i never borrow it overnight or anything like that?""
One day car insurance?
Does anyone know were a 20 year old girl can get one day/week car insurance or is it pointless looking? Can't seem to find any for under 21's and i don't have time to go to family insurance companies tomorrow. its urgent!!
Should the owner keeps the refund on new insurance?
I changed my homeowner insurance and the old company sent me a refund. Should I keep the refund or apply it to the new policy?
I need car insurance?
I'm 18 don't no anything about insurance I don't no where to start PLEASE HELP........
""How long until a DUI goes off your driving record, for insurance purposes?
My husband got one in 05 in Washington State. I heard it was three years and then you don't have to disclose the DUI to an insurance company. I will be policy shopping soon and I don't want my rates any higher than necessary.
Should i move to California?
im a senior in high school, i just finished my junior year so its the summer in between lol. i really want to move to california. i also want to go to college there too but im just worried about it. its really been stressing me out alot lately. so do you have any advice or suggestions?""
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
Do I have to tax a car if it is insured? I know that you HAVE to insure a car if it is taxed.....?
What I know. You have to tax your car unless you do a SORN. If you have done a SORN you don't have to pay car tax or even insure your car if you don't want to. If you don't intend to drive your car but it has car tax then your car HAS to be insured by law. But what about the other way round ...? If you have a car insured but it is in the garage and you never intend to drive it, for example it is a collectors item, do you HAVE to tax it? I can find on the net yes you have to insure your car if it is taxed but cannot find confirmation either way whether you HAVE to also have your car taxed if you never intend to drive it but you do want it insured. If someone confirms that it doesn't have to be taxed, could you provide details of where you found this information so that I can obtain a copy for my records please? Many thanks Lisa""
Finding out cost of a car insurance claim - do i have to include this?
Im looking for insurance for a new car. My bf had an accident in our last car and i was wondering if there is a way you can find out how much we claimed in total? As alot of insurance companies want to know this.
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
How diabetics get affordable insurance w/ maternity coverage if your co. does not offer grp coverage?
My husband's company went to a high deductable health savings account. I can only get one company to insure me, on an indiv. policy. They are too expensive and that does not include maternity coverage. Due to other health issues, I am not able to work right now. Any ideas? HELP! Am I the only one going through this?""
Can I get health insurance for my nephew?
My nephew is 2 years old and I am really unhappy with the medical treatment he's been getting. He has asthma and has had an awful chest infection for months now, which doesn't seem to be going away. He coughs incessantly, often bringing up mucus. I want to know if I can insure him, as he's not my son. Also, is BUPA the best way to go or are there other private health companies that you would recommend?""
state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
How much more is sr22?
great now i have to have sr22 for driving someone else's car that had no insurance. how ever i do have insurance and judge says i must pay sr22. i am just wondering how much i have to pay extra? i am with gieco. i am thinking an extra 50 bucks.
Anyone in California need a quote on Insurance?
I sell Insurance.
Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?
Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?
Car insurance Question?
I was driving my friends car. I hit someone. It was my fault. My friend has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. I was driving her car because she needed to borrow my truck. If her insurance doesnt cover her damage should I help her pay for it even though I was doing her a favor by borrowing my truck?
What should an 18-21 year old pay for motorcycle insurance? liability only?
if i were to get a motorcycle i would have to pay the insurance and i would like to know the cheapest but smartest way to do it.
""Im thinking about getting a car, car insurance ?""
Im thinking about getting a car I phoned up my insurance company and they said because I have not come to the end of my insurance with the car I got that I would lose my 3 years no claims bonus if I changed over cars also I would have to pay them 50pound to get out of the contract. The only way around it is if I insure the two cars I was shocked with this, I deal with tescos car insurance Is this normal ?""
I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance?
I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance? Please suggest me some good options for long term care insurance in Texas.
Insurance payments on a car?
