#then hes like 😏 but also πŸ™„ .... sassy but lovingly dkabfkdjf
bcneheaded Β· 8 months
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@persistentflower said: "I'm putting you on my to-do list."
πŸ’¬πŸ₯€ β€” It does take the demon a rather embarrassingly long moment for the meaning behind those words to register– whereas he simply stands there, hands behind his back in a formal but comfortable manner (as per his usual), jawless skull canted to the side inquisitively.
But then of course, it DOES register, and for a moment it's probably rather a fortune thing he had no jaw... lest it drop to the floor. "Violet." He breathes as though appalled, leaning back as he regards her with surprise and mild indignation. He wasnt ANGRY or anything, simply... surprised at her. Though perhaps he oughtn't be, really.
Artemis grunts a bit after the initial indignation wears off, equal parts a chuckle and a grumble. "Setting aside the physical impossibility of such a thing..." He regards her woth a glint of thinly veiled, reluctant amusement, not volunteering any elaboration on that at all. "... I've customers about..." he admonishes quietly, leaning in slightly as he does. "...though perhaps I should be flattered to garner such attention from one so fair..." He eyes her silently for a moment before simply shaking his head... then let's out another little amused grunt before continuing on with his meandering about the shop, ensuring he was available lest the customers need his aid.
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