#then i gotta wait the long game for the youngest to grow up and mayhaps go thru college
Thinking about the email my German 101 teacher said about possibly switching to her other 101 class. Like that would mean having 2 classes and a lab on one day. Which could free up my other days for when I get an internship
(I hope I get one bc I have yet to find out if it's needed for my 1st major, or else I'm straight up getting a job if not. )
(Something something self sabotage and something of running away of New possibilities/opportunities even though it's not expect3d but sure would have helped me in the long run)
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smelted-applejuice · 4 years
I sent this before but I don't think it went through- So heyo! I have plenty of ideas so bare with me lmao- Mayhaps I could request a oneshot/anything really where Bad or someone else finds a child that turns out to be Tommy's sibling/adopted child? Knowing him he would be mad XD -CB(I can be known as CB if you'd like)
Pairing(s); Tommy x Reader (PLATONIC), Badboyhalo x reader (PLATONIC) Pronouns; they/them  Desc; [YourName] does some exploring while being watched by their older brother Tommy. 
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Requests r open! :D also! Yes ! Yes I will refer to you as CB!! I’m so excited to have my first anon, whats ur pronouns ??  -
[YourName] nodded as they watched their older brother walk off with Tubbo. Philza had placed Tommy in charge of his little sibling, even Tommy laughed when Phil first suggested the idea, but soon realized Phil was being serious. Tomathy was in charge of his little sibling, [YourName] who was just as adventurous as the rest of their siblings and just as extroverted as Tommy. Who knows what trouble the two would cause as a pair, their brain cells together equal to exactly one half. But [YourName] gets an excuse, they’re only five and still need their brain cell to grow, hopefully to more than just a half. Out of all of Phil’s children, Techno has more than one and Phil was hoping [YourName] would change it from one smart child to two. After today, he was unsure.
Tommy had thought taking [YourName] to see Tubbo was smart, [YourName] liked Tubbo and Tubbo was child friendly- at least most of the time he was. “Let’s get going kid, we gotta head out.” Tommy said dragging his sibling with him, not even letting them speak before walking out the door of their home. [YourName] huffed but went along with it, all they wanted to do was take a nap and drink their juice. “I want to nap, Tommy” [YourName] said, making it clear here and now, Tommy rolled his eyes “It doesn’t matter what you want, kid, we’re going to see Tubbo. Maybe, just maybe, he’ll let you nap at his house.” he said, hoping to give his little sibling some false hope. He couldn’t help but laugh, he just liked being the asshole sibling now and then, that’s what they get for being the youngest sibling it seems- jokes on top of jokes. 
The walk was long, and Tommy would end up stopping at his own house before going on more toward Tubbo. “Stay out here, [YourName]. My house, my rules, and one of my rules are no gremlins.” Tommy says gently patting his sibling’s head, [YourName] blankly stared toward their brother and sighed “Then you shouldn’t be allowed in.” they spoke with geniality in their tone. Tommy growled and flicked their head before entering, all [YourName] did was laugh. Tommy would end up getting easily distracted, so [YourName] would find themselves just standing there with nothing to do. [YourName] glanced around and began following the path until they bumped into someone, “Sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going” [YourName] spoke quickly. The person glanced down and softly smiled, “Hello little one.” the person said crouching down. [YourName] nervously smiled, “Uhm, hello sir.” they replied, placing their hands behind their back. “I can tell you’re kind of put off, it’s the white eyes and the horns, huh?” He asked, [YourName] flustered being put on the spot like that. The person laughed, which was softer than the child had expected it to be- like something more angelic when he looks so demonic, “I’m Bad, where did you come from?” Bad asked the child curiously. “I was waiting outside of Tommy’s house for him, but he hasn’t come out for like... Hours.” [YourName] replied slightly exaggerating the time length. Bad shook his head, “Poor kid, always gets distracted, he probably;y will be busy for another few hours then..” he said thinking out loud. He understood the child might have dramatized the time length, but he wouldn’t put it past Tommy to take actual hours inside his little-large house. Bad offered his hand and [YourName] took it, they hadn’t known better anyway. Phil hadn’t thought them the stranger danger topic yet, all it had been was them and their siblings for the last five years, rarely did they leave the home. Bad would take [YourName] around the server, just feeding them and letting them nap in his arms. He was gentle with the child, but was upset Tommy had let his little sibling just sit outside and didn’t bother to check on them. Tommy had yet to be reigning fire around the server looking for them, so Bad had assumed Tommy didn’t even notice [YourName]’s absence. Bad looked over toward the sleeping child on his couch and sighed, he shook his head and hoped Tommy would notice soon. Soon would come, Tommy had completely forgotten he was babysitting. Tubbo had traveled back to see where the hell Tommy and [YourName] were because he had a few games planned to play with the two. When Tubbo showed up at the house, he realized Tommy and [YourName] weren’t home, the second place he would check is Tommy’s house. When he entered the home and was confused, where exactly was [YourName]? “Uh, Tommy, where’s [YourName]?” Tubbo asked with concern in his voice, Tommy was confused but then it clicked! “You’re telling me, [YourName] isn’t outside?” he asked, rushing toward the door and answered his own question. Tubbo shook his head and that’s when panic set in. He explained to Tubbo what [YourName] and he spoke about before he entered his home hours prior, “[YourName] probably;y went exploring, they got bored- so let’s get looking.” Tubbo suggested dreading the walking. Tubbo and Tommy looked around the first half of the server and turned up nothing. While walking back toward Tommy’s house, Bad and [YourName] were walking together. Tommy rushed forward and tackled his little sibling to the ground making both Bad and [YourName] yelp at different pitches. “HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY LITTLE SIBLING YOU LITTLE BITCH BABY!” Tommy said turning toward Bad like an animal, “Language! And I didn’t take them, they came to me because you didn’t let them inside the house!” Bad replied, placing his hands on his hips. Tommy went quiet for a moment, “YOU KIDNAPPED THEM!” Tommy accused. Tubbo, Bad, and [YourName] all had the same reaction, which was a done annoyed one, and just gave in. “Whatever, have a nice night you three.” Bad said walking off, Tommy sighed and made sure [YourName] was okay before taking everyone’s leave. Tubbo walked with Tommy and [YourName] back home and made sure Tommy told Philza everything that happened today and didn’t go off-topic. Phil would scold and ground Tommy while he gave [YourName] the stranger danger chat.
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