Okay so to start off i am 16 as of today. I will get my permit today and in one year I will turn 17. I will then have my license. So when I turn 17 i will be able to buy my own car with a $5000 down payment with the choice of a car. But here is where I am stuck. I do not know too much on information on car insurance. I know that I will be under my parents policy from here until I am 17. Lets say that there is 5 of us under this car insurance, no one has a separate policy, all under one umbrella. What happens when I buy a car, I get insured with a new car, my own car, and still under the policy things with my family. How much is it going to be per month? Can you average it? Here is a list of cars I will choose from, and if you can, provide estimated prices per month I will have to pay. - (2008-2010) BMW 3 Series Sedan (No mods or extra horsepower, plain performance) - (2006-2011) Mazda RX-8 Coupe (same, no mods or any fancy performance stuff) - (2008-2011) Mazda 3 or MazdaSpeed3 (sedan) - (2008-2011) Volkswagen Jetta (sedan) - (2008-2011) Subaru Impreza (hatchback) Also I am an A-B student with an above 3.5 GPA Also I will take a drivers ed course at school""
Car insurance?
i have a license and live in CT and i have a question about insurance the web page says the vehicles should be insured. my dad and mom have insurance for their them but i dont so i dont have to get insurance because the vehicle is insured? or everyone should have insurance who drives on the road?
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
""How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
Can anybody help me find the Greyhound Bus Auto Insurance ?
2 week ago I was in auto accident in NYC but I live in New Jersey a greyhound bus hit my parked car door as I opened it, I had a clear of view when i opened it, my car is beyond damaged (97 Honda Accord) thank god I didn't lose my hand, I finally got a official police report, I have the greyhound bus driver licence plate #'s and insurance policy #'s and the insurance code Texas Liability Insurance (not the insurance company name) I called Grey Bus company customer service and corporate office based out of Texas, both phone numbers keep giving me the run around and is a complete waste of time. I called my insurance, and they cant help me , i try google, waste of time as well, please help, all i am trying to do is file a claim and fix my car ASAP!!""
Will getting a speeding ticket and losing my license affect my insurance rates?
I lost my license for 3 months and got an $800 fine unfairly (see below for details) for doing 80 in what was previously a 50 zone and because I'm on my Ps the fine was totally way high :L But anyway I paid the ticket right away but now I'm worried it'll affect my insurance rates? It's my only ticket ever and I have no idea if it even affects insurance rates but I'm really worried too worried to call and ask them because they might not know until I tell them D: I live in NSW Australia BTW if that helps you answer (read this question if you want more details on the incredible audacity of the sneaky police: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AookRsU6pku7l6KJOtSFGcTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121113121907AA9izHx)
Mexico and USA car insurance?
Does anybody know a car insurance company that has coverage 15 miles or so miles outside US boundaries? Thank you!
""How much is your full coverage insurance cost? 19 year old, 2 speeding tickets, live in WA, for Celica GTS?""
I know it varies from place to place, based on driving record, car, etc, etc etc. Im just looking to get average insurance costs. I am 19 years old, I have two speeding tickets (both 30 mph over), student, live in WA, insuring a clean title 2003 Toyota Celica GTS. What are you paying on average for similar discriptions.""
Do you think its fair that young men have to pay more for auto insurance than a women?
Do they cause more accidents or is it the insurance companies know a young man will pay more for the privilege to drive?
About how much would my auto insurance be? (First-time driver)?
I'm budgeting getting a car and insurance and I don't know how much it would be. It will be my first time driving/having a car or license. So no record of anything, but I'd be a newbie. It'll be in the state of Pennsylvania and it will probably be a pre-owned small car.""
I am 20. I am a student. I have no health insurance? And no money..?
What can I do??? Please help I need 2 go 2 tha doc i am sick.
Would insurance be cheaper on a 99-01 mustang GT than on a newer 02-04 for a new driver?
I was thinking about getting a mustang GT sometime after I turn 18 and after I get a job. Right now im 16 and have no license but im going to take drivers ed soon.
""After buying a used car, could I drive it right away without auto insurance?""
After buying a used car, could I drive it right away without auto insurance? Do I have to have auto insurance in CA? Thank you!""
""Looking for a good first car, one with low insurance rates preferably?""
I just turned 16 and am currently in the market to buy a car. I am looking for something in the price range of around $2,000, possibly a small four cylinder pick up, or a japanese sedan. Does anyone have any sugestions for a good first car, and if any one has expeiriance with insurance can you tell me a price range of what I would be looking at for isurance, I have good grades and looking for a minnimum policy in Florida. Thanks if anyone can help me although I know I probably wont get much help with the insurance part.""
What the best life insurance for a 23 year old female?
i want what best so when something happen to me my girls has the money to buried me nice. I want something that don't go away in 30 years and i half to get another policy. ...show more
Car accident now what? insurance question?
I was in my first major car accident, my car was totaled. I was waiting at the light to make a left turn, the green arrow came on and i went and some one coming from the opposite side of the lane in the opposite way ran a red light and hit me, he claims on the report he doesn't know how the accident happened. I just wanted to know what do you think will happen? A witness was talking to the cops but his information is not on my police report. It has to go through his insurance what are the odds that they will know that he was in the wrong and not me??""
