#then i had to spend a few hours rethinking venon’s entire canon design because of it. anyway
kelean · 9 months
makeup and change for the oc ask ^__^
thank you for the ask bestie ily <33
doing these for venon again ^__^
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
actually feel like mixing in the modern au in this since at first i didn’t really hc him wearing a lot of makeup in the “canon” universe. if anything, it was just a bit of a natural-looking eyeshadow (as it was with his in-game model)
but the more i thought about his modern appearance, the more i started liking the idea of him wearing light green and orange/brown-ish glittery eyeshadow as these are the colors that make up most of his everyday wardrobe in both universes. still, i don’t think that he’d wear it on the everyday basis, but it would be here more often than not
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there is, however, one small detail that only persists in the modern au (the one i like too much to not to mention), and it’s the fact that this is not his only look and it’s mostly for the daytime stuff anyway. because there’s a completely different vibe to him when he has to perform on his usual shits in the nightclub, and most of the times his makeup is not something elaborate and especially not something refined but it is eye-catching and bold (think someone like damiano david) since he wants to draw all of the attention from the audience to himself when he’s on stage. still mostly an eye shadow though. but sometimes with even more glittery stuff lol
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also! idk if it counts but he tried to cover up his burn scar when he first got it with some foundation. but as i've said in the previous ask he doesn't see it as something that needs covering up anymore
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
ohhh, you know. the only time he changed something about his appearance was when he and shiv escaped from the monastery’s orphanage. he obviously didn’t like that he was forced to cut his hair short along with everybody else by the rules (not only because it wasn’t pretty but because it was yet another regulation of his life which was made with a point to devoid him – and everyone else for that matter – of any personality) so of course he kept his hair long after breaking free
aaand he got his first ear piercing from shiv (as well as they got their first from him) right after the escape, too. again, it was more of a “rebellious act” he suggested they’d do together since there were no rules to stop them from doing something like that anymore. and it did felt freeing, for both of them.
they still do each other’s piercings but now it’s just for the cosmetic purposes only :]
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