Where can i buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies?
I live in the state of Indiana, is there a place where i can buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies, or from a action place where they are not so expensive?""
How much would (teen driver) insurance cost?
I was wondering how much car insurance would cost for a teen driver? Info: Black Grand Cherokee (if that matters) Male 17 years old. 3.5 gpa
state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
Were can i get cheap car insurance for a rover 214 16 valve injection?
i need to get cheaper car insurance for my car were can i get it am nearly 24 and i don't have ncb ?
Car Insurance query?
I have a car that's off road waiting to be sold, does the car need to have insurance legally? It's not being driven at all. I have fully comp insurance on my new car.""
""Ford Crown Victoria Insurance, and Gas cost?""
For you crown vic owners, I want to buy a 2001 Crown Victoria. Is it a real gas eater or what? How much do you think the inssurance would be for a 18 yrs old men? I like them crown vics, except when it comes time to be in the back of them in handcuffs.""
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Do you have to report a DUI to the car insurance company?
My friend got a DUI not too long ago. This is the state of Florida, and she has Allstate. I understand that her getting a DUI is now public records because she spent the night in jail. Because the fact that it's public records now, is she required to inform her Allstate insurance company about her DUI? Also, what will happen either way whether she reports it to insurance company or not? Will they remove her from her insurance or jack up the rates? It is her FIRST DUI and other than that she has a good driving record. Thanks.""
Would my insurance still pay for this?
My car got hit the other day and I got an estimate for it. It'll cost $500 and it's just a long scratch. If I tried touching it up with car paint and whatever and it comes out looking like sh*t will the body shop still do it's work or would I have to pay for it since I messed with it?
What is 20 payment life insurance?
What is 20 payment life insurance?
Where can I get a cheap health insurance?
health insurance is so expensive... where can I get those health insurances?? especially the cheap one... yea...the best cheap..not the worst cheap
What is a good and cheep health insurance?
i only need it for a month i'm 19 years old and in good health. oh i live in florid
A guy crashed into my today and totaled my car-how much will his insurance pay towards a new car?
My car was worth about $8000, give or take (that's what the officer told me). It was completely paid off. How much will the other guy's insurance pay towards a new car, or should I ask for a check? Which will be the better deal?""
Why are car insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and buy a car, I was looking on some comparison sites to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the quotes were ridiculously high? I know being 17 will mean expensive insurance but this was really expensive, they said the cheapest was around 6000 for third party. This is really high because I know loads of people who drive at 17 and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. So, why is it so high and will it actually be this price when I come to pay the insurance?""
Should i get a policy on My Dad's car insurance?
Hi all My Dad has been with Churchill a long time and says they are brilliant. I have been looking at my own policys and they are around 2.5k-3k which is so out of my price range it is unreal.I have checked how much it would cost to have my Dad as the main driver on another Churchill Policy on my car and have me as a name driver,Protect his no claims and i am also able to build up my own for future use with Churchill. The cost of this kind of policy totals at around 750. Should i take this or could there be any problems in the future.""
SOS Car Insurance for Foreigner? Please HELP?
Hi, I just Move to Canada I have a license for 12 years now, I undestand I can drive with this license here for 6 months but the problem is the Car Insurance, I just book the Writing test but they only have avalability is in a month time. but for the the road test I need a insureded car. Not Sure where to start :( I want to buy a Car but can't do it because I need an insurance, I called a few insurance companies but they don't insurance foreigner license. Please Help I really apreciate if someone point me in the right direction. Thanks""
Buying a new car on pay monthly + insurance ?
Hello, I am 17 years old. If I were to buy a new car on pay monthly (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 per month) then does this include road tax and insurance? If not, then what would it cost me in terms of insurance (I live in london, and will keep my car in a locked garage)""
I need to find and inexpensive health insurance can anyone help?
My husband has a rare blood disorder and is on Medicare through Social security and we don't have alot of money but because of his illness it cost alot for suppliment insurance. Does anyone know how we can get some extra insurance that won't kill us we already lost our home because we spent so much on insurance and most places won't even cover this. Please only serious reply.
Something about getting health insuance?
yes i triedd to get free health insurance at a health place and i make to much money , i only work pt at my job, and i collect social security every month. I also tried to get medicade i can't get that. my monthly income is two thousand a month. there was another option is called healthy NY if i apply to that , the payments on that are $200 a month. i can't afford hat either i have too many bills , so is there any more ideas you people can give me. please help.""
First time car insurance?
i have been driving my parents car for about a year now and i am going to buy my own car. i am buying a 1.3 Ford KA 07 registration i am female and 19 do you have any tips for getting good insurance and reasonably priced insurance? i am aware it will be expensive. i am looking for fully comp insurance also does anyone have any experience with coop car insurance where they fit a smart box to your car and measure your driving?
Who has affordable health insurance for my family of 5 in virginia?
My husbands job provides insurance for $650 a month. We can't afford that at all. So looking for affordable health and dental please help we are in virginia. Thanks in advance
What's the best liability insurance for yoga instructors?
I will begin teaching yoga, and need to get liability insurance- what's a good inexpensive insurance""
Does PA or NJ have cheaper car insurance?
I'm wanting to know which state has cheaper car insurance. I have usaa. Does it vary state to state ?
Health Insurance N. Florida?
Health Insurance CHP (Capital Health Plan) Tallahassee FL is diagnosing me? Why did my health insurance company contact my primary doctor after a hospital visit? After a recent visit to the ER due to a esophageal stricter which scared us thinking Chest pain! Spent 16 hours being observed and tested! Finally send down to endoscopy for a esophageal dilation! Did the job!! I was sent home 4 hours later! Now two weeks later I get a phone call from my Primary care Doctors office manager saying that my primary received a memo from my health insurance (after my ER visit) company and I was instructed to call and make an appointment for alcoholism counseling???? The night of the incident where I couldn't swallow, and was in pain! we had guests over and had a few beers! I gave the attending ER doctor all information including I had drank beer an hour before I got there. OK, now, For the 16 hours at the hospital and the multiple blood tests, everybody including the Dr's said everything looked good! and the Dr. that discharged me explained to my wife in detail about my blood work, said things were fine. So, why would my CHP (Capital Health Plan) health insurance company be contacting my primary? Especially about alcoholism counseling, this has NEVER been an issue in the past! I'm so upset! I've been with my primary for over 15 years and due to a knee injury he prescribes me mild pain killers, and Florida Law makes him take a urine sample every 3 months! Again this has never come up. Is this normal for an insurance company to do??? I'm so upset!!!!""
Parents Insurance?
If I'm on my parents Insurance and I go to a doctors appt without them knowing will it show up on there insurence statement?
Esurance Homeowners Insurance?
does anyone, or did anyone ever have Home owner's insurance from Esurance? is it any good? pros ? cons? Thanks.""
What is the best place for an 18 year old to get health insurance?
My ex is dropping my daughter from his insurance because she is 18. To pick her up on my insurance would triple my premium, which is already outrageous. Is there a reasonable policy out there for a healthy 18 year old?""
Does affordable FAMILY Health insurance in California even exist? :( Desperate!?
Hello: My husband and I are in the process of moving on in our life and figuring out the next step. Rather than moving ahead now and planning later I would rather plan now then move ahead. I feel that its not smart to start trying for a baby until we know if its going to be possible to afford health insurance. Right now we are both working fulltime but my work is not family friendly when it comes to health insurance. Currently to add my spouse and a child to my insurance whether its PPO or HMO its over $1,200 for us 3!!! When looking outside of my employer at what is out there its over $800! We make about $4,000 a month but after rent, car payments, cell phones, car insurance, bills, groceries, and gas we are left with only about $800 a month to live off of. And that is not nearly enough for a baby with daycare and health insurance!! We obviously dont qualify for state funding or and government assistance. I am just wondering if anything exists out there for people like us! :( Unfortunately it seems things would be easier if we both worked at a low income job or not worked at all!! Please help, I want a good future for us all and dont want to depend on government funding!!""
state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
Health Insurance question?
Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed?
Where can I purchase affordable dental insurance that is effective immediately?
I would like to get braces or Invisilgn=]
How much would the insurance be for a Porsche Cayenne Diesel a year?
The insurance would be for a female driver with over 25 years of experience. How much would it cost a year, and also how much would the monthly diesel bill be? Thanks""
What is the best Healthcare Insurance for small business owners in Colorado?
I'm starting a new job in Jan and I will be 1099 - I need any suggestions from anyone currently paying their ownHealth Insurance and what is a good company to go with. Many Thanks!
Were can I buy cheap insurance to reg a 1966 Vw bug?
I live in daytona florida
What are california's car insurance laws?
Im a new driver and was wondering if its a type of insurance i need. I only have Liability on my car nothing else am i ok if i get pulled over and asked for proof of insurance??
""Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?
07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.
Insurance for a van ... not too sure..?
Hi I just bought a 1979 Dodge Camper van which is in great condition with low miles on it. I want to get it plated which is fine but also I want to insure it but I am not sure what to expect, is it going to cost me less or more because of it being older? I am 26 years old and Ive had my license since 17. Ive been insured under my parents insurance as a 2nd driver since 17 also. Even if I didn't drive it all the time they just kept me on it. Well I'm not sure what else I can say to help out with an estimate of the insurance. Maybe some of you have better knowledge, I live in Canada, Quebec. Thank you. Btw this is my first owned vehicle which is kinda weird hehe but yeah I'm learning.""
Car Insurance And 18?
I have a question, i'm 18 and I need car insurance. dont tell me to google it, cuz ive tried and tried, but no results. i live in indiana. any help. wood be great, doesnt have to be the cheapest car insurance, but the best for my age. thanks. 2 am in the morning, sorry 4 the terrible writing""
Cheapest Auto Insurance in Ca.?
Would you recommend me the cheapest auto insurance?
Car insurance/old car?
My parents have had this old minivan 2000 Ford windstar since 2001 to current. It is almost defunct- it will take three grand to get back to normal/ run.. Our family doesn't ...show more
Do I need life insurance for my baby?
I am about to have a baby, and see lots of ads for the Gerber Life Insurance for children, but don't know if I need it. The price seems to be less than what I would have to pay at my job. Is this something I need?""
Employer health insurance?
When you have employer health insurance is there a waiting period for maturnity coverage to start?
Can i get classic car insurance?
I have a 65 mustang so i know for a fact it will qualify, but im 17 (18 in a couple of months) and i dont know for sure if they cover people my age. I know that it comes with restrictions but all i will be driving it for is to school and back so that doesn't concern me. also it would be helpful if anyone can reccomend a decent insurer.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I pay $380 a month for my car insurance. more than anyone else i know. Just curious what everyone else pays Im a 20 year old male, single, living in California, have a 2002 bmw and a 1998 lexus, with 4 speeding tickets""
Can my employer insure my privately owned car?
Hi, I currently have a company car, owned by my employer and assigned to me when I passed my test in May. However, I've been looking at buying a car on ebay to run around in. What I'm asking is, if I buy this car on eBay is it within the law for me to give back my company car and have my employer insure me on my privately bought car or does the car have to be owned by my employer? Kind regards, Phil""
Can I buy 1 month worth of car insurance?
So my car insurance coverage ends on January 4, 2014. Yes I know it is last minute but now I'm looking at extending or buying 1 month of insurance just so I have a month to shop around. I live in Alberta, is that possible with every insurance company to buy a short term 1 month coverage?""
The best insurance for juniors?
i just turned 18 and i need to get new insurance any ideas????
How much is pilots insurance ?
First of all is there such a thing as pilots insurance, if so how much is average""
What is the best (Cheap) insurance?
I live in Jacksonville Fl. I was wondering what is the cheapest, but good insurance for someone who just got their license. I am 17 right now, and in a few months I will be 18, since i have no one to let me drive with my permit i am going to pay someone to come out and teach me so i can get a car and my license.""
What is the average teen male's car insurance cost??
What is the average teen male's car insurance cost??
Best Health Insurance Quote for uk?
Can you Suggest me Good Place where I can get Quote to Life Insurance?
Will my insurance pay off my car?
My car was considered totaled due to fire damage in the engine, i only purchased the car about 2 months ago wich means my policy is also new, will my insurance pay off the car or what will happened? Has any one experience something similar??""
Exactly what would be wrong with letting each state determine it's own health insurance reform?
Is there some reason why DC is better suited to reform health insurance (obviously they aren't any good at it, given the debacle we've seen already) than Albany or Indianapolis?""
""If you had to guess, do you think my insurance will be high?
i am an 18 years old male. i have been driving for close to two years and i had one speeding ticket that i took to court and they let me off. i got no points. i drive a 2000 mercury cougar and with liability coverage it costs $90 a month. im on my moms policy. im want to get a 2005 chevy monte carlo lt that im gonna have to get full coverage on because im financing. i am also gonna be on my moms insurance. do you think my premium is gonna increase by alot? thank you. and please just give me estimates and dont tell me to call the insurance company. i just want ballpark estimates and answers. thank you :)
state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
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